A Geological Field Report On Rangamati-C
A Geological Field Report On Rangamati-C
A Geological Field Report On Rangamati-C
Submitted By:
Roll No.: 637
Reg. No.: 28937
Exam Roll: 100514
Session: 2009-10
Course No.: GS-416F
The Rangamati – Chittagong road cut section is a part of the “Sitapahar Anticline” and its
adjacent areas are characterized by a series of parallel ranges of hills trending NNW-SSE. They
are extensional expression of the Indo-Burman Folded Belt of Bengal Foredeep formed by
compressional forces during Mio-Pliocene. The non-plunging, steeply inclined, asymmetrical
fold shows its steeper western flank and gentler eastern flank. The structure may be fault
controlled, which may be thrust fault identified by minor small scale thrust fault and abrupt
change in the dip amount of the bedding plane. Four major rock units: Yellowish Brown
Sandstone, Brownish Sandstone, Sandstone – Shale alteration and Silty Shale are observed,
which containing several sedimentary structures. These rock units are correlated with Dupi Tila
Sandstone, Tipam Sandstone, BokaBil Formation and Bhuban Formation respectively. The study
of lithology, sedimentary structures, grain-size parameters and degree of sorting reveal that the
sediments were deposited in Fluvial to Shallow Marine environment.
I would like to give my special thank to my respectable teachers Assistant. Prof. Rashed
Abdullah, lecturer Md. Mizanur Rahman Sarker, Abu Sadat Md. Sayem and Md. Hasan
Imam Department of Geological Sciences, Jahangirnagar University for for guiding me
through every step of the field trip and helping me whenever and wherever the need arose.
I deeply acknowledge the guidance and support I received from my respectable affectionate all
teachers, Dept. of Geological sciences, Jahangirnagar University, throughout the endeavor. I
cannot thank them enough for that.
Lastly and most importantly, I express my heartfelt appreciation to my group members as well as
all of my classmates.
Abstract i
Acknowledgement ii
List of Maps v
List of Tables v
List of Plates vi
1. Introduction 1-8
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Aims & Objectives 1
1.3 Location 1
1.4 Physiography & Drainage System of the Area 3-7
1.5 Methodology 8
1.6 Equipments 8
2. Geological setting of the area 9-15
2.1 Tectonic Elements of Bengal Basin 9-10
2.2 Structural Setting 11-12
2.3 Tectonic or Geologic Evolution 13-14
2.4 Stratigraphy of the Area 15
Chapter –Three
3. Description of the Individual Sections 16-19
3.1 Location & Physiography 16-17
3.2 Observations 18-19
Chapter – Four
4. Sedimentary Petrology 20-25
4.1 Description of Individual Rock Type 20
4.2 Sedimentary Structure 21-24
4.3 Description of Depositional Environment 25
Chapter -Five
5. laboratory analysis 26-30
5.1 Sieve Data Analysis 30
Chapter - Six
6. stratigraphy & correlation 31-34
6.1 Stratigraphy of The Area 31-32
6.2 Correlation with Regional Stratigraphy 33-34
Chapter -Seven
7. Structural Analysis 35-38
7.1 Major Structure 35-36
7.2 Minor Structure 36-38
Chapter -Eight
8. Economic Significance 39
Chapter- nine
9. Conclusion 40
References 41-42
Appendix 43-55
List of Maps
List of Tables
List of Plates
Geology is the major concept of the Earth Science and is best studied in the field. So, the
fieldwork is essential for the extensive knowledge of geology. For this purpose, we the student of
4th year (Hon’s) carried out a geological fieldwork (from 22/12/2012 to 26/12/2012) with the
help of the department of Geological Sciences of Jahangirnagar University in the “Sitapahar
Anticline”, which is in the Rangamati-Kaptai Hilly Region of Rangamati district. This anticline is
an asymmetrical fold whose western flank is steeper and eastern flank is gentler. The anticline have
NNW-SSE trend.
The investigated area lies along the Rangamati – Chittagong metalized road and its adjacent
areas around the northern part of the Sitapahar anticline hill range. The Sitapahar anticline is
about 70 km (N-S) long and 12 km (E-W) wide and covers about 550sq km of Rangamati
district. Our studied area covers about 22°39'26.69”N to 22°30'2.47”N latitude and
92°10'24.33”E to 92°12'57.96”E longitude respectively.
