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Learning Area TLE (Animal Production) Poultry Grade Level 7/8

Quarter 4 Date
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING LO 1. Perform estimation or basic calculation in the workplace
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT The learner demonstrates an understanding of basic estimation and calculation
used in animal production
I. Introduction (Time Frame: (20 mins)
The farming system as a whole and animal production in particular, is influenced by external factors (including government
policy on rural development, livestock development programs and marketing), which must be considered in any analysis or
Learning Task 1 Word Search Puzzle
In our previous lesson we discussed the tools, equipment and facilities used in poultry production, the puzzle below contains
its names. Encircle the words inside the puzzle that you find.

Find me!

* spade * shovel

* spading fork * incubator

* bolo * rake

* perches * nest

* brooders * feed bins

Poultry production is an old industry in the country. Many Filipino farmers and business executives depend on this industry as
a major source of income. This industry offers poultry raisers countless opportunities for success, The mainly because of the
favorable environmental conditions in the country. The adaptability of chickens to these conditions is an important factor that
makes it possible for one to engage in the most popular line of poultry production—the production of eggs for table use and
the production of broiler. Other enterprises related to poultry production such as production of day-old chicks and ready to-lay
pullets are also profitable.
In this lesson, you learn to perform estimation and calculation relative to poultry production

D. Development (Time Frame: (40 mins)

. The success of poultry production requires proper compliance with the requirements. The following is a proper guide to
breeding animals such as chickens and birds.
Broilers Requirements:
A. The following space requirements may serve as guide
1. Day-old to three weeks 0.3 sq.ft./chick
2. 3 weeks to 4 weeks 0.5 sq. ft/chick
3. 5 weeks to market age 1.0 sq.ft./bird
B. Recommended Minimum Feeding Space Requirements
1. Day-old to 4 weeks 2.5 to 5 cm./bird
2. 4 weeks to 8 weeks 5 to 6.5 cm./bird
3. 9 weeks to near laying age 7.5 to 9 cm./bird
C. Recommended Minimum Watering Space Requirements
1. Day-old to 4 weeks 0.5 cm./bird or two 1-gal. drinking fountains/100 birds
2. 4 weeks to 8 weeks 0.6 to 1 cm./bird or two 2-gal drinking fountains/l00 birds
3. 9 weeks to near laying age 1 to 2 cm./bird or four 2-gal drinking fountains/100 birds
Learning Task 2 Compute Me!
The price of a broiler per kilo is 160 pesos. Compute for the amount of the following heads of
Broiler if it weighs…
1. 1 kilo ___________________
2. 1.3 kilos ____________________
3. 1.5 kilos ____________________
4. 1.7 kilos ____________________
5. 1.9 kilos ____________________
6. 0.75 kilo ____________________
7. 0.5 kilo _____________________
8. 2.65 kilo _____________________
9. 9.75 kilo _____________________
10. 26.5 kilo _____________________
E. Engagement (Time Frame: (40 mins_)
The analysis of production should be simple to suit the needs of backyard and small scale poultry raisers. Expenses such
as depreciation cost and the use of poultry house and interest on capital are not included in the following sample analysis.
This exercise is designed for you to acquire first-hand information on the basic requirements and financial gains in raising
Computing a Sample Gathered Data in Broiler Production
Mr. Lucas has the following data in his broiler project: To get ROI or Return on Investment
Total production cost NET INCOME
cost of chick per head @P20.00 (P 2,000.00) ROI = -------------------------- X 100
cost of feeds P 8,000.00 COST OF PRODUCTION
medicine and antibiotics P 1,000.00
miscellaneous (electricity, water, labor) P 2,000.00 P 4,100
Total P 13.000.00 ROI = ------------------------ X 100
 Ninety-five broilers are ready for market P 13,000
 Average weight per broiler is 1.5 kg.
 Cost of live weight per kg. is P 120.00 ROI = P 0. 31.54 X 100
 The total cost of production is P 13, 000.00
 Mortality rate of 5% (95 heads) ROI = 31.54%
No. of dead birds
95 x 1.5 = 142.5-kilogram x 120.00 = 12,100.00 Mortality rate = _____________________ X 100
Total no. of birds
Total Gross sales……………………………. P 17,100
Less Cost of Production…………………… P 13,000
Net Income………………………….. P 4,100.00

