SLS Catalogue 2021

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(Information Up to June 2021)

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© copyright – all rights reserved 2021
ISSN 2012-9254

Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) is the Economy;

National Standards Body of Sri Lanka, * to promote the use and application of
established under the Bureau of Ceylon national standards in all spheres of
Standards Act. No. 38 of 1964. The Institution economic and social activity;
functioned under the name of Bureau of * to promote standardization at Association
Ceylon Standards until the Act was and Company levels in all sectors of the
repealed and replaced by the Sri Lanka economy;
Standards Institution Act. No. 6 of 1984. The * to promote quality assurance in all sectors of
Institution now functions under the Ministry of the economy;
Technology and Research and is governed by * to promote and disseminate valid
the Council of eleven members appointed in measurement practices at national level;
terms of the SLSI Act No. 6 of 1984. * to provide consumer education and
consumer protection;
Vision * to educate and train industry and service
personnel on concepts, practices and
To be the premier national organization techniques of standardization and quality
providing leadership to uplift the quality of management;
life of the nation, through standardization and * to provide test facilities and develop the
quality improvement in all sectors of the national test capability;
economy. The organization shall be a model * to provide documentation and information
of excellence, having a self-motivating services on standards, technical regulations
organization culture fulfilling the aspirations and related publications;
of the beneficiaries of its services as well as its * to participate in international and
employees. regional standardization activities to
safeguard national interest;
Mission * to constantly develop and upgrade the
The corporate mission of the Institution is as Institution and its resources
follows : To undertake, promote and facilitate
Standardization, Activities of SLSI
Measurement, Quality Assurance and related
activities in all sectors of the national economy Standardization
in order to :
The main function of the Institution as the
* increase productivity and maximize the National Standards Body (NSB) is to
utilization of resources; formulate National Standards and promote the
* facilitate internal and external trade; application of them, in all sectors of the
* achieve socio-economic development; economy, mainly in the industrial and the trade
* enhance international competitiveness of sectors. Along with the formulation of these
products and services; National Standards, reviewing and updating
* safeguard the interest of consumers these Standards to keep pace with the
advancement in the technology and the changes
whilst improving the quality of work life of in the economy and trade has also become one
employees of the Institution. of the main functions of the Institution.

Strategies The National Standards formulated by the Sri

Lanka Standards Institution are developed
* to promote National Standards required through a participatory, transparent and
for the development of the National consultative process with the voluntary
involvement and the co-operative effort of all Import Inspection Scheme
interested parties representing consumers,
producers, users, public institutions and Application of standards as the basis for
independent technical organizations. control of quality of imported goods, provides
protection to the consumer from low quality
The Institution appoints Technical imported products while protecting the local
Committees to advice and guide the Institution industrialists from unfair competition.
in these activities, with the aim of gathering all
possible expertise in the best possible way to This scheme is compulsory for 123 items and
maximize benefits to the national economy guarantees the quality of these items which are
from these Standardization activities. imported to the country.

In the formulation of National Standards, the Pre-export Quality Certification Scheme

policy of the Sri Lanka Standards Institution is
to be in line with the International Standards A Pre-Export Quality Certification Scheme is
and practices as far as practicable. To this operated for raw cashew kernels.
effect International Standards are adopted as Sri
Lanka Standards, wherever feasible.
Product Certification
In the selection of projects for standardization,
priority is given to standards that facilitate SLS Marks Scheme
internal and external trade and to enhance the
international competitiveness of Sri Lankan Product certification which is popularly known
products with the prime objective of as the “SLS Mark Scheme” is a third party
safeguarding the interests of the consumers. guarantee on quality of products. This scheme
enables SLSI to grant permits to local as well as
There are now over 2450 Sri Lanka Standards overseas manufacturers producing goods
relating to products, commodities, materials, conforming to Sri Lanka Standards, to use the
processes & practices which are listed in this “SLS” mark on their products. The “SLS” mark
Catalogue. Sri Lanka Standards are intended for on a product signifies that the product is
voluntary adoption by those concerned unless consistently manufactured in accordance with
made compulsory under the provisions of the the relevant Sri Lanka Standards Specification
Sri Lanka Standards Institution Act or by and is verified by regular inspections and tests
specific reference to standards in other Acts and by the Institution. More over SLSI collects
Regulations. market Samples and test to ensure product
conformity. Sri Lanka Standards form the basis
for this certification.
Quality Assurance
This scheme is generally voluntary in nature.
The effective application of standards as a But the SLS mark may be made compulsory for
means to assure that the products available in the any product through a regulation. There are a
domestic market and products for export number of products for which the SLS mark has
market conform to relevant standards, forms been made compulsory at present.
an integral part of the Institution’s mission.
This is achieved by operating different schemes
as follows:

SLSI – Sri Lanka Tea Board (SLTB) Product hours and it shall be less than or equal 6
Certification Scheme for Tea Wh/liter/day (low value is more efficient).

SLSI – SLTB Product Certification Scheme This helps the consumers to conserve electricity
aims at providing Third Party Guarantee of and bring down costs and also helps in optimizing
quality, safety and reliability of tea to the energy usage, which eventually contributes
ultimate customer. This scheme is based on SLS considerably to the national economy.
1315 : 2007 Code of Practice for Tea
Industry. SLS 135 : 2009 equivalent ISO 3720 LEDs, Computers & Refrigerators shall conform to
for Black Tea and Sri Lanka Tea Board SLS 1530: 2016, SLS 1580: 2018 and SLS 1690:
Standards/Guidelines for “Sri Lankan Origin 2020 respectively. Application forms shall be
Tea”. All Tea Manufacturers, Tea Packers furnished and submitted to SLSI in respect of each
(value-addition facilities) and Tea Exporters are model.
included under this scheme.
Organic Certification Scheme(SLS
Energy Efficiency Rating Label for CFL’s & 1324:2007)
Ceiling Fan’s
As a management system which is in harmony with
SLSI is the implementing authority on Energy nature organic farming and production fulfill
Efficiency Rating for Electrical Appliances, consumer demands by placing emphasis on the
which is given based on a star rated evaluation up safeguard of soil and water, the enrichment of
to 5 stars (more stars means more energy biodiversity and the responsible case to energy
efficient). This helps the consumers to conserve and natural resources.
electricity and bring down costs and also helps in
optimizing energy usage, which eventually
contributes considerably to the national economy. Systems Certification

CFL & Ceiling Fans shall conforms to SLS 1225: To strengthen the international competitiveness of
2016 and SLS 1600: 2011 respectively. local industries, Systems Certification Division
Application forms shall be furnished and of the Sri Lanka Standards Institution
submitted to SLSI in respect of each model. operates certification schemes to certify
systems of organizations against the applicable
Minimum Energy Performance label for LED’s, internationally recognized standards namely
Computers & Refrigerators ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, HACCP,
OHSAS 18001 and SLS 143 (GMP). ISO 50001,
SLSI is the implementing authority on Minimum Supermarket Certification. Vegetarian Food &
Energy Performance (MEP) Rating for Electrical Beverages Certification & Vidatha Certification.
Appliances, which given below; ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, HACCP (SLS
1266) schemes are accredited by RvA, The
a) LED: MEP rating given to LED based on Netherlands and Sri Lanka Accreditation Board.
Efficacy Value (more efficacy value means (SLAB)
more energy efficient).
Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001)
b) Computers: MEP rating given to Computers
based on Typical Energy Consumption Quality management system will help to direct
and control an organization with regard to quality.
c) Refrigerators: MEP rating given to Further it provides generic approach for a quality
Refrigerators based on Energy used for 24 management system which enable an
organization to provide products and/or food chain needs to demonstrate its ability to
services consistently conforming to control food safety hazards in order to ensure that
requirements. Such generic approaches are food is safe at the time of human consumption.
applicable to any industry or economic sector
with regard to the product and/or services it provides companies with super food safety and
offered. security. it works for each company regardless of
size or location with best practices. for them it
Environmental Management Systems helps to reduce in food safety incidents cost
(ISO 14001) compliance with legal and codex HACCP
principles lower risk of liability reduce the roll of
Environmental management system which customer complaints continual improvement in
enables an organization to create an product proven resources optimization stainable
environmental friendly system taking into food safety performance improve the consumer
account of legislative requirements and supplier and recomtidence relationships platform
information about significant environmental for process and management control and
impacts. Most prominent factors of such a improvement competitive advantage in the
system is to reduce air pollution, water market place and promotes international trade.
pollution, noise pollution, wastage and risk and
accidents which may cause environmental Supermarket Management Certification
problems unless proper controls are used Scheme. (SLS 1432 : 2011)
Energy Management System (ISO 50001) This certification scheme based on the
requirements of Good Practices for
An energy management system is a series to Supermarket. This certification Scheme
processes that enables an organization to use ensures safety, Quality and Suitability
and information to maintain and improve Characteristics of the product starting from raw
energy performance, while improving material stage to dispatch stage of food and non-
operational efficiencies, decreasing energy food products.
intensity and reducing environmental impacts.
Supermarket management requirements help
Food Safety Management Systems the supermarket to manage food and beverage
and non- food items. (Chemicals and hazardous
(HACCP) materials) related risks while manufacturing,
transportation handling and storing.
Hazed analysis of critical control point aims at
protecting food safety and reducing food related Vidatha Certification Scheme
health hazards. it helps to identify and control
the risk that case health hazards. their HACCP Vidatha Certification is issued by Sri Lanka
certification demonstrates the excellence of a Standards Institution for complying with
whole food chain and recognizes that company requirements of vidatha certification scheme.
has developed a food management system in Vidatha certification assures adhering to the
compliance with HACCP principle. good practices during manufacturing /
processing. The scheme is open to both food and
(ISO 22000) non
food processers. This certification support
Food Safety Management System which enhances quality and safety of product in small
specifies requirements for a food safety scale industries in Sri Lanka
management system where an organization in the
Vegetarian Food & Beverages Certification Laboratory Services

The certification scheme is to distinguish Efficient and competent laboratory testing

vegetarian and non vegetarian food and services is an essential component of the
beverages. The vegetarian certification is issued integrated standardization activity. Sri Lanka
for compliance with the national Standards Institution (SLSI) Act No 6 of 1984
standard and certification scheme requirements. provides provisions for the establishment and
maintenance of laboratory services to promote
Occupational Health and Safety Management Standardization, Quality Assurance and other
System (OHSAS 18001/ ISO 45000) related activities in industry and commerce at
national level. Laboratory Services Division of
Occupational Health and Safety Management SLSI is the premier laboratory established for the
System which enables an organization to control above purpose and it offers comprehensive
its occupational health and safety risks and laboratory related services such as;
improve its performance by
minimizing employee related risk issues. Compliance testing for a wide spectrum
of consumer products and materials,
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
Technical training on laboratory
Good Manufacturing Practices Certificate is testing, general laboratory practices
issued by the Sri Lanka Standards Institution for and quality control activities, etc.
complying with the requirements of Good
Manufacturing Practices in relation to food or Presently, the Laboratory Services Division
non food. GMP certificate for food assures that provides efficient and reliable services for the
the Good Hygienic Practices on handling of public as well as private sector organizations to
food is continuously practiced by the promote activities in Industry and Commerce
processor. Sri Lanka Standard on code of through following six unit testing laboratories.
practice for general principles of food hygiene Chemical laboratory
(SLS 143) is the basis for certification. It
provides guidance to ensure hygienic handling of Electrical & Electronics laboratory
food products.
Food laboratory

Materials laboratory
climate change is a global issue witch becoming
more important currently. it is effective
formalized systems in place to meaner minimize Microbiology laboratory and
and militate a company is carbon footprint. Textile laboratory
company calculate on carbon footprint minima
the carbon emission where possible. further their The Laboratory Service Division is functioning
details principle and requirements for designing under the guidance and directions of the Director
developing managing and repathyarganization (Laboratory Services) and each unit laboratory is
level GHG inventories. it specified requirement headed by a Senior Deputy Director. In addition
and principles for determinate GHG emissim to the above mention six unit laboratories there is
boundaries quantifying company GHG emission a separate unit for laboratory accreditation.
and removal and allove GHG management .
SLSI laboratory complies to the requirements of
the ISO/IEC 17025 laboratory quality measure it. Whatever the nature of application,
management system standard and most of the intelligent selection and use of measurement
tests performed in Chemical, Food and equipment depends on a broad knowledge of what
Microbiology laboratories have already been is available and how the performance of the
accredited as per ISO/IEC 17025 : 2005. equipment suits it to the job to be done. There is a
Laboratory Quality Management System need throughout all industry, testing and
was accredited by Swedish Accreditation Calibration laboratories for improvement in
Board (SWEDAC) from 2002 to 2012 and measurement skills because modern society is
currently the accreditation status are very much dependent on accurate and reliable
continuing with the Sri Lanka Accreditation measurement results. To meet the requirements
Board for Conformity Assessment (SLAB) for this wide range of measurement
since 2007. Accreditation status ensures capabilities developed nations maintain
the competence of laboratory testing extensive national measurement systems.
processes to generate reliable and accurate test The concept of traceability of the results of
results and the test reports issued by the measurements is central to the structure of a
accredited laboratories are internationally national system of measurement so that
recognized through ILAC-MRA measurement results have a line of traceable
(International Laboratory Accreditation calibrations, which relate ultimately to national
Cooperation - Mutual Recognition and international Measurement Standards.
Agreement) with SLAB. There is no doubt that we face many new
challenges. As an ISO 17025 accredited
SLSI laboratories are equipped with modern laboratory, the Metrology Division of Sri Lanka
and efficient test facilities to enhance the Standards Institution (SLSI) is ready to meet
laboratory related activities including testing of the challenges of the increasingly competitive
extensive spectrum of products and materials world of quality measurements. To thrive in this
in accordance with national as well as market place requires commitment and energy -
international standards. It is manned with well qualities exhibited by those who work in the
competent staff specialized in their Metrology Division.
respective disciplines and are exposed to
frequent training, both local and international. Industry increasingly recognizes that, in
Almost all the scientists are postgraduate degree today’s demanding and competitive markets,
holders in relevant disciplines. The test facilities good product design and efficient manufacturing
now available are upgraded regularly to cater to must be supported by properly authenticated
demand arisen from national and international measurement and testing. Purchasers and
development consumers are equally concerned that the quality,
performance and reliability of goods meet their
requirements and are less tolerant of failure to meet
Metrology and Calibration Services the requirements implied in the concept of a
quality product. For its economic survival, in
Metrology is the science and technology particular for the survival of its manufacturing
of measurement. Knowledge depends industry, Sri Lanka must adopt attitudes and
largely on measurement. Instrumentation, practices, which lead to products and services
which is the technology of measurement, which can compete in the world markets. This
services not only science but also all branches can only be achieved through a well-established
of engineering, medicine and almost every national measurement system. The national
human endeavour. measurement system (NMS) is responsible
for stimulating good measurement practice and
To control a quantity one must be able to enabling business to make accurate and traceable
measurements for the benefit of the nation. This
is delivered through maintaining the SLSI conducts distance learning training
measurement infrastructure, representing Sri programmes on Seven Quality Control Tools
Lanka’s position internationally. Good (Q7), Seven New Management Tools (N7) and
measurement practice results in a better quality a Certificate Course in Quality Management.
of life, through improved trade and consumer
protection, a healthier environment and more
effective health and safety measures. It also Standards and Services Promotion Division
improves the competitiveness of business both at
home and in export. As an accredited calibration The main function of the Standards and
laboratory, the Metrology Division of the Sri Services Promotion Division is to co-ordinate
Lanka Standards Institution fulfills this with and to assist other Divisions in marketing
national obligation by being a part of our and promotional activities of their services among
national Measurement the target groups, to increase the market
system share. In addition to this main function, this
Division co-ordinates and implements the Sri
Lanka National Quality Award Programme
Training (SLNQA) which is an annual event where awards
are presented in twelve categories of organizations
Training for Industry/Services of Large, Small, Medium in the Manufacturing,
Service, Education and Health Care Sectors. Sri
The Institution provides training in Lanka National Quality Award is a national level
standardization and quality management for award to recognize organizations in Sri Lanka for
personnel in the industry, private/ performance Excellence. SLNQA Programme is
government sector organization and based on the internationally recognized
individuals with a view to imparting the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
knowledge base required for producing good Scheme of USA. Further, education of
quality products/ services. SLSI covers stakeholders including school children and
training programmes on Standardization, and university students in quality standards and
Quality Management Systems, ISO 9001 related areas are provided inorder to develop a
Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001 quality conscious nation.
Environment Management Systems, ISO 22000
Food Safety Management Systems, ISO
50001 Energy Management Systems ect. and Documentation & Information (Library)
other Quality related fields for all grades of Services
personnel; viz Top Management, Middle
Management, Executives, Supervisors, The Documentation & Information Division
Technicians and Shop Floor Workers. (Library) of the SLSI is a one stop Information
These programmes are conducted at client Centre for literature on Standardization and
premises also on request. Quality Management. Being a specialized
information center we offer our members a unique
Two 1 year Diploma Programme in Quality collection of resources on Standards and Quality
Management and 1 year Diploma Programme Management. The major part of the collection
on Food Quality Assurance are also consists of a comprehensive and up-to-date
conducting for personnel of collection of National, International and Foreign
Industry/Service Organizations and people National standards and Technical Regulations. It
who are looking for carrier development in this further accommodates a wide range of material
area. including books, periodicals, handbooks,
guides etc., mainly on ‘Quality’ and Environmental Management and Management
‘Standardization’ and their co-fields. are also available for purchase at the Library

A number of services are offered, designed to

meet the critical information requirements of a
broad base of customers from the industry, the
trade and the general public including those
of small and medium size enterprises. Apart
from these services the normal routine library
services are also available.

The Documentation and Information Division of

SLSI has been designated as the
WTO/TBT National Enquiry Point on
Standards and Technical Regulations.

Customers are provided with assistance to

identify and refer or purchase Standards. ISO, IEC,
British and ASTM Standards can be downloaded
on-line. A concessionary price is offered for
purchasing of these standards. Other Standards
can be ordered and supplied on request.

This Library is open to the general public and in

house references are free of charge.
Inquiries could be channeled by telephone, E-
mail, in writing or in person.

A membership scheme (Institutional or

Individual Membership) is in existence where
members can borrow library books and journals.

Several monthly electronic newsletters

comprising of current news and other topics of
interest are compiled and content pages of
same are disseminated to interested parties
via e-mail. Majority of the literature covered is
extracted from the Internet and supplemented by
journal articles. Information on new arrivals and
other current information to the Library is also
prepared and disseminated via e-mail.

Sri Lanka Standards Catalogue is published

biennial giving details of published Sri Lanka
Standards and a search facility is also available
on the website http://

Posters on 5S, Food Safety Management,


AMD Amendment
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
CS Ceylon Standards
EN European
GR Price Group
IEC International Electro Technical Commission
ISBN International Standards Book Number
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IWA International Workshop Agreements
OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series
SA Social Accountability
SLS Sri Lanka Standards
TR Technical Report
S Sinhala
T Tamil

Sri Lanka Standards are arranged in Numerical Order with an Alphabetical Subject Index

Numerical Index

Ifyou want to check the details of known standard reference number, you already know, use the
Numerical Index of Sri Lanka Standards

Example: - to find SLS 729

- go to SLS 729 in the numerical list of Sri Lanka Standards
- follow the numerical sequence to find SLS 729
- SLS 729 : 2010 Ready-to-serve fruit drinks

Alphabetical Index

If you have a very specific requirement and you know there is an existing standard, use the
Alphabetical Index.

Example: - to find a standard on Ceramic Tiles

- tum to the Alphabetical Index, look under Ceramic or Tiles
- the entry will show you the reference number of the
standard in two places, as
Ceramic tiles
SLS 1181
Tiles, ceramic
SLS 1181
- go to SLS 1181 in the Numerical Index of Sri Lanka Standards
- SLS 1181: 2005 Ceramic tiles

Sample Entry

SLS 1139 : 1996,(2015, Reaffirmed )

D Zinc phosphate pigments for paint

E –Specifies the requirements and the corresponding

methods for zinc phosphate pigments suitable for
use in corrosion inhibiting paints.
F - (=ISO 6745: 1990)
AMD No.1(AMD…..:xxxx)
Tech Corr. 1 : …….. G
7 page Gr. D

A Number of the Standard B Year of Publication
C Reaffirmed Year

D Title E Scope
F Corresponding International

G Current Amendment H Number of Pages I Price Group


Sri Lanka Standards could be purchased at the inquiry desk of the Documentation &
Information Division (Library) on week days between 0830 h and 1615 h.

Overseas purchasers may obtain Sri Lanka Standards from the National Standards Body in
their country who acts as a sales agent for National Standards among ISO Member Countries.

For inquiries please contact or write to:

Director (Documentation & Information)
Documentation & Information Division
Sri Lanka Standards Institution
No. 17, Victoria Place Elvitigala Mawatha Colombo 08
Sri Lanka

Tel : +94 11 2671567 -2671572 (General) Ext. 252 (inquiry desk)

+94 11 2671565
+94 11 2672615 (Director)
Tel/Fax: +94 11 2671553 E-mail :

Key to Group Numbers
1 500.00 10 750.00 19 1300.00
2 500.00 11 800.00 20 1500.00
3 500.00 12 800.00 21 1600.00
4 550.00 13 1000.00 22 1700.00
5 550.00 14 1100.00 23 2000.00
6 600.00 15 1100.00 24 2300.00
7 650.00 16 1200.00 25 2800.00
8 700.00 17 1200.00 26 3200.00
9 700.00 18 1300.00


Price Group LKR Price Group LKR Price Group LKR
A,B,C 2900.00 A,B,C,D 800.00 A1 2900.00
D,E,F 4400.00 E,F,G,H 1600.00 A2 3200.00
G,H,J 6700.00 J,K,L 3100.00 A3 3700.00
K,L,M 9000.00 M,N,P 5300.00 A4 4600.00
N,P,Q 10500.00 Q,R 7600.00 A5 5100.00
R,S,T 12000.00 S,T 10600.00 A6 5500.00
U,V,W 13500.00 U 12900.00 A7 6100.00
X,Y,Z, & AA 15000.00 V,W 15200.00 A8 6600.00
AC 1500.00 X 18200.00
DF 2200.00 Y 20500.00 (CENELEC)
GJ 3400.00 Z,AA 22800.00 Price Group LKR
KM 4500.00 AB,AC 24300.00 EA 2100.00
NQ 5300.00 AD,AE 25000.00 EB 3200.00
RT 6000.00 AF 26500.00 EC 4800.00
UW 6800.00 ED 6400.00
XAA 7500.00 EE 7500.00
EF 8500.00
EG 9600.00
EH 10700.00



Price LKR Price LKR Price LKR Price LKR
Group Group Group Group
E1 1500.00 E12 4200.00 E23 8000.00 E34 14800.00
E2 1700.00 E13 4400.00 E24 8500.00 E35 15300.00
E3 1900.00 E14 4700.00 E25 9000.00 E36 15900.00
E4 2200.00 E15 5000.00 E26 9600.00 E37 16500.00
E5 2400.00 E16 5200.00 E27 10100.00 E38 17100.00
E6 2700.00 E17 5500.00 E28 10700.00 E39 17800.00
E7 3000.00 E18 5800.00 E29 11500.00 E40 18600.00
E8 3200.00 E19 6100.00 E30 12300.00 E41 19500.00
E9 3400.00 E20 6500.00 E31 13100.00 E42 20300.00
E10 3700.00 E21 7000.00 E32 13600.00 E43 21100.00
E11 3900.00 E22 7500.00 E33 14200.00

SLS O:2013 Wire nails
Standard for standards - the development of Sri Lanka (First revision)
Standards and other normative documents Specifies requirements for mild steel round wire nails of
Describes the underlying principles and the processes of nine types.
the preparation of Sri Lanka Standards and other normative 13 pages, Gr. 7
documents by the SLSI. This is intended to guide
Committee members, Chairpersons and staff of the SLSI, SLS 9 Part 1:2001
and provides background information for standards Asbestos cement products - Flat sheets
development organizations, interested organizations and (Second revision)
members of the public. Specifies the requirements, methods of sampling and test
21 pages, Gr.10 for asbestos cement flat sheets intended for both interior
and exterior uses in building construction.
CS 1:1967 18 pages, Gr.10
Primary cells and batteries for flash lights
(Superseded by SLS 319 which has been further SLS 9 Part 2:2001
superseded by SLS 1198) Asbestos cement products - Corrugated sheets
(Second revision)
SLS 1:2020 Specifies the requirements, methods of sampling and test
National flag of the democratic socialist republic of for straight asbestos cement corrugated sheets to be used
Sri Lanka mainly for roofing and cladding.
(First revision) 22 pages, Gr.11
Prescribes the design, colours and the dimensions of
different sizes of the National Flag of the Democratic SLS 10:1991
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Quick frozen prawns or shrimps
(Supersedes SLS 693:1985) (Second revision)
Gr.7 Covers the requirements, methods of sampling and test
for raw and cooked quick frozen prawns or shrimps. It
SLS 2:2016 does not apply to speciality packs where the prawns or
Clay roofing tiles shrimps constitute only a portion of the edible contents.
(Second revision) 18 pages, Gr.10
Covers clay tiles intended for use as roof covering where
strength, durability and appearance are required to provide SLS 11:1990(2003) (2017) (S) (Reaffirmed)
a weather-resistant surface. It pertains to three categories Safety matches in boxes
of tiles based on water absorption. (Second revision)
Amd No 1(Amd 515:2018) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
33 pages, Gr. 14 test for safety matches in boxes, to be sold to the general
public. However, it could be applied to safety matches
SLS 3:2012 manufactured for special orders which are not intended to
Paper sizes be sold to the general public.
(First revision) AMD No.1 (AMD 383:2009)
Specifies the sizes of trimmed (finished) paper for AMD No.2(AMD 407:2010)
administrative, commercial and technical purposes and for AMD No.3(AMD 512:2018)
any printed materials. 20 pages, Gr.10
8 pages, Gr.4
CS 12:1968
CS 4:1967 Method of tensile testing of steel products other than
Papain sheet, strip, wire and tube
(Withdrawn) (Superseded by SLS 978)

CS 5:1970 CS 13:1968 (S)

Double-edged carbon steel (untreated) safety razor Method of bend testing of steel products other than
blades sheet, strip, wire and tube
(First revision) Prescribes the method of conducting bend test on steel
Relates to double edged carbon steel (untreated) safety products.
razor blades to fit razors of the three pin, bar and end 7 pages, Gr. 4
located types. Blades of two thicknesses are provided.
AMD No. 1 (AMD 39:1981) SLS 14:1977
AMD No. 2 (AMD 40:1981) Mild steel for general structural purposes
AMD No. 3 (AMD 81:1986) (Superseded by SLS 1006/1)
A5, 15 pages, Gr. 4
CS 15: 1968
SLS 6:1984 Mild steel for general engineering purposes
Wood screws (Superseded by SLS 1006/2)
(First revision)
Covers slotted head wood screws with countersunk, round SLS 16:2006
and raised countersunk heads, used in buildings and Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing of
furniture and for other general purposes. textiles
17 pages, Gr. 9 (Second revision)
Defines the characteristics and use of standard atmospheres
SLS 7:1991 for conditioning, for determining the physical and
Cold drawn mild steel wire for the manufacture of wire mechanical properties of textiles and a standard alternative
nails atmosphere that may be used if agreed between parties.
(First revision) (=ISO 139:2005)
Covers the requirements for cold drawn mild steel wire Gr.C
used for the manufacture of wire nails with diameters from
0.09 mm to 8.00 mm. SLS 17 Part 1:1998
AMD No. 1 (AMD 156:1993) Method for determination of commercial mass of
9 pages, Gr. 5 consignments of textiles - Vocabulary
(First revision)
SLS 8:1991
Defines the principal terms relating to the quantification Method for the determination of linear density (mass
of the mass of water and extractable matter contained in a per unit length) of yarn from packages by the skein
textile material. method
(=ISO 6348:1980) (Second revision)
Gr.A Specifies a method for the determination of the linear
density of all types of yarn in package form, with the
SLS 17 Part 2:1998 exception of any yarn that may be the subject of a separate
Method for determination of commercial mass of Standard.
consignments of textiles - Mass determination and (=ISO 2060:1994)
calculations 18 pages, Gr. 9
(First revision)
Specifies methods for the determination of the commercial CS 21:1968
mass of homogenous consignments of those textile fibres Methods for determination of irregularity of yarn by
and yarns composed of a single generic species. variability of one-inch weights
(=ISO 6741-1:1989) (Withdrawn)
SLS 22:1995
SLS 17 Part 3:1998 Determination of single-end breaking force and
Method for determination of commercial mass of elongation at break of yarn from packages
consignments of textiles - Methods for obtaining (Superseded by SLS 1429)
laboratory samples
(First revision) SLS 23:2018
Specifies methods for obtaining laboratory samples for Determination of twist in yarns direct counting method
mass determination by one of the methods given in part 2 (Fourth revision)
of SLS 17. Specifies a method for the determination of the direction
(=ISO 6741-2:1987) of twist in yarns, the amount of twist, in terms of turns per
Gr.C unit length, and the change in length on untwisting, by the
direct counting method. This Standard is applicable to a)
SLS 17 Part 4:1998 single yarns (spun and filament), b) plied yarns, and c)
Method for determination of commercial mass of cabled yarns.
consignments of textiles - Specimen cleaning (=ISO 2061: 2015)
procedures Gr. G
(First revision)
Specifies specimen cleaning procedures to be used when CS 24:1968
the commercial mass is to be determined in accordance Method for determination of Lea strength and Lea
with SLS 17-2 on a clean and dry basis. count of spun yarns (mean and variability)
(=ISO 6741-3:1987) (Superseded by SLS 560)
SLS 25:1981
SLS 18:2018 Method for the removal of non-fibrous matter prior
Designating linear density of textiles - tex system to quantitative analysis of fibre mixtures
(Second Revision) (Second revision)
Gives the principles and recommended units of the Tex Describes procedures for the removal of certain commonly
System for the expression of linear density and includes found types of non-fibrous substances from fibres. Fibres
conversion tables for calculating the tex values of numbers to which the procedures are applicable and those to which
or counts in other systems together with a statement of the they are not applicable are listed in relation to the non-
procedure for the implementation of the Tex System in fibrous substances to be removed.
trade and industry.The Tex System is applicable to all kinds 13 pages, Gr. 7
of textile fibres, intermediate products (for example tops,
slivers and rovings), yarns and similar structures. SLS 26:2020
(=ISO 1144: 2016) Plain steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete
Gr. F (Second revision)
Specifies technical requirements for plain steel bars
SLS 19 Part 1:1981 intended for use as reinforcement in ordinary concrete
Method for the designation of the structure of yarns - structures and as non prestressed reinforcement in
Designation of the direction of twist in yarns and prestressed concrete structures.
related products 15 pages, Gr.8
(First revision)
Specifies the method of designating the direction of twist CS 27:1968
in textile yarns. It is applicable to yarn intermediates, Methods of analysis of soaps
such as slivers, slubbings or rovings; to single yarns, plied Describes methods of analysis of soaps and soap products
yarns, cabled yarns; and to threads, twine, cordage and of the types: laundry soaps, toilet soaps, carbolic soaps,
rope. soap chips and flakes and soap powders.
AMD No. 1 (AMD 36:1981)
SLS 19 Part 2:1981 AMD No. 2 (AMD 290:2002)
Method for the designation of the structure of yarns - (Some clauses of this standard are superseded by SLS
Designation of yarn 1391 - Methods of test for soap parts 1-8)
(First revision) A5, 42 pages, Gr. 11
Specifies two methods of indicating the composition of
yarns, whether single, folder, cabled or multiple wound. SLS 28 Part 1:2008
The notation comprises linear density indicated in the Text Methods for the analysis of Tea - Preparation of ground
System,number of filaments in filament yarns, direction sample of known dry matter content
and amount of twist, and number of folds. (First revision)
(=ISO 2:1973, ISO 1139:1973) Specifies a method of preparing a ground sample of tea
(Both Part 1 & Part 2 are incorporated in one publication) and of determining its dry matter content, for use in
11 pages, Gr. 6 analytical determinations which require the results to be
expressed on the dry basis.
SLS 20:1996 (=ISO 1572:1980)

SLS 28 Part 2:2008 Specifies a high-performance liquid chromatographic
Methods for the analysis of Tea - Determination of loss (HPLC) method for the determination of the total catechin
in mass at 103 0C content of tea from the summation of the individual
(First revision) catechins. It is applicable to both leaf and instant green
Specifies a method for the determination of the loss in tea, and with precision limitations to black tea. Gallic acid
mass when tea is heated in air at 103 0C. and caffeine can also be determined by this method, as
(=ISO 1573:1980) can theogallin and theaflavins.
Gr.A (=ISO 14502 -2:2005)
SLS 28 Part 3:2008
Methods for the analysis of Tea - Determination of total SLS 29: 1983(2009) (Reaffirmed)
ash Envelopes, postcards and picture postcards
(First revision) (First revision)
Specifies a method for the determination of the total ash Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
from tea. tests for envelopes, postcards and picture postcards,
(=ISO 1575:1987) intended for postal purposes. It does not cover
Gr.A aerogrammes and self-adhesive envelopes.
AMD No. 1 (AMD 113:1988)
SLS 28 Part 4:2008 AMD No. 2 (AMD 189:1995)
Methods for the analysis of Tea - Determination of 16 pages, Gr.8
water - soluble ash and water - insoluble ash
(First revision) CS 30:1968 (S)
Specifies a method for the determination of the water - Steel hinges
soluble ash and the water - insoluble ash of tea. Covers steel butt and cabinet hinges which may be of the
(=ISO 1576:1988) cranked or uncranked types.
Gr.A AMD No. 1 (AMD 42:1981 Inc.)
15 pages, Gr.8
SLS 28 Part 5:2008
Methods for the analysis of Tea - Determination of acid SLS 31:1988
- insoluble ash Galvanized mild steel barbed wire
(First revision) (Second revision)
Specifies a method for the determination of the acid - Covers barbed wire with two strands, manufactured from
insoluble ash from tea. galvanized soft mild steel wire and provides for two gauges
(=ISO 1577:1987) of barbed wire, viz. heavy and light.
Gr.A AMD No. 1 (AMD 381:2008)
SLS 28 Part 6:2008
Methods for the analysis of Tea - Determination of SLS 32:2017
alkalinity of water - soluble ash Coconut oil
(First revision) (Third revision)
Specifies a method for the determination of the alkalinity Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
of water - soluble ash of tea. for coconut oil used for edible and non-edible purposes.
(=ISO 1578:1975) AMD No. 1 (AMD 505:2018)
Gr.A 11 pages, Gr.6
SLS 28 Part 7:2008 CS 33:1968
Methods for the analysis of Tea - Determination of Laundry soaps
alkalinity of water extract (Superseded by SLS 554)
(First revision)
Specifies a method for the determination of the water SLS 34:2009 (S)
extract from tea. Toilet soap
(=ISO 9768:1994) (Second revision)
Gr.B Prescribes requirements and the methods of sampling and
test for toilet soap tablets or cakes with TFM not less than
SLS 28 Part 8:2008 76.5 per cent by mass. It does not cover carbolic soap,
Methods for the analysis of Tea - Determination of transparent soap, toilet soap with detergent and non soapy
crude fibre content detergent based products.
(First revision) AMD No 01 (AMD 446:2013)
Specifies a method for the determination of crude fibre 11 pages, Gr.5
content in tea.
(=ISO 15598:1999) SLS 35: 2009
Gr.D Carbolic soap
(Second revision)
SLS 28 Part 9 Section 1:2011 Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Methods for the analysis of Tea - Determination of test for carbolic soap used for toilet and laundry purposes.
substances characteristic of green and blackTea - It does not apply to specific medicated soaps.
Content of total polyphenols in tea – colorimetric AMD No.1 (AMD 551:2021)
method using folin ciocalteu reagent 11 pages, Gr. 6
Specifies a method for the determination of the total
polyphenol content of leaf tea and instant tea by a SLS 36:2009
colorimetric assay using Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent. Shaving soap
It is applicable to both green and black tea products. (Second revision)
(=ISO 14502-1:2005) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Gr.E test for shaving soaps manufactured as sticks, cakes or
tablets in small containers.
SLS 28 Part 9 Section 2:2011 AMD No.1 (AMD 552:2021)
Methods for the analysis of Tea - Determination of 9 pages, Gr. 5
substances characteristic of green and blackTea -
Content of catechins in green tea-method using high- SLS 37:2009
performance liquid chromatography Soft soap
(Second revision) imparted by the presence of an elastomeric fiber and
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and mechanical or chemical treatment. It can be applicable to
test for soft soap with a potassium or sodium base or a fabrics produced by other techniques. It is not normally
mixture of these base for toilet purposes. applicable to geotextiles, nonwovens, coated fabrics,
AMD No.1 (AMD 544:2021) textile-glass woven fabrics, and fabrics made from carbon
8 pages, Gr. 4 fibres or polyolefin tape yarns. The method specifies the
determination of the maximum force of test specimens in
SLS 38:2009 equilibrium with the standard atmosphere for testing and
Laundry soap powders, flakes and chips of test specimens in the wet state. The method is restricted
(Second revision) to the use of constant-rate-of-extension (CRE) testing
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and machines.
method of test for laundry soap powders, flakes and chips (=ISO 13934-2:2014)
used for laundry, hand washing or washing machines. Gr. E
10 pages, Gr.5
SLS 44:1987
SLS 39:1978 (2008) (S) (Reaffirmed) Method for the determination of linear density of yarn
Common burnt clay building bricks removed from fabrics
(First revision) (First revision)
Specifies the dimensions, quality and strength Specifies requirements for the determination of the count
requirements of common burnt clay bricks used in building of yarn from fabric, free from added matter. It relates to
work. yarns of nominally uniform count. It describes the method
AMD No. 1 (AMD 37:1981) of removing threads from fabrics, specifies the numbers
11 pages, Gr. 6 of threads whose straightened length is to be determined
and the method of determining the weight of all the threads
SLS 40:1981 after the removal of added matter.
PVC insulated electric cables and flexible cords with (=ISO 7211/5:1984)
copper conductors (for voltages upto 1 100 Volts) Gr.B
(Superseded by SLS 733 & SLS 1143)
SLS 45:1980
SLS 41:2002 Method for measurement of length of woven
Methods for the determination of the number of fabric
threads per centimeter in woven fabrics (Superseded by SLS 1356)
(Second revision)
Specifies three methods for determining the number of SLS 46:1980
threads per centimetre in woven fabrics. Method for measurement of width of woven fabric
(=ISO 7211/2:1984) (Superseded by SLS 1356)
SLS 47:1996 (2010)
SLS 42:1982 (2001) (2011) (S) (Reaffirmed) Method for determination of dimensional changes of
Methods for the determination of mass per unit length fabrics induced by cold - water immersion
and per unit area of woven or knitted fabrics (First revision)
(First revision) Prescribes a method for determination of dimensional
Specifies methods for the determination of mass per unit changes that occur when a fabric is subjected to immersion
length and mass per unit area of woven or knitted fabrics in cold water without agitation and dried.
made up full width or folded down the middle. 8 pages, Gr. 4
10 pages, Gr.5
SLS 48:1999 (2010)
SLS 43 Part 1: 2014 Method for determination of certain water or alkali
Methods for the determination of tensile properties of soluble additives in cellulose or synthetic fibres, yarns
fabrics - Determination of maximum force using the and fabrics or yarns and fabrics made from blends of
strip method such fibres
(Second revision) (First revision)
Specifies a procedure to determine the maximum force Describes a procedure for the quantitative removal and
and elongation at maximum force of textile fabrics using determination of fatty matter, size and filling from cotton,
a strip method. The method is mainly applicable to woven viscose and synthetic fibres, yarns and fabrics in which
textile fabrics, including fabrics which exhibit stretch the adhesive is starch, a chemically degraded starch,
characteristics imparted by the presence of an elastomeric vegetable gum or some other water or alkali soluble
fiber, mechanical, or chemical treatment. It can be polymer.
applicable to fabrics produced by other techniques. It is 7 pages, Gr. 6
not normally applicable to geotextiles, nonwovens, coated
fabrics, textile-glass woven fabrics, and fabrics made from CS 49:1969
carbon fibres or polyolefin tape yarns. The method Notes on the identification of warp and weft directions
specifies the determination of the maximum force and in fabrics
elongation at maximum force of test specimens in (Superseded by SLS 1366)
equilibrium with the standard atmosphere for testing, and
of test specimens in the wet state. The method is restricted SLS 50:1987
to the use of constant rate of extension (CRE) testing Method for the determination of crimp of yarn in
machines. fabrics
(=ISO 13934-1:2013) (First revision)
Gr.F Specifies a method for the determination of crimp of yarn
in fabric. The method is applicable to most woven fabrics
SLS 43 Part 2:2014 but is unsuitable for fabrics manufactured in such a way
Methods for the determination of tensile properties of as to render removal of the crimp from the yarns impossible
fabrics - Determination of maximum force using the or impractical under the specified straightening tension.
grab method (=ISO 7211/3:1984)
(Second revision) Gr.B
Specifies a procedure for the determination of the
maximum force of textile fabrics known as the grab test. SLS 51:1987
The method is mainly applicable to woven textile fabrics Methods for the determination of the mass of warp
including fabrics which exhibit stretch characteristics and weft per unit area of fabrics
(First revision) from all fibres in the form of yarn of fabric including textile
Specifies methods for determining the mass of the warp floor coverings, whether dyed or printed.
and weft threads per unit area of fabric after the removal (=ISO 105-X12:2016)
of any non-fibrous matter. Gr.C
(=ISO 7211/6:1984)
Gr.A SLS 64:1999
Method for determination of colour fastness of textile
SLS 52:1998 materials to sea water
Method for the determination of colour fastness of (Superseded by SLS 1387-49)
textile materials to washing at 400 C (Test 1)
(Superseded by SLS 1357) SLS 65:1999
Method for determination of colour fastness of textile
SLS 53:1998 material to soda boiling
Method for the determination of colour fastness of (First revision)
textile materials to washing at 500 C (Test 2) Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the
(Superseded by SLS 1357) colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action
of boiling dilute sodium carbonate solution.
SLS 54:1998 (=ISO 105-X06:1994)
Method for the determination of colour fastness of Gr.B
textile materials to washing at 600 C (Test 3)
(Superseded by SLS 1357) SLS 66:1999
Method for determination of colour fastness of textile
SLS 55:1998 materials to water
Method for the determination of colour fastness of (Superseded by SLS 1387-45)
textile materials to washing at 950 C for 30 minutes
(Superseded by SLS 1357) SLS 67:1998
Method for determination of colour fastness of textile
SLS 56:1998 materials to perspiration
Method for the determination of colour fastness of (Superseded by SLS 1387-48)
textile materials to washing at 950 for 4 hours (Test 5)
(Superseded by SLS 1357) CS 68:1969
Wrought aluminium sheet and strip used in the
CS 57:1969 (2016) (Reaffirmed) manufacture of utensils
Permanent blue black ink for fountain pens Covers the chemical composition and mechanical
(First revision) properties of wrought aluminium sheet and strip to be used
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test. for the manufacture of aluminium utensils.
A5, 12 pages, Gr. 3 AMD No. 1 (AMD 43:1981)
A5, 13 pages, Gr. 4
CS 58:1969
Permanent blue-black writing ink for dip-pens CS 69:1969 (2006) (Reaffirmed)
(Withdrawn) Wrought aluminium utensils
Covers the requirements, quality of material and the wall
CS 59:1969 (2008) (2016) (Reaffirmed) thickness of some wrought aluminium utensils commonly
Washable blue-ink for fountain pens used for domestic purposes.
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test. AMD No. 1 (AMD 44:1981)
AMD No. 1 (AMD 261:2000) A5, 20 pages, Gr. 5
A5, 11 pages, Gr. 3
CS 70:1969
CS 60:1969 (2000) (2008) (Reaffirmed) Methods of test for paints
Record ink (Superseded by SLS 535)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for blue-
black record inks to be used for archival and documentary SLS 71:1981
purposes. Glossary of tea terms
AMD No.1 (AMD 260:2000) (First revision)
A5, 12 pages, Gr. 3 Covers tea tasting terms relating to the manufacture and
those used in the trade.
CS 61:1969 14 pages, Gr. 7
Tungsten filament general service electric lamps
(Superseded by SLS 984) SLS 72:1985
Technically specified raw natural rubber
SLS 62 Part 1:1997 (Third revision)
Method for determination of colour fastness of textile Specifies minimum quality requirements, method of
materials - Colour fastness to daylight sampling and criteria for conformity.
(Superseded by 1387-51) AMD No.1 (AMD 136:1990)
16 pages, Gr. 8
SLS 62 Part 2:1998
Method for determination of colour fastness of textile CS 73:1969
materials - Colour fastness to artificial light xenon arc Dimensions and properties for steel channels, angles
fading lamp test and tee bars
(Superseded by 1387-50) (Superseded by SLS 907)
SLS 63:2020 CS 74:1969
Method for the determination of colour fastness of Dimensions of round and square steel bars for
textile materials to rubbing structural and general engineering purposes
(Third revision) (Superseded by SLS 949)
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the
colour of textiles of all kinds, including textile floor CS 75:1969
coverings and other pile fabrics, to rubbing off and staining Dimensions of steel flats for structural and general
other materials. The method is applicable to textiles made engineering purposes
(Superseded by SLS 949)
CS 84 Part 1:1969
CS 76:1969 Basic quantities and units of the SI and quantities and
Method for tensile testing of steel wire units of space and time
(Superseded by SLS 978) Gives recommendations for standardization.
(=ISO 31/1:1965)
SLS 77:1997
Tea-sampling CS 84 Part 2:1969
(First revision) Quantities and units of periodic and related
Specifies methods for the sampling of tea from containers phenomena
of all sizes. This standard is part of a series on quantities and units in
(=ISO 1839:1980) various fields of science and technology.
Gr.B Gr.3
SLS 78:1997 CS 84 Part 3:1969
Tea-method for preparation of liquor for use in sensory Quantities and units of mechanics
testing This standard is part of a series on quantities and units in
(Second revision) various fields of science and technology.
Specifies a method for the preparation of a liquor of tea A5, 40 pages, Gr. 10
for use in sensory tests, by means of infusing the leaf.
(=ISO 3103:1980) CS 84 Part 4:1969
Gr.B Quantities and units of heat
This standard is part of a series on quantities and units in
SLS 79:2019 various fields of science and technology.
Edible iodized/non- iodized salt (granular form) A5, 18 pages, Gr. 5
(Third revision)
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test CS 84 Part 5:1969
for edible salt in granular form used as an ingredient of Basic quantities and units of the SI - Quantities and
food, both for direct sale to the consumer and for food units of electricity and magnetism
manufacture. This standard is part of a series on quantities and units in
20 pages, Gr.11 various fields of science and technology.
(=ISO 31-5:1965)
SLS 80:2019 22 pages, Gr. 11
Edible iodized salt (powdered form)
(Second revision) CS 84 Part 7:1969
prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and Quantities and units of acoustics
testing for edible iodized salt in powdered form used as This standard is part of a series on quantities and units in
an ingredient of food, both for direct sale to the consumer various fields of science and technology.
and for food manufacture. A5, 20 pages, Gr. 5
23 pages, Gr. 11
CS 85:1970
SLS 81:2010 (S) Lead-acid starter batteries for motor vehicles
Ceylon Cinnamon (Superseded by SLS 1126)
(Fourth revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and SLS 86:2006
testing for the processed dried bark of ceylon cinnamon, Method for the determination of pH value of Aqueous
Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume supplied in the form of extracts of textile materials
quills. Also prescribes the requirements for quillings, (Second revision)
featherings and chips which are different forms of the Specifies a method for determining the pH of the aqueous
processed dried bark of Ceylon cinnamon, extract of textiles. The method is applicable to textiles in
(Supersedes SLS 81 Parts 1&2) any form.
17 pages, Gr. 9 (=ISO 3071:2005)
Gr. B
SLS 82:1979 (2009) (Reaffirmed)
Carbon paper (Typewriter & Pencil) SLS 87:1999 (2011)
(First revision) Method for determination of scouring loss in grey and
Covers the requirements and methods of sampling and test finished cotton textile material
for carbon paper for use with typewriters, excluding carbon (First revision)
papers meant to be used once. Prescribes two methods for determining scouring loss (loss
AMD No. 1 (AMD 59:1982) in mass on scouring) of grey and finished cotton textile
AMD No. 2 (AMD 65:1984) material.
AMD No. 3 (AMD 153:1993) 6 pages, Gr.2
A5, 22 pages, Gr. 6
SLS 88 Part 1:1997
SLS 83:1975 Method for the determination of colour fastness of
SI units and recommendations for use of their multiples textile materials to bleaching - Bleaching with
and of certain other units hypochlorite
(First revision) (First revision)
Consists of two parts: The International system of units Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the
and selected decimal multiples and sub-multiples of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action
SI units. of bleaching baths containing sodium or lithium
A5, 34 pages, Gr. 9 hypochlorite in concentratios normally used in commercial
bleaching. It is applicable mainly to natural and
CS 84 Part 0:1980 regenerated cellulose materials.
Basic quantities and units of the SI - General principles (=ISO 105-N01:1993)
concerning quantities, units and symbols Gr.A
This standard is a general introduction to CS 84 which
consists of several parts. SLS 89:2006 (2016) (Reaffirmed)
(=ISO 31/0:1974) Method for the determination of bow, skew and
19 pages, Gr. 10 lenghthway distortion in woven and knitted
(First revision) SLS 101:1986 (2004) (2012) (Reaffirmed)
Specifies the requirements for determining bow and Cotton sarongs (handloom)
skewness in woven fabric. (First revision)
9 pages, Gr.5 Prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and tests
for handloom cotton sarongs.
SLS 90:1986 (2002) (Reaffirmed) 10 pages, Gr. 5
Cotton poplin (powerloom)
(First revision) SLS 102:2008
Prescribes constructional details and other requirements Rules for rounding off numerical values
of bleached mercerized and dyed cotton poplin suitable (First revision)
for shirting. It does not specify the general appearance, Lays down the principles to be used in expressing
feel etc. of the cloth. numerical values and the rules for rounding off of
11 pages, Gr.6 numerical values.
AMD No 01 (AMD 460:2013)
CS 91:1970 10 pages, Gr. 5
Method for tensile testing of steel sheet and strip
(Superseded by SLS 978) CS 103:1971
Preferred numbers
CS 92:1970 Gives a series of preferred numbers and recommendations
Method of tensile testing of steel tube as to its use. Details of R 5, R 10, R 20, R 40 and R 80 are
(Superseded by SLS 978) covered.
A5, 28 pages, Gr. 7
CS 93:1970
Method for simple bend testing of steel sheet and strip CS 104:1971
Prescribes the method of conducting simple bend test on Writing of calendar dates in all numeric form
steel sheet and strip less than 3mm (0.12 inch) thick. Specifies the writing of dates of the Gregorian Calendar
A5, 10 pages, Gr.3 in all numeric form signified by the elements year, month
and the day.
A5, 7 pages, Gr. 2
CS 94:1970
Method of reverse bend testing of steel sheet and strip SLS 105 Part 1:2008 (2017) (S) (Reaffirmed)
Prescribes the method of conducting the reverse bend test Whole pepper - Black pepper
on steel sheet and strip less than 3 mm (0.12 inch) thick. (Second revision)
A5, 9 pages, Gr.3 Prescribes requirements and methods of testing for whole
black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is not applicable to black
SLS 95:1970 pepper categories called”light”.
Welded hard drawn steel wire fabric for concrete 14 pages Gr.7
Covers the requirements of welded hard drawn steel fabric SLS 105 Part 2:2008 (2017) (S) (Reaffirmed)
for the reinforcement of concrete. Whole pepper - White pepper
11 pages, Gr. 4 (Second revision)
Prescribes requirements and methods of testing for whole
CS 96:1970 white pepper (Piper nigrum L.) It is not applicable to white
Dimensions of parallel coarse screw threads of pepper categories called”light”.
Whitworth form 17 pages, Gr.8
Relates to parallel coarse screw threads of Whitworth form
used for general engineering purposes and provides for SLS 106:1977 (S)
screw thread diameters from 1/8 in to 6 inches. Cocoa beans
A5, 19 pages, Gr. 5 (First revision)
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
CS 97:1970 for various grades of cocoa beans.
Mild steel hexagon and square black bolts screws and AMD No. 1 (AMD 92:1987)
nuts with Whitworth threads AMD No. 2 (AMD 103:1987)
Relates to ferrous bolts, screws and nuts with Whitworth 11 pages, Gr. 6
coarse pitch. The fit shall be medium class and free class
for bolts and screws and normal class for nuts. SLS 107:2015
A5, 24 pages, Gr. 6 Ordinary Portland Cement
(Fifth revision)
SLS 98:2013 Covers the requirements for constituents, composition,
Desiccated coconut mechanical properties, physical properties, chemical
(Second revision) properties, packaging, marking and delivery of Ordinary
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Portland Cement (OPC). It pertains to four strength classes
testing for desiccated coconut. It does not cover salted, of OPC.
sweetened, flavoured or roasted products. AMD No.1 (AMD 481:2016)
16 pages, Gr. 8 18 Pages, Gr. 8
SLS 99:1975 CS 108:1971
Conversion factors and tables Components for plywood tea chests
Contains factors and tables for conversion from British (Superseded by SLS 751 and 763)
System to the Metric System and vice versa.
179 pages, Rs. 100.00 SLS 109:1981
Metal fittings for plywood tea chests
CS 100:1971(2004) (Reaffirmed) (First revision)
Cotton sarees and saree materials (handloom and Covers the requirements for metal fittings used in the
powerloom) assembly of plywood tea chests specified in SLS 378.
Prescribes the constructional details and other particulars 9 pages, Gr. 5
of cotton sarees and saree materials (handloom and
powerloom). It does not cover borders and headings. CS 110:1971
A5, 18 pages, Gr. 5 Thicknesses of sheets and diameters of wires

Provides a basic set of sizes (in millimetres) for thickness Methods of testing mass, thickness and uniformity of
of sheet and diameters of wire, to replace existing gauge coating on hot dipped galvanized articles
systems. Covers test methods for determination of mass, thickness
A5, 11 pages, Gr. 3 and uniformity of zinc coating on hot-dipped galvanized
SLS 111:2009 A5, 13 pages, Gr.4
Sanitary towels
(Third revision) SLS 122 Part 1:2008
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Test
test for press-on and loop type sanitary towels. Method
18 pages, Gr. 9 Specifies the Vickers hardness test method, for the three
defferent ranges of test force for metallic materials.
SLS 112:2012 (=ISO 6507-1:2005)
Cotton sewing threads Gr.K
(Second revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test and SLS 122 Part 2:2008
sampling for bleached or dyed cotton sewing threads. Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Verification
12 pages, Gr.6 of testing machines
Specifies a method of verification of testing machines for
SLS 113:2019 determining Vickers hardness in accordance with SLS 122-
Nutmeg and mace, whole, pieces or ground 1.
(Second revision) (=ISO 6507-2:2005)
Specifies the requirements of shelled and unshelled Gr.H
nutmeg, Myristica fragrance, Houtt (family Myristicacea)
and for mace. It does not cover ground nutmeg or ground SLS 122 Part 3:2008
mace. Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Calibration
12 pages, Gr.6 of reference blocks
Specifies a method for the calibration of reference blocks
SLS 114:1987 (2001) (S) (Reaffirmed) to be used for the indirect verification of Vickers hardness
School chalk testing machines, as specified in SLS 122 part 2.
(First revision) (=ISO 6507-3:2005)
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test Gr.E
for moulded chalks made from calcium sulphate,
commonly used for educational purposes. SLS 122 Part 4:2008
(Errata slip) Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Tables of
13 pages, Gr.7 hardness values
Gives tables of Vickers hardness for use in tests made on
SLS 115 Part 1:2009 flat surfaces.
Coconut fibre (Coir fibre) - Brown fibre and mixed (=ISO 6507-4:2005)
fibre Gr.X
(Second revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and CS 123:1971
test for brown coir fibre and mixed coir fibre. Numbering of weeks
17 pages, Gr .8 Specifies a system for the numbering of the weeks of a
year of the Gregorian Calendar. For this purpose it
SLS 115 Part 4:1975 (2001) (S)(Reaffirmed) designates the day on which a week begins and defines
Coconut fibre (Coir fibre) - Retted white fibre week number one of a year.
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for retted A5, 8 pages, Gr. 2
white fibre.
A5,14 pages, Gr .4 CS 124:1971
Test sieves (Metric Units)
SLS 116:1971 Specifies requirements for test sieves to be used for
Principles of conversion determining the size distribution of granular material in
Intended to serve as a guide in converting numerical values the particle size range from 125 mm down to 38 µm. It
of physical quantities from one system of units of covers both woven wire cloth and perforated plate sieving
measurement to another system of units. media.
20 pages, Gr. 10 A5, 30 pages, Gr. 8
SLS 117:1988 CS 125:1971
Ground chillies Recommended scales for architectural, engineering
(Superseded by SLS 1563) and survey drawings
Prescribes the scales recommended for use in all
CS 118:1971 architectural, engineering and survey drawings based on
Calcium plumbate priming paints the metric system.
(Withdrawn) A5, 8 pages, Gr. 2
CS 119:1971 (1995) SLS 126:1986
Lead based priming paints Shoe polish, paste
(Withdrawn) (First revision)
Covers requirements and methods of sampling and test
for paste wax polishes suitable for general application to
CS 120:1971 leather footwear.
Aluminium foils and linings AMD No. 1 (AMD 212:1996)
Specifies chemical and physical requirements for 12 pages, Gr. 6
aluminium foils and linings of thickness not exceeding
0.1 mm. SLS 127:1982 (S)
A5, 22 pages, Gr. 6 Bicycle tubes
(First revision)
CS 121:1971

Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test SLS 137 Part 2:1981 (2004) (Reaffirmed)
for bicycle tubes intended for use with light and heavy Grey cotton yarn - Handloom
duty tyres prescribed in SLS 224. (First revision)
12 pages, Gr. 6 Covers the requirements of grey cotton yarns intended for
use in handlooms.
SLS 128:2002 14 pages, Gr. 7
Galvanized steel buckets
(First revision) SLS 137 Part 3:1981 (2010) (Reaffirmed)
Prescribes requirements for material, dimensions, Grey cotton yarn - Hosiery
manufacture, workmanship and performance of hot dipped (First revision)
galvanized steel buckets for general use. Covers requirements of grey cotton yarns intended for use
12 pages, Gr. 7 in hosiery.
12 pages, Gr.6
CS 129:1972
Basic module to be used in the building industry SLS 138:2021
Covers the definition, symbol and value of the basic Bayonet lampholders
module. (Fourth revision)
A5, 6 pages, Gr.2 Aapplies to bayonet lampholders B15d and B22d for
connection of lamps and semi-luminaires to a supply
CS 130:1972 voltage of 250 V.This document also covers lampholders
Horizontal multi - modules to be used in the building which are integral with a luminaire or intended to be
industry built into appliances. It covers the requirements for the
Recommends the values of multi-modules to be used in lampholder only.For all other requirements, such as
designing of the overall structure of all buildings. protection against electric shock in the area of the
A5, 7 pages, Gr. 2 terminals, the requirements of the relevant appliance
standard are observed and tested after building into the
CS 131:1972 (S) appropriate equipment, when that equipment is tested
Glossary of terms used in modular co-ordination in according to its own standard. Lampholders for use by
the building industry luminaire manufacturers only are not for retail sale.Where
Defines terms used in the building industry with special lampholders are used in luminaires, their maximum
reference to modular co-ordination. operating temperatures are specified in IEC 6 0598-
A5, 11 pages, Gr.3 1.B15d denotes the cap/holder fit as defined by IEC 6
0061-1, sheet 7004-11 and IEC 6 0061-2, sheet 7005-16
CS 132:1972 with the corresponding gauges.B22d denotes the cap/
Classification of building components for dimensional holder fit as defined by IEC 6 0061-1, sheet 7004-10 and
co-ordination IEC 6 0061-2, sheet 7005-10 with the corresponding
Components commonly met in the building industry are gauges.
classified into a number of functional element groups. (=IEC 61184:2019)
Each group is graded into three categories in the decreasing Gr. Z
order of priority for dimensional co-ordination.
A5, 9 pages, Gr.3 SLS 139:2003
Mild steel wire for general engineering purposes
SLS 133:2015 (First revision)
Botanical nomenclature of spices and culinary herbs Covers the requirements materials, sizes, finishes,
(First revision) mechanical properties and marking for drawn mild steel
Prescribes the list of botanical names of the plants wire for general engineering purposes.
classified under spices and culinary herbs. Gives plants AMD No. 1 (AMD 405:2010)
or parts of the plant used, family and the common English, 16 pages, Gr. 8
Sinhala and Tamil (vernacular) names of spices and
culinary herbs known and grown in the country. CS 140:1972
7 Pages, Gr. 4 Crude glycerine (glycerol)
Prescribes requirements and method of test for crude
SLS 134:2017 glycerine.
Curry powder A5, 57 pages, Gr. 13
(Second revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and SLS 141:1992 (S)
test for curry powder. White bread
(incorporating Erratum No 01:2018) (Second revision)
11 pages, Gr.6 Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for white
bread. It does not cover brown bread, fancy bread, fruit
SLS 135:2009 bread, rolls etc.
Black tea 17 pages, Gr. 9
(Second revision)
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test CS 142:1972
for black tea. This is not applicable to decaffeinated black Code of hygienic practice for desiccated coconut
tea. (Withdrawn) (Superseded by SLS 1590)
AMD No. 1 (AMD 421:2011)
7 pages, Gr. 3 SLS 143:1999 (S/T)
Code of practice for general principles of food hygiene
SLS 136:1989 (Second revision)
Cotton towels and towelling The code follows the food chain from primary production
(Superseded by SLS 1486-1) to the final consumer, setting out the necessary hygiene
conditions for producing food which is safe and suitable
SLS 137 Part 1:2000 (2010) (Reaffirmed) for consumption.
Grey cotton yarn -powerloom 26 pages, Gr.12
(Second revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for grey SLS 144:2019
cotton yarns (single and double) intended for use in Wheat flour
powerlooms. (Second revision)
13 pages, Gr. 6
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for wheat methods of test. It is applicable to extruded pipes with or
flour. It applies to wheat flour for direct human without a socket (integral or not) intended to be used for
consumption prepared from common wheat Triticum conveyance of water and waste water up to and including
aestivum L., or club wheat, Triticum cimpactum Host., or 45 0C for water mains and services buried in the ground,
mixture thereof, which is prepackaged ready for sale to conveyance of water above ground for both outside and
the consumer or destined for use in other food products. inside buildings and buried and above-ground drainage
17 pages, Gr.9 and sewerage under pressure.
(Corrigendum No.1:2013)
SLS 145 Part 1:2008 25 pages, Gr. 11
Metallic materials - Rockwell hardness test - Test
method (scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N, T) SLS 148:2020
Specifies the method for Rockwell and Rockwell Cocoa powder
superficial hardness tests for metallic materials. (Second revision)
(=ISO 6508-1:2005) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Gr. M tests for cocoa powder.
15 pages, Gr. 8
SLS 145 Part 2:2008
Metallic materials - Rockwell hardness test - SLS 149:1984 (2004) (2008)
Verification and calibration of testing machines Typewriter ribbons
(scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N, T) (Withdrawn)
Specifies a method of verification of testing machines for
determining Rockwell hardness in accordance with SLS SLS 150:1998
145-1. Method for quantitative chemical analysis of binary
(=ISO 6508-2:2005) mixtures of nylon 6 or nylon 6.6 and certain other fibres
Gr. J (Superseded by SLS 1388 Pt.7)
SLS 145 Part 3:2008 SLS 151:1997
Metallic materials - Rockwell hardness test - Method for quantitative chemical analysis of binary
Calibration of reference blocks mixtures of polyester fibres with cotton or viscose
(scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N, T) rayon
Specifies a method for the calibration of reference blocks (Superseded by SLS 1388 Pt.11)
to be used for the indirect verification of Rockwell
hardness testing machines as specified in SLS 145-2. SLS 152:1998
(=ISO 6508-3:2005) Method for quantitative chemical analysis of binary
Gr. F mixtures of acrylics, certain modacrylics or certain
chlorofibres and certain other fibres
SLS 146 Part 1:2008 (Superseded by SLS 1388 Pt.12)
Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Test method
Specifies the method for Brinell hardness test for metallic SLS 153:2001
materials and is applicable up to the limit of 650 HBW. Method for quantitative chemical analysis of binary
(=ISO 6506-1:2005) mixtures of protein fibre (wool, animal hair, silk or
Gr.H protein) and certain other fibres
(Superseded by SLS 1388 pt.4)
SLS 146 Part 2:2008
Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Verification SLS 154:2001
and calibration of testing machines Method for quantitative chemical analysis of ternary
Specifies a method of verification and calibration of testing mixtures of protein fibres, polyamides and certain
machines used for determining Brinell hardness in other fibres
accordance with SLS 146-1. (Superseded by SLS 1388 Pt.2)
(=ISO 6506-2:2005)
Gr.G SLS 155:2002
Designation of netting yarns
SLS 146 Part 3:2008 (First revision)
Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Calibration Specifies a method for the designation of netting yarns
of reference blocks for fishing nets by the use of the nominal linear densities
Specifies a method for the calibration of reference blocks of the single yarn components or of their resultant linear
to be used in the indirect verification of Brinell hardness density, expressed in tex.
testing machines as described in SLS 146-2. (=ISO 858:1973)
(=ISO 6506-3:2005) Gr. A
SLS 156:2018
SLS 146 Part 4:2008 Glossary of basic terms for fishing nets
Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Table of (Second Revision)
hardness values Gives the principal terms relating to netting for fishing
Gives a table of the Briness hardness values for use in nets, together with their definitions or, in some cases, the
tests on flat surfaces. method of expressing dimensions.
(=ISO 6506-4:2005) (=ISO 1107:2017)
Gr.F Gr. C
SLS 147:2013 CS 157:1972
Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) pipes for water Drawing boards (Metric Units)
supply and for buried and above ground drainage and Specifies the sizes, materials and constructional details of
sewerage under pressure drawing boards, intended to be used by engineers and
(Third revision) students.
specifies the characteristics of solid-wall pipes made from A5, 12 pages, Gr. 3
unplasticized polyvinyl chlorides (PVC-U) for piping
systems, intended for water supply for human consumption CS 158:1972
and for general purposes as well as for sewerage under Tee squares
pressure.It specifies a range of pipe sizes and pressure Specifies the dimensions, materials and constructional
classes and specifies requirements concerning colour and details.
A5, 10 pages, Gr. 3 SLS 171:1972
Measurements for men’s shirts
CS 159:1972 Prescribes the critical dimensions of different parts of
Code of practice for seasoning of timber men’s shirts (long sleeves and short sleeves) made from
The code covers methods of seasoning of timber. preshrunk materials essential for good fitting.
AMD No. 1 (AMD 214:1996) A5, 10 pages, Gr. 3
A5, 25 pages, Gr. 7
SLS 172:1999
CS 160:1972 Bandage
Ball clay for ceramic industry (First revision)
Prescribes requirements and method of test and sampling Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for
for ball clays used in ceramic industry. bandage to be used for surgical dressings or to protect
A5, 29 pages, Gr.8 dressings.
8 pages, Gr. 4
CS 161:1972
China clay for ceramic industry SLS 173:2001
Presribes requirements and methods of sampling and test Method for quantitative analysis of binary mixtures
for china clay used in ceramic industry. of acetate and certain other fibres
A5, 24 pages, Gr.6 (Superseded by SLS 1388:Pt 3)
CS 162:1972 SLS 174:1972 (2002) (Reaffirmed)
PVC insulated cables for motor vehicles Method for the determination of gelatin and oil size in
(Superseded by SLS 412) viscose rayon, acetate yarn and fabric.
Describes a method for the removal of size from viscose
CS 163:1972 rayon and acetate yarn and fabric in which the size is based
Electric ceiling type fans and regulators on gelatin and a non-volatile non drying oil.
(Superseded by SLS 814) 8 pages, Gr. 2
SLS 164:2017 SLS 175:1999
Bayonet cap adaptors (lampholder plugs) Method for quantitative chemical analysis of mixtures
(First Revision) of viscose rayon and cotton
Covers the materials, dimensions and tests for bayonet (Superseded by SLS 1388:Pt 5)
cap adaptors (lampholder plugs) intended for use with
Bayonet lampholders, on a nominal voltage not exceeding SLS 176:2001
250 V and load current not exceeding 5 A. Method for the quantitative chemical analysis of
8 Pages, Gr. 4 binary mixtures of acetate and triacetate
(Superseded by SLS 1388:Pt 8)
CS 165:1972
Soft solders (SI Units) SLS 177:2001
Covers the requirements of 19 grades of soft solder. Method for the quantitative chemical analysis of
AMD No. 1 (AMD 46:1981) binary mixtures of tri-acetate and certain other fibres
A5, 9 Pages, Gr.3 (Superseded by SLS 1388:Pt 10)
SLS 166:2019 CS 178:1972
Cardamom pods (capsules) or seeds Grey iron castings
(Second revision) Covers the requirements for grey iron castings where the
prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and carbon component present as graphite is mainly in the
test for cardamom, Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton var, lamellar form.
miniscula Burkhill and Elettaria ensal Gaerth Abeywick A5, 24 pages, Gr.6
in the forms of whole pods (capsules) and seeds.
12 pages, Gr.6 SLS 179:2012
Sweetened condensed milks
SLS 167:1988 (Second revision)
Meat sausages Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and
(Superseded by SLS 1218) testing for sweetened condensed milks, intended for direct
consumption or further processing.
SLS 168:1999 15 pages, Gr.9
Coconut vinegar
(Second revision) CS 180:1972
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for Methods of microbiological analysis of milk
coconut vinegar of two types viz. Coconut toddy vinegar (Withdrawn)
and coconut water vinegar.
AMD No. 1 (AMD 359:2007) SLS 181:1983 (S)
AMD No.2 (AMD 391:2009) Raw and processed milk
12 pages, Gr.5 (First revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
SLS 169:1983 (2008) tests for raw and processed milk.
Duplicating ink for single drum rotary machines AMD No. 1 (AMD 77:1986)
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test (Corrigendum No 01)
for duplicating ink for use on drum-type, single cylinder 35 pages, Gr.15
rotary duplicating machine.
13 pages, Gr.7 SLS 182:1983 (2001) (S) (Reaffirmed)
Sealing wax
SLS 170:1988 (S) (First revision)
Oil of Ceylon citronella Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling
(First revision) and tests for sealing wax intended for application of seals
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and on joints of material such as paper, canvas, jute hessian,
test for oil of Ceylon citronella. wood, cork, glass and metals where embossed inscriptions
8 pages, Gr.4 are made while compositions are hot.
11 pages, Gr. 6
SLS 183:2013 Specifies a method for the determination of cold water -
Carbonated beverages soluble extract in spices and condiments.
(Third revision) (=ISO 941:1980)
prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Gr.A
testing for carbonated beverages, which are intended for
consumption without dilution. SLS 186 Part 7:2008
AMD No 1(AMD 502:2017) Methods of test for spices and condiments -
20 Pages, Gr.12 Determination of non - volatile ether extract
(Second revision)
SLS 184:2012 (S) Secifies a method for the determination of the non - volatile
Oil of Ceylon cinnamon leaf ether extract in spices and condiments.
(First revision) (=ISO 1108:1992)
Specifies the requirements and the methods of sampling Gr.A
and testing for oil of Ceylon cinnamon leaf obtained from
cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume. SLS 186 Part 8:2008
10 pages, Gr.6 Methods of test for spices and condiments -
Determination of filth
SLS 185:2012 (S) (Second revision)
Oil of Ceylon cinnamon bark Specifies a method for the quantitative determination of
(First revision) filth in spices and condiments.
Specifies the requirements and the methods of sampling (=ISO 1208:1982)
and testing for oil of Ceylon cinnamon bark obtained from Gr.C
cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume.
12 pages, Gr.6 SLS 186 Part 9:2008
Methods of test for spices and condiments -
SLS 186 Part 1:2008 Determination of piperline content of black pepper and
Methods of test for spices and condiments - white pepper - spectrophotometric method
Preparation of a ground sample for analysis (Second revision)
(Second revision) Specifies a spectrophotometric method for the
Specifies a method of preparing a ground sample of spice determination of the piperine content of black or white
or condiment for analysis, from a laboratory sample pepper (Pipernigrum L.), in whole or in ground form.
obtained by the method specified in ISO 948. (=ISO 5564:1982)
(=ISO 2825:1981) Gr.A
SLS 186 Part 10:2008
SLS 186 Part 2:2011 Methods of test for spices and condiments -
Methods of test for spices and condiments - Determination of piperine content of pepper and
Determination of extraneous matter and foreign matter pepper oleoresins - high-performance liquid
content chromatographic method
(Third revision) Specifies a method for the determination by high-
Specifies a general procedure for visual examination, or performance liquid chromatography, of the piperine
with magnification not exceeding 10 times, of whole spices content of peppers (Pipernigrum linnaeus), whole or
for the determination of macro filth. This Standard is powdered, as well as their extracts (oleoresins).
applicable to dehydrated herbs and spices. (=ISO 11027:1993)
(=ISO 927:2009) Gr. C
SLS 186 Part 11:2008
SLS 186 Part 3:2008 Methods of test for spices and condiments -
Methods of test for spices and condiments - Determination of volatile oil content - hydrodistillation
Determination of total ash method
(Second revision) (Second revision)
Specifies a method for the determination of total ash from Specifies a method for the determination of the volatile
spices and condiments. oil content of spices, condiments and herbs.
(=ISO 928:1997) (=ISO 6571:2008)
Gr. B Gr.E
SLS 186 Part 4:2008 SLS 186 Part 12:2016
Methods of test for spices and condiments - Methods of test for spices and condiments -
Determination of acid - insoluble ash Determination of degree of fineness of grinding - hand
(Second revision) sieving method (reference method)
Specifies a method for the determination of acid - insoluble Specifies a reference method for the determination of the
ash from spices and condiments. degree of fineness of grinding of spices and condiments,
(=ISO 930:1997) by hand sieving to obtain the distribution of particle sizes
Gr.B in the sample.
(=ISO 3588:1977)
SLS 186 Part 5:2008 Gr. A
Methods of test for spices and condiments -
Determination of moistue content - entrainment SLS 186 Part 13:2016
method Methods of test for spices and condiments - Turmeric-
(Second revision) determination of colouring power - spectrophotometric
Specifies an entrainment method for the determination of method
the moisture content of spices and condiments. Specifies a spectrophotometric method for the
(=ISO 939:1980) determination of the colouring power of turmeric.
Gr.B (=ISO 5566:1982)
SLS 186 Part 6:2008
Methods of test for spices and condiments - SLS 187:2013
Determination of cold water - soluble extract Skin powder for babies
(Second revision) (Second revision)

Prescribes the quality and safety requirements and method CS 196:1973
of sampling and test for skin powder with or without herbs/ Cotton table napkins
herbal extracts and medicated skin powder for babies (Superseded by SLS 1393:Part 1)
including infants. It does not prescribe methods of test
for therapeutic/ medicinal claims of skin powders for SLS 197:2002
babies. Methods for quantitative chemical analysis of
AMD No.1 (AMD 546:2021) ternarymixtures of viscose rayon, cotton and protein
10 Pages Gr.5 fibres
(Superseded by SLS 1388:Pt 2)
SLS 188:1987 (S)
Quick frozen lobsters SLS 198:2001
(First revision) Method for the determination of colour fastness of
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and textile materials to hot pressing
test for quick frozen raw lobsters and quick frozen cooked (First revision)
lobsters. It does not apply to speciality packs where the Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the
flesh of the lobsters constitute only a portion of the edible colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to ironing
contents. and to processing on hot cylinders.
19 pages, Gr.10 (=ISO 105-X11:1994)
SLS 189:1983 (2008) (S)
Illuminating paraffin wax candles SLS 199:2008
(First revision) Method for determination of dimensional change in
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and washing and drying of textiles
test for illuminating paraffin wax candles. It does not apply (Second revision)
to ornamental candles. Specifies a method for determination of the dimensional
AMD No. 1 (AMD 250:1999) change of fabrics, garments or other textile articles when
12 pages, Gr.7 subjected to an appropriate combination of specified
washing and drying procedures. I
SLS 190:2011 (=ISO 5077:2007)
Methods for sampling of cereals, pulses and milled Gr.A
(Third revision) SLS 200:1996
Specifies requirements for the dynamic or static sampling, Method for the determination of recovery of fabrics
by manual or mechanical means, of cereals and cereal from creasing
products, for assessment of their quality and condition. It (First revision)
is applicable to sampling for the determination of Specifies a method for determining the angle of recovery
heterogeneously distributed contaminants, undesirable of fabrics from creasing. The results obtained by this
substances, and parameters usually homogeneously method for textile fabrics of very different kinds cannot
distributed like those used to assess quality or compliance be compared directly.
with specification. It can be used to determine insects in a (=ISO 2313:1972)
grain lot. 9 pages, Gr.5
(=ISO 24333:2009)
Gr.N CS 201:1973
Identification of fibres blended with wool in
SLS 191:2017 textiles
White sugar (Withdrawn)
(Second revision)
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test CS 202:1973
for white sugar. Method for the determination of the recovery of wool
34 pages, Gr.14 fabrics from creasing
Applicable to wool and wool mixture fabrics of thickness
SLS 192:2019 ranging from about 0.13 mm to about 1 mm.
Lemongrass oil A5, 12 pages, Gr.3
(First revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and SLS 203:1997
test for lemongrass oil (Cymbopogon flexuosus and Method for the determination of colour fastness of
Cymbopogon citratus) obtained from the leaves by steam textile materials to organic solvents
distillation. (First revision)
11 pages, Gr.6 Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the
colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to organic
CS 193:1973 solvents.
Round tins for paints, varnishes and allied products (=ISO 105-X05:1994)
(packed by volume) (Metric units) Gr.A
Specifies tin containers suitable for packing of paints and
other allied products. It covers the dimensions, the gross CS 204:1973 (2004) (2012)(Reaffirmed)
lidded volumes of round tins, the construction of the tin Determination of dimensional stability of warp-knitted
and methods of test. and woven fabrics made from nylon 6.6(boiling water
A5, 21pages, Gr.6 test) (Metric units)
Describes a method of test for the determination of the
CS 194:1973 dimensional stability of warp knitted and woven fabrics
Rulers for general purposes (Metric units) made from continuous filament nylon 6.6 yarn. It is not
Prescribes the requirements of rulers used for general suitable for the determination of the dimensional stability
purposes (trade and commerce) including rulers for use of these fabrics on washing.
in schools. A5, 9 pages, Gr.3
A5, 15 pages, Gr.4
SLS 205:2002
CS 195:1973 Method for the determination of length and length
Cotton umbrella cloth (water proofed) distribution of staple fibre
(Superseded by SLS 1307) (First revision)

Specifies three methods for determination of the length of fruit juices and fruit nectars; It does not cover artificial /
staple fibres by measuring individual fibres and different flavoured cordials or syrups intended for consumption after
methods of expressing the length distribution from values dilution.
obtained by measurement of individul fibres. It applies Amd No 1 ( Amd 492:2017)
to all discontinuous textile fibres, except those in which 13 pages, Gr. 7
strong inherent crimp would render the procedure
inapplicable. It does not apply to fibrous bundles of bast SLS 215:1973
fibres. Oil of ginger
(=ISO 6989:1981) Prescribes requirements and methods of tests.
Gr.C A5, 19 pages, Gr. 5
SLS 206:1973 SLS 216:1973
Code of packaging in plastic containers Naphtha
(Superseded by SLS 1443 and SLS 1444) Prescribes the requirements for different grades of solvent
and chemical naphtha.
SLS 207:1973 (S) AMD No.1 (AMD 292:2002)
Definitions for use in mechanical engineering A5, 10 pages, Gr. 3
It gives definitions relating to construction, drawing
practice, size and tolerance, limits and fits, screw threads SLS 217:1995
surface textures and gauges. Reinforced concrete fence posts
A5, 102 pages, Gr.19 (First revision)
Covers the requirements and methods of test for reinforced
SLS 208:1988 concrete fence posts for general purposes. It does not
Code of hygienic practice for the processing of lobsters cover reinforced concrete fence posts using light weight
and prawns aggregates and pre-stressed concrete fence posts.
(Second revision) 23 pages, Gr.11
Recommends a code of hygienic practice to be adopted
for the processing of lobsters and prawns. SLS 218:1973
82 pages, Gr.22 Handicraft items (ebonyware)
Covers the type of timber, the corresponding seasoning
SLS 209:1973 procedure and finish for handicraft items made out of
Code of hygienic practice for the manufacture of fruit ebony. It does not cover the mode of manufacture.
and vegetable products (processed) A5, 11pages, Gr. 3
Provides a code of hygienic practice that should be adopted
in the manufacture of processed fruit and vegetable SLS 219:1973
products. Crockery
8 pages, Gr. 4 Covers the essential requirements, methods of test and
sampling of crockery. It does not cover the shapes and
SLS 210:2009 sizes of crockery.
Method for the preparation of test sample for essential A5, 16 pages, Gr. 4
(First revision) SLS 220:1973
Prescribes general guidelines for the preparation of Electric table type fans and regulators
samples of essential oils submitted to a laboratory for (Superseded by SLS 814)
analysis. It is applicable, in particular, to those essential
oils that cannot be analysed directly; that is those which SLS 221:2010 (S)
are solid or partially solid at room temperature or those Non-carbonated artificial/flavoured cordials and
which are cloudy due to the presence to water or suspended beverages
particles. This method cannot be used for samples for (Second revision)
determination of water. Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
5 pages, Gr. 4 testing for artificial/flavoured cordials or syrups intended
for consumption after dilution. Also prescribes
SLS 211:2007 requirements and methods of sampling and testing for non-
Method for labelling and marking of containers for carbonated artificial / flavoured drinks or beverages
essential oils intended for direct consumption.
(First revision) Amd No 1 (AMD 493:2017)
Prescribes the general guidelines for labelling and marking Amd No 2 (AMD 524:2019)
of containers for essential oils to enable identification of Amd No 3 (AMD 530:2020
the contents. 11 pages, Gr.7
5 pages, Gr. 3
SLS 222:1973 (2000) (Reaffirmed)
SLS 212:1973 Glass bottles for pasteurized milk and sterilized milk
Methods for packing of essential oils Specifies the requirements and methods of test of
Prescribes the general guidelines for the packing of cylindrical glass bottles used for packing pasteurizedmilk
essential oils. and sterilized milk.
A5, 7 pages, Gr. 3 A5,23 pages, Gr. 6
SLS 213:2007 SLS 223:2017
Methods for sampling of essential oils Ice cream
(First revision) (Second revision)
Lays down general guidelines for the sampling of essential Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
oils. test for ice cream.Ihis standard is not applicablefor fat
6 pages, Gr. 4 free ice cream.
17 pages, Gr. 9
SLS 214:2010
Fruit squashes, fruit syrups and fruit cordials SLS 224:2007
(Second revision) Bicycle tyres
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and (Second revision)
testing for fruit squashes, fruit cordials and fruit syrups, Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
intended for consumption after dilution. It does not cover for bicycle tyres intended for light and heavy dutypurposes.
13 pages, Gr. 7 SLS 235:1999
Paper and paper board – untrimmed sizes designation
SLS 225:1973 (2000) (Reaffirmed) and tolerances for primary and supplementary ranges,
Sizes and substances for folders and files (MetricUnits) and indication of machine direction
Applies to folders made of board, intended to receive (Withdrawn)
sheets of the A4 Size (210 mm x 297 mm) and for
filesintended to receive either sheets of the A4 size SLS 236 Part 1:1973
(210mm x 297 mm) or folders (with or without back) or Radio receivers - Minimum requirements of domestic
whenpossible files with a very small back. solid state radio receivers
AMD No. 1(AMD 152:1993) Covers general requirements applicable to all types of
A5, 15 pages, Gr. 4 domestic solid state radio receivers including portable
receivers intended for reception of amplitude-modulated
SLS 226:1973 (AM) broadcast transmissions except miniaturized
Hasps and staples receivers such as camera size and pocket size receivers.
Specifies mild steel and cast brass hasps and staples and Car radios are also not covered.
covers the requirements for materials, dimensions, A5, 24 pages, Gr.6
manufacture and finish.
A5, 16 pages, Gr. 4 SLS 237:1993
Bicycle cotter pins, washers and nuts
SLS 227:1973 (First revision)
Graduation of levelling staves (Metric Units) Covers the requirements for bicycle cotter pins, their
Lays down dimensional requirements, graduation and washers (spring or plain), and nuts for bicycles.
figuring of levelling to provide height control for
topographical or engineering survey. SLS 238:1973
A5, 10 pages, Gr.3 Metal washers for general engineering purposes
(Superseded by SLS 938)
SLS 228:1973(2010) (Reaffirmed)
Glass bottles with crown finish (650 ml and 325 ml) SLS 239:1973
Specifies the requirements and methods of test for glass Steel spring washers for general engineering purposes
bottles with crown cork finish and nominal capacities 650 (Metric Units)
ml (22.9 fl.oz) and 325 ml (11.4 fl.oz). Specifies the dimensions, tolerances and general
AMD No. 1 (AMD 75:1986) requirements for metric series spring washers of helical
A5, 23 pages, Gr. 6 construction, suitable for use with metric threaded
fasteners within the range 2 mm (M2) to 52 mm (M52)
SLS 229:1973 diameter. Dimensions and tolerances are specified for three
Sanitary appliances (vitreous china) types.
Prescribes requirements in respect of materials, A5, 16 pages, Gr.4
manufacture, methods of test, inspection and marking of
all vitreous sanitary appliances. SLS 240:1973 (S)
AMD No. 1(AMD 86:1987) School slates
A5, 19 pages, Gr. 5 Covers the requirements, methods of tests and sampling
of school slates.
SLS 230:1973 A5, 12 pages, Gr.3
Baking powder
Prescribes the requirements and methods of tests. SLS 241:2019 (S)
AMD No. 1 (AMD 125:1989) Clove, whole or ground
A5, 13 pages, Gr. 4 (Second revision)
Prescribes requirements and methods of test for cloves
SLS 231:2013 (S) whole.
Sesame seed oil 11 pages, Gr.6
(First revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and SLS 242:1973
testing for sesameseed oil (Syn. gingellyseed oil) Methods for the destruction of organic matter
AMD No.1 (AMD 476:2016) Prescribes methods for the destruction of organic matter
7 pages, Gr. 4 for the purpose of preparing test solutions for
SLS 232:1973 A5, 10 pages, Gr.3
Coriander powder
(Superseded by SLS 1565) SLS 243:1973
Handicraft items (woodware other than ebonyware)
SLS 233:1994 Covers the type of timber, the seasoning procedure and
Steel filing cabinets finish for handicraft items made out of timber other than
(First revision) ebony. It does not cover the mode of manufacture. It also
Specifies the requirements for materials, dimensions, does not include pigmented woodware.
construction, finish and methods of test of steel filing A5, 10 pages, Gr.3
cabinets of the two, three and four drawer types.
LKR 250.00 SLS 244:1999
Compound poultry feeds
SLS 234:2016 (Second revision)
Beer Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for poultry
(Second revision) feeds in mash, crumb or pellet form.
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and 24 pages, Gr.11
test for beer types which includes ale, lager, stout and
flavoured beer. It does not include requirements for draught SLS 245:1973
beer. Cashew nuts
11 Pages, Gr.6 Prescribes the requirements for cashew nuts obtained from
the cashew tree, Anacardium occidentale L.
7 pages, Gr.4

SLS 246:1973 15 pages, Gr.8
Coriander whole
(Superseded by SLS 1565) SLS 259:1974
Handicrafts (pigmented woodware)
SLS 247:1973 Covers the seasoning procedure and finish for pigmented
Oil of clove bud handicrafts and woodware. It does notcover designs of
Defines certain characteristics of oil of clove bud. handicrafts, the methods of application of lacquer and
A5, 14 pages, Gr.4 pigments and the mode of manufacture. This standard also
covers pigmented lacquered items.
SLS 248:1973 A5, 9 pages, Gr.3
Oil of clove stem
Defines certain characteristics of oil of clove stem. SLS 260:2008
A5, 13 pages, Gr. 4 Tomato sauce
(Second revision)
SLS 249 Prescribes the requirements and methods of samplingand
Cinnamon Products testing for tomato sauce.
(Replaced by SLS 81) (AMD No 1, (AMD 494:2017)
16 pages, Gr.8
SLS 250:1995 (2003)
Liquid soap SLS 261 Part 1:1991
(Superseded by SLS 1390) Plywood for general purposes - Terminology
(First revision)
SLS 251:2010 Deals with terminology applicable to plywood used for
Biscuits general purposes.
(Second revision) LKR 150.00
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
for biscuits. It does not cover wafers. SLS 261 Part 2:1991
(Errata sheet incorporated) Plywood for general purposes - Specification for
19 pages, Gr.10 manufacture
(First revision)
SLS 252:1973 Covers requirements for plywood for general purposes
Moulded solid rubber soles and heels and does not deal with plywood panels for tea chests.
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and LKR 250.00
test for rubber full-soles with or without heels, half soles
and heels sold as finished products. SLS 261 Part 3:1991
A5, 11 pages, Gr.3 Plywood for general purposes - Methods of tests
(First revision)
SLS 253:1973 Specifies test methods for the determination of glue shear
Rubber teats and valves for feeding bottles and strength in dry state, resistance to micro-organisms,
soothers resistance to water, moisture content, dimensions and
Prescribes the requirements, sampling and methods of durability.
tests. LKR 200.00
A5, 16 pages, Gr. 4
SLS 262 Part 1:1974 (S)
SLS 254:1989 Methods of sampling, analysis and testing of concrete
Code of practice for retreading pneumatic tyres - Methods of sampling fresh concrete and making test
(First revision) specimens
Specifies the minimum requirements for retreading and Specifies methods to be used on site to obtain
relugging of pneumatic Radial-ply and Cross-ply rubber representation- samples of required size from a batch of
tyres for road vehicles. fresh concrete. The number of increments to form a sample
21 pages, Gr.11 under normal conditions and where necessary to check
the accuracy of regular sampling is also given.
SLS 255:1973 (2007) (Reaffirmed) A5, 34 pages, Gr.9
Cotton furnishing fabric
Prescribes the constructional details and other SLS 262 Part 3:1975 (S)
requirements for cotton furnishing fabric intended for use Methods of sampling, analysis and testing of concrete
in upholstery and curtains. - Analysis of hardened concrete
A5, 15pages, Gr.4 Specifies the tests to be used on a sample of hardened
concrete to provide some of the following:
SLS 256:1973 Cement aggregate content, original water content, bulk
Size measurements for school uniforms density, type of cement, type of aggregate and chloride
(boys’ and girls’) content, sulphate content and sulpho aluminate content.
(Withdrawn) A5, 29 pages, Gr.8
SLS 257:1973 SLS 263 Part 1 & Part 2:1974 (S)
Method for determination of commercial mass (weight) Building timber - Recommendation on sizes -
of continuous filament rayon yarn and acetate yarnand Specification for permissible defects
their mixture (Part 1 and 2 are incorporated in the same publication)
Generally applicable to continuous filament rayon yarn Recommends sizes of timber to be used in the building
and acetate yarns or their mixture which have beentreated industry and deals with permissible and non-permissible
with readily removable lubricants and sizes. The method defects in building timber.
is inapplicable if the yarns have receiveda special treatment 18 pages, Gr.9
such as synthetic resin or antiswelling treatment.
A5, 14 pages, Gr.4 SLS 264:1974 (2016) (S) (Reaffirmed)
Kaolin for cosmetic industry (Metric Units)
SLS 258:2020 Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
Ground coffee for kaolin (China-clay) for use in cosmetic industry.
(Second revision) A5, 17 pages, Gr.5
Prescribes the requirements and methods of tests forground
SLS 265:2011 SLS 270:2005
Jams, jellies and marmalades Determination of mesh breaking force of netting for
(Second revision) fishing
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and (First revision)
testing for jams, jellies and marmalades offered for direct Specifies a method of determining the mesh breaking force
consumption, including for catering purposes or for of fishing. Tests may be carried out in both the dry and
repacking. wet states, but test in the wet state are concerded to be
AMD No.1 (AMD 477:2016) particularly appropriate in indicating the behaviour of the
AMD No 2, (AMD 495:2017) netting in use.
17 pages, Gr.9 (=ISO 1806:2002)
SLS 266:1990 (S)
Canned pineapple SLS 271:1974 (2003) (Reaffirmed)
(First revision) Method for the Determination of breaking load and
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and knot breaking load of netting yarn for fishing nets
test for pineapple, Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. (Ananas Deals with the determination of breaking load and knot
sativus (L.) Lindl). breaking load of netting yarns for fishing nets. Tests may
13 pages, Gr. 7 be carried out in both the dry and wet state, but tests in the
wet state on the knotted yarn are considered to be
SLS 267:1974 particularly appropriate in indicating the behaviour of the
Flue cured Virginia tobacco yarn in use.
Prescribes the requirements, and the permitted grades of A5, 12 pages, Gr.3
unmanufactured flue-cured Virginia tobacco and also
includes the requirements for tobacco exported. SLS 272 Part 1:1988
A5, 13 pages, Gr.4 Elastic narrow fabrics - Elastic flat braids
(First revision)
SLS 268 Part 1:1974 Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
ISO metric screw threads - Basic and design profiles test for elastic flat braids manufactured from cotton, rayon
Deals with basic and design profiles for ISO metric screw or synthetic textile yarns and containing natural rubber as
threads. the elastomeric threads. It does not cover those which are
A5, 16 pages, Gr.4 intended for mechanical purposes.
16 pages, Gr.8
SLS 268 Part 2:1974
ISO metric screw threads - Pitch/Diameter SLS 272 Part 2:1995
combinations Elastic narrow fabrics - Webbings and crochet fabrics
Specifies a series of diameter and pitch combinations for for waist bands of gent’s sportswear and underwear
ISO metric screw threads in the diameter range 1 to 300 (First revision)
mm. Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for elastic
A5, 11pages, Gr.3 webbings and crochet fabrics containing natural rubber
as the elastomer, for use as waist bands in gents’ sportswear
SLS 268 Part 3:1974 and underwear.
ISO metric screw threads - Basic dimensions 10 pages, Gr.6
Tabulates the basic dimensions for ISO metric screw
threads. The values refer to the basic profile as given in SLS 273:1974
Part 1 of this specification. Cotton mosquito netting
A5, 17 pages, Gr.5 (Withdrawan)
SLS 268 Part 4:1974 SLS 274:1974
ISO metric screw threads - Tolerancing system Fruit juices
Specifies a tolerance system for ISO metric screw threads (Superseded by SLS1328)
for the diameter range 1 to 300 mm. The tolerance values
have been tabulated for the normal length of engagement SLS 275:2014
only. Toothpaste
A5, 26 pages, Gr.7 (Third revision)
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
SLS 268 Part 5:1974 for toothpaste in the form of paste, cream or gel, with or
ISO metric screw threads - Tolerances without herbs/ herbal extracts including medicated
Tabulates tolerances for ISO metric screw threads for the toothpastes. It does not prescribe requirements related to
tolerance classes covered in Part 4 of the standard in the therapeutic/ medicinal claims of toothpastes.
diameter range 1 to 300 mm. The tolerances have been AMD No. 1(AMD 532:2020)
arrived at based on the tolerancing system specified in 28 Pages, Gr.12
Part 4 of this standard.
A5, 46 pages, Gr.11 SLS 276:2013
SLS 268 Part 6:1974 (Third revision)
ISO metric screw threads - Limits of sizes for Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and
commercial bolts and nuts tests for toothbrushes having tufts of synthetic filaments
Specifies the limits of sizes for ISO metric coarse pitch and intended to be used manually for oral hygiene as a
series threads in the diameter range 1 to 39 mm for general cleaning device. It does not cover toothbrushes
commercial bolts and nuts. with natural bristle tufts or electrically operated
A5, 13 pages, Gr.4 toothbrushes. Specialized tooth cleaning devices designed
for specific oral conditions are also outside the scope of
SLS 269:1974 this specification.
Synthetic plastic spectacle frames (Metric Units) AMD No.1 (AMD 474:2016)
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and AMD No.2(AMD 513:2019)
testing for plastic spectacle frames. It does not cover AMD No.3(AMD 536:2020)
frames meant for spectacles or appliances worn before 17 pages, Gr.8
the eyes designed for protection from injury caused by
external agency.
A5, 18 pages, Gr.5
SLS 277:1987 SLS 286:1974
Margarine Methods for determination of dry and wet single strand
(Superseded by SLS 1427) strength and elognation of continuous filament rayon
yarn and acetate yarn
SLS 278:1974 (Withdrawn)
Standard test fingers and other accessibility test probes
(Superseded by SLS 841) SLS 287 Part 1:2014
Method for determination of water repellency and
SLS 279:2020 resistance to water penetration of fabrics - Resistance
Butter to surface wetting (spray test)
(Second revision) (First revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Specifies a spray test method for determining the resistance
tests for butter. of any fabric, which might or might not have been given a
14 pages, Gr.6 water resistant or water repellent finish, to surface wetting
by water. It is not intended for use in predicting the rain-
SLS 280:2009 penetration resistance of fabrics, since it does not measure
Papadam penetration of water through the fabric.
(First revision) (=ISO 4920:2012)
Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling Gr.D
and testing for papadam.
14 pages, Gr.7 SLS 287 Part 2:1996
Method for determination of water repellency and
SLS 281:1981(2010) (Reaffirmed) resistance to water penetration of fabrics - Resistance
Tooth powder to water penetration (Hydrostatic pressure test)
(First revision) (First revision)
Prescribes the minimum requirements and methods of Specifies a hydrostatic pressure method for determining
sampling and tests for both foaming and non-foaming tooth the resistance of fabrics to penetration by water. The
powder for general use. method is primarily intended for dense fabrics.
12 pages, Gr.6 (=ISO 811:1981)
SLS 282 Part 1 & Part 2:1974
Pipe threads for tubes and fittings where pressure tight SLS 287 Part 3:1996
joints are made on the threads - Jointing threads - Method for determination of water repellency and
Longscrew threads resistance to water penetration of fabrics -
(Parts 1 & 2 are incorporated in same publication) Determination of water repellency of fabrics by the
Relates to pipe threads for joints made pressure tight by Bundensmann rain-shower test
the mating of the threads; they include taper external Describes a method for the determination of the water
threads for assembly with either taper or parallel internal repellency of textile fabrics by a rain-shower test known
threads. as the Bundesmann method. The test may be used to assess
Relates to parallel external pipe threads used for long the effectiveness of finishing procedures for rendering
screws, where a pressure-tight joint is achieved by the textile fabrics water - repellent.
compression of a soft material on to the external thread (=ISO 9865:1991)
by tightening a back nut against a socket. Details of thread Gr. B
forms, dimensions and tolerances are given, together with
the method of designating each type of thread. SLS 288:2000 (2011) (Reaffirmed)
A5, 29 pages, Gr.9 Method for determination of the fluidity of cotton,
rayons and cellulose acetate in cuprammonium
SLS 283 Part 1:1996 hydroxide solution
Knitted vests - Knitted vests for males (First revision)
(First revision) Specifies a method for the determination of the
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for cuprammonium fluidity of cotton, viscose, cupro, modal,
bleached or dyed knitted vests of round neck or V-neck deacerylated acetate, acetate or triacetate, and blends of
with or without sleeves for males. It does not specify the cotton with cellulose man -made fibres, in cuprammonium
general appearance, feel, lustre, nor does it specify the hydroxide solution.
degree of whiteness of vests. 16 pages, Gr.8
12 pages, Gr. 9
SLS 289:1974
SLS 283 Part 2:1996 Code of practice for writing the time with reference to
Knitted vests - Knitted vests for females the 24hour time - keeping system
Specifies the requirements and methods of test for Specifies a system of writing the time of a day with
bleached or dyed knitted vests for females. It does not reference to the 24hour time keeping system signified by
specify the general appearance, feel, lustre, nor does it the element hour, minute and second or by hour and minute
specify the whiteness of fabric of the vests. only, when precision is not required.
13 pages, Gr.7 A5, 9 pages, Gr.3
SLS 284:1974 (2002) (Reaffirmed) SLS 290:2006
Plain woven handloom cotton pyjama cloth Glass liquor bottles
Prescribe constructional details and other requirements (First revision)
pertaining to plain woven handloom cotton pyjama cloth Specifies the nominal capacities, methods of test and other
with stripes. It does not specify the general appearance requirements for glass bottles used to pack potable spirits,
feel etc. of the cloth. wines and liquors.
A5, 13 pages, Gr.4 14 pages, Gr.7
SLS 285:1998 SLS 291:1974 (2010) (Reaffirmed)
Absorbent cotton Glass bottles for aerated water
(First revision) Specifies the nominal capacities, methods of test and other
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for requirements of glass bottles used to pack aerated water.
absorbent cotton. AMD No. 1 (AMD 76:1986)
21 pages, Gr.9 AMD No. 2 (AMD 203:1995)
12 pages, Gr.6
SLS 292:1974 The value of tear strength obtained depends on the shape
Microcellular rubber sheets for soles and heels of the test piece, speed of stretching, and
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and tests temperature of test. It can also be susceptible to grain
for microcellular sheet produced by moulding process effects in rubber.
from general purpose elastomers and intended for use in (=ISO 34-1:2015)
footwear. Gr.H
A5, 12 pages, Gr.3
SLS 297 Part 3 Section 2:2019
SLS 293:2018 Method of testing vulcanized rubber - Determination
Soya bean oil of tear strength - Small (delt) test pieces
(Second revision) specifies a method for the determination of the tear strength
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and of small test pieces (Delft test pieces) of vulcanized or
test for soya bean (synonym: soybean) oil derived from thermoplastic rubber. NOTE The method does not
the seeds of soya bean (Glycine max L. Merr.) by the necessarily give results agreeing with those given by the
process of expression and/ or extraction. method described in ISO 34-1, which uses trouser, angle
8 pages, Gr.4 and crescent test pieces. It is used in preference to ISO
34-1 when the amount of material available is limited,
SLS 294:2009 and might be particularly suitable for testing small finished
Method of test for meat and meat products - products.
determination of moisture content (=ISO 34-2:2015)
(First revision) Gr.F
Specifies a reference method for the determination of the
moisture content of meat and meat products. SLS 297 Part 4 Section 1:2019
(= ISO 1442:1997) Method of testing vulcanized rubber - Determination
Gr.B of hardness - Introduction and guidance
(Third revision)
SLS 295:2010 guidance on the determination of the hardness of
Method of test for meat and meat products - vulcanized and thermoplastic rubbers.It is intended to
determination of nitrogen content provide an understanding of the significance of hardness
(First revision) as a material property and to assist in the selection of an
Specifies a reference method for determination of the appropriate test method.
nitrogen content of meat and meat products. (=ISO 48-1:2018)
(= ISO 937:1978) Gr.C
SLS 297 Part 4 Section 2:2019
SLS 296:1974 Method of testing vulcanized rubber - Determination
Method of test for meat and meat products - of hardness - Hardness between 10 IRHD and 100
determination of total fat content IRHD
(Superseded by SLS 779) (Third revision)
Specifies four methods for the determination of the
SLS 297 Part 1:2008 hardness of vulcanized or thermoplastic rubbers on flat
Method of testing vulcanized rubber - Determination surfaces (standard-hardness methods) and four methods
of density for the determination of the apparent hardness of curved
(Second revision) surfaces (apparent-hardness methods). The hardness is
Specifies two methods of test for the determination of the expressed in international rubber hardness degrees
density of solid vulcanized and thermoplastic rubbers. (IRHD).
This specification does not cover the determination of the (=ISO 48-2:2018)
relative density of rubber, which is the ratio of the mass of Gr.L
a given volume of rubber to the mass of an equel volume
of pure water at a give temperature. SLS 297 Part 5:2019
(=ISO 2781:2008) Method of testing vulcanized rubber - Accelerated
Gr.C ageing and heat resistance tests
(Third revision)
SLS 297 Part 2:2019 specifies accelerated ageing or heat resistance tests on
Method of testing vulcanized rubber - Determination vulcanized or thermoplastic rubbers. Two methods are
of tensile stress strain properties given: Method A: air-oven method using a cell-type oven
(Fourth revision) or cabinet oven with low air speed and a ventilation of 3
Describes a method for the determination of the tensile to 10 changes per hour; Method B: air-oven method using
stress-strain properties of vulcanized and thermoplastic a cabinet oven with forced air circulation by means of a
rubbers. The properties which can be determined are fan and a ventilation of 3 to 10 changes per hour.
tensile strength, elongation at break, stress at a given (=ISO 188:2011)
elongation, elongation at a given stress, stress at yield and Gr.K
elongation at yield. The measurement of stress and strain
at yield applies only to some thermoplastic rubbers and SLS 297 Part 6:2019
certain other compounds. Method of testing vulcanized rubber - Determination
(=ISO 37:2017) of flex cracking and crack growth (DE MATTIA)
Gr.P (Third revision)
specifies a method of test intended for use in comparing
SLS 297 Part 3 Section 1:2019 the resistance of vulcanized or thermoplastic rubbers to
Method of testing vulcanized rubber - Determination the formation and growth of cracks, when subjected to
of tear strength - Trouser, angle and crescent test pieces repeated flexing on the De Mattia type machine. For
(Third revision) determination of crack growth, an artificial cut is made in
specifies three test methods for the determination of the the test piece to initiate cut growth.
tear strength of vulcanized or thermoplastic rubber, namely (=ISO 132:2017)
the following: Gr.H
— method A, using a trouser test piece;
— method B, using an angle test piece, with or without a SLS 297 Part 7:1976
nick of specified depth; Method of testing vulcanized rubber - Determination
— method C, using a crescent test piece with a nick. of resistance to cut growth
(Withdrawn & incorporated into SLS 297 Part 6)
Test methods for tobacco in tobacco products - Loss
SLS 298:1974 (S) on heating, freedom from mould and weevil attack,
White distilled coconut fatty acids total alkaloids, total nitrogen, total ash, acid insoluble
Prescribes the requirements for fatty acids. ash, total chlorine, total and reducing sugars
A5, 8 pages, Gr.2 Prescribes the test methods commonly used for testing of
tobacco in tobacco products.
SLS 299:2020 A5, 23 pages, Gr.6
Cocoa butter
prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and tests SLS 310:2007
for cocoa butter obtained by a process of expression. Method for the sampling of spices and condiments
11 pages, Gr.5 (First revision)
Prescribes a method for the sampling of spices and
SLS 300:1986 condiments.
Caustic soda (technical Grades) 7 pages, Gr.4
(First revision)
Specifies the requirements and the methods of sampling SLS 311:1975 (2013) (Reaffirmed)
and test for caustic soda, (technical) used in the soap, Method for the determination of lead
textile, paper and other industries not requiring a special Prescribes a method for the determination of lead.
grade of the material. It covers the material in the solid AMD No. 1 (Amd 411:2010)
form and solution. A5, 15 pages, Gr.4
AMD No. 1 (AMD 141:1992)
16 pages, Gr. 8 SLS 312:1976 (2013) (Reaffirmed)
Method for the determination of arsenic
SLS 301:1974 (2010) (Reaffirmed) Prescribes methods of test for the determination of arsenic.
Method for the determination of copper A5, 21 pages, Gr.6
Prescribes methods for the determination of copper.
A5, 10 pages, Gr.3 SLS 313 Part 1 Section 1:2009
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
SLS 302:1974 (2010) (Reaffirmed) oils - Determination of physical characteristics -
Method for the determination of zinc Preparation of test sample
Prescribes methods for the determination of zinc. (Second revision)
A5, 13 pages, Gr.4 Specifies procedures for the preparation of a test sample
from a laboratory sample of animal or vegetable fats and
SLS 303:1974 (2010) (Reaffirmed) oils for the purpose of analysis.
Method for the determination of cadmium (=ISO 661:2003)
Prescribes methods for the determination of cadmium. Gr.A
A5, 9 pages, Gr.3
SLS 313 Part 1 Section 2:2009
SLS 304:1974 Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
Double - ended open jaw spanners (forged) oils -Determination of physical characteristics -
Prescribes requirements for forged, open jaw spanners of Determination of the relative density at t °C / t 0°C in
double - ended type for general purposes, and the double- air
ended higher torque spanners used in the automobile (Second revision)
industry, which are suitable for the hexagon sizes specified Prescribes a method for the determination of relative
in Sri Lanka Standard specification for hexagon bolts, density of fats at t °C / t 0°C in air.
screws and nuts with ISO metric threads. 6 pages, Gr.3
A5, 17 pages, Gr.5
SLS 305:2002 SLS 313 Part 1 Section 3:2017
Mammoty blades Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
(Second revision) oils - Determination of physical characteristics -
Covers the requirements and test methods for mammoty Determination of conventional mass per volume (litre
blades which are of the types rectangular and square. wieght in air)
13 pages, Gr.7 (Third revision)
Specifies a method for the determination of the
SLS 306:1974 conventional mass per volume of animal and vegetable
Hot-dipped galvanized steel sheets (plain and fats and oils in order to convert volume to mass or mass
corrugated) to volume. Procedure is applicable to fats only when they
Describes the materials, profiles, dimensions, tolerances are in a liquid state. Milk and milk products (or fat coming
on dimensions, test methods, and method of sampling of from milk and milk products) are excluded from the scope
hot dipped galvanized sheets-plain and corrugated. of this document.
A5, 15 pages, Gr.4 (=ISO 6883:2017)
SLS 307:1974
Slotted sections SLS 313 Part 1 Section 4:2009
Covers the specifications for materials and strength Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
requirements of slotted sections. oils - Determination of physical characteristics -
A5, 16 pages, Gr. 4 Determination of Lovibond colour
(Second revision)
SLS 308:1974 Specifies a method for the determination of the Lovibond
Double edged stainless steel safety razor blades (Metric colour of animal and vegetable fats and oils.
Units) (=ISO 15305:1998)
Relates to double edged stainless steel safety razor blades Gr.C
to fit safety razors of the three-pin, bar and end-located
types. SLS 313 Part 1 Section 5:2017
AMD No. 1 (AMD 82:1985) Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
11 pages, Gr.6 oils - Determination of physical characteristics -
Determination of refractive index
SLS 309 Part 1:1974 (Third revision)

Specifies a method for the determination of the refractive and oils containing primary alcohol groups and secondary
index of animal and vegetable fats and oils. alcohol groups, such as castor oil and monoglycerides.
(=ISO 6320:2017) This method is applicable only for fats and oils with an
Gr.C hydroxyl value greater
than 10.
SLS 313 Part 1 Section 6:2009 6 pages, Gr.3
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
oils - Determination of physical characteristics - SLS 313 Part 2 Section 4:2009
Determination of titre Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
(Second revision) oils - Determination of chemical characteristics -
Specifies a method for the preparation of the water- Determination of ester value
insoluble fatty acids of animal and vegetable fats and oils (Second revision)
and the determination of their solidification temperature, Prescribes a method for the determination of ester in fats
called conventionally the titre of the fat or oil. The method and oils. This method is applicable to the animal and
is not applicable to fats and oils the titre of which is below vegetable fats and oils. It is not applicable to waxes.
30°C. 4 pages, Gr.3
(=ISO 935:1988)
Gr.B SLS 313 Part 2 Section 5:2009
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
SLS 313 Part 1 Section 7:2009 oils - Determination of chemical characteristics -
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and Determination of volatile acids (Reichert-Meissl,
oils - Determination of physical characteristics - Polenske and Kirschner values)
Determination of melting point in open capillary tubes (Second revision)
(slip point) Prescribes the determination of values to characterize the
(Second revision) volatile low molecular weight fatty acids. This method is
Specifies two methods for the determination of the melting applicable for animal and vegetable fats and oils. It is not
point in open capillary tubes, commonly known as the slip applicable to waxes.
point, of animal and vegetable fats and oils. Method A is 9 pages, Gr.4
only applicable to animal and vegetable fats which are
solid at ambient temperature and which do not exhibit SLS 313 Part 2 Section 6:2009
pronounced polymorphism. Method B is applicable to Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
all animal and vegetable fats which are solid at ambient oils - Determination of chemical characteristics -
temperature, and is the method to be used for fats whose Determination of acid value and acidity
polymorphic behaviour is unknown. (Second revision)
(=ISO 6321:2002) Specifies three methods (two titrimetric and one
Gr.F potentiometric) for the determination of the acidity in
animal and vegetable fats and oils. This is applicable to
SLS 313 Part 1 Section 8:2011 refined and crude vegetable or animal fats and oils, soap
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and stock fatty acids or technical fatty acides. The methods
oils - Determination of physical characteristics - are not applicable to waxes.
Determination of ultraviolet absorbance expressed as (=ISO 660:2009)
specific UV extinction Gr.E
(Third revision)
Specifies a method for the determination of the absorbance SLS 313 Part 2 Section 7:2009
at ultraviolet wavelengths of animal and vegetable fats Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
and oils. oils - Determination of chemical characteristics -
(=ISO 3656:2011) Determination of the composition of fatty acids in the
Gr.D 2-position of the triglyceride molecules
(Second revision)
SLS 313 Part 2 Section 1:2014 Specifies a method for the determination of the
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and composition of fatty acids which are esterified in the 2-
oils - Determination of chemical characteristics - position (ß or internal position) of the triglyceride
Determination of saponification value molecules in animal and vegetable fats and oils.
(Third revision) (=ISO 6800:1997)
Specifies a method for the determination of the Gr.F
saponification value of animal and vegetable fats and oils.
The method is applicable to refined and crude vegetable SLS 313 Part 2 Section 8:2009
and animal fats. Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
(=ISO 3657:2013) oils - Determination of chemical characteristics -
Gr.E Determination of polyunsaturated fatty acids with a
cis, cis 1, 4-diene structure
SLS 313 Part 2 Section 2:2019 (Second revision)
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and Specifies an enzymic method for the determination in
oils - Determination of chemical characteristics - animal and vegetable fats and oils of polyunsaturated fatty
Determination of Iodine value acids with a cis, cis 1-4-diene struchure, in practice those
(Fourth revision) of the linoleic and linolenic acid series having ù3 and ù6
Specifies a reference method for the determination of the unsaturation. It is not applicable to fats and oils containing
iodine value (commonly known in the industry as IV) of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the ù8 and ù9 series or
animal and vegetable fats and oils, hereinafter referred to containing branched chain fatty acids.
as fats. (=ISO 7847:1987)
(=ISO 3961:2018) Gr.C
SLS 313 Part 3 Section 1:2009
SLS 313 Part 2 Section 3:2009 Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of foreign substances and
oils - Determination of chemical characteristics - parameters affecting quality and stability -
Determination of hydroxyl value Determination of water content-entrainment method
(Second revision) (Second revision)
Prescribes a method for the determination of the hydroxyl Specifies a method for the determination, by entrainment
value of fats and oils. This method is applicable to fats of the water content of animal or vegetable fats or oils.
The method is applicable to products having water contents Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
greater than or equal to 0.5% (m /m) oils - Determination of foreign substances and
(=ISO 934:1980) parameters affecting quality and stability -
Gr.A Determination of peroxide value - Iodometric (visual)
end point determination
SLS 313 Part 3 Section 2:2017 (Third revision)
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and Specifies a method for the iodometric determination of
oils - Determination of foreign substances and the peroxide value of animal and vegetable fats and oils
parameters affecting quality and stability - with a visual endpoint detection. The method is applicable
Determination of water content-Karl Fischer method to all animal and vegetable fats and oils, fatty acids and
(pyridine free) their mixtures with peroxide values from 0 meq to 30 meq
(Third revision) of active oxygen per kilogram. It is also applicable to
Specifies a method for the determination of the water margarines and fat spreads with varying water content.
content of animal and vegerable fats and oils using Karl The method is not suitable for milk fats and is not
Fischer apparatus and a reagent which is free pyridine. applicable to lecithins.
Milk and milk products (or fat coming from milk and milk Specifies a method for the iodometric determination of
products) are excluded from the scope of this document. the peroxide value of animal and vegetable fats and oils
(=ISO 8534:2017) with a visual endpoint detection. The method is applicable
Gr.E to all animal and vegetable fats and oils, fatty acids and
their mixtures with peroxide values from 0 meq to 30 meq
SLS 313 Part 3 Section 3:2009 of active oxygen per kilogram. It is also applicable to
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and margarines and fat spreads with varying water content.
oils - Determination of foreign substances and The method is not suitable for milk fats and is not
parameters affecting quality and stability - applicable to lecithins.
Determination of peroxide value-potentiometric end- (= ISO 3960 :2017)
point determination Gr.E
(Second revision)
Specifies a method for the potentiomeric end-point SLS 313 Part 3 Section 8:2016
determination of the peroxide value, in milliequivalents Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
of acive oxygen per kilogram, of animal and vegetable oils - Determination of foreign substances and
fats and oils. The method is applicable to all animal and parameters affecting quality and stability -
vegetable fats and oils, fatty acids and their mixtures with Determination of anisidine value
peroxide values from 0 meq to 30 meq of active oxygen (Third revision)
per kilogram. It is also applicable to margarines and fat Specifies a method for the determination of the anisidine
spreads with varying water content. The method is not value in animal and vegetable fats and oils. Milk and
applicable to milk fats or lecithins. milk products are excluded from the scope of this Standard.
(=ISO 27107:2008) (=ISO 6885:2016)
Gr.E Gr.D
SLS 313 Part 3 Section 4:2017 SLS 313 Part 3 Section 9:2009
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
oils - Determination of foreign substances and oils - Determination of foreign substances and
parameters affecting quality and stability - parameters affecting quality and stability - Detection
Determination of insoluble impurities content and identification of antioxidants - Thin-layer
(Third revision) chromatographic method
Specifies a method for the determination of the insoluble (Second revision)
impurities content of animal and vegetable fats and oils. Specifies a thin-layer chromatographic method for the
Milk and milk products are excluded from the scope of detection and identification of eight antioxidants in animal
this document. Specifies a method for the determination and vegetable fats and oils
of the insoluble impurities content of animal and vegetable (=ISO 5558:1982)
fats and oils. Milk and milk products are excluded from Gr.B
the scope of this document.
(=ISO 663:2017) SLS 313 Part 3 Section 10:2009
Gr.C Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
oils - Determination of foreign substances and
SLS 313 Part 3 Section 5:2016 parameters affecting quality and stability -
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and Determination of butylhydroxyanisole (BHA) and
oils - Determination of foreign substances and butylhydroxytoluene(BHT)-Gas-liquid
parameters affecting quality and stability - chromatographic method
Determination of moisture and volatile matter content (Second revision)
(Third revision) Specifies a gas-liquid chromatographic method for the
Specifies two methods for the determination, by drying, determination of butylhydroxyanisole (BHA) and
of the moisture and volatile matter content of animal or butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), used as antioxidants, in
vegetable fats and oils. animal and vegetable fats and oils.
(=ISO 662:2016) (=ISO 6463:1982)
Gr.D Gr.C
SLS 313 Part 3 Section 6:2009 SLS 313 Part 3 Section 11:2009
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
oils - Determination of foreign substances and oils - Determination of foreign substances and
parameters affecting quality and stability - parameters affecting quality and stability -
Determination of ash Determination of polyethylene type polymers
(Second revision) (Second revision)
Specifies a method for the determination of ash, applicable Specifies the reference method for the determination of
to all animal and vegetable fats and oils, including acid polyethylene-type polymers in animal and vegetable fats
oils. and oils.
(=ISO 6884:2008) (=ISO 6656:2002)
Gr.B Gr.C
SLS 313 Part 3 Section 7:2017 SLS 313 Part 3 Section 12:2009
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and SLS 313 Part 4 Section 2:2017
oils - Determination of foreign substances and Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
parameters affecting quality and stability - oils - Determination of principle constituents and
Determination of copper, iron, lead and nickel contents natural constituents - Guidelines on modern gas
- Graphite furnace atomic absorption method chromatography of patty acid methyl esters
(Second revision) (Third revision)
Specifies a method for the determination of trace amounts Gives an overview of the gas chromatographic
of copper, iron and nickel in animal and vegetable fats determination of fatty acids, free and bound, in animal
and oils. and vegetable fats and oils following their conversion to
(=ISO 8294:1994) fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs).
Gr.C (=ISO 12966-1:2014)
SLS 313 Part 3 Section 13:2009
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and SLS 313 Part 4 Section 3:2010
oils - Determination of foreign substances and Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
parameters affecting quality and stability - oils - Determination of principle constituents and
Determination of soap content natural constituents - Determination of unsaponifiable
(Second revision) matter - Method using diethyl ether extraction
Prescribes a method for the determination of soap content (Second revision)
in fats and oils. Specifies a method using diethyl ether extraction for the
3 pages, Gr.3 determination of the unsaponifiable matter content of
animal and vegetable fats and oils. This method is not
SLS 313 Part 3 Section 14:2010 applicable to waxes and moreover, gives approximate
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and results with certain fats of high unsaponifiable matter
oils - Determination of foreign substances and content.
parameters affecting quality and stability - (=ISO 3596:2000)
Determination of mineral acids Gr.D
(Second revision)
Prescribes a method for the determination of mineral acids SLS 313 Part 4 Section 4:2010
in fats and oils. Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
4 Pages, Gr.2 oils - Determination of principle constituents and
natural constituents - Determination of 1-
SLS 313 Part 3 Section 15:2017 monoglycerides and free glycerol contents
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and (Second revision)
oils - Determination of foreign substances and Specifies a method for the determination of 1 -
parameters affecting quality and stability - monoglycerides content and of free glycerol content
Determination of benzo[a]pyrene - Reverse-phase high consecutively on the same test portion.
performance liquid chromatography method (=ISO 7366:1987)
Specifies a method for the determination of Gr.B
benzo[a]pyrene in crude or refined edible oils and fats by
reverse-phase HPLC using fluorimetric detection in the SLS 313 Part 4 Section 5:2010
range 0.1 ¼g/kg to 50 ¼g/kg. Milk and milk products (or Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
fat coming from milk and milk products) are excluded oils - Determination of principle constituents and
from the scope of this document. Specifies a method for natural constituents - Determination of content of
the determination of benzo[a]pyrene in crude or refined polar compounds
edible oils and fats by reverse-phase HPLC using (Second revision)
fluorimetric detection in the range 0.1 ¼g/kg to 50 ¼g/ Describes a method for the determination of the content
kg. Milk and milk products (or fat coming from milk and of polar compounds in animal and vegetable fats and oils.
milk products) are excluded from the scope of this The method serves to assess the deterioration of frying
document. fats with use.
(=ISO 15302:2017) (=ISO 8420:2002)
Gr.E Gr.D
SLS 313 Part 3 Section 16:2017 SLS 313 Part 4 Section 6:2010
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
oils - Determination of foreign substances and oils - Determination of principle constituents and
parameters affecting quality and stability - natural constituents - Determination of carotene
Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by (Second revision)
on-line donor-acceptor complex chromatography and Prescribes a method for the determination of carotenoid
HPLC with fluorescence detection content of fat.
Specifies a high performance liquid chromatographic 5 pages, Gr.3
(HPLC) procedure for the determination of polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in edible fats and oils. SLS 313 Part 4 Section 7:2010
Specifies a high performance liquid chromatographic Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
(HPLC) procedure for the determination of polycyclic oils - Determination of principle constituents and
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in edible fats and oils. natural constituents - Determination of sediment in
(=ISO 22959:2009) crude fats and oils - centrifuge method
Gr.L (Second revision)
Specifies a method for the determination in crude fats or
SLS 313 Part 4 Section 1:2017 oils of that sediment which can be separated by centrifugal
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and force. The method is applicable to crude oils and to oils
oils - Determination of principle constituents and with a sediment content of 0.03 ml per 100g to 15ml per
natural constituents - Preparation of methyl esters of 100g, This method is not applicable to fats which are not
fatty acids liquid at a temperature of 20 0 C.
(Third revision) (=ISO 15301:2001)
Specifies methods of preparing the methyl esters of fatty Gr.E
acids. Specifies methods of preparing the methyl esters of
fatty acids. SLS 313 Part 4 Section 8:2010
(=ISO 12966-2: 2017) Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and
Gr.H oils - Determination of principle constituents and
natural constituents - Determination of unsaponifiable Umbrella ribs - Folding type umbrella ribs
matter - method using hexane extraction (First revision)
(Second revision) Lays down specifications for umbrella ribs and covers
Specifies a method using three hexane extractions for the requirements for finished umbrella ribs, both main
determination of the unsaponifiable matter content of andstretcher, for the folding type umbrellas.
animal and vegetable fats and oils. The method is 12 pages, Gr.6
applicable to all fats and oils but not to waxes.
(=ISO 18609:2000) SLS 322:1974
Gr.D Code of practice for cleaning of metals prior to
SLS 313 Part 4 Section 9:2017 This code of practice recommends a procedure for cleaning
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and of metal surface prior to electroplating to obtain good
oils - Determination of principle constituents and adhesion of electro deposited coatings.
natural constituents - Gas chromatography of fatty A5, 20 pages, Gr.5
acid methyl esters - Preparation of methyl esters using
trimethylsulfonium hydroxide (TMSH) SLS 323:1974
Specifies a rapid base-catalysed transesterification method Code of practice for packaging of natural rubber latex
for fats and oils with trimethylsulfonium hydroxide in drums
(TMSH) to prepare fatty acid methyl esters. The method Packing and marking of natural rubber latex in
is exclusively applicable to the preparation of methyl esters clean,disinfected and painted drums.
of fats and oils for GLC analysis.It is applicable to all AMD No. 1 (AMD 110:1988)
fats and oils but excluding those coming from milk and A5, 8 pages, Gr.2
milk products.
(=ISO 12966-3: 2016) SLS 324:2019
Gr.B Ammonia preserved concentrated natural rubber latex
(Second revision)
SLS 313 Part 4 Section 10:2017 Prescribes the requirements for centrifuged and creamed
Methods for analysis of animal and vegetable fats and natural rubber latices, preserved mainly with ammonia.
oils - Determination of principle constituents and (=ISO 2004:2017)
natural constituents - Gas chromatography of fatty Gr.B
acid methyl esters - Determination by capillary gas
chromatography SLS 325:2001
Specifies a method for the determination of fatty acid Methods of testing natural rubber latices
methyl esters (FAMEs) derived by transesterification or (First revision)
esterification from fats, oils, and fatty acids by capillary (Superseded by SLS 1304)
gas chromatography(GLC). The method is applicable to
crude, refined, partially hydrogenated, or fully SLS 326:2015
hydrogenated fats, oils, and fatty acids derived from animal Chocolate
and vegetable sources.This method is not suitable for the (Second revision)
analysis of dairy, ruminant fats and oils, or products Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and
supplemented with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Milk esting for chocolate It does not cover the use of the term
and milk products (or fat coming from milk and milk “chocolate” in bakery products, dairy products,cereal
products) are excluded. It is not applicable to di-,tri- products, desserts, confectionery and beverages.
,polymerized and oxidized fatty acids, and fats and oils. AMD No.1 (AMD 550:2021)
(=ISO 12966-4:2015) 15 Pages, Gr.7
SLS 327:2011
SLS 314 (not allocated) Method of test for the determination of mineral
impurities content in fruit and vegetable products
SLS 315:1976 (First revision)
Method for the determination of tin Specifies a method for the determination of the mineral
Prescribes methods for the determination of tin. impurities content of fruit and vegetable products.
AMD No. 1 (Amd 412:2010) (=ISO 762:2003)
A5, 11 pages, Gr.3 Gr.C
SLS 316, 317 and 318 (not allocated) SLS 328:2011
Method of test for the determination of pH in fruit
SLS 319 Part 1 & Part 2:1986 and vegetable products
Primary cells and batteries - General requirements - (First revision)
Specific requirements Specifies a potentiometric method of measuring the pH
(Superseded by SLS 1198 Part 1 & SLS 1198 Part 2) of fruit and vegetable products.
(=ISO 1842:1991)
SLS 320:1993 Gr.A
Ceiling roses
(First revision) SLS 329:2011
Specifies requirements for ceiling roses having maximum Method of test for meat and meat products.
ratings of 6A and 250 V intended for screw-type and Measurement of pH - reference method
screwless type terminals for use in final circuits rated at (First revision)
16A maximum or 10A maximum respectively. Specifies the reference method for measuring the pH of
43 pages, Gr. 17 all kinds of meat and meat products, including poultry.
The method is applicable to products which may be
SLS 321 Part 1:2004 homogenized and also to non-destructive measurements
Umbrella ribs - Non-Folding type umbrella ribs on carcass meat, quarters and muscles.
(First revision) (=ISO 2917:1999)
Lays down the specifications for umbrella ribs and covers Gr.C
the requirements for finished umbrella ribs, both main and
stretcher, for the non-folding type umbrellas. SLS 330:1987
12 pages, Gr.6 Method of test for meat and meat products -
determination of chloride content
SLS 321 Part 2:2004 (First revision)
Describes the method for the determination of the chloride Black letterpress ink for general purposes
content of meat and meat products. (First revision)
9 pages, Gr.5 Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
tests for black letterpress ink, for general purposes.
SLS 331:2011 10 pages, Gr. 5
Methods of test for meat and meat products
determination of total ash SLS 342:2001
(First revision) Bacon
Specifies a method for the determination of the total ash (Second revision)
from all kinds of meat and meat products, including Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for bacon.
poultry. AMD No. 1 (AMD 304:2003)
(=ISO 936:1998) AMD No. 2 (AMD 328:2006)
Gr.C AMD No. 3 (AMD 338:2006)
AMD No. 4 (AMD 487:2016)
SLS 332:2005 10 pages, Gr.7
Method for describing knotted netting for fishing nets
(First revision) SLS 343:1975 (2006) (Reaffirmed)
Specifies the principal characteristics of knotted netting Method for determination of twist in nylon fish net
for fishing nets, and specifies the items of information to twine
be furnished when ordering the netting. Prescribes the method for determination of twist in terms
(=ISO 1530:2003) of turns per unit length and the direction of single, ply and
Gr.E cable twist in fish net yarns.
A5, 9 pages, Gr.3
SLS 333:2011
Cotton drill fabrics SLS 344:1975
(First revision) Ring spanners
Prescribes constructional details, requirements, mehtods Specifies the requirements for double-ended bi-hexagonal
of sampling and test for cotton drill fabrics. ring spanners of the cranked and flat types, which are
9 pages, Gr.5 suitable for use with sizes, upto 50 M specified in Sri Lanka
Standard Specification for hexagon bolts, screws and nuts
SLS 334:1974 with ISO metric threads.
Nylon sarees and saree materials A5, 20 pages, Gr.5
SLS 345:1975
SLS 335:1995 Method for the determination of mercury
Code for care labelling of textiles using symbols Prescribes a method for the determination of mercury.
(First revision) AMD No 1 (Amd 413:2010)
Establishes a system of graphical symbols and phrases A5, 14 pages, Gr.4
intended for use in the permanent marking of textile
articles, providing information essential for their care. It SLS 346:1975
includes the ability of articles to undergo the appropriate Porcelain insulators for overhead power lines (below
treatment like washing, bleaching, ironing etc., after 1000V)
washing. Applies to porcelain insulators for overhead power lines
13 pages, Gr.7 designed for voltages below 1000 V. It covers only shackle-
type insulators.
SLS 336:1974 (S) A5, 31 pages, Gr.8
Tagged boot and shoe laces (cotton)
Specifies constructional details and other particulars of SLS 347:2008
braided and tagged boot and shoe laces made of cotton. Method for determination of titratable acidity in fruit
It also includes methods of test. and vegetable products
14 pages, Gr.7 (First revision)
Specifies two methods for the determination of the titrable
SLS 337:2002 acidity of fruit and vegetable products.
Absorbent cotton lint 8 pages, Gr.4
(First revision)
Prescribes constructional details and other requirements SLS 348:1975
of absorbent cotton lint bleached and woven. Determination of total solids in fruit juices and extracts
(Corrigendum) (Superseded by SLS 1332 Part 4)
15 pages, Gr.9
SLS 349:2011
SLS 338:2020 Method of test for the determination of ash insoluble
Paper and board Determination of grammage in hydrochloric acid in fruit and vegetable products
(Second revision) (First revision)
Specifies a method for the determining of the grammage Specifies a method for the determination of the
of paper and board. hydrochloric -acid-insoluble ash yielded by fruit and
(=ISO 536:2019) vegetable products. The method serves for the
Gr.D determination ofsiliceous impurities, together withthe
silica endogenous to the plant.
SLS 339:1975 (=ISO 763:2003)
Substances of paper and paper board Gr.B
SLS 350:2001 (2010) (Reaffirmed)
SLS 340:1975 Stencil marking ink, liquid (water based) for marking
Ghee (butter oil) porous surfaces
Prescribes requirements for ghee (butter oil), obtained (First revision)
from milk for exclusively derived from the milk of the Prescribes the requirements, methods of test and sampling
cow or buffalo or any mixture. for black and coloured water based stencil ink liquid, used
A5, 9 pages, Gr.3 for marking porous surfaces.
15 pages, Gr.7
SLS 341:1983 (2010) (Reaffirmed)
SLS 351:1983 of cotton to be handled at different levels of the bulk to be
Rectified spirit tested, are described.
(First revision) A5, 8 pages, Gr.2
Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling
and test for rectified spirit for use in the chemical, SLS 361:1975
pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries and for production Porcelain insulators for telegraph and telephone lines
of potable alcoholic beverages. Applies to the pin type porcelain insulators intended for
AMD No.1 (AMD 286:2001) use in supporting telegraph and telephone lines. It does
18 pages, Gr.9 not cover insulators for communication lines running in
close proximity to power transmission lines or those made
SLS 352:1975 of thermoplastic material.
Fuse carriers and fuse bases used in rewireable type A5, 22 pages, Gr.6
electric fuses upto 660 V
Covers rewireable type fuse bases and fuse carriers having SLS 362:1975
a current rating upto and including 200 A, and a voltage Switches for domestic and similar purposes
rating not exceeding 660 V between lines. It does not (Superseded by SLS 1000)
cover fuse-elements.
A5, 34 pages, Gr.9 SLS 363:1975
Reinforced concrete poles for telecommunication lines
SLS 353:1975 Covers requirements and methods of test for reinforced
Steel enamelware concrete poles, suitable for use in telecommunication lines.
Covers requirements for enamelware which are generally 14 pages, Gr.7
used in homes and institutions.
A5, 26 pages, Gr.7 SLS 364:1975
Building and civil engineering drawings - symbols for
SLS 354:1975 (S) concrete reinforcement
Method of Izod Impact Test for steel A system of symbols for use on drawings for reinforcement
Covers the test requirements and procedure of the Izod in reinforced concrete and in prestressed concrete are
Impact Test. given.
A5, 17 pages, Gr.5 A5, 9 pages, Gr.3
SLS 355:1975 SLS 365:1975
Method of Charpy Impact Test (U-Notch) for steel Recommendations for modular co-ordination
Covers the test requirements and procedure of the Charpy application of tolerance in the building industry
Impact Test. Recommends a general system of tolerances for use in the
A5, 11 pages, Gr.3 building industry. It is applicable to the design of
components, the design of a building incorporating pre-
SLS 356 Part 1:1975 fabricated components and the assembly of components
Twine - Sunn hemp twine and placement of in-situ building operations. A
Prescribes requirements for 10 types of twines, made from mathematical principle governing the summation of
sunn hemp (Crotalaria junecea L). tolerances is also covered in this standard.
A5, 12 pages, Gr.3 A5, 15 pages, Gr.4
SLS 356 Part 2:1975 SLS 366:1975
Twine - Jute twine Camphor
Prescribes requirements for 9 types of twines, made from Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling
jute (Corchorus capsularis L.or Corchorus olitorius L.). and test for camphor. This material is used in
A5, 12 pages, Gr.3 pharmaceutical preparations, and also as an incense.
A5, 18 pages, Gr.5
SLS 357:2011
Method of test for the determination of water-insoluble SLS 367:1975
solids in fruit and vegetable products Code of practice for harvesting and handling of
(First revision) anthuriums
Specifies a method for the determination of content of Recommends requirements to be observed in the
water-insoluble solids in the edible parts of fruit and harvesting, storing, packaging and transport of anthuriums.
vegetable products. A5, 9 pages, Gr.3
(=ISO 751:1998)
Gr.B SLS 368:1975 (S)
Interlinings for shirts
SLS 358:2011 Specifies requirements, marking and packing of woven
Method of test for the determination of ethanol content interlinings used on shirts for giving a stiffening effect to
in fruit and vegetable products collars and cuffs as well as to provide additional strength.
(First revision) A5, 13 pages, Gr.4
Specifies a method for the chemical determination of
ethanol in fruit and vegetable products. The method is SLS 369:2001
not applicable to products containing more than 5% (m/ Polyester cotton/rayon shirting materials
m) of ethanol. (First revision)
(=ISO 2448:1998) Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for
Gr.C undyed, dyed or printed polyester cotton/rayon woven
fabrics to be used in the manufacturing of shirts.
SLS 359:1975 11 pages, Gr.6
Surgical rubber gloves
Withdrawn (Superseded by SLS 1625) SLS 370:1975
Glossary of terms for textile fibres
SLS 360:1975 (2008) (Reaffirmed) Defines, natural and manmade fibres that are being used
Method of sampling raw cotton for testing presently in the manufacture of fabrics for technical and
Prescribes a procedure for sampling raw cotton fibre for commercial use.
the purpose of determining its various properties. The A5, 18 pages, Gr.5
various stages of sampling, intended to reduce the quantity
SLS 371:1976
Testing bond in reinforced concrete (pull-out test) sampling under normal inspection and criteria for
Covers the method for the comparison of the bond conformity for bolts, screws and nuts.
resistance of different types of reinforcing bars with A5, 79 pages, Gr.16
concrete by means of a pull-out test.
A5, 11 pages, Gr.3 SLS 380:1976
Kerosene cookers (non-pressure)
SLS 372:1976 Covers the requirements for non-pressured gravity fed
Rivets for general engineering purposes kerosene cookers.
Specifies the materials, dimensions, head shapes and A5, 13pages, Gr.4
mechanical properties of rivets in inch sizes ranging from
1/16 in to 1 1/2 in diameter and metric sizes ranging from SLS 381:1976
1.6 mm to 39 mm diameter intended for general Cast brass hinges
engineering purposes. Covers brass hinges of two types: viz. cast brass butthinges
A5, 24 pages, Gr.6 and cast brass parliament hinges.
A5, 16 pages, Gr.4
SLS 373:1976
Bicycle brake shoe assemblies SLS 382:2008
Covers requirements for bicycle brake shoe assembly Exercise books
components, viz. brake shoe, their bolt, nut and washer (Third revision)
for use in lever type brakes of standard sizes of bicycles. Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for wire-
A5, 13 pages, Gr.4 stitched (stapled) exercise books, quarter-bound exercise
books and exercise books stitched and bonded with
SLS 374:1976 adhesives.
Standard atmospheric conditions for conditioning and 21 pages, Gr.12
Specifies the atmospheric conditions for conditioning and SLS 383:1976 (S)
testing of materials, products, equipment, etc. and applies Non oriented electrical steel sheets for magnetic circuits
to such tests where atmospheric conditions need to be Covers non-oriented magnetic steel sheet and strip
controlled to obtain comparable and reproducible results primarily for machines and transformers operating at
or to conduct measurements where test results obtained power frequencies.
under different conditions have to be reduced to standard A5, 32 pages, Gr.8
A5, 11 pages, Gr.3 SLS 384:2012
Methods of test for meat and meat products
SLS 375:2009 determination of nitrite content
Ribbed steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete (First revision)
(Fourth revision) Specifies a reference method for the determination of the
Specifies requirements for ribbed weldable reinforcing nitrite content of meat and meat products.
steel used for the reinforcement of concrete structures. It (=ISO 2918:1975)
covers steel delivered in the form of bars, coils and Gr.B
decoiled products. This standard contains provisions for
steel grades of 460 MPa and 500 MPa characteristic yield SLS 385:1984 (2000) (Reaffirmed)
strength. Code of practice for packaging of Standard Lanka
AMD No. 1(AMD 422:2011) Rubber
25 pages, Gr.12 (First revision)
Prescribes the methods of packaging to be employed when
SLS 376:1976 Standard Lanka Rubber (SLR) is marketed. It also
Cast brass window stays specifies the packaging materials, procedures and the
Covers the requirements for cast brass window stays. method of marking to be adopted.
A5, 16 pages, Gr.4 18 pages, Gr.9
SLS 377:1976 SLS 386:1978 (S)
Wash basins Sesame (gingelly) seeds
Lays down the basic pattern, sizes, construction, (First revision)
dimensions and tolerances and finish for ceramic Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling
wash basins. and tests for sesame seeds, Sesamum indicum L.(Family-
AMD No. 1(AMD 85:1987) Pedaliaceae)
A5, 10 pages, Gr.3 AMD No. 1 (AMD 57:1982)
AMD No. 2 (AMD 107:1988)
SLS 378 Part 1 & Part 2:1976 A5, 16 pages, Gr.4
Plywood tea chests - 12-batten type tea chests -
8-batten tea chests SLS 387:1976
(Both Part 1 & Part 2 are incorporated in one publication) Oil of pepper
Cover the requirements of components and assembly of Prescribes requirements and methods of test for oil of
12-batten type plywood tea chests. Requirements of pepper obtained by steam distillation of the dried fully
packing tea in tea chests are also covered in this mature fruits of Piper nigrum L.
specification. A5, 14 pages, Gr.4
AMD No. 1 (AMD 49:1981 Inc.)
AMD No. 2 (AMD 135:1990 Inc.) SLS 388:1976 (S)
AMD No. 3 (AMD 191:1995) Oil of nutmeg, Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
21 pages, Gr. 11 Prescribes requirements and methods of test for oil of
nutmeg obtained by steam distillation of the dried kernels
SLS 379:1976 of Myristica fragrans Houttn.
General requirements and technical supply conditions (Errata Slip)
for bolts, screws and nuts A5, 14 pages, Gr.4
Deals with technical supply conditions for bolts, screws
and nuts and covers general and specific requirements for SLS 389:2014
different grades, mechanical properties and methods of Skin powders
test for the same. It also prescribes the methods of (Second revision)

Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Code of practice for preparation of test samples, initial
test for skin powders (body powders and face powders) suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological
with or without herbs/ herbal extracts and medicated skin examination of food and animal feeding stuffs – specific
powder. rules for the preparation of miscellaneous products
AMD No.1 (AMD 545:2021) (Second revision)
12 Pages, Gr.6 Specifies rules for the preparation of samples and dilutions
for the microbiological examination of specific food
SLS 390:1989 (S) products not covered in other parts of SLS 393, which
Tomato juice deal with more general categories. This document covers
(First revision) a wide range of miscellaneous products, but does not
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test include new products brought on to the market after
for tomato juice preserved by physical means. publication. SLS 393-1 defines the general rules for the
12 pages, Gr.6 preparation of the initial suspension and dilutions for
microbiological examination.
SLS 391:1976 (S) (=ISO 6887-4:2017)
Method for V-notched beam impact test for steel Gr.H
Confined to the method of test only, and evaluation criteria
are matters for material specifications. SLS 393 Part 5:2013
A5, 10 pages, Gr. 3 Code of practice for preparation of test samples, initial
suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological
SLS 392:1976 (S) examination of food and animal feeding stuffs - Specific
Method for simple torsion testing of steel wire rules for the preparation of milk and milk products
Applies to the simple torsion testing of steel wire having (First revision)
a diameter or characteristic dimension equal to or greater Specifies rules for the preparation of samples of milk and
than 0.4 mm. (0.16 in). The diameter or characteristic milk products and their suspension for microbiological
dimension is usually not greater than 10 mm. (0.4 in). examination when the samples require a different
A5, 9 pages, Gr.3 preparation from the general methods specified in SLS
393 Part 1. This standard excludes preparation of samples
SLS 393 Part 1:2017 for both enumeration and detection test methods where
Code of practice for preparation of test samples, initial preparation details are specified in the relevant Standards.
suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological It is appicable to specific types of products described in
examination of food and animal feeding stuffs - General the standard.
rules for the preparation of the initial suspension and (=ISO 6887- 5:2010)
decimal dilutions Gr.G
(Second revision)
Defines general rules for the aerobic preparation of the SLS 393 Part 6:2013
initial suspension and of dilutions for microbiological Code of practice for preparation of test samples, initial
examinations of products intended for human or animal suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological
consumption. It is applicable to the general case and other examination of food and animal feeding stuffs - Specific
parts apply to specific groups of products. rules for the preparation of samples taken at the
(=ISO 6887-1:2017) primary production stage
Gr.J (First revisions)
Specifies rules for the preparation of samples taken at all
SLS 393 Part 2:2017 stages from the farm to the slaughterhouse and their
Code of practice for preparation of test samples, initial suspension for microbiological examination when the
suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological samples require different preparation from the methods
examination of food and animal feeding stuffs - Specific described in SLS 393 Part 1. This standard excludes
rules for the preparation of meat and meat products preparation of samples for both enumeration and detection
(Second revision) test methods where preparation details are specified in
Specifies rules for the preparation of meat and meat the relevant Standards. It is applicable to various samples
product samples and their suspension for microbiological taken from the hatchery, the farm, from the vehicle or the
examination when the samples require a different animals during transportation, or from animals or their
preparation from the method described in SLS 393 Part 1 carcasses in the slaughterhouse, to indicate the
It is applicable to specific types of fresh, raw and processed microbiological status of the animals in relation to zoontic
meats, poultry and game and their products described in agents.
the standard. This document excludes preparation of (=ISO 6887-6:2013)
samples for both enumeration and detection test methods Gr.E
where preparation details are specified in the relevant
standards. SLS 394:1976 (S)
(=ISO 6887-2:2017) Methods for the analysis of water soluble coal-tar dyes
Gr.E permitted for use in foods
Specifies methods for the analysis of water soluble coal-
SLS 393 Part 3:2017 tar dyes permitted for use in foods.
Code of practice for preparation of test samples, initial A5, 38 pages, Gr.10
suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological
examination of food and animal feeding stuffs - Specific SLS 395:1985
rules for the preparation of meat and meat products Absorbent cotton gauze
(Second revision) (Superseded by SLS 1414)
Specifies rules for the preparation of fish and fishery
product samples and their suspension for microbiological SLS 396:2012
examination when the samples require a different Methods of test for meat and meat products
preparation from the methods described in SLS 393 Part determination of nitrate content
1 defines the general rules for the preparation of the initial (First revision)
suspension and dilutions for microbiological examination. Specifies a reference method for the determination of the
Includes special procedures for sampling raw molluscs, nitrate content of meat and meat products.
tunicates and echinoderms from primary production areas. (=ISO 3091:1975)
(=ISO 6887-3:2017) Gr.C
SLS 397:1996
SLS 393 Part 4:2018 Vacuum ware, insulated flasks, jars and jugs
(First revision) SLS 404 Part 3 Section 1:2018
Specifies the requirements for vacuum ware, insulated Methods for physical and mechanical test of leather -
flasks, jars and jugs mainly used for domestic purposes. Determination of tear load - Single edge tear
16 pages, Gr.8 (Second revision)
Specifies a method for determining the tear strength of
SLS 398:1977 (2010) (Reaffirmed) leather using a single edge tear.
Crown closures The method is sometimes described as a trouser tear. It is
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test of the applicable to all types of leather.
crown closures used on glass bottles. (=ISO 3377-1:2011)
AMD No. 1 (AMD 72:1985) Gr.B
17 pages, Gr.9
SLS 404 Part 3 Section 2:2018
SLS 399:1994 (S) Methods for physical and mechanical test of leather -
Pickles Determination of tear load - Double edge tear
(First revision) (Second revision)
Prescribes requirements and methods of test for pickles Specifies a method for determining the tear strength of
of three types viz . pickles in vinegar, in citrus juice or leather using a double edged tear. The method is sometimes
brine and or in oil. described as the Baumann tear. It is applicable to all types
11 pages, Gr.6 of leather.
(=ISO 3377-2:2016)
SLS 400:1976 (S) Gr.B
Nylon stretch socks
(withdrawn) SLS 404 Part 4:2011
Methods for physical and mechanical test of leather -
SLS 401:2012 Determination of resistance to grain cracking and
Tea Extracts grain crack index
(First revision) (First revision)
Prescribes the requirements, methods of testing and Specifies a method for determining the resistance of leather
sampling for tea extracts. It does not apply to preparations to grain cracking and for determining the grain crack index.
of tea extracts containing added aromatic material unless It is applicable to all heavy leathers.
these are derived exclusively from the plant Camellia (=ISO 3378:2002)
sinensis. Gr.C
8 pages, Gr.4
SLS 404 Part 5:2018
SLS 402:2011 Methods for physical and mechanical test of leather -
Sampling of number of items for a gross sample of Determination of distension and strength of surface
leather ball burst method
(First revision) (Second revision)
Specifies a method for the drawing, from a lot, of whole Specifies a test method for the determination of distension
pieces of leather to form a gross sample. Method is and strength of the leather grain or finished surface. This
applicable to all kinds of leather of any type of tannage. method is applicable to all flexible leathers and it is
Does not cover marking and storage of the gross sample. particularly suitable to determine the lastability of leathers
(=ISO 2588:1985) for footwear uppers.
Gr.A (=ISO 3379:2015)
SLS 403:2018
Sampling location for chemical, physical, mechanical SLS 404 Part 6:2011
and fastness test of leather Methods for physical and mechanical test of leather -
(Second revision) Determination of tensile strength and percentage
Specifies the location of a laboratory sample within a piece extension
of leather and the method of labelling and marking the (First revision)
laboratory samples for future identification. It is applicable Specifies a method for determining the tensile strength,
to all types of leather derived from mammals irrespective elongation at a specified load and elongation at break of
of the tanning used. It is not applicable to leathers derived leather. It is applicable to all types of leather.
from birds, fish, reptiles or furs. (=ISO 3376:2002)
(=ISO 2418:2017) Gr.B
SLS 404 Part 7:2011
SLS 404 Part 1:2018 Methods for physical and mechanical test of leather -
Methods for physical and mechanical test of leather - Determination of shrinkage temperature up to 100 0C
Determination of thickness (First revision)
(Second revision) Specifies a method for determination of the shrinkage
Specifies a method for determining the thickness of leather. temperature of leather up to 100 0C. It is applicable to all
The method is applicable to all types of leather of any leathers.
tannage. The measurement is valid for both the whole (=ISO 3380:2002)
leather and a test sample. Gr.B
(=ISO 2589:2016)
Gr.A SLS 404 Part 8:2018
Methods for physical and mechanical test of leather -
SLS 404 Part 2:2018 Determination of the static absorption of water
Methods for physical and mechanical test of leather - (Second revision)
Determination of apparent density and mass per unit Specifies a method for determining the water absorption
area of leather under static conditions. The method is applicable
(Second revision) to all leather, particularly heavy leather.
Specifies a method for determining the apparent density (=ISO 2417: 2016)
and the mass per unit area of leather. It is applicable to all Gr.B
(=ISO 2420:2017) SLS 404 Part 9:2014
Gr.B Methods for physical and mechanical test of leather -
Sample preparation and conditioning
(First revision) measurement, a coding system for bar shapes, a list of
Specifies the preparation of leather for physical and preferred shapes and the bar schedule.
mechanical testing together with standard atmospheres for A5, 14 pages, Gr.4
conditioning and testing. It is applicable to all types of
dry leather. SLS 412 Part 1 Section 1:2020
(=ISO 2419:2012) Cables for road vehicles - 60v and 600v single-core
Gr.B cables - Dimensions, test methods and requirements
for copper conductor cables
SLS 405:1976 (S) (Third revision)
Cashew kernels specifies the dimensions, test methods, and requirements
Lays down requirements and methods of sampling and for single-core 60 V cables intended for use in road vehicle
test for kernels obtained from cashew nuts, Anacardium applications where the nominal system voltage is >(60 V
occidentale L. d.c. or 25 V a.c.). It also specifies additional test methods
AMD No. 1 (AMD 55 :1982) and/or requirements for 600 V cables intended for use in
AMD No. 2 (AMD 108 :1988) road vehicle applications where the nominal system
AMD No. 3 (AMD 114:1988) voltage is greater than > (60 V d.c. or 25 V a.c.) to > (600
14 pages, Gr.8 V d.c. or 600 V a.c.). It also applies to individual cores in
multi-core cables.
SLS 406:1976 (=ISO 6722-1:2011)
Steel drums Gr.S
Covers the requirements of steel drums of the capacities
from 100 upto 200 litres and of the types fixed end, SLS 412 Part 1 Section 2:2020
removable end and rolled on lid. Cables for road vehicles 60V and 600V single-core
A5, 14 pages, Gr.4 cables - Dimensions, test methods and requirements
for aluminium conductor cables
SLS 407:2008 (Third revision)
Welded wire fabric for general purposes Specifies the dimensions, test methods, and requirements
(First revision) for single-core 60 V cables intended for use in road vehicle
Covers requirements for welded steel wire fabric/mesh applications where the nominal system voltage is d” 60 V
for general use, such as fencing, window grill and crates. d.c. or 25 V a.c. It also specifies additional test methods
It is not intended to cover welded wire fabric for concrete and/or requirements for 600 V cables intended for use in
reinforcement. road vehicle applications, where the nominal system
10 pages, Gr.8 voltage is from > 60 V d.c. or 25 V a.c. to d” 600 V d.c. or
600 V a.c. It also applies to individual cores in multi-core
SLS 408:1976 (S) cables. This part of ISO 6722 specifies requirements for
Code of practice for laying of in-situ terrazzo finish aluminium conductor cables.
Covers the laying and finishing of in-situ terrazzo flooring, (=ISO 6722-2:2013)
skirting and wall lining. Gr. H
A5, 19 pages, Gr.5
SLS 412 Part 2:2020
SLS 409 Part 1:2004 Road vehicles - unscreened high-voltage ignition cables
Engineering drawing practice - Recommendations for - General specifications, test methods and requirements
General principles (Second revision)
(First revision) Specifies the classes, types and dimensions of, and test
Recommends drawing layout, types of lines, lettering, methods and requirements for, unscreened high-voltage
methods of orthographic projection, sections, scales and ignition cables used in spark-ignited engines for road
the conventional representation of common features. vehicles.
86 pages, Gr.22 (=ISO 3808:2002)
Gr. H
SLS 409 Part 2:2004
Engineering drawing practice - Recommendations for SLS 412 Part 3:2020
Dimensioning and tolerancing of size and method of Cables for motor vehicles - Earthing braids
indicating surface texture (Second revision)
(First revision) Specifies dimensions and requirements for round and flat
Sets out the general principles of dimensioning and tinned copper earthing braids without further covering.
tolerancing the methods of applying dimensions and 5 pages, Gr.3
tolerances of size and method of indicating surface texture
on engineering drawings. SLS 413:1977 (S)
63 pages, Gr.20 Stainless steel spoons and forks
Specifies the requirements for spoons and forks made of
SLS 409 Part 3:2004 stainless steel. Six types of spoons and two types of forks
Engineering drawing practice - Recommendations for are covered in this standard.
Geometrical tolerancing AMD No. 1 (AMD 47:1981)
(First revision) A5, 15 pages, Gr.4
Specifies recommendations for the general principles
definitions and the methods of indication of geometrical SLS 414:1977 (S)
tolerance on engineering drawings. Covered electrodes for the manual metal arc welding
103 pages, Gr.23 of mild steel
Covers the requirements for covered electrodes of sizes 1
SLS 410:1977 mm and above for manual metal arc welding of mild steel.
Code of practice for the harvesting, handling and A5, 23 pages, Gr.6
packaging of orchids
Recommends requirements to be observed in the SLS 415:1977 (S)
harvesting, storing, packaging and transport of orchids. Mild steel filler rods for manual gas welding
A5, 11 pages, Gr.3 Covers requirements of mild steel filler rods for manual
gas welding.
SLS 411:1977 (S) A5, 8 pages, Gr.2
Method for bar scheduling in building drawings
Establishes a system for the scheduling of reinforcing bars,
and comprises of the following: the method of SLS 416:1997
Method for the determination of colour fastness of SLS 427:1977
textile materials to dry cleaning Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by
(Superseded by SLS 1387-44) attributes
Covers sampling plans and procedures for inspection by
SLS 417:1977 (2005) (Reaffirmed) attributes.
Industrial tapioca starch (=ISO 2859:1974)
Prescribes requirements of tapioca starch for use in Gr.V
industries which require a pure product.
A5, 23 pages, Gr.6 SLS 428:1977
Random sampling methods
SLS 418:1977 Covers the methods of conducting random sampling.
Industrial tapioca flour 53 pages, Gr.19
Prescribes requirements of tapioca flour for use in
industries which require a pure product. Methods of test SLS 429:1977
for various characteristics and sampling of the flour are Concrete lighting columns
also specified. Contains general clauses applicable to all concrete street
A5, 10 pages, Gr.3 columns of reinforced and prestressed concrete.
A5, 24 pages, Gr.6
SLS 419:1977 (S)
Terrazzo tiles SLS 430:1977
Specifies requirements for terrazzo floor and wall tiles. Modular co-ordination controlling dimensions
A5, 22 pages, Gr.6 Provides a framework of controlling dimensions for use
in the design of buildings and for assistance in the
SLS 420:2019 derivation of basic sizes of dimensionally co-ordinated
Pasta products components.
(Second revision) A5, 21pages, Gr.6
prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and tests
for pasta products. SLS 431:1978(2006) (Reaffirmed)
15 pages, Gr.8 Definitions of general terms and descriptions of basic
SLS 421:1977 Gives definitions of general terms for describing weaves
Statistical vocabulary and symbols and defines the basic weaves that are used presently in the
Defines some statistical terms which may be useful in other manufacture of fabrics.
Sri Lanka Standards. A5, 18 pages, Gr.5
A5, 46 pages, Gr.11
SLS 432:1978
SLS 422:1992 Method for the determination of dimensional change
Glossary of terms for pallets for materials handling in washing of woven fabrics - accelerated method
(First revision) (Withdrawn)
Defines the terms relating to pallets for unit load methods
of material handling. SLS 433:1978 (2009) (Reaffirmed)
(=ISO 445:1984) Sizes of Drawing sheets
21 pages, Gr.11 Specifies a range of sizes for drawing sheets of any
materials and corresponding border sizes. Provision is
SLS 423:1977 made for centring marks for the purpose of microfilming
Pallets for through transit of goods (dimensions) and for marks to assist in the folding.
Specifies the nominal sizes, actual overall sizes and their A5, 9 pages, Gr.3
tolerances and dimensions of the openings and entries of
double deck flat pallets and large pallets. SLS 434:1978
A5, 15 pages, Gr.4 Mustard seeds
Specifies requirements for mustard seed of Brassica nigra
SLS 424:1977 L. and Brassica juncea L.
Principal dimensions of pallet trucks A5, 13 pages, Gr.4
Establishes the basic dimensions for pallet trucks on which
flat pallets, complying with SLS 423:1977 and their loads, SLS 435:1978
can be transported without risk of damage. Oil of cardamom
A5, 11pages, Gr.3 Prescribes requirements and methods of test for oil of
SLS 425:1977 (Errata Slip)
Glossary of terms relating to freight containers A5, 14 pages, Gr.4
Covers definitions of terms relating to freight containers.
A5, 13 pages, Gr.4 SLS 436:1978
Food additives - colouring matters - Brilliant black PN
SLS 426:1977 (S) (Withdrawn)
Marking and identification of freight containers -
Part 1: Marking of freight containers. SLS 437:1978
Part 2: Identification marking code for freight Food additives - colouring matters - Carmoisine
containers Applies to carmoisine for use in the colouring of foodstuffs.
(Parts 1 & 2 are incorporated in the same publication) A5, 9 pages, Gr.3
Specifies the location and size of the coding mark on ISO
series 1 freight containers. SLS 438:1978
Covers the identification marking for freight containers Food additives - colouring matters - Amaranth
which is intended to provide information on both (Withdrawn)
containers and the documentation. The marking code
system is compatible with the requirements ofautomatic SLS 439:1978
data processing systems. The positioningand layout of the Food additives - colouring matters - Ponceau 4R
code on the container is specified. Applies to ponceau 4R for use in the colouring of
A5, 30pages, Gr.8 foodstuffs.
A5, 9 pages, Gr.3

