Chapter 1

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C H A P T E R 1


T he goal of this chapter is to provide a motiva-

tion for, and an introduction to, process control and instrumentation. After studying this
chapter, the reader, given a process, should be able to do the following:

• Determine possible control objectives, input variables (manipulated and distur-

bance) and output variables (measured and unmeasured), and constraints (hard or
soft), as well as classify the process as continuous, batch, or semicontinuous
• Assess the importance of process control from safety, environmental, and eco-
nomic points of view
• Sketch a process instrumentation and control diagram
• Draw a simplified control block diagram
• Understand the basic idea of feedback control
• Understand basic sensors (measurement devices) and actuators (manipulated
• Begin to develop intuition about characteristic timescales of dynamic behavior

The major sections of this chapter are as follows:

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Instrumentation
1.3 Process Models and Dynamic Behavior
1.4 Control Textbooks and Journals
1.5 A Look Ahead
1.6 Summary

2 Chapter 1 • Introduction

1.1 Introduction
Process engineers are often responsible for the operation of chemical processes. As these
processes become larger scale and/or more complex, the role of process automation
becomes more and more important. The objective of this textbook is to teach process engi-
neers how to design and tune feedback controllers for the automated operation of chemi-
cal processes.
A conceptual process block diagram for a chemical process is shown in Figure 1–1.
Notice that the inputs are classified as either manipulated or disturbance variables and the
outputs are classified as measured or unmeasured in Figure 1–1a. To automate the opera-
tion of a process, it is important to use measurements of process outputs or disturbance
inputs to make decisions about the proper values of manipulated inputs. This is the pur-
pose of the controller shown in Figure 1–1b; the measurement and control signals are
shown as dashed lines. These initial concepts probably seem very vague or abstract to you
at this point. Do not worry, because we present a number of examples in this chapter to
clarify these ideas.
The development of a control strategy consists of formulating or identifying the

1. Control objective(s).
2. Input variables—classify these as (a) manipulated or (b) disturbance variables;
inputs may change continuously, or at discrete intervals of time.
3. Output variables—classify these as (a) measured or (b) unmeasured variables;
measurements may be made continuously or at discrete intervals of time.
4. Constraints—classify these as (a) hard or (b) soft.
5. Operating characteristics—classify these as (a) continuous, (b) batch, or (c)
semicontinuous (or semibatch).
6. Safety, environmental, and economic considerations.
7. Control structure—the controllers can be feedback or feed forward in nature.

Here we discuss each of the steps in formulating a control problem in more detail.

1. The first step of developing a control strategy is to formulate the control objec-
tive(s). A chemical-process operating unit often consists of several unit opera-
tions. The control of an operating unit is generally reduced to considering the
control of each unit operation separately. Even so, each unit operation may
have multiple, sometimes conflicting objectives, so the development of control
objectives is not a trivial problem.
1.1 Introduction 3

manipulated measured
inputs outputs
disturbance unmeasured
inputs outputs

a. Input/Output representation



b. Control representation

Figure 1–1 Conceptual process input/output block diagram.

2. Input variables can be classified as manipulated or disturbance variables. A

manipulated input is one that can be adjusted by the control system (or process
operator). A disturbance input is a variable that affects the process outputs but
that cannot be adjusted by the control system. Inputs may change continuously
or at discrete intervals of time.
3. Output variables can be classified as measured or unmeasured variables. Mea-
surements may be made continuously or at discrete intervals of time.
4. Any process has certain operating constraints, which are classified as hard or
soft. An example of a hard constraint is a minimum or maximum flow rate—a
valve operates between the extremes of fully closed or fully open. An example
of a soft constraint is a product composition—it may be desirable to specify a
composition between certain values to sell a product, but it is possible to vio-
late this specification without posing a safety or environmental hazard.
5. Operating characteristics are usually classified as continuous, batch, or semi-
continuous (semibatch). Continuous processes operate for long periods of time
4 Chapter 1 • Introduction

under relatively constant operating conditions before being “shut down” for
cleaning, catalyst regeneration, and so forth. For example, some processes in
the oil-refining industry operate for 18 months between shutdowns. Batch
processes are dynamic in nature—that is, they generally operate for a short
period of time and the operating conditions may vary quite a bit during that
period of time. Example batch processes include beer or wine fermentation, as
well as many specialty chemical processes. For a batch reactor, an initial
charge is made to the reactor, and conditions (temperature, pressure) are varied
to produce a desired product at the end of the batch time. A typical semibatch
process may have an initial charge to the reactor, but feed components may be
added to the reactor during the course of the batch run.
Another important consideration is the dominant timescale of a process. For
continuous processes this is very often related to the residence time of the ves-
sel. For example, a vessel with a liquid volume of 100 liters and a flow rate of
10 liters/minute would have a residence time of 10 minutes; that is, on the
average, an element of fluid is retained in the vessel for 10 minutes.
6. Safety, environmental, and economic considerations are all very important. In
a sense, economics is the ultimate driving force—an unsafe or environmentally
hazardous process will ultimately cost more to operate, through fines paid,
insurance costs, and so forth. In many industries (petroleum refining, for exam-
ple), it is important to minimize energy costs while producing products that
meet certain specifications. Better process automation and control allows
processes to operate closer to “optimum” conditions and to produce products
where variability specifications are satisfied.
The concept of “fail-safe” is always important in the selection of instrumenta-
tion. For example, a control valve needs an energy source to move the valve
stem and change the flow; most often this is a pneumatic signal (usually 3–15
psig). If the signal is lost, then the valve stem will go to the 3-psig limit. If the
valve is air-to-open, then the loss of instrument air will cause the valve to
close; this is known as a fail-closed valve. If, on the other hand, a valve is air-
to-close, when instrument air is lost the valve will go to its fully open state;
this is known as a fail-open valve.
7. The two standard control types are feed forward and feedback. A feed-forward
controller measures the disturbance variable and sends this value to a con-
troller, which adjusts the manipulated variable. A feedback control system
measures the output variable, compares that value to the desired output value,
and uses this information to adjust the manipulated variable. For the first part
of this textbook, we emphasize feedback control of single-input (manipulated)
and single-output (measured) systems. Determining the feedback control
1.1 Introduction 5

structure for these systems consists of deciding which manipulated variable

will be adjusted to control which measured variable. The desired value of the
measured process output is called the setpoint.

