Final Study Material CS XI Term-2
Final Study Material CS XI Term-2
Final Study Material CS XI Term-2
अध्ययन सामग्री
कक्षा – ग्यारवीं
सगं णक ववज्ञान
1 TERM 2: Unit II: Computational Thinking and Programming – 1 (Part-1)
2 TERM 2Unit II: Computational Thinking and Programming – 1 (Part-2)
3 TERM 2Unit III: Society, Law and Ethics (Part-1)
4 TERM 2Unit III: Society, Law and Ethics (Part-2)
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
List: It is a collections of items and each item has its own index value.
Index of first item is 0 and the last item is n-1.Here n is number of items in
a list.
Creating a list: Lists are enclosed in square brackets [ ] and each item is
separated by a comma.
Initializing a list
Passing value in list while declaring list is initializing of a list
list1 = [‘English', ‘Hindi', 1997, 2000]
list2 = [11, 22, 33, 44, 55 ]
list3 = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
Blank list creation
A list can be created without element
List4=[ ]
Access Items From A List
List items can be accessed using its index position.
list =[3,5,9]
print('Negative indexing')
Iterating/Traversing Through A List
List elements can be accessed using looping statement.
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
list =[3,5,9]
for i in range(0, len(list)):
Slicing of A List
List elements can be accessed in subparts.
list =['I','N','D','I','A']
['I', 'N', 'D']
['I', 'A']
['I', 'N', 'D', 'I', 'A']
* Linear Search
list_of_elements = [4, 2, 8, 9, 3, 7]
x = int(input("Enter number to search: "))
found = False
for i in range(len(list_of_elements)):
if(list_of_elements[i] == x):
found = True
print("%d found at %dth position"%(x,i))
if(found == False):
print("%d is not in list"%x)
Tuple: It is a sequence of immutable objects. It is just like list. Difference between the tuples and the
lists is that the tuples cannot be changed unlike lists. Lists uses square bracket whereas tuples use
Creating A Tuple:
A tuple is enclosed in parentheses () for creation and each item is separated by a comma.
tup1 = (‘comp sc', ‘info practices', 2017, 2018)
tup2 = (5,11,22,44)
NOTE:- Indexing of tuple is just similar to indexing of list.
Accessing Values from Tuples
Use the square brackets for slicing along with the index or indices to obtain the value available at that
tup1 = ("comp sc", "info practices", 2017, 2018)
tup2 = (5,11,22,44,9,66)
print ("tup1[0]: ", tup1[0])
print ("tup2[1:5]: ", tup2[1:5])
('tup1[0]: ', 'comp sc')
('tup2[1:5]: ', (11, 22, 44, 9))
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
Iterating Through A Tuple
Element of the tuple can be accessed sequentially using loop.
tup = (5,11,22)
for i in range(0,len(tup)):
Updating Tuples
Tuples are immutable,that’s why we can’t change the content of tuple.It’s alternate way is to take
contents of existing tuple and create another tuple with these contents as well as new content.
tup1 = (1, 2)
tup2 = ('a', 'b')
tup3 = tup1 + tup2
print (tup3)
(1, 2, 'a', 'b')
Tuple Functions
S.No. Function & Description
1 tuple(seq) Converts a list into tuple.
2 min(tuple) Returns item from the tuple with min value.
3 max(tuple) Returns item from the tuple with max value.
4 len(tuple) Gives the total length of the tuple.
5 cmp(tuple1, tuple2) Compares elements of both tuples.