Domestic (low-pressure) cookers for use with liquefied
SLS 440:1978 petroleum gases
Carbolic soap manufactured entirely from coconut oil Covers the safety, the performance, and the constructional
(Withdrawn) requirements for cookers that use liquefied petroleum gas
(at low pressure) as fuel and intended for domestic use.
SLS 441:1978 A5, 40pages, Gr.10
Laundry soap powder, flakes and chips manufactured
entirely from coconut oil SLS 452:2019
(Withdrawn) Concrete non-pressure pipes
(First revision)
SLS 442:1978 Specifies performance requirements and describes test
Toilet soap manufactured entirely from coconut oil methods for reinforced precast concrete pipes and fittings,
(Withdrawn) for use in pipelines with flexible joints (with seals either
integrated in the units or supplied separately) and nominal
SLS 443:1978 sizes upto DN 1800 for units with a circular bore, for which
Laundry soaps (pure and built) manufactured entirely the main intended use is the conveyance of sewage,
from coconut oil rainwater and surface water under gravity or occasionally
(Superseded by SLS 554) at low head of pressure, in pipelines that are generally
SLS 444:1978 The scope includes pipes (collectively referred to as
Bicycle rims ‘jacking pipes’) intended to be installed by pipe jacking,
Covers the requirements for bicycle rims of two sizes micro tunneling or other trenchless technology.
suitable for tyres of sizes 26 x 1 3/8 and 28 x 1 1/2. 30 pages, Gr.13
A5, 15 pages, Gr.4
SLS 453:2001
SLS 445:1977 (2005) (Reaffirmed) Mosquito coils
Umbrella fittings (Second revision)
Covers the requirements for umbrella fittings, viz. rubber Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for
notch, cap and ferrule. mosquito coils. Any other forms of products for the control
A5, 12 pages, Gr.3 or repulsion of mosquitoes is not covered.
AMD No. 01 (AMD 394:2009)
SLS 446 :2001 AMD No 02 (AMD 454:2013)
Mango chutney 23 pages, Gr.12
(First revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for mango SLS 454:1979 (S)
chutney. Code of practice for harvesting, handling and
12 pages, Gr.6 packaging of betel leaves
Recommends requirements to be observed in the
SLS 447:1978 harvesting, storing, packaging and transport of betel leaves,
Recommended dimensions for wood doorsets Piper betel L.
Covers the dimensional, constructional and design (Family Piperaceae).
requirements for doorsets made out of wood. A5, 9 pages, Gr.3
A5, 11 pages, Gr.3
SLS 455:1979
SLS 448 Part 1:1978 Water colours
Analysis of food grains - Moisture Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
(Superseded by SLS 1549-1, SLS ISO 6540 and SLS ISO tests for water colours in paste form (moist water colours,
712) i.e. intube and poster colurs) and cake and powder form
(semi-moist water colours) for students use.
SLS 448 Part 2:1978 A5, 15pages, Gr.4
Analysis of food grains - Refraction
Prescribes the method for the determination of refraction SLS 456:1988
in food grains to assess the marketable quality. Handmade batiks
A5, 10 pages, Gr.3 (First revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
SLS 448 Part 3:1981 test for handmade batiks.
Analysis of food grains - Hectolitre mass 12pages, Gr.6
(Superseded SLS ISO 7971-1:2018 and SLS ISO 7971-
3:2018) SLS 457 Part 1:2017
Cosmetics - Classification of raw materials - Substances
SLS 448 Part 4:1974 permitted subject to restrictions and permitted
Analysis of food grains - Mass of 1000 grains colorants, preservatives and UV filters
(Superseded SLS ISO 520:2017) (First revision)
Classification in this standard lists cosmetics raw materials
SLS 449:1978 (S) in following four groups: Classification in this standard
Glazed earthenware pipes lists cosmetics raw materials in following four groups:
Specifies the requirements for clay pipes and fittings, with a) List of substances which cosmetic products must not
or without sockets, suitable for drains and sewers. contain except subject to the restrictions laid down
A5, 36 pages, Gr.9 b) List of colourants allowed in cosmetic products
c) List of preservatives allowed in cosmetic products
SLS 450:1978 d) List of UV-filters allowed in cosmetic products
Code of recommended practice for mechanical 335 pages, Gr.26
polishing of metals for electroplating
Describes polishing equipment and accessories generally SLS 457 Part 2:2017
used, and recommends techniques for the mechanical Cosmetics - Classification of raw materials - Prohibited
polishing of metals before electroplating. Electrolytic and substances
chemical polishing procedures are not covered in this code (First revision)
of practice. Prescribes a list of substances prohibited in cosmetic
products.Prescribes a list of substances prohibited in
SLS 451:1979 cosmetic products.
67pages, Gr.19 Plant protection products - HHDN
(Aldrin products)
SLS 458:1979 (Withdrawn)
Method of test for determination of colour fastness to
washing - accelerated test SLS 466 Part 7:1979
(Replaced by SLS 52, 53, 54,55,56) Plant protection products - BHC
SLS 459:1979 (2003) (Reaffirmed)
Method for the determination of micronaire value of SLS 466 Part 8:1980
cotton fibres Plant protection products - Parathion
Specifies a method of determining the micronaire value (Withdrawn)
of loose disoriented cotton fibres taken from bales, laps,
and slivers, or other sources of lint cotton. SLS 466 Part 9:1980
A5, 17 pages, Gr.5 Plant protection products - Propoxur
Prescribes requirements and methods of test for propoxur
SLS 460:1979 (2000) (Reaffirmed) technical, propoxur dusts, propoxur dispersible powders
Cotton embroidery threads and propoxur emulsifiable concentrates.
Deals with constructional details and other particulars of A5, 19 pages, Gr.5
cotton embroidery threads, unbleached, bleached or dyed.
A5, 13pages, Gr.4 SLS 466 Part 10:1980
Plant protection products - Captan
SLS 461:1979 (S) Prescribes requirements and methods of test for captan
Scouring powder technical, captan dusts and captan dispersible powders.
Covers scouring powder used for cleaning porcelain, A5, 14 pages, Gr.4
ceramic, enamel, aluminium-ware, marble surfaces and
for general kitchen utensils. SLS 466 Part 11:1980
A5, 18 pages, Gr.5 Plant protection products - Dalapon
SLS 462:1979
Bicycle bottom bracket components (axle, adjustable SLS 466 Part 12:1980
ball cup, fixed ball cup and lock ring) Plant protection products - Dodine
Covers the requirements and method of sampling for Prescribes requirements and method of test for dodine
bottom bracket components, viz. axle, adjustable ball cup, technical and dodine dispersible powders.
fixed ball cup and lock ring suitable for fitting in popular A5, 10 pages, Gr.3
sizes of bicycles in use in the country.
SLS 466 Part 13:1983
SLS 463:1979 Plant protection products - Diuron
Bicycle hub assemblies Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
Covers the requirements for front and rear hub assemblies for diuron technical and diuron dispersible powders.
suitable for fitting in popular sizes of bicycles in use in 8 pages Gr.4
the country.
LKR 200.00 SLS 466 Part 14:1983
Plant protection products - Diazinon
SLS 464:2016 Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
Honey for diazinon technical, diazinon dusts, diazinon dispersible
(First revision) powders, diazinon solutions and diazinon emulsifiable
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and concentrates.
test for honey. 15 pages, Gr.8
23 pages, Gr.11
SLS 466 Part 15:1983
SLS 465:1979 Plant protection products - Propanil (3 - 4 DPA)
Rubber soled canvas shoes for general purposes Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and tests for propanil technical and propanil emulsifiable
for rubber soled canvas shoes required for general use. concentrates.
A5, 33 pages, Gr.9 8pages, Gr.4
SLS 466 Part 1 SLS 466 Part 16
Plant protection products - Carbaryl Plant protection products - Paraquat
(Withdrawn) (Withdrawn)
SLS 466 Part 2 SLS 466 Part 17:1983
Plant protection products - Trichlorfon Plant protection products - 2, 4-D
(Withdrawn) Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
for 2, 4-D technical, 2, 4-D sodium salt technical, 2, 4-
SLS 466 Part 3 D sodium salt water soluble powders, 2, 4-D technical
Plant protection products - Fenthion esters, 2, 4-D ester emulsifiable concentrates and 2, 4-D
(Withdrawn) amine aqueous salt solutions.
16 pages, Gr.8
SLS 466 Part 4
Plant protection products - Parathion-methyl SLS 466 Part 18:1985
(Withdrawn) Plant protection products - Dimethoate
SLS 466 Part 5:1979
Plant protection products - Sulphur
Prescribes requirements and methods of test for sulphur SLS 466 Part 19:1984
dusts, sulphur dispersible powders and sulphur aqueous Plant protection products - Demeton - S - Methyl
dispersions. Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
A5, 14 pages, Gr.4 for demeton - S - methyl technical, demeton - S -methyl
technical solutions, and demeton - S - methyl emulsifiable
SLS 466 Part 6:1979 concentrates.
10 pages, Gr.5 Method for the determination of tensile properties of
paper and board - Constant rate of loading method
SLS 466 Part 20:1985 (Withdrawn)
Plant protection products - MCPA
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test SLS 474 Part 2:2009
for MCPA technical, MCPA potassium and/or sodium or Method for the determination of tensile properties of
amine salt aqueous solutions, MCPA potassium and/or paper and board - Constant rate of elongation method
sodium salt water soluble powders, MCPA technical esters (20 mm/min)
and MCPA ester emulsifiable concentrates. (Second revision)
15 pages, Gr.7 Specifies a method of measuring the tensile strength, strain
at break and tensile energy absorption of paper and board,
SLS 466 Part 21:1985 using a testing machine operating at a constant rate of
Plant protection products - Mancozeb elongation (20mm/min). Also specifies equations for
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test calculating the tensile index, the tensile energy absorption
for mancozeb technical, mancozeb dusts and mancozeb index and the modulus of elasticity. This is applicable to
dispersible powders. all papers and boards, including papers with a high strain
12 pages, Gr.6 at break if the results are within the capacity of the testing
machine. It also applies to the components of corrugated
SLS 466 Part 22:1995 board, but not, however, to corrugated board itself. It is
Plant protection products - Carbofuran technical not applicable to tissue paper and tissue products.
(Withdrawn) (=ISO 1924/2:2008)
SLS 466 Part 23:1997
Plant protection products - Carbofuran granules SLS 474 Part 3:2009
(Withdrawn) Method for the determination of tensile properties of
paper and board - Constant rate of elongation method
SLS 467 Part 1:2005 (100 mm/min)
Code of practice for labelling of prepackaged foods - Specifies a method for measuring the tensile strength,
General guidelines strain at break, tensile energy absorption and tensile
(Withdrawn) stiffness, using a testing machine operating with a constant
rate of elongation (100 mm/min). Also specifies equations
SLS 467 Part 2:2005 for calculating the tensile index, the tensile energy
Code of practice for labelling of prepackaged foods - absorption index, the tensile stiffness index and the
Guidelines on claims modulus of elasticity. It is applicable to all papers and
(Withdrawn) boards, including paper of high extensibility but with the
exception of low-density papers such as tissue papers and
SLS 467 Part 3:1985 tissue products.
Code of practice for labelling of prepackaged foods - (=ISO 1924-3:2005)
Date marking Gr.E
SLS 475:1999
SLS 468:1979 (S) Method for the determination of resistance to bending
Arecanuts (betel nuts) of paper and board
Prescribes the requirements for arecanuts, Areca catechu (First revision)
Linn. Applies to the measurement of the resistance to bending
A5, 14 pages, Gr.4 of paper and board, most commonly within the range of
20 mN to 10 000 mN. The method does not apply to
SLS 469:1979 corrugated boards.
Dried shark fins (=ISO 2493:1992)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Gr.B
test for dried shark fins.
AMD No. 1 (AMD 225:1996) SLS 476:1999
A5, 20 pages, Gr.5 Method for testing of paper and board for bursting
strength after immersion in water for a specified period
SLS 470:1979 (First revision)
Correcting fluid for duplicating machine stencil Specifies a method for the determination of the wet
Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling strength of paper and board by measuring its bursting
and test for correcting fluid used for carryingout strength after it has been immersed in water for a specified
corrections on wax - less stencil paper. period.
A5, 13 pages, Gr.4 (=ISO 3689:1983)
SLS 471:1979
Cigars SLS 477:1979 (2004) (Reaffirmed)
Prescribes the requirements, methods of test and sampling Method for testing of board for puncture resistance
for dry cigars. It does not cover the requirements for Specifies a method for determining the puncture resistance
flavour and aroma. of board.
A5, 16pages, Gr.4 A5, 12 pages, Gr.3
SLS 472:1979 (S) SLS 478:1979(2004) (Reaffirmed)
Glass feeding bottles Method for testing of corrugated fibreboard for
Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling thickness
and test for glass feeding bottles. Specifies a method for determining the thickness of
A5, 21pages, Gr.6 corrugated fibreboard intended for use in the manufacture
of packing cases or used inside such packing cases.
SLS 473:1979 A5, 10pages, Gr.3
Method for testing of paper and board for water
absorption - Cobb method SLS 479:2017
(Superseded by SLS 1270) Method of test for the determination of flat crush
resistence of corrugated fibreboard
SLS 474 Part 1:1999 (Second revision)
Specifies a method for the determination of the flat crush
resistance of corrugated fibreboard used in the manufacture SLS 484 Part 2 Section 2:2019
of shipping containers. It is applicable to single-faced and Methods of test for raw natural rubber - Determination
single-wall (double-faced) corrugated fibreboard and is of ash - Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)
not applicable to double-wall (double-double-faced) Specifies two methods for the determination of ash from
corrugated fibreboard and to microflute corrugated raw rubbers, compounded rubbers and vulcanizates using
fibreboard, since the end-point of the test is not clearly a thermogravimetric analyser (TGA).
defined or observable.Specifies a method for the The methods are applicable to raw, compounded or
determination of the flat crush resistance of corrugated vulcanized rubbers of the M, O, R and U families described
fibreboard used in the manufacture of shipping containers. in ISO 1629:
It is applicable to single-faced and single-wall (double- Method A is applicable for the determination of the ash
faced) corrugated fibreboard and is not applicable to from raw rubbers.
double-wall (double-double-faced) corrugated fibreboard Method B is applicable for the determination of the ash
and to microflute corrugated fibreboard, since the end- from compounded or vulcanized rubbers.
point of the test is not clearly defined or observable. The methods are not applicable for the determination of
(=ISO 3035:2011) the ash from raw rubbers, compounded or vulcanized
Gr.D rubbers containing chlorine, bromine or iodine.
This document does not cover the interpretation of the
SLS 480:1980 (2003) (S) (Reaffirmed) ash results from the inorganic chemical contents of
Printed cotton dress fabric compounded or vulcanized rubbers.
Prescribes constructional details and other particulars of (=ISO 247-2:2018)
printed cotton dress fabric. Gr.D
A5, 19 pages, Gr.5
SLS 484 Part 3:2018
SLS 481:1980 Methods of testing for raw natural rubber -
Hexagon bolts, screws and nuts (commercial grade) determination of nitrogen content
Covers the requirements for hexagon bolts, screws and (Second revision)
nuts of commercial grade in the diameter range 5 mm to Specifies a macro-method and a semi-micro method for
39 mm for bolts and nuts and 5 mm to 24 mm for screws. the determination of nitrogen in raw natural rubber and in
A5, 18 pages, Gr.5 natural rubber latex using variants of the Kjeldahl process.
(=ISO 1656:2014)
SLS 482:1980 Gr. K
Code of practice for hot-dip galvanizing of iron and
steel SLS 484 Part 4:2008
Recommends important guidelines for general hot-dip Methods of test for raw natural rubber - Determination
galvanizing of iron and steel. of volatile matter
A5, 28 pages, Gr.5 (Withdrawn)
(Superseded by SLS 484 Parts 9 &10)
SLS 483:1980
Alavangoes and claw bars SLS 484 Part 5:2019
Covers the minimum requirements for alavangoes and claw Methods of test for raw natural rubber - Rapid
bars used in Sri Lanka. plasticity test
A5, 16 pages, Gr.4 (Third revision)
Specifies a method for the rapid determination of the
SLS 484 Part 1: 2018 plasticity of raw rubber and unvulcanized compounded
Methods of test for raw natural rubber - Determination rubber. It is applicable to the determination of the plasticity
of dirt retention index (PRI) as specified in SLS 484-6.
(Second Revision) (=ISO 2007:2018)
Specifies a method for the determination of the dirt content Gr.D
of raw natural rubber. It is not applicable to dirt present as
surface contamination. SLS 484 Part 6:2018
(=ISO 249:2016) Methods of testing for raw natural rubber -
Gr.E determination of plasticity retention index (PRI)
(Second revision)
SLS 484 Part 2 Section 1:2019 Specifies a method for determining the plasticity retention
Methods of test for raw natural rubber - Determination index (PRI) of raw natural rubber. The PRI is a measure
of ash - Combustion method of the resistance of raw natural rubber to thermal oxidation.
(Third revision) A high resistance to thermal oxidation is shown as a high
Specifies three methods for the determination of ash from value of the index. PRI is not an absolute value and cannot
raw rubbers, compounded rubbers and vulcanizates. The give an absolute classification of plasticity number of
methods are applicable to raw, compounded or vulcanized different natural rubber after oxidation.
rubbers of the M, N, O, R and U families described in (=ISO 2930:2017)
ISO 1629, except that: Gr.E
Method A is not used for the determination of ash from
compounded or vulcanized rubbers SLS 484 Part 7:2018
containing chlorine, bromine or iodine; Methods of testing for raw natural rubber - colour
Method B is used for compounded or vulcanized rubbers index test
containing chlorine, bromine or iodine. It shall not be used (Second revision)
for uncompounded rubbers; Specifies a method of determining the colour of raw natural
Method C is intended to be used for the determination of rubber according to a standard colour scale.
ash from raw, compounded or vulcanized rubber not (=ISO 4660:2011)
containing chlorine, bromine or iodine by wrapping the Gr.C
test portion in ashless filter paper;
— Lithium and fluorine compounds might react with silica SLS 484 Part 8:2018
crucibles to form volatile compounds, giving low ash Methods of testing for raw natural rubber -
results. Platinum crucibles shall therefore be used for determination of mooney viscosity
ashing fluorine-containing and lithium-polymerized (Third revision)
rubbers. Specifies a method using a shearing-disc viscometer for
(=ISO 247-1:2018) measuring the Mooney viscosity of uncompounded or
Gr.D compounded rubbers
(=ISO 289-1:2015) SLS 490 Part 2:1980
Gr. J Shellac - Machine-made shellac
Specifies requirements and corresponding methods of test
SLS 484 Part 9:2014 for machine-made shellac.
Methods of test for raw natural rubber - Determination (=ISO 56/2:1979)
of volatile matter content by the thermogravimetric 36 pages, Gr. 16
method using an automatic analyzer with an infrared
drying unit SLS 491:1994
Specifies two thermogravimetric methods for the Ball point pens
determination of moisture and other volatile-matter content (First revision)
in raw rubbers by using an automatic analyser with an Specifies the requirements of four types of single-refill
infrared drying unit. These methods are applicable to the ball point pens.
determination of volatile-matter content in synthetic 18 pages, Gr.9
rubbers (SBR, NBR, BR, IR, CR, IIR, halogenated IIR
and EPDM) listed in ISO 1629 and to various forms of SLS 492:1998
raw rubber, such as bale, block, chip, pellet, crumb, powder Footwear sizes - Mondopoint system
and sheet. The methods are not applicable to raw rubbers (First revision)
which need homogenizing as specified in SLS 1297. Describes the fundamental characteristics of a system of
(=ISO 248 Part 2:2012) sizing shoes that is to be known as Mondopoint. It specifies
(Superseding SLS 484 part 4:2008) the method of size marking for shoes and applies to all
Gr.E types of shoes without restriction.
(=ISO 9407:1991)
SLS 484 Part 10:2014 Gr.B
Methods of test for raw natural rubber - Determination
of volatile matter content by hot-mill method and oven SLS 493:1980
method Galvanized wire netting
Specifies two methods for the determination of volatile- Specifies requirements for galvanized wire netting, having
matter content in raw rubbers by using a hot mill or an meshes of hexagonal shape, either woven from galvanized
oven. The methods are applicable to the determination of wire or woven from annealed wire for galvanizing after
the volatile-matter content in the “R” group of rubbers fabrication.
listed in ISO 1629. The methods can also be applicable AMD No. 1 (AMD 380:2008)
to other raw rubbers, but in these cases it is necessary to A5, 12 pages, Gr.4
demonstrate that the change in mass is due solely to loss
of actual volatile matter and not to rubber degradation. SLS 494:1980
The hot-mill method is not applicable to natural rubber, Rubber rollers for rice hulling machines
to synthetic rubbers which are too difficult to handle on a Specifies material, dimensions and other requirements for
hot mill or to synthetic rubbers in powder or chip form. key type rubber rollers used in rice hulling machines to
The test methods do not necessarily give identical results. dehusk the paddy. Only rollers with a cylindrical core
(=ISO 248 Part 1:2011) made of metal with a rubber outer covering are covered
(Superseding SLS 484: Part 4) by this specification.
Gr.G A5, 13 pages, Gr.4
SLS 485:1980 SLS 495:1981(2010) (Reaffirmed)
Size designation of clothes - women’s and girls’ Methods of sampling cosmetics and toilet
outerwear garments preparations
(withdrawn) Prescribes methods of sampling cosmetics and toilet
SLS 486:2006 A5, 17 pages, Gr.5
Size designation of clothes - definitions and body
measurement procedure SLS 496:1980
(withdrawn) Safety colours
(Superseded by SLS 692)
SLS 487:1980 (1994)
Size designation of clothes - men’s and boys’ outerwear SLS 497:1980
garments Safety signs
(withdrawn) (Superseded by SLS 692)
SLS 488:1980 SLS 498:1980
Conversion table for replacing traditional yarn ISO limits and fits
numbers by rounded values in the Tex system (Superseded by SLS 569:Part1)
Intended to facilitate the change over by industry and
commerce from traditional yarn numbering systems to the SLS 499:1980
Tex system. Glossary of terms for architectural and building
(=ISO 2947:1973) drawings
17 pages, Gr.9 Gives definitions of terms for architectural and building
drawings and of terms used to describe the different types
SLS 489:1980 (2010) (Reaffirmed) of drawings used in the field.
Glossary of terms for paints (=ISO 1046:1973)
Defines the technical terms widely used in the Sri Lanka Gr.A
paint industry and includes terms for paints, varnishes,
enamels and surface coating materials. SLS 500:1980
AMD No. 1 (AMD 53 Incorporated) Scales for the presentation of architectural and
76 pages, Gr.22 building drawings
Gives the rules for the presentation of architectural and
SLS 490 Part 1:1980 building drawings and defines the different scales
Shellac - Hand-made shellac employed.
Specifies requirements and corresponding methods of test (=ISO 1047:1973)
for handmade shellac. Gr.A
(=ISO 56/1:1979)
33 pages, Gr.15
SLS 501:1980 SLS 509:1981 (2016) (S) (Reaffirmed)
Representation of springs in technical drawings Wax floor polish, paste
Specifies by means of examples, the rules for Prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and test for
representation of springs on technical drawings. wax floor polish, paste. This standard does not cover liquid
(=ISO 2162:1973) floor polishes, wax emulsion type floor polishes or any
Gr.B other kind of floor polishes which needs no buffing.
AMD No. 1 (AMD 117:1989)
SLS 502:1980 AMD No. 2 (AMD 133:1990)
Representation of gears in technical drawings 11 pages, Gr.6
Establishes the conventional representation of the toothed
portion of gears including worm gearing and chain wheels. SLS 510:1981
It is applicable to detail drawings and assembly drawings. Office pins and clips
(=ISO 2203:1973) Specifies requirements for office pins and clips. It also
Gr.C includes method of sampling of the product and of the
raw material wire.
SLS 503:1980 18pages, Gr.9
Hermetically sealed metal cans for milk-capacities and
diameters SLS 511:1994
Specifies a recommended range of capacities with related Ball-point pen refills
diameters, in accordance with ISO 1361, for round cans (First revision)
for milk. (a) Open-top cans (b) Vent hole cans. Specifies the requirements to be satisfied by the ball-point
(=ISO 2735:1973) pen refills used in both retractable and non-retractable
Gr.A types of pens.
16 pages, Gr.8
SLS 504:1980
Methods of sampling of textile fibres for testing SLS 512:1981
Specifies several methods for preparing laboratory samples Three pin plugs and socket-outlets
of fibres, and presents a limited treatment of the problem (Superseded by SLS 948)
of drawing specimens for testing.
(=ISO 1130:1975) SLS 513:1981
Gr.E Coir yarn
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test and
SLS 505:2018 sampling for coir yarn.
Packaging-distribution packaging - graphical symbols 15 pages, Gr.8
for handling and Storage of packages
(Second revision) SLS 514:1981
Specifies a set of graphical symbols conventionally Fountain pens
used for marking of distribution packages in their physical Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling for
distribution chain to convey handling instructions. The Fountain pens.
graphical symbols should be used only when necessary. 14 pages, Gr.7
This International Standard is applicable to packages
containing any kind of goods, but does not include SLS 515:2018
instructions specific to handling Masonry cement
of dangerous goods. (Second revision)
(=ISO 780:2015) Constituents, composition, physical properties, mechanical
Gr.E properties, chemical properties, packaging, marking and
delivery of Masonry Cement.
SLS 506:1980 AMD No.1(AMD 542:2021)
Freight containers - classification, external dimensions 18 pages, Gr.9
and ratings
Establishes a classification of freight containers based on SLS 516 Part 1 Section 1:2013
external dimensions and specifies the associated ratings. Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal
(=ISO 668:1979) feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration
Gr.C of microorganisms - Colony count at 30 oC by the pour
plate technique
SLS 507:2018 (Second revision)
Packaging - complete, filled transport packages and Specifies a horizontal method for enumeration of
unit loads - dimensions of rigid rectangular microorganisms that are able to grow and form colonies
packages in a solid medium after aerobic incubation at 30 0C. The
(First revision) method is applicable to products intended for human
This standard sets forth a series of dimensions for rigid consumption & for animal feed and environmental samples
rectangular transport packages, based on the standard plan in the area of food and feed production and handling.
dimension (module) of 600 mm × 400 mm, 600 mm (=ISO 4833-1:2013)
× 500 mm and 550 mm × 366 mm, as outlined in SLS Gr.E
1595, which defines the plan dimensions of four series (1
219 mm × 1 016 mm, 1 200 mm × 1 000 mm, 1 200 mm × SLS 516 Part 1 Section 2:2013
800 mm, 1 100 mm × 1 100 mm). Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal
(=ISO 3394:2012) feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration
Gr.E of microorganisms - Colony count at 30 oC by the
surface plating technique
SLS 508:1980 (Second revision)
Power take-offs and drawbars on agricultural tractors Specifies a horizontal method for enumeration of
Specifies requirements for types 1.2 and 3 power take-off microorganisms that are able to grow and form colonies
(PTO), the drawbar, the clearance zone around the power on the surface of a solid medium after aerobic incubation
take-off, guarding of the power take-off, on agricultural at 30 0C. The method is applicable to products intended
tractors, complying with the tests of ISO for human consumption or for animal feed and
789/1. environmental samples in the area of food and feed
(=ISO R 500:1975) production and food handling.
Gr.E (=ISO 4833-2:2013)
SLS 516 Part 2 Section 1:2013 Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal
Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - General guidance for the detection and
feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration enumeration of faecal streptococci
of yeasts and moulds - Colony count technique in Gives general guidelines on two methods for the detection
products with water activity greater than 0,95 and enumeration of faecal streptococci in products
(Second revision) intended for human consumption or feeding of animals.
Specifies a horizontal method for the enumeration of viable 11 pages, Gr.6
yeasts and moulds in products intended for human
consumption or feeding of animals that have a water SLS 516 Part 5:2017
activity greater than 0.95 [eggs, meat, dairy products Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal
(except milk powder), fruits, vegetables, fresh pastes, etc.] feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection
by means of the colony count technique at 25 0C ± 1 0C. of Salmonella spp.
It does not allow the enumeration of mould spores. Neither (Third revision)
the identification of fungal flora nor the examination of Specifies a horizontal method for the detection of
foods for mycotoxins lie within the scope of this standard. Salmonella. It is applicable to the products intended for
The method specified in this standard is not suitable for human consumption and the feeding of animals,
enumeration of heat-resistant fungi, such as Byssochlamys environmental samples in the area of food production and
fulva or Byssochlamys nivea, in canned or bottled fruit food handling and samples from the primary production
and vegetables. stage such as animal faeces, dust, and swabs.With this
(=ISO 21527-1:2008) horizontal method, most of the Salmonella serovars are
Gr.D intended to be detected. For the detection of some specific
serovars, additional culture steps may be needed.
SLS 516 Part 2 Section 2:2013 (=ISO 6579-1:2017)
Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal Gr.T
feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration
of yeasts and moulds - Colony count technique in SLS 516 Part 6 Section 1:2013
products with water activity less than or equal to 0,95 Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal
(Second revision) feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration
Specifies a horizontal method for the enumeration of viable of coagulase-Positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus
osmophilic yeasts and xerophilic moulds in products aureus and other species) - Technique using Baird –
intended for human consumption or feeding of animals Parker agar medium
that have a water activity less than or equal to 0.95 (dry (Second revision)
fruits, cakes, jams, dried meat, salted fish, grains, cereals Specifies a horizontal method for the enumeration of
and cereals and products, flours, nuts, spices and coagulase-positive staphylococci in products intended for
condiments, etc. by means of the colony count technique human consumption or feeding of animals, by counting of
at 250C ± 1 0C. It does not apply to dehydrated products colonies obtained on a solid medium (Baird-Parker
with water activity less than or equal to 0.60 (dehydrated medium) after aerobic incubation at 35 0C or 37 0C.
cereals, oleaginous products, spices, leguminous plants, (=ISO 6888-1:1999)
seeds, powders for instant drinks, dry products for Gr.F
domestic animals, etc.) and does not allow the enumeration
of mould spores Neither the identification of fungal flora SLS 516 Part 6 Section 2:2013
nor the examination of food for mycotoxins lie within the Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal
scope of this standard. The method is not suitable for feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration
enumeration of halophilic xerophili fungi (i.e. of coagulase-Positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus
Polypaecilum pisce, Basipetospora halophila) such as may aureus and other species) - Technique using rabbit
be found in dried fish. plasma fibrinogen agar medium
(=ISO 21527-2:2008) (Second revision)
Gr. E Describes a horizontal method for the enumeration of
coagulase-positive staphylococci in products intended for
SLS 516 Part 3 Section 1:2013 human consumption or feeding of animals by counting of
Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal colonies obtained on a solid medium after aerobic
feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection incubation at 35 0C or 37 0C.
and enumeration of coliforms - Most probable number (=ISO 6888-2:1999)
technique Gr.G
(First revision)
Gives general guidelines for the detection and the SLS 516 Part 6 Section 3:2013
enumeration of coliforms. It is applicable to products Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal
intended for human consumption and for the feeding of feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration
animals, and environmental samples in the area of food of coagulase-Positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus
production and food handling. aureus and other species) - Detection and MPN
(=ISO 4831:2006) technique for low numbers
Gr.F (Second revision)
Specifies a horizontal method for the enumeration and
SLS 516 Part 3 Section 2:2013 detection of coagulase-positive staphylococci, using the
Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal most probable number (MPN) technique. It is applicable
feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection to products intended for human consumption and the
and enumeration of coliforms - Colony-count feeding of animals, and environmental samples in the area
technique of food production and food handling. This method is
(First revision) recommended for products where staphylococci are
Gives general guidelines for the enumeration of coliforms. expected to be stressed and in low numbers.
It is applicable to products intended for human (=ISO 6888-3:2003)
consumption and for the feeding of animals, and Gr.F
environmental samples in the area of food production and
food handling,by means of the technique of counting SLS 516 Part 7 Section 1:2017
colonies after incubation on a solid medium at 30 0Cor at Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal
37 0C feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection of
(=ISO 4832:2006) potentially enteropathogenic Vibrio spp. - Detection
Gr.C of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio cholerae
(Second revision)
SLS 516 Part 4:1982
Specifies a horizontal method for the detection of SLS 516 Part 12:2013
enteropathogenic Vibrio spp., which causes human illness Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal
in or via the intestinal tract. The species detectable by the feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection
methods specified include Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio and enumeration of presumtive Escherichia coli (Most
cholerae and Vibrio vulnificus. It is applicable to the probable number technique)
products intended for human consumption and the feeding Gives general guidelines for the detection and enumeration
of animals and to environmental samples in the area of of presumptive Escherichia coli by means of the liquid-
food production and food handling. medium culture technique and calculation of the most
(=ISO/TS 21872-1:2017) probable number (MPN) after incubation at 37 0C, then
Gr.Q at 44 0C. This Standard is applicable to products intended
for human consumption and the feeding of animals, and
SLS 516 Part 7 Section 2:2013 environmental samples in the area of food production and
Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal food handling.
feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection of (=ISO 7251:2005)
potentially enteropathogenic Vibrio spp. - Detection Gr.G
of species other than Vibrio parahaemolyticus and
Vibrio cholerae SLS 516 Part 13:2013
(Withdrawn) Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal
feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection
SLS 516 Part 8 Section 1:2013 of Escherichia coli O157
Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal Specifies a horizontal method for the detection of
feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration Escherichia coli serogroup O157.
of presumptive bacillus cereus - Colony-count (=ISO 16654:2001)
technique at 30 oC Gr.G
(Second revision)
Specifies a horizontal method for the enumeration of viable SLS 516 Part 14:2015
presumptive Bacillus cereus by means of the colony-count Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal
technique at 30 0C. It is applicable to products intended feeding stuffs - Examination for specific organisms-
for human consumption and the feeding of animals, and coliforms and Escherichia coli by the triplicate tube
environmental samples in the area of food production and detection method
food handling. Describes the method for the examination of foods for
(=ISO 7932:2004) coliforms and Escherichia coli by the triplicate tube
Gr. G method. This is a qualitative test and is suitable for
determining the presence or absence of coliforms and
SLS 516 Part 8 Section 2:2013 E.coli in a stated quantity of material under test.
Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal 10 Pages, Gr.5
feeding stuffs – Horizontal method for the
determination of low numbers of presumptive bacillus SLS 516 Part 15 Section 1:2017
cereus - Most probable number technique and detection Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal
method feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection
(Second revision) and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes and of
Specifies a horizontal method for the detection or the Listeria spp. - Detection method
enumeration of low numbers of viable presumptive Specifies a horizontal method for the detection of L.
Bacillus cereus by means of the most probable number monocytogenes, and the detection of Listeria spp.
technique. This Standard is applicable to products intended (including L. monocytogenes). This document is applicable
for human consumption and the feeding of animals, and to products intended for human consumption and for the
environmental samples in the area of food production and feeding of animals, and environmental samples in the area
food handling. of food production and food handling. It is possible that
(=ISO 21871:2006) certain additionally described Listeria species may not be
Gr.G detected or confirmed by this method.
(=ISO 11290-1:2017)
SLS 516 Part 9:2013 Gr.R
Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal
feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration SLS 516 Part 15 Section 2:2017
of Clostridium perfringens - colony-count technique Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal
(First revision) feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection
Describes a horizontal method for the enumeration of and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes and of
viable clostridium perfringens. It is applicable to products Listeria spp. - Enumeration method
intended for human consumption and the feeding of (First revision)
animals, and environmental samples in the area of food Specifies a horizontal method for the enumeration of
production and food handling. Listeria monocytogenes. It is applicable to products
(=ISO 7937:2004) intended for human consumption and for the feeding of
Gr.H animals, and environmental samples in the area of food
production and food handling.
SLS 516 Part 10:1983 (=ISO 11290-2:2017)
Microbiological test methods - Commercial sterility Gr.N
of low acid and acid canned foods
Gives a general method for the determination of SLS 516 Part 16 Section 1:2018
commercial sterility of low acid and acid foods, packed Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal
in hermetically sealed containers. feeding stuffs - Microbiology of the food chain -
12 pages, Gr.6 horizontal method for the detection and numeration
of enterobacteriaceae - Detection of enterobacteriaceae
SLS 516 Part 11:1999 Specifies a method, with enrichment, for the detection of
Microbiological test methods - General guidance for Enterobacteriaceae. It is applicable to - products intended
enumeration of lipolytic organisms for human consumption and the feeding of animals, and -
Gives general guidelines for enumeration of lipolytic environmental samples in the area of primary production,
organisms present in products intended for human food production and food handling. This method is
consumption or feeding of animals. applicable - when the microorganisms sought are expected
8 pages, Gr.4 to need resuscitation by enrichment, and - when the number
sought is expected to be below 100 per millilitre or per
gram of test sample. A limitation on the applicability of Specifies requirements for helmets to be worn by riders,
this document is imposed by the susceptibility of the drivers and passengers of motor vehicles, including
method to a large degree of variability participants in competitive events. Requirements for
(=ISO 21528 -1:2017) accessories such as goggles, detachable peaks and
Gr. J detachable face covers are not specified unless they are
supplied with the helmet as original equipment.
SLS 516 Part 16 Section 2:2018 This standard covers the requirements regarding the
Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal material, construction, performance, audibility &
feeding stuffs - Microbiology of the food chain - flammability.
horizontal method for the detection and numeration 61pages, Gr.19
of enterobacteriaceae - Colony-count technique
Specifies a method for the enumeration of SLS 518:1981
Enterobacteriaceae. It is applicable to - products intended Guide for choice of colours to be used for the marking
for human consumption and the feeding of animals, and - of capacitors and resistors
environmental samples in the area of primary production, Deals with colours to be used for coding and identification
food production and food handling.This technique is of capacitors and resistors for use in electronic equipment.
intended to be used when the number of colonies sought (=IEC 60425:1973)
is expected to be more than 100 per millilitre or per gram 5 pages, Gr.3
of the test sample.The most probable number (MPN)
technique, as included in SLS 516-1, is generally used SLS 519:1981
when the number sought is expected to be below 100 per Recommendation for preferred diameters of wire
millilitre or per gram of test sample. terminations of capacitors and resistors
(=ISO 21528-2:2017) Gives a series of preferred diameters of wire terminations
Gr.H of capacitors and resistors.
(=IEC 60301:1971)
SLS 516 Part 17 Section 1:2018 5 pages, Gr.3
Methods of tests for microbiology of food and animal
feeding stuffs - microbiology of the food chain - SLS 520:1981
horizontal method for the enumeration of beta- Marking codes for resistors and capacitors
glucuronidase -positive Escherichia coli - Colony-count Specifies marking codes for resistors and capacitors. It
technique at 44 degrees °C using membranes and 5- also gives a colour coding for fixed resistors.
bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl â-D-glucuronide (=IEC 60062:1974)
Specifies a horizontal method for the enumeration of â- 9 pages, Gr.5
glucuronidase-positive Escherichia coli by colony-count
technique after resuscitation using membranes and SLS 521:1981 (S)
incubation at 44 °C on a solid medium containing a Jaggery
chromogenic ingredient for detection of the enzyme â- Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
glucuronidase. It is applicable to - products intended for test for jaggery of the following: coconut, kitul, palmyrah
human consumption, - products intended for feeding and sugar cane.
animals, - environmental samples in the area of food AMD No. 1 (AMD 384:2009)
production and food handling, and — samples from the 21 pages, Gr.11
primary production stage such as animal faeces, dust, and
swabs. SLS 522:1981 (S)
(=ISO 16649-1:2018) Water for making concrete
Gr.F (Superseded by SLS ISO 12439)
SLS 516 Part 17 Section 2:2018 SLS 523:2016
Methods of tests for microbiology of food and animal Method of sampling for paints, varnishes and raw
feeding Stuffs - microbiology of the food chain - materials for paints and varnishes
horizontal method for the enumeration of beta- (Second revision)
glucuronidase-positive Escherichia coli - Colony-count Specifies procedures for the sampling of paints, varnishes
technique at 44 degrees 0C 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl and raw materials used in their manufacture.
â - Dglucuronide (=ISO 15528:2013)
Specifies a horizontal method for the enumeration of - Gr.F
glucuronidase-positive Escherichia coli in products
intended for human consumption or for the feeding of SLS 524:1981
animals. It uses a colony-count technique at 44 °C on a Self-contained room airconditioners
solid medium containing a chromogenic ingredient for Specifies constructional and performance requirements
detection of the enzyme -glucuronidase. and the standard conditions on which the ratings of room
(=ISO 16649-2:2001) airconditioners employing air-cooled condensers are based
Gr.D and the test conditions.
34 pages, Gr.15
SLS 516 Part 17 Section 3:2018
Methods of tests for microbiology of food and animal SLS 525:1981
feeding stuffs - microbiology of the food chain - Core wire of coated electrodes used in arc welding of
Horizontal method for the enumeration of â- mild steel
glucuronidase-positive Escherichia coli - Detection and Covers the requirements for core wire of coated electrodes
most probable number technique using 5-bromo-4- used in arc welding of mild steel.
chloro-3-indolyl-ß-D-glucuronide 8 pages, Gr.4
Specifies a horizontal method for the detection and
enumeration of ß -glucuronidase positive Escherichia coli, SLS 526 Part 1:1981
by means of the liquid-medium culture technique and Statistical interpretation of data - Estimation of the
calculation of the most probable number (MPN) after mean confidence intervals
incubation at (37 ± 1) °C, then at (44 ± 1) °C. Specifies the statistical treatment of test results needed to
(=ISO 16649-3:2015) calculate a confidence interval for the mean of a
Gr.E population.
(=ISO 2602:1980)
SLS 517:2021 Gr.C
Protective helmets for vehicle users
(Second Revision) SLS 526 Part 2:1981
Statistical interpretation of data - Techniques of (Supersedes SLS 530:1981)
estimation and test relating to means and variances Gr.C
Specifies the techniques required to estimate the mean or
the variance of population and to examine certain SLS 529 Part 4:2004
hypotheses concerning the value of those parameters, from Textile machinery and accessories - cones for cross
samples. winding - Dimensions, tolerances and designation of
(=ISO 2854:1976) cones with half angle 40 20’ for winding for dyeing
Gr.T purposes
Specifies the main demensions, tolerances and designation
SLS 526 Part 3:1981 of cones for cross winding for dyeing purposes with a half
Statistical interpretation of data - Determination of a angle of cone 40 20’. Furthermore, directives are given
statistical tolerance interval for the characteristics of cones and for the control of the
Specifies methods enabling a sample to be used as the diameters and lengths of the cone.
basis for determining a statistical tolerance interval. The (=ISO 8489-4:1995)
statistical tolerance interval may be one-sided or two-sided. Gr.B
(=ISO 3207:1975)
SLS 529 Part 5:2004
SLS 526 Part 4:1981 Textile machinery and accessories - cones for cross
Statistical interpretation of data - Comparison of two winding - Dimensions, tolerances and designation of
means in the case of paired observation cones with half angle 50 57'
Specifies a method for comparing the mean of a population Specifies the main demensions, tolerances and designation
of difference between paired observation with zero or any of cones for cross winding with a half angle of cone 50
other pre-assigned value. 57'. Furthermore, directives are given for the
(=ISO 3301:1975) characteristics of cones and for the control of the diameters
Gr.C and lengths of the cone.
(=ISO 8489-5:1995)
SLS 526 Part 5:1981 Gr.C
Statistical interpretation of data - Power of the test
relating to means and variances SLS 530:1981
This standard follows on from SLS 526 Part 2 - Statistical Textile machinery and accessories - cones for yarn
interpretation of data-technique of estimation and tests winding (cross wound) - half angle of the cone 40 20’
relating to means and variances. (Superseded by SLS 529 Pt.3)
(=ISO 3494:1976)
Gr.S SLS 531:1981
Textile machinery and accessories - cones for yarn
SLS 527:1981 (1994) (Reaffirmed) winding (cross wound) - half angle of the
Size designation of clothes - gloves cone 90 15’
Establishes a system of designating the sizes of gloves. (Withdrawn)
Both the control dimensions on which the size designation
system is based, and the method of indicating the size SLS 532:2004
designation on a garment label are laid down. Household rubber gloves
6 pages, Gr.3 (First revision)
Specification prescribes the requirements, sampling and
SLS 528:1981 methods of test for household rubber gloves made of
Method for sampling of food grains natural or synthetic rubber latex or their blends by dipping
Prescribes a method for the sampling of cereals and pulses. process.
10 pages, Gr.5 11 pages, Gr.6
SLS 529 Part 1:2004 SLS 533:2017
Textile machinery and accessories - cones for cross Emulsion paints for interior use
winding - Recommended main dimensions (Second revision)
Specifies the types of cones (values of half angles, lengths Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
and large inner diameters) used in the field of textile test for emulsion paint used for interior decoration on
industry. buildings after surface preparation and priming wherever
(=ISO 8489-1:1995) necessary.
Gr.A 13 pages, Gr.6
SLS 529 Part 2:2004 SLS 534
Textile machinery and accessories - cones for cross Cologne
winding - Dimensions, tolerances and designation of (Withdrawn) (Superseded by SLS 1619)
cones with half angle 30 30’
Specifies the main demensions, tolerances and designation SLS 535
of cones for cross winding with a half angle of cone 30 Methods of test for paints
30'. Furthermore, directives are given for the (Supersedes CS 70:1969) (Superseded by SLS 1256)
characteristics of cones and for the control of the diameters
and lengths of the cone. SLS 536:1993
(=ISO 8489-2:1995) Canned mangoes
Gr.C (First revision)
Prescribes the requirements and method of test for canned
SLS 529 Part 3:2004 mangoes, Mangifera indica L.
Textile machinery and accessories - cones for cross 19 pages, Gr.10
winding - Dimensions, tolerances and designation of
cones with half angle 40 20’ SLS 537 Part 1:2018
Specifies the main demensions, tolerances and designation Methods for chemical test of leather - preparation of
of cones for cross winding with a half angle of cone 40 chemical test samples
20'. Furthermore, directives are given for the (Second revision)
characteristics of cones and for the control of the diameters Specifies how to prepare a test sample of leather for
and lengths of the cone. chemical analysis. The test sample can be either ground
(=ISO 8489-3:1995) or cut into small pieces. Unless specified in this document,
the method to be used depends on the size of leather sample Describes the determination of chrome by colorimetric
available for testing means. It is applicable to leathers which are expected to
(=ISO 4044:2017) have chromic oxide contents in excess of 0.05%. T
Gr.B (=ISO 5398-2:2009)
SLS 537 Part 2:2011
Methods for chemical testing of leather - Determination SLS 537 Part 7 Section 3:2011
of pH Methods for chemical test of leather - Determination
(First revision) of chromic oxide content - Quantification by atomic
Specifies a method for determining the pH value and the absorption spectrometry
difference figure of an aqueous leather extract. It is (First revision)
applicable to all types of leather. Describes a method for the determination of chromium in
(=ISO 4045:2008) aqueous solution obtained from leather. this is an analysis
Gr.B for total chromium in leather, it is not compound specific
or specific to its oxidation state. This method describes
SLS 537 Part 3:2011 the determination of chromium by atomic absorption
Methods for chemical testing of leather - Determination spectrometry and is applicable to leathers which are
of sulphated total ash and sulphated water – insoluble expected to have chromic oxide contents in excess of 5mg/
ash kg.
(First revision) (=ISO 5398-3:2007)
Specifies a method for the determination of the sulphated Gr.C
total ash and the sulphated water-insoluble ash of leather.
The method is applicable to all types of leather. SLS 537 Part 7 Section 4:2011
(=ISO 4047:1977) Methods for chemical test of leather - Determination
Gr.A of chromic oxide content - Quantification by
inductively coupled plasma – optical emission
SLS 537 Part 4:2011 spectrometer (ICP-OES)
Methods for chemical testing of leather - Determination (First revision)
of matter soluble in dichloromethane and free fatty Describes a method for the determination of chromium in
acid content aqueous solution obtained from leather. This is an analysis
(First revision) for total chromium in leather, it is not compound specific
Specifies a method for the determination of the substances or specific to its oxidation state. This method describes
in leather which are soluble in dichloromethane. This the determination of chromium by inductively coupled
method is applicable to all types of leather. plasma-optical emission spectrometry and is applicable
(=ISO 4048:2008) to leathers which are expected to have chromic oxide
Gr.C contents in excess of 1 mg/kg.
(=ISO 5398-4:2007)
SLS 537 Part 5:2011
Methods for chemical testing of leather - Determination SLS 538:1981
of nitrogen and hide substances – titrimetric method Synthetic emulsion resin binders for paints
(First revision) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Specifies a titrimetric method for the determination of the test for synthetic emulsion resin binders for paints.
nitrogen content and of the hide substance of leather. The 9 pages, Gr.5
method is applicable to all types of leather in all types of
tannage. SLS 539:2020
(=ISO 5397:1984) Enamel paints
Gr.B (Second revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
SLS 537 Part 6:2011 test for gloss, matt and satin enamel paint finishing used
Determination of water – soluble matter, water – on primed surfaces. This specification does not cover
soluble inorganic matter and water – soluble organic automobile paints, paints applied for toys and accessories
matter for children and paints used for defense purposes.
(First revision) 14 pages, Gr. 7
Specifies a method of determination of water-soluble
matter, water-soluble inorganic matter and water-soluble SLS 540:1981
organic matter. It is applicable to all leather types. Enamel paints for interior use
(=ISO 4098:2006) (Withdrawn)
SLS 537 Part 7 Section 1:2011 SLS 541:1981
Methods for chemical test of leather - Determination Beedi
of chromic oxide content - Quantification by titration Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and tests
(First revision) for beedi manufactured in Sri Lanka. It does not cover
Describes a method for the determination of chromium in requirements for flavour and aroma of beedi.
aqueous solution obtained from leather. This is an analysis 11 pages, Gr.6
for total chromium in leather, it is not compound specific
or specific to its oxidation state. This method describes SLS 542:1981
the determination of chrome by iodometric titration and Beedi tobacco
is to be applicable to chromium-tanned leathers which are Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
expected to have chromic oxide contents in excess of 0, for sun-cured beedi tobacco.
3%. 9 pages, Gr.5
(=ISO 5398-1:2007)
Gr. C SLS 543:1981
Methods of sampling for food colours
SLS 537 Part 7 Section 2:2011 Prescribes the general requirements of sampling and scale
Methods for chemical test of leather - Determination of sampling for food colours. It also includes the
of chromic oxide content - Quantification by preparation of test and referee samples and method of
colourimetric determination retesting of the samples taken.
(First revision) 7 pages, Gr. 4
SLS 544:1981 (1995) (S) (Reaffirmed) SLS 554:2016
Code of practice for handling and storage of bagged Laundry soap
fertilizers (First revision)
Lays down recommended practices to be followed for Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
storage of fertilizers packed in plastic bags or jute bags, for laundry soaps with or without detergents in the form
with or without a plastics liner. of bar or tablet.
9 pages, Gr.5 14 pages, Gr.7
SLS 545:1981(2009) (Reaffirmed) SLS 555:1982 (2020) (Reaffirmed)
Polyamide (nylon) fish net twine Varnish for interior use
Prescribes requirements, methods of test and sampling of Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
polyamide (nylon) twines used in the manufacture of gill for the material commercially known as varnish, finishing,
nets. interior. The material is used for the protection and
7 pages, Gr.4 decoration of interior work generally on wooden surfaces.
10 pages, Gr.5
SLS 546:1981
General writing lead pencils SLS 556:1982 (2020) (Reaffirmed)
Prscribes the requirements, methods of sampling and tests Varnish for exterior use
for lead pencils used for general writing. It does not Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
provide for drawing pencils or special pencils. for the material commercially known as varnish, exterior
12 pages, Gr.6 and general purposes.
11 pages, Gr.6
SLS 547:2009
Baby soap SLS 557:2017
(First revision) Emulsion paints for exterior use
Prscribes the requirements and methods of sampling and (Second revision)
test for baby soap. Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
10 pages, Gr.5 for emulsion paint used for exterior decoration on
buildings after surface preparation and priming whereever
SLS 548:1982 necessary.
Current-operated earth leakage circuit breakers 13 pages, Gr.7
Applies to a.c. current- operated earthe leakage circuit
breakers with or without overload tripping devices rated SLS 558:1982 (2020) (Reaffirmed)
at voltages not exceeding 600V and at currents perferably Synthetic resin based varnish
not exceeding 100A at 50 Hz. Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
20 pages, Gr.13 for the material commercially known as varnish, based on
synthetic resins.
SLS 549:1982 12 pages, Gr.6
Distribution fuse boards for voltages not exceeding
Covers enclosed distribution fuse boards for voltages not SLS 559:1982
exceeding 1000V between phases for use on a.c. only. It Method for sampling fertilizers
does not cover distribution pillars or equipment such as Prescribes methods of drawing representative test samples
switches, miniature circuit breakers and instruments. of liquid and solid fertilizers in packages as well as in
33 pages, Gr.15 bulk.
AMD No. 1 (AMD 226:1996)
SLS 550:1982 10 pages, Gr.5
Classification of fires
Classifies, in four categories, the different kinds of fires SLS 560:1982(2009) (Reaffirmed)
which can be defined in terms of the nature of the fuel, Method for the determination of strength parameters
which is useful in firefighting by means of an extinguisher. of yarns by skein method
4 pages, Gr.2 Describes a method for the determination of the breaking
strength of yarn in skein form. Equations are also provided
SLS 551:1982 in this to calculate the skein breaking
Padlocks tenacity, yarn strength index and count strength
Lays down requirements for padlocks used for locking product.
doors, boxes, almirahs etc., fitted with sliding bolts, hasps (Supersedes CS 24:1968)
and staples and chains 10 pages, Gr.5
16 pages Gr.8
SLS 561 Part 1:1982
SLS 552:1982 Methods of sampling petroleum and petroleum
Building lime products - Manual sampling of liquid hydrocarbons
Covers the requirements for hydrated lime and quick - Specifies the procedures to be used for obtaining samples
lime, manufactured from crystalline limestone, coral stone, of materials in liquid state, from fixed tanks, railcars, road
sea shells and miocene limestone, suitable for masonary vehicles, ships, barges, drums and cans or from liquids
works and finishes. being pumped in pipelines.
13 pages, Gr.7 (=ISO 3170:1975)
18 pages, Gr.9
SLS 553:1982
Identification of apparatus terminals and general rules SLS 561 Part 2:1982
for a uniform system of terminal marking using an Methods of sampling petroleum and petroleum
alphanumeric notation products - automatic pipeline sampling of liquid
Applies to the terminal markings for basic electrical units hydrocarbons
and for combination of such units. It also applies to the Specifies the procedures to be used for obtaining samples
identification of the terminations of conductors performing of all liquefied petroleum products and liquefied petroleum
certain functions. gases but excluding crude petroleum and liquefied natural
(=IEC 60445:1973) gases being conveyed by pipeline.
9 pages, Gr.5 (=ISO 317l:l975)
17 pages, Gr.7
SLS 571:1982
SLS 561 Part 3:1982 Coconut shell charcoal
Methods of sampling petroleum and petroleum Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
products – sampling of semi-sclids and solids test for coconut shell charcoal.
Specifies the procedures to be used for obtaining samples 17 pages, Gr.9
of materials in semi solid and solid state from ins, bunkers
freight cars barrels, cases, bags, cakes boxes and SLS 572 Part 1:2009
conveyors. Methods of analysis for essential oils - Determination
9 pages, Gr.8 of relative density at 20ºC - reference method
(First revision)
SLS 562:1982 Specifies the reference method for the determination of
Painters’ and decorators’ brushes the relative density of essential oils at 20ºC.
Specifies dimensional requirements for a range of painters’ (=ISO 279:1998)
and decorators’ brushes. It prescribes the requirements Gr.B
and the methods of sampling and test for these brushes.
15 pages, Gr.8 SLS 572 Part 2:2009
Methods of analysis for essential oils - Determination
SLS 563:1982 of refractive index
Dry distemper paints (First revision)
(Withdrawn) Specifies a method for the determination of the refractive
index of essential oils.
SLS 564:1982 (S) (=ISO 280:1998)
Emulsion distemper paints Gr.B
Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling
and test for emulsion distemper, colour as required. The SLS 572 Part 3:2009
material is used as a flat finish for interior decorative Methods of analysis for essential oils - Determination
purposes on walls, ceiling etc. of optical rotation
12 pages, Gr.6 (First revision)
Specifies a method for determining the optical rotation of
SLS 565:1982 essential oils. When dealing with solid oils, partially solid
Food additives - colouring matter Fast Red E oils, oils that are highly viscous at room temperature, or
(Withdrawn) highly coloured oils, this determination is carried out on a
solution of the oil.
SLS 566:1996 (=ISO 592:1998)
Tubular fluorescent lamps Gr.B
(Superseded by SLS 1477 parts 1 & 2)
SLS 572 Part 4:2009
SLS 567:1982 Methods of analysis for essential oils - Evaluation of
Electric manual arc welding electrodes for hardfacing miscibility in ethanol
Covers the range of standard electric arc welding (First revision)
electrodes for hardfacing. Specifies a method for the evaluation of the miscibility of
29 pages, Gr.13 essential oils with mixtures of ethanol and water of known
ethanol content.
SLS 568:1982 (=ISO 875:1999)
Ceramic squatting pans and traps Gr.B
Lays down the requirements on sizes, construction,
dimentional tolerances and finish for squatting pans and SLS 572 Part 5:2009
traps, of two commonly used types. Methods of analysis for essential oils - Determination
12 pages, Gr.6 of content of phenols
(First revision)
SLS 569 Part 1:1980 Specifies a method for the determination of the percentage,
ISO system of limits and fits - General, tolerances and by volume, of phenols in essential oils.
deviations (=ISO 1272:2000)
Limits and fits relates to tolerances on plain parts or Gr.C
components and to the fits corresponding to their assembly.
(=ISO/R 286:1962) SLS 572 Part 6:2009
(Supersedes SLS 498:1980) Methods of analysis for essential oils - Analysis by gas
chromatography on capillary columns -
SLS 569 Part 2:1982 general method
ISO system of limits and fits - Inspection of plain (First revision)
workpieces Specifies a general method for the analysis of essential
Relates to the inspection of plain workpieces. It specifies oils by gas chromatography on capillary columns for the
the interpretation to be given to the limits of dimensions purpose of determining the content of a specific constituent
to be inspected and gives the essential details concerning and/or searching for a characteristic profile.
limit gauges and indicating measuring instruments (=ISO 7609:1985)
necessary for the inspection of tolerances of the ISO Gr.D
(=ISO/ 1938:1971) SLS 572 Part 7:2009
29 pages, Gr.13 Methods of analysis for essential oils - Determination
of water content - Karl fisher method
SLS 570:1982 (First revision)
Covered electrodes - determination of the efficiency, Specifies a method for the determination of the water
metal recovery and deposition coefficient content of essential oils by the Karl fisher method.
Specifies a method for the determination of the efficiency, (=ISO 11021:1999)
weld metal recovery and deposition coefficient of carbon Gr.C
steel and low alloy high tensile steel covered electrodes
in the sizes 3.15 to 6.3 mm. SLS 572 Part 8 Section 1:2009
(=ISO 2401:1972) Methods of analysis for essential oils - General
7 pages, Gr.4 guidance on chromatographic profiles - Preparation

of chromatographic profiles for presentation in Specifies the main dimensional characteristics of a spark
standards plug type used with spark ignition engines.
(First revision) (=ISO 2346:1976)
Describes general guidelines on the determination of the 9 pages, Gr.5
chromatographic profile of an essential oil by gas
chromatography on a capillary column. It is not a SLS 576 Part 3:1982
determination of the true concentration of the components, Road vehicles - Compact spark plugs M 14 x 1.25 with
it is only an evaluation of its relative propotions. conical seating and their cylinder head housing
(=ISO 11024-1:1998) Specifies the main dimensional characteristics of a spark
Gr.F plug type used with spark ignition engines.
(=ISO 2347:1981)
SLS 572 Part 8 Section 2:2009 9 pages, Gr.5
Methods of analysis for essential oils - General
guidance on chromatographic profiles - Utilization of SLS 576 Part 4:1982
chromatographic profiles of samples of essential oils Road vehicles - Spark plugs M 14 x 1.25 with conical
(First revision) seating and their cylinder head housing
Prescribes general guidelines on the determination of the Specifies the main dimensional characteristics of a spark
compliance of a chromatographic profile of a sample of plug type used with spark ignition engines.
essential oil under examination with the reference (=ISO 2344:1981)
chromatographic profile given in the standard for that oil. 9 pages, Gr.5
(=ISO 11024-2:1998)
Gr.C SLS 576 Part 5:1982
Road vehicles - Spark plugs M 14 x 1.25 with flat
SLS 572 Part 9:2018 seating
Methods of analysis for essential oils - Determination Specifies the main dimensional characteristics of a spark
of carbonyl value - Potentiometric methods using plug type used with spark ignition engines.
hydroxylammonium chloride (=ISO 1919:1976)
Specifies two methods for the potentiometric 9 pages, Gr.5
determination of the carbonyl value of essential oils which
contain carbonyl compounds, either ldehydes or ketones. SLS 576 Part 6:1982
(=ISO 1279:1996) Road vehicles - Spark plugs M 10 x 1.25 with flat
Gr.C seating
Specifies the essential dimensional characteristics of a
SLS 572 Part 10:2018 spark plug type used with spark ignition engines.
Methods of analysis for essential oils - Analysis by gas (=ISO 2704:1976)
chromatography on packed columns – general method 9 pages, Gr.5
Specifies a general method for the analysis of essential
oils by gas chromatography on packed columns for the SLS 576 Part 7:1982
purpose of determining the content of a specific constituent Road vehicles - Spark plugs M 12 x 1.25 with flat
and/or searching for a characteristic Profile. seating
(=ISO 7359:1985) Specifies the essential dimensional characteristics of a
Gr.D spark plug type used with spark ignition engines.
(=ISO 2705:1976)
SLS 573:1999 9 pages, Gr.5
Method of measurement of building works
(First revision) SLS 577:1982
It deals with the method of measurement of building works Hacksaw blades
and applies equally to the preperation of estimates and Covers requirements for single toothed edge hacksaw
bills of quantities and to size measurement and contains blades for hand and machine operations.
22 sections. 20 pages, Gr.10
158 pages, Gr.25
SLS 578:1982
SLS 574:1982 Staples
Voltage current and frequency ratings Covers the requirements and methods of test for staples
(Superseded by SLS 1259) for use on stapling machines.
9 pages, Gr.5
SLS 575:2008
Micrographic determination of austenitic grain size SLS 579 Part 1:2021
of steels Household and similar electrical appliances – safety -
(First revision) General requirements
Specifies a micrographic method of determining apparent (Sixth revision)
ferritic or austenitic grain size in steels. It describes the Deals with the safety of electrical appliances for household
methods of revealing grain boundaries and of estimating and similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more
the mean grain size of specimens with unimodal size than 250 V for single phase appliances and 480 V for other
distribution. appliances.
(=ISO 643:2003) (=IEC 60335-1:2020)
Gr.Q Gr.AB
SLS 576 Part 1:1982 SLS 580 Part 1:1983
Road vehicles - Spark plugs M 18 x 1.5 with conical Basic environmental testing procedures - General and
seating and their cylinder head housing guidance
Specifies the main dimensional characteristics of a spark Lists a series of environmental test procedures and their
plug type used with spark ignition engines. severities, designed to assess the ability of electrotechnical
(=ISO 2345:1981) products to perform under expected conditions of service.
9 pages, Gr.5 (=IEC 60068-1:1982)
24 pages, Gr.12
SLS 576 Part 2:1982
Road vehicles - Compact spark plugs M 14 x 1.25 with SLS 580 Part 2.1:1982
flat seating Basic environmental testing procedures - Test A: Cold

Deals with cold tests applicable both to non heat- 10 pages, Gr.5
dissipating and heat-dissipating specimens, tests Aa and
Ab do not deviate essentially from earlier issues. SLS 584:1982
(=IEC 60068-2-1:1974) Methods of test for petroleum and petroleum products
27 pages, Gr.13 Vol. 1
SLS 580 Part 2.2:1983
Basic environmental testing procedures - Test B: Dry SLS 585 Part 1:1982
heat Sugar confectionery - Toffees
Consists of two parts and covers the suitability of a (Superseded by SLS 1575)
component for use or storage at the high temperature
appropriate to its category by observation of the effects SLS 585 Part 2:1982
of that high temperature on it. Sugar confectionery - Lozenges
(=IEC 60068-2-2:1974) (Superseded by SLS 1576)
SLS 580 Part 2.3:1983 SLS 585 Part 3:1982
Basic environmental testing procedures - Test Ca: Sugar confectionery - Hard boiled sugar confectionary
Damp heat, steady state (Superseded by SLS 1576)
Determines the suitability of components, equipment or
other articles for use and storage under conditions of high SLS 585 Part 4:1990
humidity. Sugar confectionery - Gelatine based products
(=IEC 60068-2-3:1969) (Superseded by SLS 1575)
SLS 580 Part 2.4:1983 SLS 585 Part 5:1994
Basic environmental testing procedures - Test D: Sugar confectionery - Pectin based products
Accelerated damp heat (Superseded by SLS 1575)
Determines the suitability of a component for use or
storage under conditions of high relative humidity and to SLS 586:1982
observe the effects of such high humidity when combined Methods of test for sugar confectionery
with wide temperature changes. Prescribes the methods of test for sugar confectionery.
(=IEC 60068-2-4:1960) 20 pages, Gr.10
SLS 580 Part 2.20:1984 SLS 587:1982
Basic environmental testing procedures - Test T: Stencil paper
Soldering Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling
This standard is applicable to all electrical and electronic and tests for waxless stencil paper used on duplicating
components liable to be submitted to tests described. machines.
(=IEC 60068-2-20:1979) AMD No.1(AMD 124:1989)
14 pages, Gr.7
SLS 580 Part 2.44:1985
Basic environmental testing procedures - Test T: Test SLS 588:1998
guidance on soldering Leather for footwear
Applicable to all electrical and electronic components (First revision)
liable to be submitted to the tests described in Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for leather
SLS 580 Part 2.20. for footwear.
(=IEC 60068-2-44:1979) 27 pages, Gr.12
SLS 580 Part 3.1:1985 SLS 589:2018
Basic environmental testing procedures - Background Baby cologne
information (First revision)
2.1 Test (Cold) Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for baby
2.2 Test (Dry heat) cologne.
The tests cover cold and dry heat testing, with both sudden Amd No 1(Amd 526:2019)
and gradual change of temperature, and of non-dissipating 10 pages, Gr.5
and heat dissipating specimens.
(=IEC 60068-3-1:1974) SLS 590:1982
Cement paints
SLS 581:2008 Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
Chillie sauce for Portland cement based paint powder.
(First revision) 17 pages, Gr.9
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and
testing for chillie sauce. SLS 591:2014
AMD No. 1(AMD 496:2017) Canned Fish
23 pages, Gr.11 (First revision)
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and
SLS 582:1982 testing for canned fish packed in its own juice or brine or
Method for determination of bursting strength and potable water or edible oil or other suitable packing
bursting distension of fabrics - diaphragm method medium (including catering purposes). This does not apply
(Withdrawn) to speciality products where fish content constitutes less
than 50 per cent by mass of the net contents of the can and
SLS 583:1982 canned curry fish products.
Method of determination of breaking tenacity of flat 31 Pages, Gr.12
bundles of cotton fibres
Specifies a method of test for the determination of the SLS 592:1982
breaking tenacity of cotton fibres arranged in a parallel Method for sampling of pesticidal products
manner in a flat bundle. The method applies to fibres Prescribes method of drawing representative test samples
from raw cotton, or to fibres from various stages in the of liquid and solid pesticidal products.
manufacturing process or to fibers separated or extracted 12 pages, Gr.6
from manaufactured cotton products.
(=ISO 3060:1974)
SLS 593:1982 (S) SLS 602:1983 (S)
Food additives - colouring matter - Sunset Yellow FCF Laundry blue
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
for Sunset Yellow FCF for use in the colouring of food test for laundry blue.
stuffs. 18 pages, Gr.9
9 pages, Gr.5
SLS 603:2016
SLS 594:1982 Hydrochloric acid
Food additives - colouring matter - Erythrosine BS (First revision)
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test Prescribes the requirements, test methods and sampling
for Erythrosine BS for use in the colouring of foodstuffs. procedure for hydrochloric acid used in industries and
9 pages, Gr.5 laboratories. It does not specify requirements for
hydrochloric acid intended for pharmaceutical use.
SLS 595:1982 20 pages, Gr.10
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test SLS 604:1983 (2010) (S) (Reaffirmed)
for kerosene intended for use as an illuminant and as a Duplicating ink for twin cylinder rotary machines
fuel, except for aviation. Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
AMD No.1 (AMD 278:2001) for emulsion based duplicating ink for use on twin cylinder
7 pages, Gr.4 rotary duplicating machines.
10 pages, Gr.5
SLS 596:1982
Bib-taps and stopvalves for water services SLS 605:1983
Lays down requirements regarding material, dimensions, Cigarettes
construction, workmanship, finish, sampling and testing Prescribes the requirements, the methods of sampling and
of cast copper alloy bib-taps and stopvalves for water test for cigarettes made from tobacco.
services. 16 pages, Gr.8
19 pages, Gr.10
SLS 606:1983
SLS 597:1982 Zinc chromate paint
Worm drive type hose clamps (Withdrawn)
Specifies the requirements for worm drive hose clamps
for general purpose use. SLS 607:1983
14 pages, Gr.7 High density polyethylene shopping bags
(Superseded by 1399)
SLS 598:1982
Split pins SLS 608:1983
Lays down requirements and method of test for split pins. Code of safety requirements for toys
13 pages, Gr.7 Provides general safety requirements for children’s toys
inluding simulated sporting equipment. It deals only with
SLS 599:1982 specific points of design and construction essential for
Portable fire extinguisher - water (soda-acid) type safety.
Lays down requirements regarding capacity, principle 18 pages, Gr.9
materials, construction, chemical charge and tests of
portable fire extinguishers of water (soda - acid) type. SLS 609:1983
15 pages, Gr.8 Automatic line voltage stabilizers (step type) for
domestic use
SLS 600:1983 Covers automatic line voltage stabilizers (auto-
Method for determination of dichloromethane-soluble transformers) step type, rated upto and including 5 KVA
matter in combed wool sliver single-phase operation for use with domestic electrical
Applicable only to 100% wool products. It may give equipment.
misleading results if applied to products in which fibres 15 pages, Gr.8
other than wool are present.
(=ISO 3074:1975) SLS 610:1983 (S)
Gr. A Formic acid (technical grade)
Prescribes the requirements, the methods of sampling and
SLS 601 Part 1:1983 test for formic acid of technical grade.
Glass container finishes - Threaded finishes 11 pages, Gr.6
Prescribes the design and dimensions of 5 types of threaded
bottle neck finishes. SLS 611:1983
15 pages, Gr.8 Hair cream
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
SLS 601 Part 2:1983 test for hair creams. These include water-in-oil and oil-in-
Glass container finishes - Crown finishes water emulsions.
Prescribes the design and dimensions of different crown AMD No. 1 (AMD 73:1985)
bottle neck finishes. 23 pages, Gr.11
6 pages, Gr.3
SLS 612:1983 (S)
SLS 601 Part 3:1984 Copra
Glass container finishes - Omnia finishes Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Prescribes the design and dimensions of two types of test for copra.
ominia bottle neck finishes. (Errata slip)
8 pages, Gr.4 17 pages, Gr.9
SLS 601 Part 4:1984 SLS 613:2017 (S)
Glass container finishes - Lug finishes Turmeric, Whole and Ground
rescribes the design and dimensions of the lug bottle neck (First revision)
finishes. Prescribes the requirements and method of sampling and
6 pages Gr.3 test for turmeric, whole and groynd.
11 Pages, Gr.6
SLS 614:2013 (S/T) SLS 625:1983 (2002) (S) (Reaffirmed)
Potable water Artificial vinegar
(First revision) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Prescribes the requirements, test methods and sampling tests for artificial vinegar intended for use in food.
procedure for ascertaining the suitability of water for 12 pages, Gr.6
drinking, culinary and food industry purposes irrespective
of the water source, treatment or distribution system SLS 626:1983 (S)
whether it is from a public or private supply. Methods of test for animal feeds
12 Pages, Gr.6 Prescribes the methods for the determination of the of
particle size, moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre,
SLS 615:1983 total ash, acid-insoluble ash, calcium, phosphorus, and
Chrome retanned finished shoe upper leather sodium chloride of animal feeds.
Prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and tests 16 pages, Gr.8
for chrome retanned finished leather for footwear uppers
involving only partial retannage.
9 pages, Gr.5 SLS 627:1983 (S)
Gas mantles
SLS 616:2006 Covers the requirements, methods of sampling and tests
Glossary of terms for plastics for gas mantles for oil pressure lanterns.
(First revision) 9 pages, Gr.5
Defines terms used in the plastics industry, in English and
French. SLS 628:1983
(=ISO 472:1999) 750-ml glass bottles with 31.5 mm standard roll-on-
Gr.AC pilferproof (ROPP) finish for edible products
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
SLS 617:1983 (S) test for glass bottles with 31.5 mm ROPP finish having a
Glucose nominal capacity of 750 mm, used for packing edible
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and products.
test for glucose monohydrate for oral use. 17 pages, Gr.9
17 pages, Gr.9
SLS 629:1983
SLS 618:2014 Unit mass of building materials
Urea (fertilizer grade) Lays down unit mass of materials and parts or components
(First revision) used in building construction.
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test 18 pages, Gr.9
for urea of fertilizer grade.
8 Pages, Gr.4 SLS 630:2003
Electric kettles
SLS 619:1983 (Superseded by SLS 1501 & 1502)
Electrolytic capacitors
Prescribes electrical, mechanical and physical SLS 631:1983
requirements, marking ratings and test methods for Code of practice for Joints used in wooden
electrolytic capacitors primarily intended for d.c. furniture
applications of two types. Covers the joints to be used in locations in various types
LKR 350.00 of wooden furniture. (in Sinhala)
SLS 620:2014 SLS 632:1984 (1994) (Reaffirmed)
Ammonium sulphate (fertilizer grade) Paddy
(First revision) Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test for paddy (Oryza sativa L.).
for ammonium sulphate or sulphate of ammonia of 9 pages, Gr.5
fertilizer grade
8 Pages, Gr.4 SLS 633:1995
Milled rice
SLS 621:1983 (S) (First revision)
Ammonium chloride (fertilizer grade) Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for raw
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and tests milled rice and parboiled milled rice.
for ammonium chloride (fertilizer grade). AMD No. 1 (AMD 277:2001)
AMD No. 1 (AMD 179:1995) 11 pages, Gr.5
8 pages, Gr.4
SLS 634:1984 (2016) (Reaffirmed)
SLS 622:1983 (S) Plastic buckets
Bone meal Prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and test for
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and tests plastic buckets.
for bone meal (raw), used as a fertilizer. AMD No. 1 (AMD 198:1995)
7 pages, Gr.4 14 pages, Gr.7
SLS 623:1983 (1994) (2010) (Reaffirmed) SLS 635:1984 (S)
Methods for testing the resistance of leather to surface Woven Polyester cotton/rayon suiting fabrics
fungal growth Prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and tests
Describes the procedure to be adopted for determining for dyed or undyed woven polyester cotton/rayon fabrics,
the resistance of leather to surface - fungal growth. suitable for suitings.
12 pages, Gr.6 10 pages, Gr.5
SLS 624:1983 (S) SLS 636:1996 (2010) (Reaffirmed)
Full-chrome shoe upper leather Polypropylene woven sacks for packing
Prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and tests (First revision)
for full-chrome shoe upper leathers.
8 pages, Gr.4
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for tubular (First revision)
woven polypropylene sacks for packaging of different food Prescribes methods for the determination of nitrogen in
grade and industrial grade materials. its various forms in fertilizers including fertilizer mixtures.
15 pages, Gr.8 17 pages, Gr.9
SLS 637:1984 SLS 645 Part 2:1984
Rubber bands Methods of test for fertilizers - Determination of
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test moisture content
for rubber bands (flat type) for office use. Prescribes methods for the determination of moisture in
9 pages, Gr.5 fertilizers including fertilizer mixtures.
15 pages, Gr.8
SLS 638:1984 (S)
Portable fire extinguishers - Carbon dioxide type SLS 645 Part 3:2009
Lays down requirements regarding capacity, principle Methods of test for fertilizers - Determination of biuret
materials, construction, method of operation, performance content
and tests for metal bodied portable fire extinguishers of (First revision)
carbon dioxide type. Prescribes the methods for the determination of biuret in
13 pages, Gr.7 fertilizers including fertilizer mixtures.
9 pages, Gr.5
SLS 639:2007
Leaf springs for automobile suspensions SLS 645 Part 4:1989
(First revision) Methods of test for fertilizers - Determination of
Covers general requirements for leaf spring assemblies potassium content
and individual spring leaves, for automobile suspensions. Prescribes methods for the determination of potassium in
21 pages, Gr.11 its various forms in fertilizers including fertilizer mixtures.
8 pages, Gr.5
SLS 640:1984
Safety requirements for mains operated electronic and SLS 645 Part 5:1985
related apparatus for household and similar general Methods of test for fertilizers - Determination of
use phosphorous content
(Withdrawn) Prescribes methods for the determination of phosphorous
in its various forms in fertilizers including fertilizer
SLS 641:1984 mixtures.
Condoms 9 pages, Gr.5
(Superseded by SLS 1317)
SLS 645 Part 6:1990
SLS 642 Part 1:1984 Methods of test for fertilizers - Determination of
Glossary of terms associated with fire - The calcium and magnesium content
phenomenon of fire Prescribes methods for the determination of calcium and
Defines terms for general applications. magnesium in fertilizers including fertilizer mixtures.
(=BS 4422/1:1987) 14 pages, Gr.8
SLS 642 Part 2:1984 SLS 645 Part 7:1994
Glossary of terms associated with fire - Building Methods of test for fertilizers - Determination of
materials and structures sodium content
Defines 41 terms in respect of building materials and Prescribes methods for the determination of sodium
structures. content in fertilizers including fertilizer mixtures.
(=BS 4422/2:1971) 9 pages, Gr.5
SLS 642 Part 3:1984 SLS 646:1984
Glossary of terms associated with fire - Means of escape Electric hot plates
Defines twenty terms related to means of escape from (Superseded by SLS 1495)
(=BS 4422/3:1972) SLS 647:1994
Sulphuric acid
SLS 642 Part 4:1984 (First revision)
Glossary of terms associated with fire - Fire protection Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for
of equipment technical, battery grade (concentrated and diluted acid),
Defines terms and definitions for equipment for general general purpose reagent and analytical reagent grade
application in fire engineering, prevention and technology. sulphuric acid.
(=BS 4422/ 4:1975) 16 pages, Gr.8
SLS 643:2007 SLS 648:1984 (S)
Dried fish Rubber seed oil
(First revision) Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test for rubber seed oil used in the paint industry.
for dried fish. 9 pages, Gr.5
28 pages, Gr.13
SLS 649:1984
SLS 644:2014 Food additives - colouring matter - Tartrazine, food
Potassium chloride (fertilizer grade) grade
(First revision) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Prescribes the requirements, method of sampling and test test for Tartrazine used in the colouring of foodstuffs.
for potassium chloride (muriate of potash) in granular form 13 pages, Gr.7
or crystalline powder used as a fertilizer.
8 Pages, Gr.4 SLS 650:1984 (S)
Kaolin for rubber industry
SLS 645 Part 1:2009 Prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and test for
Methods of test for fertilizers - Determination of kaolin for use in the rubber industry.
nitrogen content 28 pages, Gr.13
Amd No 1(Amd 517:2019)
SLS 651:2007 Pages 35, Gr.14
Infant formula (Starter)
(Second revision) SLS 660:1984
Prescribes the compositional, quality and safety General purpose paper adhesives
requirements and methods of sampling and test for Infant Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
Formulae in powdered or liquid form intended to meet for adhesives used for joining paper to paper or paper to
the normal nutritional requirements. other surfaces in general use.
AMD No. 1 (AMD No.396:2009) 12 pages, Gr.6
AMD No.2 (AMD 547:2021)
26 pages, Gr.12 SLS 661:1984
Standard temperature, humidities and times for the
SLS 652:1984 conditioning and testing of rubber
Tolerance limits for industrial effluents discharged into (Withdrawn)
inland surface waters (Superseded by SLS 1323-1)
Prescribes tolerance limits and methods of sampling and
test for industrial effluents discharged into inland surface SLS 662:1984 (S)
waters. Cowpea, whole
13 pages, Gr.7 Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test for whole seeds of cow pea (Vigna unguiculata (L)
SLS 653:1984 Walp), (S. COW PEA; T. APYATTAI).
Glossary of terms for petroleum 9 pages, Gr.5
(Withdrawn) Replaced by SLS ISO 1998 Parts.
SLS 663:1984 (S)
SLS 654:1984 (1994) Green gram, whole
Size designation of clothes - infant’s garments Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
(withdrawn) test for whole seeds of green gram (Vigna radiata (L)
SLS 655:1984 (1994) (Reaffirmed) (S. MUNG ETA; T. PASI PAYARU)
Size designation of clothes - men’s and boy’s 9 pages, Gr.5
underwear, nightwear and shirts
Establishes a system of designating the sizes of men’s and SLS 664:2008
boy’s underwear, nightwear and shirts that are classified Methods of sampling animal and vegetable fats and
into three types as covering the upper body only, whole oils
body or lower body only. It also applies to civilian and (First revision)
uniform garments. Describes methods of sampling crude or processed animal
Technical corrigendum 1:1990 (1994) and vegetable fats and oils and apparatus used for this
(=ISO 4415:1981) process.
Gr.C (=ISO 5555:2001)
SLS 656:1984 (1994)
Size designation of clothes - women’s and girl’s SLS 665:1984
underwear, nightwear, foundation garments and shirts Zinc sulphate (fertilizer grade)
(Withdrawn) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test for zinc sulphate (fertilizer grade).
SLS 657:2013 7 pages, Gr.4
Glossary of terms for ropes and cordage
(First revision) SLS 666:1984
Specifies vocabulary r4elating to fibre ropes and cordage. Dissolved acetylene
(=ISO 1968:2004) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Gr.U test for industrial acetylene gas dissolved in acetone for
use in industry.
SLS 658:1984 17 pages, Gr.9
Code of recommended practice for electroplating
Describes plating equipment and ancillary equipment SLS 667:1984
generally used and recommends proper sequences in Gripe water
electroplating of metallic coatings on metallic surfaces and (Withdrawn)
describes factors affecting the quality of deposits and
stresses the need for safety in the plating shop and effluent SLS 668:1984 (S)
control. Soft drink powder mixes
23 pages, Gr.11 Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test for sweetened soft drink powder mixes.
SLS 659:2015 15 pages, Gr.8
Unplasticized poly (Vinyl Chloride) fittings for water
supply and for buried and above ground drainage and SLS 669:1984 (S)
sewerage under pressure Soya bean, whole
(Second revision) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Specifies the characteristics of fittings made from test for whole seeds of soya bean. (Glycine max (L).Merr)
unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for piping (S. SOYA BONCHI ;T. SOYA AVARAI)
systems, intended for water supply for human consumption 9 pages, Gr.5
and for general purposes as well as for sewerage under
pressure. This satandard also specifies types and sizes of SLS 670:1984 (S)
fittings and joints with components of PVC-U, other Rice bran for animal feeds
plastics and non plastics materials intended to be used for Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling
water mains and services buried in the ground, conveyance and test for rice bran used for animal feeds.
of water above ground for both outside and inside 9 pages, Gr.5
buildings; and buried and above-ground drainage and
sewerage under pressure. Applicable to PVC-U flange
adapters and to the corresponding flanges made from
various materials.
SLS 671:1984 (S) paper or board is to be used to prepare a material of higher
Water for lead acid batteries bursting strength, such as corrugated board.
Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling (=ISO 2759:2014)
and test for water intended for use in lead acid batteries. Gr.G
(Errata Slip)
10 pages, Gr. 6 SLS 681:1999
Method for testing paper and board for thickness and
SLS 672:1984 (2015) (Reaffirmed) apparent bulk density or apparent sheet density
Rutile (Superseded by SLS 1370)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test for rutile. SLS 682:1984
7 pages, Gr.4 Hydrated lime
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
SLS 673:1984 (2015) (Reaffirmed) test for hydrated lime, suitable for treatment of sewage,
Illmenite inustrialwater and potable water.
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and AMD No. 1 (AMD 186:1995)
test for illmenite. AMD No.2 (AMD 503:2017)
7 pages, Gr.4 12 pages, Gr.6
SLS 674:1984 (2000) SLS 683:1984
Determination of short-term irregularity of linear Fuel oil
density of textile slivers, rovings and yarns using an Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
electronic evenness tester for fuel ois for industrial and marine use. It does not cover
(Withdrawn) (Superseded by SLS 1359) bunker products such as gas oil and marine diesel fuel for
marine use.
SLS 675:1984 8 pages, Gr.4
Documentation - International Standard Book
Numbering (ISBN) SLS 684:1984
This standard Co-ordinate and standardize internationally Radio interference limits and measurements for
the use of book numbers so that an International Standad household appliances, portable tools and other
Book Number identifies one title, or edition of a title from electrical equipment causing similar type of
one secific publisher and is unique to that title or edition. interference
(=ISO 2108:1978) (Withdrawn)
SLS 685:1984
SLS 676:1984 Cotton bed sheets (handloom)
Methods of test for heavy minerals Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Prescribes the methods of test for heavy minerals. test for handloom cotton bed sheets scoured, bleached or
29 pages, Gr.13 dyed. Hemmed and unhemmed bed sheets are covered in
this specification.
SLS 677:1984 10 pages, Gr.5
Methods for sampling of heavy minerals
Prescribes the methods for sampling of heavy minerals SLS 686:2020
from stock pile, from product while in motion and from Code of practice for storage of paddy and rice
bags. (First revision)
10 pages, Gr.5 Prescribes the general practices in the processing of paddy
from harvesting, threshing, drying, cleaning and storage
SLS 678:2014 of paddy in order to arrive at rice that is safe and of good
Method for testing of paper for bursting strength quality for desired use.
(Second revision) Gr.11
Specifies a method for measuring the bursting strength of
paper submitted to increasing hydraulic pressure. SLS 687:1985
(=ISO 2758:2014) Synthetic organic liquid detergents for household use
Gr.F Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test for synthetic organic liquid detergents for household
SLS 679:2016 use.
Method of testing of paper for tearing resistance AMD No 01 (AMD 448:2013)
(Third revision) 15 pages, Gr.8
Specifies a method for determining the (out-of-plane)
tearing resistance of paper. It can also be used for boards SLS 688:1985
having a low grammage if the tearing resistance is within Disinfectants
the range of the instrument. This standard does not apply Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
to corrugated fibreboard, but it may be applied to the test for disinfectants.
components of such boards. It is not suitable for AMD No.1 (AMD 167:1994)
determining the cross-direction tearing resistance of highly 18 pages, Gr.9
directional paper (or board).
(=ISO 1974:2012) SLS 689:1985
Gr.G Glossary of terms on electroplating and related
SLS 680:2016 It gives definitions of terms relating to electro deposition
Method of test for determination of bursting strength and related processes.
of Board 36 pages, Gr.16
(Second revision)
Specifies a method for measuring the bursting strength of SLS 690 Part 1:1985
board submitted to increasing hydraulic pressure. It is Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology -
applicable to all types of board (including corrugated and Architectural and installations diagrams
solid fibreboard) having bursting strengths within the range It covers graphical symbols for electrical installations in
350 kPa to 5 500 kPa. It is also applicable to papers or buildings for use in architectural diagrams.
boards having bursting strengths as low as 250 kPa if the 14 pages, Gr.7

SLS 690 Part 2:1985 (=ISO 5084:1996)
Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology - Kinds Gr.C
of current distribution systems, methods of connection
and circuit elements SLS 697:1985
It covers graphical symbols concerning connections and Green coffee
circuit elements, systems distribution and methods of Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
connection. for green coffee.
15 pages, Gr.8 AMD No. 1 (AMD 109:1988)
SLS 690 Part 3:1985 11 pages, Gr. 6
Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology -
Analogue elements SLS 698:1985
It contains graphical symbols for analogue elements in Cotton bed sheets and sheetings (powerloom)
fields such as computation and control, to be used in Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
diagrams. test for powerloom (non-flannelette type) cotton bed sheets
13 pages, Gr.7 and sheetings, scoured, bleached or dyed.
11 pages, Gr.6
SLS 690 Part 4:1985
Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology - SLS 699
Machines,transformers, primary cells and Low density polyethylene films for packaging and
accumulators allied purposes
Lays down different forms and elements of symbols to (Withdrawn)
represent rotating machines, transformers, primary cells
and accumulators. SLS 700:1985
29 pages, Gr.13 Jute bags
Prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and tests
SLS 691:1985 for jute bags. It covers three types of jute bags made from
Electric immersion water heaters double warp, plain-weave jute sacking material.
(Superseded by SLS 1193) 14 pages, Gr.7
SLS 692 Part 1:2005 SLS 701:2017
Graphical symbols - safety colours and safety signs - Aluminium sulfate (technical grade)
Design principles for safety signs in workplaces and (First recision)
public areas Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
Superseded by SLS ISO 3864-1) for technical grade aluminium sulfate Suitable for use
industries. It does not cover Aluminum Sulphate used for
SLS 692 Part 2:2005 purification of drinking water supply.
Graphical symbols - safety colours and safety signs - 15 pages, Gr.8
Design principles for product safety labels
Superseded by SLS ISO 3864-2) SLS 702:1985
Electrical call bells and buzzers for indoor use
SLS 693:1985 It is applicable to electrically operated call bells and
National flag of Sri Lanka buzzers for indoor use, designed for connection to supplies
(Withdrawn and Superseded by SLS 1:2020) at voltages not exceeding 250 volts a.c. single phase 50
Hz or d.c.
SLS 694:1985 9 pages, Gr.5
Method of test for television receivers
The methods of measuring the electrical, acoustic and SLS 703 Part 1:1998
optical properties described in this standard apply more Code of practice for electrical installations - Small
particularly to broadcast television receivers designed for residential buildings
monochrome and colour vision reception with (First revision)
accompanying sound of the system of the CCIR The code sets out the requirements for the electrical
recommendations and reports, due regard being given to installations in small residential buildings. The supply to
national transmission standards. be used in these buildings is single phase with a nominal
107 pages, Gr.23 voltage between phase and neutral conductors of 230 V
a.c. 50 Hz.
SLS 695:2007 (2017) (Reaffirmed) 11 pages, Gr.5
Conductors in insulated cables and cords
(Second revision) SLS 703 Part 2:1998
Specifies the nominal cross-sectional areas and Code of practice for electrical installations - Larger
requirements, including numbers and sizes of wires and buildings including flats, commercial and office
resistance values, for conductors in electric cables and buildings
cords of a wide range of types.It does not apply, for (First revision)
example to conductors for telecommunication purposes This standard sets out the requirements for electrical
and for some cables for example flexible cable having the installations in larger buildings including flats, commercial
cores twisted together with unusually short lays where the and office buildings. The supply to be used in these
requirements specified for the class of conductors apply buildings is three phase with a nominal voltage between
only in part. phase conductors of 400 V a.c. 50 Hz or single phase with
(Corrigendum No.1) a nominal voltage between phase and neutral conductors
27 pages, Gr.12 of 230 V a.c. 50 Hz.
15 pages, Gr.7
SLS 696:2005 SLS 703 Part 3:1998
Determination of thickness of textiles and textile Code of practice for electrical installations - Industrial
products buildings
(First revision) (First revision)
Specifies a method for the determination of the thickness The code sets out the requirements for the electrical
of textiles and textile products, when under a specific installations in industrial buildings. The supply to be used
pressure. It is not applicable for textile floor coverings, in these buildings is three phase with a nominal voltage
nonwovens, geotextiles and coated fabrics. between phase conductors of 400 V a.c. 50 Hz or single
phase with a nominal voltage between phase and neutral SLS 713:1985
conductors of 230 V a.c. 50 Hz. Bituminous anticorrosive paint
14 pages, Gr.6 Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
for bitumen based general purpose anticorrosive paint.
SLS 704:1985 13 pages, Gr.7
Portable fire extinguishers - water (gas cartridge) type
Lays down requirements regarding capacity, principal SLS 714:1985
materials, construction, method of operation, performance Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) bottles for packaging of
and tests of portable fire extinguisher of water (gas edible products
cartridge) type. Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
16 pages, Gr.8 for PVC bottles used for packaging of edible products.
AMD No. 1 (AMD 119:1989)
SLS 705:1985 12 pages, Gr.6
Materials for bib-tap and stop valve seat washers
Covers requirements for materials used for seat washers SLS 715:1985 (1999) (Reaffirmed)
for the supply of cold and hot water by bibtaps and stop Rubber erasers
valves. Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
12 pages, Gr.6 for rubber erasers for removing pencil writing, ink pen
writing, ball-point pen ink writing, typewriting, carbon
SLS 706:1985 copy characters and for drawing cleaning.
Method of test for metallic coatings - neutral salt spray 10 pages, Gr.5
test (NSS test)
Specifies the apparatus, the reagent and the procedure to SLS 716:1985 (S)
be used in conducting the neutral salt spray test Coconut oilcakes and meals
forassessment of the quality of coatings made inaccordance Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
with the requirements of coating or productspecifications. test for coconut oilcakes and meals used for animal feeds.
(=ISO 3768:1976) 9 pages, Gr.5
SLS 707:1985 SLS 717:1985
Meallic coatings - acetic acid salt spray test Rice polishings
(ASS test) Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling andtest
Specifies the apparatus, the reagent and the procedure to for rice polishings used for animal feeds.
be used in conducting the acetic acid salt spray test for 9 pages, Gr.5
assessment of the quality of metal coatingsmade in
accordance with the requirements of coatingor product SLS 718:1985
specifications. Glass mirrors for general purposes
(=ISO 3769:1976) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Gr.B test for silvered plane glass mirrorsused for general
purposes. It does not cover heavyduty mirrors, mirrors
SLS 708:1985 used in optical instruments and mirrors used for other
Metallic coatings - copper - accelerated acetic acid salt specific purposes.
spray test (CASS test) 13 pages, Gr.7
Specifies the apparatus and procedure to be used in
conducting the copper accelerated acetic acid salt spray SLS 719:1985
test (CASS test) for assessment of the quality of metallic Glass jam jars
and related coatings made in accordance with the Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
requirements of coating or product specifications. test for glass jam jars.
(=ISO 3770:1976) 15 pages, Gr.8
SLS 709:1985 SLS 720:2016
Metallic and other non - organic coatings - corrodkote Palm oil
corrosion test (CORR test) (Second revision)
Specifies the reagent, the apparatus and the procedure for Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
assessment of the quality of metallic and related coatings testing for palm oil derived from the fleshy mesocarp of
by the corrodkote procedure. the fruit of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) tree by the
(=ISO 4541:1978) process of expression. Crude palm oil specified in this
Gr.B standard shall not be suitable for direct humanconsumption
and is used only as a raw material which needs to undergo
SLS 710:1985 refining processes.
Method for numerical designation of fabric faults by Amd No 1(Amd 506:2018)
visual inspection 9 Pages, Gr.5
Describes a method for the numerical designation of faults
in finished fabrics by visual inspection and gives a means SLS 721:1985
of indicating the position of faults. Tolerance limits for industrial and domestic effluents
6 pages, Gr.3 discharged into marine coastal areas
Prescribes tolerance limits and methods of sampling and
SLS 711:1985 (1998) (2010) (Reaffirmed) test for industrial and domestic effluents discharged into
Polyester cotton yarn marine coastal areas.
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and 10 pages, Gr.5
test for polyester cotton yarn carded or combed.
9 pages, Gr.5 SLS 722:1985
Tolerance limits for inland surface waters used as raw
SLS 712:1998 (S) water for public water supply
Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) Prescribes the tolerance limits and methods of sampling
(First revision) and test for inland surface waters used as raw water for
rescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test public water supply.
for liquified petroleum gas intended for use as domestic, 9 pages, Gr.5
commercial, industrial and engine fuel.
9 pages, Gr.5 SLS 723:1985
Household refrigerators / freezers
Covers the methods of determining the performance of 24 pages, Gr.12
self-contained refrigerators/freezers intended for
household use. It does not cover those designed for SLS 729:2010 (S)
commercial use. Ready-to-serve fruit drinks
36 pages, Gr.16 (First revision)
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and
SLS 724:1985 testing for fruit drinks, carbonated or non-carbonated,
Gas cartridge for portable fire extinguishers intended for direct consumtion without dilution. Does not
Deals with gas cartridges made from low carbon steel for cover fruit juices and fruit nectars intended for direct
both high and low pressure, intended for the storage of consumption without dilution. And does not cover
liquifiable/compressed gases having a nominal water artificial / flavoured beverages intended for direct
capacity which do not exceed 500 ml. consumption without dilution.
10 pages, Gr.5 AMD No.1, (AMD 497:2017)
14 pages, Gr.7
SLS 725:1985
Chisels SLS 730:2010
Specifies the requirements for four types of chisels Fruit cordial concentrates, fruit squash concentrates
intended for cold cutting of metals. and fruit syrup concentrates
13 pages, Gr.7 (First revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
SLS 726 Part 1:1985 testing for fruit cordial concentrates, fruit squash
Compression knapsack sprayers - Non-pressure concentrates and fruit syrup concentrates intended for
retaining type consumption after dilution. Does not cover concentrated
Covers design and construction, workmanship and finish, fruit juices
material performance, marking, testing and sampling AMD No.1, (AMD 498:2017)
requirements for compression knapsack sprayers non 13 pages, Gr.7
pressure retaining type used for spraying pesticides and
agrochemicals. SLS 731:2008
19 pages, Gr.10 Milk powder
(First revision)
SLS 727 Part 1:1987 Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and
Code of safety for welding and cutting - Oxygen-fuel testing for full cream / whole milk powder, partly skimmed
gas systems / low fat milk power and skimmed /nonfat milk powder.
Covers provisions for the safe use of oxy-fuel gas systems, Applies to milk powders intended for direct consumption
when used only for cutting and welding, to ensure that or further processing.
loss of property or damage to them are minimised and the AMD No. 1 (AMD 397:2009)
personnel are provided with adequate protection against (Erratum sheet)
accidents and health hazards. 16 pages, Gr.8
28 pages, Gr.13
SLS 732 Part 1:1986
SLS 727 Part 2:1988 Methods of test for plastics - Qualitative evaluation of
Code of safety for welding and cutting - Arc welding the bleeding of colourants of plastics
and cutting equipment and resistance welding Specifies a method for the qualitative evaluation of the
Covers safety precautions specific to the installation and tending of some colouring materials, to bleed off or to
operation of arc welding and cutting equipment and migrate from a plastic material into other materials, if they
welding using resistance welding principles. are in close contact with each other.
19 pages, Gr.10 (=ISO 183:1976)
SLS 727 Part 3:1986
Code of safety for welding and cutting - Fire prevention SLS 732 Part 2:2010
and protection Methods of test for plastics - Determination of vinyl
Covers provisions to prevent loss of life and property by chloride monomer of homopolymer and copolymer
the safe use of oxy-fuel when used with cutting and welding resins of vinyl chloride by gas chromatographic method
equipment. (First revision)
13 pages, Gr.7 Specifies a method for the determination of vinyl chloride
monomer in homopolymer and copolymer resins of vinyl
SLS 727 Part 4:1985 chloride and compounded materials. The method is based
Code of safety for welding and cutting - Safety of on sample dissolution and headspace gas chromatography.
personnel Concentrations of vinyl chloride in the range 0,1 mg/kg
Covers provision for the safe use of oxy-fuel and arc to 3,0 mg/kg can be determined.
cutting and welding equipment when used only for cutting (=ISO 6401:2008)
and welding, to ensure that the personnel are provided Gr.C
with adequate protection against accidents and health
hazards. SLS 732 Part 3:1986 (2010) (Reaffirmed)
18 pages, Gr.9 Methods of test for plastics - Determination of length
and width of plastic film and sheeting
SLS 728 Part 2:1985 Specifies a method for the determination of the free length
Methods for testing of mineral aggregates for cement of roll of plastics film or sheeting.
concrete mixes - Physical properties (=ISO 4592:1992)
Specifies test methods for the determination of the relative Gr.B
density, water absorption, bulk density, voids, bulking and
moisture content of aggregates. SLS 732 Part 4:1986
30 pages, Gr.14 Methods of test for plastics - Methods for determining
the density and relative density of plastics excluding
SLS 728 Part 3:1986 cellular plastics
Methods for testing of mineral aggregates for cement (Superseded by SLS 1296 Parts. 1, 2 and 3)
concrete mixes - Mechanical properties
Covers methods for the determination of the aggregate
impact value, aggregate crushing value, ten per cent fines
value and aggregate abrasion value.
SLS 733:2016 SLS 735 Part 1 Section 1:2009
Electric cables – pvc insulated and PVC sheathed Methods of test for milk and milk products -
cables for voltages up to and including 300/500 V, for Determination of fat content - Milk
electric power and lighting (Second revision)
(Third revision) Specifies the Gerber method for the determination of the
Specifies requirements and test methods for the fat content of milk and includes guidence on the
construction and performance of cables that: a) have a determination of the appropriate capacity of the milk
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulation of rated voltage 300/ pipette and on the determination of the corrections to apply
500 V; b) are intended for electric power and lighting; to the results if the milk is not of average fat content. The
34 pages, Gr.14 method is applicable to liquid milk, whole or partially
skimmed, raw or pasteurized.
SLS 734 Part 1:2017 (=ISO 2446:2008)
13 A Plugs, Socket-Outlets, Adaptors and connection Gr.F
units - Specification for rewirable and non-rewirable
13 A fused plugs SLS 735 Part 1 Section 2:2009
(Second revision) Methods of test for milk and milk products -
Specifies requirements for 13 A fused plugs having Determination of fat content - Dried milk and dried
insulating sleeves on line and neutral pins, for household, milk products - gravimetric method
commercial and light industrial purposes, with particular (Second revision)
reference to safety in normal use. Specifies the reference method for the determination of
Amd No 1(Amd 518:2019) the fat content of dried milk and dried milk products. This
89 pages, Gr.21 is applicable to dried milk with a fat content of 40% mass
fraction or more, dried whole, dried partially skimmed,
SLS 734 Part 2:2017 and dried skimmed milk, dried whey, dried buttermilk and
13 A Plugs, Socket-Outlets, Adaptors and connection dried butter serum. This is not applicable when the powder
units - Specification for 13A Switched and unswitched contains hard lumps which do not dissolve in ammonia
socket-outlets solution or free acids in significant quantities
(Second revision) (=ISO 1736:2008)
Specifies requirements for 13 A switched and unswitched Gr.G
shuttered socket-outlets for household, commercial and
light industrial purposes, with particular reference to safety SLS 735 Part 1 Section 3:2009
in normal use. Methods of test for milk and milk products -
Amd No 1(Amd 519:2019) Determination of fat content - Evaporated milk and
95 pages Gr.22 sweetened condensed milk - gravimetric method
(Second revision)
SLS 734 Part 3:2017 Specifies the reference method for the determination of
13 A Plugs, Socket-Outlets, Adaptors and connection the fat content of all types of evaporated milk and
units - Specification for Adoptors sweetened condensed milk.
Specifies requirements for adaptors having insulating (=ISO 1737:2008)
sleeves on the line and neutral plug pins and suitable for Gr.H
use with socket-outlets conforming to SLS 734 Part 2 with
particular reference to safety in normal use. Adaptors SLS 735 Part 1 Section 4:2009
specified in this standard are intended for household, Methods of test for milk and milk products -
commercial and light industrial purposes. Determination of fat content - Cheese and processed
Amd No 1(Amd 520:2019) cheese products - gravimetric method
113 pages Gr. 24 (Second revision)
Specifies the reference method for the determination of
SLS 734 Part 4:2017 the fat content of all types of cheese and processed cheese
13 A Plugs, Socket-Outlets, Adaptors and connection products having lactose contents of below 5% (mass
units - Specification for 13a fused connection fraction) of non-fat solids.
unitswitched and unswitched (=ISO 1735:2004)
13A fused connection units switched and unswitched. Gr.H
Specifies requirements for 13 A fuse fixed connection units
for household, commercial and light industrial purposes, SLS 735 Part 1 Section 5:2011
with particular reference to safety in normal use. Does Methods of test for milk and milk products -
not apply to connection units incorporating screwless Determination of fat content - Milk – Gravimetric
terminals for the connection of external conductors of the method (reference method)
following types: flat quick-connect terminals; insulation- (Third revision)
piercing connecting devices; and twist-on connecting Specifies the reference method for the determination of
devices. the fat content of milk of good physicochemical quality.
Amd No 1(Amd 521:2019) The method is applicable to raw cow milk, raw sheep milk,
59 pages, Gr.19 raw goat milk, reduced fat milk, skimmed milk, chemically
preserved milk and processed liquid milk. It is not
SLS 734 Part 5:2017 applicable when greater accuracy is required for skimmed
13 A Plugs, Socket-Outlets, Adaptors and connection milk.
units - Specification for Fused conversion plugs. (=ISO 1211:2010)
Specifies requirements, with particular reference to safety Gr.J
in normal use,for 13 A, fused, conversion plugs for
household, commercial and light industrial purposes. SLS 735 Part 1 Section 6:2009
Covers two-pole plus earth conversion plugs that are either Methods of test for milk and milk products -
reusable or non-reusable and that are suitable for the Determination of fat content - Gerber butyrometers
connection of non-SLS 734 type plugs, conforming to a (Second revision)
recognized standard, to socket-outlets conforming to SLS Specifies the characteristics of seven types of butyrometers
734 Part 2. This standard also does not cover: non-SLS for use in the determination of the fat content of whole
734 type conversion plugs, i.e. with a contact set to fit 13 milk, partly skimmed milk and skimmed milk by the
A plugs, and amale plug portion suitable for a non-SLS Gerber method specified in
734 type socket-outlet; adaptors (see SLS 734 Part 3); or SLS 735-1-1.
travel adaptors (=ISO 488:2008)
(see BS 8546:2016). Gr.G
81 pages, Gr.21
case of analysis of milk fat in a mixture of vegetable fats,
SLS 735 Part 1 Section 7:2011 the specified procedure allows the evaluation of the most
Methods of test for milk and milk products - important phytosterols. The procedure has been validated
Determination of fat content - Milk-based infant foods on milk fat samples containing approximately 28 % to 32
- gravimetric method (Reference method) % of vegetable fat.
Specifies the reference method for the determination of (=ISO 12078:2006)
the fat content of milk based infant foods. The method is Gr.H
applicable to liquid, concentrated and dried milk-based
infant foods with no or not more than a mass fraction of SLS 735 Part 2:1987
5% (dry matter) of such added matter as starch, dextrin, Methods of test for milk and milk products -
vegetables, fruit and meat. The method is not applicable Determination of titratable acidity
to products which do not dissolve completely in ammonia Prescribes the method of determination of titratable acidity
owing to the presence or starch of dextrin at mass fractions in all milk and milk products.
of more than a few percent or to the presence of hard 6 pages, Gr.3
(=ISO 8381:2008) SLS 735 Part 3:1987
Gr.H Methods of test for milk and milk products -
Determination of moisture
SLS 735 Part 1 Section 8:2011 Prescribes the methods of determination of moisture of
Methods of test for milk and milk products - milk powder, butter and cheese.
Determination of fat content - Butter, edible oil 7 pages, Gr.4
emulsions and spreadable fats (Reference method)
Specifies a method for the determination of the fat content SLS 735 Part 4:1988
of butter, edible oil emulsions and spreadable fats. Methods of test for milk and milk products -
(=ISO 17189:2003) Determination of salt
Gr.F Prescribes the methods of determination of salt content of
butter and cheese.
SLS 735 Part 1 Section 9:2019 8 pages, Gr.4
Methods of test for milk and milk products - Cream -
Determination of fat content - Acido-butyrometric SLS 735 Part 5:1988
method Methods of test for milk and milk products -
Specifies an acidobutyrometric method for determining Determination of total solids
the fat content of cream. The reference method remains Prescribes the methods of determination of total solids of
the gravimetric method (by ammoniacal ether extraction) ice cream, milk ice, sweetened condensed milk, evaporated
described in ISO 2450 | IDF 16. milk, milk, curd and yoghurt.
(=ISO 19660:2018) 9 pages, Gr.5
SLS 735 Part 6:1989
SLS 735 Part 1 Section 10:2019 Methods of test for milk and milk products -
Methods of test for milk and milk products - Milk - Determination of sugars
Determination of fat content - Acido - butyrometric Prescribes the methods of determination of sugar content
(gerber method) of ice cream, milk ice, flavoured milk and sweetened
Specifies a method, the acido-butyrometric or “Gerber”, condensed milk.
for determining the fat content of milk. It is applicable to 12 pages, Gr.6
whole milk and partially skimmed milk.It is also applicable
to milk containing authorized preservatives (potassium SLS 735 Part 7 Section 1:2017
dichromate, bronopol).It does not apply to formalin milk, Methods of test for milk and milk products -
nor to milks that have undergone a homogenisation Determination of protein - Milk – determination of
treatment nitrogen content – Kjeldahl Principle and crude
(=ISO 19662:2018) protein calculation
Gr.H (Second revision)
Specifies a method for the determination of the nitrogen
SLS 735 Part 1 Section 11:2019 content and crude protein calculation of milk and milk
Methods of test for milk and milk products - products by the Kjeldahl principle, using traditional and
Determination of fat content - Milk fat – preparation block digestion methods.The methods are not applicable
of fatty acid methyl esters to samples containing ammonium caseinate.
Specifies a method for the preparation of fatty acid methyl (=ISO 8968-1:2014)
esters from milk fat and fat obtained from dairy products. Gr.J
(=ISO 15884:2002)
Gr.C SLS 735 Part 7 Section 2:2012
Methods of test for milk and milk products -
SLS 735 Part 1 Section 12:2019 Determination of protein - Milk – determination of
Methods of test for milk and milk products - nitrogen content – Block – digestion method (Macro
Determination of fat content - Milk fat – determination method)
of the fatty acid Composition by gas - liquid (First revision)
chromatography Specifies a method for the determination of the nitrogen
Specifies a method for the determination of the fatty acid content of liquid milk, whole or skimmed, by the block -
composition of milk fat and fat obtained from dairy digestion principle.
products (=ISO 8968-2:2001)
(=ISO 15885:2002) Gr.E
SLS 735 Part 7 Section 3:2012
SLS 735 Part 1 Section 13:2019 Methods of test for milk and milk products -
Methods of test for milk and milk products - Determination of protein - Milk – determination of
Determination of fat content - Anhydrous milk fat – nitrogen content – Block – digestion method (Semi–
determination of sterol Composition by gas liquid micro rapid routine method)
chromatography (reference Method) (First revision)
Specifies a gas liquid chromatographic reference method Specifies a method for the determination of the nitrogen
for the determination of the sterol composition of content of liquid, whole or skimmed milk. It concerns a
anhydrous milk fat extracted from dairy products. In the
semi – micro rapid routine method following the block – applicable to sweetened condensed milk of normal
digestion principle. composition prepared from whole, partially skimmed or
(=ISO 8968-3:2004) skimmed milk and sucrose only and containing no altered
Gr.F sucrose.
(=ISO 2911:2004)
SLS 735 Part 7 Section 4:2017 Gr.D
Methods of test for milk and milk products -
Determination of protein - Milk – determination of SLS 735 Part 13:2012
protein and non – protein – nitrogen content and true Methods of test for milk and milk products -
protein content calculation (Reference method) Determination of total solids content in sweetened
(Second revision) condensed milk (Reference Method)
Specifies a method for the direct and indirect determination Specifies the reference method for the determination of
of the protein nitrogen content of liquid, whole or skimmed the total solids content of sweetened condensed milk.
milk. (=ISO 6734:2010)
(=ISO 8968-4:2016) Gr.C
SLS 735 Part 14:2017
SLS 735 Part 7 Section 5:2012 Methods of test for milk and milk products -
Methods of test for milk and milk products - Determination of total solids content of ice-cream and
Determination of protein - Milk–determination of milk ice. (Reference Method)
protein – nitrogen content Specifies a reference method for the determination of the
(First revision) total solids content of ice-cream, milk ices and similar
Specifies a method for the direct determination of the products
protein - nitrogen content of liquid milk, whole or (=ISO 3728:2004)
skimmed. An alternative indirect method using calculations Gr.C
is also described.
(=ISO 8968-5:2001) SLS 735 Part 15:2017
Gr.C Methods of test for milk and milk products -
Determination of total solids content in Yoghurt
SLS 735 Part 8:1990 (Reference Method)
Methods of test for milk and milk products - Specifies a reference method for the determination of the
Determination of total ash/acid insoluble ash total solids content of plain, flavoured, sweetened and fruit
Prescribes the methods of determination of total ash/acid yogurts
insoluble ash of milk and milk products. (=ISO 13580:2005)
6 pages, Gr.3 Gr.D
SLS 735 Part 9:2009 SLS 735 Part 16:2017
Methods of test for milk and milk products - Dried Methods of test for milk and milk products -
milk and dried milk products – determination of Determination of total solids content of milk, cream
insolubility index and evaporated milk (Reference Method)
specifies a method of determining the insolubility index, Specifies the reference method for the determination of
as a means of assessing the solubility, of dried whole milk, the total solids content of milk, cream and evaporated milk.
dried partly skimmed milk and dried skimmed milk, (=ISO 6731:2010)
whether non-instant or instant. Gr.C
(= ISO 8156:2005)
Gr.E SLS 735 Part 17:2017
Methods of test for milk and milk products -
SLS 735 Part 10:2010 Determination of the Benzonic and sorbic acid contents
Methods of test for milk and milk products - Specifies a method for the determination of the benzoic
Determination of milk fat purity by gas and sorbic acid contents in milk and milk products. The
chromatographic analysis of triglycerides (reference method is applicable to milk, dried milk, yogurt and other
method) fermented milks, and cheese and processed cheese, and
Specifies a reference method for the determination of milk is suitable for measuring the contents of both compounds
fat purity using gas chromatographic analysis of at levels of more than 5 mg/kg.
triglycerides. Both vegetable fats and animal fats can be (=ISO 9231:2008)
detected. By using defined triglyceride equations, the Gr.E
integrity of milk fat is determined. The method applies to
bulk milk, or products made thereof, irrespective of SLS 735 Part 18:2017
feeding, breed or lactation conditions, In particular, the Methods of test for milk and milk products -
method is applicable to fat extracted from milk products Determination of the total solids content of cheese and
purporting to contain pure milk fat with unchanged processed cheese. (Reference Method)
composition. Specifies the reference method for the determination of
(=ISO 17678:2010) the total solids content of cheese and processed cheese
Gr.L (=ISO 5534:2004)
SLS 735 Part 11:2011
Methods of test for milk and milk products - SLS 735 Part 19:2019
Determination of salt content in butter Methods of test for milk and milk products - Extraction
Specifies a method for the determination of the salt content methods for lipids and liposoluble compounds
of butter. The method is applicable to all types of butter Specifies methods for the extraction or separation of a
containing more than 0.1% (mass fraction) of salt. representative part of the fat, containing lipids and
(=ISO 1738:2004) liposoluble compounds, from milk and milk products
Gr. C (=ISO 14156:2001)
SLS 735 Part 12:2012
Methods of test for milk and milk products - SLS 736:1986
Determination of sucrose content in sweetened Methods for the determination of moisture content of
condensed milk – polarimetric method green coffee
Specifies a polarimetric method for the determination of Specifes a routine method for the determination of
sucrose in sweetened condensed milk. The method is moisture content of green coffee.
(=ISO 1447:1978) including allwaste, blackwater and greywater systems for
Gr.A small installations disposing effluent intothe ground and
is limited to systems producing an average daily effluent
SLS 737:1986 flow of 5 m3/ day or less.
Buns 34 pages, Gr.15
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test and
sampling for buns. SLS 745 Part 2:2009
10 pages, Gr.5 Code of practice for the design and construction of
septic tanks and associated effluent disposal systems -
SLS 738:1986 Systems disposing to surface, systems for on-site
Shampoo effluent reuse and larger systems disposing to ground
(Superseded by SLS 1346) (First revision)
Covers the design, construction, testing and maintenance
SLS 739:1986 of septic tanks for the disposal of domestic wastewater
Unshelled groundnut including allwaste, blackwater and greywater systems.
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Recommends guideline for the selection, design,
test for fresh unshelled groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L). construction and maintenance of systems for the on-site
9 pages, Gr.5 disposal of effluents from septic tanks.
46 pages, Gr.17
SLS 740:1986
Automotive radiator cores SLS 746:1986
Covers the dimensions, general requirements and methods Shovels
of test for automotive radiator cores for use on motor cars, Covers requirements of general purpose shovels of the
trucks, tractors and other machinery. type, square mouth and round mouth.
9 pages, Gr.5 15 pages, Gr.8
SLS 741 Part 1:1986 SLS 747 Part 1:1986
Carbon brushes for electrical machines - Definitions, Fixed capacitors used in electronic equipment- General
principal dimensions and terminations of brushes requirements
Covers the definitions, dimensions and terminations of Prescribes the general requirements and methods of test
carbon brushes for use on cylindrical commutators and applcable to different types of fixed capacitors, intended
slip rings of electrical machines. for use in electronic and other similar equipment.
LKR 200.00 LKR 350.00
SLS 741 Part 2:1986 SLS 748:2014
Carbon brushes for electrical machines - Methods of Ground rock - phosphate (fertilizer grade)
test for physical properties (First revision)
Specifies the procedures for measurement of the electrical Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
resistance of brush-flexible connection and the pull test for ground rock-phosphate of fertilizer grade.
strength of tamped or moulded connection. 9 Pages, Gr.5
LKR 150.00
SLS 749:2013
SLS 742:2014 Thinner for cellulose nitrate based paints and lacquers
Skin creams and lotions for babies (First revision)
(First revision) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and test for thinner for cellulose nitrate based paints and
test for skin creams and lotions for babies with or without lacquers.
herbs/ herbal extracts and medicated skin creams and 13 pages, Gr.7
lotions for babies. It does not prescribe requirements
related to therapeutic/ medicinal claims and efficacy of SLS 750 Part 1:1986
skin creams and lotions for babies. Skin gels are not Aluminium conductors for overhead power
covered transmission purposes - Aluminium stranded
10 Pages, Gr.5 conductors
Applies to aluminium stranded conductors for use in
SLS 743:2014 overhead power transmission.
Skin creams and lotions AMD No. 1 (AMD 210:1996)
(First revision) 13 pages, Gr. 7
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test for skin creams and lotions with or without herbs/ SLS 750 Part 2:1988
herbal extracts and medicated skin creams and lotions. It Aluminium conductors for overhead power
does not prescribe requirements related to therapeutic/ transmission purposes - Aluminium conductors, steel-
medicinal claims and efficacy of skin creams and lotions. reinforced
Skin creams and lotions for babies and skin gels are not Lays down requirements and methods of test for aluminium
covered . conductors, steel-reinforced for overhead power
10 Pages, Gr.5 transmission.
LKR 200.00
SLS 744:1986
Coloured lead pencils SLS 751:1986
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test Plywood panels for tea chests
for coloured lead pencils for ordinary and official use.Does Covers the requirements of plywood panels used in the
not cover pencils having a combination of two colours. manufacture of plywood tea chests in accordance to SLS
16 pages, Gr.4 378.
15 pages, Gr.8
SLS 745 Part 1:2004
Code of practice for the design and construction of SLS 752:1986
septic tanks and associated effluent disposal systems - Rating and fire testing of fire extinguishers
Small systems disposing to ground Sets out the fire testing and rating of fire extinguishers
(First revision) use in exitingurshing fires as classified in SLS 550.
Covers the design, construction, testing and maintenance 11 pages, Gr.6
of septic tanks for the dosposal of dometic wastewater
SLS 753:1986
Axes SLS 761 Part 1:1986
Covers the requirements and methods of test of the types Methods of test for rubber or plastic coated fabrics -
of felling axes and hand axes used for cleaving or chopping Determination of roll characteristics of rubber or
trees, wood etc. plastic coated fabrics
12 pages, Gr.6 (Superseded by SLS 1354-1-3)
SLS 754:1986 SLS 761 Part 2:1986
Code of practice for packaging of pesticides Methods of test for rubber or plastic coated fabrics -
(Superseded by SLS 1314) Determination of tear resistance of rubber or plastic
coated fabrics
SLS 755 Part 1:1986 (Superseded by SLS 1355-1-2)
Copper and copper alloys - code of designation -
Designation of materials SLS 761 Part 3:2005
Relates to the designation of coppers and copper alloys in Methods of test for rubber or plastic coated fabrics -
terms of their material composition. Determination of breaking strength and elongation at
(=ISO 1190/1:1982) break of rubber or plastic coated fabrics
Gr.A (First revision)
Describes two methods for the determination of the tensile
SLS 755 Part 2:1986 strength of fabrics coated with rubber or
Copper and copper alloys - code of designation - plastics.
Designation of temper (=ISO 1421:1998)
Relates to the designation of coppers, alloyed coppers and Gr.F
copper alloys in terms of their temper.
(=ISO 1190/2:1982) SLS 761 Part 4:2005
Gr.A Methods of test for rubber or plastic coated fabrics -
Determination of resistance to damage by flexing
SLS 756 Part 1:1986 (dynamic method) of rubber or plastic coated fabrics
General requirements for sprayers - Connection (First revision)
threading for sprayers Describes three methods of assessing the resistance of
Specifies the essential dimensions of connection threading coated fabrics to dam-age by repeated flexing.
for sprayers for crop protection to cover existing and (=ISO 7854:1995)
foreseeable needs. It applies to spray tips, nozzles, Gr.E
pressure regulators and nuts of sprayers.
(=ISO 4102:1984) SLS 761 Part 5:2005
Gr.A Methods of test for rubber or plastic coated fabrics -
Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing of
SLS 756 Part 2:1986 rubber or plastic coated fabrics
General requirements for sprayers - Connection (First revision)
dimension for nozzles manometers Specifies the requirements for conditionining and methods
Specifies the main connecting dimensions to allow of conditioning employed for rubber - or plastics - coated
interchangeability of nozzles and manometers. fabrics.
(=ISO 8169:1984) (=ISO 2231:1989)
Gr.B Gr.A
SLS 757:2011 SLS 761 Part 6:2005
Staple spun polyester sewing thread Methods of test for rubber or plastic coated fabrics -
(Second revision) Determination of coating adhesion of rubber or plastic
Prescribes the requirements, and methods of sampling and coated fabrics
test for staple spun sewing thread of polyester. This (First revision)
standard does not cover grey threads. Specifies a method of determining the coating adhesion
17 pages Gr.9 strength of coated fabrics.
(=ISO 2411:2000)
SLS 758:1986 Gr.F
Gent’s knitted briefs
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and SLS 761 Part 7 Section 1:2014
test for gent’s cotton, cotton-synthetic blended, and 100 Methods of test for rubber or plastic coated fabrics -
per cent synthetic knitted briefs. Determination of bursting strength - Steel ball method
14 pages, Gr.7 (Second revision)
Specifies a method for the determination of the bursting
SLS 759:1986 (2015) (Reaffirmed) strength of rubber- or plastics coated fabrics, using a
Chlorinated lime (bleaching powder) and calcium mechanically operated steel ball.
hypochlorite (=ISO 3303 - 1:2012)
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test Gr.B
for chlorinated lime and calcium hypochlorite used for
bleaching, sterilization and disinfection. SLS 761 Part 7 Section 2:2014
AMD No. 1 (AMD 96:1987) Methods of test for rubber or plastic coated fabrics -
AMD No. 2 (AMD 185:1995) Determination of bursting strength - Hydraulic method
AMD No. 3 (AMD 504:2017) (Second revision)
12 pages, Gr.6 Specifies a method for the determination of the bursting
strength of rubber- or plastics coated fabrics, using one of
SLS 760:2016 two types of diaphragm bursting tester, designated type A
Synthetic laundry detergent powder and B, both operated by hydraulic pressure. The type A
(First revision) test machine is applicable to materials having bursting
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and strengths ranging from 350 kPa to 5 500 kPa and the type
test for synthetic laundry detergent powder for use in B test machine is applicable to materials of bursting
domestic laundering machines and in hand laundering. It strengths ranging from 70 kPa to 1 400 kPa.
is not applicable tosoap based laundry poeders and nappy (=ISO 3303-2:2012)
washing powder. Gr.C
23 pages Gr.11
SLS 762:1986 AMD No. 1 (AMD 388:2009)
Electroplated coatings of chromium for engineering 12 pages, Gr.7
Specifies requirements for electroplated coatings of hard SLS 773:1987 (S)
chromium with or without undercoats on ferrous and non- Cheese
ferrous metals for engineering applications. Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
LKR 250.00 test for cheese.
AMD No. 1 (AMD 197:1995)
SLS 763:1986 12 pages, Gr.6
Timber battens for plywood tea chests
Covers requirements of timber battens used in the SLS 774:1987
manufacture of plywood tea chests as specified in SLS Methods of test for knitted fabric construction
378. Prescribes methods of test for warp knitted and weft knitted
13 pages, Gr.7 fabric construction.
22 pages, Gr.11
SLS 764:1986
File cords SLS 775:1987
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Tolerance limits for marine coastal waters liable to
test for file cords used for fastening loose papers. pollution
11 pages, Gr.6 Prescribes tolerance limits and methods of sampling and
test for marine coastal waters liable for pollution.
SLS 765:1986 (2009) (Reaffirmed) 11 pages, Gr.6
Methods of test for the stretch and recovery properties
of fabrics SLS 776:1987
Covers woven, warp-knitted and weft-knitted fabrics and Tolerance limits for industrial effluents discharged on
particularly to stretch fabrics such as those obtained by land for irrigation purposes
the use of elastomeric fabrics or bulked yarns, or by a Prescribes tolerance limits and methods of sampling and
process such as slack mercerization. test for industrial effluents discharged on land for irrigation
7 pages, Gr.4 purposes.
11 pages, Gr.6
SLS 766:1986 (2001) (Reaffirmed)
Plain woven cotton shirting (handloom) SLS 777:2009
prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and tests Crayons and pastels
for striped or checked, dyed or printed cotton shirting. (Second revision)
10 pages, Gr.5 Prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and tests
for crayons and pastels used for drawing purposes.
SLS 767:1986 Crayons and pastels used for marking on timber and fabrics
Plain woven cotton shirting (powerloom) are not covered by this. Pastel pencils and water-soluble
Prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and tests pastels are not covered.
for bleached, mercerized, dyed, printed, striped or checked 15 pages, Gr.11
cotton shirting.
10 pages, Gr.5 SLS 778:1987
Kaolin for the paint industry
SLS 768:2021 Prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and tests
Petrol for motor vehicles for kaolin used as an extender in the paint industry.
(Second revision) 10 pages, Gr.5
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for petrol/
gasoline suitable for use as a fuel for vehicles having petrol SLS 779:1987
engines. This standard does not include aviation gasoline Methods of test for meat and meat products -
(avgas) supplied for use in aircraft. determination of fat content
9 pages, Gr.5 Describes two methods for the determination of total fat
SLS 769:1986 Method 1 - Reference method
Hand hammers (=ISO 1443:1973)
Covers the requirements for hand hammers of 13 types, Method 2 - Routine method
together with handles. (Supersedes SLS 296:1974)
27 pages, Gr.13 12 pages, Gr.6
SLS 770:1986 SLS 780:1987
Spray lance for manually operated sprayers Methods of test for meat and meat products -
Lays down material, dimensions, workmanship, marking determination of total phosphorus content
and sampling requirements for spray lance used in Describes a reference method for the determination of the
discharge line of manually operated sprayers. total phosphorus content of meat and meat products.
10 pages, Gr.5 (=ISO 2294:1974)
9 pages, Gr.5
SLS 771:1986
Code of practice for reception of television SLS 781:1987
broadcasting Float operated diaphragm type brass bodied valves
Covers recommendations regarding the provisions of (excluding floats)
antenna systems and cabled distribution systems for Covers materials, workmanship, construction, dimensions,
ensuring good reception of television broadcasts. Also performance and sampling requirements for brass bodied
includes the protection of such systems against float operated diaphragm type valves, having inlet shank
atmospheric electricity, danger from electric shock, fire thread sizes designated as 3/8 and 1/2, to be used with
and other hazards. seat sizes of 3.0 mm to 10.0 mm in bore.
16 pages, Gr.8 26 pages, Gr.12
SLS 772:1987 (S) SLS 782 Part 1:1987
Treacle Copper and copper alloys - terms and definitions -
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Materials
test for treacle.
Gives terms for and definitions of materials in the field of Methods of test for brake lining materials - Method
copper alloys and copper. for determining resistance to water, saline solution, oil
(=ISO 197/1:1983) and brake fluid of brake lining material
Gr.B Specifies a laboratory method for exposing samples to
detrimental environments, measuring the effect on strength
SLS 782 Part 2:1987 and shape and comparing the results with those from
Copper and copper alloys - terms and definitions - uncontaminated samples.
Unwrought products (refinery shapes) (=ISO 6314:1980)
Gives terms for and definitions of unwrought products of Gr.A
copper and copper alloys and copper
(=ISO 197/2:1983) SLS 783 Part 6:1987 (2005) (Reaffirmed)
Gr.A Methods of test for brake lining materials - Method
for assessment of seizure to ferrous mating surface due
SLS 782 Part 3:1987 to corrosion
Copper and copper alloys - terms and definitions - Specifies a laboratory method for conditioning brake
Wrought products linings in an environment that will promote corrosion, and
Gives terms for definitions of wrought products of copper a test method to assess the strength of bond formed by
and copper alloys. corrosion.
(=ISO 197/3:1983) (=ISO 6315:1980)
Gr.C Gr.A
SLS 782 Part 4:1987 SLS 784:1987
Copper and copper alloys - terms and definitions - Cone fan and deflector (impact) type hydraulic spray
Castings nozzles for pest control equipment
Gives terms for and definitions of castings made from Covers material, constructional, dimensional, marking,
copper and copper alloys. testing and sampling requirements for cone, fan and
(=ISO 197/4:1983) deflector (impact) type nozzles used with equipment for
Gr.A spraying pesticides and agrochemicals.
17 pages, Gr.9
SLS 782 Part 5:1987
Copper and copper alloys - terms and definitions - SLS 785:1987
Methods of processing and treatment Portable fire extinguishers - powder type
Gives terms and definitions relating to methods of Specifies requirements regarding capacity, principal
processing and treatment in the field of copper and copper materials, construction, method of operation, performance
alloys. and tests for portable fire extinguishers of the powder type.
(=ISO 197/5:1980) It covers the gas cartridge type and stored pressure types.
Gr.A LKR 200.00
SLS 783 Part 1:1987 SLS 786:2007
Methods of test for brake lining materials - Method Metallic coatings - measurement of coating thickness
for measurement of compressibility of lining - coulometric method by anodic dissolution
material (First evision)
Specifies a method for testing and measuring the Describes a coulometric method, by anodic dissolution,
compressibility of brake linings. for measuring the thickness of metallic coatings. It is only
(=ISO 6310:1981) applicable to conductive coatings. This standard is also
applicable to multi-layer systems,
SLS 783 Part 2:1987 (2005) (Reaffirmed) eg. Cu-Ni-Cr.
Methods of test for brake lining materials - Method (=ISO 2177:2003)
for measurement of internal shear strength of Gr.G
lining material
Specifies a method of measuring the internal shear strength SLS 787:1987
(stress) of brake lining materials. It applies to friction Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates -
materials for disc brake pads and drum brake linings to be measurement of coating thickness - magnetic method
used on road vehicle brakes. Specifies the method of using coating thickness
(=ISO 6311:1980) instruments of the magnetic type for non destructive
Gr.A measurements of the thickness of non-magnetic coatings
(including vitreous and porcelain enamel coatings) on
SLS 783 Part 3:1987 magnetic basis metals.
Methods of test for brake lining materials - Method (=ISO 2178:1982)
for measurement of shear strength of disc brake pad Gr.B
and drum brake shoe assemblies
Describes a method for measuring the shear strength of SLS 788:2007
disc brake pad and drum brake shoe assemblies with regard Metallic and oxide coatings- measurement of coating
to the adhesive/bond connection between the brake lining thickness - microscopical method
material and the lining carrier. (First revision)
(=ISO 6312:1981) Specifies a method for the measurement of the local
thickness of metallic coatings, oxide layers, and porcelain
SLS 783 Part 4:1987 (2005) (Reaffirmed) or vitreous enamel coatings, by the microscopical
Methods of test for brake lining materials - Method examination of cross-sections using an optical microscope.
for determining effects of heat on dimensions and form (=ISO 1463:2003)
of disc brake pads Gr.F
Specifies a combined method of measuring disc brake pads
to determine their dimensional changes in relation to SLS 789:1987
temperature and their resistance to heat transfer. 325 ml glass bottles with 31.5 mm standard roll-on-
(=ISO 6313:1980) pilferproof (ROPP) finish for edible products
Gr.B Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test for glass bottles with 31.5 mm. ROPP finish having a
SLS 783 Part 5:1987 (2005) (Reaffirmed) nominal capacity of 325 ml used for packing edible
15 pages, Gr.8
SLS 790:1999 AMD No 01 (AMD 449:2013)
Quick frozen cuttle fish and squid 12 pages, Gr.6
(First revision)
Prescribes the requirements, and methods of sampling and SLS 797:1987
test for quick frozen cuttle fish and squid. Black offset ink for general purposes
14 pages, Gr.6 Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test for black offset ink, for general purposes.
SLS 791:1987 10 pages, Gr.5
Methods of measurement of roundwood timber and
volume determination SLS 798:2008
The method of measurement is applicable to logs of any Toilet paper
grade, debarked or unbarked. (First revision)
LKR 550.00 Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test for toilet paper, also referred to as toilet tissue.
SLS 792:1987 AMD No. 01 (AMD 402:2010)
Ceramic pedestal washdown water closet pans and AMD No 02 (AMD 457:2013)
traps AMD No 03 (AMD 507:2018)
Lays down the requirements on sizes, construction, 12 pages, Gr.6
dimensional tolerances and finish in ceramic pedestal
washdown water closet pans to be used with independent SLS 799:1987
cisterns. Tolerance limits for inland surface waters for fish
LKR 150.00 culture
Prescribes the tolerance limits and methods of sampling
SLS 793:1987 (S) and test for inland surface waters for fish culture.
Groundnut (peanut) kernels 7 pages, Gr.4
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test for groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) kernels for table SLS 800:1987
use and for oil extraction. Code for styles of fibreboard boxes
(S. RATA KADJU; T. NILAKADALAI) This code gives various styles of fibreboard boxes and
10 pages, Gr.5 fitments and methods of closure of fibreboard boxes.
24 pages, Gr.12
SLS 794:1987 (S)
Black gram, whole SLS 801:1987 (S)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Corrugated fibreboard boxes
test for whole seeds of black gram (Vigna mungo (L) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Heppor). (S. UNDU; T. ULUNDU). test for corrugated fibreboard boxes for packaging of
9 pages, Gr.5 contents upto 75 kg in mass.
13 pages, Gr.7
SLS 795 Part 1:1987
Coated fabrics - Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) coated SLS 802:1987 (S)
woven fabrics for upholstery Buddhist flag
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Prescribes the design, constructional details and other
test for PVC coated woven fabrics used for upholstery. particulars of the Buddhist flag.
14 pages, Gr.7 11 pages, Gr.6
SLS 795 Part 2:1988 SLS 803 Part 1:1987
Coated fabrics - Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) coated Spun polyester yarns - For weaving (conventional
knitted fabrics for upholstery looms)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test for PVC coated knitted fabrics used for upholstery. test for 100 per cent spun polyester yarns intended for use
11 pages, Gr.6 in conventional looms.
7 pages, Gr.4
SLS 795 Part 3:1989
Coated fabrics - Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) coated SLS 803 Part 2:1990
fabrics for water resistant clothing Spun polyester yarns - For knitting
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
for fabrics coated on one side with a suitably plasticized test for 100 per cent spun polyester yarn intended for
coating, pigmented or otherwise, of vinyl chloride or knitting.
copolymer, the major constituent of which is vinyl chloride 10 pages, Gr.5
and which are intended for use in water resistant clothing.
11 pages, Gr.6 SLS 804:1987
Low protein natural rubber
SLS 795 Part 4:2002 Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Coated fabrics - Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) coated test for low protein natural rubber (LPNR).
woven fabrics for footwear industy 9 pages, Gr.5
Prescribes the requirements for PVC coated fabrics for
footwear industry coated on woven (grey or SLS 805:1987
dyed)fabrics.These coated fabrics may be in plain, Hand - operated cut-off devices for pest control and
embossed, printed or in any other surface finish. This agrochemical spray equipment
standard does not cover requirements for PVC coated Specifies minimum requirements for the release, discharge
fabrics based on non-woven materials, knitted fabric and cut-off device used in discharge line of equipment
backing and coating without a continuous skin. used for spraying pesticides and agrochemicals.
14 pages Gr.7
SLS 806:1987
SLS 796:1987 (2001) (Reaffirmed) Mild steel wire for the manufacture of wood screws
Shaving creams Covers the requirements for mild steel wire, generally cold
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and drawn to sizes ranging from 1.0 mm up to 12.5 mm
test for shaving creams of both lather type and non-lather diameter \suitable for the manufacture of wood screws by
type. It does not cover aerosols and other types of foams cold heading process.
used for shaving. LKR 150.00
SLS 807:1988 SLS 817:1988
Duplicating paper Documentation - International Standards Serial
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Numbering (ISSN)
test for duplicating paper. Provides a unique identification numbering system for
AMD No.1 (AMD 257:2000). serial publications.
11 pages, Gr.6 (=ISO 3297:1986)
SLS 808:1988
Method for sampling paper and board SLS 818:1988
Prescribes the method of sampling of paper and board for Screwed studs
the prpose of determining conformity of a lot to the Specifies the dimensional and mechanical property
requirements of a relevant product standard. requirements for plain carbon and low alloy steel, screwed
8 pages, Gr.4 studs with metric threads in diameter from 3 mm to 39
mm inclusive intended for general purpose applications.
SLS 809:1988 24 pages, Gr.12
Recommended shipping marks for goods
Establishes standard shipping marks and sets out SLS 819:1988
guidelines for the use of information marks and cargo Tolerance limits for effluents from raw rubber industry
handling marks. Prescribes tolerance limits and methods of sampling and
LKR 250.00 test for effluents from latex concentrate, standard lanka
rubber (SLR), crepe rubber and ribbed smoked sheets
SLS 810:1988 (RSS) processing factories after treatment before dilution
Rubberized coir sheets for cushions and mattresses at the point of discharge into inland surface waters.
(Superseded by SLS 1333) 6 pages, Gr.4
SLS 811:1988 (S) SLS 820:1988
Maldive fish Tolerance limits for effluents from tanning
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test industry
for maldive fish prepared from fresh or frozen fish of the Prescribes tolerance limits and methods of sampling and
tuna species. test for effluents from tanning industry after treatment
14 pages, Gr.7 before dilution at the point of discharge into inland surface
waters and marine coastal waters.
SLS 812:2014 6pages, Gr.3
Triple super – phosphate (fertilizer grade)
(First revision) SLS 821 Part 1:1988
Prescribes the requirements and method of sampling and Low frequency cables and wires with PVC insulation
test for triple super-phosphate, fertilizer grade. and PVC sheath for telecommunication -
8 Pages, Gr.4 General requirements and tests
Low frequency cables and wires having insulation and
SLS 813:1988 sheath made of polyvinyl chloride and designed for use
Mango nectar inside plant and equipment used in telecommunication and
(Superseded by SLS 1328) electronics.
31 pages, Gr.14
SLS 814 Part 1:1988
Electric fans and regulators - Performance SLS 821 Part 2:1988
Covers the performance requirements for ceiling, pedestal, Low frequency cables and wires with PVC insulation
table type fans, oscillating or non-oscillating type and other and PVC sheath for telecommunication - Equipment
asociated regulators, inended for use on single phase a.c. wires with solid or stranded conductors, unscreened,
or d.c. circuits at voltages not exceeding 250 V. single
(Corrigendum) Gives details of construction, materials, dimensions and
(AMD No 1(AMD 537:2020) requirements for unscreened, single equipment wires with
16 pages, Gr.8 solid or stranded conductor, PVC insulated used for
internal wiring of transmission equipment, telephone and
SLS 814 Part 2:2016 telegraph equipment, and other electronic equipment.
Electric fans and regulators - Safety requirements 9 pages, Gr.5
(Second revision)
Deals with the safety of electric fans for household and SLS 821 Part 3:1989
similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more than Low frequency cables and wires with PVC insulation
250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other and PVC sheath for telecommunication - Cables and
appliances. equipment wires with solid or stranded conductors
(=IEC 60335-2-80:2015) screened, single
Gr.M Gives details of construction, materials, dimensions, and
requirements for screened cables and screened equipment
SLS 815:1988 (S) wires, all with a single solid or stranded conductor and
Portable fire extinguisher, water (stored pressure) type PVC-insulation, used for internal wiring of telephone and
Lays down requirements regarding capacity, principal telegraph exchanges, electronic and other equipment.
materials, construction, method of operation, performance 12 pages, Gr.6
and tests.
16 pages, Gr.8 SLS 821 Part 4:1990
Low frequency cables and wires with PVC insulation
SLS 816:1988 and PVC sheath for telecommunication - Equipment
Method for checking net contents of prepackaged wires with solid or stranded conductors unscreened in
goods pairs, triples, quads, quintuples
Specifies the requirements for statistical checking of net Gives details of construction, materials, dimensions and
contents of prepackaged consumer goods. This standard requirements for unscreened equipment wires with solid
is applicable to prepackaged goods where drained mass or stranded conductors, and insulated with PVC used
is declared. inside telephone and telegraph exchanges and for the
17 pages, Gr.9 internal wiring of other electronic equipment.
9 pages, Gr.5

