Will I Be Able To Earn Desirable Profit From The Scrap Business?

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Will I be able to earn desirable profit from the scrap business?

Query Details

Questioner's Name : xyz

Time of Query : 16 Dec 2011 (05:18:33 PM)
Local Mean Time : 04:57:41 PM Sidreal Time : 10:36:45 PM
Place of Query : Abdullahpur (Haryana), India
Latitude : 77.17E Longitude : 30.7N
Ayanmash : 22:34:46 BV Raman

Query Panchang
Ascendant Gemini Query Chart (Kundali)
Ascendant Lord Mercury
Rashi Leo Ketu

Rashi Lord Sun 4 2

Mars 5 Ascendant 1
Nakshatra Magha Moon

Nakshatra Lord Ketu

Tithi Shashti Krishna 6 12
Tatwa Jala
Paya Copper
Saturn 7 Sun 11
Karan Vanija 8 10

Yoga Siddhi
Mercury Rahu Venus
Vashya Vanachar

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Disclaimer: PublicSoft does not claim that the predictions made here will come true, or that the directions should be followed and
assumes no responsibility towards the user's belief or consequences of any actions prescribed. The query analysis presented here is
based on Vedic astrology horary system. Please follow any advice at your own risk and discretion.


Planetary Positions

Planets Dir Rashi Lord Degrees Nakshatra-Qtr Lord Karak ---

Ascendant Gemini Mercury 1:36:10 Mrigsiras-3 Mars

Sun Direct Sagittarius Jupiter 1:34:57 Moola-1 Ketu Father Friendly House

Mercury Direct Scorpio Mars 11:44:33 Anuradha-3 Saturn Intellect Enemy House

Venus Direct Capricorn Saturn 2:8:47 U.Sada-2 Sun Spouse Friendly House

Mars Direct Leo Sun 22:52:27 Poorva-3 Venus Courage Friendly House

Jupiter Retro Aries Mars 7:56:27 Ashwini-3 Ketu Wealth Friendly House

Saturn Direct Libra Venus 4:34:2 Chitra-4 Mars Longevity Exalted

Moon Direct Leo Sun 11:53:42 Magha-4 Ketu Mother Friendly House

Rahu Retro Scorpio Mars 21:38:37 Jyestha-2 Mercury Desire

Ketu Retro Taurus Venus 21:38:37 Rohini-4 Moon EmancipationEnemy House

Planet positions.

