Refresh: Pathology
Refresh: Pathology
Refresh: Pathology
1st Edition
Refresh Pathology
1st edition: January, 2018
Dr. Shiva M.D. (Pathology)
Undergraduate Pathology Series 6
4 Marks
2 Marks
1) Name four types of necrosis with one example each. (July, 2016)
2) List any four types of necrosis with one example each. (Jan. 2016)
3) What are the special stains for fat? (Jan. 2016)
4) Define apoptosis and mention any two morphological features. (July, 2015)
5) Four examples of hyperplasia. (Jan. 2015)
6) Lipofuscin. (July, 2013)
7) Name 4 morphologic changes (cytoplasmic & nuclear) in necrotic cell. (Jan. 2013)
8) Name four (4) types of necrosis with examples. (July, 2012)
9) Name four (4) fat stains. (July, 2012)
10) Autophagy. (Jan. 2012)
11) Hypertrophy and Hyperplasia. (July, 2011)
12) Pathogenesis of dystrophic calcification. (Jan. 2011)
13) Taby cat appearance of heart (Tigered effect). (March. 2010)
14) Metaplasia. (Feb. 2009)
15) Metaplasia. (May, 2006)
16) Atrophy. (March/April, 2005)
17) Role of free radicles in cell injury. (Oct. 2004)
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Def.: An increase in the size of cells, leading to increase in the size of the affected organ.
Mechanisms: Increased cellular proteins
Association: May coexist with hyperplasia.
Types with e.g.,: I) Physiologic hypertrophy: Hypertrophy of skeletal muscle with increased
work load in bodybuilders; Hypertrophy of smooth muscle of uterus during pregnancy.
II) Pathologic hypertrophy: Hypertrophy of cardiac muscle due to chronic hemodynamic
overload with hypertension.
Def.: An increase in the number of cells in an organ or tissue, leading to their enlargement.
Mechanisms: Growth factor driven proliferation
Association: May coexist with hypertrophy
Types with e.g.,: I) Physiologic hyperplasia: Hyperplasia of glandular elements of breast
during puberty & pregnancy; Hyperplasia of hepatocytes following hepatic damage or
II) Pathologic hyperplasia: Endometrial hyperplasia; Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Def.: Decrease in cell size causing a reduction in the size of tissue or organ.
Mechanisms: Decreased protein synthesis & increased protein degradation in cells
Types with e.g.,: I) Physiologic atrophy: Atrophy of embryonic structures like notochord
during fetal development; Atrophy of endometrium & breast after menopause.
II) Pathologic atrophy:
1) Atrophy of disuse: Skeletal muscle atrophy following immobilization
2) Denervation atrophy: Atrophy of skeletal muscle due to damage to nerve supply
3) Ischemic atrophy: Tissue atrophy with diminished blood supply
4) Pressure atrophy: Tissue compression may cause atrophy.
Comp.: Death by apoptosis
Def.: Replacement of one differentiated cell type with another cell type.
Mechanisms: Reprogramming of stem cells, existing in normal tissues, or of undifferentiated
mesenchymal cells present in connective tissue.
Types with e.g.,:
I) Epithelial metaplasia: 1) Squamous metaplasia (MC): With cigarette smoking, normal
ciliated columnar epithelial lining of airways is replaced with stratified squamous epithelium.
With stones in excretory ducts of salivary glands or pancreas, normal columnar lining is
replaced with stratified squamous epithelium.
2) Columnar metaplasia: With chronic GERD, squamous epithelium of esophagus is
replaced with intestinal-like columnar cells (Barrett esophagus).
Comp.: Dysplasia; Malignant transformation
Undergraduate Pathology Series 8
Free Radicals
Source: Oxygen derived (ROS) or nitrogen oxide derived.
Reactive oxygen species: Hydrogen peroxide, superoxide anion & hydroxyl ions.
Production of free radicals:
1) Reduction-oxidation reactions that occur during normal metabolic processes, such as
mitochondrial respiration.
2) Absorption of radiant energy (UV light, X-rays)
3) During inflammation, by neutrophils & macrophages
4) Transition metals (iron & copper) can catalyze free radical formation.
Removal of free radicals:
1) Antioxidants either block free radical formation or inactivate them. e.g., Vit. A, E & C
2) Enzymes such as catalase, superoxidase dismutase, & glutathione peroxidase break down
hydrogen peroxide & superoxide anions.
Oxidative stress: State of excess free radicles with increased production or decreased
removal of ROS.
Pathologic effects:
1) Lipid peroxidation in membranes, causing extensive membrane damage.
2) Oxidative modification of proteins, causing cellular damage.
3) Damage to DNA, may promote cell aging & malignant transformation.
“Spectrum of the morphologic changes that follow cell death in living tissue or organs.”
Mechanisms: 1) Denaturation of intracellular proteins
2) Enzymatic digestion of the injured cell
Cytoplasm: Increased eosinophilia & glassy or vacuolated appearance.
Nuclear changes: 1) Pyknosis: Small, dense nucleus
2) Karyorrhexis: Fragmented nucleus
3) Karyolysis: Faint, dissolved nucleus
I) Coagulative necrosis
Cause: Ischemia involving all the organs except brain.
Morphology: Gross Firm
Micro. Preserved architecture with eosinophilic, anucleate cells
Infarct: A localized area of coagulative necrosis
Fate: Phagocytosis with inflammatory response
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Fate: Elimination of necrotic tissue by leukocytes. Dystrophic calcification may occur with
incomplete removal.
“A pattern of cell death in which cells activate enzymes that degrade the cells own nuclear
DNA and nuclear & cytoplasmic proteins.”
Physiologic (MC)
1) Programmed destruction of cells during embryogenesis
2) Hormone-dependent involution of tissues in the adult. e.g., endometrium
3) Cell loss in proliferating cell populations such as epithelial cells in intestinal crypts
4) Death of host cells after serving their useful purpose. e.g., neutrophils in an acute
inflammatory response
1) DNA damage with radiation, cytotoxic drugs & hypoxia
2) Accumulation of misfolded proteins causing ER stress. e.g., Degenerative diseases of CNS
3) Cell death with viral infections, such as HIV or adenovirus
4) Pathologic atrophy of pancreas or parotid gland after duct obstruction.
Mechanisms Phases: Initiation phase & execution phase
A) Initiation phase: Activation of enzymes, caspases occur in two distinct pathways.
Undergraduate Pathology Series 10
Necrosis Vs Apoptosis
Feature Necrosis Apoptosis
Cell size Enlarged Reduced
Nucleus Pyknosis, karyorrhexis, karyolysis Undergo fragmentation
Plasma membrane Disrupted Intact
Cellular contents Enzymatic digestion Intact
Inflammation Frequent Absent
Nature Pathologic Physiologic or pathologic
“It is an adaptive response that is enhanced during nutrient deprivation, allowing the cell to
cannibalize itself to survive.”
1) Maintain the integrity of cells by recycling essential metabolites and clearing cellular
debris under various stress conditions.
2) Turnover of organelles like ER, mitochondria, & lysosomes and the clearance of
intracellular aggregates that accumulate during aging & stress.
Mechanisms: 1) Formation of an isolation membrane (phagophore) and its nucleation
2) Elongation of the vesicle
3) Maturation of the autophagosome
4) Fusion with lysosome, and eventual degradation of the contents
Associations: Physiologic – Aging and exercise
Pathologic – Cancer; Alzheimer disease; Inflammatory bowel disease; Infectious diseases
(Mycobacteria, Shigella spp., & HSV-1)
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Fatty liver
Special stains for fat: Sudan IV; Sudan III; Sudan black; Oil Red-O
Pathologic Calcification
“Abnormal tissue deposition of calcium salts, together with smaller amounts of other mineral
I) Dystrophic calcification
i) Deposition of calcium salts occur locally in dying tissues
ii) Calcium levels & calcium metabolism are normal.
e.g.,: Areas of necrosis (Coagulative, liquefactive or caseous); Aging or damaged heart
valves; Atherosclertotic plques.
Comp.: Organ dysfunction.
Undergraduate Pathology Series 12
4 Marks
2 Marks
Triple Response
Demonstrated by Lewis experiment with the changes in the skin of inner aspect of forearm by
firm stroking with a blunt point.
1) Red line: Appears within seconds due to local dilation of capillaries & venules
2) Flare: Bright reddish appearance surrounding red line with arteriolar vasodilation
3) Wheal: Swelling of surrounding skin due to edema
“Locomotion along a chemical gradient within tissues toward the site of injury mediated by
1) Exogenous: Bacterial products (peptides or lipids)
2) Endogenous: Mediators (Leukotriene B4; C5a; Chemokines)
Mechanisms: Chemoattractants bind to specific 7-transmembrane G protein-coupled
receptors on the surface of the leukocytes, causing polymerization of actin. Leukocytes move
by extending pseudopods that bind the ECM & then pull the cell forward.
I) Recognition & attachment: Mediated by mannose receptors, scavenger receptors &
receptors for opsonins expressed on phagocytes.
II) Engulfment: Polymerization of actin filaments facilitate pseudopods formation with
engulfed material in phagosome. Phagosome fuses with lysosomes forming phagolysosome
into which discharge of granules content occur.
III) Killing & degradation: Done by ROS, reactive nitrogen species & lysosomal contents.
1) ROS are produced in the presence of NADPH oxidase enzyme. Myeloperoxidase mediates
formation of hypochlorite from hydrogen peroxide in the presence of chloride. Hypochlorite
destroys microbes by halogenation or oxidation of proteins & lipids.
2) Reactive nitrogen species are produced in the presence of nitric oxide synthase enzyme.
Reaction of nitric oxide with superoxide anion forms peroxynitrite.
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3) ROS & peroxynitrite damage proteins, lipids & nucleic acid of microbes
4) Lysosomal contents such as acid proteases, elastases, defensins, lysozyme, lactoferrin &
major basic protein are involved in degradation of microbes.
Fibrinous Inflammation
“A morphologic pattern of acute inflammation.”
Mechanism: With marked raise in vascular permeability, fibrinogen may escape and get
converted to fibrin in ECS, forming fibrinous exudate.
e.g., Meningitis, pericarditis, pleuritis
Microscopy: Eosinophilic meshwork of threads
Outcome: Dissolution or organization
Mediators of Inflammation
I) Vasoactive amines
“Histamine & serotonin, preformed mediators, are the first to be released during
“Leukotrienes (LTs) & prostaglandins (PGs) are formed from arachidonic acid present in
membrane phospholipids.”
Stimulus: Mechanical, chemical & physical stimuli.
I) Prostaglandins: Cyclooxygenase enzyme yields prostaglandins like PG E2, PG D2, PG
F2a, Thromboxane (TXA2), and prostacyclin (PGI2)
Source: Macrophages, mast cells & endothelial cells.
Thromboxane A2: Aggregation of platelets & vasoconstriction
Prostacyclin: Inhibition of platelet aggregation & vasodilation
PG E2, PG D2: Vasodilation and increased vascular permeability
PGF2a: Contraction of smooth muscle & small arterioles
PG E2: Pain and fever
Undergraduate Pathology Series 18
II) Leukotrienes: Lipoxygenase enzyme yields leukotrienes such as: LTB4, LTC4, LTD4,
Source: Leukocytes & mast cells
Functions: LTB4: Chemotaxis
LTC4, LTD4 & LTE4: Vasoconstriction, bronchospasm & increased vascular permeability
III) Lipoxins: Lipoxygenase enzyme yields lipoxins such as Lipoxin A4 (LXA4) & Lipoxin
B4 (LXB4)
Function: Suppress inflammation by inhibiting the recruitment of leukocytes.
III) Cytokines
“They are essentially tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) & Interleukin-1 (IL-1).”
Source: Macrophages & dendritic cells
Stimulus: Microbial products, immune complexes & physical injury
1) Both TNF & IL-1 cause endothelial activation (increased expression of adhesion
molecules, production of various mediators & increased procoagulant activity) and induce
systemic acute-phase response (fever).
2) TNF activates leukocytes & IL-1 activates fibroblasts to synthesize collagen
3) TNF regulates energy balance by promoting lipid & protein mobilization and by
suppressing appetite.
IV) Chemokines
I) Inflammatory chemokines: Facilitate adhesion & chemotaxis of leukocytes
II) Homeostatic chemokines: Organize various cell types in different anatomic regions of
the tissues.
VII) Bradykinin
Granulomatous Inflammation
“A form of chronic inflammation characterized by the formation of granulomas.”
Causes: TB; Leprosy; Syphilis; Cat-scratch disease; Sarcoidosis; Crohn disease
I) Epithelioid cells: Activated macrophages with pink granular cytoplasm & indistinct cell
boundaries resembling epithelial cells.
II) Giant cells: Many activated macrophages fuse forming multinucleated giant cells with
abundant cytoplasm & many nuclei
Types: 1) Foreign-body type: Nuclei are seen arranged in a haphazard pattern
2) Langhans type: Nuclei are seen arranged in a particular pattern
III) Granuloma: Focal collections of epithelioid cells with giant cells surrounded by a rim of
Types: 1) Immune granuloma: i) Associated with persistent microbes in the presence of T-
cell mediated immune responses.
ii) Macrophages activate T cells to produce cytokines, such as IL-12, which activates other T
cells & IFN-gamma, which activates macrophages.
2) Foreign body granuloma: i) Seen with relatively inert foreign bodies (talc; sutures) in the
absence of T-cell mediated immune responses.
ii) Foreign material is usually identified in the centre of granuloma with epithelioid cells &
giant cells apposed to its surface.
Undergraduate Pathology Series 20
IV) Caseous necrosis: Granulomas with central caseous necrosis are known as caseating
granulomas, seen with TB. Non-caseating granulomas are seen with sarcoidosis, Crohn
Healing of Fractures
“Fracture healing involves reactivating bone formation pathways, regulated by cytokines and
growth factors.”
I) During the first week
1) Hematoma forms immediately after fracture, filling the fracture gap
2) Clot provides a fibrin meshwork for the influx of inflammatory cells and ingrowth of
fibroblasts and new capillaries
3) Growth factors (PDGF, TGF-g & FGF) activate osteoprogenitor cells and stimulate
osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity
4) Finally, fusiform, predominantly uncalcified tissue called, soft tissue callus or procallus is
formed providing anchorage between the ends of fractured bones.
II) Within 2 weeks
1) Activated osteoprogenitor cells deposit subperiosteal trabeculae of woven bone
2) Activated mesenchymal cells differentiate into chondrocytes that make cartilage which
undergoes enchondral ossification
3) Finally, soft tissue callus is transformed into a bony callus which stabilizes the fracture
4) Bony callus is eventually remodeled along lines of weight bearing and the healing process
is complete with lamellar bone having medullary cavity.
Factors that influence healing: Inadequate immobilization, malalignment, infection of the
fracture site, malnutrition and skeletal dysplasia
Complications: Delayed union or nonunion; Pseudoarthrosis
Undergraduate Pathology Series 22
10 Marks
1) A 55 year old lady was brought to the emergency room unconscious. Her blood pressure
was very low, pulse was weak and rapid. Her skin was warm and flushed. Her blood culture
revealed growth of Gram positive bacteria. (Jan. 2015)
2) Young male met with an accident. Had fracture femur. C/o breathlessness and chest pain,
cough and frothy sputum. (Jan. 2013)
4 Marks
2 Marks
Cardiac Edema
Causes: Congestive cardiac failure
Pathogenesis: Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure and retention of sodium & water with
activated renin-angiotensin system causes development of edema.
Type of edema: Transudate
Renal Edema
Causes: Nephrotic syndrome; Renal failure
1) Nephrotic syndrome: Decreased plasma osmotic pressure with massive proteinuria and
retention of sodium & water with activated renin-angiotensin system leads to edema.
2) Renal failure: Retention of sodium and water with activated renin-angiotensin system
causes increased hydrostatic pressure and decreased plasma osmotic pressure leading to
Type of edema: Transudate
Transudate Vs Exudate
Feature Transudate Exudate
Cause Increased hydrostatic pressure Increased vascular permeability
or decreased oncotic pressure
Nature Non-inflammatory Inflammatory
Appearance Clear Cloudy
Protein Low (<3 gm/dl) High (>3gm/dl)
Specific gravity <1.012 >1.020
Cellularity Poor Rich
Fibrin Absent Present
Pitting Present Absent
Mural Thrombus
Def.: Thrombi seen in heart chambers or in the aortic lumen.
Pathogenesis: Formed with endothelial injury or turbulence
Causes: Myocardial infarction, dilated cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, arrhythmias,
atherosclerosis, aneurysms.
Morphology: Firm solid masses, focally attached to the vessel wall and contain lines of
They consist of a friable meshwork of platelets, fibrin, red cells, and degenerating leukocytes.
C/P: May be occlusive causing ischemia
Fate: Propagation; Embolization; Dissolution; Organization or recanalization
Fate of Thrombus
Over a period of time, thrombi are seen undergoing any of the following changes.
1) Propagation: Thrombi accumulate additional platelets and fibrin
2) Embolization: Thrombi dislodge and travel to other sites in the vasculature
3) Dissolution: Thrombi may shrink and disappear with fibrinolysis
4) Organization & Recanalization: Thrombi may organize with ingrowth of endothelial
cells, smooth muscle cells, and fibroblasts. Recanalization is seen with formation of capillary
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MC type of embolism
Def.: Emboli are dislodged thrombi, carried by the blood from its point of origin to a distant
I) Systemic thromboembolism
Paradoxical Embolism
Def.: Emboli originating in venous circulation, but gain access to the systemic arterial
circulation with interatrial or interventricular defects.
Association: ASD; VSD
C/P: Result in systemic thromboembolism
C/P: 1-3 days after injury sudden onset of tachypnea, dyspnea, & tachycardia; irritability &
restlessness progressing to delirium or coma are seen. A diffuse petechial rash may be seen.
Fat Embolism Syndrome – Anemia, thrombocytopenia, pulmonary insufficiency and
neurologic symptoms
Diagnosis: Microscopic demonstration of fat globules in pulmonary vasculature with frozen
section and special stains for fat.
Air Embolism
Causes: Obstetric or laparoscopic procedures, chest wall injury, or decompression sickness
Decompression sickness
Caisson disease
Def.: Shock is a state in which diminished cardiac output or reduced effective circulating
blood volume impairs tissue perfusion and leads to cellular hypoxia.
Types: 1) Cardiogenic shock 2) Hypovolemic shock 3) Shock associated with systemic
inflammation 4) Neurogenic shock 5) Anaphylactic shock
Hypovolemic shock
Causes: Massive hemorrhage or fluid loss from vomiting, diarrhea or severe burns
Pathogenesis: Low blood volume causes low cardiac output leading to tissue ischemia.
Septic shock
Stages of shock
I) Nonprogressive phase:
1) Reflex compensatory mechanisms are activated. (e.g., Baroreceptor reflexes,
catecholamine release, ADH release, renin-angiotensin activation and generalized
sympathetic stimulation)
2) Cardiac output and BP are maintained causing tachycardia, peripheral vasoconstriction,
and renal conservation of fluid
II) Progressive phase:
1) Persistent hypoxia results in anaerobic glycolysis with excessive production of lactic acid.
2) Lactic acidosis blunts the vasomotor response causing arteriolar vasodilation
3) Pooling of blood in microcirculation worsens cardiac output & causes endothelial damage
III) Irreversible phase:
1) Irreversible cell injury with lysosomal enzyme leakage, further aggravating the shock state
2) Survival is not possible even if the hemodynamic defects are corrected.
