Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Product Design
Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Product Design
Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Product Design
FUJITSU Sci. Tech. J., Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 43–51 (July 2017) 43
N. Nozaki et al.: Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Product Design
Fujitsu’s aims for its Human Centric AI Zinrai system for to optimize the number of layers, it is common to route
the systematization of AI in the design and develop- key signals (such as high-speed signals) temporarily
ment environment. and estimate the number of layers in a process that can
take several hundred hours.
2. Examples of application to electrical/ Thus, the task of estimating the number of layers
structural design in PCBs is an important part of the PCB design process,
As examples of the application of machine learn- and it is a difficult and time-consuming task even for
ing technology in the design field, this section describes skilled designers.
the development of a function to estimate the number 2) Utilization of machine learning technology for the
of layers in PCBs in the electrical design environment, estimation of the number of layers
and the development of an automatic detection func- As described above, one method for estimating
tion of 3D model components using shape recognition the number of layers in a PCB is to provisionally arrange
in the structural design environment. the main components and perform provisional routing
of the signals and the like to which particularly severe
2.1 Application example in the electrical mounting conditions apply. However, this requires
design environment manual work and sophisticated judgment, making the
This section introduces the case of the application automation of such work an inadvisable proposition.
of machine learning to the development of a function Therefore, the authors hypothesized that it might be
to estimate the number of layers in PCBs. possible to create a model to predict the number of
1) Importance of estimating the number of PCB layers in a PCB through machine learning from past
layers product design data.
The design process of PCBs consists mainly of the Generally, the PCB of a server or a network device
circuit design stage and the board design stage. In consists of signal layers, a power supply layer, and
the circuit design stage, appropriate components are a ground (GND) layer. In the case of manual design,
selected and logical connections between the various often the number of signal layers is first estimated
components and their mounting conditions (signal empirically by the designer. As in the case of manual
line lengths, etc.) are specified. In the board design design, the signal layers were first targeted for the
stage, components and logical connections are physi- estimation of the number of layers through machine
cally arranged and wired on the board according to the learning.
mounting conditions specified in the circuit design. In the machine learning method, support vector
An important design decision to be made when regression,3) which is a regression analysis method
transitioning from the circuit design stage to the board used in supervised learning, was employed. Normally,
design stage is the number of layers in the PCB. The because the number of layers has to be estimated
task of estimating this number requires taking into con- before starting board design, the feature vectors (nu-
sideration a number of factors such as the placement merical data) that are input as training data for the
location of the various components, the wiring route, creation of the learning model are those obtained at
and the allowable size of the PCB, which is restricted by the circuit design stage only.
the target apparatus size. This is because the number Next, we introduce the initiatives that led to
of layers in the PCB affects the number of components improvement of the accuracy of the estimation of the
and the number of wiring paths, which directly affects number of layers during the learning model creation
the manufacturing cost, making this an important deci- process.
sion for eliminating design rework. The first one was to select only items close to
For this reason, highly skilled designers often pro- the estimation target product from the design data as
ceed while considering the requirements of products, training data. The target learning data was narrowed
the circuit configuration, and so on, and trade off the down by sorting past design data by product type and
various elements involved, comprehensively judging PCB type. This sorting made it possible to improve
their relative priority levels. Especially when one wants the accuracy of estimation of the number of layers for
camera viewpoint).
(ii) The feature vectors of each component are ex-
tracted from the 2D images.
(iii) Twenty 2D images are generated in the same way
for components for which similar shaped compo-
nents are to be detected.
(iv) The feature vectors of (iii) are extracted, their
similarity with the feature vectors stored in the
created database is calculated, and similarly
Actual number of signal layers shaped components are detected in the database.
This time, we created a learning model based on
Figure 1 approximately 8,000 components for which we had
Evaluation of estimation accuracy of the
number of signal layers. past design data, and we verified whether automatic
Figure 2
2D image representation.
Figure 3
Initial verification results of screw component detection.
Figure 4
Improvement results of screw component detection.
supervised learning but also methods such as unsuper- functions provided by the utilization framework through
vised learning and deep learning. the web API consist mainly of the following two.