Planets Ava-3 Ava-5 Ava-6 Ava-9 Ava-10 Ava-12

Sun Baala Shanta Gamana

Mercury Swapna Baala Mudita Shanta Harshita Agaman

Venus Supta Vriddha Kshudita Dhukhita Peedita Agaman

Mars Swapna Mrita Mudita Pramudita Harshita Agaman

Jupiter Swapna Vriddha Mudita Shanta Harshita Nrityalipsa

Saturn Swapna Kumar Mudita Shanta Harshita Agaman

Moon Baala Lajjita Pramudita Shanta Shayan

Rahu Swapna Kumar Mudita Shanta Harshita Netrapani

Ketu Kumar Vikal Peedita Nrityalipsa

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Sodash Varga Kundali

Navamsha Dashamamsha


8 6 4 2
9 Ascendant Mercury 5 5 1
Ascendant Jupiter Ketu

7 3
10 4 6 12
Moon Ketu 1 Venus Rahu Mars 9 Venus

Jupiter 11 3 Rahu 7 11 Mercury

12 Sun 2 8 Sun 10

Saturn Moon

Saptamamsha Dwadashamamsha

Jupiter Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Rahu

4 2 4 2
5 1 5 1
Ketu Ascendant Ascendant

3 3
6 12 6 12
9 Mercury 9

7 11 Moon 7 11
8 Sun 10 Rahu 8 Sun Moon 10

Mars Saturn Venus Ketu Saturn

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Sodash Varga Kundali

Drekkana Trimshamsha

Rahu Venus

4 2 2 12
Mars 5 1 3 Ascendant Sun 11
Ascendant Jupiter Mars
Jupiter Saturn

3 1
6 12 4 10
Mercury 9 Rahu Ketu 7

7 11 Saturn Moon 5 9
8 Sun Moon 10 6 8

Venus Ketu Mercury

Chaturthamsha Shodashamsha

1 Ascendant Sun 11 10 8
2 Mercury Venus 10 11 7 Mercury
Ascendant Sun
Mars Jupiter Saturn Moon
Moon Rahu Ketu

0 9
3 9 12 6
6 3

4 8 Mars 1 5
5 7 Jupiter 2 Saturn 4

Rahu Ketu Venus

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Planetary Kundalis

Sun Kundali Mars Kundali

Mercury Rahu Venus

10 8 6 4
11 7 Ascend 7 3
Saturn Sun Mars Moon Saturn

9 5
12 6 8 2
3 Ketu 11 Mercury Rahu

Mars 1 5 9 1
Ascendant Jupiter Jupiter Sun
Moon 2 4 10 12

Ketu Venus

Mercury Kundali Jupiter Kundali

Saturn Sun Ketu

9 7 2 12
10 6 3 11 Ascend
Mercury Rahu Venus Jupiter

8 1
11 5 4 10
Mars Moon 2 Venus 7

12 4 5 9 Mars
Ketu Sun Saturn
1 3 6 8 Moon

Ascendant Jupiter Mercury Rahu

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Planetary Kundalis

Venus Kundali Saturn Kundali

Sun Mercury Rahu

11 9 8 6
Mercury 12 Venus
8 Mars 9
Rahu Moon

10 7
1 7 10 4
Saturn 4 Jupiter 1 Venus

2 6 Ascend 11 3
Ketu Jupiter
3 5 ant 12 2

Mars Moon Ascendant Ketu

Rahu Kundali Ketu Kundali

Saturn Sun Jupiter Ascendant

9 7 3 1
10 6 4 12
Mercury Rahu Venus Ketu

8 2
11 5 5 11
Mars Moon 2 8 Mars Moon

12 4 Venus 6 10
1 Ketu 3 7 Mercury Rahu 9

Ascendant Jupiter Sun Saturn

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Krishnamurthy Prashna Kundali Krishnamurthy Bhava Table

Serial Cusps SSSS Lord

Ketu I 1:0:0 Mar-Ket-Ven-Ven
II 38:45:47 Ven-Sun-Ven-Rah
2 12
3 11 III 66:53:39 Mer-Rah-Rah-Rah
Ascendant Jupiter

IV 90:37:52 Moon-Jup-Mar-Rah
V 114:27:24 Moon-Mer-Rah-Jup
1 VI 142:52:14 Sun-Ven-Sat-Ven
4 10
7 Venus
VII 180:0:0 Ven-Mar-Mer-Mar
VIII 218:45:47 Mar-Sat-Ven-Moon
IX 246:53:39 Jup-Ket-Rah-Ven
Mars 5 9
Saturn Sun
Moon 6 8 X 270:37:52 Sat-Sun-Rah-Ven
XI 294:27:24 Sat-Mar-Rah-Jup

Mercury Rahu XII 322:52:14 Sat-Jup-Sat-Ven

Chosen Number (1-249) 1

Krishnamurthy Planetary Positions

Planets Rashi Degrees Nakshatra SSSS Lord Dir ---

Ascendant Aries 1:0:0 Ashwini-1 Mar-Ket-Ven-Ven

Sun Sagittarius 1:34:57 Moola-1 Jup-Ket-Ven-Rah Direct Friendly House

Mercury Scorpio 11:44:33 Anuradha-3 Mar-Sat-Moon-Mer Direct Enemy House

Venus Capricorn 2:8:47 U.Sada-2 Sat-Sun-Jup-Ven Direct Friendly House

Mars Leo 22:52:27 Poorva-3 Sun-Ven-Sat-Ven Direct Friendly House

Jupiter Aries 7:56:27 Ashwini-3 Mar-Ket-Jup-Sat Retro Friendly House

Saturn Libra 4:34:2 Chitra-4 Ven-Mar-Ven-Mer Direct Exalted

Moon Leo 11:53:42 Magha-4 Sun-Ket-Mer-Ven Direct Friendly House

Rahu Scorpio 21:38:37 Jyestha-2 Mar-Mer-Sun-Moon Retro

Ketu Taurus 21:38:37 Rohini-4 Ven-Moon-Ven-Jup Retro Enemy House

Sign. Star. Sub. Sub-Sub

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Vedic Number Chart Moon Kundali