A particularly important concept used in control system design is process gain. The
process gain is the sensitivity of a process output to a change in the process input. If an
increase in a process input leads to an increase in the process output, this is known as a
positive gain. If, on the other hand, an increase in the process input leads to a decrease in
the process output, this is known as a negative gain. The magnitude of the process gain is
also important. For example, a change in power (input) of 0.5 kW to a laboratory-scale
heater may lead to a fluid temperature (output) change of 10°C; this is a process gain
(change in output/change in input) of 20°C/kW. The same input power change of 0.5 kW
to a larger scale heater may only yield an output change of 0.5°C, corresponding to a
process gain of 1°C/kW.
Once the control structure is determined, it is important to decide on the control
algorithm. The control algorithm uses measured output variable values (along with
desired output values) to change the manipulated input variable. A control algorithm has a
number of control parameters, which must be “tuned” (adjusted) to have acceptable per-
formance. Often the tuning is done on a simulation model before implementing the con-
trol strategy on the actual process. A significant portion of this textbook is on the use of
model-based control, that is, controllers that have a model of the process “built in.”
This approach is best illustrated by way of example. Since many important con-
cepts, such as control instrumentation diagrams and control block diagrams, are intro-
duced in the next examples, it is important that you study them thoroughly.

Example 1.1: Surge Tank

Surge tanks are often used as intermediate storage for fluid streams being transferred
between process units. Consider the process flow diagram shown in Figure 1–2, where a
fluid stream from process 1 is fed to the surge tank; the effluent from the surge tank is sent
to process 2.
There are obvious constraints on the height in this tank. If the tank overflows it may
create safety and environmental hazards, which may also have economic significance. Let
us analyze this system using a step-by-step procedure.

1. Control objective: The control objective is to maintain the height within certain
bounds. If it is too high it will overflow and if it is too low there may be prob-
lems with the flow to process 2. Usually, a specific desired height will be
selected. This desired height is known as the setpoint.
6 Chapter 1 • Introduction

From process 1

To process 2

Figure 1–2 Tank level problem.

2. Input variables: The input variables are the flow from process 1 and the flow to
process 2. Notice that an outlet flow rate is considered an input to this problem.
The question is which input is manipulated and which is a disturbance? That
depends. We discuss this problem further in a moment.
3. Output variables: The most important output variable is the liquid level. We
assume that it is measured.
4. Constraints: There are a number of constraints in this problem. There is a max-
imum liquid level; if this is exceeded, the tank will overflow. There are mini-
mum and maximum flow rates through the inlet and outlet valves.
5. Operating characteristics: We assume that this is a continuous process, that is,
that there is a continuous flow in and out of the tank. It would be a semicontin-
uous process if, for example, there was an inlet flow with no outlet flow (if the
tank was simply being filled).
6. Safety, environmental, and economic considerations: These aspects depend
somewhat on the fluid characteristics. If it is a hazardous chemical, then there
is a tremendous incentive from safety and environmental considerations to not
allow the tank to overflow. Indeed, this is also an economic consideration,
since injuries to employees or environmental cleanup costs money. Even if the
substance is water, it has likely been treated by an upstream process unit, so
losing water owing to overflow will incur an economic penalty.
Safety considerations play an important role in the specification of control
valves (fail-open or fail-closed). For this particular problem, the control-valve
specification will depend on which input is manipulated. This is discussed in
detail shortly.
7. Control structure: There are numerous possibilities for control of this system.
We discuss first the feedback strategies, then the feed-forward strategies.
1.1 Introduction 7

Feedback Control
The measured variable for a feedback control strategy is the tank height. Which input vari-
able is manipulated depends on what is happening in process 1 and process 2. Let us con-
sider two different scenarios.

Scenario 1 Process 2 regulates the flow-rate F2. This could happen, for example, if
process 2 is a steam generation system and process 1 is a deionization process. Process 2
varies the flow rate of water (F2) depending on the steam demand. As far as the tank
process is concerned, F2 is a “wild” (disturbance) stream because the regulation of F2 is
determined by another system. In this case we would use F1 as the manipulated variable;
that is, F1 is adjusted to maintain a desired tank height.
The control and instrumentation diagram for a feedback control strategy for scenario
1 is shown in Figure 1–3. Notice that the level transmitter (LT) sends the measured height
of liquid in the tank (hm) to the level controller (LC). The LC compares the measured level
with the desired level (hsp, the height setpoint) and sends a pressure signal (Pv) to the
valve. This valve top pressure moves the valve stem up and down, changing the flow rate
through the valve (F1). If the controller is designed properly, the flow rate changes to
bring the tank height close to the desired setpoint. In this process and instrumentation dia-
gram we use dashed lines to indicate signals between different pieces of instrumentation.
A simplified block diagram representing this system is shown in Figure 1–4. Each
signal and device (or process) is shown on the block diagram. We use a slightly different


