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An innovative software technology that works with flash and disk storage
to greatly improve database access times is called? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Database Smart Flash Cache (*)


6000 Array Remote Replication


Correct Correct

2. CIOs have indicated that their storage requirements revo

lve around 4 key business requirements according to the training. Choose 4.
Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Data reporting

Efficiency (*)

Scale (*)

Performance (*)

Data Integrity (*)

Correct Correct

3. Which one of the following choices represents one of the

largest capacity tape drives available in the industry today? Mark for Review
(1) Points

T10000 (*)



Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モStorage Product Overviewヤ training

for more information.

4. Which software product contains the groundbreaking Hybri

d Storage Pool technology? Mark for Review
(1) Points

ZFS File System (*)



Oracle 11g Database

Correct Correct

5. Which product is Oracles' flagship Flash product that fe

atures over 1Million IOPs and almost 2 TB of Flash storage? Mark for Review
(1) Points

2500-M2 Array

F5100 Flash Array (*)

6000 Series Array

F20 Flash HBA

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モStorage Product Overviewヤ training

for more information.
6. Which three key elements define the storage market? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)
Data Growth (*)

Data Protection (*)


Costs (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モMarket Definitionヤ training for mor

e information.

7. Name three customer issues which are considerations for

reducing costs. Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Power and Cooling (*)

Virtual Storage

Management (*)

Physical Storage (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モMarket Definitionヤ training for mor

e information.

8. Name three features of tape storage that can provide dat

a protection. Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)


Hot swappable components (*)

Back-up Copies (*)

WORM technology (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モMarket Definitionヤ training for mor
e information.

StorageTek Tape Storage – Market Trends

(Answer all questions in this section)
9. Which three key elements define the storage market?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)


Costs (*)

Data Protection (*)

Data Growth (*)

Correct Correct

10. Name three features of tape storage that can provide dat
a protection. Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)


Back-up Copies (*)

Hot swappable components (*)

WORM technology (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モMarket Definitionヤ training for mor

e information.

Previous Page 2 of 6 Next Summary

11. Name three features of the Oracle StorageTek Tape portfolio. Mark fo
r Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Best investment protection (*)

Most flexible modularity

Best TCO (*)

Highest Scalability (*)

Correct Correct

Product Essentials for Sales – StorageTek Tape Storage

(Answer all questions in this section)
12. Real Time Growth and Capacity on Demand are two Oracle d
ifferentiating features that help customers manage their growth. Which of the fo
llowing best describes these features? Mark for Review
(1) Points

RealTime Growth and Capacity on Demand allow a customer to non-disruptiv

ely install physical capacity after the initial library installation.

RealTime Growth and Capacity on Demand allow a customer to pre-install p

hysical capacity and enable use of the capacity later with the sale of slot upgr
ade keys. (*)

RealTime Growth and Capacity on Demand allow a customer to purchase a va

riable number of slots within the library each year.

Correct Correct!

13. What type of module helps to provide the capability to n

on-disruptively service a downed robot? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Cartridge Expansion Module

Safety Module
Drive Expansion Module

Access Expansion Module (*)

Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the course con
tent and try again.

14. Redundant and hot-swappable components increase library

availability. Which of the following features would most increase library availa
bility? Mark for Review
(1) Points


Redundant Robots (*)

Capacity on Demand

Correct Correct!

15. True or False: Oracle’s unique Any Cartridge Any Slot Tech
nology can allow for a mix of media within the same library or partition.
Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct!
16. What mix of drive technology does the SL3000 support? Mark for Review
(1) Points

T9490, T10000, LTO (*)

T10000, LTO, SDLT

T9840, T10000, LTO

Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the course con
tent and try again.

17. True or False: ACSLS is required when connecting the SL3

000 to open systems environments. Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the course con
tent and try again.

Product Essentials for Sales Consultants – StorageTek Tape Storage -

(Answer all questions in this section)
18. True or False: Oracle allows a mix of physical and logic
al partitioning within the same library. Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct.

19. Which of the following features provides the benefit of

non-disruptive scalability? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Real Time Growth (*)

Redundant Robotics

Any Cartridge Any Slot

Redundant Library Control Cards

Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the course con
tent and try again.

20. Redundant and hot-swappable components increase library

availability. Which of the following features would most increase library availa
bility? Mark for Review
(1) Points


Capacity on Demand

Redundant Robots (*)

Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the course con
tent and try again.
21. Which of the following features provides the benefit of consolidation?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

Any Cartridge Any Slot (*)

Real Time Growth

Redundant Robotics

Redundant Library Control Cards

Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the course con
tent and try again.

StorageTek Tape Storage – Requirements Gathering

(Answer all questions in this section)
22. Which three questions would you ask to determine if Data
Protection is a customer requirement? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

How does downtime affect your company? (*)

Do you need to transition EOL or EOSL libraries?

