Quick Start Guide: Cscape Envisionrv

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MAN4004-02-EN 30 JANUARY 2008 PAGE 1

Cscape EnvisionRV

Quick Start Guide

1 Introduction
Cscape EnvisionRV (Cscape Envision Remote View) is a powerful Windows based software application
that will allow you to view and access remote Horner OCS controllers via a personal computer.
EnvisionRV can either upload graphics files from your OCS controllers or can open .PGM files created by
Cscape. Refer to the Cscape EnvisionRV, online help for detailed information on how to use the product.
This Quick Start Guide helps you with Installation, Licensing and introduces some of the main features.

2 Installation of Package

Cscape EnvisionRV will typically be distributed on a USB memory device. Please insert the memory stick
into an available USB port on user’s PC. Browse the memory device and run the setup program
“EnvisionRV_Setup.exe”. Installation of EnvisionRV is done with the help of installation dialogs.
First, read and accept the terms and conditions of the license agreement:

Proceed through the installation dialogs as directed. Once EnvisionRV is successfully installed, it will
create a dedicated folder in the PC’s Program folder. An icon for accessing the package will be available
in the folder.

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3 Licensing for Cscape EnvisionRV

Cscape EnvisionRV is ready to work after successful installation on the user’s PC. A four day demo
period is included with Cscape EnvsionRV. During the demo period, EnvisionRV shall allow the user to
access all program functions. Cscape EnvisionRV will display the demo period, elapsed time and the
remaining duration at the top of the menu / tool bar.
To extend the use of the application beyond the four day limit, the application must be activatedThe
procedure for which is given below:

On purchase of EnvisionRV, a serial number is also given. This serial number is required to complete the
activation process. From the Envision Application, Select ‘License’ from the Help menu, a licensing dialog
box will pop up as is shown above. Click the ‘Generate License Key’ button. This will generate a License
key and will also copy the key into the PC’s Clipboard. There are several options for activation.
Go to the web site http://www.hornerocs.com/Support/EnvisionRV.html for support options to
activate EnvisionRV. These will include:

1) Email the serial number and the number generated on the activation screen to the email
address envision.support@heapg.com for activation.
2) Chat live and on-line with an application engineer using the link at
Once all the appropriate steps have been completed, the license key to activate EnvisionRV will be
provided from Horner. Apply the license key received from Horner in the ‘Key From Horner’ field and click
OK. After updating the license, EnvisionRV will display a message showing validation details. The
Cscape EnvisionRV license is a PC locked license. If the user wishes to use Cscape EnvisionRV on
another PC the installation process and activation must be repeated.

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4 Communication Settings

EnvisionRV can communicate with controllers on CsCAN protocols through a serial port interface,
Ethernet, CAN, or Internal modem.

If using serial communications with a controller, the user can configure the software host PC’s
communication port, baud rate and the timeout. In this case, the radio button named Connected Device
can be selected. When Connected Device is selected, Target Node ID selection will be disabled.

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When in communication with a controller connected through a CsCAN network, the user should select the
radio button for Target Node ID, and then enter the CsCAN ID of the target controller.

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When in communication with a controller connected to a LAN / Ethernet network, the user would select
the Ethernet radio button and then enter the IP address of the targeted controller and select the Mode
according to type of controller.

The timeout setting of 1000 is a default for local communications. For communications over slower links
such as modems, cellular or Internet this value should be increased. 2000 to 10,000 are typical values in
these cases.
Once Cscape EnvisionRV establishes online communications with the controller, it will display a screen
template according to the type of connected controller.

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5 Communication Status Indicator

The main screen on the EnvisionRV package has a communication status indicator. This icon will be
visible in the upper right corner of the EnvisionRV screen if the application can not establish
communication with a controller or communications have failed. It is important to train operators that if
they see this icon, the data on the screen is not being updated.

The same message will also be displayed on EnvisionRV’s status bar. Once communications are re-
established, the icon will automatically be removed. The icon will re-appear when communication is
offline or during any communications fault condition.

6 Uploading Device files from an OCS

The user can upload a device file after establishing real-time communications with a controller. Click
‘Upload’ from the Tools menu to start uploading.

