Internet Bill Reimbursement

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Internet Bill Reimbursement

As per the new policy you can claim Internet Allowances INR 1000 which has been already applicable from May onwards and
the same needs to claim under “Data Card / USB Modem Usage” expense type as earlier.

Note- Advance payment of Internet Usage for Yearly / Half-Yearly / Quarterly in one go will not be reimbursed. Employee has
to claim the internet expense as per monthly wise, the claim date should be same as invoice date but month will change and
the amount will be INR 1000 or less (as per receipt) but not exceed INR 1000.

Example- “If invoice date is 1-May-21 and yearly amount is INR 12000 then you have to claim in every month as system will
not allow you to submit two times in one month. 1st month amount INR 1000 date 1-May-21 then next month date 1-Jun-21
amount INR 1000 like this but invoice should be same and clear. And also system will not allow to claim above INR 1000 per

And if the bill / invoice date is 1-Mar-21 and yearly amount is INR 12000 then only for Mar & April you have to claim INR 650
(claim transaction date should be same 01-03-21 for both Mar & April) and then from May onwards you are eligible to claim
INR 1000 monthly for the rest of the month.

Invoice/Billing has to be in the name of Employee.

Internet Bill Reimbursement – Continue…

Only in the first 3 months, please use the Project ID : 100771499 for submitting the claim.
Thereafter, the Project ID to be used for Internet Bill Reimbursement has to be obtained from the assigned BU RMG Team.

While submitting the internet claims you need to select an approver and below steps to be followed –

Within the expenses report, go to ‘Details’ > ‘Approval Flow’ > Select the text box and press ‘ * ’ or ‘ % ’ > Select the approver from the
dropdown list > submit the claim.

Please note a few important points while raising the expense reports in MyExpenses tool:

 While raising the internet expense claims, you are requested to provide proper digitally scanned commercial invoice/receipt.
 Handwritten receipt will not be considered as a proper commercial invoice.
 Invoice should be in the name of the employees.
 Internet charges are to be claimed every month. Unclaimed internet charges older than 3 months will not be approved.
 Only one internet connection is reimbursable, multiple connections are not allowed.
 For any Quarterly/Annual Plan following are the 2 options :
o Use the same bill to claim on a monthly basis for the months completed or
o Use the bill to claim for all the months completed in one go at the end of the billing period.
 Installation, router charges and OTT platform charges are not reimbursable.
 Please read the latest T&E policy to avoid rejection of claims.
 Any Expense related queries, please write to : or Ask Adam chatbot available in MS Teams.
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