Ans: (C)
2 Write the output of the following code :
(A) [‘w’, ‘e’, ‘l’, ‘c’, ‘o’, ‘m’, ‘e’]
(B) (‘w’, ‘e’, ‘l’, ‘c’, ‘o’, ‘m’, ‘e’)
(C) [‘welcome’]
(D) None of the above
Ans: (A)
3 Write the output of the following code :
>>> L=[‘w’,’e’,’l’,’c’,’o’,’m’,’e’]
>>> print(len(L))
(A) 7
(B) 8
(C) 9
(D) None
Ans: (A)
4 Write the output of the following code :
>>> L=[“Amit”,”Anita”,”Zee”,”Longest Word”]
>>> print(max(L))
(A) Zee
(B) Longest Word
(C) Error
(D) None of the above
Ans: (A)
5 Write the output of the following code :
a. [6, 7, 8]
b. 6, 7, 8
c. Error
d. 6
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Ans: (A)
6 Write the output of the following code :
print(L[20 : -1])
a. [‘c’ , ‘o’]
b. [‘c’ , ‘o’ , ‘m’]
c. (com)
d. Error
Ans: (A)
7 Write the output of the following code :
>>>print(L[20 : 0])
a. Error
b. No Value
c. None
d. [ ]
Ans: (D)
8 Write the output of the following code :
a. [‘Amit’, ‘Sumit’, ‘Naina’, ‘Amit’, ‘Sumit’, ‘Naina’]
b. [“Amit” , “Sumit” , “Naina”]
c. Error
d. None of the above
Ans: (A)
9 Write the output of the following code :
a. Error
b. [“Amit”,”Sumit”,”Naina”][“Amit”,”Sumit”,”Naina”]
c. [“Amit”,”Sumit”,”Naina”]
d. [“Amit”,”Sumit”,”Naina”,”Amit”,”Sumit”,”Naina”]
Ans: (A)
10 Write the output of the following code :
L=[0.5 * x for x in range(4)]
a. [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5]
b. (0,.5, 1, 1.5)
c. [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]
d. Error
Ans: (A)
11 Write the output of the following code :
for i in L:
print(i,end=” “)
a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
b. 1, 3, 5
c. Error
d. None of the above
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Ans: (A)
a. L1.add(4)
b. L1.append(4)
d. None of the above
Ans: (B)
13 Index value in list and string start from 0(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Ans: (A)
14 del statement can delete the following from the List?
a. Single Element
b. Multiple Elements
c. All elements along with List object
d. All of the above
Ans: (D)
15 What type of error is returned by the following statement?
T = [1,2,3,4]
a. IndexError
b. TypeError
c. ValueError
d. None of the above
Ans (C)
16 Which mathematical operator is used for repetition?
a. *
b. **
c. +
d. //
Ans: (A)
17 Which of the following is not list operation?
a. Indexing
b. Slicing
c. Dividing
d. Concatenation
Ans: (C)
18 Which of the following is true about List data type in Python?
Ans: (d)
a. Same
b. Different
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Ans: (B)
a. +
b. in
c. **
d. None of the above
Ans: (B)
21 sort () function Sorts the elements of the given list in-place(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Ans: (A)
22 Which of the following function creates the new list?
a. sort( )
b. sorted( )
c. reverse( )
d. All of the above
Ans: (B)
23 Which of the following will give output as [21,2,9,7] ? if list L = [1,21,4,2,5,9,6,7]
a. print(L[1 : 8 : 2])
b. print(L[1 : : 2])
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Ans: (B)
24 Write the output of the following :
L = [11, 21, 31, 41]
a. 8
b. 4
c. 5
d. Error
Ans: (A)
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
25 Both the print statement will produce the same result.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Ans: (A)
Ans: (B)
2 Tuples can contain elements of any data type.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Ans: (A)
3 In tuples values are enclosed in __________________
a. Square brackets
b. Curly brackets
c. Parenthesis
d. None of the above
Ans: (C)
4 Write the output of the following.
A = tuple(“Python”)
a. (python)
b. (“Python”)
c. (‘P’ , ‘y’ , ‘t’ , ‘h’ , ‘o’ , ‘n’)
d. None of the above
Ans: (C)
5 len( ) function returns the number of elements in tuple.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Ans: (A)
6 Write the output of the following:
A = list(tuple(“Python”))
Ans: (B)
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
7 Which of the following is not a function of tuple?
a. update( )
b. min( )
c. max( )
d. count( )
Ans: (A)
8 Which of the following is/are features of tuple?
a. Tuple is immutable
b. Tuple is a sequence data type.