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Map 1: Location map of Rangamati district (Banglapedia)
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Physiography is the physical and biological features of the area. Physical features mean
topography, relief, drainage, climate etc. Biological features mean vegetation, cultivation,
wildlife, population etc.
Reimann 1993, has subdivided Bangladesh into nine subdivisions. According this subdivision the study
area situated in Chittagong Hill Tract. Sitapahar and its adjoining area may vary physiographically on the
basis of structures, topography and rock types. The investigated area is hilly region with irregular
topography. These are characterized by a number of hillocks, spurs, ridges and valleys. This region is
highly designated by valley with parallel ridges. The ridges are parallel to the regional structure of
Chittagong hill range trending NNW-SSE.
The average elevation of the Sitapahar Anticline is 167 meters where it ranges from 16 meters to
335meters. Most of the elevated area are eroded and become reduced elevation. But resistant rock resists
this erosion. The slopes of Sitapahar Anticline are very rugged and difficult to climb. The structure
reflects the lithologic and structural control over the topography. It is assumed that the higher hills are of
more resistant rock than the lower hills.
Drainage system:
The Karnaphuli River is the major river drained the area, which is running along East-West
trend. This is the most important and largest river of the Chittagong Hill Tracts. It rises from the
western slope of Lushai Hill in Indian Territory. There are numerous streams and streamlets,
more or less dendritic pattern. These streams locally named as “Chara” or “Chari” is of
subsequent or consequent type. The most important tributaries are Manik Chari, Ghagra Chari,
Sundari Chara, etc. During the rains, they are deep and the current is strong and do great erosion
to the area, but they are mostly dry during winter season. A large water body known as Kaptai
lake was made for hydro-electric project in the eastern flank.
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Plate 1:
Topography of
the study area
Plate 2:
system of
the study
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Map 2: Physiographic units of Bangladesh (Reimann,1993)
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Map 3: Land height of Rangamati district (mapbangla.com)
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Map 4: Drainage map of Rangamati district. (Arc Gis 9.2)
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The studies and investigation was taken along the road-cut and stream cut chara, where the rocks
are being well exposed. For surveying in the field, traversing method was used. By this method
distance were measured by a process which known as steeping. Then step count was converted
into feet. One member of each team counted him/her steps. But steeping was not very important
to us because we had G.P.S (Global positional system) from which we measured longitude,
latitude and attitude. Clinometers were also used for measuring the attitude of beds. The
information was plotted on the map to get a clear view of Sitakund area hence to convert the base
map into a geological map. On the basis of suitable exposures, measuring the attitude of bed,
sample collection, identification of major and minor structural lithology of the surrounding
physical features etc, each section was divided into a number of locations which was noted down
on the field notebook. Photograph was also taken in every location and other suitable geologic
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Bengal basin was developed during Late Cretaceous. The tectonic elements of the Bengal basin
is given below-
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Map 5 : Tectonic map of Bangladesh & Adjoining areas (Guha,1978 & Reimann,1993)
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The Chittagong Hill Tracts is originated as a result of the collision between India and Asia.
Chittagong Hill Tracts the Upper Tertiary sandy-argillaceous sediments have been folded into a
series of long submeridional (NNW-SSE) anticlines and synclines represented in the surface
topography by elongated hill ranges and intervening valleys. The folded structures are
characterized by en-echelon orientation with an increasing degree of intensity and complexity
toward the east. Accordingly, the folded flank is divided into three parallel almost N-S trending
zones from west to east as:
(a) The Western Zone is characterized by simple box-like or similar shaped anticlines with steep
flanks and gentle crests separated by gentle synclines, viz Matamuhuri anticline, Semutang
anticline, etc;
(b) The Middle Zone is characterized by more compressed structures, other than just simple box-
like folds, with ridge like asymmetric anticlines frequently associated with faults and separated
by narrow synclines viz Sitapahar anticline, Bandarban anticline, Gilasari anticline, Patiya
anticline, Changohtung anticline, Tulamura anticline, Kaptai syncline, Alikadam syncline, etc;
(c) The Eastern Zone is characterized by highly disturbed narrow anticlines with steep clipping
flanks and mostly associated with thrust faults, viz Belasari anticline, Subalong syncline,
Utanchatra anticline, Barkal anticline, Mowdac anticline, Ratlong anticline, Kasalong syncline.