Morphology: Brain: Ischemic encephalopathy with liquefactive necrosis;
Heart: Coagulative necrosis; Adrenals: Cortical lipid cell depletion;
Kidneys: Acute tubular necrosis (ATN)
Lungs: Shock lung (Cause: Sepsis or trauma. Morphology: Diffuse alveolar damage)
C/P: 1) Hypotension; a weak, rapid pulse; tachypnea; and cool, clammy cyanotic skin.
2) Decreased urine output and DIC in later stages.
Undergraduate Pathology Series 30
4. Genetic Disorders
4 Marks
2 Marks
Turner Syndrome
“MC sex chromosome abnormality in females.”
Genetic alteration: Partial or complete monosomy of the X chromosome.
Pathogenesis: Absence of 2nd X chromosome causes loss of oocytes leading to
Karyotypes: 1) Classic: 45, X
2) Defective 2nd X chromosome: An isochromosome of the long arm (46,X,i(Xq))
3) Mosaic type: 45,X/46XX
C/P: 1) During infancy: Edema of the dorsum of hand & foot; Swelling of nape of neck
causing cystic hygroma; Bilateral neck webbing is seen later.
Associations: Congenital heart disease (Pre-ductal coarctation of aorta & bicuspid aortic
Undergraduate Pathology Series 32
2) Adolescence & adults: Failure to develop normal secondary sex characteristics during
puberty (Infantile genitalia, inadequate breast development & little pubic hair); Shortness of
stature; Cubitus valgus; Broad chest & widely placed nipples; Primary amenorrhea;
Infertility; Ovaries reduced to atrophic fibrous strands (streak ovaries).
Associations: Hypothyroidism; Glucose intolerance, obesity & insulin resistance.
Klinefelter Syndrome
“Male hypogonadism that occurs when there are 2 or more X chromosomes & one or more Y
Karyotype: 47XXY (MC)
Risk factor: Increased maternal age
Genetic alteration: Nondisjunction during the meiotic divisions in the germ cells of one of
the parents. Reduced spermatogenesis leads to hypogonadism.
Morphology (Testis): Gross Small atrophic testes.
Miro. Seminiferous tubules may appear atrophic, replaced by collagenous ghosts or
embryonic, consisting of cords of cells. Leydig cells appear prominent.
C/P: Elongated appearance with an increase in length between the soles & the pubic bone;
Eunuchoid body habitus with abnormally long legs; Small testes; Small penis; Lack of
secondary sex characteristics as deep voice & beard; Gynecomastia; Infertility
Associations: Type 2 diabetes & metabolic syndrome; Mitral valve prolapse; Osteoporosis &
fractures; Breast cancer; SLE; Extragonadal germ cell tumors.
Inv.: Elevated plasma gonadotropin (FSH) levels; Reduced testosterone levels; Elevated
mean plasma estradiol levels.
10 Marks
1) A 60 year old patient long history of rheumatoid arthritis presented with enlarged tongue
and a history of diarrhea. Urine shows positive heat test for proteins and ECG shows
conduction disturbances. (July/Aug. 2014)
a) What is the possible diagnosis and what will be ideal site for biopsy to confirm it?
b) Name the lab technique for definite diagnosis.
c) Write four (4) types of this abnormal substance and their associated diseases.
d) Give the structural details of the substance.
Ans: Amyloidosis
2) A homosexual individual who is also an intravenous drug abuser with history of persistent
generalized lymphadenopathy (PGL) and chronic diarrhea came to sexually transmitted
diseases (STD) OPD with mucosal candidiasis, fever, oral hairy leukoplakia and loss of more
than 10% body weight. There is a fall in CD4+T cell count. (Jan. 2011)
4 Marks
2 Marks
1) Mention four examples of antibody mediated type-II hypersensitivity reaction. (July, 2017)
2) Four special stains for demonstration of amyloid. (Feb. 2017)
3) Give four examples of type II hypersensitivity. (July, 2016)
4) Give four (4) examples of type I hypersensitivity reaction. (July/Aug. 2014)
5) Sago spleen. (July, 2013)
6) Bence-Jones Protein. (Jan. 2013)
7) Sago spleen (Aug. 2009)
8) Lardaceous spleen. (April, 2009)
9) Special stains used in amyloidosis. (Feb. 2009)
10) L.E cell. (Oct. 2008)
11) Antinuclear antibody. (May, 2007)
12) Amyloid spleen. (Oct. 2005)
13) Amyloid spleen. (April/May, 2004)
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iii) Upon repeat exposure to an antigen, TH1 cells secrete IFN-g, which mediates macrophage
activation to facilitate elimination of offending antigen. Granulomatous inflammation and
tissue damage may follow.
iv) Activated TH17 cells secrete IL-17, IL-22 and chemokines, which recruit neutrophils and
Associations: Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH); Tuberculin reaction; Contact dermatitis;
Drug reactions; Rheumatic arthritis; Multiple sclerosis
“Amyloidosis represents a group of disorders having in common, deposition of similar
appearing proteins.”
Properties of amyloid
a) General: Pathological proteinaceous substance which is amorphous, eosinophilic and
deposited extracellularly.
b) Physical nature: Electron microscopy reveals continuous, nonbranching fibrils. X-ray
crystallography and infrared spectroscopy demonstrate a characteristic cross-b-pleated sheet
c) Chemical nature: Fibril proteins (95%)
Types of amyloid
I) Most common forms
1) AL (amyloid light chain): Mostly composed of l Ig light chains or their fragments derived
from plasma cells.
2) AA (amyloid-associated): Derived from SAA (serum amyloid-associated) protein that is
synthesized in the liver.
3) Ab (b-amyloid protein): Derived from amyloid precursor protein.
II) Less common forms
1) TTR (transthyretin): Normal or mutants forms are seen as amyloid deposits.
2) b2-microglobulin: Deposited as amyloid fibril subunit (Ab2m)
3) Prion proteins: Misfolded prion proteins seen as amyloid deposits.
1) Failure of mechanisms involved in clearing of misfolded proteins play the central role.
2) Insoluble misfolded proteins aggregate and deposit as fibrils in extracellular tissues.
3) Categories of protein:
a) Normal proteins that have an inherent tendency to fold improperly, associate and form
fibrils, when they are produced in excessive amounts.
b) Mutant proteins tend to get misfolded and then aggregate.
A) Systemic (generalized) amyloidosis
I) Primary amyloidosis (Immunocyte dyscrasias with amyloidosis): MC type
Type of amyloid: AL
Associated disorder: Multiple myeloma
Pathogenesis: Malignant plasma cells secrete abnormal amounts of monoclonal Ig and free,
unpaired light chains (Bence-Jones protein). Bence-Jones proteins are seen in serum, excreted
in urine and deposited in tissues as amyloid.
II) Reactive systemic amyloidosis (Secondary amyloidosis)
Type of amyloid: AA
Associated disorders: Rheumatoid arthritis (MC), ankylosing spondylitis, inflammatory
bowel disease, heroin abuse, renal cell carcinoma and Hodgkin lymphoma
B) Localized amyloidosis
Amyloid deposits are limited to a single organ or tissue without involvement of any other site
in the body. E.g., lungs, larynx, skin, urinary bladder or tongue.
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Other types
1) Hemodialysis-associated amyloidosis
Associated disease: Chronic renal failure with hemodialysis
Type of amyloid: Ab2m
2) Endocrine amyloid
Associated diseases: Medullary carcinoma of thyroid and type 2 diabetes mellitus
3) Amyloid of aging
Senile systemic amyloidosis (Senile cardiac amyloidosis): Systemic deposition of amyloid in
elderly patients is seen with heart being predominantly involved.
Type of amyloid: TTR (normal)
4) Heredofamilial amyloidosis
a) Familial Mediterranean fever (MC): Autosomal recessive
Type of amyloid: AA
b) Familial amyloidotic neuropathies: Autosomal dominant
Type of amyloid: TTR (mutant)
Gross: Normal in size or moderate to marked enlargement. Tapioca-like granules are evident
in sago spleen.
1) Sago spleen: Amyloid deposits are largely limited to the splenic follicles
2) Lardaceous spleen: Amyloid deposits in the walls of the splenic sinuses and connective
tissue framework in the red pulp. Fusion of the early deposits gives rise to large, maplike
C/P: 1) Asymptomatic
2) Non-specific: Weakness, weight loss, light-headedness, or syncope.
3) Specific: Kidney: Nephrotic syndrome; Renal failure and uremia
Heart: Congestive heart failure; Arrhythmias; Restrictive cardiomyopathy
GIT: Malabsorption; Diarrhea
Blood vessels: Bleeding
Diagnosis: 1) Biopsy from kidney or rectal or gingival tissues or abdominal fat aspirates
stained with special stains for amyloid.
Stains for amyloid: Congo red, Crystal violet, Sirius Red, Thioflavin T
2) Serum and urine protein electrophoresis & immunoelectrophoresis
3) Bone marrow aspiration
4) Scintigraphy with radiolabeled serum amyloid P (SAP) component
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“AIDS is a disease characterized by profound immunosuppression with opportunistic
infections, secondary neoplasms, and neurologic manifestations.”
Cause: HIV (HIV-1 & HIV-2)
Major target systems: Immune system & CNS
Major cellular targets: CD4+ T lymphocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells
Major routes of transmission: Sexual transmission, parenteral transmission, and mother -to-
infant transmission
I) Immune system:
Cell mediated immunity is primarily affected with infection of CD4+ T lymphocytes by
binding of the gp120 envelop glycoprotein to CD4 molecules.
a) Mechanisms of loss of CD4+ T lymphocytes
i) Increased plasma membrane permeability
ii) Virus replication interfering with protein synthesis
iii) Apoptosis & pyroptosis
iv) Loss of immature precursors
v) Fusion followed by death
b) Qualitative defects of CD4+ T lymphocytes: They include a reduction in antigen-induced
T-cell proliferation and defects in intracellular signaling.
II) CNS: Macrophages & microglia are infected. Neurologic deficit is believed to be
indirectly caused by viral products and by soluble factors (IL-1, TNF & IL-6) produced by
infected microglia.
1) Acute retroviral syndrome: Occurs 3-6 wks after infection
C/P: Sore throat, myalgias, fever, weight loss and fatigue. Diarrhea, vomiting or cervical
adenopathy may occur.
2) Chronic phase (clinical latency period): It may last from 7-10 yrs
C/P: Asymptomatic or develop infections such as candidiasis or herpes zoster
3) Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS):
C/P: i) Long-lasting fever, fatigue, weight loss, diarrhea & generalized lymphadenopathy
ii) Opportunistic infections: Viral (JC virus, HSV, CMV & HZV); Bacterial (Salmonella,
Nocardiosis, & Mycobacteriosis); Fungal (Candidiasis, Cryptococcosis, & Histoplasmosis);
Protozoal & Helminthic (Taxoplasmosis, Pneumocystosis, & Cryptosporidiosis)
iii) Secondary neoplasms: Kaposi sarcoma (MC), cervical carcinoma, anal carcinoma in
males and B-cell lymphomas
iv) CNS: Meningoencephalitis, aseptic meningitis, peripheral neuropathies, and HIV-
associated neurocognitive disorder.
1) Raised HIV-1 RNA levels in the blood
2) Low CD4+ T lymphocyte counts
3) Antibody tests: ELISA & Western blot
Undergraduate Pathology Series 40
6. Neoplasia
4 Marks
1) Tabulate the differences between lymphatic and vascular spread of tumors. (July, 2017)
2) Differences between benign and malignant tumors. (July, 2016)
3) Tabulate differences between benign and malignant tumors. (Jan. 2016)
4) Enumerate the chemical carcinogens. Give pathogenesis of chemical carcinogenesis. (Jan.
5) Tumor markers. (July, 2015)
6) Describe the steps / events involved in mechanism of tumor invasion and metastasis. (Jan.
7) Physical carcinogenesis. (Jan. 2013)
8) Differences between benign and malignant tumors. (July, 2012)
9) Important growth factors modulating tumor growth and biology. (Jan. 2012)
10) Paraneoplastic syndromes. (Jan. 2011)
11) Microbial carcinogenesis. (March, 2010)
12) Chemical carcinogens. (August, 2009)
13) Differences between benign and malignant tumors. (April, 2009)
14) Viral carcinogens. (February, 2009)
15) Tumor markers. (March/April, 2008)
16) Spread of malignant tumors. (Oct. 2008)
17) Chemical carcinogenesis. (Sept/Oct. 2007)
18) Paraneoplastic Syndromes. (May, 2007)
19) Metastasis. (May, 2006)
20) Differences between benign and malignant tumors. (March/April, 2005)
21) Viral oncogenesis. (Sep. 2003)
22) Metastasis. (March/April, 2003)
23) Differences between benign and malignant tumors. (March/April, 2003)
Refresh Pathology, 1st Edition - Dr. Shiva M.D. 41
2 Marks
“It can be considered as a precancerous lesion.”
Site: Usually seen with epithelia.
Predisposing conditions: Metaplasia
1) Pleomorphism: Epithelial cells vary in their shape & size.
2) Nucleus: Large & hyperchromatic with increased nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio
3) Mitoses: Mitotic rate is high & mitoses involve all levels of epithelium
4) Loss of polarity: Disordered architecture of the tissue is seen.
Fate: Regression or progression to cancer.
Carcinoma In Situ
“It is the preinvasive stage of cancer.”
Morphology: In situ epithelial cancers display marked dysplastic changes involving the full
thickness of the epithelium without invasion of the basement membrane.
Association: Carcinomas of the skin, breast and cervix.
Fate: May progress to invasive carcinoma
“Anaplasia means lack of differentiation, which is a hallmark of malignant tumors.”
1) Pleomorphism: Tumor cells vary in their shape & size. Tumor giant cells with few large
hyperchromatic nuclei with abundant cytoplasm.
2) Abnormal nuclear morphology: Increased nuclear-to-cytoplasm ratio is seen with enlarged
nuclei. Nuclei vary in shape & may appear hyperchromatic. Abnormally large nucleoli may
be seen.
3) Mitoses: Atypical, bizarre mitotic figures and high mitotic rates are seen
4) Loss of polarity: Sheets or large masses of tumor cells grow in an anarchic, disorganized
5) Necrosis: Rapidly growing tumors may develop large central areas of ischemic necrosis
Def.: Spread of a tumor to sites that are physically discontinuous with the primary tumor.
It is the most characteristic feature of malignant tumors.
Pathways of spread:
1) Seeding of body cavities & surfaces: Body cavities such as peritoneal (MC), pleural or
pericardial cavity are involved. Seen with ovarian cancers.
2) Lymphatic spread: Spread through lymphatics is seen with carcinomas e.g., carcinoma of
breast & carcinoma of lung. The first node in a regional lymphatic basin that receives lymph
flow from the primary tumor is known as sentinel lymph node.
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3) Hematogenous spread: Spread with vascular invasion is seen with sarcomas e.g.,
angiosarcoma, fibrosarcoma. Veins are invaded readily. Some carcinomas like renal cell
carcinoma & hepatocellular carcinoma show hematogenous spread.
Chemical Carcinogenesis
“It is a multistep process involved in mediating development of cancers.”
I) Initiation: 1) Exposure of cells to a sufficient dose of a carcinogenic agent results in
permanent damage to DNA.
2) Initiation is rapid & irreversible.
3) Alone is not sufficient for tumor formation.
Types of carcinogens
i) Direct acting carcinogens: No requirement of metabolic conversion to become
e.g., Alkylating agents; Acylating agents
ii) Indirect acting carcinogens: They require metabolic conversion to become active
e.g., Benzopyrene; Benzidine; 2-Naphthylamine; Aflatoxin B1
II) Promotion: 1) Involves proliferation of initiated cell in the presence of promotors.
2) Promotors can’t induce tumor formation applied before initiation.
3) It is reversible.
Promotors e.g., Phorbol esters, phenols, hormones & drugs
Radiation Carcinogenesis
I) Ultraviolet Rays
UVB light is considered to be carcinogenic.
Pathogenesis: Formation of pyrimidine dimers in DNA
Associated disorders
1) Skin cancers: Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma & melanoma
2) Xeroderma pigmentosum
Associated tumors
1) Leukemias (myeloid)
2) Thyroid cancer
3) Cancers of breast, lung & salivary glands
Microbial Carcinogenesis
I) Viruses & associated tumors
1) Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 (HTLV 1): Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma
2) Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Benign tumors: Squamous papilloma
Malignant tumors: Squamous cell carcinomas of the cervix, anogenital region & head, and
3) Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)
Burkitt lymphoma; Hodgkin lymphoma; Nasopharyngeal carcinoma; B-cell lymphomas in
immunosuppressed individuals.
4) Hepatitis B & C Viruses (HBV & HCV): Hepatocellular carcinoma
II) Bacteria & associated tumors
Helicobacter pylori: Gastric adenocarcinoma & gastric lymphoma
Paraneoplastic Syndromes
Def.: Symptom complexes that cannot readily be explained by the spread of the tumor.
Significance: 1) Aid in detection of tumors
2) May mimic metastasis
3) Affect prognosis
1) Cushing syndrome Small-cell carcinoma of lung
2) SIADH Small-cell carcinoma of lung
3) Hypercalcemia Squamous cell carcinoma of lung; Breast carcinoma
4) Polycythemia Renal carcinoma
1) Acanthosis nigricans Gastric carcinoma
2) Myasthenia Carcinoma of lung
3) Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy Carcinoma of lung
4) Venous thrombosis Pancreatic carcinoma
5) DIC Acute promyelocytic leukemia
Grading: It is based on the degree of differentiation and no. of mitoses or architecture of the
tumor. Range from 2 to 4 categories.
Staging: It is based on the size of primary tumor, its extent of spread to regional lymph
nodes, and the presence or absence of blood-borne metastases.
TNM system
1) T for primary tumor: T0 for in situ lesion & T1 to T4 on the basis of size of tumor.
2) N for regional lymph node involvement: N0 for no LN involvement. N1 to N3 on the basis
of no. & range of LNs involved.
3) M for metastases: M0 for no distant metastases. M1 or M2 indicates the presence of distant
Tumor Markers
“They are tumor-associated enzymes, proteins or hormones detected in the blood.”
Significance: 1) Aid in the detection of tumors
2) To determine the effectiveness of therapy
3) To know the appearance of a tumor recurrence
1) HCG Choriocarcinoma
2) Calcitonin Medullary carcinoma of thyroid
3) Catecholamines Pheochromocytoma
Oncofetal antigens
1) Alpha-fetoprotein Hepatocellular carcinoma
2) CEA Carcinomas of the colon, pancreas & lung
Specific proteins
Immunoglobulins Multiple myeloma
PSA Prostate cancer
CA-125 Ovarian cancer
CA-19-9 Pancreatic cancer
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7. Infectious Diseases
10 Marks
1) A 52 year old beggar is admitted with skin patches and nodules on the face. Skin patches
are hypoesthetic. Few toes on both feet are amputated partly. (July, 2017)
a) What is the possible diagnosis? How will you make the diagnosis?
b) Classify the disease.
c) What special stains will you do on the biopsy to make the diagnosis?
d) Discuss the mode of transmission of the disease.
Ans: Leprosy
4 Marks
1) Give the clinical picture and microscopic picture of the lesion in lepromatous leprosy.
