Chapter Two Review of Related Literature

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This study seek to look at the impact of entrepreneurship education on the

socio economic empowerment of persons with hearing impairment in Langtang

North Local Government Area and its two district that is Pil-gani and Shishiri



Many people have some different type of hearing impairment at some point in their

live, some can no longer hear sound or speech whether near or far away other

have problems in such a way that the ear can hear a little and this category are

easily corrected or managed with cleaf abd which is an electro acoustic device

which is designed to amplify sound for the hearing impaired, usually hearing as

measured by an audiometer. But when one or more parts of the ears or speech

controlling site of the brain that are needed to process sound become dispense or

severely damaged their this condition might leads to deafness. Kentucky’s office

for the America disability act (KYADA) describes hearing impairment is a hearing

loss that prevents the person from partially or totally receiving sounds through to

prevents the loss is mild, the person has difficulty in hearing faints or distant
speech. A person with this degree of hearing impairment may use a hearing aid to

amplify sounds.

Ozoji (2005) defines hearing impairment as children in whom the sense of

hearing is defective and this could range from ability to hear partially to total

deafness. For educational purpose, the deaf are those who cannot process

information through audition with or without hearing aid. The hard of hearing are

those who can process audition with or without hearing aid. The hard of hearing

are those who can process auditory information with hearing aid. Child assessment

service department of health HKSR defines the term as a person suffering from

hearing impairment has difficulty in perceiving unilateral or bilateral


National Deaf Children’s society (NDCS 2009) stated deaf pupils and

students were among the first disabled children to attend mainstream school

routinely, and much good practice for inclusive education has been based on this

experience this may be:

- An individual placement, with support provided by a visiting teacher of THE Deaf

(TOD) from the local Education authority service or

- A resource based in the school for several cleaf pupils or students, staffed by in

teacher and a Term of other specialist staff.

Babudoh (2008) put it that hearing impairment is an umbrella. Term which refers

to a condition where there is a decrease in the individual’s ability to hear and

discriminate sounds.


The term entrepreneurship literally means the art of being enterprising i.e. the

ability to be adventurous. Entrepreneurship is also seen as the willingness and the

ability of a person seek out investment opportunities, establish and run an

enterprising successfully (Otaha, 2010). Entrepreneurship is the process of

identifying and developing a business. It can also be viewed as an employment

strategy that can lead to economic self sufficiency for everybody. In this view,

entrepreneurship can be seen also as a comprehensive planned effort undertaken by

individuals, institutions and agencies to develop competence in people that are

intended to lead to a self-employed generation. ( Peterman in Oladun, 2012) see

entrepreneurship as practical creativeness that combines resources and

opportunities in a new way, i.e. a practical way of creating a new thing combining

resources and opportunities. Entrepreneurship education is the type of education

designed to change the orientation and attitude of the recipients and the process

that will equip them with the skills and knowledge to enable them start and manage

a business. Akporie (2001) also hold the view that entrepreneurship education
focuses on developing, understanding the capacity for pursuits of entrepreneurial

behaviours, skills and attitudes. Entrepreneurship is opined to all not just to some

self acclaimed business gurus. Entrepreneurship education seeks to provide

persons with hearing impairment and students especially those in tertiary

institution with the knowledge, skills and motivation to encourage entrepreneurial

studies in a variety of settings. Emeraton (2008) describes entrepreneurship

education as that which deals with those attitudes and skills that are necessary for

an individual to respond to his environment in the process 0f conserving, starting

and managing a business enterprise. Entrepreneurship education is therefore, that

education that assists persons with hearing impairment to develop positive attitude,

innovation and skills for self reliance rather than depending on government for

white collar jobs. Oladun (2005) also defines entrepreneurship as creating a

product, a service, a task or an activity with the purpose or objective of meeting

either societal or environmental needs of mankind, earning the financial rewards

and the existing risk of an eventual failure of such business. Business can be

defined as any task or an activity that is done for the purpose of solving problems

and meeting societal or environmental needs. The jobless tide in the country,

unfortunately, has no respect for persons with hearing impairment. In spite of the