SLS 821 Part 5:1990 structure of ground (powdered) chillies. It also prescribes
Low frequency cables and wires with PVC insulation a method for the detection of common adulterants in
and PVC sheath for telecommunication - Cables with ground (powdered) chillies by microscopic examination.
solid or stranded conductors, screened and sheathed, 27 pages, Gr.16
one pair
Gives details of construction, materials, dimensions and SLS 828:1988
requirements for screened and sheathed single pair cables Battery chargers for household and similar
used inside telephones and telegraph exchanges and for applications
the internal wiring of electronic and other equipment. Applies to mains-operated, self-contained battery chargers
11 pages, Gr.6 incorporating static rectifiers, having an output at safety
extra-low voltage for household and similar general
SLS 822:1988 purposes and suitable for recharging lead acid batteries
Tolerance limits for effluents from textile industry for automobiles and the like.
Prescribes tolerance limits and methods of sampling and 18 pages, Gr.9
test for effluents from textile factories after treatment
before dilution at the point of discharge into inland surface SLS 829:2009
waters. Galvanized steel pipes and sockets
6 pages, Gr.3 (First revision)
Specifies dimensional, physical and mechanical properties,
SLS 823:2014 galvanizing requirements and testing requirements for
Dolomite (fertilizer grade) light, medium and heavy duty threaded or plain ended
(First revision) galvenized steel pipes and sockets for non-pressure general
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and engineering applications.
test for dolomite of fertilizer grade. AMD No. 1 (AMD 423:2011)
8 Pages, Gr.4 (Corrigendum No 1)
20 pages, Gr.10
SLS 824 Part 1:2017
Fermented milk products - Curd SLS 830
(First revision) Lever-operated knapsack sprayers
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and (Withdrawn) (superseded by sls iso 19932-2 and sls iso
test for curd. 1608-1)
11 Pages, Gr.6
SLS 831:1988
SLS 824 Part 2:2018 Portable fire extinguishers - foam type
Fermented milk products - Yoghurt (mechanical)
(First revision) Lays down requirements regarding capacity, principal
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling materials, construction, method of operation, performance
and test for yoghurt. and tests of portable fire extinguishers of foam type
17 pages, Gr.8 (mechanical) of either stored pressure or gas cartridge type.
17 pages, Gr.9
SLS 825 Part 1
Quality management and quality assurance systems SLS 832:1988
(Superseded by SLS ISO 9000) Ceramic sinks
Covers the requirements on construction, dimensions,
SLS 825 Part 2:1988 finish and methods of sampling of ceramic sinks generally
Quality management and quality assurance systems - used in kitchens and laboratories.
Guidelines for selection and use LKR 150.00
(Superseded by SLS ISO 9000)
SLS 833:2008
SLS 825 Part 3:1988 Code of acceptance tests for centrifugal, mixed flow
Quality management and quality assurance systems - and axial pumps
Quality system in design/development, production, Specifies hydraulic performance tests for acceptance of
installation and servicing rotodynamic pumps (centrifugal, mixed flow and axial
(Superseded by SLS ISO 9001) pumps). It is applicable to pumps of any size and to any
pumped liquids behaving as clean cold water.
SLS 825 Part 4:1988 (=ISO 9906:1999)
Quality management and quality assurance systems - Gr. V
Quality system in production and installation
(Superseded by SLS ISO 9002) SLS 834:1988
Typewriting paper
SLS 825 Part 5:1988 Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Quality management and quality assurance systems - test for typewriting paper.
Quality system in final inspection and tests AMD No. 1 (AMD 258:2000)
(Superseded by SLS ISO 9003) 9 pages, Gr.5
SLS 825 Part 6:1988 SLS 835:2010
Quality management and quality assurance systems - Polyethylene garbage bags
Quality management and quality system elements (First revision)
(Superseded by SLS ISO 9004) Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
for polyethylene garbage bags. It does not cover
SLS 826:1988 degradable polyethylene garbage bags.
Rubber weatherstrips for automobiles AMD No. 1 (AMD 443:2013)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and 10 pages, Gr.5
test for four types of rubber weatherstrips for automobiles.
11 pages, Gr.6 SLS 836 Part 1:1988
Methods of testing small clear specimens of timber -
SLS 827:1988 Sampling methods and physical tests
Method for microscopic examination of ground chillies Prescribes methods of conducting physical tests on small
Prescribes the morphological and anatomical structure of clear specimens of timber free from visible defects for the
chillie fruit and a method for examination of anatomical provision of data for the determination and comparison
of properties of the different species of timber and for the SLS 844:1989 (S)
determination of suitability of timber for specific end uses. Abrasive paper
LKR 350.00 Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test for abrasive paper for general manual applications.
SLS 837:1988 13 pages, Gr.7
Knitted fabrics for gent’s and ladies underwear
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and SLS 845:1989 (S)
test for fabric made from yarn of 100 per cent cotton, Gelatine (food grade)
cotton synthetic blends and 100 per cent regenerated Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
cellulose such as viscose and its blends. test for gelatine (food grade) which is also known as edible
AMD No. 1 (AMD 175:1995) gelatine.
AMD No. 2 (AMD 208:1995) AMD No.1(AMD 276:2001)
12 pages, Gr.6 26 pages, Gr.12
SLS 838 Part 1:1988 SLS 846:1989 (2010) (Reaffirmed)
Base fabrics for polymer coating - Woven fabrics for Stamp pad ink
upholstery Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and test for stamp pad ink used for stamping with rubber stamp
test for cotton woven base fabrics suitable to manufacture off fabric or foam pads.
polymer fabrics for upholstery. 14 pages, Gr.7
8 pages, Gr.5
SLS 847 Part 1:1989
SLS 838 Part 2:1990 Cement bricks - Requirements
Base fabrics for polymer coating - Weft knitted fabrics Deals with requirements for compliance and specifies
for upholstery materials, sizes and dimensional tolerances and minimum
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and performance levels for cement bricks for construction
test for weft knitted base fabrics from suitable yarn for work.
manufacture of polymer-coated fabrics for upholstery. LKR 150.00
8 pages, Gr.4
SLS 847 Part 2:1989
SLS 839:1988 Cement bricks - Test methods
Nylon mosquito netting for domestic use Specifies test methods for the determination of crushing
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and strength, dimensions, density, drying shrinkage, wetting
test for bleached or dyed, nylon mosquito netting. expansion, absorption and moisture content.
AMD No. 1 (AMD 174:1995) LKR 200.00
10 pages, Gr.5
SLS 848 Part 1:1989
SLS 840:1988 Wood poles for overhead power and
Methods of test for meat and meat products - telecommunication lines - Terminology of wood poles
determination of starch content Deals with terminology applicable to wood poles.
Describes a reference method and a routine method for 7 pages, Gr.4
the determination of the starch content.
(=ISO 5554:1978) SLS 848 Part 2:1989
Gr.C Wood poles for overhead power and
telecommunication lines - Selection and preparation
SLS 841:1988 of wood poles for treatment
Test fingers and test probes Stipulates species, and specifies the selection criteria of
Specifies the details and dimensions of standard test wood poles for preservative treatment. It also deals with
fingers, probes and similar devices. It also prescribes their seasoning, marking, storage, and handling.
general use in testing for protection against electrical, AMD No. 1 (AMD 123:1989)
mechanical or thermal hazard due to contact through 18 pages, Gr. 9
openings in electrical equipment and accessories.
18 pages, Gr.9 SLS 848 Part 3:1989
Wood poles for overhead power and
SLS 842:1988 telecommunication lines - Design data and pole classes
Vocabulary for safety glasses for road vehicles Covers basis of design and design data for both unstayed
Defines terms relating to safety glasses for road vehicles. and stayed poles. It also specifies dimensions of pole
(=ISO 3536/1:1975) classes for species listed in Part 2 of this standard.
Gr.A LKR 300.00
SLS 843 Part 1:1988 SLS 848 Part 4:1989
Methods of test for safety glasses for road vehicles - Wood poles for overhead power and
Mechanical properties telecommunication lines - Determination of mechanical
Specifies mechanical test methods relating to the safety and physical properties of poles
requirements for all safety glasses in a road vehicle, Specifies tests to determine fit stress in bending, modulus
whatever the type of glass or other material of which they of elasticity, rate of group relative density and density of
are composed. tapered solid wood poles.
(=ISO 3537:1975) 21 pages, Gr.11
SLS 849:1989
SLS 843 Part 2:1988 Standard colours for low-frequency cables and wires
Methods of test for safety glasses for road vehicles - Applies to thermoplastic insulation to be used with low-
Optical properties frequency cables and wires.
Specifies optical test methods relating to the safety (=IEC 60304:1982)
requirements for all safety glasses in a road vehicle, Gr.B
whatever the type of glass or other material of which they
are composed. SLS 850 Part 1:1989
(=ISO 3538:1978) Plain bearings - Sintered bronze bushes
Specifies dimensions and tolerances applicable to sintered
bearings of three ranges of inside diameters.
(=ISO 2795:1986) Deals with requirements for compliance and specifies
Gr.B materials, sizes and dimensional tolerances and minimum
performance levels for cement blocks used for
SLS 850 Part 2:1989 constructional purposes.
Plain bearings - Dimensions and tolerances of solid AMD No. 1 (AMD 164:1994)
copper alloy bushes Errata-slip
Specifies dimensions and tolerances applicable to solid 19 pages, Gr.10
copper alloy bushes cylindrical and flanged, in the range
6 to 200 mm inside diameters. SLS 855 Part 2:1989
(=ISO 4379:1978) Cement blocks - Test methods
Gr.C Specifies test methods for the determination of crushing
strength, dimensions, volume of cavities, density, net area,
SLS 850 Part 3:1989 drying shrinkage, wetting expansion, absorption and
Plain bearings - Dimensions, tolerances and moisture content.
methods of checking of wrapped bushes 21 pages, Gr.11
Lays down the main dimensions and tolerances of a range
of wrapped bushes, with external diameters of between 6 SLS 856:1989
and 150 mm for plain bearings. Automotive brake linings
(=ISO 3547:1976) Covers terminology, dimensions, and other general
Gr.D requirements for automotive brake linings. It also covers
various tests and the coefficient of friction for different
SLS 850 Part 4:1989 types and classes of brake linings.
Plain bearings - Dimensions, tolerances and methods 21 pages, Gr.11
of checking of thin-walled half bearings
Lays down the main dimensions and tolerances for a range SLS 857:1989
of thin-walled half bearings Portable fire extinguishers - (halon) type
(=ISO 3548:1978) Lays down requirements regarding capacity, principal
Gr.E materials, construction, method of operation, performance
and tests of portable fire extinguishers of halon (stored
SLS 850 Part 5:1989 (2004) (Reaffirmed) pressure) type.
Plain bearings - Dimensions and tolerances of ring type LKR 200.00
thrust washers made from strip
Specifies a range of thrust washers for general purpose SLS 858:2019
use with wrapped bushes. Rice noodles (rice vermicelli)
(=ISO 6525:1983) (First Revision)
Gr.B prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
for rice noodles (rice vermicelli).
SLS 850 Part 6:1989 (2004) (Reaffirmed) Gr.7
Plain bearings - Features and tolerances of
bimetallic half thrust washers SLS 859 Part 1:1989
Specifies the main features and lays down tolerances for Preservative treatment with coal tar creosote of wood
pressed bimetallic half thrust washers having an outside poles for overhead power and telecommunication lines
diameter up to 160 mm. - Treatment processes
(=ISO 6526:1983) Specifies processes for preservation of wood poles by
Gr.C pressure impregnation with creosote and includes
requirements of creosote, preparation of poles for
SLS 850 Part 7:1989 treatment and processes of treatment prescribed values of
Plain bearings - Dimensions, tolerances and methods net retention and penetration and handling of wood poles
of checking of thin-walled flanged half bearings after treatment
Lays down the main dimensions and tolerances for thin- 13 pages, Gr.7
walled flanged half bearings used in reciprocating
machinery. SLS 859 Part 2:1989
(=ISO 6864:1984) Preservative treatment with coal tar creosote of wood
Gr.D poles for overhead power and telecommunication lines
- Test methods
SLS 851:1989 (S) Specifies test methods related to the preservative treatment
Maize (corn) with creosote of wood poles for overhead power and tele-
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and communication lines.
test for maize (Zea mays L.). 22 pages, Gr.11
8 pages, Gr.4
SLS 860:1989
SLS 852:1989 Potassium metabisulfite (food grade)
School drawing books Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and for food grade potassium metabisulfite (potassium
test for school drawing books. yrosulfite) used in the food industry as an antimicrobial
AMD No 01 (AMD 459:2013) preservative.
11 pages, Gr.6 13 pages, Gr.7
SLS 853 SLS 861:1989
Dried whole chillies Sodium bisulfite and sodium metabisulfite (food grade)
(Superseded by SLS 1563) Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
for food grade sodium bisulfite (sodium hydrogen sulfite,
SLS 854:1989 sodium acid sulfite) and food grade sodium metabisulfite
Tolerance limits for emissions from sulfuric acid plants (sodium pyrosulfite) which are used as antimicrobial
Prescribes the limits, methods of test and sampling for preservatives in the food industry.
gaseous emissions from sulfuric acid plants. 13 pages, Gr.7
12 pages, Gr.6
SLS 862:2017
SLS 855 Part 1:1989 (S) Palm kernel oil
Cement blocks - Requirements (First revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and SLS 871 Part 2:1989
test of palm kernel oil derived from the kernels of the fruit Code for use of plastic materials for food contact
of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) tree by the process applications - Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
of expression and/or extraction. Prescribes the homopolymers, copolymers, manufacturing
9 Pages, Gr.5 aids and additives permitted in polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
used for food contact purposes.
SLS 863 Part 1:1989 16 pages, Gr.8
Cement concrete tiles - Specification for manufacture
Covers requirements for cement concrete floor tiles and SLS 871 Part 3:1990
wall tiles made with cement and aggregate commonly Code for use of plastic materials for food contact
referred to as pressed cement tiles, but excludes terrazzo applications - Polyethylene (PE)
tiles. (Superseded by SLS 1614-3)
13 pages, Gr.7
SLS 871 Part 4:1991
SLS 863 Part 2:1989 Code for use of plastic materials for food contact
Cement concrete tiles - Test methods applications - Polypropylene (PP)
Specifies the tests to be conducted on cement concrete (Superseded by SLS 1614-4)
floor tiles and wall tiles.
13 pages, Gr.8 SLS 871 Part 5:1992
Code for use of plastic materials for food contact
SLS 864:1989 applications - Polyethylene phthalate (PET)
Ceramic flushing cistern (low-level, valveless, syphonic Prescribes the polymers, manufacturing aids and additives
type with side connection) permitted in polyethylene phthalate (PET) used for food
Covers the requirements for water closet ceramic flushing contact applications. The permissible limits for residual
cisterns with valveless siphons for low level. monomers, manufacturing aids and additives present in
LKR 200.00 the finished polymer/final compounds are also specified.
8 pages, Gr.4
SLS 865:1989
Steel stationery cupboards SLS 871 Part 6:1992
Specifies the requirements for material, manufacture and Code for use of plastic materials for food contact
test methods of steel stationery cupboards. applications - Polystyrene (PS)
13 pages, Gr.7 Prescribes the polymers, manufacturing aids and additives
permitted in polystyrene (PS) used for food contact
SLS 866:2016 applications. Polystyrene plastics used for drug contact
Sodium carbonate applications medical preparations, toiletry products and
(First revision) pipes and fittings for water supply are not covered in this
Prescribes the requirements, test methods and sampling code.
procedure for sodium carbonate of technical grade, general 13 pages, Gr.7
purpose reagent grade (GPR)/ laboratory reagent grade
(LRG), analytical reagent grade (AR) and food grade. It SLS 871 Part 7
does not specify requirements for sodium carbonate Code for use of plastic materials for food contact
intended for pharmaceutical and photographic use. applications - Colorants
16 Pages, Gr.8 (withdrawn) (Superseded by SLS 1614-7)
SLS 867:1989 SLS 872:2009
Polyester blended sarongs Code of hygienic practice for dairy industry
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and (First revision)
test for bleached, dyed, printed, striped or checked arongs A production processing and handling of milk and milk
made from yarn manufactured by blending polyester staple products. Where milk products are referred to in the code
fibre with cotton or any other regenerated cellulose fibre. it is understood that this term also includes composite milk
11 pages, Gr. 6 products. This code does not extend to the production of
raw drinking milk.
SLS 868:1989 48 pages, Gr.18
Printing paper and writing paper
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and SLS 873 Part 1:2015
test for printing paper and writing paper. It excludes Code of hygienic practice for canned foods - Low acid
newsprint. canned foods
AMD No. 1 (AMD 259:2000) (First revision)
12 pages, Gr.6 Applies to the canning and heat processing of low acid
foods, packaged in hermetically sealed containers. This
SLS 869:1989 Part does not apply to acidified low acid foods and foods
Polyvinyl acetate (PVA) based adhesives in hermetically sealed containers which require
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test refrigeration.
for thermoplastic synthetic emulsion adhesives based on 46 Pages, Gr.17
polyvinyl acetate (PVA) dispersions for use as a general
purpose adhesive and bonding agent. SLS 873 Part 2:2015
12 pages, Gr.6 Code of hygienic practice for canned foods - Acidified
low acid canned foods
SLS 870:1989 (First revision)
Latex foam rubber cushioning and mattresses Applies to the manufacture and processing of low acid
(Superseded by SLS 1334) canned foods which have been acidified, fermented and/
or pickled prior to canning to have an equilibrium pH of
SLS 871 Part 1:1989 4.6 or less after heat processing. These foods include but
Code for use of plastic materials for food contact are not limited to, artichokes, beans, cabbage, cauliflower,
applications - General guidelines for manufacture cucumber, fish, olives (other than ripe olives), peppers,
Prescribes procedures that should be followed during the puddings and tropical fruits, singly or in combination. Does
various stages of production coating and printing of plastic not apply to acid beverages and foods, jams, jellies,
items for food contact applications. preserves, salad dressings, vinegar, fermented dairy
Gr.5 products, acid foods that contain small amounts of low-
acid foods.
15 pages, Gr.7 Grey cast iron - Methods of test for tensile strength
Specifies the method of testing tensile strength of grey
SLS 874 Part 1:1990 cast iron.
Steel products - Classification and definitions 7 pages, Gr.4
Defines and classifies steel industry products according
to their stage of manufacture, shape and dimensions and SLS 881 Part 4:1990
appearance. Grey cast iron - Methods of test for transverse strength
27 pages, Gr.13 Specifies the method of testing transverse strength.
9 pages, Gr.5
SLS 874 Part 2:1989
Steel products - Identification markings SLS 882:1990
Specifies the types of marking envisaged in situations Glow starters for tubular fluorescent lamps
where the quality standard or conditions of delivery do (Superseded by SLS 1260)
not contain any marking provision but it is nevertheless
required to mark the steel products. SLS 883:2017
8 pages, Gr.4 Brown sugar
(First revision)
SLS 875:1989 Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Identification markings of the contents of industrial test for brown sugar intended for direct consumption.
gas cylinders (Corigendum 01), (Corigendum 02)
Establishes a system of marking for the identification of 8 pages, Gr.4
the contents of gas cylinders intended for industrial use of
water capacity exceeding 0.1 kg but not exceeding 500 SLS 884:1990
kg. It excludes gas cylinders used for medical, breathing Semolina (Farina)
or firefighting purposes. Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
LKR 150.00 test for semolina made by grinding and bolting cleaned
wheat to a certain degree of fineness and freeing it from
SLS 876 Part 1:1999 bran, germ etc. to the desired extent.
Code of practice for installation of asbestos-cement 13 pages, Gr.7
corrugated sheets and fixing accessories -
Components and design considerations SLS 885:1990 (S)
(First revision) Jelly crystals
Deals with components and design considerations related Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
to installation of asbestos-cement corrugated sheets and test for jelly crystals.
all other fixing accessories for walls and roofs. AMD No. 1(AMD 353:2007)
31 pages, Gr.14 10 pages, Gr.5
SLS 876 Part 2:1999 SLS 886:1990
Code of practice for installation of asbestos-cement Luncheon meat
corrugated sheets and fixing accessories - (Superseded by SLS 1218)
Installation and maintenance
Deals with precautionary measures, tools and equipments SLS 887:1990
for installation inspection and maintenance of roofs or wall Code of practice for basic training and testing of
clads with asbestos-cement corrugated sheets. manual metal arc welder
29 pages, Gr.14 Recommends minimum requirements for a course of
instruction in manual metal arc welding as applied to mild
SLS 877:1989 steel and prescribes certain tests for the practising welder.
Portable fire extinguishers - foam type (chemical) LKR 650.00
Lays down requirements regarding capacity, principal
materials, construction chemical charge, anticorrosive SLS 888:1990
treatment, method of operation, performance and tests. Definition of welding positions
LKR 250.00 Defines the welding positions of groove and fillet welds
in plates and pipes.
SLS 878:1989 11 pages, Gr. 6
Plastic flushing cistern (low-level, valveless, siphonic
type with side connection) SLS 889:1990
Covers the requirements for water closet plastic flushing Moulded thermoplastic bins
cisterns with valveless siphons, nominally 9.1 (litres) for Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
low level. test for moulded thermoplastic bins of capacity not more
LKR 200.00 than 100 litres intended for general use.
17 pages, Gr. 9
SLS 879
PVC insulated flexible cords SLS 890:2014
(Superseded by SLS 1143) Pneumatic tyres for motorcycles and scooters
(First revision)
SLS 880:1989 Specifies the requirements of dimension, performance and
Organic refrigerants - number designation methods of test for pneumatic new tyres for motorcycles
Establishes a system of referring to common organic and scooters.
refrigerants instead of using chemical name, formula or 29 Pages, Gr.13
trade name.
(=ISO 817:1974) SLS 891:1990
Organic solvent type timber preservatives
SLS 881 Part 2:1990 Pescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Grey cast iron - Grey iron for automotive industry test for organic solvent type timber preservatives.
Covers the technical provisions relating to grey cast iron 12 pages, Gr.6
for the automotive industry. Covers nine grades of grey
iron. SLS 892:2003
LKR 200.00 Code of hygienic practice for processing of poultry
(Superseded by SLS 1564)
SLS 881 Part 3:1990
SLS 893:1990 (First revision)
Polyurethane foam material for cushioning and Specifies methods for the determination of iodine
mattresses absorption number of carbon blacks for use in the rubber
(Superseded by SLS 1335) industry. Two titration methods are described.
(=ISO 1304:2016)
SLS 894:2020 Gr.G
Bottled (Packaged) drinking water
(Third revision) SLS 899 Part 1 Section 5:2009
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for bottled Methods of test for rubber compounding ingredients -
(packaged) drinking water. Carbon black - Determination of pour density
10 pages, Gr.5 (First revision)
Specifies a methods for determining the pour density of
SLS 895:2010 all types of pelletized carbon blacks for use in the rubber
Road marking paint industry.
(First revision) (=ISO 1306:1995)
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test Gr.A
for quick drying of road marking paints. It makes provision
for yellow, white and black paint but does not cover SLS 899 Part 1 Section 6:2009
reflectorized paint and thermoplastic road marking paint. Methods of test for rubber compounding ingredients -
(Erratum Sheet) Carbon black - Determination of fines content
15 pages, Gr.8 (First revision)
Specifies a method for the determination of the fraction
SLS 896:2020 of a test portion of pelletized carbon black that will pass
Split lentils through a sieve with 125 µm nominal aperture size under
(First revision) specified conditions. It is applicable to all types of
Specifies the requirements and methods of sampling and pelletized carbon black for use in the rubber industry.
tests for split lentils (Lens culinaris Medikus or Lens (=ISO 1435:1996)
esculenta Moench) intended for human consumption. Gr.B
8 pages, Gr.5
SLS 899 Part 1 Section 7:2009
Methods of test for rubber compounding ingredients -
SLS 897:2017 Carbon black - Determination of sieve residue
Malted foods Products (First revision)
(First revision) Specifies a method for determining the water-wash sieve
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and residue from regular, untreated carbon black for the rubber
tests for malted food products. industry. It may not be applicable to oil-treated blacks
Amd No 01(Amd 508:2018) (=ISO 1437:2007)
12 Pages, Gr.6 Gr.C
SLS 898:2017 SLS 899 Part 1 Section 8:2009
Textured soya protein Methods of test for rubber compounding ingredients -
(First revision) Carbon black - Method of evaluation in styrene -
prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and butadiene rubbers
test for textured soya protein. (First revision)
12 Pages, Gr. 7 Specifies standard materials, equipment and processing
methods for evaluating carbon black in styrene - butadiene
SLS 899 Part 1 Section 1:2019 rubbers (SBR)
Methods of test for rubber compounding ingredients - (=ISO 3257:1992)
Carbon black - Determination of ash Gr.C
(First revision)
Specifies a method for determining the ash of all types of SLS 899 Part 1 Section 9:2009
carbon black for use in the rubber industry. Methods of test for rubber compounding ingredients -
(=ISO 1125:2015) Carbon black - Determination of light transmittance
Gr.C of toluene extract
(First revision)
SLS 899 Part 1 Section 2:2019 Specifies a method for the determination of the light
Methods of test for rubber compounding ingredients - transmittance of the toluene extract from carbon black for
Carbon black - Determination of loss on heating use in the rubber industry, as a means of measuring the
(First revision) discolouration caused by the extractable matter. The light
Specifies methods for determining the loss on heating of transmittance value provides an estimate of the degree of
carbon black for use in the rubber industry. These methods discolouration caused by the toluene extractable matter
are not applicable to treated carbon blacks which contain present on the surface of the carbon black. May not be
added volatile materials. applicable to carbon blacks with a high extractable - matter
(=ISO 1126:2015) content.
Gr.D (=ISO 3858:2008)
SLS 899 Part 1 Section 3:2009
Methods of test for rubber compounding ingredients - SLS 899 Part 1 Section 10:2009
Carbon black - Determination of sulfur content Methods of test for rubber compounding ingredients -
(First revision) Carbon black - Determination of specific surface area
Specifies three methods for the determination of the total by nitrogen adsorption methods
sulfur in all types of carbon black for use in the rubber (First revision)
industry. Specifies four methods for the determination of the specific
(=ISO 1138:2007) surface area of types and grades of carbon black for use
Gr.C in the rubber industry.
(=ISO 4652-1:1994)
SLS 899 Part 1 Section 4:2019 Gr.L
Methods of test for rubber compounding ingredients -
Carbon black - Determination of iodine adsorption SLS 899 Part 1 Section 11:2009
Methods of test for rubber compounding ingredients - (First revision)
Carbon black - Determination of oil absorption Defines a number of significant terms related to pneumatic
number (OAN) and oil absorption number of tyres used in the tyre industry, together with corresponding
compressed sample (COAN) codes, symbols and values.
(First revision) (=ISO 4223/1:2002)
Specifies a method using an absorptometer for the Gr.F
determination of the oil absorption number of carbon black
for use in the rubber industry. The same method is used SLS 900 Part 2:1990
for the etermination of the oil absorption number of Definition of terms used in the tyre industry -
compressed samples of carbon black. Nomenclature, designation, marking and units of
(=ISO 4656:2007) measurement of wheels and rims
Gr.H Covers the nomenclature, designations, marking and units
of measurement for wheels/rims. The nomenclature and
SLS 899 Part 1 Section 12:2009 accompanying drawings are intended to define
Methods of test for rubber compounding ingredients - fundamental wheel/rim terms rather than to provide a
Carbon black - Determination of tinting strength comprehensive tabulation of all wheel design features.
(First revision) (=ISO 3911:1977)
Specifies a method for the determination of the tinting Gr.F
strength of carbon black relative to an industry tint
reference black. The method is based on the use of five SLS 901
different commercial instruments. Size designation and dimensions for motorcycle and
(=ISO 5435:2008) scooter tyres
Gr.H (Superseded by SLS 1320, SLS 1321 & SLS 1322)
SLS 899 Part 1 Section 13:2012 SLS 902:1990
Methods of test for rubber compounding ingredients - Code of practice for canning of fish
Carbon black - Determination of solvent extractable Contains technological guidelines and essential
material requirements of hygiene concerning the production of heat
(Second revision) processed canned fish and shellfish which have been
Specifies a method for the quantitative determination of packed in hermetically sealed rigid or semi-rigid
the solvent extractable material in carbon black for use in containers.
the rubber industry. The method is applicable to all types 65 pages, Gr.20
of carbon black.
(=ISO 6209:2009) SLS 903:1990
Gr.D Nylon 6 yarn
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
SLS 899 Part 1 Section 14:2009 test for continuous filament, flat (non-textured) nylon 6
Methods of test for rubber compounding ingredients - yarn generally used in the textile industry and does not
Carbon black - Determination of pellet size cover those intended for special purposes such as fishing
distrubution nets etc.
(First revision) 12 pages, Gr.6
Specifies a method for the determination of the pellet size
distribution of carbon black. Carbon black for the rubber SLS 904:2015
industry is generally pelletized to reduce dust and to Vocabulary for sensory analysis of food
improve hendling and incorporation into polymers. (Withdrawn)
Variations in pellet size distribution can affect dispersion
in polymers, bulk handling, and conveying properties. SLS 905:2018
(=ISO 8511:1995) Corn (maize) oil
Gr.B (First revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
SLS 899 Part 1 Section 15:2012 test for corn (synonym: maize) oil, derived from corn germ
Methods of test for rubber compounding ingredients - (the embryos of Zea mays L.) by the process of expression
Carbon black - Determination of individual pellet and/ or extraction
crushing strength ethods of test for rubber 8 pages, Gr.4
compounding ingredients - Carbon black -
Determination of pellet size distrubution SLS 906:2019
Specifies two methods for the determination of the Electric cables – spark – test method
individual pellet crushing strengh of carbon black for use (First revision)
in the rubber industry. Specified in this standard is intended for the detection of
(=ISO 8942:2010) defects in the insulation or sheathing layers of electric
Gr.D cables. For single-core cables with no outer metallic layer,
the general process is accepted as being equivalent to
SLS 899 Part 2:1991 subjecting samples of those cables to a voltage test in water
Methods of test for rubber compounding ingredients - (=IEC 62230:2013)
Zinc oxide Gr.J
Prescribes the methods of test for zinc oxide used as rubber
compounding ingredient. The methods covered are SLS 907 Part 3:1990
applicable for all commercial zinc oxides. Dimensions and sectional properties of hot rolled
13 pages, Gr.7 structural steel sections - U sections (channels)
Specifies the dimensions, tolerances and sectional
SLS 899 Part 3:1992 properties of hot-rolled structural steel U sections.
Methods of test for rubber compounding ingredients - AMD No.1 (AMD 218:1996)
Sulfur 14 pages, Gr.7
Prescribes the methods of test for any commercial sulfur
used as a rubber compounding ingredient. SLS 907 Part 4:2016
12 pages, Gr.6 Dimensions and sectional properties of hot rolled
structural steel sections - L sections ( equal and unequal
SLS 900 Part 1:2008 angles)
Definition of terms used in the tyre industry - (First revision)
Pneumatic - tyres
Specifies the requirements for chemical composition, which are used as antimicrobial preservatives in the food
manufacture, finish, mechanical properties, dimensions, industry.
sectional properties, marking, testing and sampling of hot 23 pages, Gr.11
rolled structural steel L sections used principally for
general purpose structural steels. The L section steels SLS 916 Part 1:1991 (2016) (Reaffirmed)
specified in this standard which are categorized under Rubber compounding ingredients - Carbon black HAF
S235, S275, S355, S450, SG205, SG250, SG285 and N 330 type
SG345 are intended for use in welded or bolted structures. Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
18 Pages, Gr.11 test for carbon black HAF N 330.
7 pages, Gr.4
SLS 907 Part 5:1990
Dimensions and sectional properties of hot rolled SLS 916 Part 2:1991 (2016) (Reaffirmed)
structural steel sections - T sections (tees) Rubber compounding ingredients - Zinc oxide
Specifies the dimensions, tolerances and sectional Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
properties of hot-rolled structural T sections. test for zinc oxide used as a rubber compounding
(Supersedes CS 73) ingredient.
AMD No.1 (AMD 220:1996) 7 pages, Gr.4
11 pages, Gr.6
SLS 916 Part 3:1991 (2016) (Reaffirmed)
SLS 908:1990 Rubber compounding ingredients - Sulfur
Silica sand for use in foundries Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Covers the requirements for silica sand used in ferrous test for sulfur used as a rubber compounding ingredient
and non-ferrous foundries. and covers only rhombic sulfur.
8 pages, Gr.4 7 pages, Gr.4
SLS 909 Part 1:1990 SLS 917:2018
Glossary of terms used in non-destructive testing - Milk added drinks
Penetrant flaw detection (First revision)
Defines technical terms widely used in penetrant flaw Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
detection method of non-destructive testing. test for milk added drinks.
12 pages, Gr. 6 10 pages, Gr.5
SLS 909 Part 2:1991 SLS 918:2021
Glossary of terms used in non-destructive testing - Anticorrosive metal primer - solvent borne
Magnetic particle flaw detection Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
Defines technical terms widely used in magnetic particle for anticorrosive priming paint for use under indoor and
flaw detection method of non-destructive testing. outdoor weather conditions for the protection of iron and
22 pages, Gr.11 steel against atmospheric corrosion.
This Specification does not cover Zinc phosphate priming
SLS 910:2013 paint.
Maximum residue limits for pesticides in food 11 pages, Gr. 6
(Second revision)
This standard gives reference to the online database, SLS 919:2020 Arrack
LKR 100.00 (First revision)
Prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and test for
SLS 911:1990 arrack, blended coconut/ palmyrah/ kitul arrack, blended
Potassium chlorate arrack and processed arrack.
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and 22 pages, Gr.9
test for potassium chlorate for use in the safety match
industry. SLS 920:1991
AMD No.1 (AMD 427:2012) Bright aluminium paint
AMD No.2 (AMD 514:2018) Prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and test for
10 pages, Gr.5 bright aluminium finishing paint suitable for both interior
and exterior use.
SLS 912:2019 13 pages Gr.7
Red phosphorus
(First revision) SLS 921:1991
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Vitreous pedestal bidets
test for red phosphorus for use in the safety match industry. Covers the requirements for the materials, size, shape
11 pages, Gr.6 types, dimensions and construction of vitreous pedestal
bidets of two types.
SLS 913:2020 LKR 200.00
Rice flour
(First revision) SLS 922:1991
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test Deep-well reciprocating hand pumps
for rice flour. Lays down minimum requirements of material,
19 pages, Gr.10 dimensions, performance, testing and sampling for deep-
well reciprocating hand pumps used in wells upto a
SLS 914:1991 maximum depth of 30 metres and bore hole diameters of
Compound feeds for dairy cattle and buffalo 100 mm and above.
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and LKR 250.00
test for compound feeds for dairy cattle and buffalo.
24 pages, Gr.12 SLS 923 Part 1:1991
Copper/ chrome/ arsenic preservative treatment of
SLS 915:1991 wood poles for overhead power and telecommunication
Benzoic acid, potassium benzoate and sodium benzoate lines - Treatment processes
(food grade) Specifies treatment of wood poles for overhead power and
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test telecommunication lines with water-borne wood
for benzoic acid, potassium benzoate and sodium benzoate preservatives consisting essentially of copper sulphate,
sodium or potassium dichromate, and hydrated arsenic information on the techniques to be used if statistical
pentoxide. Covers the composition and method of analysis of the results is required.
application of the preservative. (=ISO 6658:2017)
13 pages, Gr.7 Gr.M
SLS 923 Part 2:1991 SLS 932:2008
Copper/ chrome/ arsenic preservative treatment of Method of test for sensory analysis of food - paired
wood poles for overhead power and telecommunication comparison test
lines - Test methods (First revision)
Specifies test methods relating to the preservative Describes a procedure for determining whether there exists
treatment of wood poles. a perceptible sensory difference or a similarity between
24 pages, Gr.12 samples of two products concerning the intensity of a
sunsory attribute.
SLS 924:1991 (=ISO 5495:2005)
Solid rubbers for automobile industry Gr. L
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test for natural and synthetic based solid rubbers generally SLS 933:2008
used in the automobile industry other than for tyres. It Sensory analysis of foods - triangle test
does not cover detalied composition of rubber. Describes a procedure for determining whether a
25 pages, Gr.12 perceptible sensory difference or similarity exists between
samples of two products. The method is a forced-choice
SLS 925:1991 procedure. The method is applicable whether a difference
Code of practice for target quality setting and exists in a single sensory attribute or in several attributes.
controlling net contents of packaged goods The method is statistically more efficient than the duo-
Provides guidelines on setting and monitoring the filling trio test (described in ISO 10399), but has limited use
process in order to achieve the required net contents as with products that exhibit strong carryover and/or lingering
specified in SLS 816. flavours. Applicable even when the nature of the difference
21 pages, Gr.11 is unknown. The method is applicable only if the products
are fairly homogeneous.
SLS 926 Part 1:1991 (= ISO 4120:2004)
Bicycles - Safety and performance requirements Gr.H
Specifies the safety and performance requirements for the
design, manufacture and assembly of bicycles, and their SLS 934:2017
sub-assemblies and lays down guidelines for instructions Method of test for sensory analysis methodology “A”
on the use and care of bicycles. It does not apply to – “NOT A” test
sepcilized types of bicycles. (First revision)
17 pages, Gr.9 Specifies a procedure for determining whether a
perceptible sensory difference exists between samples of
SLS 926 Part 2:1991 two products. The method applies whether a difference
Bicycles - Test methods exists in a single sensory attribute or in several.
Specifies the methods of test of bicycles and sub- (=ISO 8588:2017)
assemblies. Gr.G
25 pages, Gr.12
SLS 935:1991
SLS 927:1991 Solvent cement for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes and
Passion fruit juice fittings
(Superseded by SLS 1328) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test for solvent cement to be used in jointing PVC pipes
SLS 928:1991 (S) and fittings.
Kurakkan flour 13 pages, Gr.7
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test for kurakkan flour. SLS 936:1991 (S) (2016) (Reaffirmed)
AMD No 01 (AMD 445:2013) Rubber adhesives
AMD No.2 (AMD 548:2021) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
15 pages Gr.11 test for solvent based rubber adhesives used for general
SLS 929:1991 (S) AMD No. 1 (AMD 188:1995)
Sodium bicarbonate (Baking soda) food grade 13 pages, Gr.7
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
for food grade sodium bicarbonate which is used as a SLS 937:1991
leavening agent in the food industry. Methods of sampling foundry sands
13 pages, Gr.7 Lays down the procedure to be followed in order to sample
from a bulk of sand in order to determine the properties
SLS 930:2003 of the sand sampled.
Mosquito mats 15 pages, Gr.9
(First revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and SLS 938 Part 1:1991
test for mosquito mats to be used with an electrical Plain metal washers - Small series - product grade A
vaporizer to vaporize the active ingredient. Specifies the requirements for small outside diameter plain
AMD No.1 (AMD 395:2009) metal washers of product A.
AMD No 2 (AMD 455:2013) 7 pages, Gr.4
16 pages, Gr.8
SLS 938 Part 2:1991
SLS 931:2017 Plain metal washers - Normal series - product grade A
Methodology for sensory analysis of foods general Specifies the requirements for normal plain metal washers
guidance of product A.
(Second revision) 7 pages, Gr.4
Provides general guidance on the use of sensory analysis.
It describes tests for the examination of foods and other SLS 938 Part 3:1991
products by sensory analysis, and includes some Plain metal washers - Normal series - product grade C
Specifies the requirements for normal plain metal washers Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
of product C. test for sunflower (synonym: sunflowerseed) oil, derived
7 pages, Gr.4 from the seeds of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) by
the process of expression and/ or extraction.
SLS 938 Part 4:1991 9 pages, Gr.5
Plain metal washers - Chamfered - Normal series -
product grade A SLS 947:2018
Specifies the requirements for Chamfered - normal plain Groundnut (peanut) oil
metal washers of product A. (First revision)
7 pages, Gr.4 Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test for groundnut (synonym: peanut) oil derived from the
SLS 938 Part 5:1991 seeds of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) by the process
Plain metal washers - Large series - product grade A of expression and/ or extraction.
and C 8 pages, Gr.4
Specifies the requirements for large plain metal washers
of products A and C. SLS 948 Part 1:1991 (S)
7 pages, Gr.4 Three - pin plugs socket outlets and socket - outlet
SLS 938 Part 6:1991 Covers plugs (fused and non-fused) and socket - outlets
Plain metal washers – Extra large series - product (shuttered and non - shuttered) and fused socket-outlet
grade C adaptors (shuttered and non - shuttered).
Specifies the requirements for extra large plain metal AMD No. 1 (AMD 239:1998)
washers of products grade C. AMD No. 2 (AMD 255:1999)
7 pages, Gr.4 AMD No. 3 (AMD 348:2006)
AMD No. 4 (AMD 440:2013)
SLS 939 Part 1:1991 (Corrigendum)
Mosaic parquet panels - General characteristics 33 pages, Gr.15
Specifies the requirements of three grades of
mosaicparquet panels, made from fingers of wood, SLS 948 Part 2:1991
intended to be bonded to a subfloor either directly or over Three-pin plugs socket-outlets and socket - outlet
an underlay. adaptors - Plugs made of resilient material
15 pages, Gr.8 Relates to 5 ampere and 15 ampere plugs fused or unfused,
in which the base and cover, or either of these components,
SLS 939 Part 2:1991 are constructed of rubber or other suitable resilient
Mosaic parquet panels - Methods of test materials.
Specifies the test methods applicable to mosaic parquet AMD No. 1 (AMD 349:2006)
panels. 9 pages, Gr.5
12 pages, Gr.8
SLS 948 Part 3:1991(S)
SLS 940:1991 Three-pin plugs socket-outlets and socket - outlet
Food colouring matter, Brilliant blue FCF adaptors - Switched socket-outlets
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Relates to 5 ampere and 15 ampere socket outlets which
test for brilliant blue FCF used as a colouring matter of contain a switch connected between the current carrying
foodstuffs. contact(s) of the socket - outlet and the relevant supply
12 pages, Gr.6 terminal(s) for use in a.c. circuits only.
AMD No. 1 (AMD 272:2000)
SLS 941:1991 AMD No. 2 (AMD 350:2006)
Food colouring matter, Indigo carmine 11 pages, Gr.6
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test for indigo carmine used as a colouring matterof SLS 949 Part 1:1992 (2006)
foodstuffs. Dimensions of hot rolled, steel bars for structural and
12 pages, Gr.6 general engineering purposes - Round bars
Specifies dimensions and tolerances of hot rolled round
SLS 942:1991 steel bars used for structural and general engineering
Food colouring matter, Green S purposes.
(Withdrawn) AMD No. 1 (AMD 221:1996)
10 pages, Gr. 5
SLS 943:1991
Methods of physical test for foundry sands SLS 949 Part 2:1992 (2006) (Reaffirmed)
Specifies the methods of physical test for foundry sands Dimensions of hot rolled, steel bars for structural and
to evaluate their properties under standard conditions. general engineering purposes - Square bars
33 pages, Gr.16 Specifies nominal dimensions and tolerances of hot rolled
square steel bars used for structural and general
SLS 944 engineering purposes.
Guideline for auditing quality systems AMD No. 1 (AMD 222:1996)
(Superseded by SLS ISO 19011) 10 pages, Gr.5
SLS 945:1991(S) SLS 949 Part 3:1992 (2006) (Reaffirmed)
Tomato concentrates Dimensions of hot rolled, steel bars for structural and
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and general engineering purposes - Hexagonal bars
test for processed tomato concentrates manufactured from Specifies nominal dimensions and tolerances of hot rolled
fully ripe, red tomatoes and preserved by physical means. hexagonal steel bars used for structural and general
It does not cover dehydrated tomato products in dry engineering purposes.
powder form or flake form or products preserved by AMD No. 1 (AMD 223:1996)
chemical means. 11 pages, Gr.6
12 pages, Gr.6
SLS 949 Part 5:1992 (2006) (Reaffirmed)
SLS 946:2018 Dimensions of hot rolled, steel bars for structural and
Sunflower oil general engineering purposes - Flats
(First revision)
Specifies nominal dimensions and tolerances of hot rolled SLS 960:2016
steel flats used for structural and general engineering Palm stearin
purposes. (First revision)
AMD No.1 (AMD 224:1996) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
11 pages, Gr.6 testing for palm stearin.
9 pages, Gr.5
SLS 950:1992
Foundry coke SLS 961:2016
Specifies requirements and methods of test and sampling Palm olein
for foundry coke. (First revision)
7 pages, Gr.4 Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
testing for palm olein.
SLS 951:2001 9 pages, Gr.5
Examination rubber gloves
(First revision) SLS 962 Part 1:2013
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for single Method of test for aflatoxin in foods - Determination
- use sterile or non-sterile rubber, examination gloves. of aflatoxin B1, and the total content of aflatoxins B1,
14 pages, Gr.6 B2, G1, and G2 in cereals, nuts and derived products
– High-performance liquid chromatographic method
SLS 952:1992 (First revision)
Rubber floor mats (general purpose) Specifies a reverse - phase high-performance liquid
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and chromatographic method, with immunoffinity column
test for rubber floor mats used for general purposes. clean - up and post - column derivatization, for the
8 pages, Gr.4 determination of aflatoxins in cereals, nuts and derived
products. The limit of quantification for aflatoxin B1, and
SLS 953:1992 (S) (2016) (Reaffirmed) for the sum aflatoxins, B1, B2, G1 and G2, is 8 µg/kg.
Turpentine This method can be used for oilseed products, dried fruits
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and and derived products.
test for gum spirit of turpentine and wood turpentines for (=ISO 16050:2003)
use in paints and varnishes. Gr.F
14 pages, Gr.7
SLS 963:2018
SLS 954:1992 (S) (2016) (Reaffirmed) Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)
French polish Applicable to the classification of protection provided by
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and enclosures for electrical equipment with a rated voltage
test for french polish used for finishing woodwork. not exceeding 72.5 kV.
18 pages, Gr.9 (=IEC 60529:2013)
SLS 955 Part 1:1992
Thermoplastic road marking materials - Requirements SLS 964:1992
for aggregates Corn flour (Maize starch)
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for corn
for white, yellow, and black thermoplastic road marking flour (maize starch) which is a widely used ingredient in
material to be applied on road surfaces and runways. food preparation and also as a binding and diluting agent
13 pages, Gr.7 in pharmaceutical products.
13 pages, Gr.9
SLS 955 Part 2:1992
Thermoplastic road marking materials - Application SLS 965:1992
of material to road surfaces Code of hygienic practice for biscuit manufacturing
(Superseded by SLS 1378) and bakery units
Recommends the hygienic practices to be adopted in
SLS 956:2016 (S) biscuit manufacturing and bakery units.
Code of hygienic practice for catering establishments 12 pages, Gr.6
(First revision)
Applicable to all organizations which are involved in the SLS 966:1992
processing, preparation, cooking, storage, distribution, Food colouring matter, Green FCF
transport and serving of food and meals. It includes Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for green
catering, banquets, among others, in central and satellite FCF used as a colouring matter of food stuffs.
units, school and industry catering facilities, hospitals and 13 pages, Gr.7
healthcare facilities, hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, food
services, and food stores. SLS 967:1992 (S)
22 pages, Gr.11 Frozen confections and freeze drinks
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for frozen
SLS 957:1992 confections and freeze drinks which covers a group of
Pineapple juice frozen confectionery products commonly known by
(Superseded by SLS 1328) various names such as ice lollies, ice-palam, popsicles and
freeze drinks.
SLS 958:1992 (S) 14 pages, Gr.7
Custard powder
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for custard SLS 968:2008
powder, a product obtained from edible maize starch (corn Glossary of terms used in the rubber industry
flour) or edible tapioca starch or a blend of both. (First revision)
13 pages, Gr.9 Vocabulary is limited to those terms in general use
throughout the rubber industry.
SLS 959:1992 (S) (=ISO 1382:2008)
Chicken eggs Gr.W
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for chicken
eggs. SLS 969:1992 (2016) (Reaffirmed)
17 pages, Gr.9 Solid rubber flooring

Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test (=ISO 2321: 2017)
for rubber flooring material which are in the form of sheets Gr.P
and tiles. It does not cover flooring material having a
backing of either sponge rubber or a non-rubber material. SLS 977 Part 1:1992
10 pages, Gr.5 Hexagon bolts for general purposes - Dimensions of
product Grades A and B
SLS 970:1992 Specifies dimensions for hexagon head bolts of product
Method for determination of caffeine content in coffee Grades A and B.
Specifies the reference method for the determination of
caffeine content of coffee. The method is applicable to SLS 977 Part 2:1992
green coffee, roasted coffee, decaffeinated roasted coffee, Hexagon bolts for general purposes - Dimensions of
extracts of coffee, both dried and liquid, and decaffeinated product Grade C
extracts, both dried and liquid. Specifies dimensions for hexagon head bolts of product
(=ISO 4052:1983) Grade C, with thread diameters covering the range from
11 pages, Gr.6 M 5 up to and including M 64.
SLS 971:1992 (S) SLS 977 Part 3:1992
Ice for use in food processing and catering industries Hexagon bolts for general purposes - Dimensions of
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for ice product Grade B - reduced shank
intended for use in the food processing industry and in Specifies dimensions for hexagon head bolts of product
catering establishments. Grade B - reduced shank. For product Grade B, thread
9 pages, Gr.5 diameters covered range from M3 up to and including M
SLS 972:1992
Code of practice for packaging of lobsters and prawns SLS 977 Part 4:1992
for export Hexagon bolts for general purposes - Dimensions of
Recommends practices to be adopted in packaging of product Grades A and B - fine pitch thread
frozen lobsters and prawns for export. It covers materials, Specifies dimensions for hexagon head bolts of product
styles and modes of packaging. Grades A and B - fine pitch thread.
12 pages, Gr.6
SLS 978:2020
SLS 973 Part 1:1992 Metallic materials – tensile testing – method of test at
Code of practice for fumigation of agricultural produce room temperature
- General safety requirements Specifies the method for tensile testing of metallic
Recommends general principles to be adopted to ensure materials and defines the mechanical properties which can
safety when fumigation is carried out. be determined at room temperature.
13 pages, Gr.7 (=ISO 6892-1:2019)
Gr. W
SLS 973 Part 2:1994
Code of practice for fumigation of agricultural produce SLS 979:1992
- Phosphine fumigation Glossary of terms used in metrology
Prescribes the practices to be adopted in fumigation using Defines basic and general terms in metrology.
aluminium phosphide and magnesium phosphide LKR 500.00
preparations. It includes general information on methods
of fumigation and precautions to be observed in handling SLS 980:1992
and use of phosphide fumigants. Guide for conditioning of solid electrical insulating
9 pages, Gr.5 materials prior to and during testing
Gives standard conditions of exposure time, temperature,
SLS 973 Part 3:1994 atmospheric humidity and liquid immersion for use on
Code of practice for fumigation of agricultural produce testing electrical insulating materials.
- Methyl bromide 13 pages, Gr. 7
Prescribes the practices to be adopted in fumigation using
methyl bromide and the precautions to be observed in SLS 981 Part 1:1992
handling it. Methods of test of fuel filters for diesel engines -
10 pages, Gr.5 Glossary of terms
Defines the commonly used terms in testing of fuel filters.
SLS 974:1992
Code of hygienic practice for fresh fish SLS 981 Part 2:1992
Applies to fresh fish, chilled but not frozen, intended for Methods of test of fuel filters for diesel engines -
human consumption. It contains essential requirements Resistance to flow
of hygiene for the handling and processing of fresh fish at Specifies the method of determining the resistance to flow
sea and on shore. of a standard test fluid when passed through the filter under
65 pages, Gr. 20 standard conditions of flow.
SLS 975:1992 SLS 981 Part 3:1992
Code of hygienic practice for frozen fish Methods of test of fuel filters for diesel engines -
Applies to frozen fish and fish fillets. It contains essential Determination of filter capacity and contaminant
requirements of hygiene for the production, storage and removal characteristics
handling of frozen fish and fish fillets on board fishing Specifies the method of determining the content holding
vessels and on shore. capacity and contaminant removal characteristics of fuel
85 pages, Gr.22 filters.
SLS 976:2018 SLS 981 Part 4:1992
Methods of test for rubber threads Methods of test of fuel filters for diesel engines - Media
Specifies methods of test for determining general physical migration
and mechanical properties of rubber threads, as well as Specifies the method for determining the media migration
specific mechanical properties of such threads in contact of a standard test fluid when passed through the filter under
with fabrics. Owing to the comparatively small cross- standard conditions of flow.
section and the unusual conditions of service of this
material, certain special methods have been developed. SLS 981 Part 5:1992
Methods of test of fuel filters for diesel engines - specifies requirements for construction and describes
Determination of collapsibility of seal material methods of test for armoured cable with PVC insulation
Specifies the method for determining the collapsibility of of rated voltages 600/1 000 V and 1 900/3 300 V. Cables
seal material. specified in this standard are intended for use in fixed
installations in industrial areas, buildings and similar
SLS 981 Part 6:1992 applications.
Methods of test of fuel filters for diesel engines - 51 pages, Gr.19
Evaluation of the effect of water in fuel and filter
capacity SLS 987 Part 2:2010
Specifies the method of evaluating the effect of water in PVC insulated electric cables - Non armoured cables
fuel and filter capacity. for voltage upto and including 600/1000V
(First revision)
SLS 981 Part 7:1992 specifies requirements, dimensions and methods of test
Methods of test of fuel filters for diesel engines - for PVC insulated cables for operation at nominal voltages
Determination of mechanical properties up to and including 600V to earth and 1000 V between
Specifies the method of test for determining the mechanical conductors. Covers cables intended for general use where
properties of fuel filters. the combination of the ambient temperature and
temperature rise due to the loading current results in a
SLS 982 conductor temperature not exceeding 70 °C.
Electrotechnical vocabulary 34 pages, Gr.15
SLS 988:1993
SLS 983:1992 PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables
Fire hose reels (water) for fixed installations (Superseded by SLS 1282)
Specifies requirements for fire hose reels suitable for fixed
installations permanently connected to a water supply and SLS 989:1993
designed to facilitate the rapid withdrawal of the hose in Outside diameters of conduits for electrical
any generally horizontal direction. It applies to both installations and threads for conduits and fittings
manual and automatic fire hose reel assemblies. It is applicable to all kinds of conduits for electrical
installations, independent of their material and their nature
SLS 984 Part 1:2018 (rigid or flexible, plain or threaded) taking into
Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar consideration all existing conduit entries and the metric
general Lighting purposes - Safety requirements threads.
(First revision) 10 pages, Gr.5
Specifies the safety and inter changeability requirements
of tungsten filament incandescent in candescent lamps for SLS 990:2006
general lighting service. Metallic materials tubes (in full section) bend test
(=IEC 60432-1: 2012) (First revision)
Gr.S Specifies a method for determining the ability of full-
section metallic tubes of circular cross-section to undergo
SLS 984 Part 2:2018 plastic deformation in bending.
Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar (=ISO 8491:1998)
general Lighting purposes - Performance Gr.B
(First revision) SLS 991:1993
Applies to tungsten filament incandescent lamps for Method of reverse bend testing of metal wire
general lighting service (GLS) which comply with the Specifies the method for determining the ability of metallic
safety requirements in IEC 60432-1. wire of diameter or thickness 0.3 to 10 mm inclusive to
(=IEC 60064:2005) undergo plastic deformation during reverse bending.
Gr.X (=ISO 7801:1984)
SLS 985 Part 1:1992
Grading of timber - Species of timber SLS 992 Part 1:1993
Provides a comprehensive list of Sri Lanka species of Stabilized power supplies d.c. output - Terminology
timber utilized for industrial, commercial and other Provides terms and definitions applicable to stabilized
purposes. power supplies designed to supply d.c. power from an a.c.
LKR 400.00 or d.c. source.
(=IEC 60478-2:1974)
SLS 985 Part 2:1992
Grading of timber - Terminology SLS 992 Part 2:1994
Provides terminology in connection with grading of timber. Stabilized power supplies d.c. output - Rating and
LKR 200.00 performance
Prescribes rating and performance applicable to stabilized
SLS 985 Part 3:1992 power supplies designed to supply d.c. power from an a.c.
Grading of timber - Grading of logs or d.c. source, for application, such as computers,
Specifies rules relating to grading of roundwood timber. communication, laboratory and industry. Calibrated
LKR 350.00 stabilized power supplies for electrical measurement
purpose are excluded.
SLS 986:1993 17 pages, Gr.9
PVC insulated cables for overhead telecommunication
lines SLS 992 Part 4:1993
Specifies dimensions, quality of hard drawn copper wire Stabilized power supplies d.c. output - Tests other than
and insulating material for cables for overhead radio - frequency interference
telecommunication lines. Applies to stabilized power supplies designed to supply
16 pages, Gr.8 d.c. power from an a.c. or d.c. source for applications such
as but not necessarily limited to computers,
SLS 987 Part 1:2010 telecommunications, laboratories and industrial
PVC insulated electric cables - Armoured cables for equipment.
voltages of 600/1000V and 1900/3300V (=IEC 60478-4:1976)
(First revision) Gr.Q
Specifies the method for determining the ability of sheet
SLS 993 Part 1:2018 and strip from metallic materials 3 mm thick or less to
Conduit systems for cable management - General undergo plastic deformation in reverse bending.
requirements (=ISO 7799:1985)
(Third revision) Gr.B
Specifies requirements and tests for conduit systems,
including conduits and conduit fittings, for the protection SLS 996:1993
and management of insulated conductors and/or cables in Code of practice for qualification and certification of
electrical installations or in communication systems up to personnel for non-destructive testing
1000V a.c. and /or 1500V d.c. Applies to metallic, non- Provides a system for the qualification and certification
metallic and composite conduit systems, including of personnel to perform industrial non-destructive testing,
threaded and non- threaded entries which terminate the using any of the following methods: Eddy current testing;
system. This standard does not apply to enclosures and Liquid penetrant testing; Magnetic particle testing;
connecting boxes which come within the scope of IEC Radiographic testing and Ultrasonic testing.
60670. 25 pages, Gr.12
(=IEC 61386-1:2008 + A1:2017)
Gr.W SLS 997:1993
Canned mushrooms
SLS 993 Part 2:2013 Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for canned
Conduit systems for cable management - Rigid conduit mushrooms (Agaricus sp.).
systems 14 pages, Gr.7
(Second revision)
Specifies requirements and tests for conduit systems, SLS 998:1993 (S)
including conduits and conduit fittings, for the protection Canned jakfruit (ripe)
and management of insulated conductors and/or cables in Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for canned
electrical installations or in communication systems up to jakfruit (ripe) (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.).
1000V a.c. and /or 1500V d.c. Applies to metallic, non- 12 pages, Gr.6
metallic and composite conduit systems, including
threaded and non- threaded entries which terminate the SLS 999:1993
system. This standard does not apply to enclosures and Method of test for elastic fabrics
connecting boxes which come within the scope of IEC Prescribes methods of test specific to both narrow and
60670. It also specifies the requirements for rigid conduit wide elastic fabrics. The test methods are applicable to
systems woven and to warp knitted and weft knitted fabrics.
(=IEC 61386-21:2002) 20 pages, Gr.10
SLS 1000 Part 1:1993
SLS 993 Part 3:2013 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical
Conduit systems for cable management - Pliable installations - General requirements
conduit systems Prescribes requirements for manually operated general
(First revision) purpose switches with a rated voltage not exceeding 440V
Specifies requirements and tests for conduit systems, and a rated current not exceeding 63A intended for
including conduits and conduit fittings, for the protection household and similar fixed electrical installations.
and management of insulated conductors and/or cables in AMD No. 1 (AMD 249:1999)
electrical installations or in communication systems up to 50 pages, Gr.19
1000V a.c. and /or 1 1500V d.c. Applies to metallic, non-
metallic and composite conduit systems, including SLS 1000 Part 2:1993
threaded and non- threaded entries which terminate the Switches for household and similar fixed electrical
system. Does not apply to enclosures and connecting boxes installations - Methods of test
which come within the scope of IEC 60670. Specifies the Specifies tests for switches covered by SLS 1000 Part
requirements for pliable conduit systems including self – 1:1993 except for electromagnetic remote control
recovering conduit systems. switches, switches incorporating a time delay service and
(=IEC 61386-22:2002) electronic switches.
Gr.G AMD No. 1 (AMD 249:1999)
45 pages, Gr.18
SLS 993 Part 4:2013
Conduit systems for cable management - Flexible SLS 1001:2019
conduit systems Electrical accessories
Specifies requirements and tests for conduit systems, (First revision)
including conduits and conduit fittings, for the protection Specifies requirements for electrical wiring accessories
and management of insulated conductors and/or cables in for installation purposes, and for associated plugs and
electrical installations or in communication systems up to portable accessories. It does not apply to electronic
1 000V a.c. and /or 1 500V d.c. Applies to metallic, non- devices, or to plug - in devices incorporating timers,
metallic and composite conduit systems, including thermostats, transformers etc.
threaded and non- threaded entries which terminate the 91 pages, Gr.21
system. Does not apply to enclosures and connecting boxes
which come within the scope of IEC 60670. Specifies the SLS 1002:1993(S)
requirements for flexible conduit systems. Code of practice for parboiling of paddy
(=IEC 61386-23:2002) Recommends domestic, traditional, semi modern and
Gr.F modern methods for parboiling of paddy.
19 pages, Gr.11
SLS 994:2020
Metallic materials – bend test SLS 1003:1993
specifies a method for determining the ability of metallic Code of practice for processing of cashew nuts
materials to undergo plastic deformation in bending. Recommends practices to be adopted for processing of
(=ISO 7438:2016) cashew nuts (fruits of the tree Anacardium occidentale
Gr.D L.).
14 pages, Gr.7
SLS 995:1993
Method of reverse bend testing of metal sheet and strip
3mm thick or less
SLS 1004:1993 (AMD No 1(AMD 535:2020)
Code of hygienic practice for molluscan shellfish Gr.F
Applies to those bivalve molluscan shellfish such as
oysters, clams, mussels and cockles which are filter feeders SLS 1007 Part 2.1:2008
which may be eaten raw or partially cooked. It Methods of test on electric and optical fibre cables
recommends hygienic requirements for the processing of under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame
shellfish. propagation for a single small insulated wire or cable-
26 pages, Gr.14 apparatus
Specifies the test apparatus for testing the resistance to
SLS 1005:1993 vertical flame propagation for a single small vertical
Code of hygienic practice for the products of electrical insulated conductor or cable, or optical fibre
aquaculture cable, under fire conditions.
Applies to finfish and crustaceans produced by commercial (=IEC 60332:Part 2.1:2004)
aquaculture and intended eventually for direct human Gr.E
consumption. It provides general guidelines for setting up
and conducting production under most essential SLS 1007 Part 2.2:2008
requirements of hygiene up to harvesting live fish and Methods of test on electric and optical fibre cables
loading for transport to market. under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame
43 pages, Gr.18 propagation for a single small insulated wire or cable-
procedure for diffusion flame
SLS 1006 Part 1:2016 Specifies the procedure for testing the resistance to verical
Steels for structural and general engineering purposes flame propagation for a single small vertical electrical
- Structural steels insulated conductor or cable, or optical cable, under fire
(First revision) conditions. Gives the procedure for testing small optical
Specifies the requirements chemical composition, fibre cable or a small insulated conductor or cable when
manufacture, finish, mechanical properties, dimensions, the method specified in IEC 60332-1-2 is not suitable
sectional properties, marking, testing and sampling for because some small optical fibre cables may break or small
steels for general structural use. Applies to steel plates, conductors may melt during the application of the flame.
hot rolled sections and bars, which are used in as-delivered The recommended range of application is for the testing
condition and normally intended for welded or bolted of small single insulated conductors or cables of less than
structures. Covers eight steel grades, S235, S275, S355, 0.5 mm2cross-section.
S450, SG205, SG250, SG 285, SG 345 and four qualities (=IEC 60332:Part 2.2:2004)
(A, B, C and D). Gr.G
23 pages, Gr.11
SLS 1008:1993
SLS 1006 Part 2:1993 Aerials for the reception of sound and television
Steels for structural and general engineering purposes broadcasting in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 GHz
- General engineering steels (Withdrawn)
Specifies the requirements of steel intended for general
engineering purposes. SLS 1009 Part 1:2008
(Supersedes SLS 15:1968) Codes for the representation of names of countries and
LKR 250.00 their subdivisions - Country Codes
Provides current country names in coded form; it also
SLS 1007 Part 1-1:2008 includes basic guidelines for its implementation and
Methods of test on electric and optical fibre cables maintenance.
under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame (=ISO 3166-1:2006)
propagation for a single insulated wire or cable- Gr.V
Specifies the test apparatus for testing the resistance to SLS 1009 Part 2:2008
vertical flame propagation for a single vertical electrical Codes for the representation of names of countries and
insulated conductor or cable, or optical fibre cable, under their subdivisions - Country subdivision code
fire conditions. Provides a universally applicable code for the
(=IEC 60332:Part 1.1:2004) representation of the names of principle administrative
(AMD No 1(AMD 533:2020) divisions of countris and territories included in ISO 3166-
Gr.D 1. It is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 3166-
SLS 1007 Part 1.2:2008 (=ISO 3166-2:2007)
Methods of test on electric and optical fibre cables Gr.Z
under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame
propagation for a single insulated wire or cable - SLS 1009 Part 3:2008
procedure for 1 kW pre-mixed flame Codes for the representation of names of countries and
Specifies the procedure for testing the resistance to vertical their subdivisions - Code for formerly used names of
flame propagation for a single vertical electrical insulated countries
conductor or cable, or optical fibre cable, under fire Provides principles and maintenance arrangements of a
conditions. code for the representation of country names removed from
(=IEC 60332:Part 1.2:2004) editions 1 to 4 of ISO 3166 and the consecutive edition of
(AMD No 1(AMD 534:2020) ISO 3166-1.
Gr.E (=ISO 3166-3:1999)
SLS 1007 Part 1.3:2008
Methods of test on electric and optical fibre cables SLS 1010:2008
under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame Codes for the representation of currencies and funds
propagation for a single insulated wire or cable - (First revision)
procedure for determination of flaming droplets / Provides the structure for a three letter alphabetic code
particles and an equivalent three-digit numeric code for the
Specifies a test procedure for assesment of falling flaming representation of currencies and funds. For those
droplets / particles when a single vertical electrical currencies having minor units, it also shows the decimal
insulated conductor or cable, or optical fibre cable, is relationship between such units and the currency itself.
subjected to defined fire conditions. (=ISO 4217:2008)
(=IEC 60332:Part 1.3:2004) Gr.R
SLS 1011:1994 Applies to all packaged natural mineral waters offered for
Soya flour sale as food. It does not apply to natural mineral waters
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for full sold or used for other purposes.
fat, medium fat and defatted soya flour. 16 Pages, Gr.9
19 pages, Gr.10
SLS 1022 Part 1:2015
SLS 1012:1994 Residual current operated circuit-breakers with
Copper/chromium/arsenic based timber preservatives integral overcurrent protection for household and
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for water- similar uses (RCBOs) - General requirements
borne timber preservatives consisting essentially of a (Third revision)
mixture of compounds of copper, chromium and arsenic. Applies to residual current operated circuit-breakers with
23 pages, Gr.11 integral overcurrent protection functionally independent
of, or functionally dependent on, line voltage for household
SLS 1013:1994 and similar uses for rated voltages not exceeding 440 V
Code of practice for curing and preservation of hides a.c. with rated frequencies of 50 Hz, 60 Hz or 50/60 Hz
and skins and rated currents not exceeding 125 A and rated short-
Recommends practices to be observed in wet salting circuit capacities not exceeding 25 000 A for operation at
method of curing of cow and buffalo hides and goat, sheep 50 Hz or 60 Hz and applies to device performing
and calf skins. simultaneouly the function of detection of the residual
9 pages, Gr.5 current, of comparison of the value of this current with
the with residual operating value and of opening of the
SLS 1014:1994 protected circuit when the residual current exceeds this
Code of practice for flaying of hides and skins value, and also of performing the function of making,
Recommends practices to be observed in flaying of cow carrying and breaking overcurrents under specified
and buffalo hides and sheep, goat and calf skins. conditions.
7 pages, Gr.4 (=IEC 61009-1:2010+A1:2012+A2:2013)
SLS 1015:1994 (2010) (Reaffirmed)
Glossary of terms for leather SLS 1022 Part 2-1:1995
Provides compilation of terms relating to leather. Residual current operated circuit-breakers with
47 pages, Gr.18 integral overcurrent protection for household and
similar uses (RCBOs) - Applicability of the general
SLS 1016:1994 requirements to RCBO’s functionally independent of
Coal tar creosote for use in timber preservation line voltage
Prescribes the requirements and methods of tests for coal Applies to residual current operated circuit-breakers with
tar creosote of three types for use in timber preservation. integral overcurrent protection (RCBO’s) functionally
37 pages, Gr.16 independent of line voltage, for household and similar
SLS 1017:2010 (=IEC 1009-2-1:1991)
Code of hygienic practice for salted and dried salted Gr.E
(First revision) SLS 1023:1994
Applies to fish and fishery products from marine and Tolerances on dimensions and shape of hot rolled steel
freshwater sources preserved by brining, dry-salting and plates for structural and general engineering purposes
pickle curing, which are intended for human consumption Specifies tolerance on the dimensions, shape and mass of
and the harvesting, handling, production, processing, hot rolled, non alloyed, alloyed and stainless steel plates
storage, transportation and retail of salted lean and fatty either in the as rolled state or which have been subjected
fish both on vessels at sea and in establishments on shore. to heat treatment.
52 pages, Gr.20 LKR 300.00
SLS 1018:1994 SLS 1024 Part 1:1994
Code of hygienic practice for cephalopods Methods of test for insulation and sheath of electric
Applies to fresh and processed cephalopods including cables - General applications
commercially important cuttlefish, squid, octopuses (Superseded by SLS 1199:Parts 1-1; 1-2; 1-3)
intended for human consumption. It contains the
technological guidelines and the essential hygiene SLS 1024 Part 2:1994
requirements for harvesting, processing and handling of Methods of test for insulation and sheath of electric
cephalopods at sea and on shore. cables - Properties relevant to PVC compounds
(=CAC/RCP 37:1989) (Superseded by SLS 1199:Parts 1-4; 3-1; 3-2)
LKR 550.00
SLS 1024 Part 3:1994
SLS 1019:1994 Methods of test for insulation and sheath of electric
Guidelines for grading of wet salted raw hides and cables - Properties relevant to cross-linked compounds
skins (Superseded by SLS 1199:Parts 2-1)
Prescribes guidelines for assessment of wet salted raw
cattle hides and goat, sheep and calf skin by visual SLS 1024 Part 4:1994
evaluation. Methods of test for insulation and sheath of electric
9 pages, Gr.5 cables - Properties relevant to polyethylene compounds
(Superseded by SLS 1199:Parts 4-1-)
SLS 1020:1994
Method of trimming of raw hides SLS 1025 Part 1:2009
Specifies the method of trimming the raw hides of cattle Methods of test for winding wires - General
and horses, intended for the tanning industry. (First revision)
(=ISO 2820:1974) Relates to the methods of test for winding wires,
Gr.A irrespective of the shape of the conductor, the conductor
material and the type of insulation.
SLS 1021:2013 (=IEC 60851-1:1996+A1:2003)
Code of hygienic practice for collecting, processing and Gr.F
marketing of natural mineral waters
(First revision)
SLS 1025 Part 2:2009 SLS 1029 Part 3:1994
Methods of test for winding wires - Determination of Fertilizer mixtures - Coconut
dimensions Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for
(First revision) fertilizer mixtures for coconut.
Definitions, general notes on mentods of test and the AMD No.1(AMD 246:1999)
complete series of methods of test for winding wires. 6 pages, Gr.4
(=IEC 60851-2:2009)
Gr.E SLS 1029 Part 4:1994
Fertilizer mixtures - Export agriculture crops
SLS 1025 Part 3:2009 Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for
Methods of test for winding wires - Mechanical fertilizer mixtures for export agriculture crops, of a number
properties of types.
(First revision) 7 pages, Gr.4
Covers the tests on elongation, springiness, flexibility and
adherence, resistance to abrasion and heat and solvent SLS 1030:1994
bonding tests. Aluminium wood primer
(=IEC 60851-3:2009) Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for
Gr.S aluminium wood primer to be used on the wood surfaces.
11 pages, Gr.6
SLS 1025 Part 4:2009
Methods of test for winding wires - Chemical properties SLS 1031:1994 (S)
(First revision) After-shave lotion
Covers the solvent test, test for wire for use in refrigerants, Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for after-
solder test and resistance to transformer oil in the presence shave lotions.
of water. 7 pages, Gr.4
(=IEC 60851-4:2005)
Gr.K SLS 1032:1994
Banking - nostro accounts reconciliation
SLS 1025 Part 5:2009 Specifies the data to be contained on a nostro account
Methods of test for winding wires - Electrical statement, and the format of such data. It also provides
Properties rules for the creation, transmission and reconciliation of
(First revision) statements, and for the handling of references.
Relates to electrical resistance, breakdown voltage, (=ISO 7341:1985)
continuity of insulation, dielectric dissipation factor and
pin hole test. SLS 1033 Part 1:2019
(=IEC 60851-5:2008) Identification cards - identification of issuers -
Gr.N Numbering system
(Second revision)
SLS 1025 Part 6:2009 Specifies a numbering system for the identification of
Methods of test for winding wires - Thermal properties issuers of cards that require an issuer identification number
(First revision) or (IIN) to operate in international, inter-industry and intra-
Relates to heat shock test, cut-through test, temperature industry interchange.
index test and loss of mass test. (=ISO/IEC 7812-1:2017)
(=IEC 60851-6:1996+A1:1997+A2:2003) Gr.D
SLS 1033 Part 2:2019
SLS 1026 Part 1:1994 Identification cards - identification of issuers -
Methods of test for air filters used on internal Application and registration procedures
combustion engines - General requirements (Second revision)
Provides the general requirements applicable to types of Describes the application and registration procedures for
elements/air filters covered in this standard. issuer identification numbers (IIN’s) issued in accordance
LKR 200.00 with ISO/IEC 7812-1.
(=ISO/IEC 7812-2:2017)
SLS 1027:1994 Gr. F
Oxygen, technical grade
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for oxygen SLS 1034:1994
in gaseous and liquid forms, intended to be used in Bank cards - magnetic stripe data content for
industrial applications and does not apply to material track 3
intended for medical use and for use in aircrafts for Establishes specifications for those cards issued by or
breathing purposes. acceptable to the banking industry and is intended to permit
24 pages, Gr. 12 interchange based on the use of magnatic stripe encoded
information. It specifies the data con-
SLS 1028:1994 tent and physical location of read/write information on
Automotive V-belts track 3.
Prescribes the requirements, methods of test for (=ISO 4909:1987)
automotive rubber V-belts. Gr.E
LKR 250.00
SLS 1035:1995 (S)
SLS 1029 Part 1:1995 Soya sauce
Fertilizer mixtures - Tea Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for soya
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for sauce.
fertilizer mixtures for tea. 13 pages, Gr.7
7 pages, Gr.4
SLS 1036:2020
SLS 1029 Part 2:1995 Processed cereal – based foods for infants and young
Fertilizer mixtures - Rubber children
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for (Second revision)
fertilizer mixtures for rubber. Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and
7 pages, Gr.4 testing for processed ceral-based foods intended for
feeding infants as a complementary food generally from
the age of six months onwards, taking into account infants, system, registration procedures but not security
individual nutritional requirements, and for feeding young requirements.
children as part of a progressively diversified diet. The (=ISO/IEC 7813:1990)
products covered by this standard are not breast-milk Gr.B
substitutes and shall not be presented as such.
22 pages, Gr.12 SLS 1045 Part 1:1995
Bank telecommunication - fund transfer messages -
SLS 1037:1995 (S) Vocabulary and data elements
Fish meal as livestock feed Identifies and defines terms and data elements used in
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for fish describing, processing and formatting funds transfer
meal of two grades. payment orders.
9 pages, Gr.5 (=ISO 7982-1:1987)
SLS 1038:2020
Bottled natural mineral water SLS 1046:1995
(Second revision) Magnetic stripes on savings books
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for bottled Specifies the location, dimensions, electromagnetic
mineral drinking waters. not apply to natural minaral properties, recording characteristics, character coding and
drinking water. It is not apply to natural mineral water. character set of magnetic stripes on savings books used in
11 pages, Gr.6 interchange.
(=ISO 8484:1987)
SLS 1039:1995 Gr.C
Canned weaning foods
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for canned SLS 1047:1995
weaning foods. Banking and related financial services - requirements
14 pages, Gr.6 for message authentication (retail)
Specifies procedures to be used for protecting the integrity
SLS 1040 Part 1:1995 (S) of related banking messages and for verifying that the
Code of practice for harvesting and handling of fresh message originated from an authorized source. It also
fruits and vegetables - Pineapple for export describes the method by which algorithms are approved
Recommends a code of practice to be adopted in for use by the authentication of retail banking messages.
harvesting, handling, packaging, marking, storage and (=ISO 9807:1991)
transportation of pineapples for export. Gr.F
8 pages, Gr.5
SLS 1048 Part 1:1995
SLS 1040 Part 2:1996 Financial transaction cards - messages between the
Code of practice for harvesting and handling of fresh integrated circuit card and the card accepting
fruits and vegetables - ‘Embul’ bananas for export device - Concepts and structures
Recommends a code of practice to be adopted in Applicable to the use of Integrated Circuit Cards issued
harvesting, handling, packaging, marking, storage and by financial institutions in retail financial applications in
transportation of ‘Embul’ type bananas for export. an interchange environment.
11 pages, Gr.6 (=ISO 9992-1:1990)
SLS 1040 Part 3:1999
Code of practice for harvesting and handling of fresh SLS 1049:1995
fruits and vegetables - Rambutan Banking operations - authorized signature lists and
Recommends a code of practice to be adopted in their representation on microfiche
harvesting, handling, packaging, storage and Specifies the size, layout and content of the master form,
transportation. including graphical requirements, for authorized signature
8 pages, Gr.3 lists used as source documents by banks.
(=ISO 6234:1981)
SLS 1041:1995 Gr.D
Mango juice
(Withdrawn) (Superseded by SLS 1328) SLS 1050:1995
Bank operations - standard scheme for drawing lists
SLS 1042:1995 Defines the contents, the sequence and the composition
Codes for exchanges and regulated markets - market of the notice of drawing lists; it also specifies physical
identifier codes (MIC) characteristics for the presentation of lists.
Defines the first component (bank code) of the bank (=ISO 6536:1981)
identifier code (BIC) specified in SLS 1056 as a universal Gr.G
market identifier code (MIC).
(=ISO 10383:1992) SLS 1051:1995
Gr.A Banking - telex formats for inter-bank messages
Specifies the format to be used for telex messages relating
SLS 1043:1995 to the transfer of funds and other financial messages, which
Identification cards - card originated messages - are exchanged between banks.
content for financial transaction (=ISO 7746:1988)
Specifies the contents of messages interchanged between Gr.T
parties in those financial transactions that are originated
by identification cards. It contains a data element directory, SLS 1052:1995
minimum content specifications of messages and Banking and related financial services - securities -
maintenance procedures. format for eurobonds
(=ISO 7580:1987) Specifies the format characteristics of Eurobonds, for
Gr.G example, physical representation of Eurobonds with regard
to size, paper, printing, layout and contents.
SLS 1044:1995 (=ISO 8109:1990)
Identification cards - financial transaction cards Gr.D
Specifies directly or by reference the requirements for
cards used in financial transactions. It contains physical SLS 1053:1995
characteristics, layout, recording techniques, numbering
Banking - requirements for message authentication application level encipherment, for the purpose of
(wholesale) providing confidentiality.
Designed for use by correspondent institutions exchanging (=ISO 10126-2:1991)
financial messages. Specifies methods to be used for
protecting the authenticity of wholesale financial messages SLS 1059 Part 1:1995
passing between two institutions such as between banks, Financial transaction cards - security architecture of
between a bank and a corporate customer or government, financial transaction systems integrated circuit cards
by means of a message authentication Code (MAC). - Card life cycle
(=ISO 8730:1990) Specifies the principles for the protection of the Integrated
Gr. M Circuits (ICs) in financial transaction cards from their
manufacture and issue, through use to their termination.
SLS 1054 Part 1:1995 (=ISO 10202-1:1991)
Banking - approved algorithms for message
authentication - DEA SLS 1060 Part 1:1995
Specifies in individual parts, approved authentication School uniform materials - Boys’ shirting and girls’
algorithms. Every algorithm has been approved as meeting dress fabrics
the authentication requirements in SLS 1053. (Superseded by SLS 1582-1)
(=ISO 8731-1:1987)
SLS 1060 Part 2:1995
SLS 1054 Part 2:1995 School uniform materials - Boys’ suiting
Banking - approved algorithms for message (Superseded by SLS 1582-2)
authentication - Message authentication algorithm
Deals with the Message Authentication Algorithm for use SLS 1061:1995
in the calculation of the Message Authentication Code Mosquito nets
(MAC). The MAA is specifically designed for high-speed Prescribes the requirements for mosquito nets of three sizes
authentication using a main frame computer. viz. single, double and twin beds.
(=ISO 8731-2:1992) AMD No, 1 (AMD 213:1996)
Gr.K 11 pages, Gr.6
SLS 1055:1995 SLS 1062:1995
Banking - key management (wholesale) Sheeting for general purposes
Specifies methods for the management of keying material Prescribes the methods of sampling and tests for woven
used for the encipherment, decipherment and sheeting materials used for the purpose of clothing,
authentication of messages exchanged in the course of covering, sheeting or any similar activity.
wholesale financial transactions. 9 pages, Gr.5
(=ISO 8732:1988)
Gr.X SLS 1063:1995
Rubber hoses for general purposes
SLS 1056:1995 Prescribes requirements and test for rubber hoses which
Banking - banking telecommunication messages - Bank covers low pressure type rubber hoses generally known
Identifier Codes as garden hoses.
Specifies the elements and structure of a universal Bank 10 pages, Gr.5
Identifier Code (BIC) for use in automated processing in
the banking and related financial environments. SLS 1064 Part 1: 2018
(=ISO 9362:1987) Bicycle tyres and rims - Tyre designations and
Gr.B dimensions
(Secound revision)
SLS 1057 Part 1:1995 Specifies the designations and dimentions for pneumatic
Banking - personal identification number management bicycle tyre : “wire edge” tyres mounted on straight side
and security - PIN protection principles and techniques or crotchet type rims, and “beaded edge” types mounted
Specifies the minimum security measures required for on hooked bead rims. Tubuler sew-up tyres and non-
effective international PIN management. A structured pneumatic tyres are not covered by this part of ISO 5775.
means of interchanging PIN data is provided. (=ISO 5775-1:2014)
(=ISO 9564-1:1991) Gr.K
SLS 1065:1995
SLS 1057 Part 2:1995 Code of hygienic practice for processed meat products
Banking - personal identification number management (Withdrawn) (Superseded by SLS 1564)
and security - Approved algorithm(s) for PIN
encipherment SLS 1066:1995
Specifies algorithms approved for the encipherment of Radiator hoses
Personal Identification Numbers (PINS). Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for
(=ISO 9564-2:1991) radiator hoses used in automobiles.
15 pages, Gr.7
SLS 1058 Part 1:1995
Banking - procedures for message encipherment SLS 1067:1995
(wholesale) - General principles Multiwall paper sacks for packaging of desiccated
The procedures defined are designed to protect, by means coconut
of encipherment, financial messages exchanged through Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for
any communication architecture. Such architecture will multiwall kraft paper sacks for packaging of desiccated
include, store and forward and telex environments, any coconut.
number of nodes and public or private networks. 10 pages, Gr.5
(=ISO 10126-1:1991)
SLS 1068:1995
SLS 1058 Part 2:1995 Multiwall paper sacks for packaging of tea
Banking - procedures for message encipherment (Superseded by SLS 1492)
(wholesale) - DEA algorithm
Specifies a method for the encipherment and decipherment SLS 1069:1995
of entire wholesale financial messages by the use of Headforms for use in the testing of protective helmets

Specifies the materials, sizes and constructional details of SLS 1078:1995
headforms for use in the testing of protective helmets. Leather - measurement area
Details of headforms below the reference plane are Specifies a method of measuring the area of pieces of
included as optional requirements. leather. It is intended only for the measurement of dressed
22 pages, Gr.11 and other dry flexible leathers.
(=ISO 11646:1993)
SLS 1070:1995 (S) Gr.B
Television receiving antennae for domestic use
Lays down essential requirements for Yagi television SLS 1079:1995
receiving antenna for reception of VHF/UHF television Leather - tests for colour fastness - colour fastness to
transmissions for domestic applications. cycles of to-and-fro rubbing
14 pages, Gr.7 Specifies a method for determining the behaviour of the
surface of a leather on rubbing with felt.
SLS 1071:1995 (=ISO 11640:1993)
Mail payment orders Gr.C
Defines data elements used on mail payment orders for
use between banks, and specifies a layout key for the form SLS 1080:1995
to be used. Test for colour fastness of leather to perspiration
(=ISO 6260:1984) Specifies a method for determining the colour fastness to
perspiration of leather of all kinds at all stages of
SLS 1072:1995 processing, but it applies particularly to gloving, clothing
Financial transaction card originated messages - and lining leathers as well as leather for the uppers of
interchange message specifications unlined shoes.
Specifies a common interface by which financial (=ISO 11641:1993)
transaction card originated messages may be interchanged Gr.C
between acquirers and card issuers. It specifies message
structure, format and content, data elements and values SLS 1081 Part 1.1:2009
for data elements. Winding wires - General requirements - enamelled
(=ISO 8583:1993) round copper wires
(First revision)
SLS 1073 Part 1:1995 Specifies general requirements of enamelled round copper
Glossary of terms for standardization and quality winding wires with or without a bonding layer.
management - Standardization related activities (=IEC 60317-0-1:2008)
Contains the terms and definitions related to the activities Gr.N
of standardization, certification, testing and accreditation
of testing laboratories in English and Sinhala. SLS 1081 Part 1.2:2009
42 pages, Gr.17 Winding wires - General requirements - enamelled
rectangular copper wires
SLS 1073 Part 2:2005 (First revision)
Glossary of terms for standardization and quality Specifies the general requirements of enamelled
management - Quality and quality management rectangular copper winding wires.
Contains the terms and definitions related to quality (=IEC 60317-0-2:2005)
concepts, quality systems, quality management, quality Gr.M
tools and techniques
35 pages, Gr.15 SLS 1081 Part 2:2009
Winding wires - Solderable polyurethane enamelled
SLS 1074:2019 round copper wire, class 130
Cakes (First revision)
(First Revision) Specifies the requirements of solderable enamelled round
prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and copper winding wire of class 130 with a sole coating based
test for cakes on polyurethane resin, which may be modified provided
16 pages, Gr.8 it retains the chemical identity of the original resin and
meets all specified wire requirements.
SLS 1075:1995 (=IEC 60317-4:2000)
Leather - tests for colour fastness - colour fastness to Gr.D
Specifies a method for determining the colour fastness to SLS 1081 Part 4:2009
water of leather of all kinds at all stages of processing. Winding wires - Polyesterimide enamelled round
(=ISO 11642:1993) copper wire, class 180
Gr.C (First revision)
Specifies the requirements of enamelled round copper
SLS 1076:1995 winding wire of class 180 with a sole coating based on
Leather - tests for colour fastness - colour fastness to polyesterimide resin, which may be modified provided it
small samples to dry cleaning solutions retains the chemical identity of the original resin and meets
Specifies a method for determining the resistance to dry- all specified wire requirements.
cleaning solutions of the colour and the finish of unused, (=IEC 60317-8:1997)
and not yet dry-cleaned, leather. Gr.E
(=ISO 11643:1993)
Gr.C SLS 1081 Part 13:2009
Winding wires - Polyester or polyesterimide overcoated
SLS 1077:1995 with polyamide - imide enamelled round copper
Leather - test for adhesion of finish wire,class 200
Specifies a method for measuring the adhesion of the finish (First revision)
to the leather or the adhesion between two adjacent layers Specifies the requirements of enamelled round copper
of the finish to the leather or the adhesion between two winding wire of class 200 with a dual coating. The
adjacent layers of the finish. underlying coating is based on polyester or polyesterimide
(=ISO 11644:1993) resin, which may be modified providing it retains the
Gr.D chemical identity of the original resin and meets all
specified wire requirements. The superimposed coating
is based on polymide-resin.
(=IEC 60317-13:1997) (=IEC 60264-3-4:1999)
Gr.E Gr.B
SLS 1082 Part 1:2009 SLS 1082 Part 4.1:2009
Packaging of winding wires - Containers for round Packaging of winding wires - Methods of test - delivery
winding wires spools made from thermoplastic material
(First revision) (First revision)
Relates to containers for round winding wires. Describes methods of test for delivery spools for winding
(=IEC 60264-1:1968 + A1:2009) wires made from thermoplastic materials in order to
Gr.E determine conformity with the established performance
requirements for their properties.
SLS 1082 Part 2.1:2009 (=IEC 60264-4-1:2009)
Packaging of winding wires - Cylindrical barrelled Gr.E
delivery spools - Basic dimensions
(First revision) SLS 1082 Part 4.2:2009
Specifies the basic dimensions for cylindrical barrelled Packaging of winding wires - Method of test -
delivery spools for winding wires. Containers made from thermoplastic material for taper
(=IEC 60264-2-1:1989 + A1 :2003) barrelled delivery spools
Gr.D Describes the methods of test for containers made from
thermoplastic material to be used for taper barelled
SLS 1082 Part 2.2:2009 delivery spools for winding wires.
Packaging of winding wires - Cylindrical barrelled (=IEC 60264-4-2:1992+A1:2003)
delivery spools - Returnable spools made from Gr.D
thermoplastic material
(First revision) SLS 1083:1995
Specifies the requirement for returnable cylindrical Documentation - contents list of periodicals
barrelled delivery spools made from thermoplastic Provides rules for the presentation of the contents list of a
material. periodical.
(=IEC 60264-2-2:1990+A1:2003) (=ISO 18:1981)
Gr.D Gr.A
SLS 1082 Part 2.3:2009 SLS 1084:1995
Packaging of winding wires - Cylindrical barrelled Documentation - presentation of contributions to
delivery spools - Non-returnable spools made from periodicals and other serials
thermoplastic material Provides rules for the preparation and presentation of
(First revision) contributions to scientific periodicals including applied
Specifies the requirement for non-returnable cylindrical sciences and technology and similar serials. Contributions
barrelled delivery spools made from thermoplastic to conference proceedings and similar collected works may
material. not be covered by this standard.
(=IEC 60264-2-3:1990+A1:2003) (=ISO 215:1986)
Gr.E Gr.C
SLS 1082 Part 3.1:2009 SLS 1085:1995
Packaging of winding wires - Taper barrelled delivery Code for the representation of names of languages
spools - Basic dimensions Provides a code for the presentation of names of languages.
(First revision) The symbols were devised primarily for use in
Specifies basic dimensions for taper barrelled delivery terminology, lexicography and linguistics, but they may
spools for winding wires, with a aim of standardizing them. be used for any application requiring the expression of
(=IEC 60264-3-1:2009) languages in coded form.
Gr.C (=ISO 639:1988)
SLS 1082 Part 3.2:2009 SLS 1086:1995
Packaging of winding wires - Taper barrelled delivery Information and documentation - title leaves of a book
spools - Specification for returnable spools made from Specifies the information to be printed on the title leaves
thermoplastic material of books and the manner in which this information should
(First revision) be presented and arranged.
Specifies the requirements for returnable taper barrelled (=ISO 1086:1991)
delivery spools made from thermoplastic materials. Used Gr.C
spools are not covered by this Standards.
(=IEC 60264-3-2:1999) SLS 1087:1995
Gr.C Documentation - directories of libraries, archives,
information and documentation centres and their data
SLS 1082 Part 3.3:2009 bases
Packaging of winding wires - Taper barrelled delivery Is intended to assist in compiling directories of libraries,
spools - Non-returnable spools made from archives, information and documentation centres,
thermoplastic material including a description of their data base services.
(First revision) (=ISO 2146:1988)
Specifies the requirements for non-returnable taper Gr.M
barrelled delivery spools made from thermoplastic
material. SLS 1088:1995
(=IEC 60264-3-3:1990+A1:2003) Micrographics - microfilming of newspapers for
Gr.D archival purposes on 35 mm microfilm
Establishes general principles for the microfilming of
SLS 1082 Part 3.4:2009 printed newspapers for preservation and distribution in
Packaging of winding wires - Taper barralled delivery libraries and other documentation services. It includes
spools - Basic dimensions of containers for taper requirements for targets to ensure proper bibliographic
barrelled delivery spools control and to provide verification that the film meets
(First revision) International Standards required for archival microfilming.
Specifies the basic dimensions of containers for taper (=ISO 4087:1991)
barrelled delivery spools standardized in IEC 60264-3-1. Gr.D
Covers graphical symbols which may be used in
SLS 1089:1995 micrographics to convey information concerning the
Photography - processed safety photographic films - condition of the original document, the production and
storage practices use of microforms.
Gives recommendations concerning the storage conditions, (=ISO 9878:1990)
storage facilities, handling and inspection of all processed Gr.B
safety photographic films in roll, strip, aperture-card or
sheet form, regardless of size. SLS 1097:1995
(=ISO 5466:1992) Banking and related financial services - information
Gr. F interchange - collection order form
Specifies the size and layout for forms, intended for orders
SLS 1090:1995 sent internationally between banks to present documents
Documentation - presentation of scientific and for payment (collection). In addition it defines the data
technical reports elements to be used and describes how they are to be
Specifies the broad way in which scientific and technical represented on the form.
reports should be presented and provides rules for those (=ISO 10043:1994)
items where a uniform procedure will assist the interchange Gr.C
of information either by aiding readers’ understanding or
facilitating the processing of the report in an information SLS 1098 Part 9:1995
system. Graphical symbols for diagrams - Telecommunications
(=ISO 5966:1982) - switching and peripheral equipment
Gr.L Provides a set of symbols which may be used to represent
switching systems irrespective of the type of equipment
SLS 1091 Part 1:1995 used.
Microfilming of press cuttings - 16 mm silver gelatin (=IEC 60617-9:1983)
type roll microfilm
Specifies the particular aspects of microfilming 16 mm SLS 1098 Part 10:1995
roll microfilm files of press cuttings held in libraries and Graphical symbols for diagrams – Telecommunication
in documentation centres, with a view to limiting the - transmission
growth of diverse systems. Provides a set of symbols which may be used in
(=ISO 6197/1:1980) telecommunication transmission.
Gr.A (=IEC 60617-10:1983)
SLS 1091 Part 2:1995 SLS 1099 Part 1:2015
Microfilming of press cuttings - A6 size microfiche Residual current operated circuit – breakers without
Specifies the particular aspects of microfilming press integral overcurrent protection for household and
cuttings on A6 size microfiche. similar uses (RCCB’s) - General requirements
(=ISO 6197/2:1980) (Third revision)
Applies to residual current operated circuit-breakers
SLS 1092:1995 functionally independent of, or functionally dependent on,
Micrographics - microfilming of documents on 16 mm line voltage, for household and similar uses, not
and 35 mm silver gelatin type microfilm - operating incorporating overcurrent protection for rated voltages not
procedures exceeding 440 V a.c. with rated frequencies of 50 Hz, 60
Establishes general principles for document filming on Hz or 50/60 Hz and rated currents not exceeding 125 A,
16 mm and 35 mm silver-gelatin type microfilm, including intended principally for protection against shock hazard.
orientation of images on film, area for codes, and the This standard applies to devices performing
information required to facilitate identification, simultaneously the functions of detection of the residual
classification, testing and subsequent use of the microfilm. current, of comparison of the value of this current with
(=ISO 6199:1991) the residual operating value and of opening of the protected
Gr.E circuit when the residual current exceeds this value.
(=IEC 61008-1:2013)
SLS 1093:1995 Gr.AA
Graphic technology - text books and periodicals - sizes
of untrimmed sheets and trimmed pages SLS 1099 Part 2.1:1995
Specifies sizes of untrimmed sheets and corresponding Residual current operated circuit – breakers without
trimmed pages for text books and periodicals. integral overcurrent protection for household and
(=ISO 6716:1983) similar uses (RCCB’s) - Applicability of the general
Gr.A requirements to RCCB’s functionally
independent of line voltage
SLS 1094:1995 Applies to RCCB’s functionally independent of line
Banking - forms for confirming foreign exchange deals voltage.
Specifies the data elements and the size and layout of the (=IEC 1008-2-1:1990)
form to be used as a mail confirmation of a foreign Gr.C
exchange deal made between two banks.
(=ISO 9777:1994) SLS 1099 Part 2.2:1995
Gr.F Residual current operated circuit – breakers without
integral overcurrent protection for household and
SLS 1095:1995 similar uses (RCCB’s) - Applicability of the general
Banking - forms for confirming loan/deposit contracts requirements to RCCB’s functionally dependent on
Specifies the data elements and the size and layout of the line voltage
form to be used as a mail confirmation of a loan/deposit (Withdrawn)
contract made between banks. There are two types of
contracts for which this form may be used - ‘fixed’ loan/ SLS 1100 Part 1:1995
deposit contracts and ‘call/notice’ loan/deposit contracts. Methods of test for heavy metals in food - Atomic
(=ISO 9778:1994) absorption spectrophotometric method for the
Gr. J determination of zinc
Prescribes an atomic absorption spectrophotometric
SLS 1096:1995 method for the determination of zinc in food.
Micrographics - graphical symbols for use in 9 pages, Gr.5
SLS 1100 Part 2:1995 9 Pages, Gr.5
Methods of test for heavy metals in food - Atomic
absorption spectrophotometric method for the SLS 1105:1995
determination of lead in food Epsom salt (fertilizer grade)
Prescribes an atomic absorption spectrophotometric Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for epsom
method for the determination of lead in food. salt (magnesium sulphate hepta hydrate), fertilizer grade.
7pages, Gr.4 10 pages, Gr.5
SLS 1100 Part 3:1995 SLS 1106:1995 (S)
Methods of test for heavy metals in food - Atomic Canned fish curry
absorption spectrophotometric method for the Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for edible
determination of tin dressed fish (whole fish) or chunks of edible dressed fish
Prescribes an atomic absorption spectrophotometric processed in a curry and packed in hermetically sealed
method for the determination of tin in food. containers and then processed by heat treatment to
11 pages, Gr.5 preserve it.
26 pages, Gr.12
SLS 1100 Part 4 Section 1:2018
Methods of test for heavy metals in food - SLS 1107:1995
Determination of heavy metals in animal and vegetable Potassium sulfate (fertilizer grade)
fats and oils - Determination of cadmium content by Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for
direct graphite furnace atomic absorption potassium sulfate, fertilizer grade.
spectrometry 10 pages, Gr.5
Describes a method for the determination of trace amounts
(micrograms per kilogram) of cadmium in all types of SLS 1108:1995
crude or refined edible oils and fats. Milk and milk Method of measurement of lamp cap temperature rise
products (or fat coming from milk and milk Describes the standard method of measurement of lamp
products) are excluded from the scope of this document. cap temperature rise which is to be used when testing
(=ISO 15774:2017) tungsten filament lamps for compliance with the limits.
Gr.C 16 pages, Gr.8
SLS 1100 Part 4 Section 2:2018 SLS 1109 Part 1:1995
Methods of test for heavy metals in food - Timber preservation by means of copper/chrome/
Determination of heavy metals in animal and vegetable arsenic compositions - Treatment process
fats and oils - Determination of trace elements by Specifies treatment of timber with water-borne wood
inductively coupled plasma optical emission preservatives consisting essentially of copper sulphate,
spectroscopy sodium dichromate or potassium dichromate and hydrated
Specifies an inductively coupled plasma optical emission di-arsenic pentoxide packed either as a mixture of dry
spectroscopic method (ICP-OES) for the determination ingredients or in the form of a paste in water. It covers the
of the trace element content in oils. Depending on the requirements of the preservatives, treatment process and
dilution solvent used, most types of vegetable oils can be requirements of the treated timber, but excludes treatment
analysed (crude, degummed, refined, bleached, deodorized of round timber poles for overhead power and
and hardened oils) and nearly all types of lecithins and telecommunication lines.
phosphatides. Milk and milk products (or fat coming from 37 pages, Gr.16
milk and milk products) are excluded from the scope of
this Standard. SLS 1109 Part 2:1995
(=ISO 21033:2016) Timber preservation by means of copper/chrome/
Gr.G arsenic compositions - Test methods
Specifies test methods related to the preservative treatment
SLS 1101:1995 of timber by means of water-borne copper/chrome/arsenic
Melamine tableware compositions.
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for 25 pages, Gr.12
tableware such as cups, saucers, plates, bowls,
compartmented trays and similar articles made from SLS 1110:1995
melamine formaldehyde moulding compounds. Information processing - file structure and labelling
16 pages, Gr.8 of magnetic tapes for information interchange
Specifies the file structure and the labelling of magnetic
SLS 1102:1995 tapes for the interchange of information between users of
Bakery fats information processing systems.
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for bakery (=ISO 1001:1986)
fats which is used as a shortening or leavening agent in Gr.J
the manufacture of bakery products.
5 pages, Gr.4 SLS 1111:1995
Documentation - format for bibliographic information
SLS 1103:2021 interchange on magnetic tape
Automotive diesel fuel (diesel fuel) Specifies the requirements for a generalized exchange
(First revision) format which hold records describing all forms of material
Specifies requirements, packaging, marking and methods capable of bibliographic description as well as other types
of test for automotive diesel fuel, suitable for light duty or of records. It does not define the length or the content of
heavy duty or stationary diesel engines operating in on- individual records and does not assign any meaning to
road or off-road applications. tags, indicators or identifiers, these specifications being
For the purpose of this standard, automotive diesel fuel the functions of an implementation format.
shall be classified as two variants namely auto diesel or (=ISO 2709:1981)
regular diesel and low sulphur diesel or super diesel. Gr.C
8 pages, Gr.5
SLS 1112:1995
SLS 1104:2014 Continuous forms used for information processing -
Magnesium sulfate monohydrate (fertilizer grade) sizes and sprocket feed holes
(First revision) Specifies the sizes of continuous forms and the diameter
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling test and location of the sprocket feed holes. It applies to paper
for magnesium sulfate mono hydrate of fertilizer grade.
in continuous, length intended for use with automatic data (=ISO 9127:1988)
processing (ADP) equipment for print-out of documents. Gr.D
(=ISO 2784:1974)
Gr.B SLS 1121:1995
Information processing - volume and file structure of
SLS 1113:1995 CD - ROM for information interchange
Forms design sheet and layout chart Specifies the volume and file structure of compact read
Lays down the basic principles for the design of forms, only optical disks (CD - ROM) for the interchange of
whether descrete forms or continuous forms and information between users of information processing
establishes a forms design sheet and a layout chart based systems.
on these principles. (=ISO 9660:1988)
(=ISO 3535:1977) Gr.P
SLS 1122:1995
SLS 1114:1995 Programming languages - C
Information processing guidelines for the Specifies the form and establishes the interpretation of
documentation of computer - based application systems programs written in the C programming language.
Establishes guidelines for the documentation of computer- (=ISO/IEC 9899:1990)
based application systems. It also contains checklists with
the aim of supporting effective activities throughout the SLS 1123:1996
system life cycle. Hair dye powder
(=ISO 6592:1985) (Superseded by SLS 1440)
SLS 1124:1996
SLS 1115:1995 Guidelines for the construction of corrugated
Forms design - basic layout fibreboard boxes used for packaging of pineapples
Specifies overall sizes, image areas, their division and data Recommends guidelines for the construction of corrugated
fields for forms intended for use within administration, fibreboard boxes used for packaging of pineapples. It
commerce and industry. also covers the methods of test for corrugated fibreboard
(=ISO 8439:1990) boxes used for packaging of pineapples.
Gr.B 10 pages, Gr.5
SLS 1116:1995 SLS 1125:1996
Data elements and interchange formats - information Wrought aluminium for electrical purposes - solid
interchange - representation of dates and times conductors for insulated cables
Is concerned with the expression of dates, including Specific requirements for circular solid 2-core, 3-core and
calendar dates, ordinal dates, week numbers and times in 4 - core shaped solid conductors in a range of standard
numeric form including a combination of alphabetic and sizes from 16 mm2 up to and including 300 mm2.
graphic characters to avoid ambiguity. 15 pages, Gr.8
(=ISO 8601:1988)
Gr.G SLS 1126 Part 1:2020
Lead-acid starter batteries - General requirements and
SLS 1117:1995 methods of test
Information technology - program constructs and (Third revision)
conventions for their representation Applicable to lead-acid batteries with a nominal voltage
Is concerned with the expression of procedure oriented of 12V, used primarily as a power source for the starting
algorithm. It defines the nature of program constructs of internal combustion engines, lighting and for auxiliary
indicates the manner in which constructs can be combined equipment of internal combustion engine vehicles. .It
provides specifications for a set of constructs, permits the specifies general requirements and essential functional
definition of a variety of subsets of the defined constructs. characteristics, relavant test methods and results required.
(=ISO/IEC 8631:1989) (=IEC 60095-1:2018)
Gr.D Gr.M
SLS 1118:1995 SLS 1126 Part 2:2016
Information processing systems - computer system Lead-acid starter batteries - Dimensions of batteries
configuration diagram symbols and conventions and dimensions and marking of terminals
Establishes graphical symbols and their conventions for (Second revision)
use in configuration diagrams for computer systems, It is applicable to lead-acid batteries used for starting,
including automatic data processing systems. lighting and ignition of passenger cars and light vehicles
(=ISO 8790:1987) with a nominal voltage of 12 V. All batteries in accordance
Gr.G with this standard can be fastened to the vehicle either by
means of the ledges around the container or by means of a
SLS 1119:1995 hold-down device engaging with the lid. This standard
Information technology - software product evaluation covers battery sizes of the geographical regions Europe,
- quality characteristics and guidelines for their use East Asia and North America.
Defines six characteristics that describe, with minimal (=IEC 60095-2:2009)
overlap, software quality. These characteristics provide a Gr.S
baseline for further refinement and description of software
quality. Guidelines describe the use of quality SLS 1126 Part 3:1996
characterisation for the evaluation of software quality. Lead-acid starter batteries - Dimensions of batteries
(=ISO/IEC 9126:1991) for heavy commercial vehicles
Applicable to lead-acid batteries used for starting, lighting
SLS 1120:1995 and ignition of agriculture machines, buses, coaches and
Information processing systems - user documentation lorries.
and cover information for consumer software packages 9 pages, Gr. 5
Describes the user documentation and cover information
supplied with consumer software packages which are SLS 1127:1996
ready-made packages sold off-the-shelf to the consumer. Wrought aluminium for electrical purposes - wire
Typically the software is sold pre-wrapped with its user Specifies requirements for aluminium round wire for
documentation. electrical conductors in six conditions designated as O,
H4, H6, H8, H68 and H9 and in diameter 0.4 mm up to Specifies common syntax rules for the formatting of batch
and including 10 mm. and interactive messages to be interchanged between
9 pages, Gr. 5 computer application systems. It includes the definitions
and service directories for all parts comprising ISO 9735.
SLS 1128:1996 (=ISO 9735-1:1998)
Stabilized power supplies - a.c output
Applies to stabilized power supplies designed to supply SLS 1135 Part 2:2001
a.c. power from an a.c. or d.c. source. Power supplies for Electronic data interchange for administration,
electrical measurements are excluded. commerce and transport (EDIFACT) - application
(=IEC 60686:1980) level syntax rules (syntax version No. 4) - Syntax rules
specific to batch EDI
SLS 1129:1996 (First revision)
Leather for garments Specifies syntax rules specifically for the formatting of
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for leather batch messages to be interchanged between computer
to be used in the manufacture of garments. application systems. The transfer of packages in a batch
22 pages, Gr.11 environment is described in SLS 1135 Part 8
(=ISO 9735-2:1998)
SLS 1130
Method of determination of tearing force of woven SLS 1135 Part 3:2001
fabrics Electronic data interchange for administration,
(Superseded by SLS 1251) commerce and transport (EDIFACT) - application
level syntax rules (syntax version No. 4) - Syntax rules
SLS 1131:1996 specific to interactive EDI
Ammonium phosphates (fertilizer grade) (First revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for Specifies syntax rules specifically for the transfer of
ammonium phosphates, fertilizer grade. interactive messages to be interchanged between computer
(Errata Slip) application systems. The transfer of packages in an
8 pages, Gr. 4 interactive environment is described in SLS 1135 Part 8.
(=ISO 9735-3:1998)
SLS 1132:1996
Classification and terminology for seams SLS 1135 Part 4:2001
It classifies and designates the various kind of stitched Electronic data interchange for administration,
seams. It is not intended to be fully comprehensive but commerce and transport (EDIFACT) - application
illustrates the most used seam types. level syntax rules (syntax version No. 4) - Syntax and
(=ISO 4916:1991) service report message for batch EDI (message type -
(First revision)
SLS 1133:1996 Defines the syntax and service report message for batch
Classification and terminology for stitches EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), CONTRL.
It classifies, designates, describes and illustrates the (=ISO 9735-4:1998)
various kinds of stitched types used in hand and machine-
sewn seams. SLS 1135 Part 5:2001
(=ISO 4915:1991) Electronic data interchange for administration,
Gr. V commerce and transport (EDIFACT) - application
level syntax rules (syntax version No. 4) - Security rules
SLS 1134:2011 for batch EDI (authencity, integrity and non
Sinhala character code for information interchange repudiation of origin)
(Third revision) (First revision)
Provides a coding of the set of Sinhal character for use in Specifies syntax rules for EDIFACT security. Provides a
computers and digital devices, and communication media. method to address message/package level, group level and
Character code set specifies a 7-bit code table (out of 16 interchange level security for authenticity, integrity and
bits) which may be used in line with the requirements non-repudiation of origin, in accordance with established
outlined by the International Organization for security mechanisms.
Standardization. This standard defines codes for the (=ISO 9735-5:1998)
vowels, consonants, semi - consonants, signs, numeral and
punctuation in the language. SLS 1135 Part 6:2001
30 page, Gr.11 Electronic data interchange for administration,
commerce and transport (EDIFACT) - application
SLS 1134 Part 1:2006 level syntax rules (syntax version No. 4) - Secure
Sinhala character code for information interchange - authentication and acknowledgement message
Collation sequence (message type - AUTACK)
Prescribes the collation sequence for arranging a list of (First revision)
words or phrases in the Sinhala language. Defines the secure authentication and acknowledgement
AMD No. 1 (AMD 357:2007) message type - AUTACK
6 page, Gr.4 (=ISO 9735-6:1998)
SLS 1134 Part 2:2007 SLS 1135 Part 7:2001
Sinhala character code for information interchange - Electronic data interchange for administration,
Requirements and methods of test commerce and transport (EDIFACT) - application
Prescribes requirements and methods of test for five level syntax rules (syntax version No. 4) - Security rules
products to ascertain conformity to SLS 1134:2004 for batch EDI (confidentiality)
13 page, Gr.7 (First revision)
Addresses the message/package level, group level and
SLS 1135 Part 1:2001 interchange level security for confidentiality in accordance
Electronic data interchange for administration, with established security mechanisms
commerce and transport (EDIFACT) - application (=ISO 9735-7:1998)
level syntax rules (syntax version No. 4) - Syntax rules
common to all parts, together with syntax service SLS 1135 Part 8:2001
directories for each of the parts Electronic data interchange for administration,
(First revision) commerce and transport (EDIFACT) - application
level syntax rules (syntax version No. 4) - Associated medium access technologies and associates physical
data in EDI medium, each appropriate for particular applications or
(First revision) system objective. This standard covers the specification
Specifies syntax rules for associated data in EDI to be connected with the token-passing bus access method.
interchanged between computer application systems. (=ISO/IEC 8802/4:1994)
Provides a method to transfer data which cannot be carried
by means of either a batch or interactive EDIFACT SLS 1139:1996 (2015) (Reaffirmed)
message. The data may be created by other applications Zinc phosphate pigments for paint
(such as STEP, CAD etc.) and is referred to in this part as Specifies the requirements and the corresponding methods
associated data. for zinc phosphate pigments suitable for use in corrosion
(=ISO 9735-8:1998) inhibiting paints.
(=ISO 6745:1990)
SLS 1135 Part 9:2001 Gr.D
Electronic data interchange for administration,
commerce and transport (EDIFACT) - application SLS 1140:1996
level syntax rules (syntax version No. 4) - Security key Guide for positioning of labels in garments
and certificate management message (message type - Describes the positioning of labels in garments.
KEYMAN) 10 pages, Gr. 5
(First revision)
Defines the security key and certificate management SLS 1141:1996 (S)
message KEYMAN Quick frozen whole fish, fish fillets, steaks and minced
(=ISO 9735-9:1998) fish
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for quick
SLS 1136 Part 1:1996 frozen whole fish, fish fillets, steaks and minced fish which
Information technology - telecommunications and are intended for further processing.
information exchange between systems - local and 20 pages, Gr.10
metropolitan area networks - specific requirements -
Overview of local area network standards SLS 1142:2009
Provides an introduction to the set of International Liquid toilet soap
Standards which describe local area networks, specifically (First revision)
those which make use of the 48-bit address format. Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for liquid
(=ISO/IEC TR 8802/1:1994) toilet soap for personal hygiene. Does not cover hair
shampoo, face wash and liquid soap in gel medium.
SLS 1136 Part 2:1996 AMD No 01 (AMD 447:2013)
Information technology - telecommunications and 9 pages, Gr.5
information exchange between systems - local and
metropolitan area networks - specific requirements - SLS 1143:2008
Logical link control Electric flexible cords rated upto 300/500V for use with
Describes the functions, features, protocol, and services appliances and equipment intended for domestic, office
of the logical link control (LLC) sub layer in the ISO/IEC and similar environments
8802 protocol. (Superseded by SLS 1504:2:11, SLS1504:2:12,
(=ISO/IEC TR 8802/2:1994) SLS1504:2:21, SLS 1504:2:71)
SLS 1136 Part 3:1996 SLS 1144 Part 1:1996 (S)
Information technology - telecommunications and Ready - mixed concrete - Requirements
information exchange between systems - local and Covers requirements for supply of ready-mixed concrete
metropolitan area networks - specific requirements - in a freshly mixed and unhardened state requiring no
Token ring access method and physical layer further treatment before being placed. It does not cover
specifications placement, compaction, curing or protection of concrete
Deals with the physical and data link layers as defined by after delivery to the purchaser.
the ISO Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference 48 pages, Gr. 18
Model where the access standards define a number of
medium access technologies and associates physical SLS 1144 Part 2:1996 (S)
medium, each appropriate for particular applications or Ready - mixed concrete - Test methods
system objective. This standard covers the specifications Specifies test methods for the determination of mass per
connected with the Token Ring Access method. unit volume, air content, slump, coarse aggregate content
(=ISO/IEC 8802/5:1995) and unit mass of air free mortar of fresh concrete,
compressive strength of concrete, and chloride content of
SLS 1137:1996 aggregate as well as analysis of fresh concrete to determine
Information technology - local and metropolitan area mix proportion, water/cement ratio and cement content.
networks Carrier sense multiple access with collision 41 pages, Gr. 17
detection (CSMA/CD) access method and physical
layer specification SLS 1145:1996
Deals with the physical and data link layers as defined by Zinc phosphate priming paint
the ISO Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for zinc
Model where the access standards define a number of phosphate priming paint which is used as the first coat on
medium access technologies and associates physical iron and steel or non-ferrous surfaces to protect against
medium, each appropriate for particular applications or corrosion.
system objective. This standard covers the specifications 9 pages, Gr.5
connection with the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
Collision Detection access method. SLS 1146:2001
(=ISO/IEC 8802/3:1994) Ham
(First revision)
SLS 1138:1996 Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for ham.
Information processing systems - local area networks It does not cover canned ham
token-Passing bus access method and physical layer AMD No 1(AMD 327:2006)
specifications AMD No 2(AMD 336:2006)
Deals with the physical and data link layers as defined by AMD No.3 (AMD 486:2016)
the ISO Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference 12 pages, Gr. 6
Model where the access standards define a number of
SLS 1147:1997 (=ISO 3334:1989)
Rubber insulation and sheath for electric cables
Specifies the physical and electrical requirements for the SLS 1154:1997
types of rubber insulation and sheath for a series of electric Documentation - headers for microfiche of
cables. monographs and serials
26 pages, Gr.13 Lays down rules for the header areas of microfiche
produced for distribution by, or to, libraries and
SLS 1148:2010 information centres. It is applicable to original
Zinc coated and plastic coated steel chain link fence micropublications as well as to microfiche editions of
fabric monographs and serials and their contributions.
(First revision) (=ISO 5123:1984)
Specifies requirements for zinc coated and/or plastic Gr.C
coated steel chain link fence fabric used in the construction
of fence. SLS 1155:1997
13 pages, Gr. 7 Micrographics - first generation silver - gelatin
microforms of source documents - density
SLS 1149:1997 specifications
Method for determination of Rockwell hardness of Specifies the method for measuring densities of first
plastics generation silver - gelatin microforms. It also lays down
Specifies a method for determining the indentation the values of densities to be used according to the
hardness of plastics by means of the Rockwell hardness documents reproduced and the operating means.
tester using the Rockwell M, L and R hardness scales. (=ISO 6200:1990)
14 pages, Gr. 7
SLS 1156:1997
SLS 1150 Part 1:2009 Documentation - presentation of title information of
Ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - General and series
safety requirements Describes the elements required for the identification of
(First revision) series and parts thereof and gives rules for the presentation
Specifies safety requirements for ballasts, excluding and place of such elements.
resistance types, for use on up to 1 000V at (=ISO 7275:1985)
50 Hz or 60 Hz, associated with fluorescent lamps with or Gr.A
without pre-heated cathods operated with or without a
starter or starting device and having rated wattages, SLS 1157:1997
dimensions and characteristics as specified in IEC 60081 Micrographics - transparent A6 microfiche image
and 60901.Applies to the complete ballasts and their arrangement
components parts. Specifies the characteristics of transparent A6 size
(=IEC 61347-2-8:2006) microfiche, from both source documents and COM,
Gr.L intended for international interchange of information and
for micropublishing. It is applicable to microfiche of
SLS 1150 Part 2:2009 uniform format with image arrangements of 49, 98, 270
Ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance and 420 frames and a single frame microfiche.
requirements (=ISO 9923:1994)
(First revision) Gr.L
Specifies performance requirements for ballasts, excluding
resistance types, for use on a.c. supplies up to 1 000V at SLS 1158:1997
50 Hz or 60 Hz,associated with tubular fluorescent lamps Micrographics - planetary camera systems - test target
with pre-heated cathodes operated with or without a starter for checking performance
or starting device and having rated wattages, dimensions Describes a test target for use in checking the performance
and characteristics as specified in IEC 60081 and 60901. of planetary camera systems. It specifies methods for
It applies to complete ballasts and their component parts checking the performance of the system and monitoring
such as resistors, transformers and capacitors. cameras in routine use.
(=IEC 60921:2006) (=ISO 10550:1994)
Gr.P Gr. B
SLS 1151:1997 SLS 1159:1997
Documentation - presentation of periodicals Photography - processed silver - gelatin type black and
Sets out rules intended to enable editors and publishers to white film - specification for stability
present periodicals in a form which will facilitate their Establishes the specifications for photographic films
use by bringing order and clarity to their own work. intended for medium - term, long - term and archival
(=ISO 8:1977) records; specifically, safety cellulose ester - base and
Gr.B polyester - base films having silver gelatin emulsions
processed to produce a black-and-white silver image by
SLS 1152:1997 negative, or full reversal processing.
Micrographics - ISO character and ISO test chart No. (=ISO 10602:1993)
1 - description and use
Specifies the characteristics of the ISO character and of SLS 1160:1997
the ISO test chart No. 1, in black and white, as well as Nylon umbrella cloth
their use. (Superseded by SLS 1307)
(=ISO 446:1991)
SLS 1161:2003
SLS 1153:1997 Poultry meat
Micrographics - ISO resolution test chart N0. 2 - (First revision)
description and use Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for frozen
specifies a method of determining resolution by measuring poultrymeat. It also specifies the other edible parts of
the minimum size of detail recognizable in a processed poultry which could be included in the abdominal cavity
microform. It describes the test patterns and ISO and the maximum water content allowed for frozen
resolution test chart No. 2 and gives the method of chicken.
expressing resolving power. ISO resolution test chart No. AMD No.1 (AMD 484:2016)
2 is designed for use as part of a test target, as required in 19 pages, Gr.10
other International Standards for micrographics.
SLS 1162:1997(S) Specifies nomenclature, marking code, identification and
Ready to eat extruded snacks general information on imported construction timber for
Prescribes requirements and methods of test for ready to structural use. General information provided consists of
eat extruded snacks made of a starch base as a principle density ranges, and general description of timber useful
ingredient by the process of extrusion cooking. for preliminary identification.
14 pages, Gr. 6 27 pages, Gr.12
SLS 1163:1998 SLS 1170 Part 3:1998
Photocopy paper Code of practice on identification, grading and
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and marking of imported construction timber - Properties
test for photocopy paper, for use in dry toner, plain paper Specifies mechanical properties for structural design, end
photocopiers. uses, working quality, natural durability and treatability
9 pages, Gr. 4 of imported construction timber for structural use.
17 pages, Gr.8
SLS 1164:1998
Black cartridge paper SLS 1170 Part 4:1998
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Code of practice on identification, grading and
test for black cartridge paper. marking of imported construction timber -
8 pages, Gr.3 Documentation for grading
Specifies the documentation to be adopted during the
SLS 1165:1997 grading process of imported construction timber for
Class 0.5, 1 and 2 alternating-current watthour meters structural use. Visual stress grading is considered while
Applies only to newly manufactured induction type machine stress grading is excluded.
watthour meters of accuracy classes 0.5, 1 and 2, for the 16 pages, Gr.8
measurement of alternating current electrical active energy
of a frequency in the range 45 Hz and it applies to their SLS 1171:1998 (S)
type tests only. Flexible rubber tubing, rubber hose and rubber hose
(=IEC 60521:1988) assemblies for use in LPG vapour phase and LPG/air
SLS 1166:1998 Specifies performance and dimensional requirements for
Method for determination of gauge vapour pressure rubber tubing, rubber hose and complete hose assemblies
of LP gases [Liquified petroleum gases - determination for use in LPG vapour phase and LPG/air installations in
of gauge vapour pressure - LPG method] environments upto a maximum ambient temperature of
Describes a method for the determination of gauge vapour 600C.
pressures of liquified petroleum gas products at 22 pages, Gr.11
temperatures within the approximate range of 350C to
7050C. SLS 1172 Part 1:1998 (S)
(=ISO 4256:1996) Hose and hose assemblies for liquified petroleum gas -
Gr.D Rubber hoses and hose assemblies
Specifies requirements for the design, construction,
SLS 1167:1998 inspection and testing of rubber hoses and hose assemblies
Method for sampling for LP gases [Liquified petroleum used for the transfer of liquified petroleum gas (LPG)
gases-method of sampling] under pressure or refrigerated.
Specifies the procedure to be used for obtaining samples 18 pages, Gr.10
of non-refrigerated liquified petroleum gases (LPG) such
as propane, butane or mixtures thereof. SLS 1172 Part 2:1998 (S)
(=ISO 4257:1998) Hose and hose assemblies for liquified petroleum gas -
Composite hose assemblies
SLS 1168:1998 Specifies requirements for the design, construction,
Method of test for corrosiveness to copper of liquified inspection and testing of composite hose assemblies used
petroleum gases. [Liquified petroleum gases - for the transfer of liquified petroleum gas (LPG) under
corrosiveness to copper - copper strip test] pressure or refrigerated.
Describes a method for the determination of the 11 pages, Gr.6
corrosiveness to copper of liquified petroleum gases.
(=ISO 6251:1996) SLS 1172 Part 3:1998 (S)
Gr.C Hose and hose assemblies for liquified petroleum gas -
Flexible metallic hose assemblies
SLS 1169:1998 Specifies requirements for design, manufacture and testing
Method of detection of hydrogen sulphide in LP gases of flexible metallic hose assemblies used for the transfer
[Liquified petroleum gases - detection of hydrogen of liquified petroleum gas under pressure or refrigerated.
sulphide - lead acetate method] 19 pages, Gr.10
Specifies a method for the detection of hydrogen sulphide
in liquified petroleum gases. SLS 1173:1998 (S)
(=ISO 8819:1993) Guidelines for the application of Hazard Analysis
Gr.B Critical Control Point (HACCP) System
Guidelines on the application of HACCP system cover
SLS 1170 Part 1:1998 seven principles including identification of potential
Code of practice on identification, grading and hazards associated with food production at all stages for
marking of imported construction timber - Grading, growth, processing, manufacture and distribution untill the
marking, and guidance on usage point of consumption and preventive measures for their
Specifies grades, grade stresses, marking, requirements control.
for visual stress grading of timber for structural use, and AMD No.1(AMD 254:1999)
guidance on usage of imported construction timber. 18 pages, Gr.5
Machine stress grading is not included in this standard.
35 pages, Gr.15 SLS 1174:2011
Polyethylene water storage tanks
SLS 1170 Part 2:1998 (First revision)
Code of practice on identification, grading and Covers the requirements for materials, dimensions, fittings,
marking of imported construction timber - workmanship and finish, performance, construction and
Nomenclature, identification, and general information
testing of rotational moulded polyethylene potable water edges, corners, skirting, capping, coves, beads, steps,
storage tanks. curved tiles and other accessory pieces or mosaics.
It is applicable only to potable water storage tanks (=ISO 13006:2012)
subjected to their own hydrostatic head of water and Gr.U
supported on uniform flat bases. it does not cover mobile
water tanks, underground water tanks and horizontal SLS 1182 Part 1 Section 1:1998
cylindrical water tanks. Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) - General -
16 pages, Gr.8 Application and interpretation of fundamental
definitions and terms
SLS 1175:2021 Describes and interprets various terms considered to be
Circuit breakers for overcurrent protection for of basic importance to concepts and practical application
household and similar installations in the design and evaluation of electromagnetically
(Third revision) compatible systems.
Applies to a.c. air-break circuit-breakers for operation at (=IEC 61000-1-1:1992)
50 Hz, 60 Hz or 50/60 Hz, having a rated voltage not Gr.P
exceeding 440 V (between phases), a rated current not
exceeding 125 A and a rated short-circuit capacity not SLS 1183:1998 (S)
exceeding 25 000 A. It also applies to circuit breakers Domestic liquified petroleum gas (LPG) burning
having more than one rated current. It does not apply to installations at permanent dwellings
circuit breakers intended to protect motors and circuit Specifies the basic requirements for the installation at
breakers. permanent dwellings of domestic systems using liquified
(=IEC 60898-1:2015+AMD1:2019) petroleum gases (LPG), whether from cylinders or bulk
Gr.AE supply at a pressure of 2.8kPa. It applies to the installation
of liquired petroleum gas appliances. It does not cover
SLS 1176:1998 installation requirements of bulk tank supplies of liquefied
Leather military boots petroleum gas.
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for leather 29 pages, Gr.14
military boots.
AMD No.1(AMD 314:2004) SLS 1184:1998 (S)
34 pages, Gr.14 Valve fittings for use with liquified petroleum gas
(LPG) cylinders
SLS 1177:1998 (S) Specifies the requirements of materials, construction,
Filling ratios and developed pressures for liquefiable performance and testing of valve fittings for use with
and permanent gases liquified petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders.
Specifies the filling ratios and developed pressures to be 13 pages, Gr.6
used when filling, selecting or designing containers for
conveyance of liquefiable and permanent gases by road SLS 1185:1999
or rail within Sri Lanka. Rubber insulated cables for electric power and lighting
19 pages, Gr.10 (Withdrawn)
(Superseded by SLS 1504 Parts)
SLS 1178:2013
Transportable welded steel gas containers of 0.5 l up SLS 1186:1999
to 150 l water capacity for liquefied petroleum gas 600/1000V and 1900/3300V armoured electric cables
(First revision) having thermosetting insulation
specifies minimum requirements for the materials, design, Specifies requirements for construction and describes
construction, workmanship and testing of containers for methods of test for armoured cable with thermosetting
the conveyance and storage under pressure of liquefiable insulation of rated voltages 600/1000V and 1900/3300V.
petroleum gases. It applies to refillable steel containers Cables specified in this standard are intended for use in
of water capacity of 0.5 l up to 150 l having longitudinal fixed installations in industrial areas, buildings and similar
and/or circumferential main seams made up by mechanized applications.
arc welding. The cylinders for use as fuel gas containers AMD No.1(AMD 322:2005)
of automobile are excluded from this standard. AMD No.2(AMD 329:2006)
AMD No.1 (AMD 490:2016) 56 pages, Gr.19
32 Pages, Gr.13
SLS 1187:1999
SLS 1179:1998 (S) Guide to the selection of high - voltage cables
Rice flakes This standard is applicable to high-voltage cables. It is
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for rice intended to give guidance in the selection of the conductor
flakes. size, insulation level and construction of cable to be used
11 pages, Gr.5 on three-phase alternating current systems operating at
voltages exceeding 1 kV.
SLS 1180:1998 (S) (=IEC 60183:1984)
Pressure regulators and automatic changeover devices Gr. E
for liquefied petroleum gases
Specifies requirements for materials, construction, SLS 1188:1999
performance and testing of low and high pressure Baker’s yeast
regulators and automatic changeover devices with Prescribes the requirements and the methods of test for
screwed, threaded and clip - on connectors for use with baker’s yeast.
liquefied petroleum gas mixtures in the vapour phase. 19 pages, Gr. 8
30 pages, Gr.14
SLS 1189 Part 1:1999
SLS 1181:2019 Concrete roofing semi-sheets, tiles and fittings -
Ceramic tilesCeramic tiles Requirements
(Third revision) Covers the requirements for concrete roofing semi - sheets,
Defines terms and establishes classifications, tiles and fittings, for assemly into pitched roof coverings.
characteristics and marking requirements for ceramic tiles 24 pages, Gr.12
of the best commercial quality. This is not applicable to
tiles made by other than normal processes of extrusion or SLS 1189 Part 2:1999
dry pressing and decorative accessories or trim such as Concrete roofing semi-sheets, tiles and fittings -Test
Specifies test methods for concrete roofing semi - sheets, Code of practice for transport, storage and handling
tiles and fittings for assembly into pitched roof coverings. of LPG - Safe filling of LPG cylinders at filling plants
16 pages, Gr.8 Applies to filling plants where cylinders are filled, stored
and maintained. It also covers the filling of cylinders at
SLS 1190:1999 consumers’ premises for its own consumption. The bulk
Glass bottles for pharmaceuticals LPG storage reuired to supply cylinder filling is covered
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for glass in Part 2 of this standard.
bottles for pharmaceuticals from 5 up to 1000 ml nominal 30 pages, Gr.13
18 pages, Gr.8 SLS 1196 Part 5:2000
Code of practice for transport, storage and handling
SLS 1191:1999 of LPG - Storage of full and empty LPG cylinders and
Baby oil cartridges
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for baby Recommends minimum safety standards for the storage
oil. of full and empty LPG cylinders and cartridges at depots,
10 pages, Gr.4 stockists and all other premises where they are normally
stored and to give guidance on the action to be taken in
SLS 1192:1999 the event of an emergency.
Limits for heavy metals in food 21 pages, Gr.10
SLS 1196 Part 6:2000
SLS 1193:2015 Code of practice for transport, storage and handling
Electric immersion water heaters of LPG - Use of LPG in cylinders at residential premises
(Third revision) Covers the installation and safe use of LPG in cylinders at
Deals with the safety of portable electric immersion heaters residential premises.
for household and similar purposes, their rated voltage 11 pages, Gr.4
being not more than 250 V.
(=IEC 60335-2-74:2009) SLS 1196 Part 7:2000
Gr.F Code of practice for transport, storage and handling
of LPG - Transport of LPG in cylinders by road, rail
SLS 1194:1999 or on water
Tolerance limits for effluents from the palm oil industry Covers the safe carriage of LPG in cylinders by road, rail
Prescribes tolerance limits and methods of sampling and or on water.
tests for effluents from industries involved in palm oil 11 pages, Gr.4
extraction after treatment at the point of discharge into
inland surface waters and marine coastal waters and on SLS 1196 Part 8:2000
land for irrigation purposes. Code of practice for transport, storage and handling
7 pages, Gr.3 of LPG - Safe handling and transport of LPG in bulk
by road
SLS 1195:1999 Covers the basic requirements for the design, construction,
Tolerance limits for effluents from the coconut kernel inspection, testing and operation of tanks and their
based industry ancillary loadng and unloading equipment for pressurised
Prescribes tolerance limits and methods of sampling and LPG road tankers and tank containers.
test for effluents from the coconut kernel based industry 46 pages, Gr.17
after treatment at the point of discharge into inland surface
waters and marine coastal waters and on land for irrigation SLS 1197:1999
purposes. It does not cover copra and the coconut oil Access and entry opening for inspection of pressure
industry. vessels
7 pages, Gr.3 Specifies the requirements for the provision and
dimensions of sighthole, handhole and manhole openings
SLS 1196 Part 1:1999 into static and mobile pressure vessels requiring inspection
Code of practice for transport, storage and handling facilities.
of LPG - General provisions 8 pages, Gr.4
Deals with the general properties of commercial LPG
grades, typical applications of LPG, their characteristics SLS 1198 Part 1:2016
and hazards that those handling and using LPG should Primary cells and batteries - General requirements
generally be aware of. (Second revision)
11 pages, Gr.6 It is intended to standardize primary batteries with respect
to dimensions, nomenclature, terminal configurations,
SLS 1196 Part 2:2000 markings, test methods, typical performance, safety and
Code of practice for transport, storage and handling environmental aspects.
of LPG - Design, installation and maintenance of bulk (=IEC 60086-1:2015)
LPG storage at fixed installations (Supersedes SLS 319-1)
Deals with the design, installation, periodic inspection, Gr.X
examination and testing of bulk LPG storage at fixed
installations. It covers underground/mounded and above SLS 1198 Part 2:2016
ground storage vessels at fixed installations with vessels Primary cells and batteries - Specification sheets
of water capacities above 150 l, and including associated (Second revision)
equipment up to but not including the consuming It is applicable to primary batteries based on standardized
equipment. electrochemical systems. It specifies the physical
73 pages Gr.22 dimensions and the discharge test conditions and discharge
performance requirements.
SLS 1196 Part 3:2000 (=IEC 60086-2:2015)
Code of practice for transport, storage and handling (Superseded SLS 319-2)
of LPG - LPG piping system - design and installation Gr.U
Covers pipework in carbon steel, copper or polyethylene
for conveying LPG conforming to SLS 712. SLS 1199 Part 1 Section 1:2006
44 pages, Gr.18 Common methods for insulating and sheathing
materials of electric cables - Methods for general
SLS 1196 Part 4:2000 application - Measurement of thickness and overall
dimensions - Tests for determining the mechanical SLS 1199 Part 6 Section 1:2002
properties Common methods for insulating and sheathing
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 201,202,203,501) materials of electric cables - Methods specific to
thermoplastic compounds - Method specific to
SLS 1199 Part 1 Section 2:2006 thermoplastic polyurethane sheaths
Common methods for insulating and sheathing Specifies methods to be used for testing polyurethane
materials of electric cables - Methods for general insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables. The
application - Thermal aging methods methods of test described in this standard are Tensile test
(First revision) on polyurethane sheath after immersion in water, tear
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 401,412) resistance test for polyurethane sheath and determination
of the saponification value of the polyurethane sheath
SLS 1199 Part 1 Section 3:2006 9 pages, Gr.5
Common methods for insulating and sheathing
materials of electric cables - Methods for general SLS 1199 Part 7 Section 1:2002
application - Methods for determining the density - Common methods for insulating and sheathing
Water absorption tests – Shrinkage test materials of electric cables - Specific test methods -
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 402,502,503 and non electrical and electrical - Non Electrical tests
606) Specifies test methods which are not given in other parts
of SLS 1199. Test methods described in this part of the
SLS 1199 Part 1 Section 4:2006 standard are suitable for type tests. These test methods
Common methods for insulating and sheathing are applicable when specified, by reference to this
materials of electric cables - Methods for general standard, in the specification for the type of cable.
application - Test at low temperature 19 pages, Gr.8
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 504, 505,506)
SLS 1199 Part 7 Section 2:2002
SLS 1199 Part 2: Section 1:2006 Common methods for insulating and sheathing
Common methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Specific test methods -
materials of electric cables - Methods specific to non electrical and electrical - Electrical tests
elastomeric compounds - Ozone resistance, hot set and Specifies electrical test methods not given in other parts
mineral oil immersion tests of SLS 1199. The test methods described in this standard
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 403,404 and 507) are suitable for use as type tests. These test methods are
applicable when specified, by reference to this standard,
SLS 1199 Part 3 Section 1:2006 in the specification for type of cable. The methods of test
Common methods for insulating and sheathing described in this standard are
materials of electric cables - Methods specific to PVC a) Test for insulation resistance constant (K value)
compounds - Tests for resistance to cracking b) Test for power factor and permittivity
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 508,509) c) Capacitance test for water absorption of insulation
8 pages, Gr.5
SLS 1199 Part 3 Section 2:2006
Common methods for insulating and sheathing SLS 1200:2012
materials of electric cables - Methods specific to PVC Energy efficiency rating for fluorescent lamp ballasts
compounds - Loss of mass test – thermal stability test (Second revision)
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 405,409) Specifies a test method for measuring active power loss
of magnetic ballasts used with 18/20 W and 36/40 W
SLS 1199 Part 4 Section 1:2006 tubular fluorescent lamps operated on a.c. supplies at 50
Common methods for insulating and sheathing Hz, 230 V nominal. It also specifies the requirements and
materials of electric cables - Methods specific to power ratings for assigning star ratings for energy
polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - efficiency labelling of magnetic and electronic ballasts.
Resistance to environmental stress cracking 13 Pages, Gr.7
measurement of melt flow index - carbon black and/or
mineral filler content measurement in polyethylene by SLS 1201:2000
direct combution - measurement of carbon black Roll on pilferproof metal closures
content by thermo gravimetric ananalysis (TGA) - Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for roll
Assesment of carbon black dispersion in polythylene on pilferproof metal closures suitable for glass bottles with
using a microscope. roll on pilferproof neck finishes conforming to SLS 601
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 406,510, 511, 605 Part 1.
and 607) 10 pages, Gr.6
SLS 1199 Part 4 Section 2:2006 SLS 1202:2000
Common methods for insulating and sheathing Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (U-PVC) pipes for soil
materials of electric cables - Methods specific to and waste discharge systems inside buildings
polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - Tensile (Superseded by SLS 1325)
strength and elongation at break after conditioning at
elevated temperature - wrapping test after SLS 1203:2000 (S)
conditioning at elevated temperature - wrapping test Filling unit for LPG for automotive use
after thermal ageing in air - measurement of mass Specifies the requirements of materials, construction,
increase - long-term stability test - test method for performance and testing of filling unit of LPG for
copper - catalyzed oxidative degradation. automotive use.
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 407,408, 410, 510, LKR 375.00
512 and 513)
SLS 1204:2000 (S)
SLS 1199 Part 5 Section 1:2006 Classification of LPG components used for conversion
Common methods for insulating and sheathing of automotives to bi - fuel (petrol - LPG) propulsion
materials of electric cables - Methods specific to filling systems
compounds Drop point - separation of oil - lower Specifies the classification of LPG components used in
temperature brittlenes - total acid number - abscence the LPG fuel systems of automobiles. LPG components
of corrosive components - permittivity at 230c - d.c. designed for a maximum operating pressure range below
resistivity at 230 c and 1000 c. 20 kPa and above atmospheric pressure are excluded in
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 301, 302, 411, this standard.
601,602 and 603, 604) LKR 300.00
SLS 1205:2000 (S) Applies generally to commercial crabs of the Cancer
LP gas fuel containers for conversion of automotives species, king crab related species (Lithodes and
to bi - fuel (petrol - LPG) propulsion systems Paralithodes), swimming crabs (Portunidae), Geryon
Specifies requirements for welded carbon steel LP gas fuel species and snow crab species (Chinoectes). It may also
containers of total volume not greater than 500 l, and for apply to other species which are similar in physical
welded stainless steel LP gas fuel containers of total structure to the above mentioned. It contains the
volume not greater than 200 l intended for automotive technological guidelines and the essential requirements
installations. of hygiene for harvesting, processing and handling of crabs
LKR.600.00 at sea and on shore. No attempt has been made to identify
regional practices. The technology of canning crab meat
SLS 1206:2000 is not covered in this code.
Cable trunking made of insulating material 48 pages, Gr.18
Specifies dimensions and performance requirements for
non-flame propagating cable trunking made of insulating SLS 1214:2001 (2010) (Reaffirmed)
material. It also specifies a system of classification for Viscose yarn
cable trunking according to its material and properties. Prescribes the requirements of viscose rayon cut staple
AMD No.1 (AMD 363:2007) ring spun & open end yarn intended for use in
AMD No.2 (AMD 375:2008) powerlooms.
AMD No.3 (AMD 419:2011) 9 pages, Gr.5
13 pages, Gr.7
SLS 1215:2001
SLS 1207 Part 1:2001 Accessories fitted to the LPG container for automotive
Umbrella - Non-folding umbrella use Accessories fitted to the LPG container for
Prescribes the requirements for non - folding umbrella. It automotive use
does not cover toy, hat and garden umbrella. Specifies the requirements of materials, construction,
AMD No.1 (AMD 377:2008) performance and testing of accessories fitted to the LPG
8 pages, Gr.4 container used in liquid withdrawal system of Bi-fuel
(Petrol-LPG) propulsion systems in automotive.
SLS 1207 Part 2:2001 LKR300.00
Umbrella - Folding umbrella
Prescribes the requirements for folding umbrella. SLS 1216:2001
AMD No 1 (AMD 378:2008) Measurement of relative permittivity, dielectric
9 pages, Gr.4 dissipation factor and D.C. resistivity of insulating
SLS 1208:2001 Prescribes for the determination of dielectric dissipation
Vaporizer and regulator for conversion of automotive factor, relative permittivity and d.c. resistivity of
to bi - fuel (Petrol - LPG) propulsion system hydrocarbons and askarels which are liquid at the test
Specifies the requirements for vaporizer and regulator used temperature.
in the conversion of automotives to bi - fuel (Petrol - LPG) (=IEC 60247:1978)
propulsion systems, It covers requirements design, Gr.J
selection of materials, marketing and testing.
7 pages, Gr.4 SLS 1217:2001
Table potatoes
SLS 1209:2001 Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for
Rubber/synthetic hoses and hose assemblies for potatoes. (Solanum tuberosum L.)
liquefied petrolium gas in automotives 10 pages, Gr.5
Specifies the requrements of rubber and hose assemblies
and synthetic hoses and hose assemblies, up to a maximum SLS 1218:2001
bore diameter of 20 mm, for use in motor vehicles operated Comminuted meat products
by Liquefied Petroleum gas installation. It covers the hoses Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for
and hose assemblies designed for use up to maximum comminuted meat products. It does not cover canned
operating pressure of 3 Mpa and working temperature comminuted meat products.
between - 400 C and + 800C. (Supersedes SLS 167:1988 & SLS 886:1990)
10 pages, Gr.3 AMD No.1 (AMD 305:2003)
AMD No.2 (AMD 326:2006)
SLS 1210:2001 AMD No.3 (AMD 339:2006)
Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC - U) pipe AMD No.4 (AMD 488:2016)
fittings for soil waste discharge systems inside (Corrigendum No.1)
buildings. 20 pages Gr.10
(Superseded by SLS 1325)
SLS 1219:2001
SLS 1211:2001 (S) Coir fibre pith substrate
Code of hygenic practice for bottled (packaged) Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for coir
drinking waters fibre pith used as a substrate for plant growth
Recommends general techniques for collecting, 21 pages, Gr.11
processing, labelling, packaging, storing, transporting,
distributing and offering for sale of drinking waters for SLS 1220:2016
direct consumption. All bottled/packaged drinking waters Bathing bars
other than natural mineral water are covered by this code. (First revision)
10 pages, Gr.6 This specification prescribes the requirements and
methods of sampling and test for bathing bars which
SLS 1212:2001 contain fatty matter as well as synthetic surface active
Passenger car tyres agents.
Prescribes the designation, diamensions, marking and Amd No 01(Amd 516:2018)
performance requirements for passenger car tyres. 20 pages, Gr.10
12 pages, Gr.6
SLS 1221:001
SLS 1213:2001 Denatured alcohol
Code of practice for crabs

Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling SLS 1227:2002
and test for denatured alcohol used for cosmetics and Fresh bananas
industrial purposes. Prescribes the requirements for fresh bananas grown from
13 Pages, Gr.7 Musa spp of the Musaceae family to be supplied fresh to
the consumer. Bananas intended for cooking only
SLS 1222 Part 1:2001 (plantains) or industrial processing are excluded.
Porcelain tableware - Requirements 7 pages, Gr.5
Prescribes requirements for porcelain tableware.
AMD No.1(AMD 434:2012) SLS 1228:2002
13 pages, Gr.6 Fresh tomatoes
Prescribes the requirements and gradings for fresh
SLS 1222 Part 2:2001 tomatoes, to be supplied fresh to the consumer.
Porcelain tableware - Test methods 9 pages, Gr.5
Prescribes test methods for porcelain tableware.
AMD No.1(AMD 435:2012) SLS 1229:2002
16 pages, Gr.8 Pineapples
Prescribes the requirements of grades and size
SLS 1223 Part 1:2001 classification for commercial varieties of pineapples grown
Low voltage switchgear and controlled gear assemblies from Ananas comosus (L) Merr. of the Bromeliaceae
- Type tested and partially type tested assemblies. family, to be supplied fresh to the consumer. Pineapples
Applies to low voltage switchgear and controlgear for industrial processing are excluded.
assemblies (type tested ASSEMBLIES - TTA) and 8 pages, Gr.5
partially type tested ASSEMBLIES (PTTA), the rated
volage of which does not exceed 1000 V a.c. at frequencies SLS 1230:2003
not exeeding 1000 Hz or 1500 V d.c. It also applies to Energy efficiency rating of household refrigerator,
ASSEMBLIES incorporating control and/or power refrigerator - freezers and freezers
equipment, the frequencies of which are higher where Specifies requirements for energy efficiency labelling of
appropriate additional requirements will apply. It applies household electric refrigerators of the vapour compression
to stationary or movable ASSEMBLIES with or without type, together with a test method for dertermining the
enclosure and to ASSEMBLIES intended for use in energy consumption of refrigerators that are capable of
connection with the generation, transmission, distribution complying with ice making test, pull down test,
and conversion of electric energy, and for the control of temperature performance test and water vapour
electric energy consuming equipment. It also applies to condensation test.
ASEMBLIES designed for use under special service 55 pages, Gr.19
conditions. It does not apply to individual devices and
self contained components, such as motor starters, fuse SLS 1231 Part 1:2021
switches, electronic equipment, etc. complying with their Self ballasted lamps for general lighting services
relevant standards. (integral type compact fluorescent lamps) -
(=IEC 60439/1:1999) Performance requirements
(First revision)
SLS 1223 Part 3:2001 Specifies the performance requirements and methods of
Low voltage switchgear and controlled gear assemblies tests for tubular fluorescent and other gas discharge lamps
- Particular requirements for low voltage switchgear with integrated means for controlling, starting and stable
and control gear assemblies intended to be installed in operation (self ballasted lamps) intended for domestic and
places where unskilled persons have access for their similar general lighting services having a rated wattage
use - destribution boards up to 60W, a rated voltage of 100v to 250v and Edision
Gives supplementary requirements for such enclosed screw or bayonet caps.
distribution boards (DBU)which are stationary, type tested (IEC 60969:2016)
assemblies (TTA)for indoor use, containing protective Gr. P
devices and intended for use either in domestic
(household)applications or in other places where unskilled SLS 1231 Part 2:2016
persons have access for their use. Self ballasted lamps for general lighting services
(Includes IEC Amendment 1:1993-10) (integral type compact fluorescent lamps) - Safety
(=IEC 60439/3:1999) requirements
(Second revision)
SLS 1224:2002 Specifies the safety and interchangeability requirements,
Onions (big onions) together with the test methods and conditions required to
Prescribes the requirements and gradings for onions grown show compliance of tubular fluorescent lamps with
varieties (cultivars) of Allium cepa L. integrated means for controlling starting and stable
8 pages, Gr.5 operation.
(=IEC 60968:2015)
SLS 1225:2016 Gr.L
Energy efficiency rating for self-ballasted Integral type
compact fluorescent lamps For general lighting services SLS 1232 Part 1:2003
(First revision) Single capped compact fluorescent lamps -
Specifies requirements for energy efficiency labelling of Performance requirements
self-ballasted lamps operating on mains supply of 230 V, Specifies the performance requirements and methods of
a.c. 50 Hz nominal, and method of measurement of test for single capped fluorescent lamps for general lighting
electrical energy consumption and luminous flux for service.
determination of efficiency of the lamps for the purpose 70 pages Gr.20
of energy efficiency labelling. It also specifies dimensions,
colours and the contents of the energy efficiency label. SLS 1233:2002
15 Pages, Gr.8 Determination of breaking force and elongation at
break of individual fibres
SLS 1226:2002 Specifies the method and conditions of test for the
Red onions determination of the breaking force and elongation at break
Prescribes the requirements and gradings for red onions of individual fibres in the conditioned or wet state. It is
grown from varieties (cultivars) of Allium ascalonium. restricted to the use of constant-rate-of -extension testing
7 pages, Gr.4 apparatus. The method is applicable to all fibres, including
crimped fibres, provided that the length of fibre available
enables the initial length specified in thisstandard to be lamps as specified in IEC 60081 and IEC 60901 and other
used. fluorescent lamps for high-frequency operation.
(=ISO 5079:1995) (=IEC 61347-2-3: 2011)
Gr.C Gr.S
SLS 1234 Part 1:2002 SLS 1239 Part 2:2011
Bursting properties of fabrics - Hydraulic method for AC and /or DC – supplied electronic ballast for tubular
determination of bursting strength and bursting fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements
distension (first revision)
Describes a hydraulic method for the determination of Specifies performance requirements for electronic control
bursting distension of textile fabrics. The method is gear for use on a.c. at 50 Hz or 60 Hz and / or d.c. supplies,
applicable to knitted, woven, nonwoven and laminate both up to 1000 V, with operating frequencies deviating
fabrics. It may be suitable for fabrics produced by other from the supply frequency, associated with fluorescent
techniques. The test is suitable for test specimens in the lamps as specified in IEC 60081 and IEC 60901 and other
conditioned or wet state. fluorescent lamps for high-frequency operation.
(=ISO 13938-1:1999) (=IEC 60929:2011)
Gr.D Gr.R
SLS 1234 Part 2:2002 SLS 1240:2003 (2013) (Reaffirmed)
Bursting properties of fabrics - Pneumatic method for Polyester viscose yarn
determination of bursting strength and bursting Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for ring -
distension spun polyester viscose blended yarn
Describes a pneumatic pressure method for the 9 pages, Gr.4
determination of bursting distension of textile fabrics. The
method is applicable to knitted, woven, nonwoven and SLS 1241:2002 (2013) (Reaffirmed)
laminate fabrics. It may be suitable for fabrics produced Floor paint
by other techniques. The test is suitable for test specimens Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for floor
in the conditioned or wet state. paints intended for interior use or for use on exterior
(=ISO 13938-2:1999) surfaces such as porches, porch steps and carport floors
Gr.D (Corrigendum No.1)
9 pages, Gr.5
SLS 1235:2019
Lead - acid starter batteries for motor cycles and SLS 1242 Part 1:2002
similar vehicles Determination of the abrasion resistance of fabrics by
(First revision) the Martindale apparatus - Martindale abrasion
specifies requirements and methods of test for Lead-acid testing apparatus
batteries used for starting, lighting and ignition of motor Specifies requirements for the Martindale testing apparatus
cycles, scooters, three wheelers and similar vehicles. and auxiliary materials for use in the test methods specified
Batteries with a nominal voltage of 6 V and 12 V are in parts 2 to 4 ISO 12947 for the determination of the
included within the scope of this standard abrasion resistance of fabrics. This is applicable to
21 pages, Gr.10 apparatus for the testing of wovan and knitted fabrics; pile
textiles having a pile height of up to 2 mm.; nonwovans
SLS 1236 Part 1:2002 (=ISO 12947-1:1998)
Bolts, screws, studs and nuts - General requirements Gr.F
This part consists of the following 6 sections specifying
the general requirements of bolts, screws, studs and nuts.) SLS 1242 Part 2:2002
104 pages, Gr.23 Determination of the abrasion resistance of fabrics by
the Martindale apparatus - Determination of speciman
SLS 1237:2002 breakdown
Working areas for LP GAS fuelled vehicles Applicable to the determination of the inspection interval
Sets out requirements for the premises and procedures for to breakdown of specimens covering all textile fabrics
the types of work or activities associated with gas- including nonwovens apart from fabrics where the specifier
fuelledvehicles converting and equipping vehicles to use indicates the end performance as having a low abrasion
liquified petrolium gas (LPG) as an engine fuel, wear life.
Maintanence, servicing and repairs to the gas fuel (=ISO 12947-2:1998)
system.e.g.adjustment, maintenance and replacement of Gr.F
gas system componentry; and Routine motor vehicle
maintenance not involving the gas fuel system, SLS 1242 Part 3:2002
e.g.lubrication, brake repair or wheel alignment, body or Determination of the abrasion resistance of fabrics by
windscreen repairs, engine tuning. the Martindale apparatus - Determination of mass
18 pages, Gr.9 loss
Applicable to the determination of the mass loss of
SLS 1238 Part 1:2002 specimens covering all textile fabrics including nonwovens
Method of test for components used in (LPG-Petrol) apart from fabrics where the specifier indicates the end
bi-fuel propulsion system of automobiles - Physical and performance as having a low abrasion wear life.
mechanical tests (=ISO 12947-3:1998)
Includes the test methods applicable for LP Gas Gr.D
components used in automobiles run by (LPG-petrol bi
fuel propulsion systems. SLS 1242 Part 4:2002
12 pages, Gr. 6 Determination of the abrasion resistance of fabrics by
the Martindale apparatus - Assessment of appearance
SLS 1239 Part 1:2011 change
AC and /or DC – supplied electronic ballast for tubular Applicable to the assessment of the appearence change of
fluorescent lamps - Safety requirements specimens covering all textile fabrics including nonwovens
(First revision) and fabrics where the specifier indicates the end
Specifies particular safety requirements for electronic performance as having a low abrasion wear life. This
control gear for use on a.c. and d.c. supplies up to 1000 V method differs appreciably from those in ISO 12947-2
at 50 Hz or 60Hz with operating frequencies deviating and 12947-3.
from the supply frequency, associated with fluorescent (=ISO 12947-4:1998)
SLS 1243 Part 1:2002 Specifies a procedure to determine the seam maximum
Method for determination of fabric propensity to force of sewn seams when the force is applied
surface fuzzing and to pilling - Pilling box method perpendicularly to the seam and specifies the method
Describes a method for the determination of the resistance known as the strip test. The method is mainly applicable
to pilling and surface change of textile fabrics. to woven textile fabrics, including fabrics which exhibit
(=ISO 12945-1:2000) stretch characteristics imparted by the presence of an
Gr.D elastomeric fibre, mechanical or chemical treatment. It is
not normally applicable to geotextiles, nonwovens, coated
SLS 1243 Part 2:2002 fabrics, textile-glass woven fabrics and fabrics made from
Method for determination of fabric propensity to carbon fibres or polyolefin tape yarns
surface fuzzing and to pilling - Modified Martindale (=ISO 13935- 1:2014)
method Gr.D
Specifies a method for determination of the resistance to
pilling and surface change of fabrics using a modified SLS 1249 Part 2:2015
Martindale method. Seam textile properties and made up textile articles -
(=ISO 12945-2:2000) Determination of maximum force to seam rapture
Gr.G using the grab method
(First revision)
SLS 1243 Part 3:2015 Specifies methods for the determination of seam maximum
Method for determination of fabric propensity to force of sewn seams when the force is applied
surface fuzzing and to pilling - Random tumble pilling perpendicularly to the seam and describes the method
method known as the grab test. The method is mainly applicable
Describes a method for the determination of the resistance to woven textile fabrics, including fabrics which exhibit
to pilling, fuzzing, and matting of textile fabrics using the stretch characteristics imparted by the presence of an
random tumble pilling tester. This method is applicable to elastomeric fibre, mechanical or chemical treatment. It is
most of woven and knitted fabrics, including napped normally not applicable to geotextiles, nonwovens, coated
fabrics (fleeces, inlay fabrics). This method is not fabrics, textile-glass woven fabrics and fabrics made from
applicable to fabrics which cannot tumble freely. carbon fibres or polyolefin tape yarns
(=ISO 12945-3:2014) (= ISO 13935-2:2014)
Gr.G Gr.E
SLS 1244:2003 SLS 1250:2013
Standard Lanka crepe rubber Method for the preparation, marking and measuring
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and tests of fabric specimens and garments in tests for
for different grades of Standard Lanka Crepe rubber. determination of dimentional change
7 pages, Gr.4 (Second revision)
Specifies a method for the preparation, marking and
SLS 1245:2003 measuring of textile fabrics, garments and fabric
Metrolac chart for natural rubber latex assemblies for use in tests for assessing dimensional
Prescribes the Ready Reckoner Chart (Metrolac chart) change after a specified treatment such as washing, dry
readings for latex from which the dry rubber content could cleaning, soaking in water and steaming, following the
be estimated. The formulation of values have been done procedures in ISO 3005, ISO 7771, ISO 6330, ISO 3175
only for the dilution (1:2 latex to water) . This also or ISO 15797. This standard is applicable to woven and
prescribes the laboratory method of test for the knitted fabrics, and made – up textile articles. The
determination of dry rubber content in latex. procedures are not applicable to certain upholstery
6 pages, Gr.3 coverings.
(=ISO 3759:2011)
SLS 1246:2003 (S) Gr.C
Compost from municipal solid wastes and agricultural
wastes SLS 1251 Part 1:2003
(Superseded SLS 1634 and SLS 1635) Determination of tearing force - Ballistic Pendulum
SLS 1247:2015 Describes a method known as the ballistic pendulum
Blended hydraulic cements (Elmendorf) method for the determination of tear force of
(Second revision) textile fabrics. The method describes the measurement of
Covers the requirements for constituents, composition, the tear force required to propagate a single-rip tear of
mechanical properties, physical properties, chemical defined length from a cut in a fabric when a sudden force
properties, packaging, marking and delivery of two is applied. The test is mainly applicable to woven textile
strength classes of blended hydraulic cements (BHCs). fabrics. It may be applicable to fabrics produced by the
AMD No.1, (AMD 482:2016) techniques. e.g. to nonwovens (with the same under-
AMD No.2, (AMD 543:2021) mentioned restrictions as for the woven fabrics). In general
23 Pages, Gr.17 the test is not applicable to knitted fabrics and woven
elastic fabrics. It is not suitable for highly anisotropic
SLS 1248:2002 fabrics or loose fabrics where tear transfer from one
LP gas fuel systems for vehicle engines direction to another direction of the fabric during the tear
Specifies requirements for liquefied petroleum gas (LP test is likely to occur.
gas) fuel systems for engines mounted on motor vehicles (=ISO 13937-1:2000)
either on the propulsion of the vehicles or for driving some (Supersedes SLS 1130)
auxiliary function, e.g a mixer or a pump.It provides Gr.E
requirements for the design and construction of component
parts, and for their installation in vehicles, and for tests, SLS 1251 Part 2:2003
commissioning and periodic inspection Determination of tearing force - Method using trouser
36 pags, Gr.17 shaped test specimens (Single Tear Method)
Describes a single-tear method to determine fabric tear
SLS 1249 Part 1:2015 force, known as the trouser test, using a test specimen cut
Seam textile properties and made up textile articles - to form trouser-shaped legs. The test is mainly applicable
Determination of maximum force to seam rapture to woven textile fabrics. It may be applicable to fabrics
using the strip method produced by other techniques, e.g. to some nonwovens
(First revision) (with the same under-mentioned restrictions as for the
woven fabrics). In general the method is not applicable to
knitted fabrics and woven elastic fabrics. It is not suitable (=ISO 7176-1:1999)
for highly anisotropic fabrics or loose fabrics where tear Gr.G
transfer from one direction to another direction of the
fabric during the tear test is likely to occur. The method SLS 1255 Part 3:2003
only allows the use of constant-rate of extension(CRE) Methods of test for non-folding wheelchairs -
testing machines. Determination of effectiveness of brakes
(Supersedes SLS 1130) Specifies the test methods for the measurement of the
(=ISO 13937-2:2000) effectiveness of brakes of manual wheelchairs, and
Gr.G electrically powered wheelchairs, including scooters,
intended to carry one person, with a maximum speed not
SLS 1251 Part 3:2003 exceeding 15 km/h. It also specifies disclosure
Determination of tearing force - Method using wing requirements for the manufacturer.
shaped test specimens (Single Tear Method) (=ISO 7176-3:2003)
Describes a single-tear method to determine fabric tear Gr.J
known as the wing test using a specimen cut to form two
wings for clamping inclined at a defined angle to the thread SLS 1255 Part 5:2003
direction. The test is mainly applicable to woven textile Methods of test for non-folding wheelchairs -
fabrics. It may be applicable to fabrics produced by other Determination of overall dimensions, mass and turning
techniques. In general the method is not applicable to space
knitted fabrics, woven elastic fabrics and nonwovens, to Specifies methods for determining overall dimensions
which the trapezoidal test method is preferably applied. (both ready for occupation and folded), mass and minimum
The method only allows the use of constant-rate-of turning space of wheelchairs (manual and electric).
extension (CRE) testing machines. (=ISO 7176-5:1986)
(Supersedes SLS 1130) Gr.B
(=ISO 13937-3:2000)
Gr.F SLS 1255 Part 7:2003
Methods of test for non-folding wheelchairs -
SLS 1251 Part 4:2003 Measurement of seating and wheel dimensions
Method using tongue - shaped test specimens (Double Specifies a method for measuring the seating and wheel
Tear Method) dimensions of wheelchairs. It is applicable to wheelchairs
Describes a double-tear method known as the tongue test, and vehicles intended to provide indoor and outdoor
a test specimen with cuts shaped to form a tongue. The mobility at speed up to 15 km/h for people with disabilities
test is mainly applicable to woven textile fabrics. It may whose mass does not exceed 120 kg. It does not apply to
be applicable to fabrics produced by other techniques. wheelchairs with a seat width of less than212 mm and some non wovens (with the same under-mentioned does not specify nominal seating and wheel dimensions
restrictions as for the woven fabrics). In general the method for wheelchairs.
is not applicable to knitted fabrics and woven elastic (=ISO 7176-7:1998)
fabrics. The method only allows the use of constant-rate- Gr.T
of extension(CRE) testing machines.
(Supersedes SLS 1130) SLS 1255 Part 8:2003
(=ISO 13937-4:2000) Methods of test for non-folding wheelchairs -
Gr.E Requirements and test methods for static impact and
fatigue strengths
SLS 1252 Part 1:2003 Specifies requirements for static, impact and fatigue
Safety Footwear - Method of test for safety footwear strength of wheelchairs including scooters intended for
(Superseded by SLS 1363) users whose mass does not exceed 100kg. It applies to
occupant - and attendant - propelled manual wheelchair
SLS 1252 Part 2:2003 and electrically powered wheelchairs intended to provide
Safety Footwear - General requirements for safety indoor and outdoor mobility for people with disabilities.
footwear For electrically powered wheelchairs it applies to those
(Superseded by SLS 1364) with a maximum speed of not more than 15km/h where
not more than two wheels are driven and which have three
SLS 1253:2015 or more wheels located on two parallel, transverse axes.
Portland limestone cement (=ISO 7176-8:1998)
(Second revision) Gr.U
Covers the requirements for constituents, composition,
mechanical properties, physical properties, chemical SLS 1255 Part 11:2003
properties, packaging, marking and delivery of four Methods of test for non-folding wheelchairs - Test
strength classes of Portland Limestone Cement (PLC). Dummies
AMD No 1(Amd 483:2016) Specifies the construction of test dummies with nominal
Pages 22, Gr.10 masses of 25 kg, 50 kg, 75 kg and 100 kg.
(=ISO 7176-11:1992)
SLS 1254:2003 Gr.E
Non-folding wheelchairs
Lays down minimum requirements of material, SLS 1255 Part 13:2003
dimensions, performance and testing for non-folding adult Methods of test for non-folding wheelchairs -
wheelchairs used indoors and outdoors by individuals and Determination of coefficient of friction of test surfaces
in hospitals or similar institutions. Specifies a test method for determining the coeffcient of
21 pages, Gr.12 friction of a test surface that has a rough texture, such as
unfinished concrete.
SLS 1255 Part 1:2003 (=ISO 7176-13:1989)
Methods of test for non-folding wheelchairs - Gr.A
Determination of static stability
Specifies the test methods for determining the static tipping
stability of wheelchairs, including scooters. It is SLS 1255 Part 22:2003
applicable to wheelchairs and vehicles that are included Methods of test for non-folding wheelchairs - Set up
in the 12.21 series described in ISO 9999 and are intended procedures
to provide indoor mobility for people with disabilities Specifies a set-up procedure to be used in the preparation
whose mass does more exceed the maximum mass of the of adjustable wheelchairs for testing in accordance with
test dummy given in ISO 7176-11. the ISO 7176 series. This procedure gives methods to be
used where there are no manufacturers’ instuction for Specifies a method of test for the determination of water
setting the wheelchair adjustments. it is applicable to in liquid paints, varnishes and allied products and dried
manual wheelchairs and electric wheel chairs (including films of these products using the Dean and Stark apparatus.
scooters) intended to provide indoor and/ or outdoor (Supersedes SLS 535:1981 Part 2 Section 2.1 and 2.2)
mobility. 10 pages, Gr.5
(=ISO 7176-22:2000)
Gr.F SLS 1256 Part 8:2019
Methods of test for paints and varnishes -
SLS 1256 Part 1:2016 Determination of non-volatile matter
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Examination (First revision)
and preparation of samples for testing Specifies a method for determining the non-volatile-matter
(First revision) content by mass of paints, varnishes, binders for paints
Specifies both the procedure for preliminary examination and varnishes, polymer dispersions and condensation
of a single sample, as received for testing, and the resins such as phenolic resins. The method is also
procedure for preparing a test sample by blending and applicable to formulated dispersions containing fillers,
reduction of a series of samples representative of a pigments and other auxilaries
consignment or bulk of paint, varnish or related (Supersedes SLS 535 Part 2 Section 2.3:1981 &
product. SLS 1256-8:2004)
(=ISO 151:2010) (=ISO 3251:2019)
Gr.B Gr. D
SLS 1256 Part 2:2019 SLS 1256 Part 9:2004
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Preparation
Determination of flow time by the use of flow cups of acid extracts from liquid paints
Specifies a method for determining the flow time of paints, Describes methods for the preparation of acid extracts
varnishes and related products that may be used to control required as the test solutions for the determination of the
consistency. The method is limited to testing materials “soluble” metal contents of paints and related products in
for which the breakpoint of the flow from the orifice of liquid or powder form. It is not applicable to dried or
the flow cup can be determined with certainty. comminuted paint films.
(Supersedes SLS 535:1981 part 1 Section 1.3) (Supersedes SLS 535 Part 2 Section 2.4:1981)
(=ISO 2431:2019) (=ISO 6713:1984)
Gr.H Gr. C
SLS 1256 Part 3:2004 SLS 1256 Part 10:2004
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Methods of test for paints and varnishes -
Determination of viscosity at a high rate of shear Determination of soluble lead
Deals with the sampling and testing of paints, varnishes Describes two methods for the determination of the lead
and ralated products. It specifies the general procedure to content of the test solutions, prepared according to ISO
be followed in determining the dynamic viscosity of paints, 6713 or other suitable International Standards. The
varnishes and related products at a rate of shear between methods are applicable to paints having “soluble” lead
9000 s-1 and 12000 s-1. contents in the range of about 0.05 to 5% (m/m).
(Supersedes SLS 535:1981 part 1 Section 1.4) (=ISO 3856-1:1984)
(=ISO 2884-1:1999) (Supersedes SLS 535 Part 2 Section 2.5:1981)
Gr.C Gr. C
SLS 1256 Part 4:2004 SLS 1256 Part 11 Section 1/ Section 2:2005
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Preparation
Determination of flash point-closed cup equilibrium of standard panels for testing - Application of paints
method on panel
Specifies a method to determine the flash point of paints, Specifies methods for the preparation of standard panels
varnishes, paint binders, solvents, petroleum or related for testing of paints, varnishes and allied products and
products. It is not applicable to water-borne paints which application of paints on panels.
may, however, be tested using ISO 3679. (Supersedes SLS 535 part 3 Section 3.1. Section 3.2 and
(Supersedes SLS 535:1981 part 1 Section 1.5) Section 3.3:1981)
(=ISO 1523:2002) 11 pages Gr.6
Gr. F
SLS 1256 Part 12:2010
SLS 1256 Part 5:2019 Methods of test for paints and varnishes -
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Determination of surface drying time using ballotini
Determination of density method
Deals with the sampling and testing of paints, varnishes (Superseded by SLS 1256 part 30)
and related products. It specifies a method for determining
the density of paints, varnishes and related products using SLS 1256 Part 13:2005
a pyknometer. The method is limited to materials of low Methods of test for paints and varnishes -
or medium viscosity at the temperature of test. Determination of hard drying time
(Supersedes SLS 535:1981 Part 1Section 1.6) Specifies a method of test for the determination of the
(=ISO 2811-1:2016) hard drying time.
Gr. E (Supersedes SLS 535 part 3 Section 3.5)
6 pages Gr.4
SLS 1256 Part 6:2004
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - SLS 1256 Part 14:2005
Determination of quantity of material in a container Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Print - free
Prescribes a method of test for the determination of test
quantity of material in a container. Specifies a method of test for assessing, by means of a
(Supersedes SLS 535:1981 Part 1 Section 1.7) simple empirical test, the resistance of a coat of paint,
5 pages, Gr.3 varnish or related product to imprinting by a nylon gauze
under a specified force applied for a specified time.
SLS 1256 Part 7:2004 (Supersedes SLS 535 part 3 Section 3.6:1981)
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - (=ISO 3678:1976)
Determination of water by the dean and stark method Gr. A
SLS 1256 Part 15:2008 SLS 1256 Part 21:2010
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Bend test
Determination of film thickness (cylindrical mandrel)
(First revision) (Superseded by SLS 1256 Part 29)
Describes a number of methods that are applicable to the
measurement of the thickness of coatings applied to a SLS 1256 Part 22:2016
substrate. Standard also defines terms concerning the Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Cross cut
determination of film thickness. test
(Supersedes SLS 535: Part 3 Section 3.7:1981) (Second revision)
(=ISO 2808:2007) Specifies a test method for assessing the resistance of paint
Gr. R coatings to separation from substrates when a right-angle
lattice pattern is cut into the coating, penetrating through
SLS 1256 Part 16:2016 to the substrate.
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - (=ISO 2409:2013)
Determination of fineness of grind Gr. G
(First revision)
Specifies a method for determining the fineness of grind SLS 1256 Part 23:2005
of paints, inks and related products by use of a suitable Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Resistance
gauge, graduated in micrometres. It is applicable to all to continuous salt spray
types of liquid paints and related products, except products Specifies a method of test for durability on films of paints,
containing pigments in flake form. varnishes or allied products.
(=ISO 1524:2013) (Supersedes SLS 535 Part 6 Section 6.1 and 6.2:1981)
Gr.C 7 pages, Gr.4
SLS 1256 Part 17:2005 SLS 1256 Part 24:2019
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Visual Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Resistance
comparison of the colour of paints to water-water immersion method
Specifies method of test for visual comparison of the (First revision)
colour of paints. Specifies a method for determining the resistance of an
(Supersedes SLS 535 Part 4 Section 4.1 and 4.2:1981) individual-layer or multi-layer system of coating materials
AMD No.1 (AMD 370:2008) to the effects of water by partial or full immersion. This
5 pages Gr.3 method enables the determination of the effects of water
on the coating.
SLS 1256 Part 18:2005 (Supersedes SLS 535: Part 6: Section 6.3:1981)
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - (=ISO 2812-2:2018)
Measurement of specular gloss of paint films Gr.B
Specifies a method for measuring of specular gloss of
paints, varnishes or allied products. SLS 1256 Part 25:2005
(Supersedes SLS 535 part 4 Section 4.3:1981) Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Guidance
7 pages Gr.4 on the conduct of natural weathering tests
Specifies the conditions which need to be taken into
SLS 1256 Part 19:2008 consideration in the selection of the type of natural
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - weathering procedure to be used to determine the
Determination of contrast ratio (opacity) of light resistance of coatings or coating systems.
coloured paints at a fixed spreading rate (using black (Supersedes SLS 535: Part 6: Section 6.4:1981)
and white charts) (=ISO 2810:2004)
(First revision) Gr. F
Describes methods for determining the opacity given by
paint films of white or light colours of tristimulus value Y SLS 1256 Part 26:2005
greater than 25, applied at a spreading rate of 20m2/1 to a Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Light
a black and white chart or to colourless transparent fastness of paints for interior use
polyester foil. (Superseded by SLS 1256: Part 28)
(Supersedes SLS 535 Part 4 Section 4.4:1981)
(=ISO 6504-3:2006) SLS 1256 Part 27:2019
Gr. D Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Resistance
to liquids
SLS 1256 Part 20 Section 1:2016 (First revision)
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Specifies general methods for determining the resistance
Determination of scratch resistance - Constant loading of an individual- layer or multilayer system of coating
method materials to the effects of liquids, other than water, or
Specifies a test method for determining under defined paste-like products. These methods enable the testers to
conditions the resistance of a single coating or a multi- determine the effects of the test liquid on the coating.
coat system of paint, varnish or related product to (Supersedes SLS 535 part 7Section 7.1 and 7.2:1981)
penetration by scratching with a scratch stylus loaded with (=ISO 2812-1:2017)
a specified load. Penetration of the stylus is to the substrate, Gr.D
except in the case of a multi-coat system,
(=ISO 1518 Part 1:2011) SLS 1256 Part 28 Section 1:2016
Gr. D Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Exposure to
laboratory light sources - General guidance
SLS 1256 Part 20 Section 2:2016 Provides information and general guidance relevant to the
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - selection and operation of the methods of exposure
Determination of scratch resistance - Variable described in detail in subsequent parts. It also describes
loading method general performance requirements for devices used for
Specifies a method for determining, using a pointed stylus exposing paints and varnishes to laboratory light sources.
loaded with a continuously increasing load, the scratch (=ISO 16474-1:2013)
resistance of a single coating of a paint, varnish or related (Superseding SLS 1256 Part 28:2009)
product, or the upper layer of a multicoat system. Gr. L
(=ISO 1518 Part 2:2011)
Gr. D
SLS 1256 Part 28 Section 2:2016 pictorial standards provided in this part of ISO 4628
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Exposure to illustrate blisters in the sizes 2, 3, 4, and 5, and each size
laboratory light sources - Xenon arc lamps in the quantities (densities) 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Specifies methods for exposing specimens to xenon-arc (=ISO 4628 - 2:2016)
light in the presence of moisture to reproduce the Gr.F
weathering effects that occur when materials are exposed
in actual end-use environments to daylight or to daylight SLS 1256 Part 33:2016
filtered through window glass. Methods of test for paints and varnishes -
(=ISO 16474-2:2013) Determination of resistance to humidity
Gr.H Dealing with the sampling and testing of paints, varnishes
and related products. It specifies a method for determining
SLS 1256 Part 28 Section 3:2021 the resistance of paint films, paints systems and related
Method of test for paints and varnishes - exposure to products to conditions of high humidity in accordance with
laboratory light sources - fluorescent UV lamps the requirements of coating or product specifications. The
(First revision) method is applicable to coatings both on porous substrates
Specifies methods for exposing coatings to fluorescent UV and on non-porous substrates.
lamps, heat and water in apparatus designed to reproduce (=ISO 6270 - 1:1998)
the weathering effects that occur when materials are Gr.C
exposed in actual end-use environments to daylight, or to
daylight through window glass. The coatings are exposed SLS 1256 Part 34:2016
to different types of fluorescent UV lamps under controlled Methods of test for paints and varnishes -
environmental conditions (temperature, humidity and/or Determination of rapid deformation (large area
water). Different types of fluorescent UV lamp can be used indenter)
to meet all the requirements for testing different materials. Describes a method for evaluating the resistance of a dry
Specimen preparation and evaluation of the results are film of paint, varnish or related product to cracking or
covered in other ISO documents for specific materials. peeling from a substrate when it is subjected to a
General guidance is given in SLS 1256 Part 28 Section 1. deformation caused by a falling weight, with a 20-mm-
(=ISO 16474-3:2021) diameter spherical indenter, dropped under standard
Gr. H conditions.
(=ISO 6272-1:2011)
SLS 1256 Part 28 Section 4:2016 Gr.D
Open flame carbon arc lamps
Specifies methods for exposing specimens to open-flame SLS 1256 Part 35:2016
carbon-arc lamps in the presence of moisture to reproduce Methods of test for paints and varnishes -
the weathering effects that occur when materials are Determination of rapid deformation (small area
exposed in actual end-use environments to daylight or to indenter)
daylight filtered through window glass. Describes a method for evaluating the resistance of a dry
(=ISO 16474-4:2013) film of paint, nvarnish or related product to cracking or
Gr.E peeling from a substrate when it is subjected to a
deformation caused by a falling weight, dropped under
SLS 1256 Part 29:2016 standard conditions, acting on a small-area spherical
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Bend test indenter.
(Cylindrical mandrel) (=ISO 6272-2:2011)
(First revision) Gr.C
Specifies an empirical test procedure for assessing the
resistance of a coating of paint, varnish or related product SLS 1256 Part 36:2016
to cracking and/or detachment from a metal or plastics Methods of test for paints and varnishes -
substrate when subjected to bending round a cylindrical Determination of film hardness by pencil test
mandrel under standard conditions. Specifies a method for determining the film hardness by
(=ISO 1519:2011) pushing pencils of known hardness over the film. The test
Gr.E can be performed on a single coating of a paint, varnish
or related product, or on the upper layer of a multi-coat
SLS 1256 Part 30:2010 system. The method is applicable only to smooth surfaces.
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - (=ISO 15184:2012)
Determination of surface drying time using ballotini Gr.D
Specifies a test method for determining the surface-drying
characteristics of a coating of a paint or varnish which SLS 1256 Part 37:2016
dries by the action of air or by chemical reaction of its Methods of test for paints and varnishes - T- Bend test
components. The method is not intended toapply to stoving Describes a method of evaluating the flexibility and
products. adhesion of an organic coating on a metallic substrate by
(Superseding SLS 1256 Part : 2005 and SLS 535 : Part 3 observing the cracking or loss of adhesion when a coated
Section 3.4:1981) test panel is bent. The method can be used to confirm
(=ISO 9117-3:2010) whether paints, varnishes or related products meet a given
Gr.B test requirement in a pass/fail test, or to determine the
minimum bending diameter at which cracking does not
SLS 1256 Part 31:2016 occur.
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - (=ISO 17132: 2007)
Determination of gloss value at 20º, 60º and 85º Gr.D
Specifies a method for determining the gloss of coatings
using the three geometries of 20°, 60° or 85°. The method SLS 1256 Part 38:2017
is suitable for the gloss measurement of non-textured Methods of test for paints and varnishes -
coatings on plane, opaque substrates. Determination of the effect of heat
(=ISO 2813:2014) Specifies a method for determining the resistance of single
Gr.L coatings or multi-coat systems of paints, varnishes or
related products to changes in gloss and/or colour,
SLS 1256 Part 32:2016 blistering, cracking and/or detachment from the substrate
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - under conditions of a specified temperature. This
Determination of degree of blistering procedure is applicable to products intended for use on
Specifies a method for assessing the degree of blistering domestic radiators or other articles likely to be subjected
of coatings by comparison with pictorial standards. The to similar temperatures.
(=ISO 3248:2016) Methods of test for paints and varnishes -
Gr.B determination of degree of cracking
Specifies a method for assessing the degree of cracking
SLS 1256 Part 39:2016 of coatings by comparison with pictorial standards.
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - (=ISO 4628-4:2016)
Determination of adehsion by pull off test Gr.H
Specifies three methods for determining the adhesion by
carrying out a pull-off test on a single coating or a multi- SLS 1256 Part 47:2019
coat system of paint, varnish or related product. Methods of test for paints and varnishes -
(=ISO 4624:2016) determination of degree of flaking
Gr.F specifies a method for assessing the degree of flaking of
coatings by comparison with pictorial standards.
SLS 1256 Part 40:2017 (=ISO 4628-5:2016)
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - Preparation Gr.C
of standard panels for testing (panels other than
burnished steel, glass, wood and asbestos) SLS 1256 Part 48:2019
Specifies several types of standard panels and describes Methods of test for paints and varnishes -
procedures for their preparation prior to painting. These determination of degree of chalking by tape method
standard panels are for use in general methods of test for provides pictorial reference standards for designating the
paints, varnishes and related products degree of chalking of paint coatings. It also describes a
(=ISO1514:2016) method by which the degree of chalking is rated.
Gr.F (=ISO 4628-6:2011)
SLS 1256 Part 41:2019
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - SLS 1257:2015
determination of settling Buddhist Clergy
Specifies a method for determining the settling of coating (Second revision)
materials. It is used to determine short-time settling, e.g. Prescribes the structure, finish and other requirements for
during transport or in an electro-deposition bath. Single robe, Double robe and inner robe used by Buddhist
(=ISO 21545:2018) Clergy.
Gr.B (In Sinhala)
10 pages, Gr.6
SLS 1256 Part 42:2019
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - visual SLS 1258:2004 (S)
comparison of colour of paints Eight requisites (Ata pirikara) for Buddhist Clergy
Specifies a method for the visual comparison of the colour Describes the structure, finish and other requirements for
of films of paints or related products against a standard the eight requisites used by Buddhist Clergy.
(either a reference standard or a freshly prepared standard) AMD No.1 (AMD 355:2007-incorporated)
using artificial light sources in a standard booth.It is not (In Sinhala & English)
applicable to coatings containing special-effect pigments, 7pages, Gr.4
e.g. metallic, without previous agreement on all details of
illuminating and viewing conditions SLS 1259:2003
(=ISO 3668:2017) Sri Lanka Standard voltages for electrical systems
Gr.D Applies to a.c. transmission distribution and utilization
systems and equipment for use in such systems with
SLS 1256 Part 43:2019 standard frequencies 50 Hz and 60 Hz having a nominal
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - adhesion of voltage above 100 V;a.c. and d.c.traction systems, a.c. and
coatings d.c.epuipment having nominal voltages below 120 V a.c.or
Summarises the common methods for evaluating the below750 V d.c.the a.c.voltages being intended (but not
adhesive strength of coatings on a substrate, which can be exclusively) for 50 Hz and 60 Hz applications.
another coating beneath or the substrate itself. (Supersedes SLS 574:1982)
(=ISO/TR 19402:2018) (=IEC 60038:1983)
Gr.W Gr.C
SLS 1256 Part 44:2019 SLS 1260:2003
Methods of test for paints and varnishes - coating Glow starters for tubular fluorescent lamps
materials and coating systems for exterior Specifies interchangeable glow-starters used with pre-heat
Wood- natural weathering test type fluorescent lamps. Section 1: Specifies the general
specifies a natural weathering test for exterior wood and safety requirements with which staters shall comply.
coating systems mainly intended for the decoration and Section 2: Specifies the performance
protection of planed and sawn wood. The test provides a AMD No.1 (AMD 364:2007)
means of evaluating the performance of a wood coating (Supersedes SLS 882:1990)
system during outdoor exposure.It forms the basis for the (=IEC 60155:1993)
performance specification in accordance with EN 927-2. Gr.Q
(=ISO 16053:2018)
Gr.L SLS 1261:2004
Lightning protection systems
SLS 1256 Part 45:2019 (Superseded by parts of SLS 1472)
Methods of test for paints and varnishes -
determination of degree of rusting SLS 1262:2004
Specifies a method for assessing the degree of rusting of Mechanical refrigerating systems used for cooling and
coatings by comparison with pictorial standards. The heating-safety requirements
pictorial standards provided in this part of ISO 4628 show Specifies the requirements relating to the safety of persons
coated steel surfaces which have deteriorated to different and property for the design, construction, installation,
degrees by a combination of rust broken through the operation and servicing of refrigerating systems, and the
coating and visible underrust. local and global environment for stationary and mobile
(=ISO 4628-3:2016) refrigeration systems of all sizes, including heat pumps,
Gr.H secondry cooling or heating systems and the location of
these refrigerating systems.
SLS 1256 Part 46:2019 81 pages, Gr.21
SLS 1263:2005 paper which is difficult to handle or of low strength when
Code of practice for recycling of plastics wet.
Prescribes general requirements for the collection, (=ISO 3781:2011)
cleaning, storage, sorting, segregation and processing of Gr.C
thermoplastics waste/scrap. This also prescribes
guidelines to the manufacturers of plastic products with SLS 1272:2005
regard to the marking to be used on the end product in Method of testing of paper and board for water
order to facilitate identification of the basic raw material. absorption after immersion in water
incorporating AMD No.1 (AMD 410:2010) Specifies a method for the determination of the water
10 pages, Gr.5 absorption of paper and board after total immersion in
water for a specified time. The method is applicable to
SLS 1264:2005 all types of paper and board which have a degree of water
Core spun sewing thread resistance. It is not applicable to very absorbent papers.
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for (=ISO 5637:1989)
polyester/cotton & polyester/polyester core spun sewing Gr.B
12 pages, Gr.6 SLS 1273:2005
Method of testing of paper and board for bursting
SLS 1265:2017 strength after immersion in water
Chewing gum & bubble gum (Withdrawn)
(First revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for SLS 1274:2006
chewing gum & bubble gum. Polyamide (nylon) fishing nets
(AMD No1(AMD 528:2020) Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for fishing
12 pages, Gr.6 nets made from multifilament polyamide (nylon) twine.
12 pages, Gr.6
SLS 1266:2011
Requirements for a HACCP based food safety SLS 1275:2008
management system Methods of testing of corrugated fibreboard for
(First revision) edgewise crush resistance (unwaxed edge method)
Requirements have been specified to be used during the (First revision)
assessment of operational HACCP systems based which Specifies an unwaxed edge method for the determination
ensure the safety of foodstuffs during preparation, of edgewise crush resistance of corrugated fibreboard. It
processing, manufacturing, packaging, storage, is applicable to all corrugated fibreboard grades.
transportation, distribution, handling or offering for sale (=ISO 3037:2007)
or supply in any sector of the food chain. Gr.C
21 pages, Gr.12
SLS 1276 PART 1:2020
SLS 1267:2005 Method of test for paper, board and pulps for diffuse
Pressed cement roofing tiles blue reflectance factor - indoor daylight conditions
Prescribes requirements and methods of tests for pressed (ISO brightness)
cement roofing tiles and does not specify the tile profile. (First revision)
But a commonly used tile profile is illustrated. Specifies a method for measuring the diffuse blue
14 pages, Gr.8 reflectance factor (ISO brightness) of pulps, papers and
SLS 1268:2005 This standard is limited in its scope to white and near-
Offset ink for general purposes white pulps, papers and boards. The measurement can only
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test be made in an instrument in which the ultraviolet energy
for offset ink, for general purposes. level of the illumination has been adjusted to correspond
11 pages, Gr.6 to the CIE illuminant C[6] using a fluorescent reference
standard. The CIE illuminant C is taken to be
SLS 1269:2005 representative of indoor daylight conditions because it
Method of testing of paper and board for tensile contains a suitable proportion of UV radiation.
properties (constantrate of elongation method) (=ISO 2470-1:2016)
(Withdrawn) Gr. F
SLS 1270:2016 SLS 1276 PART 2:2020
Method of test for determination of water Method of test for paper, board and pulps for diffuse
absorptiveness (Cobb method) of paper and board blue reflectance factor - outdoor daylight conditions
(First revision) (D65 brightness)
Specifies a method of determining the water absorptiveness (First revision)
of sized paper and board, including corrugated fibreboard, Specifies a method for measuring the D65 brightness of
under standard conditions. It may not be suitable for paper pulps, papers and boards. This Standard is limited in its
of grammage less than 50 g/m2 or embossed paper. It is scope to white and near-white pulps, papers and boards,
not suitable for porous papers. particularly those exhibiting fluorescence which promotes
(=ISO 535:2014) the appearance of whiteness. The measurement can only
(Supersedes SLS 473) be made in an instrument in which the ultraviolet energy
Gr.D level of the illumination has been adjusted to correspond
to the CIE standard illuminant D65 using a fluorescent
SLS 1271:2016 reference standard.
Method of testing of paper and board for tensile The source employed in this part SLS 1276 excites almost
strength after immersion in water twice as much fluorescence as the illuminant in SLS 1276-
(First revision) 1. Consequently, this part of SLS 1276 is better suited for
Specifies a test method for the determination of the wet measuring the fluorescent contribution to the brightness.
tensile strength of paper or board after its immersion in However, D65 brightness should not be confused with ISO
water for a specified period. In principle, the method is brightness which closely approximates the brightness of
applicable to both paper and board, provided an papers viewed under indoor conditions.
appropriate soaking time is agreed between the interested (=ISO 2470-2:2008)
parties. This Standard is not applicable to tissue paper Gr. D
and tissue products or other lightweight, highly absorbent
SLS 1277:2017 SLS 1282 Part 4:2008
Method of test for determination of compressive Insulating and sheathing materials for electric cables
strength (ring crush method) of paper and board - Cross-linked insulating and sheathing compounds
(First revision) having low emmission of corrosive gases, and suitable
Specifies a method for the determination of the edgewise for use in cables having low emmision of smoke when
compressive strength (ring crush resistance) of paper and affected by fire
paperboard, especially board used in the manufacture of Specifies the requirements for the harmonized cross-linked
fibreboard shipping containers. This Standard is applicable insulating compounds, harmonized cross-linked sheathing
to all paper and paperboard with a thickness in the range compounds and ordinary duty oil resisting type sheathing
100 mm to 580 mm. compound.
(=ISO 12192:2011) (Supersedes SLS 988:1993)
Gr.E 11 pages, Gr.6
SLS 1278:2006 SLS 1282 Part 5:2008
Method of testing of corrugated fibreboard for Insulating and sheathing materials for electric cables
edgewise cursh resistance (waxed edge method) - Miscellaneous insulating and sheathing compounds
Specifies a method for the determination of the edgewise Specifies the requirements for the harmonized cross-linked
crush resistance of corrugated fibreboard. This method is PVC insulating compound, harmonized thermoplastic
applicable to single - wall (double - faced), double - wall, polyurethane sheathing compound and harmonized cross-
and triple-wall corrugated fibreboard. It may also be used linked PVC sheathing compound.
to test samples taken from corrugated cases and other 10 pages, Gr.6
converted products.
(=ISO 13821:2002) SLS 1283:2006
Gr.C Spring units for mattresses
Specifies the requirements and methods of test for spring
SLS 1279:2017 units used for the construction of spring mattresses.
Method of test for determination of grammage of 15 pages, Gr.8
component papers after separation-corrugated
fibreboard SLS 1284 Part 1:2006
(First revision) Guidelines for the surface and ground water quality
Specifies a method for deternining the grammage of the for designated uses of river basins in Sri Lanka - Kala
component layers from which corrugated fibreboard has Oya Basin
been made.This standard is applicable to all types of Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
corrugated fibreboard. necessary for the management of the water quality in the
(=ISO 3039:2010) Kala Oya Basin.
Gr.D 12 pages, Gr.8
SLS 1280:2006 SLS 1285:2006
Method of sampling of chemical products for industrial Unplasticize poly (vinyle chloride) (PVC-U) pipe
use-safety in sampling fittings for non-pressure underground drainage and
Provides recommendations relating to safety in the sewerage
sampling of chemical products for industrial use. Specifies the requirements for unplasticized poly (vinyl
(=ISO 3165:1976) chloride) (PVC-U) pipe fittings, intended for use for non-
Gr.C pressure underground drainage and sewerage for the
conveyance of soil and waste discharge of domestic and
SLS 1281:2006 industrial origin, as well as surface water. It does not cover
Glossary of terms for sampling of chemical products requirements for the K-value of the raw material.
for industrial use 25 pages, Gr.12
Defines, in English and French, the terms most frequently
used in relation to sampling of chemical products for SLS 1286:2006
industrial use. Unplasticized poly (vinyle chloride) (PVC-U) pipes for
(=ISO 6206:1979) non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage
Gr.D Specifies the requirements for unplasticized poly (vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U) pipes, intended for use for non-pressure
SLS 1282 Part 1:2006 underground drainage and sewerage for the conveyance
Insulating and sheathing materials for electric cables of soil and waste discharge of domestic and industrial
- General introduction origin, as well as surface water. It does not cover
Presents a general introduction to the other parts of the requirements for the K-value of the raw material.
standard on insulating and sheathing materials. It also 19 pages, Gr.10
includes the list of test methods and the list of other parts
of the standard. SLS 1287:2006
(Supersedes SLS 988:1993) Method of testing for rubber and plastics for polymer
10 pages Gr.6 dispersions and rubber latices-determination of pH
Specifies a method for the determination of the pH of
SLS 1282 Part 2:2006 polymer dispersions and rubber latices (natural and
Insulating and sheathing materials for electric cables synthetic) by means of a pH meter equipped with a
- PVC insulating and sheathing compounds combined glass and silver reference electrode. The method
Specifies the requirements for the PVC insulating and is also suitable for prevulcanized latex and compounds
sheathing compounds. containing polymer dispersions or rubber latices, including
13 pages, Gr.7 adhesives.
(Supersedes SLS 988:1993) (=ISO 976:1996)
SLS 1282 Part 3:2008
Insulating and sheathing materials for electric cables SLS 1288:2019
- Cross-linked elastomeric insulating and sheathing Method of testing for natural rubber (NR) - evaluation
compounds procedure
Specifies the requirements for the cross-linked elastomeric Specifies physical and chemical tests on raw natural
insulating and sheathing compounds. rubbers, standard materials, standard test formulae,
(Supersedes SLS 988:1993) equipment and processing methods for evaluating the
28 pages, Gr.13 vulcanization characteristics of natural rubber (NR)
(=ISO 1658:2015) (Superseding SLS 732 Part 4)
Gr.J (=ISO 1183/2:2004)
SLS 1289:2006
Method of testing of paper - cut - size office paper for SLS 1296 Part 3:2006
measurement of edge quality Method of testing for the determination of the density
Specifies a test method for assessing the quality of the cut of non-cellular plastics - Gas pyknometer method
edge of cut-size office paper. It is applicable to papers of Specifies a method for the determination of the density or
the type described in ISO 216, as well as other cut-size the specific volumn of solid non-cellular plastics of any
office papers used for printing and copying. shape which do not contain closed pores.
(=ISO 22414:2004) (Superseding SLS 732 Part 4)
Gr.D (=ISO 1183/3:1999)
SLS 1290:2009 (2015) (Reaffirmed)
Men’s shoes SLS 1297:2009
(First revision) Method of sampling and further preparative
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test procedures for rubber, raw natural and raw synthetic
for men’s shoes. (First revision)
16 pages, Gr.9 Specifies a method for the sampling of raw rubber in bales,
blocks or packages and further procedures carried out on
SLS 1291:2009 (2015) (Reaffirmed) the samples to prepare test samples for chemical and
Ladies’ shoes physical tests.
(First revision) (=ISO 1795:2007)
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test, Gr.C
for ladies’ shoes.
14 pages, Gr.6 SLS 1298 Part 1:2006
Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for
SLS 1292 Part 1:2017 household and similar fixed electrical installations -
Code of practice for design and construction of biogas General requirements
systems - Domestic biogas systems Applies to boxes enclosure and parts of enclosure for
(First revision) electrical accessories with a rated voltage not exceeding
This Code of Practice is aimed at standardization of stand- 1 000 V a.c.and 1 500 V.d.c. intended for household or
alone domestic biogas systems for Sri Lanka in order to similar fixed electrical installations either indoors or
suit the needs of biogas generation, manure production, outdoors.
hygiene effects, operational & maintenance aspectsƒ|This (=IEC 60670-1:2002)
Code prescribes Dry Batch Digesters up to two metric Gr.U
tons (2 MT), Continuous Flow Biogas Digesters and Plug
Flow Units up to 12m3 and Compact units of 0.5m3 and SLS 1299:2006
1m3.This code of practice cover only upto 12m3 size of a Knitting - basic concepts-vocabulary
biogas digester of a domestic biogas system. Defines terms for basic kinitting concepts. The definitions
46 Pages, Gr.17 of this vocabulary are complete in themselves; illustrations
are used to clarity the content of a definition. but no
SLS 1293:2010 standardization of any notational system is attempted.
Men’s sandals (=ISO 4921:2000)
(First revision) Gr.Q
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
for men’s sandals. It does not cover sandals made from SLS 1300:2006
ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) co-polymer and blends of Knitted fabrics-types-vocabulary
EVA. Defines terms for industrially produced machine knitted
12 pages, Gr.5 fabrics.
(=ISO 8388:1998)
SLS 1294:2010 Gr.X
Ladies’ sandals
(First revision) SLS 1301:2006
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test Knitted fabrics-description of defects-vocabulary
for ladies’ sandals. It does not cover sanadls made from Describes defects which commonly appear during the
ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA). inspection of knitted fabrics. Except where otherwise
10 pages, Gr.5 stated the descriptions apply to defects appearing in both
weft-knitted and wrap-knitted fabrics.
SLS 1295:2011 (=ISO 8499:2003)
EVA sandals Gr.Q
(First revision)
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test SLS 1302:2013
for EVA sandals for men, ladies and children. Domestic washing and drying procedures for textile
10 pages, Gr.5 testing
(First revision)
SLS 1296 Part 1:2006 Specifies domestic washing and drying procedures for
Method of testing for the determination of the textile testing. The procedures are applicable to textile
density of non-cellular plastics - Immersion method, liquid fabrics, garments or other textile articles which are
pyknometer method and titration method subjected to appropriate combinations of domestic
(Superseding SLS 732 Part 4) washing and drying procedures. This also specifies the
(Withdrawn and replaced by SLS ISO 1183-1) reference detergents and ballasts for the procedures.
Provision is made for 13 different washing procedures
SLS 1296 Part 2:2006 based on the use of the reference washing machine type.
Method of testing for the determination of the density (=ISO 6330:2012)
of non-cellular plastics - Density gradient column Gr.Q
Specifies a gradient column method for the determination SLS 1303:2006
of the density of non-cellular moulded or extruded plastics Transportable refillable brazed steel cylinders for
in void-free form. liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
Specifies minimum requirements for material, design, Methods of testing of natural rubber lattices -
construction and workmanship, procedure and test Determination of coagulum content
methods of transportable refillable brazed steel liquefied Specifies a method for the determination of the coagulum
petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders of water capacity from content (sieve residue) of natural rubber latex concentrate
0.51up to and including 15 l. The limit of 15 l is related and the majority of synthetic rubber latices. It is not
to available manufacturing processes. suitable for XSBR latices intended for use in paper coating.
AMD No 1 (AMD 438:2012) (Supersedes SLS 325 Section 6:2001)
AMD No.2 (AMD 473:2015) (=ISO 706:2004)
22 pages, Gr.11 Gr. D
SLS 1304 Part 1:2007 SLS 1304 Part 7:2007
Methods of testing of natural rubber latex - Sampling Methods of testing of natural rubber latices -
of latex rubber Determination of copper content
Specifies procedures for sampling natural rubber letex Specifies a photometric method for the determination of
concentrate and for sampling synthetic rubber latices and trace amounts of copper in raw rubber, latices and
artificial latices. It is also suitable for sampling rubber compounded rubber, both natural and synthetic. This
latex contained in drums, tank cars or tanks. The method may be applied to rubbers containing silica,
procedures may also be used for sampling plastics provided that treatment with hydrofluoric acid is included
dispersions. in the procedure. The method is sensitive down to 1 mg/
(=ISO 123:2001) kg copper.
Gr. D (Supersedes SLS 325 Section 7:2001)
(=ISO 8053:1995)
SLS 1304 Part 2:2017 Gr.C
Methods of testing of natural rubber latices -
Determination of total solid content SLS 1304 Part 8:2007
(First revision) Methods of testing of natural rubber latices -
Specifies methods for the determination of the total solids Determination of manganese content
content of natural rubber field and concentrated latices Specifies photometric method for the determination of
and synthetic rubber latex. These methods are not manganese, after oxidation with sodium periodate, in
necessarily suitable for latex from natural sources other rubbers and rubber latices. Both methods contain
than the Hevea brasiliensis, for vulcanized latex, for provisions for analysis of chlorine - containing rubber.
compounded latex, or for artificial dispersions of rubber. (Supersedes SLS 325 Section 8:2001)
(Supersedes SLS 325 Section 2: 2001) (=ISO 7780:1998)
(=ISO 124:2014) Gr.E
SLS 1304 Part 9:2007
SLS 1304 Part 3:2007 Methods of testing of natural rubber latices -
Methods of testing of natural rubber latices - Determination of iron content
Determination of dry rubber content Specifies a 1,10-phenanthroline photometric method for
Specifies a method for the determination of the dry rubber the determination of 5 to 1000 mg/kg of iron in
content of natural rubber latex concentrate. The method uncompounded natural rubber, uncompounded synthetic
is not necessarily suitable for latices preserved with rubbers which do not contain chlorine, and in the
potassium hydroxide, latices from natural sources other corresponding uncompounded latices.
than Hevea brasiliensis, or for compounded latex, (Supersedes SLS 325 Section 9:2001)
vulcanized latex or artificial dispersions of rubber and it (=ISO 1657:1986)
is not applicable to synthetic rubber latices. Gr.B
(Supersedes SLS 325 Section 3:2001)
(=ISO 126:2005) SLS 1304 Part 10:2017
Gr.B Methods of testing of natural rubber latices -
Determination of sludge content
SLS 1304 Part 4:2017 (First revision)
Methods of testing of natural rubber latices - Specifies a method for the determination of the sludge
Determination of alkalinity content of natural rubber latex concentrate. The method
Specifies a method for the determination of the alkalinity is not necessarily suitable for latices from natural sources
of natural rubber latex concentrate. The method is not other than Hevea brasiliensis. It is not suitable for
necessarily suitable for latices from natural sources other compounded latex or vulcanized latex
than Hevea brasilienses or for synthetic rubber latices, (Supersedes SLS 325 Section 10:2001)
compunded latex, vulcanized latex or artificial dispersions (=ISO 2005:2014)
of rubber. Gr.B
(Supersedes SLS 325 Section 4:2001)
(=ISO 125:2011) SLS 1304 Part 11:2007
Gr.C Methods of testing of natural rubber latices -
Determination of volatile fatty acid number
SLS 1304 Part 5:2007 Specifies a method for the determination of the volatile
Methods of testing of natural rubber latices - fatty acid number of natural rubber latex concentrate. The
Determination of mechanical stability method in not necessarily suitable for latices from natural
Specifies a method for the determination of the mechanical sources other than Hevea brasilienses and is not applicable
stability of natural rubber latex concentrate. It is also to compounded latex, vulcanized latex, artificial
applicable to prevulcanized natural rubber latex dispersions of rubber or synthetic rubber latices.
concentrate. The method is not necessarily suitable for (Supersedes SLS 325 Section 11:2001)
latices or prevulcanized latex preserved with potassium (=ISO 506:1992)
hydroxide, latices from natural sources other than Hevea Gr.B
brasiliensis, or for compunded latex, or artificial
dispersions of rubber, and it is not applicable to synthetic SLS 1304 Part 12:2019
rubber latices. Methods of testing of natural rubber latices -
(Supersedes SLS 325 Section 5:2001) Determination of KOH number
(=ISO 35:2004) (First revision)
Gr.C Specifies a method for the determination of the KOH
number of natural rubber latex concentrate which is
SLS 1304 Part 6:2007 preserved wholly or in part with ammonia. The method is
applicable to latices containing boric acid. The method is Method of testing for the determination of thickness
not applicable to latices preserved with potassium by mechanical scanning - plastics (film and sheeting)
hydroxide. It is not necessarily suitable for latices from Specifies a method for the determination of the thickness
natural sources other than Hevea brasiliensis, or for latices of a sample of plastics film or sheeting by mechanical
of synthetic rubber, compunded latex, vulcanized latex or scanning. The method is not suitable for use with embossed
artificial dispersions of rubber. film or sheeting.
(Supersedes SLS 325 Section 12:2001) (=ISO 4593:1993)
(=ISO 127:2018) Gr.A
SLS 1306:2007
SLS 1304 Part 13:2007 Feeding bottles made of polymer materials
Methods of testing of natural rubber latices - Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and tests
Determination of boric acid content for feeding bottles made of polymer materials. It does not
Specifies a procedure for the determination of boric acid cover the requirements for rubber teats and nipples used
in natural rubber latex concentrate. The procedure is not for these bottles.
necessarily suitable for latices from natural sources other AMD No.1 (AMD 432:2012)
than Hevea brasiliensis or for latices of synthetic rubber, 20pages, Gr.10
compounded latex, vulcanized latex or artificial
dispersions of rubber. SLS 1307:2007 (2015) (Reaffirmed)
(Supersedes SLS 325 Section 14:2001) Woven umbrella cloth
(=ISO 1802:1992) Prescribes performance requirements, methods of test and
Gr.A sampling for woven umbrella cloth.
(Supersedes CS 195:1973 & SLS 1160:1997)
SLS 1304 Part 14:2017 9 pages, Gr.5
Methods of testing of natural rubber latices -
Determination of density SLS 1308:2007 (S)
(First revision) Bowls for alms made of mild steel for buddhist clergy
Specifies a method for the determination of the density of Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
natural rubber latex concentrate between the temperatures for bowls for alms made of mild steel for Buddhist clergy.
of 50C and 400C. It is intended for use when density 10 pages, Gr.4
determinations are used to calculate the mass of a measured
volume of latex in locations where it is not practical to SLS 1309:2007
weigh directly or to control the temperature of the Coconut milk powder
laboratory. Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
(Supersedes SLS 325 Section 15:2001) for coconut milk powder.
(=ISO 705:2015) 15 pages, Gr.8
SLS 1310:2007
SLS 1304 Part 15:2007 Boxes for flush mounting of electrical accessories
Methods of testing of natural rubber latices - requirements, test methods and dimensions
Determination of surface tension Specifies requirements for boxes for flush mounting of
Specifies a ring method for the determination of the surface electrical accessories in a wall, or other flat surfaced
tension of polymer dispersions and rubber latices. The structure to ensure interoperability. It is applicable to
method is valid for polymer dispersions and rubber latices boxes for the mounting of electrical accessories with a
with a viscosity less than 200 mPa·s. If necessary, the solids rated voltage up to and including 440 V.
content is further reduced to ensure that the viscosity is 30 pages, Gr.14
under the specified limit. The method is suitable for
prevulcanized latices and compounded materials. SLS 1311:2007
(Supersedes SLS 325: Section 17:2001) Code of practice for design and construction of micro
(=ISO 1409:2006) hydropower systems
Gr.D Applicable for off-grid community based village
hydropower projects within the capacity range of 5 kW
SLS 1304 Part 16:2017 and 100 kW. Hydro power projects of this capacity range
Methods of testing of natural rubber latices - are generally referred to as micro hydropower projects.
Determination of apparent viscosity 63 pages, Gr.20
Specifies a method for the determination of the apparent
viscosity of both natural rubber latex concentrate and SLS 1312:2007
synthetic rubber latices by the Brookfield method. The Solar flat plate collectors for water heating
method is suitable for the determination of the viscosity Specifies the requirements for materials, construction, test
of natural latices from sources other than Hevea methods and measuring instruments for solar flat-plate
brasiliensis and also for compounded latices. collectors for water heating.
(Supersedes SLS 325 Section 18:2001) 32 pages, Gr.14
(=ISO 1652:2011)
Gr.E SLS 1313:2007
SLS 1304 Part 17:2007 Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Methods of testing of natural rubber latices - tests for wafers. It does not cover biscuits, diabetic biscuits
Preparation of dry films or biscuits claiming nutritive properties.
Specifies a method for preparing dry, homogeneous films, (Incorporating Erratum Sheet)
substantially free of air bubbles, from natural rubber latex Amd No.1(Amd No 525:2019)
concentrate. The procedure is not necessarily suitable for 14 pages, Gr.7
latices from natural sources other than Hevea brasiliensis
or for compounded latex, vulcanized latex or artificial SLS 1314:2007
dispersions of rubber or synthetic rubber latices. Code of practice for packaging of agro pesticides for
(Supersedes SLS 325 Section 19:2001) retail market
(=ISO 498:1992) Prescribes general requirements for packaging of liquid
Gr.A and solid agro pesticides for the retail market. It does not
cover fumigants and pressurized packs and aspects of
SLS 1305:2007 installation and operation of pesticide packaging plants,
factory safety or environmental aspects.
(Supersedes SLS 754:1986) Size designation and dimensions for motorcycle tyres
11 pages, Gr.6 and rims (code designated series) - Rims
Specifies the rim dimensions for a selection of rims for
SLS 1315 Part 1:2007 motorcycle tyres. It sets only those rim contour dimensions
Code of practice for tea industry - Good agricultural necessary for tyre mounting, and for fitting the tyre to the
practices for the cultivation of tea rim.
Recommends good agricultural practices for growing tea, (Supersedes SLS 901Part 1 Section 3:1990)
harvesting and transport of green leaf to the leaf receiving (=ISO 4249-3:2004)
point in the factory. Gr.F
8 pages, Gr.5
SLS 1321 Part 1:2007
SLS 1315 Part 2:2007 Size designation and dimensions for motorcycle tyres
Code of practice for tea industry - Good manufacturing and rims (metric series) - Design guides
practices for processing of black tea Provides guidelines for the design of, and specifies the
Applies to good manufacturing practices for processing designation and calculation of the dimensions for, metric-
of Black Tea from tender shoots of varieties of the species series motorcycle tyres. It is applicable to motorcycle
Camellia sinensis L. It covers the production processes tyres with a reduced height/width ratio (100 and lower)
of the (a) orthodox (b) CTC (cut, tear, curl) types of black that can be fitted on cylindrical bead-seat or 50 tapered
tea. bead-seat rims. It is also applicable to other concepts of
(Incorporating AMD No 393:2009) tyre and rim, provided the appropriate rim/section ratios
23 pages, Gr.12 and coefficients are established for them.
(Supersedes SLS 901Part 2 Section 1:1990)
SLS 1315 Part 3:2009 (=ISO 5751-1:2004)
Code of practice for tea industry - Good hygienic Gr.G
practice for storage, blending, packaging and
transport of tea SLS 1321 Part 2:2007
Covers the product from the point of warehouses to the Size designation and dimensions for motorcycle tyres
point of shipment including blending and packaging. It and rims (metric series) - Tyre dimensions and load-
also covers the despatch of tea for local sale. It does not carrying capacities
cover growing, collecting, processing operations and Specifies the tyre size designation, dimensions and load-
factory storage that occur prior to unloadings the product carrying capacities of metric-series motorcycle tyres. It is
to the warehouse. applicable to such tyres with a height-to-width ratio of
15 pages, Gr.8 100% and below.
(Supersedes SLS 901 Part 2 Section 2: 1990)
SLS 1316:2007 (=ISO 5751-2:2004)
Code for good manufacturing practices for cosmetics Gr.P
(Superseded by SLS ISO 22716) SLS 1321 Part 3:2007
Size designation and dimensions for motorcycle tyres
SLS 1317:2007 and rims (metric series) - Range of approved rim
Male condoms from natural latex rubber contours
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test Specifies the approved rim contours for motorcycle rims
for male condoms intended for single use. It does not cover on which metric-series motorcycle tyres are mounted.
male condoms made from material other than natural latex (Supersedes SLS 901Part 2 Section 3:1990)
rubber and does not cover female condoms. (=ISO 5751-3:2004)
(Supersedes SLS 641) Gr.C
10 pages, Gr.5
SLS 1322 Part 1:2007
SLS 1318:2007 Size designation and dimensions for motorcycle tyres
Single superphosphate (Fertilizer grade) and rims (code-designated series) - diameter codes 4
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test to 12 - Tyres
for single superphosphate (fertilizer grade). Lays down the designation, dimensions, and load ratings
7 pages, Gr.5 for an inch-code-designated series of tyres for motorcycles,
fitted on rims with a nominal diameter corresponding to
SLS 1319:2007 the codes 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 12. SLS 1322 Part 2 deals
Activated carbon made from coconut shell charcoal with the requirements for rims.
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test (Supersedes SLS 901 Section 1 Part 3: 1990)
for activated carbon made from coconut shell charcoal. (=ISO 6054-1:1994)
29 pages, Gr.14 Gr.C
SLS 1320 Part 1:2007 SLS 1322 Part 2:2007
Size designation and dimensions for motorcycle tyres Size designation and dimensions for motorcycle tyres
and rims (code designated series) - Tyres and rims (code-designated series) - diameter codes 4
Specifies the designation in use and the dimensions for an to 12 - Rims
inch code designated series of tyres for motorcycles. Lays down rim dimensions for an inch-code-designated
(Supersedes SLS 901Part 1 Section 1:1990) series of motorcycle tyres for diameter codes 4 to 12. It
(=ISO 4249-1:1985) sets only those rim contour dimensions necessary for the
Gr.B mounting and fitment of the tyre to the rim. Tyre
designations, dimensions and load ratings are given in SLS
SLS 1320 Part 2:2007 1322 Part 1.
Size designation and dimensions for motorcycle tyres (Supersedes SLS 901 Part 3 Section 2: 1990)
and rims (code designated series) - Tyre load ratings (=ISO 6054-2:1990)
Specifies the load ratings for an inch code-designated Gr.C
series of tyres for motorcycles.
(Supersedes SLS 901Part 1 Section 2: 1990) SLS 1323 Part 1:2012
(=ISO 4249-2:1990) Temperatures, humidities and times for the
Gr.B conditioning and testing of rubber - General
procedures for preparing and conditioning test pieces
SLS 1320 Part 3:2007 for physical test methods
(First revision)
Specifies general procedures for the preparation, SLS 1329:2017
measurement, marking, storage, and conditioning of rubber Method of test for the determination of hardness
test pieces for use in physical tests specified in other (indentation technique) for flexible cellular polymeric
International Standards, and the preferred conditions to materials
be used during the tests. Special conditions, applicable to (First revision)
a particular test or material or simulating a particular Specifies four methods for the determination of indentation
climatic environment, are not included, nor are special hardness and one method for determination of compressive
requirements for testing whole products. This standard also deflection coefficient and hysteresis loss rate of flexible
specifies the requirements for the time interval to be cellular materials. These five methods are applicable only
observed between forming and testing of rubber test pieces to latex foam, urethane foam and PVC foam of the open-
and products. Such requirements are necessary to obtain cell type. The methods specified can be used for testing
reproducible test results and to minimize disagreements, finished articles and for the characterization of bulk
between customer and supplier. material.Specifies four methods for the determination of
(Supersdes SLS 661:1984) indentation hardness and one method for determination
(=ISO 23529:2010) of compressive deflection coefficient and hysteresis loss
Gr.H rate of flexible cellular materials. These five methods are
applicable only to latex foam, urethane foam and PVC
SLS 1324:2018 foam of the open-cell type. The methods specified can be
Organic agriculture production and processing used for testing finished articles and for the
(First revision) characterization of bulk material.
Prescribes the requirements for production, wild harvest, (=ISO 2439:2008)
postharvest, handling, storage, processing, transportation, Gr.G
packaging, labeling and marketing of organic produce and
products. SLS 1330:2008
69 pages, Gr.20 Method for the determination of compression set under
humid conditions for flexible cellular polymeric
SLS 1325:2007 materials
Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge Specifies a method for determining the compression set
(low and high temperature) inside buildings – of flexible cellular materials under humid conditions.
unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) (=ISO 13362:2000)
Specifies the requirements for unplasticized poly(vinyl Gr.B
chloride) (PVC-U) pipes and fittings for soil and waste
discharge (low and high temperature) inside buildings, as SLS 1331:2013
well as the system itself. It does not include buried Method for the determination of tear strength of
pipework. It specifies the test parameters for the test flexible cellular polymeric materials
methods referred to in this standards. It does not cover (First revision)
requirements for the K -value of the raw materials. Specifies two methods for the determination of the tear
(Supersedes SLS 1202 & 1210:2001) strength of flexible cellular polymeric materials:
(=ISO 3633:2002) (=ISO 8067:2008)
Gr.N Gr.D
SLS 1326:2008 SLS 1332 Part 1:2008
Tamil character code for information interchange Methods of test for fruit and vegetable products - Fruit
Provides a copying of Tamil for use in computer and juice - determination of soluble solids content
communication media. This standard character code pyknometric method
encodes the characters of the Tamil language within 128 Specifies a pyknometric method for the determination of
code positions of the 16 - bit Basic Multilingual Plane the soluble solids content of fruit juice. The method is
(BMP) of ISO/IEC 10646: 2003. applicable to fruit juice containing no suspended matter
32 pages, Gr.14 and to clear concentrated juice. It is not applicable to
other fruit and vegetable products, for which the method
SLS 1326 Part 1:2008 specified in ISO 2173 should be used.
Tamil character code for information interchange - (=ISO 2172:1983)
Collation sequence Gr.B
Prescribes the collation sequence for arranging a list of
words or phrases in the Tamil language. SLS 1332 Part 2:2008
5 pages, Gr.3 Methods of test for fruit and vegetable products -
Determination of soluble solids refractometric method
SLS 1327:2008 (S) Specifies a refractometric method for the determination
Code of hygienic practice for spices and other dried of the soluble solids in fruit and vegetable products. This
aromatic plants method is particularly applicable to thick products, to
Applies to spices and other dried aromatic plants-whole, products containing suspended matter, and to products rich
broken, ground or blended. It covers the minimum in sugar.
requirements of hygiene for harvesting, postharvest (=ISO 2173:2003)
technology processing establishment, processing Gr.D
technology packaging and storage of processed products.
17pages, Gr.9 SLS 1332 Part 3:2008
Methods of test for fruit and vegetable products -
SLS 1328:2008 Determination of benzoic acid and sorbic acid
Fruit juices and nectars concentrations – high-performance liquid
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and chromatography method
test for fruit juices and nectars intended for direct Specifies a method using high performance liquid
consumption without dilution. It does not cover Ready- chromatography for the determination of the concentration
to-serve fruit drinks intended for direct consumption. of benzoic and sorbic acids in fruit and vegetable juices.
(Supersedes SLS 274, SLS 813, SLS 927, SLS 957 & SLS (=ISO 22855:2008)
1041) Gr.E
(Incorporating Erratum Sheet)
AMD No.1, (AMD 478:2016) SLS 1332 Part 4:2008
AMD No.2, (AMD 499:2017) Methods of test for fruit and vegetable products -
20 pages, Gr.10 Determination of dry matter content by drying under