(KHAN. FH,1991)
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Map 6: Regional map showing the tectonic elements of the Bengal Basin and
surrounding areas. (HOSSAIN, 2003).
The Hinge zone, lying above the Calcutta–Mymensingh gravity high, separates the
Stable Shelf. CTFB = Chittagong–Tripura Fold Belt and CCF = Chittagong–Cox’s
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According to the continental drift theory the super continent Pangaea divide into two parts. One
is Gondwana and other is Laurasia. The separation of East Gondwanaland comprising India,
Australia and Antarctica took place into three major stages.
The first contract of the northwards moving Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate took place in
Paleocene/Lower Eocene. Subsequent subduction led to the formation of an ophiolite and
mélange belt and later to the rising Indo-Burman Orogeny. The latter finally separated the
Burmese basins in the east from the Bengal Basin in the west.
The eastern margin of the Bengal Basin coincides with the frontal Fold Belt of the Indo-Burman
Ranges. Molasse like Miocene-Pliocene deposits werw folded into a series of elongated,
generally N-S striking anticlinal and synclinal structures. The Fold Belt stretches from the
Chittagong Hill Tracts in the south east to the southern edge of the Shilong Massif in the north,
traversing the Indian state of Tripura and the eastern portion of the Surma Basin.
(Reimann, 1991)
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Map 7: Schematic Early Miocene paleogeographic representation of the Bengal Basin and
surrounding region in terms of the plate tectonic model. Positions of the three geo-tectonic
provinces of the basin are shown by encircled numbers: (1) The Stable Shelf; (2) The Central
Deep Basin; and (3) The Chittagong–Tripura Fold Belt
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The stratigraphy of the CTBF after Gani & Alam is given below
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The study area was observed through only one section named Rangamati – Chittagong Road Cut
Section. The various observations in this section are described below.
The Rangamati- Chittagong Road cut Section is located between the longitude of 92° 5’-92° 10’
and latitude of 22°35’-22°39’. This section is cross cutting the anticlinal structure from west to
In this section the exposure was investigated along the both sides the road. The length of the
section is 15 km. This area was well accessible by metalled road and buses are used to reach the
section. The investigated area is a hilly region with irregular topography. These are characterized
by a number of hillocks, spurs, ridges and valleys.
This region is highly designated by valley with parallel ridges. The average elevation of the
studied area is about 167 meters where it ranges from 16 meters to 335 meters. The ridges are
parallel to the regional structure of Chittagong hill range trending NNW- SSE.
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9204 9211
Metalled Road
Unmetalled Road
Cart Track
Foot Track
2235 2235
9204 9211
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o Bedding
o Lamination
o Cross Bedding
o Trough Cross Bedding
o Wavy Bedding
o Nodules
o Hummocky Cross Stratification
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Plate 4 :Cross section of Rangamati – Chittagong road cut section along line XX’
Different rock type that are found within the area are described below-
Yellowish Brown Sandstone: Yellowish brown in color, medium to coarse grain, cementing
material ferruginous, highly permeable. pebbles, clay galls, carbonaceous materials, some mica
also present. Sedimentary structures like planer lamination, trough cross bedding are found
within this rock type.
Sandy shale: Grayish brown in color, fine to medium grain. Argillaceous cementing material.
Within this rock type ripple marks and wavy bedding are found. In sand layers laminations
Silty shale: Yellowish gray in color, laminated, cementing material argillaceous, calcareous band
presents. Laminations and nodules are found within this rock type.
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Sedimentary structures are large-scale features of sedimentary rocks such as parallel bedding
cross bedding, ripples, mud cracks etc. They are generated by a variety of sedimentary processes
including fluid flow, sediment gravity flow, soft sediment deformation, and biogenic activity
(Boggs, 2001). A good number of sedimentary structures have been observed in the exposed rocks of the
investigated area of the Rangamati- Chittagong road cut section. They are described below-
Mechanical Structures:
Lamination: When the thickness of the strata is less than 1cm then the rock is said to be
laminated (Boggs, 2001). These mainly found in shale.
