ASTM E1252-98 (Reapproved 2013)
ASTM E1252-98 (Reapproved 2013)
ASTM E1252-98 (Reapproved 2013)
tions are given in 6.5.1.
IR absorption spectra of unknown materials with those of
known reference materials, or both. These spectra are obtained
2. Referenced Documents
(4-8) through transmission, reflection, and other techniques,
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 such as photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS). Spectra that are to
E131 Terminology Relating to Molecular Spectroscopy be compared should be obtained by the same technique and
E168 Practices for General Techniques of Infrared Quanti- under the same conditions. Users of published reference
tative Analysis spectra (9-16) should be aware that not all of these spectra are
E334 Practice for General Techniques of Infrared Micro- fully validated.
analysis 5.1.1 Instrumentation and accessories for infrared qualita-
E573 Practices for Internal Reflection Spectroscopy tive analysis are commercially available. The manufacturer’s
E932 Practice for Describing and Measuring Performance of manual should be followed to ensure optimum performance
Dispersive Infrared Spectrometers and safety.
E1421 Practice for Describing and Measuring Performance
5.2 Transmission spectra are obtained by placing a thin
of Fourier Transform Mid-Infrared (FT-MIR) Spectrom-
uniform layer of the sample perpendicular to the infrared
radiation path (see 9.5.1 for exception in order to eliminate
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E13 on Molecular
interference fringes for thin films). The sample thickness must
Spectroscopy and Separation Science and is the direct responsibility of Subcom- be adequate to cause a decrease in the radiant power reaching
mittee E13.03 on Infrared and Near Infrared Spectroscopy. the detector at the absorption frequencies used in the analysis.
Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2013. Published January 2013. Originally For best results, the absorbance of the strongest bands should
approved in 1988. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as E1252 – 98 (2007).
DOI: 10.1520/E1252-98R13. be in the range from 1 to 2, and several bands should have
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end of
the ASTM website. this standard.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
recorded by reflection will often differ from the spectrum of the 6.5 Solution Techniques:
bulk material as recorded by transmission spectroscopy. This is 6.5.1 Analysis of Materials Soluble in Infrared (IR) Trans-
because the chemistry of the surface often differs from that of parent Solvent: The Split Solvent Technique—Many solid and
the bulk, due to factors such as surface oxidation, migration of liquid samples are soluble in solvents that are transparent in
species from the bulk to the surface, and possible surface parts of the infrared spectral region. A list of solvents com-
contaminants. Some surface measurements are extremely sen- monly used in obtaining solution spectra is given in Table 2.
sitive to small amounts of materials present on a surface, The selection of solvents depends on several factors. The
whereas transmission spectroscopy is relatively insensitive to sample under examination must have adequate solubility, it
these minor components. must not react with the solvent, and the solvent must have
appropriate transmission regions that enable a useful spectrum
5.3.1 Reflection spectra are obtained in four configurations:
to be obtained. Combinations of solvents and window materi- Specular reflectance (7.5),
als can often be selected that will allow a set of qualitative Diffuse reflectance (7.6), solution-phase spectra to be obtained over the entire IR region. Reflection-absorption (7.7), One example of this “split solvent” technique utilizes carbon Internal reflection (7.9). Refer to Practices E573. tetrachloride (CCl4) and carbon disulfide (CS2) as solvents.
This technique is also called Attenuated Total Reflection (Warning—Both CCl4 and CS2 are toxic; keep in a well
(ATR), and ventilated hood. Use of these solvents is prohibited in many Grazing angle reflectance. laboratories. In addition, CS2 is extremely flammable; keep
5.4 Photoacoustic IR spectra (11.2). away from ignition sources, even a steam bath. Moreover, CS2
is reactive (sometimes violently) with primary and secondary
5.5 Emission spectroscopy (11.4). aliphatic amines and must not be used as a solvent for these
TEST METHODS AND TECHNIQUES compounds. Similarly, CCl4 reacts with aluminum metal.
Depending on conditions such as temperature and particle size,
6. Analysis of Liquids the reaction has been lethally violent.) Absorption by CCl4 is negligible in the region 4000
6.1 Fixed Cells—A wide range of liquid samples of low to to 1330 cm−1 and by CS2 in the region 1330 to 400 cm−1 in
moderate viscosity may be introduced into a sealed fixed-path cells of about 0.1 mm thickness. (Other solvents can be used.)
length cell. These are commercially available in a variety of
materials and path lengths. Typical path lengths are 0.01 to 0.2
mm. See 5.2 for considerations in selection of cell materials 4
The 3M disposable IR Card is manufactured by 3M Co., Disposable Products
and path lengths. Division.