reduced pressure and of water content by azeotropic The method can be applied with the prescribed amount of
distillation. sample to products with a maximum total dry matter
Specifies a method for the determination of the dry matter content of 30%. Products with higher contents of total
content of fruit and vegetable products by drying under solids can be analysed using smaller amounts of sample
reduced pressure, and a method for the determination of after corresponding dilution with deionized water.
water content by azeotropic distillation. (=ISO 17240:2004)
(Supersedes SLS 348:1975) Gr.C
(=ISO 1026:1982)
Gr.B SLS 1332 Part 11:2010
Methods of test for fruit and vegetable products -
SLS 1332 Part 5:2010 Decomposition of organic matter prior to analysis -
Methods of test for fruit and vegetable products - wet method
Determination of total sulphur dioxide content Specifies a method for the decomposition of the organic
Specifies a method for the determination of the total matter in fruits, vegetables or derived products by wet
sulphur dioxide content of fruits, vegetables and derived digestion, prior to the analysis of their mineral (metal)
products, whatever the sulphur dioxide content. content.
(=ISO 5522:1981) (=ISO 5515:1979)
Gr.D Gr.B
SLS 1332 Part 6:2010 SLS 1332 Part 12:2010
Methods of test for fruit and vegetable products - Methods of test for fruit and vegetable products -
Determination of sulphur dioxide content (Routine Decomposition of organic matter prior to
method) analysis- ashing method
Specifies a routine method for the determination of the Specifies a method for the decomposition of the organic
sulphur dioxide content of liquid fruit and vegetable matter in fruits, vegetables or derived products by ashing,
products. prior to the analysis of their mineral (metal) content.
(=ISO 5523:1981) (=ISO 5516:1978)
Gr.B Gr.A
SLS 1332 Part 7 Section 1:2010 SLS 1333:2008
Methods of test for fruit and vegetable products - Rubberized coir mattresses and cushions
Determination of cadmium content - Method using Prescribes the requirements and methods of test and
graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry sampling for rubberized coir mattresses and cushions.
Specifies a graphite furnace atomic absorption (Supersedes SLS 810:1988)
spectrometric method for the determination of the (Corrigendum Sheet)
cadmium content of fruits, vegetables and derived 13 pages, Gr.7
(=ISO 6561-1:2005) SLS 1334:2008
Gr.C Latex foam rubber mattresses and cushions
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
SLS 1332 Part 7 Section 2:2010 test for latex foam rubber mattresses and cushions.
Methods of test for fruit and vegetable products - AMD No.1(AMD 385:2009)
Determination of cadmium content - Method using (Supersedes SLS 870:1989)
flame atomic absorption spectrometry 13 pages, Gr.7
Specifies an atomic absorption spectrometric method for
the determination of the cadmium content of fruits, SLS 1335:2008
vegetables and derived products. Polyurethane foam mattresses and cushions
(=ISO 6561-2:2005) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Gr.C test for flexible polyurethane foam mattresses and
cushions. Polyurethane foam mattresses and cushions with
SLS 1332 Part 8:2010 spring units are not covered.
Methods of test for fruit and vegetable products - AMD No. 1 (AMD 386:2009)
Determination of lead content - flameless atomic AMD No. 2 (AMD 409:2010)
absorption spectrometric method AMD No. 3 (AMD 426:2012)
Specifies a flameless atomic absorption spectrometric AMD No 4 (AMD 453:2013)
method for the determination of the lead content of fruits, (Supersedes SLS 893:1990)
vegetables and derived products. 16 pages, Gr.8
(=ISO 6633:1984)
Gr.B SLS 1336:2017
Single use containers made of polymeric materials for
SLS 1332 Part 9:2010 packaging of drinking water
Methods of test for fruit and vegetable products - (First revision)
Determination of arsenic content - method using Prescribes the requirements for raw materials, capacities,
hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry performance requirements and methods of sampling and
Specifies a hydride generation atomic absorption tests for containers with tamper proof closures made of
spectrometric method for the determination of the arsenic polymeric materials except flexible pouches for packaging
content of fruits, vegetables and derived products. of water used for drinking purposes. it does not cover
(=ISO 17239:2004) containers made of polymeric materials used for packaging
Gr.E of flavored, oxygenated or carbonated water and reusable
SLS 1332 Part 10:2010 25 pages, Gr.12
Methods of test for fruit and vegetable products -
Determination of tin content- method using flame SLS 1337:2008
atomic absorption spectrometry Code of practice for refrigeration
Specifies an atomic absorption spectrometric method for Covers from handling and storage of refrigerants to design,
the determination of the tin content of fruit and vegetable installation, maintenance and conversion systems,
products in the concentration range 10 mg/kg to 500 mg/ containing refrigerants. The systems have been
kg. It is a rapid method, especially suitable for routine catagorized in the sub sectors and pertinent information
determinations of tin in canned fruits and vegetables in the addendum can be applied to all the sub sectors.
contaminated with tin which has migrated from the can. 36 pages, Gr.16
SLS 1338:2008 Provides guidance on the determination of dynamic
Paper towels properties of vulcanized and thermoplastic rubbers. It
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and includes both free-and forced-vibration methods carried
test for paper towels. out on both materials and products. It does not cover
AMD No.1(AMD 399:2010) rebound resilience or cyclic tests in which the main
AMD No.2(AMD 509:2021) objective is to fatigue the rubber.
9 pages, Gr.5 (=ISO 4664-1:2005)
SLS 1339:2008
Paper serviettes SLS 1346:2018
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Hair shampoo
test for paper serviettes. (First revision)
AMD No. 1(AMD 400:2010) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
AMD No 2(AMD 471:2014) test for hair shampoo based on surfactants.
AMD No.3(AMD 510:2021) AMD No.1 (AMD 540:2021)
9 pages, Gr.5 16 pages, Gr.8
SLS 1340:2008 SLS 1347:2008
Facial tissues Pneumatic tyres for three wheeled motor vehicles
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and tests
test for facial tissues, supplied in folded and white or for pneumatic tyres for three wheeled motor vehicles.
coloured. 15 pages, Gr.8
AMD No.1(AMD 401:2010)
9 pages, Gr.5 SLS 1348:2008
Good manufacturing practices (GMP) for cleansing
SLS 1341:2008 materials
Hair oil Covers the requirements of good manufacturing practices
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test of cleansing materials starting from raw materials stage
for hair oils. It does not cover enfluerage type of hair oils, to dispatch from the company, setting out the necessary
baby hair oil, hair mreams, brilliantiness, pomades, conditions for producing the end products which is/are
preparations sold under the name of their darkness oil and safe and suitable for use. It does not cover cosmetics and
hair oils with therapeutic claims. research and development activities of cleansing materials.
8 ages, Gr.4 AMD No 1(AMD 452:2013)
10 pages, Gr.5
SLS 1342:2018
Hair shampoo for babies SLS 1349:2018
(First revision) Method for the enumeration and detection of aerobic
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and mesophilic bacteria in cosmetics
test for baby shampoo based on surfactants and herbal (First revision)
shampoo. Gives general guidelines for enumeration and detection
AMD No.1(AMD 539:2021) of aerobic mesophilic bacteria present in
12pages, Gr.6 cosmetics
(=ISO 21149:2017)
SLS 1343:2008 Gr.M
Method for the determination of transmission rate of
volatile liquids of rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic SLS 1350:2016
rubber sheets and rubber coated fabrics by gravimetric Method of test for the detection of Pseudomonas
technique aeruginosa in cosmetics
Specifies two methods for determining, by measurement (First revision)
of the transmission rate, the permeability of rubber to Gives general guidelines for the detection and
volatile liquids diffusing into open air. It is applicable only identification of the specified microorganism
to materials in sheet form and to coated fabrics, having Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cosmetic products.
thickness of between 0,2 mm and 3,0 mm. (=ISO 22717:2015)
(=ISO 6179:1998) Gr.G
SLS 1351:2016
SLS 1344:2020 Method of test for the detection of Staphylococcus
Method for the determination of opacity (paper aureus in cosmetics
backing) of paper and board by diffuse reflectance (First revision)
method. Gives general guidelines for the detection and
(First revision) identification of the specified microorganism
Specifies a method for the determination of the opacity Staphylococcus aureus in cosmetic products.
(paper backing) of paper by diffuse reflectance. (=ISO 22718:2015)
It can be used to determine the opacity of papers or boards Gr.H
which contain fluorescent whitening agents,
provided the UV content of the radiation incident on the SLS 1352:2008
test piece has been adjusted to conform to that in the CIE Electric flexible cables rated upto 450/750 V, for use
illuminant C using a fluorescent reference standard with appliances and equipment intended for industrial
provided by an authorized laboratory as described in SLS and similar environments
1276-1. (Withdrawn) (superseded by SLS ISO 1504 parts)
This Standard is not applicable to coloured papers or
boards which incorporate fluorescent dyes or pigments. SLS 1353:2008
(=ISO 2471:2008) Marking by inscription for the identification of cores
Gr.D of electric cables
Specifies, the requirements to be met when the
SLS 1345 Part 1:2008 identification of individual cores in a cable, is by
Method for the determination of dynamic properties inscription of numbers on to the extruded insulation of
of rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - General each core. The requirements apply only when called up
guidance by the particular cable standard.
8 pages, Gr.4
SLS 1354 Part 1:2008 Specifies five methods intended for determining the
Methods for determination of roll characteristics of resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all
rubber – or plastics - coated fabrics - Determination forms to washing procedures, from mild to severe, used
of length, width and net mass for normal household articles. It is designed to determine
Describes methods of determining the length, width and the effect of washing only on the colour fastness of the
net mass of a roll of rubber- or plastics-coated fabric. textile. It is not intended to reflect the result of the
(Supersedes SLS 761 Part 1:1986) comprehensive laundering procedure.
(=ISO 2286-1:998) (Supersedes SLS 52:1998, SLS 53:1998, SLS 54:1998,
Gr.A SLS 55:1998 & SLS 56:1998)
(=ISO 105 - C10:2006)
SLS 1354 Part 2:2008 Gr.C
Methods for determination of roll characteristics of
rubber – or plastics - coated fabrics - Determination SLS 1358:2008
of total mass per unit area, mass per unit area of coating Vocabulary for morphology of textile fibres and yarns
and mass per unit area of substrate Defines the principal terms used to describe the various
Describes methods of determining the total mass per unit forms into which textile fibres can be assembled, up to
area, the mass per unit area of the coating and the mass and including cabled yarns. It contains only terms of
per unit area of the substrate cloth of a rubber- or plastics- general application; terms and/or definitions which are
coated fabric. specific to particular fibres such as hemp, silk, textile glass,
(Supersedes SLS 761 Part 1:1986) metal fibre, carbon fibre, etc. are excluded.
(=ISO 2286-2:1998) (=ISO 8159:1987)
Gr.C Gr.B
SLS 1354 Part 3:2008 SLS 1359:2008
Methods for determination of roll characteristics of Method for determination of unevenness of textile
rubber – or plastics - coated fabrics - Determination strands using capacitance method
of thickness Describes a method, using capacitance measuring
Describes a method for the determination, at a specified equipment, for determining the unevenness of linear
pressure, of the thickness of rubber and plastics-coated density along the length of textile strands.
fabrics, irrespective of the type of substrate employed. It (Supersedes SLS 674:1984)
is applicable to single-face, double-face and double-texture (=ISO 16549:2004)
coated fabrics, as well as materials in which an expanded Gr.E
layer is included in the coating.
(Supersedes SLS 761 Part 1:1988) SLS 1360:2014
(=ISO 2286-3:1998) Definitions for non wovens
Gr.B (First revision)
Establishes a definition for the term nonwovens.
SLS 1355 Part 1:2008 (=ISO 9092:2011)
Methods for determination of tear resistance of rubber- Gr.A
or plastics - coated fabrics - Constant rate of tear
methods SLS 1361:2008
Describes two methods for determining the forces Vocabulary for description of defects of woven fabrics
necessary to initiate and propagate tearing of a coated Describes defects which commonly appear during the
fabric using the constant rate of tear method. Methods inspection of woven piece-goods and define woven-fabric
described are tongue tear and trouser tear methods. defects, i.e. those characteristics that have been
(Supersedes SLS 761 Part 2:1986) unintentionally introduced into the fabric.
(=ISO 4674 -1:2003) (=ISO 8498:1990)
Gr.F Gr.L
SLS 1355 Part 2:2008 SLS 1362 Part 1:2008
Methods for determination of tear resistance of rubber- Methods of test for agricultural food products -
or plastics - coated fabrics - Ballistic Determination of crude fibre content – general method
pendulum method Specifies a conventional method for the determination of
Describes a method for the determination of tear resistance the crude fibre content of agricultural food products.
based on the action of an active force applied to a notched (=ISO 5498:1981)
test piece. The test may be carried out on: test pieces that Gr.D
have been conditioned in a standard atmosphere, or test
pieces that have undergone per-treatment. SLS 1363:2013
(Supersedes SLS 761 Part 2:1986) Methods of test for personal protective footwear
(=ISO 4674-2:1998) (first revision)
Gr.C Specifies methods for testing footwear designed as
personal protective equipment.
SLS 1356:2008 (=ISO 20344:2011)
Methods for determination of width and length of Gr.W
textile fabrics
Specifies a method for the determination of length and SLS 1364:2013
width of textile fabrics that are in a tension-free relaxed Personal safety footwear
state. The test is applicable to textile fabrics of full width, (first revision)
folded lengthwise down the middle, or in tubular form, Specifies basic and additional (optional) requirements for
but no longer than 100 m. It does not specify a method to safety footwear used for general purpose.
determine or describe construction defects or other defects. (=ISO 20345:2011)
It is not applicable to coated fabrics. Gr.P
(Supersedes SLS 45 & SLS 46:1980)
(=ISO 22198:2006) SLS 1365 Part 1:2009
Gr.C Aqueous coconut products - Coconut milk
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
SLS 1357:2008 test for packaged aqueous coconut milk products offered
Methods for the determination of colour fastness of for direct consumption, including for catering purposes.
textile materials to washing with soap or soap and soda 14 pages, Gr.7

SLS 1365 Part 2:2009 SLS 1371 Part 3:2016
Aqueous coconut products - Coconut Cream and Method of test for tissue paper and tissue products -
Coconut Paste Determination of thickness, bulking thickness and
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and apparent bulk density and bulk
test for packaged coconut cream and coconut paste Specifies a test method for the determination of thickness
offered for direct consumption, including for catering and bulking thickness and the calculation of apparent bulk
purposes. density and bulk of tissue papers and tissue products under
(Supersedes SLS 49:1969) a pressure of 2,0 kPa.
16 pages, Gr.8 (=ISO 12625-3:2014)
SLS 1366:2009
Guidelines for identification of warp and weft SLS 1371 Part 4 Section 1:2016
directions in woven fabrics Method of test for tissue paper and tissue products -
Recommends guidelines for identification of wrap and weft Determination of optical properties - Measurement of
directions of a woven fabric sample without selvedge. brightness and colour with d 65/100 (outdoor daylight)
(Superseding CS 49:1969) Specifies testing procedures for the instrumental
5 pages, Gr.3 determination of brightness and colour of tissue paper and
tissue products viewed under outdoor daylight conditions.
SLS 1367:2009 It also gives specific instructions for the preparation of
Abbreviations for rubber compounding ingredients test pieces (single-ply, multi-ply products) and for the
Establishes unambiguous abbreviations for commonly optical measurements of products, where special
used rubber compounding ingredients of known, specific precautions may be necessary.
chemical composition. (=ISO 12625-7:2014)
(=ISO 6472:2004) Gr.F
SLS 1371 Part 4 Section 2:2016
SLS 1368:2009 Method of test for tissue paper and tissue products -
Definitions for textured filament yarns in textiles Determination of optical properties - Measurement of
Establishes terms and definitions for characteristics of brightness and colour with c/20 (indoor daylight)
textured filament yarns. illuminant
(=ISO 10132:1993) Specifies testing procedures for the instrumental
Gr.B determination of brightness and colour of tissue paper and
tissue products viewed in indoor daylight conditions. It
SLS 1369:2009 also gives specific instructions for the preparation of test
Vocabulary for textured filament yarns in textiles pieces (single-ply, multi-ply products) and for the optical
Names the various types of textured filament yarn and measurements of products, where special precautions may
defines them in terms of the processes by which they are be necessary.
produced. (=ISO 12625-15:2015)
(=ISO 8160:1987) Gr.F
SLS 1371 Part 4 Section 3:2016
SLS 1370:2016 Method of test for tissue paper and tissue products -
Methods of test for determination of thickness, density Determination of optical properties - Opacity
and specific volume of paper and board (paper backing) by diffuse reflectance method
(First revision) Specifies the testing procedures for the instrumental
Specifies two methods for measuring the thickness of paper determination of the opacity of tissue paper or tissue
and board: the measurement of a single sheet of paper or products by diffuse reflectance using a paper backing. IT
board as a single sheet thickness; the measurement of a contains specific instructions for the preparation of test
pack of sheets of paper as a bulking thickness. This pieces of single-ply and multi-ply products, where special
standard also specifies calculation methods for the preparation/procedures might be necessary.
apparent sheet density and for the apparent bulk density, (=ISO 12625-16:2015)
and for the apparent specific sheet volume and for the Gr.E
apparent specific bulk volume from the thickness
determinations. It is not applicable to corrugated SLS 1371 Part 5:2017
fibreboard. Method of test for tissue paper and tissue products -
(=ISO 534:2011) Determination of wet tensile strength
Gr.G Specifies a test method for the determination of the wet
tensile strength of tissue paper and tissue products after
SLS 1371 Part 1:2017 soaking with water, using a tensile-strength-testing
Method of test for tissue paper and tissue products - apparatus operating with a constant rate of elongation.
Determination of tensile strength, stretch at maximum (ISO 12625-5:2016)
force and tensile energy absorption Gr.H
(First revision)
Specifies a test mehthod for the determination of the tensile SLS 1371 Part 6:2017
strength, stretch at maximum force and tensile energy Method of test for tissue paper and tissue products -
absorption of tissue paper and tissue products. It uses a Determination of the resistance to mechanical
tensile-testing apparatus operating with a constant rate of penetration (Ball brust strength procedure)
elongation. It also specifies the method of calcutating the Specifies a test method for the determination of the
tensile index and the tensile energy absorption index. resistance to mechanical penetration (ball burst strength
(=ISO 12625-4:2016) procedure) of tissue paper and tissue products.
Gr.E (ISO 12625 - 9:2015)
SLS 1371 Part 2:2017
Method of test for tissue paper and tissue products - SLS 1371 Part 7:2020
Determination of grammage Method of test for tissue paper and tissue products-
(First revision) Determination of wet ball burst strength
Specifies a test mehthod for the determination of Specifies a test method for the determination of the
grammage of tissue paper and tissue products. resistance to mechanical penetration (ball burst strength
(=ISO 12625-6:2016) procedure) of tissue paper and tissue products after
Gr.E wetting.
(=ISO 12625-11:2019) Recommends the guidelines for application of
Gr. E thermoplastic road marking materials which are melted
and applied hot to road surfaces and glass beads used to
SLS 1372:2009 (S) improve the visibility of road marking materials.
Black pepper and white pepper, ground (Superseding SLS 955 Part 2:1992)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and 5 pages, Gr.3
testing for ground, black pepper and white pepper (Piper
nigrum L). SLS 1379:2009
11 pages, Gr.6 Good manufacturing practices (GMP) for cosmetics
SLS 1373:2020 (Superseded by SLS ISO 22716)
Crankcase lubricating oils for internal combustion
diesel engines SLS 1380:2017
(First revision) Method for the determination of the degree of
Specifies requirements and methods of sampling and disintegration of plastic materials under defined
testing for types of lubricating oils suitable for the composting conditions in a pilot scale test
crankcase lubrication of light duty and heavy duty naturally (First revision)
aspirated, turbo-charged or supercharged compression- Determine the degree of disintegration of plastic materials
ignition engines (diesel engines) of passenger cars, light in a pilot-scale aerobic composting test under defined
duty trucks and heavy duty trucks that operate under the consitions. It forms part of an overall scheme for the
API Service Category CH-4 as defined by API 1509. evaluation of the compostability of plastics as outlined in
This standard may also apply to lubricants used in ISO 17088, Plastics-evaluation of Compostability-test
compression-ignition engines for stationary appliances Scheme for final acceptance. The test method laid down
such as generators, compressors and pumps wherever so in this standard can be used to determine the influence of
recommended by the manufacturer or adopted by the user. the test material on the composting process and the quality
12 pages, Gr.6 of the compost obtained. It cannot be used to determine
the aerobic biodegradability of a test material.
SLS 1374:2020 (=ISO 16929:2013)
Crankcase lubricating oils for internal combustion Gr.E
gasoline engines
(First revision) SLS 1381:2009
Specifies requirements and methods of sampling and Follow – Up formula
testing for types of lubricating oil suitable for the crankcase Prescribes the composition, quality and safety
lubrication of gasoline/petrol engines that operate under requirements, methods of sampling and test for follow-up
the API Service Category SL as defined by API 1509. formula. It does not cover infant formula (starter)
This standard may also apply to lubricants used in spark products.
ignition engines for stationary appliances such as 23 pages, Gr.10
generators, compressors and pumps wherever so
recommended by the manufacturer or adopted by the user. SLS 1382 Part 1:2009 (S)
12 pages, Gr.6 Compressed stabilized earth blocks - Requirements
Compressed stabilized earth blocks deals with
SLS 1375:2019 requirements for compliance and specifies materials, sizes
Ceramic tile adhesives and dimensional tolerances, minimum performance levels
(First revision) for CSEB for construction work. It covers solid, hollow,
Applicable to ceramic tile adhesives for internal and interlocking and plain CSEB.
external tile installations on walls and floors. It establishes AMD No. 1 (AMD 472:2015)
the terminology, concerning the products, working 13 pages, Gr.7
methods, application properties, etc. for ceramic tile
adhesives. It does not contain criteria or recommendations SLS 1382 Part 2:2009 (S)
for the design and installation of ceramic tiles. Compressed stabilized earth blocks - Test methods
(=ISO 13007-1:2014) Specifies test methods for the determination of
Gr.E compressive strength of blocks, bending strength of blocks,
dimensions, dry density, volume of cavities, absorption
SLS 1376:2019 of moisture, durability and soil testing methods to select
Ceramic tile grouts proper soil as a raw material.
(First revision) 17 pages, Gr.9
Applicable to ceramic tile grouts for internal and external
tile installations on walls and floors. It establishes the SLS 1382 Part 3:2009
terminology, concerning the products, working methods, Compressed stabilized earth blocks - Guidelines on
application properties, etc. for ceramic tile grouts. It production, design and construction
specifies the values of performance requirements for all Compressed stabilized earth block (CSEB) deals with
ceramic tile grouts. It does not contain criteria or production, design and construction of CSEB. This
recommendations for the design and installation of ceramic specifies materials, sizes and dimensional tolerances,
tiles. minimum performance levels for CSEB for construction
(=ISO 13007-3:2010) work etc. It covers solid, hollow, plain and interlocking
Gr.D CSEB. A part of the standard gives recommendations for
the structural design of un-reinforced CESB masonry.
SLS 1377:2009 55 pages, Gr.18
Polyethylene food wrapping sheet
Prescribes the requirements and method of test for SLS 1383
polyethylene food wrapping sheets. Bio-degradable and Plastic straws
photo degradable food wrapping sheets are not covered (Withdrawn)
by this standard. Shrink wrapping sheets are excluded from
this specification. SLS 1384:2013
8 pages, Gr.4 Thermoplastic road marking materials
(First revision)
SLS 1378:2009 Prescribes the quality requirements, methods of sampling
Code of practice for application of thermoplastic road and test for thermoplastic road marking materials in any
marking materials colour to be applied on road surfaces and runways.
15 pages, Gr.7
(=ISO 105-A05:1996)
SLS 1385:2013 Gr.B
Polyamide 3-, 4-, 8- and 12- strand fibre ropes
(First revision) SLS 1387 Part 6:2009
Specifies requirements for 3- strand hawser-laid 4- strand Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles -
shroud-laid ropes, 8- strand braided ropes and 12- strand Instrumental determination of 1/1 standard depth of
braided ropes for general service made of polyamide, and colour
gives rules for their designation. Intended for determining 1/1 standard depth of a dyeing
(=ISO 1140:2012) on any textile material by a colorimetric method as a
Gr.D permitted alternative to the visual method described in
clause 12 of ISO 105-A01:1994. This is applicabl to 1/1
SLS 1386:2013 standard depth of colour only. Its use for other standard
Polyester 3-,4-,8- and 12 – Strand fibre ropes depths is under consideration.
(First revision) (=ISO 105-A06:1995)
Specifies requirements for 3- strand hawser-laid and 4- Gr.B
strand shroud-laid ropes, 8- strand braided ropes and 12-
strand braided ropes for general service made of polyester, SLS 1387 Part 7:2009
and gives rules for their designation. Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles -
(=ISO 1141:2012) Vocabulary used in colour measurement
Gr.D Specifies the terms and definitions of colour masurements
that are used throughout ISO 105. These definitions are
SLS 1387 Part 1:2011 intendes to be used only within the content and scope of
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - General ISO 105.
principles of testing (=ISO 105-A08:2001)
(First revision) Gr.C
Provides general information about the methods for testing
colour fastness of textiles for the guidance of sers. The SLS 1387 Part 8:2018
uses and limitations of the methods are pointed out, several Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - tests
terms are defined, an outline of the form of the methods is for colour fastness - colour fastness to weathering -
given and the contents of the clauses constituting the outdoor exposure
methods are discussed. Procedures common to a number (First revision)
of the methods are discussed briefly. Specifies a method intended for determining the resistance
(=ISO 105-A01:2010) of the colour of textiles of all kinds except loose fibres to
Gr.E the action of weather as determined by outdoor exposure.
(=ISO 105-B03:2017)
SLS 1387 Part 2:2009 Gr.D
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Grey
scale for assessing change in colour SLS 1387 Part 9:2009
Describes the grey scale for determining changes in colour Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles -
of textiles in colour fastness tests, and its use. A precise Determination of colour fastness to artificial
colorimetric specification of the scale is given as a weathering: xenon arc fading lamp test
permanent record against which newly prepared working Specifies a method intended for determining the resistance
standards and standards that may have changed can be of the colour of textiles of all kinds, except loose fibres,
compared. to the action of weather as determined by exposure to
(=ISO 105-A02:1993) simulated weathering conditions in a cabinet equipped with
Gr.A a xenon arc lamp. This method can be used to determine
if a textile is wet light-sensitive.
SLS 1387 Part 3:2009 (= ISO 105-B04:1994)
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Grey Gr.D
scale for assessing staining
Describes the grey scale for determining staining of SLS 1387 Part 10:2009
adjacent fabrics in colour fastness tests and its use. A Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles -
precise coloumetric specification of the scale is given as Detection and assessment of photochromism
a permanent record against which newly prepared working Specifies a method intended for detecting and assessing
standards and standards that may have changed can be change in colour, after brief exposure to light, of coloured
compared. textiles which change in colour on exposure to light but
(=ISO 105-A03:1993) which virtually return to their original shade when stored
Gr.A in the dark.
(=ISO 105-B05:1993)
SLS 1387 Part 4:2009 Gr.B
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles -
Instrumental assessment of the degree of staining of SLS 1387 Part 11:2009
adjacent fabrics Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles -
Specifies an instrumental method for assessing the degree Determination of colour fastness and ageing to
of staining of adjacent fabrics in any fastness test, as an artificial light at high temperatures: xenon arc fading
alternative to the visual method. lamp test
(=ISO 105-A04:1989) Specifies a method for determining the colour fastness
Gr.A and ageing properties of all kinds and forms of dyed and
printed textiles and/or other organic substrates under the
SLS 1387 Part 5:2009 action of an artificial light source representative of natural
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - daylight (D65), and under the simultaneous action of heat.
Instrumental assessment of change in colour for Of the four different sets of exposure conditions specified,
determination of grey scale rating three use D65, and the fourth a somewhat lower cut-off
Specifies an instrumental method for assessing the chnge wavelength. The test method gives special consideration
in colour of a test specimen in comparison to an dentical to the light and heat conditions that occur in the interior
untreated reference, and the calculations unertaken to of a motor vehicle.
convert the instrumental measurements into a grey scale (=ISO 105-B06:1998)
rating. This method is intended as analternative to the Gr.H
many national mathods for visual evluation of the effect
of a colour fastness test on any textile material. SLS 1387 Part 12:2009
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the
Determination of colour fastness to light of textiles colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action
wetted with artificial perspiration of hot water. The method is mainly applicable to wool
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the and textiles containing wool.
colour of textiles, of all kinds and in all forms, to the (ISO 105-E08:1994)
combined effect of wetting with acid or alkaline artificial Gr.A
perspiration solutions and an artificial light source
representing natural daylight (D65). SLS 1387 Part 19:2010
(=ISO 105-B07:2009) Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Wool
Gr.C adjacent fabric
Spcifies an undyed wool adjacent fabric which may be
SLS 1387 Part 13:2009 used for the assessment of staining in colour fastness tests.
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Quality (=ISO 105-F01:2001)
control of blue wool reference materials 1 to 7 Gr.B
Describes a method for carrying out quality control of
production batches of the blue wool reference materials 1 SLS 1387 Part 20:2010
to 7 which are to be used in the appropriate Parts of ISO Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Cotton
105-B series of test methods for colour fastness to light. and viscose adjacent fabrics
The method specifies one procedure for instrumental Specfies an undyed cotton (and an undyed viscose) adjaent
assessment of the evenness of dyeing and two procedures fabric which may be used for the assessment
for assessing the fading characteristics of the reference of staining in colour fastness tests.
materials, one of which uses visual assessment techniques (=ISO 105-F02:2009)
and the other instrumental assessment. Gr.B
(=ISO 105-B08:1995)
Gr.D SLS 1387 Part 21:2010
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles -
SLS 1387 Part 14:2011 Polyamide adjacent fabric
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Speifies an undyed polyamide adjacent fabric which may
Determination of colour fastness to domestic & be used for the assessment of staining in colour fasness
commercial laundering tests.
(First revision) (=ISO 105-F03:2001)
Specifies methods intended for determining the resistance Gr.B
of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to
domestic or commercial laundering procedures used for SLS 1387 Part 22:2010
normal household articles using a reference detergent. Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Polyester
These methods do not reflect the effect of optical adjacent fabric
brighteners present in commercial washing products. Specifies an undyed polyester adjacent fabric which may
(=ISO 105-C06:2010) be used for the assessment of staining in colour fastness
Gr.E tests.
(=ISO 105-F04:2001)
SLS 1387 Part 15:2009 Gr.B
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles -
Determination of colour fastness to industrial SLS 1387 Part 23:2010
laundering Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Acrylic
Specifies methods for determining the resistance of the adjacent fabric
colour of textiles of all kinds exposed to all forms of Specifies an undyed acrylic adjacent fabric which may be
industrial laundering procedures. used for the assessment of staining in colour fastness tests.
(=ISO 105-C12:2004) (=ISO 105-F05:2001)
Gr.D Gr.B
SLS 1387 Part 16:2009 SLS 1387 Part 24:2010
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Silk
Determination of colour fastness to rubbing- organic adjacent fabric
solvents Specifies an undyed silk adjacent fabric which may be
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the used for the assessment of staining in colour fastness tests.
colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms, except loose (=ISO 105-F06:2000)
fibre, to the combined action of rubbing and of organic Gr.B
solvents used in spot-cleaning, i.e. localized “spotting”
carried out by hand. SLS 1387 Part 25:2010
(=ISO 105-D02:1993) Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles -
Gr.A Secondary acetate adjacent fabric
Specifies an undyed secondary acetate adjacent fabric
SLS 1387 Part 17:2011 which may be used for the assessment of staining in colour
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - fastness tests.
Determination of colour fastness to chlorinated (=ISO 105-F07:2001)
waterDetermination of colour fastness to chlorinated Gr.B
water (swimming pool water)
(First revision) SLS 1387 Part 26:2010
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Cotton
colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action rubbing cloth
of active chlorine in concentration such as are used to Specifies a cotton rubbing cloth which can be used for the
disinfect swimming –pool water (break-point assessment of staining in colour fastness to rubbing tests.
chlorination). (=ISO 105-F09:2009)
(=ISO 105-E03:2010) Gr.B
SLS 1387 Part 27:2010
SLS 1387 Part 18:2009 Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Adjacent
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - fabric - multifibre
Determination of colour fastness to hot water

Establishes general requirements for undyed multifibre Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the
adjacent fabrics which may be used for the assessment of colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action
staining in colour fastness test procedures. of sulfur dioxide as used for bleaching animal fibres.
(=ISO 105-F10:1989) (=ISO 105-N05:1993)
Gr.C Gr.B
SLS 1387 Part 28:2010 SLS 1387 Part 35:2010
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - General Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Colour
principles for measurement of surface colour fastness to dry heat (excluding pressing)
Designed as a reference document to support the proper Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the
measurement of the colour of specimens by colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action
instrumental means as required in many parts of ISO 105. of dry heat, excluding pressing, as it is used to stabilize
The document describes general concepts and problems the size and form of textiles. Three tests differing in
associated with reflectance colour measurement. temperature are provided; one or more of them may be
(=ISO 105-J01:1997) used, depending on the requirements and the stability of
Gr.G the fibres. This method is not intended for the assessment
of colour Change during crease-resist or dyeing processes.
SLS 1387 Part 29:2010 (=ISO 105-P01:1993)
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Gr.B
Instrumental assessment of relative whiteness
Specifies a method intended for quantifying the whiteness SLS 1387 Part 36:2010
and tint of textiles, including fluorescent materials. Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles -
(=ISO 105-J02:1997) Determination of colour fastness to pleating: Steam
Gr.D pleating
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the
SLS 1387 Part 30:2010 colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - of steam-pleating processes. The materials are not pleated
Calculation of colour differences during the test, and it is emphasized that the test is not
Provides a method of calculating the colour difference intended for assessing the quality of the pleating process.
between two specimens of the same material, measured Three tests differing in severity are provided; one or more
under the same conditions,such that the numerical value of them may be used depending on the requirements.
Ecmc(l:c) for the total colour difference quantifies the (=ISO 105-P02:2002)
extent to which the two specimens do not match. It permits Gr.C
the specification of a maximum value (tolerance) which
depends only on the closeness of match required for a SLS 1387 Part 37:2011
given end-use and not on the colour involved, nor on the Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles -
nature of the colour difference. The method also provides Determination of colour fastness to mercerizing
a means for establishing the ratio of differences in lightness Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the
to chroma and to hue. colour of textiles to the action of concentrated solutions
(=ISO 105-J03:1995) of sodium hydroxide used in mercerizing. The method is
Gr.E mainly applicable to cotton and to mixtures containing
SLS 1387 Part 31:2010 (=ISO 105-X04:1994)
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Gr.A
Instrumental assessment of the colour inconstancy of a
specimen with change in illuminant (CMCCON02) SLS 1387 Part 38:2011
Provides a colorimetric method for calculating an estimate Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles -
of the magnitude (and optionally the direction) of the Determination of colour fastness to cross-dyeing - wool
change in the perceived colour of a textile specimen when Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the
the chromaticity of the illumination by which it is viewed colour of textiles to the action of processes used for dyeing
is changed. It therefore provides an estimate of the colour wool.
inconstancy of the specimen. (=ISO 105-X07:1994)
(=ISO 105-J05:2007) Gr.B
SLS 1387 Part 39:2011
SLS 1387 Part 32:2010 Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles -
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Determination of colour fastness to degumming
Determination of colour fastness to bleaching - Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the
Peroxide colour of textiles of all kinds, except loose fibre, to the
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the action of soap solutions such as those used in degumming
colou of textiles of all kinds, and in all forms, to the action raw silk.
of bleaching baths containing peroxide in concentrations (=ISO 105-X08:1994)
commonly used in textile processing. Gr.A
(=ISO 105-N02:1993)
Gr.B SLS 1387 Part 40:2011
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles -
SLS 1387 Part 33:2010 Determination of colour fastness to formaldehyde
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the
Determination of colour fastness to bleaching: sodium colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action
chlorite (severe) of formaldehyde vapour, as may be encountered in
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the storehouses where fabrics are stored with materials which
colour of natura1 cellulose textiles to the action of severe have undergone a crease-resistant treatment. This method
bleaching with sodium chlorite as ordinarily employed in is not suitable for assessing changes in colour which may
textile processing. occur during crease-resist finishing with urea-
(=ISO 105-N04:1993) formaldehyde products, or in subsequent treatment of the
Gr.A dyeing with solutions of formaldehyde.
(=ISO 105-X09:1993)
SLS 1387 Part 34:2010 Gr.A
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles -
Determination of colour fastness to stoving SLS 1387 Part 41:2011
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - the ageing behavior of the textile under test. The method
Assessment of migration of textile colours in to is also applicable to white (bleached or optically
polyvinyl coatings brightened) textiles.
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the (=ISO 105-B10:2011)
colour in textile fabrics to migration into polyvinyl chloride Gr.G
(PVC) which contains plasticizer.
(=ISO 105-X10:1993) SLS 1387 Part 48:2013
Gr.A Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Colour
fastness to perspiration
SLS 1387 Part 42:2011 Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action
Determination of colour fastness to acid chlorination of human perspiration.
of wool: sodium dichloroisocyanurate (=ISO 105-E04:2013)
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the (Superseding SLS 67:1998)
colour of wool in all forms to acid chlorination using Gr.C
sodium dichloro-isocyanurate.
(=ISO 105-X16:2001) SLS 1387 Part 49:2013
Gr.B Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Colour
fastness to sea water
SLS 1387 Part 43:2011 Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to immersion
Determination of colour fastness to rubbing – small in sea water.
areas (=ISO 105-E02:2013)
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the (Superseding SLS 64:1999)
colour of textiles to rubbing off and staining other materials Gr.C
where the singling out of areas smaller than possible to
test with the apparatus described in ISO 105-X12 is SLS 1387 Part 50:2015
required. Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Colour
(=ISO 105-D01:2010) fastness to artificial light - Xenon arc fading lamp test
Gr.C (First revision)
Specifies a method intended for determining the effect on
SLS 1387 Part 44:2011 the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - action of an artificial light source representative of natural
Determination of colour fastness to dry cleaning using daylight (D65). The method is also applicable to white
perchloroethylene solvent (bleached or optically brightened) textiles.
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the (=ISO 105–B02:2014)
colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to drycleaning Gr.R
using perchloroethylene solvent. This method is neither
suitable for the evaluation of the durability of textile SLS 1387 Part 51:2015
finishes, nor is it intended for use in evaluating the Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Colour
resistance of colours to spot and stain removal procedures fastness to light - Daylight
used by the drycleaner. Specifies a method intended for determining the resistance
(Supersedes SLS 416:1997) of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the
(=ISO 105-X14:1994) action of daylight. This method allows the use of two
Gr.B different sets of blue wool references. The results from
the two different sets of references may not be identical.
SLS 1387 Part 45:2013 (=ISO 105–B01:2014)
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - (Superseding SLS 62 Part 1:1997)
Determination of colour fastness to water Gr.G
(First revision)
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the SLS 1388 Part 1:2009
colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to immersion Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles -
in water. General Principles of Testing
(=ISO105-E01:2013) Specifies a common method for the quantitative chemical
Gr.C analysis of various binary mixtures of fibres.This method
is applicable to fibres in any textile form. Where certain
SLS 1387 Part 46:2013 textile forms are excepted, these are listed in the scope of
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - the appropriate part.
Determination of colour fastness grades by digital (=ISO 1833-1:2006)
imaging techniques Gr.J
Specifies the requirement for a digital imaging system for
use in the methods specified in Annexes A and B for the SLS 1388 Part 2:2009
determination of change in colour and staining by digital Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles -
imaging techniques. This method is not suitable for Ternary fibre mixtures
assessment of colour fastness to light as described in the Specifies methods of quantitative chemical analysis of
ISO 105 B series, as these standards do not use grey scales various ternary mixtures of fibres. The field of application
to assess the specimen. Describes apparatus, equipment of each method for analysing binary mixtures, specified
settings and calibration for the assessment of; change in in the parts of ISO 1833, indicates the fibres to which the
colour, and staining. method is applicable.
(=ISO 105-A11:2012) (Supersedes SLS 197:2002 & SLS 154:2001)
Gr.H (=ISO 1833-2:2006)
SLS 1387 Part 47:2013
Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles - Artificial SLS 1388 Part 3:2009
weathering – exposure to filtered xenon arc radiation Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles -
Specifies a procedure for exposing textiles to artificial Determination of percentage of acetate in textiles made
weathering in xenon – arc apparatus, including the action of binary mixtures of acetate and certain other fibres
of liquid water and water vapour, in order to determine (using acetone)
the weather resistance of the colour of textiles. The method Specifies a method, using acetone, to determine the
can be used either for determining the colour fastness or percentage of acetate, after removal of non-fibrous matter,
in textiles made of binary mixtures of acetate and wool, (Superseding SLS 150:1998)
animal hair, silk, regenerated protein, cotton (scoured, (=ISO 1833-7:2006)
kiered, or bleached), flax, hemp, jute, abaca, alfa, coir, Gr.B
broom, ramie, cupro, viscose, modal, polyamide, polyester,
acrylic and glass fibres. It is not applicable to mixtures SLS 1388 Part 8:2009
containing modacrylic fibres, nor to mixtures containing Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles -
acetate fibres that have been deacetylated on the surface. Determination of percentage of acetate in textiles made
(Supersedes SLS 173:2001) of binary mixtures of acetate and triacetatefibres (using
(=ISO 1833-3:2006) acetone)
Gr.A Specifies a method, using acetone, to determine the
percentage of acetate, after removal of non-fibrous matter,
SLS 1388 Part 4:2009 in textiles made of binary mixtures of acetate and triacetate
Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles - fibres.
Determination of percentage of protein fibre in textiles (Superseding SLS 176:2001)
made of binary mixtures of certain protein and certain (=ISO 1833-8:2006)
other fibres (using hypochlorite) Gr.A
Specifies a method, using hypochlorite, to determine the
percentage of protein fibre, after removal of non-fibrous SLS 1388 Part 9:2009
matter, in textiles made of binary mixtures of certain non- Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles -
protein fibres and one protein fibre, as follows: wool, Determination of percentage of acetate in textiles made
chemically-treated wool, other animal-hair fibres, silk, of binary mixtures of acetate and triacetate fibres
regenerated protein fibres based on casein, and cotton, (using benzyl alcohol)
cupro, viscose, modal, acrylic, chlorofibres, polyamide, Specifies a method, using benzyl alcohol, to determine
polyester, polypropylene, glass and elastane. I the percentage of acetate, after removal of non-fibrous
(Supersedes SLS 153:2001) matter, in textiles made of binary mixtures of acetate and
(=ISO 1833- 4:2006) triacetate fibres.
Gr.A (=ISO 1833-9:2006)
SLS 1388 Part 5:2009
Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles - SLS 1388 Part 10:2009
Determination of percentage of viscose, cupro or modal Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles -
fibre in textiles made of binary mixtures of viscose, Determination of percentage of triacetate in textiles
cupro or modal and cotton fibres (using sodium made of binary mixtures of triacetate or polylactide
zincate) and certain other fibres (using dichloromethane)
Specifies a method, using sodium zincate, to determine Specifies a method, using dichloromethane, to determine
the percentage of viscose, cupro or modal fibre, after the percentage of triacetate, after removal of non-fibrous
removal of non-fibrous matter, in textiles made of binary matter, in textiles made of binary mixtures of triacetate or
mixtures of viscose or most of the current cupro or modal polylactide and wool, regenerated protein, cotton (scoured,
fibres and raw, scoured, kiered or bleached cotton. The kiered, or bleached), viscose, cupro, modal, polyamide,
method is not applicable to mixtures in which the cotton polyester, acrylic and glass fibres.
has suffered extensive chemical degradation, nor when (Superseding SLS 177:2001)
the viscose, cupro or modal fibre is rendered incompletely (=ISO 1833-10:2006)
soluble by the presence of certain permanent finishes or Gr.A
reactive dyes that cannot be removed completely.
(Supersedes SLS 175:1999) SLS 1388 Part 11:2009
(=IS0 1833-5:2006) Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles -
Gr.B Determination of proportion of cellulose fibre in extiles
made of mixtures of cellulose and polyester fibres
SLS 1388 Part 6:2019 (using sulfuric acid)
Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles - Specifies a method, using sulfuric acid, to determine he
Determination of percentage of cotton in textiles made proportion of cellulose fibre, after removal of non-fibrous
of binary mixtures of viscose or certain types of cupro matter, in textiles made of mixtures of natual and
or modal or lyocell and cotton fibres (using formic acid regenerated cellulose fibres and polyester fibre.
and zinc chloride) (Superseding SLS 151:1997)
Specifies a method, using a mixture of formic acid and (=ISO 1833-11:2006)
zinc chloride, to determine the percentage of cotton, after Gr.A
removal of non-fibrous matter, in textiles made of binary
mixtures of viscose or some cupro, modal and lyocell SLS 1388 Part 12:2009
fibres, with cotton. The method is not applicable to Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles -
mixtures in which the cotton has suffered extensive Determination of percentage of acrylic, modacrylic,
chemical degradation, nor when the viscose, cupro, modal chlorofibre or elastane in textiles made of binary
or lyocell fibre is rendered incompletely soluble by the mixtures of acrylic, certain modacrylics, certain
presence of certain permanent finishes or reactive dyes chlorofibres, certain elastanes and certain other fibres
that cannot be removed completely. (using dimetylformamide)
(=ISO 1833-6:2018) Specifies a method, using dimethylformamide, to
Gr.B determine the percentage of acrylic, modacrylic,
chlorofibre or elastane, after removal of non-fibrous
SLS 1388 Part 7:2009 matter, in textiles made of binary mixtures of acrylic,
Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles - certain modacrylics, certain chlorofibres, certain elastanes
Determination of percentage of polyamide fibre in and animal fibres, cotton (scoured, kiered or bleached),
textiles made of binary mixtures of polyamide and viscose, cupro, modal, polyamide, polyester or glass fibres.
certain other fibres (using formic acid) It is applicable to animal hair, wool and silk dyed with
Specifies a method, using formic acid, to determine the pre-metallized dyes, but not to those dyed with after-
percentage of polyamide fibre, after removal of non- chrome dyes.
fibrous matter, in textiles made of binary mixtures of (Superseding SLS 152:1998)
polyamide and cotton, viscose, cupro, modal, polyester, (=ISO 1833-12:2006)
polypropylene, chlorofibre, acrylic or glass fibre. It is Gr. B
also applicable to mixtures with wool and animal hair, but
when the wool content exceeds 25 %, the method described
in ISO 1833-4 should be used.
SLS 1388 Part 13:2021 (=ISO 1833-18:2006)
Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles - Gr.A
mixtures of certain chlorofibres with certain other
fibres (method using carbon disulfide/acetone) SLS 1388 Part 19:2009
(First revision) Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles -
Specifies a method, using carbon disulfide/acetone, to Determination of percentage of cellulose fibres in
determine the mass percentage of chlorofibre, after textiles made of binary mixtures of cellulose fibres and
removal of non-fibrous matter, in textiles made of mixtures asbestos (by heating)
of - certain chlorofibres, with - wool, animal hair, silk, Specifies a method, by heating, to determine the percentage
cotton, viscose, cupro, modal, lyocell, polyamide, of cellulosic fibre in textiles made of binary mixtures of
polyester, elastomultiester, acrylic, melamine, cotton or regenerated cellulose and chrysotile and
polypropylene, polypropylene/polyamide bicomponent, crocidolite asbestos. This method may be applicable to
polyacrylate and glass fibres. It is also possible to analyse other types of asbestos, subject to agreement between the
mixtures containing chlorofibres by using the test methods interested parties.
described in SLS 1388-17 or SLS 1388-21. (=ISO 1833-19:2006)
(=ISO 1833-13:2019) Gr.A
SLS 1388 Part 20:2009
SLS 1388 Part 14:2009 Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles -
Determination of percentage of acetate in textiles made Determination of percentage of elastane in textiles
of mixtures of acetate and certain chlorofibres (using made of binary mixtures of elastane and certain other
acetic acid) fibres (using dimethylacetamide)
Specifies a method, using acetic acid, to determine the Specifies a method using dimethylacetamide to determine
percentage of acetate, after removal of non-fibrous matter, the percentage of elastane, after removal of non-fibrous
in textiles made of mixtures of acetate and certain matter, in textiles made of binary mixtures of certain
chlorofibres or after-chlorinated chlorofibres. elastane fibres with cotton,viscose, cupro, modal,
(=ISO 1833-14:2006) polyamide, polyester or wool fibres. This method is not
Gr.A applicable when acrylic fibres are present.
(=ISO 1833-20:2009)
SLS 1388 Part 15:2009 Gr.B
Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles -
Determination of proportion of each component in SLS 1388 Part 21:2010
textiles made of binary mixtures of jute and certain Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles -
animal fibres (by determining nitrogen content) Determination of percentage of chloro fibre,
Specifies a method, by determining the nitrogen content, modacrylic, elastane, acetate and triacetate in textiles
to calculate the prportion of each component, after the made of binary mixures of chlorofibres, certain
removal of non-fibrous matter, in textiles made of binary modacrylic, certain elatanes, acetates, triacetates and
mixtures of jute and animal fibres. certain other fibres (using cyclohexanone)
(=ISO 1833-15:2006) Specifies a method, using cyclohexanone, to determine
Gr.B the percentage of chlorofibre, modacrylic, elastane, acetate
and triacetate, after removal of non-fibrous matter, in
SLS 1388 Part 16:2009 textiles made of binary mixtures of acetate, triacetate,
Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles - chlorofibre, certain modacrylics, certain elastanes and
Determination of percentage of polypropylene in wool, animal hair, silk, cotton, cupro, modal, viscose,
textiles made of binary mixtures of polyproplylene polyamide, acrylic and glass fibre.
fibres and certain other fibres (using xylene) (=ISO 1833-21:2006)
Specifies a method, using xylene, to determine the Gr.C
percentage of polypropylene, after removal of non-fibrous
matter, in textiles made of binary mixtures of SLS 1388 Part 22:2014
polypropylene fibres and wool, animal hair, silk, cotton, Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles -
viscose, cupro, modal, acetate, triacetate, polyamide, Mixtures of viscose or certain types of cupro or modal
polyester, acrylic and glass fibres. or lyocell and flax fibres (Method using formic acid
(=ISO 1833-16:2006) and zinc chloride)
Gr.A Applicable, after removal of non-fibrous matter, to binary
mixtures of; viscose or certain types of the current cupro
SLS 1388 Part 17:2009 or modal or lyocell fibres with flax fibres. This is not
Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles - applicable to mixtures in which the flax fibre has suffered
Determination of percentage of chlorofibres in textiles extensive chemical degradation, nor when the viscose,
made of binary mixtures of chlorofibres cupro, modal or lyocell fibre is rendered incompletely
(homopolymers of vinyl chloride) and certain other soluble by the presence of certain permanent finishes or
fibres (using sulphuric acid) reactive dyes that cannot be removed completely.
Specifies a method, using sulfuric acid, to determine the (=ISO 1833-22:2013)
percentage of chlorofibres, after removal of non-fibrous Gr.E
material, in textiles made of binary mixtures of chlorofibres
based on homopolymers of vinyl chloride (after- SLS 1388 Part 24:2014
chlorinated or not) and cotton, viscose, cupro, modal, Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles -
acetate, triacetate, polyamide, polyester, certain acrylic Mixtures of polyester and certain other fibres (Method
and certain modacrylic fibres. using phenol and tetrachloroethane)
(=ISO 1833-17:2006) Specifies a method using phenol and tetrachloroethane to
Gr.B determine the percentage of polyester after removal of non-
fibrous matter, in textiles made of binary mixtures of
SLS 1388 Part 18:2009 certain polyester fibres with acrylic, polypropylene or
Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles - aramid fibres. This method is not applicable to coated
Determination of percentage of silk in textiles made of fabrics.
binary mixtures of silk and wool or hair (using (=ISO 1833-24:2010)
sulphuric acid) Gr.B
Specifies a method, using sulfuric acid, to determine the
percentage of silk, after removal of non-fibrous matter, in SLS 1388 Part 26:2014
textiles made of binary mixtures of silk and wool or animal
Method for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles - SLS 1391 Part 5:2009
Mixtures of melamine and cotton or aramide fibres Methods of test for soaps - Determination of content
(Method using hot formic acid) of ethanol-insoluble matter
Specifies a method using hot formic acid to determine the Specifies a method for the determination of the content of
percentage of melamine fibres after removal of non-fibrous ethanol-insoluble matter in commercial soaps, excluding
matter, in textiles made of binary mixtures of melamine compounded products.
fibres with cotton or aramid fibres. (Superseding Clause 9 of CS 27:1968)
(=ISO 1833–26:2013) (=ISO 673:1981)
Gr.A Gr.A
SLS 1389:2009 SLS 1391 Part 6 Section 1:2009
Good manufacturing practices (GMP) for rubber Methods of test for soaps - Determination of chloride
industry content - Titrimetric method
Covers the requirements of good manufacturing practices Specifies a method for determining the chloride content
for rubber starting from raw material stage to disptch of of commercial soaps, excluding compounded products;
end products from the company or specific processes this method is applicable to soaps having a chloride
identified by the company, setting out the necessary content, expressed as sodium chloride, equal to or greater
conditions for producing quality end products. It does than 0,l % (m/m).1)
not cover research and development activities of rubber (Superseding Clause 11 of CS 27:1968)
industry. (=ISO 457:1983)
9 pages, Gr.5 Gr.A
SLS 1390:2009 SLS 1391 Part 7:2009
Liquid soap for domestic and industrial purposes Methods of test for soaps - Determination of glycerol
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for liquid content - Titrimetric method
soap for domestic and industrial purposes. It does not Specifies a titrimetric method for the determination of the
cover liquid toilet soap for personal hygiene. glycerol content of commercial soaps, excluding
(Superseding SLS 250:1995) compounded products.
8 pages, Gr 4 (Superseding Clause 16 of CS 27:1968)
(=ISO 1066:1975)
SLS 1391 Part 1:2009 Gr.B
Methods of test for soaps - Determination of total alkali
and total fatty matter content SLS 1391 Part 8:2009
Specifies a method for the simultaneous determination of Methods of test for soaps - Determination of moisture
the total alkalil content and the total fatty matter content and volatile matter content - Oven method
of soaps, excluding compounded products. This method Specifies an oven method for the determination of the
for the determination of total alkali is not applicable to moisture and volatile matter content of commercial soaps,
coloured soaps if the colour interferes with the methyl excluding compounded products.
orange end-point. (=ISO 672:1978)
(Superseding Clause 3 and 4 of CS 27: 1968) (Superseding Clause 17 of CS 27:1968)
(=ISO 685:1975) Gr.A
SLS 1392:2009
SLS 1391 Part 2:2009 Good manufacturing practices (GMP) for plastics
Methods of test for soaps - Determination of total free industry
alkali Covers the requirements of good manufacturing practices
Specifies a method for the determination of the total free for plastics industry starting from raw material stage to
alkali content of commercial soaps, excluding dispatch of end products from the company or specific
compounded products. The method is not applicable if processes identified by the company, setting out the
the soap contains additives (alkali silicates, etc.) which necessary conditions for producing quality end products.
can be decomposed by sulphuric acid by the procedure It does not cover research and development activities of
specified. The method is also not applicable to coloured plastic industry.
soaps if the colour interferes with the phenolphthalein end 8 pages, Gr.4
(Superseding Clause 5 of CS 27:1968) SLS 1393 Part 1:2010
(=ISO 684:1974) Woven table napkins - Household
Gr.A Prescribes performance requirements, methods of test and
sampling for woven table napkins for household use.
SLS 1391 Part 3:2009 (Superseding SLS 196)
Methods of test for soaps - Determination of free 11 pages, Gr.6
caustic alkali
Specifies two methods (ethanol method and barium SLS 1394:2010
chloride method) of determining free caustic alkali in Glossary of terms for tissue paper and tissue products
commercial soaps, excluding compounded products: Establishes general principles for the use of terms in the
(Superseding Clause 6 of CS 27:1968) entire working field of tissue paper and tissue products. It
(=ISO 456:1973) permits the use of a common terminology in industry and
Gr.B commerce.
(=ISO 12625 Part 1:2005)
SLS 1391 Part 4:2009 Gr.R
Methods of test for soaps - Determination of
unsaponifiable, unsaponified and unsaponified SLS 1395:2010
saponifiable matter Terms and definitions for geosynthetics
Specifies a method for the determination of the contents Defines terms related to functions, products, properties
of unsaponifiable, unsaponified and unsaponified. and other terms, as well as symbols applying to
saponifiable matter in commercial soaps, excluding geosynthetics. Definitions of terms not included in this
compound products. standard may be found in the standards describing
(Superseding Clause 8 of CS 27:1968) appropriate test methods.
(=ISO 1067:1974) (=ISO 10318:2005)
Gr.A Gr.Q

SLS 1396:2020 Methods of test for surface active agents-detergents -
Gear lubricants (extreme pressure gear oil) Determination of low molecular mass (between 200 and
(First revision) 500) cationic active matter content
Specifies the requirements and methods of sampling and Specifies a method for the determination of low-molecular-
testing for multipurpose automotive gear lubricating oil mass cationic -active materials such as monoamines, amine
(extreme pressure type) that operate under the API Service oxides, quatemary ammonium compounds and
Designation GL-4. alkylpyridinium salts which have a main chain of 10 to 22
The lubricant is primarily intended for use in automotive carbon atoms and not more than 6 other carbon atoms in
hypoid gear units, manual transmissions, final drives, the cation. The method is also suitable for other cationic-
steering gears and fluid lubricated universal joints of active materials. The method is applicable to solids or to
automotive equipment. aqueous solutions of the active material when the relative
11pages, Gr.6 molecular mass of the cationic-active matter is known or
when it has been previously determined if its content is
SLS 1397:2010 expressed as a percentage by mass. If more than one type
Fine aggregates for concrete & mortar of cationic-active material is present, an estimate of
Specifies the properties of fine aggregates obtained by average relative molecular mass may be used. The method
processing natural or recycled materials and mixtures of is not applicable if anionic and/or amphoteric surface
these aggregates for use in concrete and mortar for active agents are present.
buildings, roads and civil engineering works. It does not (=ISO 2871-2:2010)
cover filler aggregates to be used as a constituent in cement Gr.C
or as other than inert filler aggregates for mortars or
aggregates to be used in the surface layer of industrial SLS 1402:2010
floors. Guideline for the general training of good
20 pages, Gr.10 manufacturing practices for cosmetics industry
Aimed at contributing to the training of personnel in
SLS 1398:2010 cosmetic production plants within the context of the
Labelling and marking of cosmetics introduction of good manufacturing practices and therefore
(Withdrawn)(Superseded by SLS 1587) does not introduce additional requirement to ISO 22716.
It covers the quality aspects of the cosmetic product, but
SLS 1399:2010 does not take into account safety aspects for the personnel,
Polyethylene shopping bags nor does it cover aspects of protection of the environment
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test or those concerning the safety and efficacy of the finished
for vest shaped polyethylene shopping bags. It does not products.
cover polymer bags used for direct contact with food or (=ISO/TR 24475:2010)
drugs and degradable polymer bags. Gr.G
(Superseding SLS 607:1983)
15 pages Gr.9 SLS 1403:2018
Guidelines for the risk assessment and identification
SLS 1400:2010 of microbiologically low risk cosmetic
Polyethylene (PE) sacks for packaging of food products
Prescribes the general characteristics, requirements and (First revision)
methods of test for sacks made of polyethylene film for Guidance to cosmetic manufacturers and regulatory bodies
packaging of food. It does not cover degradable to help define those finished products that, based on a
polyethylene sacks and polyethylene shopping bags. risk assessment, present a low risk of microbial
10 pages, Gr.5 contamination during production and/or intended use, and
therefore, do not require the application of microbiological
SLS 1401 Part 1:2010 Standards for cosmetics.
Methods of test for surface active agents-detergents - (=ISO 29621:2017)
Determination of anionic active matter by manual or Gr.F
mechanical direct two-phase titration procedure
Specifies a manual or machanical method for the SLS 1404:2010
determination of anionic-active matter present in Methods of sampling for milk and milk products
detergents. It is applicable to solids or to aqueous solutions Gives guidance on methods of sampling milk and milk
of the active material. The relative molecular mass of the products for microbiological, chemical, physical and
anionic active matter has to be known. It is not applicable sensory analysis, except for (semi)automated sampling.
if cationic surface active agents are present. (=ISO 707:2008)
(=ISO 2271:1989) Gr.R
SLS 1405:2010
SLS 1401 Part 2:2010 Cationic emulsified asphalt
Methods of test for surface active agents-detergents - Covers seven grades of cationic emulsified asphalt for use
High molecular mass cationic active matter content in pavement construction in the manner designated.
Specifies a method for the determination of high- (=ASTM D 2397:05)
molecular-mass cationic-active materials such as Gr. A1
quaternary ammonium compounds in which two of the
alkyl groups each contain 10 or more carbon atoms, or SLS 1406 Part 1:2011
salts of imidazoline or 3-methylimidazoline in which long- Methods of test for geosynthetics - Sampling and
chain acylaminoethyl and alkyl groups are substituted in preparation of test specimens
the 1-and 2-positions, respectively. The method is Establishes general principles for the sampling of
applicable to solids or to aqueous solutions of the active geosynthetics delivered to construction sites, and for the
material when the relative molecular mass of the cationic- preparation of test specimens from the samples. The
active matter is known or when it has been previously sampling principles are applicable to geosynthetics
determined if its content is expressed as a percentage by supplied in rolls. The specimen-preparation principles are
mass. The method is not applicable if anionic surface applicable to all geosynthetics.
active agents are present. (=ISO 9862:2005)
(=ISO 2871-1:2010) Gr.C
SLS 1406 Part 2 Section 1:2011
SLS 1401 Part 3:2010 Methods of test for geosynthetics - Determination of
thickness at specified pressures - Single layers
Specifies a method for the determination of the thickness atmosphere. The test is applicable to most types of
of geosynthetices at specified pressures and defines the products, but not to materials with apertures greater than
pressure at which the nominal thickness is determined. 10 mm.
The test results are intended for identification purposes (=ISO 12236:2006)
and for use in technical data sheets and /or as part of other Gr.C
test methods. The method is applicable to all geosynthetics.
(=ISO 9863-1:2005) SLS 1406 Part 8 Section 1:2011
Gr.C Methods of test for geosynthetics - Determination of
friction characteristics - Direct shear test
SLS 1406 Part 2 Section 2:2011 Describes an index test method to determine the friction
Methods of test for geosynthetics - Determination of characteristics of geotextiles and geotextile-related
thickness at specified pressures - Procedure for products in contact with a standard sand, i.e. with a
determination of thickness of single layers of multilayer specified density and moisture content, under a normal
products stress and at a constant rate of displacement, using a direct
Specifies a method for determination of the thickness of shear apparatus. The procedure can also be used for testing
single layers of multilayer products at specified pressures. geosynthetic barriers. The accuracy of the test should be
(=ISO 9863-2:1996) verified by calibration tests.
Gr.D (=ISO 12957-1:2005)
SLS 1406 Part 3:2011
Methods of test for geosynthetics - Determination of SLS 1406 Part 8 Section 2:2011
mass per unit area of geotextiles and geotextile related Methods of test for geosynthetics - Determination of
products friction characteristics - Inclined plane test
Specifies a method for the determination of mass per unit Describes a method to determine the friction characteristics
area of geotextiles and geotextile-related products for of geosynthetics in contact with soils, at low normal stress,
identification purposes and for use in technical data sheets. using an inclining plane apparatus. This test method is
The method is applicable to all geotextiles and geotextile- primarily intended as a performance test to be used with
related products. site specific soils but may also be used as an index test
(=ISO 9864:2005) with standard sand.
Gr.A (=ISO 12957-2:2005)
SLS 1406 Part 4:2011
Methods of test for geosynthetics - Wide – width tensile SLS 1406 Part 9:2011
test Methods of test for geosynthetics - Determination of
Describes an index test method for the determination of the protection efficiency of a geosynthetic against
the tensile properties of geosynthetics, using a wide-width impact damage
strip. The method is applicable to most geosynthetics, Describes an index test for the determination of the
including woven geotextiles, nonwoven geotextiles, protection efficiency of a geosynthetic on a hard surface,
geocomposites, knitted geotextiles and felts. It is also exposed to the impact load of a hemispherical object. The
applicable to geogrids and similar open-structure test is applicable to all geosynthetics with apertures smaller
geotextiles, but specimen dimensions might need to be than 15 mm (maximum size).
altered. This test is not applicable to polymeric or (=ISO 13428:2005)
bituminous geosynthetic barriers, while it is applicable to Gr.E
clay geosynthetic barriers.
(=ISO 10319:2008) SLS 1406 Part 10:2011
Gr.F Methods of test for geosynthetics - Dynamic
perforation fest (cone drop test)
SLS 1406 Part 5:2011 Specifies a method to determine the resistance of
Methods of test for geosynthetics - Tensile test for geosynthetics to penetration by a steel cone dropped from
joints/seams by wide width strip method a fixed height.The degree of penetration is an indication
Specifies an index test method for determination of the of the behaviour of the geosynthetic when sharp stones
tensile properties of joints and seams in geosynthetics, are dropped on its surface. The method is generally
using a wide-width strip. The method is applicable to most applicable to geosynthetics. However, the validity of this
geosynthetics. It is also applicable to geogrids, but the test for some types of products should be considered
specimen dimensions may need to be altered. This test is carefully, as the test principle may not be applicable.
not applicable to polymeric or bituminous geosynthetic (=ISO 13433:2006)
barriers. This method quantifies the tensile strength of a Gr.C
joint or seam between geosynthetics. It can provide data
to indicate the joint or seam tensile strength which can be SLS 1406 Part 11 Section 1:2011
achieved. Methods of test for geosynthetics - Determination of
(=ISO 10321:2008) compression behaviour - Compressive creep properties
Gr.E Specifies index test methods for determining the
compressive creep properties of geosynthetic products.
SLS 1406 Part 6:2011 The test method with a normal load only is the standard
Methods of test for geosynthetics - Index test procedure method. The test method in which both normal and shear
for the evaluation of mechanical damage under loads are applied is intended for products that are sensitive
repeated loading damage caused by granular material to shear failure.
Describes an index test procedure for simulating (=ISO 25619-1:2008)
mechanical damage to geosynthetics, caused by granular Gr.K
material, under repeated loading.
(=ISO 10722:2007) SLS 1406 Part 11 Section 2:2011
Gr.C Methods of test for geosynthetics - Determination of
short term compression behaviour
SLS 1406 Part 7:2011 Specifies an index test method for determining the short-
Methods of test for geosynthetics - Static puncture test term compressive behaviour of geosynthetics. It can be
(CBR test) used to determine the deformation behaviour under short-
Specifies a method for the determination of the puncture term compressive stress, e.g. after exposure to stress,
resistance by measuring the force required to push a flat- liquids or light. This standard can be used for quality
ended plunger through geosynthetics. The test is normally control purposes but not intended to be used for design
carried out on dry specimens conditioned in the specified purposes.
(=ISO 25619-2:2008) Specifies a method for the on-site installation, retrieval
Gr.D and testing of geotextile samples, irrespective of the
particular degradation mechanisms to which they are
SLS 1407 Part 1:2011 exposed. The method is also appropriate to test for
Methods of test for geotextiles and geotextile related mechanical damage, much of which occurs during
products - Identification on site installation, and to provide an owner with information
Specifies the information accompanying geotextiles and about the state of the geotextile or geotextile-related
geotextile-related products to enable the user on site to product in his structure.
identify the goods as being identical to the goods ordered. (=ISO 13437:1998)
The positive identification, e.g. of unwrapped or rolled- Gr.E
out geotextiles, is an important aim of this standard.
(=ISO 10320:1999) SLS 1407 Part 8:2011
Gr.B Methods of test for geotextiles and geotextile related
products - Determination of tensile creep and creep
SLS 1407 Part 2:2011 rupture behaviour
Methods of test for geotextiles and geotextile related Specifies a method for determining the tensile creep and
products - Determination of water permeability creep rupture behaviour of geotextiles and geotextile-
characteristics normal to the plane without load related products in an unconfined situation. Application
Specifies two test methods for determining the water of this standard is limited to those products and
permeability characteristics of a single layer of geotextile applications where the risk of collapse of a structure due
or geotextile-related product normal to the plane: the to premature failure or to strain/time variation of the
constant head method and the falling head method. reinforcement under constant load is of essential
(=ISO 11058:1999) importance.
Gr.J (=ISO 13431:1999)
SLS 1407 Part 3:2011
Methods of test for geotextiles and geotextile related SLS 1407 Part 9:2011
products - Determination of characteristic opening size Methods of test for geotextiles and geotextile related
Specifies a method for the determination of the products - Screening test method for determining the
characteristic size of the openings of a single layer of a resistance to oxidation
geotextile or geotextile-related product using the wet- Specifies a screening test method for determining the
sieving principle. resistance of geotextiles and geotextile-related products
(=ISO 12956:1999) to oxidation. The test is applicable to polypropylene and
Gr.F polyethylene-based products.
(=ISO 13438:2004)
SLS 1407 Part 4:2011 Gr.E
Methods of test for geotextiles and geotextile related
products - Determination of water flow capacity in SLS 1408 Part 1:2011
their plane Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Determination
Specifies a method for determining the constant-head of mass per unit area
water flow capacity within the plane of a geotextile or Specifies a method for the determination of mass per unit
geotextile-related product. area of nonwovens.
(=ISO 12958:1999) (=ISO 9073-1:1989)
Gr.G Gr.A
SLS 1407 Part 5:2011 SLS 1408 Part 2:2011
Methods of test for geotextiles and geotextile related Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Determination
products - Abrasion damage simulation (sliding block of thickness
test) Specifies methods for the determination of the thickness,
Specifies a test method for the determination of the when under a specific pressure, of normal and bulky
resistance of geotextiles to abrasion using a sliding block. nonwoven textiles.
The method is applicable to woven and nonwoven (=ISO 9073-2:1995)
geotextiles and geotextile-related products. Gr.C
(=ISO 13427:1998)
Gr.C SLS 1408 Part 3:2011
Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Determination
SLS 1407 Part 6 Section 1:2011 of tensile strength and elongation
Methods of test for geotextiles and geotextile related Specifies a method for the determination of the tensile
products - Strength of internal structural junctions - properties of nonwovens by the cut strip method.
Geocells (=ISO 9073-3:1989)
Describes four index test methods for the determination Gr.A
of the strength of internal structural junctions of geocells
under different loading conditions. SLS 1408 Part 4:2011
(=ISO 13426-1:2003) Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Determination
Gr.G of tear resistance
Specifies a method for the determination of tear resistance
SLS 1407 Part 6 Section 2:2011 of nonwovens by the trapezoid method.
Methods of test for geotextiles and geotextile related (=ISO 9073-4:1997)
products - Strength of internal structural junctions - Gr.B
Describes index tests for determining the strength of the SLS 1408 Part 5:2011
internal structural junctions of all geocomposites and of Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Determination
clay geosynthetic barriers. of resistance to mechanical penetration by ball burst
(=ISO 13426-2:2005) procedure
Gr.E Specifies a method for determining the resistance to
mechanical penetration of noneoven fabrics by a ball of a
SLS 1407 Part 7:2011 given diameter. The method is primarily designed to be
Methods of test for geotextiles and geotextile related used on nonwovens with some degree of elasticity, for
products - Method for installing and extracting samples which a regular burst test is not applicable.
in soil, and testing specimens in laboratory (=ISO 9073-5:2008)
Gr.D (simulated urine) applied to the surface of a test piece of
nonwoven coverstock. This test method is intended for
SLS 1408 Part 6:2011 quality control and is designed for comparison of STT for
Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Absorption different nonwoven coverstocks. It does not simulate in-
Describes methods for the evaluation of some aspects of use conditions for finished products.
the behaviour of nonwoven fabrics in the presence of (=ISO 9073-13:2006)
liquids. Gr.D
(=ISO 9073-6:2000)
Gr.E SLS 1408 Part 14:2011
Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Coverstock
SLS 1408 Part 7:2011 wetback
Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Determination Specifies a test method to examine the ability of diaper
of bending length coverstock to resist the transport back onto the skin of a
Specifies a method for determining the bending length of liquid which has already penetrated the coverstock. This
a nonwoven fabric. The method is not applicable to test method is intended for quality control and is designed
combination-type materials (composites or laminates) in for comparison of wetback for different nonwoven
which there can be a natural twist. coverstocks and treatments. It does not simulate in-use
(=ISO 9073-7:1995) conditions for finished products.
Gr.C (=ISO 9073-14:2006)
SLS 1408 Part 8:2011
Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Determination SLS 1408 Part 15:2011
of liquid strike though time (simulated urine) Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Determination
Specifies a method for measuring the time of liquid of air permeability
(simulated urine) strike-through for nonwoven Specifies a method of measuring the flow of air passing
coverstocks. The method is suitable for making perpendicularly through a given area of a fabric. This test
comparisons between different nonwoven coverstocks. It method applies to most nonwovens, such as laminates,
does not simulate in-use conditions for finished which are treated or untreated.
products. (=ISO 9073-15:2007)
(=ISO 9073-8:1995) Gr.B
SLS 1408 Part 16:2011
SLS 1408 Part 9:2011 Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Determination
Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Determination of resistance to penetration by water (hydrostatic
of drape coefficient pressure)
Specifies a method for determining the drape coefficient Describes the hydrostatic pressure test that measures the
of nonwovens. resistance of nonwoven fabrics to the penetration of water
(=ISO 9073-9:1995) under varied hydrostatic head pressures. This standard
Gr.B applies to any nonwoven fabrics which are intended for
use as a barrier to the penetration of fluids.
(=ISO 9073-16:2007)
SLS 1408 Part 10:2011 Gr.D
Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Lint and other
particles generation in the dry state SLS 1408 Part 17:2011
Specifies a test method for measuring the linting of Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Determination
nonwovens in the dry state. It can also be applied to other of water penetration by spray impact
textile materials. Specifies a method for measuring the resistance of fabrics
(=ISO 9073-10:2003) to the penetration of water by impact. The water
Gr.F penetration (spray impact) test is applicable to fabrics that
are expected to exhibit a degree of water resistance or
SLS 1408 Part 11:2011 water repellency.
Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Run-off (=ISO 9073-17:2008)
Describes test methods for measuring the quantity of test Gr.C
liquid (simulated urine) which runs down a nonwoven test
piece when a specified mass of test liquid is poured on to SLS 1408 Part 18:2011
the nonwoven test piece superimposed on a standard Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Determination
absorbent media and placed on an inclined plane. This of breaking strength and elongation of nonwoven
test method is designed to compare run-off of non woven. materials using the grab tensile test.
It is not intended to simulate in-use conditions of finished Specifies a grab tensile test procedure for determining the
products. breaking strength and elongation of most nonwoven
(=ISO 9073-11:2002) materials. It includes instructions for the testing of wet
Gr.E specimens. This grab tensile test procedure is not
recommended for nonwovens which have a high
SLS 1408 Part 12:2011 percentage of stretch.
Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Demand (=ISO 9073-18:2007)
absorbency Gr.C
Describes a method for the evaluation of the absorbency
of fabrics when one side is in contact with a liquid and the SLS 1409:2020
fabric is under mechanical pressure. This test is designed Four-stroke motorcycle gasoline engine lubricating
to allow comparison of absorbent materials such as oils.
nonwoven and is not intended to simulate in-use conditions (First revision)
of finished products. Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
(=ISO 9073-12:2002) testing for lubricating oils to be used in four-stroke cycle
Gr.F spark ignition gasoline engines employing a common sump
containing lubricating oil for both the engine and
SLS 1408 Part 13:2011 associated drive-train (transmission, clutch, starter) of
Methods of test for nonwoven textiles - Repeated liquid motorcycles, motor scooters, all terrain vehicles (ATV)
strike- through time and related equipment that operate under the API Service
Specifies a test method for measuring the strike-through Category SG. It also specifies the performance
time (STT) for each of three subsequent doses of liquid classification of four-stroke cycle engine oils based on
three friction performance indices, which are derived from Code of practice for storage of paper and board
the frictional properties of the lubricant, according to Prescribes the recommended practices to be followed
JASO T 904 test procedure. during the storage of paper and board.
13 Pages, Gr.7 5 pages, Gr.2
SLS 1410:2011 SLS 1416:2011
Extruded aluminium alloy profiles for architectural Code of practice for packaging of paper and board
applications Prescribes the recommended practices to be adopted in
Specifies aluminium profiles for architectural applications. the packaging of common varieties of paper and board.
It applies to extruded profiles manufactured with or Packaging practices for special types of paper such as
without thermal barriers supplied with or without further tissue, varnished paper and board are not covered by this
surface treatment. standard.
21 pages, Gr10. 5 pages, Gr.2
SLS 1411:2011 SLS 1417 Part 1:2011
Powder organic coatings for application and stoving Method of specification for sacks - Paper sacks
to aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and preformed Provides a checklist for the characteristics of paper sacks
sections for architectural purposes to be specified when ordering. This standard is primarily
Specifies requirements for powder organic coatings which intended for application to the types of paper sacks
are intended for application to Aluminium alloy extrusions, specified in SLS 1418-1.
sheet and preformed sections that are not to be further (=ISO 8351-1:1994)
formed (except cutting) for architectural purposes. Gr.B
10 pages, Gr5.
SLS 1417 Part 2:2011
SLS 1412 Part 1:2011 Method of specification for sacks - Sacks made from
Code of practice for fresh fruits and vegetables - Fresh thermoplastic flexible film
fruits and vegetables (whole) Provides a checklist for the characteristics to be specified
Covers general hygienic practices for the primary when ordering sacks made from thermoplastic flexible
production and packaging of fresh fruits and vegetables film. It is primarily intended for application to the types
cultivated for human consumption in order to produce a of sacks made from thermoplastic flexible film as specified
safe and wholesome product, particularly for those in SLS 1418-2.
intended to be consumed raw. It is also applicable to fresh (=ISO 8351-2:1994)
fruits and vegetables grown in the field (with or without Gr.B
cover) or in protected facilities (hydroponic systems,
greenhouses). This code does not provide SLS 1418 Part 1:2011
recommendations for handling practices to maintain the Glossary of terms for sacks - Paper sacks
safety of fresh fruits and vegetables at wholesale, retail, Defines terms commonly used in paper sack manufacture.
food services or in the home. It refers to single and multy-ply sacks made from paper
20 pages, Gr.10 and does not refer to bags for the retail trade.
(=ISO 6590-1:1983)
SLS 1412 Part 2:2011 Gr.L
Code of practice for fresh fruits and vegetables -
Ready-to-eat fresh pre-cut fruits and vegetables SLS 1418 Part 2:2011
Applies to ready-to-eat fresh fruits and vegetables that have Glossary of terms for sacks - Sacks made from
been peeled, cut or otherwise physically altered from their thermoplastic flexible film
original form but remain in the fresh state and particularly Defines terms commonly used in plastic sack manufacture.
those that are intended to be consumed raw irrespective It refers to single and multy-ply sacks made from
of the place where the operations take place. It does not thermoplastic flexible film and does not refer to bags for
directly apply to fresh fruits and vegetables that have been the retail trade.
trimmed leaving the food intact or does it apply to other (=ISO 6590 - 2:1986)
fresh fruits and vegetables that are pre-cut but are destined Gr.H
for further processing.
9 pages, Gr.5 SLS 1419 Part 1:2011
Method of drop test - Paper sacks
SLS 1412 Part 3:2011 Specifies a method of vertical impact testing on a filled
Code of practice for fresh fruits and vegetables - Sprout paper sack by dropping. I
production (=ISO 7965-1:1984)
Covers the hygienic practices that are specific for the Gr.D
primary production of seeds for sprouting and the
production of sprouts for human consumption. SLS 1419 Part 2:2011
11 pages, Gr.6 Method of drop test - Sacks made from thermoplastic
flexible film
SLS 1413:2011 Specifies a method of vertical impact testing on a filled
Green tea sack made from thermoplastic flexible film by dropping.
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test (=ISO 7965-2:1993)
for green tea. It is not applicable to green tea subject to Gr.E
further processing.
7 pages, Gr.4 SLS 1420 Part 1:2011
Description and method of measurement for sacks
SLS 1414:2011 - Empty paper sacks
Absorbent cotton gauze and absorbent cotton and Fixes the description and the dimensional designation of
viscose gauze empty paper sacks and specifies the method of measuring
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and those dimensions. It is primarily intended for application
testing for absorbent cotton gauze and absorbent cotton to paper sacks as specified in SLS 1418-1.
ribbon gauze (absorbent cotton and viscose gauzes). It (=ISO 6591-1:1984)
does not cover gauzes impregnated with a pharmaceutical Gr.C
22 pages, Gr.11 SLS 1420 Part 2:2011
Empty sacks made from thermoplastic flexible film
SLS 1415:2011
Specifies a method for measuring and expressing the
dimensions of empty sacks of thermoplastic flexible film SLS 1426 Part 2:2011
and primarily intended for application to plastic sacks as Electric induction motors - Three-phase induction
specified in SLS 1418-2. motors
(=ISO 6591-2:1985) Specifies requirements for three-phase, alternating current,
Gr.B induction motors, of the cage and wound rotor (slip-ring)
types, for voltage up to and including 15 kV. Motors for
SLS 1421:2011 use in hazardous areas are not covered in this standard.
Method of sampling of empty sacks for testing 13 pages, Gr.7
Specifies a method of obtaining a representative sample
of empty sacks for testing. The method is not suited to SLS 1427:2011
sampling for production control and applies to all types Fat spreads and blended fat spreads
of empty sacks. Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
(=ISO 7023:1983) testing for fat products, containing not less than 10 per
Gr.A cent fat and not more than 90 per cent fat, intended
primarily for use as spreads. It does not apply to fat spreads
SLS 1422 Part 1:2011 derived exclusively from milk and / or milk products to
Dimensional tolerances for general purpose sacks - which only other substances necessary for their
Paper sacks manufacture have been added. Butter and dairy fat spreads
Specifies a set of tolerances applicable to the manufacture are not covered by this standard.
of paper sacks as defined in SLS 1418-1. (Superseding SLS 277)
(=ISO 8367-1:1993) AMD No.1(AMD 485:2016)
Gr.A 18 pages, Gr.9
SLS 1422 Part 2:2011 SLS 1428:2011
Dimensional tolerances for general purpose sacks - Dairy fat spreads
Sacks made from thermoplastic flexible film Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Specifies a set of tolerances applicable to the manufacture test for dairy fat spreads intended for use as spreads for
of sacks made from thermoplastic flexible film as defined direct consumption, or for furher processing Butter, fat
in SLS 1418-2. spreads and blended fat spreads are not covered by the
(=ISO 8367-2:1993) standard.
Gr.A 16 pages, Gr.8
SLS 1423:2011 SLS 1429:2011
Paints for toys and accessories for children Method for determination of singe-end breaking force
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and and elongation at break of yarn from packages using
test for paints applied for toys and accessories for children. constant rate of extention (cre) tester
12 pages, Gr.6 Specifies methods for the determination of the breaking
force and elongation at break of textile yarns taken from
SLS 1424:2011 packages.
Grease for general automotive and other applications (=ISO 2062:2009)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and (Superseding SLS 22:1995)
testing for lubricating grease suitable for general Gr. E
automotive and other applications.
8 pages, Gr.4 SLS 1430:2011 (S)
School bags
SLS 1425 Part 1:2011 Prescribes quality and performance requirements, methods
Concrete paving blocks - Requirements of test and sampling for school bags made of water proof-
Covers the requirements for materials, shape and coated woven fabric.
dimensions, visual aspects, physical and mechanical 17 pages, Gr.9
properties and marking of unreinforced cement bound
concrete paving blocks. It is applicable to precast concrete SLS 1431:2011
paving blocks for both pedestrian use and vehicular use, Type F and type B residual current operated circuit-
as in footpath precincts, cycle tracks, car parks, roads, breakers with and without integral over current
industrial areas (including docks and harbours), bus protection for household and similar uses
stations and filling stations. Specifies requirements and tests for type F and type B
AMD No.1 (AMD 436:2012) RCDs (Residual Current Devices). Requirements and tests
13 pages, Gr. 7 given in this standard are in addition to the requirements
of type ARCDs. This standard can only be used together
SLS 1425 Part 2:2011 with IEC 61008-1 and 61009-1.
Concrete paving blocks - Test methods (=IEC 62423:2009)
Specifies test methods for determination of dimensions, Gr. W
verification of visual aspects, compressive strength,
abrasion resistance, unpolished slip resistance value (slip SLS 1432:2011
resistance /skid resistance), and water absorption of the Requirements for good practices for supemarkets
concrete paving blocks. Covers the general hygienic practices for food stuffs in
AMD No.1 (AMD 437:2012) supermarkets from receiving to selling point and the good
Corrigendam No.1 practices applicable in quality control of non-food items.
23 pages, Gr.12 19 pages, Gr.10
SLS 1426 Part 1:2011 SLS 1433:2012
Electric induction motors - Applicability of Code of practice for recycling of paper
requirements for motors Prescribes the standard practices in recycling processes,
Specifies requirements for induction motors, that are recommended for recycling of paper. This standard does
intended to comply with the mandatory requirements of not cover aspects of installation, operation of recycling
SLS IEC 60034 and SLS IEC 60072, that need to be plants industrial safety and health of human beings.
specified by the purchaser or agreed upon between the 6 pages, Gr.6
manufacturer and the purchaser. It does not cover the
induction motors for use in hazardous areas. SLS 1434:2012
36 pages, Gr.16
Flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCS) for “cosmetics” on evaluation by the local regulatory authority.
packaging of non dangerous goods (See 5.2.12 of SLS 1587)
Specifies materials, construction and design requirements, 22 pages, Gr.11
type test, certification and marking requirements for
flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs) intended to SLS 1441:2012 (S)
contain non-dangerous solid materials in powder, granular Code of practice for manufacture of incense sticks
and paste form, and designed to be lifted from above by Prescribes the recommended practices to be followed
integral or detachable devices. during the manufacture of incense sticks.
(=ISO 21898:2004) 5 pages, Gr.3
Gr. N
SLS 1442:2012
SLS 1435:2012 Mosquito repellant liquid vapourizers used with
Method of test for determination of Z directional tensile electric heating device
strength for paper and board. Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Specifies a method for the determination of z- directional test for mosquito repellant liquid vapourizers used with
tensile strength, i.e. the tensile strength in the z-direction. electric heating device. Any other forms of products for
It is applicable to paper and board, but not applicable to the control or repulsion of mosquitoes are not covered in
corrugated fiberboard. It does not determine the absolute this specification.
strength of paper as the measurement is affected by the 20 pages, Gr.12
tape, the pressing conditions and the speed used.
(=ISO 15754:2009) SLS 1443:2012
Gr. D Code of practice for use of plastic containers for non
food products
SLS 1436:2012 Provides general guidance on the use of containers made
Designation and tolerances for primary and of plastic materials, considering the properties of plastics.
supplementary ranges and indication of machine This Code of Practise does not cover containers used for
directions for untrimmed paper sizes. packaging of food and pharmaceutical products.
Specifies a primary range and a supplementary range of (Superseding SLS 206)
untrimmed sizes of paper in sheets and which are to be 10 pages, Gr.7
trimmed to the ISO-A series of sizes as given in ISO 216,
and establishes a system of designation of untrimmed sizes. SLS 1444:2012
This standard also specifies the method for the indication Code of practice for manufacture of plastic containers
of machine direction of untrimmed sizes. Prescribes general guidance on the manufacture of
(=ISO 217:2008) containers made of plastic materials. This standard does
Gr. B not cover containers manufactured for packaging of food
and pharmaceutical products.
SLS 1437 Part 1:2012 (Superseding SLS 206)
Method of test for paper board and pulp - 19 pages, Gr.10
Determination of water soluble chlorides.
Specifies a method for the determination of water-soluble SLS 1445:2018
chlorides in all types of paper, board and pulp. Method for the enumeration of yeast and mould in
(=ISO 9197:2006) cosmetics
Gr.C (First revision)
Gives general guidelines for enumeration of yeast and
SLS 1437 Part 2:2012 mould present in cosmetics by counting the colonies on
Method of test for paper board and pulp - selective agar medium after aerobic incubation.
Determination of water soluble sulfate. (=ISO 16212:2017)
Specifies a method for the determination of water-soluble Gr. K
sulfates in all types of pulp, paper and board.
(=ISO 9198:2001) SLS 1446:2020
Gr. B Two-Stroke cycle gasoline engine lubricating oil
(First revision)
SLS 1438:2012 Specifies the requirements and methods of sampling and
Plastic chairs testing for type of lubricating oil suitable for two stroke -
Specifies the material, dimensions and methods of test of cycle, spark ignition, air cooled gasoline engines such as
general purpose plastic chairs for adults, moulded in one mopeds, scooters, motor cycles etc. that operate under
piece. It does not cover the categories of folding, JASO Service Category FC.
gardening, camping and reclining chairs. 9 pages, Gr.5
9 pages, Gr.7
SLS 1447 Part 1:2012
SLS 1439:2021 Methods of test for instant tea - Determination of free-
Liquid, gel and emulsion oxidative hair dyes flow and compacted bulk densities
(First revision) Specifies two methods for the determination of the bulk
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and density of instant tea: a) free-flow bulk density; b)
test for liquid, gel and emulsion oxidative hair dyes for compacted bulk density.
retail and professional use. Self-oxidative hair dyes and (=ISO 6770:1982)
metallic based hair dyes are excluded in this Specification. Gr.C
This Specification does not cover products which do not
qualify under the criteria for “cosmetics” on evaluation SLS 1447 Part 2:2012
by the local regulatory authority. (See 5.2.12 of SLS 1587.) Methods of test for instant tea - Determination of
21pages, Gr.11 moisture content (Loss in mass at 1030C)
Specifies a method for the determination of the moisture
SLS 1440:2021 content of instant tea in solid form as received (loss in
Hair dye powder mass at 1030C).
(First revision) (=ISO 7513:1990)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Gr. A
test for oxidative powder hair dyes. Natural hair dye
powders (free from synthetic active ingredients) are not SLS 1447 Part 3:2012
covered by this Specification. This Specification does not Methods of test for instant tea - Determination of total
cover products which do not qualify under the criteria for ash
Specifies a method for the determination of the total ash SLS 1457:2013
of instant tea in solid form. Fibre ropes
(=ISO 7514:1990) Specifies the general characteristics of fibre ropes and their
Gr. A constituent materials. It is intended to be used in
conjunction with the standards for the individual types of
SLS 1448:2012 fibre rope, which cover the physical properties and specific
Methods of sampling for instant tea in solid form requirements for that particular product type. It also gives
Specifies methods of sampling instant tea in solid form some information on the use of fibre ropes and also on
from containers of all sizes. their inspection and retirement criteria.
(=ISO 7516:1984) (=ISO 9554:2010)
Gr. B Gr. L
SLS 1449:2013 SLS 1458 Part 1:2013
Baby nappies Self- ballasted led lamps for general lighting servicers
Prescribes performance requirements, methods of test and by voltage >50 V - Safety requirements
sampling for baby nappies manufactured with two layers Specifies the safety and interchangeability requirements,
of fabrics. together with the test methods and conditions required to
13 Pages, Gr.7 show compliance of LED – lamps with integrated means
for stable operation (self – ballasted LED – lamps),
SLS 1450:2013 intended for domestic and similar general lighting
Baby nappy cloth towels purposes, having a rated wattage up to 60 W, a rated
Prescribes performance requirements, methods of test and voltage of > 50V up to 250 V and Caps according to
sampling for baby nappy cloth towels manufactured with table 1. The requirements of this standard relate only to
two layers of fabrics. type testing.
11 Pages, Gr.6 (=IEC 62560:2011)
AMD No.1, (AMD 479:2016)
SLS 1451:2013 (S) Gr. Q
Code of hygienic practice for the preparation and sale
of street foods SLS 1458 Part 2:2014
Covers a series of requirements and practices to be adopted Self- ballasted led lamps for general lighting servicers
in the preparation and sale of foods and beverages in the by voltage >50 V - Performance requirements
street for direct consumption. It also applies to the places Specifies the performance requirements, together with the
where these are prepared, to the points of sale and to the test methods and conditions, required to show compliance
means of transport used. It does not apply to catering in of LED lamps with integral means for stable operation,
hotels, restaurants and other institutions such as schools, intended for domestic and similar general lighting
hospitals and factories. purposes, having a rated power up to 60 W a rated voltage
14 Pages, r.8 of > 50 V a.c. up to 250 V a.c and a lamp cap as listed in
IEC 62560. The only feature provided by this standard,
SLS 1452:2013 when applied for replacement purposes, is information on
Polyester fibre ropes – double braid construction maximum lamp outlines. The requirements of this standard
Specifies requirements for double braided ropes and for relate to type testing. This standard covers LED lamps
higher – strength double braided ropes made of polyester that intentionally produce white light, based on inorganic
and gives rules for their designation. LEDs.
(=ISO 10547:2009) (=IEC 62612:2013)
Gr. B AMD No.1, (AMD 480:2016)
Gr. T
SLS 1453:2013
Polyamide fibre ropes – double braid construction SLS 1459:2013
Specifies requirements for double braided ropes and for Stainless steel kitchen sinks
higher – strength double braided ropes made of polyamide Specifies manufacturing requirements and test methods
and gives rules for their designation for stainless steel kitchen sinks for domestic purposes.
(=ISO 10554:2009) 21 Pages, Gr.10
Gr. B
SLS 1460:2013 (S/T)
SLS 1454:2013 Guidelines for the use of vegetarian claims in food and
Polyester fibre ropes for offshore stationkeeping beverage
Specifies the main characteristics and test methods of new Recommend measures to be taken on the use of vegetarian
polyester fibre ropes used for offshore stationkeeping claims in food or beverage in its ingredients, storage,
(=ISO 18692:2007) handling, processing, cooking, display, serving, and
Gr. S transportation.
6 pages Gr.3
Descriptions for woven fabrics SLS 1461 Part 1 Section 1:2015
Gives a number of characteristic parameters for woven Microbiological test methods for water - Detection and
fabrics and their constituents at various stages of enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria
manufacture and processing for the purpose of fabric - Membrane filtration method for waters with low
designation. It is not applicable to all woven fabrics except bacterial background flora
textile floor coverings. (First revision)
(=ISO 2959:2011) Specifies a method for the enumeration of Escherichia
Gr. A coli (E. coli) and coliform bacteria. Due to the low
selectivity of the differential agar medium, background
SLS 1456:2013 growth can interfere with the reliable enumeration of E.
Fibre ropes of polyester / polyolefin dual fibres coli and coliform bacteria, in surface waters or shallow
Specifies requirements for 3 – strand hawser – laid, 8 – well waters and this method is not suitable for these types
strand and 12 – strand braided fibre ropes made of of water. Especially suitable for waters with low bacterial
polyester in combination with polyolefin, and gives rules numbers that will cause less than 100 total colonies on
for their designation chromogenic coliform agar (CCA).
(=ISO 10556:2009) (=ISO 9308-1:2014)
Gr.C Gr. E

SLS 1461 Part 1 Section 2:2013 (=ISO 16266-2:2018)
Microbiological test methods for water - Detection and Gr. Z
enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria
- Most probable number method SLS 1461 Part 4/ Section 1:2020
Specifies a method for the enumeration of E. coli and Microbiological test methods for water - water quality-
coliform bacteria in water. The method is based on the detection and enumeration of intestinal enterococci in
growth of target organisms in a liquid medium and surface and waste water - Miniaturized method (Most
calculation of the “Most probale Number” (MPN) of probable number) by inoculation in liquid medium
organisms by reference to MPN tables. This method can specifies a miniaturized method for the detection and
be applied to all types of water, including those containing enumeration of major intestinal enterococci in surface and
an appreciable amount of suspended matter and high waste water by inoculation in a liquid medium. The method
background counts of heterotrophic bacteria. However, it is applicable to all types of surface and waste waters,
must not be used for the enumeration of coliform bacteria particularly those rich in suspended matter.
in marine water. This method is not suitable for drinking water and any
(=ISO 9308-2:2012) other type of water for which the guideline count is less
Gr. S than 15 per 100 ml.
(=ISO 7899-1:1998)
SLS 1461 Part 1 Section 3:2013 Gr. K
Microbiological test methods for water - Detection and
enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria SLS 1461 Part 4/ Section 2:2020
- Reference method Microbiological test methods for water - water quality-
Prescribes two basic methods (multiple tube method, and detection and enumeration of intestinal enterococci -
the membrane filtration method) that are used for the Membrane filtration method
detection and enumeration of coliform organisms in water. Specifies a method for the detection and enumeration of
21 pages, Gr.10 intestinal enterococci in water by membrane filtration. This
part of SLS 1461 is especially intended for examination
SLS 1461 Part 1/ Section 4:2020 of drinking water, water from swimming pools and other
Microbiological test methods for water – detection and disinfected or clean waters. Nevertheless, the method can
enumeration of escherichia coli and Coliform bacteria be applied to all types of water, except when a large amount
- Miniaturized method (most probable number) by of suspended matter or many interfering microorganisms
inoculation in liquid Medium are present. It is particularly suitable for the examination
Specifies a miniaturized method for the detection and of large volumes of water containing only a few intestinal
enumeration of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in surface and enterococci.
waste water by inoculation in a liquid medium. The method (=ISO 7899-2:2000)
is applicable to all types of surface and waste waters, Gr. D
particularly those rich in suspended matter. This method
is not suitable for drinking water and any other type of SLS 1461 Part 5/Section 1:2020
water for which the guideline is less than 15 counts per Microbiological test methods for water - water quality-
100 ml. detection and enumeration of the spores of sulfite-
This method is not appropriate for enumeration and reducing anaerobes(clostridia) - method by enrichment
detection of coliform bacteria other than E. coli. in a liquid medium
(=ISO 9308-3:1998) Specifies a method for the detection and enumeration of
Gr. K the spores of sulfite-reducing anaerobes (clostridia) by
enrichment in a liquid medium.
SLS 1461 Part 2/ Section 1:2014 (=ISO 6461-1:1986)
Microbiological test methods for water - Enumeration Gr. B
of culturable mico-organisms - Colony count by
inoculation in a nutrient agar culture medium SLS 1461 Part 5/ Section 2:2020
Specifies a method for the enumeration of culturable Microbiological test methods for water - water quality-
micro-organisms in water by counting the colonies formed detection and enumeration of the spores of sulfite-
in a nutrient agar culture medium after aerobic incubation reducing anaerobes(clostridia) - method by membrane
at 36 °C and 22 °C. It is particularly applicable to the filtration
examination of water intended for human consumption, Specifies a method for the detection and enumeration of
including water in closed containers and to natural mineral the spores of sulfite-reducing naerobes (clostridia) by
waters. membrane filtration.
(=ISO 6222:1999) (=ISO 6461-2:1986)
Gr. B Gr. B
SLS 1461 Part 3/ Section 1:2020 SLS 1462 Part 1:2013
Microbiological test methods for water – detection and Methods for sampling of water - Guidance on the
enumeration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa- method by design of sampling programmes and sampling
membrane filtration techniques
Specifies a method for the isolation and enumeration of Sets out the general principles for, and provides guidance
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in samples of bottled water by on, the design of sampling programmes and sampling
a membrane filtration technique. This method can also be techniques for all aspects of sampling of water (including
applied to other types of water with a low background waste waters, sludges, effluents and bottom deposits). It
flora, for example, pool waters and waters intended for does not include detailed instructions for specific sampling
human consumption situations, which are covered in the various other parts of
(=ISO 16266:2006) ISO 5667. Also, it does not include microbiological
Gr. F sampling, which is covered in ISO 19458.
(=ISO 5667-1:2006)
SLS 1461 Part 3/ Section 2:2020 Gr. P
Microbiological test methods for water – detection and
enumeration of pseudomonas aeruginosa: most SLS 1462 Part 2:2013
probable number method Methods for sampling of water - Preservation and
Specifies a method for the enumeration of Pseudomonas handling of water samples
aeruginosa in water. The method is based on the growth Establishes general requirements for sampling,
of target organisms in a liquid preservation, handling, transport and storage of all water
medium and calculation of the most probable number samples including those for biological analyses. It is not
(MPN) of organisms by reference to MPN tables. applicable to water samples intended for microbiological
analyses as specified in ISO 19458, ecotoxicological Establishes principles to be applied to the techniques of
assays, biological assays, and passive sampling as sampling water provided for drinking and for use in the
specified in the scope of ISO 5667-23. This manufacture of food and beverage products. The guidance
is particularly appropriate when spot or composite samples given in this is generally confined to those circumstances
cannot be analysed on site and have to be transported to a where water is drawn from municipal or similar public or
laboratory for private abstraction, treatment or distribution systems for
analysis. which prior treatment or quality assessment has resulted
(=ISO 5667-3:2012) in the water being classified as suitable for drinking or
Gr.S potable process purposes.
(=ISO 5667-21:2010)
SLS 1462 Part 3:2018 Gr.H
Methods for sampling of water - Guidance on sampling
from lakes, natural and man-made SLS 1462 Part 9:2013
(First revision) Methods for sampling of water - Guidance on passive
Gives guidelines for the design of sampling programmes, sampling in surface waters
techniques and the handling and preservation of samples Specifies procedures for the determination of time-
of water, from natural and man-made lakes during open- weighted average concentrations and equilibrium
water and ice-covered conditions. This part of SLS 1462 concentrations of the free dissolved fraction of organic
is applicable to lakes with and without aquatic vegetation. and organometallic compounds and inorganic substances,
(=ISO 5667-4:2016) including metals, in surface water by passive sampling,
Gr.Q followed by analysis.
(=ISO 5667-23:2011)
SLS 1462 Part 4:2015 Gr.L
Methods for sampling of water - Guidance on sampling
of rivers and streams SLS 1462 Part 10:2013
(First revision) Methods for sampling of water - Sampling for
Sets out the principles to be applied to the design of microbiological analysis
sampling programmes, sampling techniques, and the Provides guidance on planning water sampling regimes,
handling of water samples from rivers and streams for on sampling procedures for microbiological analysis and
physical and chemical assessment. It is not applicable to on transport, handling and storage of samples until analysis
the sampling of estuarine or coastal waters nor for begins. It focuses on sampling for microbiological
microbiological sampling. This standard is neither investigations. General information in respect to the
applicable to the examination of sediment, suspended sampling from distinct water bodies is given in the
solids or biota, nor to dammed stretches of rivers or respective parts of ISO 5667.
streams. Also, it is not applicable to passive sampling of (=ISO 19458:2006)
surface waters. Gr.J
(=ISO 5667-6:2014)
Gr.M SLS 1463:2013
General requirements and guidance for
SLS 1462 Part 5:2013 microbiological examinations of food and animal
Methods for sampling of water - Guidance on sampling feeding stuffs.
of drinking water from treatment works and piped Gives general requirements and guidance/options intended
distribution systems for implementation of ISO/TC 34/SC 9 or ISO/TC 34/SC
Establishes principles to be applied to the techniques of 5 standards for detection or enumeration of
sampling water intended for human consumption. microorganisms, good laboratory practice for food
(=ISO 5667-5:2006) microbiological laboratories and guidance for
Gr.J accreditation of food microbiological laboratories. It does
not cover the examination for toxins or other metabolites
SLS 1462 Part 6:2013 (e.g. amines) from microorganisms. Applies to the
Methods for sampling of water - Guidance on sampling microbiology of food, animal feeding stuffs, the food
of groundwaters production environment and the primary production
Provides guidance on the sampling of groundwaters. This environment.
does not apply to sampling related to the day-to-day (=ISO 7218:2007)
operational control of groundwater abstractions for potable Gr. Z
purposes. The guidance includes sampling of groundwater
from both the saturated (below water table) zone and the SLS 1464:2013
unsaturated (above the water table) zone. Lipstick
(=ISO 5667-11:2009) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Gr.M test for lipstick with or without gloss/ rouge. Lipgloss or
lip rouge is not covered by this standard.
SLS 1462 Part 7:2013 11pages, Gr.6
Methods for sampling of water - Guidance on the
design and installation of groundwater monitoring SLS 1465:2013
points Code of practice for application of pesticides
Gives guidelines for the design, construction and Designed to provide supportive information and guidelines
installation of groundwater quality monitoring points to on acceptable safe practices once a decision has been taken
help ensure that representative samples of groundwater to use a pesticide.
can be obtained. These guidelines allow the impacts to be 17 pages Gr.8
considered and accounted for when designing a
groundwater sampling programme. They also allow an SLS 1466:2013
informed assessment of data and results obtained from Mineral turpentine and white spirit
existing installations, the construction of which can Specifies the requirements, methods of test and sampling
potentially have an impact on sample integrity. for mineral turpentine and white spirit for use in thinning
(=ISO 5667-22:2010) surface coatings. The gum spirit of turpentine and the wood
Gr.R turpentine are not covered by this standard.
10 pages, Gr.5
SLS 1462 Part 8:2013
Methods for sampling of water - Guidance on sampling SLS 1467:2013
of drinking water distributed by tankers or means Requirements for optimization of the packaging system
other than distribution pipes in the field of packaging and the environment
Specifies requirements and a procedure for assessment of measures for protection against injury to living beings due
packaging to ensure that the weight or volume of its to touch and step voltages.
material content is optimized consistent with the functions (=IEC 62305-3:2010)
of packaging. It also provides methodologies and Gr. AA
procedures for determining the amount and minimization
of substances or mixtures hazardous to the environment SLS 1472 Part 4:2013
and the amount of four heavy metals (lead, cadmium, Protection against lightning - Electrical and electronic
mercury, hexavalent chromium) in packaging. systems within structures
(=ISO 18602:2013) Provides information for the design, installation,
Gr.N inspection, maintenance and testing of electrical and
electronic system protection (SPM) to reduce the risk of
SLS 1468:2013 permanent failures due to lightning electromagnetic
Requirements for reuse in the field of packaging and impulse (LEMP) within a structure. It does not cover
the environment protection against electromagnetic interference due to
Specifies the requirements for a packaging to be classified lightning, which may cause malfunctioning of internal
as reusable and sets out procedures for assessment of systems. It also provides guidelines for cooperation
meeting the requirements, including the associated between the designer of the electrical and electronic
systems. The procedure for applying this standard is system, and the designer of the protection measures, in an
contained in ISO 18601. attempt to achieve optimum protection effectiveness. It
(=ISO 18603:2013) does not deal with detailed design of the electrical and
Gr.F electronic systems themselves.
(=IEC 62305-4:2010)
SLS 1469:2013 Gr. X
Requirements for material recycling in the field of
packaging and the environment SLS 1473 Part 1:2014
Specifies the requirements for packaging to be classified Low voltage surge protective devices - Surge protective
as recoverable in the form of material recycling while devices connected to low-voltage power systems -
accommodation the continuing development of both requirements and test methods
packaging and recovery technologies and sets out Applicable to devices for surge protection against indirect
procedures for assessment of meeting the requirements. and direct effects of lightning or other transient
The procedure for applying this standard is contained in overvoltages. These devices are packaged to be connected
SLS 1470. to 50/60 hz a.c. power circuits, and equipment rated up to
(=ISO 18604:2013) 1 000 v r.m.s.
Gr.J (=IEC 61643-11:2011)
SLS 1470:2013
Requirements for energy recovery in the field of SLS 1473 Part 2:2015
packaging and the environment Low voltage surge protective devices - Surge protective
Specifies the requirements for packaging to be classified devices connected to low-voltage power distribution
as recoverable in the form of energy recovery and sets out systems - selection and application principles
assessment procedures for fulfilling the requirements of Describes the principles for selection, operation, location
this Standard. The procedure for applying this standard is and coordination of SPDs to be connected to 50 Hz to 60
contained in ISO 18601. Hz a.c. and to d.c. power circuits and equipment rated up
(=ISO 18605:2013) to 1 000 V r.m.s. or 1 500 V d.c.
Gr.H (=IEC 61643-12:2008)
Gr. AA
SLS 1471:2013
Glossary of terms of packaging SLS 1473 Part 3:2015
(Replaced by SLS 1569-1) Low voltage surge protective devices - Surge protective
devices connected to telecommunications and
SLS 1472 Part 1:2013 signalling networks – performance requirements and
Protection against lightning - General principles testing methods
provides general principles to be followed for protection Applicable to devices for surge protection of
of structures against lightning, including their installations telecommunications and signalling networks against
and contents, as well as persons. Railway systems; indirect and direct effects of lightning or other transient
vehicles, ships, aircraft, offshore installations; overvoltages.
underground high pressure pipelines; pipe, power and (=IEC 61643-21:2009)
telecommunication lines placed outside the structure are Gr.V
cur side the scope of this standard
(=IEC 62305-1:2010) SLS 1473 Part 4:2015
Gr.V Low voltage surge protective devices - Surge protective
devices connected to telecommunications and
SLS 1472 Part 2:2013 signalling networks – selection and application
Protection against lightning - Risk management principles
Applicable to risk assessment for a structure due to Describes the principles for the selection, operation,
lightning flashes to earth. location and coordination of SPDs connected to
(=IEC 62305-2:2010) telecommunication and signalling networks with nominal
Gr.X system voltages up to 1 000 V r.m.s. a.c. and 1500 V d.c.
This standard also addresses SPDs that incorporate
SLS 1472 Part 3:2013 protection for signalling lines and power lines in the same
Protection against lightning - Physical damage to enclosure.
structures and life hazard (=IEC 61643-22:2004)
Provides the requirements for protection of a structure Gr.T
against physical damage by means of a lightning protection
system (LPS), and for protection against injury to living SLS 1473 Part 5:2019
beings due to touch and step voltages in the vicinity of an Low voltage surge protective devices - Requirements
LPS This standard is applicable to design, installation, and test methods for SPDs for photovoltaic
inspection and maintenance of an LPS for structures installations
without limitation of their height, and establishment of Applicable to Surge Protective Devices (SPDs), intended
for surge protection against indirect and direct effects of
lightning or other transient overvoltages. These devices on finished products. This method can also be applied for
are designed to be connected to the DC side of photovoltaic certification purposes. Details of a batch test procedure
installations rated up to 1 500 V DC. which can be used to make limited assessment of batches
(=IEC 61643-31:2018) are also given in this standard.
Gr.U (=IEC 61195:2012)
Gr. M
SLS 1473 Part 6:2019
Low voltage surge protective devices - Surge protective SLS 1477 Part 2:2013
devices connected to the d.c. Side of photovoltaic Double capped fluorescent lamps - Performance
installations – selection and application principles requirements
Describes the principles for selection, installation and Specifies the performance requirements for double –
coordination of SPDs intended for use in Photovoltaic capped fluorescent lamps for general lighting service. The
(PV) systems up to 1 500 V DC and for the AC side of the requirements of this standard relate only to type testing.
PV system rated up to 1 000 V rms 50/60 Hz. The Lamp types and modes of operation included are lamps
photovoltaic installation extends from a PV array or a set having preheated cathodes, designed for operation on a.c.
of interconnected PV-modules to include the associated mains frequencies with the use of a starter, and additionally
cabling and protective devices and the inverter up to the operating on high frequency, lamps having preheated high-
connection point in the distribution board or the utility resistance cathodes, designed for operation on a.c. mains
supply point frequencies without the use of a starter (starterless), and
(=IEC 61643-32:2017) additionally operating on high frequency, lamps having
Gr.S preheated low-resistance cathodes, designed for operation
on a.c. mains frequencies without the use of a starter
SLS 1474:2013 (starterless), and additionally operating on high frequency,
Kraft liner board sacks for bulk packaging of tea amps having preheated cathodes, designed for operation
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for valved on high frequency, lamps having non-preheated cathodes,
and open mouth, gusseted, rectangular-ended kraft liner designed for operation on a.c. mains frequencies and lamps
board sacks intended for bulk packing of tea of net content having non-preheated cathodes, designed for operation on
of 25 kg to 60 kg. This does not cover multi-wall paper high frequency.
sacks for bulk packing of tea. (=IEC 60081:2002)
(Corrigendem Sheet) Gr. Z
12 pages, Gr.6
SLS 1478:2014
SLS 1475:2013 Method on selection and cutting of specimens for
Two pot clay cook stoves physical test of machine-made textile floor coverings
Provides guidelines for the manufacturing of and specifies Specifies a procedure to be followed when specimens are
the general, dimensional, physical, mechanical and cut from samples if such specimens are to be used for
marking requirements of Two Pot Clay Cook Stoves physical tests.
(TPCCSs) for domestic purposes. It also specifies the (=ISO 1957:2000)
methods for inspection of general requirements, Gr. B
determination of dimensional, physical and mechanical
requirements of TPCCS and criteria for conformity with SLS 1479:2014
the specification. Method of test for determination of thickness of pile
16 Pages, Gr.8 above the substrate of textile floor coverings
Specifies a method for the determination of the thickness
SLS 1476 Part 1:2013 of pile above the substrate of a textile floor covering. It is
Electric irons for households or similar use - Safety applicable to all textile floor coverings with pile capable
requirements of being shorn from the substrate, but not to textile floor
Deals with the safety of electric dry irons and steam irons, coverings of varying pile thickness or density, unless the
including those with a separate water reservoir or boiler areas can be measured separately. The method is used in
having a capacity not exceeding 5 l, for household and conjunction with ISO 8543, clause 8.
similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more than (=ISO 1766:1999)
250V. Appliances not intended for normal household use, Gr. B
but which nevertheless may be a source of danger to the
public, such as appliances intended to be used by laymen SLS 1480:2014
in shops, in light industry and on farms, are within the Method of test for determination of thickness of
scope of this standard. machine-made textile floor coverings
(=IEC 60335-2-3:2012) Specifies a basic method for the determination of the
Gr. K thickness of machine-made textile floor coverings. The
method is applicable to all machine-made textile floor
SLS 1476 Part 2:2013 coverings.
Electric irons for households or similar use - Methods (=ISO 1765:1986)
for measuring performance Gr. A
Applies to electric irons for household or similar use. Dry
irons,steam irons,vented steam irons with motor SLS 1481:2014
pump,spray irons,steam irons with separate water reservoir Methods of test for determination of certain physical
or boiler/generator having a capacity not exceeding are and mechanical properties of fibre ropes
covered by this standard. This standard is neither Specifies, for ropes of different kinds, a method of
concerned with safety nor with performance requirements determining linear density, lay length, braid pitch;
(=IEC 60311:2009) elongation; breaking force. This also provides a method
Gr.U for measuring water repellency, lubrication and finish
content, and heat setting treatment, when requested by the
SLS 1477 Part 1:2013 customer.
Double capped fluorescent lamps - Safety requirements (=ISO 2307:2010)
Specifies the safety requirements for double – capped Gr.H
fluorescent lamps for general lighting purposes of all
groups having Fa6, Fa8, G5, G13, 2G13, R17d and SLS 1482:2014
W4.3×8.5d caps. It also specifies the method a Generic names for man-made fibres for textiles
manufacturer should use to show compliance with the Lists the generic names used to designate the different
requirements of this standard on the basis of whole categories of man-made fibres, based on a main polymer,
production appraisal in association with his test records currently manufactured on an industrial scale for textile
and other purposes, together with the distinguishing all products or samples which can be evaluated by the
attributes that characterize them. Lists the generic names senses, of sight, odour, taste, touch, or hearing (e.g. food,
used to designate the different categories of man-made beverage, tobacco product, cosmetic, textile,
fibres, based on a main polymer, currently manufactured paper,packaging, sample of air or water). This Standard
on an industrial scale for textile and other purposes, can also be useful in studies of human cognition and
together with the distinguishing attributes that characterize behaviour.
them. (=ISO 13299:2016)
(=ISO 2076:2013) Gr. T
SLS 1484 Part 7:2018
SLS 1483:2014 Sensory analysis of food - Methodology – general
Generic names and definitions for natural textile fibres guidance for measuring odour, flavour and taste
Gives the generic names and the definitions of the most detection thresholds by a three-alternative forced-
important natural fibres according to their specific choice (3-afc) procedure
constitution or origin. An alphabetical list of names in Gives guidelines for obtaining data on the detection of
common use is provided, together with the corresponding stimuli that evoke responses to odour, flavur and taste by
standardized denominations. a 3-AFC (three-alternative forced-choice) procedure, and
(=ISO 6938:2012) the processing of the data to estimate the value of a
Gr. E threshold and its error bounds, and other statistics related
to the detection of the stimulus.
SLS 1484 Part 1:2014 (=ISO 13301:2018)
Sensory analysis of food - Method of investigating Gr. N
sensitivity of taste
Specifies a set of objective tests for familiarizing assessors SLS 1484 Part 8:2020
with sensory analysis. The methods can also be used as a Sensory analysis – general guidance for the application
periodic monitor of the sensitivity of taste of assessors of sensory analysis in quality control
who are already members of sensory analysis panels. guidelines for the implementation of a sensory analysis
(=ISO 3972:2011) programme in quality control (QC), including general
Gr.E elements and procedures. It is applicable to food and non-
food industries.It is limited to in-plant sensory analysis in
SLS 1484 Part 2:2014 QC.
Sensory analysis of food - Method of initiation and (=ISO 20613:2019)
training of assessors in the detection and recognition Gr. F
of odours
Describes several types of methods for determining the SLS 1484 Part 9:2020
aptitude of assessors and for training assessors to identify Sensory analysis – vocabulary
and describe odoriferous products. The methods described Defines terms relating to sensory analysis.
in this Standard are suitable for use by the agri-foodstuffs NOTE 1 Grammatical forms of terms have been
industries employing olfactory analysis (e.g. perfumery, indicated where it was felt useful to do so.
cosmetics and aromatics). It applies to all industries concerned with the
(=ISO 5496:2006) evaluation of products by the sense organs.
Gr.H The terms are given under the following headings:
1) general terminology;
SLS 1484 Part 3:2014 2) terminology relating to the senses;
Sensory analysis of food - General guidelines for the 3) terminology relating to organoleptic
selection, training and monitoring of selected assessors attributes;
and expert sensory assessors 4) terminology relating to methods.
Specifies criteria for the selection and procedures for the NOTE 2 In addition to terms used in the three official this
training and monitoring of selected assessors and expert document gives the equivalent terms in German and
sensory assessors. Spanish; these are published under the responsibilities of
(= ISO 8586:2012) the member bodies for Germany (DIN) and for Argentina
Gr. N (IRAM), respectively, and are given for information only.
Only the terms and definitions given in the official
SLS 1484 Par 4:2014 languages can be considered as ISO terms and definitions.
Sensory analysis of food - General guidance for the (=ISO 5492:2008)
design of test rooms Gr. Y
Provides general guidance for the design of test rooms
intended for the sensory analysis of products. It describes SLS 1484 Part 10 Section 1:2020
the requirements to set up a test room comprising a testing Sensory analysis of food - general guidance for the staff
area, a preparation area, and an office, specifying those of a sensory evaluation laboratory - Staff
that are essential or those that are merely desirable. This Responsibilities
is not specific for any product or test type. Provides guidance on staff functions in order to improve
(=ISO 8589:2007) the organization of a sensory evaluation laboratory, to
Gr.H optimize the use of personnel, and to improve the
efficiency of sensory tests.
SLS 1484 Part 5:2018 It is applicable to any organization planning to establish a
Sensory analysis of food - Methodology – duo-trio test formal structure for sensory evaluation. The main aspects
Specifies a procedure for determining whether a to be considered are
perceptible sensory difference or similarity exists between - the education, background and professional competence
samples of two products. The method is a forced-choice of staff members, and
procedure. The method is applicable whether a difference - the responsibilities of staff members at three different
exists in a single sensory attribute or in several attributes. functional levels: sensory manager; sensory analyst or
(=ISO 10399:2017) panel leader; panel technician.
Gr. L These guidelines are valid for all different types of sensory
evaluation laboratories, in particular those in industry, in
SLS 1484 Part 6:2018 research and development organizations, in service
Sensory analysis of food - Methodology – general organizations and in the field of official authorities
guidance for establishing a sensory profile concerned with product control. In principle, it can be
Gives guidelines for the overall process for establishing a assumed that the sensory evaluation laboratory can
sensory profile. Sensory profiles can be established for perform all types of sensory tests. This means analytical
tests such as discrimination tests, descriptive analysis Gives guidelines for monitoring and assessing the overall
(sensory profile), as well as consumer tests (e.g. hedonic performance of a quantitative descriptive panel and the
tests). The individual profile of sensory activities of an performance of each member.
organization determines the boundaries and conditions to A panel of assessors can be used as an instrument to assess
be considered for planning and implementing the sensory the magnitude of sensory attributes.
evaluation laboratory and its staff. Performance is the measure of the ability of a panel or an
The application of this guidance by the organization is assessor to make valid attribute assessments across
flexible and depends on the needs and possibilities within the products being evaluated. It can be monitored at a given
an organization. For example, personnel might not be time point or tracked over time. Performance
available for three levels of staff function and, thus, the comprises the ability of a panel to detect, identify, and
duties can be divided among staff accordingly. Also, in a measure an attribute, use attributes in a similar way to
staff of two persons the technical/scientific functions can other panels or assessors, discriminate between stimuli,
be shared between a person handling the administrative/ use a scale properly, repeat their own results, and reproduce
management functions and the individual handling the results from other panels or assessors.
operational functions. The methods specified allow the consistency, repeatability,
(=ISO 13300-1:2006) freedom from bias and ability to discriminate of panels
Gr. E and assessors to be monitored and assessed.
Monitoring and assessment of agreement between panel
SLS 1484 Part 10 Section 2:2020 members is also covered. Monitoring and assessment can
Sensory analysis of food - General guidance for the be carried out in one session or over time.
staff of a sensory evaluation laboratory - recruitment Monitoring performance data enables the panel leader to
and training of panel leaders improve panel and assessor performance, to
gives guidelines for the recruitment and training of panel identify issues and retraining needs or to identify assessors
leaders. In addition, it describes the principal activities who are not performing well enough to continue
and responsibilities of a panel leader for sensory analysis. participating.
(=ISO 13300-2:2006) The methods specified in this Standard can be used by the
Gr.F panel leader to appraise continuously the performance of
panels or individual assessors.
SLS 1484 Part 11:2020 This Standard applies to individuals or panels in training
Sensory analysis of food - Methodology - texture profile as well as for established panels.
Specifies a method for developing a texture profile of food (=ISO 11132: 2012)
products (solids, semi-solids, liquids) or non-food products Gr. L
(e.g. cosmetics).
This method is one approach to sensory texture profile SLS 1485:2014
analysis and other methods exist. This method describes Woven mattress covers
various steps in the process of establishing a complete Prescribes constructional and performance details,
description of the textural attributes of a product. requirements, methods of sampling and test for woven
This method is applicable to: mattress covers. This standard does not cover quilted
- screening and training assessors; covers and spring mattress covers.
- orientating assessors through the development of 10 Pages, Gr.5
definitions and evaluation techniques for textural
characteristics; SLS 1486 Part 1:2014
- characterizing the textural attributes of a product in order Woven cotton towels and towelling - Terry towels
to establish its standard profile and to discern any later Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
changes; test for bleached, dyed and/or printed 100% cotton terry
- improving old products and developing new products; towels and towelling excluding hand woven products.
- studying various factors that can affect the textural (Supersedes SLS 136)
attributes of a product, e.g. changes in process, time, 10 Pages, Gr.5
temperature, ingredients, packaging or shelf-life, and
storage conditions; SLS 1487:2014 (S)
- comparing a product with another similar product to Good manufacturing practice (GMP) for coir fibre pith
determine the nature and intensity of textural differences; substrate
- correlating sensory and instrumental and/or physical Covers the requirements of good manufacturing practices
measurements. of coir fibre pith substrate starting from extracted coir
(=ISO 11036:2020) material receiving stage to dispatch to the Buyer, setting
Gr. J out the necessary conditions for producing the end
products which is/are suitable for user expectations.
SLS 1484 Part 12:2020 9 Pages, Gr.5
Sensory analysis of food - Guidelines for sensory
assessment of the colour of products SLS 1488:2016
Guidelines for the sensory evaluation of the colours of Method of test for the detection of Candida albicans in
products. The procedures specified are applicable to solid, cosmetics
semi-solid, powder and liquid products, which can be (First revision)
opaque, translucent, cloudy or transparent in nature, as This Sri Lanka Standard gives general guidelines for the
well as matt or glossy. detection and identification of the specified microorganism
General information is also given about the viewing and Candida albicans in cosmetic products. Microorganisms
lighting conditions to be used in various situations in considered as specified in this standard might differ from
sensory analysis, such as difference testing, profile analysis country to country according to national practices or
and grading methods, performed by panels of selected regulations.
assessors or by individual experts in special situations. (=ISO 18416:2015)
This Standard does not deal with consumer testing or with Gr. J
assessment of the metamerism of colours of food products.
(=ISO 11037:2011) SLS 1489:2016
Gr. J Method of test for the detection of Escherichia coli in
SLS 1484 Part 13:2020 (First revision)
Sensory analysis of food - Methodology - Guidelines This Sri Lanka Standard gives general guidelines for the
for monitoring the performance of a quantitative detection and identification of the specified microorganism
sensory panel Escherichia coli in cosmetic products. Microorganisms
considered as specified in this standard might differ from
country to country according to national practices or A method is also provided for the presentation of the warp
regulations. and weft yarn arrangement. This Standard applies to all
(=ISO 21150:2015) woven fabrics, including compound fabrics in which
Gr. G interlacing of the warp and weft threads is accompanied
by crossing of warp threads.
SLS 1490 Part 1:2014 (=ISO 7211-1:1984)
Method for the determination of the slippage resistance Gr. C
of yarns at seam in woven fabrics - Fixed seam opening
method SLS 1495:2014
Describes a method for the determination of the resistance Household and similar electrical appliances – safety –
offered by thread systems of woven fabric, to slippage at particular requirements for grills, toasters and similar
a sewn seam. This method is not suitable for stretch fabrics portable cooking appliances
or for industrial fabrics, e.g. beltings. This Standard deals with the safety of electric portable
(=ISO 13936-1:2004) appliances for household and similar purposes that have a
Gr. E cooking function such as baking, roasting and grilling, their
rated voltage being not more than 250 V.
SLS 1490 Part 2:2014 (=IEC 60335-2-9:2012)
Method for the determination of the slippage resistance Gr. S
of yarns at seam in woven fabrics - Fixed load method
Describes a method for the determination of the resistance SLS 1496 Part 1:2015
offered by thread systems of woven fabric, to slippage at Lightning protection system components (LPSC) -
a sewn seam. This method is suitable for all apparel and Requirements for connection components
upholstery woven fabrics, stretch fabrics (including those Specifies the requirements and tests for metallic
containing elastomeric yarn). It is not suitable for industrial connection components that form part of a lightning
fabrics, e.g. beltings. protection system (LPS). Typically, these can be
(=ISO 13936-2:2004) connectors, bonding and bridging components, expansion
Gr. E pieces and test joints. Testing of components for an
explosive atmosphere is not covered by this standard.
SLS 1490 Part 3:2014 (=IEC 62561 - 1:2012)
Method for the determination of the slippage resistance Gr. L
of yarns at seam in woven fabrics - Needle clamp
method SLS 1496 Part 2:2015
Describes a method for the determination of the resistance Lightning protection system components (LPSC) -
offered by the yarns of a woven fabric to slippage while Requirements for conductors and earth electrodes
being held in a needle clamp under conditions of stress. Specifies the requirements and tests for metallic
This method provides a means to negate variations conductors (other than “natural” conductors) that form
introduced by seam preparation or sewing thread variation part of the air termination system and down conductors
that can have a marked influence on test results. This and metallic earth electrodes that form part of the earth
method is not applicable to stretch fabrics or for industrial termination system.
fabric, e.g. beltings. (=IEC 62561-2:2012)
(=ISO 13936-3:2005) Gr. Q
Gr. F
SLS 1496 Part 3:2015
SLS 1491:2014 (S/T) Lightning protection system components (LPSC) -
Good practices for child development centres (cdc)/ Requirements for isolating spark gaps (ISG)
orphanages Specifies the requirements and tests for isolating spark
Prescribes the requirements for good practices for child gaps (ISG) for lightning protection systems. ISGs can be
development centres (CDC)/ orphanages. This Standard used to indirectly bond a lightning protection system to
does not cover homes for disable children. other nearby metalwork where a direct bond is not
13 Pages, Gr.6 permissible for functional reasons. This standard does not
cover applications where follow currents
SLS 1492:2014 occur.
Multiwall paper sacks for bulk packaging of tea (=IEC 62561-3:2012)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for Gr. J
multiwall paper sacks for packing of tea for palletized and
containerized transportation on 4-way entry 1120 mm x SLS 1496 Part 4:2015
1120 mm flat flush ended pallets in freight containers. Lightning protection system components (LPSC) -
This standard covers valved / open mouth flat hexagonal Requirements for conductor fasteners
ends sack intended for bulk packaging of tea and does not This standard deals with the requirements and tests for
cover kraft liner board sacks for bulk packing of tea. metallic and non-metallic conductor fasteners that are used
(Superseding SLS 1068) in conjunction with the air termination, down conductor
11 Pages, Gr.6 and earth termination system. It does not cover the fixing
of conductor fasteners to the fabric/membrane/gravel
SLS 1493:2014 roofing of structures.
Code of good manufacturing practices for fibre (=IEC 62561- 4:2010)
extraction in the coir industry Gr. L
Provides guidance on good manufacturing practices to be
followed in the process of extraction of coconut fibre from SLS 1496 Part 5:2015
coconut husks, to be used as a raw material for other Lightning protection system components (LPSC) -
industries. It covers the collectionof coconut husks, retting/ Requirements for earth electrode inspection housings
wetting, fibre extraction, drying, cleaning and packaging. and earth electrode seals
9 Pages, Gr.5 Specifies the requirements and tests for earth electrode
inspection housings (earth pit) and earth electrode seals.
SLS 1494 Part 1:2014 Lightning protection system components (LPSC) may also
Method of analysis for construction of woven fabrics be suitable for use in hazardous atmospheres. Regard
of textiles - Method for the presentation of a weave should then be taken of the extra requirements necessary
diagram and plans for drafting, denting and lifting for the components to be installed in such conditions.
This Standard deals with recording of fabric weaves and (=IEC 62561-5:2011)
makes provision for showing in relation to the weave repeat Gr. G
the sequence in which yarns of different character are used.
SLS 1496 Part 6:2015 Gr. P
Lightning protection system components (LPSC) -
Requirements for lightning strike counters (LSC) SLS 1502:2015
Specifies the requirements and tests for devices intended Methods for measuring the performance of electric
to count the number of lightning strike pulses flowing in a kettles and jugs for household and similar use
conductor. This conductor may be part of a lightning Applies to electric kettles and jugs for household and
protection system (LPS) or connected to an SPD similar use with a capacity up to 2.5 l . The purpose of
installation (or other conductors which are not intended this standard is to state and to define the principal
to conduct a significant portion of lightning currents). performance characteristics of electric kettles and jugs
(=IEC 62561-6:2011) which are of interest to the user and to describe the standard
Gr.J methods for measuring these characteristics. This standard
is concerned neither with safety nor with performance
SLS 1496 Part 7:2015 requirements.
Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - (=IEC 60530:1975)
Requirements for earthing enhancing compounds Gr. G
Specifies the requirements and tests for earthing enhancing
compounds producing low resistance of an earth SLS 1503:2015
termination system. Cable management - cable tray systems and cable
(=IEC 62561-7:2011) ladder systems
Gr.H Specifies requirements and tests for cable tray systems
and cable ladder systems intended for the support and
SLS 1497:2015 accommodation of cables and possibly other electrical
Plastic piping systems – polyethylene (PE) pipes and equipment in electrical and/or communication systems
fittings for water supply - general installations. This standard does not apply to conduit
Specifies the general aspects of polyethylene (PE) piping systems, cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems
systems (mains and service pipes) intended for the or any current-carrying parts.
conveyance of water for human consumption, including (=IEC 61537:2006)
raw water prior to treatment and water for general Gr.X
purposes. It also specifer the test parameters for the test
methods to which it refers. SLS 1504 Part 1:2015
(=ISO 4427-1:2007) Electric cables – low voltage energy cables of rated
Gr. J voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) -
General requirements
SLS 1498:2015 Gives the general requirements for rigid and flexible
Plastic piping systems – polyethylene (PE) pipes for energy cables of rated voltages U0/U up to and including
water supply 450/750 V a.c., used in power installations and with
Specifies the pipes made from polyethylene (PE) intended domestic and industrial appliances and equipment.
for the conveyance of water for human consumption, (=EN 50525-1:2011)
including raw water prior to treatment and water for (incorporating AMD No.1, AMD 491:2017)
general purposes. It also specifes the test parameters for Gr.EE
the test methods to which it refers.
(=ISO 4427-2:2007) SLS 1504 Part 2 Section 11:2015
Gr. K Electric cables – low voltage energy cables of rated
voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Cables
SLS 1499:2015 for general applications - Flexible cables with
Plastic piping systems – polyethylene (PE) fittings for thermoplastic PVC insulation
water supply Applies to thermoplastic (PVC) insulated and PVC
Specifies the general aspects of fittings made from sheathed flexible cables of rated voltages U0/U up to and
polyethylene (PE) for piping systems intended for the including 300/500 V intended for the connection of
conveyance of water for human consumption, including domestic appliances to the fixed supply. Circular cables
raw water prior to treatment and water for general and flat cables are included. The maximum conductor
purposes. It also specifes the test parameters for the test operating temperatures for the cables in this standard are
methods to which it refers. In conjunction with the other 70 °C (VV types) and 90 °C (V2V2 types). This standard
parts of ISO 4427, it is applicable to PE fittings, their should be read in conjunction with EN 50525-1, which
joints, to joints with components of PE and to joints with specifies general requirements.
mechanical fittings of other materials, intended to be used (=EN 50525-2-11:2011)
under the following conditions: a) a maximum operating Gr.EC
pressure (MOP) up to and including 25 bar1); b) an
operating temperature of 20 °C as the reference SLS 1504 Part 2 Section 12:2015
temperature. Electric cables – low voltage energy cables of rated
(=ISO 4427-3:2007) voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Cables
Gr.P for general applications - Cables with thermoplastic
PVC insulation for extensible leads
SLS 1500:2009 Applies to thermoplastic (PVC) insulated and PVC
Sustainable forest management systems sheathed extensible leads of rated voltages U0/U up to
Prescribes the requirements for forest plantations and other and including 300/500 V; intended for the connection of
plantations, small holders of rubber, coconut and other domestic appliances to the fixed supply. Circular cables
woodlots and chain of custody of timber and timber based and flat cables are included. The maximum conductor
products in Sri Lanka. operating temperature for each of the cables in this
36 Pages Gr.17 standard is 70 °C. This standard should be read in
conjunction with EN 50525-1, which specifies general
SLS 1501:2019 requirements.
Household and similar electrical Appliances – safety – (=EN 50525-2-12:2011)
particular requirements for Appliances for heating Gr.EC
(First revision) SLS 1504 Part 2 Section 21:2016
Deals with the safety of electrical appliances for heating Electric cables – low voltage energy cables of rated
liquids for household and similar purposes, their rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Cables
voltage being not more than 250 V. for general applications - Flexible cables with
(=IEC 60335-2-15:2018) crosslinked elastomeric insulation
Applies to flexible cables, insulated with crosslinked (=EN 50525-2-42:2011)
elastomeric compound, and sheathed with either Gr. EB
crosslinked elastomeric compound or thermoplastic
polyurethane (TPU) of rated voltages U0/U up to and SLS 1504 Part 2 Section 51:2015
including 450/750 V. The cables are intended for a variety Oil resistent control cables with thermoplastic PVC
of applications where appliances or equipment, including insulation
heavy industrial equipment, require a flexible connection Applies to oil resistant polyvinyl chloride insulated and
to the power supply. The maximum conductor operating sheathed flexible cables. Screened and non-screened types.
temperatures for the cables in this standard are 60 °C (R The cables are of rated voltages U0/U 300/500 V. The
types), 90 °C (B types) and 110 °C (G types). General cables are intended for the interconnection of
purpose cables (RR and RN types), water-resistant cables manufacturing machines. The maximum conductor
(RN8 types), general purpose cables (BB and BN4 types) operating temperature for the cables in this standard is 70
TPU sheathed cables (BQ types) and heat resistant cables °C.
(GG types) are included. This standard should be read in (=EN 50525-2-51:2011)
conjunction with EN 50525-1, which specifies general Gr. EC
(=EN 50525-2-21:2011) SLS 1504 Part 2 Section 71:2016
Gr.EF Electric cables – low voltage energy cables of rated
voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Cables
SLS 1504 Part 2 Section 22:2016 for general applications - Flat tinsel cables (cords) with
Electric cables – low voltage energy cables of rated thermoplastic PVC insulation
voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Cables Applies to thermoplastic (PVC) insulated flexible flat
for general applications - High flexibility braided tinsel flexible cables of rated voltage U0/U 300/300 V.
cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation The cables are intended for the connection of small
Applies to crosslinked EPR insulated and textile braided appliances to the fixed supply. The maximum conductor
flexible cables of rated voltage U0/U 300/300 V. The operating temperature for the cable in this standard is 40
cables are intended for the connection of domestic °C. This standard should be read in conjunction with EN
appliances to the fixed supply, where an extra flexible 50525-1, which specifies general requirements.
connection is required. The maximum conductor operating (=EN 50525-2-71:2011)
temperature for the cables in this standard is 60 °C. This Gr. EB
standard should be read in conjunction with EN 50525-1,
which specifies general requirements. SLS 1504 Part 2 Section 72:2016
(=EN 50525-2-22:2011) Electric cables – low voltage energy cables of rated
Gr.EB voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Cables
for general applications - Flat divisible cables (cords)
SLS 1504 Part 2 Section 31:2015 with thermoplastic pvc insulation
Electric cables – low voltage energy cables of rated Applies to thermoplastic (PVC) insulated flat divisible
voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Cables flexible cables of rated voltage U0/U 300/300 V. The
for general applications - Single core non-sheathed cables are intended for use indoors as internal wiring or
cables with thermoplastic PVC insulation direct supply connection to luminaires. The maximum
Applies to non-sheathed single core cables insulated with conductor operating temperature for the cables in this
thermoplastic (PVC) insulation of rated voltages U0/U standard is 60 °C. This standard should be read in
up to and including 450/750 V. The cables are intended conjunction with EN 50525-1, which specifies general
for fixed wiring applications. The maximum conductor requirements.
operating temperatures for the cables in this standard are (=EN 50525-2-72:2011)
70 °C (V types) and 90 °C (V2 types). Gr. EB
(=EN 50525-2-31:2011)
Gr.EC SLS 1504 Part 2 Section 81:2016
Electric cables – low voltage energy cables of rated
SLS 1504 Part 2 Section 41:2016 voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Cables
Electric cables – low voltage energy cables of rated for general applications - Cables with crosslinked
voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Cables elastomeric covering for arc welding
for general applications - Single core cables with Applies to single core, crosslinked elastomer covered arc
crosslinked silicone rubber insulation welding cables of rated voltage U0/U 100/100 V. The
Applies to cross-linked silicone rubber insulated single cables are intended for connections between the welding
core cables. The types included are either insulated only, power source and the electrode holder and the work piece.
or insulated and braided, or insulated and sheathed. The Two types of cable are included, with respectively Class
cables are of rated voltages U0/U up to and including 300/ D and Class E conductors are more flexible than Class 6
500 V. The cables are intended for use in fixed installations to EN 60228, with Class E having the greater flexibility.
within high temperature zones. The maximum conductor The maximum conductor operating temperature for each
operating temperature for each of the cables in this of the cables in this standard is 85 °C. This standard should
standard is 180 °C. This standard should be read in be read in conjunction with EN 50525-1, which specifies
conjunction with EN 50525-1, which specifies general general requirements.
requirements. (=EN 50525-2-81:2011)
(=EN 50525-2-41:2011) Gr. EB
SLS 1504 Part 2 Section 82:2016
SLS 1504 Part 2 Section 42:2016 Cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation for
Electric cables – low voltage energy cables of rated decorative chains
voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Cables Appliesto polychloroprene, or other equivalent synthetic
for general applications - Single core none-sheathed elastomer, sheathed cables. The cables are of rated voltages
cables with crosslinked eva insulation U0/U up to and including 300/500 V. The cables are
Applies to crosslinked elastomeric insulated single core intended for use as decorative chains and with designated
non-sheathed cables of rated voltages U0/U up to and lampholders. The maximum conductor operating
including 450/750 V. The cables are intended for use in temperature for each of the cable is 600 0C.
fixed installations within high temperature zones. The (=EN 50525-2-82:2011)
maximum conductor operating temperature for each of Gr. EB
the cables in this standard is 110 °C. This standard should
be read in conjunction with EN 50525-1, which specifies SLS 1504 Part 2 Section 83:2016
general requirements.
Electric cables – low voltage energy cables of rated sheathed cables with halogen-free crosslinked
voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Cables insulation, and low emission of smoke
for general applications - Multycore cables with Applies to non-sheathed single core cables insulated with
crosslinked silicone rubber insulation halogen-free crosslinked compound and having low
Applies to multicore cables insulated and sheathed with emission of smoke and corrosive gases when exposed to
heat resistant cross linked silicone rubber with or without fire. The cables are of rated voltages U0/U up to and
an overall textile braid, and with or without a strain-bearing including 450/750 V and are intended for fixed wiring
element. The cables are of rated voltages U0/U 300/500 applications. The maximum conductor operating
V and are intended for use within high temperature zones, temperature for each of the cables in this standard is 90
either in fixed installations with mechanical protection or °C. This standard should be read in conjunction with EN
for flexible use under low mechanical stress. The maximum 50525-1, which specifies general requirements.
conductor operating temperature for each of the cables in (=EN 50525-3-41:2011)
this standard is 180 °C. This standard should be read in Gr. EB
conjunction with EN 50525-1, which specifies general
requirements. SLS 1505:2015
(=EN 50525-2-83:2011) Code of practice for good animal feed production and
Gr. EB feeding
Application of this standard ensures the safety of food of
SLS 1504 Part 3 Section 11:2016 animal origin for human consumption, that can be affected
Electric cables – low voltage energy cables of rated by feeds and feeding, through adherence to good animal
voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Cables feeding practice at the farm level and good manufacturing
with special fire performance - Flexible cables with practices (GMPs) during the procurement, production,
halogen-free thermoplastic insulation, and low handling, storage, processing and distribution of animal
emission of smoke feeds and feed ingredients for food producing animals. It
Applies to flexible cables, insulated and sheathed with also applies to the manufactures and use of all feed stuffs
halogen-free thermoplastic compound and having low and ingredients, concentrate feeds, roughage, forage
emission of smoke and corrosive gases when exposed to destined for animal feed and feed ingredients at all levels
fire. The cables are of rated voltages U0/U up to and whether produced industrially or on farm. It also includes
including 300/500 V and are intended for the connection grazing or free-range feeding, forage crop production and
of domestic appliances to the fixed supply. Circular cables aquaculture. This code does not cover issues related to
and flat cables are included. The maximum conductor animal welfare health and other hazards.
operating temperature for each of the cables in this 14 pages, Gr.7
standard is 70 °C. This standard should be read in
conjunction with EN 50525-1, which specifies general SLS 1506:2015 (S) (E)
requirements. Elderly care homes
(=EN 50525-3-11:2011) Prescribes the requirements for elderly care homes for
Gr.EC resident elders.
17 pages, Gr.8
SLS 1504 Part 3 Section 21:2016
Electric cables – low voltage energy cables of rated SLS 1507:2015
voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Cables Smart community infrastructures- Review of existing
with special fire performance - Flexible cables with activities relevant to metrics
halogen-free crosslinked insulation, and low emission Provides a review of existing activities relevant to metrics
of smoke for smart community infrastructures. This standard
Applies to flexible cables, insulated and sheathed with addresses community infrastructures such as energy, water,
halogen-free crosslinked compound and having low transportation, waste and information and communications
emission of smoke and corrosive gases when exposed to technology (ICT). It focuses on the technical aspects
fire and are of rated voltage U0/U 450/750 V. The cables ofexisting activities which have been published,
are intended for the connection of equipment and implemented or discussed. Economic, political or societal
machinery to the fixed supply. The maximum conductor aspects are not analyzed in this standard.
operating temperature for each of the cables in this (=ISO/TR 37150:2014)
standard is 90 °C. This standard should be read in Gr. Y
conjunction with EN 50525-1, which specifies general
requirements. SLS 1508:2015
(=EN 50525-3-21:2011) Sustainable development of communities – Indicators
Gr.EC for city services and quality of life
Defines and establishes methodologies for a set of
SLS 1504 Part 3 Section 31:2016 indicators to steer and measure the performance of city
Electric cables – low voltage energy cables of rated services and quality of life. This standard is applicable to
voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Cables any city, municipality or local government that undertakes
with special fire performance - Core non-sheathed to measure its performance in a comparable and verifiable
cables with halogen-free thermoplastic insulation, and manner, irrespective of size and location.
low emission of smoke (=ISO 37120:2014)
Applies to non-sheathed single core cables insulated with Gr.X
halogen-free thermoplastic compound and having low
emission of smoke and corrosive gases when exposed to SLS 1509:2015
fire. The cables are of rated voltages U0/U up to and Cocoa based confectionery
including 450/750 V. The cables are intended for fixed Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and
wiring applications. The maximum conductor operating testing for cocoa based confectionery products.
temperature for each of the cables in this standard is 70 AMD No.1 (AMD 549:2021)
°C. This standard should be read in conjunction with EN 14 pages, Gr.7
50525-1, which specifies general requirements.
(=EN 50525-3-31:2011) SLS 1510 Part 1:2015
Gr. EC Methods of test for determination of cocoa butter
equivalents - Milk chocolate
SLS 1504 Part 3 Section 41:2016 Specifies a procedure for the detection and quantification
Electric cables – low voltage energy cables of rated of cocoa butter equivalents (CBEs) and milk fat (MF) in
voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Cables milk chocolate by triacylglycerol (TAG) profiling using
with special fire performance - Single core non- high-resolution capillary gas-liquid chromatography (HR-