much venerated government policy of automatic employment for the category of

persons, in fact, they remain the worst hit. This is not unrelated to the public
perception of persons with hearing impairment as an unproductive class regardless

of their education by employers of labour and the society at large. The assertion

that entrepreneurship education provides a freedom for persons with hearing

impairment out of the unemployment problem therefore draws support from the

above. Reasonable as entrepreneurship education might be, it has been

underemphasized in our education. Curriculum and appears to enjoy little priority

from our educational planners several attempts have been made through

researchers, mounting of entrepreneurship courses, programmes in both institutions

of learning and entrepreneurship research centres for the purpose of developing

both entrepreneurship spirit and culture ( Dickson, Solomon and weaver, 2008,

Urbano, Aponte and toledeno,2008 Poikki Joki and Heinonen, 2006). Where

entrepreneurship education is considered in curriculum it is often treated as mere

course work rather than apprenticeship. This has in no small way downplayed. The

entrepreneurial potentials of persons with hearing impairment making them

susceptible to unemployment, poverty and life bereft of fulfilment.

Entrepreneurship has been defined by various professions to many things since the

middle aged. (Igbo, 2006). The entrepreneur has been seen as an actor, innovator

or a developer of technology (Oviawe, 2010). however a vast majority of the

definitions as preferred by deferent writers find common ground in the claims that

entrepreneurship education is ultimately geared towards inculcating job creation

skills in learners in the same vein, Nwagwu(2007)opined that entrepreneurship is a

process of bringing together the factors of production, which include land, labour

and capital so as to provide a product or service for public consumption. National

director of employment (N D E) in Oviawe (2010) defined entrepreneurship as the

art which involve recognizing a business opportunity, mobilizing resources and

persisting to exploit that opportunity. Ayanuga (2008)asserts that entrepreneurship

education arms the individual with knowledge, information and training that will

enable he or her to functions adequately in a dynamic economic environment like

Nigeria it trained an individual (irrespective of status) how to carefully assess

available opportunity, develop new innovation and eventually become creative.

Entrepreneurship education is the training that one engages in the self

empowerment, self esteem and independent living. Through entrepreneurship

education, person with hearing impairment can in one way or the other contribute

to the national development. According to Garba (2010)it contribute in

immeasurable ways towards creating new jobs, wealth creation, poverty reduction,

and income generating for but government and individuals. kuratko (2003) adds

further that entrepreneurship education embrace skills building programmes in

creating thing, product development and marketing, negotiation, leadership

training and wealth generation. It is the realization of this that the national policy
on education (N P E, 2004) highlighted the following objectives of

entrepreneurship education for disable persons.

1. Prepare them for useful living in the society

2. To provide them with saleable entrepreneurship skills reliance in the 21 th

century and beyond.

3. To enable them compete with their peers in developed world, technology

development and application.

4. To make them partner in small scale industries

5. To make them contribute to Nigerian information communication technology


6. To provide them with the knowledge, skills and motivation to encourage

entrepreneurial success in varied.



Omede (2010) entrepreneurship education for person with hearing impairment

faced the following problem

1. Lack of special trained personnel

2. Absence of an all- encompassing curriculum. The National Policy on Education

(2004) provides that in pursuance of the goals of the vocational and technical

A. The main feature of the curricular activities for technical colleges shall be

structured in foundation and trade modules.

B. The curriculum for each trade shall consist of four components

i. General education

ii. Theory and related courses.

iii. Workshop practices

iv. Industrial training and production work

v. Small business management and entrepreneurial training.

In contrast, the curriculum of special education in Nigeria does not emphasis

small business management and entrepreneurial training for person with

hearing impairment. In facts, it is not structured in foundation and the modules

but rather dwells more on general education theory and related courses and to

lesser extents workshop practice, industrial training and production work. In

practical schools without incorporating vocational and technical education as

an integral aspect to upgrade the technical and vocational skills for person with

hearing impairment. Product or serviced are of higher quality. This will result

in high patronage and eventual fold up of the business or venture.

vi. Inadequate and inaccessibility of materials and equipment.

vii. Poor infrastructure.