1) Access control to learning models (for users)
3.2 Learning model utilization framework This is a mechanism that allows users to select
To improve the accuracy of prediction and classifi- an appropriate learning model according to the usage
cation by machine learning technology, it is effective to purpose. Access control to learning models is imple-
create learning models according to specific purposes. mented through a set of APIs that appropriately select
In other words, the aim is to develop a learning model learning models and execute prediction and classifica-
specific to the purpose for each applicable design field tion processing, selecting for example a learning model
and further for each applicable theme within each field. for electrical design support in response to a user re-
Further, design support services utilizing ma- quest from an electrical CAD, or a learning model for
chine learning technology are expected to be utilized structural design support in response to a user request
from various usage environments including design from a structural system verification tool. The informa-
tools such as computer-aided design (CAD) tools and tion required for using the learning model is stored in a
computer-aided engineering (CAE) tools, and web database in the cloud, and by linking the APIs and the
browsers. For this reason, we are working to construct database, it becomes possible to use learning models
a learning model utilization framework that makes it according to the purpose.
easy to use multiple learning models from various 2) Registration/updating of learning models (for ser-
environments. vice providers)
Figure 6 shows the system configuration of the This is a mechanism for service providers using
learning model utilization framework. The utilization machine learning. The design support service provider
framework system is a web service on the Engineering registers learning models in a database for managing
Cloud. The Engineering Cloud is a cloud environment the learning models on the cloud using APIs for learn-
offered by Fujitsu for the engineering field.4) Websites ing model registration. As technology and design
and CAD/CAE tools that offer services utilizing machine processes applied to product design always progress,
learning technology access the utilization framework there is concern that deviation from actual product
on the cloud. design will occur if the learning model, once made, is
A web application programming interface (API) used as is.
using Web technology is used as the access API. The To prevent this, it is necessary to have a
Figure 6
Learning model utilization framework.
mechanism to periodically update the learning model We will also strengthen the following initiatives to
according to the development of new design technol- automate design and verification using CAD/CAE and
ogy and processes. In the utilization framework, the design assets.
processing necessary for such learning model updating The first initiative is to increase the number of
is also implemented with APIs. Service providers can cases in which machine learning technology is applied
update the learning model on the Engineering Cloud in the design field, and to accumulate know-how that
by using the APIs for updating learning models. so far has been dependent on people through the use
By constructing an operation environment for of information and communications technology (ICT).
services using machine learning as the common foun- We will address the various issues in product design
dation, we are aiming for a design environment that is using the solutions to problems encountered in product
beneficial to both users and developers of services. development, such as in the development of machine
learning methods and in determining the value of
4. Goals features. More such solutions will provide us with the
So far, we have described the application of means to create an ever greater number of machine
machine learning technology to the design field and learning models that can make available heretofore
its effects, and the MONOZUKURI AI framework as an people-based know-how.
application of AI to the FTCP integrated development The second initiative is to develop data standards
framework. We are currently working on the develop- that utilize design assets as learning data. Design
ment of FTCP 3.0 based on the concept of One Platform, data so far was not intended to be used for machine
and the MONOZUKURI AI framework is an important learning technology, but manpower is often required to
component of that. For details about One Platform, extract feature vectors and analyze correlations among
please refer to the paper “Cloud-based Development data. In this regard, we will establish methods to ef-
Platform for Next-Generation Monozukuri” also pub- ficiently associate various kinds of data accumulated in
lished in this issue.5) The configuration of FTCP 3.0 the past and to shape data.
is shown in Figure 7. The learning models on the Finally, on the topic of design that uses the lat-
MONOZUKURI AI framework will be constructed as de- est technology, of design scale and design constraints,
sign support services through the cloud in the future. measures need to be looked into by which to deal with
Layer number
Shape search
Service provision
Figure 7
Configuration of FTCP 3.0.
1) Fujitsu: Fujitsu Takes Systematic Approach to Artificial
Intelligence with “Human Centric AI Zinrai.” Makoto Sakairi Fujitsu Advanced Technologies Limited
Mr. Sakairi is currently engaged in the cre-
ation of structural platform environments.
2) A. Miyazawa et al.: Construction of Integrated Design
Development Environment and Its Deployment on
Cloud. FUJITSU Sci. Tech. J., Vol.48, No.4, pp.394–403
3) T. Kaniwa et al.: The Challenge of Developing Design
Automation using Design Resources. The 2015 IEICE
Engineering Science/NOLTA Conference. 2015 (in
Toshiyuki Shibuya
Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
Mr. Shibuya is currently engaged in re-
search on product design automation.
Yuuji Kanazawa
Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
Mr. Shibuya is currently engaged in re-
search on product design automation.
Serban Georgescu
Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe Ltd.
Mr. Georgescu is currently engaged in the
development of applied machine learning