Tabular Cross Bedding: Tabular cross-bedding consists of cross-bedded units that are broad in
lateral dimensions with respect to set thickness and that have essentially planar bounding
surfaces. The foreset laminae of tabular cross-beds are also commonly planar, but curved
laminae that have a tangential relationship to the basal surface. (Boggs, 2001)
Trough Cross Bedding: Trough cross bedding consists of cross-bedded units in which one or both
bounding surfaces are curved. The units are trough shaped sets consisting of an elongate scour
filled with curved foreset laminae that commonly have a tangential relationship to the base of the
set. (Boggs, 2001) (plate-8)
Wavy Bedding: When mud and sand proportion is being equal then the structures are called wavy
bedding, which indicate the fluctuations of energy condition. This are formed in the intertidal
zone. (Lindholm, 1991) (plate-6)
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Hummocky Cross Stratification: hummocky cross stratification is characterized by undulating
sets of cross laminae that are both concave up(swales) and convex up( hummocks). The cross
beds sets cut gently into each other with curve erosion surfaces. (Boggs, 2001) (plate-5)
Clay Galls: A dry, curled clay shaving derived from dried, cracked mud embedded and flattened
in a sand stratum. (Morrison, 1994) (plate-10)
Chemical Structures:
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6 7
Plates : (6) Wavy Bedding, (7) Tabular Cross Bedding, (8) Trough Cross Bedding.
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9 10
11 12
Plates : (9) Iron Incrustation, (10) Clay Galls, (11) Nodules, (12) Cobble Pebbles
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The Depositional Sedimentary environment is a geometric unit in which deposition takes place.
Products of sedimentation keep the signature of processes operated at time of deposition
(Reineck & Sing, 1973).
The presence of clay gall in Yellowish brown sandstone unit A indicates the continental
fluviatile environment. The presence of pebble, cobble in this unit indicate the nearer source
area. Younger age of this unit can be interpreted by the presence of mica. Yellowish brown color
and iron incrustation of this sediments is the indicator of intense weathering. The coarse grained
sandstone was deposited at marine regressive phase at high energy fluviatile condition. The
environment condition was later reduced to estuarine that resulted with third upheaval of
Himalaya orgency. The sediments of Unit-A was deposited in this environment. (Muminullah,
Moderately compacted brownish sandstone unit B also contains clay gall and lignite coal which
indicate the fluvial environment. The occurrence of cross bedding, current ripple sedimentary
structure indicates the continental fluviatile environment.
Rock of the Unit-C and Unit-D were deposited over the underlying rocks after the second
Himalya organic movement (Krishnan, 1980). In this region shale, silty shale have been found,
which indicates that deposition has happened in a condition of changing depth of sea. Changing
depth is due to receding an retuning of sas vast thickness of constant supply of the sediments of
mainly silt and clay size. (Muminullah, 1978). Silty shale indicates the sedimentation had taken
place by strong current. (Muminullh, 1978).
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Laboratory analysis means grain size analysis. Grain size analysis includes the mechanical
analysis and mineralogical study of the sediments. The purpose of this work is to examine the
exposed sediments and to determine their lithological characteristics. In laboratory the work was
on grain size analysis.
Grain size is a fundamental attribute of siliciclastic sedimentary rocks and thus one of the
important descriptive properties of such rocks. Sedimentologists are particularly concerned with
three aspects of particle size:
Several methods use for the grain size analysis of sedimentary rocks such as settling velocity,
microscopic method, sieving method etc. The scope of each of these methods is, however,
limited by factors like the degree of consolidation of the sediments, nature and purpose of
investigation etc. We use the sieving method to analyze the grain size. It is the common method
for laboratory analysis.