From process 1 sp
F To process 2
Figure 1–3 Feedback control strategy 1. The level is measured and the inlet
flow rate (valve position) is manipulated.
8 Chapter 1 • Introduction


h v 1
sp Controller Valve Process h

hm Level

Figure 1–4 Feedback control schematic (block diagram) for scenario 1. F1 is

manipulated and F2 is a disturbance.

form for block diagrams when we use transfer function notation for control system analy-
sis in Chapter 5. Note that each block represents a dynamic element. We expect that the
valve and LT dynamics will be much faster than the process dynamics. We also see clearly
from the block diagram why this is known as a feedback control “loop.” The controller
“decides” on the valve position, which affects the inlet flow rate (the manipulated input),
which affects the level; the outlet flow rate (the disturbance input) also affects the level.
The level is measured, and that value is fed back to the controller [which compares the
measured level with the desired level (setpoint)].
Notice that the control valve should be specified as fail-closed or air-to-open, so that
the tank will not overflow on loss of instrument air or other valve failure.

Scenario 2 Process 1 regulates flow rate F1. This could happen, for example, if process
1 is producing a chemical compound that must be processed by process 2. Perhaps
process 1 is set to produce F1 at a certain rate. F1 is then considered “wild” (a
disturbance) by the tank process. In this case we would adjust F2 to maintain the tank
height. Notice that the control valve should be specified as fail-open or air-to-close, so
that the tank will not overflow on loss of instrument air or other valve failure.
The process and instrumentation diagram for this scenario is shown in Figure 1–5.
The only difference between this and the previous instrumentation diagram (Figure 1–3)
is that F2 rather than F1 is manipulated.
The simplified block diagram shown in Figure 1–6 differs from the previous case
(Figure 1–4) only because F2 rather than F1 is manipulated. F1 is a disturbance input.
1.1 Introduction 9

From process 1 h m

To process 2
Figure 1–5 Feedback control strategy 2. Outlet flow rate is manipulated.


Pv F2
Controller Valve Process h

hm Level

Figure 1–6 Feedback control schematic (block diagram) for scenario 2. F2 is

manipulated and F1 is a disturbance.

Feed-Forward Control
The previous two feedback control strategies were based on measuring the output (tank
height) and manipulating an input (the inlet flow rate in scenario 1 and the outlet flow rate
in scenario 2). In each case the manipulated variable is changed after a disturbance affects
the output. The advantage to a feed-forward control strategy is that a disturbance variable
is measured and a manipulated variable is changed before the output is affected. Consider
a case where the inlet flow rate can be changed by the upstream process unit and is there-
fore considered a disturbance variable. If we can measure the inlet flow rate, we can
manipulate the outlet flow rate to maintain a constant tank height. This feed-forward con-
trol strategy is shown in Figure 1–7, where FM is the flow measurement device and FFC
is the feed-forward controller. The corresponding control block diagram is shown in Fig-
ure 1–8. F1 is a disturbance input that directly affects the tank height; the value of F1 is
10 Chapter 1 • Introduction


From process 1

To process 2
Figure 1–7 Feed-forward control strategy. Inlet flow rate is measured and
outlet flow rate is manipulated.



Pv F2
Controller Valve Process h

Figure 1–8 Feed-forward control schematic block diagram.

measured by the FM device, and the information is used by an FFC to change the manipu-
lated input, F2.
The main disadvantage to this approach is sensitivity to uncertainty. If the inlet flow
rate is not perfectly measured or if the outlet flow rate cannot be manipulated perfectly,
then the tank height will not be perfectly controlled. With any small disturbance or uncer-
tainty, the tank will eventually overflow or run dry. In practice, FFC is combined with
feedback control to account for uncertainty. A feed-forward/feedback strategy is shown in
Figure 1–9, and the corresponding block diagram is shown in Figure 1–10. Here, the
feed-forward portion allows immediate corrective action to be taken before the distur-
bance (inlet flow rate) actually affects the output measurement (tank height). The feed-
back controller adjusts the outlet flow rate to maintain the desired tank height, even with
errors in the inlet flow-rate measurement.
1.1 Introduction 11


From process 1 sp


To process 2
Figure 1–9 Feed-forward/feedback control strategy. The inlet flow rate is the
measured disturbance, tank height is the measured output, and outlet flow rate is



Pv F2
h sp
Controller Valve Process h


Figure 1–10 Feed-forward/feedback control schematic block diagram.

Discussion of Level Controller Tuning and the Dominant Timescale

Notice that we have not discussed the actual control algorithms; the details of control
algorithms and tuning are delayed until Chapter 5. Conceptually, would you prefer to tune
level controllers for “fast” or “slow” responses?
When tanks are used as surge vessels it is usually desirable to tune the controllers
for a slow return to the setpoint. This is particularly true for scenario 2, where the inlet
12 Chapter 1 • Introduction

flow rate is considered a disturbance variable. The outlet flow rate is manipulated but
affects another process. In order to not upset the downstream process, we would like to
change the outlet flow rate slowly, yet fast enough that the tank does not overflow or go
Related to the controller tuning issue is the importance of the dominant timescale of
the process. Consider the case where the maximum tank volume is 200 gallons and the
steady-state operating volume is 100 gallons. If the steady-state flow rate is 100 gal-
lons/minute, the “residence time” would be 1 minute. Assume the inlet flow rate is a dis-
turbance and outlet flow rate is manipulated (Figure 1–5). If the feed flow rate increased
to 150 gallons/minute and the outlet flow rate did not change, the tank would overflow in
2 minutes. On the other hand, if the same vessel had a steady-state flow rate of 10 gal-
lons/minute and the inlet flow suddenly increased to 15 gallons/minute (with no change in
the outlet flow), it would take 20 minutes for the tank to overflow. Clearly, controller tun-
ing and concern about controller failure is different for these two cases.
The first example was fairly easy compared with most control-system synthesis
problems in industry. Even for this simple example we found that there were many issues
to be considered and a number of decisions (specification of a fail-open or fail-closed
valve, etc.) that needed to be made. Often there will be many (and usually conflicting)
objectives, many possible manipulated variables, and numerous possible measured
It is helpful to think of common, everyday activities in the context of control, so you
will become familiar with the types of control problems that can arise in practice. The fol-
lowing activity is just such an example.