(Jan. 2016)
2) Ghon complex. (Jan. 2015)
3) Morphology of lepromatous leprosy. (July, 2012)
4) Primary complex. (July, 2011)
5) Rhinosporidiosis. (July, 2011)
6) Actinomycosis. (Aug. 2010)
7) Primary complex. (Aug. 2009)
8) Lepromatous leprosy. (Oct. 2008)
9) Primary complex. (May, 2006)
10) Actinomycosis. (Oct. 2005)
11) Opportunistic fungal infection. (March/April, 2005)
12) Tuberculoid leprosy. (April/May, 2004)
13) Lepromatous leprosy. (March/April, 2003)
Undergraduate Pathology Series 48
2 Marks
“A chronic suppurative disease with systemic illness.”
Causative agent: Actinomycetes israelii (filamentous bacteria)
Sex: M>F
Route of transmission: Endogenous
1) Cervicofacial (MC):
Risk factors: Dental caries, periodontal disease & injury to oral mucosa.
Site: Firm swelling is seen involving lower jaw with abscess & sinus tract formation. May
extend to involve mandible, orbit, cranial bones or CNS
2) Thoracic:
Risk factors: Aspiration of infectious material or extension from abdominal or hepatic
Site: Lungs are involved commonly, may extend to pleura & chest wall
3) Abdominal:
Risk factors: Swallowing of infectious material; extension of a thoracic lesion.
Site: Ileocecal region is commonly involved
4) Pelvic:
Risk factors: Usage of IUCD
Micro. 1) Localized abscesses are seen involving dermis & subcutaneous tissue with one or
more granules in the centre.
2) Granules of actinomycotic mycetomas contain delicate, gram +ve, branched filaments.
3) Granules of eumycotic mycetomas contain broad, septate, fungal hyphae.
Causative organism: Rhinosporidium seeberi (a parasite)
Sex: M>F
Age: Children & 15-40yrs
Site: Mucus membrane of nasopharynx, oropharynx, conjunctiva & rectum
Route of transmission: Contact with contaminated water & autoinfection.
Pathogenesis: After inoculation, the organism replicates locally, causing hyperplasia of the
host tissue & localized immune response.
Morphology: Gross Pink to deep red polyps with strawberry like appearance. Bleeds easily
upon manipulation.
Micro. Surface epithelium exhibits papillomatous hyperplasia. Stroma is hypervascular
showing acute & chronic inflammatory cells with scattered granulomas and sporangia with
C/P: Nasal cavity: Unilateral nasal obstruction, epistaxis, rhinorrhea, local pruritus
Eye: Photophobia & increased tearing
Inv.: Biopsy
“A chronic STD”
Causative agent: Treponema pallidum (A Spirochete)
Route of transmission: Sexual & transplacental
1) TH1 response is seen with production of IFN-g which mediates macrophage activation and
killing of bacteria.
2) Production of treponeme-specific antibodies activate complement cascade leading to
opsonization of bacteria by macrophages
3) TprK, a protein in the outer membrane facilitates the persistence of bacteria.
I) Primary syphilis: Seen 3weeks after infection.
C/P: 1) Chancre: Single, firm, nontender, raised red lesion which may undergo ulceration
Sites: Penis or scrotum in males; vulva or cervix in females.
2) Regional lymphadenopathy
Morphology: Proliferative endarteritis with rich infiltrate of plasma cells.
II) Secondary syphilis: Seen 2-10 wks after primary chancre
C/P: 1) Red brown macular rash involving palms & soles
2) Silvery-gray superficial erosions on oral or genital mucus membranes
3) Condyloma lata: Broad-based, elevated plaques on inner thigh, anogenital region or axilla
4) Systemic manifestations: Weight loss, mild fever, and lymphadenopathy
Morphology: Proliferative endarteritis with rich infiltrate of plasma cells.
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Congenital syphilis
Diagnosis: 1) Biopsy with dark field microscopy & silver stains (Warthin-Starry stain)
2) Immunofluorescence
3) Serological tests:
i) Non treponemal antibody tests: a) Rapid plasma regain (RPR) test
b) Venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test
ii) Treponemal antibody tests
a) Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test (FTA-Abs)
b) Treponema pallidum enzyme immunoassay test
Undergraduate Pathology Series 52
Sites: Skin, peripheral nerves (ulnar & peroneal), testes, hands & feet
1) Weak TH 1 response is seen with lower levels of IL-12 or unresponsiveness of T cell to IL-
2) Some cases show relative increase in TH2 response with production of IL-4, IL-5 & IL-10,
which may suppress macrophage activation
3) Weak cell mediated immunity presents with heavy bacterial burden
4) Widespread invasion of schwann cells, endoneural & perineural macrophages causes
damage to the peripheral nervous system
5) Antibody production mediates immune complex formation causing erythema nodosum,
vasculitis or glomerulonephritis
Morphology: Gross
1) Skin: Hypoesthetic or anesthetic macular, popular or nodular lesions.
2) Leonine facies: Nodular lesions coalesce giving lion-like appearance
Micro: 1) Lepra cells: Large aggregates of lipid-laden macrophages, often filled with masses
(globi) of acid-fast bacilli.
2) Grenz zone: Sub-epidermal uninvolved clear zone separating epidermis from dermis
infiltrated with lepra cells.
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1) Biopsy: Stains used - Ziehl-Neelson; Fite-Faraco & GMS (Gomori Methenamine Silver)
2) Lepromin test: Non reactive (negative) in lepromatous leprosy; reactive (positive) in
tuberculoid leprosy.
“A chronic pulmonary & systemic disease.”
Causative agent: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (acid-fast bacilli)
Route of transmission: Person to person
Risk factors: Poverty; Crowding; Chronic debilitating illness
Predisposing conditions: Diabetes mellitus; Hodgkin lymphoma; Chronic lung disease
(silicosis); Chronic renal failure; Malnutrition; Alcoholism; Immunosuppression (AIDS).
1) Phagocytosis of microorganisms by macrophages
2) Inhibition of maturation of the phagosome & formation of phagolysosome facilitates
replication of microorganisms in macrophages
3) After 3 wk. of infection, TH1 response is initiated with the release of IL-12
4) TH1-mediated macrophage activation & killing of bacteria seen with production of IFN-g
5) Granulomatous inflammation & tissue damage results finally.
1) Primary tuberculosis
2) Secondary tuberculosis
Host: Previously sensitized host, many years after primary with weakening of host resistance.
Source: Reactivation of a latent infection or exogenous reinfection
Site: Apex of upper lobes
Undergraduate Pathology Series 54
Gross 1) Small circumscribed firm, gray-white to yellow apical foci with central cheesy-
white appearance are seen
2) Cavitation or erosion into airways is associated
Micro. Tubercles (granulomas with central caseous necrosis) are seen
C/P: 1) Asymptomatic
2) Systemic manifestations: Anorexia, weight loss, fever (mild-grade), night sweats
3) Mucoid or purulent sputum or hemoptysis
4) Pleuritic pain
Fate: 1) Fibrocalcific scars in immunocompetent persons
2) Progressive secondary TB, which may progress to miliary TB
Other forms of TB
A) Progressive pulmonary tuberculosis
Host: Older or immunosuppressed
1) Lung: Apical lesion tends to involve adjacent lung with erosion of bronchi & vessels.
Cavitation is seen through central caseation
2) Pleura: Serous pleural effusions or tuberculous empyema or obliterative fibrous pleuritis
Fate: Fibrosis or miliary tuberculosis
B) Miliary tuberculosis
1) Miliary pulmonary tuberculosis: Microorganisms circulate back to lung via
lymphohematogenous dissemination. Small (2-mm) foci of yellow-white consolidation are
seen scattered through the lung parenchyma.
2) Systemic miliary tuberculosis: Systemic arterial dissemination of bacteria is seen with
involvement of various organs such as liver, spleen, adrenals or meninges.
C) Isolated tuberculosis
Renal tuberculosis; Intestinal tuberculosis; Tuberculous meningitis; Salpingitis;
Osteomyelitis; Tuberculous adrenalitis; Pott disease
1) History and examination
2) Acid fast stain or culture of the sputum
3) Mantoux or tuberculin skin test
4) PCR
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4 Marks
2 Marks
Effects of Alcohol
I) Acute alcoholism
Liver: Fatty change or hepatic steatosis
Stomach: Acute gastritis and ulceration
CNS: Drowsiness; Stupor and coma with higher alcohol levels.
II) Chronic alcoholism
Liver: Alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis with complications such as portal hypertension and
hepatocellular carcinoma
GIT: Massive bleeding from gastritis, gastric ulcer or esophageal varices
Nutrition: Malnutrition and thiamine deficiency with peripheral neuropathies and the
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
CVS: Dilated congestive cardiomyopathy, hypertension and coronary heart disease
Pancreas: Acute and chronic pancreatitis
During pregnancy: Fetal alcohol syndrome with microcephaly, growth retardation, and facial
abnormalities in the newborn.
Cancer: Oral cavity, esophagus, and liver cancers.
“Kwashiorkor is a component of protein energy malnutrition seen with malnourished
Causes: 1) Protein deprivation, which is relatively greater than the reduction in total calories
2) Chronic diarrhea, nephrotic syndrome or severe burns
1) Severe loss of the visceral protein compartment with hypoalbuminemia gives rise to edema
2) There is relative sparing of subcutaneous fat and muscle mass
3) Flaky paint appearance of skin with alternating zones of hyperpigmentation, areas of
desquamation, and hypopigmentation
4) Hair changes include overall loss of color or alternating bands of pale & darker hair
5) Development of apathy, listlessness and loss of appetite
6) Vitamin deficiencies, and secondary infections due to immune dysfunction
Morphology: 1) Growth failure with peripheral edema
2) Enlarged fatty liver
3) Small bowel shows mucosal atrophy and loss of villi
4) Thymic and lymphoid atrophy
5) Bone marrow may be hypoplastic
Vitamin A Deficiency
Causes: 1) Decreased intake
2) Malabsorption syndromes
Eye 1) Night blindness: Impaired vision, particularly in reduced light
2) Xerosis conjunctivae: Dryness of conjunctiva
3) Bitot spots: Keratin debris in small opaque plaques
4) Keratomalacia: Softening & destruction of cornea
5) Total blindness
Skin: Follicular or papular dermatoses
Respiratory tract: Secondary pulmonary infections
Urinary tract: Renal & bladder stones
Immunity: Increased risk of developing infections e.g., measles, pneumonia & infectious
Vitamin D Deficiency
Causes: 1) Inadequate intake
2) Limited exposure to sunlight
3) Renal disorders
4) Malabsorption syndromes
Deficiency states: Rickets & osteomalacia
Undergraduate Pathology Series 58
Vitamin C Deficiency
“Deficiency of water-soluble vitamin C leads to development of scurvy.”
Causes: 1) Elderly people
2) Chronic alcoholism
3) Erratic & inadequate eating patterns
1) Growing children: Bone disease with inadequate synthesis of osteoid due to defective
2) Children & adults: Hemorrhages (bleeding gums, bleeding into skin, periosteum & joints)
and healing defects due to defective collagen
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10 Marks
1) A 3 year old child is admitted with fever and petechial hemorrhages for 2 weeks. On
examination child is pale, no liver/spleen enlargement. Cervical lymph nodes are enlarged.
TLC – 50, 000/cumm. Peripheral smear shows blast cells. (Feb. 2017)
2) A male child aged 8 years presented with fever, fatigue, generalized lymphadenopathy,
bone pain, petechial hemorrhages over the skin, pallor, enlarged testes and features of
meningism. (Jan. 2014)
3) A 35 year old male was admitted with easy fatigability, anorexia, weakness, weight loss,
night sweats and dragging sensation in the abdomen due to massive splenomegaly. His total
WBC count was 2,00,000 cells/mm3. (July, 2013)
4) A 4 years old male child presented with fatigue, fever, epistaxis, bleeding gums, bone pain
and CNS manifestations from meningeal involvement. Physical examination revealed
petechiae and ecchymoses of skin and mucous membranes, generalized lymphadenopathy
and testicular enlargement. The Leukocyte and differential counts were abnormal. (Jan. 2012)
5) A 35 year old male patient presented with high fever, fatigue, pallor, skin petechiae,
swollen gums and bone pains. His total WBC count was 1,00,000/ul. (Aug. 2009)
6) 45 year old male presented with weakness, fatigue, weight loss, night sweats and dragging
sensation in the abdomen caused by massive splenomegaly. (Feb. 2009)
7) A 40 year male was admitted with easy fatigability, weakness, weight loss and night
sweats. On examination, massive splenomegaly was noted. Total leukocyte count was 275,
000/ul. (Sep/Oct. 2007)
a) What is the possible diagnosis?
b) Describe the chromosomal abnormality of the disease.
c) Describe the peripheral blood smear and bone marrow findings of the same.
8) A 2 year old child presented with fatigue, fever, epistaxis, bleeding gums and bone pain.
On examination, generalized lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly was noted. Total
leukocyte count was 150,000/ul. (May, 2007)
9) 36 year old female came with swollen gums, fatigue and weight loss. She gives history of
repeated upper respiratory tract infections. On examination pallor, fever and
hepatosplenomegaly present. (May, 2006)
10) A 30 years old male patient came with moderate anemia, easy fatigability, weakness,
weight loss, anorexia, dragging sensation in the abdomen due to extreme splenomegaly.
Chromosomal analysis revealed the presence of Philadelphia chromosome. (April/May 2004)
4 Marks
1) Classify chronic myeloproliferative disorders. Give blood picture and diagnostic tests in a
case of chronic myeloid leukemia. (July, 2017)
2) Leukemoid reaction. (July, 2016)
3) Cytochemistry in differentiation of acute leukemias. (Jan. 2016)
4) FAB classification of Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia (AML). (Jan. 2015)
5) Tabulate the differences between leukemoid reaction and chronic myeloid leukemia.
(July/Aug. 2014)
6) Blood picture and bone marrow findings in CML. (Aug. 2010)
7) Leukemoid reaction. (March/April 2005)
2 Marks
Causes of generalized lymphadenopathy:
1) Infections: Infectious mononucleosis; Measles; HIV; TB; Syphilis
2) Malignancies: Leukemias; Lymphomas; Metastatic cancers
3) Storage disorders: Niemann-Pick disease; Gaucher disease
4) Autoimmune disorders: SLE; Rheumatoid arthritis
4) Drug reactions: Phenytoin; Allopurinol
Pathogenesis: Genetic aberrations block the maturation of myeloid progenitors with their
proliferation & survival.
WHO Classification:
1) AML with genetic aberrations (e.g., t(8;21); inv(16))
2) AML with MDS-like features
3) AML, therapy-related
4) AML, Not Otherwise Specified
AML, minimally differentiated
AML without maturation
AML with myelocytic maturation
AML with myelomonocytic maturation
AML with monocytic maturation
AML with erythroid maturation
AML with megakaryocytic maturation
I) Bone marrow: Hypercellular marrow showing many myeloblasts (20% or more -
Diagnostic). Some of the forms of AML are seen having monoblasts.
II) Peripheral smear: 1) Anemia, neutropenia, & thrombocytopenia are present.
2) Total WBC count is variable with many myeloblasts.
3) Aleukemic leukemia: Blasts are entirely absent on peripheral smear.
Myeloblast: Immature cells with delicate nuclear chromatin, 2 to 4 nucleoli, more
voluminous cytoplasm with fine azurophil granules. Auer rods are needle-like azurophil
granules, seen prominently with acute promyelocytic leukemia.
Monoblast: Immature cells with folded or lobulated nuclei. No Auer rods seen.
III) Cytochemistry: 1) Myeloblasts are myeloperoxidase positive & PAS negative
2) Monoblasts are nonspecific esterase (NSE) positive. But, myeloperoxidase negative &
PAS negative.
IV) C/P: 1) Fatigue & weakness; Recurrent infections with fever; Bleeding manifestations.
2) DIC may be seen with acute promyelocytic leukemia.
3) Gingival swelling or skin infiltration (leukemia cutis) may be seen in AML with
monocytic differentiation.
4) Rarely, localized soft tissue mass (myeloblastoma, granulocytic sarcoma or chloroma) may
be seen.
Prognosis: 1) Good for AMLs with the t(15;17).
2) Bad for AMLs following MDS or genotoxic therapy or seen with older adults.
2) t(9;22) leads to fusion of portions of the BCR gene on chromosome 22 & the ABL gene on
chromosome 9 generating BCR-ABL fusion gene.
Pathogenesis: Genetic aberrations drive the proliferation of granulocytic & megakaryocytic
progenitors, and also causes abnormal release of immature granulocytic forms into the blood.
I) Bone marrow: 1) Hypercellular marrow with elevated myeloid & megakaryocytic series
of cells. Erythroid series is either unaffected or may show mild suppression.
2) Sea-blue histiocytes (scattered macrophages with abundant wrinkled green-blue
cytoplasm) are seen with increased deposition of reticulin.
II) Peripheral smear:
1) Anemia, leucocytosis (>100,000/cmm) with shift to left having few myeloblasts (<10%) &
2) Eosinophilia & basophilia are seen.
III) Karyotyping: Detects the BCR-ABL fusion gene.
IV) C/P: 1) Fatigue, weakness, weight loss & anorexia .
2) Splenomegaly; Mild hepatomegaly; Lymphadenopathy
Course: 1) Chronic phase: A stable phase which may last for 3yrs
2) Accelerated phase: Increasing anemia & thrombocytopenia are seen after a period of 3yrs
in 50% of patients.
3) Blast crisis: Transformation to an acute leukemia like picture is seen having many blast
forms with or without a preceding accelerated phase. In 70% of cases, blasts are of myeloid
origin (myeloid blast crisis) & in the reminder the blasts are of pre-B cell origin (lymphoid
blast crisis).
Leukemoid Reaction
“It refers to presence of markedly increased total leukocyte count (<50,000/cmm) with
immature cells in peripheral blood resembling leukemia.”
Causes: Severe bacterial infections (Pneumonia); Severe hemorrhage; Severe acute
hemolysis; Burns; Metastatic tumors of bone marrow
Bone marrow: Hypercellular marrow with increased myeloid series of cells
Peripheral smear: Leukocytosis (>50,000/cmm) with shift to left seen with neutrophilia.
Myeloblasts are usually absent. Basophilia is not seen.
C/P: Features of underlying disease seen
Differential diagnosis: CML
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V) Lymphocyte predominant
Age: <35yrs
Sex: M>F
Site: Cervical & axillary lymph nodes
EBV association: Absent
Morphology: Lymph node: Nodular infiltration with small lymphocytes & macrophages;
R-S cells: Lymphohistiocytic (L&H) variants (popcorn cells).
C/P: Painless lymphadenopathy; No systemic signs
Stage: I-II
Spread: Lymph nodes are involved first, then spleen, liver and finally bone marrow & others.
They are neoplastic giant cells, essential for the diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma.
Origin: Germinal center or post germinal center B cells
Role: R-S cells of classical forms secrete various factors that induce the accumulation of
reactive lymphocytes, macrophages & granulocytes.
Classic, diagnostic R-S cells: Large cells with multiple nuclei or a single nucleus with
multiple nuclear lobes, each with a large inclusion-like nucleolus and abundant cytoplasm.
1) Mononuclear variants: A single nucleus with a large inclusion like nucleolus is seen.
2) Lacunar variants: Contain folded or multilobate nucleus with abundant pale cytoplasm,
often disrupted during sectioning. Seen with nodular sclerosis type.