2.4 Empowering persons with hearing impairment through entrepreneurship


Empowering persons with hearing impairment refers to give them a

variety of opportunity to discover themselves, understand their environment, be

aware of their right an take control of their lives and partake in important

decision that lead to their destiny.

Education is powerful tool for economic empowerment of persons with

hearing impairment. Rifkin and pridmore (2001), support these part when states

that information (education) is power, people who lack information lack power and

lack choices about how to improve their lives or control what happen to them.

Through entrepreneur education programme (either formal or informal), persons

with hearing impairment can gain knowledge and skills needed to perform

functions, tasks or carry out some socio economics for personal and community

development. Empowerment through entrepreneurship education cannot be

achieve only by training persons with hearing impairment alone, it is also

important to build capacity of rehabilitation professionals working with them.

Albright, (1993), observes that, self-directed employment is an option that is of

increasing interest to persons with hearing impairment but in economically develop

and developing countries. This could be a strong tool for economic empowerment

of persons with hearing impairment, not only because the take initiative, but also
because the play a leading role in their structural setup and day to day decision

making and management process. Self-direct employment includes running small

business enterprises, and working in cooperative control by disable persons. A

good example of self-direct effort worthy of mention is the made by social

assistant rehabilitation for the physically vulnerable (SARPV) initiative in

Charkoria, Bangladash. Founded in (1989) by Mr. Shalhidul, who is physically

disable, (SARPV) Runs a skill development and credit programme called BUILD


poor disable persons in the district who want to be successful entrepreneurs but are

lacking relevant skills and funds to realize their dream. Although Caritas-

Netherlands and UN ESCAP lastly fund SAPRV, it is ability to integrate it

activities to suit the culture and need of people in this area make it original.

Business skills are taught to members and loan provide to group of disable

members after successful graduation. Members of the association are in encourage

to work together in family members and other able bodied persons in the

community in carrying out respective economics activities (Alan 1997) person

with hearing impairment who successfully graduated from vocation training and

have not been able to secure wage-earning jobs need to supported to setup

workshop suitable income generation activities (IGAS), in order to earn a living. In

Nigeria, services for persons with hearing impairment gave loans to 40 persons in
2003, under revolving loan fund. Loan range from 1000 (7 USD) to 50 thousand

(370 USD). Loans are determined by the client disability condition, nature of

business and economics situation of the person with hearing impairment, among

other requirement. Person with hearing impairment whose income generation

activities (IGAs) require substantial capital are given part grants and part loan.

The ability of the persons with hearing impairment to earn a living for

themselves, rather than depending on others for a living is a cornerstone for their

economic empowerment. It is important that persons with hearing impairment have

a sustained economic power. In other to meet their essential needs and contribute

towards community development.

The economic empowerment of persons with hearing impairment can be

achieved if they have access to job and livelihood and basic entitlements, such as

education, and health care services.

2.5 Benefit of entrepreneurship education.

Entrepreneurship education benefits students and persons with hearing impairment

from different socio economic backgrounds, because it teaches people to cultivate

unique skills and think outside the box. Moreover, it creates opportunity. Installs

confidence ensure social justice and stimulate the economy. Entrepreneurship

education also provides budding entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge to

come up with business ideas and develop their own ventures. Entrepreneurship
wears many hats. It’s the only way they can survive. For example, one of the most

common skills they learn is how to sell. If an entrepreneur didn’t previously work

in a sales department this will be completely new, and they have to learn fast. You

cannot survive as an entrepreneur without knowing how to sell your product or

services. The secret of starting a business as fast as possible is to build up a career

network and call in favours. All entrepreneurs are incredibly independent because

they tackle problems head-0ne if you spent all your life working in an office for a

middle manager you may be surprise to find out how little independent you have.