Example 1.2: Taking a Shower

A common multivariable control problem that we face every day is taking a shower. A
simplified process schematic is shown in Figure 1–11. We analyze this process step by

1. Control objectives: Control objectives when taking a shower include the fol-
a. to become clean
b. to be comfortable (correct temperature and water velocity as it contacts the
c. to “look good” (clean hair, etc.)
d. to become refreshed
1.1 Introduction 13

Hot water Cold water

Figure 1–11 Process schematic for taking a shower.

To simplify our analysis, for the rest of the problem we discuss how we can
satisfy the second objective (to maintain water temperature and flow rate at
comfortable values). Similar analysis can be performed for the other objec-
2. Input variables: The manipulated input variables are hot-water and cold-water
valve positions. Some showers can also vary the velocity by adjustment of the
shower head. Another input is body position—you can move into and out of
the shower stream. Disturbance inputs include a drop in water pressure (say,
owing to a toilet flushing) and changes in hot water temperature owing to
“using up the hot water from the heater.”
3. Output variables: The “measured” output variables are the temperature and
flow rate (or velocity) of the mixed stream as it contacts your body.
4. Constraints: There are minimum and maximum valve positions (and therefore
flow rates) on both streams. The maximum mixed temperature is equal to the
hot water temperature and the minimum mixed temperature is equal to the cold
water temperature. The previous constraints were hard constraints—they can-
not be physically violated. An example of a soft constraint is the mixed-stream
water temperature—you do not want it to be above a certain value because you
may get scalded. This is a soft constraint because it can physically happen,
although you do not want it to happen.
14 Chapter 1 • Introduction

5. Operating characteristics: This process is continuous while you are taking a

shower but is most likely viewed as a batch process, since it is a small part of
your day. It could easily be called a semicontinuous (semibatch) process.
6. Safety, environmental, and economic considerations: Too high of a tempera-
ture can scald you—this is certainly a safety consideration. Economically, if
your showers are too long, more energy is consumed to heat the water, costing
money. Environmentally (and economically), more water consumption means
that more water and wastewater must be treated. An economic objective might
be to minimize the shower time. However, if the shower time is too short, or
not frequent enough, your clothes will become dirty and must be washed more
often—increasing your clothes-cleaning bill.
7. Control structure: This is a multivariable control problem because adjusting
either valve affects both temperature and flow rate. Control manipulations
must be “coordinated,” that is, if the hot-water flow rate is increased to
increase the temperature, the cold-water flow rate must be decreased to
maintain the same total flow rate. The measurement signals are continuous, but
the manipulated variable changes are likely to be discrete (unless your hands
are continuously varying the valve positions).
Feedback control: As the body feels the temperature changing, adjustments to
one or both valves is made. As the body senses a flow rate or velocity change,
one or both valves are adjusted.
Feed-forward control: If you hear the toilet flush, you move your body out of
the stream to avoid the higher temperature that you anticipate. Notice that you
are making a manipulated variable change (moving your body) before the
effect of an output (temperature or flow rate) change is actually detected.

Some showers may have a relatively large time delay (or dead time) between when
a manipulated variable change is made and when the actual output change is measured.
This could happen, for example, if there was a large pipe run between the mixing point
and the shower head (this would be considered an input time delay). Another type of time
delay is measurement dead time, for example if your body takes a while to detect a change
in the temperature of the stream contacting your body.
Notice that the control strategy used has more manipulated variables (two valve
positions and body movement) than measured outputs (total mixed-stream flow rate and
In the shower example, the individual taking the shower served as the controller.
The measurements and manipulations for this example are somewhat qualitative (you do
not know the exact temperature or flow rate, for example). Most of the rest of the textbook
1.2 Instrumentation 15

consists of quantitative controller design procedures, that is, a mathematical model of the
process is used to develop the control algorithm.
This chapter has covered the important first step of control system development—
identifying seven basic steps in analyzing a process control problem. We have used sim-
ple examples with which you are familiar. As you learn about more chemical and
environmental processes, you should get in the habit of thinking about them from a
process systems point of view, just as you have with these simple systems.

1.2 Instrumentation
The example level-control problem had three critical pieces of instrumentation: a sensor
(measurement device), actuator (manipulated input device), and controller. The sensor
measured the tank level, the actuator changed the flow rate, and the controller determined
how much to vary the actuator, based on the sensor signal.
There are many common sensors used for chemical processes. These include tem-
perature, level, pressure, flow, composition, and pH. The most common manipulated input
is the valve actuator signal (usually pneumatic).
Each device in a control loop must supply or receive a signal from another device.
When these signals are continuous, such as electrical current or voltage, we use the term
analog. If the signals are communicated at discrete intervals of time, we use the term digital.