3) Lymphohistiocytic (L&H) variants: Contain polypoid nuclei with inconspicuous
nucleoli and moderately abundant cytoplasm. Seen with lymphocyte predominance type.
Mummification: Death of R-S cells in classical forms of Hodgkin lymphoma in which, they
shrink & become pyknotic.
It involves physical examination, radiologic imaging of the abdomen, pelvis, and chest &
biopsy of the bone marrow. Staging is important for prognosis & to guide therapy.
Stage I – Involvement of a single lymph node region or a single extralymphatic organ or site.
Stage II – Involvement of 2 or more lymph node regions on the same side of the diaphragm
alone or localized involvement of an extralymphatic organ or site.
Stage III – Involvement of lymph node regions on both sides of the diaphragm without or
with localized involvement of an extralymphatic organ or site.
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Burkitt Lymphoma
“Very aggressive tumor of mature B cells that usually arises at extranodal sides.”
Cell of origin: Germinal-center B cell
Types: 1) African (endemic) Burkitt lymphoma
2) Sporadic (nonendemic) Burkitt lymphoma
3) HIV-associated Burkitt lymphoma
Age: Endemic & sporadic – Children or young adults
Risk factor: EBV association (Endemic (MC)>HIV associated>Sporadic)
Genetic alterations: Increased MYC protein levels with translocations of the MYC proto-
oncogene on chr.8 (MC – t(8;14)), promoting growth & division of cells.
Morphology: 1) Affected sites are effaced by a diffuse infiltrate of intermediate sized
lymphoid cells with round to oval nuclei, coarse chromatin, several nucleoli and a moderate
amount of cytoplasm.
2) High mitotic index & numerous apoptotic cells are seen.
3) Interspersed phagocytes with abundant clear cytoplasm give ‘starry sky’ pattern.
C/P: 1) Endemic type: Mass involving the mandible & of abdominal viscera (kidneys,
ovaries & adrenal glands).
2) Sporadic type: Mass involving ileocecum or peritoneum.
Undergraduate Pathology Series 68
10 Marks
1) One year old child is admitted with increasing pallor since the age of 2 months. On
examination, there is pallor and hepatosplenomegaly, Hb – 7.2 gm%; TLC and DLC are
within normal limits. Platelets are normal. (Jan. 2016)
2) A 48-year-old male presented with pallor and easy fatigability. He complains of a sore
tongue and tingling in hands and feet. His hemoglobin level was 9 gms/dL. He gives history
of undergoing partial gastrectomy 3 years ago for gastric ulcer. (July, 2015)
3) A 3-year-old child presented with pallor, growth retardation and history of repeated blood
transfusions. The child is having splenomegaly and mild jaundice. Skull X-ray showing “hair
on end (crew cut) appearance”. (July, 2012)
4) 35 year old female presented with fatigue, weakness, glossitis and peripheral neuropathy.
(July, 2011)
5) A 30-year-old pregnant lady who cherishes to eat food prepared by boiling, steaming and
frying presented with anemia, glossitis, mild icterus, history of diarrhea, loss of appetite and
lack of wellbeing. No evidence of nervous system manifestations. Her serum homocysteine
(HCYS) levels are elevated but not methyl malonic acid (MMA) Levels. (March, 2010)
7) 40-year-old male presented with weakness, fatigue and dyspnoea, having spoon shaped
nails complaints of recurrent bleeding piles. Hb is 2.5 gm/dl. (Oct. 2008)
8) A 30-year-old female presented with anemia, loss of sensation and tingling in the feet.
Examination showed smooth tongue with atrophic papillae. (Oct. 2005)
9) A 3 years old girl from west Bengal presented with pallor, growth retardation and history
of repeated blood transfusions. There was malocclusion of jaws with skull X ray showing
“hair on end appearance”. There was hepatosplenomegaly. Hemoglobin was 3.5 gm/dl. (Oct.
10) 25 years old female with the H/O 4 months amenorrhea (4 M.A) complaining of mild
jaundice, anemia and glossitis. Discuss the causes and investigation to come to a diagnosis.
(March/April, 2003)
4 Marks
1) Blood and bone marrow picture in folic acid deficiency anemia. (Feb. 2017)
2) Investigations in a case of hereditary spherocytosis. (Feb. 2017)
3) Bone marrow picture of megaloblastic anemia. (July, 2016)
4) Laboratory diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia. (Jan. 2015)
5) Classification of hemolytic anemia and lab diagnosis of beta thalassemia major. (July/Aug.
6) Packed cell volume (PCV). (July, 2013)
7) Blood and bone marrow findings in aplastic anemia. (Jan. 2013)
8) Peripheral smear and bone marrow picture in megaloblastic anemia. (Jan. 2011)
9) Hematocrit. (Jan. 2011)
10) E.S.R (Aug. 2010)
11) Pathogenesis of sickle cell disease. (March/April, 2008)
12) Lab diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia. (Sep/Oct. 2007)
13) Aplastic anemia. (May, 2006)
14) ESR (April/May, 2004)
15) Packed Cell Volume. (Sep. 2003)
2 Marks
Reticulocyte Count
“Reticulocytes are young red cells containing remnants of RNA & ribosomes but no
Site of production: Bone marrow
Time required for maturation: 4 to 4.5 days
Stains used: New methylene blue, & brilliant cresyl blue
Reticulocyte %: No. of reticulocytes counted / No. of red cells counted x 100
Reference ranges: 0.5%-2.5% - adults & children
Causes of increased reticulocyte count (Reticulocytosis): Blood loss; Hemolytic anemias;
Hemoglobinopathies (Sickle cell anemia)
Causes of decreased reticulocyte count (Reticulocytopenia): Megaloblastic anemia;
Aplastic anemia; Anemia of chronic disease; Thalassemia
Undergraduate Pathology Series 72
Anemia – Classification
I) Morphologic
1) Normocytic normochromic anemia e.g., Acute blood loss
2) Microcytic hypochromic anemia e.g., Iron deficiency anemia; Thalassemia
3) Macrocytic anemia e.g., Vit.B12 or folic acid deficiency
II) Etiologic
1) Blood loss: Acute blood loss e.g., Trauma;
Chronic blood loss e.g., Peptic ulcer; Menstruation
2) Hemolysis
i) Hereditary: Hereditary spherocytosis; G-6-PD deficiency; Pyruvate kinase deficiency;
Hemoglobinopathies – Thalassemias; Structural Hb variants (HbS, HbC, HbD, & HbE)
ii) Acquired: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia; Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria;
Hypersplenism; Hemolytic transfusion reactions
3) Decreased red cell production: Nutritional deficiencies (Iron deficiency anemia; Vit.B12
or folic acid deficiency); Inherited defects (Fanconi anemia; Thalassemia); Aplastic anemia;
Renal failure; Anemia of chronic disease
**Hemoglobinopathies in India: Thalassemias; Structural Hb variants (HbS, HbD, & HbE)
Hereditary Spherocytosis
“Hereditary hemolytic anemia with intrinsic defects in the RBC membrane skeleton.”
Mode of inheritance: Autosomal dominant (MC)
1) Mutations most commonly affect ankyrin, band 3 or spectrin, leading to their deficiency.
2) Destabilized lipid layer is seen with loss of membrane fragments, causing spherocytes
3) Less deformable spherocytes get trapped in splenic cords & undergo lysis.
Bone marrow: Erythroid hyperplasia is seen
Peripheral smear: Spherocytes (small RBCs with lack of central pallor) are seen.
C/P: Chronic hemolytic anemia with splenomegaly, jaundice or gall stones.
Inv.: 1) Hemogram: Hb, & PCV-Low; Raised MCHC; Raised reticulocyte count
2) Raised RBC osmotic fragility
Comp.: 1) Aplastic crisis with parvovirus B19 infection
2) Hemolytic crisis with infectious mononucleosis infection
Thalassemia Syndromes
“Inherited disorders with mutations decreasing the synthesis of α or β globin chains.”
1) β-Thalassemias: β -Thalassemia major; β-Thalassemia intermedia; β-Thalassemia minor
2) α-Thalassemias: Silent carrier; α-Thalassemia trait; HbH disease; Hydrops fetalis
Cause: Deficient synthesis of β globin chains
Genetic alterations: Mostly point mutations involve β-globin gene. Inherited mutations
cause either reduced synthesis (β+ mutations) or no synthesis (β0 mutations) of β-globin
1) Decreased Hb A leads to anemia.
2) Increased unpaired α-globins form insoluble inclusions causing membrane damage. This
results in ineffective erythropoiesis marrow & extravascular hemolysis in peripheral blood.
3) Anemia results in marrow hyperplasia & extramedullary hematopoiesis (spleen, liver &
Undergraduate Pathology Series 74
1) β thalassemia major: Severe form
Major Hb: HbF
Genotype: Homozygous form with 2 β-Thalassemia genes.
Bone marrow: 1) Massive erythroid hyperplasia
2) Expansion of marrow may cause erosion of existing cortical bone & subsequent new bone
formation. In the bones of the face & skull, this gives rise to ‘crew cut’ appearance on x-ray.
Peripheral smear: RBC – Microcytic & hypochromic; Anisopoikilocytosis; Target cells;
Basophilic stippling; Fragmented RBCs. Nucleated RBCs are also seen
C/P: Growth retardation & death; Hepatosplenomegaly & lymphadenopathy; Enlargement &
distortion of cheek bones.
Inv.: 1) Hemogram: Hb, PCV, MCV, MCH – Low; Reticulocyte count – Elevated
2) Hb electrophoresis detects β-Thalassemia
3) X-rays of skull show enlarged & distorted involved bones
4) Prenatal diagnosis by analysis of fetal DNA
Comp.: Cardiac disease with secondary hemochromatosis.
Megaloblastic Anemia
“Nutritional anemia with Vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency.”
I) Vit.B12 deficiency: 1) Inadequate intake with vegetarianism or chronic alcoholism
2) Malabsorption due to pernicious anemia or distal ileal resection
3) Increased demand during pregnancy
II) Folic acid deficiency: 1) Inadequate intake with chronic alcoholism
2) Increased demand during pregnancy
3) Impaired utilization with methotrexate
4) Malabsorption due to anticonvulsant or OCP usage
Pathogenesis: 1) Vit.B12 or folic acid deficiency causes inadequate DNA synthesis.
Defective nuclear maturation leads to ineffective hematopoiesis.
2) Vit.B12 deficiency also causes abnormal myelin degradation leading to neurologic
Bone marrow: 1) Hypercellular marrow with increased hematopoietic precursors.
2) Erythroid series show megaloblastic changes. Megaloblasts are large immature cells with
deeply basophilic cytoplasm, & nucleus with a fine chromatin pattern.
2) Myeloid series show giant metamyelocytes
3) Large megakaryocytes with multilobed nuclei
4) Ineffective erythropoiesis by apoptosis of precursors
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Peripheral smear:
1) RBC: Macro-ovalocytes; Anisocytosis; Poikilocytosis
2) WBC: Leukopenia; Hypersegmented neutrophils
3) Platelets: Reduced
C/P: 1) Symptoms of anemia such as fatigue, & weakness are seen.
2) Vit. B12 deficiency causes lower extremity spastic weakness & paraplegia
Inv.: 1) Hemogram: Pancytopenia may be seen. Hb, & PCV - Low; Raised MCV; Normal
MCHC; Low reticulocyte count; Low Total WBC count; Low platelet count
2) Vit. B 12 deficiency: Low serum Vit.B12 levels; Elevated serum homocysteine &
methymalonic acid (MMA); Elevated MMA in urine.
3) Folic acid deficiency: Low serum or RBC folate levels; Raised serum homocysteine levels.
Aplastic Anemia
“Syndrome of chronic primary hematopoietic failure.”
Etiology: 1) Idiopathic - MC
2) Physical agents: Viral (EBV,CMV or unknown hepatitis virus); Whole body irradiation
3) Inherited: Fanconi anemia
4) Chemical agents: Alkylating agents, benzene or chloramphenicol
Pathogenesis: 1) Following exposure to environmental insults, stem cells may become
antigenically altered provoking cellular immune response.
2) Activated TH 1 cells produce IFN-g and TNF that suppress & kill hematopoietic
Bone marrow: Hypocellular marrow with only adipocytes, fibrous stroma & scattered
lymphocytes and plasma cells.
Peripheral smear: RBC: Slightly macrocytic
WBC: Leukopenia
Platelets: Thrombocytopenia
C/P: Weakness, pallor, dyspnea; Petechiae, ecchymosis; Fever. Splenomegaly is not seen.
Inv.: 1) Hemogram: Pancytopenia is seen. Hb, & PCV – Low; Low reticulocyte count; Low
total WBC count; Low platelet count.
2) Bone marrow aspiration & biopsy confirm the diagnosis.
Undergraduate Pathology Series 76
10 Marks
1) A 20 year old male presented with swelling of both knees and pain for the past one week.
He gives history of similar episodes earlier. He also gives history of excessive bleeding after
minor injuries. His maternal uncle has similar complaints and has been treated by repeated
blood transfusions following excessive bleeding episodes. (July, 2016)
Ans: Hemophilia A
2) An young boy came with the history of massive hemorrhage after trauma, recurrent
hemarthrosis in large joints, muscle hematomas and progressive deformities leading to
crippling. Some of the family members also suffered with identical clinical manifestations.
(Aug. 2010)
a) What is the provisional diagnosis?
b) Discuss various laboratory investigations to confirm the diagnosis.
Ans: Hemophilia A
3) A male child presented with recurrent painful hemarthrosis and hematomas. History of
bleeding in male relatives on the maternal side of the family was available. (March/April,
a) What is the probable diagnosis?
b) Describe the inheritance of the disease.
c) Describe the lab. diagnosis of the disease.
d) Mention the complications following the therapy.
Ans: Hemophilia A
4) A 13 year old boy came to the hospital with painful left elbow following mild trauma few
days ago. Past history of bleeding gums given. His elder brother also had similar problem.
(March/April, 2005)
Ans: Hemophilia A
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5) 20 years old young man came with the history of massive hemorrhage after trauma,
recurrent hemarthrosis, progressive deformities leading to crippling with same type
manifestations in some of the family members. What is the probable diagnosis? Mention
various laboratory investigations with findings to make a final diagnosis. (Sep. 2003)
Ans: Hemophilia A
4 Marks
1) Tabulate the differences between hemophilia A & von Willebrand disease. (July, 2017)
2) Von Willebrand disease. (Jan. 2015)
3) von Willebrand disease. (Jan. 2012)
4) Immune thrombocytopenia. (May, 2007)
2 Marks
Prothrombin Time
Use: To assess the extrinsic and common coagulation pathways.
Principle: The clotting of plasma is measured after addition of an exogenous source of tissue
thromboplastin and calcium ions.
Causes of prolonged PT: Liver disease; Vit. K deficiency; Treatment with oral
anticoagulants; DIC.
Reference range: 11-16 sec.
Bleeding Time
Use: To assess primary hemostasis.
Principle: A superficial skin incision is made and the time required for bleeding to stop is
Methods: Ivy’s, Duke’s and template methods.
Causes of prolonged bleeding time: Thrombocytopenia; Disorders of platelet function; von
Willebrand disease; Disorders of blood vessels.
Reference range (Ivy’s method): 2-7 min.
4 Marks
2 Marks
Transfusion Medicine
2 Marks
4 Marks
2 Marks
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4 Marks
2 Marks
Clinically significant hypertension: Sustained diastolic pressures >90mm Hg or sustained
systolic pressures >140mm Hg.
I) Essential or primary - MC
Etiology: Idiopathic
1) Genetic factors: Polymorphisms in vasomotor tone or blood volume regulation.
2) Reduced renal sodium excretion, increases fluid volume & BP
3) Environmental factors: Stress, obesity, smoking, physical inactivity, heavy salt
4) Increased vascular resistance with vasoconstriction or structural changes in vessel walls.
II) Secondary - Rare
Etiology: Known underlying cause.
1) Renal: Renal artery stenosis, chronic renal disease
2) Endocrine: Pheochromocytoma, Cushing syndrome, Conn syndrome
3) Cardiovascular: Coarcation of aorta; Polyarteritis nodosa
Morphology: 1) Hyaline arteriolosclerosis: Homogenous, pink, hyaline thickening of
arteriolar walls with luminal narrowing. Seen with benign hypertension.
2) Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis: Concentric, laminated (onion-skin) thickening of
arteriolar walls with luminal narrowing. Seen with severe hypertension.
C/P: Asymptomatic (MC).
Comp.: Aortic dissection, atherosclerosis, stroke, hypertensive heart disease, renal failure.
“A form of arteriosclerosis, characterized by intimal lesions such as atheromatous plaques.”
Site: Large elastic arteries (aorta, carotid, & iliac arteries) and large & medium sized
muscular arteries (coronary & popliteal arteries)
Major risk factors:
I) Modifiable: Cigarette smoking, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, & hyperlipidemia.
II) Non-modifiable (Constitutional): Male gender, advanced age, & family history (e.g.,
familial hypercholesterolemia).
Others: Inflammation; Hyperhomocystinemia; Metabolic syndrome; Liprotein a
1) Endothelial injury & dysfunction, causing increased vascular permeability, leukocyte
adhesion, and thrombosis.
2) Accumulation of lipoproteins, mainly LDL & its oxidized forms in the vessel wall.
3) Monocyte adhesion to the endothelium, followed by migration into the intima and
transformation into macrophages & foam cells.
4) Platelet adhesion
5) Smooth muscle cell recruitment with factors released from activated platelets &
macrophages & transformation into foam cells.
6) Smooth muscle cell proliferation, extracellular matrix production, & recruitment of T cells.
7) Lipid accumulation both intracellularly & extracellularly.
I) Fatty streak: Earliest stage
Gross Flat, yellow intimal elongated streaks
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Def.: Localized abnormal dilation of a blood vessel or the heart.
True aneurysms: Involve all the 3 layers of artery or the thinned wall of the heart.
e.g., Atherosclerotic, syphilitic, & ventricular aneurysms
Pseudo aneurysms or False aneurysms: Extravascular hematoma communicating with the
intravascular space following a wall defect. E.g., Ventricular rupture
Classification: 1) Saccular aneurysms: Spherical discrete outpouchings involving only a
portion of the vessel wall. They vary in diameter & often contain thrombus.
2) Fusiform aneurysms: Circumferential diffuse dilations involving a long vascular
segment. They vary in diameter & length. MC sites: Aortic arch, abdominal aorta.
Etiology: 1) Congenital: Berry aneurysms
2) Acquired: Atherosclerosis & hypertension (MC); Trauma; Vasculitis; Infection (Mycotic
Pathogenesis: 1) Inadequate or abnormal connective tissue synthesis (e.g., Marfan syndrome;
Ehlers Danlos syndrome)
2) Excessive connective tissue degradation (e.g., Atherosclerosis)
3) Loss of smooth muscle cells or change in smooth muscle cell synthesis with cystic medial
degeneration (e.g., Atherosclerosis; Hypertension)
Aortic Dissection
“Formation of a blood-filled channel within the aortic wall by separating the laminar planes
of media.”
1) Hypertension (MC): Seen in males aged 40 – 60yrs
2) Connective tissue disorders (Marfan syndrome) in younger adults
3) Iatrogenic
Pathogenesis: Intimal tear leads to blood dissecting laminar planes of media (anterograde or
retrograde) causing intramural hematoma.
Morphology: 1) Cystic medial degeneration is the most frequent pre-existing lesion.
2) Intimal tear is transverse with sharp, jagged edges.