Entrepreneurship will show how to seize your independent. You will learn how to

think for yourself and connect to the people of your own accord. it is the type of

freedom many never had sincere they were children, which so fresh and

invigorating in the beginning .it should be recognized here that persons with

hearing impairment empowerment benefit an individuals and the organization

which implement it effectively. The government, community and the individual

(PWD) Action is needed to bolster-empowerment of the trained disabled persons,

especially in the paid empowerment both the public and private sector of the

economy. Petzinger (1977) in his Colum the frontlines of the wall street journal

(1977) is a big advocate for empowerment. He writes, as a society we know the

best way to organized people is freeing them to organize them. Why should be any

different in business also, in the wall street journal, (Aepple 1979) has asked the
theoretical question, what other ways to tap into workers brain as well as their

brawn than to encourage them to think on the job, to bring to it a greater sense of

professionalism and self motivation and to feel committed to the company success.

It is in this vain that (Kanter, 1979: 73) uses the logic that, the productive capacity

of nations, likes organizations, grows if the skills base is upgraded. People with

tool, information and support to make more informed decision and act more

quickly, can often accomplish more. This therefore indicates that the benefit of

empowerment especially to persons with hearing impairment is enormous. The

increasing competitiveness of the global market places calls for better service and

the benefit of drawing upon the entire pool of employees for creative ideas.

Being aware of all the important factors and seeing how they affect each

other is the foundation of smart decision making process. This is not something

that can be learned from a book. Students need to be exposed to real world

examples and learn from their experience. Moreover, skills associated with

entrepreneurs, such as financial literacy, money management, and strong

interpersonal skills are not only beneficial but also relevant for day today life. The

benefit of entrepreneurship education go beyond beings purely personal: they are

also beneficial to the society. The economic beneficial of entrepreneurship to the

society has never been in doubt. New enterprises and entrepreneurial innovation
are critical for any society to be globally competitive, with technological


2.6 Formal and informal economy of persons with hearing impairment

The formal economy 0r simply the economy Bromley (1978) refers it as that

portion of natural human manufactured and entrepreneurial capital use to meet our

wants that we actually counts. This indicates that measures like the rate of

unemployment, the gross national product (G N P) the rate of inflation, the

producer price index etc help us to keep track of what is happening in the economy

what then is formal for the economy to be referred to as formal?

Hart ( 2003) explicitly derived his analysis of form from Webbers theory of

rationalization, which refers to for as ‘ what is regular, predictable, reproducible

recognizable, and it intrinsic to all social behaviour is some degree’(p 27) This

means that the formal economy is keep in tract, recognized and all the activities


The term informal economy became current in 1970s as a label for economic

activities which take place outside the framework of cooperate public and private

sector established. It arose first in response to the proliferation of self

empowerment and casual labour in third world cities, but later, expression came to

be used with reference to societies like Britain, where it competed with objectives
describing the industrialization such as hidden underground black economy etc

(Murphy 2000).

The informal economy is known with a various names such as invisible, shadow,

black, secondary, underground, clandestine, undeclared, unreported etc which

include everything from household production and consumption ( some time called

provisioning) of goods and services (paid and unpaid) to inter-household barter

sharing volunteers work, subsistence production and unpaid labour. The informal

economy is considered as part of everyday life and household survival strategies in

rural and urban societies (Williams and wined bank 1998). It should however, be

noted that what is and what is not part of informal economy changes, depending on

the location, time and social context. Increasingly, it can be seen that social

scientists recognize the formal and informal economy as complementary part of a

single system. It is also important to note that some portion of informal economy

are illegal by virtues of being unreported, while others are inherently criminal (e.g.

drug dealing, money laundering). However, this economy do note address the

criminal economy but limits itself to those activities which would otherwise be

legal except for the fact that they are under cleared or unreported as Leonard

(1998) put it, with any given location, time period and social context, any economy

activity which is not recorded in official statistics and which operates in the absent

of administrative monitoring and control shall be considered informal. If we are to

consider the formal English usage, informal refers to that behaviour which

relatively speaking lack form. Form is the presumptively invariant in the variable

under discussion – presumptively because what is hold to be invariant (the rule) is

nearly so in practice (hart, 1973) from the stand point of high civilization, whatever

it cannot control or comprehend is term informal that is ‘irregular’ unpredictable,

unstable, even invisible of course, the people whose activities (especially persons

with hearing impairment) the informal economy does not exist in any empirical

sense. It is way of contrasting some phenomena with what we imagine constitute

the orthodox core of our economy.