Do your applications require WORM? (*)

Do you have an SLA specifying uptime? (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モRequirements Gathering and Qualif

icationsヤ training for more information.

23. Enterprise data center customers moving to tiered storag

e and archival would be good candidates for which two tape libraries? Mark fo
r Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

SL8500 (*)



SL3000 (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モRequirements Gathering and Qualif

icationsヤ training for more information.

24. One of the fastest growing tape markets is that of archi

ve. Which three questions would you ask to determine if your customer is a good
archive prospect? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Do you need to move data to a more cost effective medium? (*)

Do you have regulatory or compliance requirements for data retention? (*


Do you need to reduce the cost of your databases?

Are considering implementing tiered storage? (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モRequirements Gathering and Qualif
icationsヤ training for more information.

StorageTek Tape Storage – Target Customer Profile

(Answer all questions in this section)
25. Which three applications are ideally suited for the SL30
00 and SL8500? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Exadata backup target (*)

Data protection (*)

Distributed or branch-located applications

Multi-media and compliance archive (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モTarget Customer Profileヤ training f

or more information.
26. Which three customer characteristics are targets for the SL24 and SL48?
Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Limited data growth (*)

WORM and encryption requirement

Distributed envirionment (*)

Server-attach (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モTarget Customer Profileヤ training f

or more information.

27. The "sweet spot" for general positioning target customer

s is: Mark for Review
(1) Points
Floor space

Cartridge count or cartridge capacity (*)

Power and cooling

Server attachment

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モTarget Customer Profileヤ training f

or more information.

StorageTek Tape torage – Cross Sell/Upsell

(Answer all questions in this section)
28. What are two competitive advantages of the SL3000 s robo
tic movement? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Drives are spread across all frames so robotic movement is across the li

Additional frames added in one direction only so robot moves across the
entire library

Faster access to drives with shortened robotic movement (*)

Centerline architecture means max robotic move is half the library (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モStorageTek Tape Objection Handlin

g and Competitionヤ training for more information.

29. Which of these is a key differentiator across the Storag

eTek Library portfolio? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Database application performance

Library design (*)

Rack-mounting and modularity

Redundant robotics

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モStorageTek Tape Objection Handlin

g and Competitionヤ training for more information.

30. Name three features which provide a competitive advantag

e for the SL3000 and SL8500 with consolidation applications. Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Any-Cartridge-Any-Slot Mixed media capability (*)

Open connectivity with mainframe, open systems and AS400 (*)

Flexible partitioning - both physical and logical (*)

Enterprise class drives supported in unique frames

Correct Correct
1. CIOs have indicated that their storage requirements revolve around 4 key
business requirements according to the training. Choose 4. Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Data Integrity (*)

Data reporting

Performance (*)

Efficiency (*)

Scale (*)

Correct Correct
2. Customers need to continuously store data. However, what
is the approximate percentage of data that is never actually used again after i
t is stored? Mark for Review
(1) Points



80% (*)


Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モStorage Product Overviewヤ training

for more information.

3. A complete storage portfolio offers all 4 of the followi

ng options. Choose 4. Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Tape Archive (*)

USB Personal Storage

High Performance FC Disk (*)

NAS File Based storage (*)

High Speed Flash Storage (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モStorage Product Overviewヤ training

for more information.

4. Which product is Oracles flagship Flash product that fe

atures over 1Million IOPs and almost 2 TB of Flash storage? Mark for Review
(1) Points

F5100 Flash Array (*)

6000 Series Array

F20 Flash HBA

2500-M2 Array

Correct Correct

5. Which one of the following choices represents one of the

largest capacity tape drives available in the industry today? Mark for Review
(1) Points



T10000 (*)


Correct Correct
6. Name three features of the Oracle StorageTek Tape portfolio. Mark fo
r Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Highest Scalability (*)

Best TCO (*)

Most flexible modularity

Best investment protection (*)

Correct Correct

7. Which three key elements define the storage market?

Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Data Growth (*)


Data Protection (*)

Costs (*)

Correct Correct

8. Name three of the top markets where tape storage is espe

cially strong. Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Manufacturing and Heavy Industry

Financial Services (*)

Telecom, Media & Entertainment (*)

Government and Scientific (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モMarket Definitionヤ training for mor

e information.

StorageTek Tape Storage – Market Trends

(Answer all questions in this section)
9. Name three features of the Oracle StorageTek Tape portfo
lio. Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Highest Scalability (*)

Most flexible modularity

Best investment protection (*)

Best TCO (*)

Correct Correct

10. Name three customer issues which are considerations for

reducing costs. Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Management (*)

Virtual Storage

Physical Storage (*)

Power and Cooling (*)

Correct Correct
11. Which three key elements define the storage market? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Data Growth (*)

Costs (*)

Data Protection (*)


Correct Correct

Product Essentials for Sales – StorageTek Tape Storage

(Answer all questions in this section)
12. True or False: Oracle’s unique Any Cartridge Any Slot Tech
nology can allow for a mix of media within the same library or partition.
Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct!