In order to interpretation a Cumulative curve has been drawn on the logarithmic graph paper by
plotting the cumulative weight percent retained as ordinate and corresponding grade size as
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Grain size parameter:
Different statistical parameters were calculated from cumulative curve, according to Folk and
ward methods (1968). The parameters are:
a. Graphic Means:
An approximation of the arithmetic mean can be arrived by picking selected percentile values
from cumulative curve, and averaging these values, by using the following formula:
Table 1: M Values
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Table 2: D Values
Table 3: S Values
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d. Kurtosis:
Statistically kurtosis measures the ratio between the sorting in the tails (cumulative curve
has coarser and finer tails or ends) and the sorting in the central position of the curve. It
indicates the behavior of the environment. If the central portion is better sorted than the
tails, the frequency curve is called leptokurtic. If the tails are better sorted than the central
portion, the curve is said to flat peaked or Platykurtic. As in the case for mean and
standard deviation, the grain size units that are used affect Skewness and kurtosis. The
visual estimation chart of Kurtosis is given below:
Table 4: K Values
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Seven sandstone samples were sieved for grain size analysis. The results after the analysis is
given below-
Folk’s Parameters
Sample Graphic mean Sorting Skewness Kurtosis
no. Result Designation Result Designation Result Designation Result Designation
R₁₆S₅ 1.87 Medium 0.95 Moderately 0.45 Strongly 1.2 leptokurtic
Sand sorted positive
R₂₉S₉ 3.04 Very Fine 0.76 Moderately +0.21 positive 1.16 leptokurtic
Sand sorted skewed
R₆S₃ 1.56 Medium 0.90 Moderately +0.15 positive 1.69 Very
Sand sorted skewed leptokurtic
R₈S₄ 1.9 Medium 0.79 Moderately +0.37 Strongly 2.38 Very
Sand sorted positive leptokurtic
R₁S₁ 2.3 Fine Sand 1.0 Moderately +0.35 Strongly 1.27 leptokurtic
sorted positive
R₂₆S₇ 2.55 Fine Sand 1.27 Poorly +0.15 positive 0.88 Platykurtic
sorted skewed
R₂₈S₈ 2.9 Fine Sand 1.36 Poorly -0.21 Negative 1.08 Mesokurtic
sorted skewed
(N.B.- For detail results, Cumulative curves & Histograms see Appendix)
Interpretation: From the above sieve analysis of the samples it can be said that the sandstone of
the investigated area i.e. Unit A and Unit B are fine to medium grained Sand and almost
moderately sorted. These are deposited by the high energy condition in fluvial environment.
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The Rangamati- Chittagong road cut section is characterized by various rock types that are
exposed along the both side of the road. As broad classification four rock units was observed.
They are-
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Table 6 : Stratigraphy of Rangamati- Chittagong road cut section
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Correlation means the process by which stratigrapher's attempts to determine the mutual time
relation of a local section. (Dunber & Rodgers, 1957)
Lithology and stratigraphy are the possible means to the correlation of the studied area
comparing the rocks types of the surveyed area with that of Assam by vertical and horizontal
cross section. Our investigated area is lie on the eastern folded belt of Bengal Basin was
developed as the South extension of Assam Himalaya, in the Mio-Pliocene age. The stratigraphy
of Assam has been well established.
Table 7 : Correlation between rock units of Rangamati- Chittagong road cut section and Assam,
India (Evans, 1932)
Probable age
Study area "Rangamati- chittagong road according to
Stratigraphy of Assam
cut section " Reimann,
Rock Unit
Page | 33
Brownish sandstone Brownish in color,
medium to coarse grain,
cementing material
ferruginous, large Yellowish to brown
B amount of carbonaceous sandstone and very
Sandstone Pliocene
material present. In subordinate shale.
some places thin mud
layer and clay galls are
also present.
Sandstone is variegated
in color, yellowish
Sndstone & shale
brown to brownish in
color, medium to fine
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Folds are the waves undulation found in the rock unit of the earth surface that forms in response
to directional forces (Billings M.P., 1986). Force may be horizontal or tangential towards a
common point or plain from opposite direction.
The most and the major structure of the study area is that it is a asymmetric anticline, named as
“Sitapahar Anticline”. The western limb of this anticline is steeper than eastern limb indicates its
asymmetric nature. The western limb of the anticline is interrupted by a major fault which strike
almost parallel to the axis of the anticline. The axis of the fold is running in NNW-SSE direction
parallel to the general trend of regional strike.
The fold is evidenced by, the attitude of rock strata shows that the beds are dipping in the
opposite direction from a place that represents an imaginary line. In an anticline the oldest rock
is found in the core. Shale is the oldest rock that is exposed in the Sitapahar anticline and by
observation we found shale in the axial region. Thus shale advocates that Sitapahar is an
anticline. In the Rangamati-Chittagong road cut section the dip amount in western flank varies
from 60 to 630 and in eastern flank dip amount varies from 60 to 580. The dip direction of beds in
some outcrops shows opposite direction to that of the corresponding flank, it indicates some
local disturbance.