3 1 6 4
4 12 Ascend 7 3
Ascendant Ketu Mars Moon Saturn

2 5
5 11 8 2
8 Mars Moon Ketu 11 Mercury Rahu

Venus 6 10 ant 9 1 Sun
7 Mercury Rahu 9 10 12

Sun Saturn Venus

Chosen Number: 1

Planet Karakas Parashari Aspects

Planets Sthira Karak Sapta Karak Planets Aspected By
Sun Father - Sun Jupiter Saturn

Mercury Intellect Putra Mercury Mars Ketu

Venus Spouse - Venus -

Mars Courage Atma Mars Jupiter

Jupiter Wealth Gnati Jupiter Saturn

Saturn Longevity Kalatra Saturn Jupiter

Moon Mother Matri Moon Jupiter

Rahu Desire Bhratri Rahu Mars Ketu

Ketu Emancipation Amatya Ketu Mercury Rahu

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Bhagya Chakra

4 3 2
Ascendant Ketu
5 1

Mars Moon 6 5 4 Jupiter

Mars Moon
7 3

Saturn 9 8 7 Ascendant
Sun Mercury Rahu Saturn
10 6


6 8 11 5 2 12
Mercury Rahu Mars Moon Ketu

12 4
Jupiter Ketu Ascendant
Sun 1 2 3 Jupiter

9 1
Saturn 10 11 12

7 11
Mercury Rahu Sun Venus
8 9 10

The Bhagya Chakra is a unique planetary chart. Under the Bhagya Chakra, you will be able to see the horary
charts of ascendant, Moon and the significator planets all at once.

Due to the above facility, see the planetary positions of all the related planets, and analyze their total
planetary impact.

Notable, with the help of this Bhagya Chakra, you will also be able to benefit from the accurate prediction.

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Shad Bala
Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Moon
Uccha Bala 17.19 41.09 31.72 8.29 30.98 54.86 27.04
Saptavargiya Bala 75.00 90.00 123.75 75.00 43.12 82.50 138.75
Dina-Ratri Bala 30.00 15.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 15.00 15.00
Kendradi Bala 60.00 15.00 30.00 15.00 30.00 30.00 15.00
Drekkana Bala 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00 15.00
Sthana Bala 197.19 161.09 215.47 128.29 149.10 182.36 210.79
Dig Bala 35.55 6.62 14.26 2.65 42.11 40.99 58.99
Natonnat Bala 37.17 60.00 37.17 22.83 37.17 22.83 22.83
Paksha Bala 36.56 23.44 23.44 36.56 23.44 36.56 23.44
Tribhag Bala 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00
Varsha Bala 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00
Maasa Bala 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 0.00
Vaara Bala 0.00 0.00 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hora Bala 0.00 0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ayan Bala 1.95 51.44 8.24 34.85 40.17 39.05 21.49
Yuddh Bala 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Kaala Bala 75.68 134.88 173.85 94.24 205.78 98.44 67.76
Chesta Bala 1.95 39.00 20.75 40.07 43.37 21.33 23.44
Naisargik Bala 60.00 25.71 42.86 17.14 34.29 8.57 51.43
Drik Bala -17.78 -9.80 -20.16 12.73 -32.02 12.46 14.10
Total Shadbala 352.59 357.50 447.02 295.12 442.63 364.15 426.51
Shad Bala in Rupas 5.88 5.96 7.45 4.92 7.38 6.07 7.11
Part of Min. 0.90 0.85 1.35 0.98 1.13 1.21 1.18
Sthana Bala Part 1.20 0.98 1.62 1.34 0.90 1.90 1.58
Dig Bala Part 1.02 0.19 0.29 0.09 1.20 1.37 1.18
Kala Bala Part 0.68 1.20 1.74 1.41 1.84 1.47 0.68
Chesta Bala Part 0.04 0.78 0.69 1.00 0.87 0.53 0.78
Ayan Bala Part 0.06 1.71 0.21 1.74 1.34 1.95 0.54
Relative Rank 6.00 5.00 1.00 7.00 2.00 4.00 3.00
Ishta Phala 5.78 40.03 25.65 18.23 36.65 34.20 25.17
Kashta Phala 49.85 19.93 33.32 32.11 21.97 14.10 27.80

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Query Analysis

Query: Will I be able to earn desirable profit from the scrap business?