Analog or continuous signals provided the foundation for control theory and design and
analysis. A common measurement device might supply either a 4- to 20-mA or 0- to 5-V
signal as a function of time. Pneumatic analog controllers (developed primarily in the
1930s, but used in some plants today) would use instrument air, as well as a bellows-and-
springs arrangement to “calculate” a controller output based on an input from a measure-
ment device (typically supplied as a 3- to 15-psig pneumatic signal). The controller output
of 3–15 psig would be sent to an actuator, typically a control valve where the pneumatic
signal would move the valve stem. For large valves, the 3- to 15-psig signal might be
“amplified” to supply enough pressure to move the valve stem.
Electronic analog controllers typically receive a 4- to 20-mA or 0- to 5-V signal
from a measurement device, and use an electronic circuit to determine the controller out-
put, which is usually a 4- to 20-mA or 0- to 5-V signal. Again, the controller output is
often sent to a control valve that may require a 3- to 15-psig signal for valve stem actua-
tion. In this case the 4- to 20-mA current signal is converted to the 3- to 15-psig signal
using an I/P (current-to-pneumatic) converter.
16 Chapter 1 • Introduction

Many devices and controllers are now based on digital communication technology. A sen-
sor may send a digital signal to a controller, which then does a discrete computation and
sends a digital output to the actuator. Very often, the actuator is a valve, so there is usually
a D/I (digital-to-electronic analog) converter involved. Indeed, if the valve stem is moved
by a pneumatic actuator rather than electronic, then an I/P converter may also be used.
In the past few decades, digital control-system design techniques that explicitly
account for the discrete (rather than continuous) nature of the control computations have
been developed. If small sample times are used, the tuning and performance of the digital
controllers is nearly equal to that of analog controllers.

Techniques Used in This Textbook

Most of the techniques used in this book are based on analog (continuous) control.
Although many of the control computations performed on industrial processes are digital,
the discrete sample time is usually small enough that virtually identical performance to
analog control is obtained. Our understanding of chemical processes is based on ordinary
differential equations, so it makes sense to continue to think of control in a continuous
fashion. We find that controller tuning is much more intuitive in a continuous, rather than
discrete, framework. In Chapter 16 we spend some time discussing techniques that are
specific to digital control systems, namely model predictive control (MPC).

Control Valve Placement

In Example 1.1 and in most of the examples given in this textbook, we use a simplified
representation for a control valve and signal. It should be noted that virtually all control
valves are actually installed in an arrangement similar to that shown in Figure 1–12. When
the control valve fails, the adjacent block valves can be closed; the control valve can then
be removed and replaced. During the interim, the bypass valve can be adjusted manually
to maintain the desired flow rate. Generally, these control valve “stations” are placed at
ground level for easy access, even if the pipeline is in a piperack far above the ground.

1.3 Process Models and Dynamic Behavior

Thus far we have mentioned the term model a number of times, and you probably have a
vague notion of what we mean by model. The following definition of a model is from the
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms:
1.3 Process Models and Dynamic Behavior 17

Block Control Block

valve valve valve

Bypass valve

Figure 1–12 Typical control valve arrangement. When the control valve needs
to be taken out of service, the two block valves are closed and the control valve
is removed. The bypass valve can then be manually adjusted to control the flow.

“A mathematical or physical system, obeying certain specified conditions, whose

behavior is used to understand a physical, biological, or social system to which it is
analogous in some way.”

In this textbook, model will be taken to mean mathematical model. More specifi-
cally, we develop process models. A working definition of process model is
a set of equations (including the necessary input data to solve the equations) that
allows us to predict the behavior of a chemical process.

Models play a very important role in control-system design. Models can be used to
simulate expected process behavior with a proposed control system. Also, models are
often “embedded” in the controller itself; in effect the controller can use a process model
to anticipate the effect of a control action. We can see from Example 1.1 that we at least
need to know whether an increase in the flow rate will increase or decrease the tank level.
For example, an increase in the inlet flow rate increases the tank level (positive gain),
while an increase in the outlet flow rate leads to a decrease in the tank level (negative
gain). In order to design a controller, then, we need to know whether an increase in the
manipulated input increases or decreases the process output variable; that is, we need to
know whether the process gain is positive or negative.
An example of a process model is shown next. A number of other examples are
developed in Chapter 2.
18 Chapter 1 • Introduction

Example 1.3: Liquid Surge Vessel Model

In the development of a dynamic model, simplifying assumptions are often made. Also,
the model requirements are a function of the end-use of the model. In this case, we are
ultimately interested in designing a controller and in simulating control-system behavior.
Since we have not covered control algorithms in depth, our objective here is to develop a
model that relates the inputs (manipulated and disturbance) to measured outputs that we
wish to regulate.
For this process, we first assume that the density is constant. The model we develop
should allow us to determine how the volume of liquid in the vessel varies as a function of
the inlet and outlet flow rates. We will list the state variables, parameters, and the input
and output variables. We must also specify the required information to solve this problem
(see Figure 1–2). The system is the liquid in the tank and the liquid surface is the top
boundary of the system. The following notation is used in the modeling equations:

F1 = inlet volumetric flow rate (volume/time);

F2 = outlet volumetric flow rate;
V = volume of liquid in vessel;
h = height of liquid in vessel;
 = liquid density (mass/volume);
A = cross-sectional area of vessel.