2.7 Equality of opportunity of persons with hearing impairment

Persons with hearing impairment are entitled to exercise their civil, political, social

– economic and cultural rights on an equal basic with others. Disabilities

summaries a great number of different functional limitation occurring in any

population in any country of the world. People may be disabled by physical,

intellectual or sensory impairment, medical condition or mental illness. Such

impairments, condition or illness may be permanent or transitory in nature.

Equalization of opportunity as noted by (Andzayi, 2003) refers to an attempt

made by the government to ensure that available opportunities are made accessible

to every citizen of the country irrespective of tribe, colour, physique or handicap’

there are citizen who on account of their circumstances or condition cannot easily
gain access to the available opportunities existing in the country as bonfire citizen

of the country. (Ozoji, 2005) indicates that about one in every twelve (12) persons

in Africa is hearing impaired. This means that about 8% of Africans have

impairment and about 20% of Nigeria shares the same fate. And since a significant

number of the societies are hearing impaired, there a need to call every member of

the society should have equal opportunity to the national economy whether able or

disabled. Persons with hearing impairment suffer form of discrimination base on

society prejudice and ignorance in addition; they often do not enjoy the same

opportunities as the so-call normal because of the lack of access to essential

services. This therefore calls for the phrase equalization of the opportunity which

in essence applies that what belongs to us citizens of the country should be share

equally. No one should be left behind because he or she cannot cope (Ozoji 1993).

That special need child should be provided with the necessary instructional

materials such as Braille machine and papers for the blind as their counterpart in

the regular education use paper and pencil. The philosophy of paradigm ‘ equality

of opportunity, advices that whatever is being provided by the government, for non

handicapped children should also be giving to special need children on equal basic.

(Ozoji, 1993). It is on the basic of this that the international human rights

determines some rights for every person which is also emphasis in the Nigerian

constitution (1979) enshrined in chapter iv (33-46) that every Persons has

A the right of equality before the law

B the right to non discrimination

C the right to live independent

D the right to equal opportunity

E the right to full integration

F the right to security

G the right to free medical

Most policies regarding persons with hearing impairment are often dominated by

the nation of equalization of opportunity. Which means that society must employ it

resources in such a way that every individuals, including persons with hearing

impairment has an equal opportunity.

In section 10 (94) as quoted by (ozoji, 2000:540)

1. To give meaning to the idea of equalizing of educational opportunities for all

children, their physical, sensory, psychological or emotional disabilities


2. To provide adequate opportunity for all people (handicap)

3. The need for equalizing the educational opportunities to all Nigerians children,

irrespective of any real or imagined disabilities each according to his or her ability.

4. To design a diversified and appropriate curriculum for all beneficiaries. This

will fulfil what Ozoji (2003) pin-point about equality of opportunity we said that
every Nigeria ( including exceptional child ) has equal right to responsibility of as

well as benefits of citizenship. In order to unlock Nigeria dominant potential and

provide the bases for the sustained development of the country, everybody should

be given equal access for empowerment theory NEEDS. It is in line with this that

the international labour organizations regulate, ILO regulation 99 stipulates that at

least 2-5% of workers in government, companies and factories and establishment

should be disabled. And it is by this that inaugurating the international year of the

disabled persons (I Y D P) in 1981; Shehu Shagari announces measure to

encourage the implementation of the programme which is still a mirage in Nigeria

up to date.

To this end, if a person with hearing impairment is given equal opportunity as their

contemporaries, they will be empowered and the society will be better for it since

people are the most important resources and no economy will prosper when large

number of people is unproductive.

2.8 Legal protection for persons with hearing impairment.

Legislation or law is used in the modern society to protect the interest and right of

it citizens. As regard to person with hearing impairment, it is a mean of making

sure that handicapped persons are provided with the service of public expenses of

offset of disability ( Andzayi, 2005: 25)legislation is an established of (a supra

empowerment) to translate the basic SEN principles into rights to the education

equalized opportunity, and to participate in society. Legislation gives and confers

legitimacy to an intent statement of game (Adelowo 2002) silver stein, (2002),

catalogue in the low law review. According to him a policy or legal framework

reflects how the policy makers review and tend to treats persons with hearing

impairment. The world programme of action concerning hearing impaired persons

was adopted by the united nation general assembly at it 37 TH session on 3rd

December 1982. Resolution 37/ 52 laid area for member’s nation to study about

hearing impaired persons. The resolution include prevention of equalization of

opportunities for education, empowerment and social role, disability and new

international economic order, and the consequences in economic and social

development of hearing impaired persons.