Solutions are prepared, usually in the 5 to 10 % weight/volume and CS2 solutions can be presented on the same hard copy over
range, and are shaken to ensure uniformity. The solutions are the region 4000 to 400 cm−1, or the presentation can be over
transferred by clean pipettes or by syringes that have been the 4000 to 1330 cm−1 region for the CCl4 solution and over
cleaned with solvent and dried to avoid cross-contamination the 1330 to 400 cm−1 region for the CS2 solution. The former
with a previous sample. If the spectrum of a 10 % solution choice is preferable because both band frequencies and band
contains many bands that are too deep and broad for accurate intensities are affected differently by the different solvents (due
frequency measurement, thinner cells or a more dilute solution to solvent-solute interaction).
must be used. Split solution spectra are acceptable without solvent
NOTE 1—New syringes should be cleaned before use. Glass is the compensation, but recognition of the solvent bands that are
preferred material. If plastic is used as containers, lids, syringes, pipettes, present is mandatory when such spectra are compared with
and so forth, analytical blanks are necessary as a check against contami-
those recorded, either with solvent compensation or with
computer-assisted solvent subtraction. The IR spectrum of a A spectrum obtained by the split-solvent technique solution over the entire 4000 to 400 cm−1 region can be useful,
in cells up to 0.5 to 1.0 mm-thickness, can be compensated for but it is not recommended for solutions of unknown materials
all solvent bands to yield the spectrum of only the sample because pertinent spectral data may be masked by solvent
itself. When a spectrometer that is capable of storing digital absorption. It is not possible to compensate fully absorbing
data is employed, the desired spectrum is obtained by a
bands such as CS2 (|; 1400 to 1600 cm− 1), CCl4 (| ;730 to
computer-assisted subtraction of the stored data for the solvent
800 cm−1), and CHCl3 (about 790 to 725 cm− 1) when using a
from the data for the solution. The user should refer to the
0.1-mm path length.
manufacturer’s manual for each instrumental system to per-
form the computer-assisted manipulation of the spectral data NOTE 2—Attempted compensation of such totally absorbing bands can
necessary for hard copy presentation. Spectra from both CCl4 obscure sample bands.
Mineral Oil (NujolA ) 2952
diameter of the die. The best pellets are formed by evacuating 2921
the die filled with the KBr sample mixture before applying 2869
pressure. This process minimizes the amount of water in the 1460
pressed pellet. 1378
7.2.4 For routine qualitative analysis of many compounds, 721
Fluorocarbon Oil (FluorolubeB ) 1275
adequate grinding and mixing can be realized by grinding the 1230
KBr-sample mixture in a vibrating mill for 30 to 60 s. 1196
7.2.5 Alkali halide powder may be used as a gentle abrasive 1141
to collect samples of surface layers of materials such as paint. 1094
Pellets made from these powders have been used to study 1034
environmental exposure of surface finishes, and for forensic 961
comparison of automotive finishes. 830
7.2.6 A miniature press is often employed to press pellets as 735
small as 0.5-mm diameter. The quality of the spectrum ob- 650
tained is improved by placing the small pellet in a beam 543
condenser in the IR spectrometer sample compartment. This 519
results in an additional focusing of the IR beam, usually by a A
Formerly trademarked by Stanco Incorporated, New York, NY, expired 1996.
factor of 4 to 6 in the linear dimension. Trademark by Gabriel Performance Products, LLC, in Baton Rouge, LA.
reflection spectroscopy (IRS) technique.