3) Intramural dissecting hematoma between middle & outer thirds (MC).
4) Absent inflammation.
1) Proximal lesions (Type A dissections): Most common.
Involve ascending aorta with descending aorta (DeBakey type I) or ascending aorta only
(DeBakey type II).
2) Distal lesions (Type B dissections): Begin distal to the subclavian artery without the
involvement of ascending part (DeBakey type III).
C/P: Sudden pain in the anterior chest, radiating to the back.
Comp.: Rupture, cardiac tamponade, aortic insufficiency
10 Marks
1) A 59-year old man is admitted with history of chest pain of half hour duration. Pain was in
the precordial area with radiation in the left arm. Pain was severe in nature and was
accompanied by vomiting. ECG showed ST segment elevation with T wave inversion. (July,
2) A 68-year old man presented with left sided chest pain of one hour duration. Pain is
radiating to the left arm. ECG demonstrated ST segment elevation with T wave inversion.
(Jan. 2016)
3) 60 year old male presented with substernal pain radiating to the arms, sweating and
dyspnoea. (July, 2011)
4) An adult male patient having coarctation of the aorta and periodontal infection with habit
of vigorous brushing of teeth came to the hospital with fever and anemia. On examination
there are crops of petechiae over the skin, subungual hemorrhages, small tender cutaneous
nodules, pain in the splenic region and retinal hemorrhages. Urine examination showed
hematuria. (March, 2010)
5) 35 year old female with history of pharyngitis 1 month back, now presented with
migratory polyarthritis and carditis. (Feb. 2009)
6) A 9 year old girl with history of recurrent fever, upper respiratory tract infection, arthritis,
involuntary purposeless movements of limbs was admitted with edema of feet and
breathlessness. (May, 2006)
7) 10 years old female with the H/O recurrent fever, upper respiratory tract infection and
arthritis inter ECG abnormalities. Discuss about the causes and come to correct diagnosis.
(Oct/Nov. 2002)
4 Marks
2 Marks
Tetralogy of Fallot
“MC cyanotic congenital heart disease with right to left shunt.”
Features: 1) VSD 2) Overriding aorta 3) Right ventricular out flow tract obstruction 4) Right
ventricular hypertrophy (RVH)
Morphology: 1) Enlarged boot shaped heart with RVH
2) Aortic valve at the superior border of large VSD
3) Subpulmonic stenosis
4) Hypoplastic pulmonary arteries
5) Large overriding aorta
C/P: Early cyanosis; Clubbing of digits; Polycythemia; Paradoxical embolism
C/P: Chest pain for >30 min, crushing or squeezing in nature. Rapid, weak pulse;
Diaphoresis; Nausea & vomiting; Dyspnea.
Inv.: I) Cardiac markers: Cardiac specific troponins (T & I); CK-MB(mass); Myoglobin
1) Within 3 – 12 hrs CK-MB, Troponin T & I are elevated.
2) CK-MB & Troponin I peak at 24 hrs.
3) CK-MB returns to normal in 48-72 hrs, troponin I in 5-10 days & troponin T in 5 to 14
4) Myoglobin rises within 1-3 hrs, peak at 6-9 hr & return to normal in 24 hrs.
II) ECG: 1) ST elevation is seen with transmural infarct
2) No ST elevation seen with subendocardial infarct
3) Nonspecific changes are seen with microinfarctions
Comp.: Cardiogenic shock; Arrhythmias; Myocardial rupture; Ventricular aneurysm;
Pericarditis; Cardiac failure
1) Mitral valve: Shows leaflet thickening, commissural fusion and shortening, & thickening
and fusion of the corda tendinae. Mitral stenosis seen as ‘fish mouth’ or ‘buttonhole’ stenosis.
2) Mac Callum plaques: Irregular thickenings in left atrium induced by subendocardial
3) Left atrium shows progressive dilation with mural thrombus formation.
4) Right ventricular hypertrophy is seen in late stages.
Micro: Valves show post-inflammatory neovascularization & transmural fibrosis
C/P: 1) Acute rheumatic Carditis: Pericardial friction rubs, tachycardia, and arrhythmias.
2) Chronic RHD: Murmurs; Cardiac hypertrophy & dilation; Heart failure & arrhythmias.
Jones criteria: I) Major: Migratory polyarthritis of the large joints; Pancarditis;
Subcutaneous nodules; Erythema marginatum of the skin; Sydenham chorea
II) Minor: Fever; Arthralgia; Elevated acute phase reactants in blood
Diagnosis: Evidence of a preceding Group A streptococcal infection, with 2 major or 1 major
& 2 minor manifestations.
Inv.: Pharyngeal cultures; Antibodies to streptococcal enzymes (streptolysin O & DNase B)
Comp.: Thromboembolic complications & infective endocarditis.
Morphology: 1) Single or multiple, friable, bulky & destructive vegetations are seen
involving one or more valves (MC-Mitral or aortic valves).
2) Vegetations are composed of fibrin, inflammatory cells & microbes.
3) Ring abscesses may be formed in acute IE with myocardial erosion.
4) Subacute IE shows healing with granulation tissue & fibrosis.
C/P: Fever, chills, weakness, fatigue, loss of weight & a flu like syndrome; Murmurs.
Comp.: Splinter or subungual hemorrhages;
Janeway lesions (Erythematous or hemorrhagic nontender lesions on the palms or soles);
Osler nodes (Subcutaneous tender nodules in the pulp of digits);
Roth spots (Retinal hemorrhages); Glomerulonephritis; Arrhythmias; Septic infarcts
Diagnosis: Biopsy; Blood culture; Echocardiography
Refresh Pathology, 1st Edition - Dr. Shiva M.D. 93
“Thrombi on heart valves are called vegetations, which can be infected or sterile.”
Disorders with vegetations:
1) Rheumatic heart disease (RHD)
i) Gross: Small warty vegetations are seen along the lines of closure of the valve leaflets.
ii) Micro: Fibrinoid necrosis within the cusps or tendinous cords with overlying infected
iii) Deforming fibrotic valvular disease is associated.
10 Marks
1) A 55 year old lady presents with breathlessness and cough for the past 2 weeks. She gives
history of loss of weight and tiredness for past 6 months. X-ray chest revealed a massive
pleural effusion on the left side. CT scan showed a nodular mass which is peripherally
located in the left lung. CT guided biopsy of the mass showed, large cells with pleomorphic
nuclei and prominent nucleoli, arranged in a glandular pattern. (Jan. 2015)
2) A male aged 60 years who is a chronic smoker presented with history of slowly increasing
severe exertional dyspnoea and weight loss. He is barrel-chested and dyspneic with
prolonged expiration, sits forward in a hunched-over position and breaths through pursed
lips. (Jan. 2014)
Ans: Emphysema
Ans: Emphysema
4) 60 years old man habituated to tobacco smoking came with history of cough, hemoptysis,
dyspnoea, loss of weight, severe pain in the distribution of the ulnar nerve and Horner’s
syndrome. Mention various laboratory investigations to make a final diagnosis. Describe the
pathology of the lesion. (Sep. 2003)
4 Marks
1) Classify pneumonia. What are the stages of lobar pneumonia? (July, 2017)
2) Pathogenesis of bronchial asthma. (July, 2016)
3) Asbestosis. (Jan. 2016)
4) Morphology of lobar pneumonia and complications. (July, 2015)
5) What are the types of pneumonia; write about the morphology of lobar pneumonia and its
complications. (July/Aug. 2014)
6) Lobar pneumonia. (July, 2013)
7) Etiopathogenesis of emphysema. (Jan. 2013)
8) Morphology of lobar pneumonia. (Jan. 2012)
9) Bronchiectasis. (July, 2011)
10) Gross and microscopic picture of lobar pneumonia. (Aug. 2010)
11) Mesothelioma. (Aug. 2009)
12) Asbestosis. (Feb. 2009)
13) Stages of lobar pneumonia. (Oct. 2008)
14) Bronchiectasis. (March/April, 2008)
15) Asbestosis. (May, 2006)
16) Lung abscess. (May, 2006)
17) Broncho pneumonia. (Oct. 2005)
18) Bronchiectasis. (March/April, 2005)
19) Emphysema-Definition, types & etiology. (Oct. 2004)
20) Lung abscess. (April/May, 2004)
21) Lung abscess. (March/April, 2003)
22) Emphysema. (Oct/Nov. 2002)
2 Marks
Def.: Irreversible enlargement of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchiole.
1) Centriacinar (centrilobular): MC form; Central or proximal parts of acini are affected.
Associated with smoking. MC in the upper lobes.
2) Panacinar (panlobular): Entire acinus is affected. Associated with alfa 1 anti trypsin
deficiency. MC in lower zones of lungs
3) Distal acinar (paraseptal): Distal portion of acinus is affected. Seen with spontaneous
pneumothorax in young adults. Seen adjacent to the pleura, along the lobular connective
tissue septa.
4) Irregular: Irregular involvement of acinus. Associated with scarring.
Etiology: 1) Cigarette smoking 2) Alfa 1-anti trypsin deficiency
1) Inflammatory mediators: Epithelial cells & inflammatory cells release mediators (LTB4,
IL-8, TNF) which further amplify inflammatory process & induce structural changes.
2) Protease-antiprotease imbalance: Release of several proteases from inflammatory cells
& epithelial cells with relative deficiency of antiproteases results in tissue damage.
3) Oxidative stress: Oxidants produced from inflammatory cells, substances in tobacco
smoke causing tissue damage
4) Infection: Bacterial or viral infections may exacerbate the associated inflammation.
Morphology: Gross Voluminous lungs; C/S: large alveoli
Micro. Thin septa separates abnormally large alveoli with only focal centriacinar fibrosis;
Decrease in capillary bed area.
C/P: Dyspnea, cough, wheezing, weight loss; Patient is barrel-chested, sits forward in a
hunched-over position, and breathes through pursed lips.
Comp.: Cor pulmonale, congestive cardiac failure
Causes of death: Coronary artery disease; Respiratory failure; Right-sided heart failure
“It is a chronic relapsing inflammatory disorder, characterized by paroxysmal reversible
I) Atopic asthma: MC type
Age: Childhood
Family history: Positive
Stimuli: Environmental allergens (pollen, dusts, animal dander & foods)
Evidence of allergen sensitization: Present
Aggravating factors: Respiratory viral infections
Associations: Allergic rhinitis & eczema
Mechanism: Type I hypersensitivity reaction
Pathogenesis: Immune responses to environmental allergens in genetically predisposed
individuals cause atopic asthma.
1) Genetic susceptibility: Individuals with IL-13 gene polymorphisms are at greater risk.
2) Environmental factors: Exposure to airborne pollutants play a crucial role.
3) Immune responses:
i) Exaggerated TH2 response is seen with secretion of cytokines (IL-4, IL-5, IL-13) that
promote inflammation & stimulate IgE production from B cells.
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ii) IgE binds to the Fc receptors on submucosal mast cells, and repeat exposure to allergen
trigger the mast cells to release granule contents & produce various mediators.
iii) Early-phase reaction: Bronchoconstriction, increased mucus production, vasodilation &
increased vascular permeability are seen.
Mediators & effects:
a) Leukotrienes C4, D4 & E4: Bronchoconstriction, increased vascular permeability &
increased mucus secretion.
b) Acetylcholine: Constriction of airway smooth muscle
c) Histamine: Bronchoconstriction
c) Prostaglandin D2: Bronchoconstriction & vasodilation
d) Platelet-activating factor: Platelet aggregation
iv) Late-phase reaction: Recruitment of leukocytes, eosinophils, neutrophils & T
lymphocytes is seen.
Gross Lungs are overinflated with patchy atelectasis & mucus plugging of airways.
Micro. 1) Whorled mucus plugs (Curschmann spirals) & cystalloid eosinophil granular
debris (Charcot-Leyden crystals) deposit in airways.
2) Airways remodelling is seen with subbasement membrane fibrosis, an increase in the size
of submucosal glands & no. of airway goblet cells and hypertrophy &/or hyperplasia of the
bronchial muscle.
C/P: 1) Recurrent episodes of chest tightness, wheezing, dyspnoea, & cough particularly at
night and/or in the early morning.
2) Acute severe asthma (status asthmaticus): It is a state of unremitting attacks which may
lead to cyanosis and death.
Inv.: 1) Eosinophilia
2) Finding of eosinophils, Curschmann spirals, & Charcot-Leyden crystals in the sputum.
3) High total serum IgE levels in atopic asthma
“Permanent dilation of bronchi & bronchioles with destruction of smooth muscle and elastic
Site: Lower lobes (B/L)
Etiology: Infections ( Bacterial, viral or fungal); Bronchial obstruction (Tumor, foreign
body); Hereditary conditions (Cystic fibrosis, Kartagener syndrome); Idiopathic
Pathogenesis: Obstruction & infection are the major contributing factors. Obstruction leads
to retention of secretions resulting in secondary infections with inflammation. Severe
infections cause necrosis and destruction of smooth muscle and elastic tissue.
Morphology: Gross Cystic dilated airways with mucopurulent secretions
Micro. Bronchi & bronchioles show inflammatory exudates with necrosis. Chronicity shows
fibrosis of the walls of bronchi & bronchioles.
C/P: Persistent cough with foul smelling sputum; Dyspnea, orthopnea or hemoptysis may be
Comp.: Cor pulmonale, brain abscess, amyloidosis
Undergraduate Pathology Series 98
It is characterized by pulmonary interstitial fibrosis with an exposure to asbestos.
Asbestos is a family of fibrous silicates. It occurs in 2 geometric forms, serpentine (flexible,
curved) & amphibole (straight, stiff). Amphiboles are more pathogenic than serpentine fibers.
Site: Begins usually in lower lobes & subpleurally
Risk factor: Smoking
1) Amphiboles reach the deep lung, where they can penetrate the epithelial cells and reach
the Interstitium.
2) Macrophages ingest inhaled fibers, leading to inflammasome activation and production of
mediators (fibrogenic growth factors & cytokines).
3) Long term deposition of fibers & persistent release of mediators lead to generalized
interstitial pulmonary inflammation and interstitial fibrosis.
Morphology: 1) Diffuse interstitial fibrosis: Fibrosis cause enlarged air spaces enclosed
within thick fibrous walls, giving a honeycomb pattern to the affected regions
2) Asbestos bodies: Ingested fibres coated by iron-containing proteinaceous material to form
characteristic, golden brown beaded, dumbbell-shaped fibers.
3) Ferruginous bodies: Other inorganic particulates encrusted with iron.
C/P: Dyspnea; Productive cough may be present
Comp.: Respiratory failure or cor pulmonale; Lung or pleural cancer
Inv.: Chest X-ray
Def.: Any infection of the lung parenchyma is known as pneumonia.
Classification: Community-acquired acute pneumonia; Health care-associated pneumonia;
Hospital-acquired pneumonia; Aspiration pneumonia; Chronic pneumonia
I) Bronchopneumonia
Patchy consolidation of lung, often multilobar and frequently B/L & basal.
Morphology: Gross Lesions are slightly elevated, dry, granular, gray-red to yellow
Micro. Suppurative inflammatory exudate filling bronchi, bronchioles and adjacent alveoli.
C/P: High fever with chills, weight loss, cough with mucopurulent sputum
Comp.: Lung abscess; Empyema; Endocarditis; Meningitis
Lung Abscess
Organisms: Streptococci & Staph. aureus
Predisposing conditions: Oropharyngeal surgical or dental procedure; Sinobronchial
infections; Bronchiectasis
Routes of spread: Aspiration of infective material (acute alcoholism, coma); Antecedent
primary lung infection (A. aureus, K. pneumoniae); Septic embolism (Infective endocarditis);
Post obstructive pneumonia (Tumors).
Gross Single or multiple abscesses, varying in size & may affect any part of lung.
Micro. Suppurative inflammation with liquefactive necrosis is seen. In chronic cases, a
fibrous wall is seen with fibroblast proliferation.
C/P: Cough with foul smelling sputum, fever, chest pain, weight loss, & clubbing of digits
Comp.: Brain abscess, meningitis, amyloidosis
Lung Carcinoma
MC primary tumor of lung. MC cause of cancer mortality.
Age: 40-70yrs
Classification: 1) Adenocarcinoma 2) Squamous cell carcinoma 3) Large cell carcinoma 4)
Neuroendocrine carcinoma (small cell carcinoma; Carcinoid tumor) 5) Mixed carcinomas
(Adenosquamous carcinoma)
Risk factors: Tobacco smoking (major); Exposure to ionizing radiation, asbestos, &
uranium; Air pollution.
I) Adenocarcinoma
Age: <45yrs
Sex: F>M
Genetic alterations: Gain of function mutations of EGFR & KRAS
Precursors: Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia; Adenocarcinoma in situ
Gross: Gray-white, firm peripheral tumor
Micro.: Glandular differentiation with desmoplasia. Different patterns of growth such as
acinar, papillary or mucinous are seen.
Malignant Mesothelioma
“Primary malignant tumor of pleura.”
Origin: Mesothelial cells lining visceral or parietal pleura
Risk factor: Asbestos exposure
Genetic alterations: Deletion of tumor suppressor gene INK4a
Morphology: Gross Soft, gelatinous, grayish pink mass ensheathing the lung.
Micro. 1) Epithelioid type: Cuboidal, columnar or flattened cells forming tubular or
papillary structures.
2) Sarcomatoid type: Spindle shaped cells are seen in sheets
3) Mixed (Biphasic) type: Both epithelioid and sarcomatoid patterns are seen.
C/P: Chest pain, dyspnea, recurrent pleural effusions
Metastasis: Hilar lymph nodes, liver
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4 Marks
2 Marks
“Precancerous lesion of oral cavity.” A white patch or plaque that cannot be scraped off and
cannot be characterized clinically or pathologically as any other disease.
Age: 40 – 70yrs
Sex: M>F
Risk factor: Tobacco usage
Site: Buccal mucosa, floor of mouth, ventral surface of tongue.
Morphology: Gross Solitary or multiple white patches or plaques.
Micro. Spectrum of epithelial changes such as hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, dysplasia or CIS.
Comp.: Squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity
10 Marks
1) An elderly male presented with history of bleeding per rectum, altered bowel habits, loss
of appetite, loss of weight and crampy lower quadrant discomfort in the abdomen.
Hematological evaluation revealed iron deficiency anemia. What is your diagnosis? (Feb.
2) A 58 year old male labourer presented with history of epigastric pain occurring
immediately and sometimes within two hours of taking food. The pain relieved by vomiting.
He had good appetite but afraid to eat and used to take bland diet. There is significant loss of
body weight and deep tenderness present in the midline of epigastrium. (Jan. 2012)
3) A 48 years old male presented with weight loss, anorexia, vomiting and mass in the
epigastric region. On investigation, he was detected to have rigid, thickened leather bottle
stomach and a space occupying lesion in the liver. (Sep/Oct. 2007)
4) A 50 year old businessman complained of burning pain in the upper abdomen and
retrosternal region for a long time. The pain worsened at nights and occurred 3 hours after
meals. Pain was relieved with food. (Oct. 2004)
4 Marks
2 Marks
Barrett Esophagus
Age: 40-60s
Classification: Long segment – 3cm or more; Short segment - < 3 cm
Risk factor: Chronic GERD
Morphology: Gross One or several patches of red velvety mucosa extending upward from
grastroesophageal junction.
Micro. Intestinal type metaplasia: Columnar epithelium with goblet cells replacing
esophageal squamous epithelium.