In the horary chart, the favorable connection of the 7th house and Saturn is taken into

If ascendant, ascendant lord; the seventh house or it's lord and Saturn are well-placed, a
person will be able to get desirable profit from the scrap business.

If the above planets and houses are weak or under ill-effect, the scrap might be less


Planets for the query

Since the ascendant lord is in a negative state, your horary-chart cautions you to be prepared
to put down any difficulty that you might have to face on your path of progress.
As you are confident to tackle all the problems, you must hit your target in time. So, overlook
any unnecessary doubt, move forward.

The planet is aspected by an enemy planet. The influence on the horary chart is negative.
It will make attaining your objective harder. Other positive combinations will reduce its
The planet is placed in an enemy sign. It may not give you positive results.
The planet is placed with friendly planets. This will enhance the positive influence of this

In your horary-chart, since the karaka lord is in a strong state, it is having a positive impact
on your prospects. Due to this positive planetary state, you will first carry out all your duties
with responsibility. As a result, you will get the desirable profit without any difficulty.

In your horary-chart, since the karaka lord is in a strong state, it is having a positive impact
on your prospects. Due to this positive planetary state, you will first carry out all your duties
with responsibility. As a result, you will get the desirable profit without any difficulty.

The planet is aspected by a friend. It will have a positive influence on the horary chart and
will increase its overall auspiciousness.
The planet is placed in an enemy sign. It may not give you positive results.
The planet is placed with friendly planets. This will enhance the positive influence of this

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The planet is retrograde. It gives the planet strength and increases its impact on your

Houses for the query

There are some inauspicious influences on the significator planet for this house or on the
house itself.

Since the significator planet is not well-placed, you may have to tackle certain problems. As
you want to get the expected outcome, work hard, there are chances might get the desirable
result in time.

Since the significator planet is in an exalted state, there are strong chances that you will be
able to hit your target in time.

As the positive planetary placements will provide you the necessary support, take all the
necessary steps that you feel necessary, you will be able to get the desirable success.

Yogas in the chart

Moon-Mars Yoga (Chandra-Mandal Yoga) is present in the horary chart.

Your horary-chart conveys the planetary fact that Moon and Mars are connected positively.
Due to this positive planetary combination, Chandra-Mangal yoga is created.

Under the favorable impact of the above planetary combination, you will be able to develop a
great degree of confidence. As a result of Chandra-Mangal yoga, you will surely move
forward in the area of your interest with strong determination.

If all the remaining celestial bodies are not in an exalted state, you might have to face some
difficulty to get the desirable result.

Since Chandra-Mangal yoga also favors you to get good income, if all the significator planets
are also placed in a positive state, you will get desirable income.

Due to the favorable placements of most of the concerned planets in your horary-chart, there
is a strong possibility that you be able to get benefit from your brothers as well as relatives.

Aspects in the chart

Aspects on Mercury
Due to the favorable placement of Mars in your horary-chart, work hard to get the desirable

Meanwhile, ensure if all the other planets in your horary chart are in a positive state. If they
are placed positively, you will be able to get good profit under normal planetary state.

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Aspects on Saturn
Since the planets in your horary-chart, are under the favorable aspect of Jupiter, you will be
able to get the expected result if your efforts to get success are genuine.

Since, the positive placements of all the planets in your horary chart are necessary to help
the native get the expected success, ensure whether all of them are in a positive state.

Aspects on Rahu
Under the favorable aspect of Mars, the celestial bodies are likely to give desirable results.
Since the total impact of all the positively placed planets in your horary-chart is essential to
secure desirable benefit from your sincere efforts, ensure whether they are all placed in a
positive state.

If any one of the concerned planets in your horary-chart are less favorable, there are less
chances for you to get the expected income from your business.

Due to the average planetary placements and combinations, even if the concerned planets
might not give you all the required support, if you work hard and implement all your plans, the
scrap related trade might get you the desirable profit from the scrap business.

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