GLC), and subsequent data evaluation by simple and Covers seamless carbon steel pipe for high-temperature
partial least squares regression analysis. service in NPS 1 8 to NPS 48 [DN 6 to DN 1200] inclusive,
(=ISO 11053:2009) with nominal (average) wall thickness as given in ASME
Gr. L B 36.10M.
(=ASTM A106/A106M-13)
SLS 1510 Part 2 Section 1:2015 Gr.A2
Methods of test for determination of cocoa butter
equivalents - Cocoa butter and plain chocolate - SLS 1516:2015
Determination of the presence of cocoa butter Pressure vessel plates, carbon steel for intermediate-
equivalents and higher- temperature service
Specifies a procedure for the detection of cocoa butter Covers carbon-silicon steel plates primarily for
equivalents(CBEs) in cocoa butter (CB) and plain intermediate- and higher-temperature service in welded
chocolate by high-resolution capillary gas liquid boilers and other pressure vessels.
chromatography (HR-GC) of triacylglycerols and (=ASTM A515/A515M -10)
subsequent data evaluation by regression analysis. The Gr.A1
method is applicable for the detection of 2 % CBE
admixture to cocoa butter, corresponding to about 0.6 % SLS 1517:2015
CBE in chocolate (i.e. the assumed fat content of chocolate Pressure vessel plates, carbon steel for moderate- and
is 30 %). lower - temperature service
(=ISO 23275-1:2006) Covers carbon steel plates intended primarily for service
Gr. F in welded pressure vessels where improved notch
toughness is important.
SLS 1510 Part 2 Section 2:2015 (=ASTM A516/A516M-10)
Methods of test for determination of cocoa butter Gr.A1
equivalents - Cocoa butter and plain chocolate -
Quantification of cocoa butter equivalents SLS 1518 Part 1:2015
Specifies a procedure for the quantification of cocoa butter Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - technical
equivalents (CBEs) in cocoa butter (CB) and plain delivery conditions - Non-alloy steel tubes with
chocolate by high-resolution capillary gas chromatography specified room temperature properties
(HR-GC) of triacylglycerols, and subsequent data Specifies the technical delivery conditions for two qualities
evaluation by partial least squares regression analysis. TR1 and TR2 of seamless tubes of circular cross section
(=ISO 23275-2:2006) with specified room temperature properties made of non-
Gr.G alloy quality steel.
(=EN 10216-1:2013)
SLS 1511:2015 Gr.E13
Fabric for robes of Buddhist clergy
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test SLS 1518 Part 2:2015
of fabric for robes of Buddhist clergy. Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - technical
(In Sinhala) delivery conditions - Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes
12 Pages, Gr.5 with specified elevated temperature properties
Specifies the technical delivery conditions in two test
SLS 1512:2015 categories for seamless tubes of circular cross section, with
Boilers specified elevated temperature properties, made of non-
Specifies the essential design, manufacturing, inspection alloy and alloy steel. This standard may also be applied
and testing requirements for boilers upto a maximum for tubes of non-circular cross section with necessary
capacity of 10,000 kg (10 tons) of steam per hour from modification at the time of enquiry and order.
and at feed water temperature of 100 ºC and steam outlet (=EN 10216-2:2013)
pressure of 1atm and upto an operating pressure of 25 bar Gr.E17
(2.5 N/mm2 or 362.5 psi). It also specifies criteria for the
hot water boilers upto 2 million Kcal/hr and temperature SLS 1519 Part 1:2015
upto 175 ºC. Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes – technical
55 pages, Gr.18 delivery conditions - Non-alloy steel tubes with
specified room temperature properties
SLS 1513:2015 Specifies the technical delivery conditions for two qualities
Radio frequency coaxial cables for television TR1 and TR2 of welded tubes of circular cross section,
receptions and similar applications. made of non-alloy quality steel and with specified room
Specifies coaxial cables of characteristic impedance of temperature properties.
75 Ù intended to be used for television, satellite receivers (=EN 10217-1:2002)
and associated equipment. Gr.E16
40 Pages, Gr.16
SLS 1519 Part 2:2015
SLS 1514:2015 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes – technical
Carbon steel forgings for piping applications delivery conditions - Electric welded non-alloy and
Covers forged carbon steel piping components for alloy steel tubes with specified elevated temperature
ambient- and higher-temperature service in pressure properties
systems. Included are flanges, fittings, valves, and similar Specifies the technical delivery conditions in two test
parts ordered either to dimensions specified by the categories of electric welded tubes of circular cross section,
purchaser or to dimensional standards such as the MSS, with specified elevated temperature properties, made of
ASME, and API specifications referenced within the scope non-alloy and alloy steel.
of this standard. Although this standard covers some piping (=EN 10217-2:2002)
components machined from rolled bar and seamless Gr E13
tubular products, it does not cover raw material produced
in these product forms. SLS 1520:2016
(=ASTM A105/A105M-13) Guidelines – cosmetics without components of animal
Gr. A2 origin
Guidelines recommend practices for selection of
SLS 1515:2015 ingredients, storing, handling, processing, labeling,
Seamless carbon steel pipe for high-temperature packaging, transporting and distributing of cosmetics
service without components of animal origin. This Standard does
not describe the composition of cosmetics without
components of animal origin. Provides specific guidance to minimize the food safety
6 pages, Gr.3 risks associated with fresh leafy vegetables that are
intended to be consumed without cooking during their
SLS 1521:2016 production, harvesting, packaging, processing, storage,
Palm superolein distribution, marketing and consumer use. This includes
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and fresh, fresh-cut, pre-cut or ready-to-eat products such as
testing for palm superolein. pre-packaged salads.
9 Pages, Gr.5 18 Pages, Gr.9
SLS 1522:2016 SLS 1525:2013
Code of Practice for grid connected photovoltaic power Energy efficiency rating for three-phase squirrel cage
systems – requirements for system documentation, induction motors
installation, testing & commissioning Specifies requirements for energy efficiency labelling and
Defines the minimal information and documentation the method of energy efficiency rating of single speed,
required to be handed over to a customer following the three-phase, 50 Hz cage induction motors and those
installation of a grid connected PV system. This standard comply with SLS 1426 Part 1 and Part 2 and have a
also describes the installation, testing & commissioning rated voltage (Un) up to 1000 V, a rated output (PN)
procedure and documentation expected to verify the safe between 0.75 kW – 375 kW, have either 2,4, or 6Specifies
installation and correct operation of the system. This requirements for energy efficiency labelling and the
document can also be used for periodic retesting. method of energy efficiency rating of single speed, three-
40 pages, Gr.16 phase, 50 Hz cage induction motors and those comply
with SLS 1426 Part 1 and Part 2 and have a rated voltage
SLS 1523 Part 1:2016 (Un) up to 1000 V, a rated output (PN) between 0.75 kW
Good agricultural practices (GAP) - Fresh fruits and – 375 kW, have either 2,4, or 6 poles and are rated on the
vegetables basis of either duty type S1 (Continues duty) or S3
Prescribes the GAP to be applied for sustainable (Intermediate periodic duty) poles and are rated on the
production of fruits and vegetables that is legally basis of either duty type S1 (Continues duty) or S3
compliant, environmentally sound, socially acceptable and (Intermediate periodic duty)
economically viable to ensure quality produce that is with a rated cyclic duration factor of 80 per cent or higher,
suitable for human consumption. applicable for operating direct on- line and are rated for
Pages17, Gr.9 operating conditions in accordance with Clause 6 of SLS
IEC 60034- 1. with a rated cyclic duration factor of 80
SLS 1523 Part 2:2019 per cent or higher, applicable for operating direct on- line
Requirements for good agricultural practices (GAP) - and are rated for operating conditions in accordance with
Rice Clause 6 of SLS IEC 60034-1.
Applies to the Good Agricultural Practices for rice, which 10 pages, Gr.5
has the scientific name of Oryza sativa L. in the genus of
Gramineae or Poaceae. It includes every production steps SLS 1526:2016
including production, harvesting, on-farm post-harvest Method of test for determination of soil pH
handling and on farm storage of rice by farmer, to produce Specifies an instrumental method for the routine
rice that is safe for consumption with good quality determination of pH using a glass electrode in a 1:5
18 pages, Gr. 9 (volume fraction) suspension of soil in water (pH in H2O),
in 1 mol/l potassium chloride solution (pH in KCl) or in
SLS 1523 Part 3:2020 0,01 mol/l calcium chloride solution (pH in CaCl2). This
Good agricultural practices (GAP) - cinnamon, pepper Standard is applicable to all types of air-dried soil samples,
and coffee for example pretreated in accordance with ISO 11464.
Prescribes the GAP to be applied for the production and (=ISO 10390:2005)
processing within the farm site of cinnamon, pepper and Gr. D
coffee for their sustainable production that is legally
compliant, environmentally sound, socially acceptable and SLS 1527:2016
economically viable to ensure safe and quality produce or Methods of test for determination of impurities, size,
product that is suitable for utilization and/or foreign odours, insects, and species and variety of
consumption.This does not absolve any product, person(s), pulses
corporate entities and organizations from fulfilling criteria Specifies methods not given in other international
laid down in the Standards for product(s) that use(s) the Standards for testing pulses which have not been processed
SLS mark.All materials containing or produced from and which are intended for human consumption or for
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are not animal feeding stuffs.
compatible with this Standard. (=ISO 605:1991)
20 pages, Gr. 10 Gr.C
SLS 1523 Part 4:2020 SLS 1528 Part 1:2016
Requirements for good agricultural practices (GAP) - Storage of cereals and pulses - General
Cocoa, Nutmeg and Clove recommendations for the keeping of cereals
Prescribes the GAP to be applied for the production and This Standard gives general guidance related to the
processing within the farm site of cocoa, nutmeg and clove problems of keeping cereals.
for their sustainable production that is legally compliant, (=ISO 6322-1:1996)
environmentally sound, socially acceptable and Gr. K
economically viable to ensure safe and quality produce or
product that is suitable for utilization and/or consumption. SLS 1528 Part 2:2016
This Standard does not absolve any product, person(s), Storage of cereals and pulses - Practical
corporate entities and organizations from fulfilling criteria recommendations
laid down in the Standards for product(s) that use(s) the Gives guidance on the choice of a method of storage of
SLS mark. cereals and pulses, and on the practical recommendations
All materials containing or produced from Genetically for good storage, according to the method chosen.
Modified Organisms (GMOs) are not compatible with this (=ISO 6322-2:2000)
Standard. Gr. E
21 pages, Gr.11
SLS 1528 Part 3:2016
SLS 1524:2016 Storage of cereals and pulses - Control of attack by
Code of hygienic practices for fresh leafy vegetables pests
Gives guidance on means of controlling attack by pests General purpose fuse Links for Domestic and Similar
on cereals and pulses in storage. Purposes (Primarily For Use In Plugs)
(=ISO 6322-3:1989) Dimensions and performance requirements for general
Gr.C purpose cartridge fuse links of current ratings not
exceeding 13 A for domestic and similar purposes
SLS 1529 Part 1:2016 (primarily for use in plugs complying with the
Determination of hidden insect infestation of cereals requirements of SLS 734) on declared supply voltages
and pulses - General principles not exceeding 250 V at a nominal frequency of 50 Hz or
Establishes the general principles of methods of 60 Hz.
determining hidden insect infestation in cereals and pulses. 26 Pages, Gr.12
(=ISO 6639-1:1986)
Gr. A SLS 1534:2016
Instant noodles
SLS 1529 Part 2:2016 Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and
Determination of hidden insect infestation of cereals testing for various kinds of instant noodles, packaged with
and pulses - Sampling or without noodle seasonings, or in the form of seasoned
Specifies methods of sampling cereals and pulses, in bags noodle and with or without noodle garnish(s) in separate
or in bulk, for the determination of hidden insect pouches, or sprayed on noodle, dehydrated and ready for
infestation. consumption or cooking. This standard does not apply to
(=ISO 6639-2:1986) pasta products.
Gr. B 17 Pages, Gr.9
SLS 1529 Part 3:2016 SLS 1535:2016
Determination of hidden insect infestation of cereals Auminium sulphate for purification of drinking water
and pulses - Reference method supplies
Specifies the reference method for determining the nature Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
and number of hidden insects in a sample of cereals or for Aluminium sulphate used in purification of drinking
pulses. water supplies. This Specification does not cover
(=ISO 6639-3:1986) Aluminium sulphate (Technical grade).
Gr. B (Incorparated corrigenlam No 1)
20 Pages, Gr.10
SLS 1529 Part 4:2016
Determination of hidden insect infestation of cereals SLS 1536:2016
and pulses - Rapid methods Water based enamel paints
Specifies five rapid methods for estmating the degree of, Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
or detecting the presence of, hidden insect infestation in a test for water based enamel paint used for all interior and
sample of a cereal or pulse. exterior wooden items, wall surfaces including correctly
(=ISO 6639-4:1987) primed timber, building panels and metals where gloss
Gr. J paint finish is required.
13 Pages, Gr.7
SLS 1530:2016
Minimum energy performance for self-ballasted SLS 1537:2016
integral type led lamps for general lighting services Synthetic resin based automotive spray paint
Specifies Minimum Energy Performance Standard Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
(MEPS) for self ballasted integral type LED lamps for for synthetic resin based automotive spray paint, and does
general lighting services operating on supply voltage of not cover the requirements relevant to nitrocellulose resin
greater than 50 V a.c. up to 250 V a.c. 50 Hz nominal and based automotive spray paint.
rated power up to 60 W, having screw and bayonet lamp 11 Pages, Gr.6
caps. It also includes method of measurement of electrical
energy consumption and luminous flux for determination SLS 1538:2016
of efficiency of the lamps for the purpose of MEPS. Nitrocellulose resin based automotive spray paint
AMD No 1(AMD 523:2019) Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
(AMD No.2 (AMD 538:2020) test for nitrocellulose resin based automotive spray paint,
12 Pages, Gr.7 and does not cover the requirements relevant to synthetic
resin based automotive spray paint.
SLS 1531:2016 (S) 11 Pages, Gr.6
Guidelines for hair and beauty industry
These guidelines are applicable to hair and beauty care SLS 1539:2016
entities performing activities/ treatments related to Compostable plastic
beautification and management of its system to ensure Specifies procedures and requirements for the
health and safety of the customers. This standard does identification and labelling of plastics, and products made
not cover spa entities. from plastics, that are suitable for recovery through aerobic
19 Pages, Gr.10 composting. Biodegradation, disintegration during
composting, negative effects on the composting process
SLS 1532:2016 and facility, negative effects on the quality of the resulting
Cable reels for household and similar purposes compost, including the presence of high levels of regulated
Applies to cable reels for a.c. only, provided with a non- metals and other harmful components are addressed.
detachable flexible cable with a rated voltage above 50 V (=ISO 17088:2012)
and not exceeding 250 V for single-phase cable reels and Gr.D
above 50 V and not exceeding 440 V for all other cable
reels, and a rated current not exceeding 16A. They are SLS 1540:2016
intended for household, commercial and light industrial Polypropylene drinking straws
and similar purposes, either indoors or outdoors, with Specifies the general characteristics, requirements and
particular reference to safety in normal use. methods for testing of polypropylene (PP) drinking straws
(=IEC 61242:1995, Amd No.1:2008, Amd No.2:2015) (herein after called PP straws). It is applicable to PP straws
Amd no 1(Amd 500:2017) having an inner diameter of 3 mm to 12 mm.
Gr. V (=ISO 18188:2016)
SLS 1533:2017
SLS 1541:2016
Terms and definitions for paints and varnishes concentrated sunlight although it may be utilized for low
Defines terms used in the field of coating materials (paints, concentrator modules (1 to 3 suns).
varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes). (=IEC 61215-1-1:2016)
Terms relating to specific applications and properties are Gr. D
dealt with in standards concerning those applications and
properties, e.g. corrosion protection, coating powders. SLS 1544 Part 2:2016
(=ISO 4618:2014) Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - design
Gr. A qualification and type approval - Test procedures
Lays down requirements for the design qualification and
SLS 1542:2016 type approval of terrestrial photovoltaic modules suitable
Electric cable for photovoltaic systems for long-term operation in general open-air climates, as
Applies to low smoke halogen-free, flexible, single-core defined in IEC 60721-2-1. This standard is intended to
power cables with crosslinked insulation and sheath. In apply to all terrestrial flat plate module materials such as
particular for use at the direct current side of photovoltaic crystalline silicon module types as well as thin-film
systems, with a nominal d.c. voltage of 1.5 kV between modules. This standard does not apply to modules used
conductors and between with concentrated sunlight although it may be utilized for
conductor and earth. The cables are suitable to be used low concentrator modules (1 to 3 suns).
with Class II equipment. The cables are designed to operate (=IEC 61215-2:2016)
at a normal maximum conductor temperature of 90 °C, Gr. S
but for a maximum of 20 000 hours a max. conductor
temperature of 120 °C at a max. ambient temperature of SLS 1545 Part 1:2016
90 °C is permitted. Photovoltaic (PV) module performance testing and
(=EN 50618:2014) energy rating - Irradiance and temperature
Gr.EE performance measurements and power rating
Describes requirements for evaluating PV module
SLS 1543 Part 1:2016 performance in terms of power (watts) rating over a range
Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic of irradiances and temperatures.
power systems - General requirements (=IEC 61853-1:2011)
Applies to the power conversion equipment (PCE) for use Gr.H
in Photovoltaic (PV) systems where a uniform technical
level with respect to safety is necessary. It also defines SLS 1545 Part 2:2017
the minimum requirements for the design and manufacture Photovoltaic (PV) module performance testing and
of PCE for protection against electric shock, energy, fire, energy rating - Spectral responsivity, incidence angle
mechanical and other hazards. and module operating temperature - Measurements
(=IEC 62109-1:2010) Define measurement procedures for measuring the effects
Gr. Z of angle of incidence of the irradiance on the output power
of the device, to determine the operating temperature of a
SLS 1543 Part 2:2016 module for a given set of ambient and mounting conditions
Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic and measure spectral responsivity of the module. A second
power systems - Particular requirements for inverters purpose is to provide a characteristic set of parameters
Covers the particular safety requirements relevant to d.c. which will be useful for detailed energy predictions. The
to a.c. inverter products as well as products that have or described measurements are required as inputs into the
perform inverter functions in addition to other functions, module energy rating procedure described in IEC 61853-
where the inverter is intended for use in photovoltaic power 3.
systems. Inverters covered by this standard may be grid- (= IEC 61853-2:2016)
interactive, stand-alone, or multiple mode inverters, may Gr. K
be supplied by single or multiple photovoltaic modules
grouped in various array configurations, and may be SLS 1546:2016
intended for use in conjunction with batteries or other Photovoltaic systems power conditioners - procedure
forms of energy storage. for measuring efficiency
(=IEC 62109 - 2:2011) Describes guidelines for measuring the efficiency of power
Gr. P conditioners used in stand-alone and utility-interactive
photovoltaic systems, where the output of the power
SLS 1544 Part 1:2016 conditioner is a stable a.c. voltage of constant frequency
Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - design or a stable d.c. voltage.
qualification and type approval - Test requirements (=IEC 61683:1999)
Lays down requirements for the design qualification and Gr. K
type approval of terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules
suitable for long-term operation in general open-air SLS 1547:2016
climates, as defined in IEC 60721-2-1. This standard is Photovoltaic (pv) systems – characteristics of the utility
intended to apply to all terrestrial flat plate module interface
materials such as crystalline silicon module types as well Applies to utility-interconnected photovoltaic (PV) power
as thin film modules. It does not apply to modules used systems operating in parallel with the utility and utilizing
with concentrated sunlight although it may be utilized for static (solid-state) non-islanding inverters for the
low concentrator modules (1 to 3 suns). conversion of DC to AC. It also describes specific
(=IEC 61215-1:2016) recommendations for systems rated at 10 kVA or less, such
Gr. J as may be utilized on individual residences single or three
phase. This standard applies to interconnection with the
SLS 1544 Part 1-1:2016 low-voltage utility distribution system. This standard does
Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - design not deal with EMC or protection mechanism against
qualification and type approval - Special requirements lighting.
for testing of crystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) (=IEC 61727:2004)
modules Gr. F
Lays down requirements for the design qualification and
type approval of terrestrial photovoltaic modules suitable SLS 1548:2016
for long-term operation in general open air climates, as Composite kraft board sacks for packaging of bulk tea
defined in IEC 60721-2-1. This standard is intended to Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for valved
apply to all crystalline silicon terrestrial flat plate modules. and open mouth types of gusseted, rectangular-ended sack
This standard does not apply to modules used with made up of composite Kraft board with a inner barrier

lamination intended for bulk packaging of tea with net Cartridge fuse links (rated at up 5 amperes) For a.c
weight of 20 kg to 60 kg. and d.c service
11 Pages, Gr.6 This Sri Lanka Standard relates to cartridge fuse links of
current ratings up to 5 A (hitherto known as Type A fuse
SLS 1549 Part 1:2016 links) intended for use in plugs, and socket-outlets adaptors
Methods of test for cereals, pulses and derived products for two wire circuits of which the declared voltage does
- Pulses - determination of moisture content – air-oven not exceed 250 V a.c at 50 Hz, or 250 V d.c.
method 16 pages, Gr.8
Specifies a routine reference method for the determination
of moisture content of pulses. The procedure is applicable SLS 1553 Part 1:2017
to chickpeas, lentils, peas, and all classes of beans with Photovoltaic (pv) module safety qualification -
the exception of soybeans. Requirements for construction
(=ISO 24557:2009) Specifies and describes the fundamental construction
Gr. D requirements for photovoltaic (PV) modules in order to
provide safe electrical and mechanical operation.
SLS 1549 Part 2:2016 (=IEC 61730-1:2016)
Methods of test for cereals, pulses and derived products Gr. U
- Determination of the nitrogen content and calculation
of the crude protein content – kjeldahl method SLS 1553 Part 2:2017
Specifies a method for the determination of the nitrogen Photovoltaic (pv) module safety qualification -
content of cereals, pulses and derived products, according requirements for testing
to the Kjeldahl method, and a method for calculating the This standard lists the tests a PV module is required to
crude protein content. fulfill for safety qualification. IEC 61730-2 is applied for
(=ISO 20483:2013) safety qualification only in conjunction with
Gr. G SLS 1553 Part 1:2017.
(=IEC 61730-2:2016)
SLS 1549 Part 3:2016 Gr. U
Methods of test for cereals, pulses and derived products
- Cereals, cereal-based products and animal feeding SLS 1554 Part 1:2017
stuffs - determination of crude fat and total fat content Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear - General
by the randall extraction method Rules
Specifies procedures for the determination of the fat Applies, when required by the relevant product standard,
content of cereals, cereal-based products, and animal to low-voltage switchgear and controlgear and intended
feeding stuffs. These procedures are not applicable to to be connected to circuits, the rated voltage of which does
oilseeds and oleaginous fruits. not exceed 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c.
(=ISO 11085:2015) (=IEC 60947-1:2014)
Gr.H Gr.AD
SLS 1549 Part 4:2016 SLS 1554 Part 2:2017
Methods of test for cereals, pulses and derived products Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear - Circuit –
- Determination of ash yield by incineration breakers
Specifies a method for determining the ash yielded by Applies to circuit-breakers, the main contacts of which
cereals, pulses and their milled products intended for are intended to be connected to circuits, the rated voltage
human consumption. The source materials covered are of which does not exceed 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c.; it
grains of cereals, flours and semolinas, milled products also contains additional requirements for integrally fused
(bran and high bran content products, sharps) mixed cereal circuit-breakers.
flours (mixes) , cereal by-products other than milled .(=IEC 60947-2:2016)
products and pulses and their by-products. It is not Gr.AD
applicable to starchand starch derivatives and products
intended for animal feeding stuffs or seeds. SLS 1554 Part 3:2017
(=ISO 2171:2007) Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear - Switches,
Gr. F disconnectors, switchdisconnectors and fuse -
combination units
SLS 1550:2016 Applies to switches, disconnectors, switch-disconnectors
Method of test for determination of cadmium content and fusecombination units to be used in distribution
of paper, board and pulps (atomic absorption circuits and motor circuits of which the rated voltage does
spectrometric method) not exceed 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c.
Specifies a method for the determination of traces of (=IEC 60947-3:2015)
cadmium in all types of paper, board and pulp, including Gr. V
products containing recycled fibre, that can be wet-
combusted in nitric acid as specified in this standard. SLS 1555:2017
(=ISO 10775:2013) Palm kernel olein
Gr.C Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and
testing for palm kernel olein, i.e the liquid fraction obtained
SLS 1551:2016 from the fractionation of palm kernel oil.
Principle Criteria and indicator for sustainably 9 pages, Gr.5
produced fuelwood
Describes the sustainability requirements for the SLS 1556:2017
production of fuelwood. It includes a basic chain of Palm kernel stearin
custody (traceability) for the certified wood through the Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and
supply chain, including transport and pre-preparation of testing for palm kernel stearin.
fuelwood. However this standard does not cover 9 pages, Gr.5
sustainability of the technology used in industrial
processes, and only includes terminology and aspects SLS 1557:2017
related to the sustainability (e.g. environmental, social and Requirements for biodegradable plastics
economic) of the production of fuelwood. Specifies procedures and requirements to determine the
9 pages, Gr.5 compostability or anaerobic biodegradation of plastic by
addressing biodegradability, disintegration during
SLS 1552:2017 biological treatment, effect on the biological treatment
process and effect on the quality of the resulting compost.
It specifies the requirements for identification and labeling as fermented and non-fermented milks, milk powders,
of materials or products made from plastic as “compostable infant formulae, and starter cultures where these
and biodegradable” in controlled municipal or industrial microorganisms are present and viable, and in combination
biological waste treatment plants. It does not cover the with other lactic acid bacteria. (For proposed quality
plastics undergoing the biodegradation after the criteria of dairy products, see, for example, Codex
oxidativedegradation initiated by heat or light. Stan243:2003.
15 pages, Gr.8 (=ISO 29981:2010)
Gr. J
SLS 1558 Part 1:2017
Methods of tests for microbiology of milk and milk SLS 1559 Part 1:2017
products - Enumeration of colony-forming units of Symbols and abbreviated terms for plastics - Basic
yeasts and / or moulds – colony counts technique at 25 polymers and their special characteristics
0C Defines abbreviated terms for the basic polymers used in
Specifies a method for the detection and enumeration of plastics, symbols for components of these terms, and
colony-forming units (CFU) of viable yeasts and/or moulds symbols for special characteristics of plastics. It includes
in milk and milk products by means of the colony-count only those abbreviated terms that have come into
technique at 25 °C. established use.
(=ISO 6611:2004) (=ISO 1043-1:2011)
Gr. D Gr.H
SLS 1558 Part 2 Section 1:2017 SLS 1559 Part 2:2017
Methods of tests for microbiology of milk and milk Symbols and abbreviated terms for plastics - Fillers
products - Enumeration of presumptive Escherichia and reinforcing materials
coli - Most probable number technique using for Specifies uniform symbols for terms referring to fillers
methylumbelliferyl – â-D-glucuronide (MUG) and reinforcing materials. It includes only those symbols
Specifies a combined method for the enumeration of that have come into established use.
presumptive Escherichia coli and of presumptive (=ISO 1043-2:2011)
coliforms by means of a culture technique involving a Gr.B
liquid medium with MUG, and calculation of the number
of presumptive Escherichia coli and/or coliforms per gram SLS 1559 Part 3:2017
or per millilitre by the most probable number (MPN) Symbols and abbreviated terms for plastics -
technique after incubation at 30 °C. Plasticizers
(=ISO 11866-1:2005) Provides uniform symbols for components of terms
Gr. F relating to plasticizers to form abbreviated terms. It
includes, in general, only those abbreviated terms that have
SLS 1558 Part 2 Section 2:2017 come into established use.
Methods of tests for microbiology of milk and milk (=ISO 1043-3:2016)
products - Enumeration of presumptive Escheri chia Gr.D
coli - Colony count technique at 44 0C using
membranes SLS 1559 Part 4:2017
Specifies a method for the enumeration of presumptive Symbols and abbreviated terms for plastics - Flame
Escherichia coli by means of a colony-count technique at retardants
44°C. Provides uniform symbols for flame retardants added to
(=ISO11866-2:2005) plastics materials.
Gr. E (=ISO 1043-4:1998)
SLS 1558 Part 3:2017
Methods of tests for microbiology of milk and milk SLS 1560:2017
products - Identification of characteristic Generic identification and marking of plastics products
microorganisms of yoghurt (Lactobacillus delbrueckii Specifies a system of uniform marking of products that
subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus) have been fabricated from plastics materials. Provision
Specifies tests for the identification of the characteristic for the process or processes to be used for marking is
microorganisms in yogurt on the basis of their outside the scope of this standard.
morphological, cultural and physiological properties. It (=ISO 11469:2016)
is applicable to strains isolated from yogurts in which both Gr.B
characteristic microorganisms are present and viable.
(= ISO 9232:2003) SLS 1561:2017
Gr. J Microbiology - cosmetics - guidelines for the
application of iso standards on cosmetic microbiology
SLS 1558 Part 4:2017 General guidelines to explain the use of ISO cosmetic
Methods of tests for microbiology of milk and milk microbiological standards depending on the objective (in-
products - Yoghurt – enumeration of characteristic market control, product development, etc.) and the product
microorganisms – colony-count technique at 37°C to be tested.
Specifies a method for the enumeration of characteristic (=ISO/TR 19838:2016)
microorganisms in yogurt by means of the colony-count Gr.H
technique at 37 °C. The method is applicable to yogurts
in which both characteristic microorganisms SLS 1562 Part 1:2017
(Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Requirements for good manufacturing practices for
Streptococcus thermophilus) are present and viable. Ceylon cinnamon processing - Cinnamon bark
(=ISO 7889:2003) products
Gr. F Specifies the requirements for good manufacturing
practices for processing of bark of Ceylon Cinnamon
SLS 1558 Part 5:2019 (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume).
Methods of test for microbiology of milk and milk 18 Pages, Gr.7
products – enumeration of presumptive bifidobacteria
– colony count technique at 37 °C SLS 1563:2017
Specifies a method for the selective enumeration of Chillie, whole and ground
presumptive bifidobacteria in milk products by using a prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
colony count technique at 37 °C under anaerobic test for chillies whole and ground forms. Two main species
conditions. The method is applicable to milk products such of capsicum, Capsicum annuum L. and Capsicum
frutescens L. and their sub species, C. chinense, C. SLS 1568 Part 2:2017
pubescens and C. pendulum are covered by this Standard. Microbiology of water - Requirements for the
(Superseding SLS 117 and SLS 853) comparison of the relative recovery of microorganisms
(AMD No.1 (AMD 527:2020) by two quantitative methods
13 Pages, Gr.7 Specifies an evaluation procedure for comparing two
methods with established performance characteristics
SLS 1564:2017 according to ISO/TR 13843 and intended for the
Code of hygienic practice for processing of meat quantification of the same target group or species of
Covers hygiene provisions for commercial premises in microorganisms. It also provides the mathematical basis
which raw / fresh meat, meat preparations and for the evaluation of the average relative performance of
manufactured meat from the time of live animal two quantitative methods against chosen criteria for the
production, slaughtering, processing, packaging, storage comparison. It does not provide data for assessment of
and transportation. the precision of the methods being compared.
(SupersedingSLS 892 & SLS 1065) (=ISO 17994:2014)
63 pages, Gr.19 Gr.L
SLS 1565:2017 SLS 1568 Part 3:2017
Coriander, whole and ground Microbiology of water - General guidance on the
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and enumeration of microorganisms by culture
tests for coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) whole and Presents guidance for carrying out manipulations which
ground (powdered) forms. are common to each technique for the microbiological
(Superseding SLS 232 & SLS 246) examination of water, particularly the preparation of
16 Pages, Gr.6 samples, culture media and apparatus. It also describes
the various enumeration techniques available and the
SLS 1566:2017 criteria for the choice of a particular technique. This
Textured plant protein Standard is mainly intended for bacteria, yeasts and
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and moulds. Some aspects are also applicable to viruses and
test for textured plant protein. parasites.
18 Pages, Gr.7 (=ISO 8199:2005)
SLS 1567 Part 1:2017
Methods of test for starch - Starch - determination of SLS 1569:2017
moisture content-oven-drying method Terms and definitions for packaging -General terms
Specifies a method for the determination of the moisture Specifies preferred terms and definitions related to
content of starch using oven drying at 130OC under packaging and materials handling, for use in international
atmospheric pressure. The method is applicable to native commerce, except for dangerous goods packaging where
or modified starch in the dry form. terms and definitions are given in the United Nations
(=ISO 1666:1996) Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods.
Gr.B (=ISO 21067-1:2016)
SLS 1567 Part 2:2017
Methods of test for starch - Glucose syrups - SLS 1570 Part 1:2017
determination of dry matter - vacuum oven method Methods of test for Starch and derived products Heavy
Specifies a vacuum oven method for the determination of metals content - Determination of arsenic content by
the dry matter in glucose syrups, irrespective of their atomic absorption spectrometry
method of production. The method is also applicable to Specifies a method for the determination of the arsenic
dried glucose syrup, solid glucose (starch sugar), glucose content of starch, including derivatives and by-products,
syrup containing fructose (including isoglucose as defined by atomic absorption spectrometry with hybride
by the European Community)). generation.
(=ISO 1742:1980) (=ISO 11212-1:1997)
Gr.A Gr.C
SLS 1567 Part 3:2017 SLS 1570 Part 2:2017
Methods of test for starch - Starch hydrolysis products Methods of test for Starch and derived products Heavy
-determination of reducing power and dextrose metals content - Determination of mercury content by
equivalent - lane and eynon constant titre method atomic absorption spectrometry
Specifies a Lane and Eynon cons tant titre method for the Specifies a method for the determination of the mercury
determination of the reducing power and dextrose content of starch, including derivatives and by-products,
equivalent of all starch hydrolysis products. by atomic absorption spectrometry with cold-vapour
(=ISO 5377:1981) generation.
Gr.C (=ISO 11212-2:1997)
SLS 1567 Part 4:2017
Methods of test for starch - Starches and derived SLS 1570 Part 3:2017
products - determination of sulphated ash Methods of test for Starch and derived products Heavy
Specifies a method for the determination of sulphated ash metals content - Determination of lead content by
in starches and derived products. atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal
(=ISO 5809:1982) atomization
Gr.B Specifies a method for the determination of the lead
content of starch, including derivatives and by-products,
SLS 1568 Part 1:2017 by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal
Microbiology of water - Evaluation of membrane filters atomization. analyst should therefore optimize the
used for microbiological analyses conditions.
Specifies a method for the evaluation and comparison of (=ISO 11212-3:1997)
water-testing membrane filters intended for the Gr.C
enumeration of specific organisms and mixed microbial
populations. SLS 1570 Part 4:2017
(=ISO 7704:1985) Methods of test for Starch and derived products
Gr.B Heavy metals content - Determination of cadmium

content by atomic absorption spectrometry with areas. This standard covers the penetration grades: 60-70
electrothermal atomization and 80-100
Specifies a method for the determination of the Cadmium 16 pages, Gr.5
content of starch, including derivatives and by-products,
by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal SLS 1579:2018
atomization. Skim coat powder
(=ISO 11212-4:1997) Specifies requirements for skim coat powder intended to
Gr.C be used in interior and exterior applications in building
SLS 1571:2017 14 pages, Gr.7
Edison screw lampholders
Applies to lampholders with Edison thread E14, E27 and SLS 1580:2018
E40, designed for connection to the supply of lamps and Minimum energy performance for computers
semi-luminaires1 only. It also applies to switched- Specifies the Minimum Energy Performance Standard
lampholders for use in AC circuits only, where the working (MEPS) requirements for computers for defined
voltage does not exceed 250 V r.m.s. and to lampholders operational modes when connected to the mains electricity
with Edison thread E5 designed for connection to the supply of 230 V, a.c. 50 Hz nominal, and a standard test
supply mains of series connected lamps, with a working method for measurement of energy consumption at
voltage not exceeding 25 V, to be used indoors, and to different operational modes. This standard also specifies
lampholders with Edison thread E10 designed for the following:
connection to the supply mains of series connected lamps, (a) Classifications and types of computer associated with
with a working voltage not exceeding 60 V, to be used different MEPS requirements.
indoors or outdoors. It also applies to lampholders E10 (b) Classification of discrete graphics processing units.
for building-in, for the connection of single lamps to the (c) Operational modes (Power modes) which are relevant
supply. for measuring power consumption.
(=IEC 60238:2017) (d) Typical Energy Consumption (TEC) calculation
Gr.X methods for desktop computers, integrated desktop
computers, notebook computer, slate/ tablet, portable all-
SLS 1572:2017 in-one computer, workstation, small scale server and thin
Table apple clients.
Covers the requirements of fruits of commercial varieties (e) Base computer configurations and additional TEC
of apples grown from Malus domestica of the Rosaceae allowances.
family, to be supplied fresh to the consumer, after (f) Minimum power supply efficiency allowances.
preparation and packaging. (g) Dimensions, colour scheme and the contents of the
14 pages, Gr.5 energy label
46 pages, Gr.17
SLS 1573:2017
Whole lentils SLS 1581:2018
Specifies the requirements and methods of sampling and Socks
test for whole lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus or Lens Prescribes the requirements for socks knitted in plain, rib
esculenta Moench) intended for human consumption. or fancy structures with any suitable yarn. Terry socks are
14 pages, Gr.5 not covered by this standard.
14 pages, Gr.7
SLS 1574:2017
Beche-de-mer (processed sea cucumber) SLS 1582 Part 1:2018
Prescribes the requirements and methods sampling and School uniform material (woven) - Boys’ shirting and
test for Beche-de-mer (processed sea cumber). girls’ dress fabrics
14 pages, Gr.7 Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and tests
for polyester and cotton blended school uniform fabrics
SLS 1575:2017 for boys’ shirting and girls’ dress.
Soft candy 10 pages, Gr.6
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
tests for soft candy. It does not cover low sugar soft candy SLS 1582 Part 2:2018
and sugar free soft candy. School uniform material (woven) - Boys’ suiting
(Superseding SLS 585 Pt. 1, Pt.4, Pt.5) Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and tests
(AMD No1(AMD 529:2020) for polyester and cotton blended suiting materials for boys’
16 pages, Gr. 6 school uniforms.
10 pages, Gr.6
SLS 1576:2017
Hard candy SLS 1583 Part 1:2018
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and tests Lined industrial vulcanized rubber boots (gumboots)
for hard candy. - Boots for general purpose
(Superseding SLS 585 Pt. 2, Pt.3) Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and tests
(Corrigendum No.1) for lined general purpose vulcanized-rubber boots for men
16 pages, Gr.6 and women. This standard does not cover requirements
for specialized safety boots.
SLS 1577:2017 11pages, Gr.6
Hydrated lime for purification of drinking water
supplies SLS 1584:2018
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and Table mango
test for hydrated lime, suitable for use in purification of Covers the requirements of fruits of commercial varieties
drinking water supplies. It does not cover hydrated lime of mangoes grown from Mangifera indica L., of the
used in treatment of sewage and industrial water. Anacardiaceae family, to be used as fresh fruits and
22 pages, Gr.9 supplied fresh to the consumer, after preparation and
SLS 1578:2017 10 pages, Gr. 5
Penetration-graded bitumen
Specifies penetration graded bitumen for use in the SLS 1585:2018
construction and maintenance of roads and other paved

Plastic films made from low density polyethylene and SLS 1591:2018
linear low-density polyethylene for general use and Olive oil
packaging applications Prescribes the requirements and mthods of sampling
Covers unpigmented, unsupported, low-density and test for olive oil derived from the fruit of the olive
polyethylene and linear low-density polyethylene films tree (Olea europaea L.), by the process of expression and/
with densities ranging from 0.910-0.925 g/cm3 per or extraction.
Specification D4976. It is applicable to homopolymer 8 pages Gr.4
polyethylene, but is not restricted to it. It is applicable to
films made from polyethylene copolymers, and also SLS 1592:2018
applicable to films made from blends of homopolymers Rice bran oil
and copolymers, including ethylene/vinyl acetate Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
copolymers. This standard does not cover oriented heat test for rice bran (synonym: rice) oil derived from the bran
shrinkable films and allows for the use of recycled of rice (Oryza sativa) by the process of expression and/ or
polyethylene film or resin as feedstock, in whole or in extraction.
part, as long as all of the requirements of this specification 8 pages, Gr.4
are met and as long as any specific requirements as
governed by the producer and end user are also met. SLS 1593:2018
(=ASTM D4635-16) Fibre cement flat sheets product specification and test
Gr. A2 methods
Specifies methods for the inspection and testing of fibre-
SLS 1586:2018 cement flat sheets and provides the acceptance conditions
Energy efficiency rating for single split type room air for their use in one or more of the following applications:
conditioners external wall and ceiling finishes, internal wall and ceiling
Specifies requirements for energy efficiency labelling and finishes, internal and external backing sheets.
the method of determination of energy efficiency ratio of (=ISO 8336:2017)
single phase and three phase alternating current (a.c.), 230 Gr.T
V/400V, 50 Hz, non-ducted split air conditioners of the
vapour compression type using a valid refrigerant medium SLS 1594:2018
in Sri Lanka up to rated cooling capacity 11 kW, having Fibre - cement corrugated sheets and fittings for
fixed speed compressors, air cooled condensers and single roofing and cladding
indoor unit. The standard also provides methods of testing Specifies technical requirements and methods for the
for determining the sensible and latent cooling capacities, inspection and testing of straight short and long fibre-
cooling power consumption and other performance cement profiled sheets and their fibre-cement fittings
requirements of room air conditioners. This standard designed to provide the weather-exposed surfaces on roofs
further specifies dimensions, colour scheme and the and internal and external walls of buildings
contents of the energy efficiency label for room Air (=ISO 10904: 2011)
Conditioners. Gr.U
28 pages, Gr.13
SLS 1595:2018
SLS 1587:2018 Packaging – complete, filled transport packages and
Cosmetics - packaging and labeling unit Loads- unit load dimensions
Provides requirements and guidance for packaging and Based on the concept of a modular system and specifies
labeling of cosmetics intended for sale or free distribution. the plan dimensions for unit loads suitable for the
11 pages, Gr.6 distribution of goods, which comprises all activities for
the movement of products from their origin to their
SLS 1588:2018 destination.
Travel adaptors compatible with plug and socket (=ISO 3676:2012)
system used in Sri Lanka Gr.C
construction, rating, marking, dimensions and testing of
travel adaptors intended for the temporary connection of SLS 1596 Part 1:2018
electrical equipment. Paper, board, pulps and related terms - vocabulary -
68pages, Gr.19 alphabetical index
Alphabetical index of English terms which are defined in
SLS 1589:2018 the SLS 1596 series of standards, which document the
2 Pin reversible plugs and shaver socket outlets without terminology of paper, board, pulp and related terms
isolating transformers (=ISO 4046-1:2016)
Specifies requirements for the reversible 2-pin plugs and Gr.C
shaver socket-outlets with ratings not greater than 250 V
and 200 mA a.c. The plugs may be rewirable or integrally SLS 1596 Part 2:2018
moulded and may have the cable entry in any convenient Paper, board, pulps and related terms - Pulping
face. The shaver socket-outlets have a restricted rating of terminology
200 mA for use on voltages of 200 V to 250 V a.c only Defines terms related to gulping.
and are shoutterd, and are for use in rooms other than (=ISO 4046-2:2016)
bathrooms. These socket-outlets are not necessarily Gr.C
suitable for the supply to electric dry shavers containing
battery charging units. SLS 1596 Part 3:2018
18 pages, Gr.9 Paper board pulps and related terms - vocabulary -
paper-making terminology
SLS 1590:2018 Defines terms related to papermaking.
Code of hygienic practice for coconut kernel processing (=ISO 4046-3:2016)
products Gr.C
Applies to the coconut kernel processing, coconut kernel
based products prepared for human consumption without SLS 1596 Part 4:2018
requiring further processing. These products obtained by Paper and board grades and converted products
disintegrating, shredding or otherwise comminuting the Defines terms related to paper and board grades and
kernel of coconuts, the fruit of the palm Cocos nucifera converted products.
Linn. (=ISO 4046-4:2016)
(Superseding CS 142:1972) Gr.C
13 pages, Gr.7
SLS 1596 Part 5:2018
Properties of pulp, paper and board SLS 1605:2018
Defines terms related to properties of pulp, paper and Colour coding for sprayer nozzles
board. Specifies the system of colour coding for identification of
(=ISO 4046-5:2016) all types of hydraulic spray nozzles, such as flat and cone
Gr.C nozzles used for the application of crop protection products
in Agriculture. This Standard is not applicable to nozzles
SLS 1597 Part 2:2018 where there is more than one component influencing flow
Terms and definitions for packaging - packaging and rate. It might not be applicable to liquid fertilizer
the Environment terms applications
Defines terms used in the field of packaging and the (=ISO 10625:2005)
environment. It does not include terminology already Gr.C
covered by SLS 1569 part 1or other Standards such as
ISO 14050. SLS 1606:2018
(=ISO 21067-2:2015) Guideline for design and application of safety signs
Gr.D and hazard pictorials in tractors, machinery for
agriculture and forestry Powered lawn and garden
SLS 1598:2018 equipment
Agricultural spraying rubber hoses Establishes general principles for the design and
Specifies requirements for three types of flexible rubber application of safety signs and hazard pictorials
hose for pressure spraying of agricultural chemicals and/ permanently affixed to tractors, machinety for agriculture
or fertilizer products within a temperature range of –10 and forestry, and powered lawn and garden equipment as
°C to +60 °C. defined in ISO 3339-0 and ISO 5395. This Standard
(=ISO 1401:2016) outlines safety sign objectives, describes the basic safety
Gr.D sign formats and colours, and provides guidance on
developing the various Panels that together constitute a
SLS 1599:2018 safety sign.
Test sieves for cereals (=ISO 11684:1995)
Specifies requirements for test sieves to be used for the Gr.U
laboratory determination of undesirable substances in a
Sample of cereals and which pass through test sieves of SLS 1607:2018
the following nominal size. Colour coding for sprayer filters
(=ISO 5223:1995) Specifies the system of colour coding for identification of
Gr.B all types of filters used for the application of crop
protection products in agriculture
SLS 1600:2011 (=ISO 19732:2007)
Energy efficiency rating for electric ceiling fans with Gr.B
Specifies requirements for energy efficiency labelling and SLS 1608 Part 1:2018
the method of determination of energy efficiency rating Knapsack sprayers - safety and environmental -
of electric ceiling fans having two or more blades with Requirements
sweep diameter 1400 mm and associated with regulators Specifies the safety and environmental requirements and
having minimum of 5 speed settings. It also provides their means of verification for the design and construction
method of testing for determining the energy consumption of knapsack sprayers carried on the back or shoulder of
and air delivery of electric ceiling fans. It further specifies the operator for use with plant protection products. In
dimensions, colour scheme and the contents of the energy addition, it specifies the type of information on safe
efficiency label. working practices (including residual risks) to be provided
15 Pages, Gr.7 by the manufacturer.
It is applicable to lever-operated knapsack sprayers,
SLS 1601:2018 knapsack compression sprayers and knapsack sprayers
Nomenclature for cereals, pulses and other food grains driven by an engine or electric motor using hydraulic
Lists the botanical names of the main species of: cereals, pressure atomisation of the spray liquid, with a nominal
pulses other food grains volume of more than 3 l, for their intended use primarily
(=ISO 5526:2013) in agriculture and horticulture.
Gr.P (=ISO 19932-1:2013)
SLS 1602:2018
Vocabulary for cereals SLS 1609:2018
Defines terms relating to cereals Requirements for protective clothing worn by
(=ISO 5527:2015) pesticides handling operators
Gr.C Establishes minimum performance, classification, and
marking requirements for protective clothing worn by
SLS 1603:2018 operators handling pesticide products as well as re-entry
Vocabulary for crop protection equipment workers. For the purpose of this document, the term
Defines terms used in relation to equipment for crop pesticide applies to insecticides, herbicides, fungicides,
protection. and other substances applied in liquid form that are
(=ISO 5681:1992) intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or reduce any pest or
Gr.H weeds in agricultural settings, green spaces, roadsides, etc.
It does not include biocidal products used for agricultural
SLS 1604:2018 and non-agricultural settings.
Ergonomic principles in the design of work systems (=ISO 27065:2017)
Establishes the fundamental principles of ergonomics as Gr.J
basic guidelines for the design of work systems and defines
relevant basic terms. It describes an integrated approach SLS 1610:2018
to the design of work systems, where ergonomists will Requirements for knapsack combustion-engine driven
cooperate with others involved in the design, with attention mistblowers
to the human, the social and the technical requirements in Specifies Safety requirements and their verification for
a balanced manner during the design process. the design and construction of knapsack mistblowers
(=ISO 6385:2016) incorporating a combustion engine where the air flow is
Gr.H generated by a fan. It describes methods for the elimination
or reduction of hazards arising from their use. In addition,
it specifies the type of information on safe working SLS 1616:2018
practices to be provided by the manufacturer. It does not, Reusable plastic bottles for carrying drinkable liquids
however, give any technical requirement for reducing noise Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
or vibration hazards. Indeed, the different means available test for reusable plastic bottles suitable for carrying
to reduce these hazards are a matter for the technical aids drinkable liquids. Does not cover the single use bottles
to which the manufacturer may resort, through specialized made of polymeric materials for packaging of drinking
books or specified bodies water and carbonated beverages.
(=ISO 28139:2009) 26 pages, Gr.12
SLS 1617:2018
SLS 1611:2018 Liquid detergent for hand dishwashing
Fruits and vegetables – physical conditions in cold Prescribes the requirements, and methods of sampling and
stores - definitions and measurement test, for synthetic organic liquid detergents for hand
Gives definitions of the physical factors usually employed dishwashing
in the industrial cold storage of fruits and vegetables 13 pages, Gr.7
(temperature, relative humidity, air-circulation ratio, rate
of air Change, etc.), and provides useful information SLS 1618:2018
concerning their measurement. Ammonium nitrate for explosives
(=ISO 2169:1981) Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
Gr.C for Ammonium nitrate fuel oil (ANFO) intended for use
in explosives
SLS 1612:2018 20 pages, Gr.10
Apples - Cold storage
Gives guidance on conditions for the successful cold SLS 1619:2018
storage of apples (Malus communis L.) Perfumes and toilet waters
(=ISO 1212:1995) Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for
Gr.D perfumes and water based and alcohol based toilet waters.
(Superseding SLS 534:1981)
SLS 1613 Part 1:2018 12 pages, Gr.6
Health and safety requirements for children’s
garments - Innerwear and outerwear SLS 1620:2018
Specifies the requirements, method of sampling and Safety of toys requirements and test methods for finger
methods of test for specification for health and safety paints
requirements for children’s innerwear and outerwear Specifies requirements for the substances and materials
excluding sleepwear. used in finger paints. It is applicable to finger paints only.
10 pages, Gr.5 It is not applicable to paints intended to be applied to the
face or body e.g. face paints. Additional requirements are
SLS 1614 PART 3:2020 specified for markings, labelling and containers.
Plastic materials for food contact applications - (=ISO 8124-7:2015)
polyethylene (PE) Gr. U
Specifies requirements, method of sampling and test for
polyethylene (in the form of granules or powder) for the SLS 1621:2018
manufacture of plastic items used in contact with food. Rubber and plastics gloves for food services - limits
This Standard does not purport to establish the suitability for extractable substances
of the packaging media with particular foodstuff other than Specifies limits for extractable chemical substances for
toxicological considerations. single-use gloves made from natural rubber, synthetic
(Superseding SLS 871: Part 3:1991) rubber, or plastic materials that are intended for use in
21 pages, Gr. 10 food preparation, food handling, and related application
in food service industry. Does not cover the specification
SLS 1614 Part 4:2018 for extractable biological substances and physical
Plastic materials for food contact applications - requirements of the gloves. It is not applicable to gloves
polypropylene (pp) used under extreme conditions such as those having pH
Specifies requirements, methods of sampling and test for less than 4,5 and/or temperature above 40 °C. Does not
polypropylene (in the form of granules or powder) for the cover gloves being exposed to fat and oil foods.
manufacture of plastic items used in contact with (=ISO 4285:2014)
foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking water Gr.J
(Superseding SLS 871 Part 4:1991)
21 pages, Gr.10 SLS 1622 Part 1:2018
Fireworks - category 4 - Terminology
SLS 1614 Part 7:2018 Provides terminology relating to the design, construction,
Plastic materials for food contact application - primary packaging and testing of category 4 fireworks.
colorants (=ISO 26261-1:2017)
Permitted pigments and colorants for use in plastics that Gr.C
may be regarded as safe use in contact with food,
pharmaceuticals and drinking water. SLS 1622 Part 2:2018
13 pages, Gr.7 Fireworks - category 4 - Requirements
Specifies requirements for the construction, performance
SLS 1615:2018 and protective packaging of Category 4 fireworks, as listed
Determination of overall migration of constituents of in SLS 1624-1. Does not apply for articles containing
plastics materials and articles intended to come in pyrotechnic compositions that include any of the following
contact with foodstuffs substances - arsenic or arsenic compounds; -
Prescribes the test methods to determine the overall polychlorobenzenes - lead or lead compounds (except for
migration of constituents of single or multi-layered heat- igniters) - mercury compounds - white phosphorus -
sealable films, single homogenous non-sealable films, picrates or picric acid.
finished containers and accessories including closures for (=ISO 26261-2:2017)
sealing as lids, in the finished form, preformed or Gr. F
converted form
23 pages, Gr.11 SLS 1622 Part 3:2018
Fireworks - category 4 - Test methods
Specifies test methods for fireworks of Category 4.
(=ISO 26261-3:2017) starter on mains supply of 230 V, a.c. 50 Hz nominal, and
Gr. K method of measurement of electrical power consumption
and luminous flux for the determination of efficacy of the
SLS 1622 Part 4:2018 lamps for the purpose of energy efficiency labelling. It
Fireworks - category 4 - Minimum labelling also specifies dimensions, colour scheme and the contents
requirements and instructions for use of the energy label.
Specifies the minimum labelling requirements and the 17 Pages, Gr.8
mandatory instructions for use for Category 4 fireworks.
This document does not apply for theatrical pyrotechnic SLS 1626:2018
articles which are designed for indoor or outdoor stage Single-use sterile rubber surgical gloves
use, including film and television Specifies requirements for packaged sterile rubber gloves
productions or similar use. intended for use in surgical procedures to protect the
(=ISO 26261-4:2017) patient and the user from cross-contamination. It is
Gr.C applicable to single-use gloves that are worn once and
then discarded. It does not apply to examination or
SLS 1623:2018 procedure gloves. It covers gloves with smooth surfaces
Single-use rubber gloves for general applications and gloves with textured surfaces over part or the whole
Specifies the physical requirements and methods of glove.
sampling and testing for single-use rubber gloves, made This Standard is intended as a reference for the
from natural rubber latex, synthetic rubber latex or rubber performance and safety of rubber surgical gloves. The safe
solution, intended for general applications, but not gloves and proper usage of surgical gloves and sterilization
intended for medical purposes. procedures with subsequent handling, packaging, and
(=ISO 25518:2009) storage procedures are outside the scope of this Standard.
Gr.C (=ISO 10282:2014)
SLS 1624 Part 1:2018
Fireworks - categories 1, 2 and 3 - Terminology SLS 1627:2019
Defines various terms relating to the design, construction, Rubber seals – joint rings for water supply, drainage
primary packaging and testing of fireworks of categories and sewerage pipelines - specification for
1, 2 and 3. materials
(=ISO 25947-1:2017) Specifies requirements for materials used in vulcanized
Gr.C rubber seals for cold drinking-water supplies (up to 50
°C), drainage, sewerage, and rainwater systems
SLS 1624 Part 2:2018 (continuous flow up to 45 °C and intermittent flow up to
Fireworks - categories 1, 2 and 3 - Categories and types 95 °C).
Establishes a system for dividing fireworks into categories (=ISO 4633:2015)
and types. It is applicable to fireworks in categories 1, 2 Gr.F
and 3.
(=ISO 25947-2:2017) SLS 1628:2019
Gr.E Coconut flour
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling test
SLS 1624 Part 3:2018 for coconut flour prepared from defatted coconut meal or
Fireworks - categories 1, 2 and 3 - Minimum labelling cake from, Cocos nucifera Linn.
requirements 12 pages, Gr.6
Specifies the minimum labelling requirements for the
article and primary or selection packaging of fireworks of SLS 1629:2019
the following types - aerial wheels – bangers – batteries - Instant thosai mix/ thosai mix and instant idly mix/
batteries requiring external support - Bengal flames - idly mix
Bengal matches - Bengal sticks - Christmas crackers – Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for instant
combinations - combinations requiring external support - thosai mix/thosai mix (synonyms dosa) and instant idly
compound fireworks - crackling granules - double bangers mix/ idly mix.
- double flash bangers - flash bangers - flash pellets – 15 pages, Gr.8
fountains - ground movers - ground spinners - hand-held
sparklers - jumping crackers - jumping ground spinners – SLS 1630:2019
mines - mini rockets - nezumi-hanabi Packaged natural coconut water
(=ISO 25947-3:2017) Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test
Gr.N for packaged natural coconut water, which is offered for
consumption. It only applies to coconut water which has
SLS 1624 Part 4:2018 been packaged in its natural state.
Fireworks - categories 1, 2 and 3 - Test methods 9 pages, Gr.5
Specifies test methods. It is applicable to fireworks in
categories 1, 2 and 3 according to SLS 1624 part 2. SLS 1631:2019
(=ISO 25947-4:2017) Instant hopper mix/ hopper mix
Gr.P Prescribes the requirements, methods of test and sampling
for instant hopper mix/ hopper mix.
SLS 1624 Part 5:2018 14 pages, Gr.12
Fireworks - categories 1, 2 and 3 - requirements for
construction and performance SLS 1632:2019
Specifies requirements for the construction, performance Fennel, whole or ground (powdered)
and primary packaging of fireworks of category 1, 2 and Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
3. test for fennel, Foeniculum vulgare Mill., in the forms of
(=ISO 25947-5:2017) whole and ground (powdered).
Gr.L 11 pages, Gr.6
SLS 1625:2013 SLS 1633:2019
Energy efficiency rating for double capped tubular Cumin, whole or ground (powdered)
fluorescent lamps Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
Specifies requirements for energy efficiency labelling of test for cumin, Cuminum cyminum (L.) in the forms of
Double capped tubular fluorescent lamps of 18 W to 40 whole and ground (powdered).
W with pre-heated cathode, operating with or without 11 pages, Gr.6
SLS 1634:2019 SLS 1641:2019
Compost made from municipal solid waste Footwear – standard atmospheres for conditioning and
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling, testing testing of footwear and components for footwear
and packaging for compost prepared from degradable Specifies the general conditioning and testing atmospheres
municipal solid waste intended to use for crops production for the evaluation of footwear and footwear component
including food crops. properties. Defines two standard atmospheres for
14 pages, Gr.7 conditioning and testing of footwear and footwear
SLS 1635:2019 (=ISO 18454:2018)
Compost made from raw materials of agricultural Gr. B
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling, SLS 1642:2019
testing and packaging for compost made from raw Footwear – sampling location, preparation and
materials of agricultural and animal origin intended to use duration of Conditioning of samples and test pieces
for crop production including food crop Specifies the sampling location, preparation and duration
15 pages, Gr.8 of conditioning of samples and test pieces for footwear
components and footwear, to carry out the test methods
SLS 1636:2019 needed to determine the suitable properties for the end
Fenugreek, whole or ground (powdered) use These are the general conditions unless otherwise
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and stated in the corresponding test method.
test for fenugreek, Trigonella foenum-graecum L., in the (=ISO 17709:2004)
forms of whole and ground (powdered). Gr. E
13 pages, Gr.6
SLS 1643:2019
SLS 1637:2019 Performance-graded bitumen
Connectors for DC-application in photovoltaic systems Specifies bitumen graded by performance. Grading
– safety requirements and tests designations are related to the average seven-day
Applies to connectors for use in the d.c. circuits of maximum pavement design temperature and minimum
photovoltaic systems according to class II of IEC pavement design temperature.
61140:2001 with rated voltages up to 1 500 V d.c. and 9 pages, Gr.5
rated currents up to 125 A per contact.
(=IEC 62852: 2014) SLS 1644:2019
Gr. R Viscosity graded bitumen
Specifies bitumen graded by viscosity at 60 0C for use in
SLS 1638:2019 the construction and maintenance of roads and other paved
Electric cables – thermosetting insulated, Non- areas.
armoured cables with a voltage of 600/1000 v, for fixed 7 pages, Gr.4
Specifies requirements and test methods for the SLS 1645 Part 1:2019
construction and performance of non-armoured cables with Dc or ac supplied electronic control gear for LED
thermosetting insulation of rated voltages 600/1 000 V. modules - Safety requirements
Cables specified are intended for use in fixed installations Specifies particular safety requirements for electronic
in industrial areas, building and similar applications but controlgear for use on d.c. or a.c. supplies up to 1 000 V
not for burial in the ground, either directly or in ducts. (a.c. at 50 Hz or 60 Hz) and at an output frequency which
29 pages, Gr.13 can deviate from the supply frequency, associated with
LED modules. Controlgear for LED modules specified in
SLS 1639 Part 1:2019 this standard are designed to provide constant voltage or
Led modules for general lighting - Safety requirements current at SELV or higher voltages. Deviations from the
Specifies general and safety requirements for light-emitting pure voltage and current types do not exclude the gear
diode (LED) modules: • non-integrated LED modules from this standard.
(LEDni modules) and semi-integrated LED modules (=IEC 61347-2-13:2016)
(LEDsi modules) for operation under constant voltage, Gr.Y
constant current or constant power; • Integrated LED
modules (LEDi modules) for use on DC supplies up to SLS 1645 Part 2:2019
250 V or AC supplies up to 1 000 V at 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Dc or ac supplied electronic control gear for LED
LED modules within the scope of this document can be modules - Performance requirements
integral, built-in or independent (=IEC 62031:2018) Specifies performance requirements for electronic control
Gr. L gear for use on d.c. supplies up to 250 V and a.c. supplies
up to 1 000 V at 50 Hz or 60 Hz with an output frequency
SLS 1639 Part 2:2019 which can deviate from the supply frequency, associated
Led modules for general lighting - Performance with LED modules according to IEC 62031. Control gear
requirements for LED modules specified in this standard are designed
Specifies the performance requirements for LED modules, to provide constant voltage or current. Deviations from
together with the test methods and conditions, required to the pure voltage and current types do not exclude the gear
show compliance with this standard. The following types from this standard
of LED modules are distinguished and schematically (=IEC 62384:2011)
shown in figuries. Gr.P
(=IEC 62717:2019)
Gr. Y SLS 1646:2019
The emblem of the democratic socialist republic of Sri
SLS 1640:2019 lanka
Guidelines for health and fitness facilities Prescribes the design, the dimensions, colours and methods
Covers fitness facilities that offer activity-based health and of tests of the emblem of the Democratic Socialist Republic
fitness programs/services or that promote recreational of Sri Lanka. This specification covers the print substrate
physical activity, and its emergency policies and described in Tables 2 and 3 which define 8 paper types
procedures. Health/fitness facilities under this guideline and any other paper types and the surfaces.
are applicable for commercial (for profit), community (not 22 pages, Gr.10
for profit) and corporate entities
14 pages, Gr.7 SLS 1647:2019
Dried or dehydrated ginger irrigation and operation at the pressures recommended by
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and the manufacturer.
test for dried or dehydrated ginger (Zingiber officinale (=ISO 7749-1:1995)
Roscoe.) in the forms of whole, cuts, ground and Gr.F
13 pages, Gr.7 SLS 1654:2020
Code of practice for production of compost
SLS 1648: 2019 Prescribes the minimum requirements for designing,
Dried or dehydrated garlic foreword construction, operation, improvement of composting
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and facilities and production of compost conforming to the
test for dried or dehydrated garlic (Allium sativum L.) In specifications and environmentally sound management
the forms of cloves, cuts or pieces, flakes and powder practices.
12 pages, Gr.6 8 pages, Gr. 4
SLS 1649:2019 SLS 1655:2020
Driers for paints and varnishes Incense sticks
Specifies the requirements and the corresponding test Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
methods for driers for paints, varnishes and related test for incense products in the form of sticks used for
products. It applies to driers in the solid or liquid form. It religious purposes. This Specification does not cover other
does not apply to emulsifiable driers incense products such as cones, logs and insect repellants.
(=ISO 4619:2018) 11 pages, Gr. 6
SLS 1656:2020
SLS 1650 Part 1:2019 Agricultural irrigation equipment – sprayers - general
Superabsorbent polymer - sodium polyacrylate resin requirements and test methods
for Absorbing blood - Test methods Specifies the general requirements and test methods for
specifies the testing methods for the properties of irrigation sprayers. It is applicable to sprayers intended
superabsorbent polymer (SAP) of sodium polyacrylate for installation on a pipe lateral and for operation with
used in physical hygiene and medical products for irrigation water
absorbing blood. It also gives a formulation for simulated (=ISO 8026: 2009)
blood, a kind of viscous liquid, for replacing blood when Gr. J
testing the properties of the superabsorbent polymer. The
test methods and simulated blood in this document apply SLS 1657:2020
to sodium polyacrylate resin, as raw material, and apply Hand sanitizers (Alcohol Based)
to SAP for the final products used for absorbing blood. Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for alcohol
(=ISO 19699-1:2017) based instant hand sanitizers. This Standard does not cover
Gr.E non-alcohol-based hand sanitizers
(AMD No.1 (AMD 531:2020), (AMD No.2 (AMD
SLS 1650 Part 2:2019 541:2021)
Superabsorbent polymer - sodium polyacrylate resin Gr.7
for Absorbing blood - Specifications
specifies the requirements for properties, marking and SLS 1658:2020
packaging of superabsorbent polymer (SAP) made from Protective gloves - general requirements and test
sodium polyacrylate resin for absorbing blood. Applies methods
to sodium polyacrylate resin, as raw material, and applies Specifies the general requirements and relevant test
to SAP for the final products used for absorbing blood. procedures for glove design and construction,
(=ISO 19699-2:2017) innocuousness, comfort and efficiency, as well as the
Gr.B marking and information supplied by the manufacturer
applicable to all protective gloves.It can also apply to arm
SLS 1651:2019 protectors and gloves permanently incorporated in
Packaging and the environment- organic recycling containment enclosures.Gloves and hand protectors such
Specifies procedures and requirements for packaging that as mittens, pot holders and arm protection are covered by
are suitable for organic recycling. Packaging is considered this document.This document does not address the
as recoverable by organic recycling only if all the protective properties of gloves and therefore is not used
individual components meet the requirements. alone but only in combination with the appropriate specific
(=ISO 18606:2013) standard(s). A non-exhaustive list of these standards is
Gr.K given in the Bibliography
(=ISO 21420:2020)
SLS 1652:2019 Gr.R
Dentistry - oral care products - oral rinses
Specifies physical and chemical requirements and test SLS 1659:2020
methods for oral rinses. It also specifies the accompanying Protective clothing - general requirements
information such as the manufacturer’s instructions for Specifies general performance requirements for
use, marking, and/or labelling requirements. This ergonomics, innocuousness, size designation, ageing,
International Standard is not applicable to other delivery compatibility and marking of protective clothing and the
systems (e.g. mouthsprays, foams, powders). It is not information to be supplied by the manufacturer with the
intended to describe regulatory aspects, e.g. methods of protective clothing. This International Standard is only
prescription. This International Standard is not applicable intended to be used in combination with other standards
to oral rinses available by prescription only containing requirements for specific protective
(=ISO 16408:2015) performance and not on a stand-alone basis.
Gr.E (=ISO 13688:2013)
SLS 1653 Part 1:2020
Agricultural irrigation equipment - rotating sprinklers SLS 1660 Part 1:2020
- design and operational requirements Medical electrical equipment: general requirements for
Specifies the design and operational requirements of general safety and essential performance
rotating sprinklers and sprinkler nozzles for agricultural Applies to the basic safety and essential performance of
irrigation equipment and their test methods. It applies to medical electrical equipment and medical electrical
sprinklers intended for assembly in pipeline networks for systems, hereafter referred to as me equipment and me
systems. if a clause or subclause is specifically intended
to be applicable to me equipment only, or to me systems for use by their manufacturer, for use in the ems
only, the title and content of that clause or subclause will environment (emergency medical services environment),
say so. if that is not the case, the clause or subclause applies as defined in 3.1
both to me equipment and to me systems, as relevant. (=IEC 60601-1-12:2014)
hazards inherent in the intended physiological function of Gr.T
me equipment or me systems within the scope of this
standard are not covered by specific requirements in this SLS 1660 Part 2 Section 52:2020
standard except in 7.2.13 and 8.4.1. Medical electrical equipment - particular requirements
(=IEC 60601-1:2012) for the basic safety and essential performance of
Gr.AF medical beds
Applies to the basic safety and essential performance of
SLS 1660 Part 1 Section 2:2020 Medical beds as defined in 201.3.212, intended for adults,
Medical electrical equipment - general requirements hereafter referred to as medical Bed, as defined in
for general safety and essential performance collateral 201.3.212 201.3.219
standard: electromagnetic disturbances – (=IEC 60601-2-52:2015)
requirements and tests Gr.X
Applies to the basic safety and essential performance of
Medical electrical equipment and medical electrical SLS 1660 Part 2 Section 56:2020
systems, hereafter referred to as Me equipment and me Medical electrical equipment - particular requirements
systems for basic safety and essential performance of clinical
(=IEC 60601-1-2:2014) thermometers for body temperature measurement
Gr.X Applies to the basic safety and essential performance of a
clinical thermometer in Combination with its accessories,
SLS 1660 Part 1 Section 8:2020 hereafter referred to as me equipment. This document
Medical electrical equipment - general requirements specifies the General and technical requirements for
for general safety and essential performance Collateral electrical clinical thermometers. This document applies
standard: general requirements, tests and guidance for to all Electrical clinical thermometers that are used for
alarm systems in medical equipment and medical measuring the body temperature of patients.
electrical systems (=ISO 80601-2-56:2017/ Amd 1:2018)
Applies to the basic safety and essential performance of Gr.T
medical electrical equipment and medical electrical
systems, hereafter referred to as me equipment and me SLS 1660 Part 2 Section 59:2020
systems. Medical electrical equipment – particular
(=IEC 60601-1-8:2012) requirements for the basic safety and essential
Gr.X performance of screening thermographs for human
febrile temperature screening
SLS 1660 Part 1 Section 10:2020 Applies to the basic safety and essential performance of
Medical electrical equipment - general requirements screening thermographs intended to be used for the
for general safety and essential performance collateral individual non-invasive febrile temperature screening of
standard: requirements for the development of a human under controlled environmental conditions,
physiologic closed-loop controllers hereafter referred to as me equipment. This document sets
Applies to the basic safety and essential performance of laboratory characterization test limits for the screening
Medical electrical equipment and medical electrical thermograph.
systems, hereafter referred to as Me equipment and me (= EC 80601-2-59:2017)
systems. This collateral standard specifies requirements Gr.S
for the development (analysis, design, Verification and
validation) of a physiologic closed-loop controller (pclc) SLS 1660 Part 2 Section 61:2020
as part of a Physiologic closed-loop control system (pclcs) Medical electrical equipment -particular requirements
in me equipment and me systems to Control a physiologic for basic safety and essential performance of pulse
variable. oximeter equipment
(=IEC 60601-1-10:2013) Applies to the basic safety and essential performance of
Gr.R pulse oximeter equipment intended for use on humans,
hereafter referred to as me equipment. This includes any
SLS 1660 Part 1 Section 11:2020 part necessary for normal use, including the pulse oximeter
Medical electrical equipment - general requirements monitor, pulse oximeter probe, and probe cable extender
for general safety and essential performance (=ISO 80601-2-61:2017)
Collateral standard - requirements for medical Gr.X
electrical equipment and medical electrical systems
used in the home healthcare environment SLS 1660 Part 2 Section 70:2020
Applies to the basic safety and essential performance of Medical electrical equipment -Particular requirements
Medical electrical equipment and medical electrical for basic safety and essential performance of sleep
systems for use in the home Healthcare environment, as apnoea breathing therapy equipment
defined in 3.1, and specified by the manufacturer in the Applicable to the basic safety and essential performance
Instructions for use. This international standard applies of sleep apnoea breathing therapy equipment, hereafter
regardless of whether the Me equipment or me system is referred to as me equipment, intended to alleviate the
intended for use by a lay operator or by trained healthcare symptoms of patients who suffer from obstructive sleep
personnel. apnoea by delivering a therapeutic breathing pressure to
(=IEC 60601-1-11:2015) the respiratory tract of the patient. Sleep apnoea breathing
Gr.U therapy equipment is intended for use in the home
healthcare environment by lay operators as well as in
SLS 1660 Part 1 Section 12:2020 professional healthcare institutions
Medical electrical equipment - general requirements (=ISO 80601-2-70:2015)
for general safety and essential performance collateral Gr.U
standard- requirements for medical electrical
equipment and medical electrical systems intended for SLS 1661 Part 3:2020
use in the emergency medical services environment Lung ventilators for medical use – particular
Applies to the basic safety and essential performance of requirements for emergency and transport ventilators
medical electrical equipment and medical electrical This part of SLS 1661 is one of a series of International
systems, hereafter referred to as me equipment and me Standards based on SLS 1660-l, (the “General Standard”);
systems, which are intended, as indicated in the instructions
this type of Standard is referred to as a “Particular Specifies minimum requirements for full face masks for
Standard”. As stated in 1.3 of SLS 1660-l, the respiratory protective devices. Full face masks for diving
requirements of this part of SLS 1661 take precedence apparatus are not included in the scope fo the standard.
over those of SLS 1660-l. Where this part of SLS 1661 laboratory and practical performance tests are included
specifies that a clause of SLS 1660-l applies, it means for the assessment of compliance with the requirements.
that the clause applies only if the requirement is relevant (=EN 136:1998+AC:2003)
to the ventilator under consideration. Gr.E18.
This part of SLS 1661 has common requirements with
IEC 601-2-12. It also includes requirements from SLS 1665:2020
SLS 1661-1. Respiratory protective devices – Half masks and
The scope and object given in clause 1 of SLS 1660-1 quarter masks – Requirements, testing, marking
apply, except that 1.I shall be replaced by the following: Specifies minimum requirements for half masks and
This part of SLS 1660-l quarter masks for use as part of respiratory protective
specifies requirements for portable lung ventilators devices, except escape apparatus and diving apparatus.
designed for use in emergency situations Laboratory and practical performance tests are included
and transport. Emergency and transport ventilators, called for the assessment of compliance with the
hereafter “ventilator”, are often installed in ambulances requirements.
or (=EN 140:1998+AC:1999)
other types of rescue vehicles, but are often used outside Gr.E14
this environment, where they have to be carried by the
operator or other persons. These devices will frequently SLS 1666:2020
be used outside the hospital or home by personnel with Respiratory protective devices – Filtering half masks
different levels of training. This part of SLS 1661 is also to protect against particles – Requirements, testing,
applicable to devices permanently mounted in ambulances marking
or aircraft. Specifies minimum requirements for filtering half masks
This part of SLS 1661 does not cover operator-powered as respiratory protective devices to protect against particles
ventilators (i.e. manual resuscitators). except for escape purposes. Laboratory and practical
(=ISO 10651-3:1997) performance tests are included for the assessment of
Gr. N compliance with the requirements.
(=EN 149:2001+A1:2009)
SLS 1661 Part 4:2020 Gr.E17
Lung ventilators for medical use – particular
requirements for operators-powered resuscitators SLS 1667:2020
Specifies requirements for operator-powered resuscitators Performance of materials used in medical Face masks
intended for use with all age groups and which are portable Covers testing and requirements for materials used in the
and intended to provide lung ventilation to individuals construction of medical face masks that are used in
whose breathing is inadequate. Operator-powered providing healthcare services such as surgery and patient
resuscitators for infants and children are designated care.
according to body mass range and approximate age (=ASTM F 2100 -19)
equivalent. Electrically- and gas-powered resuscitators are Gr.A1
not covered by this European Standard.
(=ISO 10651-4:2002) SLS 1668:2020
Gr.L Terminology relating to protective clothing
Specialized terms used in standards developed by
SLS 1662:2020 Committee F23 on Protective Clothing Definitions of
Irrigation equipment - automatic irrigation systems - Terms, which were drafted for use only in a single standard,
hydraulic control are also included for convenient reference. Under ASTM
This Technical Report deals with automatic irrigation rules they may become full definitions in the future, if
Systems based on hydraulic devices using only the from they are used in additional standards.
the water in the irrigation System: it gives main definitions Additional terminology relevant to protective clothing and
and a classification of these Systems. run by hydraulic to the components of protective clothing can be found in
control, it energy that tan be obtained This Technical Terminology D123, D1566, and D4805.
Report applies to automatic control Systems, in which the (=ASTM F1494-14)
control of water application is achieved by means of water Gr.A2
quantity measurement. Semi-automatic control Systems
are used with irrigation Systems under pressure and are SLS 1669:2020
capable of controlling the delivery of a preset quantity for Biological evaluation of medicaldevices - evaluation
one irrigation cycle. Esch subsequent irrigation cycle and testing within a risk management process
requires a further manual Operation to preset the required specifies:
water quantities. - the general principles governing the biological evaluation
(=ISO 8059:1986) of medical devices within a risk
Gr.D management process;
- the general categorization of medical devices based on
SLS 1663:2020 the nature and duration of their contact with
Medical face masks –requirements and test methods the body;
Specifies construction, design, performance requirements - the evaluation of existing relevant data from all sources;
and test methods for medical face masks intended to limit - the identification of gaps in the available data set on the
the transmission of infective agents from staff to patients basis of a risk analysis;
during surgical procedures and other medical settings with - the identification of additional data sets necessary to
similar requirements. A medical face mask with an analyse the biological safety of the medical
appropriate microbial barrier can also be effective in device;
reducing the emission of infective agents from the nose - the assessment of the biological safety of the medical
and mouth of an asymptomatic carrier or a patient with device.
clinical symptoms. This document applies to evaluation of materials and
(=EN 14683:2019) medical devices that are expected to have direct
Gr.E14 or indirect contact with:
- the patient’s body during intended use;
SLS 1664:2020 - the user’s body, if the medical device is intended for
Respiratory protective devices – full Face masks – protection (e.g., surgical gloves, masks and
requirements, testing, marking others).
This document is applicable to biological evaluation of Specifies the requirements for the design, materials
all types of medical devices including active, manufacture, storage, performance and test methods for
non-active, implantable and non-implantable medical the non-medical, reusable cloth face mask, intended to be
devices. used by the community to reduce the risk of transmission
This document also gives guidelines for the assessment of infectious agents from person to person while engaging
of biological hazards arising from: in public or private activities.
- risks, such as changes to the medical device over time, This guideline neither applies to filtering half masks used
as a part of the overall biological safety as respiratory protective devices against particles and other
assessment; specific airborne chemicals covered by SLS 1666:2020,
- breakage of a medical device or medical device nor to medical face masks covered by SLS 1663:2020.
component which exposes body tissue to new or 14 pages, Gr. 7
novel materials.
(=ISO 10993-1:2018) SLS 1676 Part 1:2020
Gr. S Plastics piping systems for hot & cold water
installations – Chlorinated poly vinyl chloride (PVC-
SLS 1670 Part 1:2020 C) – General
Medical devices - symbols to be used with medical This part of SLS 1676 specifies the general requirements
device labels, labelling and information to be supplied of chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-C) piping
- General requirements systems intended to be used for hot and cold water
Requirements for symbols used in medical device labelling installations within buildings for the conveyance of
that convey information on the safe and effective use of water,whether or not intended for human consumption
medical devices. It also lists symbols that satisfy the (domestic systems) and for heating systems, under design
requirements of this document. This document is pressures and temperatures appropriate to the class of
applicable to symbols used in a broad spectrum of medical application (see Table 1).
devices, which are marketed globally and therefore need This part of SLS 1676 covers a range of service conditions
to meet different regulatory requirements. These symbols (classes of application), design pressures and pipe
may be used on the medical device itself, on its packaging dimension classes. For values of TD, Tmax and Tmal in
or in the associated documentation. The requirements of excess of those in Table 1, this part of SLS 1676 does not
this document are not intended to apply to symbols apply.
specified in other standards. NOTE It is the responsibility of the purchaser or specifier
(=ISO 15223-1:2016) to make the appropriate selections from these aspects,
Gr. M taking into account their particular requirements and any
relevant national regulations and installation practices or
SLS 1671: 2020 codes.
Respiratory protective devices - vocabulary and It also specifies the test parameters for the test methods
graphical symbols referred to in this part of SLS 1676.
Defines terms and specifies units of measurement for In conjunction with the other parts of SLS 1676, it is
respiratory protective devices (RPDs), excluding diving applicable to PVC-C pipes and fittings, their joints and
apparatus. It indicates graphical symbols that can be joints with components of other plastics and non-plastics
required on RPDs, parts of RPD or instruction manuals in materials intended to be used for hot and cold water
order to instruct the person(s) using the RPD as to its installations.
operation. (ISO 15877-1:2009)
(=ISO 16972:2020) Gr. F
Gr. C
SLS 1676 Part 2:2020
SLS 1672:2020 Plastics piping systems for hot & cold water
Covid-19 safety management systems requirements for installations – Chlorinated poly vinyl chloride (PVC –
organizations C) –Pipes
Specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, Specifies the requirements of pipes made from chlorinated
maintaining and continually improving the COVID-19 poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-C) for piping systems intended
safety management system within the context of the to be used for hot and cold water installations within
organization for the purpose of continuing organizational buildings for the conveyance of water, whether or not
operation while considering the potential threat of COVID- intended for human consumption (domestic systems) and
19 on its interested parties through its activities (including for heating systems, under design pressures and
outsourced activities), products and services. temperatures appropriate to the class of application (see
The requirements set out in this Sri Lanka Standard are Table 1 of SLS 1676).
generic and are intended to be applicable to all This part of SLS 1676 covers a range of service conditions
organizations, regardless of type, size or nature. Exclusion (application classes), design pressures and pipeseries. For
of any of the requirements specified in Clauses 4 to 11 is values of TD, Tmax and Tmal in excess of those in Table
not acceptable when an organization claims conformity 1 of SLS 1676, this part of SLS 1676 does not apply.
to this Sri Lanka Standard. NOTE It is the responsibility of the purchaser or specifier
32 pages, Gr.13 to make the appropriate selections from these aspects,
taking into account their particular requirements and any
SLS 1673:2020 relevant national regulations and installation practices or
Instant coffee codes. It also specifies the test parameters for the test
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and tests methods referred to in this part of SLS 1676. In conjunction
for instant/ soluble coffee. This Standard excludes coffee with the other parts of SLS 1676, it is applicable to PVC-
pre-mixtures, mixtures of instant and ground coffee and C pipes, their joints and joints with components of PVC-
coffee- chicory mixtures. C, other plastics and non-plastics materials intended to be
13 pages, Gr.7 used for hot and cold water installations.
(ISO 15877-2:2009)
SLS 1674:2020 Gr. H
Men’s woven shirts
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods SLS 1676 Part 3:2020
of sampling and tests for performance of long and short Plastics piping systems for hot & cold water
sleeve men’s woven shirts. installations – chlorinated poly vinyl chloride (pvc- c)
14 pages, Gr. 7 – Fittings
This part of SLS 1676 specifies the characteristics of
SLS 1675:2020 fittings made from chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride)
Guideline for non-medical reusable cloth face masks (PVCC) for piping systems intended to be used for hot
and cold water installations within buildings for the SLS 1678:2020
conveyance of water, whether or not intended for human Paper and board - Determination of CIE whiteness,
consumption (domestic systems) and for heating systems D65/100 degrees (outdoor daylight)
under design pressures and temperatures according to the Specifies the procedure to be used for determining the
class of application (see Table 1 of SLS 1676). whiteness of papers and boards. The values obtained
This part of SLS 1676 covers a range of service conditions correspond to the visual appearance of white papers and
(application classes) and design pressure classes. For boards with or without fluorescent whitening agents when
values of TD, Tmax and Tmal in excess of those in Table they are viewed under the CIE D65 daylight standard
1 of SLS 1676, this part of SLS 1676 does not apply. illuminant. It is based on reflectance data obtained over
NOTE 1 It is the responsibility of the purchaser or specifier the full visible spectral range (VIS) in contrast to the
to make the appropriate selections from these aspects, measurement of ISO brightness which is limited to the
taking into account their particular requirements and any blue region of VIS.
relevant national regulations and installation practices or (=ISO 11475:2017)
codes. Gr. H
It also specifies the parameters for the test methods referred
to in this part of SLS 1676. SLS 1679:2020
In conjunction with the other parts of SLS 1676, it is Pulp, paper and board -Determination of total chlorine
applicable to PVC-C fittings, their joints and joints with and Organically bound chlorine
components of PVC-C, other plastics and non-plastics Specifies two alternative procedures for the determination
materials intended to be used for hot and cold water of total and organically bound chlorine in pulp, paper and
installations. board. It is applicable to all types of pulp, paper and board.
This part of SLS 1676 is applicable to fittings of the The lower limit of the determination is about 20 mg/kg.
following types: (=ISO 11480:2017)
¯ fittings for solvent cement joints; Gr. H
¯ mechanical fittings;
¯ fittings with incorporated inserts. SLS 1680:2020
NOTE 2 Fittings made from PVC-C are manufactured by Safety of hybrid inverter for solar PV system
injection-moulding. Covers the particular safety requirements relevant to d.c.
(=ISO 15877-3:2009) to a.c. solar hybrid inverter products as well as products
Gr.M that perform inverter functions in addition to other
functions, where the inverter is intended for use in
SLS 1676 Part 5:2020 photovoltaic power systems.
Plastics piping systems for hot & cold water Type of operation of solar hybrid inverter covered by this
installations – chlorinated poly vinyl chloride (PVC – standard may be grid-connected, stand-alone mode
C) – Fitness for purpose of the piping system operation, or multiple modes. This hybrid inverter may
Specifies the characteristics of the fitness for purpose of be connected single or multiple photovoltaic modules in
chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-C) piping systems, various array configurations and intended for use with
intended to be used for hot and cold water installations batteries or other forms of energy storage as the second
within buildings for the conveyance of water, whether or source of energy.
not intended for human consumption, (domestic systems) 44 pages, Gr.16
and for heating systems, under design pressures and
temperatures according to the class of application (see SLS 1681:2020
Table 1 of SLS 1676-1). Paper, board, pulps and cellulose nanomaterials -
This part of SLS 1676 covers a range of service conditions determination of residue (ash content) on ignition at
(application classes) and design pressure classes. 900 °c
For values of TD, Tmax and Tmal in excess of those in Describes the determination of the residue (ash content)
Table 1 of SLS 1676 -1:2009, this part of SLS 1676 on ignition of paper, board, pulps and cellulose
does not apply. nanomaterials. This document is applicable to all types of
NOTE It is the responsibility of the purchaser or specifier paper, board, pulp and cellulose nanomaterial. This
to make the appropriate selections from these aspects, document provides measurement procedures to obtain a
taking into account their particular requirements and any measurement precision of 0,01 % or better for residue (ash
relevant national regulations and installation practices or content) on ignition at 900 °C.
codes. In the context of this document, the term “cellulose
It also specifies the test parameters for the test methods nanomaterial” refers specifically to cellulose nano-object
referred to in this part of SLS 1676. (see 3.2 to 3.4). Owing to their nanoscale dimensions, these
In conjunction with the other parts of SLS 1676, it is cellulose nano-objects can have intrinsic properties,
applicable to PVC-C pipes, fittings, their joints and joints behaviours or functionalities that are distinct from those
with components of other plastics and non-plastics associated with paper, board and pulps.
materials intended to be used for hot and cold water (=ISO 2144:2019)
installations. Gr. E
(=ISO 15877-5:2009)
Gr. E SLS 1682:2020
Paper, board and pulps - measurement of diffuse
SLS 1677:2020 radiance factor (diffuse reflectance factor)
Paper and board - Determination of cie whiteness, C/ Describes the general procedure for measuring the diffuse
2° (indoor illumination conditions) radiance factor of all types of pulp, paper and board. More
Specifies the procedure to be used for determining the particularly, it specifies in detail in Annex A the
CIE whiteness of papers and boards, in order to obtain characteristics of the equipment to be used for such
values which correspond to the visual appearance of white measurements, and in Annex B the procedures to be used
papers and boards, with or without fluorescent whitening for calibrating that equipment.
agents, when they are viewed indoors. It is based on This Standard may be used to measure the diffuse radiance
radiance factor data obtained over the full visible spectral factors and related properties of materials containing
range (VIS) in contrast to the measurement of ISO fluorescent whitening agents, provided that the UV-content
brightness, which is limited to the blue region of VIS. This of the instrument illumination has been adjusted to give
International Standard also specifies the procedures for the same level of fluorescence as a fluorescent reference
the determination of CIE tint values and the fluorescent standard for a selected CIE illuminant, in accordance with
component of CIE whiteness. the specific International Standard describing the
(=ISO 11476:2016) measurement of the property in question.
Gr. H This Standard describes in Annex C the preparation of
fluorescent reference standards, although the procedures
for using these standards are not included, since their use SLS 1687 Part 5:2020
is described in detail in the specific this Standards Distilled liquor/ spirit drinks - Gin
describing the measurement of the properties of materials Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
containing fluorescent whitening agents. for gin.
(=ISO 2469:2014) 16 pages, Gr.9
SLS 1687 Part 6:2020
SLS 1683:2020 Distilled liquor/spirit drinks -Tequila
Single-use medical face masks Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and for tequila
test for performance of single use medical face masks 17 pages, Gr.9
intended to prevent and/ or limit the transmission of
infectious agents from an infected person to a non-infected SLS 1687 Part 7:2020
person or any other intended end use. This Standard does Distilled liquor/ spirit drinks - Emulated foreign liquor
not apply to the re-usable or non-medical masks. Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test
19 pages, Gr. 9 for Sri Lankan emulated foreign liquor.
16 pages, Gr.8
SLS 1684:2020
Compost for organic agriculture SLS 1688:2020
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling, testing Black gram flour (Ulundu flour)
and packaging for compost intended to use for organic Prescribes the requirements and methods of tests for black
agriculture. gram flour (Urid/ Oorid/ Undu flour/ Ulundu flour).
15pages, Gr. 8 17 pages, Gr.8
SLS 1685:2020 SLS 1689:2020
Gas cylinders - cylinder valves -specification and type Requirements for best aquaculture practices (BAP) for
testing shrimp production
Specifies design, type testing and marking requirements Specifies the requirements for BAP at hatchery, nursery
for: and farming practices including harvesting and post-
a) cylinder valves intended to be fitted to refillable harvest handlings prior to transportation to be applied for
transportable gas cylinders; sustainable shrimp production that is legally compliant,
b) main valves (excluding ball valves) for cylinder bundles; environmentally sound, socially acceptable and
c) cylinder valves or main valves with integrated pressure economically viable to ensure quality products that are
regulator (VIPR); which convey compressed, liquefied or safe and suitable for human consumption.
dissolved gases. 17 pages, Gr.9
This Standard covers the function of a valve as a closure.
(=ISO 10297:2014) SLS 1690:2020
Gr.S Minimum energy performance for household
SLS 1686 Part 1:2020 Specifies Minimum Energy Performance (MEP) for
Gas cylinders - Design, construction and testing of household electric vapour compression type refrigerators
refillable seamless steel gas cylinders and tubes - operating on mains supply of 230 V a.c, 50 Hz nominal
quenched and tempered steel cylinders and tubes with power supply consisting of freezing and cooling facilities
tensile strength less than 1 100 MPa and cooled by natural convection or forced air circulation.
Specifies minimum requirements for the material, design, This standard also specifies a test method for determining
construction and workmanship, manufacturing processes, the energy use of refrigerators which comply with
examination and testing at time of manufacture for Temperature performance test as described in 6.3. Climatic
refillable seamless steel gas cylinders and tubes with water class is taken as Temperate which ranges from +16 0C to
capacities up to and including 450 l. +32 0C.
It is applicable to cylinders and tubes for compressed, 26 pages, Gr.12
liquefied and dissolved gases and for quenched
and tempered steel cylinders and tubes with a maximum SLS 1691:2020
actual tensile strength Rma of less than 1 100 MPa. Agricultural irrigation equipment - Specification and
(=ISO 9809-1:2019) test methods for emitters and emitting pipe
Gr.U Gives mechanical and functional requirements for
agricultural irrigation emitters and emitting pipes, and,
SLS 1687 Part 1:2020 where applicable, their fittings, and provides methods for
Distilled liquor/ spirit drinks - Rum testing conformity with such requirements. It also specifies
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test the data to be supplied by the manufacturer to permit
for rum. correct information, installation and operation in the field.
18 pages, Gr. 9 It is applicable to emitters, emitting and dripping (trickling)
pipes, hoses, including collapsible hoses (“tapes”) and
SLS 1687 Part 2:2020 tubing of which the emitting units form an integral part, to
Distilled liquor/ spirit drinks - Whisky/ Whiskey emitters and emitting units with or without pressure
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test regulation and with flow rates not exceeding 24 l/h per
for whisky/ whiskey. outlet (except during flushing), and to fittings dedicated
17pages, Gr. 9 to the connection of emitting pipes, hoses and tubing. It is
not applicable to porous pipe (pipe that is porous along
SLS 1687 Part 3:2020 its entire length), nor does it cover the performance of
Distilled liquor/ spirit drinks - Brandy pipes as regards clogging.
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test (=ISO 9261:2004)
for brandy. Gr.H
16 pages, Gr.8
SLS 1692:2020
SLS 1687 Part 4:2020 Agricultural irrigation equipment - irrigation valves -
Distilled liquor/spirit drinks - Vodka General requirements
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and test Specifies construction and performance requirements and
for vodka. test methods for valves, intended for operation in irrigation
15 pages, Gr.8 systems with water at temperatures not exceeding 60 °C,

which can contain fertilizers and other chemicals of the Covers the requirements for constituents, composition,
types and concentrations used in agriculture. mechanical properties, physical properties, chemical
It is applicable to irrigation valves of 8 mm diameter or properties, packaging, marking and delivery of Portland-
greater, designed to operate in the fully open and fully Composite Cement (PCC).
closed positions, but which can also operate for extended This specification pertains to two strength classes of PCC.
time periods in any intermediate position. NOTE: Requirements for other cements are covered in
(=ISO 9635-1:2014) separate Sri Lanka standards (see Clause 2).
Gr.L 26 pages, Gr.11
SLS 1693:2020 SLS 1698:2021
Agricultural irrigation equipment - irrigation valves - Plastics - carbon and environmental footprint of
isolating valves biobased plastics - general principles
Specifies construction and performance requirements and Specifies the general principles and the system boundaries
test methods for isolating valves, intended for operation for the carbon and environmental footprint of biobased
in irrigation systems with water at temperatures not plastic products. It is an introduction and a guidance
exceeding 60 °C, which can contain fertilizers and other document to the other parts of the ISO 22526 series. This
chemicals of the types and concentrations used in document is applicable to plastic products and plastic
agriculture. materials, polymer resins, which are based from biobased
It is applicable to isolating irrigation valves of DN 8 in or fossil-based constituents.
diameter or greater, designed to operate in the fully open (=ISO 22526-1:2020)
and fully closed positions, but which can also operate for Gr.D
extended time periods in any intermediate position.
(=ISO 9635-2:2014) SLS 1699:2021
Gr.H Fibre ropes – polyethylene – 3- and 4- strand ropes
Secifies requirements for 3-strand hawser-laid and 4-strand
SLS 1694:2020 shroud-laid ropes for general service (excluding fittings)
Agricultural irrigation equipment irrigation valves - made of polyethylene and gives rules for their designation.
check valves (=ISO 1969:2004)
Specifies construction and performance requirements and Gr.B
test methods for check valves, intended for operation in
irrigation systems with water at temperatures not exceeding SLS 1700:2018
60 °C, which can contain fertilizers and other chemicals Electronic taximeters
of the types and concentrations used in agriculture. Applies to electronic taximeters, hereinafter referred to
It is applicable to hydraulically operated check irrigation by the general term taxime-ters, to be installed on public
valves of DN 15 diameter or greater, designed to operate hire vehicles (taxis or cabs) which, with the aid of
in the fully open and fully closed positions, but which can electronic devices, calculate and indicate the amount to
also operate for extended time periods in any intermediate be paid by the passenger of the taxi this does not apply to
position. taximeters being remotely controlled by external
(=ISO 9635-3:2014) intelligence as far as it concerns the functions described
Gr.D in this standard.
17 pages, Gr.9
SLS 1695:2020
Agricultural irrigation equipment - irrigation valves - SLS 1701 Part 1:2021
Air valves Treacle - kithul treacle
Specifies construction and performance requirements and Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and
test methods for air valves, intended for operation in test for Kithul (Caryota urens L.) treacle.
irrigation systems with water at temperatures not exceeding 24p, Gr.11
60 °C, which can contain fertilizers and other chemicals
of the types and concentrations used in agriculture. SLS 1702:2021
It is applicable to hydraulically operated air irrigation Liquid organic fertilizers
valves of DN 15 diameter or greater, designed to be Specifies the requirements and methods of sampling and
directly operated, i.e. the force is applied to the obturator test for liquid organic fertilizers used especially in organic
by the float, either directly or via a mechanical linkage. agriculture.
The valves can be operated by a force applied through an 9 pages, Gr.5
adjustable pilot valve.
(=ISO 9635-4:2014) SLS 1703:2021
Gr.G Aluminium/zinc alloy coated steel sheets for roofing
and cladding
SLS 1696:2020 Specifies requirements for aluminium/zinc alloy coated
Agricultural irrigation equipment - irrigation valves - steel sheets, intended to be fabricated for use in the building
control valves industry for exterior applications such as roofing, wall
Specifies construction and performance requirements and cladding and awnings.
test methods for control valves, intended for operation in 24 pages, Gr.11
irrigation systems with water at temperatures not exceeding
60 °C, which can contain fertilizers and other chemicals SLS 1704:2021
of the types and concentrations used in agriculture. Sterilized solid organic fertilizer
It is applicable to hydraulically-operated control irrigation prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling, testing
valves of DN 15 (1/2 inch) diameter or greater, designed and packaging for sterilized solid organic fertilizer
to operate in any position, from fully open to fully closed. intended to use for ecofriendly agriculture. This does not
The valves can either be directly operated (i.e. the force cover compost and organic fertilizer of liquid forms or
applied via a spring or diaphragm to the obturator), or other solids or liquids that contain only plant growth
pilot-operated (i.e. the force is applied through an regulators or plant growth promoting substances.
adjustable pilot valve via a diaphragm). These valves can 16 pages, Gr.9
also function as check valves.
(=ISO 9635-5:2014) SLS 1705:2021
Gr.G Textiles – knitted fabrics – representation and pattern
SLS 1697:2020 specifies various systems of symbolic notation and pattern
Portland-composite cement design for knitted fabrics. The symbolic notations

contained in this International Standard do not necessarily water-based recreational activities; excludes boats that are
constitute the only method of representation. provided with a skipper and/or crew and bareboats that
(=ISO 23606:2009) do not have living accommodation; does not establish the
Gr.G construction requirements for bareboats and equipment
SLS 1706:2021 (=ISO 20410:2017)
Plastics - carbon and environmental footprint of Gr.H
biobased plastics - process carbon footprint,
requirements and guidelines for quantification SLS 1711:2021
Specifies requirements and guidelines for the Adventure tourism - good practices for sustainability
quantification and reporting of the process carbon footprint - requirements and recommendations
of biobased plastics (see SLS 1698), being a partial carbon Provides requirements and recommendations for adventure
footprint of a bioplastic product, based on ISO 14067 and tourism activity providers on good practices for
consistent with International Standards on life cycle sustainability (environmental, social and economic
assessment (SLS ISO 14040 and SLS ISO 14044). This aspects) for adventure tourism activities. This document
document is applicable to process carbon footprint studies can be used by all types and sizes of adventure tourism
(P-CFP) of plastic materials, being a partial carbon activity providers, operating in different geographic,
footprint of a product, whether or not the results are cultural and social environments.
intended to be publicly available. Requirements and (=ISO 20611:2018)
guidelines for the quantification of a partial carbon Gr.E
footprint of a product (partial CFP) are provided in this
document. The process carbon footprint study is carried SLS 1712:2021
out according to SLS ISO 14067 as a partial carbon Adventure tourism - leaders - personnel competence
footprint, using the specific conditions and requirements Document establishes the requirements and
specified in this document. Where the results of a P-CFP recommendations of competencies and the related
study are reported according to this document, procedures expected results of competencies for adventure tourism
are provided to support transparency and credibility, and activity leaders common to any adventure tourism activity,
also to allow for informed choices. Offsetting is outside which can affect the quality and safety of the services
of the scope of this document. provided. It can be used by all types and sizes of providers
(=ISO 22526-3:2020) operating in different geographic, cultural and social
Gr.E environments.
(=ISO 21102:2020)
SLS 1707:2021 Gr.E
Packaging - tamper verification features for medicinal
product packaging SLS 1713:2021
Specifies requirements and provides guidance for the Recreational diving services- requirements for
application, use and check of tamper verification features recreational diving providers
to the packaging of medicinal products. The principles in Specifies requirements for service providers in the field
this document can be applied in other sectors, as of recreational scuba diving and snorkeling excursions. It
appropriate. specifies the following areas of service provision: -
(=ISO 21976:2018) introductory diving activities; - snorkelling excursions; -
Gr.H provision of training and education; - organized and guided
diving for qualified divers; - rental of diving and
SLS 1708:2021 snorkelling equipment. Service providers can offer one
Guidelines for herbal cosmetics or more of these services. This document specifies the
This Standard guideline provides recommendations for nature and quality of the services to the client.
cosmetics in which one or more herb(s)/herbal (=ISO 24803:2017)
ingredient(s) are included. Products that herbal Gr.F
ingredient(s) are added, claiming as traditional medicine
(eg: Ayurveda, Chinese traditional medicines, etc.) are SLS 1714:2021
excluded from the Scope of this Standard. This Standard Recreational diving services - Requirements for the
guideline does not cover products which do not qualify training of recreational snorkeling guides
under the criteria for “cosmetics”. (See 5.2.12 of SLS Specifies requirements for snorkelling guide training
1587.) programmes and the criteria to be met that permit a training
10 pages, Gr. 5 organization to award a snorkelling guide qualification
indicating that the requirements specified in this Standard
SLS 1709:2021 have been met. This Standard also specifies the particular
Recreational diving services- requirements for gas conditions under which the training is provided, in addition
blender training programmes to the general requirements for recreational diving service
Specifies requirements for gas blender training provision specified in SLS 1713.
programmes and the competencies required of an (=ISO 13970:2011)
individual in order to obtain a gas blender certificate from Gr.D
a training organization, attesting that he/she has met or
exceeded the requirements specified in this Standard. This SLS 1715:2021
Standard specifies two levels of gas blender qualification, Tourism and related services - Yacht harbours -
as follows: - Level 1 gas blender; - Level 2 gas blender. Minimum requirements for high service level harbours
This Standard recognizes that a training programme can Document establishes minimum requirements for
be organized and delivered in a modular way. commercial and non-commercial harbours for leisure craft
(=ISO 13293:2012) in order to define the high level to deliver services to the
Gr.E boating community for all types of recreational boating
activities, excluding the standardization of sports activities.
SLS 1710:2021 The scope does not cover specifics of boat yards, dry
Tourism and related services - bareboat charter - stacks, dry-docking areas, dry storages, fuel stations and
minimum service and equipment requirements nearby beaches. This document does not cover risks in
Document sets out the minimum service level and case of abnormal weather conditions above windforce 9
equipment requirements for bareboats offered for charter on the Beaufort scale and extreme sea conditions or rogue
on inland, coastal and/or offshore waters. It is applicable waves.
to any individual or organization that offers a bareboat (=ISO 13687-3:2017)
for charter. This document: covers the safety of the Gr.D
bareboat and its occupants, but not associated sport or
SLS 1716:2021
Tourism services - industrial tourism - service SLS 12000 Part 4:2012
provision Nanotechnologies - Vocabulary – nanostructured
This Standard establishes general requirements for materials
industrial tourism offered by service providers intending Gives terms and definitions for materials in the field of
to transmit knowledge of production, scientific and nanotechnologies where one or more components are
technical activities, both present and past, based on nanoscale regions and the materials exhibit properties
processes, know-how, products or services. The attributable to the presence of those nanoscale regions.
requirements in this Standard are applicable to all the (=ISO/TS 80004-4:2011)
services of industrial tourism (visits and additional offer), Gr.D
dealing with living industry, industrial heritage, or a
combination of both, including the facilities and equipment SLS 12000 Part 5:2012
related to such services, as well as their internal operation. Nanotechnologies - Vocabulary – nano/bio interface
(=ISO 13810:2015) Lists terms and definitions related to the interface between
Gr.H nanomaterials and biology.
(=ISO/TS 80004-5:2011)
SLS 1717:2021 Gr.C
Tourism and related services - wellness spa – service
requirements SLS 12000 Part 7:2012
Document establishes the service requirements of a Nanotechnologies – Vocabulary – diagnostics and
wellness spa, the main supporting processes and the quality therapeutics for healthcare
of service to be provided to the client. This document can Applicable to the use of nanotechnologies in medical
be used by all types and sizes of wellness spas even if it is diagnostics and therapeutics. Terms relating to the
part of another activity (e.g. accommodation facilities, exploitation of material features at the nanoscale for
fitness centres and hospitals). This document does not diagnostic or therapeutic purposes in relation to human
include any accommodation or food and beverage disease come within the scope of this standard.
requirements. This document does not apply to medical (=ISO/TS 80004-7:2011)
spas and thalassotherapy centres. This document does not Gr.D
cover decisions that are related to medical professions,
medical training or any religious aspects. SLS 12001:2012
(=ISO 17679:2016) Nanotechnologies – health and safety practices in
Gr.H occupational settings relevant to nanotechnologies
Describes health and safety practices in occupational
SLS 1718:2021 settings relevant to nanotechnologies. It focuses on the
Compostable plastic food wrapping sheet occupational manufacture and use of engineered
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and nanomaterials. It does not address health and safety issues
test for compostable plastic lunch sheets This Specification or practices associated with nanomaterials generated by
does not cover non-compostable and oxo-biodegradable natural processes, hot processes and other standard
plastic lunch sheets and very thin sheets such as shrink operations which unintentionally generate nanomaterials,
wrapping sheets, stretch or cling films used for food sealing or potential consumer exposures or uses, though some of
purposes. the information in this technical report might be relevant
Gr.5 to those areas.
(=ISO/TR 12885:2008)
SLS 1733:2018 Gr.W
Electric cables thermosetting insulated and
thermoplastic sheathed cables for voltage up to and SLS 12002:2012
including 450/750 V for electric power and lighting Nanotechnologies – nanomaterial risk evaluation
having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when Describes a process for identifying, evaluating, addressing,
effected by fire making decisions about, and communicating the potential
Specifies requirements and test methods for the risks of developing and using manufactured nanomaterials,
construction and performance of cables. in order to protect the health and safety of the public,
a). have a thermosetting insulation of rated voltage up to consumers, workers and the environment. It offers
and including 450/750V, guidance on the information needed to make sound risk
b). emit limited amounts of smoke (see 16.6) and corrosive evaluations and risk management decisions, as well as how
gases when subjected to relevant tests compared PVC to manage in the face of incomplete or uncertain
cables conforming to SLS 733 and SLS 1504 series, information by using reasonable assumptions and
c). are intended for electric power and lighting appropriate risk management practices. Further, it includes
33 pages, Gr.14 methods to update assumptions, decisions, and practices
as new information becomes available, and on how to
SLS 12000 Part 1:2012 communicate information and decisions to stakeholders.
Nanotechnologies - Terminology and definitions for This standard suggests methods organizations can use to
nano-objects – nanoparticle, nonofiber and nonoplate be transparent and accountable in how they manage
Lists terms and definitions related to particles in the field nanomaterials
of nanotechnologies. (=ISO/TR 13121:2011)
(=ISO/TS 27687:2008) Gr.U
SLS 12003:2012
SLS 12000 Part 2:2012 Nanotechnologies – methodology for the classification
Nanotechnologies - Vocabulary – core terms and categorization of nanomaterials
Lists terms and definitions related to core terms in the Describes a classifying system, termed a “nano-tree” upon
field of nanotechnologies. whose basis wide ranges of nanomaterials can be
(=ISO/TS 80004-1:2010) categorized, including nano-objects, nanostructures and
Gr.B nanocomposites of various dimensionality of different
physical, chemical, magnetic and biological properties.
SLS 12000 Part 3:2012 However the classifying system presented in this standard
Nanotechnologies - Vocabulary – carbon nano-objects does not claim to provide full coverage of the whole range
Lists terms and definitions related to carbon nano –objects of nanomaterials.
in the field of nanotechnologies. (=ISO/TR 11360:2010)
(=ISO/TS 80004-3:2010) Gr.L
SLS 12004:2013
Nanotechnologies – generation of metal nanoparticles
for inhalation toxicity testing using the evaporation/
condensation method
Gives requirements and recommendations for generating
metal nanoparticles as aerosols suitable for
inhalation toxicity testing by the evaporation/condensation
(=ISO 10801:2010)
SLS 12005:2013
Nanotechnologies – characterization of nanoparticles
in inhalation exposure chambers for inhalation toxicity
Specifies requirements for, and gives guidance on, the
characterization of airborne nanoparticles in inhalation
exposure chambers for the purpose of inhalation toxicity
studies in terms of particle mass, size distribution, number
concentration and composition.
(=ISO 10808:2010)
SLS 12006:2013
Nanotechnologies - materials specifications - guidance
on specifying nano - objects
Provides guidance on the preparation of specifications for
the characteristics of manufactured nano-objects and their
measurement methods. Includes guidance on specifying
the physical and chemical characteristics of manufactured
nano-objects, which might affect performance or
subsequent processing.
(=ISO/TS 12805:2011)
SLS 12007 Part 1:2013
Nanotechnologies – Occupational risk management
applied to engineered nanomaterials - Principles and
Provides guidance on occupational health and safety
measures relating to engineered nanomaterials, including
the use of engineering controls and appropriate personal
protective equipment, guidance on dealing with spills and
accidental releases, and guidance on appropriate handling
of these materials during disposal. This is applicable to
engineered materials that consist of nano-objects such as
nanoparticles, nanofibres, nanotubes and nanowires, as
well as aggregates and agglomerates of these materials
(=ISO/TS 12901-1:2012)
SLS 12008:2013
Nanomaterials-preparation of material safety data
sheet (MSDS)
Provides guidance for the physico-chemical
characterization of manufactured nano-objects and their
aggregates and agglomerates (NOAA) greater than 100
nm presented for toxicological testing in order to aid in
assessing and interpreting the toxicological impact of
manufactured nano-objects and to allow the material under
test to be differentiated from seemingly similar materials.
(=ISO/TR 13014-2012)
SLS 12009:2013
Nanotechnologies-guidance on physico-chemical
characterization of engineered nano scale materials for
toxicology assessment
Provides guidance on the development of content for, and
consistency in, the communication of information on
safety, health and environmental matters in safety data
sheets (SDS) for substances classified as manufactured
nanomaterials and for chemical products containing
manufactured nanomaterials. It provides supplemental
guidance to ISO 11014:2009[1] on the preparation of SDSs
generally, addressing the preparation of an SDS for both
manufactured nanomaterials with materials and mixtures
containing manufactured nanomaterials.
(=ISO/TR 13329:2012) Gr. L
SLS ASTM C295-08:2010 Standard test method for softening point of bitumen
Standard guide for petrographic examination of (Ring- and -ball apparatus)
aggregates for concrete Covers the determination of the softening point of bitumen
Outlines procedures for the petrographic examination of in the range from 30 to 157°C [86 to 315°F] using the
samples representative of materials proposed for use as ring-and-ball apparatus immersed in distilled water [30
aggregates in cementitious mixtures or as raw materials to 80°C] or USP glycerin (above 80 to 157°C). The values
for use in production of such aggregates and the extent to stated in either SI units or inch-pound units are to be
which petrographic techniques should be used, the regarded separately as standard.
selection of properties that should be looked for, and the (=ASTM D36/D36M-14)
manner in which such techniques may be employed in the Gr. A2
examination of samples of aggregates for concrete.
(=ASTM C295-08) SLS ASTM D70:2017
Gr. A2 Standard test method for Density of semi- solid
bituminous materials (Pycnometer method)
SLS ASTM C474-15:2017 Covers the determination of the relative density and density
Standard test methods for Joint treatment materials of semi-solid bituminous materials, asphalt cements, and
for Gypsum board construction soft tar pitches by use of a pycnometer. This test method
Cover the physical testing of joint compound, paper joint covers the determination of the relative density and density
tape, glass-mesh joint tape, and an assembly of joi The of semi-solid bituminous materials, asphalt cements, and
joint treatment material described in this standard are for soft tar pitches by use of a pycnometer.
use with gypsum board installed in accordance with (=ASTM D70-09)
Specification C840. Gr. A1
(=ASTM C474-15)
Gr. A3 SLS ASTM D86:2021
Standard test method for distillation of petroleum
SLS ASTM C856-04:2010 products and liquid fuels at atmospheric pressure
Standard practice for petrographic examination of Covers the atmospheric distillation of petroleum products
hardened concrete and liquid fuels using a laboratory batch distillation unit
This practice Outlines procedures for the petrographic to determine quantitatively the boiling range characteristics
examination of samples of hardened concrete. The samples of such products as light and middle distillates, automotive
examined may be taken from concrete constructions, they spark-ignition engine fuels with or without oxygenates
may be concrete products or portions thereof, or they may aviation gasolines, aviation turbine fuels, diesel fuels,
be concrete or mortar specimens that have been exposed biodiesel blends up to 30 % volume, marine fuels, special
in natural environments, or to simulated service conditions, petroleum spirits, naphthas, white spirits, kerosines, and
or subjected to laboratory tests. Grades 1 and 2 burner fuels.
(=ASTM C856-04) (=ASTM D86-20b)
Gr. A3 Gr. A4
SLS ASTM C1260-07:2010 SLS ASTM D92:2020
Standard test method for potential alkali reactivity of Standard test method for flash and fire points by
aggregats (mortar-bar method) cleveland open cup tester
This method permits detection, within 16 days, of the (Second revision)
potential for deleterious alkali-silica reaction of aggregate Describes the determination of the flash point and fire point
in mortar bars. The values stated in SI units are to be of petroleum products by a manual cleveland open cup
regarded as standard. The values in inch-pound units are apparatus or an automated Cleveland open cup apparatus.
shown in parentheses, and are for informational purposes This test method is applicable to all petroleum products
only. This standard does not purport to address all of the with flash points above 79 °C (175 °F) and below 400 °C
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. (752 °F) except fuel oils.
(=ASTM C1260-07) (=ASTM D92-18)
Gr. A2 Gr. A3
SLS ASTM D4:2017 SLS ASTM D93:2021
Standard test method for Bitumen Content Standard test methods for flash point by pensky-
Covers the determination of bitumen content in materials martens closed cup tester
containing at least 25 % bitumen. This test method covers Cover the determination of the flash point of petroleum
the determination of bitumen content in materials products in the temperature range from 40 °C to 370 °C
containing at least 25 % bitumen. by a manual Pensky-Martens closed-cup apparatus or an
(=ASTM D4-86(2010) automated Pensky-Martens closed-cup apparatus, and the
Gr. A1 determination of the flash point of biodiesel in the
temperature range of 60 °C to 190 °C by an automated
SLS ASTM D5:2017 Pensky-Martens closed cup apparatus. Procedure A is
Standard test method for penetration of bituminous applicable to distillate fuels (diesel, biodiesel blends,
materials kerosine, heating oil, turbine fuels), new and in-use
Covers determination of the penetration of semi-solid and lubricating oils, and other homogeneous petroleum liquids
solid bituminous materials. not included in the scope of Procedure B or Procedure C.
(=ASTM D5/D5M -13) (=ASTM D93-20)
Gr. A1 Gr. A3
SLS ASTM D6:2017 SLS ASTM D97-09:2009
Standard test method for loss on heating of oil and Standard test method for pour point of petroleum
asphaltic compounds products
Covers the determination of the loss in mass (exclusive of Covers and is intended for use on any petroleum product.
water) of oil and asphaltic compounds when heated as It includes a procedure suitable for black specimens,
prescribed. The values stated in either SI units or inch- cylinder stock, and nondistillate fuel oil.
pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. (=ASTM D97-09)
(=ASTM D6/D6M-95(2011) Gr. A2
Gr. A1
SLS ASTM D130:2021
SLS ASTM D36:2017 Standard test method for corrosiveness to copper from
petroleum products by copper strip test
(First revision) the heptane insoluble portion of the residue of non-aviation
Covers the determination of the corrosiveness to copper fuels. The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as
of aviation gasoline, aviation turbine fuel, automotive standard. No other units of measurement are included in
gasoline, cleaners (Stoddard) solvent, kerosine, diesel fuel, this standard. 1.3.1 The accepted SI unit of pressure is the
distillate fuel oil, lubricating oil, and natural gasoline or Pascal (Pa); the accepted SI unit for temperature is degrees
other hydrocarbons having a vapor pressure no greater Celsius.
than 124 kPa (18 psi) at 37.8 °C. (=ASTM D381-19)
(=ASTM D130-19) Gr. A2
Gr. A2
SLS ASTM D422-63:2010
SLS ASTM D140-16:2017 Standard test method for particle-size analysis of soils
Standard practice for sampling asphalt material. Covers the quantitative determination of the distribution
(First revision) of particle sizes in soils.
Applies to the sampling of bituminous materials at points (=ASTM D422-63)
of manufacture, storage, or delivery. The values stated in Gr. A2
either SI units or inch-pound units are to be regarded
separately as standard. The values stated in each system SLS ASTM D445-19a:2020
may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall Standard test method for kinematic viscosity of
be used independently of the other combining values from transparent and opaque liquids (and calculation of
the two systems may result in non-conformance with the dynamic viscosity)
standard. (First revision)
(=ASTM D140/D140M-16) Specifies a procedure for the determination of the
Gr. A2 kinematic viscosity, v, of liquid petroleum products, both
transparent and opaque, by measuring the time for a
SLS ASTM D217-10:2011 volume of liquid to flow under gravity through a calibrated
Standard test methods for cone penetration of glass capillary viscometer.
lubricating grease (=ASTM D445-19a)
Cover four procedures for measuring the consistency of Gr. A3
lubrication greases by the penetration of a cone of specified
dimensions, mass, and finish. The penetration is measured SLS ASTM D473:2021
in tenths of a millimetre. Standard test method for sediment in crude oils and
(=ASTM D217-10) fuel oils by the extraction method
Gr. A3 Covers the determination of sediment in crude oils and
fuel oils by extraction with toluene. The precision applies
SLS ASTM D244-09:2010 to a range of sediment levels from 0.01 % to 0.40 % mass,
Standard test methods and practices for emulsified although higher levels may be determined. NOTE 1—
asphalts Precision on recycled oils and crankcase oils is unknown
Cover the examination of asphalt emulsions composed and additional testing is required to determine that
principally of a semisolid or liquid asphaltic base, water, precision. The values stated in SI units are to be regarded
and an emulsifying agent. as standard. No other units of measurement are included
(=ASTM D244-09) in this standard.
Gr. A2 (=ASTM D473-07(2017) e1)
Gr. A2
SLS ASTM D287-92:2009
Standard test method for API gravity of crude SLS ASTM D482:2021
petroleum and petroleum products (hydrometer Standard test method for ash from petroleum products
method) Covers the determination of ash in the range 0.010 % to
Covers the determination by means of a glass hydrometer 0.180 % by mass, from distillate and residual fuels, gas
of the API gravity of crude petroleum and petroleum turbine fuels, crude oils, lubricating oils, waxes, and other
products normally handled as liquids and having a Reid petroleum products, in which any ash-forming materials
vapor pressure of 26 psi (180 kPa) or less. Gravities are present are normally considered to be undesirable
determined at 60°F (15.56°C), or converted to values at impurities or contaminants The test method is limited to
60°F, by means of standard tables. Values stated in inch- petroleum products which are free from added ash-forming
pound units are to be regarded as standard. additives, including certain phosphorus compounds.
(=ASTM D287-92) (Reapproved 2006) (=ASTM D482-19)
Gr. A1 Gr. A1
SLS ASTM D323:2021 SLS ASTM D524-04:2009
Standard test method for vapor pressure of petroleum Standard test method for ramsbottom carbon residue
products (reid method) of petroleum products
Covers procedures for the determination of vapor pressure Covers the determination of the amount of carbon residue
of gasoline, volatile crude oil, and other volatile petroleum left after evaporation and pyrolysis of an oil, and it is
products. Procedure A is applicable to gasoline and other intended to provide some indication of relative coke-
petroleum products with a vapor pressure of less than 180 forming propensity. It is generally applicable to relatively
kPa (26 psi). Procedure B may also be applicable to these nonvolatile petroleum products which partially decompose
other materials, but only gasoline was included in the on distillation at atmospheric pressure. It also covers the
interlaboratory test program to determine the precision of determination of carbon residue on 10% (V/V) distillation
this test method. residues.
(=ASTM D323-20a) (=ASTM D524-04)
Gr. A3 Gr. A2
SLS ASTM D381:2021 SLS ASTM D525:2021
Standard test method for gum content in fuels by jet Standard test method for oxidation stability of gasoline
evaporation (induction period method)
Covers the determination of the existent gum content of Covers the determination of the stability of gasoline in
aviation fuels, and the gum content of motor gasolines or finished form only, under accelerated oxidation conditions.
other volatile distillates in their finished form, (including (=ASTM D525-12a (2019))
those containing alcohol and ether type oxygenates and Gr. A3
deposit control additives for additional information) at the
time of test. Provisions are made for the determination of SLS ASTM D566-02:2011
Standard test methods for dropping point of SLS ASTM D1037-12:2016
lubricating grease. Standard test methods for evaluating properties of
Covers the determination of the dropping point of wood-base fiber and particle panel materials
lubricating grease. It is not recommended for use at bath Cover the determination of the properties of wood-base
temperatures above 2880C. For higher temperatures Test fiber and particle panel materials that are produced as mat-
method D2265 should be used. This test method covers formed panels such as particleboard, medium-density
the determination of the dropping point of lubricating fiberboard, hardboard, and oriented strand board.
grease. It is not recommended for use at bath temperatures (=ASTM D1037-12)
above 2880C. For higher temperatures Test method D2265 Gr. A4
should be used.
(=ASTM D566-02) (Reapproved 2009) SLS ASTM D1264-11:2011
Gr. A2 Standard test method for determining the water
washout characteristics of lubricating greases
SLS ASTM D664-07:2009 Covers the evaluation of the resistance of a lubricating
Standard test method for acid number of petroleum grease to washout by water from a bearing, when tested at
products by potentiometric titration 38 and 790C (100 and 175oF) under the prescribed
Covers procedures for the determination of acidic laboratory conditions. It is not to be considered the
constituents in petroleum products and lubricants soluble equivalent of service evaluation tests. This test method
or nearly soluble in mixtures of toluene and propan-2-ol. may not be suitable for some greases containing highly
It is applicable for the determination of acids whose volatile components. This test method covers the
dissociation constants in water are larger than 10-9; evaluation of the resistance of a lubricating grease to
extremely weak acids whose dissociation constants are washout by water from a bearing, when tested at 38 and
smaller than 10-9 do not interfere. 790C (100 and 175oF) under the prescribed laboratory
(=ASTM D664-07) conditions. It is not to be considered the equivalent of
Gr. A2 service evaluation tests. This test method may not be
suitable for some greases containing highly volatile
SLS ASTM D874-13a:(2018):2020 components.
Test method for sulfated ash from lubricating oils and (=ASTM D1264-11)
additives Gr. A1
(First revision)
Covers the determination of the sulfated ash from unused SLS ASTM D1266:2021
lubricating oils containing additives and from additive Standard test method for sulfur in petroleum products
concentrates used in compounding. These additives usually (lamp method)
contain one or more of the following metals: barium, Covers the determination of total sulfur in liquid petroleum
calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, and tin. The products in concentrations from 0.01 % to 0.4 % by mass.
elements sulfur, phosphorus, and chlorine can also be A special sulfate analysis procedure is described in Annex
present in combined form. A1 that permits the determination of sulfur in
Application of this test method to sulfated ash levels below concentrations as low as 5 mg D kg. The direct burning
0.02 % by mass is restricted to oils containing ashless procedure is applicable to the analysis of such materials
additives. as gasoline, kerosine, naphtha, and other liquids that can
The lower limit of the test method is 0.005 % by mass be burned completely in a wick lamp. The blending
sulfated ash. procedure (Section 10) is applicable to the analysis of gas
(=ASTM D874-13a (2018)) oils and distillate fuel oils, naphthenic acids, alkyl phenols,
Gr. A2 high sulfur content petroleum products, and many other
materials that cannot be burned satisfactorily by the direct
SLS ASTM D882-09:2010 burning procedure. Phosphorus compounds normally
Standard test method for tensile properties of thin present in commercial gasoline do not interfere. The values
plastic sheeting stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.
Covers the determination of tensile properties of plastics (=ASTM D D1266-18)
in the form of thin sheeting, including film (less than 1.0 Gr. A3
mm (0.04 in.) in thickness).
It may be used to test all plastics within the thickness range SLS ASTM D1298:2021
described and the capacity of the machine employed. Standard test method for density, relative density, or
(=ASTM D 882-09) api gravity of crude petroleum and liquid petroleum
Gr. A2 products by hydrometer method
(First revision)
SLS ASTM D892-18:2020 Covers the laboratory determination using a glass
Test method for foaming characteristics of lubricating hydrometer in conjunction with a series of calculations,
oils of the density, relative density, or API gravity of crude
(First revision) petroleum, petroleum products, or mixtures of petroleum
Covers the determination of the foaming characteristics and nonpetroleum products normally handled as liquids,
of lubricating oils at 24 °C and 93.5 °C. and having a Reid vapor pressure of 101.325 kPa (14.696
Means of empirically rating the foaming tendency and the psi) or less. Values are determined at existing temperatures
stability of the foam are described. and corrected to 15 °C or 60 °F by means of a series of
(=ASTM D892-18) calculations and international standard tables. The initial
Gr. A2 hydrometer readings obtained are uncorrected hydrometer
readings and not density measurements. Readings are
SLS ASTM D974:2021 measured on a hydrometer at either the reference
Standard test method for acid and base number by temperature or at another convenient temperature, and
color-indicator titration readings are corrected for the meniscus effect, the thermal
Covers the determination of acidic or basic constituents glass expansion effect, alternative calibration temperature
in petroleum products 2 and lubricants soluble or nearly effects and to the reference temperature by means of the
soluble in mixtures of toluene and isopropyl alcohol. It is Petroleum Measurement Tables; values obtained at other
applicable for the determination of acids or bases whose than the reference temperature being hydrometer readings
dissociation constants in water are larger than 10"9; and not density measurements.
extremely weak acids or bases whose dissociation (=ASTM D1298-12b (2017))
constants are smaller than 10"9 do not interfere. Salts react Gr. A2
if their hydrolysis constants are larger than 10"9.
(=ASTM D974-14e2) SLS ASTM D1403-10:2011
Gr. A2
Standard test methods for cone penetration of SLS ASTM D2042-15:2017
lubricating grease using one-quarter and one-half scale Standard test method for solubility of asphalt materials
cone equipment in trichloroethylene
Cover two procedures for measuring the consistency of Covers the determination of the degree of solubility in
small samples of lubricating greases by penetration of a trichloroethylene of asphalt materials having little or no
1/4 - scale cone or a 1/2 - scale cone. These test methods mineral matter. This method is not applicable to tars and
include procedures for the measurement of unworked and their distillation residues or highly cracked petroleum
worked penetrations. These test methods cover two products. The values stated in SI units are to be regarded
procedures for measuring the consistency of small samples as standard. No other units of measurement are included
of lubricating greases by penetration of a 1/4 - scale cone in this standard.
or a 1/2 - scale cone. These test methods include (=ASTM D2042-15)
procedures for the measurement of unworked and worked Gr. A1
(=ASTM D1403-10) SLS ASTM D2170M-10:2017
Gr. A 2 Standard test method for kinematic viscosity of
asphalts (Bitumens)
SLS ASTM D1552:2020 Covers procedures for the determination of kinematic
Method for sulfur in petroleum products by high viscosity of liquid asphalts (bitumens), road oils and
temperature combustion and infrared (IR) detection distillation residues of liquid asphalts (bitumens) all at
or thermal conductivity detection (TCD) 60°C [140°F] and of asphalt cements at 135°C [275°F] in
(First revision) the range from 6 to 100 000 mm2/s.
Covers procedures for the determination of total sulfur in (=ASTM D2170/D2170M-10)
petroleum products including lubricating oils containing Gr. A2
additives, and in additive concentrates. This test method
is applicable to samples boiling above 177 °C (350 °F) SLS ASTM D2171M-10:2018
and containing a mass fraction of sulfur between 0.22 % Standard test method for Viscosity of asphalts by
and 24.2 %. Other sulfur concentrations may be analyzed, vacuum capillary viscometer
but the precision stated may or may not apply. These Covers procedures for the determination of viscosity of
procedures use IR detection or TCD following combustion asphalt binder (bitumen) by vacuum capillary viscometers
in a furnace. at 60°C [140°F].
Petroleum coke containing a mass fraction of sulfur (ASTM D2171/D2171M-10)
between 2.53 % to 3.79 % sulfur may be analyzed. Other Gr. A2
sulfur concentrations may be analyzed, but the precision
stated may or may not apply. SLS ASTM D2265-06:2011
(=ASTM D1552-16e1) Standard test methods for dropping point of
Gr. A2 lubricating grease over wide temperature range
Covers the determination of the dropping point of
SLS ASTM D1742-06:2011 lubricating grease. This test method covers the
Standard test method for oil separation from determination of the dropping point of lubricating grease.
lubricating grease during storage (=ASTM D2265-06)
Covers the determination of the tendency of a lubricating Gr. A2
grease to seperate oil during storage in both normally filled
and partially filled containers. This test method is not SLS ASTM D2266-01:2011
suitable for greases softer than NLGI No.1grade. Standard test method for wear preventive
(=ASTM D1742-06) characteristics of lubricating grease (four- ball method)
Gr. A2 Covers the determination of the wear preventive
characteristics of greases in sliding steel- on-steel
SLS ASTM D1743-10:2011 applications. It is not intended to predict wear
Standard test method for determining corrosion characteristics with metal combinations other than steel-
preventive properties of lubricating greases on- steel or to evaluate the extreme pressure characteristics
Covers the determination of the corrosion preventive of the grease.
properties of greases using grease-lubricated tapered roller (=ASTM D2266-01(2008))
bearings stored under wet conditions. This test method is Gr. A1
based on CRC Technique L 412 that shows correlations
between laboratory results and service for grease SLS ASTM D2270-10(2016):2020
lubricated aircraft wheel bearings. Standard practice for calculating viscosity index from
(=ASTM D1743-10) kinematic viscosity at 40 0c and 100 0c
Gr. A3 (First revision)
Covers the procedures for calculating the viscosity index
SLS ASTM D1754-09(2014):2018 of petroleum products, such as lubricating oils, and related
Standard test method for Effects of heat and air on materials from their kinematic viscosities at 40 °C and
asphaltic materials (thin-film oven test) 100 °C.
Determination of the effects of heat and air on a film of (=ASTM D2270-10 (2016))
semisolid asphaltic materials. The effects of this treatment Gr. A2
are determined from measurements of selected asphalt
properties before and after the test SLS ASTM D2582-08:2010
(ASTM D1754 / D1754M -09(2014)) Standard test method for puncture-propagation tear
Gr. A2 resistance of plastic film and thin sheeting.
Covers the determination of the dynamic tear resistance
SLS ASTM D1762-84:2018 of plastic film and thin sheeting subjected to end-use
Test method for chemical analysis of wood charcoal snagging-type hazards. The values stated in SI units are
Covers the determination of moisture, volatile matter, and to be regarded as the standard.
ash in charcoal made from wood. The test method is (=ASTM D2582-08)
applicable to lumps and briquets and is designed for the Gr. A2
evaluation of charcoal quality. The test method employs
apparatus that is found in most laboratories and is adapted SLS ASTM D2596-10:2011
to routine analyses of a large number of samples. Standard test method for measurement of extreme
(=ASTM D1762-84) pressure properties of lubricating grease (four-ball
Gr. A2 method)