Inv.: Endoscopy; Biopsy
Comp.: Dysplasia; Esophageal adenocarcinoma
Gastric Adenocarcinoma
“MC malignancy of the stomach.”
Site: Antrum (MC)
Types: Intestinal type & diffuse type
Sex: Intestinal type – M>F; Diffuse type – M=F
Risk factors: Geographic influences (MC in Japan); Low socioeconomic status; Carcinogens
Precursor conditions: Gastric dysplasia & adenoma for intestinal type
Etiology: Sporadic or hereditary
Genetic alterations:
1) Diffuse type: Loss of function mutations in gene CDH1, which encodes E-cadherin
2) Intestinal type: Loss of function mutations involving APC gene & gain of function
mutations involving gene encoding beta-catenin.
Undergraduate Pathology Series 106
Causative agent: Entamoeba histolytica (protozoan)
Route of transmission: Fecal-oral
Sites: Caecum & ascending colon
Pathogenesis: After reaching colon, cysts colonize the epithelial surface & release
trophozoites. They attach to the colonic epithelium, invade crypts & burrow laterally into the
lamina propria. Ulcers are formed as a result of tissue damage.
Morphology: Gross Flask shaped ulcers are seen with narrow neck & broad base
Micro. Extensive liquefactive necrosis with few inflammatory cells.
C/P: Abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea & weight loss
Comp.: Ameobic liver abscess; Acute necrotizing colitis; Megacolon
Inv.: Intestinal biopsy; Stool exam.
Ulcerative Colitis
Sites: Colon & rectum
Gross 1) Mucosa may appear red & granular or with extensive, broad-based ulcers aligned
along the long axis of intestine.
2) Diffuse involvement is seen with no skip lesions.
3) Isolated islands of regenerating mucosa (pseudopolyps) seen bulging into the lumen, with
their tips may be joined to form mucosal bridges.
4) Mucosal atrophy is seen in late stages, with a flat & smooth surface.
5) Mural thickening is not present & the serosal surface is normal.
6) No stricture formation seen.
7) Colonic dilation & toxic megacolon may be seen.
Micro. 1) Inflammatory process is diffuse and limited to mucosa & superficial submucosa.
2) Inflammatory infiltrates, crypt abscesses, crypt distortion, & pseudopyloric epithelial
metaplasia are seen.
3) Ulcers may be seen limited by muscularis.
4) Submucosal fibrosis, mucosal atrophy and distorted mucosal architecture are seen late.
5) No granulomas seen.
C/P: Attacks of bloody diarrhea with stringy, mucoid material, lower abdominal pain, &
Extraintestinal manifestations: Migratory polyarthritis, sacroiliitis, ankylosing spondylitis,
uveitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis.
Comp.: Carcinoma of colon
Undergraduate Pathology Series 108
Adenocarcinoma of Colon
“MC malignancy of the GIT.”
Risk factors: 1) Advancing age: Peak incidence at 60-70yrs
2) Geographic influences: High incidence in North America
3) Dietary factors: Low intake of unabsorbable vegetable fiber & high intake of refined
corbohydrates and fat.
Precursors: Inflammatory bowel disease; Colonic adenomas; Peutz-Jeghers syndrome;
Juvenile polyposis
Etiology: Sporadic or familial. Familial cases such as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)
& HNPCC are seen with autosomal dominant transmission.
Genetic alterations:
I) Adenoma-carcinoma sequence:
1) It involves mutations in gene APC causing activation of APC/beta-catenin pathway.
2) With loss of APC function, beta-catenin accumulates & activates genes MYC and cyclin
D1, which promote proliferation.
3) Alterations of TGF-beta signaling with loss of function mutations in genes encoding
SMAD2 & SMAD4 may allow unrestrained cell growth.
4) Activating mutations in KRAS, promote growth & prevent apoptosis.
5) Loss of function mutations in TP53 causing chromosomal instability.
II) Microsatellite instability:
1) With DNA mismatch repair deficiency, mutations accumulate in microsatellite repeats.
2) Mutations of genes encoding type II TGF-beta receptor leads to uncontrolled cell growth
3) Mutations of genes encoding pro-apoptotic protein BAX leads to its loss, enhancing the
survival of genetically abnormal clones.
III) CpG island hypermethylation phenotype (CIMP):
1) Seen with a subset of microsatellite unstable colon cancers without mutations in DNA
mismatch repair enzymes.
2) Hypermethylation of MLH1 promoter region reduces its expression & repair function.
3) Activating mutations in the oncogene BRAF, promote cell proliferation.
Gross 1) Proximal colon cancers form polypoid exophytic masses
2) Distal colon cancers present as annular lesions, that produce napkin-ring constrictions.
Micro. 1) Well differentiated to poorly differentiated adenocarcinomas
2) Desmoplastic response is seen
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3) Some tumors may be seen with signet-ring cells or display neuroendocrine differentiation.
C/P: 1) Right-sided colon cancers: Fatigue & weakness due to iron deficiency anemia.
2) Left-side colon cancers: Occult bleeding, changes in bowel habits or cramping.
Metastasis: Regional LNs; Liver (MC); Lungs; Bone
10 Marks
1) A 43 year old male, chronic alcoholic dies after a bout of profuse hematemesis. (Jan. 2011)
a) What is the probable diagnosis?
b) Describe the morphological changes in the target organ involved.
c) Write the sequential events that have led to death.
2) A 50 year old chronic alcoholic was admitted with distended abdomen and hematemesis.
He appears emaciated and has altered sensorium. (May, 2006)
a) What is the provisional diagnosis?
b) What is the gross and microscopic picture of the involved organ?
c) Mention the complications.
3) A 50 year old chronic alcoholic developed ascites with history of repeated bouts of
hematemesis and bleeding from rectum, admitted with coma and died. Scan showed shrunken
liver and splenomegaly. (April/May, 2004)
a) What is the probable diagnosis?
b) Mention the reasons in support of your diagnosis.
c) Describe the pathology of liver and spleen.
4 Marks
2 Marks
Etiology: Chronic hepatitis B, Chronic hepatitis C, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,
alcoholic liver disease
1) Loss of hepatocytes with injury either by necrosis or apoptosis
2) Restoration of lost parenchyma is by regeneration, proliferation of residual cells or by stem
cell activation & differentiation to hepatocytes
3) Scarring is seen with fibrosis mediated by myofibroblasts derived from stellate cells.
PDGF, TGF-beta, IL-1 & TNF are involved.
4) Vascular derangement is seen as vascular shunting due to smooth muscle contraction of
blood vessels, contraction of myofibroblasts & compression of sinusoids.
Morphology: Gross Surface is seen with nodules of varying size.
Morphologic classification:
1) Micronodular cirrhosis: Nodules are of <3mm in diameter.
2) Macronodular cirrhosis: Nodules are of >3mm in diameter..
3) Mixed cirrhosis: Both micronodular & macronodular patterns are seen.
C/S – Gray-brown nodules are separated from one another by gray-white fibrous sepata.
Micro. Regenerative parenchymal nodules surrounded by fibrous bands & variable degrees
of vascular shunting.
C/P: 1) Asymptomatic
2) Non-specific manifestations such as, anorexia, weight loss, & weakness.
3) Jaundice with pruritus, encephalopathy & coagulopathy
4) Palmar erythema & spider angiomas of skin in males
5) Hypogonadism & gynecomastia in males
1) Portal hypertension with clinical consequences
i) Ascites
ii) Portosystemic shunts manifesting as hemorrhoids, esophagogastric varices & caput
iii) Congestive splenomegaly with hypersplenism may cause pancytopenia.
iv) Hepatic encephalopathy
2) Hepatocellular carcinoma
Causes of death: Hepatic encephalopathy, bleeding from esophageal varices, bacterial
infections & hepatocellular carcinoma.
Viral Hepatitis
I) Acute viral hepatitis
Gross Liver appears normal or slightly mottled with mild disease. Shrinkage of liver may be
seen with severe cases.
Micro 1) Most parenchymal injury is seen scattered throughout the hepatic lobule as spotty
necrosis or lobular hepatitis.
2) Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate is seen.
3) Portal inflammation is minimal or absent.
4) Severe cases show confluent necrosis of hepatocytes around central veins leading to
central-portal bridging necrosis & parenchymal collapse.
Diagnosis: 1) HAV: Detection of serum IgM antibodies
2) HBV: Detection of HBsAg or antibody to HBcAg; PCR for HBV DNA
3) HCV: Anti-HCV antibodies; PCR for HCV RNA
4) HDV: Detection of IgM & IgG antibodies; HDV RNA in serum
5) HEV: Detection of IgM & IgG antibodies; PCR for HEV RNA
Fate: Recovery; Fulminant hepatitis
Liver Abscess
Site: Right lobe of liver (MC)
Cause: Bacteria (MC) (e.g., E.coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas)
Risk factors: Old age; Immunosuppression (AIDS); Chemotherapy
Routes of spread:
1) Hematogenous spread
2) Ascending infection in biliary tract
3) Direct infection
4) Iatrogenic
Morphology: Gross Hepatomegaly with single or multiple abscesses of varying size.
Micro. Abscesses are seen with pus containing liquefactive necrosis and dead neutrophils.
Reparative mechanisms are seen in the surrounding area.
C/P: Pain in the right upper quadrant, fever, tender hepatomegaly & jaundice may be seen.
Undergraduate Pathology Series 114
Inv.: Elevated serum alpha fetoprotein levels; Radiological (USG; CT; MRI).
Causes of death: Cachexia; GIT or esophageal variceal bleeding; Hepatic coma
Metastasis: Lungs
10 Marks
1) A 48 years old male was admitted with acute abdominal pain following a heavy meal. He
is an alcoholic. (Oct. 2005)
a) What is the probable diagnosis?
b) What important investigations will support your diagnosis?
c) What is the pathology in the organ involved?
4 Marks
Acute Pancreatitis
“Reversible pancreatic parenchymal injury associated with inflammation”
Etiology: Alcoholism, gall stones, hypercalcemia, trauma, shock, mumps, medications
(azathioprine), hereditary pancreatitis (mutations in trypsinogen gene (PRSS1)).
I) Mechanisms of inappropriate activation of pancreatic enzymes:
1) Pancreatic duct obstruction causes inflammation and interstitial edema, leading to
ischemic injury to acinar cells.
2) Primary acinar cell injury causes release of digestive enzymes & inflammation leading to
autodigestion of pancreas mediated by oxidative stress & increased calcium flux.
II) Consequences of inappropriate intrapancreatic activation of trypsin:
1) Activation of prophospholipase & proelastase, which degrade fat cells & damage elastic
fibres of blood vessels, respectively.
2) Activation of kinin, clotting & complement systems cause inflammation & small-vessel
thromboses leading to acinar damage.
Morphology: 1) Acute interstitial pancreatitis (Mild form):
Gross Enlarged pancreas
Micro. Mild inflammation, interstitial edema, & foci of fat necrosis.
2) Acute necrotizing pancreatitis (Severe form):
Gross Pancreas appears red-black with yellowish –white foci.
Micro. Parenchymal necrosis with hemorrhage & fat necrosis.
3) Hemorrhagic pancreatitis (Most severe form): Extensive parenchymal necrosis with
severe hemorrhage.
C/P: Abdominal pain; Anorexia, nausea & vomiting.
Inv.: Elevated serum levels of amylase & lipase, leukocytosis, hypocalcemia; CT scan.
Comp.: ARDS; ARF; Shock; Pancreatic pseudocyst.
Undergraduate Pathology Series 118
10 Marks
1) A 60 year old male having fever and weight loss presented with painless hematuria, flank
pain and palpable mass in the left renal angle. CT scan confirmed a specific organ mass
lesion, regional lymph nodes and renal vein involvement. Chest radiography showed
pulmonary “cannonball” secondaries and his PCV is of 60%. (Jan. 2013)
2) A 40 year old female patient presented with clinical manifestations of massive proteinuria,
hypoalbuminemia, generalised edema with hyperlipidemia and lipiduria. (Aug. 2009)
3) A 8 year old boy was admitted with malaise, fever, oliguria, cocoa-coloured urine 2 weeks
after recovery from sore throat. On examination, he was found to have peri orbital oedema
and moderate hypertension. (March/April, 2008)
4 Marks
1) Give the gross and microscopic findings in a case of chronic pyelonephritis. (July, 2017)
2) Morphology of renal cell carcinoma. (July, 2016)
3) Kidney lesions in hypertension. (Jan. 2016)
4) Etiopathogenesis of chronic pyelonephritis. (Jan. 2015)
5) Name the types of renal lesions in diabetic nephropathy and describe the histology of
glomerular lesions. (Jan. 2014)
6) Wilms tumor. (July, 2013)
7) Renal cell carcinoma. (July, 2012)
8) Chronic pyelonephritis. (July, 2011)
9) Renal dysplasia. (Jan. 2011)
10) Chronic contracted granular kidney. (March, 2010)
11) Chronic pyelonephritis. (Feb. 2009)
12) Kidney changes in hypertension. (Sep/Oct. 2007)
13) Chronic pyelonephritis. (May, 2007)
14) Wilms tumour. (May, 2006 )
15) Gross and microscopic picture of chronic pyelonephritis. (May, 2006 )
16) Diabetic kidney. (Oct. 2005)
17) Renal changes in diabetes mellitus. (Oct. 2004)
18) Classification of glomerular diseases. (Oct/Nov. 2002)
2 Marks
Nephrotic Syndrome
Features: Massive proteinuria (3.5gm/day or more); Hypoalbuminemia (<3gm/dl);
Generalized edema; Hyperlipidemia & lipiduria
I) Primary glomerular disease: Minimal change disease; membranous nephropathy; FSGN;
II) Systemic diseases: Diabetes mellitus; Amyloidosis; SLE; Infections ( Hepatitis B & C)
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I) Edema: Increased permeability of glomerular capillary wall for protein causes massive
proteinuria leading to hypoalbuminemia. Decreased plasma oncotic pressure causes
development of edema (generalised & pitting)
II) Hyperlipidemia: Increased blood cholesterol, TGs, VLDL &LDL levels seen because of
increased synthesis by liver, decreased catabolism of lipids or abnormal transport of lipids
leads to lipiduria.
III) Infections: Loss of immunoglobulins in urine increases the risk of developing
staphylococcal & pneumococcal infections
IV) Thrombotic complications: Loss of endogenous anticoagulants in urine causes
increased risk for thrombotic complications.
Chronic Glomerulonephritis
It represents end-stage glomerular disease.
Etiology: Membranous nephropathy; MPGN; IgA nephropathy; FSGN
Morphology: Gross Symmetrically contracted kidneys with diffuse granular surface; C/S
shows thinned cortex with increase in peripelvic fat.
Micro: Obliterated glomeruli form acellular eosinophilic masses; Interstitium shows tubular
atrophy with mononuclear cell infiltration & fibrosis; Arteriolar sclerosis
C/P: Anorexia, anemia, vomiting; Hypertension, proteinuria or azotemia
Comp.: Renal insufficiency or death
Diabetic Nephropathy
It is the MC cause of chronic kidney failure.
Renal failure is the 2nd MC cause of death in diabetics.
I) Glomerular lesions:
1) Diffuse basement membrane thickening of glomerular capillaries.
2) Diffuse increase in mesangial matrix causes diffuse mesangial sclerosis.
3) Nodular glomerulosclerosis or Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease:
i) Ovoid or spherical, often laminated nodules of matrix seen situated in the periphery of the
glomerulus. They are PAS-positive lying within the mesangial core of the glomerular lobules.
ii) Prominent accumulations of hyaline material is seen in capillary loops (fibrin caps) or
adherent to Bowmen capsules (capsular drops).
iii) Enlarging nodules may compress and engulf capillaries, obliterating the glomerular tuft.
iv) Tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis follows renal ischemia.
II) Renal vascular lesions: Macrovascular disease manifests as renal atherosclerosis and
hyaline arteriolosclerosis affecting both afferent & efferent arterioles.
III) Pyelonephritis: Seen either in acute or chronic form with inflammation of interstitium &
tubules. Acute pyelonephritis may cause necrotizing papillitis (papillary necrosis).
C/P: Microalbuminuria (earliest manifestation), overt nephropathy with macroalbuminuria,
often accompanied by hypertension, and end-stage renal disease.
Undergraduate Pathology Series 122
Chronic Pyelonephritis
“Chronic inflammation affecting the tubules, Interstitium & renal pelvis.”
Predisposing factors: Vesicoureteral reflux & urinary tract obstruction
Etiology: Urinary tract infections (E.coli (MC), Proteus, Klebsiella, Enterobacter)
I) Reflux nephropathy: MC form, either U/L or B/L
Age: Childhood
Cause: Congenital vesicoureteral reflex & intrarenal reflex with superimposed infection.
II) Chronic obstructive pyelonephritis:
Cause: Diffuse or localized obstructive lesions, superimposed with infections.
Morphology: Gross
1) Irregularly scarred kidneys with asymmetrical involvement in B/L cases.
2) Coarse, discrete, corticomedullary scars overlying dilated, blunted or deformed calyces are
seen with flattening of the papillae.
3) Scarring usually involves poles of kidneys.
Micro. 1) Tubules are either atrophic or hypertrophic. Dilated tubules may be filled with
casts resembling colloid (thyroidisation).
2) Chronic interstitial inflammation & fibrosis are seen in the cortex & medulla.
C/P: Acute episodes present with back pain, fever, pyuria, & bacteriuria. Chronic disease
presents with renal insufficiency & hypertension.
Def.: Sclerosis of small renal arteries & arterioles with a strong association of hypertension
Risk factors: Advancing age; Diabetes mellitus; Hypertension
1) Luminal narrowing caused by medial & intimal thickening and hyalinization of vascular
walls leads to ischemia.
2) Ischemia result in glomerulosclerosis & chronic tubulointerstitial injury.
Gross: Kidneys are either normal or reduced in size. Cortical surfaces may exhibit fine,
leathery granularity.
1) Hyaline arteriolosclerosis: Thickening & hyalinization of the walls of arterioles and small
2) Fibroelastic hyperplasia: Medial hypertrophy, replication of the internal elastic lamina, and
increased myofibroblastic tissue in the intima of interlobular and arcuate arteries.
3) Patchy ischemia atrophy: Consists of foci of tubular atrophy & interstitial fibrosis and
glomerular alterations such as sclerotic glomeruli.
C/P: Mild proteinuria and rarely renal failure.
Malignant Nephrosclerosis
“A renal vascular disorder associated with malignant or accelerated hypertension.”
Risk factors: Preexisting benign essential hypertension, chronic renal disease or scleroderma
Pathogenesis: Luminal narrowing leading to ischemia is caused by 2 mechanisms
1) Vascular injury results in fibrinoid necrosis of vascular walls & intravascular thrombosis.
2) Hyperplasia of intimal smooth muscle of vessels cause hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis.
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Morphology: Gross Flea-bitten appearance of the kidney with small, pinpoint petechial
hemorrhages on cortical surface.
1) Fibrinoid necrosis of arterioles and small arteries: Seen as smudgy eosinophilic appearance
of vessel walls.
2) Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis: Seen as concentric, laminated (onion-skin) intimal
thickening of interlobular arteries & arterioles.
C/P: Marked proteinuria, hematuria & renal failure
Morphology: Gross Solitary unilateral spherical bright yellow-gray-white mass with areas of
hemorrhage & necrosis.
Micro. Most are well differentiated. Round or polygonal shaped cells with abundant clear or
granular cytoplasm in solid, trabecular or tubular patterns.