13. What is the scalability of the SL3000 library? Mark fo

r Review
(1) Points

200 to 5,925 Slots (*)

1,000 to 5,800 Slots

200 to 3,000 Slots

700 to 3,000 Slots

Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the course con
tent and try again.

14. What type of module helps to provide the capability to n

on-disruptively service a downed robot? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Access Expansion Module (*)

Drive Expansion Module

Safety Module

Cartridge Expansion Module

Correct Correct!
15. Real Time Growth and Capacity on Demand are two Oracle d
ifferentiating features that help customers manage their growth. Which of the fo
llowing best describes these features? Mark for Review
(1) Points

RealTime Growth and Capacity on Demand allow a customer to purchase a va

riable number of slots within the library each year.

RealTime Growth and Capacity on Demand allow a customer to pre-install p

hysical capacity and enable use of the capacity later with the sale of slot upgr
ade keys. (*)

RealTime Growth and Capacity on Demand allow a customer to non-disruptiv

ely install physical capacity after the initial library installation.

Correct Correct!
16. True or False: Oracle allows a mix of physical and logical partitioning
within the same library Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct!

17. How many drives does the SL3000 support in the Drive Exp
ansion Module? Mark for Review
(1) Points



32 (*)

Correct Correct!

Product Essentials for Sales Consultants – StorageTek Tape Storage -

(Answer all questions in this section)
18. What is the advanced library management software require
d with the SL8500 when used with open systems environments? Mark for Review
(1) Points






Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the course con
tent and try again.

19. Which of the following features provides the benefit of

consolidation? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Redundant Library Control Cards

Any Cartridge Any Slot (*)

Real Time Growth

Redundant Robotics

Correct Correct.

20. What are two high availability features that are unique
to Oracle StorageTek? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Redundant Power and Hot-Swappable Drives

Hot-Swappable Drives and Redundant CAPs

Redundant Robotics and Hot-Swappable Drives

Hot-Swappable Redundant Robotics and Control Cards (*)

Redundant CAPs and Hot-Swappable Control Cards

Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the course con
tent and try again.
21. True or False: Oracleメs unique Any Cartridge Any Slot Technology can allow
for a mix of media within the same library or partition. Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct.

StorageTek Tape Storage – Requirements Gathering

(Answer all questions in this section)
22. All target target customers in the storage market space
have which three requirements? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Manage growth (*)

Reduce costs (*)

Reduce risk (*)

Reduce floor space

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モRequirements Gathering and Qualif

icationsヤ training for more information.

23. Consolidation is an excellent target application for sto

rage sales. Which three questions can determine if the customer is a good prospe
ct for a consolidation sale? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Do you have floor space limitations? (*)

Do you have islands of storage? (*)

Do you have multiple servers and applications? (*)

Do you have applications requiring WORM or encryption?

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モRequirements Gathering and Qualif

icationsヤ training for more information.

24. Enterprise data center customers moving to tiered storag

e and archival would be good candidates for which two tape libraries? Mark fo
r Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

SL8500 (*)

SL3000 (*)



Correct Correct

StorageTek Tape Storage – Target Customer Profile

(Answer all questions in this section)
25. Which three customer characteristics are targets for the
SL24 and SL48? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

WORM and encryption requirement

Distributed envirionment (*)

Server-attach (*)

Limited data growth (*)

Correct Correct
26. Which two libraries are targets for customers with both open and mainfra
me environments who wish to share storage resources? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

SL8500 (*)

SL3000 (*)



Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モTarget Customer Profileヤ training f

or more information.

27. Which three applications are ideally suited for the SL30
00 and SL8500? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Exadata backup target (*)

Data protection (*)

Distributed or branch-located applications

Multi-media and compliance archive (*)

Correct Correct
StorageTek Tape torage – Cross Sell/Upsell
(Answer all questions in this section)
28. Which high availability feature of the SL3000 and SL8500
is also found with IBM but no other competitor? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Redundant electronics

Non-disruptive robotics and electronics

Redundant robotics (*)

Redundant control cards and transparent failover

Correct Correct

29. Which is the only vendor with redundant and non-disrupti

ve robotics and library electronics? Mark for Review
(1) Points




Oracle StorageTek (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to the モStorageTek Tape Objection Handlin

g and Competitionヤ training for more information.

30. Which three investment protection features provide a com

petitive advantage for the SL3000 and SL8500? Mark for Review
(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Media re-use (*)

Capacity on Demand (*)

Up-front slot purchase for growth of physical capacity

Conversion trays for drives from older and competitive libraries (*)

Correct Correct

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