c. In tuple, elements are enclosed in Parenthesis.
d. All of the above
Ans: (D)
9 Which of the following is not a tuple?
a. P = 1,2,3,4,5
b. Q = (‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’)
c. R = (1, 2, 3, 4)
d. None of the above
Ans: (D)
10 Which of the following statement will create an empty tuple?
a. P = ( )
b. Q = tuple( )
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Ans: (C)
11 Which of the following is a tuple with single element?
a. t = (1,)
b. t = 1,
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Ans: (C)
12 Write the output of the following:
>>>t = (1)
a. <class ‘int’>
b. <class ‘float’>
c. <class ‘tuple’>
d. <class ‘list’>
Ans: (A)
13 What is the length of the given tuple? >>> t1=(1,2,(3,4,5))
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Ans: (C)
14 Which of the following statement will return an error. T1 is a tuple.
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
a. T1 + (23)
b. T1 + [3]
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Ans: (C)
15 Which mathematical operator is used to replicate a tuple?
a. Addition
b. Multiplication
c. Exponent
d. Modulus
Ans: (B)
16 Which of the following function return the frequency of particular element in tuple?
a. index( )
b. max( )
c. count( )
d. None of the above
Ans: (C)
17 Write the output of the following :
>>> t1=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
>>> t1[t1[1]] + t1[t1[-4]]
a. 8
b. 9
c. 6
d. 7
Ans: (A)
18 Which function takes tuple as argument?
a. max( )
b. min( )
c. sum( )
d. All of the above
Ans: (C)
19 What type of error is returned by following code :
a=(“Amit”, “Sumit”,”Ashish”,”Sumanta”)
a. SyntaxError
b. ValueError
c. TypeError
d. NameError
Ans: (B)
20 Write the output of the following.
a. 28
b. 29
c. 27
d. 26
Ans: (C)
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
1 In order to store values in terms of key and value we use what core data type
(A) list
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(B) tuple
(C) class
(D) dictionary
Ans (D) dictionary
4 Read the code shown below carefully and pick out the keys?
d = {"john":40, "peter":45}
(A) “john”, 40, 45, and “peter”
(B) “john” and “peter”
(C) 40 and 45
(D) d = (40:”john”, 45:”peter”)
Ans (B) “john” and “peter”
9 Suppose d = {“john”:40, “peter”:45}, to delete the entry for “john” what command do we use:
(A) d.delete(“john”:40)
(B) d.delete(“john”)
(C) del d[“john”]
(D) del d(“john”:40)
Ans (C) del d[“john”]
10 Suppose d = {“john”:40, “peter”:45}. To obtain the number of entries in dictionary which command
do we use?
a) d.size() b) len(d) c) size(d) d) d.len()
(A) d.size()
(B) len
(C) size
(D) d.len()
Ans (B) len
Ans B. In python, a dictionary can have two same values with different keys.
A. It will create new dictionary as dict={"Che":72,"Bio":80} and old dict will be deleted.
B. It will throw an error as dictionary cannot be updated.
C. It will simply update the dictionary as dict={"Phy":94,"Che":72,"Bio":80,"Eng":95}
D. It will not throw any error but it will not do any changes in dict
Ans C. It will simply update the dictionary as dict={"Phy":94,"Che":72,"Bio":80,"Eng":95}
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
16 What will be the output of above Python code?
A. abc
B. 5
C. {"abc":5}
D. Error
Ans D. Error
17 Which of the following will delete key_value pair for key="tiger" in dictionary?
A. del dic["tiger"]
B. dic["tiger"].delete()
C. delete(dic.["tiger"])
D. del(dic.["tiger"])
Ans A. del dic["tiger"]
33. The ______________ keyword is used to import other modules into a Python script.
A. find
B. None
C. import
D. import as
Ans C. import
35. Which of the following python built-in module you can use for mathematical tasks.
A. random
B. math
C. import
D. statistics
Ans B. math
40. To include the use of functions which are present in the random library, we must use the option:
A. import random
B. random.h
C. import.random
D. random.random
Ans A. import random
41. What is the output of the function shown below if the random module has already been imported?
A. Error
B. Any integer between 3.5 and 7, including 7
C. Any integer between 3.5 and 7, excluding 7
D. The integer closest to the mean of 3.5 and 7
Ans A. Error
42. The _________________ module provides functions to mathematical statistics of numeric data.
A. math
B. random
C. statistics
D. none of the above
Ans A. statistics
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43. Which method of statistics module calculates the arithmetic mean of the numbers in a list.