Here we write the balance equations based on an instantaneous rate-of-change,

 rate of change of  mass flow rate   mass flow rate 
total mass of fluid =  of fluid − of fluid  (1.1)
     
 inside the vessel   into the vessel  out of the vessel
where the total mass of fluid in the vessel is V, the rate of change is dV/dt, and the den-
sity of the outlet stream is equal to the density of the vessel contents
= F1ρ1 − F2 ρ (1.2)
Notice the implicit assumption that the density of fluid in the vessel does not depend on
position (the perfect mixing assumption). This assumption allows an ordinary differential
equation (ODE) formulation. We refer to any system that can be modeled by ODEs as
lumped parameter systems. Also notice that the outlet stream density was assumed to be
1.3 Process Models and Dynamic Behavior 19

equal to the density of fluid in the tank. Assuming that the density of the inlet stream and
fluid in the vessel are equal, this equation is then reduced to1
= F1 − F2 (1.3)
In Equation (1.3) we refer to V as a state variable, and F1 and F2 as input variables (even
though F2 is an outlet stream flow rate). If density remained in the equation, we would
refer to it as a parameter.
In order to solve this problem we must specify the inputs F1(t) and F2(t) and the ini-
tial condition V(0). Direct integration of Equation (1.3) yields
V (t ) = V ( 0 ) + ∫ [ Fi () − F()]d (1.4)

If, for example, the initial volume is 500 liters, the inlet flow rate is 5 liters/second
and the outlet flow rate is 4.5 liters/second, we find
V(t) = 500 + 0.5  t
Example 1.3 provides an introduction to the notion of states, inputs, and parameters.
Consider now the notion of an output. We may consider fluid volume to be a desired out-
put that we wish to control, for example. In that case, volume would not only be a state, it
would also be considered an output. On the other hand, we may be concerned about fluid
height, rather than volume. Volume and height are related through the constant cross-
sectional area, A
V = Ah or h = V/A (1.5)
Then we have the following modeling equations,
dV V
= F1 − F2 , h = (1.6)
dt A
where V is a state, F1 and F2 are inputs, h is an output, and A is a parameter. We could also
rewrite the state variable equation to find
A = F1 − F2

It might be tempting to the reader to begin to directly write a “volume balance” expression, which
looks similar to Equation (1.3). We wish to make it clear that there is no such thing as a volume
balance and Equation (1.3) is only correct because of the constant density assumption. It is a good
idea to always write a mass balance expression, such as Equation (1.2), before making assumptions
about the fluid density, which may lead to Equation (1.3).
20 Chapter 1 • Introduction

dh ( F1 − F2 )
= (1.7)
dt A
where fluid height is now the state variable. It should also be noted that inputs can be clas-
sified as either manipulated inputs (that we may regulate with a control valve, for exam-
ple) or disturbance inputs. If we desired to measure fluid height and manipulate the flow
rate of stream 1, for example, then F1 would be a manipulated input, while F2 would be a
disturbance input.
We have found that a single process can have different modeling equations and vari-
ables, depending on assumptions and the objectives used when developing the model.
The liquid level process is an example of an integrating process. If the process is
initially at steady state, the inlet and outlet flow rates are equal (see Equation 1.3 or 1.7).
If the inlet flow rate is suddenly increased while the outlet flow rate remains constant, the
liquid level (volume) will increase until the vessel overflows. Similarly, if the outlet flow
rate is increased while the inlet flow rate remains constant, the tank level will decrease
until the vessel is empty.
In this textbook we first develop process models based on fundamental or first-
principles analysis, that is, models that are based on known physical-chemical relation-
ships, such as material and energy balances, as well as reaction kinetics, transport
phenomena, and thermodynamic relationships. We then develop empirical models. An
empirical model is usually developed based on applying input changes to a process and
observing the response of measured outputs. Model parameters are adjusted so that the
model outputs match the observed process outputs. This technique is particularly useful
for developing models that can be used for controller design.

1.4 Control Textbooks and Journals

There are a large number of undergraduate control textbooks that focus on control-system
design and theory. The following books include an introduction to process modeling and
dynamics, in addition to control system design.
Coughanowr, D.R., Process Systems Analysis and Control, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New
York (1991).
Luyben, M.L., and W.L. Luyben, Essentials of Process Control, McGraw-Hill, New York
Luyben, W.L., Process Modeling Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineers, 2nd
ed., McGraw-Hill, New York (1990).
1.4 Control Textbooks and Journals 21

Marlin, T.E., Process Control: Designing Processes and Control Systems for Dynamic
Performance, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York (2000).
Ogunnaike, B.A., and W.H. Ray, Process Dynamics, Modeling and Control, Oxford, New
York (1994).
Riggs, J.B., Chemical Process Control, Ferret Publishing, Lubbock, Texas (1999).
Seborg, D.E., T.F. Edgar, and D.A. Mellichamp, Process Dynamics and Control, Wiley,
New York (1989).
Smith, C.A., and A.B. Corripio, Principles and Practice of Automatic Process Control,
2nd ed. Wiley, New York (1997).
Stephanopoulos, G., Chemical Process Control, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Svrcek, W.Y., D.P. Mahoney, and B.R. Young, A Real-Time Approach to Process Con-
trol, Wiley, Chichester (2000).
The following books are generally more applied, with specific control applications
Levine, W.S. (ed.), The Control Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (1996).
Liptak, B.G., and K.Venczel (eds.), Instrument Engineers Handbook, Process Control
Volume, Chilton Book Company, Radnor, PA (1985).
Luyben, W.L., B.D. Tyreus, and M.L. Luyben, Plantwide Process Control, McGraw-Hill,
New York (1999).
Schork, F.J., Deshpande, P.B., and K.W. Leffew, Control of Polymerization Reactors,
Marcel Dekker, New York (1993).
Shinskey, F.G., Distillation Control, McGraw-Hill, New York (1977).
Shunta, J.P., Achieving World Class Manufacturing Through Process Control, Prentice
Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ (1995).
The following sources often provide interesting process control problems and

Advances in Instrumentation and Control (ISA Annual Conference)

American Control Conference (ACC) Proceedings—yearly
Chemical Engineering Magazine (McGraw-Hill)—monthly
Chemical Engineering Progress—monthly
Control Engineering Practice (an IFAC Journal)
Hydrocarbon Processing (petroleum refining and petrochemicals)—monthly
Instrumentation Technology (InTech, an instrumentation industry magazine)—
22 Chapter 1 • Introduction

IEEE Control Systems Magazine—bimonthly

ISA (Instrument Society of America) Transactions
TAPPI Journal (pulp and paper industry) —monthly

The following sources tend to be more theoretical but often have useful control-
related articles.