The world programme of action concerning a person with disabilities in 1982

and the decade of hearing impaired persons in 1983 -1992 in Ozoji (2005: 22)

provides for the monitoring of the implementation of the national action in order


i. Increase participation of persons with hearing impairment in decision making

ii. Prevent impairment. Disability and handicapped

iii. Develop entrepreneurial programme.

iv. Equalize opportunity of person with hearing impairment with other population


V. Increase community action and inter-action with hearing impaired persons

Vi. Improve staff training of special disability programme

Vii. Provide information and public education ( disability statistic compendium,

1990).unlike Nigeria and Plateau State in particular, other country especially the

developed nation have made law and regulations protecting its persons with

hearing impairment for instance, in the united state of America ( U S A), rules and

regulation concerning empowerment practice include:

A. No qualified person shall on the basic of handicap be subjects to discrimination

in empowerment under any programme or activity.

B. A recipient (whether individuals or government or organization) that receive

assistance under the law shall take steps to employ and advance qualified

persons with hearing impairment in programmes assisted in the law

C. The recipient should ensure that discrimination on the basic of handicap does

not occur.

Equally important to note that persons with hearing impairment empowerment act

1994 of the Britain which stipulates that any employer having more than 30 staff is

required to take up to 3% of his staff from disabled persons on, the register. And

that until this quota is filled an employer may not without special permission from
the employment service commission of the agency in any vacancies that arse in an

able bodied persons. There are provision for prosecution and penalties in the case

of an employer ignoring the quota regulations. (Eda Tapliss, 1975) this act can be

seen to break the employer prejudice and discrimination. The work of the united

nation (UN) constitutes the most important actions taken by an international

organization in the area of disability. Base on international bills of rights, the UN

formulate the first specific document regarding disabilities in 1979 in the

declaration on the right of the mentally retarded person. Important other document

followed but none of them are legally binding. The 1980s mark the many phrases

of activity regarding establishing international norms pertaining person with

hearing impairment. In1981, the general assembly declared the first international

year of disabled persons (I Y D P). It was followed by the world programme of

action concerning disabled persons in 1982 and the decade of persons with

disabilities 1983-1982 throughout the 1970s all un conference dealt with persons

with disability rights and address a need for protective instruments (world

conference on human rights 1993 fourth world conference on person with hearing

impairment 1995, habitat,, 1996). A high level of awareness is also demonstrated

by the European Union (EU), the year 2003 was declared as the European year for

the people with hearing impairment.

Other important regional observance sprung up some of this include the Asian

and pacific decades of persons with hearing impairment (1993-2002), the African

decade for people with hearing impairment (2000- 2009), and the Arab decade of

hearing impaired persons (2003-2010).

2.9 Summary

This chapter dealt with the reviewed of literatures relating to the study. The

researcher begins with persons hearing impairment which revealed persons

hearing impaired as children in whom the sense of hearing is defective and this

could range from ability to hear partially to total deafness and how

entrepreneurship education seeks to provide persons with hearing impairment

and students especially those in tertiary institution with the knowledge, skills

and motivation to encourage entrepreneurial studies in a variety of settings.

Emeraton (2008) describes entrepreneurship education as that which deals with

those attitudes and skills that are necessary for an individual to respond to his

environment in the process 0f conserving, starting and managing a business

enterprise. Entrepreneurship education is therefore, that education that assists

persons with hearing impairment to develop positive attitude, innovation and

skills for self reliance rather than depending on government for white collar

jobs. Empowering persons with hearing impairment refers to give them a

variety of opportunity to discover themselves, understand their environment, be

aware of their right an take control of their lives and partake in important

decision that lead to their destiny.

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