CBTP Phase 3

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Section one

(CBTP Phase –III)


Title: Customers Information Record Database System for

Ethiopian Electric Utility



February, 2019

Group Members List

NO. FULL NAME ID NO. Signature
1 Abdurezak Yisihak RU0362/09
2 Adem Berehe RU3402/08
3 Bezawit Kebebu RU3259/09
4 Ayantu Tadese RU0652/08
5 Chimdessa Tesfaye RU4634/09
6 Deneke Zewdu RU4966/09
7 Desalegn Befekadu RU0776/09
8 Fedasa Mitiku RU4780/09
9 Fetiya Hussen RU2546/09
10 Fuad Hussein RU2387/09
11 Mahlet Kinfe RU4294/09
12 Mohammedfereje Sulieman RU0540/08

Advisor Name Signature Date

1. Mr.Alemisa Endebu

CBTP Examination Members

1. _____________________________ ______________ _______________


2. _____________________________ ______________ _______________


3. _____________________________ _______________ _______________

Firstly we want to express our gratitude for our best institution Jimma University Institution Of
Technology, for their excellent preparation for the CBE program and for its all over support for
the sake of successful completion of the program and our works. Next we will give our great
regards for our advisors Mr.Almisa Endebu for his support from the beginning to the end of this
phase by advising us and also evaluating us with the standard level with our works. Then we will
express our special thanks for Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation District No 1, which Found
in HERMATA Kebele and its different level officials for their willingness to help us in all
related things in their organization through different ways. Finally we would like to thanks the
community of Jimma especially found in HIRMATA kebele for their support morally and for
their initiation to understand and accept the aim of CBE program that we are training there.

1. Project Overview ........................................................................................................................ 1
2. Objectives and Scope .................................................................................................................. 2
2.1 General objective................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Specific objective .................................................................................................................. 2
2.2 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 2
3.Proposed Solution ........................................................................................................................ 3
4.Significance and Impact ............................................................................................................... 9
5.RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................................................. 11

1. Project Overview
CBE (community based education) is one of the way of achieving educational goal by relating
academic lesson with community. This program is only implemented in Jimma University but
not held in other universities found in Ethiopia. This makes Jimma University different from
other universities.

In the past phase of the CBE program the main project area were selected to perform the
implementation and the complete detail what our system consists of were discussed. In this phase
of the CBE complete real system that does the whole things will be developed that have stated in
our past phase appropriate technology and action plan report.

As stated in the past phase of CBE Ethiopian Electric Utility District No one in HIRMATA
Kebele file handling system was selected. The customer database record system for the
organization designed the customer database record system for the organization by using the E-R
diagram and the relational schema diagram. To implement the entire design into a database
management system we have used SQL query processing language.

In this phase the real system will be developed by using the database and powerful programming
languages like HTML, Bootstrap and PHP. To implement the entire system we use other tools
like XAMPP server to connect our database system with PHP code. Also we use the for proper
layout of our system and to have attractive outlook. Our system does the following functions:-

 Registering the new customer.

 Search the new customer.
 Update the customer’s information.
 Delete the customer information.

The overall implementation of the proposed system and design will be performed in take to
action with its attributes.

2. Objectives and Scope

2.1 General objective

The general objective of our proposed project in this phase is to developing customer
information record real system for Ethiopian Electric Utility corporation district NO 1 found in
Hirmata Kebele.

2.2 Specific objective

Depending on our general objective we have recognized the following points as our specific

 Identifying the customer’s information that must be included in the system.

 indentifying the problem of the manual system
 Preparing the forms that accept this customer information. And linking it with PHP code.
 Creating appropriate database that holds the appropriate data.
 implementing prototype of system
 testing the performance of the system

2.2 Scope
Our scope covers developing customer’s information record database system for Ethiopian
electric utility. The system supports operations such as Registration of new customer, Retrieving,
Updating, and Deleting customer’s information directly to and from database.

3.Proposed Solution

The Proposed solution for the listed problems in the previous phases will be implemented in this
phase using programming languages for the front end Bootstrap, HTML, CSS and for the back
end we use PHP language.

The Designed web will have different functionality which have a direct implementation in the
manual system of the organization now. These Systems will be described below code. The
System interface looks like these.

The main implementation will lay on the authentication and privilege regarding the security of
the system. Only valid users of the organization will use the system to interact and serve the
customers of the organization.

The Overall activities of the employees of the organization will be under the controls of some
selected administrators of the organization. Administrators will give password for the employee's
and new Administrators of the organization and keep it in database.

Employees of the organization performs main activity of the organization that interacts with
customer they register new customers, update information of the customers, access the data of
the customer remove service stopped customers using the web system.

During the registration of new customer employees add many information of the customer will
be registered and submitted to the database of the organization to keep it safe and secure these
will overcome the problem on manual system registration of the organization.

These includes the validation and verification of the data inserted into the system, the form above
is directly implemented from the manual registration form of the organization.

after the registration the data stored into the database using php mysql database we have stored
the information of the customer using tables.

Depending the stored information of the customers employees perform different activities on the
database using their service identification number.

4.Significance and Impact

In this phase of this CBE program we are going to implement our proposed solution completely
into a real system using database and some programming languages for Electric Power
Corporation District N o one by designing a customer information record database system.

Digitalizing File Handling system: by changing their customer file handling system from
manual to digital or computerizing the customer file. Manual file handling system create many
problem on the organization Like file searching problem, loose of customer file by means of
poor file handling, retirement of the manual document etc ... .

So our system improve the file handling by digitalizing the manual document and making the file
accessible easily by searching specific customer file , storing the file by using indexing
mechanism for traversing .

Improving Service providing Time: this can be creating fast service for customer by reducing
customer service waiting time using the available system functionality such as searching ,fast
account creation etc ... . when the customer needs it’s old file instead of traversing un
organized manual document we can search the file using search mechanism of our system. It
also improve employee serving time by reducing the manual document traversing time ,effort,
miscasting method of searching the document etc… .

Better Backup and Recovery: if the customer data are kept manually and for some reason get
lost we can’t recover or backup the manual file but the system provide digitalized file handling
mechanism to recover and backup the customer files.

Better Data Ordering or Indexing: if a customer needs its old document for some reason the
system can search specific customer file because the system designed to store the customer file
by some indexing mechanism. In manual filing handling system the file is stored in customer
name of alphabet and in one alphabet may by there is similarity in name so that create difficulty
in searching of customer files.

Security: for security purpose the system provide access control mechanism by creating user
account for every employee on that organization. So the customer file will be accessed only by
an authorized employee of the organization that own user account.


While doing this system the team members has faced different challenges. But by the
cooperation of all the group members and the advisor the team is now able to reach to the final
result. So now all the group members strongly recommend the department that for the coming
students, it has to provide them with better service than the present in better hard ware,
guaranteed software’s, giving orientations how to proceed , offering guests to provide
experienced work ,then it will get what it expects from its students and satisfy with them work.

This customer information record data base system has application to built such a way that it
should suits for all EEUs in the future..


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