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Journal

Automatica (Journal of the International Federation of Automatic Control, IFAC)
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering Communications
Chemical Engineering Research and Design
Chemical Engineering Science
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) Proceedings—yearly
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research (I&EC Research)
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology
International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Proceedings
International Journal of Control
International Journal of Systems Sciences
Journal of Process Control
Proceedings of the IEE (part D, Control Theory and Applications)

1.5 A Look Ahead

Chapter 2 develops fundamental models based on material and energy balances, while
Chapter 3 covers dynamic analysis. Chapter 4 shows how to develop empirical models
from plant tests. Chapter 5 is an introduction to feedback control and provides the first
look at quantitative control-system design procedures.
The best way to understand process control is to work many problems. In particular,
it is important to use simulation for complex problems. A numerical package that is
1.6 Summary 23

particularly useful for control-system analysis and simulation is MATLAB; the SIMULINK
block-diagram simulator is particularly useful. If you are not familiar with MATLAB/
SIMULINK, we recommend that you work through the MATLAB and SIMULINK tutorials
(Modules 1 and 2). Simply reading the tutorials will not give you much insight into the use
of MATLAB; you must sit at a computer, work through the examples, and try new ideas that
you have.

1.6 Summary
You should now be able to formulate a control problem in terms of the following:

• Control objective
• Inputs (manipulated or disturbance)
• Outputs (measured or unmeasured)
• Constraints (hard or soft)
• Operating characteristics (continuous, batch, semibatch)
• Safety, environmental, and economic issues
• Control structure (feedback, feed forward)

You should also be able to sketch control and instrumentation diagrams, and control block
diagrams. In addition, you should be able to recommend whether a control valve should
be fail-open or fail-closed.
The following terms were introduced in this chapter:

• Actuator
• Air-to-close
• Air-to-open
• Algorithm
• Control block diagram
• Control valve
• Controller
• Deadtime or time-delay
• Digital
• Fail-closed
• Fail-open
• Gain
• Integrating process
24 Chapter 1 • Introduction

• Model
• Process gain
• Process and instrumentation diagram
• Sensor
• Setpoint

The abstract notions of states, inputs, outputs, and parameters were introduced and
are covered in more detail in Chapter 2. The examples used were as follows:

1.1 Surge Tank

1.2 Taking a Shower
1.3 Liquid Surge Vessel Model

Student Exercises
1. Discuss the following problems (a–g) in the context of control:
i. Identify control objectives;
ii. Identify input variables and classify as (a) manipulated or (b) distur-
iii. Identify output variables and classify these as (a) measured or (b)
iv. Identify constraints and classify as (a) hard or (b) soft;
v. Identify operating characteristics and classify as (a) continuous, (b)
batch, (c) semicontinuous (or semibatch);
vi. Discuss safety, environmental, and economic considerations;
vii. Discuss the types of control (feed forward or feedback).
Measurements and manipulated variables can vary continuously or may be
sampled discretely.
Select from the following:
a. Driving a car
b. Choose one of your favorite activities (skiing, basketball, making a cappuc-
cino, etc.)
c. A stirred tank heater
d. Beer fermentation
e. An activated sludge process
f. A household thermostat
g. Air traffic control
Student Exercises 25

2. Literature Review. The process control research literature can be challenging

to read, with unique notations and rigorous mathematical analyses. Find a
paper from one of the magazines or journals listed in Section 1.4 that you
would like to understand by the time you have completed this textbook. You
will find many articles to choose from, so use some of the following criteria for
your selection:
• The process is interesting to you (do not choose mainly a theory paper)
• The modeling equations and parameters are in the paper (make certain the
equations are ordinary differential equations and not partial differential
• There are plots that you can verify (eventually) through simulation (the
plots should be based on simulation results)
• The control algorithm is clearly written
• The objectives of the paper are reasonably clear to you
Provide the following:
i. A short (one paragraph) summary of the overall objectives of the paper;
why are you interested in the paper?
ii. A short list of words and concepts in the paper that are familiar to you.
Suggested Topics (choose one):
a. Fluidized catalytic cracking unit (FCCU)—petroleum refining
b. Reactive ion etching—semiconductor manufacturing
c. Rotary lime kiln—pulp and paper manufacturing
d. Continuous drug infusion—biomedical engineering and anesthesia
e. Anaerobic digester—waste treatment
f. Distillation—petrochemical and many other industries
g. Polymerization reactor—plastics
h. pH—waste treatment
i. Beer production—food and beverage
j. Paper machine headbox—pulp and paper manufacturing
k. Batch chemical reactor—pharmaceutical production
3. Instrumentation Search. Select one of the following measurement devices and
use Internet resources to learn more about it. Determine what types of signals
are input to or output from the device. For flow meters, what range of flow
rates can be handled by a particular flow meter model?
a. Vortex-shedding flow meters
b. Orifice-plate flow meters
c. Mass flow meters
d. Thermocouple-based temperature measurements
26 Chapter 1 • Introduction

e. Differential pressure (delta P) measurements

f. Control valves
g. pH
4. Work through the Module 1: Introduction to MATLAB.
5. A process furnace heats a process stream from near ambient temperature to a
desired temperature of 300°C. The process stream outlet temperature is regu-
lated by manipulating the flow rate of fuel gas to the furnace, as shown below.

