Un Nit 7 Te Est: Lis Tening

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nit 7 te

Listening 5 Complete the sentencces with the

e words. Theere
are two wo
ords that yo
ou do not ne
eed. (10 marrks)
1  Listen to tthe convers sation. Tick () the coordination penallty score speed
s uploa
activities Lilllian is going
g to teach th
his summer.. vacuuum wash
4 marks) 1 I’d like to
t _______________ a funny video off my
 art  draama  dance  horrse-riding dog ontto YouTube.
 swimming  tenn
nis  weight training 2 Oh no! The referee has just give en the other team
a _____ ___________ ! Now they’lll probably win.
2  Listen aga
ain. Comple
ete the sente
ences with 3 Synchro onized swim ming requirees great
o or two wwords. (6 ma
______ _________ a nd stamina.
1 Lillian is __
__________ ____ to work as an 4 I want to _______________ a go oal in the foottball
_________ ______ in th
he summer. game to oday.
2 Last year L Lillian worked in _______________ . 5 Peter, itt’s your turn to ________
_______ the
3 Lillian is go
oing to work with children
n aged dishes.
between _ _______ and _______ .
4 Adam wan nts to buy a ___________
_ ____ .
P English
y 6 Complete the dialogu
ue with the words.
w Theree are
two words
s that you do
o not need. (10 marks)
3 Complete
C the d chores. (5 marks)
e household
cost farre how maany often platform
p wh
1 _________
______ the sheets
Mario: (1) _______________ do o I get to
2 _________
______ the blinds
Macclesfieldd from Stock kport?
3 _________
______ the washing
Assistant:: You need too take the Lo ondon Euston n
4 _________
______ the bin
train. It stopps at Macclessfield on the way.
5 _________
______ the lawn
Mario: How (2) _____________ ___ stops is that?
4 Complete
C the
e sentences
s. (5 marks) Assistant:: That’s two sstops.
1 The r____ ___________ _ sent off thre
ee players Mario: Which (3) __ ___________ ____ does it go
because th hey weren’t playing
p by the rules. from?
2 There is a national hocckey t______ _________ Assistant:: Four. It’s jusst across the
e bridge.
next week and our team is going to o compete. Mario: How (4) _____________ ___ do the traains
3 I’m going tto s________ _______ my y birthday parrty go?
photos with all my friennds on Faceb book. Assistant:: Every half hhour.
4 Cathy is allways writingg s________ _______ Mario: How much iis the (5) ___ __________ ___ ?
u________ _______ on her Faceboo ok wall, but I ’m Assistant:: Do you wannt a return orr single?
really not interested in reading abo out everything g Mario: A return.
she does in her day. Assistant:: That’s £3.800.
5 Scientists are using c________-___ _____ Mario: Thank you.
technologyy to build inte
elligent robotts.

nit 7 te

ammar Cumulativ
C ve Revie
7 Complete
C the
e dialogue with
w the correct form off 10
0 Choose th
he correct o ption to com
mplete the te
w be going g to or the fu
uture contin
nuous. (10 marks)
10 marks)
A Hi, how a are you? Are e you (1) ___
___________ __ Life in the future
catch the e next train? Some peop ple believe liffe in the futu
ure will be be
B Yes, I’m on my way to t town. I Others thinnk we are heeaded for env vironmental
(2) _____ __________ _ buy a new dress.
d disaster in the future. W
What do you think?
A That sou unds nice.
Here are th
he top five prredictions on
n the internett:
B What are e your plans??
A I (3) ____ __________ __ meet a frie
end for lunch
h. 1 There
e (1) ___ be tthree languaages in the world:
B What tim me are you meeting your friend?
f English, Ch
hinese and S Spanish. Thiss is very likely, as
A One o ‘cllock. Why? these are the
t most wid ely spoken languages in the
B ome soon, I think you
If the traiin doesn’t co world. Manny local languuages are slowly dying out.
(4) _____ __________ _ be late.
2 We will be able to communicate through
A (5) _____ __________ __________ getting the
telepathic transmission
t n. This predic ction sounds
five o’clo
ock train backk?
crazy, but it might not bbe that far fro
om the truth, as
B Yes, I will.
scientists have
h 2) ___ sstarted working on it.
A Me, too! See you late er then!
3 We will (3) ___ coontrol the wea
ather. Scienttists
8 Complete
C the
e sentences
s with the wo
ords. have already created w weather control technologgy;
10 marks) they can crreate clouds and make itt rain.
anyone anything everryone no on
ne someone
4 Tiny robots called nanorobots will live insid
1 There isn’tt _________ ______ in thee classroom. us, fix us when
w we get sick and rec cord all our
2 _________ ______ wants this bar off chocolate sso memories. Medical nannorobots alre eady exist, so
o it’s
I’ll have it. only a mattter of time beefore scientis
sts work out a
3 I think ___ ___________ __ will have robots
r in the ir way to use e them to curre diseases.
homes in tthe future.
5 For th
hose of us whho are (4) __ __ and want tot
4 _________ ______ tookk my mobile phone.
explore new worlds, theere will be ho olidays in space.
5 Do we nee ed ________ _______ elsee from the
There is already a spacceship for sp pace holidayss, but
this journey y doesn’t com
me cheap, as a tickets are
9 Complete
C thee sentencess with the co
orrect will, b
be selling fastt at over £1000,000. It isn’t much of a
g to or fu
uture contin
nuous form of the verbs s (5) ___ !
n the box. (1
10 marks)
be eat live study
s visit work 1 A is going
g to B will C won’t
D isn’t going to
1 There ___ ___________ _________ any
a poverty in n
2 A still B yet C since
the future; the governm ments of the world
D already
_________ __________ ____ together to solve thi s
3 A be able to B can C should
D be able
2 Alex _____ __________ ________ some friends in n
4 A adventu urous B creative C hard-worrking
France nexxt week.
D sociablee
3 Helen ___ ___________ _________ engineering
e a
5 A discounnt B sales C bargain
Mancheste er Universityy.
D brand
4 We’re invitted to a dinner tonight, bu
ut I’m on a
diet so I __
__________ ___________ _ much.
5 Do you think people __ ___________ __________ _
on the moo on in 2050?

