INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question One & ANY OTHER TWO Questions
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question One & ANY OTHER TWO Questions
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question One & ANY OTHER TWO Questions
c) Describe the essential elements relating to conduct that identify a professional activity
(4 Marks).
d) Briefly discuss whether technology determines society or if society determines technology
(4 Marks)
e) How can information and information systems be used to gain power and, thereby create
additional ethical issues? (4 Marks)
f) Discuss the moral obligations incurred through becoming a member of a professional
body such as the Computer Society of Kenya, and how would you justify these moral
(6 Marks)
a) To what extent are ethical theories helpful when considering ethical business practice?
b) Discuss how Personality Traits and Attitudes, Moral Development, and the
Situation affect Ethical Behavior at the work place (6 Marks)
a) Sarbanes and Oxley Act has a greater focus on improved corporate governance and
stronger ethics. Discuss how successful it has been in these areas. (10 Marks)
a) Should the Kenyan government place any restrictions on Internet information available
to its citizens especially in the advent of the use of social media to spread hate speech
(10 Marks)
b) If your line manager asked you to download software from an unauthorised source, as a
personal favour? Briefly discuss ethical issues raised by this scenario. (4 Marks)
c) The "magical" experience of browsing the World Wide Web often lulls users into a false
sense of security. The Web seems like a "virtual" space, where neither personal
identities nor consequences for behavior exist. Discuss with reference to ethical and
morality issues raised by anonymity (6 Marks)
a) As an IT professional working within the industry you will be expected to follow a code of
ethical conduct through your working life. Each individual needs to have their own code which
should cover conduct: Socially, Legally and professionally for any TWO of these categories
give an example of an IT moral or ethical dilemma and an appropriate response to it.
(6 Marks)
c) Discuss the ethical and moral issues raised by creating and distributing malware, such as
computer viruses, worms, Trojan horse software and (6 Marks)