Process Fluid

Process Fluid

Controller TC Temperature

Fuel Gas

a. Discuss the objectives of this control strategy.

b. What is the measured output?
c. What is the manipulated input?
d. What are possible disturbances?
e. Is this a continuous or batch process?
f. Is this a feed-forward or feedback controller?
g. Should the control valve fail-open or fail-closed? For the strategy you
chose, is the valve gain positive or negative? Why?
h. Discuss safety, environmental, and economic issues.
Student Exercises 27

i. Draw the control block schematic diagram and label all signals and blocks
on the diagram.
6. A fluidized catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) produces a significant portion of
the gasoline produced by a typical petroleum refinery. A typical FCCU
processes 30,000 Bbl/day (1 Bbl = 42 gallons) of heavy gas oil from a crude
oil distillation unit, producing roughly 15,000 Bbl/day of gasoline, along with
streams of other components. The value of gasoline alone produced by this unit
is on the order of $500,000/day, so any improvement in yield and energy con-
sumption owing to improved control can have a significant economic impact.
Question: A control system revamp for a 30,000 Bbl/day FCCU is estimated to
cost $2 million. It is expected that the implementation of advanced control
schemes will result in an economic increase of 2% in the value of products
produced. Based on the value of gasoline alone, how many days will it take to
pay back the control system investment?
7. Furnaces are often used to heat process streams to temperatures above 400°F.
A typical fired furnace may have a heat duty of 100 x 106 Btu/hour, requiring
roughly 1667 scfm (standard cubic feet per minute) of natural gas (methane
has a fuel value of approximately 1000 Btu/scf). The cost of this fuel gas is on
the order of $5/1000 scf, yielding an annual fuel cost of $4.4 million/year.
Excess combustion air is needed to assure complete combustion; however, too
much excess air wastes energy (the heated air simply goes out the exhaust
stack). Too little excess air leads to incomplete combustion, wasting energy
and polluting the atmosphere with unburned hydrocarbons. It is important,
then, to deliver an optimum amount of combustion air to the furnace. With the
large flow rates and high temperatures involved, maintaining safe operation is
also very important. The control system must be designed so that excess com-
bustion air is maintained, no matter what is happening to the fuel gas flow rate.
A fired furnace control system clearly needs to satisfy safety, environmental,
and economic criteria.
Question: An advanced control scheme is estimated to save 2% in energy
costs, for a fired furnace with a heat duty of 100 x 106 Btu/hour. If it is desired
to have a 2-year payback period on this control system investment, what is the
maximum investment allowable?
8. Consider the surge vessel process in Example 1.3. If the steady-state volume is
500 liters, and the steady-state inlet and outlet flow rates are 50 liters/minute,
find how the liquid volume varies with time if the inlet flow rate is Fi(t) = 50 +
10 sin(0.1t), while the outlet flow rate remains constant at 50 liters/minute.
28 Chapter 1 • Introduction

9. The human body is composed of many innate feedback and feed-forward con-
trol loops. For example, insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to regu-
late the blood glucose concentration. The pancreas in a type I (insulin
dependent) diabetic has lost the ability to produce significant insulin. An
insulin-dependent diabetic must monitor her/his blood glucose (accurate blood
glucose strips have been on the market for years) and provide insulin injections
several times per day. It is particularly important to use knowledge of the meal
characteristics to determine the amount of insulin necessary to compensate for
the glucose.
a. Discuss the actions taken by a type I diabetic in terms of the formulation of
a control problem. State the objectives and list all variables, etc.
b. It is desirable to form an automated closed-loop system, using a continuous
blood glucose measurement and a continuous insulin infusion pump. Draw
a “process and instrumentation” diagram and the corresponding control
block diagram.
10. Consider the following three heat exchanger control instrumentation diagrams.
For each diagram (a, b, and c), the objective is to maintain a desired cold
stream outlet temperature. Since the cold stream exiting the exchanger is fed to
a reactor, it is important that the stream temperature never be substantially
higher than the setpoint value. Please answer the two basic questions about
each strategy, then the final question (part d).
a. Basic cold stream temperature control strategy.



Cold Stream

Hot Stream

Is the process gain relating the manipulated flow rate to the measured tem-
perature positive or negative?
Student Exercises 29

Should the control valve should be fail-open or fail-closed? Why?

b. Temperature control using hot stream bypass strategy.

Hot By-pass



Cold Stream

Hot Stream

Is the process gain relating the manipulated flow rate to the measured tem-
perature positive or negative?
Should the control valve should be fail-open or fail-closed? Why?
c. Temperature control using cold stream bypass strategy.



Cold Stream

Hot Stream
Cold By-pass

Is the process gain relating the manipulated flow rate to the measured tem-
perature positive or negative?
Should the control valve should be fail-open or fail-closed? Why?
d. Which strategy (a, b, or c) will have the fastest dynamic behavior? Why?
11. During surgery it is important for an anesthesiologist to regulate a patient’s
blood pressure to a desired value. She does this by changing the infusion rate
30 Chapter 1 • Introduction

of vasoactive drugs to the patient. In addition to the effect of manipulated

vasoactive drugs, blood pressure is affected by the level of anesthetic given to
the patient. Discuss actions taken by an anesthesiologist in the context of feed-
back control. Sketch a control block diagram for an automated system that
measures blood pressure and manipulates the infusion rate of a vasoactive

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