Wilms Tumor
“Primary malignant tumor of kidney.” MC primary renal tumor of childhood.
Age: 2-5yrs
Mostly unilateral
Precursor: Nephrogenic rests
Etiology: Sporadic or familial.
Familial cases are seen with malformation syndromes such as WAGR syndrome; Denys-
Drash syndrome; Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.
Genetic alterations: Germline mutations of WT1 or WT2 genes.
Morphology: Gross Large, solitary well circumscribed mass. C/S: Soft, homogeneous, tan to
gray with occasional foci of necrosis & hemorrhage.
Micro. Triphasic elements:
1) Blastemal component shows sheets of small blue cells
2) Epithelial component is seen in the form of abortive tubules or glomeruli.
3) Stromal component is fibrocytic or myxoid in nature.
C/P: Large abdominal mass is felt. Hematuria, intestinal obstruction or hypertension may be
Metastasis: Lungs
Undergraduate Pathology Series 126
10 Marks
1) 30 years old man with the H/o painless swelling in the right side of the scrotum for the past
6 months duration. Discuss about the differential diagnosis. (March/April, 2003)
4 Marks
2 Marks
Condyloma Acuminatum
“Benign tumor of penis.” A sexually transmitted wart.
Cause: HPV types 6 & 11
Site: Penis (About coronal sulcus & inner surface of prepuce) or perineal areas.
Morphology: Gross Single or multiple, sessile or pedunculated, red papillary excrescences.
Micro. Papillary connective tissue stroma covered by epithelium with features of
hyperkeratosis, acanthosis & koilocytosis.
Comp.: Rare transformation to in situ or invasive cancers.
“Malignant tumor of testis.” MC germ cell tumor of testis.
Age: 30s
Precursor: Intratubular germ cell neoplasia (ITGCN)
Predisposing condition: Cryptorchidism
Genetic alterations: Isochromosome 12p
Morphology: Gross Enlargement of testis. C/S: Homogeneous, gray-white & lobulated.
Undergraduate Pathology Series 128
Micro 1) Poorly demarcated lobules show sheets of uniform cells, which are large and round
to polyhedral & has a distinct cell membrane with clear cytoplasm and a large central nucleus
with prominent nucleoli.
2) Intervening fibrous septa shows lymphocytic infiltrate.
3) Anaplastic seminomas show frequent tumor giant cells & greater mitotic activity.
C/P: Painless enlargement of testis.
Metastasis: Lymphatic spread involving retroperitoneal para-aortic nodes. Hematogenous
dissemination occurs late to lungs.
Prognosis: Seminoma is radiosensitive & has best prognosis.
10 Marks
1) A 54-year old woman noted a 6-month history of progressive vaginal discharge sometimes
blood tinged. She was 2 years post menopausal and earlier took oral contraceptives for 10
years. She complains of right back pain and right leg swelling. The per-speculum
examination showed an unhealthy cervix with ulceration. (July/Aug. 2014)
2) A 40 year old female has 16 weeks amenorrhoea and on examination her uterus size was
larger and corresponds to 21 weeks size gestation. She complaints bleeding and passing grape
like vesicles per vaginum. Her blood and urine hCG levels are elevated and higher than
normal pregnancy. (July, 2013)
3) A 55 year old female presented with post menopausal bleeding and foul swelling vaginal
discharge. P/V examination revealed unhealthy, indurated and ulcerated cervix. (July, 2012)
4) 35 year old female has 12 weeks amenorrhoea. She is married 1 year ago. On examination
uterus size was larger and corresponding to 20 weeks gestation. She complaints of passing
grape like vesicles. Her blood and urine hCG levels are elevated than normal pregnancy.
(Oct. 2008)
5) A 55 years old female presented with bleeding per vaginum and white discharge. P/V
examination revealed unhealthy indurated and ulcerated cervix. (March/April, 2005)
4 Marks
2 Marks
Cervical Carcinoma
Risk factors: Early age at first intercourse; Multiple sexual partners; Male partner with
multiple previous sexual partners; Persistent infection by high-risk strains of HPV.
Causative agent: HPV
High-risk HPVs: Types 16 (MC) & 18
Low-risk HPVs: Types 6 & 11
1) Low –grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) or CIN I: More common
Some may progress to HSIL but not directly to invasive carcinoma. Majority regress
spontaneously. Not a premalignant lesion.
2) High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) or CIN II & III: Less common
Majority arise from LSIL. High risk of progression to invasive carcinoma. Considered as a
premalignant lesion.
Morphology: 1) LSIL - Immature cells are localized to lower third of epithelium.
2) HSIL - Immature cells expand to involve upper 2/3rds of the epithelial thickness.
3) Immature squamous cells show koilocytic atypia – Nuclear alterations with an associated
perinuclear halo.
4) Nuclear alterations: Nuclear enlargement, hyperchromasia, coarse chromatin granules, &
variation in nuclear size & shape.
Age: 45yrs
Histologic subtypes: Squamous cell carcinoma (MC); Adenocarcinoma (2nd MC);
Adenosquamous & neuroendocrine carcinoma
Cause: High-risk HPVs (HPV-16 (MC) & HPV-18)
Morphology: Gross Fungating or infiltrative mass
Micro. 1) Squamous cell carcinoma: Nests & tongues of malignant squamous epithelium,
either keratinizing or nonkeratinizing, invading underlying cervical stroma.
2) Adenocarcinoma: Proliferation of glandular epithelium composed of malignant
endocervical cells with large, hyperchromatic nuclei & relatively mucin depleted cytoplasm.
C/P: Abnormal bleeding P/V
Spread: Local - Urinary bladder, ureters, rectum & vagina
Distant - Liver, lungs & bone marrow
Inv.: Pap test; Colposcopy; Biopsy
Comp.: Ureteral obstruction, pyelonephritis & uremia
Preventive measures: 1) Screening: With Pap test & HPV DNA testing
2) Colposcopy guided biopsy of abnormal mucosa
3) Vaccination against high-risk oncogenic HPVs
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“Presence of ectopic endometrial tissue at a site outside of the uterus.”
Age: 30 – 40s
Sites: Ovaries (MC), uterine ligaments, rectovaginal septum, cul de sac.
Theories that propose the origin of endometriotic lesions:
1) The regurgitation theory: It proposes that endometrial tissue implants at ectopic sites via
retrograde flow of menstrual endometrium.
2) The benign metastases theory: It states that benign endometrial tissue can spread to
distant sites (lung, brain) from uterus via blood vessels & lymphatic channels.
3) The metaplastic theory: It states that endometrium arises directly from coelomic
4) The extrauterine stem/progenitor cell theory: It proposes that stem/progenitor cells
from the bone marrow differentiate into endometrial tissue.
Pathogenesis: Overproduction of prostaglandins & estrogen enhances the survival and
persistence of endometriotic foci.
Morphology: Gross Formation of red-blue to yellow-brown nodules with bleeding. Fibrous
adhesions between tubes, ovaries, & others obliterate pouch of Douglas.
Micro. Endometrial glands & stroma with or without the presence of hemosiderin.
Chocolate cysts or endometriomas: Distorted ovary with large cystic masses filled with
brown fluid.
C/P: Severe dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia & pelvic pain; Menstrual irregularities; Infertility
Associations: Ovarian endometrioid & clear cell carcinomas
“Presence of endometrial tissue within the myometrium.”
Morphology: Gross Small foci of cystic hemorrhagic areas
Micro. Irregular nests of endometrial stroma with or without glands within the myometrium ,
separated from the basalis by at least 2-3mm
C/P: Irregular & heavy menses; colicky dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia & pelvic pain
Association: Endometriosis
Endometrial Hyperplasia
“An increased proliferation of the endometrial glands relative to the stroma, with prolonged
estrogenic stimulation of the endometrium.”
Etiology: Obesity; Menopause; PCOD; Functioning granulosa cell tumors of the ovary;
Estrogen replacement therapy
Genetic alterations: Mutations in PTEN gene that increase PI3K / AKT signaling.
WHO Classification: Non-atypical hyperplasia & atypical hyperplasia
Morphology: 1) Non-atypical hyperplasia: Increase in the gland to stroma ratio with glands
showing variation in size & shape.
2) Atypical hyperplasia (Endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia): Proliferative glands
arranged back to back with complex outlines & nuclear atypia. Individual cells appear round,
with features of nuclei having open chromatin & conspicuous nucleoli.
C/P: Abnormal bleeding P/V
Comp.: Atypical hyperplasia may progress to endometrial carcinoma
Undergraduate Pathology Series 134
Serous carcinoma
Leiomyoma (Fibroid)
“Benign smooth muscle cell tumor myometrium.”
Site: Myometrium of the corpus, often multiple
Genetic alterations: Mutations in the MED12 gene
Types: Intramural (within the myometrium); Sub mucosal (beneath the endometrium); Sub
serosal (beneath the serosa)
Morphology: Gross Circumscribed round, gray-white, discrete firm masses of varying size.
C/S: Whorled pattern of smooth muscle bundles.
Micro. 1) Bundles of smooth muscle cells with admixed fibrous connective tissue.
2) Tumor cells show oval nucleus & long, slender bipolar cytoplasmic processes.
C/P: Asymptomatic; Abnormal bleeding, urinary frequency & impaired fertility.
Comp.: Spontaneous abortion; Fetal malpresentation; Post-partum hemorrhage
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“Malignant germ cell tumor of ovary.” Ovarian counterpart of testicular seminoma.
Mostly unilateral.
Age: 20-30s
Predisposing conditions: Gonadal dysgenesis
Morphology: Gross Solid yellow-white to gray-pink, soft & fleshy.
Micro. Large vesicular cells growing in sheets or cords separated by scant fibrous stroma.
Tumor cells have a clear cytoplasm, well-defined cell boundaries, & centrally placed regular
nuclei. Intervening stroma is infiltrated by mature lymphocytes.
Association: Benign cystic teratoma
Hydatidiform Mole
“Gestational trophoblastic disease, with proliferation of placental tissue.”
Age: Teenagers & 40-50yrs
Types: Complete mole & partial mole
A) Complete mole
1) Pathogenesis: Fertilization of an empty egg by a sperm with duplication of its genetic
material (androgenesis). Genetic material is completely of paternal origin.
2) Karyotype: Diploid (46XX)
3) Embryo not identified
4) Comp.: Risk of development of invasive mole & choriocarcinoma.
B) Partial mole
1) Pathogenesis: Fertilization of an egg with 2 sperms
2) Karyotype: Triploid (e.g., 69XXY)
3) Fetal tissues are present
4) Comp.: Risk of development of invasive mole but not choriocarcinoma.
Morphology: Gross Cystic, thin walled, translucent friable mass of grape like structures.
Micro: 1) Complete mole: All or most of the villi are enlarged (swollen edematous-
hydropic), scalloped in shape with central cavitation (cisterns). Entire villous circumference
shows extensive trophoblastic proliferation.
2) Partial mole: Only a fraction of villi are enlarged covered with focal & less marked
trophoblastic hyperplasia.
C/P: Spontaneous miscarriage
Inv.: Elevated HCG (complete>partial); Ultrasound
“Malignant tumor of trophoblastic cells.”
Predisposing conditions: Complete mole (MC); Previous abortions; Normal pregnancy;
Ectopic pregnancy
Morphology: Gross Soft, fleshy, yellow-white tumor with large areas of necrosis &
Micro: 1) Proliferating cytotrophoblasts & syncytiotrophoblasts without villi formation.
2) Abundant mitoses with some atypical forms.
C/P: Irregular vaginal spotting of a bloody, brown fluid
Inv.: Elevated HCG levels
Metastasis (Hematogenous): Lungs (MC), vagina
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10 Marks
1) A 20 year old female presented with a painless slowly growing freely mobile solitary lump
in the lower part of her left breast. On examination, the nipple is normal. The lump is not
fixed to the overlying skin. No axillary lymph nodes are palpable. (July, 2016)
Ans: Fibroadenoma
2) A 45 year old lady presented with a painless swelling in the left breast for 3 months
duration. On examination the swelling was firm, fixed to the overlying skin. Left axillary
lymph nodes were enlarged. Fine needle aspiration of the swelling showed loosely cohesive
cells with pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. (July, 2015)
3) 40 year old female presented with lump in the breast. The lump is hard and adhered to the
underlying structures and axillary lymph nodes are enlarged. (Aug. 2010)
4) A 20 year old female presented with a painless slowly growing freely mobile solitary lump
in the lower part of her left breast. On examination the nipple is normal. The lump is not
fixed to the overlying skin. No axillary lymph nodes are palpable. (April, 2009)
Ans: Fibroadenoma
Undergraduate Pathology Series 138
4 Marks
2 Marks
A. Noninvasive: Ductal carcinoma in situ; Lobular carcinoma in situ
B. Invasive: Invasive ductal carcinoma; Invasive lobular carcinoma; Carcinoma with
medullary features; Mucinous carcinoma; Tubular carcinoma
Carcinoma in situ: Neoplastic proliferation of epithelial cells that is confined to ducts &
lobules by the basement membrane.
I) Ductal carcinoma in situ
Morphology: Gross Vague nodularity
Micro. i) Comedo DCIS: Tumor cells with pleomorphic high-grade nuclei & areas of central
ii) Noncomedo DCIS: Cribriform or solid or micropapillary patterns are seen. No high-grade
nuclei or central necrosis are seen.
II) Lobular carcinoma in situ
Morphology: Uniform population of round discohesive cells are seen with oval or round
nuclei having small nucleoli involving ducts & lobules. Mucin-positive signet ring cells are
Invasive ductal carcinoma: Tumor has penetrated through the basement membrane and
grows within stroma.
Molecular subtypes
I) ER-positive, HER2-negative: MC
1) MC subtype with germline mutations in BRCA2
2) Precursors: Flat epithelial atypia, atypical ductal hyperplasia
3) Genetic alterations: Gains of chr.1q, losses of chr.16q & activating mutations in PIK3CA
II) HER2-postive
1) MC subtype with germline mutations in TP53
2) Precursor: Atypical apocrine adenosis
3) Genetic alterations: Amplification of the HER2 gene
4) Either ER-positive or ER-negative
Gross Hard, irregular mass, may be seen with retraction of nipple or dimpling of the skin.
Micro. Almost all are adenocarcinomas
1) ER-positive, HER2-negative carcinoma: Well to poorly differentiated
2) HER2-positive carcinoma: Majority are poorly differentiated
3) ER-negative, HER2-negative carcinoma: Almost all are poorly differentiated
Histologic grade: Nottingham Histologic Score
1) Grade I (well differentiated): Tubule formation with small round nuclei & low
proliferative rate.
2) Grade II (moderately differentiated): Some tubule formation with solid clusters or single
infiltrating cells. More nuclear pleomorphism & proliferative rate is seen.
3) Grade III (poorly differentiated): Invade as ragged nests or solid sheets of cells with
enlarged irregular nuclei. High proliferative rate & tumor necrosis are seen
Spread: Local: Regional lymph nodes; Distant: Bone (MC), viscera or brain
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1) Lobular carcinoma
Genetic alteration: Biallelic loss of expression of CDH1
Morphology Gross Hard irregular mass
Micro. Discohesive infiltrating tumor cells, often showing signet ring morphology with
absence of tubule formation.
Metastasis: Peritoneum & retroperitoneum, leptomeninges, GIT, ovaries & uterus
2) Mucinous (colloid) carcinoma:
Morphology Gross Soft or rubbery
Micro. Clusters & small islands of tumor cells within large lakes of mucin.
3) Tubular carcinoma: Well-formed tubules are seen with apocrine snouts
4) Papillary carcinoma: Tumor cells lining fronds of fibrovascular tissue form papillae.
5) Medullary Carcinoma: It is a ER-negative, HER2-negative tumor.
Genetic alterations: Many show reduced BRCA1 expression.
Morphology: Gross Well-circumscribed soft mass
Micro. i) Solid, syncytium-like sheets of large cells with pleomorphic nuclei, and prominent
ii) Frequent mitotic figures.
iii) Moderate to marked lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate surrounding & within the tumor
iv) A pushing (noninfiltrative) border
v) Minimal desmoplasia
vi) DCIS is minimal or absent
“Benign stromal tumor of breast.” MC benign tumor of female breast.
Frequently bilateral & multiple.
Age: 20 – 30yrs
Origin: Intralobular stroma
Risk factor: Use of cyclosporine A
Morphology: Gross Well circumscribed, rubbery, grayish white nodules of varying size.
C/S: Slitlike spaces.
Micro. 1) Stroma – often myxoid
2) Epithelium may be surrounded by stroma (pericanalicular pattern) or compressed &
distorted by it (intracanalicular pattern).
C/P: Firm, freely mobile, discrete mass is felt on palpation.
Inv.: Biopsy; FNAC; Mammography; Ultrasound
Comp.: Infarction & inflammation during pregnancy
4 Marks
2 Marks
Hashimoto Thyroiditis
“Autoimmune thyroid disease.” MC cause of hypothyroidism in iodine sufficient world.
Age: 45-65 yrs
Sex: F>M
Genetic alterations: Polymorphisms in immune function genes, CTLA4 & PTPN22.
Pathogenesis: 1) Breakdown in self-tolerance to thyroid autoantigens with formation of
autoantibodies against thyroglobulin & thyroid peroxidase (TPO).
2) CD8+ cytotoxic T cells may destroy thyroid follicular cells.
3) Interferon-gamma mediated activation of macrophages may result in damage to follicles.
Morphology: Gross Diffuse symmetrical enlargement with intact capsule.
C/S: pale yellow-tan, firm
Micro 1) Follicles are atrophic and may be lined by Hurthle cells (epithelial cells with
abundant, eosinophilic granular cytoplasm).
2) Extensive mononuclear cell infiltrate with small lymphocytes & plasma cells.
3) Increased interstitial connective tissue.
C/P: 1) Painless goitre with hypothyroidism.
2) Hashitoxicosis-Transient thyrotoxicosis preceding hypothyroidism.
Inv.: TFT: Raised TSH; Low free T3, T4; Antibodies: Anti thyroglobulin & anti TPO
antibodies; Ultrasound; FNAC; Biopsy
Associations: SLE, Sjogren syndrome, Type 1 DM
Comp.: Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma
Graves Disease
“Autoimmune thyroid disorder.” MC cause of endogenous hyperthyroidism.
Age: 20-40yrs
Sex: F>M
Genetic alterations: Polymorphisms in immune function genes, CTLA4 & PTPN22.
Pathogenesis: Formation of autoantibodies against TSH receptor is seen.
1) Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI) stimulates TSH receptor causing
hyperthyroidism - MC
2) TSH receptor blocking antibodies in some may cause hypothyroidism
Morphology: Gross Diffuse symmetric enlargement. C/S: Soft, meaty appearance.
Micro. 1) Hypertrophy & hyperplasia of follicular epithelial cells
2) Follicles lined by cells appearing tall & crowded, forming small papillae. Colloid appears
pale, with scalloped margins
3) Lymphoid aggregates are seen throughout the interstitium
C/P: Triad Hyperthyroidism; Infiltrative ophthalmopathy; Infiltrative dermopathy
1) Goitre with diffuse enlargement of thyroid
2) Thyrotoxicosis: Tachycardia, palpitations, anxiety
3) Sympathetic overactivity causes wide staring gaze & lid lag.