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Fault :
Faults are ruptures along which the opposite walls have moved past each other (Billings M.P.,
1986). The whole structure is affected by longitudinal fault (thrust and/or reverse fault on both
flank) and back thrust fault (eastern flank) in Rangamati-Chittagong Section. In the investigated
area on the eastern flank of the anticline a N-S trending fault. This is (more/less) parallel to the
axis of the structure.
Joint is a fracture in rocks along which no appreciable movement has occurred. Some joints in
sedimentary rocks may have formed as the result of contraction during compaction and drying of
the sediment. In some cases, jointing of the rock may result from the action of the same forces
that cause folds and faults. In the study area following types of joints were observed.
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Plate 13 : Micro
Plate 14 :
Oblique Joint
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Deformation band:
Deformation bands(plate-16) are small faults with very small displacements. In the past, these
bands have been called Luder's bands or braided shear fractures They often proceed large faults.
They develop in porous rocks, like sandstone. (Schultz, R. 2009)
Plate 15:
Plate 16:
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As far as discovered the study area does not contain any significant mineral deposit. During the
fieldwork in the area, found the existence of hard mudstone, shale, sandstone etc. Among these
mudstone, hard shale and sandstone are important source of construction material.
The investigated area (Sitapahar Anticline) is considered as highly prospective on the basis of
hydrocarbon prospects. The prospects of hydrocarbon occurrence of a area requires some points
such as source rock, reservoir rock, cap rock, trap and timely migration and thermal maturity.
The silty shale of oldest unit shows some organic content that may be considered as the source of
hydrocarbon generation. Overlying sandstone unit and shale unit considered as reservoir rock
and cap rock respectively. But the problem is trap as the axial region exposed and eroded. Other
type of trap may exist like faulted trap. In order to find out the source of hydrocarbon, detail
geological and geophysical studies have to be done.
The faulted zone in this area is likely to contain oil. Further investigation and drilling data is
needed to say whether drilling in these zones are prospective for commercial accumulation on
In the investigated area huge amount of pebbles, boulders are found. These are used for building
construction, railway blast and construction material for road and highway.
The Kaptai Lake is one of the most important economic areas which still supply hydroelectric
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The investigated area is an asymmetrical anticline where the eastern flank is gently dipped and
the western flank is steeper. The studied area mainly carried out in the both western and eastern
flank of Sitapahar Anticline along the road cut section. This field report deals with the overall
geology of the investigated area Sitapahar Anticline that is physical and geomorphic features,
structure, stratigraphy, tectonics, depositional environment and economic importance.
The Rangamati-Chittagong road cut section is a region of irregular topography marked by the
sense of hillocks trending NNW-SSE direction. Geologically the region is interesting as it is
tectonically disturbed zone indicated by the presence of fold, fault and joints caused by major
folding and faulting in the affected area after deposition of Tertiary sediments. The faults are
thrust in nature. In each flank two prominent faults are identified.Tectonically the area
Rangamati-Chittagong hilly region generated due to the collision of Indian Plate moving along
South-East to North-East and Burmese Plate moving along east to west.
By correlating the stratigraphy of the study area with the stratigraphy of Assam on the basis of
lithology, sedimentary sequences, the investigated area divided into four formations. These are
Bhuban, Boka Bil, Tipam and Dupi Tila from older to younger and Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene
The major rock types that are found in this region is only sedimentary origin, such as shale, silty
shale, sandy shale, sandstone, mudstone. Various types of sedimentary structures are also
observed here such as bedding, cross bedding, lenticular bedding, lamination, cross lamination,
wavy bedding, clay galls, nodular structures etc. Because of weathering here also developed a
thick alluvium cover.
However, in the geological point of view, it may be perfect place of economic resources. Proper
investigation is necessary to detect the presence of oil and gas in this area. Sitapahar anticline is
an excellent area for detail investigation which requires more time, more equipment, more scope
and higher knowledge.
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Banglapedia, 2006, National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh, 1st edition.
Billings, M.P., 2000, Structural Geology, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited.
Bogg’s, Jr.S., Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, 2001, 3rd edn, Prentice hall,
New Jersey.
Dunber, co. and Rodgers. J. 1975 Principle of stratigraphy; John Willoy and Sonc Inc,
New York.