A. mean()
B. median()
C. mode()
D. none of the above
Ans A. mean()
44. Which method of statistics module returns the middle value of numeric data in a list.
A. mean()
B. median()
C. mode()
D. none of the above
Ans B. median()
45. Which method of statistics module returns the most common data point in the list.
A. mean()
B. median()
C. mode()
D. none of the above
Ans C. mode()
In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your
answer as per the options provided.
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
Ans B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
48. Assertion(A): The pop() method can be used to delete elements from a dictionary.
Reason(R): The pop() method deletes the key-value pair and returns the value of deleted element.
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
49. Assertion(A): clear() method removes all elements from the dictionary
Reason(R): Each key-value pair maps the key to its associated value.
52. Assertion(A): The random module is a built-in module to generate the pseudo-random variables.
Reason(R): The randrange() function is used to generate a random number between the specified
range in its parameter.
Ans B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
53. Assertion(A): The randint() method returns an integer number selected element from the specified
1. Which of the following methods returns a sorted sequence of the keys in the dictionary?
A. sorted()
B. fromkeys()
C. update()
D. items()
Ans A. sorted()
A. 25
B. 30
C. 27
D. 55
Ans B. 30
3. State true/False
Clear() method is used to remove the elements of the dictionary ,also it will delete both elements and
a dictionary.
A. True
B. False
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Ans B. False
A. math
B. random
C. pickle
D. csv
Ans B. random
2. What will Be the maximum value of the variables FROM and TO?
A. 3,4
B. 4,3
C. 2,4
D. 4,2
Ans A. 3,4
3. What will Be the minimum value of the variables FROM and TO?
A. 2,1
B. 1,2
C. 1,3
D. 1, 4
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
Ans B. 1,2
4. What possible outputs(s) are expected to be displayed on screen at the time of execution of the program?
A. 10#40#70#
B. 30#40#50#
C. 50#60#70#
D. 40#50#70#
Ans B. 30#40#50#
56. Consider the following code and answer the questions that follow:
Book={1:'Thriller', 2:'Mystery', 3:'Crime', 4:'Children Stories'}
1. Ramesh needs to change the title in the dictionary book from ‘Crime’ to ‘Crime Thriller’. He has written the
following command:
Book[‘Crime’]=’Crime Thriller’
But he is not getting the answer. Help him choose the correct command:
A. Book[2]=’Crime Thriller’
B. Book[3]=’Crime Thriller’
C. Book[2]=(’Crime Thriller’)
2. The command to merge the dictionary Book with Library the command would be:
A. d=Book+Library
B. print(Book+Library)
C. Book.update(Library)
D. Library.update(Book)
Ans D. Library.update(Book)
D. [‘5’,’6’]
Ans D. [‘5’,’6’]
4. In order to check whether the key 2 is present in the dictionary Book, Ramesh
2 in Book
He gets the answer ‘True’. Now to check whether the name ‘Madras Diaries’
But he gets the answer as ‘False’. Select the correct reason for this:
A. We cannot use the in function with values. It can be used with keys only.
Ans B. We must use the function Library.values() along with the in operator.
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
Sno Question
Q1. What is Digital Footprint?
(i) A scanned image of your foot.
(ii) A photograph of your shoe
(iii) All the information online about a person that is stored online.
(iv) Having a blog, facebook or twitter page
Ans: (iii)
Q2. How many types of digital footprints.
(i) 2
(ii) 3
(iii) 1
(iv) None of these
Ans (i) 2
Q3. What is the information not share online?