Learning Task 3 Finding solution

I. It is time for you to have a practice on calculations of the different parameters on poultry and livestock productions.
II. Using the knowledge and skill gained from this module, answer the following questions. For those with problem solving, show
your solution.
III. For items with computations, do this manually using scratch paper.
IV. Choose the letter of the correct answer for the following questions:
1. Calculate the amount of feed needed for 100 broilers at 38 days of maturity if the amount of feed consumed is 3 kilos per
A. 100 kls C. 300 kls.
B. 200 kls D. 400 kls.
2. What is the percent of mortality if 10 birds out of the 100 broilers died due to severe heat?
A. 25 percent C. 2 percent
B. 100 percent D. 10 percent
3. You have given 2 liters of water to your 2 heads sow per day. How many liters of water must be needed for 2 weeks?
A. 14 liters C. 7 liters
B. 28 liters D. 42 liters
4. Juan wants to raise 100 broilers. He has available money allotted for the birds, but for the housing, he tap his father to finance
the housing for that number of broilers. If the allocated budget for housing is 100 pesos per bird, how much money does his
father need for the construction of the broiler house?
A. 1,000 pesos C. 10,000 pesos
B. 5,000 pesos D. 7,000 pesos
5. An area of 1 square meter per hog fattener is recommended, if you have an available space of 3 by 5 meters, how many
fatteners can be accommodated in the said figure?
A. 5 heads C. 13 heads
B. 10 heads D. 15 heads
6. You have an average of 1 square foot per bird space requirement. You want to raise
250 heads of broiler. How many square ft. are needed for that number of heads?
A. 100 square feet C. 200 square feet
B. 150 square feet D. 250 square feet
7. The price of 1 kilo of chicken meat is 120 pesos. How much is the cost of 1.5 kilos of chicken meat?
A. 180 pesos C. 120 pesos
B. 150 pesos D. none of the above
8. You have an available 100 chicken meat at the average of 1.2 kilos each. What is the total number of kilos to be sold in the
A. 100 kilos C. 150 kilos
B. 120 kilos D. 125 kilos
9. Determine the number of swine with an area of 30 square meters. One square meter is provided per each swine.
A. 10 C. 30
B. 20 D. 40
10. A day old chick in the brooder house is said to be in normal condition if the temperature at brooding stage is:
A. 32.2-degree centigrade C. 26.6 degree centigrade
B. 29.4-degree centigrade D. 24.0 degree centigrade
A. Assimilation (Time Frame: _120 mins___)
1. Prepare a simple project proposal with cost estimate of materials needed, cost of labor including schedule of activity to
complete the project by computing gathered Data in Broiler Production.
2. Please take note that you will use the current price prevailing in the locality, compute the expected outputs and gain. See
and be guided by the listed items below for your computation
3. Assuming that the duration of the construction is 5 days, and you need to hire two (2) laborers, make a computation of the
total labor cost, including the detailed scope of works using the schedule of activity below.
4. Submit your project proposal to your teacher for checking and recording purposes.
5. Use the given Performance Checklist below
1. Cost of 105 heads of ―day-old chicks‖ at P---------- each P-----
2. Cost of feeds
2.1--------- kilograms of booster at P-------- per kg. ---------
2.2 -------- kilograms of starter at P ------- per kg. ---------
2.3 ------- kilograms of finisher at P -------- per kg. ------------
3 Cost of vaccines and supplements ---------P -----------
4. Cost of light and heat ---------------------- P------------
5. Cost of water -------------------------------- P -----------
6. Others ----------------------------------------- P ----------- (this include labor cost =P300/day)


1. Total sale of ____ kg. (live weight) at ____ per kg. ____P _________
2. Sale of ___ empty bags of feeds at P __per bag _____ P__________
3. Sale of bags of manure at P _________per bag ______ P__________


Average live weight of broiler is 1.75 kg.
Broiler Cost per kilogram (live weight) is P 98.00
TOTAL SALES ______________________
LESS EXPENSE ______________________
RETURN ON INVESTMENTS (ROI) ___________________________
Performance Criteria Checklist
Do the student/s… YES NO N/A
The submitted proposal has….
1. identified calculations to be made according to job
2. determined correct method of calculation.
3. ascertained systems and units of measurement to be
4. performed calculations needed to complete work task
using the four basic mathematical operations.
5. used appropriate operations to comply with the
6. reviewed and thoroughly checked results obtained.
7. submitted the project proposal.
Student‘s Name__________________________ Date ________________

V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: (10 mins)

(Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6)
Name: Date:
Grade and Section: Score:
Computing Gathered Data in Broiler Production
Complete the following data:
A. Total production cost
total number of chickens 160pcs____
cost of chick per head @ 22.00 ___________
cost of feeds 10,500____
medicine and antibiotics _1,500____
miscellaneous (electricity, water, labor) __ 2,200____
TOTAL ______________
One hundred forty-two broilers are ready for market
Average weight per boilers is 2 kg.
Cost of live weight per kg. is 125 pesos
The total cost of production is ______________
Mortality rate of 5% (142 heads)
___________ x ____________ x ________________ =

TOTAL GROSS SALES -----------------------------------------

LESS COST OF PRODUCTION ------------------------------
NET INCOME --------------------------
VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: (10 mins)
Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I realize that ________________________________________________.
I need to learn more about __________________________________.
• Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column
for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson.
 - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP
Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7
Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 Number 8
VII. REFERENCES References: K to 12 Agri-Fishery Arts – Animal Production page 40-57

Prepared by: JOSEPHINE R.BELISON Checked by: SDO Reviewer

Jenna Joy Dela Rosa
Florendo S. Galang
August M. Jamora
RO Reviewer
Arnel C. Anonical

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