Open and Closed Communities
Open and Closed Communities
Open and Closed Communities
Learning Outcome 1: I can define, discuss and analyse concepts of open and closed communities and the
role of tolerance; understand the self as part of a community of significant others.
Self and Others
Learning Outcome 1: I can define, discuss and analyse concepts of open and closed communities and the
role of tolerance; understand the self as part of a community of significant others.
because her community did not believe that
women should go to school and have careers;
they preserve the traditionalist view of the
family, in which the mother stays home caring
for children and the home. Feldman states, “As
a woman in the Hasidic community, my singular
contribution to society had rested on my ability
to marry and have children. My role was special
Hasidic Jewish Family (Creative Commons) and holy, but it was certainly the only role I
could play. Housewife. Mother. For everything
Brought up in a strict Hasidic community in New
else I could depend on my husband. When my
York, Deborah Feldman could only dream of
professors and classmates at college instantly
lipstick and jeans, cigarettes and playing the
treated me like an equal, and regarded my
piano. So what happened when, in her
opinions as worth consideration, I basked in
twenties, she renounced her religion and left
their recognition like it was the sunshine after a
her community?
long rain. I read newspapers and talked about
“I grew up in the black-and-white section of politics, slightly surprised each time I was taken
Brooklyn, New York. The men in my family wore seriously. I asked questions without fear of
black hats, black coats and white shirts, they repercussions; I made decisions without
studied black-and-white books and said bright wondering if I was going to be criticised.
colours were the work of the devil. Speaking
The Hasidic way of life is rich with customs and
English, not Yiddish, was also considered evil. In
traditions, that are kept alive and preserved by
a black-and-white world you can either be bad
the community’s members. Many today are
or good. A Jew or not a Jew. There is no in-
members of this Jewish community, most
between. Maybe I didn't wear red nail polish
residing in both Israel and the United States and
like an outsider, but I was peeking into an evil
live by the tenets and customs of this
world, living vicariously in it through fictional
characters of the books I read in English. Break
a rule and you're automatically on a blacklist. “
Marriage is pre-arranged by the parents, and
one can only marry within the Hasidic
community. Since in America, one can
homeschool children, Hasids can opt not to
send their children to school. Feldman was not
given a formal education until her adult life, Deborah Feldman, (creative commons)
Adapted from:
Self and Others
Learning Outcome 1: I can define, discuss and analyse concepts of open and closed communities and the
role of tolerance; understand the self as part of a community of significant others.
2. Choose 2 characteristics of the Hasidic Community that support your answer above.
They don’t let their members marry outside the faith. Their members are allowed to read and learn anything.
They welcome different faiths in their community. They protect strongly their community’s traditions.
3. Why did Deborah Feldman feel the need to leave the Hasidic Community?
Self and Others
Learning Outcome 1: I can define, discuss and analyse concepts of open and closed communities and the
role of tolerance; understand the self as part of a community of significant others.
5. Imagine you were born in a closed community. Discuss the positive and negative elements of this
6. Imagine you were born in an open community. Discuss the positive and negative elements of this