(i) Your fast name and last name.
(ii) Your photograph.
(iii) The name of your school or city.
(iv) All of the above.
Ans (iv)
Q4. Which of the following is not a type of cybercrime?
(i) Data theft
(ii) Forgery
(iii) Damage to data and systems
(iv) Installing antivirus for protection.
Q5. Which of the following is not a typical characteristic of ethical hackers?
(i) Excellent knowledge of windows
(ii) Understands the process of exploiting network vulnerabilities
(iii) Patience, persistence and perseverance
(iv) Has highest level of security for organization.
Ans (iv)
Q6. What is the most important activity in system hacking?
(i) Information gathering
(ii) Cracking passwords
(iii) Escalating privileges
(iv) Covering tracks
Q7. Which is the following is not done by cyber criminals?
(i) Unauthorized account access
(ii) Mass attack using Trojans as botnets.
(iii) Email spooling and spamming
(iv) Report vulnerability in any system
Ans (iv)
Q8. Which is the name of the IT law that India is having in the Indian legislature?
(i) India’s Technology (IT) Act, 2000
(ii) India’s Digital Information (DIT) Act, 200
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
(iii) India’s Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000
(iv) The Technology Act, 2008
Q9. Passwords are used to improve the ______ of a network.
(i) Performance
(ii) Reliability
(iii) Security
(iv) Longevity
Q10. The full form of Malware is
(i) Malfunctioned software
(ii) Multipurpose software
(iii) Malicious software
(iv) Malfunctioning of security
Q11 The transformation of key business processes through the use of digital or Internet
technologies is known as ____________
(i) E-business
(ii) E-Commerce
(iii) Digital Business
(iv) . Both A and C
Q12 A _________ community is one where the interaction takes place over a computer
network, mainly the Internet.
(i) Online
(ii) Virtual
(iv) All of the above
Q13 _________ has specific objectives to increase profits when increasing its benefits to
(i) Brands
(ii) People
(iv) interests
Q15. Which social network is considered the most popular for social media marketing?
(i) Twitter
(ii) Facebook
(iii) Linkdin
(iv) Whats App
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Q16 Which of the following is an important aspect of creating blogs and posting content?
Ans (iv)
Q20 Which of the following is the most common delivery channel in terms of mobile marketing?
(i) Graphic
(ii) Text
(iii)Voice call
(iv) Search engine marketing
Q21. Which of the following is not threat?
(i) Virus
(ii) Hacker
(iii) Hard disk failure
(iv) Operating system
Legal rights related to invention are called as---------
(i) Patent
(ii) Utility
(iii) a Trade secrets
(iv) Trade Marks
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Q.13. Intellectual property can termed as following type of property----------
(i) Disposable
(ii) Tangible
(iii) measurable
(iv) Intangible
A software that can be freely accessed and modified.
Open Source Software can be used for commercial purpose.
(i) True
(ii) False
OSI stands for?
Which of the following is not an open source software?
(i) LibreOffice
(ii) Microsoft Office
(iii) GNU image manipulation
(iv) MySQL
The users must agree to the _______ terms and agreements when they use an open source
(i) System
(ii) License
(iii) Community
(iv) Programmer
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An example of a web design OSS.
(i) Nvu
(ii) KOffice
(iii) AbiWorld
(iv) Open Office
Q30. ________________ is a person who deliberately sows discord on the internet by starting
quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory or off topic messages in an online
(i) Netizen
(ii) Digital Citizen
(iii) Internet troll
(iv) None of the above
Identity Protection :
Protection against theft of personal information over Cyber Space without consent, usually for financial gain is known
as Identity Protection.
What is Cyber-crime ?
Any criminal offense that is facilitated by, electronic communications or information systems, including any electronic
device, computer, or the internet is referred to as cyber-crime.