4) Ophthalmopathy with exophthalmos
5) Infiltrative dermopathy (Pretibial myxedema): Scaly thickening & induration of skin,
mostly overlying shins.
Inv.: 1) TFT: Elevated free T3 & T4 and low TSH levels.
2) Radioiodine scans: Diffusely increased uptake of iodine.
Associations: SLE; Addison disease; Type 1 diabetes
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Follicular Adenoma
“Benign tumor of thyroid.”
Origin: Follicular epithelial cells
Genetic alterations: Somatic mutations of the TSH receptor signaling pathway are found in
toxic adenomas.
Morphology: Gross: 1) Solitary, spherical encapsulated gray-white to red-brown mass.
2) Areas of hemorrhage, fibrosis, calcification & cystic change are seen.
Micro: 1)Uniform appearing follicles that contain colloid are seen.
2) Occasionally, neoplastic cells exhibit oxyphil or Hurthle cell change.
3) Intact, well-formed capsule encircling the tumor is seen.
4) Various architectural patterns are observed such as solid/trabecular, microfollicular,
normofollicular or macrofollicular types.
C/P: Unilateral painless mass in the neck. Larger masses may cause dysphagia.
Inv.: Ultrasound, FNAC, Biopsy, Radionuclide scanning
Comp.: Thyrotoxicosis with toxic adenomas; Rare transformation to follicular carcinoma
Papillary Carcinoma
“MC Malignant tumor of thyroid.”
Origin: Follicular epithelial cells
Age: 25-50yrs
Risk factor: Ionizing radiation
Genetic alterations: Chromosomal rearrangements of the RET gene (RET/PTC
translocations) and gain of function mutations in BRAF gene.
Morphology: Gross Solitary or multifocal; Solid or cystic (MC); Circumscribed or
infiltrative. C/S: Areas of fibrosis, calcification or papillary foci.
Micro. 1) Papillae with fibrovascular stalks lined by well differentiated single or multi-
layered cuboidal epithelium.
2) Nuclear features: Ground glass or Orphan Annie eye nuclei - Optically clear or empty
appearance with finely dispersed chromatin; Intranuclear inclusions (pseudo-inclusions) or
intranuclear grooves with invaginations of the cytoplasm.
3) Psammoma bodies within the cores of papillae.
Variants: Follicular variant (MC); Tall cell variant; Diffuse sclerosing variant; Papillary
C/P: Asymptomatic mass in the neck. Advanced cases present with hoarseness, dysphagia,
dyspnoea or cough.
Inv.: Ultrasound, FNAC, Biopsy, Radionuclide scanning
Metastasis: Cervical lymphnodes, lung
Undergraduate Pathology Series 146
Medullary Carcinoma
“Malignant neuroendocrine tumor of thyroid.”
Origin: Parafollicular cells or C cells
Age: 1) Sporadic & familial medullary thyroid carcinoma (FMTC) – Adults (40-50s)
2) MEN 2A or MEN 2B associated – Young
Etiology: 1) Sporadic (MC) – Seen as a solitary nodule.
2) Familial: In association with MEN 2A, MEN 2B or as FMTC – Bilaterality &
multicentricity are common
Genetic alterations: Activating point mutations in RET proto-oncogene.
Morphology: Gross: Pale gray to tan, firm & infiltrative. Areas of necrosis & hemorrhage
are seen in larger masses.
Micro: Polygonal to spindle shaped cells forming nests, trabeculae or follicles. Acellular
amyloid deposits are present in the stroma. Multicentric C-cell hyperplasia in the surrounding
thyroid may be seen in familial cases.
C/P: 1) Sporadic: Mass in neck; Dysphagia or hoarseness
2) Familial: Associated features of MEN A, MEN 2B or FMTC
Inv.: Raised calcitonin; Raised CEA; In some, raised serotonin, ACTH & VIP
Paraneoplastic syndromes: Diarrhea; Cushing syndrome
Toxic Goitre
Causes: Graves disease; Toxic multinodular goitre; Toxic adenoma; Subacute thyroiditis
“Hyperfunctioning of parathyroid gland with elevated PTH levels.”
Types: 1) Primary 2) Secondary 3) Tertiary
Primary Hyperparathyroidism
“An autonomous overproduction of PTH is seen.”
MC cause of asymptomatic hypercalcemia.
Causes: Adenoma (MC); Primary hyperplasia; Carcinoma
Age: Adults
Sex: F>M
Parathyroid adenoma
Adipose tissue is inconspicuous. A rim of compressed parathyroid tissue is visible at the edge
of adenoma separated by a fibrous capsule.
C/P: 1) Asymptomatic hyperparathyroidism: Symptom free stage.
2) Symptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism:
Bone: Osteoporosis & osteitis fibrosa cystica leading to fractures.
GIT: Constipation, nausea, peptic ulcers, & pancreatitis
Renal: Nephrolithiasis & chronic renal insufficiency
CNS: Depression, lethargy, & seizures
Neuromuscular: Weakness & fatigue
Cardiac: Aortic or mitral valve calcifications
Inv.: Elevated PTH levels, Hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia, increased urinary excretion of
both calcium & phosphate.
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
“Tumor of adrenal medulla, secreting catecholamines.”
Origin: Chromaffin cells
Rule of 10s: 10% - Malignant; 10% - Bilateral; 10% - Extra adrenal;
10% - Non hypertensive
Etiology: Sporadic or familial (25%).
Genetic alterations: Some of the familial cases are associated with MEN-2A, and MEN-2B,
caused by germline mutations of RET.
Morphology: Gross Lobular tumors of variable size with remnants of the adrenal gland.
C/S: Small tumors - yellow-tan;
Large tumors– Areas of hemorrhage, necrosis or cystic change.
Micro Clusters of polygonal to spindle shaped chromaffin cells, surrounded by sustentacular
cells in small nests or alveoli (zellballen); Chief cells show fine granular cytoplasm & round
to ovoid nucleus with a stippled salt & pepper chromatin. Rich vascular network is seen.
C/P: Hypertension with paroxysmal episodes, associated with tachycardia, palpitations,
headache, sweating & tremors.
Comp.: Catecholamine cardiomyopathy with congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction
& ventricular fibrillation.
Inv.: Increased urinary excretion of free catecholamines & their metabolites
(vanillylmandelic acid, & metanephrins); Biopsy.
Metastasis (Malignant pheochromocytoma): Regional lymph nodes; Liver, lung & bone
Undergraduate Pathology Series 148
II) Chronic complications: They cause majority of the morbidity & mortality.
i) Diabetic macrovascular disease: MC causes of mortality in long standing diabetics.
Site: Large & medium-sized muscular arteries are involved.
C/P: Accelerated atherosclerosis with increased risk of myocardial infarction, gangrene of
the lower extremities and stroke.
ii) Diabetic microangiopathy:
Site: Small vessels are affected
a) Diabetic nephropathy: Leading cause of end-stage renal disease.
C/P: Microalbuminuria (earliest manifestation), overt nephropathy with macroalbuminuria &
end-stage renal disease.
b) Diabetic retinopathy:
C/P: Increased risk of developing cataracts & glaucoma. Visual impairment or total blindness
may be associated.
c) Diabetic neuropathy:
C/P: Distal symmetric polyneuropathy of the lower extremities affecting both sensory &
motor function, autonomic neuropathy with bowel or bladder dysfunction & diabetic
mononeuropathy with sudden footdrop or wristdrop.
iii) Increased susceptibility for infections: Skin infections, TB, pneumonia & pyelonephritis.
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4 Marks
2 Marks
“Malignant tumor of skin.”
Sites: Skin (MC) – Upper back in men; Back & legs in women
Others: Esophagus; uvea; mucous surfaces of oral & anogenital tracts
Risk factors: Fair skin; Sun exposure (UV radiation)
Etiology: Sporadic (MC) or genetic
Pathogenesis: Ultraviolet radiation causes DNA damage
Genetic alterations: 1) Mutations of the gene CDKN2A
2) Activating mutations in BRAF
3) Mutations activating telomerase enzyme
Morphology: Gross 1) Asymmetrical with irregular & notched borders.
2) Increased diameter (>6mm) with variegated color.
Patterns of growth 1) Radial growth: Horizontal spread within the epidermis & superficial
dermis. No metastatic risk. Ex.: Superficial spreading melanoma (MC type), lentigo maligna
2) Vertical growth: Invasion into the deeper dermis is seen with appearance of a nodule.
Metastatic risk is associated.
Micro.: Melanoma cells are large with large nuclei having irregular contours, peripheral
chromatin clumping & red nucleoli.
C/P: Asymptomatic; Itching or pain may be seen.
Prognosis: Favourable prognosis is with female gender, thinner tumor depth (Breslow
thickness), no or very few mitoses, many tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, absence of
regression, lack of ulceration, absent lymph node metastasis.
Metastasis: Regional lymph nodes
Micro. 1) Cords & islands of basophilic cells with hyperchromatic nuclei, embedded in a
mucinous matrix, surrounded by lymphocytes & fibroblasts.
2) Cells exhibit palisading in the periphery of the tumor islands.
3) Stroma is seen retracting away from tumor creating separation artifacts.
Associations: Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome or Gorlin syndrome
4 Marks
1) Classify bone tumors. Give X-ray appearance and microscopic picture of giant cell tumor.
(July, 2017)
2) Morphology of osteoclastoma. (Feb. 2017)
3) Skeletal Ewing sarcoma – common sites, X-ray appearance and microscopic picture. (Jan.
4) Giant cell tumor – Bone. (July, 2013)
5) Morphology of common and classic osteosarcoma. (Jan. 2013)
6) Ewing sarcoma. (July, 2012)
7) Morphology of giant cell tumor of bone. (Jan. 2011)
8) Morphology of pyogenic osteomyelitis. (March, 2010)
9) Gouty arthritis. (April, 2009)
10) Giant cell tumor of bone. (Oct. 2008)
11) Ewing sarcoma. (May, 2007)
12) Osteosarcoma. (May, 2006)
13) Giant cell tumor of bone. (Osteoclastoma). (Oct. 2005)
14) Osteomyelitis. (March/April, 2005)
15) Giant cell tumor. (March/April, 2003)
2 Marks
“Inflammation of bone & marrow secondary to infection with bacteria (MC), virus, fungi or
Pyogenic Osteomyelitis
Tuberculous osteomyelitis
“Osseous infection can be seen with pulmonary or extrapulmonary TB.”
Risk factor: Immunosuppression
Spread: Direct extension or hematogenous spread
Micro: Granulomas with caseous necrosis
Undergraduate Pathology Series 154
C/P: Asymptomatic; Localized pain, low-grade fever with chills, & weight loss
Comp.: Pott disease (Tuberculous spondylitis); Tuberculous arthritis; Sinus tract formation;
psoas abscess; Amyloidosis
“Bone forming malignant tumor of bone.”
Age: <20 yrs (MC) & older adults
Sex: Men>Women
Predisposing conditions for secondary osteosarcoma in older adults: Paget disease; Bone
infarcts; Prior radiation; Chronic osteomyelitis
MC subtype: Primary, intramedullary, osteoblastic & high grade
Site: Metaphysis
Bones: Distal femur & proximal tibia.
Genetic alterations: Mutations involving genes such as RB, TP53, INK4a
Morphology: Gross Gritty, gray-white mass with areas of hemorrhage & cystic degeneration
Micro. Pleomorphic cells with large hyperchromatic nuclei; Tumor giant cells & atypical
mitotic figures; Formation of neoplastic bone with fine, lace-like architecture.
C/P: Painful enlarging mass; Pathological fracture may be seen.
X-ray: Mixed lytic & blastic mass with infiltrative margins; Reactive periosteal bone
formation; Codman triangle (Triangular shadow between the cortex & raised ends of
Metastasis: Lungs, bone & brain.
Ewing Sarcoma
“Malignant bone tumor of unknown origin.”
Age: <20 yrs
Sex: Boys>Girls
Site: Diaphysis
Bones: Femur, pelvic bones
Genetic alterations: (11:22) translocation
Morphology: Gross Soft, tan-white with areas of hemorrhage & necrosis.
Micro. Sheets of uniform small, primitive round cells without obvious differentiation with
scant clear cytoplasm; Stroma is little; Necrosis is prominent.
C/P: Painful enlarging mass with fever; Affected site is tender & swollen.
Inv.: Anemia, leukocytosis & raised ESR.
X-ray: Lytic tumor with infiltrative margins; Deposition of reactive bone in an onion-skin
Refresh Pathology, 1st Edition - Dr. Shiva M.D. 155
“Crystal-induced arthritis with monosodium urate (MSU) within & around joints.”
Types: 1) Primary (MC): Cause is unknown
2) Secondary: Known underlying cause
Age: >30yrs
Sex: M>F
Risk factors: Obesity, metabolic syndrome, alcoholism & renal failure.
Etiology: “Hyperuricemia is associated.”
1) Primary gout is seen with overproduction of uric acid for unknown reasons.
2) Secondary gout is seen with overproduction (leukemia) or reduced excretion (chronic renal
disease) or both (Lesch-Nyhan syndrome).
Pathogenesis: 1) Precipitation of MSU crystals into the joint trigger cytokine & complement
mediated recruitment of leukocytes. 2) Phagocytosis of crystals is followed by production of
IL-1, free radicals, proteases & prostaglandins causing tissue injury & inflammation.
Morphology: 1) Acute arthritis: i) Neutrophilic infiltrates are seen involving synovium &
synovial fluid with MSU crystals in their cytoplasm.
ii) Synovium is edematous & congested with small clusters of MSU crystals.
iii) MSU crystals are long, slender & needle shaped, and are negatively birefringent.
2) Chronic tophaceous arthritis: Crystals encrust the articular surface and form deposits in
synovium. Synovium becomes hyperplastic, fibrotic & forms a pannus that destroys the
underlying cartilage leading to juxta-articular bone erosions.
3) Tophi: Formed by large aggregates of MSU crystals surrounded by an inflammatory
reaction of foreign body giant cells. They are seen in articular cartilage, ligaments, tendons,
bursae or soft tissues.
4) Gouty nephropathy: Deposition of MSU crystals or tophi in the renal medullary
interstitium or tubules leading to uric acid nephrolithiasis & pyelonephritis.
C/P: 1) Asymptomatic hyperuricemia
2) Acute arthritis: Most 1st attacks are monoarticular (MC site – 1st metatarsophalangeal
joint). Later, insteps, ankles, heels, & knees are involved. Affected joint presents with severe
pain & erythema. 3) Asymptomatic intercritical period: Symptom free interval.
4) Chronic tophaceous arthritis: Juxta-articular bone erosion & loss of the joint space are
Undergraduate Pathology Series 156
4 Marks
2 Marks
Acute meningitis
“Meningitis is an inflammation of leptomeninges & CSF within the subarachnoid space.”
Etiology: Infections (MC)
Neonates: E.coli & group B streptococcus
Young adults: Neisseria meningitidis
Elderly: Streptococcus pneumoniae & Listeria monocytogenes
Morphology: Gross Exudate is seen within the leptomeninges over surface of the brain.
Meningeal vessels are engorged.
Micro. Neutrophils seen within subarachnoid space & around leptomeningeal blood vessels.
C/P: Headache, photophobia, neck stiffness, fever, irritability, & clouding of consciousness
Inv.: CSF Appears cloudy with increased no. of neutrophils, increased protein & low
glucose; Staining & culture of CSF.
Comp.: Cerebritis; Ventriculitis; Venous thrombosis; Hydrocephalus
Aseptic meningitis
Chronic Meningitis
Etiology: Mycobacterium tuberculosis
C/P: Headache, mental confusion, & vomiting
Undergraduate Pathology Series 158
Inv.: CSF appears cloudy with increased no. of mononuclear cells or a mixture of neutrophils
& mononuclear cells, an elevated protein & a moderately reduced or normal glucose.
Brain Abscess
“Localized focus of liquefactive necrosis of brain tissue with accompanying inflammation.”
Etiology: Bacteria – Streptococcus & staphylococcus (MC)
Routes of spread: Direct implantation, local extension from adjacent foci or hematogenous
Predisposing conditions: Acute bacterial endocarditis; Bronchiectasis; Immunosuppression
Morphology: Discrete lesions with central liquefactive necrosis, surrounded by exuberant
granulation tissue. Later, a surrounding collagenous capsule & a zone of reactive gliosis are
seen. Adjacent brain tissue shows edema.
C/P: Progressive focal neurologic deficits; Features of increased intracranial pressure
Inv.: CSF – Increased WBCs; Increased protein; Normal glucose
Comp.: Meningitis; Venous sinus thrombosis; Herniation of brain
“Gliomas arising from progenitor cells.”
Types: Diffuse infiltrating or localized
I) Diffuse infiltrating Astrocytoma
Site: Cerebral hemisphere
Age: 40 – 60yrs
1) Diffuse astrocytoma: WHO grading - Grade II
Morphology: Gross Poorly defined, gray, infiltrative tumors of variable size.
C/S: Firm or soft & gelatinous with cystic degeneration
Micro. Increased cellular density with fibrillary background; Variable nuclear pleomorphism.
2) Anaplastic astrocytoma: WHO grading - Grade III
Micro: Greater cellular density & nuclear pleomorphism. Frequent mitoses are seen.
3) Glioblastoma (glioblastoma multiforme): WHO grading - Grade IV
i) Primary glioblastoma: MC form.
1) Occurs in older individuals as a new onset disease.
2) Genetic alterations: Mutations in the gene PTEN, deletions of chromosome 10, &
amplification of the EGFR oncogene.
ii) Secondary glioblastoma:
1) Occurs in younger individuals due to progression of a low-grade astrocytoma.
2) Genetic alterations: Mutations of TP53, & point mutations in IDH genes.
Morphology: Gross Alternating firm & white, soft & yellow areas with areas of hemorrhage
& cystic degeneration.
Micro. 1) Densely cellular tumor with prominent nuclear pleomorphism.
Refresh Pathology, 1st Edition - Dr. Shiva M.D. 159
Pilocytic astrocytoma
“Benign tumor arising from meningothelial cells of arachnoid.”
Age: Adults
Sex: F>M
Sites: Parasagittal aspect of the brain convexity, dura over the lateral convexity, wing of
sphenoid, olfactory groove.
Risk factor: Radiation to head & neck
Etiology: Sporadic or genetic
Genetic alterations: 1) Sporadic – Mutations of NF2 tumor suppressor gene on chr.22
2) Genetic - 22q deletion, including the loss of NF2 gene.
Morphology: Gross – Solitary, round dural based encapsulated masses with bosselated or
polypoid appearance.
Micro. WHO Grades I to IV
Grade I – Relatively low risk of recurrence or aggressive growth
1) Syncytial (meningothelial) meningioma with whorled clusters of cells in syncytial pattern.
2) Fibroblastic meningioma with elongated cell & abundant collagen deposition.
3) Transitional meningioma with features of syncytial & fibroblastic types.
4) Psammomatous meningioma with psammoma bodies
Grade II – Higher rate of recurrence & more aggressive local growth
Atypical meningiomas with atypical features (increased cellularity, small cells with a high N-
C ratio or necrosis) & increased no. of mitoses.
Grade III – Highly aggressive & high propensity to recur
1) Anaplastic (malignant) meningioma with pleomorphic cells showing high mitotic rates.
2) Papillary meningioma with pleomorphic cells arranged around fibrovascular cores.
C/P: Vague nonlocalizing symptoms or features of compression of underlying brain.
Association: Neurofibromatosis type 2
Undergraduate Pathology Series 160
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