Learning Material No. 2: Catanduanes State University

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Republic of the Philippines


Virac, Catanduanes
Learning Material No. 2
Name : Kathreen R. Makiling Course/Block:
Student ID : 2020-03892
Self-Assessment Test (SAT)

After reading the Module/Learning Material:

1. Discuss how the different major foundations of curriculum have shaped the current conceptions
in curriculum? (50 pts.)

Philosophy contributes in an indispensable way to the realization of four goals

that should be fundamental to any institution of higher learning: instilling habit of critical
thinking in students; enhancing their reading, writing, and public speaking skills;
transmitting cultural heritages to them. In the Philosophical Foundations it shaped the
current conceptions in curriculum by determine the driving purpose of education. This
philosophical defines what are the role of education and the role of the students.

The historical foundations promote a sense of freedom and encourage

educational form. This historical foundation has different principles to have better quality
of learning these are preparation, presentation, association, systemization and
application. These five steps have formed the basis of today’s curriculum planning or
curriculum development. The importance of historical foundation, it provides identity and
shows us models of good and responsible behavior, as well as teaching us how to learn
from the mistakes of others. History helps us understand how society can change and

Psychology provides information about the teaching and learning process. It also
seeks answers as to how a curriculum be organized in order to achieve students’
learning at the optimum level, and as to what amount of information they can absorb in
learning the various contents of the curriculum. In this psychological foundation it helps
to understand the different perspectives of students.

The social foundations is curriculum that focusing on the issues about the
society. It helps in understanding the social and political in relation to the formal and
informal agencies of education. In order to develop a curriculum that will adequately
socialize each individual student.

The legal foundation is curriculum that focusing on the different republic acts.
The legal foundation is important because it is the knowledge of the legal system
provides the foundation from which one can begin to understand and apply the principles
of constitutional, administrative, and judicial law to school settings. The courts have
played an important role in the development of the educational system at both the
federal and state levels

2. Write a Reflection paper on how you relate the timeline to the different major foundations
of curriculum.

The different major foundations have the major role in this curriculum today.
These major foundations are the philosophical, historical, sociological, and psychological
foundations. Curriculum foundation refers to the factors that influence the minds of
curriculum developers to make a decision on what to be included in the curriculum and
its structure.

It relates that as the student once they know the different major foundations
there’s possible that they can easily know the different perspectives that they have. An
effective curriculum provides teachers, students and other faculty of school to have
measurable plan for delivering a quality of education. In fact, a strong learning
foundation is the ladder to ensure a future where they can adapt and thrive. The purpose
of foundations is to bring these disciplinary resources to bear in developing interpretive,
normative, and critical perspectives on education, both inside and outside of schools.

The philosophical foundation holds the greatest importance because it is through

one’s philosophical perspectives that the historical, sociological and psychological
Republic of the Philippines
Virac, Catanduanes
foundations are both perceived and applied. The social foundations when a society urge
a need or a goal it becomes an educational objective and the school accepted that
demand and they attempt to attain that goal by putting it into school objectives.

3. After reading the definitions of VMGO and studying the different examples, Write
your own idea/s on how school develops its curriculum to enrich teaching. (50 pts.)

After reading the definitions of VMGO and studying of its different, it builds
knowledge that VMGO is important to teachers and students because it demonstrates
an effective promotion of positive behavior within a learner. The vision and mission
statements provide a focal point that helps to align everyone with the organization, thus
ensuring that everyone is working towards a single purpose. This helps to increase and
productivity in the organization.

By developing the curriculum to enrich teaching focusing on how students will

response the different levels of learning. Beyond creating shared goals between
teachers and students curriculum also standardizes the learning goals for an entire
school and provides a clear path for students to progress from one grade to another.
The responsibility rests on the shoulders of teachers in shaping the destiny of students.
The enrichment of curriculum means giving it a greater value, by putting life into the
overall education process.

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