(1) Be authentic
(2)Use a disclaimer
4. Mind your downloads -Be sure to review all pre-checked boxes prompted at download & un-check any extra
Adware: Adware is software that generates revenue for its developer by automatically generating online advertisements
in the user interface of the software or on a screen presented to the user during the installation process. The software
may generate two types of revenue: one is for the display of the advertisement and another
Malware: Malware, or malicious software, is any program or file that is harmful to a computer user. Malware includes
computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses and spyware. These malicious programs can perform a variety of functions,
including stealing, encrypting or deleting sensitive data, altering or hijacking core computing functions and monitoring
users' computer activity without their permission.
Virus: A computer virus is a type of malicious code or program written to alter the way a computer operates and that is
designed to spread from one computer to another. A virus operates by inserting or attaching itself to a legitimate
program or document that supports macros in order to execute its code.
Trojans: In computing, a Trojan horse is a program that appears harmless, but is, in fact, malicious. A Trojan can perform
unexpected changes to computer settings and unusual activity, even when the computer is idle.
E-waste: Whenever an electronic device covers up its working life, or becomes unusable due to technological
advancements or becomes non-functional, it is not used anymore and comes under the category of e-waste or electronic
E-Waste Management
As the technology is changing day by day, more and more electronic devices are becoming non-functional and turning
into e-waste. Managing such non-functional electronic devices is termed as e-waste management. It is
reusing and recycling of e-waste which is no longer in use and can be salved for some of its components.
The Information Technology Act, 2000 (also known as ITA-2000, or the IT Act) is an Act of the Indian Parliament notified
on 17 October 2000. It is the primary law in India dealing with cybercrime and electronic commerce.
A major amendment was made in 2008 and now it is called the IT (Amendment) Act 2008.
Gender and disability issues while teaching/using computers:
Gender Issues
1. Preconceived notions – Notions like “boys are better at technical and girls are good at humanities.
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
2. Lack of interest
3. Lack of motivation
4. Lack of role models
5. Lack of encouragement in class
6. Not girl friendly work culture
Disability Issues:
1. Unavailability of teaching materials/aids
2. Lack of special needs teachers
3. Lack of supporting curriculum
Ans: c
2 When a person is harassed repeatedly by being followed, called or be written to he/ she is a target of
(a) Bullying
(b) Stalking
(c) identity theft
(d) phishing
Ans: b
Ans: c
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
4 What is the name of the IT Law that India is having in the Indian legislature ?
a. India’s Technology (IT) Act, 2000
b. India’s Digital Information Technology (DIT) Act, 2000
c. India’s Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000
d. The Technology Act, 2008
Ans: c
5 Sarah’s classmate sent her a message on Facebook “You are a Loser”. Sarah is a victim of:
a. Phishing
b. Eavesdropping
c. Cyberbullying
d. Trolling
Ans: c
6 What can happen when you give your personal data (email, address, photos you post…) in exchange for free
apps and services?
a) Nothing can happen. Your data is not allowed to be passed on to anyone
b) It isn’t really used, it’s just compulsory to ask for that information
c) When giving your email you’re automatically entered in a lottery where you can win something
d) Everything you do online is of value and is used by companies looking to target their advertising
1 Assertion (A) : The information which was posted by you in online can be seen by everyone who is online
because internet is the world’s biggest information exchange tool.
Reason (R) : Don’t give or post any personal information like your name, address of the school/office /
home, phone numbers, age, sex, credit card details etc.,
Choose the correct answer:
a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is True
Ans: a)
2 Assertion (A): According to research conducted by Symantec, nearly 8 out of 10 individuals are subject to
the different types of cyber bullying in India.
Reason (R) : Don’t give or post any personal information like your name, address of the school/office /
home, phone numbers, age, sex, credit card details etc.,
Choose the correct answer:
a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is True
Ans: b)
3 Assertion (A): The digital footprint is created automatically when you work on internet and providing data
in any form.
Reason (R) : The active digital footprint is created unintentionally without the user’s consents.
Choose the correct answer:
a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is True
Ans: c)
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
1 Cyberbullying is the act of intimidating, harassment, defaming, or any other form of mental degradation
through the use of electronic means or modes such as social media.