nit 7 te

ading (4) ___ Those of us whho have the financial
resources will,
w after unndergoing spe ecial training
g, be
11 Read
R the texxt. Name fou
ur future holiday able to travvel in a speccial spacecrafft. Once the
p mmentioned in the text. (2
2 marks) a in space, they will be able to
travellers are
_ __________
__ experience e zero gravityy and enjoy amazing
a view
ws of
_ __________
__ the Earth.
_ __________
_ __________
__ Which one of these opttions will you
u choose?

People predictt that holidayys in the futu ure will be 12

2 Read the text
t again. M
Match senteences A–E with
ve ery different. In fact, som
me people th hink that by 1–4 in the text. There is one senttence that yo
do not neeed. (8 markss)
2030, touristss will be floatting across thhe sky in gia nt
A This woould reduce tthe need for both curtainss or
airships, whicch will be stattioned above e popular
destinations. Pollution won’t be an issu ue. (1) ___ blinds and
a air condittioning.
B The nexxt frontier in holiday trave el will be spa
T airships w will have luxuurious apartm ments, cafés,,
reestaurants an nd entertainm ment. Some of them will
ev ven be grow wing fruit andd vegetables in special C This will be a very faast way to tra avel.
D These enormous
e isllands will floa
at across thee
gardens. Thiss will ensure a ready supp ply of fresh
oceans and stop neear popular destinations.
frruit and vegeetables for thhe restaurantts. Hotel
roooms in the ffuture will be e very enviroonmentally- E They will be powereed by naturall elements likke
the sun, the wind annd the ocean ns.
frriendly and ppractical. Ligh
hts in rooms will be
powered by w wind and sola ar energy, an nd a heat-
activated multti-touchscree en could be used
u to Writing
coommunicate with hotel staff and book
entertainmentt. Bathroomss will use water from the 13
3 Write a blo
og entry abo out things you
y want to
improve inn your life. U
Use the topiics or your own
w and the showe er for flushing
g the toilet,
ideas and the questio ons to help you.
y Write about
and high-tech h windows will allow hote el guests to 125 wordss. (10 markss)
block out the sun's glare. (2) ___
ness hobbiees / interests nutrition

M mo obile islands will be anoth
her holiday Paragraph
P 1
option. (3) __ __ They will beb like small towns, with
Write the date
d and say you want to make some e
hotels, shops and entertaiinment. Passsengers will b be
improveme ents to your llife. Say why
y you want to
able to choose e to visit a place
p when th
he island
make these changes.
sttops, or stayy on the islannd.
P 2
O of the mo ost surprisingg innovations in future What’s youur first changge? How are you going to
trravel is that p
people will be
b visiting super airports aas achieve it?
ourist destina ations. Some e airports will be
trransformed into enormou us towns that travellers Paragraph
P 3
caan use as a b base for exploring the su urrounding What is the
e second chaange you wa ant to make? How
areas. With m many airportss now expand ding and do you thin
nk you will acchieve it?
providing everything from m shopping to o
accommodatio on, this is a definite posssibility.

ning _____ / 10 Vocab
bulary ______ / 20 Practicall English ______ / 10
Grammmar _____ / 30 Cumuulative Review 0
w _____ /10 Reading _____ / 10
ng _____ / 10
0 TOTAL __________
_ _ / 100


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