Evans. P; 1932; Trans Mining and Geol. Inst of India. Calcutta, (Vol XXVII) page ( 206-
Gani, R. & Alam, M. M., 2003, Sedimentation and basin fill-history of the Neogene
clastic succession exposed in the southeastern Folded belt of the Bengal Basin,
Bangladesh: a high resolution sequence sratigraphic approach; Sedimentary Geology.
Guha, D.K., 1978, Tectonic Framework and Gas Prospects in Bangladesh; Annual
conference of BGS.
Hossain, M. S., 2003, A geological field report on Dakhin Nhila, St. Martin’s, Inani, &
Moheskhali structure, Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, 4th year field report
(unpublished), Department of Geological Sciences, Jahangirnagar University,
Khan, F.H., 1991, Geology of Bangladesh; University Press Ltd.
Krishnan, M.S, 1982; Geology of India and Burma, Higgin Bothans Ltd. Mount Road
Maadras, India.
Lindholm, R.C., 1991, A Practical Approach to Sedimentology, CBS publishers &
distributors, New Delhi, India.
Muminullah, M; 1978; Geology of the Northern part of Chittagong District, Bangladesh;
Record of G.S.B, Vol-11, part-3.
Morrison, W.D. (1994) A dictionary of geology, CBS publishers & Distributors, New
Reimann, K.U., 1993, Geology of Bangladesh; Berlin (Borntrheger).
Reineck, H.E. & Sing, I.B., 1973, Depositional sedimentary environment, 1973, 2nd
edition, Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany.
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Schultz, R. 2009. Fractures and Deformation Bands in Rock: A Field Guide and Journey
into Geologic Fracture Mechanics. Oxford University Press.
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Table: Individual stations Rock type, Lithology, Attitude & Structure.
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R-15 S 10⁰ E Silty shale Yellowish gray in color, laminated, cementing
material argillaceous, calcareous band present.
S 79⁰ W With alternating sandstone
R-16 Sandstone Brownish color, fine to medium grain, Planer cross
moderately compact, cementing material bedding
ferruginous, highly permeable
R-17 Sandstone Grayish color, moderately compact, fine
dominating, cementing material argillaceous
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Cumulative weight %
0.1 1 10 100
Grain size in phi (Ø) scale
Page | 45
Weight %
-1 0 1 2 3 4 pan
Aperture in phi (Ø) scale
Page | 46
Cumulative weight %
0.1 1 10 100
Grain size in phi (Ø) scale
Weight %
-1 0 1 2 3 4 pan
Aperture in phi (Ø) scale
Page | 47
Table : Different grain size parameters for sample R₆S₃
Cumulative weight %
0.1 1 10 100
Grain size in phi (Ø) scale
Page | 48
Weight % 40
-1 0 1 2 3 4 pan
Aperture in phi (Ø) scale
Page | 49
Cumulative weight %
0.1 1 10 100
weight %
-1 0 1 2 3 4 pan
Aperture in phi(Ø) scale
Page | 50
Table: Different grain size parameters for sample R1S1
cumulative weight %
0.1 1 10 100
Grain size in phi(Ø) scale
Page | 51
weight % 30
-1 0 1 2 3 4 pan
Aperture in phi ( Ø) scale
Page | 52
cumulative weight %
0.1 1 10 100
weight %
-1 0 1 2 3 4 pan
Aperture in phi scale
Page | 53
Table : Different grain size parameters for sample R28S8
cumulative weight %
1 10 100
grain size in phi scale
Page | 54
weight % 20
-1 0 1 2 3 4 pan
Aperture in phi scale
Phi Values
Sample Ø5 Ø16 Ø25 Ø50 Ø75 Ø84 Ø95
R16 S5 0.78 1.05 1.2 1.55 2.25 3 3.85
R29 S9 1.74 2.4 2.6 2.9 3.54 3.82 4.4
R6 S3 0.3 0.82 1.1 1.55 1.95 2.3 3.8
R8 S4 1 1.4 1.55 1.85 2.1 2.65 4.2
R1 S1 0.8 1.5 1.7 2.05 2.85 3.36 4.35
R26 S7 0.6 1.3 1.6 2.35 3.4 4 4.5
R28 S8 0 1.5 2.2 3 3.9 4.2 4.5
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