(a) True
(b) False
Ans: (a) True
2 Rohan said some abusive words for Shyam in the class. This a type of cyber bullying.
(a) True
(b) False
Ans: (b) False
3 It is okay to post some negative comments about someone to defame him/ her.
(a) True
(b) False
Ans: (b) False
4. It is a better way to dispose off the e-waste in an open field area.
(a) True
(b) False
Ans: (b) False
5 Cyber law helps protect users from harm by enabling the investigation and prosecution of online criminal
(a) True
(b) False
Ans: (a) True
2 After practicals, Atharv left the computer laboratory but forgot to sign off from his email account. Later,
his classmate Revaan started using the same computer. He is now logged in as Atharv. He sends
inflammatory email messages to few of his classmates using Atharv’s email account.
i. Revaan’s activity is an example of which of the following cyber crime?
a. Hacking
b. Identity theft
c. Cyber bullying
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
d. Plagiarism
Ans: b
ii.If you post something mean about someone, you can just delete it and everything will be Ok .
b. False
Ans: b
iii. Anonymous online posts/comments can _________ be traced back to the author.
a. Always
b. Never
c. Sometimes
Ans: a
Time:- 1.5 Hours Max. Mark:35
General instructions:-
1. This Question Paper Contains 4 Parts A,B,C,D.
2. Attempt 11 questions in Part-A and all questions in Part-B, C
and D.
3. Each Question in Part A carry 1 Mark, in Part B, C and D carry
2 Marks.
Simple MCQ Based Questions
1. Which of the following statement will create list?
(A) L1=list( )
(B) L1=[1,2,3,4]
(C) Both of the above
(D) None of the above
2. Write the output of the following code:
a. [6, 7, 8]
b. 6, 7, 8
c. Error
d. 6
a. (python)
b. (“Python”)
c. (‘P’ , ‘y’ , ‘t’ , ‘h’ , ‘o’ , ‘n’)
d. None of the above
a. 28
b. 29
c. 27
d. 26
a. True
b. False
c. Error
d. None of the above
13. Anyone who uses digital technology along with Internet is a ____
(a) Digital citizen
(b) Netizen
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above
Reasoning Assertion Based Questions
16. Choose the correct statement
Assertion (A) : Items in dictionaries are unordered.
Reason (R) : We may not get back the data in the same order in which
we had entered the data initially in the dictionary.
a. A is true but R is false
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
b. A is false but R is true
c. Both A and R are false
d. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
19. Assertion (A): We cannot access more than one element of Series
without slicing . Reason
(R): More than one element of series can be accessed using a list of
positional index or labeled index.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) A is false but R is true.
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
(E) Both A and R are false.
(CASE STUDY Based Questions)
22. Lalit is a game programmer and he is designing a game where he has
to use different python functions as much as possible. Apart from
other things, following functionalities are to be implemented in the
(1) He is simulating a dice where random number generation is required.
(2) Since the program becomes too lengthy, Lalit wants a separate
section where he can store all the functions used in the game program.
Lalit is feeling difficulty in implementing the above functionalities.
Help him by giving answers following questions:
Q.1: To implement functionality (1) which module can be used:
(A) random (B) randomise
(C) randint (D) math
Q.2: In functionality (2), Lalit should use
(A) in-built functions
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
(B) He should write another Python program
(C) He should use a module with all the required functions
(D) He should make a separate section in the same Python program
CCT Based Question
24. Write the output of the following:
T = [1,2,3,4]
T[0] = “A”
a. b.
['A', 2, 3, 4] ['A', 2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3, 4] ['A', 2, 3, 4]
c. d. Error
[1, 2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
a. b.
66 66
88 88
99 88
SumantaSumanta Error
c. d.
Error 66
A. print(list1[1:7:2]) B. print(list1[0:7:2])
C. print(list1[1:8:2]) D. print(list1[0:8:2])
a. 1 b. 2
2 2
[13,18,11,16,13,18,13,3] [13,18,11,16,13,18,13]
Class: XI Session: 2021-22
Computer Science (Code 083)
(Theory: Term-2)
Maximum Marks: 35 Time Allowed: 90 Minutes
General Instructions:
The question paper is divided into 3 Sections - A, B, and C.