If the controller to which Cscape EnvisionRV is communicating is configured with security, Cscape
EnvisionRV security will be enabled and will ask for password before upload. EnvisionRV will upload a
device file only if the password given by the user is authorized for remote viewing (for more details please
refer Cscape help).
Using Cscape EnvisionRV, a user can upload device files from different controllers connected to a
CsCAN network.

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7 Import PGM files

In addition to uploading device files from a controller, EnvisionRV allows user to import .PGM files.

Choose File -> Import PGM (use Cscape to generate .PGM files)

This menu item causes the windows standard file open dialog box to appear. Navigate through a PC's
hard disk and select the desired file for importing into Cscape EnvisionRV.

After opening graphic files in Cscape EnvisionRV, user can establish real-time communications with a
controller by using the communication settings dialog.

8 Saving Device Files

During the save process, the graphics data along with communication settings and network ID of the OCS
will be saved. User can select this functionality from ‘Save’ under the File menu. Cscape EnvisionRV will
ask for a location to save the device file.

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9 Project Management Utility

This is a utility integrated with Cscape EnvisionRV for organizing device files. The utility is implemented
through a split window and a tab based dialog. The split window has two views, Project View and Device
The user can enable / disable Project View by using the following menu options: View => Show Project
View. Split window of project management contains a dedicated tab for Device List. The Device List tab
contains a list showing all the controllers configured for the open project and buttons for Connect and Edit
List. The Connect button is for establishing real time connectivity with a controller for the opened device
file. Pressing the Edit List button causes the Edit List dialog to be available which then allows users to
edit the projects by adding / deleting device files attached with the projects.

9.1 Add Device Files to a Project

The user can add controllers and device files to a project by using the Add Proprieties dialog and can
reach this dialog by using the Add Device File button of the Edit List dialog. By using this dialog, the user
can add a device file to a project; configure it for Synchronous / Asynchronous mode of operation and
then set the communication parameters.

9.2 Saving Project Files

Saving a project file saves all data related to added controllers and device files, including communication

9.3 Navigating Through Multiple Controllers

With the help of the Project Management Utility, the user can navigate with different controllers connected
to a CsCAN network. The user has to upload the device files separately from different controllers
connected to a CsCAN network. The user may then create a project, add all the controllers / device files
to a project and set communications parameters. The user can navigate / establish real-time connectivity
with all controllers that are connected to the same CsCAN network through the device list and connect

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10 Security /User Administration

Security for Cscape EnvisionRV will be enabled only if the OCS to which Cscape EnvisionRV is
communicating is enabled with security. The “Upload” and/or “Remote Terminal” security options need to
be set.
While setting up the EnvisionRV application through upload or importing a .PGM file, EnvisionRV will ask
the user for a password. This is the password assigned in Cscape security settings. If the user only has
access to the upload password they will only be able to view remote screens. The user needs the
password for Remote Term access to change values using EnvisionRV or to set up the advanced
To setup advanced security in EnvisionRV, select Security from the Tools menu to obtain the following

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The ‘Security’ sub menu will be enabled only if the following two conditions are satisfied:-

1) The OCS to which Cscape EnvisionRV communicating is enabled with security.

2) A user is logged into Cscape EnvisionRV with the password authorized for OCS “Remote

Cscape EnvisionRV security is implemented using the above dialog; it allows adding users to configure
their access levels. Using the security dialog, a user can configure the access levels of each screen for
different users. EnvisionRV can be configured for up to three different users and an administrator. It will
allow a user to configure and control the access levels of each screen. This security allows for No
Access, Read Only or Read / Write on each screen. The security data is saved in the device files created
by EnvisionRV. Once the security is set in Envision an operator will not need to use the numeric
passwords assigned in Cscape as the Envision usernames and passwords will be used.

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11 Technical Support
For assistance and manual updates, contact Technical Support:



No part of this publication may be modified as to content without the prior agreement and written permission of
Horner APG, Inc. Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

Cscape, SmartStack, SmartStix and CsCAN are trademarks of Horner APG.

KEPServerEX is trademark of Kepware Technologies, Inc.

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