Covers the determination of the load carrying properties SLS ASTM D2862-97:2010
of lubricating greases. This test method covers the Standard test method for particle size distribution of
determination of the load carrying properties of lubricating granular activated carbon
greases. Covers the determination of the particle size distribution
(=ASTM D2596-10) of granular activated carbon. For the purposes of this test,
Gr. A2 granular activated carbon is defined as a minimum of 90
% of the sample weight being retained on a 180-ìm
SLS ASTM D2622:2021 Standard sieve. AU.S. mesh 80 sieve is equivalent to a
Standard test method for sulfur in petroleum products 180–ìm Standard sieve. The data obtained may also be
by wavelength dispersive x-ray fluorescence used to calculate mean particle diameter (MPD), effective
spectrometry size, and uniformity coefficient.
Covers the determination of total sulfur in petroleum and (=ASTM D2862-97(Reapproved 2004))
petroleum products that are single-phase and either liquid Gr. A1
at ambient conditions, liquefiable with moderate heat, or
soluble in hydrocarbon solvents. These materials can SLS ASTM D2866-94:2010
include diesel fuel, jet fuel, kerosene, other distillate oil, Standard test method for Total ash content of activated
naphtha, residual oil, lubricating base oil, hydraulic oil, carbon
crude oil, unleaded gasoline, gasoline-ethanol blends, and Describes a procedure for the determination of total ash
biodiesel. The range of this test method is between the content of activated carbon.
PLOQ value (calculated by procedures consistent with (=ASTM D2866-94(Reapproved 2004))
Practice D6259) of 3 mg/kg total sulfur and the highest Gr. A1
level sample in the round robin, 4.6 weight % total sulfur.
(=ASTM D D2622-16) SLS ASTM D2867-04:2010
Gr. A3 Standard test method for moisture in activated carbon
Provides two procedures for the determination of the
SLS ASTM D2699:2021 moisture content of activated carbon. The procedures may
Standard test method for research octane number of also be used to dry samples required for other tests.
spark-ignition engine fuel (=ASTM D2867-04)
Covers the quantitative determination of the knock rating Gr. A1
of liquid spark-ignition engine fuel in terms of Research
O.N., including fuels that contain up to 25 % v/v of ethanol. SLS ASTM D2872-12e1:2018
However, this test method may not be applicable to fuel Standard test method for Effect of heat and air on a
and fuel components that are primarily oxygenates. The moving film of asphalt (rolling thin-film oven test)
sample fuel is tested using a standardized single cylinder, Intended to measure the effect of heat and air on a moving
four-stroke cycle, variable compression ratio, carbureted, film of semi-solid asphaltic materials. The effects of this
CFR engine run in accordance with a defined set of treatment are determined from measurements of the
operating conditions. The O.N. scale is defined by the selected properties of the asphalt before and after the test.
volumetric composition of PRF blends. The sample fuel (=ASTM D2872-12e1)
knock intensity is compared to that of one or more PRF Gr. A2
blends. The O.N. of the PRF blend that matches the K.I.
of the sample fuel establishes the Research O.N. The O.N. SLS ASTM D2887-08:2009
scale covers the range from 0 to 120 octane number but Standard test method for boiling range distribution of
this test method has a working range from 40 to 120 petroleum fractions by gas chromatography
Research O.N. Typical commercial fuels produced for Covers the determination of the boiling range distribution
spark-ignition engines rate in the 88 to 101 Research O.N. of petroleum products. The test method is applicable to
range. Testing of gasoline blend stocks or other process petroleum products and fractions having a final boiling
stream materials can produce ratings at various levels point of 538°C (1000°F) or lower at atmospheric pressure
throughout the Research O.N. range. as measured by this test method. This test method is limited
(=ASTM D D2699-19e1) to samples having a boiling range greater than 55.5°C
Gr. A5 (100°F), and having a vapor pressure sufficiently low to
permit sampling at ambient temperature.
SLS ASTM D2783:2020 (=ASTM D 2887-08)
Test method for measurement of extreme-pressure Gr. A3
properties of lubricating fluids (four-ball method)
(First revision) SLS ASTM D2896-15:2020
Covers the determination of the loadcarrying properties Standard test method for base number of petroleum
of lubricating fluids. The following two determinations products by potentiometric perchloric acid titration
are made: (First revision)
Load-wear index (formerly Mean-Hertz load). Covers the determination of basic constituents in
Weld point by means of the four-ball extreme-pressure petroleum products by titration with perchloric acid in
(EP) tester. glacial acetic acid. Procedures A and B use different
For the determination of the load-carrying properties of titration solvent volumes and sample weights.
lubricating greases, see Test Method D2596. (=ASTM D2896-15)
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. Gr. A2
The values given in parentheses after SI units are provided
for information only and are not considered standard. SLS ASTM D2937-17:2017
(=ASTM D2783-19) Standard test method for density of soil in place by the
Gr. A2 drive-cylinder method
Covers the determination of in-place density of soil by
SLS ASTM D2854-09:2010 the drive-cylinder method. The test method involves
Standard test method for apparent density of activated obtaining a relatively intact soil sample by driving a thin-
carbon. walled cylinder and the subsequent activities for the
Covers the determination of the apparent density of determination of in-place density. When sampling or in-
granular activated carbon. For purposes of this test method, place density is required at depth, Test Method D1587
granular activated carbon is defined as a minimum of 90 should be used.
% being larger than 80 mesh. The values stated in SI units (=ASTM D2937-17)
are to be regarded as standard. No other units of Gr. A2
measurement are included in this standard.
(=ASTM D2854-09)
Gr. A1
SLS ASTM D2983-20:2020 for the same batch of product within a single laboratory.
Standard test method for low-temperature viscosity of For this
automatic transmission fluids, hydraulic fluids and application, site precision (R’) as defined in Practice
lubricants using a rotational viscometer D6299 shall be used in lieu of test method published
(First revision) reproducibility (R).
Covers the use of rotational viscometers with an (=ASTM D3244-20)
appropriate torque range and specific spindle for the Gr. A3
determination of the low-shear-rate viscosity of automatic
transmission fluids, gear oils, hydraulic fluids, and some SLS ASTM D3335-85a (2005):2010
lubricants. This test method covers the viscosity range of Low concentrations of lead, cadmium, and cobalt in
300 mPa·s to 900 000 mPa·s paint by atomic absorption spectroscopy
This test method was previously titled “Low- Temperature Covers the determination of lead2 contents between 0.01
Viscosity of Lubricants Measured by Brookfield and 5 %, cadmium contents between 50 and 150 ppm (mg/
Viscometer.” In the lubricant industry, D2983 test results kg), and cobalt contents between 50 and 2000 ppm (mg/
have often been referred to as “Brookfield2 Viscosity” kg) present in the nonvolatile portion of liquid coatings
which implies a viscosity determined by this method. or contained in dried films. This test method is not
This test method contains four procedures: Procedure A applicable to the determination of lead in samples
is used when only an air bath is used to cool samples in containing antimony pigments (low recoveries are
preparation for viscosity measurement. Procedure B is obtained).
used when a mechanically refrigerated programmable (=ASTM D3335-85a (2005))
liquid bath is used to cool samples in preparation for Gr. A1
viscosity measurement.
Procedure C is used when a mechanically refrigerated SLS ASTM D3341:2021
constant temperature liquid bath is used to cool samples Standard test method for lead in gasoline—iodine
by means of a simulated air cell (SimAir)3 Cell in monochloride method
preparation for viscosity measurement. Procedure D Determines total lead in gasolines containing lead alkyls
automates the determination of low temperature, low- at concentrations between 0.026 g and 1.3 g Pb/L, and
shear-rate viscosity by utilizing a thermoelectrically heated 0.12 g and 6.0 g Pb/UK gal, 0.1 g and 5.0 g Pb/US gal.
and cooled temperature-controlled sample chamber along The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.
with a programmable rotational viscometer. No other units of measurement are included in this
There are multiple precision studies for this test method. standard. The preferred units are grams per litre although
(=ASTM D2983-20) both gram per US gallon and grams per UK gallon are
Gr. A4 acceptable due to their widespread use in the industry.
Temperature is given in degrees Fahrenheit and degrees
SLS ASTM D3228-08:2009 Celsius in this test method.
Standard test method for total nitrogen in lubricating (=ASTM D3341-16)
oils and fuel oils by modified kjeldahl method Gr. A1
Covers the determination of nitrogen in lubricating oils
when present in the concentration from 0.03 to 0.10 mass SLS ASTM D3606:2021
%, and for the determination of nitrogen in fuel oils when Standard test method for determination of benzene and
present in the concentration from 0.015 to 2.0 mass %. toluene in spark ignition fuels by gas chromatography
This test method is also applicable to the analysis of Covers the determination of benzene and toluene in
additive concentrates and additive packages. The values finished motor and aviation spark ignition fuels by gas
stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other chromatography. This test method has two procedures:
units of measurement are included in this standard. Procedure A uses capillary column gas chromatography
(=ASTM D3228-08) and Procedure B uses packed column gas chromatography.
Gr. A2 Procedures A and B have separate precisions.
(=ASTM D D3606-20e1)
SLS ASTM D3237:2021 Gr. A4
Standard test method for lead in gasoline by atomic
absorption spectroscopy SLS ASTM D3624-85a (2005):2010
Covers the determination of the total lead content of Standard test method for low concentrations of
gasoline within the concentration range of 0.010 g to 0.10 mercury in paint by atomic absorption spectroscopy
g of lead/U.S. gal (2.5 mg D L to 25 mg/L). This test Covers the determination of the content of mercury in the
method compensates for variations in gasoline range between 10 and 1000 ppm (mg/kg) present in liquid
composition and is independent of lead alkyl type. The coatings, coatings vehicles, or in dried films obtained from
values given in grams per U.S. gallon are to be regarded previously coated substrates.
as the standard in the United States. Note that in other (=ASTM D3624-85a (2005))
countries, other units can be preferred. Gr. A1
(=ASTM D3237-17)
Gr. A1
SLS ASTM D3717-85a (2005):2010
SLS ASTM D3244-20:2020 Standard test method for low concentrations of
Standard practice for utilization of test data to antimony in paint by atomic absorption spectroscopy
determine conformance with specifications Covers the determination of the content of antimony in
Covers guidelines and statistical methodologies with which the range between 50 and 200 ppm (mg/kg) present in the
two parties, usually a supplier and a receiver, can compare solids of liquid coatings or in dried films obtained from
and combine independently obtained test results to obtain previously coated substrates.
an Assigned Test Value (ATV) for the purpose (=ASTM D3717-85a (2005))
of resolving a product quality dispute. Gr. A1
This practice defines a technique for establishing an
Acceptance Limit (AL) to determine acceptance or
rejection of the product in dispute by comparing an ATV SLS ASTM D3718-85a (2005):2010
to the AL. Standard test method for low concentrations of
This practice applies only to those test methods which chromium in paint by atomic absorption spectroscopy
specifically state that the repeatability and reproducibility Covers the determination of the content of chromium
values conform to the definitions herein. (including chromium oxide) in the range between 0.005
The statistical principles and methodology outlined in this and 1.0 % present in the solids of liquid coatings or in
practice can also be used to obtain an ATV for specification dried films obtained from previously coated substrates.
conformance decision when multiple results are obtained
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the (=ASTM D4170-10)
standard. Gr. A2
(=ASTM D3718-85a (2005))
Gr. A1 SLS ASTM D4172-18:2020
Standard test method for wear preventive
SLS ASTM D3802-79(2005):2010 characteristics of lubricating fluid (four-ball method)
Standard test method for ball-pan hardness of (First revision)
activated carbon Covers a procedure for making a preliminary evaluation
Covers a procedure for determining the ball-pan hardness of the anti-wear properties of fluid lubricants in sliding
number of granular activated carbons. For the purpose of contact by means of the Four-Ball Wear Test Machine.
this test, granular activated carbons are those having Evaluation of lubricating grease using the same machine
particles 90 % of which are larger than 80 mesh (180ìm) is detailed in Test Method D2266.
as determined by test method D 2862. The values stated The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.
in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. Because the equipment used in this test method is only
(=ASTM D3802-79 (Reapproved 2005)) available in kgf units, SI units in parentheses are for
Gr. A1 information only.
(=ASTM D4172-18)
SLS ASTM D3910-07:2010 Gr. A2
Standard practices for design, testing and construction
of slurry seal SLS ASTM D4177-20:2020
Cover the design, testing, and construction of mixtures Standard Practice for Automatic Sampling of
for surface treatment of pavements. It is written as a guide Petroleum and Petroleum Products1
and should be used as such. End-use specifications should (First revision)
be adapted to conform to job and user requirements. Describes general procedures and equipment for
(=ASTM D3910-07) automatically obtaining samples of liquid petroleum and
Gr. A2 petroleum products, crude oils, and intermediate products
from the sample point into the primary container. This
SLS ASTM D4052-18a:2021 practice also provides additional specific information
Standard test method for density, relative density, and about sample container selection, preparation, and sample
api gravity of liquids by digital density meter handling. If sampling is for the precise determination of
(First revision) volatility, use Practice D5842 (API MPMS Chapter 8.4)
Covers the determination of the density, relative density, in conjunction with this practice. For sample mixing and
and API Gravity of petroleum distillates and viscous oils handling, refer to Practice D5854 (API MPMS Chapter
that can be handled in a normal fashion as liquids at the 8.3). This practice does not cover sampling of electrical
temperature of test, utilizing either manual or automated insulating oils and hydraulic fluids.
sample injection equipment. Its application is restricted (=ASTM D4177-20)
to liquids with total vapor pressures typically below 100 Gr. A5
kPa and viscosities typically below about 15 000 mm2 /s
at the temperature of test. The total vapor pressure SLS ASTM D4289-03(2008):2011
limitation however can be extended to >100 kPa provided Standard test method for elastomer compatibility of
that it is first ascertained that no bubbles form in the U- lubricating greases and fluids
tube, which can affect the density determination. Some Evaluates the compatibility of lubricating greases and
examples of products that may be tested by this procedure fluids with coupons cut from standard elastomer sheets
include: gasoline and gasoline-oxygenate blends, diesel, (Practice D 3182) or, optionally, from SAE Specification
jet, basestocks, waxes, and lubricating oils. AMS 3217/2B (NBR-L) and AMS 3217/3A (CR) Sheets.
(=ASTM D4052–18a) Compatibility is evaluated by determining the changes in
Gr. A2 volume and durometer A hardness that occur when
elastomer coupons are totally immersed in a lubricant
SLS ASTM D4057-19:2020 sample for 70 h at either 100 or 150oC or as required by
Standard practice for manual sampling of petroleum the lubricant specification.
and petroleum products (=ASTM D4289-03-2008)
(First revision) Gr. A2
Covers procedures and equipment for manually obtaining
samples of liquid petroleum and petroleum products, crude SLS ASTM D4294:2021
oils, and intermediate products from thesample point into Standard test method for sulfur in petroleum and
the primary container are described. Procedures are also petroleum products by energy dispersive x-ray
included for the sampling of free water and other heavy fluorescence spectrometry
components associated with petroleum and petroleum Covers the determination of total sulfur in petroleum and
products. petroleum products that are single-phase and either liquid
This practice also addresses the sampling of semi-liquid at ambient conditions, liquefiable with moderate heat, or
or solid-state petroleum products. For the sampling of soluble in hydrocarbon solvents. These materials can
green petroleum coke, see Practice D8145. For the include diesel fuel, jet fuel, kerosine, other distillate oil,
sampling of calcined petroleum coke, see Practice D6970. naphtha, residual oil, lubricating base oil, hydraulic oil,
Provides additional specific information about sample crude oil, unleaded gasoline, gasoline-ethanol blends,
container selection, preparation, and sample handling. biodiesel and similar petroleum products
This practice does not cover sampling of electrical (=ASTM D4294-16e1)
insulating oils and hydraulic fluids. If sampling is for the Gr. A2
precise determination of volatility, use Practice D5842
(API MPMS Chapter 8.4) in conjunction with this practice. SLS ASTM D4402M-15:2018
For sample mixing and handling, refer to Practice D5854 Viscosity determination of asphalt at elevated
(API MPMS Chapter 8.3). temperatures using a rotational viscometer
(=ASTM D4057-19) Outlines a procedure for measuring the apparent viscosity
Gr. A5 of asphalt from 38 to 260°C [100 to 500°F] using a
rotational viscometer and a temperature-controlled thermal
SLS ASTM D4170-10:2011 chamber for maintaining the test temperature
Standard test method for fretting wear protection by (ASTM D4402/D4402M-15)
lubricating greases Gr. A1
Evaluates the fretting wear protection provided by
lubricating greases. The values stated in SI units are to be SLS ASTM D4485-20:2020
regarded as the standard.
Standard Specification for Performance of Active API Application to petroleum products such as base oils and
Service Category Engine Oils formulated engine oils was determined in preparing the
(First revision) viscometric information for this test method.
Covers engine oils for light-duty and heavy-duty internal The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.
combustion engines used under a variety of operating No other units of measurement are included in this
conditions in automobiles, trucks, vans, buses, and off- standard.
highway farm, industrial, and construction equipment. This test method uses the milliPascal·second (mPa·s) as
This specification is not intended to cover engine oil the unit of viscosity. This unit is equivalent to the centipoise
applications such as outboard motors, snowmobiles, lawn (cP).
mowers, motorcycles, railroad locomotives, or oceangoing (=ASTM D4683:20)
vessels. Gr. A3
This specification is based on engine test results that
generally have been correlated with results obtained on SLS ASTM D4684-20a:2020
reference oils in actual service engines operating with Standard test method for determination of yield stress
gasoline or diesel fuel. As it pertains to the API SL engine and apparent viscosity of engine oils at low
oil category, it is based on engine test results that generally temperature
have been correlated with results obtained on reference (First revision)
oils run in gasoline engine Sequence Tests that defined Covers the measurement of the yield stress and viscosity
engine oil categories prior to 2000. It should be recognized of engine oils after cooling at controlled rates over a period
that not all aspects of engine oil performance are evaluated exceeding 45 h to a final test temperature between –10 °C
by the engine tests in this specification. In addition, when and –40 °C. The precision is stated for test temperatures
assessing oil performance, it is desirable that the oil be from –40 °C to –15 °C. The viscosity measurements are
evaluated under actual operating conditions. made at a shear stress of 525 Pa over a shear rate of 0.4 s–
(=ASTM D4485-20) 1 to 15 s–1. The viscosity as measured at this shear stress
Gr. A5 was found to produce the best correlation between the
temperature at which the viscosity reached a critical value
SLS ASTM D4530:2021 and borderline pumping failure temperature in engines.
Standard test method for determination of carbon This test method contain two procedures: Procedure A
residue (micro method) incorporates several equipment and procedural
Covers the determination of the amount of carbon residue modifications from Test Method D4684–02 that have
formed after evaporation and pyrolysis of petroleum shown to improve the precision of the test, while Procedure
materials under certain conditions and is intended to B is unchanged from Test Method D4684–02.
provide some indication of the relative coke forming Additionally, Procedure A applies to those instruments that
tendency of such materials. The test results are equivalent utilize thermoelectric cooling technology or direct
to the Conradson Carbon Residue test. refrigeration technology of recent manufacture for
(=ASTM 4530-15(2020)) instrument temperature control. Procedure B can use the
Gr. A2 same instruments used in Procedure A or those cooled by
circulating methanol.
SLS ASTM D4541-09:2017 Procedure A of this test method has precision stated for a
Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of yield range from less than 35 Pa to 210 Pa and apparent
Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers viscosity range from 4300 mPa·s to 270 000 mPa·s. The
Covers a procedure for evaluating the pull-off strength test procedure can determine higher yield stress and
(commonly referred to as adhesion) of a coating system viscosity levels.
from metal substrates. Pull-off strength of coatings from This test method is applicable for unused oils, sometimes
concrete is described in Test Method D7234. referred to as fresh oils, designed for both light duty and
(=ASTM D4541-09-2009) heavy duty engine applications. It also has been shown to
Gr. A3 be suitable for used diesel and gasoline engine oils.
The applicability to petroleum products other than engine
SLS ASTM D4607-94(2006):2010 oils has not been determined.
Standard test method for determination of iodine The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.
number of activated carbon No other units of measurement are included in this
Covers the determination of the relative activation level standard.
of unused or reactivated carbons by adsorption of iodine (=ASTM D4684-20a)
from aqueous solution. Gr. A3
(=ASTM D4607-94 (Reapproved 2006))
Gr. A2 SLS ASTM D4737:2021
Standard test method for calculated cetane index by
SLS ASTM D4683-20:2020 four variable equation
Test method for measuring viscosity of new and used The calculated Cetane Index by Four Variable Equation
engine oils at high shear rate and high temperature by provides a means for estimating the ASTM cetane number
tapered bearing simulator viscometer at 150 0c (Test Method D613) of distillate fuels from density and
(First revision) distillation recovery temperature measurements. The value
Covers the laboratory determination of the viscosity of computed from the equation is termed the Calculated
engine oils at 150 °C and 1.0·106 s”1 using a viscometer Cetane Index by Four Variable Equation. The Calculated
having a slightly tapered rotor and stator called the Tapered Cetane Index by Four Variable Equation is not an optional
Bearing Simulator (TBS) Viscometer. method for expressing ASTM cetane number. It is a
The Newtonian calibration oils used to establish this test supplementary tool for estimating cetane number when a
method range from approximately 1.2 mPa·s to 7.7 mPa·s result by Test Method D613 is not available and if cetane
at 150 °C. The precision has only been determined for the improver is not used. As a supplementary tool, the
viscosity range 1.47 mPa·s to 5.09 mPa·s at 150 °C for Calculated Cetane Index by Four Variable equation must
the materials listed in the precision section. be used with due regard for its limitations.
The non-Newtonian reference oil used to establish the (=ASTM D4737-10(2016))
shear rate of 1.0·106 s”1 for this test method has a viscosity Gr. A1
closely held to 3.55 mPa·s at 150 °C by using the absolute
viscometry of the TBS. SLS ASTM D4741-20a:2020
Manual, semi-automated, and fully automated TBS Standard test method for measuring viscosity at high
viscometers were used in developing the precision temperature and high shear rate by tapered-plug
statement for this test method. viscometer
(First revision)

Covers the laboratory determination of the viscosity of (First revision)
oils at 150 °C and 1 × 106 s–1 and at 100 °C and 1 × 106 Covers the quantitative determination of barium, boron,
s–1, using high shear rate tapered-plug viscometer models calcium, copper, magnesium, molybdenum, phosphorus,
BE/C or BS/C. sulfur, and zinc in unused lubricating oils and additive
Newtonian calibration oils are used to adjust the working packages. The precision statements are valid for dilutions
gap and for calibration of the apparatus. These calibration in which the mass % sample in solvent is held constant in
oils cover a range from approximately 1.4 mPa·s to 5.9 the range of 1 % to 5 % by mass of oil.
mPa·s (cP) at 150 °C and 4.2 mPa·s to 18.9 mPa·s (cP) at The precision tables define the concentration ranges
100 °C. This test method should not be used for covered in the interlaboratory study. However, both lower
extrapolation to higher viscosities than those of the and higher concentrations can be determined by this test
Newtonian calibration oils used for calibration of the method.
apparatus. If it is so used, the precision statement will no The low concentration limits are dependent on the
longer apply. The precision has only been determined for sensitivity of the ICP instrument and the dilution factor.
the viscosity range 1.48 mPa·s to 5.07 mPa·s at 150 °C The high concentration limits are determined by the
and from 4.9 mPa·s to 11.8 mPa·s at 100 °C for the product of the maximum concentration defined by the
materials listed in the precision section. linear calibration curve and the sample dilution factor.
A non-Newtonian reference oil is used to check that the Sulfur can be determined if the instrument can operate at
working conditions are correct. The exact viscosity a wavelength of 180 nm.
appropriate to each batch of this oil is established by testing The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.
on a number of instruments in different laboratories. The No other units of measurement are included in this
agreed value for this reference oil may be obtained from standard.
the chairman of the Coordinating European Council (CEC) (=ASTM D4951-14(2019))
Surveillance Group for CEC L-36-90, or from the Gr. A2
Applicability to products other than engine oils has not SLS ASTM D4952:2021
been determined in preparing this test method. Standard test method for qualitative analysis for active
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. sulfur species in fuels and solvents (doctor test)
No other units of measurement are included in this Covers and is intended primarily for the detection of
standard except those noted below. Exception-This test mercaptans in motor fuel, kerosine, and similar petroleum
method uses the SI unit millipascal-second (mPa·s) as the products. This method may also provide information on
unit of viscosity. (1 cP = 1 mPa·s.) hydrogen sulfide and elemental sulfur that may be present
(=ASTM D4741-20a) in these sample types. The values stated in SI units are to
Gr. A2 be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement
are included in this standard.
SLS ASTM D4806:2021 (=ASTM D D4952-12(2017))
Standard specification for denatured fuel ethanol for Gr. A1
blending with gasolines for use as automotive spark-
ignition engine fuel SLS ASTM D5059:2021
Covers nominally anhydrous denatured fuel ethanol Standard test methods for lead and manganese in
intended to be blended with unleaded or leaded gasolines gasoline by x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
at 1 % to 15 % by volume for use as automotive spark- Covers the determination of lead and manganese gasoline
ignition engine fuel covered by Specification D4814 as additives content by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
well as other fuel applications or specifications involving (XRF). These test methods cover the determination of the
ethanol. The significance of this specification is shown in total lead content of a gasoline within the following
Appendix X1. Jurisdictions may vary in their regulatory concentration ranges: 0.010 g Pb D US gal to 5.0 g Pb D
requirements for the allowable or prohibited types of US gal 0.012 g Pb D UK gal to 6.0 g Pb D UK gal 0.0026
denaturants, chemical composition of the denaturant or g Pb D L to 1.32 g Pb D L and total manganese content of
concentration of denaturant needed to denature the ethanol. aviation gasoline within the concentration range of 25 mg
The user is advised to check with the national and regional Mn/L to 250 mg Mn/L.
regulatory agencies where the ethanol is denatured and (=ASTM D5059-21)
used. Gr. A2
(=ASTM D4806-21)
Gr. A2 SLS ASTM D5133-20a:2020
Standard test method for low temperature, low shear
SLS ASTM D4815:2021 rate, viscosity/ temperature dependence of lubricating
Standard test method for determination of mtbe, etbe, oils using a temperature-scanning technique
tame, dipe, tertiary-amyl alcohol and c1 to c4 alcohols (First revision)
in gasoline by gas chromatography Covers the measurement of the apparent viscosity of
Covers the determination of ethers and alcohols in engine oil at low temperatures.
gasolines by gas chromatography. Specific compounds A shear rate of approximately 0.2 s-1 is produced at shear
determined are methyl tert-butylether (MTBE), ethyl tert- stresses below 100 Pa. Apparent viscosity is measured
butylether (ETBE), tert-amylmethylether (TAME), continuously as the sample is cooled at a rate of 1 °C D h
diisopropylether (DIPE), methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, over the range +5 °C to +40 °C, or to the temperature at
n-propanol, isobutanol, tert-butanol, sec-butanol, n- which the viscosity exceeds 40 000 mPa·s (cP).
butanol, and tert-pentanol (tert-amylalcohol). Individual The measurements resulting from this test method are
ethers are determined from 0.20 % to 20.0 % by mass. viscosity, the maximum rate of viscosity increase (Gelation
Individual alcohols are determined from 0.20 % to 12.0 Index), and the temperature at which the Gelation Index
% by mass. Equations used to convert to mass % oxygen occurs.
and to volume % of individual compounds are provided. Applicability to petroleum products other than engine oils
At concentrations 10 % by volume olefins, the interference has not been determined in preparing this test method.
may be >0.20 % by mass. Annex A1 gives a chromatogram The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.
showing the interference observed with a gasoline No other units of measurement are included in this
containing 10 % by volume olefins standard.
(=ASTM D4815-15b (2019)) (=ASTM D5133-20a)
Gr. A3 Gr. A3
SLS ASTM D4951-14:2020 SLS ASTM D5185-18:2020
Standard test method for determination of additive Standard test method for multielement determination
elements in lubricating oils by inductively coupled of used and unused lubricating oils and base oils by
plasma atomic emission Spectrometry
inductively coupled plasma atomic emission SLS ASTM D5453:2021
spectrometry (ICP-AES) Standard test method for determination of total sulfur
Covers the determination of additive elements, wear in light hydrocarbons, spark ignition engine fuel, diesel
metals, and contaminants in used and unused lubricating engine fuel, and engine oil by ultraviolet fluorescence
oils and base oils by inductively coupled plasma atomic Covers the determination of total sulfur in liquid
emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The specific elements hydrocarbons, boiling in the range from approximately
are listed in Table 1. (A) These wavelengths are only 25 °C to 400 °C, with viscosities between approximately
suggested and do not represent all possible choices. 0.2 cSt and 20 cSt (mm2/s) at room temperature. Three
This test method covers the determination of selected separate interlaboratory studies (ILS) on precision, and
elements, listed in Table 1, in re-refined and virgin base three other investigations that resulted in an ASTM
oils. research report, have determined that this test method is
For analysis of any element using wavelengths below 190 applicable to naphthas, distillates, engine oil, ethanol, Fatty
nm, a vacuum or inert-gas optical path is required. The Acid Methyl Ester (FAME), and engine fuel such as
determination of sodium and potassium is not possible on gasoline, oxygen enriched gasoline (ethanol blends, E-85,
some instruments having a limited spectral range. M-85, RFG), diesel, biodiesel, diesel/biodiesel blends, and
This test method uses oil-soluble metals for calibration jet fuel. Samples containing 1.0 mg D kg to 8000 mg D kg
and does not purport to quantitatively determine insoluble total sulfur can be analyzed.
particulates. Analytical results are particle size dependent, (=ASTM D5453-19a)
and low results are obtained for particles larger than a few Gr. A3
Elements present at concentrations above the upper limit SLS ASTM D5501:2021
of the calibration curves can be determined with additional, Standard test method for determination of ethanol and
appropriate dilutions and with no degradation of precision. methanol content in fuels containing greater than 20
For elements other than calcium, sulfur, and zinc, the low % ethanol by gas chromatography
limits listed in Table 2 and Table 3 were estimated to be Covers the determination of the ethanol content of
ten times the repeatability standard deviation. For calcium, hydrocarbon blends containing greater than 20 % ethanol.
sulfur, and zinc, the low limits represent the lowest This method is applicable to denatured fuel ethanol,
concentrations tested in the interlaboratory study. ethanol fuel blends, and mid-level ethanol blends. Ethanol
(A) where: X = mean concentration, ìg/g. is determined from 20 % by mass to 100 % by mass and
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. methanol is determined from 0.01 % by mass to 0.6 % by
No other units of measurement are included in this mass. Equations used to convert these individual alcohols
standard. from percent by mass to percent by volume are provided.
(ASTM D5185-18) (=ASTM D5501-20)
Gr. A2 Gr. A3
SLS ASTM D5191:2021 SLS ASTM D5580:2021
Standard test method for vapor pressure of petroleum Standard test method for determination of benzene,
products and liquid fuels (mini method) toluene, ethylbenzene, p/m-xylene, o-xylene, C9 and
Covers the use of automated vapor pressure instruments heavier aromatics, and total aromatics in finished
to determine the total vapor pressure exerted in vacuum gasoline by gas chromatography
by air-containing, volatile, liquid petroleum products and Covers the determination of benzene, toluene,
liquid fuels, including automotive spark-ignition fuels with ethylbenzene, the xylenes, C9 and heavier aromatics, and
or without oxygenates and with ethanol blends up to 85 % total aromatics in finished motor gasoline by gas
(volume fraction). This test method is suitable for testing chromatography. The aromatic hydrocarbons are separated
samples with boiling points above 0 °C (32 °F) that exert without interferences from other hydrocarbons in finished
a vapor pressure between 7 kPa and 130 kPa (1.0 psi and gasoline. Nonaromatic hydrocarbons having a boiling
18.6 psi) at 37.8 °C (100 °F) at a vapor-to-liquid ratio of point greater than n-dodecane may cause interferences with
4:1. Measurements are made on liquid sample sizes in the the determination of the C9 and heavier aromatics. For
range from 1 mL to 10 mL. No account is made for the C8 aromatics, p-xylene and m-xylene co-elute while
dissolved water in the sample. ethylbenzene and o-xylene are separated. The C9 and
(=ASTM D D5191-20) heavier aromatics are determined as a single group. This
Gr. A2 test method covers the following concentration ranges, in
liquid volume %, for the preceding aromatics: benzene,
SLS ASTM D5293-20:2020 0.1 % to 5 %; toluene, 1 % to 15 %; individual C8
Standard Test Method for Apparent Viscosity of Engine aromatics, 0.5 % to 10 %; total C9 and heavier aromatics,
Oils and Base Stocks Between –10 °C and –35 °C Using 5 % to 30 %, and total aromatics, 10 % to 80 %. Results
Cold-Cranking Simulator are reported to the nearest 0.01 % by either mass or by
(First revision) liquid volume.
Covers the laboratory determination of apparent viscosity (=ASTM D5580-21)
of engine oils and base stocks by cold cranking simulator Gr. A3
(CCS) at temperatures between –10 °C and –35°C at shear
stresses of approximately 50 000 Pa to 100 000 Pa and SLS ASTM D5800-20:2020
shear rates of approximately 105 to 104 s–1 for viscosities Standard Test Method for Evaporation Loss of
of approximately 900 mPa·s to 25000 mPa·s. The range Lubricating Oils by the Noack Method
of an instrument is dependent on the instrument model Covers four procedures for determining the evaporation
and software version installed. Apparent Cranking loss of lubricating oils (particularly engine oils). The
Viscosity results by this method are related to engine- evaporation measured is reported as percent total loss. The
cranking characteristics of engine oils. test method relates to one set of operating conditions but
A special procedure is provided for measurement of highly may be readily adapted to other conditions as required.
viscoelastic oils in manual instruments. See Appendix X2. Procedure B and Procedure D that are in the main section
Procedures are provided for both manual and automated of the test method provide equivalent results. Procedures
determination of the apparent viscosity of engine oils using A and C, which are in Annex A1 and Annex A2, have
the cold-cranking simulator. equivalent results. It has been determined that Procedures
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. A and C show a slight bias when compared to Procedures
No other units of measurement are included in this B and D. Procedures B and D give slightly higher results
standard. versus Procedures A and C on formulated engine oils, while
(=ASTM D5293-20) Procedures B and D give lower results versus Procedures
Gr. A3 A and C on basestocks. Thus, a correction factor is utilized
to convert between the two sets of Procedures based on
the fluid type.
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. (=ASTM D6278–20a)
No other units of measurement are included in this Gr. A2
(ASTM D5800-20) SLS ASTM D6304:2021
Gr. A4 Standard test method for determination of water in
petroleum products, lubricating oils, and additives by
SLS ASTM D5832-98(2008):2010 coulometric karl fischer titration
Standard test method for volatile matter content of Covers the direct determination of entrained water in
activated carbon samples petroleum products and hydrocarbons using automated
Covers the determination of the percentage of gaseous instrumentation. This test method also covers the indirect
products, exclusive of moisture vapor, present in virgin analysis of water thermally removed from samples and
and used activated carbons which are released under swept with dry inert gas into the Karl Fischer titration cell.
specific conditions of the test. Mercaptan, sulfide (S– or H2S), sulfur, and other
(=ASTM D5832-98 (Reapproved2008)) compounds are known to interfere with this test method.
Gr. A1 The precision statement of this method covers the nominal
range of 20 mg D kg to 25 000 mg/kg for Procedure A, 30
SLS ASTM D5966-13:2020 mg D kg to 2100 mg D kg for Procedure B, and 20 mg D
Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Engine Oils kg to 360 mg D kg for Procedure C. This test method is
for Roller Follower Wear in Light-Duty Diesel Engine intended for use with commercially available coulometric
This engine lubricant test method is commonly referred Karl Fischer reagents and for the determination of water
to as the Roller Follower Wear Test. Its primary result, in additives, lube oils, base oils, automatic transmission
roller follower shaft wear in the hydraulic valve lifter fluids, hydrocarbon solvents, and other petroleum
assembly, has been correlated with vehicles used in stop- products. By proper choice of the sample size, this test
and-go delivery service prior to 1993. It is one of the test method may be used for the determination of water from
methods required to evaluate lubricants intended to satisfy mg/kg to percent level concentrations. The values stated
the API CG-4 performance category. This test has also in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units
been referred to as the 6.2 L Test. of measurement are included in this standard.
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. (=ASTM D6304-20)
No other units of measurement are included in this standard Gr. A2
(=ASTM D5966-13)
Gr. A3 SLS ASTM D6385-99(2006):2010
Standard test method for determining acid extractable
SLS ASTM D5967-19:2020 content in activated carbon by ashing
Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Diesel Engine This test method is used to determine the acid extractable
Oils in T-8 Diesel Engine content of a sample of activated carbon. This test method
Covers an engine test procedure for evaluating diesel presupposes the existence of substances other than carbon
engine oils for performance characteristics, including to be present with activated carbon but does not purport
viscosity increase and soot concentrations (loading).2 This to address or identify those substances which may be
test method is commonly referred to as the Mack T-8. present. This test method should be applicable to any form
This test method also provides the procedure for running in which activated carbon may exist.
an extended length T-8 test, which is commonly referred (=ASTM D6385-99 (Reapproved 2006))
to as the T-8E and an abbreviated length test, which is Gr. A1
commonly referred to as T-8A. The procedures for the T-
8E and the T-8A are identical to the T-8 with the exception SLS ASTM D6417-15:2020
of the items specifically listed in Annex A8 and Annex A9 Standard Test Method for Estimation of Engine Oil
respectively. Additionally, the procedure modifications Volatility by Capillary Gas Chromatography
listed in Annex A8 and Annex A9 refer to the Covers an estimation of the amount of engine oil
corresponding section of the T-8 procedure. volatilized at 371 °C (700 °F).
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. This test method can also be used to estimate the amount
No other units of measurement are included in this of oil volatilized at any temperature between 126 °C and
standard. 371 °C, if so desired.
(=ASTM D5967-19) This test method is limited to samples having an initial
Gr. A4 boiling point (IBP) greater than 126 °C (259 °F)
or the first calibration point and to samples containing
SLS ASTM D6082-12(2017):2020 lubricant base oils with end points less than 615 °C (1139
Standard test method for high temperature foaming °F) or the last n-paraffins in the calibration mixture. By
characteristics of lubricating oils using some instruments and columns, it is possible to
(First revision) extend the useful range of the test method.
Describes the procedure for determining the foaming This test method uses the principles of simulated
characteristics of lubricating oils (specifically transmission distillation methodology.
fluid and motor oil) at 150 °C. This test method may be applied to both lubricant oil base
Foaming characteristics of lubricating oils at temperatures stocks and finished lubricants containing additive
up to 93.5 °C are determined by Test Method D892 or IP packages. These additive packages generally contain high
146. molecular weight, nonvolatile components that do not elute
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. from the chromatographic column under the test
No other units of measurement are included in this conditions. The calculation procedure used in this test
standard. method assumes that all of the sample elutes from the
(=ASTM D6082-12(2017)) column and is detected with uniform response. This
Gr. A2 assumption is not true for samples with nonvolatile
additives, and application of this test method under such
SLS ASTM D6278:2020 conditions will yield results higher than expected. For this
Standard Test Method for Shear Stability of Polymer reason, results by this test method are reported as area
Containing Fluids Using a European Diesel Injector percent of oil.
Apparatus The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.
Covers the evaluation of the shear stability of polymer- The values stated in inch-pound units are provided for
containing fluids. The test method measures the percent information only.
viscosity loss at 100 °C of polymer-containing fluids when (ASTM D6417-15(2019))
evaluated by a diesel injector apparatus procedure that Gr. A3
uses European diesel injector test equipment. The viscosity
loss reflects polymer degradation due to shear at the nozzle. SLS ASTM D6423:2021
Standard test method for determination of pHe of having flexural-creep stiffness values in the range of 20
denatured fuel ethanol and ethanol fuel blends MPa to 1 GPa (creep compliance values in the range of
Covers a procedure to determine a measure of the hydrogen 50 nPa–1 to 1 nPa–1) and can be used with unaged material
ion activity of high ethanol content fuels. These include or with materials aged using aging procedures.
denatured fuel ethanol and ethanol fuel blends. The test (=ASTM D6648-08(2016))
method is applicable to denatured fuel ethanol and ethanol Gr. A3
fuel blends containing ethanol at 51 % by volume, or more.
Hydrogen ion activity as measured in this test method is SLS ASTM D6681-17:2020
defined as pHe. A pHe value for alcohol solutions is not Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Engine Oils
comparable to pH values of water solutions. The value of in a High Speed, Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine-
pHe measured will depend somewhat on the fuel blend, Caterpillar 1P Test Procedure
the stirring rate, and the time the electrode is in the fuel. Covers and is required to evaluate the performance of
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. engine oils intended to satisfy certain American Petroleum
No other units of measurement are included in this Institute (API) C service categories (included in
standard. Hydrogen ion activity in water is expressed as Specification D4485). It is performed in a laboratory using
pH and hydrogen ion activity in ethanol is expressed as a standardized high-speed, single-cylinder diesel engine.4
pHe. Piston and ring groove deposit-forming tendency and oil
(=ASTM D6423-20a) consumption is measured. The piston, the rings, and the
Gr. A2 liner are also examined for distress and the rings for
SLS ASTM D6521-13:2018 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.
Standard test method for accelerated aging of asphalt No other units of measurement are included in this
binder using a pressurized aging vessel (pav) standard.
Covers the accelerated aging (oxidation) of asphalt binders (ASTM D6681-17)
by means of pressurized air and elevated temperature. This Gr. A5
is intended to simulate the changes in rheology which occur
in asphalt binders during in-service oxidative aging but SLS ASTM D6709-15a:2020
may not accurately simulate the relative rates of aging. Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive
(=ASTM D6521-13) Engine Oils in the Sequence VIII Spark-Ignition
Gr. A2 Engine (CLR Oil Test Engine)
Covers the evaluation of automotive engine oils (SAE
SLS ASTM D6557-18:2020 grades 0W, 5W, 10W, 20, 30, 40, and 50, and multi-
Standard test method for evaluation of rust preventive viscosity grades) intended for use in spark-ignition
characteristics of automotive engine oils gasoline engines. The test procedure is conducted using a
Covers a Ball Rust Test (BRT) procedure for evaluating carbureted, spark-ignition Cooperative Lubrication
the anti-rust ability of fluid lubricants. The procedure is Research (CLR) Oil Test Engine (also referred to as the
particularly suitable for the evaluation of automotive Sequence VIII test engine in this test method) run on
engine oils under low-temperature, acidic service unleaded fuel. An oil is evaluated for its ability to protect
conditions. the engine and the oil from deterioration under high-
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. temperature and severe service conditions. The test method
The values given in parentheses after SI units are provided can also be used to evaluate the viscosity stability of multi-
for information only and are not considered standard. viscosity-graded oils. Companion test methods used to
(=ASTM D6557-18) evaluate engine oil performance for specification
Gr. A3 requirements are discussed in the latest revision of
Specification D4485.
SLS ASTM D6593-18:2020 Correlation of test results with those obtained in
Standard test method for evaluation of automotive automotive service has not been established. Furthermore,
engine oils for inhibition of deposit formation in a the results obtained in this test are not necessarily
spark-ignition internal combustion engine fueled with indicative of results that will be obtained in a full-scale
gasoline and operated under low-temperature, light- automotive spark-ignition or compression-ignition engine,
duty conditions or in an engine operated under conditions different from
Covers and is commonly referred to as the Sequence VG those of the test. The test can be used to compare one oil
test,2 and it has been correlated with vehicles used in stop- with another.
and-go service prior to 1996, particularly with regard to The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.
sludge and varnish formation.3 It is one of the test methods No other units of measurement are included in this
required to evaluate oils intended to satisfy the API SL standard.
performance category. (ASTM D6709-15a)
(=ASTM D6593-18) Gr. A4
Gr. A6
SLS ASTM D6723-12:2018
SLS ASTM D6594-20:2020 Determining the fracture properties of asphalt binder
Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Corrosiveness in direct tension (dt) Covers the determination of the
of Diesel Engine Oil at 135 °C failure strain and failure stress of asphalt binders by means
Covers testing diesel engine lubricants to determine their of a direct tension test. It can be used with unaged material
tendency to corrode various metals, specifically alloys of (=ASTM D6723-12)
lead and copper commonly used in cam followers and Gr. A3
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. SLS ASTM D6750-19:2020
No other units of measurement are included in this Standard Test Methods for Evaluation of Engine Oils
standard. in a High-Speed, Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine-1K
(ASTM D6594-20) Procedure (0.4 % Fuel Sulfur) and 1N Procedure (0.04
Gr. A2 % Fuel Sulfur)
Cover the performance of engine oils intended for use in
SLS ASTM D6648:2018 certain diesel engines. They are performed in a
Standard test method for determining the flexural standardized high-speed, single-cylinder diesel engine by
creep stiffness of asphalt binder using the bending either the 1K (0.4 % mass fuel sulfur) or 1N (0.04 % mass
beam rheometer (bbr) fuel sulfur) procedure.3 The only difference in the two
Covers the determination of the flexural-creep stiffness test methods is the fuel used. Piston and ring groove
or compliance and m-value of asphalt binders by means deposit-forming tendency and oil consumption are
of a bending beam rheometer. It is applicable to material measured. Also, the piston, the rings, and the liner are
examined for distress and the rings for mobility. These (ASTM D6795-19a)
test methods are required to evaluate oils intended to Gr. A2
satisfy API service categories CF-4 and CH-4 for 1K, and
CG-4 for 1N of Specification D4485. SLS ASTM D6837-13:2020
These test methods, although based on the original Standard Test Method for Measurement of Effects of
Caterpillar 1K/1N procedures,3 also embody TMC Automotive Engine Oils on Fuel Economy of Passenger
information letters issued before these test methods were Cars and Light-Duty Trucks in Sequence VIB Spark
first published. These test methods are subject to frequent Ignition Engine
change. Until the next revision of these test methods, TMC Covers an engine test procedure for the measurement of
will update changes in these test methods by the issuance the effects of automotive engine oils on the fuel economy
of information letters which shall be obtained from TMC of passenger cars and light-duty trucks with gross vehicle
(see Annex A1- Annex A4). weight of 3856 kg or less. The tests are conducted on a
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. dynamometer test stand using a specified spark-ignition
No other units of measurement are included in this engine with a displacement of 4.6-L. It applies to
standard. multiviscosity grade oils used in these applications.
(ASTM D6750–19) This test method also provides for the running of an
Gr. A6 abbreviated length test that is referred to as the VIBSJ.
The procedure for VIBSJ is identical to the Sequence VIB
SLS ASTM D6751:2021 with the exception of the items specifically listed in Annex
Standard specification for biodiesel fuel blend stock A13. The procedure modifications listed in Annex A13
(b100) for middle distillate fuels refer to the corresponding section of the Sequence VIB
Covers four grades of biodiesel (B100) for use as a blend test method.
component with middle distillate fuels. These grades are (ASTM D6837-13)
described as follows: Grade No. 1-B S15-A special Gr. A6
purpose biodiesel blendstock intended for use in middle
distillate fuel applications which can be sensitive to the SLS ASTM D6868-03:2018
presence of partially reacted glycerides, including those Labeling of end items that incorporate plastics and
applications requiring good low temperature operability, polymers as coatings or additives with paper and other
and also requiring a fuel blend component with 15 ppm substrates designed to be aerobically composted in
sulfur (maximum). Grade No. 1-B S500—A special municipal or industrial facilities
purpose biodiesel blendstock intended for use in middle Covers end items that include plastics or polymers where
distillate fuel applications which can be sensitive to the plastic film/ sheet or polymers are incorporated (either
presence of partially reacted glycerides, including those through lamination, extrusion or mixing) to substrates and
applications requiring good low temperature operability, the entire end item is designed to be composted under
and also requiring a fuel blend component with 500 ppm aerobic conditions in municipal and industrial composting
sulfur (maximum). Grade No. 2-B S15—A general purpose facilities, where thermophilic temperatures are achieved.
biodiesel blendstock intended for use in middle distillate (=ASTM D6868-17)
fuel applications that require a fuel blend component with Gr. A1
15 ppm sulfur (maximum). Grade No. 2-B S500—A
general purpose biodiesel blendstock intended for use in SLS ASTM D6891-15:2020
middle distillate fuel applications that require a fuel blend Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive
component with 500 ppm sulfur (maximum). This Engine Oils in the Sequence IVA Spark-Ignition Engine
specification prescribes the required properties of diesel Measures the ability of crankcase oil to control camshaft
fuels at the time and place of delivery. The specification lobe wear for spark-ignition engines equipped with an
requirements may be applied at other points in the overhead valve-train and sliding cam followers. This test
production and distribution system when provided by method is designed to simulate extended engine idling
agreement between the purchaser and the supplier. Nothing vehicle operation. The Sequence IVA Test Method uses a
in this specification shall preclude observance of federal, Nissan KA24E engine. The primary result is camshaft lobe
state, or local regulations which may be more restrictive. wear (measured at seven locations around each of the
(=ASTM D6751-20a) twelve lobes). Secondary results include cam lobe nose
Gr. A3 wear and measurement of iron wear metal concentration
in the used engine oil. Other determinations such as fuel
SLS ASTM D6794–20:2020 dilution of crankcase oil, non-ferrous wear metal
Standard Test Method for Measuring the Effect on concentrations, and total oil consumption, can be useful
Filterability of Engine Oils After Treatment with in the assessment of the validity of the test results.
Various Amounts of Water and a Long (6 h) Heating (ASTM D6891-15)
Time Gr. A5
Covers the determination of the tendency of an oil to form
a precipitate that can plug an oil filter. It simulates a SLS ASTM D6894-13:2020
problem that may be encountered in a new engine run for Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Aeration
a short period of time, followed by a long period of storage Resistance of Engine Oils in Direct-Injected
with some water in the oil. Turbocharged Automotive Diesel Engine
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. This test method was designed to evaluate an engine oil’s
No other units of measurement are included in this resistance to aeration in automotive diesel engine service.
standard. It is commonly referred to as the Engine Oil Aeration Test
(SLS ASTM D6794-20) (EOAT). The test is conducted using a specified 7.3 L,
Gr. A2 direct-injection, turbocharged diesel engine on a
dynamometer test stand. This test method was developed
SLS ASTM D6795-19a:2020 as a replacement for Test Method D892 after it was
Standard Test Method for Measuring the Effect on determined that this bench test did not correlate with oil
Filterability of Engine Oils After Treatment with Water aeration in actual service. The EOAT was first included in
and Dry Ice and a Short (30 min) Heating Time API Service Category CG-4 in 1995.
Covers the determination of the tendency of an oil to form (ASTM D6894-13)
a precipitate that can plug an oil filter. It simulates a Gr. A3
problem that may be encountered in a new engine run for
a short period of time, followed by a long period of storage SLS ASTM D6922-13(2018):2020
with some water in the oil. Standard Test Method for Determination of
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. Homogeneity and Miscibility in Automotive Engine
No other units of measurement are included in this Oils
Covers the determination if an automotive engine oil is Covers the quantitative determination of residue and oil
homogeneous and will remain so, and if it is miscible with distillate in emulsified asphalts composed principally of
certain standard reference oils after being submitted to a a semisolid or liquid asphaltic base, water, and an
prescribed cycle of temperature changes. This test method emulsifying agent.
is very similar to the homogeneity and miscibility test (=ASTM D6997-04)
described in FED–STD–791/3470.1. Gr. A1
(ASTM D6922–13(2018)
Gr. A1 SLS ASTM D7097-19:2020
Standard Test Method for Determination of
SLS ASTM D6930-04:2010 Moderately High Temperature Piston Deposits by
Standard test method for settlement and storage Thermo-Oxidation Engine Oil Simulation Test -
stability of emulsified asphalts. TEOST MHT
Covers the ability of an emulsified asphalt to remain as a This test method covers the procedure to determine the
uniform dispersion during storage. It is applicable to mass of deposit formed on a specially constructed test rod
emulsified asphalts composed principally of a semisolid exposed to repetitive passage of 8.5 g of engine oil over
or liquid asphaltic base, water, and an emulsifying agent. the rod in a thin film under oxidative and catalytic
(=ASTM D6930-04) conditions at 285 °C. The range of applicability of the
Gr. A1 Moderately High Temperature Thermo-Oxidation Engine
Test (TEOST MHT2) test method as derived from an
SLS ASTM D6933-08:2010 interlaboratory study is approximately 10 mg to 100 mg.
Standard test method for oversized particles in However, experience indicates that deposit values from 1
emulsified asphalts (sieve test) mg to 150 mg or greater may be obtained.
Covers the degree to which an emulsified asphalt may (ASTM D7097-19)
contain particles of asphalt or other discreet solids retained Gr. A3
on a 850- µm mesh sieve.
(=ASTM D6933-08) SLS ASTM D7175-15:2018
Gr. A1 Standard test method for determining the rheological
properties of asphalt binder using a dynamic shear
SLS ASTM D6935-04:2010 rheometer
Standard test method for determining cement mixing Covers the determination of the dynamic shear modulus
of emulsified asphalt and phase angle of asphalt binders when tested in dynamic
Covers mixing test used to identify or classify a slow (oscillatory) shear using parallel plate geometry. It is
setting, SS or CSS, type of emulsion. applicable to asphalt binders having dynamic shear
(=ASTM D 6935-04) modulus values in the range from 100 Pa to 10 MPa.
Gr. A1 (=ASTM D7175-15)
Gr. A3
SLS ASTM D6936-09:2010
Standard test method for determining demulsibility of SLS ASTM D7320-18:2020
emulsified asphalt Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive
This test method is applicable to both anionic and cationic Engine Oils in the Sequence IIIG, Spark-Ignition
emulsified asphalts of the RS and MS type, measures the Engine
chemical breaking of the emulsified asphalt. Covers an engine test procedure for evaluating automotive
(=ASTM D6936-09) engine oils for certain high-temperature performance
Gr. A1 characteristics, including oil thickening, varnish
deposition, oil consumption, as well as engine wear. Such
SLS ASTM D6984-18:2020 oils include both single viscosity grade and multiviscosity
Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive grade oils that are used in both spark-ignition, gasoline-
Engine Oils in the Sequence IIIF, Spark-Ignition fueled engines, as well as in diesel engines.
Engine Additionally, with nonmandatory supplemental
Covers an engine test procedure for evaluating automotive requirements, a IIIGA Test (Mini Rotary Viscometer and
engine oils for certain high-temperature performance Cold Cranking Simulator measurements), a IIIGVS Test
characteristics, including oil thickening, varnish (EOT viscosity increase measurement), or a IIIGB Test
deposition, oil consumption, as well as engine wear. Such (phosphorous retention measurement) can be conducted.
oils include both single viscosity grade and multiviscosity These supplemental test procedures are contained in
grade oils that are used in both spark-ignition, gasoline- Appendix X1, Appendix X2, and Appendix X3,
fueled engines, as well as in diesel engines. respectively.
(ASTM D6984-18) (ASTM D7320-18)
Gr. A5 Gr. A5
SLS ASTM D6987/D6987M-13a:2020 SLS ASTM D7328:2021
Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Diesel Engine Standard test method for determination of existent and
Oils in T-10 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Diesel Engine potential inorganic sulfate and total inorganic chloride
This test method is commonly referred to as the Mack T- in fuel ethanol by ion chromatography using aqueous
10.2 This test method covers an engine test procedure for sample injection
evaluating diesel engine oils for performance Covers an ion chromatographic procedure for the
characteristics, including lead corrosion and wear of piston determination of the existent inorganic and potential sulfate
rings and cylinder liners. and total inorganic chloride content in hydrous and
This test method also provides the procedure for running anhydrous denatured ethanol to be used in motor fuel
an abbreviated length test, which is commonly referred to applications. It is intended for the analysis of ethanol
as the T-10A. The procedures for the T-10 and T-10A are samples containing between 0.55 mg D kg and 20 mg D
identical with the exception of the items specifically listed kg of existent inorganic sulfate, 4.0 mg D kg to 20 mg D
in Annex A8. Additionally, the procedure modifications kg of potential inorganic sulfate, and 0.75 mg D kg to 50
listed in Annex A8 refer to the corresponding section of mg D kg of total inorganic chloride. The values stated in
the T-10 procedure. SI units are to be regarded as standard.
(ASTM D6987/D6987M-13a) (=ASTM D7328-17)
Gr. A4 Gr. A2
SLS ASTM D6997-04:2010 SLS ASTM D7422-19:2020
Stadard test method for distillation of emulsified Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Diesel Engine
asphalt Oils in T-12 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Diesel Engine
Covers an engine test procedure for evaluating diesel These test methods are used to determine the effectiveness
engine oils for performance characteristics, including lead of procedures and agents for inactivating (neutralizing,
corrosion and wear of piston rings and cylinder liners in quenching) the microbicidal properties of antimicrobial
an engine equipped with exhaust gas recirculation and agents, and to ensure that no components of the
running on ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel.2 This test method neutralizing procedures and agents, themselves, exert an
is commonly referred to as the Mack T-12. inhibitory effect on microorganisms targeted for recovery.
This test method also provides the procedure for running (ASTM E1054-08(2013))
an abbreviated length test, which is commonly referred to Gr. A2
as the T-12A. The procedures for the T-12 and T-12A are
identical with the exception of the items specifically listed SLS ASTM E1064:2021
in Annex A9. Additionally, the procedure modifications Standard test method for water in organic liquids by
listed in Annex A9 refer to the corresponding section of coulometric karl fischer titration
the T-12 procedure. Covers the determination of water from 0 to 2.0 % mass
(ASTM D7422-19) in most liquid organic chemicals, with Karl Fischer
Gr. A4 reagent, using an automated coulometric titration
procedure. Use of this test method is not applicable for
SLS ASTM D7468-20:2020 liquefied gas products such as Liquid Petroleum Gas
Standard Test Method for Cummins ISM Test (LPG), Butane, Propane, Liquid Natural Gas (LNG), etc.
Covers a heavy-duty diesel engine test procedure The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.
conducted under high soot conditions to evaluate oil No other units of measurement are included in this
performance with regard to valve train wear, top ring wear, standard. Review the current Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
sludge deposits, and oil filter plugging in an EGR for detailed information concerning toxicity, first-aid
environment. This test method is commonly referred to as procedures, handling, and safety precautions.
the Cummins ISM Test.2 (=ASTM E1064-16)
(ASTM D7468-20) Gr. A2
Gr. A4
SLS ASTM E1174-13:2020
SLS ASTM D7553-15:2017 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of the
Standard test method for Solubility of asphalt Effectiveness of Health Care Personnel Handwash
materials in n-propyl bromide. Formulations
Covers the determination of the degree of solubility in n- This test method is designed to determine the effectiveness
propyl bromide of asphalt materials. of antimicrobial handwashing agents for the reduction of
(=ASTM D7553-15) transient microbial flora when used in a handwashing
Gr. A1 procedure.
A knowledge of microbiological techniques is required
SLS ASTM D7795:2021 for these procedures.
Standard test method for acidity in ethanol and ethanol This test method may be used to evaluate topical
blends by titration antimicrobial handwash formulations.
Covers the determination of acidity as acetic acid (see Performance of this procedure requires the knowledge of
Specification D4806) in commonly available grades of regulations pertaining to the protection of human subjects.
denatured ethanol, and ethanol blends with gasoline (ASTM E1174-13)
ranging from E95 to E30. This test method is used for Gr. A2
determining low levels of acidity, below 200 mg D kg
(ppm mass), with the exclusion of carbon dioxide. SLS ASTM E1676-12:2017
Procedure A—Developed specifically for measurement Standard Guide for Conducting Laboratory Soil
of acidity by potentiometric titration. This is the referee Toxicity or Bioaccumulation Tests with the Lumbricid
method. Procedure B—Developed specifically for Earthworm Eisenia Fetida and the Enchytraeid
measurement of acidity by color end point titration. The Potworm Enchytraeus albidus
ethanol and ethanol blends may be analyzed directly by Covers procedures for obtaining laboratory data to
this test method without any sample preparation. Review evaluate the adverse effects of contaminants (for example,
the current and appropriate Material Safety Data Sheets chemicals or biomolecules) associated with soil to
(MSDS) for detailed information concerning toxicity, first earthworms (Family Lumbricidae) and potworms (Family
aid procedures, and safety precautions and proper personal Enchytraeidae) from soil toxicity or bioaccumulation tests.
protective equipments. The values stated in SI units are to The methods are designed to assess lethal or sublethal
be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement toxic effects on earthworms or bioaccumulation of
are included in this standard. contaminants in short-term tests (7 to 28 days) or on
(=ASTM D7795-15) potworms in short to long-term tests (14 to 42 days) in
Gr. A2 terrestrial systems. Soils to be tested may be (1) reference
soils or potentially toxic site soils; (2) artificial, reference,
SLS ASTM E84-16:2016 or site soils spiked with compounds; (3) site soils diluted
Standard test method for surface burning with reference soils; or (4) site or reference soils diluted
characteristics of building materials with artificial soil. Test procedures are described for the
This test method determines the relative burning behaviors species Eisenia fetida (see Annex A1) and for the species
of the material by observing the flame spread along the Enchytraeus albidus (see Annex A4). Methods described
specimen. This fire-test–response standard for the in this guide may also be useful for conducting soil toxicity
comparative surface burning behavior of building materials tests with other lumbricid and enchytraeid terrestrial
is applicable to exposed surfaces such as walls and ceilings. species, although modifications may be necessary.
(=ASTM E84-16) Modification of these procedures might be justified by
Gr. A4 special needs. The results of tests conducted using atypical
procedures may not be comparable to results using this
SLS ASTM E223-08:2010 guide. Comparison of results obtained using modified and
Standard test method for analysis of sulfuric acid unmodified versions of these procedures might provide
The test method cover the analysis of sulfuric acid. The useful information concerning new concepts and
values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. procedures for conducting soil toxicity and
(=ASTM E 223-08) bioaccumulation tests with terrestrial worms.
Gr. A2 The results from field-collected soils used in toxicity tests
to determine a spatial or temporal distribution of soil
SLS ASTM E1054-08(2013):2020 toxicity may be reported in terms of the biological effects
Standard Test Methods for Evaluation of Inactivators on survival or sublethal endpoints (see Section 14). These
of Antimicrobial Agents procedures can be used with appropriate modifications to
conduct soil toxicity tests when factors such as (see 21 CFR Parts 50 and 56). This test method should be
temperature, pH, and soil characteristics (for example, performed by persons with training in microbiology, in
particle size, organic matter content, and clay content) are facilities designed and equipped for work with potentially
of interest or when there is a need to test such materials as infectious agents at biosafety level 2.
sewage sludge and oils. These methods might also be (ASTM E3058-16)
useful for conducting bioaccumulation tests. Gr. A2
(ASTM E1676-12)
Gr. A4 SLS ASTM F1862/F1862M-17:2020
Standard Test Method for Resistance of Medical Face
SLS ASTM E2315-16:2020 Masks to Penetration by Synthetic Blood (Horizontal
Standard Guide for Assessment of Antimicrobial Projection of Fixed Volume at a Known Velocity)
Activity Using a Time-Kill Procedure This test method is used to evaluate the resistance of
Covers an example of a method that measures the changes medical face masks to penetration by the impact of a small
in a population of aerobic microorganisms within a volume (~2 mL) of a high-velocity stream of synthetic
specified sampling time when antimicrobial test materials blood. Medical face mask pass/fail determinations are
are present. Several options for organism selection and based on visual detection of synthetic blood penetration.
growth, inoculum preparation, sampling times and This test method does not apply to all forms or conditions
temperatures are provided. When the technique is of blood-borne pathogen exposure. Users of the test
performed as a specific test method, it is critical that the method must review modes for face exposure and assess
above mentioned variables have been standardized. the appropriateness of this test method for their specific
Antimicrobial activity of specific materials, as measured application.
by this technique, may vary significantly depending on This test method primarily addresses the performance of
variables selected. It is important to understand the materials or certain material constructions used in medical
limitations of in vitro tests, especially comparisons of face masks. This test method does not address the
results from tests performed with different parameters. As performance of the medical face mask’s design,
an example, test results of microorganisms requiring construction, or interfaces or other factors with the
growth supplements or special incubation conditions may potential to affect the overall protection offered by the
not be directly comparable to organisms evaluated without medical face mask and its operation (such as filtration
those stated conditions. Knowledge of microbiological efficiency and pressure drop). Procedures for measuring
techniques is required for this procedure. these properties are contained in Test Method F2101 and
(ASTM E2315-16) MIL-M-36954C.
Gr. A2 This test method does not address breathability of the
medical face mask materials or any other properties
SLS ASTM E2755-15:2020 affecting the ease of breathing through the medical face
Standard Test Method for Determining the Bacteria- mask. This test method evaluates medical face masks as
Eliminating Effectiveness of Healthcare Personnel an item of protective clothing. This test method does not
Hand Rub Formulations Using Hands of Adults evaluate the performance of medical face masks for
This test method is designed to determine the activity of airborne exposure pathways or in the prevention of the
healthcare personnel hand rubs, (also known as hand rubs, penetration of aerosolized body fluids deposited on the
hygienic hand rubs, hand sanitizers, or hand antiseptics) medical face mask.
against transient microbial skin flora on the hands after a (ASTM F1862 / F1862M-17)
single application and after repeated applications. Gr. A4
Performance of this procedure requires the knowledge of
regulations pertaining to the protection of human subjects SLS ASTM F2101-19:2020
(see 21 CFR Parts 50 and 56). Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Bacterial
This test method should be performed by persons with Filtration Efficiency (BFE) of Medical Face Mask
training in microbiology, in facilities designed and Materials, Using a Biological Aerosol of
equipped for work with potentially infectious agents at Staphylococcus aureus
biosafety level 2.2 This test method is used to measure the bacterial filtration
(ASTM E2755-15) efficiency (BFE) of medical face mask materials,
Gr. A2 employing a ratio of the upstream bacterial challenge to
downstream residual concentration to determine filtration
SLS ASTM E2783-11(2016):2020 efficiency of medical face mask materials.
Standard Test Method for Assessment of Antimicrobial This test method is a quantitative method that allows
Activity for Water Miscible Compounds Using a Time- filtration efficiency for medical face mask materials to be
Kill Procedure determined. The maximum filtration efficiency that can
Measures the changes of a population of aerobic and be determined by this method is 99.9 %.
anaerobic microorganisms within a specific sampling time This test method does not apply to all forms or conditions
when tested against antimicrobial test materials in vitro. of biological aerosol exposure. Users of the test method
The organisms used are standardized as to growth should review modes for worker exposure and assess the
requirements and inoculum preparation and must grow appropriateness of the method for their specific
under the conditions of the test. The primary purpose of applications.
this test method is to provide a set of standardized This test method evaluates medical face mask materials
conditions and test organisms to facilitate comparative as an item of protective clothing but does not evaluate
assessments of antimicrobial materials miscible in aqueous materials for regulatory approval as respirators. If
systems. This test method allows the option of using a test respiratory protection for the wearer is needed, a NIOSH-
sample size of 10 mL or 100 mL. certified respirator should be used. Relatively high
(ASTM E2783-11(2016)) bacterial filtration efficiency measurements for a particular
Gr. A2 medical face mask material does not ensure that the wearer
will be protected from biological aerosols, since this test
SLS ASTM E3058-16:2020 method primarily evaluates the performance of the
Standard Test Method for Determining the Residual composite materials used in the construction of the medical
Kill Activity of Hand Antiseptic Formulations face mask and not its design, fit, or facial-sealing
Designed to determine the residual killing activity of skin properties.
antiseptics against transient microbial skin flora on the (ASTM F2101-19)
hands .2 It may be used to evaluate products that are used Gr. A2
with the aid of water and rinsed off and those that are
used without the aid of water and not rinsed off. SLS ASTM F2299/F2299M-03(2017):2020
Performance of this procedure requires the knowledge of
regulations pertaining to the protection of human subjects
Standard Test Method for Determining the Initial
Efficiency of Materials Used in Medical Face Masks
to Penetration by Particulates Using Latex Spheres
Establishes procedures for measuring the initial particle
filtration efficiency of materials used in medical facemasks
using monodispersed aerosols.
This test method utilizes light scattering particle counting
in the size range of 0.1 to 5.0 ìm and airflow test velocities
of 0.5 to 25 cm/s.
The test procedure measures filtration efficiency by
comparing the particle count in the feed stream (upstream)
to that in the filtrate (downstream).
The values stated in SI units or in other units shall be
regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each
system must be used independently of the other, without
combining values in any way.
(ASTM F2299/F2299M-03(2017))
Gr. A2
SLS ASTM G21-15:2016
Standard Practice for Determining Resistance of
Synthetic Polymeric Materials to Fungi
Covers determination of the effect of fungi on the
properties of synthetic polymeric materials in the form of
molded and fabricated articles, tubes, rods, sheets, and
film materials. Changes in optical, mechanical, and
electrical properties may be determined by the applicable
ASTM methods.
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
standard. The inch-pound units given in parentheses are
for information only.
(ASTM G21-15)
Gr. A2

SLS EN 40 Part 1:2017 SLS EN 413-2:2017
Lighting columns- Definitions and terms Definitions Masonry cement – Test methods
and terms Describes reference and alternative test methods to be used
Gives in the three languages English, French and German when testing masonry cements to assess their conformity
definitions and terms in the field of ‘lighting columns’. to EN 413-1. It gives the tests on fresh mortar for
(=EN 40-1:1991) consistence, water retention and air content. In the event
Gr. E5 of a dispute, only the reference methods are used
(=EN 413-2:2016)
SLS EN 40 Part 3 Section 2:2017 Gr. E9
Lighting columns - Design and Verification -
Verification by testing SLS EN 538:2016
Specifies the requirements for the verification of the design Clay roofing tiles for discontinuous laying – flexural
of steel, aluminium, concrete and fibre reinforced polymer strength test
composite lighting columns by testing. It gives type tests Describes the test method used to evaluate the flexural
and does not cover testing for quality control purposes. It strength of clay roofing tiles as defined in the standards
applies to lighting columns of nominal height (including SLS EN 1304. Other physical characteristics are dealt with
any bracket) not exceeding 20 m. Special structural designs by the standards SLS EN 539.
to permit the attachment of signs, overhead wires, etc. are (=EN 538:1994)
not covered by this standard. Gr. E6
(=EN 40-3-2:2013)
Gr. E7 SLS EN 539 Part 1:2016
Clay roofing tiles for discontinuous laying -
SLS EN 40 Part 3 Section 3:2017 determination of physical characteristics -
Lighting columns - Design and Verification - Impermeability test
Verification by calculation Describes two test methods for testing the impermeability
Specifies the requirements for the verification of the design to water of clay roof tiles and fittings which can be
of lighting columns by calculation and applies to lighting considered as equivalent.
columns of nominal height (including any bracket) not (=EN 539-1:2005)
exceeding 20 m. Special structural designs to permit the Gr. E6
attachment of signs, overhead wires, etc. are not covered
by this standard. The requirements for lighting columns SLS EN 539 Part 2:2016
made from materials other than concrete, steel, aluminium Clay roofing tiles for discontinuous laying -
or fibre reinforced polymer composite (for example wood, determination of physical characteristics - Test for
plastic and cast iron) are not specifically covered in this frost resistance
standard. Fibre reinforced polymer composite lighting Specifies the test method for the determination of frost
columns are covered in this standard in conjunction with resistance of clay roofing tiles and fittings.
EN 40-7. (=EN 539-2:2013)
(=EN 40-3-3:2013) Gr. E9
Gr. E13
SLS EN 772 Part 1:2017
SLS EN 196 Part 5:2016 Methods of test for masonry units Methods of test for
Methods of testing cement - Pozzolanicity test for masonry units - Determination of compressive strength
pozzolanic cement Determination of compressive strength
Specifies the method of measuring the pozzolanicity of Specifies a method for determining the compressive
pozzolanic cements conforming to EN 197-1. This strength of masonry units.
standard does not apply to Portland pozzolana cements or (=EN 772-1:2011+A1: 2015)
to pozzolanas. This method constitutes the reference Gr. E7
(=EN 196-5:2011) SLS EN 795:2017
Gr. E6 Personal fall protection equipment -Anchor
devicesPersonal fall protection equipment -Anchor
SLS EN 196 Part 6:2016 devices
Methods of testing cement - Determination of fineness Specifies requirements for performance and associated test
Describes three methods of determining the fineness of methods for single-user anchor devices which are intended
cement. The sieving method serves only to demonstrate to be removable from the structure. These anchor devices
the presence of coarse cement particles. This method is incorporate stationary or travelling (mobile) anchor points
primarily suited to checking and controlling the production designed for the attachment of components of a personal
process. The air-jet sieving method measures the retention fall protection system in accordance with EN 363.
on sieving and is suitable for particles which substantially (=EN 795:2012)
pass a 2.0 mm test sieve. It may be used to determine the Gr. E17
particle size distribution of agglomerates of very fine
particles. SLS EN 932 Part 5:2016
(=EN 196-6:2010) Tests for general properties of aggregates - Common
Gr. E9 equipment and calibration
Specifies general requirements for common equipment,
SLS EN 365:2017 calibration and checking procedures and reagents for the
Personal protective equipment against falls from a testing of the properties of aggregates.
height - General requirements for instructions for use, (=EN 932-5:2012, AC:2014)
maintenance, periodic examination, repair, marking Gr. E13
and packaging
Specifies the minimum general requirements for SLS EN 933 Part 1:2016
instructions for use, maintenance, periodic examination, Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates -
repair, marking and packaging of PPE, which includes Determination of particle size distribution - sieving
body holding devices, and other equipment used in method
conjunction with a body holding device, to prevent falls, Describes the reference washing and dry sieving method
for access, egress and work positioning, to arrest falls and used for type testing and in case of dispute, for
for rescue. determination of the particle size distribution of
(=EN 365:2004) aggregates. For other purposes, in particular factory
Gr. E6 production control, other methods may be used, provided
that an appropriate working relationship with the reference Defines and specifies requirements and conformity criteria
method has been established. It applies to all aggregates, for admixtures for the use in grouts for prestressing tendons
including lightweight aggregates, up to 90 mm nominal according to EN 447. It covers admixtures for use in site1)
size, but excluding filler. mixed grout only.
(=EN 933-1:2012) (=EN 934-4:2009)
Gr. E9 Gr. E10
SLS EN 933 Part 8:2016 SLS EN 934 Part 5:2016
Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates - Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout -
Assessment of fines - sand equivalent test Admixtures for sprayed concrete - definitions,
Describes the reference method used for type testing and requirements, conformity, marking and labelling
in case of dispute for the determination of the sand Defines and specifies requirements and conformity for
equivalent value of 0/2 mm fraction (for 0/4 mm, see admixtures specifically intended for use in sprayed
Annex A) in fine aggregates or all-in aggregates. For other concrete. The types of admixtures covered are: set
purposes, in particular factory production control, other accelerating and non-alkaline set accelerating
methods may be used provided that an appropriate working admixtures,consistence control admixtures, bond
relationship with the reference method has been improving admixtures.
established. (=EN 934-5:2007)
(=EN 933-8:2012+A1:2015) Gr. E11
Gr. E10
SLS EN 934 Part 6:2016
SLS EN 933 Part 9:2016 Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Sampling,
Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates - conformity control and evaluation of conformity
Assessment of fines - methylene blue test Specifies procedures for sampling, conformity control and
Describes the reference method used for type testing and evaluation of conformity, for admixtures according to the
in cases of dispute for the determination of the methylene series EN 934.
blue value of the 0/2 mm fraction in fine aggregates or (=EN 934-6:2001)
all-in aggregates (MB). It also describes the reference Gr. E5
method for the determination of the methylene blue value
of the 0/0.125 mm fraction (MBF). For other purposes, in SLS EN 1011 Part 2:2017
particular factory production control, other methods may Welding – Recommendations for welding of metallic
be used provided that an appropriate working relationship materials – Arc welding of ferritic steels
with the suitable reference method has been established. Gives guidance for manual, semi-mechanised, mechanised
(=EN 933-9:2009+A1:2013) and automatic arc welding of ferritic steels excluding
Gr. E8 ferritic stainless steels, in all product forms.
(=EN 1011-2:2001/A1:2003)
SLS EN 934 Part 1:2016 Gr. E20
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Common
requirements SLS EN 1024:2016
Specifies the common requirements for all admixtures Clay roofing tiles for discontinuous laying -
covered by EN 934-2, EN 934-3, EN 934-4 and determination of geometric characteristics
EN 934-5, which contain the specific requirements for Specifies the methods for determining the geometric
each type of admixture. The requirements for corrosion characteristics of clay tiles as defined in EN 1304, Clay
behaviour are not applicable to chloride based admixtures. roofing tiles and fittings - Product definitions and
(=EN 934-1:2008) specifications.
Gr. E5 (=EN 1024:2012)
Gr. E9
SLS EN 934 Part 2:2016
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Concrete SLS EN 1090 Part 1:2017
admixtures - definitions, requirements, conformity, Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures
marking and labelling - Requirements for conformity assessment of structural
Specifies definitions and requirements for admixtures for components
use in concrete. It covers admixtures for plain, reinforced Specifies requirements for conformity assessment of
and prestressed concrete which are used in site mixed, performance characteristics for structural steel and
ready mixed concrete and precast concrete. The aluminium components as well as for kits placed on the
performance requirements in this standard apply to market as construction products. The conformity
admixtures used in concrete of normal consistence. They assessment covers the manufacturing characteristics, and
may not be applicable to admixtures intended for other where appropriate the structural design characteristics.
types of concrete such as semi-dry and earth moist mixes. This standard covers also the conformity assessment of
(=EN 934-2:2009+A1:2012) steel components used in composite steel and concrete
Gr. E12 structures.
(=EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011)
SLS EN 934 Part 3:2016 Gr. E17
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout -
Admixtures for masonry mortar - definitions, SLS EN 1090 Part 2:2017
requirements, conformity and marking and labelling Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures
Defines and specifies the requirements and conformity - Technical requirements for steel structures
criteria for admixtures for use in cement based masonry Specifies requirements for execution of structural
mortar. It covers two types of admixtures, long term steelwork as structures or as manufactured components,
retarding and air entraining/plasticising which are used in produced from: hot rolled, structural steel products up to
ready-mixed and site made masonry mortars. and including grade S690; cold formed components and
(=EN 934-3:2009+A1:2012) sheeting up to and including grades S700 !deleted text”;
Gr. E8 hot finished and cold formed austenitic, austenitic-ferritic
and ferritic stainless steel products; hot finished and cold
SLS EN 934 Part 4:2016 formed structural hollow sections, including standard
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - range and custom-made rolled products and hollow
Admixtures for grout for prestressing tendons - sections manufactured by welding.
definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and (=EN 1090-2:2008+A1:2011)
labelling Gr. E26

SLS EN 1090 Part 3:2017 used for factory production control, for audit tests or for
Execution of steel structures and aluminium type tests. This standard describes the reference methods
structures- Technical requirements for aluminium used for type testing and in cases of dispute (and
structures alternatives methods) for chemical analyses of aggregates.
Specifies requirements for the execution of aluminium For the purpose of type testing and in cases of dispute
structural components and structures made from rolled only the reference method should be used. For other
sheet, strip and plate, extrusions, cold drawn rod, bar and purposes, in particular factory production control, other
tube, forgings, castings. methods may be used provided that an appropriate working
(=EN 1090-3:2008) relationship with the reference method has been
Gr. E23 established.
(=EN 1744-1:2009+A1:2012)
SLS EN 1097 Part 6:2016 Gr. E20
Tests for mechanical and physical properties of
aggregates - Determination of particle density and SLS EN 1990:2012
water absorption Eurocode - basis of structural design Eurocode - basis
Specifies the reference methods used for type testing and of structural design
in case of dispute, for the determination of particle density Establishes principles and requirements for the safety,
and water absorption of normal weight and lightweight serviceability and durability of structures, describes the
aggregates. Other methods may be used for other purposes, basis for their design and verification and gives guidelines
such as factory production control, provided that an for related aspects of structural reliability. This is intended
appropriate working relationship with the reference to be used in conjunction with EN 1991 to EN 1990 for
method has been established. For convenience, some of the structural design of buildings and civil engineering
these other methods are also described in this standard. works, including geotechnical aspects, structural fire
(=EN 1097-6:2013) design, situations involving earthquakes, execution and
Gr. E18 temporary structures. This is applicable for the desing of
structures where other materials or other actions outside
SLS EN 1337 Part 1:2017 the scope of EN 1991 to EN 1999 are involved and
Structural bearings – General design rules applicable for the structural appraisal of existing
Applicable to structural bearings, whether used in bridges construction, in developing the design of repairs and
or in other structures. This standard does not cover: alterations or in assessing changes of use.
bearings that transmit moments as a primary function; (=EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010)
bearings that resist uplift; bearings for moving bridges; Gr. E24
concrete hinges; seismic devices.
(=EN 1337-1:2000) SLS EN 1991 Part 1-1:2012
Gr. E14 Eurocode 1 - Action on structures - General actions
densities, self - weight, imposed loads for buildings
SLS EN 1337 Part 9:2017 Gives design guidance and actions for the structural design
Structural bearings – Protection of buildings and civil engineering works including some
Deals with the measures to protect structural bearings from geotechnical aspects for the following subjects: Densities
the effects of the environment and other external influences of construction materials and stored materials; Self - weight
which would reduce their working life. of construction works; Imposed loads for buildings.
(=EN 1337-9:1997) Section 4 and Annex A give nominal values for densities
Gr. E5 of specific building materials, additional materials for
bridges and stored materials. In addition for specific
SLS EN 1337-10:2017 materials the angle of repose is provided. Section 5
Structural Bearings – Inspection and maintenance provides methods for the assessment of the characteristic
Applies to the inspection and maintenance of bearings values of self - weight of construction works. Section 6
designed in accordance with SLS EN 1337-1, when used gives characteristic values of imposed loads for floors and
in the construction of bridges or structures requiring similar roofs according to category of use in the following areas
bearing systems. It presupposes the existence of guidelines in buildings: residential, social, commercial and
for the regular inspection of the whole structure during its administration areas; garage and vehicle traffic areas; areas
service life. It may also be used as appropriate for the for storage and industrial activities; roofs; helicopter
inspection and maintenance of bearings designed and/or landing areas.
installed before the introduction of this standard. This (=EN 1991-1-1:2002)
standard specifies the aspects of each type of bearing that Gr. E17
shall be inspected and recorded. It does not specify
permissible values. For these reference shall be made to SLS EN 1991 Part 1-2:2015
the relevant parts of this standard and to the drawings and Eurocode 1 - Action on structures - General actions -
design calculations for the bearing and the structure. actions on structures exposed to fire
(=EN 1337-10:2003) The methods given are applicable to buildings, with a fire
Gr. E9 load related to the building and its occupancy. It deals
with thermal and mechanical actions on structures exposed
SLS EN 1337 Part 11:2017 to fire. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the
Structural bearings – Transport, storage and fire design Parts of prEN 1992 to prEN 1996 and prEN
installation 1999 which give rules for designing structures for fire
Applicable to the transport, storage and installation of resistance. This contains thermal actions related to nominal
bearings used in the construction of bridges or of structures and physically based thermal actions. More data and
requiring comparable bearing systems. models for physically based thermal actions are given in
(=EN 1337-11:1997) annexes. This gives general principles and application
Gr. E8 rules in connection to thermal and mechanical actions to
be used in conjunction with EN 1990, EN 1991-1-1, EN
1991-1-3 and EN 1991-1-4. The assessment of the damage
SLS EN 1744 Part 1:2016 of a structure after a fire, is not covered by the present
Tests for chemical properties of aggregates - Chemical document.
analysis (=EN 1991-1-2:2002)
Specifies procedures for the chemical analysis of Gr. E19
aggregates. It specifies the reference procedures and, in
certain cases, an alternative method which can be SLS EN 1991 Part 1-3:2014
considered as giving equivalent results. Unless otherwise Eurocode 1 - Action on structures - General actions -
stated, the test methods specified in this standard may be Snow loads
Gives guidance to determine the values of loads due to Provides strategies and rules for safeguarding buildings
snow to be used for the structural design of buildings and and other civil engineering works against identifiable and
civil engineering works. This Part does not apply for sites unidentifiable accidental actions. It defines: strategies
at altitudes above 1 500 m, unless otherwise specified. based on identified accidental actions; strategies based
Annex A gives information on design situations and load on limiting the extent of localised failure. The following
arrangements to be used for different locations. Annex B subjects are dealt with definitions and symbols (Section
gives shape coefficients to be used for the treatment of 1); classification of actions (Section 2); design situations
exceptional snow drifts. Annex C gives characteristic (Section 3); impact (Section 4); explosions (Section 5);
values of snow load on the ground based on the results of design for consequences of localised failure in buildings
work carried out under a contract specific to this Eurocode, from an unspecified cause (informative Annex A);
to DGIII / D3 of the European Commission. The objectives information on risk assessment (informative Annex B);
of this Annex are: to give information to National dynamic design for impact (informative Annex C); internal
Competent Authorities to help them to redraft and update explosions (informative Annex D). Rules on dust
their national maps; to help to ensure that the established explosions in silos are given in EN 1991-4. Rules on
harmonised procedures used to produce the maps in this impact from vehicles travelling on the bridge deck are
Annex are used in the member states for treating their basic given in EN 1991-2. EN 1991-1-7 does not specifically
snow data. Annex D gives guidance for adjusting the deal with accidental actions caused by external explosions,
ground snow loads according to the return period. Annex warfare and terrorist activities, or the residual stability of
E gives information on the bulk weight density of snow. buildings or other civil engineering works damaged by
(=EN 1991-1-3:2003, AC:2009) seismic action or fire, etc.
Gr. E20 (=EN 1991-1-7:2006, AC:2010)
Gr. E21
SLS EN 1991 Part 1-4:2014
Eurocode 1 - Action on structures - General actions - SLS EN 1991 Part 2:2014
wind actions Eurocode 1 - Action on structures - Traffic loads on
Gives guidance on the determination of natural wind bridges
actions for the structural design of building and civil Defines imposed loads (models and representative values)
engineering works for each of the loaded areas under associated with road traffic, pedestrian actions and rail
consideration. This includes the whole structure or parts traffic which include, when relevant, dynamic effects and
of the structure or elements attached to the structure, e. g. centrifugal, braking and acceleration actions and actions
components, cladding units and their fixings, safety and for accidental design situations. Imposed loads defined in
noise barriers. This Part is applicable to: Buildings and EN 1991-2 are intended to be used for the design of new
civil engineering works with heights up to 200 m. See bridges, including piers, abutments, upstand walls, wing
also (11); Bridges having no span greater than 200 m, walls and flank walls
provided that they satisfy the criteria for dynamic response, etc., and their foundations. The load models and values
see (11) and 8.2. Intended to predict characteristic wind given in EN 1991-2 should be used for the design of
actions on land-based structures, their components and retaining walls adjacent to roads and railway lines.
appendages. (=EN 1991-2:2003, AC:2010)
(=EN 1991-1-4:2005, A1:2010, AC:2010) Gr. E25
Gr. E25
SLS EN 1991 Part 3:2015
SLS EN 1991 Part 1-5:2014 Eurocode 1 - Action on structures - Actions induced
Eurocode 1 - Action on structures - General actions - by cranes and machinery
thermal actions Specifies imposed loads (models and representative
Gives principles and rules for calculating thermal actions values) associated with cranes on runway beams and
on buildings, bridges and other structures including their stationary machines which include, when relevant,
structural elements. Principles needed for cladding and dynamic effects and braking, acceleration and accidental
other appendages of buildings are also provided. This Part forces. Section 1 defines common definitions and
describes the changes in the temperature of structural notations; Section 2 specifies actions induced by cranes
elements. Characteristic values of thermal actions are on runways; Section 3 specifies actions induced by
presented for use in the design of structures which are stationary machines.
exposed to daily and seasonal climatic changes. Structures (=EN 1991-3:2006)
not so exposed may not need to be considered for thermal Gr. E18
actions. Structures in which thermal actions are mainly a
function of their use (e.g. cooling towers, silos, tanks, warm SLS EN 1991 Part 4:2015
and cold storage facilities, hot and cold services etc) are Eurocode 1 - Action on structures - Silos and tanks
treated in Section7. Chimneys are treated in EN 13084-1. Provides general principles and actions for the structural
(=EN 1991-1-5:2003, AC:2009) design of buildings and civil engineering works including
Gr. E19 some geotechnical aspects and shall be used in conjunction
with EN 1990 and EN 1992-1999. Covers structural design
SLS EN 1991 Part 1-6:2014 during execution and structural design for temporary
Eurocode 1 - Action on structures - General actions - structures. It relates to all circumstances in which a
actions during execution structure is required to give adequate performance. It is
Provides principles and general rules for the determination not directly intended for the structural appraisal of existing
of actions which should be taken into construction, in developing the design of repairs and
account during the execution of buildings and civil alterations or for assessing changes of use. It does not
engineering works. The following subjects are dealt with completely cover special design situations which require
in this part of EN 1991. Section 1: General; Section 2: unusual reliability considerations such as nuclear structures
Classification of actions; Section 3: Design situations and for which specified design procedures should be used.
limit states; Section 4: Representation of actions; Annex (=EN 1991-4:2006)
A1: Supplementary rules for buildings (normative); Annex Gr. E23
A2: Supplementary rules for bridges (normative); Annex
B: Actions on structures during alteration, reconstruction SLS EN 1992 Part 1-1:2012
or demolition (informative) Eurocode 2 - Design of concrete structures - General
(=EN 1991-1-6:2005, AC:2013) rules and rules for buildings
Gr. E14 Eurocode 2 applies to the design of buildings and civil
engineering works in plain, reinforced and prestressed
SLS EN 1991 Part 1-7:2014 concrete. It complies with the principles and requirements
Eurocode 1 - Action on structures - General actions - for the safety and serviceability of structures, the basis of
accidental actions their design and verification that are given in EN 1990:
Basis of structural design. This is only concerned with the specific to liquid retaining or containment structures and
requirements for resistance, serviceability, durability and which strictly belong to Part 1-1.
fire resistance of concrete structures. Othe requirements, These are deemed valid interpretations of Part 1-1 and
e. g. concerning thermal or sound insulation, are not design complying with the requirements of EN 1992-3
considered. This is intended to be used in conjunction with: are deemed to comply with the principles of EN 1992 1-
EN 1990; 1991; hEN’s for Construction products relevant 1.
for concrete structures; ENV 13670; EN 1997 and 1998. (=EN 1992-3-2006)
This is subdivided into the following parts: part 1.1, 1.2, Gr. E11
2 and 3. Part 1-1 gives a general basis for the design of
structures in plain, reinforced and prestressed concrete SLS EN 1993 Part 1-1:2014
made with normal and light weight aggregates together Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - General rules
with specific rules for buildings. Sections 1 and 2 pr ovide and rules for buildings
additional clauses to those given in EN 1990 “Basis of Applies to the design of buildings and civil engineering
structural design”. This part 1-1 does not cover: the use works in steel. It complies with the principles and
of plain reinforcement; resistance to fire; particular aspects requirements for the safety and serviceability of structures,
of special types of building (such as tall buildings); the basis of their design and verification that are given in
particular aspects of special types of civil engineering EN 1990 – Basis of structural design. This is concerned
works (such as viaducts, bridges, dams, pressure vessels, only with requirements for resistance, serviceability,
offshore platforms or liquid - retaining structures); no - durability and fire resistance of steel structures. Other
fines concrete and aerated concrete components, and those requirements, e.g. concerning thermal or sound insulation,
made with heavy aggregate or containing structural steel are not covered
sections (see Eurocode 4 for composite steel concrete (=EN 1993-1-1:2005, AC:2009)
structures). Gr. E23
(=EN 1992-1-1:2004)
Gr. E27 SLS EN 1993 Part 1-2:2016
Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - General rules
SLS EN 1992 Part 1-2:2012 –structural fire design
Eurocode 2 - Design of concrete structures - General SLS EN 1993 applies to the design of buildings and civil
rules - structural fire design engineering works in steel. It complies with the principles
Eurocode 2 applies to the design of buildings and civil and requirements for the safety and serviceability of
engineering works in concrete. It complies with the structures, the basis of their design and verification that
principles and requirements for the safety and are given in SLS EN 1990 – Basis of structural design.
serviceability of structures, the basis of their desing and SLS EN 1993 is only concerned with requirements for
verification that are given in EN 1990- Basis of structural resistance, serviceability, durability and fire resistance of
design. This is only concerned with reqirements for steel structures. Other requirements, e.g concerning
resistance, serviceability, durability and fire resistance thermal or sound insulation, are not considered.
concrete structures. Other requirements, e.g. concerning (=EN 1993-1-2:2005, AC:2009)
thermal or sound insulation, are not considered. This is Gr. E21
intended to be used in conjunction with : EN 1990, 1991,
hEN’s for construction products relevant for concrete SLS EN 1993 Part 1-3:2015
structures; ENV 13670-1, EN 1998. This is subdivided in Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - General rules
various parts: part 1-1, 1-2, 2 and 3. Part 1-2 of EN 1992 - Supplementary rules for cold-formed members and
deals wilth the design of concrete structures for the sheeting
accidental situation of fire exposure and is intended to be Gives design requirements for cold-formed thin gauge
used in conjunction with EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1991-1-2. members and sheeting. It applies to cold-formed steel
This part 1-2 only indentifies differences from, or products made from coated or uncoated thin gauge hot or
supplements to, normal temperature design. It deals only cold rolled sheet or strip, that have been cold-formed by
with passive methods of fire protection. Active methods such processes as cold-rolled forming or press-braking. It
are not covered. This applies to concrete structures that may also be used for the design of profiled steel sheeting
are required to fulfil certain functions when exposed to for composite steel and concrete slabs at the construction
fire, in terms of: avoing premature collapse of the structure stage, see EN 1994. The execution of steel structures made
(load bearing function); limiting fire spread (flame, hot of cold-formed thin gauge members and sheeting is
gases, excessive heat) beyond designated areas (separating covered in EN 1090. Methods are also given for stressed-
function). This applies to structures, or parts of structures, skin design using steel sheeting as a structural diaphragm.
that are within the scope of EN 1992-1-1 and are designed It does not apply to cold-formed circular and rectangular
accordingly. However, it does not cover: structures with structural hollow sections supplied to EN 10219, for which
prestressing by external tendons; shell structures. reference should be made to EN 1993-1-1 and EN 1993-
(=EN 1992-1-2:2004) 1-8.
Gr. E22 (=EN 1993-1-3:2006, AC:2009)
Gr. E24
SLS EN 1992 Part 2:2014
Eurocode 2 - Design of concrete structures - Concrete SLS EN 1993 Part 1-4:2015
bridges - Design and detailing rules Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - General rules
Gives a basis for the design of bridges and parts of bridges - Supplementary rules for stainless steels
in plain, reinforced and prestressed concrete made with Gives supplementary provisions for the design of buildings
normal and light weight aggregates. and civil engineering works that extend and modify the
(=EN 1992-2:2005, AC:2008) application of EN 1993-1-1, EN 1993-1-3, EN 1993-1-5
Gr. E22 and EN 1993-1-8 to austenitic, austenitic-ferritic and
ferritic stainless steels.
SLS EN 1992 Part 3:2012 (=EN 1993-1-4:2006, A1:2015)
Eurocode 2 - Design of concrete structures - Liquid Gr. E19
retaining and containment structures
The scope of Eurocode 2 is defined in 1.1.1 of EN 1992- SLS EN 1993 Part 1-5:2016
1-1 and the scope of this Part of Eurocode 2 is defined in Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Plated
1.1.2 Other Additional Parts of Eurocode 2 which are structural elements
planned are indicated in 1.1.3 of EN 1992-1-1; these will Gves design requirements of stiffened and unstiffened
cover additional technologies or applications, and will plates which are subject to inplane forces. Effects due to
complement and supplement this Part. It has been necssary shear lag, in-plane load introduction and plate buckling
to introduce into EN 1992-3 a few clauses which are not for I-section girders and box girders are covered. Also
covered are plated structural components subject to in-
plane loads as in tanks and silos. The effects of out-of- Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Design of
plane loading are outside the scope of this document. structures with tension components
(=EN 1993-1-5:2006, AC:2009) SLS EN 1993-1-11 gives design rules for structures with
Gr. E19 tension components made of steel, which, due to their
connections with the structure, are adjustable and
SLS EN 1993 Part 1-6:2015 replaceable see Table 1.1.
Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Strength and (=EN 1993-1-11:2006, AC:2009)
stability of shell structures Gr. E15
Gives basic design rules for plated steel structures that
have the form of a shell of revolution. This is intended for SLS EN 1993 Part 1-12:2016
use in conjunction with EN 1993-1-1, EN 1993-1-3, EN Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Additional
1993-1-4, EN 1993-1-9 and the relevant application parts rules for the extension of en 1993 up to steel grades S
of EN 1993, which include: Part 3.1 for towers and masts; 700
Part 3.2 for chimneys; Part 4.1 for silos; Part 4.2 for tanks; This Standard SLS EN 1993-1-12, gives additional rules
Part 4.3 for pipelines. This defines the characteristic and for the extension of EN 1993 up to steel grades S 700.
design values of the resistance of the structure. This (=EN 1993-1-12:2007, AC:2009)
Standard is concerned with the requirements for design Gr. E5
against the ultimate limit states of: plastic limit; cyclic
plasticity; buckling; fatigue. SLS EN 1993 Part 2:2014
(=EN 1993-1-6:2007) Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Steel Bridges
Gr. E22 Provides a general basis for the structural design of steel
bridges and steel parts of composite bridges. It gives
SLS EN 1993 Part 1-7:2016 provisions that supplement, modify or supersede the
Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Plated equivalent provisions given in the various parts of EN
structures subject to out of plane loading 1993-1. The design criteria for composite bridges are
Provides basic design rules for the structural design of covered in EN 1994-2. The design of high strength cables
unstiffened and stiffened plates which form part of plated and related parts are included in EN 1993-1-11. This is
structures such as silos, tanks or containers, that are loaded concerned only with the resistance, serviceability and
by out of plane actions. It is intended to be used in durability of bridge structures. Other aspects of design
conjunction with SLS EN 1993-1-1 and the relevant are not considered.
application standards. This document defines the design (=EN 1993-2:2006, AC:2009)
values of the resistances: the partial factor for resistances Gr. E23
may be taken from National Annexes of the relevant
application standards. Recommended values are given in SLS EN 1993 Part 3-1:2014
the relevant application standards. Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Towers, masts
(=EN 1993-1-7:2007, AC:2009) and chimneys - Towers and masts
Gr. E16 Applies to the structural design of lattice towers and guyed
masts and to the structural design of this type of structures
SLS EN 1993 Part 1-8:2014 supporting prismatic, cylindrical or other bluff elements.
Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Design of joints Provisions for self-supporting and guyed cylindrical
Gives design methods for the design of joints subject to towers and chimneys are given in Part 3.2 of EN 1993.
predominantly static loading using steel grades S235, Provisions for the guys of guyed structures, including
S275, S355 and S460. guyed chimneys, are given in EN 1993-1-11 and
(=EN 1993-1-8:2005, AC:2009) supplemented in this Part. The provisions in this Part of
Gr. E25 EN 1993 supplement those given in Part 1. Where the
applicability of a provision is limited, for practical reasons
SLS EN 1993 Part 1-9:2014 or due to simplifications, its use is explained and the limits
Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Fatigue of applicability are stated. This Part does not cover the
Gives methods for the assessment of fatigue resistance of design of polygonal and circular lighting columns, which
members, connections and joints subjected to fatigue is covered in EN 40. Lattice polygonal towers are not
loading. These methods are derived from fatigue tests with covered in this Part. Polygonal plated columns
large scale specimens, that include effects of geometrical (monopoles) may be designed using this Part for their
and structural imperfections from material production and loading. Information on the strength of such columns may
execution. The rules are applicable to structures where be obtained from EN 40.
execution conforms with EN 1090. The assessment (=EN 1993-3-1:2006, AC:2009)
methods given in this part are applicable to all grades of Gr. E 22
structural steels, stainless steels and unprotected
weathering steels except where noted otherwise in the SLS EN 1993 Part 3-2:2014
detail category tables. This part only applies to materials Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Towers, masts
which conform to the toughness requirements of EN 1993- and chimneys – chimneys
1-10. Fatigue assessment methods other than the DsR-N Applies to the structural design of vertical steel chimneys
methods as the notch strain method or fracture mechanics of circular or conical section. It covers chimneys that are
methods and post fabrication treatments to improve the cantilevered, supported at intermediate levels or guyed.
fatigue strength other than stress relief are not covered in The provisions in this Part supplement those given in Part
this part. 1.1 of EN 1993. This is concerned only with the
(=EN 1993-1-9:2005, AC:2009) requirement for resistance (strength, stability and fatigue)
Gr. E16 of steel chimneys. For provisions concerning aspects, such
as chemical attack, thermo-dynamical performance
SLS EN 1993 Part 1-10:2016 orthermal insulation see EN 13084-1. For the design of
Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Material liners see EN 13084-6. Foundations in reinforced concrete
toughness and through-thickness properties for steel chimneys are covered in EN 1992 and EN 1997.
SLS EN 1993-1-10 contains design guidance for the See also 4.7 and 5.4 of EN 13084-1.
selection of steel for fracture toughness and for through (=EN 1993-3-2:2006)
thickness properties of welded elements where there is a Gr. E14
significant risk of lamellar tearing during fabrication.
(=EN 1993-1-10:2005, AC:2009) SLS EN 1993 Part 4-1:2016
Gr. E8 Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Silos
Provides principles and application rules for the structural
SLS EN 1993 Part 1-11:2016 design of steel silos of circular or rectangular plan-form,
being free standing or supported. The provisions given in
this Part supplement modify or supersede the equivalent premature collapse of the structure (load bearing function);
provisions given in EN 1993-1. limiting fire spread (flame, hot gases, excessive heat)
(=EN 1993-4-1:2007AC:2009) beyond designated areas (separating function).
Gr. E23 (=EN 1994-1-2:2005)
Gr. E23
SLS EN 1993 Part 4-2:2016
Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Tanks SLS EN 1994 Part 2:2017
Provides principles and application rules for the structural Eurocode 4 - Design of composite steen and concrete
design of vertical cylindrical above ground steel tanks for structures -General rules and rules for bridges
the storage of liquid products with the following Eurocode 4 applies to the design of composite structures
characteristics a) characteristic internal pressures above and members for buildings and civil engineering works.
the liquid level not less than “100mbar and not more than It complies with t he principles and requirements for the
500mbar 1) ; b) design metal temperature in the range of safety and serviceability of structures, the basis of their
“50ºC to +300ºC. For tanks constructed using austenitic design and verification that are given in EN 1990: 2002 –
stainless steels, the Basis of structural design. Eurocode 4 is concerned only
design metal temperature may be in the range of “165ºC with requirements for resistance, serviceability, durability
to +300ºC. For fatigue loaded tanks, the temperature and fire resistance of composite structures. Other
should be limited to T < 150ºC; c) maximum design liquid requirements, e.g. concerning thermal or sound insulation,
level not higher than the top of the cylindrical shell. are not considered
(=EN 1993-4-2:2007, AC:2009) (=EN 1994-2:2005, AC:2008)
Gr. E19 Gr. E22
SLS EN 1993 Part 4-3:2016 SLS EN 1995 Part 1-1:2015
Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Pipelines Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures - General -
This Standard provides principles and application rules Common rules and rules for buildings
for the structural design of cylindrical steel pipelines for Applies to the design of buildings and civil engineering
the transport of liquids or gases or mixtures of liquids and works in timber (solid timber, sawn, planed or in pole form,
gases at ambient temperatures, which are not treated by glued laminated timber or wood-based structural products,
other European standards covering particular applications. e.g. LVL) or wood-based panels jointed together with
(=EN 1993-4-3:2007, AC:2009) adhesives or mechanical fasteners. It complies with the
Gr. E17 principles and requirements for the safety and
serviceability of structures and the basis of design and
SLS EN 1993 Part 5:2016 verification given in EN 1990:2002. This is only concerned
Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Piling with requirements for mechanical resistance, serviceability,
Provides principles and application rules for the structural durability and fire resistance of timber structures. Other
design of bearing piles and sheet piles made of steel. It requirements, e.g concerning thermal or sound insulation,
also provides examples of detailing for foundation and are not considered.
retaining wall structures. The field of application includes: (=EN 1995-1-1:2004)
- steel piled foundations for civil engineering works on Gr. E24
land and over water; - temporary or permanent structures
needed to carry out steel piling work; - temporary or SLS EN 1995 Part 1-2:2015
permanent retaining structures composed of steel sheet Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures - General -
piles, including all kinds of combined walls. Structural fire design
(=EN 1993-5:2007, AC:2009) Applies to the design of buildings and civil engineering
Gr. E 22 works in timber (solid timber, sawn, planed or in pole form,
glued laminated timber or wood-based structural products,
SLS EN 1993 Part 6:2016 e.g. LVL) or wood-based panels jointed together with
Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Crane adhesives or mechanical fasteners. It complies with the
supporting structures principles and requirements for the safety and
Provides design rules for the structural design of runway serviceability of structures and the basis of design and
beams and other crane supporting structures. The verification given in EN 1990:2002. This is only concerned
provisions given in Part 6 supplement, modify or supersede with requirements for mechanical resistance, serviceability,
the equivalent provisions given in EN 1993-1. It covers durability and fire resistance of timber structures. Other
overhead crane runways inside buildings and outdoor crane requirements, e.g concerning thermal or sound insulation,
runways, including runways for: a) overhead travelling are not considered.
cranes, either: supported on top of the runway beams; (=EN 1995-1-2:2004)
underslung below the runway beams; b) monorail hoist Gr. E20
(=EN 1993-6:2007, AC:2009) SLS EN 1995 Part 2:2015
Gr. E16 Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures - Bridges
Applies to the design of buildings and civil engineering
SLS EN 1994 Part 1-1:2015 works in timber (solid timber, sawn, planed or in pole form,
Eurocode 4 - Design of composite steel and concrete glued laminated timber or wood-based structural products
structures - General rules and rules for buildings e.g. LVL) or wood-based panels jointed together with
Applies to the design of composite structures and members adhesives or mechanical fasteners. It complies with the
for buildings and civil engineering works. It complies with principles and requirements for the safety and
the principles and requirements for the safety and serviceability of structures, and the basis of design and
serviceability of structures, the basis of verification that are given in EN 1990:2002. This is only
(=EN 1994-1-1:2004) concerned with requirements for mechanical resistance,
Gr. E23 serviceability, durability and fire resistance of timber
structures. Other requirements, e.g concerning thermal or
SLS EN 1994 Part 1-2:2015 sound insulation, are not considered.
Eurocode 4 - Design of composite steel and concrete (=EN 1995-2:2004)
structures - General rules - Structural fire design Gr. E13
1994-1-1 and EN 1991-1-2. This Part 1-2 only identifies
differences from, or supplements to, normal temperature SLS EN 1996 Part 1-1:2014
design. Deals only with passive methodsof fire protection. Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures - General
Active methods are not covered. Applies to composite steel rules for reinforced and unreinforced masonry
and concrete structures that are required to fulfil certain structures
functions when exposed to fire, in terms of: avoiding
Eurocode 6 applies to the design of buildings and civil structures. Other requirements, e.g. concerning thermal
engineering works, or parts thereof, in unreinforced, or sound insulation, are not considered
reinforced, prestressed and confined masonry; deals only (=EN 1997-1:2004, AC:2009)
with the requirements for resistance, serviceability and Gr. E26
durability of structures. Other requirements, for example,
concerning thermal or sound insulation, are not considered; SLS EN 1997 Part 2:2014
Execution is covered to the extent that is necessary to Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - Ground
indicate the quality of the construction materials and investigation and testing
products that should be used and the standard of EN 1997 is intended to be used in conjunction with EN
workmanship on site needed to comply with the 1990:2002, which establishes the principles and
assumptions made in the design rules; It 6 does not cover requirements for safety and serviceability, describes the
the special requirements of seismic design. Provisions basis of design and verification and gives guidelines for
related to such requirements are given in Eurocode 8 which related aspects of structural reliability; applied to the
complements, and is consistent with Eurocode 6; geotechnical aspects of the design of buildings and civil
Numerical values of the actions on buildings and civil engineering works. It is subdivided into various separate
engineering works to be taken into account in the design parts (see 1.1.2); EN 1997 is concerned with the
are not given in Eurocode 6. They are provided in requirements for strength, stability, serviceability and
Eurocode 1. durability of structures. Other requirements, e.g.
(=EN 1996-1-1:2005+A1:2012) concerning thermal or sound insulation, are not considered.
Gr. E23 (=EN 1997-2:2007, AC:2010)
Gr. E26
SLS EN 1996 Part 1-2:2016
Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures - General SLS EN 1998 Part 3:2014
rules - structural fire design Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake
This Standard deals with the design of masonry structures resistance - Assessment and retrofitting of buildings
for the accidental situation of fire exposure, and is intended The scope of Eurocode 8 is defined in EN 1998-1: 2004,
to be used in conjunction with SLS EN 1996-1-1, SLS 1.1.1 and the scope of this Standard is defined in (2), (4)
EN 1996-2, 1996-3 and EN 1991-1-2. This part 1-2 only and (5). Additional parts of Eurocode 8 are indicated in
identifies differences from, or supplements to, normal EN 1998-1: 2004, 1.1.3. Provide criteria for the evaluation
temperature design. of the seismic performance of existing individual building
(=EN 1996-1-2:2005, AC:2010) structures; describe the approach in selecting necessary
Gr. E24 corrective measures; To set forth criteria for the design of
retrofitting measures (i.e. conception, structural analysis
SLS EN 1996 Part 2:2014 including intervention measures, final dimensioning of
Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures - Design structural parts and their connections to existing structural
considerations, selection of materials and execution of elements).
masonry (=EN 1998-3:2005, AC:2010)
The scope of Eurocode 6 for Masonry Structures as given Gr. E22
in 1.1.1 of EN 1996-1-1: 2005 applies
also to this EN 1996-2. EN 1996-2 gives basic rules for SLS EN 1998 Part 4:2014
the selection of materials and execution of masonry to Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake
enable it to comply with the design assumptions of the resistance - Silos, tanks and pipelines
other parts of Eurocode 6. With the exception of the items Defined in EN 1998-1: 2004, 1.1.1 and the scope of this
given in 1.1(3) P, the scope of Part 2 deals with ordinary Standard is defined in this clause. Additional parts of
aspects of masonry design and execution including; the Eurocode 8 are indicated in EN 1998-1: 2004, 1.1.3. This
selection of masonry materials; factors affecting the standard specifies principles and application rules for the
performance and durability of masonry; resistance of seismic design of the structural aspects of facilities
buildings to moisture penetration; storage, preparation and composed of above-ground and buried pipeline systems
use of materials on site; the execution of masonry; masonry and of storage tanks of different types and uses, as well as
protection during execution. for independent items, such as for example single water
(=EN 1996-2:2006, AC:2009) towers serving a specific purpose or groups of silos
Gr. E16 enclosing granular materials, etc
(=EN 1998-4:2006)
SLS EN 1996 Part 3:2014 Gr. E22
Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures - Simplified
calculation methods for unreinforced masonry SLS EN 1998 Part 5:2014
structures Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake
The scope of Eurocode 6 for Masonry Structures as given resistance - Foundations, retaining structures and
in 1.1.1 of EN 1996-1-1:2005 applies also to this EN 1996- geotechnical aspects
3. Provides simplified calculation methods to facilitate This Part of Eurocode 8 establishes the requirements,
the design of the following unreinforced masonry walls, criteria, and rules for the siting and foundation soil of
subject to certain conditions of application; walls subjected structures for earthquake resistance. It covers the design
to vertical loading and wind loading; walls subjected to of different foundation systems, the design of earth
concentrated loads; shear walls; basement walls subjected retaining structures and soil-structure interaction under
to lateral earth pressure and vertical loads; walls subjected seismic actions. As such it complements Eurocode 7 which
to lateral loads but not subjected to vertical loads. does not cover the special requirements of seismic design.
(=EN 1996-3:2006, AC:2009) The provisions of Part 5 apply to buildings (EN 1998-1),
Gr. E17 bridges (EN 1998-2), towers, masts and chimneys (EN
1998-6), silos, tanks and pipelines (EN 1998-4).
SLS EN 1997 Part 1:2014 Specialised design requirements for the foundations of
Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - General rules certain types of structures, when necessary, shall be found
Intended to be used in conjunction with EN 1990:2002, in the relevant Parts of Eurocode 8.
which establishes the principles and requirements for (=EN 1998-5:2004)
safety and serviceability, describes the basis of design and Gr. E17
verification and gives guidelines for related aspects of
structural reliability; applied to the geotechnical aspects SLS EN 1998 Part 6:2014
of the design of buildings and civil engineering works. It Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake
is subdivided into various separate parts (see 1.1.2 and resistance - Towers, masts and chimneys
1.1.3). This is concerned with the requirements for The scope of Eurocode 8 is defined in EN 1998-1:2004,
strength, stability, serviceability and durability of 1.1.1 and the scope of this Standard is defined in (2) to4).
Additional parts of Eurocode 8 are indicated in EN 1998- verification that are given in EN 1990 – Basis of structural
1:2004, 1.1.3. EN 1998-6 establishes requirements, design. Only concerned with requirements for resistance,
criteria, and rules for the design of tall slender structures: serviceability, durability and fire resistance of aluminium
towers, including bell-towers, intake towers, radio and TV- structures. Other requirements, e.g. concerning thermal
towers, masts, chimneys (including free-standing industrial or sound insulation, are not considered.
chimneys) and lighthouses. Additional provisions specific (=EN 1999-1-5:2007, AC:2009)
to reinforced concrete and to steel chimneys are given in Gr. E20
Sections 5 and 6, respectively. Additional provisions
specific to steel towers and to steel guyed masts are given SLS EN 10049:2017
in Sections 7 and 8, respectively. Requirements are also Measurement of roughness average Ra and peak count
given for non-structural elements, such as antennae, the RPc on metallic flat products
liner material of chimneys and other equipment. Defines the measurement conditions for surface roughness
(=EN 1998-6:2005) parameters of metallic flat products, both uncoated (cold
Gr. E18 and hot rolled pickled steel) and coated with metallic
coatings (e.g. zinc, aluminium, tin, chromium)
SLS EN 1999 Part 1-1:2016 (=EN 10049:2013)
Design of aluminium structures - General structural Gr. E6
Applies to the design of buildings and civil engineering SLS EN 10088-1:2017
and structural works in aluminium. It complies with the Stainless steels – List of stainless steels
principles and requirements for the safety and Lists the chemical composition of stainless steels, which
serviceability of structures, the basis of their design and are subdivided in accordance with their main properties
verification that are given in EN 1990 – Basis of structural into corrosion resisting steels, heat resisting steels and
design. SLS EN 1999 is only concerned with requirements creep resisting steels.
for resistance, serviceability, durability and fire resistance (=EN 10088-1:2014)
of aluminium structures. Other requirements, e.g. Gr. E20
concerning thermal or sound insulation, are not considered.
(=EN 1999-1-1: 2007, A1:2009, A2: 2013) SLS EN 12811 Part 1:2016
Gr. E28 Temporary works equipment - Scaffolds –
performance requirements and general design
SLS EN 1999 Part 1-2:2017 Specifies performance requirements and methods of
Design of aluminium structures - Structural fire structural and general design for access and working
designStructural fire design scaffolds, referred to from hereon as working scaffolds.
Applies to the design of buildings and civil engineering Requirements given are for scaffold structures, which rely
works in aluminium. It complies with the principles and on the adjacent structures for stability. In general these
requirements for the safety and serviceability of structures, requirements also apply to other types of working
the basis of their design and verification that are given in scaffolds. Normal requirements are set down, but there is
EN 1990 – Basis of structural design. Only concerned with also provision for special cases. This standard also
requirements for resistance, serviceability, durability and specifies structural design rules when certain materials are
fire resistance of aluminium structures. Other used and general rules for prefabricated equipment.
requirements, e.g. concerning thermal or sound insulation, (=EN 12811-1:2003)
are not considered. Gr. E17
(=EN 1999-1-2:2007, AC: 2009)
Gr. E21 SLS EN 12811 Part 2:2016
Temporary works equipment - Information on
SLS EN 1999 Part 1-3:2017 materials
Design of aluminium structures - Structures susceptible Provides guidance on where to find information on
to fatigue. Structures susceptible to fatigue. materials often used in temporary works. It draws attention
Applies to the design of buildings and civil engineering to a number of points that a designer should take into
and structural works in aluminium. It complies with the account. The information given is limited to commonly
principles and requirements for the safety and used steel, aluminium alloys, cast iron, timber and timber
serviceability of structures, the basis of their design and based materials. Requirements are also given for welding,
verification that are given in EN 1990 – Basis of structural for limiting corrosion and other deterioration.
design. Only concerned with requirements for resistance, (=EN 12811-2:2004)
serviceability, durability and fire resistance of aluminium Gr. E9
structures. Other requirements, e.g. concerning thermal
or sound insulation, are not considered. SLS EN 12811 Part 3:2016
(EN 1999-1-3:2007, A1:2011) Temporary works equipment - Load testing
Gr. E23 Specifies rules for load testing, documentation and
evaluation of test results in the field of non mechanical
SLS EN 1999 Part 1-4:2017 temporary work items.
Design of aluminium structures - Cold formed (=EN 12811-3:2002)
structural sheeting Gr. E15
Gives design requirements for cold-formed trapezoidal
aluminium sheeting. It applies to cold-formed aluminium SLS EN 12811 Part 4:2016
products made from hot rolled or cold rolled sheet or strip Temporary works equipment - Protection fans for
that have been cold-formed by such processes as cold- scaffolds -performance requirements and product
rolled forming or press-breaking. The execution of design
aluminium structures made of cold-formed sheeting is Specifies product requirements, methods of structural and
covered in EN 1090-3. cold-formed sheeting is covered general design and tests for protection fans for scaffolds
in EN 1090-3. to protect workers as well as members of public from
(=EN 1999-1-4:2007, A1 :2011, AC:2009) objects that may fall off the outside edge of scaffolds being
Gr. E20 used close to where they are working or passing by.
(=EN 12811-4:2013)
SLS EN 1999 Part 1-5:2017 Gr. E11
Design of aluminium structures - Shell structures
Applies to the design of buildings and civil engineering SLS EN 12878:2017
and structural works in aluminium. It complies with the Pigments for the colouring of building materials based
principles and requirements for the safety and on cement and/or lime- specifications and methods of
serviceability of structures, the basis of their design and test
Specifies the requirements and the methods of test for Gr. E8
pigments for use in the colouring of building materials
based on cement and cement/lime combinations. SLS EN 15057:2016
(=EN 12878:2014) Fiber cement profiled sheets – impact resistance test
Gr. E14 method
Specifies a soft body impact test method for fibre-cement
SLS EN 12916:2021 profiled sheets for roofing. This Standard applies to fibre-
Petroleum products. Determination of aromatic cement profiled sheets conforming to EN 494 and of length
hydrocarbon types in middle distillates. High greater than or equal to 1,04 m. It applies only to products
performance liquid chromatography method with as delivered.
refractive index detection (=EN 15057:2006)
Specifies a test method for the determination of the content Gr. E9
of mono-aromatic, di-aromatic and tri+-aromatic
hydrocarbons in diesel fuels, paraffinic diesel fuels and SLS EN 15837:2021
petroleum distillates. This document defines two Ethanol as a blending component for petrol.
procedures, A and B. Determination of phosphorus, copper and sulfur
(=EN 12916:2019) content.
Gr. E10 Direct method by inductively coupled plasma optical
emission spectrometry (icp oes)
SLS EN 13501 Part 1:2016 Specifies an inductively coupled plasma optical emission
Fire classification of construction products and spectrometry (ICP OES) method for the direct
building elements - Classification using data from determination of elements content in ethanol, namely
reaction to fire tests phosphorus in the range (0,13 to 1,90) mg/kg, copper in
Provides the reaction to fire classification procedure for the range (0,050 to 0,300) mg/kg, and sulfur in the range
all construction products, including products incorporated (2,0 to 15,0) mg/kg.
within building elements. Products are considered in (=EN 15837:2009)
relation to their end use application. This document applies Gr. E6
to three categories, which are treated separately in this
standard: construction products, excluding floorings and SLS EN 50395:2015
linear pipe thermal insulation products; floorings; linear Electrical test methods for low voltage energy cables
pipe thermal insulation products. Contains electrical test methods required for the testing
(=EN 13501-1:2007+A1:2009) of harmonized low voltage energy cables, especially those
Gr. E19 rated at up to and including 450/750 V. Dictates the tests
which need to be performed on the relevant cable type. It
SLS EN 13501 Part 5:2016 also specifies whether the specific test is type test (T), a
Fire classification of construction products and sample test (S) or a routine test (R) for the particular cable
building elements - Classification using data from type. The requirements to be met during or after the test
external fire exposure to roofs tests are specified for the particular cable type in the relevant
Provides the reaction to fire classification procedure for cable standard. However, some test requirements are
all construction products, including products incorporated obvious and universal, such as the fact that no breakdown
within building elements. Products are considered in shall occur during voltage tests, and these are stated in the
relation to their end use application. This document applies particular test method. Test methods for use specifically
to three categories, which are treated separately in this in utility power cables are not covered by this
European Standard: construction products, excluding EuropeanStandard. They can be found in HD 605. Test
floorings and linear pipe thermal insulation products; methods for use specifically in communications cables are
floorings; linear pipe thermal insulation products. the responsibility of the Technical Committee CENELEC
(=EN 13501:2005+A1:2009) TC 46X, Communication cables. At present such test
Gr. E15 methods are given in EN 50289 series.
(=EN 50395:2005, A1:2 011)
SLS EN 13639:2016 Gr.EC
Determination of total organic carbon in limestone
Specifies methods for the determination of the total organic SLS EN 50396:2015
carbon content (TOC) in limestone. The standard describes Non electrical test methods for low voltage energy
the reference method and alternative methods which can cables
be considered to be equivalent. In the case of a dispute, Contains non-electrical test methods required for the
only the reference method is used. Any other methods may testing of harmonized low voltage energy cables, especially
be used provided they are calibrated, either against the those rated at up to and including 450/750 V. Dictates the
reference method or against internationally accepted tests which need to be performed on the relevant cable
reference materials, in order to demonstrate their type. It also specifies whether the specific test is a type
equivalence. test (T), a sample test (S) or a routine test (R) for the
(=EN 13639:2002) particular cable type. The requirements to be met during
Gr. E10 or after the test are specified for the particular cable type
in the relevant cable standard. However, some test
SLS EN 14078:2021 requirements are obvious and universal, such as the fact
Liquid petroleum products. Determination of fatty acid that no cracks shall occur during ozone test, and these are
methyl ester (fame) content in middle distillates. stated in the particular test method. Test methods for use
Infrared spectrometry method specifically in utility power cables are not covered by this
Specifies a test method for the determination of Fatty Acid EN. They can be found in HD 605. Test methods for use
Methyl Ester (FAME) content in diesel fuel or domestic specifically in communications cables are the
heating fuel by mid infrared spectrometry, which applies responsibility of CENELEC TC 46X. At present such test
to FAME contents of the three measurement ranges as methods are given in EN 50289 (series).
follows: — range A: for FAME contents ranging from (=EN 50396: 2005, A1:2011)
approx. 0,05 % (V/V) to approx. 3 % (V/V); — range B: Gr. EF
for FAME contents ranging from approx. 3 % (V/V) to
approx. 20 % (V/V); — range C: for FAME contents NA to SLS EN 1990:2018
ranging from approx. 20 % (V/V) to approx. 50 % (V/V). Sri Lanka National Annexe (informative) to Eurocode
Principally, higher FAME contents can also be analysed - basis of structural design
if diluted; however, no precision data for results outside Decisions for the Nationally Determined Parameters
the specified range is available at present. described in the sub clauses of SLS EN 1990: 2012
(=EN 14078:2014) 23 pages, Gr.11
NA to SLS EN 1991 Part 1-1:2013 Sri Lanka National Annex To Eurocode 3: Design of
Sri Lanka national annex to Eurocode 1: Actions on Steel Structures - General rules and rules for buildings
structures - General actions- densities, self-weight, This National Annex gives the Sri Lanka decisions for the
imposed loads for buildings Nationally Determined Parameters described in the sub-
This National Annex gives Sri Lanka decisions for the clauses of SLS EN 1993-1-1:2014
Nationally Determined Parameters described in the sub 9 pages, Gr.3
clauses of SLS EN 1991-1-1:2012
5 pages, Gr.3 NA to SLS EN 1993 Part 1-2:2018
Sri Lanka National Annex To Eurocode 3: Design of
NA to SLS EN 1991 Part 1-4:2019 Steel Structures - General rules- structural fire design
Sri Lanka national annex to Eurocode 1: Actions on This National Annexe gives the Sri Lanka Determined
structures - General actions - wind actions Parameters described in the sub-clauses of SLS EN 1993-
(First revision) 1-2:2016.
This National Annex gives Sri Lanka decisions for the 4 pages Gr.2
Nationally Determined Parameters described in the
following sub clauses of SLS EN 1991-1-4:2014 NA to SLS EN 1993 Part 1-3:2018
30 pages, Gr.9 Sri Lanka National Annex To Eurocode 3: Design of
Steel Structures - General rules- supplementary rules
NA to SLS EN 1991 Part 1-6:2018 for cold-formed members and sheeting
Sri Lanka national annex to Eurocode 1: Actions on This National Annexe gives the Sri Lanka Determined
structures - General actions – actions during execution Parameters described in the sub-clauses of SLS EN 1993-
This National Annexe gives the Sri Lanka decisions for 1-3:2015.
the Nationally Determined Parameters described in the 6 pages, Gr.3
following sub clauses of SLS EN 1991-1-6:2014
11 pages Gr.5 NA to SLS EN 1993 Part 1-4:2018
Sri Lanka National Annex To Eurocode 3: Design of
NA to SLS EN 1991 Part 1-7:2018 Steel Structures - General rules- supplementary rules
Sri Lanka national annex to Eurocode 1: Actions on for stainless steels
structures - General actions –accidental actions This National Annexe gives the Sri Lanka Determined
This National Annexe gives the Sri Lanka decisions for Parameters described in the sub-clauses of SLS EN 1993-
the Nationally Determined Parameters described in the 1-4:2015
following sub clauses of SLS EN 1991-1-7:2014 6 pages, Gr.3
13 pages, Gr.7
NA to SLS EN 1993 Part 1-5:2017
NA to SLS EN 1991 Part 4:2018 Sri Lanka National Annex To Eurocode 3: Design of
Sri Lanka national annex to Eurocode 1: Actions on Steel Structures - Plated structural elements
structures - Silos and tanks This National Annex gives the Sri Lanka decisions for the
This National Annexe gives the Sri Lanka determined Nationally Determined Parameters described in the sub-
Parameters described in the following sub clauses of SLS clauses of SLS EN 1993-1-5:2016
EN 1991-4:2015. 6 pages Gr.2
10 pages, Gr.6
NA to SLS EN 1993 Part 1-8:2017
NA to SLS EN 1992 Part 1-1:2013 Sri Lanka National Annex To Eurocode 3: Design of
Sri Lanka national annex to Eurocode 2: design of Steel Structures - Design of joints
concrete structures - General rules and rules for This National Annex gives the Sri Lanka decisions for the
buildings National Determined Parameters described in the sub
This National Annexe gives the Sri Lanka decisions for clauses of SLS EN 1993-1-8:2014
the Nationally Determined Parameters described in the 6 pages, Gr.2
sub clauses of SLS EN 1992-1-1:2012
AMD No.1 (AMD 522:2019) NA to SLS EN 1993 Part 1-9:2017
17 pages Gr.8 Sri Lanka National Annex To Eurocode 3: Design of
Steel Structures - Fatigue
NA to SLS EN 1992 Part 1-2:2013 This National Annex gives the Sri Lanka decisions for the
Sri Lanka national annex to Eurocode 2: design of National Determined Parameters described in the clauses
concrete structures - General rules – structural fire and sub clauses of SLS EN 1993-1-9:2014
design 7 pages, Gr.3
This National Annexe gives the Sri Lanka decisions for
the Nationally Determined Parameters described in the NA to SLS EN 1993 Part 1-10:2017
following subclasses of SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013 Sri Lanka National Annex To Eurocode 3: Design of
5 pages Gr.3 Steel Structures - Material toughness and through-
thickness properties
NA to SLS EN 1992 Part 2:2016 This National Annex gives the decisions for the National
Sri Lanka national annex to Eurocode 2: design of Determined Parameters described in the clauses and sub
concrete structures - Concrete bridges - design and clauses of SLS EN 1993-1-10:2016
detailing rules 6 pages, Gr.2
This National Annexe gives the Sri Lanka decisions for
the Nationally Determined Parameters described in the NA to SLS EN 1993 Part 1-11:2018
following sub clauses of SLS EN 1992-2:2014; Sri Lanka National Annex To Eurocode 3: Design of
10 pages, Gr.5 Steel Structures - Design of structures with tension
NA to SLS EN 1992 Part 3:2016 This National Annexe gives the Sri Lanka Determined
Sri Lanka national annex to Eurocode 2: design of Parameters described in the sub-clauses of SLS EN 1993-
concrete structures - Liquid retaining and containment 1-11:2016
structures 8 pagers, Gr.4
The Sri Lanka decisions for the Nationally Determined
Parameters described in the sub clauses of SLS EN 1992- NA to SLS EN 1993 Part 1-12:2018
3:2012. Sri Lanka National Annex To Eurocode 3: Design of
4 pages, Gr.2 Steel Structures - Additional rules for the extension of
EN 1993 up to steel grades S 700
NA to SLS EN 1993 Part 1-1:2017
This National Annexe gives the Sri Lanka Determined
Parameters described in the sub-clauses of SLS EN 1993-
4 pagers, Gr.2
NA to SLS EN 1993 Part 3-1:2018
Sri Lanka National Annex To Eurocode 3: Design of
Steel Structures - Towers, masts and chimneys – towers
and masts
This National Annexe gives the Sri Lanka Determined
Parameters described in the clauses and sub clauses of
SLS EN 1993-3-1:2014
17 pagers, Gr.9
NA to SLS EN 1993 Part 5:2018
Sri Lanka National Annex To Eurocode 3: Design of
Steel Structures - Piling
This National Annexe gives the Sri Lanka Determined
Parameters described in the sub-clauses of SLS EN 1993-
5: 2016.
8 pagers, Gr.4
NA to SLS EN 1993 Part 6:2018
Sri Lanka National Annex To Eurocode 3: Design of
Steel Structures - Crane supporting structures
This National Annexe gives the Sri Lanka Determined
Parameters described in the sub-clauses of SLS EN 1993-
6 pagers, Gr.3

SLS IEC 60034 Part 1:2009 Specifies the IM Code, a classification of types of
Rotating electrical machines - Rating and performance construction, mounting arrangements and the terminal box
Applicable to all rotating electrical machines except those position of rotating electrical machines.
covered by other IEC standards, for example, IEC 60349. (=IEC 60034-7:2001)
Machines within the scope of this standard may also be Gr.M
subject to superseding, modifying or additional
requirements in other publications, for example, IEC SLS IEC 60034 Part 8:2009
60079, and IEC 60092. Rotating electrical machines - Terminal markings and
(=IEC 60034-1:2004) direction of rotation
Gr. V Applies to a.c. and d.c. machines and specifies rules for
the identification of winding connection points, marking
SLS IEC 60034 Part 2-1:2009 of winding terminals, direction of rotation, relationship
Rotating electrical machines - Standard methods for between terminal markings and direction of rotation,
determining losses and efficiency from tests (excluding terminal marking of auxiliary devices, connection
machines for traction vehicles) diagrams of machines for common applications. Turbine-
This standard intended to establish methods of determining type synchronous machines are excluded from this
efficiencies from tests, and also to specify methods of standard.
obtaining specific losses. This standard applies to d.c. (=IEC 60034-8:2007)
machines and to a.c. synchronous and induction machines Gr. Q
of all sizes within the scope of IEC 60034-1.
(=IEC 60034-2-1:2007) SLS IEC 60034 Part 9:2009
Gr. W Rotating electrical machines - Noise limits
Specifies test methods for the determination of sound
SLS IEC 60034 Part 2 A:2009 power level of rotating electrical machine.It also specifies
Rotating electrical machines - Methods for maximum A-weighted sound power levels for factory
determining losses and efficiency of rotating electrical acceptance testing of network-supplied, rotating electrical
machines from tests (excluding machines for traction machines in accordance with lEC 60034-1, having
vehicles) Measurement of losses by the calorimetric methods of cooling according to lEC 60034-6 and degrees
method of protection according to lEC 60034-5, and having the
This standard can be used to determination the efficiency following characteristics: standard design, either a.c. or
of electrical rotating machinery either by the determination d.c., without additional special electrical, mechanical, or
of the total losses on load, or by the determination of the acoustical modifications intended to reduce the sound
segregated losses and hence the conventional total loss power level; rated output from 1 kW (or kVA) up to and
by summation of the segregated losses. Depending upon including 5 500 kW (or kVA); rated speed not greater than
the circumstances, calorimetric measurements may be 3 750 min–1. provides guidance for the determination of
made either by measuring the quantity and rise in noise levels for a.c. cage induction motors supplied by
temperature of the cooling medium (direct method.), or converters.
by calibration of the rise in temperature of the cooling (=IEC 60034-9:2007)
medium. Gr. H
(=IEC 60034-2A:1974)
Gr. K SLS IEC 60034 Part 11:2009
Rotating electrical machines - Thermal protection
SLS IEC 60034 Part 5:2009 Specifies requirements relating to the use of thermal
Rotating electrical machines - Degrees of protection protectors and thermal detectors incorporated into the
provided by the integral design of rotating electrical stator windings or placed in other suitable positions in
machines (IP code) – Classification induction machines in order to protect them against serious
Applies to the classification of degrees of protection damage due to thermal overloads. It applies to machines
provided by enclosures for rotating electrical machines. manufactured in accordance with IEC 60034-12 with the
It defines the requirements for protective enclosures that voltage limits specified in IEC 60034-12. The protection
are in all other respects suitable for their intended use and of bearings and other mechanical parts is not included.
which, from the point of view of materials and (=IEC 60034-11:2004)
workmanship, ensure that the properties dealt with in this Gr. G
standard are maintained under normal conditions of use.
It does not specify degrees of protection against SLS IEC 60034 Part 12:2009
mechanical damage of the machine, or conditions such as Rotating electrical machines – Starting performance
moisture (Produced for example by condensation), of single – speed three-phase cage induction motors
corrosive dust and vapour, fungus or vermin; types of Specifies the parameters for four designs of starting
protection of machines for use in a potentially explosive performance of single-speed three-phase 50 Hz or 60 Hz
(dust, vapour) environment. cage induction motors in accordance with IEC 60034-1
(=IEC 60034-5:2006) that: have a rated voltage up to 1 000 V are intended for
Gr. L direct-on-line or star-delta starting; are rated on the basis
of duty type S1 and are constructed to any degree of
SLS IEC 60034 Part 6:2009 protection. The standard also applies to dual voltage
Rotating electrical machines - Methods of cooling (IC motors provided that the flux saturation level is the same
Code) for both voltages and to motors having type of protection
Identifies the circuit arrangements and the methods of ‘e – increased safety’ with temperature classes T1 to T3
movement of the coolant in rotating electrical machines, complying with IEC 60079-0 and IEC 60079-7.
classifies the methods of cooling and gives a designation (=IEC 60034-12:2007)
system for them. The designation of the method of cooling Gr.F
consists of the letters “IC”, followed by numerals and
letters representing the circuit arrangement, the coolant SLS IEC 60034 Part 14:2009
and the method of movement of the coolant. Rotating electrical machines – Mechanical vibration
(=IEC 60034-6:1991) of certain machines with shaft heights 56 mm and
Gr. K higher-measurement, evaluation, and limits of
vibration severity
SLS IEC 60034 Part 7:2009 Specifies the factory acceptance vibration test procedures
Rotating electrical machines - Classification of types and vibration limits for certain electrical machines under
of construction, mounting arrangements and terminal specified conditions, when uncoupled from any load or
box position (IM Code) prime mover. It is applicable to d.c. and three-phase a.c.
machines, with shaft heights 56 mm and higher and a rated
output up to 50 MW, at operational speeds from 120 min– stresses of insulation systems used in machines up to
1 up to and including 15 000 min–This standard is not and including 50 MVA and 15 kV
applicable to machines mounted in situ, three-phase Describes test procedures for evaluation of multifactor
commutator motors, single-phase machines, three-phase endurance of insulation systems in those cases where both
machines operated on single-phase systems, vertical thermal and electrical ageing factors are significant. The
waterpower generators, turbine generators greater than 20 procedures are intended for insulation systems used, or
MW and machines with magnetic bearings or series-wound proposed to be used, in a.c. electrical machines using form-
machines. wound windings up to and including 50 MVA and 15 kV.
(=IEC 60034-14:2007) The test procedures are comparative in nature, so that the
Gr. H performance of a candidate insulation system is compared
to that of a reference insulation system with proven
SLS IEC 60034 Part 18 Section 1:2009 standard experience. The evaluation described in this
Rotating electrical machines - Functional evaluation technical report does not include stress grading.
of insulation systems for rotating electrical machines - (=IEC 60034-18-33:1995)
General guidelines Gr. L
Describes procedures for functional evaluation of
electrical insulation systems used or proposed to be used SLS IEC 60034 Part 26:2009
in rotating electrical machines within the scope of IEC Rotating electrical machines - Effects of unbalanced
34-1, and the classification of those insulation systems. voltages on the performance of three-phase cage
This standard provides general guidelines for such induction motors
procedures and clas sification principles. Describes the effects of unbalanced voltages on the
(=IEC 60034-18-1:1992) performance of three-phase cage induction motors.
Gr. P (=IEC 60034-26:2006)
Gr. F
SLS IEC 60034 Part 18 Section 21:2009
Rotating electrical machines – Functional evaluation
of insulation systems - Test procedures for wire wound SLS IEC 60072 Part 1:2009
windings – thermal evaluation and classification Dimensions and output series for rotating electrical
Gives test procedures for the thermal evaluation and machines - Frame numbers 56 to 400 and flange
classification of insulation systems used or proposed for numbers 55 to 1080
use in wire-wound alternating current (a.c.) or direct Covers the majority of rotating electrical machines for
current (d.c.) rotating electrical machines. The test industrial purposes within the dimension range : Foot-
procedures are comparative in that the performance of a mounted - shaft-heights 56 mm to 400 mm and Flange-
candidate insulation system is compared to that of a mounted - pitch circle diameter of flange : 55 mm to 1080
reference insulation system with proven service mm. It also gives tables of fixing dimensions, shaft
experience. extension dimensions and output powers. Maximum
(=IEC 60034-18-21:1992) permissible torques for continuous duty on a.c. motors
Gr. T are listed for various shaft diameters.
(=IEC 60072-1:1991)
SLS IEC 60034 Part 18 Section 22:2009 Gr. V
Rotating electrical machines - Functional evaluation
of insulation systems - Test procedures for wire wound SLS IEC 60072 Part 2:2009
windings – Classification of changes and insulation Dimensions and output series for rotating electrical
component substitutions machines - Frame numbers 355 to 1000 and flange
Gives test procedures for the thermal evaluation and numbers 1180 to 2360
classification of changes and insulation component Relates to all kinds of rotating electrical machines with a
substitution in insulation systems used or proposed for horizontal shaft, and with any one of three specific types
use in a proven insulation system used in wire-wound of foot mounting - i.e. machines with feet down, machines
windings. The test procedures are comparative in that the with feet up, and machines for which the bed-plate is an
performance of a candidate system is compared to that of integral part - and with mounting flange for which the shaft
a reference system which has previously been proved by height in the feet down version is between 355 mm and
experience or has been evaluated by one of the procedures 1000 mm and pitch circle diameter of fixing holes between
given in 60034-18-21 and to which the change or 1180 and 2 360 mm.
substitution is intended. (=IEC 60072-2:1990)
(=IEC 60034-18-22:2000) Gr. H
Gr. G
SLS IEC 60072 Part 3:2009
SLS IEC 60034 Part 18 Section 31:2009 Dimensions and output series for rotating electrical
Rotating electrical machines – Functional evaluation machines - Small built-in motors - flange numbers
of insulation systems - Test procedures for form-wound BF10 to BF50
windings – Thermal evaluation and classification of Applies to small built-in motors such as those usually
insulation systems used in machines up to and including intended for use in control devices.
50 MVA and 15 kV (=IEC 60072-3:1994)
Gives test procedures for the thermal evaluation and Gr. B
classification of insulation systems used or proposed for
use in a.c. or d.c. rotating electrical machines up to and
including 50 MVA and 15 kV using form-wound windings. SLS IEC TR 60083: 2021
The test procedures are comparative in that the Plugs and socket outlets for domestic and similar
performance of a candidate insulation system is compared general use standardized in member countries of iec
to that of a reference insulation system with proven service This technical report is to give general information about
experience. the systems of plugs and socket-outlets for household and
(=IEC 60034-18-31:1992) similar purposes which are used in the IEC countries. The
Gr. M report only contains National Systems which are
commonly used in homes and offices. It is therefore limited
SLS IEC 60034 Part 18 Section 33:2009 to systems for a.c. with a rated voltage above 50 V but not
Rotating electrical machines – Functional evaluation exceeding 440 V, intended for household and similar
of insulation - Test procedures for form-wound purposes, either indoors or outdoors.
windings – Multifactor functional evaluation – (=IEC TR 60083: 2015)
endurance under combined thermal and electrical Gr. AC

SLS IEC 60364 PART 6:2018 Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
Low voltage electrical Installation - Verification metallic materials - Miscellaneous tests–water
Requirements for initial and periodic verification of an absorption tests
electrical installation. Describes water absorption tests which typically apply to
(=IEC 60364-6:2016) crosslinked and thermoplastic compounds used for
Gr. U insulating and sheathing materials.
(=IEC 60811-402:2012)
SLS IEC 60811 Part 100:2014 Gr. E
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
metallic materials - General SLS IEC 60811 Part 403:2014
Describes general requirements and considerations that Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
are applicable to all the test methods given in the particular metallic materials - Miscellaneous tests–ozone
parts, unless otherwise specified. resistance test on cross - linked compounds
(=IEC 60811-100:2012) Specifies the method for the ozone resistance test, which
Gr. F typically applies to cross-linked compounds.
(=IEC 60811-403:2012)
SLS IEC 60811 Part 201:2014 Gr. F
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
metallic materials - General tests–measurement of SLS IEC 60811 Part 404:2014
insulation thickness Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
Gives the methods for measuring the insulation thicknesses metallic materials - Miscellaneous tests – mineral oil
which apply to the most common types of insulating immersion tests for sheaths
compounds (cross-linked, PVC, PE, PP, etc.). Specifies the method for a mineral oil immersion test,
(=IEC 60811-201:2012) which typically applies to cross-linked compounds used
Gr. F for sheathing materials.
(=IEC 60811-404:2012)
SLS IEC 60811 Part 202:2014 Gr. D
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
metallic materials - General tests–measurement of SLS IEC 60811 Part 405:2014
thickness of non-metallic sheath Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
Gives the methods for measuring thicknesses of non- metallic materials - Miscellaneous tests–thermal
metallic sheath which apply to the most common types of stability test for PVC insulations and PVC sheaths
sheathing compounds (cross-linked, PVC, PE, PP, etc.). Specifies the procedure for the thermal stability test which
(=IEC 60811-202:2012) applies to PVC compounds.
Gr. F (=IEC 60811-405:2012)
Gr. D
SLS IEC 60811 Part 203:2014
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- SLS IEC 60811 Part 406:2014
metallic materials - General tests–measurement of Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
thickness of overall dimensions metallic materials - Miscellaneous tests – resistance to
Gives the methods for measuring overall dimensions and stress cracking of polyethylene and polypropylene
is applicable to all types of cable, circular and flat. compounds
(=IEC 60811-203:2012) Gives the procedure for evaluating the resistance to stress
Gr. D cracking of polyethylene and polypropylene compounds
which are typically used for communication and optical
SLS IEC 60811 Part 301:2014 fibre cables.
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- (=IEC 60811-406:2012)
metallic materials - Electrical tests – measurement of Gr. H
the permittivity at 23 º C of filling compounds
Gives the procedure to determine the permittivity at 23 SLS IEC 60811 Part 407:2014
°C which typically applies to filling compounds used for Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
optical cables, communication cables and optical fibre metallic materials - Miscellaneous tests –measurement
cables. of mass increase of polyethylene and polypropylene
(=IEC 60811-301:2012) compounds
Gr. D Gives the procedure to examine possible interaction
between insulation material and filling compound of filled
SLS IEC 60811 Part 302:2014 cable.
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- (=IEC 60811-407:2012)
metallic materials - Electrical tests–measurement of Gr. D
the d. c. resistivity at 23 º C and 100 º C of filling
compounds SLS IEC 60811 Part 408:2014
Gives the procedure to examine the d.c. resistivity at 23 Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
°C and 100 °C which typically applies to filling compounds metallic materials - Miscellaneous tests–long-term
used for communication cables and optical fibre cables. stability test of polyethylene and polypropylene
(=IEC 60811-302:2012) compounds
Gr. D Gives the procedure to establish as to whether or not the
quality of a cable’s components will be satisfactory over
SLS IEC 60811 Part 401:2014 the proposed life of a communication cable. This test is
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- considered only as a material selection test to ensure that
metallic materials - Miscellaneous tests–thermal ageing the chosen materials are satisfactory for the intended life
methods-ageing in an air oven of the cable. The test duration makes the test unsuitable
Specifies the procedure for ageing in an air oven, which for routine quality control testing.
typically applies to crosslinked and thermoplastic (=IEC 60811-408:2012)
compounds used for insulating and sheathing materials. Gr. E
(=IEC 60811-401:2012)
Gr. K SLS IEC 60811 Part 409:2014
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
SLS IEC 60811 Part 402:2014 metallic materials - Miscellaneous tests–loss off mass
test for thermoplastic insulations and sheaths