Section A consists of 25 Questions (1-20). Attempt any 15 questions.
Section B consists of 24 Questions (21-40). Attempt any 15 questions.
Section C consists of 6 case study based Questions (41-46). Attempt any 5 questions.
All questions carry equal marks
This section consists of 20 questions(1 to 20).
Attempt any 15 questions from this section. Choose the best possible option.
1 Which of the following is a valid declaration of a list ?
a. list1 = [23, 45, 11, ’a’ ,’t’ ]
b. list1 = {23, 45, 11, ’a’ ,’t’ }
c. list1 = (23, 45, 11, ’a’ ,’t’ )
d. list1 = [23, 45, 11, a ,t ]
4 Read the code shown below carefully and pick out the keys?
d = {"john":40, "peter":45}
a) “john”, 40, 45, and “peter”
b) “john” and “peter”
c) 40 and 45
d) d = (40:”john”, 45:”peter”)
5 Suppose d = {“john”:40, “peter”:45}, to delete the entry for “john” what command do we use
a) d.delete(“john”:40)
b) d.delete(“john”)
c) del d[“john”].
d) del d(“john”:40)
8 Rohan said some abusive words for Shyam in the class. This a type of cyber bullying.
(a) True
(b) False
9 What can happen when you give your personal data (email, address, photos you post…) in exchange
for free apps and services?
a) Nothing can happen. Your data is not allowed to be passed on to anyone
b) It isn’t really used, it’s just compulsory to ask for that information
c) When giving your email you’re automatically entered in a lottery where you can win
d) Everything you do online is of value and is used by companies looking to target their
10 What is the name of the IT Law that India is having in the Indian legislature ?
a. India’s Technology (IT) Act, 2000
b. India’s Digital Information Technology (DIT) Act, 2000
c. India’s Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000
d. The Technology Act, 2008
11 Assertion (A): The digital footprint is created automatically when you work on internet and
providing data in any form.
Reason (R) : The active digital footprint is created unintentionally without the user’s consents.
Choose the correct answer:
a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is True
d. All of these
17 You can repeat the elements of the tuple using which operator ?
a. **
b. +
c. *
d. //
This section consists of 20 questions(21 to 40).
Attempt any 15 questions from this section. Choose the best possible option.
21 Sonia found that her picture posted in a social networking site has been merged with an unknown
person and published. What should she do ?
a. Ignore the instance
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
b. Report it to the cyber cell
c. Try to delete the post
d. Enjoy the instance
24 Online posting of rumours, giving threats online, posting the victim’s personal information,
comments aimed to publicly ridicule a victim is termed as___________
a. Hacking
b. Cyber bullying
c. Cracking
d. Phishing
28 In order to store values in terms of key and value we use what core data type
(A) list
(B) tuple
(C) class
(D) dictionary
29 (A) d.delete(“john”:40)
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
(B) d.delete(“john”)
(C) del d[“john”]
(D) del d(“john”:40)
A. None
B. { None:None, None:None, None:None}
C. {1:None, 2:None, 3:None}
D. { }
________________________________ Computer Science __________________________________________
35 The ______________ keyword is used to import other modules into a Python script.
A. find
B. None
C. import
D. import as
36 Which of the following python built-in module you can use for mathematical tasks.
A. random
B. math
C. import
D. statistics
37 Which of the following is not a math module function?
A. tan(x)
B. sin(x)
C. cos(x)
D. mean(x)
38 Assertion(A): Dictionaries are enclosed by curly braces { }
Reason(R): The key-value pairs are separated by commas ( , )
Case Study Based Questions
This section consists of 06 questions(41 to 46).
Attempt any 5 questions from this section. Choose the best possible option.
42 What is Example[-1] ?
a) Error
b) None
c) ‘o’
d) ‘h’
43 Which function can be used to add one more element at the end of the list ?
a) append()
b) insert()
c) add()
d) insertinto()