useful in the identification of GC-IR fractions of unknown
materials, since most GC-IR spectra are conveniently recorded 9.2 Polymers Soluble in Organic Solvents—A variety of
at high temperatures (see Practices E1642). solvents such as 1,2-dichlorobenzene, toluene, methyl ethyl
8.3.2 Recording IR spectra at high temperature, employing ketone, dimethylformamide, tetrahydrofuran (Note 3) can be
a dispersive instrument, requires that the IR radiation from the used to cast polymeric films on an alkali halide plate. The
source be chopped ahead of the sample to avoid recording IR solvent is removed by heating in a nitrogen atmosphere using
radiation emitted from the hot sample. Unless using very high an IR heat lamp or in an evacuated oven. The ideal cast
temperatures, this is not usually a problem when employing an uniform film is ;0.01 to 0.05 mm thick and has no spectral
FT-IR spectrometer, provided that the sample is held between evidence of solvent. In most cases, solutions of the polymer
the interferometer (which is a wavenumber-selective chopper) can be obtained only by heating; this necessitates preheating
and the detector. the KBr or NaCl plate before the polymer solution is applied to
9. Analysis of Polymers prevent fracturing the plate. A CsI plate allows a wider
NOTE 4—See Refs (8) and (34) for general methods of IR analysis of frequency range to be recorded, and it is not as sensitive to
polymers. See Refs (10-14) for compilations of polymer spectra. thermal shock. Table 4 gives a list of solvents used to dissolve
9.1 Polymers Soluble in Water: different classes of polymers. Films can also be cast from an
9.1.1 Film forming polymers which are soluble in water are organic solvent on an internal reflection element (IRE) and
readily examined in the region 4000-400 cm−1 as cast films on qualitative spectra recorded using the IRS technique. Further,
flat silver bromide (AgBr) plates (see Table 1 for other window for those materials soluble in solvents which may easily be
materials). In order to cast a film with a uniform thickness of volatilized at temperatures below 75°C, the disposable IR card
;0.01 mm, a suitably dilute water solution of the polymer is method described in 6.5.4 may be used.
Polyvinyl acetate acetone
Polyvinyl alcohol water
Polyvinyl alcohol-acetate water
Polyvinyl ethyl ether 1,2-dichlorobenzene
Polyvinyl butyral dimethylformamide
Polyvinyl chloride 1,2-dichlorobenzene
Polyvinyl chloride-acetate 1,2-dichlorobenzene
Polyvinyl chloride-methyl acrylate copolymer 1,2-dichlorobenzene
Polyvinyl formal acetone or ethylene dichloride
Polyvinyl propionate 1,2-dichlorobenzene
Polyvinyl pyrolidone water
Poly N-vinyl carbazole dimethylformamide
Polyvinyl cyclohexane 1,2-dichlorobenzene
Vinylidene Copolymers Vinylidene chloride-acrylonitrile 1,2-dichlorobenzene dimethylformamide
Vinylidene chloride-butyl acrylate copolymer 1,2-dichlorobenzene
Vinylidene chloride-ethyl acrylate copolymer 1,2-dichlorobenzene
Vinylidene chloride-vinyl chloride copolymer 1,2-dichlorobenzene
Xylene Poly-p-xylene 1,2-dichlorobenzene
Other similar type solvents may be used.
For heavily crosslinked or insoluble polyurethane, run as pellets on split mulls or as a film if soluble in DMSO.
Solubility depends upon molecular weight.
NOTE 5—Tetrahydrofuran (THF) is used to dissolve certain classes of the inhibitor in the cast polymer film.
polymers. It is mandatory that either fresh or inhibited THF be employed.
Fresh THF slowly forms peroxides after the bottle has been opened. 9.3 Latex Suspensions (in Water)—Suitable films can be
Violent explosions can occur when THF containing THF peroxide is prepared from latex suspensions (in water) by casting a thin
heated to dissolve the sample. Inhibited THF will exhibit absorption from film (;0.01 mm) on glass, drying, and then removing the dried
(1) Colthup, N. B., Daly, L. H., and Wiberly, S. E., Introduction to (27) Lathrop, A. L., J. Opt. Soc. Am., Vol 55, 1962, p. 1097.
Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, 3rd ed., Academic Press, New (28) Wendlandt, W. W., Modern Aspects of Reflectance Spectroscopy,
York, 1990. Chapter 2, Plenum Press, New York, 1968.
(2) Lin-Vien, D., Colthup, N. B., Fateley, W. G., and Grasselli, J. G., The (29) Hecht, H., Appl. Spectrosc., Vol 37, 1983, p. 348.
Handbook of Infrared and Raman Characteristic Group Frequencies, (30) Greenler, R. G., J. Chem. Phys., Vol 44, 1966, p. 310.
Academic Press, San Diego, 1991. (31) Blanke, J. F., Vincent, S. E., and Overend, J., Spectrochim. Acta, Vol
(3) Socrates, G., Infrared Characteristics Group Frequencies, 2nd ed.,
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