Gives the procedure for measuring the loss of mass which Gives the procedure for performing elongation tests at low
normally applies to PVC insulations and sheaths. temperature on extruded insulations and sheaths.
(=IEC 60811-409:2012) (=IEC 60811-505:2012)
Gr. G Gr. F
SLS IEC 60811 Part 410:2014 SLS IEC 60811 Part 506:2014
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
metallic materials - Miscellaneous tests–test methods metallic materials - Mechanical tests–impact test at low
for copper–catalyze oxidative degradation of polyolefin temperature for insulations and sheaths
insulated conductors. Gives the procedure for performing impact tests at low
Gives the procedure for copper-catalyzed oxidative temperature on extruded insulations and sheaths.
degradation of a polyolefin, which is typically used for (=IEC 60811-506:2012)
insulation in communication cables. Full test conditions, Gr. E
such as temperature, duration, etc. and full test
requirements are not specified in this standard. SLS IEC 60811 Part 507:2014
(=IEC 60811-410:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
Gr. F metallic materials - Mechanical tests – hot set test for
cross-linked materials
SLS IEC 60811 Part 411:2014 Gives the procedure for the hot set test, which typically
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- applies to cross-linkable compounds used for insulating
metallic materials - Miscellaneous tests–Low- and sheathing materials.
temperature brittleness of filling compounds (=IEC 60811-507:2012)
Gives the procedure to evaluate lower temperature Gr. E
brittleness which typically applies to filling compounds
used for communication and optical fibre cables. SLS IEC 60811 Part 508:2014
(=IEC 60811-411:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
Gr. D metallic materials - Mechanical tests–pressure test at
high temperature for insulation and sheaths
SLS IEC 60811 Part 412:2014 Gives the procedure for a pressure test at high temperature,
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- which typically applies to thermoplastic compounds used
metallic materials - Miscellaneous tests– thermal for insulating and sheathing materials. The method is
ageing methods-ageing in an air bomb principally intended for thermoplastic materials, but may
Gives the procedure for ageing in an air bomb, which be used for cross-linked materials when specifically
typically applies to crosslinked and thermoplastic required by the relevant cable standard. The test method
compounds used for insulating and sheathing materials. is not recommended for thicknesses below 0,7 mm.
(=IEC 60811-412:2012) (=IEC 60811-508:2012)
Gr. E Gr. J
SLS IEC 60811 Part 501:2014 SLS IEC 60811 Part 509:2014
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
metallic materials - Mechanical tests–tests for metallic materials - Mechanical tests – test for
determining the mechanical properties of insulating resistance of insulations and sheaths to cracking (heat
and sheathing compounds shock test)
Gives the procedure for determining the mechanical Gives the procedure for the test for resistance of insulations
properties, which typically applies to cross-linked and and sheaths to cracking at an elevated temperature.
thermoplastic compounds used for insulating and sheathing (=IEC 60811-509:2012)
materials. Gr. F
(=IEC 60811-501:2012)
Gr. H SLS IEC 60811 Part 510:2014
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
SLS IEC 60811 Part 502:2014 metallic materials - Mechanical tests–methods specific
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds-
metallic materials - Mechanical tests– shrinkage test wrapping test after thermal ageing in air
for insulations Specifies the test method for a wrapping test after thermal
Gives the test method for the shrinkage for insulations. ageing in air. This test method applies specifically to
(=IEC 60811-502:2012) polyolefin insulation in communication cables. This test
Gr. D is intended for polyolefin insulations of unfilled cables
and of dry cores for filled cables, where the insulation has
SLS IEC 60811 Part 503:2014 a wall thickness of less than or equal to 0,8 mm.
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- (=IEC 60811-510:2012)
metallic materials - Mechanical tests– shrinkage test Gr. D
for sheaths
Gives the test method for the shrinkage for sheaths. SLS IEC 60811 Part 511:2014
(=IEC 60811-503:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
Gr. D metallic materials - Mechanical tests – measurement
of the melt flow index of polyethylene compounds
SLS IEC 60811 Part 504:2014 Describes the procedure for the measurement of the melt
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- flow index for polyethylene compounds.
metallic materials - Mechanical tests–bending tests at (=IEC 60811-511:2012)
low temperature for insulation and sheaths Gr. F
Gives the procedure for performing bending tests at low
temperature on extruded insulations and sheaths. SLS IEC 60811 Part 512:2014
(=IEC 60811-504:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
Gr. E metallic materials - Mechanical tests – methods specific
to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - tensile
SLS IEC 60811 Part 505:2014 strength and elongation at break after conditioning at
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- elevated temperature
metallic materials - Mechanical tests – elongation at Describes the procedure for testing tensile strength and
low temperature for insulations and sheaths elongation at break after conditioning at elevated
temperature. It is specific to polyethylene and
polypropylene compounds. This test is intended for Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
samples from filled cables, of polyolefin insulations with metallic materials - Physical tests–test for the
a wall thickness of more than 0,8 mm and for polyolefin assessment of carbon black dispersion in polyethylene
sheaths in direct contact with filling compound. and polypropylene.
(=IEC 60811-512:2012) Specifies test methods for carbon black dispersion that
Gr. D are applicable specifically to PE and PP compounds,
including cellular compounds and foam skin for insulation.
SLS IEC 60811 Part 513:2014 (=IEC 60811-607:2012)
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- Gr. D
metallic materials - Mechanical tests–methods specific
to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds- SLS IEC 61347 Part 1:2009
Wrapping test after conditioning Lamp controlgear - General and safety requirements
Gives procedures for a wrapping test after conditioning at Specifies general and safety requirements for lamp
elevated temperature. This test method applies specifically controlgear for use on d.c. supplies up to 250 V and/or
to polyethylene and polypropylene insulation. This test is a.c. supplies up to 1 000 V at 50 Hz or 60 Hz. This standard
intended for samples from filled cables of polyolefin also covers lamp controlgear for lamps which are not yet
insulation having a wall thickness of less than or equal to standardized. Tests dealt with in this standard are type
0.8 mm. tests. Requirements for testing individual lamp controlgear
(=IEC 60811-513:2012) during production are not included.
Gr. D (=IEC 61347-1:2007)
Gr. V
SLS IEC 60811 Part 601:2014
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- SLS IEC 62446 Part 1:2017
metallic materials - Physical tests–measurement of the Photovoltaic (pv) systems -requirements for testing,
drop point of filling compounds documentation and maintenance - Grid connected
Specifies the test procedure for measuring the drop point systems, documentation, commissioning tests and
of filling compounds. inspection.
(=IEC 60811-601:2012) Defines the information and documentation required to
Gr. G be handed over to a customer following the installation of
a grid connected PV system. It also describes the
SLS IEC 60811 Part 602:2014 commissioning tests, inspection criteria and
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- documentation expected to verify the safe installation and
metallic materials - Physical tests–separation of oil in correct operation of the system. It can also be used for
filling compounds periodic retesting. This standard is written for grid
Gives the test methods for separation of oil in filling connected PV systems that do not utilize energy storage
compounds. (e.g. batteries) or hybrid systems (=IEC 62446–1:2016)
(=IEC 60811-602:2012) Gr. R
Gr. E
SLS IEC 62548:2018
SLS IEC 60811 Part 603:2014 Photovoltaic (pv) arrays – design requirements
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- The object of this document is to address the design safety
metallic materials - Physical tests – measurement of requirements arising from the particular characteristics of
total acid number of filling compounds photovoltaic systems. Direct current systems, and PV
Gives the test methods to examine the filling compound arrays in particular, pose some hazards in addition to those
for corrosive elements. derived from conventional AC power systems, including
(=IEC 60811-603:2012) the ability to produce and sustain electrical arcs with
Gr. E currents that are not greater than normal operating currents.
(=IEC 62548:2016)
SLS IEC 60811 Part 604:2014 Gr. V
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non-
metallic materials - Physical tests – measurement of SLS IEC 62623:2017
absence of corrosive components in filling compounds Desktop and notebook computers - measurement of
Indicates the effect of the filling compound when in contact energy consumption
with the metallic parts of the cable. Covers personal computing products. It applies to desktop
(=IEC 60811-604:2012) and notebook computers as defined in 4.1 that are marketed
Gr. D as final products and that are hereafter referred to as the
equipment under test (EUT) or product.
SLS IEC 60811 Part 605:2014 (=IEC 62623:2012)
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- Gr. S
metallic materials - Physical tests–measurement of
carbon black and/or mineral filler in polyethylene SLS IEC/ISO 31010:2016
compounds Risk management – risk assessment techniques
Describes the test methods for measuring the content of This Standard is a supporting standard for ISO 31000 and
carbon black added for UV stabilization of polyethylene provides guidance on selection and application of
and polyolefin compounds. These methods are not suitable systematic techniques for risk assessment. Risk assessment
for halogenated compounds. carried out in accordance with this standard contributes
(=IEC 60811-605:2012) to other risk management activities.
Gr. E The application of a range of techniques is introduced,
with specific references to other international standards
SLS IEC 60811 Part 606:2014 where the concept and application of techniques are
Electric and optical fibre cables test methods for non- described in greater detail.
metallic materials - Physical tests–methods of This standard is not intended for certification, regulatory
determining the density or contractual use.
Describes the methods for determining the density for the This standard does not provide specific criteria for
most common types of insulating and sheathing identifying the need for risk analysis, nor does it specify
compounds (cross-linked, PVC, PE, PP, etc.). the type of risk analysis method that is required for a
(=IEC 60811-606:2012) particular application.
Gr. E (=IEC/ ISO 31010:2009)
Gr. AA
SLS IEC 60811 Part 607:2014
SLS ISO 105 G04:2018 Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and
Textiles-test for colour fastness - colour fastness to micro-organisms - determination of resistance to
nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere at high humidities penetration
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the specifies a test method for the penetration resistance of
colour of textiles to the action of nitrogen oxide in the gloves that protect against dangerous chemicals and/or
atmosphere at elevated temperatures and high relative micro-organisms.
humidities. (=ISO 374 Part 2:2019)
(=ISO 105 G04:2016) Gr. K
Gr. D
SLS ISO 374-5: 2020
SLS ISO 137:2017 Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and
Wool - determination of fibre diameter - projection Micro-organisms - Terminology and performance
microscope method requirements for micro-organisms risks
Specifies the procedure and the measurement conditions specifies the requirements and test methods for protective
for the determination of the wool fibre diameter using a gloves intended to protect the user against micro-
projection microscope. The method is suitable for wool organisms. NOTE If other protection features is to be
fibres in any form and also for other fibres of reasonably needed, e.g. chemical risks, mechanical risks, thermal
circular crosssection. risks, electrostatic dissipation etc., the appropriate specific
(=ISO 137:2015) performance standard is to be used in addition. Further
Gr. F information on protective gloves standards can be found
in the EN 420
SLS ISO 177:2017 (=ISO 374-5: 2016)
Ditermination of migration of plasticizers from Gr. H
Specifies a method for the determination of the tendency SLS ISO 390:2016
of plasticizers to migrate from plastics in which they are Products in fibre-reinforced cement - sampling and
contained into other materials or other plastics when they inspection
are brought into close contactSpecifies a method for the Establishes rules for batching, sampling and inspection
determination of the tendency of plasticizers to migrate of fibre-reinforced cement products.
from plastics in which they are contained into other These rules apply to all acceptance tests. In certain cases
materials or other plastics when they are brought into close they may also apply to type tests but the sampling scheme
contact for type tests will usually be specified in the product
(=ISO 177:2016) Standards. These rules form a uniform method for
Gr. C determining whether consignments of fibre-reinforced
cement products tan be considered as conforming to
SLS ISO 178:2021 relevant product Standards.
Plastics - determination of flexural properties (=ISO 390:1993)
(First revision) Gr. J
Specifies a method for determining the flexural properties
of rigid and semi-rigid plastics under defined conditions. SLS ISO 520:2017
A preferred test specimen is defined, but parameters are Method of test for determination of the mass of 1000
included for alternative specimen sizes for use where grains in cereals and pulses
appropriate. A range of test speeds is included. The method Specifies a method for the determination of the mass of 1
is used to investigate the flexural behaviour of the test 000 grains of cereals and pulses. It is applicable to all
specimens and to determine the flexural strength, flexural species of cereals and pulses with the exception of seed
modulus and other aspects of the flexural stress/strain lots for sowing purposes.
relationship under the conditions defined. It applies to a (=ISO 520:2010)
freely supported beam, loaded at midspan (three-point Gr. E
loading test). The method is suitable for use with the
following range of materials: — thermoplastic moulding, SLS ISO 527 Part 1:2011
extrusion and casting materials, including filled and Plastics -determination of tensile properties - General
reinforced compounds in addition to unfilled types; rigid principles
thermoplastics sheets; - thermosetting moulding materials, Specifies the general principles for determining the tensile
including filled and reinforced compounds; thermosetting properties of plastics and plastic composites
sheets under defined conditions.
(=ISO 178:2019) (=ISO 527-1:1993)
Gr. M Gr. E
SLS ISO 287:2020 SLS ISO 527 Part 2:2011
Paper and board - determination of moisture content Plastics - determination of tensile properties - Test
of a lotoven Drying method conditions for moulding and extrusion plastics
specifies an oven-drying method for the determination of Specifies the test conditions for determining the tensile
the moisture content of a lot of paper and board, describing properties of moulding and extrusion plastics, based upon
how the test pieces are drawn from the lot, is performed at the general principles given in SLS ISO 527-1.
the time of sampling. (=ISO 527-2:1993)
(=ISO 287: 2017) Gr. C
Gr. E
SLS ISO 679:2011
SLS ISO 374-1:2020 Test method for cements - Determination of strength
Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and Specifies a method of determining the compressive and,
micro-organisms - terminology and performance optionally, the flexural strength of cement mortar
requirements for chemical containing one part by mass of cement, three parts by mass
Specifies the requirements for protective gloves intended of ISO standard sand and one half part of water. The
to protect the user against dangerous chemicals and defines method applies to common cements and to other cements
terms to be used. and materials, the standards for which call up this method.
(=ISO 374-1: 2016) It might not apply to other cement types that have a very
Gr. D short initial setting time. It also describes the equipment
and procedure, and specifies the method used for
SLS ISO 374 Part 2:2020 validation testing of ISO standard sands and of alternative
equipment and procedures.
(=ISO 679:2009)
Gr. N SLS ISO 1856:2017
Method of test for Flexible cellular polymeric materials
SLS ISO 712:2017 - Determination of fatigue compression set
Method of test for determination of moisture content Specifies three methods for determining the compression
in cereals and derived products – reference method set of flexible cellular materials. At present, this standard
Specifies a routine reference method for the determination applies only to latex and polyurethane foams of thickness
of the moisture content of cereals and cereal products and greater than 2 mm. Specifies three methods for determining
applies to wheat, rice (paddy, husked and milled), barley, the compression set of flexible cellular materials. At
millet (Panicum miliaceum), rye, oats, triticale, sorghum present, this standard applies only to latex and
in the form of grains, milled grains, semolina or flour. polyurethane foams of thickness greater than 2 mm.
The method is not applicable to maize and pulses. (=ISO 1856:2000)
(=ISO 712:2009) Gr. B
Gr. H
SLS ISO 1871:2017
SLS ISO 874:2017 Guidelines for the determination of nitrogen in food
Fresh fruits and vegetables sampling and feed products by the kjeldahl method
Specifies a method of sampling fresh fruits and vegetables, provides general guidelines for the determination of
forming the subject of international trade, with a view to nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method. It applies to food and
determining the quality or particular characteristics of the feed products containing nitrogenous compounds that can
goods. be directly determined by the Kjeldahl method.
(=ISO 874:1980) (=ISO 1871:2009)
Gr. B Gr. D
SLS ISO 1167 Part 1:2013 SLS ISO 1998-1:2021
Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the Petroleum industry - terminology - raw materials and
conveyance of fluids - determination of the resistance products
to internal pressure - General method Consists of a list of equivalent terms, in use in the
Specifies a general test method for determining the petroleum industry to indicate raw materials or petroleum
resistance to internal hydrostatic pressure at a given products, together with the corresponding definitions. SLS
temperature of thermoplastics pipes, fittings and piping ISO 1998 is intended to cover the purposes of the part of
systems for the transport of fluids. The method the petroleum industry dealing with crude oils and
accommodates water-in-water, water-in-air and water-in- petroleum products, that means all related operations
liquid tests arising from the production field to the final user. It is not
(=ISO 1167-1:2006) intended to cover either petroleum equipment, or any
Gr. D operation in the field. However, some pieces of equipment
or some operations of exploration and production are
SLS ISO 1167 Part 2:2013 defined. The corresponding terms were introduced only
Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the when they appear in a definition of a product or process
conveyance of fluids - determination of the resistance and when their definition was found necessary for
to internal pressure - Preparation of pipe test pieces understanding or for avoiding any ambiguity.
Specifies the dimensions and method for preparation of (=ISO 1998-1:1998)
extruded, or injection-moulded tubular, test pieces used Gr. M
to determine the resistance of thermoplastics pipes to
internal hydrostatic pressure according to SLS ISO 1167- SLS ISO 1998-2:2021
1. Petroleum industry - terminology - properties and tests
(=ISO 1167-2:2006) Consists of a list of equivalent terms, in use in the
Gr. B petroleum industry to indicate properties of petroleum
products and test methods, together with the corresponding
SLS ISO 1183 Part 1:2013 definitions. SLS ISO 1998 is intended to cover the
Plastics - methods of determining the density of non- purposes of the part of the petroleum industry dealing with
cellular plastics - Immersion method, liquid crude oils and petroleum products, that means all related
pyknometer method and titration method operations arising from the production field to the final
Specifies three methods for the determination of the user. It is not intended to cover either petroleum equipment,
density of non-cellular plastics in the form of void-free or any operation in the field. However, some pieces of
moulded or extruded objects, as well as powders, flakes equipment or some operations of exploration and
and granules. Method A: Immersion method, for solid production are defined. The corresponding terms were
plastics (except for powders) in void-free form. Method introduced only when they appear in a definition of a
B: Liquid pyknometer method, for particles, powders, product or process and when their definition was found
flakes, granules or small pieces of finished parts. Method necessary for understanding or for avoiding any ambiguity.
C: Titration method, for plastics in any void-free form. (=ISO 1998-2:1998)
(=ISO 1183-1:2012) Gr. L
Gr. E
SLS ISO 1998-3:2021
SLS ISO 1461:2017 Petroleum industry - terminology - exploration and
Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and production
steel articles - specifications and test methods Consists of a list of equivalent terms, in use in the
Specifies the general properties of coatings and test petroleum industry to indicate properties of petroleum
methods for coatings applied by dipping fabricated iron products and test methods, together with the corresponding
and steel articles (including certain castings) in a zinc melt definitions. SLS ISO 1998 is intended to cover the
(containing not more than 2 % of other metals). It does purposes of the part of the petroleum industry dealing with
not apply to sheet, wire and woven or welded mesh crude oils and petroleum products, that means all related
products that are continuously hot dip galvanized, tube operations arising from the production field to the final
and pipe that are hot dip galvanized in automatic plants user. It is not intended to cover either petroleum equipment,
and hot dip galvanized products (e.g. fasteners) for which or any operation in the field. However, some pieces of
specific standards exist and which might include additional equipment or some operations of exploration and
requirements or requirements which are different from production are defined. The corresponding terms were
those of this standard. introduced only when they appear in a definition of a
(=ISO 1461:2009) product or process and when their definition was found
Gr. H necessary for understanding or for avoiding any ambiguity.
(=ISO 1998-3:1998) Gr. C
Gr. B
SLS ISO 1998-99:2021
SLS ISO 1998-4:2021 Petroleum industry - terminology - general and index
Petroleum industry - terminology - refining Gives a list of equivalent terms in use in the petroleum
Consists of a list of equivalent terms, in use in the industry, accompanied by the corresponding definitions
petroleum industry to indicate properties of petroleum in the two languages. It was compiled to serve an evident
products and test methods, together with the corresponding need for a ready form of reference document. It therefore
definitions. SLS ISO 1998 is intended to cover the does not include all the possible terms, those terms of
purposes of the part of the petroleum industry dealing with which significance is unambiguous being excluded. SLS
crude oils and petroleum products, that means all related ISO 1998 is intended to cover the purposes of the part of
operations arising from the production field to the final petroleum industry dealing with crude oils and petroleum
user. It is not intended to cover either petroleum equipment, products, that means all related operations arising from
or any operation in the field. However, some pieces of the production field to the final user. It is not intended to
equipment or some operations of exploration and cover either petroleum equipment, or any operation in the
production are defined. The corresponding terms were field. However, some pieces of equipment or some
introduced only when they appear in a definition of a operations of exploration and production are defined. The
product or process and when their definition was found corresponding terms were introduced only when they
necessary for understanding or for avoiding any ambiguity. appear in a definition of a product or process and when
(=ISO 1998-4:1998) their definition was found necessary for understanding or
Gr. G for avoiding any ambiguity.
(=ISO 1998-99:2000)
SLS ISO 1998-5:2021 Gr. H
Petroleum industry - terminology - transport, storage,
distribution SLS ISO 2440:2017
Consists of a list of equivalent terms, in use in the Flexible and rigid cellular polymeric materials -
petroleum industry to indicate properties of petroleum accelerated ageing tests
products and test methods, together with the corresponding Specifies, for flexible and rigid cellular polymeric
definitions. SLS ISO 1998 is intended to cover the materials, laboratory procedures which are intended to
purposes of the part of the petroleum industry dealing with imitate the effects of naturally occurring reactions such as
crude oils and petroleum products, that means all related oxidation or hydrolysis by humidity. The physical
operations arising from the production field to the final properties of interest are measured before and after the
user. It is not intended to cover either petroleum equipment, application of the specified treatments. Test conditions are
or any operation in the field. However, some pieces of only given for open cellular latex, both open- and closed-
equipment or some operations of exploration and cell polyurethane foams, and closed-cell polyolefin foams.
production are defined. The corresponding terms were Conditions for other materials will be added as required.
introduced only when they appear in a definition of a The effect of the ageing procedures on any of the physical
product or process and when their definition was found properties of the material may be examined, but those
necessary for understanding or for avoiding any ambiguity. normally tested are either the elongation and tensile
(=ISO 1998-5:1998) properties, or the compression or indentation hardness
Gr. G properties.
(=ISO 2440:1997)
SLS ISO 1998-6:2021 Gr. D
Petroleum industry - terminology – measurement
Consists of a list of equivalent terms, in use in the SLS ISO 2505:2013
petroleum industry to indicate properties of petroleum Thermoplastics pipes and fittings – longitudinal
products and test methods, together with the corresponding reversion - test method and parameters
definitions. SLS ISO 1998 is intended to cover the specifies a method for determining the longitudinal
purposes of the part of the petroleum industry dealing with reversion of thermoplastics pipes, to be carried out in either
crude oils and petroleum products, that means all related a liquid or in air. In case of dispute, heated liquid is used
operations arising from the production field to the final as the reference. This International Standard is applicable
user. It is not intended to cover either petroleum equipment, to all thermoplastics pipes with smooth internal and
or any operation in the field. However, some pieces of external walls of constant cross-section. It is not applicable
equipment or some operations of exploration and to non-smooth structured-wall thermoplastics pipes. The
production are defined. The corresponding terms were parameters appropriate to the pipe material and
introduced only when they appear in a definition of a recommendations for the maximum levels of reversion as
product or process and when their definition was found a function of the pipe material are given in Annex A.
necessary for understanding or for avoiding any ambiguity. (=ISO 2505:2005)
(=ISO 1998-6:2000) Gr. C
Gr. T
SLS ISO 2507 Part 1:2013
SLS ISO 1998-7:2021 Thermoplastics pipes and fittings - vicat softening
Petroleum industry - terminology - miscellaneous temperature - General test method
terms Specifies a general method for determining the Vicat
Consists of a list of equivalent terms, with the softening temperature of thermoplastics pipes and fittings.
corresponding definitions, in use in the petroleum industry This method is applicable only to thermoplastics materials
and that are not definitely relevant to one of the six for which it is possible to measure the temperature at which
categories of other parts of this Standard. SLS ISO 1998 their rate of softening becomes rapid.
is intended to cover the purposes of the part of the (=ISO 2507-1:1995)
petroleum industry dealing with crude oils and petroleum Gr. B
products, that means all related operations arising from
the production field to the final user. It is not intended to SLS ISO 2528:2020
cover either petroleum equipment, or any operation in the Sheet materials - Determination of water vapour
field. However, some pieces of equipment or some transmission rate (WVTR) - gravimetric (dish) method
operations of exploration and production are defined. The Specifies a method for the determination of the water
corresponding terms were introduced only when they vapour transmission rate (often erroneously called
appear in a definition of a product or process and when “permeability”) of sheet materials. This method is not
their definition was found necessary for understanding or generally recommended for use if the transmission rate is
for avoiding any ambiguity. expected to be less than 1 g/m2 per day or for materials
(=ISO 1998-7:1998) thicker than 3 mm. In such cases the method specified in
ISO 9932 is preferred. The method cannot be applied to thickness and loss in hardness of flexible cellular materials
film materials that are damaged by hot wax or that shrink intended for use in load-bearing applications such as
to an appreciable extent under the test conditions used. upholstery. It provides a means of assessing the service
For some purposes it may be necessary to determine the performance of flexible cellular materials based on rubber
transmission rate of creased material; a procedure for this latex or polyurethane used in load-bearing upholstery. The
is given in Annex A. method is applicable both to standard size test pieces cut
(ISO2528:2017) from slabstock material and to shaped components.
Gr. H (=ISO 3385:2014)
Gr. G
SLS ISO/TR 2822 Part 3:2018
Leather - raw cattle hides and calf skins - guidelines SLS ISO 3509:2020
for grading on the basis of defects Coffee and coffee products- vocabulary
Provides guidelines for the grading of raw cattle hides Defines the most commonly used terms relating to coffee
and calf skins based on visible defects. and its products.
(=ISO/TR 2822-3:2017) (=ISO 3509:2005)
Gr. E Gr. L
SLS ISO 2859 Part 1:2016 SLS ISO 3726:2020
Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Instant coffee - Determination of loss in mass at 70 oc
Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit under reduced pressure
(AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection Described in this International Standard, a temperature of
Specifies an acceptance sampling system for inspection 70 OC and an absolute pressure of 5 000 Pa are used,
by attributes. It is indexed in terms of the acceptance since higher temperatures may Cause decomposition of
quality limit (AQL). carbohydrates normally present in instant coffee, resulting
(=ISO 2859-1:1999) in the formation of water as a reaction product.
Gr. X The drying period of 16 h has been Chosen because tests
on instant coffees representative of those on the market
SLS ISO 3114:2013 demonstrated that no further loss in mass occurred when
Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (pvc) pipes for potable the drying period was extended.
water supply – extractability of lead and tin – test (=ISO 3726:1983)
method Gr. L
Specifies a method of test for the determination of the
extractability of certain stabilizers of unplasticized PVC SLS ISO 3727 Part 1:2020
in order to verify that the extracted quantities do not exceed Butter-Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and
a certain concentration. fat contents – Determination of moisture content
(=ISO 3114:1977) (reference method)
Gr. A Specifies the reference method for the determination of
the moisture content of butter.
SLS ISO 3126:2013 (=ISO 3727-1:2001)
Plastics piping systems - plastic components - Gr. C
determination of dimensions
Specifies methods for measurement and/or determination SLS ISO 3727 PART 2:2020
of the dimensions of plastics pipes and fittings and the Butter - Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and
accuracy of the measurement. It specifies procedures for fat contents – Determination of non-fat solids content
measuring angles, diameters, lengths, squareness and wall (reference method)
thicknesses for the purposes of checking conformity to Specifies the reference method for the determination of
geometric limits. the non-fat solids content of butter.
(=ISO 3126:2005) (=ISO 3727-2:2001)
Gr. K Gr. C
SLS ISO 3210:2015 SLS ISO 3727-3:2020
Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys – Assessment of Butter- determination of moisture, non-fat solids and
quality of sealed anodic oxidation coatings by fat contents – calculation of fat content
measurement of the loss of mass after immersion in Specifies a method for the calculation of the fat content
phosphoric acid / chromic acid solution of butter.
Specifies methods of assessing the quality of sealed anodic (=ISO 3727-3:2003)
oxidation coatings on aluminium and its alloys by Gr. A
measurement of the loss of mass after immersion in
phosphoric acid/chromic acid solution. This Standard SLS ISO 3864 Part 1:2021
consists of the following two methods. Method 1 is Graphical symbols - safety colours and safety signs
applicable to anodic oxidation coatings intended for Establishes the safety identification colours and design
decorative or protective purposes or where resistance to principles for safety signs and safety markings to be used
staining is important. Method 2 is applicable to anodic in workplaces and in public areas for the purpose of
oxidation coatings intended for architectural purposes. For accident prevention, fire protection, health hazard
less severe applications, Method 1 may be more suitable. information and emergency evacuation. It also establishes
(=ISO 3210:2010) the basic principles to be applied when developing
Gr. C standards containing safety signs.
This part of SLS ISO 3864 is applicable to all locations
SLS ISO 3385:2017 where safety issues related to people need to be addressed.
Method of test for Flexible cellular polymeric materials However, it is not applicable to the signalling used for
- Determination of fatigue by constant -load pounding guiding rail, road, river, maritime and air traffic and,
Specifies a method for the determination of loss in generally speaking, to those sectors subject to a regulation
thickness and loss in hardness of flexible cellular materials which may differ.
intended for use in load-bearing applications such as (ISO 3864-1:2011)
upholstery. It provides a means of assessing the service Gr. J
performance of flexible cellular materials based on rubber
latex or polyurethane used in load-bearing upholstery. The SLS ISO 3864 Part 2:2021
method is applicable both to standard size test pieces cut Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs -
from slabstock material and to shaped components. design principles for product safety labels
Specifies a method for the determination of loss in
Establishes additional principles to SLS ISO 3864-1 for SLS ISO 3951 Part 2:2016
the design of safety labels for products, i.e. any items Sampling procedures for inspection by variables -
manufactured and offered for sale in the normal course of General specification for single sampling plans indexed
commerce, including but not limited to consumer products by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot
and industrial equipment. The purpose of a product safety inspection of independent quality characteristics
label is to alert persons to a specific hazard and to identify Primarily designed for use under the following conditions
how the hazard can be avoided. where
This document is applicable to all products in all industries a) the inspection procedure is to be applied to a continuing
where safety-related questions can be posed. However, it series of lots of discrete products all supplied by one
is not applicable to safety labels used for chemicals, for producer using one production process.
the transport of dangerous substances and preparations b) the quality characteristics of the items of product are
and - in those sectors subject to legal regulations which measurable on a continuous scale;
differ from certain provisions of this document. c) the measurement error is negligible. However,
The design principles incorporated in this document are procedures are also provided in Clause 9 and Annex P for
intended to be used by all ISO Technical Committees and accommodating measurement error when it has a non-
anyone designing product safety labels in the development negligible standard deviation;
of product safety label standards for their industries or d) production is stable (under statistical control) and the
services. quality characteristics are distributed, at least to a close
(=ISO 3864 -2:2016) approximation, according to normal distributions;
Gr. K e) in the case of multiple quality characteristics, the
characteristics are independent, or almost independent,
SLS ISO 3864 Part 3:2021 of one another;
Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - f) a contract or standard defines a lower specification
design principles for graphical symbols for use in safety limit, L, an upper specification limit, U, or both on each
signs of the quality characteristics.
Gives principles, criteria and guidance for the design of (=ISO 3951-2:2013)
graphical symbols for use in safety signs as defined in Gr.X
SLS ISO 3864-1, and for the safety sign element of product
safety labels as defined in SLS ISO 3864-2. SLS ISO 3951 Part 3:2016
(ISO 3864 -3:2012) Sampling procedures for inspection by variables -
Gr. P Double sampling schemes indexed by acceptance
quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection
SLS ISO 3864 Part 4:2021 Specifies an acceptance sampling system of double
Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - sampling schemes for inspection by variables for percent
colorimetric and photometric properties of safety sign nonconforming. It is indexed in terms of - the acceptance
materials quality limit (AQL).
Establishes the colorimetric and photometric requirements (=ISO 3951-3:2007)
and test methods for the colours of safety signs to be used Gr. Y
in workplaces and public areas. It provides the colorimetric
and photometric specifications for the named safety and SLS ISO 3951 Part 4:2016
contrast colours prescribed in SLS ISO 3864-1. Sampling procedures for inspection by variables -
The physical requirements that safety signs have to meet Procedures for assessment of declared quality
are primarily related to daytime colour and normally lit levels
environments. This part of SLS ISO 3864 also includes Establishes sampling plans and procedures by variables
the colorimetric requirements and test methods for safety that can be used to assess whether the quality level of an
signs and phosphorescent material which also operate in entity (lot, process, etc.) conforms to a declared value.
unlit environments. (=ISO 3951-4:2011)
This part of SLS ISO 3864 is applicable to all locations Gr. M
where safety issues related to people need to be addressed.
However, it is not applicable to signalling used for guiding SLS ISO 3951 Part 5:2016
rail, road, river, maritime and air traffic and, generally Sampling procedures for inspection by variables -
speaking, to those sectors subject to a regulation that may Sequential sampling plans indexed by acceptance
differ. quality limit (AQL) for inspection by variables (known
The colorimetric and photometric properties of standard deviation)
retroreflective safety signs, retroreflective materials Specifies a system of sequential sampling plans (schemes)
combined with fluorescent or phosphorescent materials, for lot-by-lot inspection by variables. The schemes are
or luminous safety signs activated by a radioactive source indexed in terms of a preferred series of acceptance quality
are not specified in this part of SLS ISO 3864. limit (AQL) values, ranging from 0.01 to 10, which are
(ISO 3864 -4:2011) defined in terms of percent nonconforming items.
Gr. L (=ISO 3951-5:2006)
Gr. R
SLS ISO 3951 Part 1:2016
Sampling procedures for inspection by variables - SLS ISO 4112:2018
Single sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality Method of test for determination of the temperature
limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection for a single quality of cereals and pulses stored in bulk
characteristic and a single AQL Gives guidance on the measurement of the temperature of
Primarily designed for use under the following conditions: grain stored in silos or any other bulk store.
where the inspection procedure is to be applied to a (=ISO 4112:1990)
continuing series of lots of discrete products all supplied Gr. B
by one producer using one production pro cess; where
only a single quality characteristic, x, of these products is SLS ISO 4136:2015
taken into consideration, which must be measurable on a Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials –
continuous scale; where production is stable (under transverse tensile test
statistical control) and the quality characteristic, x, is Specifies the sizes of test specimen and the procedure for
distributed according to a normal distribution or a close carrying out transverse tensile tests in order to determine
approximation to the normal distribution; where a contract the tensile strength and the location of fracture of a welded
or standard defines a lower specification limit, L, an upper butt joint. This standard applies to metallic materials in
specification limit, U, or both. all forms of product with joints made by any fusion welding
(=ISO 3951-1:2013) process.
Gr.X (=ISO 4136:2012)
Gr. E no limitation on the measuring range of air permeance or
air resistance of papers and boards. It is unsuitable for
SLS ISO 4628 Part 1:2018 rough-surfaced materials, which cannot be securely
Paints and varnishes - evaluation of degradation of clamped to avoid leakage.
coatings - designation of quantity and size of defects, (=ISO 5636-6:2015)
and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance - Gr. G
general introduction and designation system
Defines a system for designating the quantity and size of SLS ISO 5682 Part 1:2018
defects and the intensity of changes in appearance of Spraying equipment - test methods for sprayer Nozzles
coatings and outlines the general principles of the system Specifies test methods to assess the performance of sprayer
used throughout ISO 4628. This system is intended to be nozzles with the exception of droplet characteristics.
used, in particular, for defects caused by ageing and Applicable tests by nozzle type are described in an
weathering, and for uniform changes, for example informative annex as a guide, but this is not required for
yellowing. use of this document.
(=ISO 4628-1:2016) (=ISO 5682-1:2017)
Gr. B Gr. Q
SLS ISO 5402-1:2018 SLS ISO 5817:2015
Leather – determination of flex resistance - flexometer Welding - fusion - welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium
method and their alloys (beam welding excluded) – quality
Specifies a method for determining the wet or dry flex levels for imperfections
resistance of leather and finishes applied to leather. It is Provides quality levels of imperfections in fusion-welded
applicable to all types of flexible leather below 3.0 mm in joints (except for beam welding) in all types of steel, nickel,
thickness. titanium and their alloys. It applies to material thickness
(=ISO 5402-1:2017) > 0.5 mm. It covers fully penetrated butt welds and all
Gr. D fillet welds.
(=ISO 5817:2014)
SLS ISO 5633:2018 Gr. N
Paper and board – determination of resistance to water
penetration SLS ISO 6259 Part 1:2013
Specifies a method for the determination of the resistance Thermoplastics pipes - determination of tensile
of paper and board to water penetration under standard properties - General test method
conditions. Specifies a method of determining the tensile properties
(=ISO 5633:1983) of thermoplastics pipes, including in particular stress at
Gr. A yield point and elongation at break. This standard is
applicable to all types of thermoplastics pipe, regardless
SLS ISO 5636 Part 3:2018 of their intended use.
Paper and board – determination of air permeance (=ISO 6259-1:1997)
(medium range) - bendtsen method Gr. D
Specifies the Bendtsen method for determining the air
permeance of paper and board using the Bendtsen SLS ISO 6259 Part 2:2013
apparatus. It is applicable to papers and boards which have Thermoplastics pipes - determination of tensile
air permeances between 0,35 ìm/(Pa·s) and 15 ìm /(Pa·s) properties - Pipes made of unplasticized poly (vinyl
when tested with the Bendtsen apparatus. It is unsuitable chloride), chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride) and high -
for rough-surfaced materials which cannot be securely impact poly (vinyl chloride)
clamped to avoid leakage. Specifies a method of determining the tensile properties
(=ISO 5636-3: 2013) of pipes made of poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U),
Gr. G chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-C) and high –
impact poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-HI), and in particular
SLS ISO 5636 Part 4:2018 the stress at yield and the elongation at break;
Paper and board – determination of air permeance (=ISO 6259-2:1997)
(medium range) - sheffield method Gr. D
Specifies the Sheffield method for determining the air
permeance of paper and board using the Sheffield SLS ISO 6383 PART 1:2021
apparatus. It is applicable to papers and boards which have Plastics - film and sheeting - determination of tear
air permeances between 0,02 ìm/(Pa·s) and 25ìm / (Pa·s) resistance part 1: trouser tear method
when tested with the Sheffield apparatus. It is unsuitable Specifies a method of determining the tear resistance of
for rough-surfaced materials, which cannot be securely plastic film or sheet less than 1 mm thick, in the form of
clamped to avoid leakage. standard trouser-shaped test specimens, tested under
(=ISO 5636-4: 2013) defined conditions of pre-treatment, temperature, humidity,
Gr. G and speed of testing. The method is applicable to film and
sheeting of both flexible and rigid materials, provided that
SLS ISO 5636 Part 5:2018 the material is not so rigid that brittle fracture occurs during
Paper and board – determination of air permeance the test, or so deformable, in an irreversible way, that the
(medium range) - gurley method energy used in the deformation of the specimen legs is
Specifies the Gurley method for determining the air significant (i.e. is not negligible) with respect to the energy
permeance of paper and board using an air resistance tester, used in tearing. The method may not be suitable for
the Gurley apparatus. It is applicable to papers and boards determining the tear properties of cellular sheet and film.
which have air permeances between 0,1 ìm/(PaÅ”s) and (=ISO 6383-1:2015)
100 ìm/(PaÅ”s) when tested with the Gurley apparatus. It Gr. C
is unsuitable for rough-surfaced materials, which cannot
be securely clamped to avoid leakage. SLS ISO 6383 PART 2:2021
(=ISO 5636-5:2013) Plastics Film and sheeting - Determination of tear
Gr. F resistance - Elmendorf method
Specifies a method of determining the force required to
SLS ISO 5636 Part 6:2018 propagate a tear through a specified distance and from a
Paper and board – determination of air permeance specified slit, cut in a test specimen of thin flexible plastic
(medium range) - Oken method sheeting or film, under specified conditions of loading.
Specifies the Oken method for determining the air
permeance and air resistance of paper and board. There is
The upper limit of thickness that can be tested depends on Paper, board and pulps - determination of ph of
the tearing force of the material in relation to the capacity aqueous extracts - hot extraction
of the testing machine. Specifies a method for the determination of the pH-value
Materials that can be tested according to this method defined by the electrolytes extractable by hot water from
include flexible poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC) and polyolefin a sample of paper, board or pulp.
films, but variable elongation and oblique tearing effects (=ISO 6588-2:2020)
on the more extensible films may cause poor Gr. D
reproducibility of test results. This method may not be
suitable for testing more rigid materials such as rigid PVC, SLS ISO 7002:2017
nylon and polyester films. Agricultural food products - layout for a standard
The tear resistance test specified by this method is applied method of sampling from a lot
to specimens cut from semi-finished and finished products. Establishes a general layout for standard methods of
The test is suitable for the control of production and sampling from lots of agricultural products. It gives only
manufactured products as well as for acceptance or generai rules for drafting standard methods of sampling.
rejection testing under specifications for semi-finished and Establishes a general layout for standard methods of
finished products, provided that it has been demonstrated sampling from lots of agricultural products. It gives only
that the data for a particular material are acceptably generai rules for drafting standard methods of sampling.
reproducible. (=ISO 7002:1986)
There is no direct linear relationship between tearing force Gr. J
and specimen thickness. Data from this method are
expressed as tearing force in newtons, with specimen SLS ISO 7010:2021
thickness also reported. Only data obtained at the same Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs -
thickness should be compared because sets of data from registered safety signs
specimens of dissimilar thickness are generally not Prescribes safety signs for the purposes of accident
comparable. prevention, fire protection, health hazard information and
(=ISO 6383-2:1983) emergency evacuation.
Gr. C The shape and colour of each safety sign are according to
SLS ISO 3864-1 and the design of the graphical symbols
SLS ISO 6486 Part 1:2012 is according to SLS ISO 3864-3.
Test method for the determination of Lead-release and Applicable to all locations where safety issues related to
Cadmium-release from ceramic ware, glass-ceramic people need to be addressed. However, it is not applicable
ware and glass dinner ware in contact with food - Test to the signalling used for guiding rail, road, river, maritime
Method and air traffic and, in general, to those sectors subject to a
Specifies a test method for the release of lead and cadmium regulation which may differ with regard to certain points
from ceramic ware, glass-ceramic ware, and glass of this document and of the SLS ISO 3864 series.
dinnerware intended to be used in contact with food, but Specifies the safety sign originals that can be scaled for
excluding porcelain enamel articles. It is applicable to reproduction and application purposes.
ceramic ware, glass-ceramic ware, and glass dinnerware (=ISO 7010:2019)
which is intended to be used for the preparation, cooking, Gr. Z
serving and storage of food and beverages, excluding
articles used in food manufacturing industries or those in SLS ISO 7173:2012
which food is sold. Furniture – chairs and stools determination of strength
(=ISO 6486-1:1999) and durability
Gr. F Describes test methods for determining the strength and
durability of all types of chairs, easy chairs and stools.
SLS ISO 6530:2020 Assessment of ageing and degradation and tests for
Protective clothing - protection against liquid reclining or tilted chairs in the reclined or tilted position
chemicals -test method for resistance of materials to are not included. The tests are designed to be applied to
penetration by liquids an article of furniture that is fully assembled and ready
Specifies a test method for the measurement of indices of for use.
penetration, absorption and repellency for protective (=ISO 7173:1989)
clothing materials against liquid chemicals, mainly Gr. K
chemicals of low volatility.Two levels of the potential
performance of materials are assessed by this method of SLS ISO 7174 Part 1:2012
testing to meet with possible requirements for protection Furniture – chairs – determination of stability - upright
against a) deposition on the surface of a material, at chairs and stools
minimal pressure, of spray droplets up to coalescence or Describes methods for determining the stability of all types
occasional small drips; b) contamination by a single low- of upright chairs, stools and pouffes. It does not apply to
volume splash or low-pressure jet, allowing sufficient time settees and other multiple seating, not to reclining chairs
to divest the clothing or take other action as necessary to when they are reclined, chairs with tilting mechanisms
eliminate any hazard to the wearer from chemical retained when they are tilted, nor to swivelling or rocking chairs.
by the protective garment, or, in circumstances where The methods are, however,
pressure is applied to liquid contaminants on the surface applicable to testing chairs with reclining, tilting and
of the clothing material, as a result of natural movements adjustable beck-angle mechanisms when these are used
of the wearer (flexing of contaminated areas of clothing as upright chairs.
at arms, knees, shoulders) and contact with contaminated (=ISO 7174-1:1988)
surfaces (e.g. walking through sprayed foliage). Gr.C
(=ISO 6530:2005)
Gr. D SLS ISO 7304 Part 1:2020
Durum wheat semolina and alimentary pasta-
SLS ISO 6540:2018 estimation of cooking quality of alimentary pasta by
Method of test for determination of moisture content sensory analysis - reference method
in maize Sets out a method for estimation by sensory analysis of
Specifies the reference method for the determination of the cooking quality of alimentary pasta. Estimation takes
the moisture content of maize grains and ground whole place through the evaluation of the following:
malze. (=ISO 7304-1:2016)
(=ISO 6540:1980) Gr. E
Gr. F
SLS ISO 7304 Part 2:2020
SLS ISO 6588 Part 2:2020
Alimentary pasta produced from durum wheat of the elements antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium,
semolina-estimation of cooking quality by sensory chromium, lead, mercury and selenium from toy materials
analysis - routine method and from parts of toys.
specifies a method for assessing, by sensory analysis, the (=ISO 8124-3:2010)
quality of cooked alimentary pasta in the form of long, Gr. L
solid strands (e.g. spaghetti) or short, hollow strands (e.g.
macaroni) produced from durum wheat semolina, SLS ISO 8124 Part 5:2018
expressed in terms of the starch release, liveliness and Safety of toys - determination of total concentration
firmness characteristics (i.e. texture) of the pasta. It does of certain elements in toys
not apply to pasta in the form of small strands usually Specifies methods of sampling and digestion prior to
consumed in soups. analysis of the total concentration of the elements
(=ISO 7304-2:2008) antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead,
Gr. F mercury, and selenium from toy materials and from parts
of toys.
SLS ISO 7599:2010 (=ISO 8124-5:2015)
Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - general Gr.H
specifications for anodic oxide coatings on aluminium
This standard lays down a method for specifying SLS ISO 8124 Part 6:2018
decorative and protective anodic oxidation coatings on Safety of toys - determination of certain phthalate
aluminium (including aluminium-based alloys). It defines esters in toys and children’s products
the characteristic properties of anodic oxidation coatings, Specifies a method for the determination of di-n-butyl
lists methods of test for checking the characteristic phthalate (DBP), benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), bis-(2-
properties, provides minimum performance requirements, ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), di-n-octyl phthalate
and gives information on the grades of aluminium suitable (DNOP), di-iso-nonyl phthalate (DINP), and di-iso-decyl
for anodizing and the importance of pretreatment to ensure phthalate (DIDP) in toys and children’s products.
the required appearance or texture of the finished work. This Standard is applicable to toys and children’s products
(=ISO 7599:2010) which are made of plastics, textiles, and coatings, etc. This
Gr. L International Standard has been validated for
polyvinylchloride (PVC) plastics, polyurethane (PU)
SLS ISO/TR 7620:2018 plastics, and some representative paint coatings. It might
Rubber materials - chemical resistance also be applicable to other phthalate esters and other
describes a classification system for the reporting and products materials provided that adequate validation is
tabulation of the chemical resistance of rubber materials. demonstrated
It also provide guidance on the testing and evaluation of (=ISO 8124-6:2014)
rubber with particular reference to test chemicals described Gr. P
in a number of ISO standards.
(=ISO/ TR 7620:2005)
Gr. Q SLS ISO 8254 Part 2:2017
Method of testing of paper and board for specular gloss
SLS ISO 7686:2013 - 75º gloss with parellel beam (Din method)
Plastics pipes and fittings - determination of opacity Specifies a photometric test method for the assessment of
Specifies a method for the determination of the opacity of visual gloss by means of a reflectometer value measured
plastics pipes and fittings. at an angle of 75°. It is applicable to plane paper and board
(=ISO 7686:2005) surfaces of gloss levels below 65, measured according to
Gr. B this standard.
(=ISO 8254-2:2016)
SLS ISO 7714:2020 Gr. F
Agricultural irrigation equipment - volumetric valves
- general requirements and test methods SLS ISO 8254 Part 3:2017
Specifies general requirements and test methods for Method of testing of paper and board for specular gloss
volumetric valves able to automatically deliver preset - 20º gloss with a converging beam (Tappi method)
quantities of water. It is applicable to valves actuated by Specifies a method for measuring the specular gloss of
pipeline pressure and flow alone, and which do not need paper and board at an angle of 20° to the normal to the
any other, external, source of energy. paper surface. It is applicable chiefly to highly glossy
(=ISO 7714:2018) surfaces, such as cast-coated, lacquered, highly varnished
Gr. G or waxed papers and high-gloss ink films.
(=ISO 8254-3:2016)
SLS ISO 7971 Part 1:2018 Gr. E
Method of test for determination of bulk density in
cereals - reference method SLS ISO 8559 Part 1:2018
Specifies the reference method for the determination of Size designation of clothes - Anthropometric
bulk density, called “mass per hectolitre”, of cereals as definitions for body measurement
grain. Provides a description of anthropometric measurements
(=ISO 7971-1:2009) that can be used as a basis for the creation of physical and
Gr. D digital anthropometric databases. The list of measurements
specified in this document is intended to serve as a guide
SLS ISO 7971 Part 3:2018 for practitioners in the field of clothing who are required
Method of test for determination of bulk density in to apply their knowledge to select population market
cereals - routine method segments and to create size and shape profiles for the
specifies a routine method for the determination of bulk development of all garment types and their equivalent fit
density, called “mass perhectolitre” of cereals as grain mannequins. The list provides a guide for how to take
using manual or automatic, mechanical, electric or anthropometric measurements, as well as give information
electronic mass per hectolitre measuring instruments. to clothing product development teams and fit mannequin
(=ISO 7971-3:2009) manufacturers on the principles of measurement and their
Gr. G underlying anatomical and anthropometrical bases.
(=ISO 8559-1:2017)
SLS ISO 8124 Part 3:2017 Gr. W
Safety of toys - Migration of certain elements
Specifies maximum acceptable levels and methods of SLS ISO 8559 Part 2:2018
sampling and extraction prior to analysis for the migration
Size designation of clothes - Primary and secondary or types of test specimens, the exposure period to be used
dimension indicators for a particular product, or the interpretation of results.
Specifies primary and secondary dimensions for specified Such details are provided in the appropriate product
types of garments to be used in combination with SLS specifications. The salt spray tests are particularly useful
ISO 8559-1 (anthropometric definitions for body for detecting discontinuities, such as pores and other
measurement). The primary aim of this document is to defects, in certain metallic, organic, anodic oxide and
establish a size designation system that can be used by conversion coatings.
manufacturers and retailers to indicate to consumers (in a (=ISO 9227:2017)
simple, direct and meaningful manner) the body Gr. J
dimensions of the person that the garment is intended to
fit. Provided that the size of the person’s body. SLS ISO 9357:2018
(=ISO 8559-2:2017) Methods of test for determination of tank nominal
Gr.M volume and filling hole diameter in agricultural
SLS ISO 9000:2015 Specifies values for the nominal volume of tanks and
Quality management systems - fundamentals and dimensions of the filling hole of agricultural sprayers. lt
vocabulary applies to hand-held, mounted, trailed of self propelled
Describes the fundamental concepts and principles of equipment with tanks without overpressure for crop
quality management which are universally applicable to protection. lt also gives indications for scale between marks
organizations. It also specifies the terms and definitions for the contents gauge
that apply to all quality management and quality (=ISO 9357:1990)
management system standards. Gr. A
(=ISO 9000:2015)
Gr. UW SLS ISO 9364:2015
Continuous hot-dip 55% aluminium/zinc alloy-coated
SLS ISO 9001:2015 steel sheet of commercial, drawing and structural
Quality management systems - requirements qualities
Specifies requirements for a quality management system Applies to the characteristics of steel sheet of commercial,
when an organization: needs to demonstrate its ability to drawing and structural qualities coated by a continuous
consistently provide products and services that meet hot-dip 55 % aluminium/zinc alloy-coating process. The
customer and applicable statutory and regulatory aluminium/zinc alloy composition by mass is nominally
requirements, and aims to enhance customer satisfaction 55 % aluminium, 1,6 % silicon, and the balance zinc. The
through the effective application of the system, including product is intended for applications where the corrosion
processes for improvement of the system and the assurance characteristics of aluminium coupled with those of zinc
of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and are desired.
regulatory requirements. All the requirements of this (=ISO 9364:2011)
standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to Gr.H
any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the
products and services it provides. SLS ISO TR 9527:2006
(=ISO 9001:2015) Design guidelines – building construction needs of
Gr. NQ differently abled People in buildings
This standard provides guidance on good practice in the
SLS ISO/TS 9002:2016 design of buildings to anticipate and overcome restrictions
Quality management systems – guidelines for the that prevent differently abled people making full use of
application of ISO 9001:2015 premises and their surroundings It covers a wide range of
Provides guidance on the intent of the requirements in impairments and use of a built environment by differently
ISO 9001:2015, with examples of possible steps an abled people.
organization can take to meet the requirements. This (= ISO TR 9527:1994)
document does not prescribe mandatory approaches to Gr.M
implementation, or provide any preferred method of
interpretation. SLS ISO 9597:2011
(=ISO/TS 9002:2016) Test methods for cements - Determination of setting
Gr. RT time and soundness
Specifies the methods for determining standard
SLS ISO 9004:2018 consistence, setting times and soundness of cements. The
Quality management - Quality of an organization - method applies to common cements and to other cements
Guidance to achieve sustained success and materials, the standards for which call up this method.
(Fourth edition) it might not apply to other cement types that have a very
Gives guidelines for enhancing an organization’s ability short initial setting time. The method is used for assessing
to achieve sustained success. It is consistent with the whether the setting time and soundness of a cement is in
quality management principles given in ISO 9000:2015 conformity with its specification. It describes the
and provides a self-assessment tool to review the extent referrence method and allows the use of alternative
to which the organization has adopted the concepts in this procedures and equipment, as indicated, provided that they
document. This document is applicable to any have been calibrated against the reference methods.
organization, regardless of its size, type and activity (=ISO 9597:2008)
(=ISO 9004:2018) Gr. F
Gr. UW
SLS ISO 9606 Part 1:2015
SLS ISO 9227:2017 Qualification testing of welders – fusion welding- Steels
Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres – salt spray Specifies the requirements for qualification testing of
tests welders for fusion welding of steels. It provides a set of
(First revision) technical rules for a systematic qualification test of the
Specifies the apparatus, the reagents and the procedure to welder, and enables such qualifications to be uniformly
be used in conducting the neutral salt spray (NSS), acetic accepted independently of the type of product, location
acid salt spray (AASS) and copper-accelerated acetic acid and examiner or examining body. The welding processes
salt spray (CASS) tests for assessment of the corrosion referred to in this standard include those fusion-welding
resistance of metallic materials, with or without permanent processes which are designated as manual or partly
or temporary corrosion protection. It also describes the mechanized welding. It does not cover fully mechanized
method employed to evaluate the corrosivity of the test and automated welding processes.
cabinet environment. It does not specify the dimensions (=ISO 9606-1:2012)
Gr. Q and resolutions of disputes arising from domestic or cross
border business activities.
SLS ISO 9644:2020 (=ISO 10003:2007)
Agricultural irrigation equipment — test method for Gr. RT
pressure losses in irrigation valves
Applies to manually-activated valves only SLS ISO 10004:2016
Specifies a test method for determining the pressure loss Quality management – customer satisfaction guidelines
in agricultural irrigation valves under steady-state for monitoring and measuring
conditions when water flows through them. The scope and Provides guidance in defining and implementing processes
accuracy of the valve performance specifications presented to monitor and measure customer satisfaction. This
will assist agricultural irrigation system designers in Standard is intended for use by organizations regardless
comparing pressure losses through various types of valves. of type, size or product provided and focus is on customers
The measurement of pressure losses provides a means for external to the organization.
determining the relationship between pressure loss and (=ISO 10004:2012)
flow rate through the valve. This document also describes Gr. NQ
the method of reporting pertinent test data. No attempt is
made to define product use, design or applications. The SLS ISO 10005:2005
test method is suitable for valves with equal inlet and outlet Quality management systems - guidelines for quality
nominal sizes. plans
(=ISO 9644:2018) Provides guidelines for the development, review,
Gr. K acceptance, application and revision of quality plans. This
standard is applicable to quality plans for a process,
SLS ISO 9712:2020 product, project or contract, any product category
Non-destructive testing qualification and certification (hardware, software, processed materials and services) and
of NDT personnel any industry. It is focused primarily on product realization
Specifies requirements for principles for the qualification and is not a guide to organizational quality management
and certification of personnel who perform industrial non- system planning. This is a guidance document and is not
destructive testing (NDT). intended to be used for certification or registration
(=ISO 9712:2012) purposes.
Gr. P (=ISO 10005:2005)
Gr. NQ
SLS ISO 9852:2013
Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) pipes - SLS ISO 10006:2003
dichloromethane resistance at specified temperature Quality management systems - guidelines for quality
(DCMT) test method management in projects
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of Gives guidance on the application of quality management
unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pipes to in projects. It is applicable to projects of varying
dichloromethane at a specified temperature (DCMT). It complexity, small or large, of short or long duration, in
is applicable to all PVC-U pipes, irrespective of their different environments, and irrespective of the kind of
intended use. The method can be used as a rapid means of product or process involved.
quality control during manufacture. (=ISO 10006:2003)
(=ISO 9852:2007) Gr. NQ
Gr. F
SLS ISO/TR 10014:2006
SLS ISO 10001:2016 Quality management - guidelines for realizing financial
Quality management - customer satisfaction - and economic benefits
Guidelines for codes of conduct for organizations Provides guidelines for realizing financial and economic
Provides guidance for planning, designing, developing, benefits from the application of the ISO 9000 quality
implementing, maintaining and improving customer management principles. It provides examples of
satisfaction codes of conduct. This Standard is applicable achievable benefits and identifies management methods
to product related codes containing promises made to and tools that are available to assist with the achievement
customers by an organization concerning its behaviour. of those benefits.
(= ISO 10001:2007) (=ISO/TR 10014:2006)
SLS ISO 10002:2016 SLS ISO/TR 10017:2003
Quality management–customer satisfaction – Quality management guidance on statistical techniques
guidelines for complaints handling in organizations for ISO 9001:2000
(First revision) Provides guidance on the selection of appropriate
Provides guidance on the process of complaints handling statistical techniquies that may be useful to an organization
related to products within an organization, including in developing, implementing, maintaining and improving
planning, design, operation, maintenance, and a quality management system in compliance with ISO
improvement. The complaints-handling process described 9001.
is suitable for use as one of the processes of an overall (=ISO/TR 10017:2003)
quality management system. This Standard is not 26 Pages, Gr. KM
applicable to disputes referred for resolution outside the
organization or for employment-related disputes. SLS ISO 10019:2005
(=ISO 10002:2014) Guidelines for the selection of quality management
Gr. NQ system consultants and use of their services
Provides guidance for the selection of quality management
SLS ISO 10003:2016 system consultants and the use of their services. It is
Quality management – customer satisfaction guidelines intended to assist organizations when selecting a quality
for dispute resolution external to organization management system consultant. It gives guidance on the
Provides guidance for an organization to plan, design, process for evaluating the competence of a quality
develop, operate, maintain and improve an effective and management system consultant and provides confidence
efficient dispute-resolution process for complaints that that the organization’s needs and expectations for the
have not been resolved by the organization. This Standard consultant’s services will be met.
is applicable to: complaints relating to the organization’s (=ISO 10019:2005)
products intended for, or required by, customers, the 13 pages, Gr GJ
complaints handling process or dispute-resolution process
SLS ISO 10231:2014 Specifies a method for determining the resistance to
Motorcycle tyres - test methods for verifying tyre surface abrasion of all glazed ceramic tiles used for floor
capabilities covering.
Specifies test methods for verifying the capabilities of tyres (=ISO 10545-7:1996)
for motorcycles. It is not applicable to tyres with a speed Gr. D
capability below 130 km/h. It is applicable only to road
tyres with speed symbols P and above. The test methods SLS ISO 10545 Part 8:2019
presented in this standard are not intended for gradation Test methods for Ceramic tiles - Determination of
of tyre performance or quality levels. This is also linear thermal expansion
applicable to all motorcycle tyres. Defines a test method for determining the coefficient of
(=ISO 10231:2003) linear thermal expansion of ceramic tiles.
Gr. F (=ISO 10545-8:2014)
Gr. A
SLS ISO 10286:2020
Gas cylinders - terminology SLS ISO 10545 Part 9:2013
Gives the terminology for ISO/TC 58 standards intended Ceramic tiles - Determination of resistance to thermal
to be used under regulations for the transport of dangerous shock
goods that are based on the UN Model Regulations. Specifies a test method for determining the resistance to
Variations from the terminology are permissible to comply thermal shock of all ceramic tiles under normal conditions
with other regulations such as for stationary of use.
(=ISO 10286:2015) (=ISO 10545-9:2013)
Gr. C Gr. B
SLS ISO 10545 Part 1:2019 SLS ISO 10545 Part 10:2013
Ceramic tiles - Sampling and basis for acceptance Ceramic tiles - Determination of moisture expansion
Specifies rules for batching, sampling, inspection and Specifies a method for determining the moisture expansion
acceptance/rejection of ceramic tiles. of ceramic tiles.
(=ISO 10545-1:1995) (=ISO 10545-10:1995)
Gr.C Gr. B
SLS ISO 10545 Part 2:2019 SLS ISO 10545 Part 11:2013
Test methods for Ceramic tiles - Determination-of Ceramic tiles - Determination of crazing resistance for
dimension and surface quality glazed tiles
Specifies methods for determining the dimensional Defines a test method for determining the crazing
characteristics (length, width, thickness, straightness of resistance of all glazed ceramic tiles except when the
sides, rectangularity, surface flatness) and the surface crazing is an inherent decorative feature of the product.
quality of ceramic tiles. (=ISO 10545-11:1994)
(=ISO 10545-2:2019) Gr. B
Gr. G
SLS ISO 10545 Part 12:2013
SLS ISO 10545 Part 3:2019 Ceramic tiles - Determination of frost resistance
Test methods for Ceramic tiles - Determination of Specifies a method for determining the frost resistance of
water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent relative all ceramic tiles intended for use in freezing conditions in
density and bulk density the presence of water.
Specifies methods for determining water absorption, (=ISO 10545-12:1995)
apparent porosity, apparent relative density and bulk Gr. A
density of ceramic tiles.
(=ISO 10545-3:2018) SLS ISO 10545 Part 13:2019
Gr. D Test methods for Ceramic tiles - Determination of
chemical resistance
SLS ISO 10545 Part 4:2019 Specifies a test method for determining the chemical
Test methods for Ceramic tiles - Determination of resistance of ceramic tiles at room temperature. The
modulus of rupture and breaking strength method is applicable to all types of ceramic tiles.
Specifies a test method for determining the modulus of (=ISO 10545-13:2016)
rupture and breaking strength of all ceramic tiles. Gr. E
(=ISO 10545-4:2019)
Gr. D SLS ISO 10545 Part 14:2019
Test methods for Ceramic tiles - Determination of
SLS ISO 10545 Part 5:2013 resistance to stains
Ceramic tiles - Determination of impact resistance by Specifies a method for determining the resistance to stains
measurement of coefficient of restitution of the proper surface of ceramic tiles.
Specifies a test method for determining the impact (=ISO 10545-14:2015)
resistance of ceramic tiles by measuring the coefficient of Gr. D
(=ISO 10545-5:1996) SLS ISO 10545 Part 15:2013
Gr. D Ceramic tiles - Determination of lead and cadmium
given off by glazed tiles
SLS ISO 10545 Part 6:2013 Specifies a method for the determination of lead and
Ceramic tiles - Determination of resistance to deep cadmium given off by the glaze of ceramic tiles.
abrasion for unglazed tiles (=ISO 10545-15:1995)
Specifies a test method for determining the resistance to Gr. B
deep abrasion of all unglazed ceramic tiles used for floor
coverings. SLS ISO 10545 Part 16:2013
(=ISO 10545-6:2010) Ceramic tiles - Determination of small colour
Gr. B differences
Describes a method for utilizing colour measuring
SLS ISO 10545 Part 7:2013 instruments for quantifying the small colour differences
Ceramic tiles - Determination of resistance to surface between plain coloured ceramic tiles, which are designed
abrasion for glazed tiles to be of uniform and consistent colour. It permits the
specification of a maximum acceptable value, which
depends only on the closeness of match and not on the SLS ISO 11265:2021
nature of the colour difference. This is not applicable to Soil quality - determination of the specific electrical
colour variations produced for artistic purposes. conductivity
(=ISO 10545-16:2010) Specifies an instrumental method for the routine
Gr. C determination of the specific electrical conductivity in an
aqueous extract of soil. The determination is carried out
SLS ISO 10988:2018 to obtain an indication of the content of water-soluble
Method of test for knapsack motorized air-assisted electrolytes in a soil. This Standard is applicable to all
sprayers types of air-dried soil samples.
Specifies the requirements, test methods and minimum (=ISO 11265:1994)
performance limits for knapsack motorized air-blast (twin- Gr. B
fluid) sprayers and air-assisted centrifugal sprayers as
defined in ISO 5681. SLS ISO 11292:2020
(=ISO 10988: 2011) Instant coffee- determination of free and total
Gr. K carbohydrate contents- method using high-
performance anion- exchange chromatography
SLS ISO 11114 Part 1:2020 Specifies a method for the determination of free and total
Gas cylinders - compatibility of cylinder and valve carbohydrate contents in instant coffee using high-
materials with Gas contents - metallic materials performance anionexchange chromatography. In
Provides requirements for the selection of safe particular, it determines the content of individual
combinations of metallic cylinder and valve materials and monosaccharides, sucrose and mannitol.
cylinder gas content. The compatibility data given is (=ISO 11292:1995)
related to single gases and to gas mixtures. Seamless Gr. H
metallic, welded metallic and composite gas cylinders and
their valves, used to contain compressed, liquefied and SLS ISO 11545:2020
dissolved gases are considered. Agricultural irrigation equipment - Centre-pivot and
(=ISO 11114-1:2020) moving lateral irrigation machines with sprayer or
Gr. T sprinkler nozzles - Determination of uniformity of
water distribution
SLS ISO 11114 Part 2: 2020 Specifies an in-field method for determining the uniformity
Gas cylinders - compatibility of cylinder and valve of water distribution in the field from Centre-pivot and
materials with gas contents - non - metallic materials moving lateral irrigation machines equipped with sprayer
Guidance in the selection and evaluation of compatibility or sprinkler nozzles.
between non-metallic materials for gas cylinders and The calculation of the coefficient of uniformity is also
valves and the gas contents. It also covers bundles, tubes specified. This Standard is applicable to agricultural
and pressure drums. This part of iso 11114 can be helpful irrigation machines for which the water application device
for composite and laminated materials used for gas is more than 1,5 m above the soil surface and for which
cylinders. It does not cover the subject completely and is the water distribution from successive devices overlaps.
intended to give guidance only in evaluating the It is not applicable to the evaluation of centre-pivot
compatibility of gas/material combinations. irrigation machines equipped with various corner arm
(=ISO 11114-2:2013) application devices.
Gr. G (=ISO 11545:2009)
SLS ISO 11117:2015
Gas cylinders – valve protection caps and valve guards SLS ISO 11734:2017
– design, construction and tests Water quality - evaluation of the “ultimate” anaerobic
Specifies the requirements for valve protection caps and biodegradability of organic compounds in digested
guards for gas cylinders. This defines tests for checking sludge - method by measurement of the Biogas
the mechanical strength and physical properties of the production
valve protection cap or valve guard. It also applies to Specifies a screening method for the evaluation of the
protection devices for valves used on cylinders for biodegradability of organic compounds at a given
liquefied, dissolved or compressed gases and excludes concentration by anaerobic microorganisms. The method
protection devices for cylinders with a water capacity of applies to organic compounds with a known carbon content
5 l or less and cylinders whereby the protection device is and which are soluble in water; poorly soluble in water,
fixed by means of lugs welded or brazed to the cylinder, provided that a method of exact dosing is applicable, not
or is welded or brazed directly to the cylinder. It does not inhibitory to the test microorganisms at the concentration
cover valve protection for breathing apparatus cylinders chosen for the test and inhibitory effects can be determined
and does not specify all the requirements that may be in separate tests or by an additional inhibition assay
necessary to enable the valve protection device to be used (=ISO 11734:1995)
for lifting the cylinder. Gr. G
(=ISO 11117:2008)
Gr. E SLS ISO 11737 Part 1:2020
Sterilization of health care products - microbiological
SLS ISO 11133:2017 methods - determination of a population of
Microbiology of food, animal feed and water – microorganisms on products
preparation, production, storage and performance Specifies requirements and provides guidance on the
testing of culture media enumeration and microbial characterization of the
Defines terms related to quality assurance of culture media population of viable microorganisms on or in a health care
and specifies the requirements for the preparation of product, component, raw material or package.
culture media intended for the microbiological analysis (=ISO 11737-1:2018)
of food, animal feed, and samples from the food or feed Gr. T
production environment as well as all kinds of water
intended for consumption or used in food production. SLS ISO 11817:2020
These requirements are applicable to all categories of Roasted ground coffee - determination of moisture
culture media prepared for use in laboratories performing content-karl fischer method (reference method)
microbiological analyses. It also sets criteria and describes Specifies a method for the determination of moisture
methods for the performance testing of culture media. content of roasted ground coffee by the Karl Fischer
(=ISO 11133:2014) titration method. Since it is precise, it is suitable as a
Gr.X reference method.
(=ISO 11817:1994)
Gr. C performance, reliability and quality of the final result. It
sets out an analytical approach that can be used by a single
SLS ISO 11930:2021 laboratory to carry out chromatographic analyses on a
Cosmetics - microbiology - evaluation of the given sample, or samples.
antimicrobial protection of a cosmetic product (=ISO 12787:2011)
Specifies a procedure for the interpretation of data Gr.H
generated by the preservation efficacy test or by the
microbiological risk assessment, or both, when evaluating SLS ISO 12937:2021
the overall antimicrobial protection of a cosmetic product. Petroleum products - determination of water -
It comprises:- a preservation efficacy test;- a procedure coulometric karl fischer titration method
for evaluating the overall antimicrobial protection of a Specifies a method for the direct determination of water
cosmetic product that is not considered low risk, based on in petroleum products boiling below 390 °C. It covers the
a risk assessment described in ISO 29621. The mass fraction range 0,003 % (m/m) to 0,100 % (m/m). It
preservation efficacy test is a reference method to evaluate is not applicable to products containing ketones or to
the preservation of a cosmetic formulation. It is applicable residual fuel oils. This International Standard may be
to cosmetic products in the marketplace. applicable to lubricating base oils. However, the precision
(=ISO 11930:2019) has not been established for these materials. The precision
Gr. L given in clause 12 is based upon data obtained using dual-
cell, dual-electrolyte systems.
SLS ISO 12236:2017 (=ISO 12937:2000)
Geosynthetics - static puncture test (CBR test) Gr. F
Withdrawn (See SLS 1406-7)
SLS ISO 12944 Part 1:2017
SLS ISO 12439:2016 Paints and varnishes – corrosion protection of steel
Mixing water for concrete structures by protective paint systems - General
Specifies the requirements for water that is suitable for introduction
making concrete in accordance with ISO 22965 (all parts) Deals with the corrosion protection of steel structures by
and describes methods for assessing its suitability. protective paint systems. It covers only the corrosion-
(=ISO 12439:2010) protective function of paint systems. Other protective
(Supersedies SLS 522) functions, like the protection against microorganisms
Gr. G (marine fouling, bacteria, fungi, etc.), chemicals (acids,
alkalis, organic solvents, gases, etc. mechanical action
SLS ISO 12468 Part 1:2016 (abrasion, etc.) and fire are not covered by this standard.
External exposure of roofs to fire - Test method (=ISO 12944-1:1998)
Specifies a test method to determine the resistance of roofs Gr.C
to external exposure to fire. This method evaluates the
behaviour of the roof when exposed to three types of SLS ISO 12944 Part 2:2017
burning brands combined with wind and with or without Paints and varnishes – corrosion protection of steel
heat radiation, concerning the fire spread across the structures by protective paint systems - Classification
external surface of the roof, the fire spread within the roof, of environments
the fire penetration, and the production of flaming droplets Deals with the classification of the principal environments
or debris falling through the roof, from the underside of to which steel structures are exposed, and the corrosivity
the roof, or from the exposed surface. of these environments. It defines atmospheric-corrosivity
(=ISO 12468-1:2013) categories, based on mass loss (or thickness loss) by
Gr.M standard specimens, and describes typical natural
atmospheric environments to which steel structures are
SLS ISO 12468 Part 2:2016 exposed, giving advice on the estimation of the
External exposure of roofs to fire - Classification of corrosivity’, describes different categories of environment
roofs for structures immersed in water or buried in soil and gives
This Standard establishes the classification of roofs tested information on some special corrosion stresses that may
in accordance with SLS ISO 12468-1. Performance criteria cause a significant increase in corrosion rate or place higher
are established with respect to fire penetration or openings demands on the performance of the protective paint
external fire spread and falling of flaming droplets or system.
debris. (=ISO 12944-2:1998)
(=ISO 12468-2:2013) Gr. D
SLS ISO 12944 Part 3:2017
SLS ISO 12572:2016 Paints and varnishes – corrosion protection of steel
Hygrothermal performance of building materials and structures by protective paint systems - Design
products -determination of water vapour transmission considerations
properties Deals with the basic criteria for the design of steel
Specifies a method based on cup tests for determining the structures to be coated by protective paint systems in order
water vapour permeance of building products and the water to avoid premature corrosion and degradation of the
vapour permeability of building materials under isothermal coating or the structure. It gives examples of appropriate
conditions. Different sets of test conditions are specified. and inappropriate design, indicating how problems of
(=ISO 12572:2001) application, inspection and maintenance of paint systems
Gr. N can be avoided. Design measures which facilitate handling
and transport of the steel structures are also considered.
SLS ISO 12787:2017 (=ISO 12944-3:1998)
Cosmetics-analytical methods- validation criteria for Gr. G
analytical results using chromatographic techniques
Standard defines validation criteria with which analytical SLS ISO 12944 Part 4:2017
results obtained from the analysis of cosmetic products Paints and varnishes – corrosion protection of steel
should comply in order to give confidence in performance, structures by protective paint systems - Types of
reliability and quality of the final result. It sets out an surface and surface preparation
analytical approach that can be used by a single laboratory Deals with the following types of surfaces of steel
to carry out chromatographic analyses on a given sample, structures consisting of carbon or low-alloy steel, and their
or samples. Standard defines validation criteria with which preparation: uncoated surfaces; surfaces thermally sprayed
analytical results obtained from the analysis of cosmetic with zinc, aluminium or their alloys;
products should comply in order to give confidence in
hot-dip-galvanized surfaces; zinc-electroplated surfaces; Specifies methods for determining characteristics for
sherardized surfaces; surfaces painted with prefabrication grouts used in the installation of ceramic tiles.
primer; other painted surfaces. (=ISO 13007-4:2013)
(=ISO 12944-4:1998) Gr. L
Gr. L
SLS ISO 13009:2021
SLS ISO 12944 Part 5:2017 Tourism and related services - requirements and
Paints and varnishes – corrosion protection of steel recommendations for beach operation
structures by protective paint systems - Protective Establishes general requirements and recommendations
paint systems for beach operators that offer tourist and visitor services.
Describes the types of paint and paint system commonly It provides guidance for both beach operators and users
used for corrosion protection of steel structures. It also regarding the delivery of sustainable management and
provides guidance for the selection of paint systems planning, beach ownership, sustainable infrastructure and
available for different environments and different surface service provision needs, including beach safety,
preparation grades, and the durability grade to be expected. information and communication, cleaning and waste
The durability of paint systems is classified in terms of removal. This Standard is applicable to beaches during
low, medium and high. the bathing season.
(=ISO 12944-5:2007) (=ISO 13009:2015)
Gr. N Gr. Q
SLS ISO 12944 Part 6:2017 SLS ISO/ TS 13136: 2020
Paints and varnishes – corrosion protection of steel Microbiology of food and animal feed real- time
structures by protective paint systems - Laboratory polymerase chain reaction (pcr)- based method for the
performance test methods detection of foodborne pathogens– horizontal method
Specifies laboratory test methods and test conditions for for the detection of shiga toxin-producing escherichia
the assessment of paint systems for the corrosion protection coil (stec) and the determination of o157, o26, o103
of steel structures. The test results are to be considered as and O145 serogroups
an aid in the selection of suitable paint systems and not as Specification describes the identification of Shiga toxin-
exact information for determining durability. It covers producing Escherichia coli (STEC) by means of the
protective paint systems designed for application to detection of the following genes: a) the major virulence
uncoated steel, hot-dipgalvanized steel and steel surfaces genes of STEC, stx and eae (References [2][3]); b) the
with thermally sprayed zinc coatings. genes associated with the serogroups O157, O111, O26,
(=ISO 12944-6:1998) O103, and O145 (References [3][4]).In any case, when
Gr. F one or both of the stx genes is/are detected, the isolation
of the strain is attempted. The isolation of STEC from
SLS ISO 12944 Part 7:2017 samples positive for the presence of the genes specifying
Paints and varnishes – corrosion protection of steel the serogroups in the scope of this method can be facilitated
structures by protective paint systems - Execution and by using serogroup-specific enrichment techniques (e.g.
supervision of paint work immunomagnetic separation, IMS).
Deals with the execution and supervision of paint work (=ISO/TS 13136:2012)
on steel structures in the workshop or on site. It does not Gr. L
apply to the preparation of surfaces to be painted (see ISO
12944-4) and the supervision of such work, the application SLS ISO 13485:2021
of metallic coatings and pre-treatment methods such as Medical devices – quality management systems
phosphating and chromating and paint application methods requirements for regulatory purposes
such as dipping, powder coating or coil coating. Specifies requirements for a quality management system
(=ISO 12944-7:1998) where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to
Gr. D provide medical devices and related services that
consistently meet customer and applicable regulatory
SLS ISO 12944 Part 8:2017 requirements. Such organizations can be involved in one
Paints and varnishes – corrosion protection of steel or more stages of the life-cycle, including design and
structures by protective paint systems - Development development, production, storage and distribution,
of specifications for new work and maintenance installation, or servicing of a medical device and design
Deals with the development of specifications for corrosion and development or provision of associated activities (e.g.
protection of steel structures, using protective paint technical support). This Standard can also be used by
systems. It relates to new work and maintenance in the suppliers or external parties that provide product, including
workshop or on site and is also applicable to the corrosion quality management system-related services to such
protection of individual components. It concerns the organizations. Requirements of this Standard are
corrosion protection of steel structures exposed to different applicable to organizations regardless of their size and
corrosion stresses by environments such as indoors, open- regardless of their type except where explicitly stated.
air and immersion in water or burial in soil, as well as Wherever requirements are specified as applying to
special stresses, The need for different durability ranges medical devices, the requirements apply equally to
is considered. Steel surfaces that have been hot-dip- associated services as supplied by the organization. The
galvanized, metal-sprayed, zinc-electroplated or processes required by this Standard that are applicable to
sherardized, and previously painted steel surfaces, are also the organization, but are not performed by the organization,
covered by this standard are the responsibility of the organization and are accounted
(=ISO 12944-8:1998) for in the organization’s quality management system by
Gr. R monitoring, maintaining, and controlling the processes. If
applicable regulatory requirements permit exclusions of
SLS ISO 13007 Part 2:2019 design and development controls, this can be used as a
Test methods for ceramic tile adhesives justification for their exclusion from the quality
(First revision) management system. These regulatory requirements can
Specifies methods for determining characteristics for provide alternative approaches that are to be addressed in
adhesives used in the installation of ceramic tiles. the quality management system. It is the responsibility of
(=ISO 13007-2:2013) the organization to ensure that claims of conformity to
Gr.M this Standard reflect any exclusion of design and
development controls. If any requirement in Clauses 6, 7
SLS ISO 13007 Part 4:2019 or 8 of this Standard is not applicable due to the activities
Test methods for ceramic tile grouts undertaken by the organization or the nature of the medical
(First revision) device for which the quality management system is
applied, the organization does not need to include such a Gr. UW
requirement in its quality management system. For any
clause that is determined to be not applicable, the SLS ISO 14005:2016
organization records the justification as described in 4.2.2. Environmental management systems – guideline for
(=ISO/TS 13485:2016) the phased implementation of an environmental
Gr. R management system, including the use of
environmental evaluation
SLS ISO 13732 Part 1:2018 Provides guidance for all organizations, but particularly
Ergonomics of the thermal environment - methods for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), on the
the assessment of human responses to contact with phased development, implementation, maintenance and
surfaces - hot surfaces improvement of an environmental management system. It
Provides temperature threshold values for burns that occur also includes advice on the integration and use of
when human skin is in contact with a hot solid surface. It environmental performance evaluation techniques. This
also describes methods for the assessment of the risks of Standard is applicable to any organization, regardless of
burning, when humans could or might touch hot surfaces its level of development, the nature
with their unprotected skin. of the activities undertaken or the location at which they
(=ISO 13732-1:2006) occur.
Gr. R (=ISO 14005:2010)
Gr. UW
SLS ISO 13787:2016
Thermal insulation products for building SLS ISO 14006:2016
equipment and industrial installations - Environmental management systems – guideline for
determination of declared thermal conductivity incorporating eco design
Establishes the procedure for the determination and Provides guidelines to assist organizations in establishing,
verification of the declared thermal conductivity as a documenting, implementing, maintaining and continually
function of temperature of thermal insulating materials and improving their management of ecodesign as part of an
products used for the insulation of building equipment and environmental management system (EMS). This
industrial installations. International Standard is intended to be used by those
(=ISO 13787:2003) organizations that have implemented an EMS in
Gr. K accordance with ISO 14001, but can help in integrating
ecodesign in other management systems. The guidelines
SLS ISO 14001:2015 are applicable to any organization regardless of its size or
Environmental management systems - requirements activity. This standard applies to those product-related
with guidance for use environmental aspects that the organization can control
Specifies the requirements for an environmental and those it can influence. This standard does not establish
management system that an organization can use to by itself specific environmental performance criteria, and
enhance its environmental performance. This is intended is not intended for certification purposes.
for use by an organization seeking to manage its (=ISO 14006:2011)
environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that Gr. NQ
contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability.
Helps an organization achieve the intended outcomes of SLS ISO 14020:2019
its environmental management system, which provide Environmental labels and declaration - general
value for the environment, the organization itself and principles
interested parties. It is applicable to any organization, Sstablishes guiding principles for the development and
regardless of size, type and nature, and applies to the use of environmental labels and declarations. It is intended
environmental aspects of its activities, products and that other applicable standards in the ISO 14020 series be
services that the organization determines it can either used in conjunction with this International Standard.
control or influence considering a life cycle perspective. (=ISO 14020:2000)
It does not state specific environmental performance Gr.C
criteria. Claims of conformity to this standard, however,
are not acceptable unless all its requirements are SLS ISO 14021:2019
incorporated into an organization’s environmental Environmental labels and declarations - self declared
management system and fulfilled without exclusion. Environmental claims (type ll environmental labelling)
(=ISO 14001:2015) Specifies requirements for self-declared environmental
Gr. NQ claims, including statements, symbols and graphics,
regarding products. It further describes selected terms
SLS ISO 14004:2016 commonly used in environmental claims and gives
Environmental management systems - General qualifications for their use. This Standard also describes
guidelines on implementation a general evaluation and verification methodology for self-
Provides guidance for an organization on the declared environmental claims and specific evaluation and
establishment, implementation, maintenance and verification methods for the selected claims in this
improvement of a robust, credible and reliable International Standard.
environmental management system. The guidance (=ISO 14021:2016)
provided is intended for an organization seeking to manage Gr. N
its environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner
that contributes to the environmental pillar of SLS ISO 14024:2019
sustainability. This Standard helps an organization achieve Environmental labels and declarations – type 1
the intended outcomes of its environmental management environmental labelling – principles and procedures
system, which provides value for the environment, the Establishes the principles and procedures for developing
organization itself and interested parties. Consistent with Type I environmental labelling programmes, including the
the organization’s environmental policy, the intended selection of product categories, product environmental
outcomes of an environmental management system criteria and product function characteristics, and for
include: enhancement of environmental performance; assessing and demonstrating compliance. This document
fulfilment of compliance obligations; achievement of also establishes the certification procedures for awarding
environmental objectives. The guidance in this Standard the label.
can help an organization to enhance its environmental (=ISO 14024:2018)
performance, and enables the elements of the Gr. G
environmental management system to be integrated into
its core business process. SLS ISO 14025:2021
(=ISO 14004:2016)
Environmental labels and declarations - type III nor does it specify methodologies for the individual phases
environmental declarations – principals and of the LCA. It is not intended for contractual or regulatory
procedures purposes or registration and certification.
Establishes the principles and specifies the procedures for (=ISO 14040:2018)
developing Type III environmental declaration Gr.KM
programmes and Type III environmental declarations. It
specifically establishes the use of the SLS ISO 14040 series SLS ISO 14044:2006
of standards in the development of Type III environmental Environmental management - life cycle assessment -
declaration programmes and Type III environmental requirements and guidelines
declarations. Specifies requirements and provides guidelines for life
This Standard establishes principles for the use of cycle assessment (LCA) including the goal and scope
environmental information, in addition to those given in definition of the LCA, the life cycle inventory analysis
SLS ISO 14020. Type III environmental declarations as (LCI) phase, the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA)
described in this International Standard are primarily phase, d) the life cycle interpretation phase, e) reporting
intended for use and critical review of the LCA, f) limitations of the LCA,
in business-to-business communication, but their use in relationship between the LCA phases, and h) conditions
business-to-consumer communication under certain for use of value choices and optional elements. This
conditions is not precluded. Standard covers life cycle assessment (LCA) studies and
This Standard does not override, or in any way change, life cycle inventory (LCI) studies.
legally required environmental information, claims or (=SLS ISO 14044:2006)
labelling, or any other applicable legal requirements. Gr. RT
This Standard does not include sector-specific provisions,
which may be dealt with in other ISO documents. It is SLS ISO 14063:2007
intended that sector-specific provisions in other ISO Environmental management - environmental
documents related to Type III environmental declarations communication - guidelines and examples
be based on and use the principles and procedures of this Gives guidance to an organization on general principles,
International Standard. policy, strategy and activities relating to both internal and
(=ISO 14025:2006) external environmental communication. It utilizes proven
Gr. M and well-established approaches for communication,
adapted to the specific conditions that exist in
SLS ISO 14026:2021 environmental communication. It is applicable to all
Environmental labels and declarations – principles, organizations regardless of their size, type, location,
requirements and guidelines for communication of foot structure, activities, products and services, and whether
print information or not they have an environmental management system in
Provides principles, requirements and guidelines for place. This is not intended for use as a specification
footprint communications for products addressing areas standard for certification or registration purposes or for
of concern relating to the environment. This document the establishment of any other environmental management
also provides requirements and guidelines for footprint system conformity requirements. It can be used in
communication programmes, as well as requirements for combination with any of the ISO 14000 series of standards,
verification procedures. This document does not address or on its own.
the quantification of a footprint, nor does it address the (=ISO 14063:2007)
communication of footprints that are not related to the Gr. NQ
environment, e.g. footprints addressing social or economic
issues. In particular, footprint communications relating to SLS ISO 14064-1:2021
the economic and social dimensions of sustainable Greenhouse gases - Specification with guidance at the
development are outside the scope of this document. organization level for quantification and reporting of
Footprint communications relating to organizations are greenhouse gas emissions and removals
also outside the scope of this document Specifies principles and requirements at the organization
(=ISO 14026:2017) level for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse
Gr. J gas (GHG) emissions and removals. It includes
requirements for the design, development, management,
SLS ISO/TS 14027:2021 reporting and verification of an organization’s GHG
Environmental labels and declarations – development inventory.
of product category rules The ISO 14064 series is GHG programme neutral. If a
Provides principles, requirements and guidelines for GHG programme is applicable, requirements of that GHG
developing, reviewing, registering and updating PCR programme are additional to the requirements of the ISO
within a Type III environmental declaration or footprint 14064 series.
communication programme based on life cycle assessment (=ISO 14064-1:2018)
(LCA) according to SLS ISO 14040 and SLS ISO 14044 Gr. T
as well as SLS ISO 14025, ISO 14046 and SLS ISO/TS
14067. It also provides guidance on how to address and SLS ISO 14064-2:2021
integrate additional environmental information, whether Greenhouse gases - Specification with guidance at the
or not it is based on LCA in a coherent and scientifically project level for quantification, monitoring and
sound manner according to SLS ISO 14025 reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or
(=ISO / TS 14027:2017) removal enhancements
Gr. K Specifies principles and requirements and provides
guidance at the project level for the quantification,
SLS ISO 14040:2006 monitoring and reporting of activities intended to cause
Environmental management – life cycle assessment – greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions or removal
principles and frame work enhancements. It includes requirements for planning a
Describes the principles and framework for life cycle GHG project, identifying and selecting GHG sources,
assessment (LCA) including the goal and scope definition sinks and reservoirs (SSRs) relevant to the project and
of the LCA, the life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) phase, baseline scenario, monitoring, quantifying, documenting
the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) phase, the life and reporting GHG project performance and managing
cycle interpretation phase, reporting and critical review data quality.
of the LCA, limitations of the LCA, relationship between The ISO 14060 family of standards is GHG programme
the LCA phases, and conditions for use of value choices neutral. If a GHG programme is applicable, the
and optional elements.This Standard covers life cycle requirements of that GHG programme are additional to
assessment (LCA) studies and life cycle inventory (LCI) the requirements of the ISO 14060 family of standards.
studies. It does not describe the LCA technique in detail, (=ISO 14064-2:2019)
Gr.M valves specifically for use with transportable refillable
LPG cylinders from 0, 5 l up to 150 l water capacity. It
SLS ISO 14064-3:2021 includes references to associated equipment for vapour
Greenhouse gases - Specification with guidance for the or liquid service.
verification and validation of greenhouse gas (=ISO 14245:2006)
statements Gr. K
Specifies principles and requirements and provides
guidance for verifying and validating greenhouse gas SLS ISO 14362 Part 1:2017
(GHG) statements. It is applicable to organization, project Textiles - methods for determination of certain
and product GHG statements. aromatic amines derived from azo colorants - Detection
The ISO 14060 family of standards is GHG programme of the use of certain azo colorants accessible with and
neutral. If a GHG programme is applicable, requirements without extracting the fibres
of that GHG programme are additional to the requirements Describes a method to detect the use of certain azo
of the ISO 14060 family of standards. colorants that may not be used in the manufacture or
(=ISO 14064-3:2019) treatment of certain commodities made of textile fibres
Gr. U and that are accessible to reducing agent with and without
extraction. The method is relevant for all coloured textiles,
SLS ISO 14065:2021 e.g. dyed, printed and coated textiles.
General principles and requirements for bodies (=ISO 14362-1:2017)
validating and verifying environmental information Gr. P
Specifies principles and requirements for bodies
performing validation and verification of environmental SLS ISO 14362 Part 3:2017
information statements. Any programme requirements Textiles - methods for determination of certain
related to bodies are additional to the requirements of this aromatic amines derived from azo colorants - Detection
document. This document is a sector application of SLS of the use of certain azo colorants, which may release
ISO/IEC 17029:2021, which contains general principles 4-aminoazobenzene
and requirements for the competence, consistent operation Describes a special procedure to detect the use, in
and impartiality of bodies performing validation/ commodities, of certain azo colorants, which may release
verification as conformity assessment activities. This 4-aminoazobenzene, and that are accessible to reducing
document includes sector-specific requirements in addition agent without extraction, particularly concerning textiles
to the requirements of ISO ISO/IEC 17029:2021. made of cellulose and protein fibres (e.g. cotton, viscose,
(=ISO 14065:2020) wool, silk), and accessible by extracting the fibres (e.g.
Gr. P polyester or imitation leather).
The procedure also detects 4-aminoazobenzene (Solvent
SLS ISO 14067:2021 Yellow 1), which is already available as free amine in
Green house gases – carbon footprint of products – commodities without reducing pre-treatment.
requirements and guidelines for qualification (=ISO 14362-3:2017)
Specifies principles, requirements and guidelines for the Gr. H
quantification and reporting of the carbon footprint of a
product (CFP), in a manner consistent with International SLS ISO 14389:2017
Standards on life cycle assessment (LCA) (SLS ISO 14040 Textiles – determination of the phthalate content –
and ISO ISO 14044). Requirements and guidelines for tetrahydrofuran method
the quantification of a partial CFP are also specified. This Specifies a method of determining phthalates in textiles
document is applicable to CFP studies, the results of which with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
provide the basis for different applications (see Clause with mass selective detector. This Standard is applicable
4). This document addresses only a single impact category: to textile products where there is a risk of the presence of
climate change. Carbon offsetting and communication of some phthalates.
CFP or partial CFP information are outside the scope of (=ISO 14389:2014)
this document. Gr. L
(=ISO 14067:2018)
Gr. T SLS ISO 14461 Part 1:2019
Milk and milk products – quality control in
SLS ISO/TS 14071:2021 microbiological Laboratories - analyst performance
Environmental management-lift cycle assessment – assessment for colony counts
critical review process and reviews competencies: Describes a procedure for testing the performance of the
additional requirements and guidelines to SLS ISO colony-count technique within a laboratory by establishing
14044:2006 the within-laboratory variability of its technique and
Provides additional specifications to SLS ISO 14040:2006 identifying those steps that are associated with excessive
and SLS ISO 14044:2006. It provides requirements and variability.
guidelines for conducting a critical review of any type of (=ISO 14461-1:2005)
LCA study and the competencies required for the review. Gr. Q
This Technical Specification provides: -details of a critical
review process, including clarification with regard to SLS SLS ISO 14461 Part 2:2019
ISO 14044:2006; - guidelines to deliver the required Milk and milk products – quality control in
critical review process, linked to the goal of the life cycle microbiological Laboratories – determination of the
assessment (LCA) and its intended use; - content and reliability of colony counts of parallel paltes and
deliverables of the critical review process; - guidelines to subsquent dilution steps
improve the consistency, transparency, efficiency and Describes a routine procedure for the evaluation of results
credibility of the critical review process; - the required of the enumeration of microorganisms using colony-count
competencies for the reviewer(s) (internal, external and methods with subsequent 10-fold dilution steps and one
panel member); - the required competencies to be plate or two parallel plates within each dilution step.
represented by the panel as a whole. (=ISO 14461-2:2005)
(=ISO 14071:2014) Gr. J
Gr. F
SLS ISO 14713 Part 1:2017
SLS ISO 14245:2012 Zinc coatings - Guidelines and recommendations for
Gas cylinders – specifications and testing of LPG the protection against corrosion iron and steel in
cylinder valves – self-closing structures - General principles of design and corrosion
Specifies the requirements for design, specification and resistance
type testing for dedicated LPG self – closing cylinder (First revision)
Provides guidelines and recommendations regarding the used in this standard do not necessarily correspond to the
general principles of design which are appropriate for optimum conditions allowing maximum biodegradation
articles to be zinc coated for corrosion protection and the to occur, but the standard is designed to determine the
level of corrosion resistance provided by zinc coatings potential biodegradability of plastic materials or give an
applied to iron or steel articles, exposed to a variety of indication of their biodegradability in natural
environment. Provides guidelines and recommendations environments.
regarding the general principles of design which are (=ISO 14852:1999)
appropriate for articles to be zinc coated for corrosion Gr. J
protection and the level of corrosion resistance provided
by zinc coatings applied to iron or steel articles, exposed SLS ISO 14853:2017
to a variety of environment. Plastics - determination of the ultimate anaerobic
(=ISO 14713-1:2017) biodegradation of plastic materials in an aqueous
Gr. J system - method by measurement of biogas production
Specifies a method for the determination of the ultimate
SLS ISO 14713 Part 2:2017 anaerobic biodegradability of plastics by anaerobic
Zinc coatings - Guidelines and recommendations for microorganisms. The conditions described in this Standard
the protection against corrosion iron and steel in do not necessarily correspond to the optimum conditions
structures - Hot dip galvanizing for the maximum degree of biodegradation to occur.
Provides guidelines and recommendations regarding the (=ISO 14853:2016)
general principles of design which are appropriate for Gr. N
articles to be hot dip galvanized for corrosion protection.
Provides guidelines and recommendations regarding the SLS ISO 14855 Part 1:2017
general principles of design which are appropriate for Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability
articles to be hot dip galvanized for corrosion protection. of plastic materials under controlled composting
(=ISO 14713-2:2009) conditions - method by analysis of evolved carbon
Gr. J dioxide - General method
Specifies a method for the determination of the ultimate
SLS ISO 14713 Part 3:2017 aerobic biodegradability of plastics, based on organic
Zinc coatings - Guidelines and recommendations for compounds, under controlled composting conditions by
the protection against corrosion iron and steel in measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide evolved
structures - Sherardizing and the degree of disintegration of the plastic at the end
(First revision) of the test. This method is designed to simulate typical
Provides guidelines and recommendations regarding the aerobic composting conditions for the organic fraction of
general principles of design that are appropriate for articles solid mixed municipal waste. The conditions described in
to be sherardized for corrosion protection. Provides this standard may not always correspond to the optimum
guidelines and recommendations regarding the general conditions for the maximum degree of biodegradation to
principles of design that are appropriate for articles to be occur.
sherardized for corrosion protection. (=ISO 14855-1:2012)
(=ISO 14713-3:2017) Gr. K
Gr. D
SLS ISO 14855 Part 2:2017
SLS ISO 14732:2015 Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability
Welding personnel - qualification testing of welding of plastic materials under controlled composting
operators and weld setters for mechanized and conditions method by analysis of evolved carbon
automatic welding of metallic materials dioxide - Gravimetric measurement of carbon dioxide
Specifies requirements for qualification of welding evolved in a laboratory scale test
operators and also weld setters for mechanized and Specifies a method for determining the ultimate aerobic
automatic welding. This Standard does not apply to biodegradability of plastic materials under controlled
personnel exclusively performing loading or unloading of composting conditions by gravimetric measurement of the
the automatic welding unit. This Standard is applicable amount of carbon dioxide evolved. The method is designed
when qualification testing of welding operators and weld to yield an optimum rate of biodegradation by adjusting
setters is required by the contract or by the application the humidity, aeration and temperature of the composting
standard. vessel.
(=ISO 14732:2013) (=ISO 14855-2:2007)
Gr. G Gr. H
SLS ISO 14851:2017 SLS ISO 15105 PART 1:2021
Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability Plastics - film and sheeting - determination of gas -
of plastic materials in an aqueous medium method by transmission rate - differential - pressure methods
measuring the oxygen demand in a closed respirometer Specifies two methods for determining the gas transmission
Specifies a method, by measuring the oxygen demand in rate of single-layer plastic film or sheet and multi-layer
a closed respirometer, for the determination of the degree structures under a differential pressure. One method uses
of aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials, including a pressure sensor, the other a gas chromatograph, to
those containing formulation additives. This standard do measure the amount of gas which permeates through a
not necessarily correspond to the optimum conditions test specimen.
allowing maximum biodegradation to occur, but the (=ISO 15105-1:2007)
standard is designed to determine the potential Gr. F
biodegradability of plastic materials or give an indication
of their biodegradability in natural environments. SLS ISO 15105 PART 2:2021
(=ISO 14851:1999) Plastics - film and sheeting - determination of gas -
Gr. L transmission rate - equal - pressure method
Specifies a method for the determination of the gas-
SLS ISO 14852:2017 transmission rate of any plastic material in the form of
Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability film, sheeting, laminate, co-extruded material or flexible
of plastic materials in an aqueous medium-method by plastic-coated material. Specific examples, currently in
analysis of evolved carbon dioxide use, of the method are described in the annexes.
Specifies a method, by measuring the amount of carbon (=ISO 15105-2:2003)
dioxide evolved, for the determination of the degree of Gr. H
aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials, including
those containing formulation additives. The conditions SLS ISO 15161:2001
Guidelines on the application of ISO 9001:2000 for the (=ISO 15886-4:2019)
food and drink industry Gr. E
SLS ISO 15886 Part 3:2020
SLS ISO 15189:2014 Agricultural irrigation equipment - sprinklers -
Medical laboratories – requirements for quality and Characterization of distribution and test methods
competence Specifies the conditions and methods used for testing and
(First revision) characterizing the water distribution patterns of irrigation
Specifies requirements for quality and competence in sprinklers. The term sprinkler is used in this standard in a
medical laboratories which can be used by medical broad generic sense and is meant to cover a wide variety
laboratories in developing their quality management of products as classified by ISO 15886-1. The specific
systems and assessing their own competence. It can also performance measurements addressed include distribution
be used for confirming or recognizing the competence of uniformity, wetted radius, and water jet trajectory height.
medical laboratories by laboratory customers, regulating This standard applies to all irrigation sprinkler
authorities and accreditation bodies. classifications for which these three performance
(=ISO 15189:2012) measurements are required to verify the design objectives
50 Pages, Gr. UW as defined by the manufacturer. This part of ISO 15886
deals both with indoor and outdoor tests and with radial
SLS ISO 15190:2021 and full grid tests. It is organized so as to deal with
Medical laboratories - requirements for safety conditions common to all tests first and then with
Specifies requirements for safe practices in the medical conditions unique to indoor testing only and finally with
laboratory (herein after referred to as “the laboratory”). conditions unique to outdoor testing only. For any given
(=ISO 15190:2020) sprinkler, a wide range of nozzle configurations, operating
Gr. W conditions, and adjustments generate at least a theoretical
need for a correspondingly large number of tests. Testing
SLS ISO 15270:2018 agencies and manufacturers may use interpolation
Plastics - guidelines for the recovery and recycling of techniques to reduce the number of actual test runs
plastics waste provided accuracy standards are still being met. This part
Provides guidance for the development of standards and of ISO 15886 does not address the specific performance
specifications covering plastics waste recovery, including testing required for sprinklers intended for use in frost
recycling and establishes the different options for the protection. This part of ISO 15886 does not address the
recovery of plastics waste arising from pre-consumer and topic of drop spectrum measurement and characterization
post-consumer sources as illustrated diagrammatically in and the related questions of soil compaction, spray drift,
Annex A of the standard. The standard also establishes evaporative losses, etc., all of which can be considerations
the quality requirements that should be considered in all in the design of sprinkler irrigation systems. To apply this
steps of the recovery process, and provides general part of ISO 15886 for evaluating irrigation coverage, all
recommendations for inclusion in material standards, test sprinklers must be identical and arranged in a fixed
standards and product specifications. Consequently, the repeating geometric pattern. This part of the standard does
process stages, requirements, recommendations and not apply to moving systems. This part of ISO 15886
terminology presented in this standard are intended to be applies to part-circle sprinklers provided that the testing
of general applicability. agency can satisfy questions of potential anomalies in
(=ISO 15270:2008) performance parameters. Annex A addresses the
Gr. G procedures for the characterization of sprinkler pattern
uniformity. Annex B addresses testing part-circle
SLS ISO 15496:2019 sprinklers.
Textiles – measurement of water vapour permeability (=ISO 15886-3:2012)
of textiles for the purpose of quality control Gr. J
Describes a comparatively simple method for testing the
water vapour permeability of textiles that will provide the SLS ISO 15886 Part 4:2020
manufacturer with a clearly recognized method for quality Irrigation equipment - irrigation sprinklers - test
control within the plant. methods for durability
(=ISO 15496:2018) Specifies the conditions and methods for testing the
Gr. G durability of rotating sprinklers for irrigation. The term
sprinkler is used here in a broad generic sense and is meant
SLS ISO 15614 Part 1:2015 to cover a wide variety of products as classified in ISO
Specification and qualification of welding procedures 15886-1, which applies to all irrigation sprinkler
for metallic materials - welding procedure test - Arc classifications having both static parts and moving parts
and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and during operation, as defined by the manufacturer.
nickel alloys For any given sprinkler, a wide range of nozzle
Specifies how a preliminary welding procedure configurations, operating conditions, and adjustments
specification is qualified by welding procedure tests. This generates at least a theoretical need for a correspondingly
standard defines the conditions for the execution of large number of tests. Testing agencies and manufacturers
welding procedure tests and the range of qualification for can use interpolation techniques to reduce the number of
welding procedures for all practical welding operations actual test runs, provided accuracy standards are still being
within the range of variables listed in the standard. met.
(=ISO 15614-1:2004) (=ISO 15886-4:2019)
Gr. P Gr. E
SLS ISO 15886 Part 1:2020 SLS ISO 15985:2017
Agricultural irrigation equipment - sprinklers - Plastics - determination of the ultimate anaerobic
Definition of terms and classification Biodegradation under high - solids anaerobic -
Defines terms related to irrigation sprinklers and specifies digestion Conditions - method by analysis of released
the classification of sprinklers according to the following biogas
categories: physical factors; characteristics of the water Specifies a method for the evaluation of the ultimate
spray; the mechanism for anaerobic biodegradability of plastics based on organic
operation and water distribution; the mechanism for compounds under high-solids anaerobic-digestion
sealing; the intended use; additional functions incorporated conditions by measurement of evolved biogas at the end
into the sprinkler. The scope is intentionally broad to cover of the test. This method is designed to simulate typical
the widest possible range of sprinkler construction, anaerobic digestion conditions for the organic fraction of
performance, and intended-use alternatives. mixed municipal solid waste. The test material is exposed
in a laboratory test to a methanogenic inoculum derived SLS ISO/TR 16218:2021
from anaerobic digesters operating only on pretreated Packaging and the environment - processes for
household waste. The anaerobic decomposition takes place chemical recovery
under highsolids (more than 20 % total solids) and static Several processes for chemical recovery of used packaging
non-mixed conditions. The test method is designed to yield are considered to be material recycling. The focus of this
the percentage of carbon in the test material and its rate of Technical Report is for used packaging, although the
conversion to evolved carbon dioxide processes described are not specific for used packaging
and methane (biogas). and can be used for recovery of other materials of same
(=ISO 15985:2014) type. Processes for chemical recovery of used packaging
Gr. E are applicable for plastic packaging or biomass-based
packaging, which might be interpreted in two different
SLS ISO 16002:2018 ways:- processes to recover valuable chemical substances
Method of test for the detection of infestation in stored by chemical treatment of used packaging, for example, to
cereals and pulses by trapping of live invertebrates recover monomers of polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
Describes methods for the detection by trapping of live by hydrolysis, glycolysis or methanolysis, to recover oil
invertebrates in cereal grains and pulses stored in bags or by catalytic reaction or pyrolysis, to recover valuable gases
in bulk. such as hydrogen by gasification, to recover coke, oil and
(=ISO 16002:2004) gasses by cokefaction; - processes to directly substitute
Gr. G used packaging for natural resources without chemical
pretreatment, for example, flakes of used plastic packaging
SLS ISO 16069:2021 may use in blast furnace in the place of coke as a reducing
Graphical symbols - Safety signs - Safety way guidance agent. Examples and key characteristics of chemical
systems (SWGS) recovery processes are given in Annexes A to E.
Describes the principles governing the design and (=ISO/TR 16218:2013)
application of visual components used to create a safety Gr. F
way guidance system (SWGS).
This document contains general principles valid both for SLS ISO 16260:2018
electrically powered and for phosphorescent components. Paper and board - determination of internal bond
Special information which is related to the type of strength
component is given to assist in defining the environment Describes a method to measure the energy required to
of use, choice of material, layout, installation and rapidly delaminate a test piece of paper or board. Rupture
maintenance of SWGS. of the test piece in the “Z” or thickness direction is initiated
This document does not cover risk assessment. by a pendulum having a defined mass, moving at a defined
Applications with different risks to the occupants typically velocity.
require different layouts and types of SWGS. The specific (=ISO 16260:2016)
application and exact final design of SWGS is entrusted Gr. H
to those persons responsible for this task.
This document also does not include the special SLS ISO 16373 Part 1:2017
considerations of possible tactile or audible components Textiles - dyestuffs - General principles of testing
of SWGS, nor does it include requirements for high Coloured textiles for dyestuff identification
mounted components of the emergency escape route Gives the definition of the colourant classes and the
lighting, especially the design and application of relationship to textile fibres and some procedures to
emergency escape route lighting. identify qualitatively the colourant class used in textile
This document is intended, by collaboration and material.
coordination, to be used by all other Technical Committees (=ISO 16373-1:2015)
within ISO and IEC charged with developing SWGS for Gr. J
their specific requirements. This document is not to be
used for ships falling under regulations of the International SLS ISO 16373 Part 3:2017
Maritime Organization (IMO). Textiles - dyestuffs - Method for determination of
(ISO 16069:2017) certain carcinogenic dyestuffs (method using
Gr. R triethylamine/methanol)
Specifies a method for the detection and quantitative
SLS ISO/TS 16095:2019 determination of the presence of carcinogenic dyestuffs
Reclaimed rubber derived from products containing as listed in the standard in dyed, printed or coated textile
mainly natural rubber - evaluation procedure products by chromatographic analysis of their extracts.
Specification defines - the physical and chemical tests on (=ISO 16373-3:2014)
raw reclaimed natural rubber, and - the standard materials, Gr. N
standard test formulations, equipment, and processing
methods for evaluating the vulcanization characteristics, SLS ISO/IEC 17000:2021
and the mechanical properties of reclaimed natural rubber Conformity assessment - vocabulary and general
(=ISO /TS 16095:2014) principles
Gr.C (First Revision)
Specifies general terms and definitions relating to
SLS ISO 16128 Part 1:2017 conformity assessment (including the accreditation of
Guidelines on technical definitions and criteria for conformity assessment bodies) and to the use of conformity
natural and organic cosmetic ingredients and products assessment to facilitate trade. The general principles of
- definitions for ingredients conformity assessment and a description of the functional
Provides guidelines on definitions for natural and organic approach to conformity assessment are provided in Annex
cosmetic ingredients. In addition to natural and organic A. Conformity assessment interacts with other fields such
ingredients, other ingredient categories which may be as management systems, metrology, standardization and
necessary for natural and organic product development statistics. The boundaries of conformity assessment are
are defined with associated restrictions. It does not address not defined in this document.
product communication (e.g. claims and labelling), human (=ISO/IEC 17000:2020)
safety, environmental safety and socio-economic Gr. L
considerations (e.g. fair trade), and the characteristics of
packaging materials or regulatory requirements applicable SLS ISO/IEC 17011:2018
for cosmetics Conformity assessment – requirements for
(=ISO 16128-1:2016) accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment
Gr. F bodies

Specifies requirements for the competence, consistent (=ISO/ IEC 17024:2012)
operation and impartiality of accreditation bodies assessing Gr. L
and accrediting conformity assessment bodies.
(ISO/IEC 17011:2017) SLS ISO/IEC 17025:2018
Gr. NQ General requirements for the competence of testing
and calibration laboratories
SLS ISO/IEC 17020:2018 Specifies the general requirements for the competence,
Conformity assessment - requirements for the impartiality and consistent operation of laboratories. It is
operation of various types of bodies performing applicable to all organizations performing laboratory
inspection activities, regardless of the number of personnel.
Contains requirements for the competence of bodies Laboratory customers, regulatory authorities,
performing inspection and for the impartiality and organizations and schemes using peer-assessment,
consistency of their inspection activities. accreditation bodies, and others use this document in
(=ISO/IEC 17020:2012) confirming or recognizing the competence of laboratories.
Gr. GJ (=ISO/IEC 17025:2017)
Gr. NQ
SLS ISO/IEC 17021 Part 1:2018
Conformity assessment - requirements for bodies SLS ISO/IEC TS 17027:2018
providing audit and certification of management Conformity assessment - vocabulary related to
systems - requirements Competence of persons used for certification of persons
Requirements for the competence, consistency and Specifies terms and definitions related to the competence
impartiality of bodies providing audit and certification of of persons used in the field of certification of persons, in
all types of management systems order to establish a common vocabulary. These terms and
(=ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015) definitions can also be used as applicable in other
Gr. RT documents specifying competence of persons, such as
regulations, standards, certification schemes, research,
SLS ISO/IEC TS 17021-9:2021 training, licensing and registration.
Conformity assessment - requirements for bodies (=ISO/IEC TS 17027:2014)
providing audit and certification of management Gr. F
systems - competence requirements for auditing and
certification of anti-bribery management systems SLS ISO/IEC 17030:2019
This document complements the existing requirements of Conformity assessment - General requirements for
SLS ISO/IEC 17021-1. It includes specific competence third-party marks of conformity
requirements for personnel involved in the certification provides general requirements for third-party marks of
process for anti-bribery management systems (ABMS) conformity, including their issue and use.
(=ISO/IEC TS 17021-9:2016) (=ISO/IEC TS 17030:2003)
Gr. C Gr. C
SLS ISO/IEC TS 17021-10:2021 SLS ISO 17034:2019
Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies General requirements for the competence of reference
providing audit and certification of management material producers
systems - Specifies general requirements for the competence and
competence requirements for auditing and certification consistent operation of reference material producers. This
of occupational health and safety management systems International Standard sets out the requirements in
Specifies additional competence requirements for accordance with which reference materials are produced.
personnel involved in the audit and certification process It is intended to be used as part of the general quality
for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management assurance procedures of the reference material producer.
system and complements the existing requirements of SLS This International Standard covers the production of all
ISO/IEC 17021-1. Three types of personnel and reference materials, including certified reference materials
certification functions are defined: - auditors; - personnel (=ISO 17034:2016)
reviewing audit reports and making certification decisions; Gr. M
- other personnel.
NOTE This document is applicable for auditing and SLS ISO/IEC 17040:2018
certification of an OH&S management system based on Conformity assessment – general requirements for peer
SLS ISO 45001. It can also be used for other OH&S assessment of conformity assessment bodies and
applications. Accreditation bodies
(=ISO/IEC TS 17021–10:2018) Specifies the general requirements for the peer assessment
Gr. E process to be carried out by agreement groups of
accreditation bodies or conformity assessment bodies. It
SLS ISO/IEC TS 17023:2018 addresses the structure and operation of the agreement
Conformity assessment - Guidelines for determining group only insofar as they relate to the peer assessment
the Duration of management system Certification process
audits (=ISO/IEC 17040:2005)
Provides guidelines for determining the duration of Gr. G
management system certification audits, to the bodies
providing audit and certification of management systems SLS ISO/IEC 17043:2019
and to those that develop and maintain certification conformity assessment - general requirements for
schemes. proficiency testing
(=ISO/IEC 17023:2013) Specifies general requirements for the competence of
Gr.DF providers of proficiency testing schemes and for the
development and operation of proficiency testing schemes.
SLS ISO/ IEC 17024:2018 These requirements are intended to be general for all types
Conformity assessment – general requirements for of proficiency testing schemes, and they can be used as a
bodies operating certification of persons basis for specific technical requirements for particular
specifies the general requirements for the peer assessment fields of application.
process to be carried out by agreement groups of (=ISO/ IEC 17043:2010)
accreditation bodies or conformity assessment bodies. It Gr. R
addresses the structure and operation of the agreement
group only insofar as they relate to the peer assessment SLS ISO/IEC 17050 Part 1:2019
Conformity assessment - supplier’s declaration of substances or materials which cause problems or inhibit
conformity - general requirements the recycling process, or which have a negative influence
Specifies general requirements for a supplier’s declaration on the quality of recycled material, where technical
of conformity in cases where it is desirable, or necessary, solutions are not expected to be developed in the near
that conformity of an object to the specified requirements future. These examples are, however, qualified by the fact
be attested, irrespective of the sector involved. For the that the recycling operations can vary regionally, that
purposes of this part of ISO/IEC 17050, the object of a technology is constantly changing, and that the use to
declaration of conformity can be a product, process, which the recycled material is put will also determine
management system, person or body whether the presence of such substances and materials is
(=ISO/IEC 17050-1:2004) a problem.
Gr. C (=ISO/TR 17098:2013)
Gr. H
SLS ISO IEC 17050 Part 2:2019
Conformity Assessment - supplier’s declaration of SLS ISO 17232:2018
conformity - supporting documents Leather – physical and mechanical tests determination
Specifies general requirements for supporting of heat resistance of patent leather
documentation to substantiate a supplier’s declaration of Specifies two methods for determining the heat resistance
conformity, as described in ISO/IEC 17050-1. The object of patent leather.Method A makes use of a modified
of a declaration of conformity can be a product, process, lastometer, while Method B uses the “Zwik” apparatus.
management system, person or body. Both methods are applicable to patent leathers for all end
(=ISO/IEC 17050-2:2004) uses.
Gr. A (=ISO 17232:2017)
Gr. D
SLS ISO/IEC 17065:2019
Conformity assessment - requirements for bodies SLS ISO 17233:2018
certifying products, processes and services Leather – physical and mechanical tests determination
Contains requirements for the competence, consistent of cold crack temperature of surface coatings
operation and impartiality of product, process and service Specifies a method for determining the cold crack
certification bodies. Certification bodies operating to this temperature of surface coatings applied to leather. It is
International Standard need not offer all types of products, applicable to all leathers which have a surface coating and
processes and services certification. Certification of which can be easily flexed.
products, processes and services is a third-party conformity (=ISO 17233:2017)
assessment activity (see SLS ISO/IEC 17000:2004, Gr. E
definition 5.5).
(=ISO 17065:2012) SLS ISO /TR 17276:2017
Gr. N Cosmetics-Analytical Approach for screening and
quantification methods for heavy metals in cosmetics
SLS ISO/IEC 17067:2019 Introduces most common and typical analytical approaches
Conformity assessment- fundamentals of product for screening and quantification of heavy metals of general
Certification and guidelines for product certification interest at both raw material and finished product level. It
schemes covers techniques from traditional colourimetric reaction,
Describes the fundamentals of product certification and which can be executed without expensive instrument to
provides guidelines for understanding, developing, the high-end one, like that of inductively coupled plasma-
operating or maintaining certification schemes for massspectrometry (ICP-MS), which allows detection of
products, processes and services. elements at ?g/kg level. Thus, it covers the advantages
It is intended for use by all with an interest in product and disadvantages of each analytical technique so that a
certification, and especially by certification scheme suitable approach can be chosen
owners. (=ISO/TR 17276:2014)
(=ISO /IEC 17067:2013) Gr J
Gr. G
SLS ISO 17516:2017
SLS ISO 17075 Part 1:2018 Cosmetics - microbiological limits
Leather – chemical determination of chromium (vi) Applicable for all cosmetics and assists interested parties
content in leather - Colorimetric method in the assessment of the microbiological quality of the
Specifies a method for determining chromium(VI) in products. Microbiological testing does not need to be
solutions leached from leather under defined conditions. performed on those products considered to be
The method described is suitable to quantify the microbiologically low risk.
chromium(VI) content in leathers down to 3 mg/kg. This (=ISO 17516:2014)
document is applicable to all leather types. Gr.C
(=ISO 17075-1:2017)
Gr. F SLS ISO 17636 Part 1:2015
Non-destructive testing of welds – radiographic testing
SLS ISO 17075 Part 2:2018 - X - and gamma-ray techniques with film
Leather – chemical determination of chromium (vi) Specifies techniques of radiographic examination of fusion
content in leather - Chromatographic method welded joints in metallic materials using industrial
Specifies a method for determining chromium(VI) in radiographic film techniques. Applies to the joints of plates
solutions leached from leather under defined conditions. and pipes and covers other cylindrical bodies such as tubes,
The method described is suitable to quantify the penstocks, boiler drums, and pressure vessels. does not
chromium(VI) content in leathers down to 3 mg/kg. This specify acceptance levels for any of the indications found
document is applicable to all leather types. on the radiographs.
(=ISO 17075-2:2017) (=ISO 17636-1:2013)
Gr.H Gr. P
SLS ISO/TR 17098:2021 SLS ISO 17637:2015
Packaging material recycling - report on substances Non-destructive testing of welds - visual testing of
and materials which may impede recycling fusion-welded joints
Provides a non-exhaustive overview of substances and Covers the visual testing of fusion welds in metallic
materials that may cause a sustained impediment to materials. It may also be applied to visual testing of the
recycling activities and is intended to assist in the joint prior to welding.
assessment requirements set out in SLS 1469. It describes (=ISO 17637:2003)
Gr. E Specifies a test method for determining the propensity of
a material to cause discolouration of another material when
SLS ISO 17639:2015 stored in close contact. This method is applicable to all
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - materials which are used in intimate contact to adhesives
macroscopic and microscopic examination of welds which are used to bond them.
Gives recommendations for specimen preparation, test (=ISO 17701:2016)
procedures and their main objectives for macroscopic and Gr. B
microscopic examination.
(=ISO 17639:2003) SLS ISO 17704:2019
Gr. E Footwear-test methods for uppers, linings and insocks
-abrasion resistance
SLS ISO 17694:2019 specifies a test method for determining the resistanceof
Footwear - test methods for uppers and lining – flex uppers, linings and insocks irrespective of the material, to
resistance wet and dry abrasion, in order to assess the suitability for
Specifies a test method for determining the flex resistance the end use.
of uppers and linings irrespective of the material in order (=ISO 17704:2004)
to assess the suitability for the end use. Gr. D
(=ISO 17694:2016)
Gr. C SLS ISO 17706:2019
Footwear – test methods for uppers – tensile strength
SLS ISO 17695:2019 and elongation
Footwear - test methods for uppers - deformability Specifies a test method for determining the force required
Specifies a test method for determining deformability of to break a test specimen from uppers irrespective of the
uppers or complete upper assembly, irrespective of the material, in order to asses the suitability for the end use.
material, in order to assess the suitability for the end use. (=ISO 17706:2003)
(=ISO 17695:2004) Gr. C
Gr. B
SLS ISO 17707:2019
SLS ISO 17696:2019 Footwear - test methods for outsoles - flex resistance
Footwear - test methods for uppers, linings and insocks Specifies a method for determining the flex resistance of
tear strength outsoles. This method is intended to assess the effect of
Specifies a test method for assessing the tear strength of sole materials and surface patterns on cut growth. This
upper, linings and insocks or complete upper assembly, method is applied to outsoles that, in accordance with the
irrespective of material, in order to assess the suitability test mentioned in Clause 6, have a maximum longitudinal
for the end use rigidity of 30 N.
(=ISO 17696:2004) (=ISO 17707:2005)
Gr.C Gr. D
SLS ISO 17697:2019 SLS ISO/TS 17919:2020
Footwear – test methods for uppers, lining and insocks Microbiology of food, animal feed and environmental
seam strength samples – polymerase chain reaction (pcr) for the
Specifies two test methods for determining the seam detection of food borne pathogens – detection of
strength of uppers, lining or insocks, irrespective of the botulinum type a, b, e and f Neurotoxin-producing
material, in order to assess the suitability for the end use. clostridia
(=ISO 17697:2016) Specification specifies a horizontal method for the
Gr. E molecular detection of clostridia carrying botulinum
neurotoxin A, B, E, and F genes by a PCR method. This
SLS ISO 17698:2019 method detects the genes and not the toxins, therefore a
Footwear – test methods for uppers – delamination positive result does not necessarily mean the presence of
resistance these toxins in the sample investigated. This Technical
Specifies a test method for determining the delamination Specification is applicable to products for human
resistance of uppers made from coated material, in order consumption, animal feed, and environmental samples.
to assess the suitability for the end use. (=ISO/TS 17919:2013)
(=ISO 17698:2016) Gr. T
Gr. D
SLS ISO 17925:2018
SLS ISO 17699:2019 Zinc and/or aluminium based coatings on steel –
Footwear – test methods for uppers and lining water determination of coating mass per unit area and
vapour permeability and absorption chemical composition - gravimetry, inductively coupled
Specifies two test methods for assessing, respectively, the plasma atomic emission spectrometry and flame atomic
water vapour permeability and the water vapour absorption absorption spectrometry
of uppers or complete upper assembly irrespective of the Specifies methods of determining the coating mass per
material, in order to assess the suitability for the end use. unit area by gravimetry and chemical composition on one
(=ISO 17699:2003) side-surface of zinc- and/or aluminium-based coatings on
Gr. E steel by means of inductively coupled plasma atomic
emission spectrometric or flame atomic absorption
SLS ISO 17700:2019 spectrometry. For example, this test method applies for
Footwear - test methods for upper components and zinc and/or aluminium based coatings on steel such as
insocks - colour fastness to rubbing and bleeding galvanize (hot dip and electrolytic), galvaneal (hot-dip),
This document specifies three test methods (method A, zinc-nickel electrolytic, zinc-5 % aluminium coating (hot-
method B and method C) for assessing the degree of dip) and zinc - 55 % aluminium coating (hot-dip).
transfer of a material’s surface colour during dry or wet Galvanizing gives a pure zinc coating. Galvanealling gives
rubbing and a method (method D) for determining the a zinc-iron alloyed coating. Zinc-nickel electrolytic
likelihood of colour bleeding. methods give zinc-nickel alloyed coatings. This method
(=ISO 17700:2019) is applicable to zinc contents between 40 % (mass fraction)
Gr. H and 100 % (mass fraction); aluminium contents between
0,02 % (mass fraction) and 60 % (mass fraction); nickel
SLS ISO 17701:2019 contents between 7 % (mass fraction) and 20 % (mass
Footwear – test methods for uppers, lining and insocks fraction); iron contents between 0,2 % (mass fraction) and
– colour migration 20 % (mass fraction); silicon contents between 0,2 % (mass
fraction) and 10 % (mass fraction); lead contents between (=ISO 18782:2015)
0,005 % (mass fraction) and 2 % (mass fraction). For Gr.H
example, the applicable elements for these products are
as follows: galvanizing is specified for iron and aluminium; SLS ISO 18787:2020
galvanealling is specified for zinc, iron and aluminium; Method of test for determination of water activity in
zinc-nickel electrolytic methods are specified for zinc, iron food and animal feeding stuffs
and nickel; zinc-5 % aluminium coating is specified for Principles and specifies requirements for the methods of
zinc, iron, aluminium and silicon; zinc-55 % aluminium determining water activity (aw) of food products for human
is specified for zinc, iron, aluminium and silicon. consumption and animal feed within a measurement range
(=ISO 17925:2004) of 0 to 1.The measurement principles are based on the
Gr. M dew-point measurement or on the determination of the
change in electrical conductivity of an electrolyte or in
SLS ISO 18074:2017 the permittivity of a polymer.The method does not apply
Textiles - identification of some animal fibres by dna to products stored below their freezing point (equivalent
analysis method – cashmere, wool, yak and their blend to the temperature at which ice crystals appear in the
Specifies a testing method for DNA analysis of some product), neither to products corresponding to a water-in-
animal fibres to identify cashmere, wool, yak, and their fat emulsion, nor to crystal products such assugars, salt or
blends by using extraction, amplification by the minerals.For products containing volatile compounds,
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method and DNA such as alcohols, specific equipment adaptations may be
detection processes. This Standard is applicable to necessary to apply the method.
cashmere, yak, and wool and their blends as a qualitative (=ISO 18787:2017)
method. (Supersedes SLS ISO 21807:2017)
(=ISO 18074:2015) Gr. E
Gr. L
SLS ISO 18794:2019
SLS ISO 18373 Part 1:2013 Coffee- sensory analysis vocabulary
Rigid pvc pipes- differential scanning calorimetry Defines terms relating to coffee sensory analysis. This
(DSC) method - Measurement of the processing document covers definitions applicable to green, roasted
temperature and ground coffee, coffee extracts and soluble coffee
Specifies a method for the determination of the processing (=ISO 18794:2018)
temperature of rigid PVC pipe samples based on the Gr.C
measurement of the thermal history using differential
scanning calorimetry (DSC) and is suitable for all types SLS ISO 18862:2017
of rigid PVC pipes. Coffee and coffee products - determination of
(=ISO 18373-1:2007) acrylamide - methods using HPLC-MS/MS and GC-
Gr. F MS after derivatization
Specifies methods for the determination of acrylamide in
SLS ISO 18415:2018 coffee and coffee products by extraction with water, clean-
Cosmetics - microbiology - detection of specified and up by solid-phase extraction and determination by HPLC-
non-specified microorganisms MS/MS and GCMS. It was validated in a method
Gives general guidelines for the detection and validation study on roasted coffee, soluble coffee, coffee
identification of specified microorganisms in cosmetic substitutes and coffee products with ranges from 53 ìg/kg
products as well as for the detection and identification of to 612,1 ìg/kg.
other kinds of aerobic mesophilic non-specified (=ISO 18862:2016)
microorganisms in cosmetic products. Gr. K
Microorganisms considered as specified in this document
might differ from country to country according to national SLS ISO/ TS 18867:2020
practices or regulations. Most of them considered as Microbiology of the food chain – polymerase chain
specified microorganisms include one or more of the reaction (pcr) for the detection of food - borne
following species: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia pathogens – detection of pathogenic yersinia
coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. In order enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis
to ensure product quality and safety for consumers Specification specifies two horizontal methods for
(=ISO 18415:2017) detection of the pathogenic bioserotypes of Y.
Gr. K enterocolitica and one for detection of Y.
pseudotuberculosis by using real-time PCRbased methods.
SLS ISO 18600:2017 The described methods allow for the detection of the two
Textile machinery and accessories - web roller cards - pathogens in enrichments and allow the isolation of
terms and definitions colonies. Y. pestis, the causative agent of bubonic and
Defines terms of the card with a web-forming method using pneumonic plague harbours a variant of the ail gene as
staple fibres for non-woven machinery. well and will be detected by the same primer/probe set as
(=ISO 18600:2015) Y. pseudotuberculosis. However, Y. pestis is normally not
Gr. D associated with food. This Technical Specification is
applicable to products for human consumption, animal
SLS ISO 18616-2:2021 feeding stuffs, and environmental samples.
Transport packaging - reusable, rigid plastic (=ISO/TS 18867:2015)
distribution boxes - general specifications for testing Gr. P
Specifies the test methods for handling and managing
reusable, rigid plastic distribution boxes. These boxes are SLS ISO 18890:2019
based on the modular area 600 mm × 400 mm, 600 mm × Clothing - standard method of garment measurement
500 mm, 550 mm × 366 mm and subdivisions of them. Defines the main measurement points and describes the
(=ISO 18616-2:2016) method used to measure garment dimensions. Additional
Gr. E measurement points can be determined between interested
SLS ISO 18782:2017 (=ISO 18890: 2018)
Textiles – determination of dynamic hygroscopic heat Gr. U
Specifies a test method for the determination of SLS ISO 18896:2019
hygroscopic heat generated by flowing low then high Footwear - test methods for shanks - longitudinal
humidity air on one side of a surface. It is applicable to all stiffness
kinds of sheet shaped textile materials.
Specifies a method for assessing the stiffness in the not possible using this method; however, the L-enantiomer
longitudinal direction of steel shanks used for the is the major form in tea.
reinforcement of the waist region of women’s shoes and (=ISO 19563:2017)
of some men’s and children’s shoes. Gr. G
(=ISO 18896:2018)
Gr. B SLS ISO 19932 Part 2:2018
Knapsack sprayers - test methods
SLS ISO 19011:2018 Specifies test methods for the verification of requirements
Guidelines for auditing management systems of ISO 19932-1 for knapsack sprayers carried on the back
(First Revision) or shoulder of the operator for use with plant protection
Provides guidance on auditing management systems, products.
including the principles of auditing, managing an audit (=ISO 19932-2:2013)
programme and conducting management system audits, Gr. L
as well as guidance on the evaluation of competence of
individuals involved in the audit process. These activities SLS ISO/IEC 20000-1:2021
include the individual(s) managing the audit programme, Information technology – service management - service
auditors and audit teams. It is applicable to all management system requirements
organizations that need to plan and conduct internal or Specifies requirements for an organization to establish,
external audits of management systems or manage an audit implement, maintain and continually improve a service
programme. The application of this document to other management system (SMS). The requirements specified
types of audits is possible, provided that special in this document include the planning, design, transition,
consideration is given to the specific competence needed. delivery and improvement of services to meet the service
(=ISO 19011:2018) requirements and deliver value.
Gr. RT This document can be used by: a) a customer seeking
services and requiring assurance regarding the quality of
SLS ISO 19223:2020 those services; b) a customer requiring a consistent
Lung ventilators and related equipment - vocabulary approach to the service lifecycle by all its service
and semantics providers,
Establishes a vocabulary of terms and semantics for all including those in a supply chain; c) an organization to
fields of respiratory care demonstrate its capability for the planning, design,
involving mechanical ventilation, such as intensive-care transition, delivery and improvement of services; d) an
ventilation, anaesthesia ventilation, emergency organization to monitor, measure and review its SMS and
and transport ventilation and home-care ventilation, the services;
including sleep-apnoea breathing-therapy e) an organization to improve the planning, design,
equipment. It is applicable transition, delivery and improvement of services through
- in lung ventilator and breathing-therapy device effective implementation and operation of an SMS; f) an
standards, organization or other party performing conformity
- in health informatics standards, assessments against the requirements specified in this
- for labelling on medical electrical equipment and medical document; g) a provider of training or advice in service
electrical systems, management.
- in medical electrical equipment and medical electrical (=ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018)
system instructions for use and accompanying Gr. P
- for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical SLS ISO/IEC 20000-6:2021
systems interoperability, and Information technology – service management -
- in electronic health records. requirements for bodies providing audit and
(=ISO 19223:2019) certification of service management systems
Gr. Z Specifies requirements and provides guidance for
certification bodies providing audit and certification of
SLS ISO 19272:2018 an SMS in accordance with SLS ISO/IEC 20000-1. It does
Low alloyed steel - determination of C, Si, Mn, P, S, not change the requirements specified in ISO/IEC 20000-
Cr, Ni, Al, Ti and Cu - Glow discharge optical emission 1. This document can also be used by accreditation bodies
spectrometry (routine method) for accreditation of certification bodies.
Specifies a glow discharge optical emission spectrometric A certification body providing SMS certification is
(GD-OES) method for determination of the mass fraction expected to be able to demonstrate fulfilment of the
Carbon, Silicon, Manganese, Phosphorus, Sulfur, requirements specified in this document, in addition to
Chromium, Nickel, Aluminium, Titanium and Copper in the requirements in SLS ISO/IEC 17021-1
low alloyed steels. (=ISO/IEC 20000-6:2017)
(=ISO 19272:2015) Gr. G
Gr. P
SLS ISO 20121:2016
SLS ISO 19343:2018 Event sustainability management systems –
Microbiology of the food chain - detection and requirements with guidance for use
quantification of histamine in fish and fishery Products Specifies requirements for an event sustainability
- HPLC method management system for any type of event or event-related
Specifies a high performance liquid chromatography activity, and provides guidance on conforming to those
(HPLC) method to analyse histamine in fish and fishery requirements. This Standard has been designed to address
products (fish sauces, fish maturated by enzyme in brine, the management of improved sustainability throughout the
etc.) intended for human consumption. entire event management cycle.
(=ISO 19343:2017) (=ISO 20121:2012)
Gr. G Gr. S
SLS ISO 19563:2017 SLS ISO 20251:2018
Determination of theanine in tea and instant tea in solid Textile floor covering – water impermeability test
form using high – performance liquid chromatography Specifies a laboratory test method for determining the
Specifies a high-performance liquid chromatographic water impermeability of textile floor coverings.This
(HPLC) method for the determination of theanine content method cannot be used to characterize a wall-to-wall
in tea (Camellia sinensis). It is applicable to both tea and installation of textile floor covering tiles.
instant tea samples. Separation of L- and D-theanine is (=ISO 20251:2016)
Gr. B
SLS ISO 20481:2020 SLS ISO 20838:2020
Coffee and coffee products -Determination of the Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs –
caffeine content using high performance liquid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of
chromatography (HPLC) reference method food – borne pathogens – requirements for
Specifies a high performance liquid chromatography amplification and detection for qualitative methods
(HPLC) method for the determination of the caffeine Provides the overall framework for qualitative methods
content of: green coffee; roasted coffee; soluble coffee, for the detection of foodborne pathogens using the
regular and decaffeinated; and mixed instant coffee polymerase chain reaction (PCR). It covers the general
products (e. g. coffee/chicory mix or cappuccino-type requirements for the specific amplification of target nucleic
coffee drink). acid sequences and the detection and confirmation of the
(=ISO 20481:2008) identity of the amplified nucleic acid sequence.
Gr. F Guidelines, minimum requirements and performance
characteristics described in this International Standard are
SLS ISO 20647:2020 intended to ensure that comparable and reproducible
Infant formula and adult nutritional – determination results are obtained in different laboratories.
of total iodine – inductively coupled plasma mass This International Standard has been established for food-
spectrometry (ICP-MS) borne pathogens in or isolated from food and feed matrices,
Specifies a method for the quantitative determination of but can also be applied to other matrices, for example
total iodine in infant formula and adult nutritional formula. environmental samples, or to the detection of other
[1] The method is applicable to the measurement of total microorganisms under investigation.
iodine in infant formula and adult nutritional formula from (=ISO 20838:2006)
0,5 ìg/100g to 1 500 ìg/100g reconstituted final product Gr. D
and for ready-to-feed products from 2,5 ìg/100 g to 1 000
ìg/100 g using ICP-MS. SLS ISO 20863:2019
(=ISO 20647:2015) Footwear – test methods for stiffeners and toepuffs –
Gr. G bondability
Specifies a method for the determination of the bondability
SLS ISO/TS 20658:2021 of heat activated and solvent activated stiffeners and
Medical laboratories - requirements for collection, toepuffs to upper and lining materials
transport, receipt and handling of samples (=ISO 20863:2018)
Specifies requirements and good practice Gr.C
recommendations for the collection, transport, receipt and
handling of samples intended for medical laboratory SLS ISO 20866:2019
examinations. This document is applicable to medical Footwear - test methods for insoles - delamination
laboratories and other medical services involved in resistance
laboratory pre-examination processes that include the Specifies a test method for the determination of the
examination request, patient preparation and identification, delamination resistance of insoles, irrespective of the
sample collection, transport, receipt and storage. It may material
also be applicable to some biobanks. This document does (=ISO 20866:2018)
not apply to blood and blood products intended for Gr. B
(=ISO/TS 20658:2017) SLS ISO 20867:2019
Gr. Q Footwear -test methods for insoles - heel pin holding
SLS ISO/TS 20836:2020 specifies a method to determine the ability of an insole
Microbiology of food, animal feeding stuffs – component to hold a heel pin and to prevent its head from
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of being pulled through the insole component. The method
food – borne pathogens – performance testing for is applicable to insoles used in the seat of footwear with
thermal cyclers inside attached heels, and also to seat components where
Specification provides basic requirements for the outside heel attachments are used and the heel pin is
installation, performance and maintenance of thermal clenched.
cyclers. Although thermal cyclers are robust technical (=ISO 20867:2018)
equipment, they do require regular maintenance. Their Gr. B
cooling/heating elements, either Peltier or other
technology, have a limited lifetime. Proper functioning of SLS ISO 20868:2019
the cooling/heating element depends both on the quality Footwear - test methods for insoles - abrasion
of the cooling/heating devices and proper use and care. resistance
In addition to outlining the requirement for a defined specifies a test method to determine the abrasion resistance
maintenance programme, procedures are described for the of insoles, irrespective of the material
determination of thermal cycler performance by (=ISO 20868:2001)
biochemical or physical methods (see Annexes A and B). Gr. C
(ISO/TS 20836:2005)
Gr. G SLS ISO 20871:2019
Footwear – test methods for outsoles – abrasion
SLS ISO 20837:2020 resistance
Microbiology of food, animal feeding stuffs – Specifies a method for the determination of the abrasion
polymerase chain reaction (pcr) for the detection of resistance for outsoles, irrespective of the
food – borne pathogens – requirements for sample material.
preparation for qualitative detection (=ISO 20871:2018)
Provides Criteria and Examples For Sample Preparation Gr. D
In Order To Obtain Pcrcompatible Samples Or Nucleic
Acids Of Suitable Quality and Quantity For PCR. It SLS ISO 20872:2019
Provides A Description Of The General Principles Footwear – test methods for outsoles – tear strength
Involved. References To Standards Concerning The Specifies a method for the determination of the tear
Enrichment Of Microorganisms Are Given In Annex A, strength of outsoles, irrespective of the material, using
And A Detailed Method For DNA Extraction Is Given In trouser test pieces.
Annex B. (=ISO 20872:2018)
(=ISO 20837:2006) Gr. C
Gr. D
SLS ISO 20873:2019 means. This method is directly applicable to flours. It also
Footwear – test methods for outsoles – dimensional applies to common and durum wheat after grinding, if their
stability particular size distribution meets the specification given
Specifies a method for determining the linear shrinkage in Table B.1.
after heating of test specimens prepared from outsoles. (=ISO 21415-2:2015)
(=ISO 20873:2018) Gr. H
Gr. B
SLS ISO 21415 Part 3:2018
SLS ISO 20874:2019 Wheat and wheat flour gluten content - determination
Footwear – test methods for outsoles needle tear of dry gluten from wet gluten by an oven drying
strength Specifies a method for the determination of the dry gluten
Specifies a method for the determination of the needle content from wet gluten obtained as specified in either
tear strength for outsoles, irrespective of the material. SLS ISO 21415-1 or SLS ISO 21415-2. In this method,
(=ISO 20874:2018) dry gluten is obtained from wet gluten by drying in an
Gr. B oven. The method can also be used to determine the
moisture content of the wet gluten.
SLS ISO 20875:2019 (=ISO 21415-3:2006)
Footwear – test methods for outsoles – determination Gr. C
of split tear strength and delamination resistance
Specifies a method for the determination of the split tear SLS ISO 21415 Part 4:2018
strength and delamination resistance for outsoles. Method wheat and wheat flourgluten content -
(=ISO 20875:2018) determination of dry gluten from wet gluten by a rapid
Gr. C drying method
Specifies a rapid method for the determination of the dry
SLS ISO 20876:2019 gluten content from wet gluten obtained as specified in
Footwear – test methods for insoles -resistance to stitch either SLS ISO 21415-1 or SLS ISO 21415-2. The method
tear. can also be used to determine the moisture content of the
Describes a method for evaluating the ability of an insole, wet gluten.
irrespective of the material, to hold stitches, or to take (=ISO 21415- 4:2006)
clenched metal fastenings. The method has become Gr. C
accepted as a general quality criterion for insole materials
even where attachment is by means of adhesives. SLS ISO 21426:2021
(=ISO 20876:2018) Tourism and related services - medical spas - service
Gr. B requirements
Specifies requirements for the provision of quality services
SLS ISO 21001:2018 at medical spas which use natural healing waters (except
Educational organizations – management systems for sea water) and other natural resources. This document does
educational organizations – requirements with not cover decisions that correspond to the medical
guidance for use profession. This document does not apply to
Specifies requirements for a management system for thalassotherapy centres or wellness spa centres.
educational organizations (EOMS) when such an (=ISO 21426:2018)
organization: needs to demonstrate its ability to support Gr. N
the acquisition and development of competence through
teaching, learning or research; aims to enhance satisfaction SLS ISO 21703:2021
of learners, other beneficiaries and staff through the Surface active agents - microbiology - microbiological
effective application of its EOMS, including processes for test methods for liquid hand dishwashing
improvement of the system and assurance of conformity Provides microbiological test methods for enumeration
to the requirements of learners and other beneficiaries. and detection of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, detection of
(=ISO 21001:2018) Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in liquid
Gr. UW hand dishwashing.
(=ISO 21703:2019)
SLS ISO 21101:2017 Gr. K
Adventure tourism safety managment systems
requirements SLS ISO 21807:2017
Outlines the requirements of a safety management system Method of test for determination of water activity in
for adventure tourism activity providers.This standard can food and animal feeding stuffs
be used by all types and sizes of providers operatingin (Supersed by SLS ISO 18787:2020)
different geographic, cultural and social environments.
(=ISO 21101:2014) SLS ISO/TR 21960:2021
Gr. L Plastics - environmental aspects - state of knowledge
and methodologies
SLS ISO 21415 Part 1:2018 Document summarizes current scientific literature on the
Wheat and wheat flour - gluten content - determination occurrence of macroplastics and microplastics, in the
of wet gluten by a manual method environment and biota. It gives an overview of testing
Specifies a manual washing out method for the methods, including sampling from various environmental
determination of the wet gluten content of wheat flour matrix, sample preparation and analysis. Further, chemical
(Triticum aestivum L. and Triticum durum Desf.). This and physical testing methods for the identification and
method is directly applicable to flour. It is also applicable quantification of plastics are described. This document
to semolina and wheat after grinding, if their particle size gives recommendations for three steps necessary for the
distribution meets the specification given in Table B.1. standardization of methods towards harmonized
(=ISO 21415-1:2006) procedures for sampling, sample preparation and analysis.
Gr. E This document does not apply indoor and health related
SLS ISO 21415 Part 2:2018 (=ISO/TR 21960:2020)
Wheat and wheat flour – gluten content - Gr. S
determination of wet gluten and gluten index by
mechanical means SLS ISO 22000:2018
Specifies a method for determining the content of wet Food safety management systems - requirements for
gluten and the gluten index for wheat flours (Triticum any organization in the food chain
aestivum L. and Triticum durum Desf.) by mechanical
Specifies requirements for a food safety management
system (FSMS) to enable an organization that is directly SLS ISO/ TS 22002 Part 3:2014
or indirectly involved in the food chain: Specifies Prerequisite programmes on food safety - Farming
requirements for a food safety management system Specifies requirements and guidelines for the design,
(FSMS) to enable an organization that is directly or implementation, and documentation of prerequisite
indirectly involved in the food chain: programmes (PRPs) that maintain a hygienic environment
a) to plan, implement, operate, maintain and update a and assist in controlling food safety hazards in the food
FSMS providing products and services that are safe, in chain. This is applicable to all organizations (including
accordance with their intended use; a) to plan, implement, individual farms or groups of farms), regardless of size or
operate, maintain and update a FSMS providing products complexity, which are involved in farming steps of the
and services that are safe, in accordance with their intended food chain and wish to implement PRPs in accordance
use; with ISO 22000.This is applicable to the farming of crops
b) to demonstrate compliance with applicable statutory (e.g. cereals, fruits, vegetables), living farm animals (e.g.
and regulatory food safety requirements; cattle, poultry, pigs, fish) and the handling of their products
c) to evaluate and assess mutually agreed customer food (e.g. milk, eggs).
safety requirements and to demonstrate conformity with (= ISO/ TS 22002- 3:2011)
them; Gr. KM
d) to effectively communicate food safety issues to
interested parties within the food chain; SLS ISO/ TS 22002 Part 4:2014
e) to ensure that the organization conforms to its stated Prerequisite programmes on food safety - Food
food safety policy; packaging manufacturing
f) to demonstrate conformity to relevant interested parties; Specifies requirements for establishing, implementing and
g) to seek certification or registration of its FSMS by an maintaining prerequisite programmes (PRPs) to assist in
external organization, or make a self-assessment or self- controlling food safety hazards in the manufacture of food
declaration of conformity to this document. packaging. This is applicable to all organizations,
All requirements of this document are generic and are regardless of size or complexities that manufacture food
intended to be applicable to all organizations in the food packaging and/or intermediate products. This specification
chain, regardless of size and complexity. Organizations is not designed or intended for use in other parts or
that are directly or indirectly involved include, but are not activities of the food supply chain. Food packaging
limited to, feed producers, animal food producers, manufacturing organizations are diverse in nature, and not
harvesters of wild plants and animals, farmers, producers all of the requirements specified in this specification apply
of ingredients, food manufacturers, retailers, and to an individual organization. Each organization is required
organizations providing food services, catering services, to conduct a documented food safety hazard analysis that
cleaning and sanitation services, transportation, storage includes each requirement. This is not a Management
and distribution services, suppliers of equipment, cleaning system Standard, and is intended to be used by food
and disinfectants, packaging materials and other food packaging manufacturing organizations wishing to
contact materials. implement PRPs in such a way as to address the
This document allows any organization, including small requirements specified in ISO 22000. This is intended to
and/or less developed organizations (e.g. a small farm, a be used in conjunction with ISO 22000.
small packer-distributor, a small retail or food service (= ISO/ TS 22002- 4:2013)
outlet) to implement externally- developed elements in Gr. GJ
their FSMS.Internal and/or external resources can be used
to meet the requirements of this document. SLS ISO/TS 22002 Part 6:2014
(=ISO 22000:2018) Prerequisite programmes on food safety - feed and
Gr RT animal food production
Specification specifies requirements for establishing,
SLS ISO/ TS 22002 Part 1:2014 implementing and maintaining prerequisite programmes
Prerequisite programmes on food safety - Food (PRPs) to assist in controlling feed safety hazards in feed
manufacturing and animal food and in materials intended for use in the
Specifies requirements for establishing, implementing and production of feed and animal food. Feed safety hazards
maintaining prerequisite programmes (PRP) to assist in in this context relate to attributes that have a potential to
controlling food safety hazards. This is applicable to all affect adversely animal and/or human health.
organizations, regardless of size or complexity, which are (=ISO/TS 22002-6:2016)
involved in the manufacturing step of the food chain and Gr. G
wish to implement PRP in such a way as to address the
requirements specified in ISO 22000. This is neither SLS ISO/TS 22003:2014
designed nor intended for use in other parts of the food Food safety management systems – requirements for
supply chain. bodies providing audit and certification of food safety
(= ISO/TS 22002 -1:2009) management systems
Gr. KM Defines the rules applicable for the audit and certification
of a food safety management system (FSMS) complying
SLS ISO/ TS 22002 Part 2:2014 with the requirements given in SLS ISO 22000 (or other
Prerequisite programmes on food safety - Catering sets of specified FSMS requirements). It also provides
Specifies the requirements for the design, implementation, the necessary information and confidence to customers
and maintenance of prerequisite programmes (PRPs) to about the way certification of their suppliers has been
assist in controlling food safety hazards in catering. This granted. Certification of FSMS is a third-party conformity
is applicable to all organizations which are involved in assessment activity (as described in SLS ISO/IEC
the processing, preparation, distribution, transport, and 17000:2018, 5.5), and bodies performing this activity are
serving of food and meals and wish to implement PRPs in third-party conformity assessment bodies.
accordance with the requirements specified in ISO (= ISO/ TS 22003:2013)
22000:2005. The scope includes catering, air catering, Gr. KM
railway catering, banquets, among others, in central and
satellite units, school and industry dining rooms, hospitals SLS ISO 22004:2015
and healthcare facilities, hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, Food safety management systems – Guidance on the
food services, and food stores. Users of catering can belong application of SLS ISO 22000
to vulnerable groups, such as children, elderly and/or ill (First revision)
people. In some countries, the term “food services” is used Provides generic advice on the application of ISO 22000.
synonymously with catering. Does not create, alter or replace any of the requirements
(= ISO/TS 22002- 2:2013) in SLS ISO 22000.
Gr. GJ (=ISO 22004:2014)
Gr. NQ requirements specified in this document are generic and
intended to be applicable to all organizations, or parts
SLS ISO 22005:2014 thereof, regardless of type, size and nature of the
Traceability in the feed and food chain – general organization. The extent of application of these
principles and basic requirements for system design requirements depends on the organization’s operating
and implementation environment and complexity. This document is applicable
Gives the principles and specifies basic requirements for to all types and sizes of organizations that: a) implement,
the design and implementation of a feed and food maintain and improve a BCMS; b) seek to ensure
traceability system. It can be applied by an organization conformity with stated business continuity policy; c) need
operating at any step in the feed and food chain. It is to be able to continue to deliver products and services at
intended to be flexible enough to allow feed organizations an acceptable predefined capacity during a disruption; d)
and food organizations to achieve identified objectives. seek to enhance their resilience through the effective
The traceability system is a technical tool to assist an application of the BCMS. This document can be used to
organization to conform with its defined objectives and is assess an organization’s ability to meet its own business
applicable when necessary to determine the history, or continuity needs and obligations.
location of a product or its relevant components. (=ISO 22301:2019)
(=ISO 22005:2007) Gr. L
Gr. DF
SLS ISO 22320:2013
SLS ISO 22118:2020 Societal security – emergency management –
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs – requirements for incident response
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection and Specifies minimum requirements for effective incident
quantification of food – borne pathogens – response and provides the basics for command and control,
performance characteristics operational information, coordination and cooperation
Specifies minimum requirements of performance within an incident response organization. It includes
characteristics for the detection of nucleic acid sequences command and control organizational structures and
(DNA or RNA) by molecular methods. This International procedures, decision support, traceability, information
Standard applies to the detection of food-borne pathogens management, and interoperability.
in foodstuffs and isolates obtained from them using (=ISO 22320:2011)
molecular detection methods based on the polymerase Gr. KM
chain reaction (PCR).
(=ISO 22118:2011) SLS ISO 22367:2021
Gr. E Medical laboratories - Application of risk management
to medical laboratories
SLS ISO 22119:2020 Specifies a process for a medical laboratory to identify
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs – real and manage the risks to patients, laboratory workers and
–time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the service providers that are associated with medical
detection of food - borne pathogens – general laboratory examinations. The process includes identifying,
requirements and definitions estimating, evaluating, controlling and monitoring the
Defines terms for the detection of food-borne pathogens risks. The requirements of this document are applicable
in foodstuffs, and isolates obtained from them, using the to all aspects of the examinations and services of a medical
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This International laboratory, including the pre-examination and post-
Standard also specifies requirements for the amplification examination aspects, examinations, accurate transmission
and detection of nucleic acid sequences (DNA or RNA of test results into the electronic medical record and other
after reverse transcription) by real-time PCR. technical and management processes described in SLS ISO
(=ISO 22119:2011) 15189. This document does not specify acceptable levels
Gr. F of risk. This document does not apply to risks from post-
examination clinical decisions made by healthcare
SLS ISO 22174:2020 providers. This document does not apply to the
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs– management of risks affecting medical laboratory
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of enterprises that are addressed by SLS ISO 31000, such as
food borne pathogens – general requirements and business, economic, legal, and regulatory risks.
definitions (=ISO 22367:2020)
Standard gives the general requirements for the in vitro Gr. X
amplification of nucleic acid sequences (DNA or RNA).
It is applicable to the testing of foodstuffs and isolates SLS ISO 22483:2021
obtained from foodstuffs for food-borne pathogens using Tourism and related services - hotels - service
the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The minimum requirements
requirements laid down in this International Standard are Establishes quality requirements and recommendations for
intended to ensure thatcomparable and reproducible results hotels regarding staff, service, events, entertainment
are obtained in different laboratories. activities, safety and security, maintenance, cleanliness,
(=ISO 22174:2005) supply management and guest satisfaction. The
Gr. F requirements are applicable regardless of their
classification and category, and whether the services are
SLS ISO 22300:2013 provided directly by internal staff or by a subcontractor.
Societal security – terminology (=ISO 22483:2020)
Contains terms and definitions applicable to societal Gr. N
security to establish a common understanding so that
consistent terms are used. SLS ISO 22525:2021
(= ISO 22300:2012) Tourism and related services - medical tourism -
Gr. F service requirements
Establishes the requirements and recommendations for
SLS ISO 22301:2021 facilitators and healthcare providers in medical tourism.
Security and resilience - business continuity This document intends to ensure quality service provision
management systems - requirements for tourists in order to meet the expectations of tourists
(First revision) travelling for medical reasons as a primary motivation.
Specifies requirements to implement, maintain and This document does not apply to thalassotherapy centres,
improve a management system to protect against, reduce medical spas or wellness spas.
the likelihood of the occurrence of, prepare for, respond (=ISO 22525:2020)
to and recover from disruptions when they arise. The Gr. K
(=ISO 22716:2007)
SLS ISO 22609:2020 Gr. KM
Clothing for protection against infectious agents —
medical face masks - testmethod for resistance against SLS ISO 22766:2021
penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, Plastics - determination of the degree of disintegration
horizontally projected) of plastic materials in marine habitats under real field
Describes a laboratory test method for measuring the conditions
resistance of medical face masks to penetration by a splash Specifies test methods for the determination of the degree
of synthetic blood. This International Standard primarily of disintegration of plastic materials exposed to marine
addresses the performance of materials or certain material habitats under real field conditions. The marine areas under
constructions used in medical face masks. This test method investigation are the sandy sublittoral and the sandy
does not address the performance of the medical face eulittoral zone where plastic materials can either be placed
mask’s design, construction, interfaces or other factors intentionally (e.g. biodegradable fishing nets) or end up
which may affect the overall protection offered by the as litter due to irresponsible human behaviour. This
medical face mask and its operation (such as filtration depends on their physical characteristics, form and size
efficiency and pressure drop of the materials, and on water currents and tidal
(=ISO 22609:2004) movements. This document specifies the general
Gr. J requirements of the apparatus, and the procedures for using
the test methods described. The determination of the level
SLS ISO 22649:2019 of disintegration of plastic materials exposed to pelagic
Footwear - test methods for insoles and insocks – water zones such as the sea surface or the water column above
absorption and desorption the seafloor are not within the scope of this document.
Specifies two test methods for determining the water This document is not suitable for the assessment of
absorption and desorption of insoles and insocks, disintegration caused by heat or light exposure. The
irrespective of the material described field test is a disintegration test and not a
(=ISO 22649: 2016) biodegradation test. Therefore, it cannot be used for
Gr. D demonstrating biodegradation or for making unqualified
claims such as “biodegradable in marine environment”
SLS ISO 22650:2019 and similar.
Footwear - test methods for whole shoe - heel (=ISO 22766:2020)
attachment Gr. J
Specifies a method for the determination of the heel
attachment of footwear. It applies to woman’s medium and SLS ISO 22870:2021
high heeled footwear. Point of care testing (poct) – requirements for quality
This test method measures three related wear properties: and competence
the rigidity of the shoe backpart during normal walking; Gives specific requirements applicable to point-of-care
the amount of permanent deformation of the backpart testing and is intended to be used in conjunction with SLS
caused by a fairly large force applied to the heel in a ISO 15189. The requirements of this document apply when
backward direction; the force required to detach the heel. POCT is carried out in a hospital, clinic and by a healthcare
(ISO 22650:2018) organization providing ambulatory care. This document
Gr. D can be applied to transcutaneous measurements, the
analysis of expired air, and in vivo monitoring of
SLS ISO 22651:2019 physiological parameters. Patient self-testing in a home
Footwear - test methods for insoles - dimensional or community setting is excluded, but elements of this
stability document can be applicable.
Specifies a method for the determination of the (=ISO 22870:2016)
dimensional stability of insoles, irrespective of the Gr. F
material, after immersion in water.
(=ISO 22651:2002) SLS ISO/TR 23891:2021
Gr. C Plastics - recycling and recovery - necessity of
SLS ISO 22652:2019 Gives a brief overview of the current (2019) situation in
Footwear - test methods for insoles, lining and insocks plastic recycling systems, relevant existing standards and
- perspiration resistance short description of different recycling techniques. It aims
Specifies a method for the determination of the ageing of to identify the necessity of standards in the plastics
insoles, lining or insocks, caused by human sweat. recycling system and give direction for the adoption of
(=ISO 22652:2002) regional standards and/or the development of new and
Gr. C existing standards. This document addresses various
recycling options, with focus on, but not limited to,
SLS ISO 22654:2019 mechanical recycling, chemical and/or feedstock recycling
Footwear - test methods for outsoles - tensile strength and the corresponding preparatory activities. This
and elongation document excludes organic recycling (also designated as
Specifies a method for the determination of the tensile biological recycling) and energy recovery.
strength and elongation of outsoles. (=ISO/TR 23891:2020)
(=ISO 22654:2002) Gr. M
Gr. D
SLS ISO 23910:2018
SLS ISO 22716:2017 Leather – physical and mechanical tests measurement
Guidelines on good manufacturing practices for of stitch tear resistance
cosmetics Specifies a method for determining the stitch tear
Gives guidelines for the production, control, storage and resistance of leather. It can be used on all leathers but is
shipment of cosmetic products. These guidelines cover particularly suitable for leathers over 1,2 mm in thickness.
the quality aspects of the product, but as a whole do not (=ISO 23910:2017)
cover safety aspects for the personnel engaged in the plant, Gr. B
nor do they cover aspects of protection of the environment.
Safety and environmental aspects are inherent SLS ISO 24114:2020
responsibilities of the company and could be governed by Instant coffee criteria for authenticity
local legislation and regulation. These guidelines are not Specifies criteria for authenticity of soluble (instant) coffee
applicable to research and development activities and (=ISO 24114: 2011)
distribution of finished products. Gr. B
effectiveness of an information security management
SLS ISO 26000:2010 system in order to fulfil the requirements of ISO/IEC
Guidance on social responsibility Guidance on social 27001:2013, 9.1. It establishes: a) the monitoring and
responsibility measurement of information security performance;
Provides guidance to all types of organizations, regardless b) the monitoring and measurement of the effectiveness
of their size or location, on: concepts, terms and definitions of an information security management system (ISMS)
related to social responsibility; the background, trends and including its processes and controls; c) the analysis and
characteristics of social responsibility; principles and evaluation of the results of monitoring and measurement.
practices relating to social responsibility; the core subjects This document is applicable to all types and sizes of
and issues of social responsibility; integrating, organizations.
implementing and promoting socially responsible (=ISO/IEC 27004:2016)
behaviour throughout the organization and, through its Gr. U
policies and practices, within its sphere of influence;
identifying and engaging with stakeholders; and SLS/ISO/IEC 27005:2008
communicating commitments, performance and other Information technology - security techniques -
information related to social responsibility. information security risk management
(=ISO 26000:2010) Provides guidelines for information security risk
Gr. XAA management and supports the general concepts specified
in SLS ISO/IEC 27001 and is designed to assist the
SLS ISO/IEC 27000:2021 satisfactory implementation of information security based
Information technology - Security techniques - on a risk management approach. This is applicable to
Information security management systems - Overview all types of organizations (e.g. commercial enterprises,
and vocabulary government agencies, non-profit organizations) which
provides the overview of information security management intend to manage risks that could compromise the
systems, and terms and definitions commonly used in the organization’s information security.
ISMS family of standards. This International Standard is (=ISO/IEC 27005:2008)
applicable to all types and sizes of organization (e.g. Gr. UW
commercial enterprises, government agencies, not-for-
profit organizations). SLS ISO/IEC 27006:2021
(=ISO/IEC 27000:2018) Information technology – security techniques –
Gr. P requirements for bodies providing audit and
certification of information security management
SLS ISO/IEC 27001:2013 systems
Information technology – security techniques - Specifies requirements and provides guidance for bodies
information security management systems - providing audit and certification of an information security
requirements management system (ISMS), in addition to the
Specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, requirements contained within SLS ISO/IEC 17021-1 and
maintaining and continually improving an information SLS ISO/IEC 27001. It is primarily intended to support
security management system within the context of the the accreditation of certification bodies providing ISMS
organization. It also includes requirements for the certification. The requirements contained in this
assessment and treatment of information security risks International Standard need to be demonstrated in terms
tailored to the needs of the organization. The requirements of competence and reliability by any body providing ISMS
set out in this Standard are generic and are intended to be certification, and the guidance contained in this
applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size or International Standard provides additional interpretation
nature. of these requirements for any body providing ISMS
(=ISO/IEC 27001:2013) certification
Gr. KM (=ISO/IEC 27006:2015, /Amd 1:2020)
Gr. Q
SLS ISO/ IEC 27002:2013
Information technology – security techniques - code SLS ISO 29581 Part 1:2011
of practice for information security controls Test methods for cements - analysis by wet chemistry
Gives guidelines for organizational information security Specifies the methods for the analysis of cement by wet
standards and information security management practices chemistry. Gives the reference methods and , in certain
including the selection, implementation and management cases, an alternative method that can be considered to be
of controls taking into consideration the organization’s equivalent. In the case of a dispute, only the reference
information security risk environments(s). This is designed methods are used. It also describes methods that apply
to be used by organizations that intend to: select controls principally to cements, but which can also be applied to
within the process of implementing an Information their constituent materials. They can also be applied to
Security Management System based on ISO/ IEC 27001 other materials, the standards for which call up these
implement commonly accepted information security methods.
controls; develop their own information security (=ISO 29581-1:2009)
management guidelines. Gr. T
(=ISO/ IEC 27002:2013)
Gr. UW SLS ISO 29581 Part 2:2011
Test methods for cements - Chemical analysis by x-
SLS ISO/IEC 27003:2021 ray fluorescence
Information technology — Security techniques — Describes a performance-based method for the chemical
Information security management systems — analysis of cement for SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO,
Guidance SO3, K2O, Na2O, TiO2, P2O5, Mn2O3, SrO, Cl and Br
provides explanation and guidance on ISO/IEC using X-ray fluorescence(XRF). It can be applied to other
27001:2013. relevant elements when adequate calibrations have been
(=ISO/IEC 27003:2017) established. Describes an alternative method for analyses
Gr. S of cement for conformity and information purposes, based
on beads of fused sample and analytical validation using
SLS ISO/IEC 27004:2021 certified reference materials, together with performance
Information technology — Security techniques — criteria. A method based on pressed pellets of unfused
Information security management — Monitoring, sample can be considered as equivalent, providing that
measurement, analysis and evaluation the analytical performance satisfies the same criteria.
Provides guidelines intended to assist organizations in (=ISO 29581-2:2010)
evaluating the information security performance and the Gr. P
(=ISO 37001:2016)
SLS ISO 29993:2020 Gr. RT
Learning services outside formal education - service
requirements ISO/TS 37101:2017
Specifies requirements for learning services outside formal Sustainable development in communities -
education, including all types of life-long learning (e.g. management system for sustainable development -
vocational training and in-company training, either requirements with guidance for use
outsourced or in-house). These include any learning Establishes requirements for a management system for
services provided by a learning service provider (LSP) sustainable development in communities, including cities,
that are addressed to learners themselves, as well as to using a holistic approach, with a view to ensuring
sponsors who are acquiring the services on behalf of the consistency with the sustainable development policy of
learners. The key features of these kinds of services are communities.
that the goals of learning are defined and the services are (=ISO/TS 37101:2016)
evaluated, and that they involve interaction with the Gr. NQ
learner. The learning can be face-to-face, mediated by
technology, or a blend of both. SLS ISO/TS 37151:2019
In cases where the learning service provider is part of an Smart community infrastructures – principles and
organization that delivers products (i.e. goods and services) requirements for performance metrics
in addition to learning services, this document only applies Gives principles and specifies requirements for the
to learning services. definition, identification, optimization, and harmonization
This document is not aimed at schools, colleges and of community infrastructure performance metrics, and
universities providing learning services as part of a formal gives recommendations for analysis, including smartness,
education system, but it can be useful to them as a tool for interoperability, synergy, resilience, safety, and security
reflection and self-evaluation. of community infrastructures.
(=ISO 29993:2017) Community infrastructures include, but are not limited to,
Gr. E energy, water, transportation, waste, and ICT. The
principles and requirements of this Technical Specification
SLS ISO 31000:2018 are applicable to communities of any size sharing
Risk management – guidelines geographic areas that are planning, commissioning,
Provides guidelines on managing risk faced by managing, and assessing all or any element of its
organizations. The application of these guidelines can be community infrastructures. However, the selection and the
customized to any organization and its context. It importance of metrics or (key) performance indicators of
alsoprovides a common approach to managing any type community infrastructures is a result of the application of
of risk and is not industry or sector specific and can be this Technical Specification and depends on the
used throughout the life of the organization and can be characteristics of each community.
applied to any activity, including decision-making at all (=ISO/TS 37151:2015)
levels. Gr. U
(=ISO 31000:2018)
Gr. H SLS ISO 39001:2021
Road traffic safety (RTS) management systems –
SLS IEC/ISO 31010:2016 requirements with guidance for use
Risk management – risk assessment techniques Specifies requirements for a road traffic safety (RTS)
This Standard is a supporting standard for ISO 31000 and management system to enable an organization that interacts
provides guidance on selection and application of with the road traffic system to reduce death and serious
systematic techniques for risk assessment. Risk assessment injuries related to road traffic crashes which it can
carried out in accordance with this standard contributes influence. The requirements in this International Standard
to other risk management activities. include development and implementation of an appropriate
The application of a range of techniques is introduced, RTS policy, development of RTS objectives and action
with specific references to other international standards plans, which take into account legal and other requirements
where the concept and application of techniques are to which the organization subscribes, and information
described in greater detail. about elements and criteria related to RTS that the
This standard is not intended for certification, regulatory organization identifies as those which it can control and
or contractual use. those which it can influence.
This standard does not provide specific criteria for This Standard is applicable to any organization, regardless
identifying the need for risk analysis, nor does it specify of type, size and product or service provided, that wishes
the type of risk analysis method that is required for a to a) improve RTS performance, b) establish, implement,
particular application. maintain and improve an RTS management system, c)
(=IEC/ ISO 31010:2009) assure itself of conformity with its stated RTS policy, and
Gr. AA d) demonstrate conformity with this International Standard.
(=ISO 39001:2012)
SLS ISO 37001:2020 Gr. R
Anti – bribery management systems – requirements
with guidance for use SLS ISO 41001:2018
Specifies requirements and provides guidance for Facility management – management systems –
establishing, implementing, maintaining, reviewing and requirements with guidance for use
improving an anti-bribery management system. The system Specifies the requirements for a facility management (FM)
can be stand-alone or can be integrated into an overall system when an organization:
management system. This document addresses the a) needs to demonstrate effective and efficient delivery of
following in relation to the organization’s activities: - FM that supports the objectives of the
bribery in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors; - demand organization;
bribery by the organization; - bribery by the organization’s b) aims to consistently meet the needs of interested parties
personnel acting on the organization’s behalf or for its and applicable requirements;
benefit; - bribery by the organization’s business associates c) aims to be sustainable in a globally-competitive
acting on the organization’s behalf or for its benefit; - environment.
bribery of the organization; - bribery of the organization’s Specified in this document are non-sector specific and
personnel in relation to the organization’s activities; - intended to be applicable to all organizations, or parts
bribery of the organization’s business associates in relation thereof, whether public or private sector, and regardless
to the organization’s activities; - direct and indirect bribery of the type, size and nature of the organization or
(e.g. a bribe offered or accepted through or by a third geographical location.
party). (ISO 41001:2018)
Gr. RT
SLS ISO 41011:2018
Facility management – vocabulary
Defines terms used in facility management standards.
(=ISO 41011: 2017)
Gr. AC
SLS ISO 45001:2018
Occupational health and safety management systems
– requirements with guidance for use
Specifies requirements for an occupational health and
safety (OH&S) management system, and gives guidance
for its use, to enable organizations to provide safe and
healthy workplaces by preventing work-related injury and
ill health, as well as by proactively improving its OH&S
performance. It also applicable to any organization that
wishes to establish, implement and maintain an OH&S
management system to improve occupational health and
safety, eliminate hazards and minimize OH&S risks
(including system deficiencies), take advantage of OH&S
opportunities, and address OH&S management system
nonconformities associated with its activities.
(=ISO 45001:2018)
Gr. RT
SLS ISO 50001:2019
Energy management systems – requirements with
guidance for use
Specifies requirements for establishing, implementing,
maintaining and improving an energy management system,
whose purpose is to enable an organization to follow a
systematic approach in achieving continual improvement
of energy performance, including energy efficiency, energy
use and consumption. Specifies requirements applicable
to energy use and consumption, including measurement,
documentation and reporting, design and procurement
practices for equipment, systems, processes and personnel
that contribute to energy performance. Applies to all
variables affecting energy performance that can be
monitored and influenced by the organization. This
standard does not prescribe specific performance criteria
with respect to energy.
(=ISO 50001:2018)
Gr. NQ.

SLS HD 308 S2:2018
Harmonization document identification of cores in
cables and flexible cords
This Harmonization Document applies to the identification
of cores of rigid and flexible cables and cords for which
the rated voltage does not exceed the upper limit of Voltage
Band II (according to HD 193)
(HS 308 S2:2001)
Gr. EA 3
SLS HD 361 S3:2018
Harmonization document system for cable designation
This Harmonization Document details a designation
system for harmonised power cables and cords, of rated
voltage up to and including 450/750V. Only harmonised
types of cable or cord (or Recognised National Types).
(HS 361 S3: 1999, HS 361 S3A1: 2006)
Gr. CE
SLS IWA 2:2007
Quality Management systems guidelines for the
application of ISO 9001:2000 in education
(First revision)
This International workshop agreement provides guidance
for a quality management system in educational
organizations. The guidelines contained within this
International workshop agreement do not to, change or
otherwise modify the requirements of ISO 9001:2000, and
are not intended for use in contracts for conformity
assessment or for certification.
(=IWA 2:2007)
SLS OHSAS 18001:2007
Occupational health and safety management systems
– requirements
This Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series
(OHSAS) Standard specifies requirements for an
occupational health and safety (OH&S) management
system, to enable an organization to control its OH&S
risks and improve its OH&S performance. It does not state
specific OH&S performance criteria, nor does it give
detailed specifications for the design of a management
(=OHSAS 18001:2007)
SLS SA 8000:2012
Social accountability 8000
(First revision)
The intent of SA 8000 is to provide a standard based on
international human rights norms and national labour laws
that will protect and empower all personnel within a
company’s scope of control and influence, who produce
products or provide services for that company, including
personnel employed by the company itself, as well as by
its suppliers/subcontractors, sub-suppliers, and home
SA8000 is verifiable through an evidenced-based process.
Its requirements apply universally, regardless of a
company’s size, geographic location. or industry sector.

Codes of Hygienic Practice for
Aquaculture, products of SLS 1005
Aromatic plants (dried) SLS 1327
Biscuit manufacturing and bakery units SLS 965
Bottled drinking water SLS 1211
Canned foods SLS 873
Catering establishments SLS 956
Cephalopods SLS 1018
Coconut kernel processing products SLS 1590
Dairy industries SLS 872
Desiccated coconut SLS 142
Dried aromatic plants SLS1327
dried salted SLS 1017
fresh SLS 974
frozen SLS 975
salted SLS 1017
Food hygiene SLS 143
Fresh leafy vegetables SLS 1524
Fruit and vegetable products, manufacture of SLS 209
Lobsters and prawns, processing of SLS 208
Meat products , processing SLS 1564
Molluscan shell fish SLS 1004
Natural mineral water, collecting, processing
and marketing of SLS 1021
Packaged drinking water SLS 1211
Poultry, processing of SLS 892
Processing, Meat products SLS 1564
Products of aquaculture SLS 1005
Spices and other dried aromatic plants SLS 1327
Street foods, sales & preparation of SLS 1451
Supermarkets SLS 1432
bottled (packaged) drinking SLS 1211
natural mineral SLS 1021

Codes of practice for anthuriums SLS 367
Agricultural produce, fumigation of SLS 973 fresh fruits & vegetables SLS 1040
Agro pesticides, packaging of SLS 1314 Harvesting, handling, packaging of
Animal feed production & feeding SLS 1505 betel leaves SLS 454
Anthuriums, harvesting and handling of SLS 367 orchids SLS 410
Application of pesticides SLS 1465 Hot-drip galvanizing of iron, steel SLS 482
Asbestos-cement corrugated sheets Hides & skins
fixing, installation of SLS 876 curing & preservation of SLS 1013
Basic training & testing of manual metal arc flaying of SLS 1014
welder SLS 887 Imported construction timber
Betel leaves identification grading & marking of SLS 1170
harvesting , handling, packaging of SLS 454 Information security controlsSLS ISO/IEC 27002
Biogas systems, design & construction SLS 1292 Information security management system
Canning of fish SLS 902 security techniques SLS ISO/IEC 27002
Cashew nuts, processing of SLS 1003 Incense sticks SLS 1441
Child development centres (CDC) SLS 1491 Laying of in-situ terrazzo finish SLS 408
Cleaning of metals SLS 322 Lobsters and prawns, packaging of SLS 972
Compost SLS 1654 LPG, transport, storage and handling of SLS 1196
Containers, plastic, non food products SLS 1443 Manufacture/canning of low-acid and
Crabs SLS 1213 acidified low-acid foods SLS 873
Design and construction of Manufacture of plastic containers SLS 1444
micro hydropower systems SLS 1311 Metal arc welder, manual
septic tanks SLS 745 training and testing SLS 887
Domestic biogas systems SLS 1292-1 Metals, cleaning of SLS 322
Electrical installations SLS 703 Micro hydropower systems,
Eectroplating SLS 658 design & construction SLS 1311
Cleaning of metals SLS 322 Microbiological examination of
mechanical polishing of metals for SLS 450 food and animal feeding stuffs SLS 393
Fertilizers, bagged, handling & storage of SLS 544 Natural rubber latex in drums,
Fibre extraction in the coir industry SLS 1493 packaging of SLS 323
Fish, canning of SLS 902 Non-destructive testing
Food and animal feeding stuffs SLS 393 qualification & certification of SLS 996
food hygiene SLS 143 Orchids, harvesting, handling & packaging of
Food samples, handling of SLS 410
for microbiological analysis SLS 393 Packaged goods, target qualify setting
foods, labeling of prepackaged SLS 467 and controlling net contents of SLS 925
foods, low-acid & acidified low-acid Packaging of
manufacture/canning of SLS 873 agro pesticides for retail markets SLS1314
Fruits and vegetables, fresh SLS 1412 lobsters & prawns SLS 972
harvesting and handling of , SLS 1040 natural rubber latex in drums SLS 323
embul bananas for exports SLS1040-2 paper and board SLS 1416
pineapples for exports SLS 1040-1 pesticides SLS 754
rambutan SLS1040-3 Parboiling, paddy SLS 1002
Fumigation of agricultural produce SLS 973 Paddy and rice, storage of SLS 686
Good animal feed production & feeding SLS 1505 vegetables SLS 1412-2
Harvesting and handling of Photovoltaic power systems SLS 1522
Recycling of paper SLS 1433
Recycling of plastics SLS 1263
Refrigeration SLS 1337
Retreading pneumatic tyres SLS 254
Road marking materials, thermoplastics SLS 1378
Rubber 385
Security techniques, information technology
Septic tanks, design and construction of SLS 745
Sprout production SLS 1412-3
Storage of paper & board SLS 1415
Tea industry SLS 1315
Television broadcasting, reception of SLS 771
Terrazzo finish, laying of in-situ SLS 408
seasoning of SLS 159
imported construction SLS 1170
Time, writing SLS 289
Transport, storage and handling of LPG SLS1196


Glossaries Tyre industry SLS 900

Architectural and building drawings SLS 499
Building industry SLS 131 Vocabularies
Chemical products for industrial use SLS 1281 Bank telecommunication
Copper & copper alloys fund transfer messages SLS 1045-1
materials SLS 782-1 Cereals SLS 1602
unwrought products SLS 782-2 Coffee and coffee products SLS ISO 3509
Electroplating and related processes SLS 689 Coffee - sensory analysis SLS ISO 18794
Fire, associated with SLS 642 Colour measurement
Fishing nets SLS 156 colour fastness of textiles SLS 1387-7
Freight containers SLS 425 Conformity assessment SLS ISO/IEC 17000
Fuel filters for diesel engines SLS 981 Crop protection equipment SLS 1603
Geosynthetics SLS 1395 Facility management SLS ISO 41011
Leather SLS 1015
Information security management systems
Metrology SLS 979
Nanotechnologies SLS ISO/IEC 27000
carbon nano-objects SLS 12000-3 Knitted fabrics SLS 1300, SLS 1301
core terms SLS 12000-2 Knitting-basic concepts SLS 1299
diagnostics & therapoutics for healthcare
Lung ventilators and related equipment - vocabulary
SLS 12000-7
nano/bio interface SLS 12000-5 and semantics SLS ISO 19223
nano-objects-nanoparticle, nanofiber and Morphology of textile fibres & yarns SLS 1358
nanoplate SLS 12000-1 Nanotechnologies SLS 12000-2 to 5 and 7
nanostructured materials SLS 12000-4 Paper, board, pulps and related terms SLS 1596
Non-destructive testing SLS 909 Quality management systems SLS ISO 9000
Natural textile fires SLS 1483 Respiratory protective devices SLS 1671
Packaging SLS 1569 Safety glasses for road vehicles SLS 842
Paints SLS 489 Sensory analysis of food SLS 1484
Pallets for materials handlings SLS 422 Statistical vocabulary and symbols SLS 421
Paper sacks SLS 1418 Textile fibres and yarns, morphology of SLS 1358
Petroleum SLS ISO 1998 Textiles, commercial of consignments SLS 17-1
Plastics SLS 616 Textured filament yarns in textiles SLS 1369
Quality management SLS 1073-2 Woven fabrics, description of defects SLS 1361
Road marking materials, thermoplastic SLS 1378 Vegetarian claims in food and beverage SLS 1460
Ropes and cordages SLS 657 Water quality, surface and ground
Rubber industry SLS 968 designated uses of river basins SLS 1284
Sacks Woven fabrics, identification of wrap and weft
paper SLS 1418-1 directions SLS 1366
thermoplastic flexible film SLS 1418-2
Sampling of chemical products for
individual use SLS 1281
Standardization and quality managementSLS 1073
Tea terms SLS 71
Textile fibres SLS 370
Textile fibres, natural SLS 1483
Textured filament yarns in textiles SLS 1368
Thermoplastic flexible film SLS 1418-2
Tissue paper and tissue products SLS 1394


Guidelines for
Auditing management systems SLS ISO 19011
Construction of corrugated fiberboard boxes
for packaging pineapples SLS 1124
Cosmetic industry, training & GMP SLS 1402
Cosmetic products (finished products) risk
assessment and microbiology low risk SLS1403
Design, building construction needs of
differentlyabled people SLS ISO/TR 9527
Documentation of computer, information
processing SLS 1114
Earth blocks, production, design and
construction of SLS 1382-3
Environmental management systems
auditing SLS ISO 19011
communication SLS ISO 14063
life cycle assessment SLS ISO 14044
performance evaluation SLS ISO 14031
principles, systems and support techniques
SLS ISO 14004
Food and beverage, vegetarian claims in SLS 1460
GMP for cosmetic industry, general training
SLS 1402
Grading of wet salted raw hides & skins SLS 1019
HACCP system, application of SLS 1173
Herbal cosmetics SLS 1708
Hides & skins grading SLS 1019
Identification of wrap and weft directions in
woven fabrics SLS 1366
Kala Oya basins SLS 1284
Microbiological test methods SLS 516
Quality management in projects SLS ISO 10006
Quality management system
auditing SLS ISO 19011
complaints handling in organizations SLS ISO 10002
Vegetarian claims in food and beverage SLS 1460
Water quality, surface and ground
designated uses of river basins SLS 1284
Woven fabrics, identification of wrap and weft
directions SLS 1366


CS 1:1967 Primary cells and batteries for flash lights

(Superseded by SLS 1198)

CS 4:1967 Papain

CS 12:1968 Method of tensile testing of steel products other than sheet, strip, wire and tube
(Superseded by SLS 978)

SLS 14:1977 Mild steel for general structural purposes

(Superseded by SLS 1006/1)

CS 15:1968 Mild steel for general engineering purposes

(Superseded by SLS 1006/2)

CS 21:1968 Methods for determination of irregularity of yarn by variability of one-inch


SLS 22:1995 Determination of single-end breaking force and elongation at break of yarn from
(Superseded by SLS 1429)

CS 24:1968 Method for determination of Lea strength and Lea count of spun yarns (mean and
(Superseded by SLS 560)

CS 33:1968 Laundry soaps

(Superseded by SLS 554)

CS 40:1981 PVC insulated electric cables and flexible cords with copper conductors (for
voltages upto 1100 volts)
(Superseded by SLS 733 & SLS 1143)

SLS 45:1980 Method for measurement of length of woven fabric

(Superseded by SLS 1356)

SLS 46:1980 Method for measurement of width of woven fabric

(Superseded by SLS 1356)

CS 49:1969 Notes on the identification of warp and weft directions in fabrics

(Superseded by SLS 1366)

SLS 52:1998 Method for the determination of colour fastness of textile materials to washing at
400C (Test 1)
(Superseded by SLS 1357)

SLS 53:1998 Method for the determination of colour fastness of textile materials to washing at
500 C (Test 2)
(Superseded by SLS 1357)

SLS 54:1998 Method for the determination of colour fastness of textile materials to washing at
600 C (Test 3)
(Superseded by SLS 1357)

SLS 55:1998 Method for the determination of colour fastness of textile materials to washing at 950
C for 30 minutes
(Superseded by SLS 1357)

SLS 56:1998 Method for the determination of colour fastness of textile materials to washing at 950
for 4 hours (Test 5)
(Superseded by SLS 1357)

CS 58:1969 Permanent blue-black writing ink for dip-pens


CS 61:1969 Tungsten filament general service electric lamps

(Superseded by SLS 984)

SLS 62/1:1997 Colour fastness to daylight

(Superseded by 1387-51)

SLS 62/2 :1998 Colour fastness to artificial light xenon arc fading lamp test
(Superseded by 1387-50)

SLS 64:1999 Method for determination of colour fastness of textile materials to sea water
(Superseded by SLS 1387-49)

SLS 66:1999 Method for determination of colour fastness of textile materials to water
(Superseded by SLS 1387-45)

SLS 67:1998 Method for determination of colour fastness of textile materials to perspiration
(Superseded by SLS 1387-48)

CS 70:1969 Methods of test for paints

(Superseded by SLS 535)

CS 73:1969 Dimensions and properties for steel channels, angles and tee bars
(Superseded by SLS 907)

CS 74:1969 Dimensions of round and square steel bars for structural and general
engineering purposes
(Superseded by SLS 949)

CS 75:1969 Dimensions of steel flats for structural and general engineering purposes
(Superseded by SLS 949)

CS 76:1969 Method for tensile testing of steel wire

(Superseded by SLS 978/1)

CS 85:1970 Lead-acid starter batteries for motor vehicles

(Superseded by SLS 1126)

CS 91:1970 Method for tensile testing of steel sheet and strip

(Superseded by SLS 978/1)

CS 92:1970 Method Tensile testing of steel tube

(Superseded by SLS 978/1)

CS 108:1971 Components for plywood tea chests

(Superseded by SLS 751 and 763)

SLS 117 : 1988 Ground chillies

(Superseded by SLS 1563:2017)

SLS 118:1971 Calcium plumbate primimg paints


SLS 119:1971 (1995) Lead based priming paints


SLS 136:1989 Cotton towels and towelling

(Superseded by SLS 1486-1:2014)

SLS 142:1972 Code of practice for desiccated cocoanut


SLS 149:1984(2008) Typewriter ribbons


SLS 150:1998 Method for quantitative chemical analysis of binary mixtures of nylon 6 or nylon
6.6 and certain other fibres
(Superseded by SLS 1388/7)

SLS 151:1997 Method for quantitative chemical analysis of binary mixtures of polyester fibres
with cotton or viscose rayon
(Superseded by SLS 1388/11)

SLS 152:1998 Method for quantitative chemical analysis of binary mixtures of acrylics, certain
modacrylics or certain chlorofibres and certain other fibres
(Superseded by SLS 1388/12)

SLS 153:2001 Method for quantitative chemical analysis of binary mixtures of protein fibre
(wool, animal hair, silk or protein) and certain other fibres
(Superseded by SLS 1388/4)

SLS 154:2001 Method for quantitative chemical analysis of ternary mixtures of protein fibres,
polyamides and certain other fibres
(Superseded by SLS 1388/2)

CS 162:1972 PVC insulated cables for motor vehicles

(Superseded by SLS 412)

CS 163:1972 Electric ceiling type fans and regulators

(Superseded by SLS 814)

SLS 167:1988 Meat sausages

(Superseded by SLS 1218)

SLS 173:2001 Method for quantitative analysis of binary mixtures of acetate and certain other fibres
(Superseded by SLS 1388/3)

SLS 175:1999 Method for quantitative chemical analysis of mixtures of viscose rayon and cotton
(Superseded by SLS 1388/5)

SLS 176:2001 Method for the quantitative chemical analysis of binary mixtures of acetate and triacetate
(Superseded by SLS 1388/8)

SLS 177:2001 Method for the quantitative chemical analysis of binary mixtures of tri-acetate and certain
other fibres
(Superseded by SLS 1388/10)

CS 180:1972 Methods of microbiological analysis of milk


SLS 195:1973 Cotton umbrella cloth (water proofed)

(Superseded by SLS 1307)

SLS 196:1973 Cotton table napkins

(Superseded by SLS 1393/1)

SLS 197:2002 Methods for quantitative chemical analysis of ternary mixtures of viscose rayon, cotton
and protein fibres
(Superseded by SLS 1388/2)

SLS 201:1973 Identification of fibres blended with wool in textiles


SLS 206:1973 Code of packaging in plastic containers

(Superseded by SLS 1443 / 1444)

SLS 220:1973 Electric table type fans and regulators

(Superseded by SLS 814)

SLS 232 :1973 Coriander powder

(Superseded by SLS 1565:2017)

SLS 235:1999 Paper and paper board – untrimmed sizes designation and tolerances for
primary and supplementary ranges, and indication of machine direction

SLS 238:1973 Metal washers for general engineering purposes

(Superseded by SLS 938)

SLS 246:1973 Coriander whole

(Superseded by SLS 1565:2017)

SLS 249 Cinnamon Products

(Superseded by SLS 81)

SLS 250: 1995 Liquid soap

(Superseded by SLS 1390)

SLS 256:1973 Size measurements for school uniforms (boys’ and girls’)

SLS 273:1974 Cotton mosquito netting


SLS 274 Fruit juices

(Superseded by SLS 1328)

SLS 277:1987 Margarine

(Superseded by SLS 1427)

SLS 278:1974 Standard test fingers and other accessibility test probes
(Superseded by SLS 841)

SLS 286:1974 Method for determination of dry and wet single strand strength and elongation of
continuous filament rayon yarn and acetate yarn

SLS 296:1974 Method of test for meat and meat products-determination of total fat content
(Superseded by SLS 779)

SLS 297/7:1976 Method of testing vulcanized rubber Part 7: Determination of resistance to cut growth
(Withdrawn & incorporated into SLS 297:Part 6)

SLS 319/1:1986 Primary cells and batteries Part 1 : 1986: General requirements
(Superseded by SLS 1198 Pt.1)

SLS 319/ 2 : 1986 Specific requirements

(Superseded by SLS 1198 Pt.2)

SLS 325:2001 Methods of testing natural rubber latices

(Superseded by SLS 1304)

SLS 334:1974 Nylon sarees and saree materials


SLS 339:1975 Substances of paper and Paper board


SLS 348:1975 Determination of total solids in fruit juices and extracts

(Superseded by SLS 1332/4)

SLS 359:1975 Surgical rubber gloves


SLS 362:1975 Switches for domestic and similar purposes

(Superseded by SLS 1000)

SLS 395:1985 Absorbent cotton gauze

(Superseded by SLS 1414)

SLS 400:1976 Nylon stretch socks


SLS 416:1997 Method for the determination of colour fastness of textile materials to dry cleaning
(Superseded by SLS 1387-44)

SLS 432:1978 Method for the determination of dimensional change in washing of woven fabrics -
accelerated method

SLS 436:1978 Food additives-colouring matters-Brilliant black PN


SLS 438:1978 Food additives-colouring matters-Amaranth


SLS 440:1978 Carbolic soap manufactured entirely from coconut oil


SLS 441:1978 Laundry soap powder, flakes and chips manufactured entirely from coconut oil

SLS 442:1978 Toilet soap manufactured entirely from coconut oil


SLS 443:1978 Laundry soaps (pure and built) manufactured entirely from coconut oil
(Superseded by SLS 554)

SLS 448 -1:1978 Analysis of food grains - Moisture

(Superseded by SLS 1549-1, SLS ISO 6540 and SLS ISO 712)

SLS 448-3:1981 Analysis of food grains - Hectolitre mass

(Superseded by SLS ISO 7971-1:2018 and SLS ISO 7971-3:2018)

SLS 448-4:1974 Analysis of food grains - Mass of 1000 grains

(Superseded by SLS ISO 520:2017)

SLS 458:1979 Method of test for determination of colour fastness to washing - accelerated test
(Replaced by SLS 52, 53, 54, 55, 56)

SLS 466 Plant protection products

Part 1 : Carbary 1 (Withdrawn)
Part 2 : Trichlorfon (Withdrawn)
Part 3 : Fenthion (Withdrawn)
Part 4:1979 : Parathion-Methyl (Withdrawn)
Part 6:1979 : HHDN (Aldrin Products) (Withdrawn)
Part 7:1979 : BHC (Withdrawn)
Part 8:1980 : Parathion (Withdrawn)
Part 11:1980 : Dalapon (Withdrawn)
Part 16 : Paraquat (Withdrawn)

Part 18:1985 : Dimethoate (Withdrawn)
Part 22 : Carbofuran tetechnical (Withdrawn)
Part 23 : Carbofuran granules (Withdrawn)

SLS 467 Part 1 Code of practice for labelling of prepackaged foods - General guidelines

Part 2
Code of practice for labelling of prepackaged foods - Guidelines on claims

Part 3
Code of practice for labelling of prepackaged foods - Date marking

SLS 473:1979 Method for testing of paper and board for water absorption - Cobb method
(Superseded by SLS 1270)

SLS 474/1:1999 Constant rate of loading method


SLS 484 /4:2008 Methods of test for raw natural rubber - Determination of volatile matter
(Superseded replaced by SLS 484 Parts 9 &10)

SLS 485:1980 Size designation of clothes - women’s and girls’outerwear garments


SLS 486:2006 Size designation of clothes - definitions and body measurement procedure

SLS 487:1980 Size designation of clothes - men’s and boys’ outerwear garments

SLS 496:1980 Safety colours

(Superseded by SLS 692)

SLS 497:1980 Safety signs

(Superseded by SLS 692)

SLS 498:1980 ISO limits and fits

(Superseded by SLS 569/1)

SLS 512:1981 Three pin plugs and socket-outlets

(Superseded by SLS 948)

SLS 516-7-2:2013 Methods of test for microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for

the detection of potentially enteropathogenic Vibrio spp. - Detection of species other than
Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio cholerae

SLS 522:1981 Water for making concrete

(Superseded by SLS ISO 12439)

SLS 530:1981 Textile machinery and accessories - cones for yarn winding (cross wound) - half
angle of the cone 4 0 20’
(Superseded by SLS 529/3)

SLS 531:1981 Textile machinery and accessories - cones for yarn winding (cross wound) - half
angle of the cone 9 0 15’

SLS 534:1981 Cologne


SLS 535 Methods of test for paints

(Superseded by SLS 1256)

SLS 540:1981 Enamel paints for interior use


SLS 563:1982 Dry distemper paints


SLS 565:1982 Food additives - colouring matter Fast Red E


SLS 566:1996 Tubular fluorescent lamps

(Superseded by SLS 1477 parts 1 & 2)

SLS 574:1982 Voltage current and frequency ratings

(Superseded by SLS 1259)

SLS 582:1982 Method for determination of bursting strength and bursting distension of fabrics - diaphragm

SLS 584:1982 Methods of test for petroleum and petroleum products Vol. 1

SLS 585/1:1982 Toffees

(Superseded by SLS 1575)

SLS 585 / 2 :1982 Lozenges

(Superseded by SLS 1576)

SLS 585 / 3 :1982 Hard boiled sugar confectionary

(Superseded by SLS 1576)

SLS 585 / 4 :1990 Gelatine based products

(Superseded by SLS 1575)

SLS 585 / 5 :1994 Pectin based products

(Superseded by SLS 1575)

SLS 606:1983 Zinc chromate paint


SLS 607:1983 High density polyethylene shopping bags

(Superseded by SLS 1399)

SLS 630:2003 Electric kettles

(Superseded by SLS 1501 & 1502)

SLS 640:1984 Safety requirements for mains operated electronic and related apparatus for household and
similar general use

SLS 641:1984 Condoms

(Superseded by SLS 1317)

SLS 646:1984 Electric hot plates

(Superseded by SLS 1495)

SLS 653:1984 Glossary of terms for petroleum

(Withdrawn) (Superseded by SLS ISO 1998 Parts)

SLS 654:1984 Size designation of clothes-infant’s garments


SLS 656:1984 Size designation of clothes - women’s and girl’s underwear, nightwear,
foundation garments and shirts

SLS 661:1984 Standard temperature, humidities and times for the conditioning and testing of rubber
(Superseded by SLS 1323-1)

SLS 667:1984 Gripe water


SLS 674:1984(2000) Determination of short-term irregularity of linear density of textile slivers, rovings and
yarns using an electronic evenness tester
(Superseded by SLS 1359)

SLS 681:1984 Method for testing paper and board for thickness and apparent bulk density or
apparent sheet density
(Superseded by SLS 1370)

SLS 684:1984 Radio interference limits and measurements for household appliances, portable tools
and other electrical equipment causing similar type of interference

SLS 691:1985 Electric immersion water heaters

(Superseded by SLS 1193:1999)

SLS 692-1:2005 Graphical symbols - safety colours and safety signs - Design principles for safety
signs in workplaces and public areas
(Superseded by SLS ISO 3864-1)

SLS 692-2:2005 Graphical symbols - safety colours and safety signs - Design principles for product
safety labels
(Superseded by SLS ISO 3864-2)

SLS 693:1985 National flag of Sri Lanka

(Withdrawn and Superseded by SLS 1:2020)

SLS 699 Low density polyethylene films for packaging and allied purposes

SLS 732-4:1986 Methods for determining the density and relative density of plastics excluding cellular
(Superseded by SLS 1296/ 1, 2, 3)

SLS 738:1986 Shampoo

(Superseded by SLS 1346)

SLS 754:1986 Code of practice for packaging of pesticides

(Superseded by SLS 1314)

SLS 761-1:1986 Determination of roll characteristics of rubber or plastic coated fabrics

(Superseded by SLS 1355/1 to 3)

SLS 761-2:1986 Determination of tear resistance of rubber or plastic coated fabrics

(Superseded by SLS 1355/1 & 2)

SLS 810:1988 Rubberized coir sheets for cushions and mattresses
(Superseded by SLS 1333)

SLS 813:1988 Mango nectar

(Superseded by SLS 1328)

SLS 825 Quality management and quality assurance systems

(Superseded by SLS ISO 9000 series)

SLS 830 Lever-operated knapsack sprayers

(Withdrawn Superseded by SLS ISO 19932-2 and SLS 1608-1)

SLS 853 Dried whole chillies

(Superseded by SLS 1563)

SLS 870:1989 Latex foam rubber cushioning and mattresses

(Superseded by SLS 1334)

SLS 871-3:1990 Code for use of plastic materials for food contact applications - Polyethylene (PE)
(Superseded by SLS 1614-3)

SLS 871-4:1991 Code for use of plastic materials for food contact applications - Polypropylene (PP)
(Superseded by SLS 1614-4)

SLS 871-7 Code for use of plastic materials for food contact applications - Colorants
(withdrawn) (Superseded by SLS 1614-7)

SLS 879:1990 PVC insulated flexible cords

(Superseded by SLS 1143)

SLS 882:1990 Glow starters for tubular fluorescent lamps

(Superseded by SLS 1260)

SLS 886:1990 Luncheon meat

(Superseded by SLS 1218)

SLS 892:2003 Code of hygienic practice for processing of poultry

(Superseded by SLS 1564:2017)

SLS 893:1990 Polyurethane foam material for cushioning and mattresses

(Superseded by SLS 1335)

SLS 901 Size designation and dimensions for motorcycle and scooter tyres
(Superseded by SLS 1320, 1321, 1322)

SLS 904 Vocabulary for sensory analysis of food

SLS 927:1991 Passion fruit juice

(Superseded by SLS 1328)

SLS 942:1991 Food colouring matter, Green S


SLS 944 Guidelines for auditing quality systems

(Superseded by SLS ISO 19011)

SLS 955-2:1992 Application of material to road surfaces

(Superseded by SLS 1378)

SLS 957:1992 Pineapple juice

(Superseded by SLS 1328)

SLS 982 Electrotechnical vocabulary


SLS 988:1992 PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables

(Superseded by SLS 1282)

SLS 1008:1993 Aerials for the reception of sound and television broadcasting in the frequency range
30 MHz to 1 GHz

SLS 1022 Part 2.2 :1995 Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for
household and similar uses (RCBO’s) Applicability of the general requirements to
RCBO’s functionally dependent on line voltage

SLS 1024 Part 1:1994 Methods of test for insulation and sheath of electric cables - General applications
(Superseded by SLS 1199:Parts 1-1; 1-2; 1-3)

SLS 1024 Part 2:1994 Methods of test for insulation and sheath of electric cables - Properties relevant to PVC
(Superseded by SLS 1199:Parts 1-4; 3-1; 3-2)

SLS 1024 Part 3:1994 Methods of test for insulation and sheath of electric cables - Properties relevant
to cross-linked compounds
(Superseded by SLS 1199:Parts 2-1)

SLS 1024 Part 4:1994 Methods of test for insulation and sheath of electric cables - Properties relevant to
polyethylene compounds
(Superseded by SLS 1199:Parts 4-1-)

SLS 1041:1995 Mango juice (Superseded by SLS 1328)

SLS 1060 Part 1:1995
School uniform materials - Boys’ shirting and girls’ dress fabrics
(Superseded by SLS 1582-1)

SLS 1060 Part 2:1995

School uniform materials - Boys’ suiting
(Superseded by SLS 1582-2)

SLS 1065:1995 Code of hygienic practice for processed meat products

(Withdrawn) (Superseded by SLS 1564)

SLS 1068:1995 Multiwall paper sacks for packaging of tea

(Superseded by SLS 1492)

SLS 1099 Part 2.2:1995Residual current operated circuit – breakers without integral overcurrent protection
for household and similar uses (RCCB’s) - Applicability of the general requirements
to RCCB’s functionally dependent on line voltage

SLS 1123:1996 Hair dye powder (Superseded by SLS 1440)

SLS 1130:1997 Method of determination of tearing force of woven fabrics

(Superseded by SLS 1251)

SLS 1143:2008 Electric flexible cords related upto 300/500V for use with appliances and equipment
intended for domestic , office and similar environments
(Superseded by SLS 1504:2:11, SLS1504:2:12, SLS1504:2:21, SLS 1504:2:71)

SLS 1160:1997 Nylon umbrella cloth

(Superseded by SLS 1307)

SLS 1185: 1999 Rubber insulated cables for electric power and lighting

SLS 1192:1999 Limits for heavy metals in food (Withdrawn)

SLS 1199
Part 1 Section 1:2006 Common methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Methods for
general application - Measurement of thickness and overall dimensions - Tests for
determining the mechanical properties
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 201,202,203,501)

SLS 1199
Part 1 Section 2:2006 Common methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Methods for
general application - Thermal aging methods
(First revision)
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 401,412)

SLS 1199 Part 1 Section 3:2006
Common methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Methods
for general application - Methods for determining the density - Water absorption tests
– Shrinkage test
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 402,502,503 and 606)

SLS 1199 Part 1 Section 4:2006

Common methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Methods
for general application - Test at low temperature
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 504, 505,506)

SLS 1199 Part 2: Section 1:2006

Common methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Methods
specific to elastomeric compounds - Ozone resistance, hot set and mineral
oil immersion tests
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 403,404 and 507)

SLS 1199 Part 3 Section 1:2006

Common methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Methods
specific to PVC compounds - Tests for resistance to cracking
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 508,509)

SLS 1199 Part 3 Section 2:2006

Common methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Methods
specific to PVC compounds - Loss of mass test – thermal stability test
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 405,409)

SLS 1199 Part 4 Section 1:2006

Common methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Methods
specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - Resistance to environmental
stress cracking measurement of melt flow index - carbon black and/or mineral filler
content measurement in polyethylene by direct combution - measurement of carbon
black content by thermo gravimetric ananalysis (TGA) - Assesment of carbon black
dispersion in polythylene using a microscope.
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 406,510, 511, 605 and 607)

SLS 1199 Part 4 Section 2:2006

Common methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Methods
specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - Tensile strength and
elongation at break after conditioning at elevated temperature - wrapping test after
conditioning at elevated temperature - wrapping test after thermal ageing in air -
measurement of mass increase - long-term stability test - test method for copper -
catalyzed oxidative degradation.
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 407,408, 410, 510, 512 and 513)

SLS 1199 Part 5 Section 1:2006

Common methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Methods
specific to filling compounds Drop point - separation of oil - lower temperature
brittlenes - total acid number - abscence of corrosive components - permittivity
at 230c - d.c. resistivity at 230 c and 1000 c.
(Superseded by SLS IEC 60811 Parts 301, 302, 411, 601,602 and 603, 604)

SLS 1202:2000 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (U-PVC) pipes for soil and waste discharge systems
inside buildings
(Superseded by SLS 1325)

SLS 1210:2001 Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride (PVC - U) pipe fittings for soil waste discharge systems
inside buildings.
(Superseded by SLS 1325)

SLS 1246:2003 Compost from municipal solid wastes and agricultural wastes
(Superseded by SLS 1634 and SLS 1635)

SLS 1252-1:2003 Method of test for safety footwear

(Superseded by SLS 1363)

SLS 1252-2:2003 General requirements for safety footwear

(Superseded by SLS 1364)

SLS 1256-12:2010 Determination of surface drying time using ballotini method

(Superseded by SLS 1256/30)

SLS 1256-21:2010 Bend test (cylindrical mandrel)

(Superseded by SLS 1256/29)

SLS 1256-26:2005 Light fastness of paints for interior use

(Superseded by SLS 1256/28)

SLS 1261:2004 Lightning protection systems

(Superseded by SLS 1472/ 1 & 4)

SLS 1269:2005 Method of testing of paper and board for tensile properties (constantrate of elongation

SLS 1273:2005 Method of testing of paper and board for bursting strength after immersion in water

SLS 1296-1:2006 Method of testing for the determination of the

(Superseding SLS 732 Part 4)(Withdrawn and replaced by SLS ISO 1183-1)

SLS 1316:2007 Code for good manufacturing practices for cosmetics industry
(Superseded by SLS ISO 22716)

SLS 1352: 2008 Electric flexible cables rated upto 450/750V, for use with appliances and equipment
intended for industrial and similar environments

SLS 1379:2009 Good manufacturing practices (GMP) for cosmetics industry

(Superseded by SLS ISO 22716)

SLS 1383 Plastic straws


SLS 1398 : 2010 Labelling and marking of cosmetics

SLS 1471:2013 Glossary of terms of packaging

(Replaced by SLS 1569-1)

SLS ISO 12236:2017 Geosynthetics - static puncture test (CBR test)

(Withdrawn (See SLS 1406-7)

SLS ISO15161:2001 Guidelines on the application of ISO 9001:2000 for the food and drink industry

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ASTM A105/A105 M-13 SLS 1514 =ASTM D1403-10 SLS ASTM D1403

=ASTM A106/A106 M-13 SLS 1515 =ASTM D1552-16a SLS ASTM D1552

=ASTM A515/A515 M-10 SLS 1516 =ASTM D1742-06 SLS ASTM D1742

=ASTM A516/A516 M-10 SLS 1517 =ASTM D1743-10 SLS ASTM D1743

=ASTM C295-08 SLS ASTM C295 =ASTM D1754M-09 (2014) SLS ASTM D1754

=ASTM C474-15 SLS ASTM C474 =ASTM D1762-84 SLS ASTM D1762

=ASTM C856-04 SLS ASTM C856 =ASTM D2042-15 SLS ASTM D2042

=ASTM C1260-07 SLS ASTM C1260 =ASTM D2170M-10 SLS ASTM D2170

=ASTM D4-86 SLS ASTM D4 =ASTM D2171M-10 SLS ASTM D2171

=ASTM D5/D5M-13 SLS ASTM D5 =ASTM D2265-06 SLS ASTM D2265

=ASTM D6/D6M-95 SLS ASTM D6 =ASTM D2266-01 SLS ASTM D2266

=ASTM D36/D36M-14 SLS ASTM D36 =ASTM D2270-10 SLS ASTM D2270

=ASTM D70-09 SLS ASTM D70 =ASTM D2397-05 SLS 1405

=ASTM D86-20b SLS ASTM D86 =ASTM D2582-08 SLS ASTM D2582

=ASTM D92-18 SLS ASTM D92 =ASTM D2596-10 SLS ASTM D2596

=ASTM D93-20 SLS ASTM D93 =ASTM D2622-16 SLS ASTM D2622

=ASTM D97-09 SLS ASTM D97 =ASTM D2699-19e1 SLS ASTM D2699

=ASTM D130-19 SLS ASTM D130 =ASTM D2783-19 SLS ASTM D2783

=ASTM D140/D 140 M-16 SLS ASTM D140 =ASTM D2854-09 SLS ASTM D2854

=ASTM D217-10 SLS ASTM D217 =ASTM D2862-97 SLS ASTM D2862

=ASTM D244-09 SLS ASTM D244 =ASTM D2866-94 SLS ASTM D2866

=ASTM D287-92 SLS ASTM D287 =ASTM D2867-04 SLS ASTM D2867

=ASTM D323-20a SLS ASTM D323 =ASTM D2872-12 SLS ASTM D2872

=ASTM D381-19 SLS ASTM D381 =ASTM D2887-08 SLS ASTM D2887

=ASTM D422-63 SLS ASTM D422 =ASTM D2896-15 SLS ASTM D2896

=ASTM D445-19a SLS ASTM D445 =ASTM D2937-17 SLS ASTM D2937

=ASTM D473-07 SLS ASTM D473 =ASTM D2983-20 SLS ASTM D2983

=ASTM D482-19 SLS ASTM D482 =ASTM D3228-08 SLS ASTM D3228

=ASTM D524-04 SLS ASTM D524 =ASTM D3237-17 SLS ASTM D3237

=ASTM D525-12a SLS ASTM D525 =ASTM D3244-20 SLS ASTM D3244

=ASTM D566-02 SLS ASTM D566 =ASTM D3335-85a SLS ASTM D3335

=ASTM D664-07 SLS ASTM D664 =ASTM D3341-16 SLS ASTM D3341

=ASTM D874-13a SLS ASTM D874 =ASTM D3606-20e1 SLS ASTM D3606

=ASTM D882-09 SLS ASTM D882 =ASTM D3624-85a SLS ASTM D3624

=ASTM D892-18 SLS ASTM D892 =ASTM D3717-85a SLS ASTM D3717

=ASTM D974-14e2 SLS ASTM D974 =ASTM D3718-85a SLS ASTM D3718

=ASTM D1037-12 SLS ASTM D1037 =ASTM D3802-79 SLS ASTM D3802

=ASTM D1264-11 SLS ASTM D1264 =ASTM D3910-07 SLS ASTM D3910

=ASTM D1266-18 SLS ASTM D1266 =ASTM D4052-18a SLS ASTM D4052

=ASTM D1298-12b (2017) SLS ASTM D1298 =ASTM D4057-19 SLS ASTM D4057

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ASTM D4170-10 SLS ASTM D4170 =ASTM D6594-20 SLS ASTM D6594

=ASTM D4172-18 SLS ASTM D4172 =ASTM D6648-08 SLS ASTM D6648

=ASTM D4177-20 SLS ASTM D4177 =ASTM D6681-17 SLS ASTM D6681

=ASTM D4289-03 SLS ASTM D4289 =ASTM D6709-15a SLS ASTM D6709

=ASTM D4294-16e1 SLS ASTM D4294 =ASTM D6723-12 SLS ASTM D6723

=ASTM D4402M-15 SLS ASTM D4402 =ASTM D6750–19 SLS ASTM D6750

=ASTM D4485-20 SLS ASTM D4485 =ASTM D6751-20a SLS ASTM D6751

=ASTM D4530-15(2020) SLS ASTM D4530 =ASTM D6794-20 SLS ASTMD6794

=ASTM D4541-09 SLS ASTM D4541 =ASTM D6795-19a SLS ASTM D6795

=ASTM D4607-94 SLS ASTM D4607 =ASTM D6837-13 SLS ASTM D6837

=ASTM D4635-16 SLS 1585 =ASTM D6868-17 SLS ASTM D6868

=ASTM D4683-20 SLS ASTM D4683 =ASTM D6891-15 SLS ASTM D6891

=ASTM D4684-20a SLS ASTM D4684 =ASTM D6894-13 SLS ASTM D6894

=ASTM D4737-10(2016) SLS ASTM D4737 =ASTM D6922-13 SLS ASTM D6922

=ASTM D4741-20 SLS ASTM D4741 =ASTM D6930-04 SLS ASTM D6930

=ASTM D4806-21 SLS ASTM D4806 =ASTM D6933-08 SLS ASTM D6933

=ASTM D4815-15b (2019) SLS ASTM D4815 =ASTM D6935-04 SLS ASTM D6935

=ASTM D4951-14 SLS ASTM D4951 =ASTM D6936-09 SLS ASTM D6936

=ASTM D4952-12(2017) SLS ASTM D4952 =ASTM D6984-18 SLS ASTM D6984

=ASTM D5059-21 SLS ASTM D5059 =ASTM D6987/D6987M-13a SLS D6987/D6987M

=ASTM D5133-20a SLS ASTM D5133 =ASTM D6997-04 SLS ASTM D6997

=ASTM D5185-18 SLS ASTM D5185 =ASTM D7097-19 SLS ASTM D7097

=ASTM D5191-20 SLS ASTM D5191 =ASTM D7175-15 SLS ASTM D7175

=ASTM D5293-20 SLS ASTM D5293 =ASTM D7320-18 SLS ASTM D7320

=ASTM D5453-19a SLS ASTM D5453 =ASTM D7328-17 SLS ASTM D7328

=ASTM D5501-20 SLS ASTM D5501 =ASTM D7422-19 SLS ASTM D7422

=ASTM D5580-21 SLS ASTM D5580 =ASTM D7468-20 SLS ASTM D7468

=ASTM D5800-20 SLS ASTM D5800 =ASTM D7553-15 SLS ASTM D7553

=ASTM D5832-98 SLS ASTM D5832 =ASTM D7795-15 SLS ASTM D7795

=ASTM D5966-13 SLS ASTM D5966 =ASTM E84-16 SLS ASTM E84

=ASTM D5967-19 SLS ASTM D5967 =ASTM E223-08 SLS ASTM E223

=ASTM D6082-12 SLS ASTM D6082 =ASTM E1054-08 SLS ASTM E1054

=ASTM D6278-20a SLS ASTM D6278 =ASTM E1064-16 SLS ASTM E1064

=ASTM D6304-20 SLS ASTM D6304 =ASTM E1174-13 SLS ASTM E1174

=ASTM D6385-99 SLS ASTM D6385 =ASTM E1676-12 SLS ASTM E1676

=ASTM D6417-15 SLS ASTM D6417 =ASTM E2315-16 SLS ASTM E2315

=ASTM D6423-20a SLS ASTM D6423 =ASTM E2755-15 SLS ASTM E2755

=ASTM D6521-13 SLS ASTM D6521 =ASTM E2783-11 SLS ASTM E2783

=ASTM D6557-18 SLS ASTM D6557 =ASTM E3058-16 SLS ASTM E3058

=ASTM D6593-18 SLS ASTM D6593 =ASTM F1494-14 SLS 1668

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ASTM F1862-17 SLS ASTM F1862 =EN 1097-6:2013 SLS EN 1097-6

=ASTM F2100-19 SLS 1667 =EN 1337-1:2000 SLS EN 1337-1

=ASTM F2101-19 SLS ASTM F2101 =EN 1337-9:1997 SLS EN 1337-9

=ASTM F2299-17 SLS ASTM F2299 =EN 1337-10: 2003 SLS EN 1337-10

=ASTM G21-15 SLS ASTM G21 =EN 1337-11:1997 SLS EN 1337-11

=BS 4422-1:198 SLS 642-1 =EN 1744-1:2009+A1:2012 SLS EN 1744-1

=BS 4422-2:1971 SLS 642-2 =EN 1990:2002/A1:2005

=BS 4422-3:1972 SLS 642-3 /AC:2010 SLS EN 1990

=BS 4422-4:1975 SLS 642-4 =EN 1991-1-1:2002 SLS EN 1991-1-1

=CAC/RCP 37:1989 SLS 1018 =EN 1991-1-2:2002 SLS EN 1991-1-2

=EN 40-1:1991 SLS EN 40-1 =EN 1991-1-3:2003/AC:2009 SLS EN 1991-1-3

=EN 40-3-2:2013 SLS EN 40-3-2 =EN 1991-1-4:2005/A1:2010,

=EN 40-3-3:2013 SLS EN 40-3-3 AC:2010 SLS EN 1991-1-4

=EN 136: 1998+AC:2003 SLS 1664 =EN 1991-1-5:2003/AC:2009 SLS EN 1991-1-5

=EN 140:1998+AC:1999 SLS 1665 =EN 1991-1-6:2005/AC:2013 SLS EN 1991-1-6

=EN 149:2001+A1:2009 SLS 1666 =EN 1991-1-7:2006/AC:2010 SLS EN 1991-1-7

=EN 196-5:2011 SLS EN 196-5 =EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 SLS EN 1991-2

=EN 196-6:2010 SLS EN 196-6 =EN 1991-3:2006 SLS EN 1991-3

=EN 365:2004 SLS EN 365 =EN 1991-4:2006 SLS EN 1991-4

=EN 413-2:2016 SLS EN 413-2 =EN 1992-1-1:2004 SLS EN 1992-1-1

=EN 538:1994 SLS EN 538 =EN 1992-1-2:2004 SLS EN 1992-1-2

=EN 539-1:2005 SLS EN 539-1 =EN 1992-2:2005/AC:2008 SLS EN 1992-2

=EN 539-2:2013 SLS EN 539-2 =EN 1992-3-2006 SLS EN 1992-3

=EN 772-1:2011+A1:2015 SLS EN 772-1 =EN 1993-1-1:2005/AC:2009 SLS EN 1993-1-1

=EN 795:2012 SLS EN 795 =EN 1993-1-2:2005/AC:2009 SLS EN 1993-1-2

=EN 932-5:2012AC 2014 SLS EN 932-5 =EN 1993-1-3:2006/AC:2009 SLS EN 1993-1-3

=EN 933-1:2012 SLS EN 933-1 =EN 1993-1-4:2006/A1:2015 SLS EN 1993-1-4

=EN 933-8:2012+A1:2015 SLS EN 933-8 =EN 1993-1-5:2006/AC 2009 SLS EN 1993-1-5

=EN 933-9:2009+A1:2013 SLS EN 933-9 =EN 1993-1-6:2007 SLS EN 1993-1-6

=EN 934-1:2008 SLS EN 934-1 =EN 1993-1-7:2007/AC 2009 SLS EN 1993-1-7

=EN 934-2:2009+A1:2012 SLS EN 934-2 =EN 1993-1-8:2005/AC:2009 SLS EN 1993-1-8

=EN 934-3:2009+A1:2012 SLS EN 934-3 =EN 1993-1-9:2005/AC:2009 SLS EN 1993-1-9

=EN 934-4:2009 SLS EN 934-4 =EN 1993-1-10:2005/AC:2009 SLS EN 1993-1-10

=EN 934-5: 2007 SLS EN 934-5 =EN 1993-1-11:2006/AC:2009 SLS EN 1993-1-11

=EN 934-6: 2001 SLS EN 934-6 =EN 1993-1-12:2007/AC:2009 SLS EN 1993-1-12

=EN 1011-2:2001/A1:2013 SLS EN 1011-2 =EN 1993-2:2006/AC:2009 SLS EN 1993-2

=EN 1024:2012 SLS EN 1024 =EN 1993-3-1:2006/AC:2009 SLS EN 1993-3-1

=EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 SLS EN 1090-1 =EN 1993-3-2:2006 SLS EN 1993-3-2

=EN 1090-2:2008+A1:2011 SLS EN 1090-2 =EN 1993-4-1:2007/AC:2009 SLS EN 1993-4-1

=EN 1090-3:2008 SLS EN 1090-3 =EN 1993-4-2:2007/AC:2009 SLS EN 1993-4-2

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=EN 1993-4-3:2007/AC:2009 SLS EN 1993-4-3 =EN 13639:2002 SLS EN 13639

=EN 1993-5:2007/AC:2009 SLS EN 1993-5 =EN 14078:2014 SLS EN 14078

=EN 1993-6:2007/AC: 2009 SLS EN 1993-6 =EN 14683: 2019 SLS 1663

=EN 1994-1-1:2004 SLS EN 1994-1-1 =EN 15057:2006 SLS EN 15057

=EN 1994-1-2:2005 SLS EN 1994-1-2 =EN 15837:2009 SLS EN 15837

=EN 1994-2:2005/AC:2008 SLS EN 1994-2 =EN 50395:2005/A1:2011 SLS EN 50395

=EN 1995-1-1:2004 SLS EN 1995-1-1 =EN 50396:2005/A1:2011 SLS EN 50396

=EN 1995-1-2:2004 SLS EN 1995-1-2 =EN 50525-1:2011 SLS 1504-1

=EN 1995-2:2004 SLS EN 1995-2 =EN 50525-2-11:2011 SLS 1504-2-11

=EN 1996-1-1:2005+A1:2012 SLS EN 1996-1-1 =EN 50525-2-12:2011 SLS 1504-2-12

=EN 1996-1-2:2005/AC:2010 SLS EN 1996-1-2 =EN 50525-2-21:2011 SLS 1504-2-21

=EN 1996-2:2006/AC:2009 SLS EN 1996-2 =EN 50525-2-22:2011 SLS 1504-2-22

=EN 1996-3:2006/AC:2009 SLS EN 1996-3 =EN 50525-2-31:2011 SLS 1504-2-31

=EN 1997-1:2004/AC:2009 SLS EN 1997-1 =EN 50525-2-41:2011 SLS 1504-2-41

=EN 1997-2:2007/AC:2010 SLS EN 1997-2 =EN 50525-2-42:2011 SLS 1504-2-42

=EN 1998-3:2005/AC:2010 SLS EN 1998-3 =EN 50525-2-51:2011 SLS 1504-2-51

=EN 1998-4:2006 SLS EN 1998-4 =EN 50525-2-71:2011 SLS 1504-2-71

=EN 1998-5:2004 SLS EN 1998-5 =EN 50525-2-72:2011 SLS 1504-2-72

=EN 1998-6:2005 SLS EN 1998-6 =EN 50525-2-81:2011 SLS 1504-2-81

=EN 1999-1-1:2007/A1:2009/ =EN 50523-2-82:2011 SLS 1504-2-82

A2:2013 SLS EN 1999-1-1 =EN 50525-2-83:2011 SLS 1504-2-83

=EN 1999-1-2:2007/AC:2009 SLS EN 1999-1-2 =EN 50525-3-11:2011 SLS 1504-3-11

=EN 1999-1-3:2007/A1:2011 SLS EN 1999-1-3 =EN 50525-3-21:2011 SLS 1504-3-21

=EN 1999-1-4:2007/A1:2011/ =EN 50525-3-31:2011 SLS 1504-3-31

AC:2009 SLS EN 1999-1-4 =EN 50525-3-41:2011 SLS 1504-3-41

=EN 1999-1-5:2007/AC:2009 SLS EN 1999-1-5 =EN 50618:2014 SLS 1542

=EN 10049:2013 SLS EN 10049 =HD 308 S2:2001 SLS HD 308 S2

=EN 10088-1:2014 SLS EN 10088-1 =HD 361 S3:1999,A1:2006 SLS HD 361 S3

=EN 10216-1:2013 SLS 1518-1 =IEC 60034-1:2004 SLS IEC 60034-1

=EN 10216-2:2013 SLS 1518-2 =IEC 60034-2-1:2007 SLS IEC 60034-2-1

=EN 10217-1:2002 SLS 1519-1 =IEC 60034-2A:1974 SLS IEC 60034-2A

=EN 10217-2:2002 SLS 1519-2 =IEC 60034-5:2006 SLS IEC 60034-5

=EN 12811-1:2003 SLS EN 12811-1 =IEC 60034-6:1991 SLS IEC 60034-6

=EN 12811-2:2004 SLS EN 12811-2 =IEC 60034-7:2001 SLS IEC 60034-7

=EN 12811-3:2002 SLS EN 12811-3 =IEC 60034-8:2007 SLS IEC 60034-8

=EN 12811-4:2013 SLS EN 12811-4 =IEC 60034-9:2007 SLS IEC 60034-9

=EN 12878:2014 SLS EN 12878 =IEC 60034-11:2004 SLS IEC 60034-11

=EN 12916:2019 SLS EN 12916 =IEC 60034-12:2007 SLS IEC 60034-12

=EN 13501-1:2007+A1:2009 SLS EN 13501-1 =IEC 60034-14:2007 SLS IEC 60034-14

=EN 13501-5:2005+A1:2009 SLS EN 13501-5 =IEC 60034-18-1:1992 SLS IEC 60034-18-1

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=IEC 60034-18-21:1992 SLS IEC 60034-18-21 =IEC 60311:2009 SLS 1476-2

=IEC 60034-18-22:2000 SLS IEC 60034-18-22 =IEC 60317-0-1:2008 SLS 1081-1-1

=IEC 60034-18-31:1992 SLS IEC 60034-18-31 =IEC 60317-0-2:2005 SLS 1081-1-2

=IEC 60034-18-33:1995 SLS IEC 60034-18-33 =IEC 60317-4:2000 SLS 1081-2

=IEC 60034-26:2006 SLS IEC 60034-26 =IEC 60317-8:1997 SLS 1081-4

=IEC 60038:1983 SLS 1259 =IEC 60317-13:1997 SLS 1081-13

=IEC 60062:1974 SLS 520 =IEC 60332-1-1:2004 SLS 1007-1-1

=IEC 60064:2005 SLS 984-2 =IEC 60332-1-2:2004 SLS 1007-1-2

=IEC 60068-1:1982 SLS 580-1 =IEC 60332-1-3:2004 SLS 1007-1-3

=IEC 60068-2-1:1974 SLS 580-2-1 =IEC 60332-2.1:2004 SLS 1007-2-1

=IEC 60068-2-2:1974 SLS 580-2-2 =IEC 60332-2.2:2004 SLS 1007-2-2

=IEC 60068-2-3:1969 SLS 580-2-3 =IEC 60335-1:2020 SLS 579-1

=IEC 60068-2-4:1960 SLS 580-2-4 =IEC 60335-2-3:2012 SLS 1476-1

=IEC 60068-2-20:1979 SLS 580-2-20 =IEC 60335-2-9:2012 SLS 1495

=IEC 60068-2-44:1979 SLS 580-2-44 =IEC 60335-2-15:2018 SLS 1501

=IEC 60068-3-1:1974 SLS 580-3-1 =IEC 60335-2-74:2009 SLS 1193

=IEC 60072-1:1991 SLS IEC 60072-1 =IEC 60335-2-80:2015 SLS 814-2

=IEC 60072-2:1990 SLS IEC 60072-2 =IEC 60364-6:2016 SLS IEC 60364-6

=IEC 60072-3:1994 SLS IEC 60072-3 =IEC 60425:1973 SLS 518

=IEC 60081:2002 SLS 1477-2 =IEC 60432-1:2012 SLS 984-1

=IEC 60086-1:2015 SLS 1198-1 =IEC 60439-1:1999 SLS 1223-1

=IEC 60086-2:2015 SLS 1198-2 =IEC 60439-3:1999 SLS 1223-3

=IEC 60095-1:2018 SLS 1126-1 =IEC 60445:1973 SLS 553

=IEC 60095-2:2009 SLS 1126-2 =IEC 60478-2:1974 SLS 992-1

=IEC 60155:1993 SLS 1260 =IEC 60478-4:1976 SLS 992-4

=IEC 60183:1984 SLS 1187 =IEC 60521:1988 SLS 1165

=IEC 60238:2017 SLS 1571 =IEC 60529:2013 SLS 963

=IEC 60247:1978 SLS 1216 =IEC 60530:1975 SLS 1502

=IEC 60264-1:1968+A1:2009 SLS 1082-1 =IEC 60601-1:2012 SLS 1660-1

=IEC 60264-2-1:1989+A1:2003 SLS 1082-2-1 =IEC 60601-1-2:2014 SLS 1660-1-2

=IEC 60264-2-2:1990+A1:2003 SLS 1082-2-2 =IEC 60601-1-8:2012 SLS 1660-1-8

=IEC 60264-2-3:1990+A1:2003 SLS 1082-2-3 =IEC 60601-1-10:2013 SLS 1660-1-10

=IEC 60264-3-1:2009 SLS 1082-3-1 =IEC 60601-1-11:2015 SLS 1660-1-11

=IEC 60264-3-2:1999 SLS 1082-3-2 =IEC 60601-1-12:2014 SLS 1660-1-12

=IEC 60264-3-3:1990+A1:2003 SLS 1082-3-3 =IEC 60601-2-52:2015 SLS 1660-2-52

=IEC 60264-3-4:1999 SLS 1082-3-4 =IEC 60617-9:1983 SLS 1098-9

=IEC 60264-4-1: 1997+A1:2009 SLS 1082-4-1 =IEC 60617-10:1983 SLS 1098-10

=IEC 60264-4-2: 1992+A1:2003 SLS 1082-4-2 =IEC 60670-1:2002 SLS 1298-1

=IEC 60301:1971 SLS 519 =IEC 60686:1980 SLS 1128

=IEC 60304:1982 SLS 849 =IEC 60811-100:2012 SLS IEC 60811-100

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=IEC 60811-201:2012 SLS IEC 60811-201 =IEC 60851-4:2005 SLS 1025-4

=IEC 60811-202:2012 SLS IEC 60811-202 =IEC 60851-5:2008 SLS 1025-5

=IEC 60811-203:2012 SLS IEC 60811-203 =IEC 60851-6:1996

=IEC 60811-301:2012 SLS IEC 60811-301 +A1:1997+A2:2003 SLS 1025-6

=IEC 60811-302:2012 SLS IEC 60811-302 =IEC 60898-1:2015+A1:2019 SLS 1175

=IEC 60811-401:2012 SLS IEC 60811-401 =IEC 60921:2006 SLS 1150-2

=IEC 60811-402:2012 SLS IEC 60811-402 =IEC 60929:2011 SLS 1239-2

=IEC 60811-403:2012 SLS IEC 60811-403 =IEC 60947-1: 2014 SLS 1554-1

=IEC 60811-404:2012 SLS IEC 60811-404 =IEC 60947-2: 2016 SLS 1554-2

=IEC 60811-405:2012 SLS IEC 60811-405 =IEC 60947-3: 2015 SLS 1554-3

=IEC 60811-406:2012 SLS IEC 60811-406 =IEC 60968: 2015 SLS 1231-2

=IEC 60811-407:2012 SLS IEC 60811-407 =IEC 61000-1-1:1992 SLS 1182-1-1

=IEC 60811-408:2012 SLS IEC 60811-408 =IEC 61008-1:2013 SLS 1099-1

=IEC 60811-409:2012 SLS IEC 60811-409 =IEC 61008-2-1:1990 SLS 1099-2-1

=IEC 60811-410:2012 SLS IEC 60811-410 =IEC 61009-1:2010

=IEC 60811-411:2012 SLS IEC 60811-411 A1:2012+A2:2013 SLS 1022-1

=IEC 60811-412:2012 SLS IEC 60811-412 =IEC 61009-2-1:1991 SLS 1022-2-1

=IEC 60811-501:2012 SLS IEC 60811-501 =IEC 61184:2019 SLS 138

=IEC 60811-502:2012 SLS IEC 60811-502 =IEC 61195:2012 SLS 1477-1

=IEC 60811-503:2012 SLS IEC 60811-503 =IEC 61215-1:2016 SLS 1544-1

=IEC 60811-504:2012 SLS IEC 60811-504 =IEC 61215-1-1: 2016 SLS 1544-1-1

=IEC 60811-505:2012 SLS IEC 60811-505 =IEC 61215-2:2016 SLS 1544-2

=IEC 60811-506:2012 SLS IEC 60811-506 =IEC 61242:1995+A1:2008

=IEC 60811-507:2012 SLS IEC 60811-507 +A2:2015 SLS 1532

=IEC 60811-508:2012 SLS IEC 60811-508 =IEC 61347-1:2007 SLS 61347-1

=IEC 60811-509:2012 SLS IEC 60811-509 =IEC 61347-2-3:2011 SLS 1239-1

=IEC 60811-510:2012 SLS IEC 60811-510 =IEC 61347-2-8:2006 SLS 1150-1

=IEC 60811-511:2012 SLS IEC 60811-511 =IEC 61347-2-13:2016 SLS 1645-1

=IEC 60811-512:2012 SLS IEC 60811-512 =IEC 61386-1:2008+A1:2017 SLS 993-1

=IEC 60811-513:2012 SLS IEC 60811-513 =IEC 61386-21:2002 SLS 993-2

=IEC 60811-601:2012 SLS IEC 60811-601 =IEC 61386-22:2002 SLS 993-3

=IEC 60811-602:2012 SLS IEC 60811-602 =IEC 61386-23:2002 SLS 993-4

=IEC 60811-603:2012 SLS IEC 60811-603 =IEC 61537:2006 SLS 1503

=IEC 60811-604:2012 SLS IEC 60811-604 =IEC 61643-11:2011 SLS 1473-1

=IEC 60811-605:2012 SLS IEC 60811-605 =IEC 61643-12:2008 SLS 1473-2

=IEC 60811-606:2012 SLS IEC 60811-606 =IEC 61643-21:2009 SLS 1473-3

=IEC 60811-607:2012 SLS IEC 60811-607 =IEC 61643-22:2004 SLS 1473-4

=IEC 60851-1:1996+A1:2003 SLS 1025-1 =IEC 61643-31:2018 SLS 1473-5

=IEC 60851-2:2009 SLS 1025-2 =IEC 61643-32:2017 SLS 1473-6

=IEC 60851-3:2009 SLS 1025-3 =IEC 61683:1999 SLS 1546

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=IEC 61727:2004 SLS 1547 =ISO 37:2017 SLS 297-2

=IEC 61730-1:2016 SLS 1553-1 =ISO 48-1:2018 SLS 297-4-1

=IEC 61730-2:2016 SLS 1553-2 =ISO 48-2:2018 SLS 297-4-2

=IEC 61853-1:2011 SLS 1545-1 =ISO 56-1:1979 SLS 490-1

=IEC 61853-2:2016 SLS 1545-2 =ISO 56-2:1979 SLS 490-2

=IEC 62031:2018 SLS 1639-1 =ISO 105-A01:2010 SLS 1387-1

=IEC 62109-1:2010 SLS 1543-1 =ISO 105-A02:1993 SLS 1387-2

=IEC 62109-2:2011 SLS 1543-2 =ISO 105-A03:1993 SLS 1387-3

=IEC 62230:2013 SLS 906 =ISO 105-A04:1989 SLS 1387-4

=IEC 62305-1:2010 SLS 1472-1 =ISO 105-A05:1996 SLS 1387-5

=IEC 62305-2:2010 SLS 1472-2 =ISO 105-A06:1995 SLS 1387-6

=IEC 62305-3:2010 SLS 1472-3 =ISO 105-A08:2001 SLS 1387-7

=IEC 62305-4: 2010 SLS 1472-4 =ISO 105-A11:2012 SLS 1387-46

=IEC 62384:2011 SLS 1645-2 =ISO 105-B01:2014 SLS 1387-51

=IEC 62423:2009 SLS 1431 =ISO 105-B02:2014 SLS 1387-50

=IEC 62446-1:2016 SLS IEC 62446-1 =ISO 105-B03:2017 SLS 1387-8

=IEC 62548:2016 SLS 62548 =ISO 105-B04:1994 SLS 1387-9

=IEC 62560:2011 SLS 1458-1 =ISO 105-B05:1993 SLS 1387-10

=IEC 62561-1-2012 SLS 1496-1 =ISO 105-B06:1998 SLS 1387-11

=IEC 62561-2:2012 SLS 1496-2 =ISO 105-B07:2009 SLS 1387-12

=IEC 62561-3:2012 SLS 1496-3 =ISO 105-B08:1995 SLS 1387-13

=IEC 62561-4:2010 SLS 1496-4 =ISO 105-B10:2011 SLS 1387-47

=IEC 62561-5:2011 SLS 1496-5 =ISO 105-C06:2010 SLS 1387-14

=IEC 62561-6:2011 SLS 1496-6 =ISO 105-C10:2006 SLS 1357

=IEC 62561-7:2011 SLS 1496-7 =ISO 105-C12:2004 SLS 1387-15

=IEC 62612:2013 SLS 1458-2 =ISO 105-D01:2010 SLS 1387-44

=IEC 62623:2012 SLS IEC 62623 =ISO 105-D02:1993 SLS 1387-16

=IEC 62717:2019 SLS 1639-2 =ISO 105-E01:2013 SLS 1387-45

=IEC 62852:2014 SLS 1637 =ISO 105-E02:2013 SLS 1387-49

=IEC 80601-2-59:2017 SLS 1660-2-59 =ISO 105-E03:2010 SLS 1387-17

=IEC ISO 31010:2009 SLS IEC ISO 31010 =ISO 105-E04:2013 SLS 1387-48

=ISO 2:1973 SLS 19-1 =ISO 105-E08:1994 SLS 1387-18

=ISO 8:1977 SLS 1151 =ISO 105-F01:2001 SLS 1387-19

=ISO 18:1981 SLS 1083 =ISO 105-F02:2009 SLS 1387-20

=ISO 31-0:1974 SLS 84-0 =ISO 105-F03:2001 SLS 1387-21

=ISO 31-1:1965 SLS 84-1 =ISO 105-F04:2001 SLS 1387-22

=ISO 31-5:1965 SLS 84-5 =ISO 105-F05:2001 SLS 1387-23

=ISO 34-1:2015 SLS 297-3-1 =ISO 105-F06:2000 SLS 1387-24

=ISO 34-2:2015 SLS 297-3-2 =ISO 105-F07:2001 SLS 1387-25

=ISO 35:2004 SLS 1304-5 =ISO 105-F09:2009 SLS 1387-26

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ISO 105-F10:1989 SLS 1387-27 =ISO 215:1986 SLS 1084

=ISO 105-G04:2016 SLS ISO105-G04 =ISO 217:2008 SLS 1436

=ISO 105-J01:1997 SLS 1387-28 =ISO 247-1:2018 SLS 484-2-1

=ISO 105-J02:1997 SLS 1387-29 =ISO 247-2:2018 SLS 484-2-2

=ISO 105-J03:1995 SLS 1387-30 =ISO 248-1:2011 SLS 484-10

=ISO 105-J05:2007 SLS 1387-31 =ISO 248-2:2012 SLS 484-9

=ISO 105-N01:1993 SLS 88-1 =ISO 249:2016 SLS 484-1

=ISO 105-N02:1993 SLS 1387-32 =ISO 279:1998 SLS 572-1

=ISO 105-N04:1993 SLS 1387-33 =ISO 280:1998 SLS 572-2

=ISO 105-N05:1993 SLS 1387-34 =ISO R 286:1962 SLS 569-1

=ISO 105-P01:1993 SLS 1387-35 =ISO 287:2017 SLS ISO 287

=ISO 105-P02:2002 SLS 1387-36 =ISO 289-1:2015 SLS 484-8

=ISO 105-X04:1994 SLS 1387-37 =ISO 374-1:2016 SLS ISO 374-1

=ISO 105-X05:1994 SLS 203 =ISO 374-2:2019 SLS ISO 374-2

=ISO 105-X06:1994 SLS 65 =ISO 374-5:2016 SLS ISO 374-5

=ISO 105-X07:1994 SLS 1387-38 =ISO 390:1993 SLS ISO 390

=ISO 105-X08:1994 SLS 1387-39 =ISO 445:1984 SLS 422

=ISO 105-X09:1993 SLS 1387-40 =ISO 446:1991 SLS 1152

=ISO 105-X10:1993 SLS 1387-41 =ISO 456:1973 SLS 1391-3

=ISO 105-X11:1994 SLS 198 =ISO 457:1983 SLS 1391-6-1

=ISO 105-X12:2016 SLS 63 =ISO 472:1999 SLS 616

=ISO 105-X14:1994 SLS 1387-42 =ISO 488:2008 SLS 735-1-6

=ISO 105-X16:2001 SLS 1387-43 =ISO 498:1992 SLS 1304-17

=ISO 123:2001 SLS 1304-1 =ISO R 500:1975 SLS 508

=ISO 124:2014 SLS 1304-2 =ISO 506:1992 SLS 1304-11

=ISO 125:2011 SLS 1304-4 =ISO 520:2010 SLS ISO 520

=ISO 126:2005 SLS 1304-3 =ISO 527-1:1993 SLS ISO 527-1

=ISO 127:2018 SLS 1304-12 =ISO 527-2:1993 SLS ISO 527-2

=ISO 132:2017 SLS 297-6 =ISO 534:2011 SLS 1370

=ISO 137:2015 SLS ISO 137 =ISO 535:2014 SLS 1270

=ISO 139:2005 SLS 16 =ISO 536:2019 SLS 338

=ISO 177:2016 SLS ISO 177 =ISO 592:1998 SLS 572-3

=ISO 178:2019 SLS ISO 178 =ISO 605:1991 SLS 1527

=ISO 183:1976 SLS 732-1 =ISO 639:1988 SLS 1085

=ISO 188:2011 SLS 297-5 =ISO 643:2003 SLS 575

=ISO 197-1:1983 SLS 782-1 =ISO 660:2009 SLS 313-2-6

=ISO 197-2:1983 SLS 782-2 =ISO 661:2003 SLS 313-1-1

=ISO 197-3:1983 SLS 782-3 =ISO 662:2016 SLS 313-3-5

=ISO 197-4:1983 SLS 782-4 =ISO 663:2017 SLS 313-3-4

=ISO 197-5:1980 SLS 782-5 =ISO 668:1979 SLS 506

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ISO 672:1978 SLS 1391-8 =ISO 1108:1992 SLS 186-7

=ISO 673:1981 SLS 1391-5 =ISO 1125:2015 SLS 899-1-1

=ISO 679:2009 SLS ISO 679 =ISO 1126:2015 SLS 899-1-2

=ISO 684:1974 SLS 1391-2 =ISO 1130:1975 SLS 504

=ISO 685:1975 SLS 1391-1 =ISO 1138:2007 SLS 899-1-3

=ISO 705:2015 SLS 1304-14 =ISO 1139:1973 SLS 19-2

=ISO 706:2004 SLS 1304-6 =ISO 1140:2012 SLS 1385

=ISO 707:2008 SLS 1404 =ISO 1141:2012 SLS 1386

=ISO 712:2009 SLS ISO 712 =ISO 1144:2016 SLS 18

=ISO 751:1998 SLS 357 =ISO 1167-1-2006 SLS ISO 1167-1

=ISO 762:2003 SLS 327 =ISO 1167-2-2006 SLS ISO 1167-2

=ISO 763:2003 SLS 349 =ISO 1183-1-2012 SLS ISO 1183-1

=ISO 780:2015 SLS 505 =ISO 1183-2:2004 SLS 1296-2

=ISO 811:1981 SLS 287-2 =ISO 1183-3:1999 SLS 1296-3

=ISO 817:1974 SLS 880 =ISO 1190-1:1982 SLS 755-1

=ISO 858:1973 SLS 155 =ISO 1190-2:1982 SLS 755-2

=ISO 874:1980 SLS ISO 874 =ISO 1208:1982 SLS 186-8

=ISO 875:1999 SLS 572-4 =ISO 1211:2010 SLS 735-1-5

=ISO 927:2009 SLS 186-2 =ISO 1212:1995 SLS 1612

=ISO 928:1997 SLS 186-3 =ISO 1272:2000 SLS 572-5

=ISO 930:1997 SLS 186-4 = ISO 1279:1996 SLS 572-9

=ISO 934:1980 SLS 313-3-1 =ISO 1304:2016 SLS 899-1-4

=ISO 935:1988 SLS 313-1-6 =ISO 1306:1995 SLS 899-1-5

=ISO 936:1998 SLS 331 =ISO 1382:2008 SLS 968

=ISO 937:1978 SLS 295 =ISO 1401:2016 SLS 1598

=ISO 939:1980 SLS 186-5 =ISO 1409:2006 SLS 1304-15

=ISO 941:1980 SLS 186-6 =ISO 1421:1998 SLS 761-3

=ISO 976:1996 SLS 1287 =ISO 1435:1996 SLS 899-1-6

=ISO 1001:1986 SLS 1110 =ISO 1437:2007 SLS 899-1-7

=ISO 1026:1982 SLS 1332-4 =ISO 1442:1997 SLS 294

=ISO 1043-1:2011 SLS 1559-1 =ISO 1443:1973 SLS 779

=ISO 1043-2:2011 SLS 1559-2 =ISO 1447:1978 SLS 736

=ISO 1043-3:2016 SLS 1559-3 =ISO 1461:2009 SLS ISO 1461

=ISO 1043-4:1998 SLS 1559-4 =ISO 1463:2003 SLS 788

=ISO 1046:1973 SLS 499 =ISO 1513:2010 SLS 1256-1

=ISO 1047:1973 SLS 500 =ISO 1514:2016 SLS 1256-40

=ISO 1066:1975 SLS 1391-7 =ISO 1518-1:2011 SLS 1256-20-1

=ISO 1067:1974 SLS 1391-4 =ISO 1518-2:2011 SLS 1256-20-2

=ISO 1086:1991 SLS 1086 =ISO 1519:2011 SLS 1256-29

=ISO 1107:2017 SLS 156 =ISO 1523:2002 SLS 1256-4

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ISO 1524:2013 SLS 1256-16 =ISO 1833-18:2006 SLS 1388-18

=ISO 1530:2003 SLS 332 =ISO 1833-19:2006 SLS 1388-19

=ISO 1572:1980 SLS 28-1 =ISO 1833-20:2009 SLS 1388-20

=ISO 1573:1980 SLS 28-2 =ISO 1833-21:2006 SLS 1388-21

=ISO 1575:1987 SLS 28-3 =ISO 1833-22:2013 SLS 1388-22

=ISO 1576:1988 SLS 28-4 =ISO 1833-24:2010 SLS 1388-24

=ISO 1577:1987 SLS 28-5 =ISO 1833-26:2013 SLS 1388-26

=ISO 1578:1975 SLS 28-6 =ISO 1839:1980 SLS 77

=ISO 1652:2011 SLS1304-16 =ISO 1842:1991 SLS 328

=ISO 1656:2014 SLS 484-3 =ISO 1856:2000 SLS ISO 1856

=ISO 1657:1986 SLS 1304-9 =ISO 1871:2009 SLS ISO 1871

=ISO 1658:2015 SLS 1288 =ISO 1919:1976 SLS 576-5

=ISO 1666:1996 SLS 1567-1 =ISO 1924-2:2008 SLS 474-2

=ISO 1735:2004 SLS 735-1-4 =ISO 1924-3:2005 SLS 474-3

=ISO 1736:2008 SLS 735-1-2 =ISO R 1938:1971 SLS 569-2

=ISO 1737:2008 SLS 735-1-3 =ISO 1957:2000 SLS 1478

=ISO 1738:2004 SLS 735-11 =ISO 1968:2004 SLS 657

=ISO 1742:1980 SLS 1567-2 =ISO 1969:2004 SLS 1699

=ISO 1765:1986 SLS 1480 =ISO 1974:2012 SLS 679

=ISO 1766:1999 SLS 1479 =ISO 1998-1: 1998 SLS ISO 1998-1

=ISO 1795:2007 SLS 1297 =ISO 1998-2: 1998 SLS ISO 1998-2

=ISO 1802:1992 SLS 1304-13 =ISO 1998-3: 1998 SLS ISO 1998-3

=ISO 1806:2002 SLS 270 =ISO 1998-4: 1998 SLS ISO 1998-4

=ISO 1833-1:2006 SLS 1388-1 =ISO 1998-5: 1998 SLS ISO 1998-5

=ISO 1833-2:2006 SLS 1388-2 =ISO 1998-6: 1998 SLS ISO 1998-6

=ISO 1833-3:2006 SLS 1388-3 =ISO 1998-7: 1998 SLS ISO 1998-7

=ISO 1833-4:2006 SLS 1388-4 =ISO 1998-99: 2000 SLS ISO 1998-99

=ISO 1833-5:2006 SLS 1388-5 =ISO 2004: 2017 SLS 324

=ISO 1833-6:2018 SLS 1388-6 =ISO 2005:2014 SLS 1304-10

=ISO 1833-7:2006 SLS 1388-7 =ISO 2007:2018 SLS 484-5

=ISO 1833-8:2006 SLS 1388-8 =ISO 2060:1994 SLS 20

=ISO 1833-9:2006 SLS 1388-9 =ISO 2061:2015 SLS 23

=ISO 1833-10:2006 SLS 1388-10 =ISO 2062:2009 SLS 1429

=ISO 1833-11:2006 SLS 1388-11 =ISO 2076:2013 SLS 1482

=ISO 1833-12:2006 SLS 1388-12 =ISO 2108:1978 SLS 675

=ISO 1833-13:2019 SLS 1388-13 =ISO 2144:2019 SLS 1681

=ISO 1833-14:2006 SLS 1388-14 =ISO 2146:1988 SLS 1087

=ISO 1833-15:2006 SLS 1388-15 =ISO 2162:1973 SLS 501

=ISO 1833-16:2006 SLS 388-16 =ISO 2169:1981 SLS 1611

=ISO 1833-17:2006 SLS 1388-17 =ISO 2171:2007 SLS 1549-4

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ISO 2172:1983 SLS 1332-1 =ISO 2602:1980 SLS 526-1

=ISO 2173:2003 SLS 1332-2 =ISO 2704:1976 SLS 576-6

=ISO 2177:2003 SLS 786 =ISO 2705:1976 SLS 576-7

=ISO 2178:1982 SLS 787 =ISO 2709:1981 SLS 1111

=ISO 2203:1973 SLS 502 =ISO 2735:1973 SLS 503

=ISO 2231:1989 SLS 761-5 =ISO 2758:2014 SLS 678

=ISO 2271:1989 SLS 1401-1 =ISO 2759:2014 SLS 680

=ISO 2286-1:1998 SLS 1354-1 =ISO 2781:2008 SLS 297-1

=ISO 2286-2:1998 SLS 1354-2 =ISO 2784:1974 SLS 1112

=ISO 2286-3:1998 SLS 1354-3 =ISO 2795:1986 SLS 850-1

=ISO 2294:1974 SLS 780 =ISO 2808:2007 SLS 1256-15

=ISO 2307:2010 SLS 1481 =ISO 2810:2004 SLS 1256-25

=ISO 2313:1972 SLS 200 =ISO 2811-1:2016 SLS 1256-5

=ISO 2321:2017 SLS 976 =ISO 2812-1:2017 SLS 1256-27

=ISO 2344:1981 SLS 576-4 =ISO 2812-2:2018 SLS 1256-24

=ISO 2345:1981 SLS 576-1 =ISO 2813:2014 SLS 1256-31

=ISO 2346:1976 SLS 576-2 =ISO 2820:1974 SLS 1020

=ISO 2347:1981 SLS 576-3 =ISO 2822-3 :2017 SLS ISO 2822-3

=ISO 2401:1972 SLS 570 =ISO 2825:1981 SLS 186-1

=ISO 2409:2013 SLS 1256-22 =ISO 2854:1976 SLS 526-2

=ISO 2411:2000 SLS 761-6 =ISO 2859:1974 SLS 427

=ISO 2417:2016 SLS 404-8 =ISO 2859-1:1999 SLS ISO 2859-1

=ISO 2418:2017 SLS 403 =ISO 2871-1:2010 SLS 1401-2

=ISO 2419:2012 SLS 404-9 =ISO 2871-2:2010 SLS 1401-3

=ISO 2420:2017 SLS 404-2 =ISO 2884-1:1999 SLS 1256-3

=ISO 2431:2019 SLS 1256-2 =ISO 2911:2004 SLS 735-12

=ISO 2439:2008 SLS 1329 =ISO 2917:1999 SLS 329

=ISO 2440:1997 SLS ISO 2440 =ISO 2918:1975 SLS 384

=ISO 2446:2008 SLS 735-1-1 =ISO 2930:2017 SLS 484-6

=ISO 2448:1998 SLS 358 =ISO 2947:1973 SLS 488

=ISO 2469:2014 SLS 1682 =ISO 2959:2011 SLS 1455

=ISO 2470-1:2016 SLS 1276-1 =ISO 3035:2011 SLS 479

=ISO 2470-2:2008 SLS 1276-2 =ISO 3037:2007 SLS 1275

=ISO 2471:2008 SLS 1344 =ISO 3039:2010 SLS 1279

=ISO 2493:1992 SLS 475 =ISO 3060:1974 SLS 583

=ISO 2505:2005 SLS ISO 2505 =ISO 3071:2005 SLS 86

=ISO 2507-1-1995 SLS ISO 2507-1 =ISO 3074:1975 SLS 600

=ISO 2528:2017 SLS ISO 2528 =ISO 3091:1975 SLS 396

=ISO 2588:1985 SLS 402 =ISO 3103:1980 SLS 78

=ISO 2589:2016 SLS 404-1 =ISO 3114:1977 SLS ISO 3114

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ISO 3126:2005 SLS ISO 3126 =ISO 3678:1976 SLS 1256-14

=ISO 3165:1976 SLS 1280 =ISO 3689:1983 SLS 476

=ISO 3166-1:2006 SLS 1009-1 =ISO 3726:1983 SLS ISO 3726

=ISO 3166-2:2007 SLS 1009-2 =ISO 3727-1:2001 SLS ISO 3727-1

=ISO 3166-3:1999 SLS 1009-3 =ISO 3727-2:2001 SLS ISO 3727-2

=ISO 3170:1975 SLS 561-1 =ISO 3727-2:2003 SLS ISO 3727-3

=ISO 3171:1975 SLS 561-2 =ISO 3728:2004 SLS 735-14

=ISO 3207:1975 SLS 526-3 =ISO 3759:2011 SLS 1250

=ISO 3210:2010 SLS ISO 3210 =ISO 3768:1976 SLS 706

=ISO 3248:2016 SLS 1256-38 =ISO 3769:1976 SLS 707

=ISO 3251:2019 SLS 1256-8 =ISO 3770:1976 SLS 708

=ISO 3257:1992 SLS 899-1-8 =ISO 3781:2011 SLS 1271

=ISO 3297:1986 SLS 817 =ISO 3808:2002 SLS 412-2

=ISO 3301:1975 SLS 526-4 =ISO 3856-1:1984 SLS 1256-10

=ISO 3303-1:2012 SLS 761-7-1 =ISO 3858:2008 SLS 899-1-9

=ISO 3303-2:2012 SLS 761-7-2 =ISO 3864-1:2011 SLS ISO 3864-1

=ISO 3334:1989 SLS 1153 =ISO 3864-2:2016 SLS ISO 3864-2

=ISO 3376:2002 SLS 404-6 =ISO 3864-3:2012 SLS ISO 3864-3

=ISO 3377-1:2011 SLS 404-3-1 =ISO 3864-4:2011 SLS ISO 3864-4

=ISO 3377-2:2016 SLS 404-3-2 =ISO 3911:1977 SLS 900-2

=ISO 3378:2002 SLS 404-4 =ISO 3951-1:2013 SLS ISO 3951-1

=ISO 3379:2015 SLS 404-5 =ISO 3951-2: 2013 SLS ISO 3951-2

=ISO 3380:2002 SLS 404-7 =ISO 3951-3:2007 SLS ISO 3951-3

=ISO 3385:2014 SLS ISO 3385 =ISO 3951-4:2011 SLS ISO 3951-4

=ISO 3394:2012 SLS 507 =ISO 3951-5:2006 SLS ISO 3951-5

=ISO 3494:1976 SLS 526-5 =ISO 3960:2017 SLS 313-3-7

=ISO 3509:2005 SLS ISO 3509 =ISO 3961:2018 SLS 313-2-2

=ISO 3535:1977 SLS 1113 =ISO 3972:2011 SLS 1484-1

=ISO 3536-1:1975 SLS 842 =ISO 4044:2017 SLS 537-1

=ISO 3537:1975 SLS 843-1 =ISO 4045:2008 SLS 537-2

=ISO 3538:1978 SLS 843-2 =ISO 4046-1:2016 SLS 1596-1

=ISO 3547:1976 SLS 850-3 =ISO 4046-2:2016 SLS 1596-2

=ISO 3548:1978 SLS 850-4 =ISO 4046-3:2016 SLS 1596-3

=ISO 3588:1977 SLS 186-12 =ISO 4046-4:2016 SLS 1596-4

=ISO 3596:2000 SLS 313-4-3 =ISO 4046-5:2016 SLS 1596-5

=ISO 3633:2002 SLS 1325 =ISO 4047:1977 SLS 537-3

=ISO 3656:2011 SLS 313-1-8 =ISO 4048:2008 SLS 537-4

=ISO 3657:2013 SLS 313-2-1 =ISO 4052:1983 SLS 970

=ISO 3668:2017 SLS 1256-42 =ISO 4087:1991 SLS 1088

=ISO 3676:2012 SLS 1595 =ISO 4098:2006 SLS 537-6

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ISO 4102:1984 SLS 756-1 =ISO 4915:1991 SLS 1133

=ISO 4112:1990 SLS ISO 4112 =ISO 4916:1991 SLS 1132

=ISO 4120:2004 SLS 933 =ISO 4920:2012 SLS 287-1

=ISO 4136:2012 SLS ISO 4136 =ISO 4921:2000 SLS 1299

=ISO 4217:2008 SLS 1010 =ISO 5077:2007 SLS 199

=ISO 4223-1:2002 SLS 900-1 =ISO 5079:1995 SLS 1233

=ISO 4249-1:1985 SLS 1320-1 =ISO 5084:1996 SLS 696

=ISO 4249-2:1990 SLS 1320-2 =ISO 5123:1984 SLS 1154

=ISO 4249-3:2004 SLS 1320-3 =ISO 5223:1995 SLS 1599

=ISO 4256:1996 SLS 1166 =ISO 5377:1981 SLS 1567-3

=ISO 4257:1998 SLS 1167 =ISO 5397:1984 SLS 537-5

=ISO 4379:1978 SLS 850-2 =ISO 5398-1:2007 SLS 537-7-1

=ISO 4415:1981 SLS 655 =ISO 5398-2:2009 SLS 537-7-2

=ISO 4427-1:2007 SLS 1497 =ISO 5398-3:2007 SLS 537-7-3

=ISO 4427-2:2007 SLS 1498 =ISO 5398-4:2007 SLS 537-7-4

=ISO 4427-3:2007 SLS 1499 =ISO 5402-1:2017 SLS ISO 5402-1

=ISO 4541:1978 SLS 709 =ISO 5435:2008 SLS 899-1-12

=ISO 4592:1992 SLS 732-3 =ISO 5466:1992 SLS 1089

=ISO 4593:1993 SLS 1305 =ISO 5492: 2008 SLS 1484-9

=ISO 4618:2014 SLS 1541 =ISO 5495:2005 SLS 932

=ISO 4619:2018 SLS 1649 =ISO 5496:2006 SLS 1484-2

=ISO 4624:2016 SLS 1256-39 =ISO 5498:1981 SLS 1362-1

=ISO 4628-1:2016 SLS 4628-1 =ISO 5515:1979 SLS 1332-11

=ISO 4628-2:2016 SLS 1256-32 =ISO 5516:1978 SLS 1332-12

=ISO 4628-3:2016 SLS 1256-45 =ISO 5522:1981 SLS 1332-5

=ISO 4628-4:2016 SLS 1256-46 =ISO 5523:1981 SLS 1332-6

=ISO 4628-5:2016 SLS 1256-47 =ISO 5526:2013 SLS 1601

=ISO 4628-6:2011 SLS 1256-48 =ISO 5527:2015 SLS 1602

=ISO 4633:2015 SLS 1627 =ISO 5534:2004 SLS 735-18

=ISO 4652-1:1994 SLS 899-1-10 =ISO 5554:1978 SLS 840

=ISO 4656:2007 SLS 899-1-11 =ISO 5555:2001 SLS 664

=ISO 4660:2011 SLS 484-7 =ISO 5558:1982 SLS 313-3-9

=ISO 4664-1:2005 SLS 1345-1 =ISO 5564:1982 SLS 186-9

=ISO 4674-1:2003 SLS 1355-1 =ISO 5566:1982 SLS 186-13

=ISO 4674-2:1998 SLS 1355-2 =ISO 5633:1983 SLS ISO 5633

=ISO 4831:2006 SLS 516-3-1 =ISO 5636-3:2013 SLS ISO 5636-3

=ISO 4832:2006 SLS 516-3-2 =ISO 5636-4:2013 SLS ISO 5636-4

=ISO 4833-1:2013 SLS 516-1-1 =ISO 5636-5:2013 SLS ISO 5636-5

=ISO 4833-2:2013 SLS 516-1-2 =ISO 5636-6:2015 SLS ISO 5636-6

=ISO 4909:1987 SLS 1034 =ISO 5637:1989 SLS 1272

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ISO 5667-1:2006 SLS 1462-1 =ISO 6314: 1980 SLS 783-5

=ISO 5667-3:2012 SLS 1462-2 =ISO 6315: 1980 SLS 783-6

=ISO 5667-4:2016 SLS 1462-3 =ISO 6320:2017 SLS 313-1-5

=ISO 5667-5:2006 SLS 1462-5 =ISO 6321:2002 SLS 313-1-7

=ISO 5667-6:2014 SLS 1462-4 =ISO 6322-1:1996 SLS 1528-1

=ISO 5667-11:2009 SLS 1462-6 =ISO 6322-2:2000 SLS 1528-2

=ISO 5667-21:2010 SLS 1462-8 =ISO 6322-3:1989 SLS 1528-3

=ISO 5667-22:2010 SLS 1462-7 =ISO 6330:2012 SLS 1302

=ISO 5667-23:2011 SLS 1462-9 =ISO 6348:1980 SLS 17-1

=ISO 5681:1992 SLS 1603 =ISO 6383-1:2015 SLS ISO 6383-1

=ISO 5682-1:2017 SLS ISO 5682-1 =ISO 6383-2:1983 SLS ISO 6383-2

=ISO 5751-1:2004 SLS 1321-1 =ISO 6385:2016 SLS 1604

=ISO 5751-2:2004 SLS 1321-2 =ISO 6401:2008 SLS 732-2

=ISO 5751-3:2004 SLS 1321-3 = ISO 6461-1:1986 SLS 1461-5-1

=ISO 5775-1:2014 SLS 1064-1 = ISO 6461-2: 1986 SLS 1461-5-2

=ISO 5809:1982 SLS 1567-4 =ISO 6463:1982 SLS 313-3-10

=ISO 5817:2014 SLS ISO 5817 =ISO 6472:2004 SLS 1367

=ISO 5966:1982 SLS 1090 =ISO 6486-1-1999 SLS ISO 6486-1

=ISO 6054-1:1994 SLS 1322-1 =ISO 6504-3:2006 SLS 1256-19

=ISO 6054-2:1990 SLS 1322-2 =ISO 6506-1:2005 SLS 146-1

=ISO 6179:1998 SLS 1343 =ISO 6506-2:2005 SLS 146-2

=ISO 6197-1:1980 SLS 1091-1 =ISO 6506-3:2005 SLS 146-3

=ISO 6197-2:1980 SLS 1091-2 =ISO 6506-4:2005 SLS 146-4

=ISO 6199:1991 SLS 1092 =ISO 6507-1:2005 SLS 122-1

=ISO 6200:1990 SLS 1155 =ISO 6507-2:2005 SLS 122-2

=ISO 6206:1979 SLS 1281 =ISO 6507-3:2005 SLS 122-3

=ISO 6209:2009 SLS 899-1-13 =ISO 6507-4:2005 SLS 122-4

=ISO 6222:1999 SLS 1461-2-1 =ISO 6508-1:2005 SLS 145-1

=ISO 6234:1981 SLS 1049 =ISO 6508-2:2005 SLS 145-2

=ISO 6251:1996 SLS 1168 =ISO 6508-3:2005 SLS 145-3

=ISO 6259-1:1997 SLS ISO 6259-1 =ISO 6525:1983 SLS 850-5

=ISO 6259-2:1997 SLS ISO 6259-2 =ISO 6526:1983 SLS 850-6

=ISO 6260: 1984 SLS 1071 =ISO 6530:2005 SLS ISO 6530

=ISO 6270-1: 1998 SLS 1256-33 =ISO 6536:1981 SLS 1050

=ISO 6272-1: 2011 SLS 1256-34 =ISO 6540:1980 SLS ISO 6540

=ISO 6272-2: 2011 SLS 1256-35 =ISO 6561-1:2005 SLS 1332-7-1

=ISO 6310: 1981 SLS 783-1 =ISO 6561-2:2005 SLS 1332-7-2

=ISO 6311: 1980 SLS 783-2 =ISO 6571:2008 SLS 186-11

=ISO 6312: 1981 SLS 783-3 =ISO 6579-1:2017 SLS 516-5

=ISO 6313: 1980 SLS 783-4 =ISO 6588-2:2020 SLS 6588-2

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ISO 6590-1:1983 SLS 1418-1 =ISO 6989:1981 SLS 205

=ISO 6590-2:1986 SLS 1418-2 =ISO 7002:1986 SLS ISO 7002

=ISO 6591-1:1984 SLS 1420-1 =ISO 7010:2019 SLS ISO 7010

=ISO 6591-2:1985 SLS 1420-2 =ISO 7023:1983 SLS 1421

=ISO 6592:1985 SLS 1114 =ISO 7173:1989 SLS ISO 7173

=ISO 6611:2004 SLS 1558-1 =ISO 7174:1-1988 SLS ISO 7174-1

=ISO 6633:1984 SLS 1332-8 =ISO 7176-1:1999 SLS 1255-1

=ISO 6639-1:1986 SLS 1529-1 =ISO 7176-3:2003 SLS 1255-3

=ISO 6639-2:1986 SLS 1529-2 =ISO 7176-5:1986 SLS1255-5

=ISO 6639-3:1986 SLS 1529-3 =ISO 7176-7:1998 SLS1255-7

=ISO 6639-4:1987 SLS 1529-4 =ISO 7176-8:1998 SLS 1255-8

=ISO 6656:2002 SLS 313-3-11 =ISO 7176-11:1992 SLS 1255-11

=ISO 6658:2017 SLS 931 =ISO 7176-13:1989 SLS 1255-13

=ISO 6713:1984 SLS 1256-9 =ISO 7176-22:2000 SLS 1255-22

=ISO 6716:1983 SLS 1093 =ISO 7211-1:1984 SLS 1494-1

=ISO 6722-1:2011 SLS 412-1-1 =ISO 7211-2:1984 SLS 41

=ISO 6722-2:2013 SLS 412-1-2 =ISO 7211-3:1984 SLS 50

=ISO 6731:2010 SLS 735-16 =ISO 7211-5:1984 SLS 44

=ISO 6734:2010 SLS 735-13 =ISO 7211-6:1984 SLS 51

=ISO 6741-1:1989 SLS 17-2 =ISO 7218:2007 SLS 1463

=ISO 6741-2:1987 SLS 17-3 =ISO 7251:2005 SLS 516-12

=ISO 6741-3:1987 SLS 17-4 =ISO 7275:1985 SLS 1156

=ISO 6745:1990 SLS 1139 =ISO 7304-1:2016 SLS ISO 7304-1

=ISO 6770:1982 SLS 1447-1 =ISO 7304-2:2008 SLS ISO 7304-2

=ISO 6800:1997 SLS 313-2-7 =ISO 7341:1985 SLS 1032

=ISO 6864:1984 SLS 850-7 =ISO 7359:1985 SLS 572-10

=ISO 6883:2017 SLS 313-1-3 =ISO 7366:1987 SLS ISO 313-4-4

=ISO 6884:2008 SLS 313-3-6 =ISO 7438:2016 SLS 994

=ISO 6885:2016 SLS 313-3-8 =ISO 7513:1990 SLS 1447-2

=ISO 6887-1:2017 SLS 393-1 =ISO 7514:1990 SLS 1447-3

=ISO 6887-2:2017 SLS 393-2 =ISO 7516:1984 SLS 1448

=ISO 6887-3:2017 SLS 393-3 =ISO 7580:1987 SLS 1043

=ISO 6887-4:2017 SLS 393-4 =ISO 7599:2010 SLS ISO 7599

=ISO 6887-5:2010 SLS 393-5 =ISO 7609:1985 SLS 572-6

=ISO 6887-6:2013 SLS 393-6 =ISO 7620:2005 SLS ISO 7620

=ISO 6888-1:1999 SLS 516-6-1 =ISO 7686:2005 SLS ISO 7686

=ISO 6888-2:1999 SLS 516-6-2 =ISO 7704:1985 SLS 1568-1

=ISO 6888-3:2003 SLS 516-6-3 =ISO 7714:2018 SLS ISO 7714

=ISO 6892-1:2019 SLS 978 =ISO 7746:1988 SLS 1051

=ISO 6938:2012 SLS 1483 =ISO 7749-1 1995 SLS 1653-1

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ISO 7780:1998 SLS 1304-8 =ISO 8381:2008 SLS 735-1-7

=ISO 7799:1985 SLS 995 =ISO 8388:1998 SLS 1300

=ISO 7801:1984 SLS 991 =ISO 8420:2002 SLS 313-4-5

=ISO/IEC 7812-1:2017 SLS 1033-1 =ISO 8439:1990 SLS 1115

=ISO/IEC 7812-2:2017 SLS 1033-2 =ISO 8484:1987 SLS 1046

=ISO/IEC 7813:1990 SLS 1044 =ISO 8489-1:1995 SLS 529-1

=ISO 7847:1987 SLS 313-2-8 =ISO 8489-2:1995 SLS 529-2

=ISO 7854:1995 SLS 761-4 =ISO 8489-3:1995 SLS 529-3

=ISO 7889:2003 SLS 1558-4 =ISO 8489-4:1995 SLS 529-4

=ISO 7899-1:1998 SLS 1461-4-1 =ISO 8489-5:1995 SLS 529-5

=ISO 7899-2:2000 SLS 1461-4-2 =ISO 8491:1998 SLS 990

=ISO 7932:2004 SLS 516-8-1 =ISO 8498:1990 SLS 1361

=ISO 7937:2004 SLS 516-9 =ISO 8499:2003 SLS 1301

=ISO 7965-1-1984 SLS 1419-1 =ISO 8511:1995 SLS 899-1-14

=ISO 7965-2-1993 SLS 1419-2 =ISO 8534:2017 SLS 313-3-2

=ISO 7971-1-2009 SLS ISO 7971-1 =ISO 8559-1:2017 SLS ISO 8559-1

=ISO 7971-3-2009 SLS ISO 7971-3 =ISO 8559-2:2017 SLS ISO 8559-2

=ISO 7982-1:1987 SLS 1045-1 =ISO 8583:1993 SLS 1072

=ISO 8026:2009 SLS 1656 =ISO 8586:2012 SLS 1484-3

=ISO 8053:1995 SLS 1304-7 =ISO 8588:2017 SLS 934

=ISO 8059:1986 SLS 1662 =ISO 8589:2007 SLS 1484-4

=ISO 8067:2008 SLS 1331 =ISO 8601:1988 SLS 1116

=ISO 8109:1990 SLS 1052 =ISO/IEC 8631:1989 SLS 1117

=ISO 8124-3:2010 SLS ISO 8124-3 =ISO 8730:1990 SLS 1053

=ISO 8124-5:2015 SLS ISO 8124-5 =ISO 8731-1:1987 SLS 1054-1

=ISO 8124-6:2014 SLS ISO 8124-6 =ISO 8731-2:1992 SLS 1054-2

=ISO 8124-7:2015 SLS 1620 =ISO 8732:1988 SLS 1055

=ISO 8156:2005 SLS 735-9 =ISO 8790:1987 SLS 1118

=ISO 8159:1987 SLS 1358 =ISO/IEC 8802-1:1994 SLS 1136-1

=ISO 8160:1987 SLS 1369 =ISO/IEC 8802-2:1994 SLS 1136-2

=ISO 8169:1984 SLS 756-2 =ISO/IEC 8802-3:1994 SLS 1137

=ISO 8199:2005 SLS 1568-3 =ISO/IEC 8802-4:1994 SLS 1138

=ISO 8254-2:2016 SLS ISO 8254-2 =ISO/IEC 8802-5:1995 SLS 1136-3

=ISO 8254-3:2016 SLS ISO 8254-3 =ISO 8819:1993 SLS 1169

=ISO 8294:1994 SLS 313-3-12 =ISO 8942:2010 SLS 899-1-15

=ISO 8336:2017 SLS 1593 =ISO 8968-1:2014 SLS 735-7-1

=ISO 8351-1:1994 SLS 1417-1 =ISO 8968-2:2001 SLS 735-7-2

=ISO 8351-2:1994 SLS 1417-2 =ISO 8968-3:2004 SLS 735-7-3

=ISO 8367-1:1993 SLS 1422-1 =ISO 8968-4:2016 SLS 735-7-4

=ISO 8367-2:1993 SLS 1422-2 =ISO 8968-5:2001 SLS 735-7-5

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ISO 9000:2015 SLS ISO 9000 =ISO 9554:2010 SLS 1457

=ISO 9001:2015 SLS ISO 9001 =ISO 9564-1:1991 SLS 1057-1

=ISO/TS 9002:2016 SLS ISO/TS 9002 =ISO 9564-2:1991 SLS 1057-2

=ISO 9004:2018 SLS ISO 9004 =ISO 9597:2008 SLS ISO 9597

=ISO 9073-1:1989 SLS 1408-1 =ISO 9606-1:2012 SLS ISO 9606-1

=ISO 9073-2:1995 SLS 1408-2 =ISO 9635-1:2014 SLS 1692

=ISO 9073-3:1989 SLS 1408-3 =ISO 9635-2:2014 SLS 1693

=ISO 9073-4:1997 SLS 1408-4 =ISO 9635-3:2014 SLS 1694

=ISO 9073-5:2008 SLS 1408-5 =ISO 9635-4:2014 SLS 1695

=ISO 9073-6:2000 SLS 1408-6 =ISO 9635-5:2014 SLS 1696

=ISO 9073-7:1995 SLS 1408-7 =ISO 9644:2018 SLS ISO 9644

=ISO 9073-8:1995 SLS 1408-8 =ISO 9660:1988 SLS 1121

=ISO 9073-9:1995 SLS 1408-9 =ISO 9712:2012 SLS ISO 9712

=ISO 9073-10:2003 SLS 1408-10 =ISO 9735-1:1998 SLS 1135-1

=ISO 9073-11:2002 SLS 1408-11 =ISO 9735-2:1998 SLS 1135-2

=ISO 9073-12:2002 SLS 1408-12 =ISO 9735-3:1998 SLS 1135-3

=ISO 9073-13:2006 SLS 1408-13 =ISO 9735-4:1998 SLS 1135-4

=ISO 9073-14:2006 SLS 1408-14 =ISO 9735-5:1998 SLS 1135-5

=ISO 9073-15:2007 SLS 1408-15 =ISO 9735-6:1998 SLS 1135-6

=ISO 9073-16:2007 SLS 1408-16 =ISO 9735-7:1998 SLS 1135-7

=ISO 9073-17:2008 SLS 1408-17 =ISO 9735-8:1998 SLS 1135-8

=ISO 9073-18:2007 SLS 1408-18 =ISO 9735-9:1998 SLS 1135-9

=ISO 9092:2011 SLS 1360 =ISO 9768:1994 SLS 28-7

=ISO 9117-3:2010 SLS 1256-30 =ISO 9777:1994 SLS 1094

=ISO/IEC 9126:1991 SLS 1119 =ISO 9778:1994 SLS 1095

=ISO 9127:1988 SLS 1120 =ISO 9807:1991 SLS 1047

=ISO 9197:2006 SLS 1437-1 =ISO 9809-1:2019 SLS 1686-1

=ISO 9198:2001 SLS 1437-2 =ISO 9852:2007 SLS ISO 9852

=ISO 9227:2017 SLS ISO 9227 =ISO 9862:2005 SLS 1406-1

=ISO 9231:2008 SLS 735-17 =ISO 9863-1:2005 SLS 1406-2-1

=ISO 9232:2003 SLS 1558-3 =ISO 9863-2:1996 SLS 1406-2-2

=ISO 9261:2004 SLS 1691 =ISO 9864:2005 SLS 1406-3

=ISO 9308-1:2014 SLS 1461-1-1 =ISO 9865:1991 SLS 287-3

=ISO 9308-2:2012 SLS 1461-1-2 =ISO 9878:1990 SLS 1096

=ISO 9308-3:1998 SLS 1461-1-4 =ISO/IEC 9899:1990 SLS 1122

=ISO 9357:1990 SLS ISO 9357 =ISO 9906:1999 SLS 833

=ISO 9362:1987 SLS 1056 =ISO 9923:1994 SLS 1157

=ISO 9364:2011 SLS ISO 9364 =ISO 9992-1:1990 SLS 1048-1

=ISO 9407:1991 SLS 492 =ISO 10001:2007 SLS ISO 10001

=ISO/TR 9527:1994 SLS ISO 9527 =ISO 10002:2014 SLS ISO 10002

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ISO 10003:2007 SLS ISO 10003 =ISO 10550:1994 SLS 1158

=ISO 10004:2012 SLS ISO 10004 =ISO 10554:2009 SLS 1453

=ISO 10005:2005 SLS ISO 10005 =ISO 10556:2009 SLS 1456

=ISO 10006:2003 SLS ISO 10006 =ISO 10602:1993 SLS 1159

=ISO 10014:2006 SLS ISO 10014 =ISO 10625:2005 SLS 1605

=ISO/TR 10017:2003 SLS ISO/TR 10017 =ISO 10651-3: 1997 SLS 1661-3

=ISO 10019:2005 SLS ISO 10019 =ISO 10651-4:2002 SLS 1661-4

=ISO 10043:1994 SLS 1097 =ISO 10722:2007 SLS 1406-6

=ISO 10126-1:1991 SLS 1058-1 =ISO 10775:2013 SLS 1550

=ISO 10126-2:1991 SLS 1058-2 =ISO 10801:2010 SLS 12004

=ISO 10132:1993 SLS 1368 =ISO 10808:2010 SLS 12005

=ISO 10202-1:1991 SLS 1059-1 =ISO 10904:2011 SLS 1594

=ISO 10231:2003 SLS ISO 10231 =ISO 10988:2011 SLS 10988

=ISO 10282:2014 SLS 1626 =ISO 10993-1:2018 SLS 1669

=ISO 10286:2015 SLS ISO 10286 =ISO 11021:1999 SLS 572-7

=ISO 10297:2014 SLS 1685 =ISO 11024-1:1998 SLS 572-8-1

=ISO 10318:2005 SLS 1395 =ISO 11024-2:1998 SLS 572-8-2

=ISO 10319:2008 SLS 1406-4 =ISO 11027:1993 SLS 186-10

=ISO 10320:1999 SLS 1407-1 =ISO 11036:2020 SLS 1484-11

=ISO 10321:2008 SLS 1406-5 =ISO 11037:2011 SLS 1484-12

=ISO 10383:1992 SLS 1042 =ISO 11053:2009 SLS 1510-1

=ISO 10390:2005 SLS 1526 =ISO 11058:1999 SLS 1407-2

=ISO 10399:2017 SLS 1484-5 =ISO 11085:2015 SLS 1549-3

=ISO 10545-1:2014 SLS ISO 10545-1 =ISO 11114-1:2020 SLS ISO 11114-1

=ISO 10545-2:2018 SLS ISO 10545-2 =ISO 11114-2:2013 SLS ISO 11114-2

=ISO 10545-3:2018 SLS ISO 10545-3 =ISO 11117:2008 SLS ISO 11117

=ISO 10545-4:2019 SLS ISO 10545-4 =ISO 11132:2012 SLS 1484-13

=ISO 10545-5:1996 SLS ISO 10545-5 =ISO 11133:2014 SLS ISO 11133

=ISO 10545-6:2010 SLS ISO 10545-6 =ISO 11212-1:1997 SLS ISO 1570-1

=ISO 10545-7:1996 SLS ISO 10545-7 =ISO 11212-2:1997 SLS ISO 1570-2

=ISO 10545-8:2014 SLS ISO 10545-8 =ISO 11212-3:1997 SLS ISO 1570-3

=ISO 10545-9:2013 SLS ISO 10545-9 =ISO 11212-4:1997 SLS ISO 1570-4

=ISO 10545-10:1995 SLS ISO 10545-10 =ISO 11265:1994 SLS ISO 11265

=ISO 10545-11:1994 SLS ISO 10545-11 =ISO 11290-1:2017 SLS 516-15-1

=ISO 10545-12:1995 SLS ISO 10545-12 =ISO 11290-2:2017 SLS 516-15-2

=ISO 10545-13:2016 SLS ISO 10545-13 =ISO 11292:1995 SLS ISO 11292

=ISO 10545-14:2015 SLS ISO 10545-14 =ISO/TR 11360:2010 SLS 12003

=ISO 10545-15:1995 SLS ISO 10545-15 =ISO 11469:2016 SLS 1560

=ISO 10545-16:2010 SLS ISO 10545-16 =ISO 11475:2017 SLS 1678

=ISO 10547:2009 SLS 1452 =ISO 11476:2016 SLS 1677

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ISO 11480:2017 SLS 1679 =ISO 12944-3:1998 SLS ISO 12944-3

=ISO 11545:2009 SLS ISO 11545 =ISO 12944-4:1998 SLS ISO 12944-4

=ISO 11640:1993 SLS 1079 =ISO 12944-5:2007 SLS ISO 12944-5

=ISO 11641:1993 SLS 1080 =ISO 12944-6:1998 SLS ISO 12944-6

=ISO 11642:1993 SLS 1075 =ISO 12944-7:1998 SLS ISO 12944-7

=ISO 11643:1993 SLS 1076 =ISO 12944-8:1998 SLS ISO 12944-8

=ISO 11644:1993 SLS 1077 =ISO 12945-1:2000 SLS 1243-1

=ISO 11646:1993 SLS 1078 =ISO 12945-2:2000 SLS 1243-2

=ISO 11684:1995 SLS 1606 =ISO 12945-3:2014 SLS 1243-3

=ISO 11734:1995 SLS ISO 11734 =ISO 12947-1:1998 SLS 1242-1

=ISO 11737-1:2018 SLS ISO 11737-1 =ISO 12947-2:1998 SLS 1242-2

=ISO 11817:1994 SLS ISO 11817 =ISO 12947-3:1998 SLS 1242-3

=ISO 11866-1:2005 SLS 1558-2-1 =ISO 12947-4:1998 SLS 1242-4

=ISO 11866-2:2005 SLS 1558-2-2 =ISO 12956:1999 SLS 1407-3

=ISO 11930:2019 SLS ISO 11930 =ISO 12957-1:2005 SLS 1406-8-1

=ISO 12957-2:2005 SLS 1406-8-2

=ISO 12078:2006 SLS 735-1-13
=ISO 12958:1999 SLS 1407-4
=ISO/TS 12085:2011 SLS 12006
=ISO 12966-1:2014 SLS 313-4-2
=ISO 12192:2011 SLS 1277
=ISO 12966-2:2017 SLS 313-4-1
=ISO 12236:2006 SLS 1406-7
=ISO 12966-3:2016 SLS 313-4-9
=ISO 12439:2010 SLS ISO 12439
=ISO 12966-4:2015 SLS 313-4-10
=ISO 12468-1:2013 SLS ISO 12468-1
=ISO 13006:2018 SLS 1181
=ISO 12468-2:2013 SLS ISO 12468-2
=ISO 13007-1:2014 SLS 1375
=ISO 12572:2001 SLS ISO 12572
=ISO 13007-2:2013 SLS ISO 13007-2
=ISO 12625-1:2005 SLS 1394
=ISO 13007-3:2010 SLS ISO 1376
=ISO 12625-3:2014 SLS 1371-3
=ISO 13007-4:2013 SLS ISO 13007-4
=ISO 12625-4:2016 SLS 1371-1
=ISO 13009:2015 SLS ISO 13009
=ISO 12625-5:2016 SLS 1371-5
=ISO 13014:2012 SLS 12008
=ISO 12625-6:2016 SLS 1371-2
=ISO/TR13121:2011 SLS 12002
=ISO 12625-7:2014 SLS 1371-4-1
=ISO 13136:2012 SLS ISO 13136
=ISO 12625-9:2015 SLS 1371-6
=ISO 13293:2012 SLS 1709
=ISO 12625-11:2019 SLS 1371-7
=ISO 13299:2016 SLS 1484-6
=ISO 12625-15:2015 SLS 1371-4-2
=ISO 13300-1:2006 SLS 1484-10-1
=ISO 12625-16:2015 SLS 1371-4-3
=ISO 13300-2:2006 SLS 1484-10-2
=ISO 12787:2011 SLS ISO 12787
=ISO 13301:2018 SLS 1484-7
=ISO/TS 12805:2011 SLS 12006
=ISO 13329:2012 SLS 12009
=ISO/TR 12885:2008 SLS 12001
=ISO 13362:2000 SLS 1330
=ISO/TS 12901-1:2012 SLS 12007-1
=ISO 13426-1:2003 SLS 1407-6-1
=ISO 12937:2000 SLS ISO 12937
=ISO 13426-2:2005 SLS 1407-6-2
=ISO 12944-1:1998 SLS ISO 12944-1
=ISO 13427:1998 SLS 1407-5
=ISO 12944-2:1998 SLS ISO 12944-2

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ISO 13428:2005 SLS 1406-9 =ISO 14064-1:2018 SLS ISO 14064-1

=ISO 13431:1999 SLS 1407-8 =ISO 14064-2:2019 SLS ISO 14064-2

=ISO 13433:2006 SLS 1406-10 =ISO 14064-3:2019 SLS ISO 14064-3

=ISO 13437:1998 SLS 1407-7 =ISO 14065:2020 SLS ISO 14065

=ISO 13438:2004 SLS 1407-9 =ISO 14067:2018 SLS ISO 14067

=ISO 13580:2005 SLS 735-15 =ISO 14071:2014 SLS ISO 14071

=ISO 13687-3:2017 SLS 1715 =ISO 14156:2001 SLS 735-19

=ISO 13785:2016 SLS ISO 13485 =ISO 14245:2006 SLS ISO 14245

=ISO 13688:2013 SLS 1659 =ISO 14285:2014 SLS 1621

=ISO 13732-1:2006 SLS ISO 13732-1 =ISO 14362-1:2017 SLS ISO 14362-1

=ISO 13787:2003 SLS ISO 13787 =ISO 14362-3:2017 SLS ISO 14362-3

=ISO 13810:2015 SLS 1716 =ISO 14389:2014 SLS ISO 14389

=ISO 13821:2002 SLS 1278 =ISO 14461-1:2005 SLS ISO 14461-1

=ISO 13934-1:2013 SLS 43-1 =ISO 14461-5:2005 SLS ISO 14461-2

=ISO 13934-2:2014 SLS 43-2 =ISO 14502-1:2005 SLS 28-9-1

=ISO 13935-1:2014 SLS 1249-1 =ISO 14502-2:2005 SLS 28-9-2

=ISO 13935-2:2014 SLS 1249-2 =ISO 14713-1:2017 SLS ISO 14713-1

=ISO 13936-1:2004 SLS 1490-1 =ISO 14713-2:2009 SLS ISO 14713-2

=ISO 13936-2:2004 SLS 1490-2 =ISO 14713-3:2017 SLS ISO 14713-3

=ISO 13936-3:2005 SLS 1490-3 =ISO 14732:2013 SLS ISO 14732

=ISO 13937-1:2000 SLS 1251-1 =ISO 14851:1999 SLS ISO 14851

=ISO 13937-2:2000 SLS 1251-2 =ISO 14852:1999 SLS ISO 14852

=ISO 13937-3:2000 SLS 1251-3 =ISO 14853:2016 SLS ISO 14853

=ISO 13937-4:2000 SLS 1251-4 =ISO 14855-1:2012 SLS ISO 14855-1

=ISO 13938-1:1999 SLS 1234-1 =ISO 14855-2:2007 SLS ISO 14855-2

=ISO 13938-2:1999 SLS 1234-2 =ISO 15105-1:2007 SLS ISO 15105-1

=ISO 13970:2011 SLS 1714 =ISO 15105-2:2003 SLS ISO 15105-2

=ISO 15184:2012 SLS ISO 1256-36

=ISO 14001:2015 SLS ISO 14001
=ISO 15189:2012 SLS ISO 15189
=ISO 14004:2016 SLS ISO 14004
=ISO 15190:2020 SLS ISO 15190
=ISO 14005:2010 SLS ISO 14005
=ISO 15223-1:2016 SLS 1670-1
=ISO 14006:2011 SLS ISO 14006
=ISO 15270:2008 SLS ISO 15270
=ISO 14020:2000 SLS ISO 14020
=ISO 15301:2001 SLS 313-4-7
=ISO 14021:2016 SLS ISO 14021
=ISO 15302:2017 SLS 313-3-15
=ISO 14024:2018 SLS ISO 14024
=ISO 15305:1998 SLS 313-1-4
=ISO 14025:2006 SLS ISO 14025
=ISO 15496:2018 SLS ISO 15496
=ISO 14026:2017 SLS ISO 14026
=ISO 15528:2013 SLS 523
=ISO /TS 14027:2017 SLS ISO 14027
=ISO 15598:1999 SLS 28-8
=ISO 14040:2006 SLS ISO 14040
=ISO 15614-1:2004 SLS ISO 15614-1
=ISO 14044:2006 SLS ISO 14044
=ISO 15754:2009 SLS 1435
=ISO 14063:2006 SLS ISO 14063

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ISO 15774:2017 SLS 1100-4-1 =ISO/IEC TS 17021-9:2016 SLS ISO/IEC TS 17021-9

=ISO 15877-1:2009 SLS 1676-1 ISO/IEC TS 17021-10:2018 SLS ISO/IEC TS 17021-10

=ISO 15877-2:2009 SLS 1676-2 =ISO/IEC TS 17023:2013 SLS ISO/IEC TS 17023
=ISO 15877-3:2009 SLS 1676-3 =ISO/IEC 17024:2012 SLS ISO/IEC 17024
=ISO 15877-5:2009 SLS 1676-5 =ISO/IEC 17025:2017 SLS ISO/IEC 17025
=ISO 15884:2002 SLS 735-1-11 =ISO/IEC 17027:2014 SLS ISO/IEC 17027
=ISO 15885:2002 SLS 735-1-12 =ISO/IEC TS 17030:2003 SLS ISO/IEC TS 17030
=ISO 15886-1:2012 SLS ISO 15886-1 =ISO/IEC 17034:2016 SLS ISO/IEC 17034
=ISO 15886-3:2012 SLS ISO 15886-3 =ISO/IEC 17040:2005 SLS ISO/IEC 17040
=ISO 15886-4:2019 SLS ISO 15886-4 =ISO/IEC 17043:2010 SLS ISO/IEC 17043
=ISO 15985:2014 SLS ISO 15985 =ISO/IEC 17050-1:2004 SLS ISO 17050-1
=ISO 16002:2004 SLS ISO 16002 =ISO/IEC 17050-2:2004 SLS ISO 17050-2
=ISO 16050:2003 SLS 962-1 =ISO/IEC 17065:2012 SLS ISO/IEC 17065
=ISO 16053:2018 SLS 1256-44 =ISO/IEC 17067:2013 SLS ISO/IEC 17067
=ISO 16069:2017 SLS ISO 16069 =ISO/IEC 17075-1:2017 SLS ISO 17075-1
=ISO 16095:2014 SLS ISO 16095 =ISO/IEC 17075-2:2017 SLS ISO 17075-2
=ISO 16128-1:2016 SLS ISO 16128-1
=ISO 17088:2012 SLS 1539
=ISO /TR 16218:2013 SLS SO /TR 16218
=ISO/TR 17098:2013 SLS ISO/TR 17098
=ISO 16212:2017 SLS 1445
=ISO 17132:2007 SLS 1256-37
=ISO 16260:2016 SLS 16260
=ISO 17189:2003 SLS 735-1-8
=ISO 16266:2006 SLS 1461-3-1
=ISO 17232:2017 SLS ISO 17232
=ISO 16266-2:2018 SLS 1461-3-2
=ISO 17233:2017 SLS ISO 17233
=ISO 16373-1:2015 SLS ISO 16373-1
=ISO 17239:2004 SLS 1332-9
=ISO 16373-3:2014 SLS ISO 16373-3
=ISO 17240:2004 SLS 1332-10
=ISO 16408:2015 SLS 1652
=ISO/TR 17276:2014 SLS ISO 17276
=ISO 16474-1:2013 SLS 1256-28-1
=ISO 17516:2014 SLS ISO 17516
=ISO 16474-2:2013 SLS 1256-28-2
=ISO 17636-1:2013 SLS ISO 17636-1
=ISO 16474-3:2021 SLS 1256-28-3
=ISO 17637:2003 SLS ISO 17637
=ISO 16474-4:2013 SLS 1256-28-4
=ISO 17639:2003 SLS ISO 17639
=ISO 16549:2004 SLS 1359
=ISO 17678:2010 SLS 735-10
=ISO 16649-1:2018 SLS 516-17-1
=ISO 17679:2016 SLS 1717
=ISO 16649-2:2001 SLS 516-17-2
=ISO 17694:2016 SLS ISO 17694
=ISO 16649-3:2015 SLS 516-17-3
=ISO 17695:2004 SLS ISO 17695
=ISO 16654:2001 SLS 516-13
=ISO 17696:2004 SLS ISO 17696
=ISO 16929:2013 SLS 1380
=ISO 17697:2016 SLS ISO 17697
=ISO 16972:2020 SLS 1671
=ISO 17698:2016 SLS ISO 17698
=ISO/IEC 17000:2020 SLS ISO/IEC 17000
=ISO 17699:2003 SLS ISO 17999
=ISO /IEC 17011:2017 SLS ISO/IEC 17011
=ISO 17700:2019 SLS ISO 17700
=ISO /IEC 17020:2012 SLS ISO/IEC 17020
=ISO 17701:2016 SLS ISO 17701
=ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 SLS ISO 17021-1
=ISO 17704:2004 SLS ISO 17704

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ISO 17706: 2003 SLS ISO 17706 =ISO 19699-2:2017 SLS 1650-2

=ISO 17707:2005 SLS ISO 17707 =ISO 19732:2007 SLS 1607

=ISO 17709:2004 SLS ISO 1642 =ISO/TR19838:2016 SLS 1561

=ISO 17919:2013 SLS ISO 17919 =ISO 19932-1:2013 SLS 1608-1

=ISO 17925: 2004 SLS ISO 17925 =ISO 19932-2:2013 SLS ISO 19932-2

=ISO 17994:2014 SLS 1568-2 =ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 SLS ISO/IEC 20000-1

=ISO 18074:2015 SLS ISO 18074

=ISO/IEC 20000-6:2017 SLS ISO/IEC 20000-6
=ISO 18188:2016 SLS 1540
=ISO 20121:2012 SLS ISO 20121
=ISO 18373-1:2007 SLS ISO 18373-1
=ISO 20251:2016 SLS ISO 20251
=ISO 18415:2017 SLS ISO 18415
=ISO 20344:2011 SLS 1363
=ISO 18416:2015 SLS 1488
=ISO 20345:2011 SLS 1364
=ISO 18454:2018 SLS 1641
=ISO 20410:2017 SLS 1710
=ISO 18600:2015 SLS ISO 18600
=ISO 20481:2008 SLS ISO 20481
=ISO 18602:2013 SLS 1467
=ISO 20483:2013 SLS 1549-2
=ISO 18603:2013 SLS 1468
=ISO 20611:2018 SLS 1711
=ISO 18604:2013 SLS 1469
=ISO 20613:2019 SLS 1484-8
=ISO 18605:2013 SLS 1470
=ISO 20647: 2015 SLS ISO 20647
=ISO 18606:2013 SLS 1651
=ISO/TS 20658:2017 SLS ISO/TS 20658
=ISO 18609:2000 SLS 313-4-8
=ISO 20836: 2005 SLS ISO 20836
=ISO 18616-2:2016 SLS ISO 18616-2
=ISO 20837: 2006 SLS ISO20837
=ISO 18692:2007 SLS 1454
=ISO 20838:2006 SLS ISO 20838
=ISO 18782:2015 SLS ISO 18782
=ISO 20863: 2018 SLS ISO 20863
=ISO 18787:2017 SLS ISO 18787
=ISO 20866: 2018 SLS ISO 20866
=ISO 18794:2018 SLS ISO 18794
=ISO 20867: 2018 SLS ISO20867
=ISO 18862:2016 SLS ISO 18862
=ISO 20868: 2001 SLS ISO20868
=ISO 18867:2015 SLS ISO 18867
=ISO 20871:2018 SLS ISO20871
=ISO 18889: 2019 SLS ISO 18889
=ISO 20872:2018 SLS ISO20872
=ISO 18890:2018 SLS ISO 18890
=ISO 20873: 2018 SLS ISO20873
=ISO 18896:2018 SLS ISO 18896
=ISO 20874: 2018 SLS ISO20874
=ISO 19011:2018 SLS ISO 19011
=ISO 20875:2018 SLS ISO 20875
=ISO 19223:2019 SLS ISO 19223
=ISO 20876: 2018 SLS ISO 20876
=ISO 19272: 2015 SLS ISO 19272
=ISO 21001:2018 SLS ISO 21001
=ISO 19343: 2017 SLS ISO 19343
=ISO 21033:2016 SLS 1100-4-2
=ISO 19402: 2018 SLS 1256-43
=ISO 21067-1:2016 SLS 1569
=ISO 19458:2006 SLS 1462-10
=ISO 21067-2:2015 SLS 1597-2
=ISO 19563:2017 SLS ISO 19563
=ISO 21101:2014 SLS ISO 21101
=ISO 19660:2018 SLS 735-1-9
=ISO 21102:2020 SLS 1712
=ISO 19662:2018 SLS 735-1-10
=ISO 21149:2017 SLS 1349
=ISO 19699-1:2017 SLS 1650-1
=ISO 21150:2015 SLS 1489

International Number SLS Number International Number SLS Number
=ISO 21415-1:2006 SLS ISO 21415-1 =ISO 22609:2004 SLS ISO 22609

=ISO 21415-2:2015 SLS ISO 21415-2 =ISO 22649:2016 SLS ISO 22649

=ISO 21415-3:2006 SLS ISO 21415-3 =ISO 22650:2018 SLS ISO 22650

=ISO 21415-4:2006 SLS ISO 21415-4 =ISO 22651:2002 SLS ISO 22651

=ISO 21420:2020 SLS 1658 =ISO 22652:2002 SLS ISO 22652

=ISO 21426:2018 SLSISO 21426 =ISO 22654:2002 SLS ISO 22654

=ISO 22716:2007 SLS ISO 22716

=ISO 21527-1:2008 SLS 516-2-1
=ISO 22717:2015 SLS 1350
=ISO 21527-2:2008 SLS 516-2-2
=ISO 22718:2015 SLS 1351
=ISO 21528-1:2017 SLS 516-16-1
=ISO 22766:2020 SLS ISO 22766
=ISO 21528-2:2017 SLS 516-16-2
=ISO 22855:2008 SLS 1332-3
=ISO 21545:2018 SLS 1256-41

=ISO 21703:2019 SLS ISO 21703 =ISO 22870:2016 SLS ISO 22870

=ISO/TR 21960:2020 SLS ISO/TR 21960 =ISO 22959:2009 SLS 313-3-16

=ISO 21871:2006 SLS 516-8-2 =ISO 23275-1:2006 SLS 1510-2-1.

=ISO 21872-1:2017 SLS 516-7-1 =ISO 23275-2:2006 SLS 1510-2-2

=ISO 21898:2004 SLS 1434 =ISO 23529:2010 SLS 1323-1

=ISO 21976:2018 SLS 1707 =ISO 23606:2009 SLS 1705

=ISO 22000:2018 SLS ISO 22000 =ISO/TR 23891:2020 SLS ISO/TR 23891

=ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 SLS ISO/TS 22002-1 =ISO 23910:2017 SLS ISO 23910

=ISO/TS 22002-2:2013 SLS ISO/TS 22002-2 =ISO 24114:2011 SLS ISO 24114

=ISO/TS 22002-3:2011 SLS ISO/TS 22002-3 =ISO 24333:2009 SLS ISO 190

=ISO/TS 22002-4:2013 SLS ISO/TS 22002-4 =ISO 24475:2010 SLS 1402

=ISO/TS 22002-6:2016 SLS ISO/TS 22002-6 =ISO 24557:2009 SLS 1549-1

=ISO/TS 22003:2013 SLS ISO/TS 22003 =ISO 24803:2017 SLS 1713

=ISO 22004:2014 SLS ISO 22004 =ISO 25518:2009 SLS 1623

=ISO 22005:2007 SLS ISO 22005 =ISO 25619-1:2008 SLS 1406-11-1

=ISO 22118:2011 SLS ISO 22118 =ISO 25619-2 :2008 SLS 1406-11-2

=ISO 22119:2011 SLS ISO 22119 =ISO 25947-1: 2017 SLS 1624-1

=ISO 22174:2005 SLS ISO 22174 =ISO 25947-2: 2017 SLS 1624-2

=ISO 22198:2006 SLS 1356 =ISO 25947-3 : 2017 SLS 1624-3

=ISO 22300:2012 SLS ISO 22300 =ISO 25947-4 : 2017 SLS 1624-4

=ISO 22301:2019 SLS ISO 22301 =ISO 25947-5: 2017 SLS 1624-5

=ISO 22320:2011 SLS ISO 22320 =ISO 26000:2010 SLS ISO 26000

=ISO 22367:2020 SLS ISO 22367 =ISO 26261-1: 2017 SLS 1622-1

=ISO 26261-2: 2017 SLS 1622-2

=ISO 22414:2004 SLS 1289
=ISO 26261-3: 2017 SLS 1622-3
=ISO 22483:2020 SLS ISO 22483
=ISO 26261-4: 2017 SLS 1622-4
=ISO 22525:2020 SLS ISO 22525
=ISO/IEC 27000:2018 SLS ISO/IEC 27000
=ISO 22526-1:2020 SLS 1698
=ISO /IEC27001: 2013 SLS ISO/IEC 27001
=ISO 22526-3:2020 SLS 1706

International Number SLS Number
=ISO/IEC 27002: 2013 SLS ISO/IEC 27002

=ISO/IEC 27003:2017 SLS ISO/IEC 27003

=ISO/IEC 27004:2016 SLS ISO/IEC 27004

=ISO/IEC27005: 2008 SLS ISO/IEC 27005

=ISO/IEC 27006:2015, /Amd 1:2020 SLS ISO/IEC 27006

=ISO 27065: 2017 SLS 1609

=ISO 27107: 2008 SLS 313-3-3

=ISO 27687: 2008 SLS ISO 12000-1

=ISO 28139: 2009 SLS 1610

=ISO 29581-1: 2009 SLS 29581-1

=ISO 29581-2: 2010 SLS 29581-2

=ISO 29621: 2017 SLS 1403

=ISO 29981: 2010 SLS 1558-5

=ISO 29993:2017 SLS ISO 29993

=ISO 31000: 2018 SLS ISO 31000

=ISO 37001: 2016 SLS ISO 37001

=ISO 37101: 2016 SLS ISO 37101

=ISO 37120: 2014 SLS 1508

=ISO 37150: 2014 SLS 1507

=ISO /TS 37151: 2015 SLS ISO/TS 37151

=ISO 39001:2012 SLS ISO 39001

=ISO 41001: 2018 SLS ISO 41001

=ISO 41011: 2017 SLS ISO 41011

=ISO 45001: 2018 SLS ISO 45001

=ISO 50001: 2018 SLS ISO 50001

=ISO 80004-1: 2010 SLS ISO 12000-2

=ISO 80004-3: 2010 SLS ISO 12000-3

=ISO 80004-4: 2011 SLS ISO 12000-4

=ISO 80004-5: 2011 SLS ISO 12000-5

=ISO 80004-7: 2011 SLS ISO 12000-7

=ISO 80601-2-56: 2017 & Amd 1:2018 SLS ISO 1660-2-56

=ISO 80601-2-61: 2017 SLS ISO 1660-2-61

=ISO 80601-2-70: 2015 SLS ISO 1660-2-70

=IWA 2 2007 SLS IWA 2

=OHSAS 18001:2007 SLS OHSAS 18001

=SA8000:2008 SLS SA8000

A Adaptors, bayonet cap 164
Abbreviations Additive elements in lubricating oils
rubber compounding ingredients 1367 SLS ASTM D 4684
plastics 1559 Adhesion testers SLS ASTM D4541
Abrasive paper 844
Absorbent cotton 285, 1414
gauze 1414 ceramic tile 1375
lint 337 paper 660
viscose gauze 1414 polyvinyl acetate based 869
Absorbing blood test method SLS ISO 13007-2
sodium polyacrylate resin 1650-1& 2 Adjustable ball cup 462
a.c. Admixtures,
air-break circuit-breakers 1175
concrete, mortar, grout EN 934-1
cartridge fuse links 1552
electronic control gear 1645-1 & 2 conformity, marking, labelling EN 934-2, EN 934-3,
output, stabilized power supplies 1128 EN 934-4, EN 934-5
ac/dc supplied electronic ballast sampling EN 934-6
d.c. out put, power supplies 992 Adventure tourism
tubular fluorescent lamps 1239 good practices, sustainability 1711
Acceptance Quality limit (AQL)(sampling schemes) leaders, personnel competence 1712
double sampling SLS ISO 3951-3
safety management systems SLS ISO 21101
single sampling SLS ISO 3951-2single quality
characteristic and single SLS ISO 3951-1 beach operation requirements, recommendations
declared quality levels SLS ISO 3951-4 SLS ISO 13009
inspection variables SLS ISO 3951-5 Aerated water, glass bottles for 291
Accessories fitted to LPG container 1215 Aerials
Acetate yarn, gelatin & oil size in 174 sound reception 1008 (withdrawn)
Acetic acid salt spray (AASS) test SLS ISO 9227 TV broadcasting 1008 (withdrawn)
Acetylene, dissolved 666 Aflatoxin , in food, methods of test 962
Acid After-shave lotion 1031
formic (technical grade) 610
hydrochloric 603 Aggregates for
sulphuric 647 chemical analysis EN 1744-1
Acidified low acid canned foods 873-2 concrete and mortar 1397
Acoustics, quantities and units 84-7 common equipment calibration SLS EN 932-5
Action (Eurocodes) general properties SLS EN 932-5
accidental actions SLS EN 1991-1-7, NA1991-1-7 geometrical properties
cranes & machinery SLS EN 1991-3
methylene blue test EN 933-9
execution SLS EN 1991-1-6, NA 1991-1-6
exposed to fire, general action SLS EN 1991-1-2 Sand equivalent tes EN 933-8
silos and tanks SLS EN 1991-4, NA 1991-4 sieving method EN 933-1
snow loads SLS EN 1991-1-3 mineral aggregates 728
structures SLS EN 1991;NAtoSLS EN 1991 mortar-bar method SLS ASTM C 1260
thermal actions SLS EN 1991-1-5 petrographic examination SLS ASTM C295
traffic loads on bridges SLS EN 1991-2 potential alkali reactivity SLS ASTM C1260
wind actions SLS EN 1991-1-4, NA 1991-1-4
water absorption EN 1097-6
Activated carbon
coconut shell charcoal 1319 Agricultural
standard test method for code for fumigation 973
apparent density SLS ASTM D2854 crops, fertilizer mixtures 1029-4
ball-pan hardness SLS ATN D3802 crude fibre content 1362
iodine number SLS ASTM D4607 food products, test methods 1362
acid extractable content SLS ASTM D6385 sampling from a lot SLS ISO 7002
moisture SLS ASTM D2867
good agricultural practices (GAP) 1523
particle size distribution SLS ASTM D2862
total ash content SLS ASTM D2866 cocoa, nutmeg and clove 1523-4
volatile matter content SLS ASTM D5832-98 organic agriculture production 1324
Activities relevant to metrics, spraying , rubber hoses 1598
performance metrics SLS ISO/TS 37151 tractors, power take-offs 508
smart community infrastructures 1507 forestry powered lawn & garden equipment

machinery, Tractors wood primer 1030
hazard pictorials 1606 wrought for
safety signs 1606 electrical purposes 1125, 1127
Aluminium, Zinc Alloy Coated
Agricultural irrigation
Steel Sheets, roofing, cladding 1703
Aluminium structures Execution
Emitters, emitting pipe 1691 Structural components EN 1090-1, EN 1090-3
irrigation valves 1692 Ammonium
air valves 1695 chloride (fertilizer grade) 621
check valves 1694 nitrate, (explosives) 1618
control valves 1696 phosphates (fertilizer grade) 1131
isolating valves 1693 sulphate (fertilizer grade) 620
Ammonium nitrate, (explosives) 1618
pressure losses SLS ISO 9644
Amperes a.c & d.c service 1552
rotating sprinklers 1653 Anaerobic biodegradability SLS ISO 11734
sprayers 1656 Analysis
characterization, distribution SLS ISO15886-3 food grains 448
durability SLS ISO 15886-4 sulfuric acid SLS ASTM E223
terms , classification SLS ISO 15886-1 Anchor devices,
sprinkler nozzles SLS ISO 11545 personal fall protection equipment EN 795
Angles, steel channels 907
volumetric valves SLS ISO 7714
Animal and vegetable fats and oils
water distribution SLS ISO 11545 chemical characteristics 313-2-1
Agricultural origin, Compost 1635 iodine value 313-2-2
Agro chemical spray equipment hand-operated 805 methods for analysis
Agro pesticides, packaging, code of practice 1314 determination of mineral acids 313-3-14
Air conditioners saponification value 313-2-1
energy efficiency rating (Single split type) 1586
fats and oils , sampling 664
room 524, 1586 feeds
Air filters 1026 coconut oilcakes and meals 716
Alavangoes 483 compound for dairy cattle, buffalo 914
Alcohol beverages methods of test 626
arrack 919 microbiological examination of
beer 234 food and animal feeding stuffs 1463
production & feeding 1505
brandy 1687-3
rice bran 670
emulated foreign liquor 1687-7 fibres, generic names & definitions 1483
gin 1687-5 guidelines 1520
rum 1687-1 origin cosmetics without components 1520
tequila 1687-6 Anodizing of aluminium
vodka 1687-4 anodic oxide coatings SLS ISO 7599
whisky/ whiskey 1687-2 sealed anodic oxidation coatings SLS ISO 3210
Alcohol for denatured, cosmetics, industry 1221
cables 1513
Aluminium television receiving 1070
alloy profiles extruded 1410 Anthuriums, harvesting and handling 367
anodic oxide coatings SLS ISO 7599 Anti bribery management systems SLS ISO 37001
conductors for power transmission 750 Conformity assessment
foils and linings 120 competence requirements, auditing,
paint 920 certification SLS ISO/IEC TS 17021-9
powder organic coatings 1411 Anticorrosive priming paint 918
profiles, architectural applications 1410 Antimicrobial activity
round wire 1127 time-kill procedure SLS ASTM E2315
sealed anodic oxidation coatings SLS ISO 3210 Antimicrobial agents
sheet and strip , utensils 68
evaluation, inactivators SLS ASTM E1054
sulfate (technical grade) 701
sulphate (water supply) 1535 Water miscible compounds
utensils 69 time-kill procedure SLS ASTM E2783
wire for electrical purposes 1127 Antimicrobial preservatives (food industry)

benzoic acid 915 effect heat & air on SLS ASTM D2872
potassium benzoate 915 emulsified SLS ASTM D244, 1405
sodium benzoate 915 kinematic viscosity SLS ASTM D2170
API gravity of n-propyl bromide SLS ASTM D7553
crude petroleum SLS ASTM D 287-92 rotational viscometer SLS ASTM D4402
liquid petroleum products SLS ASTM D1298 sieve test ASTM D 6933
petroleum products SLS ASTM D287-92 trichloethylene SLS ASTM D2042
Apparatus terminals, identification 553 Asphaltic materials
Apparent density of activated carbon effects heat & air SLS ASTM D1754
SLS ASTM D 2554-09 Assemblies,
Apple, table 1572 low voltage switchgear & control gear 1223
Apples, cold storage 1612 Ata pirikara (Buddhist Clergy) 1258
Application of pesticides, Atmospheres
code of practice 1465 conditioning and testing of textiles 16
Aquaculture practices (BAP) salt spray text SLS ISO 9227
Shrimp production 1689 Atmospheric conditions,
Aquaculture products conditioning and testing 374
code of hygienic practice 1005 Atomic absorption
Aqueous coconut products, arsenic content 1570/1
cream & paste 1365-2 mercury content 1570/2
milk 1365-1 spectrophotometric method 1100, 1570/1
Arc and gas welding steels paint, low concentrations of lead, cadmium &
qualification of welding procedure SLS ISO 15614-1 cobalt SLS ASTM D3335
Arc welding antimony SLS ASTM D3717
cutting equipment 727-2 chromium SLS ASTM D3718
electrodes 567 mercury SLS ASTM D3624
ferritic steels SLS EN 1011-2 Audit and certification
nickel and nickel alloys food management systems SLS ISO/ TS 22003
qualification of welding procedure SLS ISO 15614-1 management systems SLS ISO 19011
Architectural Automatic
applications extruded aluminium alloy profiles 1410 line voltage stabilizers 609
drawings changeover devices for LPG 1180
glossary of terms 499 Automobile
powder organic coatings 1411 industry, solid rubbers 924
scales for 125, 500 suspensions, leaf springs 639
Arecanuts 468 bi-fuel propulsion system 1238
Armoured Automotive
cables 987-1 accessories fitted, LPG container 1215
electric cables 1186 break linings 856
Aromatic plants (dried) code of hygienic practice 1327 diesel fuel 1103
Arrack 919 engine oils, determination of
Arsenic, determination 312 homogeneity and miscibility SLS ASTM D 6922-03
Artificial test methods SLS ASTM D 6922
flavoured cordials 221 LPG, fitting units 1203
light, colour fastness of textiles grease, lubricating 1424
vinegar 625 dropping point SLS ASTM D 2265
xenon arc fading lamp test 1387-50 industry, grey iron for 881-2
Asbestos LPG in rubber/synthetic hoses & hose
code for installation 876-2 assemblies 1209
components and design considerations 876-1 nitrocellulose resin based automotive spray paint
corrugated sheets 9-2 1538
flat sheets 9-1 radiator cores 740
Askarels, insulating liquids 1216 spray paints synthetic resin based 1537
Asphalt V-belts 1028
bending beam rheometer (BBR) SLS ASTM D6648 Axel 462
bitumen 1578 Axes 753
binder D6521 Axial pump, hydraulic performance tests 833
cationic emulsified 1405
direct tension (dt) SLS ASTM D6723 B
dynamic shear rheometer SLS ASTM D7175 Baby

cologne 589 operations 1049, 1050
nappies 1449 authorized signature lists 1049
nappy cloth towels 1450 drawing lists 1050
oil 1191 presentation on microfiche 1049
shampoo , hair 1342 Bar scheduling in building drawings 411
skin creams & lotions for 742 Barbed wire , galvanized mild steel 31
skin powder 187 Basic module, building industry 129
soap 547 Basin
Bacon 342 Kala Oya 1284
Bags wash 377
garbage 835 Bathing bars 1220
jute 700 Batiks, hand-made 456
polyethylene Batteries,
school 1430 lead acid starter
shopping 607, 1399 commercial/industrial vehicles 1126-2
Baker's yeast 1188 heavy commercial vehicles 1126-3
Bakery internal combustion engine vehicles 1126
fats 1102 motor cycles 1235
hygienic practice 965 motor vehicle 1126
Baking passenger cars 1126-2
powder 230 three wheelers 1235
soda (food grade) 929 primary cells 1198
Ball water for lead acid 671
ceramic industry 160 Battery chargers 828
clay for Bayonet
cup 462 cap adaptors 164
ball point pens 491 lampholders 138
refills 511 Beans, cocoa 106
Ballasts Bearings
tubular fluorescent lamps 1150 Inspection and maintenance SLS EN 1337-10
a.c. supplied electronic 1239 plain 850
Bananas protection SLS EN 1337-9
embul for exports 1040-2 structural –general desing rules SLS EN 1337-1
fresh 1227 transport, storage and installation SLS EN 1337-11
post harvest practices 1040-2 Beauty industry 1531
Bandage 172 Beche-de-mer (sea cucumber) 1574
Bank Bed sheets
cards, magnetic 1034 cotton handloom 685
fund transfer messages 1045 powerloom 698
identifier codes, 1056 Beedi 541
mail payment orders 1071 Beedi tobacco 542
telecommunication date elements 1045-1 Beer and stout 234
vocabulary 1045-1 Bee’s honey 464
Banking, Bend test
bank identifier codes, 1056 cylindrical mandrel 1256-29
collection order form 1097 metal sheets and strip 995
DEA 1054-1 metal tubes 990
eurobond formats 1052 metal wire 991
forms for foreign exchange 1094 metallic materials 994
key management, whole sale 1055 steel products 13
loan deposit contracts 1095 steel sheet & strip 93, 94
message authentication (retail) 1047 Benzoic
message authentication (wholesale) 1053, 1054 acid 915
message encipherment (wholesale) 1058 fruit & vegetable juices 1332-3
nostro accounts 1032 Betel leaves, harvesting and handling 454
PIN management & security 1057 Betel nuts 468
PIN protection 1057 Beverages
securities-format for Eurobonds 1052 black tea 135
telecommunication messages 1056 carbonated 183
telex formats 1051 fruit cordial concentrates 730

fruit cordials 214 materials, SLS ASTM D 5
fruit drinks, ready to serve 729 density SLS ASTM D70
fruit juices and nectars 1328 sampling SLS ASTM D140
fruit squash concentrates 730 kinematic viscosity SLS ASTM D2170
fruit squashes 214 Black
fruit syrup concentrates 730 cartridge paper 1164
fruit syrups 214 gram, whole 794
milk added drinks 917 letterpress ink 341
non-carbonated 221 offset ink 797
soft drink powder mixes 668 pepper 105
tea, instant 401 pepper ground 1372
black 135 tea 135
instant 401 Black gram flour (Ulundu flour) 1688
Bib taps Blades
for water services 596 hacksaw 577
materials for 705 mammoty 305
Bibliographic information interchange 1111 Bleaching powder 759
Bicycle Blended
bicycles 926 fat spreads 1427
bottom bracket components 462 hydraulic cements 1247
brake shoe assemblies 373 Blocks, concrete paving 1425
cotter pins, washers, nuts 237 Blue-ink, washable fountain pens 59
hub assemblies 463 Blue, laundry 602
rims 444, 1064 Boards (see also paper and board)
tubes 127 drawing 157
tyre designations 1064-1 methods of test 473-476, 680, 1277
tyres 224, 1064 thickness, density and specific volume 1370
Bidets, vitreous pedestal 921 puncture resistance 477
Bi-fuel propulsion system Body measurement procedure size designation 486
automobiles 1238 Body powder 389
classification of LPG components 1204 Boilers 1512
fitted to LPG containers 1215 Bolts and nuts
LP gas fuel containers 1205 hexagon 97
vaporizer/regulator 1208 commercial grade 481
Big onions 1224 bond testing
Bins, thermoplastic 889 reinforced concrete 371
Bioaccumulation test SLS ASTM E1676 hexagon 977
Biobased plastics 1698, 1706 Bolts, nuts & screws,
Biodegradation plastic 1539, 1557 corrosion resistances 1236-1
released biogas SLS ISO 15985 requirements and technical supply conditions 379
Biodegradability of plastic materials stainless steel 1236-1
closed respirometer SLS ISO 14851 Bone meal, raw (fertilizer) 622
evolved carbon dioxide SLS ISO 14852 Book numbering (ISBN) 675
general method SLS ISO 14855-1 Books
laboratory scale test SLS ISO 14855-2 drawing, school 852
measurement of biogas production SLS ISO 14853 exercise 382
Biogas production SLS ISO 11734 Boot laces, cotton 336
Biogas systems, code of practice 1292 Boots
Biscuit Gumboots (general purpose) 1583-1
biscuits 251 military 1176
manufacturing units hygienic practice 965 rubber 1583-1
wafers 1313 Botanical names, spices & culinary herbs 133
Bitumen Bottled
content SLS ASTM D4 drinking water 894
penetration graded 1578 hygienic practices 1211
performance graded 1643 mineral water 1038
softening SLS ASTM D36 Bottles, glass
viscosity, graded 1644 feeding 472
Bituminous for aerated water 291
banticorrosive paint 713 for liquor 290

for milk 222 robes 1257
for pharmaceuticals 1190 Buffalo, compound feeds 914
metal closures (ROPP) 1201 Building elements
with crown finish 228 Fire classification SLS EN 13501-1
with ROPP finish 628,789 roofs tests, SLS EN 13501-5
PVC Building materials
drinking water 1336 bricks
feeding 1306 burnt clay 39
for edible products 714 cement 847
pet bottles 1336 earth blocks 1382
reusable plastic 1616 hygrothermal performance SLS ISO 12572
Boxes lime 552
enclosures for electrical installation 1298 surface burning characteristics SLS ASTM E84
flush mounting, electrical accessories 1310 timber 263
Boys’ & girls’ school uniform, unit mass 629
size measurement of 256, 1582 Building industry
suiting 1060-2 , 1582 basic module 129
wear, size designation 655 equipment installations SLS ISO 13787
Bowls (Paththra) 1308 glossary of terms 131
Brass hinges 381 components, classification 132
Brazed steel cylinders 1303 declared thermal conductivity SLS ISO 13787
Brake design for disabled people SLS ISO/TR 9527
lining material, methods of test 783 drawings
linings, automotive 856 bar scheduling 411
shoe assemblies, bicycle 373 glossary of terms 499
Brandy 1687-3 scales for 500,125
BRCD’s 1431 equipment and industrial installations
Bread, white 141 horizontal multi-module for 130
Breaking force & elongation of yarn 1429 hygrothermal performance, water vapour
Breaking tenacity of flat bundles of SLS ISO 12572
cotton fibres 583 modular co-ordination, glossary 131
Bricks symbols for concrete reinforcement 364
burnt clay 39 tolerances for use in 365
cement 847 works method of measurement 573
earth block 1382 Buildings, (EUROCODES)
Bridges, action on structures SLS EN 1991-1-1,
design of timer structures SLS EN 1995 NA 1991-1-1
thermal actions SLS EN 1991-1-5 common rules for buildings SLS EN 1995-1-1
traffic loads on SLS EN 1991-2 design of concrete structures SLS EN 1992-1-1,
Brilliant NA 1992-1-1
Black PN 436 (withdrawn) containment structures SLS EN 1992-3, NA
Blue FCF (food colouring) 940 1992-3
Brinell hardness test 146 liquid retaining SLS EN 1992-3, NA 1992-3
brookfield viscometer structural fire design SLS EN 1992-1-2,
lubricants measured SLS ASTM D 2983 NA 1992-1-2
Brown sugar 883 civil engineering works SLS EN 1995
Brushes geotechnical design SLS EN 1997-1,SLS EN 1997-2
decorators’ 562 Bulbs (Lamps)
painters’ 562 CFL 1200, 1225, 1231, 1232
tooth 276 tungsten, filament 984
Bubble gum 1265 Bulk packaging of tea,
Buckets kraft liner board sacks 1474
galvanized iron, hot dipped 128 multiwall paper sacks 1492
plastic 634 Buns 737
Buddhist clergy Buses, lead-acid starter batteries 1126-3
ata pirikara 1258 Bursting properties of fabrics 1234
bowls mild steel (paththra) 1308 Business continuity management systems
cloth for robes ( ) 1257, 1511 societal security SLS ISO 22301
eight requisites (Ata pirikara) 1258 Butter
flag 802 butter279

cocoa 299, 1510 spark testing 906
oil 340 standard colours 849
Butter test methods telecommunication 821
Fat content SLS ISO 3727-3 television receptions (antenna cables) 1513
moisture SLS ISO 3727-1 thermoplastic PVC insulation 1504-2.12
non fat solids SLS ISO 3727-2 thermosetting insulated 1638
Buzzers, electric, indoor use 702 trunking 1206
Bursting strength, hydraulic method Cables and wires, low-frequency
rubber or plastic coated fabrics 761-7-2 cross-linked electrometric 1282-3
hydraulic method 761 -7 - 2 cross-linked 1282-4
steel ball method 761 - 7 - 1 electrical test methods SLS EN 50395
insulating and sheathing materials 1282
C low voltage energy cables 1504
C Language, computer programme 1122 non electrical test methods SLS EN 50396
Cabinets, steel filing 233 Cadmium
Cable designation system SLS HD S3 determination 303
Cable management lead and cobalt in paint
cable tray system & cable ladder systems 1503 low concentrations SLS ASTM D3335
Cable reels (extension codes) 1532 release from ceramic ware SLS ISO 6486
Cables Caffeine content of coffee 970
antenna 1513 Cakes 1074
armoured 1186 Calcium hypochlorite 759
cable ladder systems 1503 Calculating viscosity index of
cable tray systems 1503 petroleum products SLS ASTM D 2270
conduit systems 993 Calendar dates
cords, insulated for conductors 695 writing of 104
electrical & optical fibre SLS IEC 60811-100, Pts. interchange formats 1116
201, 202, 203, 301, 302, 401- 412, 501- 513, Calibration laboratories, requirements SLS ISO 17025
601- 607, laboratories competence testing SLS ISO 17025
flexible for industrial 1352 Calibration oils, method of test
flexible with thermoplastic PVC insulation 1504- measuring viscosity SLS ASTM D 4741
2.11 Call bells, electrical, indoor use 702
general applications 1504-2 Camphor 366
high voltage 1187 Candida albicans in cosmetics 1488
identification of cores 1353 Candles, illuminating 189
insulating and sheathing materials 1282 Candy
methods of test hard candy (lozegers, toffee) 1576
density – water absorption test 1199-1.3 soft (jelly cups, jujubs, marshmellos) 1575
electrometric compound 1199-2 Canned
filling compounds 1199-5 fish 591
measurement of thickness 1199-1.1 fish curry 1106
non-electrical and electrical 1199-7 foods, code of hygienic practice 873
optical fibre, under fire conditions 1007 jackfruit 998
polyethylene and polypropylene 1199-4 mangoes 536
PVC compounds 1199 -3 mushrooms 997
thermal aging methods 1199-1.2 pineapples 266
thermoplastic compounds 1199-6 tomato juice 390
miscellaneous 1282-5 weaning foods 1039
motor vehicles 412 Canvas shoes, rubber soled 465
oil resistant control 1504-2.51 Capacitors
PVC 1282 -2 colours for marking 518
PVC insulated 987 electrolytic 619
overhead telecommunication lines 986 fixed, for electronic equipment 747
non-armoured, with copper conductors 733 marking codes 520
rubber insulated,electric power & lighting 1185 wire termination diameters 519
rubber insulation and sheath 1147 Captan 466-10
radio frequency coaxial Car tyres (passenger) 1212
television receptions & similar 1513 Carbaryl 466-1
reels, (extension codes) 1532 Carbofuran, granules 466-23
single core non-sheathed 1504-2.31 Carbofuran, technical 466-22

Carbolic soap 35 determination
Carbon determination of fineness SLS EN 196-6
activated 1319 strength SLS ISO 679
black 916-1 fibre flat sheets 1593
limestone 1253
for electrical machines 741
masonry 515
methods of test 899-1
paper 82 compressive strength EN 772-1
steel test methods SLS EN 413-2
forgings for piping applications 1514 mixing of emulsified asphalt ASTM D6935
pipe, seamless high temperature service 1515 paints 590
pressure vessel plates, portland 107
temperature service 1516 ; 1517 pozzolanic cement pozzolanicity SLS EN 196-5
safety razor blades 5 roofing tiles 1267
Carbon, environmental footprint 1698, 1706 solvent 935
Carbonated beverages 183 sampling and inspection SLS ISO 390
Cardamoms 166
Cement test methods
oil 435
Cards, financial transaction 1048, 1059 analysis by wet chemistry SLS ISO 29581-1
Care home, elderly 1506 chemical analysis SLS ISO 29581-2
Care labeling of textiles 335 setting times & soundness of SLS ISO 9597
test methods SLS ISO 9597, SLS ISO 29581
Carmoisine 437
Centrifugal, mixed flow & axial pumps
Cartridge fuse links 1552
hydraulic performance tests 833
Cartridge paper, black 1164 Cephalopods, hygienic practice 1018
Cashew Ceramic
kernels 405 ball clay 160
nuts 245 china clay 161
code for processing 1003 cisterns, flushing 864
Cast brass pedestal water closet pans 792
hinges 381 sinks 832
window stays 376 squatting pans and traps 568
Catering wash basins 377
Establishments hygienic practice 956 tile adhesives, test methods SLS ISO 13007
industries, ice for 971 tiles 1181, SLS ISO 10545
prerequisite programmes on food safety adhesives 1375, SLS ISO 13007-2
SLS ISO/TS 22002-2 grouts 1376, SLS ISO 13007-4
Cationic emulsified asphalt 1405 Ceramic tiles test methods
Cattle feed 914 breaking strength SLS ISO 10545-4
Caustic soda 300 chemical resistance SLS ISO 10545-13
Ceiling coefficient, restitution SLS ISO 10545-5
fans 814 crazing resistance SLS ISO 10545-11
energy efficiency rating 1600 dimension surface quality SLS ISO 10545-2
roses 320 frost resistance SLS ISO 10545-12
Cells, primary, batteries 1198 glazed titles SLS ISO 10545-7
Cellulose acetate (cotton, rayons) linear thermal expansion SLS ISO 10545-8
fluidity in cuprammonium 288 led, cadmium by glazed tiles SLS ISO 10545-15
Cellulose nitrate based paints, lacquers, moisture expansion SLS ISO 10545-10
resistance stains SLS ISO 10545-14
thinner for 749
Sampling basis acceptance SLS ISO 10545-1
Small colour difference SLS ISO 10545-16
asbestos, corrugated and flat sheet 9 - 1 & 2
thermal shock SLS ISO 10545-9
blended hydraulic 1247
unglazed titles SLS ISO 10545-6
blocks 855 water absorption, apparent porosity
bricks 847 SLS ISO10545-3
chemical analysis SLS ISO 29581 Ceramic/ceramic glass ware, determination of
composite portland 1697 lead-release / cadmium release SLS ISO 6486
concrete tiles (floor/wall) 863 Cereal
concrete mixes, mineral aggregates 728 based food supplement for infants & children 1036

Cereals, Chillie
bulk density microscopic examination 827
reference method SLS ISO 7971-1 sauce 581
routine method SLS ISO 7971-3 whole & ground 1563
test sieves 1599 China clay, for ceramic industry 161
vocabulary 1602 Chisels 725
Cereals and pulses, Chlorinated lime 759
crude protein content 1549 Chocolate 326
fat content 1549 milk (method of test) 1510-1
ground, sampling 190 plain (method of test) 1510-2
kjeldahl methd 1549 Chrome retanned finished leather 615
nitrogen content 1549 Chromium, electroplated coatings 762
randall extraction method 1549 Chutney, mango 446
hidden insect infestation Cigarettes 605
general principles 1529-1 Cigars 471
rapid methods 1529-4 Cinnamon, Ceylon 81
reference method 1529-3 bark oil 185
sampling 1529-2 bark products & GMP 1562
nomenclature 1601 code of practice for dried aromatic plants 1327
storage good agricultural practices (GAP) 1523-3
control of attack, pests 1528-3 leaf oil 184
recommendations, keeping of cereals 1528-1 Circuit breakers
practical recommendations 1528-2, current- operated earth leakage 548
temperature of stored in bulk SLS ISO 4112 household 1175
trapping of live invertebrates SLS ISO 16002 low voltage switchgear 1554
test methods over-current protection 1175
mass of 1000 grains SLS ISO 520 RCBO’s 1022
moisture content SLS ISO 712 RCCB’s 1099
Ceylon citronella oil 170 residual current operated 1431
CFL 1200, 1225, 1231, 1232 Circuits, magnetic electrical steel sheet for 383
Chain link fence fabric
ceramic, flushing 864
zinc/plastic coated 1148
plastic, flushing 878
Chairs and stools
plastics 1438 Citronella oil (පැ ෙත ) 170
City services and quality of life
strength & durability SLS ISO 7173
sustainable development
upright determination of stability SLS ISO 7174
communities 1508
Chalk, school 114
management systems SLS ISO 37101
Character code Civil engineering
Sinhala 1134 drawings symbols for concrete reinforcement
Tamil 1326 364
Charcoal, coconut shell 571 works, design of SLS EN 1994
Charcoal, wood chemical analysis SLS ASTM D1762 Classification and terminology (textiles)
Charpy impact test for steel 355 for seams 1132
Cheese 773 for stitches 1133
Chemical Classification of
analysis of textiles 1388-22, 24, 26 building components 132
glossary 1281 cosmetic raw materials 457
products for industrial use fires 550
sampling 1280 LPG components, classification of 1204
resistance, ceramic tiles SLS ISO 10545-13 protection provided by enclosures 963
testing of leather 537 steel products 874-1
Chewing gum 1265 toilet goods 457-1
Chicken eggs 959 Claw bars 483
Child development centres (CDC) 1491 Clay
Children’s garments ball for ceramic industry 160
health and safety building bricks 39
innerwear, outerwear 1613-1 china, for ceramic industry 161
Children paints for toys & accessories 1423 cook stoves, two pot 1475

roofing tiles 2 milk powder 1309
Cleaning oil 32
metals code of practice 322 oil cakes and meals 716
materials (GMP) 1348 paste 1365-2
Clips, office 510 shell charcoal 571, 1319
Closet ceramic flushing cisterns 864 toddy/water vinegar 168
Closures, crown 398 water (covered) 1328
Cloth water (packaged natural) 1630
buddhist clergy robes ( ) 1511 Coconut flour 1628
towels, baby nappy 1450 Coconut water (packaged natural) 1630
woven umbrella 1307 Code for
size designation of 485, 486, 487 acceptance tests for rotodynamic pumps 833
Clothing (protective) 1659 care labeling of textiles, using symbols 335
Clothing garment measurement SLS ISO 18890 country names 1009-3
Clove country subdivisions 1009-2
bud oil 247 currencies & funds 1010
electrodes, core wire of 525 designation, copper & copper alloys 755
good agricultural practices (GAP) 1523-4 GMP for cosmetic industry 1316
Coated fabrics, PVC good manufacturing practices
methods of test for, 761, 1354 fibre extraction in coir industry 1493
coating, mass, unit area, substrate 1354-2 names of languages 1085
length, width, net mass 1354-1 representation of country 1009-1
thickness 1354-3 Codes of hygienic practice for
rubber, plastic 761,1354, 1355 aquaculture, products of 1005
steel sheet SLS ISO 9364 biscuit manufacturing and bakery units 965
tear resistance test 1355 bottled drinking water 1211
water resistance clothing 795-3 canned foods 873
Coatings, organic, powder 1411 catering establishments 956
Coaxial cables for television receptions 1513 cephalopods 1018
Cobalt, cadmium and lead in paint coconut kernel processing 1590
low concentrations SLS ASTM D3335 dairy industries 872
Cocoa desiccated coconut 142
based confectionery 1509 dried aromatic plants 1327
beans 106 fish
butter 299 dried salted 1017
butter equivalents, (methods of test) 1510 fresh 974
butter equivalents, quantification of 1510-2.2 frozen 975
good agricultural practices (GAP) 1523-4 salted 1017
methods of test 1510 food hygiene (general principles) 143
powder 148 fruit and vegetable products, manufacture of 209
sugar mixtures 148 lobsters and prawns, processing 208
Coconut meat products , processed 1564
aqueous 1365 molluscan shell fish 1004
activated carbon, shell charcoal 1319 natural mineral water 1021
cream & paste 1365-2 packaged drinking water 1211
coconut milk 1365-1 poultry, processing 892
flour 1628 processed meat products 1065, 1564
coconut kernel processing 1590 products of aquaculture 1005
desiccated 98 spices and other dried aromatic plants 1327
hygienic practice 142 street foods, sales & preparation 1451
fatty acids 298 supermarkets 1432
fibre tea, storage,blending, packaging & transport 1315-3
coir fibre 115 water
coconut husks 1493 bottled (packaged) drinking 1211
fibre industry, GMP 1493 natural mineral 1021
pith, agricultural use 1219 Codes of practice for,
pith substrate GMP1487 agricultural produce, fumigation of 973
industry tolerance limits for effluents 1195 agro pesticides, packaging of 1314
milk 1365-1 animal feed production & feeding 1505
aqueous 1365 anthuriums, harvesting and handling of 367

application of pesticides 1465 lobsters and prawns, packaging 972
asbestos-cement corrugated sheets 876 LPG, transport, storage and handling of 1196
basic manual metal arc welder 887 manufacture/canning of low-acid and
betel leaves harvesting,handling,packaging 454 acidified low-acid foods 873
biogas systems, design & construction 1292 manufacture of plastic containers 1444
canning of fish 902 metal arc welder, manual training & testing 887
cashew nuts, processing 1003 metals, cleaning 322
child development centres (CDC) 1491 micro hydropower systems,
cleaning of metals 322 design & construction 1311
containers, plastic, non food products 1443 microbiological examination of
crabs 1213 food and animal feeding stuffs 393
design and construction of food-borne pathogens SLS ISO/TS 13136
micro hydropower systems 1311 polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
septic tanks 745 SLS ISO/TS 13136,
domestic biogas systems 1292-1 SLS ISO 22118, SLS ISO 22119
electrical installations 703 natural rubber latex in drums, packaging 323
electroplating 658 non-destructive testing
cleaning of metals 322 qualification & certification 996
mechanical polishing of metals 450 orchids, harvesting, handling & packaging 410
fertilizers, bagged, handling & storage 544 packaged goods, target qualify setting
fibre extraction in the coir industry 1493 and controlling net contents 925
fish, canning 902 packaging
food agro pesticides for retail markets 1314
animal feeding stuffs 393 bulk tea 1548
hygiene 143 lobsters & prawns 972
samples, handling of paper, board 1416
microbiological analysis 393 paddy and rice, storage 686
labeling of prepackaged 467 paddy, parboiling 1002
low-acid & acidified low-acid paper and board
manufacture/canning 873 packaging 1416
fruits and vegetables recycling 1433
fresh fruits & vegetables 1412-1 storage 1415
ready-to-eat fresh pre-cut 1412-2 (indoor illumination conditions)
sampling (fresh) SLS ISO 874 CIE whiteness 1677
sprout production 1412-3 (outdoor daylight)
harvesting and handling 1040 CIE whiteness 1678
‘Embul’ bananas (export) 1040-2 pesticides
pineapple (export) 1040-1 agro for retail market 1314
rambutan (export) 1040-3 application 1465
fumigation of agricultural produce 973 plastic containers,
good animal feed production & feeding 1505 manufacture 1444
HACCP 1266 non food products 1443
harvesting and handling recycling 1263
anthuriums 367 pneumatic tyres, retreading 254
packaging of betel leaves 454 prepackaged foods, labeling 467
orchids 410 ready-to-eat fresh pre-cut fruits &
hot-drip galvanizing of iron, steel 482 vegetables 1412-2
hot-dip galvanized coatings recycling
iron, steel articles SLS ISO 1461 organic 1651
hides & skins paper 1433
curing & preservation 1013 refrigeration 1337
flaying 1014 retreading pneumatic tyres 254
imported construction timber road marking materials, thermoplastics 1378
identification grading & marking 1170 security techniques, information technology
information security controls SLS ISO/IEC 27002 SLS ISO/IEC 27002
information security management system septic tanks, design and construction 745
security techniques SLS ISO/IEC 27002 sprout production 1412-3
incense sticks 1441 storage of paper & board 1415
labelling of prepackaged foods 467 tea industry 1315
laying of in-situ terrazzo finish 408 television broadcasting, reception 771

terrazzo finish, laying of in-situ 408 Coloured lead pencils 744
timber Colouring matter, food additives
seasoning 159 Amaranth 438 (withdrawn)
imported construction 1170 Brilliant black PN 436 (withdrawn)
time, writing 289 Brilliant blue FCF 940
transport, storage and handling LPG 1196 Carmoisine 437
Code of Erythrosine BS 594
recommended practice for electroplating 658 Fast Red E 565
safety for welding and cutting 727 Green FCF 966
safety requirements for toys 608 Green S 942
Code for exchanges- market identifier codes 1042 Indigo carmine 941
Code for the representation of Ponceau 4R 439
currencies and funds 1010 Sunset Yellow FCF 593
name of countries & subdivision 1009 Tartrazine 649
Coffee, Colours
caffeine content 970 standard for cables & wires 849
good agricultural practices (GAP) 1523-3 used for use in electronic equipment 518
green 697 Columns, lighting 429
moisture content 736 Combustion engine, air filter 1026
roasted and ground 258 Common burnt clay bricks 39
moisture content SLS ISO 11817 Communited meat products 1218
Instant 1673 Communities, sustainable development 1508
Vocabulary SLS ISO 3509, SLS ISO 18794 Compact
Coffee, coffee products, Determination, fluorescent lamps,safety requirements 1231-2
acrylamide SLS ISO 18862 spark plugs 576
Caffeine content SLS ISO 20481 Competence of testing,
Coir requirements SLS ISO 15189
fibre Components used in bi-fuel propulsion system 1238
brown / mixed 115-1 Composite
industry, fibre extraction in, GMP1493 kraft board sacks bulk tea 1548
pith, agricultural use 1219 steel structures, design of SLS EN 1994
pith substrate,GMP 1487 Compost,
retted white fibre 115-4 agricultural origin 1635
mattresses/cushions code of practice, production 1654
rubberized 1333 municipal solid waste 1246, 1634
yarn 513 organic agriculture 1684
Coke, foundry 950 Compostable plastic 1539
Cold drawn mild steel wire for Compostability test, plastic materials 1380
manufacture of wire nails 7 Compound feeds
Cologne 534 cattle and buffalo 914
baby 589 poultry 244
Colony count technique Compressed stabilized earth blocks 1382
food and animal feeding stuffs 516 Compression
Colorants, food packaging material 1614-7ffs knapsack sprayers 726
Colour fastness of leather see leather flexible cellular materials 1330, SLS ISO 1856
Colour fastness Computer
textile materials 63 communication media Tamil for use in 1326
bleaching 88 desktop, notebook energy consumption
determination of methods 1357 SLS IEC 62623
high humidities SLS ISO 105-G04 minimum energy performance 1580
hot pressing 198 programming, C language 1122
nitrogen oxides SLS ISO 105-G04 stabilized power supply (d.c. or a.c.) 992
organic solvents 203 Concrete,
rubbing 63 analysis of hardened 262-3
soda boiling 65 bridges design of concrete structures
textiles 1387- 45 to 51 SLS EN 1992-2, NA 1992-1-2
day light 1387-51 fence posts 217
methods of tests 1387 lighting columns 429
xenon arc fading lamp test 1387-50 methods of sampling, analysis & testing 262
Colour measurement, vocabulary 1387-7 mixes, cement 728

mixing water SLS ISO 12439 gelatine based 585-4, 1575
mortar, fine aggregate 1397 hard boiled 585-3, 1576
non-pressure pipes 452 lozenges 585-2, 1576
paving blocks 1425 methods of test 586
petrographic examination of
pectin based 585-5, 1575
aggregates for SLS ASTM C 295
toffees 585-1,1575
hardened concrete SLS ASTM C856
pipes, non pressure 452 conformity Assessment
ready-mixed 1144 accreditation bodies SLS ISO/IEC 17011
roofing semi-sheets, tiles & fittings 1189 audit certification SLS ISO 17021-1
tiles (floor/wall) 863 bodies certifying products
water for making concrete 522, SLS ISO 12439 processes, services SLS ISO 17065
Concrete reinforcement bodies performing inspection ISO 17020
mild steel bars for 26 conformity assessment bodies 17011
plain steel bars for 26 fundamentals product certification schemes 17067
poles, reinforced for telecommunication lines 363 management system
reinforced, pull-out test 371 certification
ribbed steel bars for 375 audits SLS ISO 17023
steel wire fabric for 95 persons SLS ISO 17024
symbols for 364 peer assessment SLS ISO 17040
Concrete & steel structures, design of SLS EN 1994 proficiency testing SLS ISO 17043
Concrete structures, design SLS EN 1992-1-1, supplier’s declaration
NA 1992-1-1 general requirements SLS ISO 17050-1
concrete bridges SLS EN 1992-2, NA 1992-1-2 supporting documents SLS ISO 17050-2
containment structures SLS EN 1992-3, NA 1992-3 third party marks SLS ISO 17030
liquid retaining SLS EN 1992-3, NA 1992-3 vocabulary, general principles SLS ISO/
structural fire design SLS EN 1992-1-2, IEC 17000, SLS ISO/IEC 17027
NA 1992-1-2 Connectors, DC application (PV systems) 1637
Concrete, mortar, grout Constant rate of tear method of coated fabrics 1355
admixtures, SLS EN 934-1 Construction
conformity, marking, labelling EN 934-2, EN 934-3, bitumen 1578
EN 934-4 , EN 934-5 micro hydropower systems 1311
sampling EN 934-6 maintenance of roads 1578
Condensed milk 179 timber, imported
Condiments see also individual names grading, marking, identification 1170
Condiments & spices Construction work
test methods 186 earth block 1382
nomenclature 133 cement blocks 855
Condoms, male 1317 cement bricks 847
Conductors, aluminium Consumer software packages 1120
for power transmission 750 Containers see also individual products
insulated cables and cords 695 Containers
Conduit flexible intermediate bulk 1434
electrical installations 993 neck finishes, glass 601
flexible 993-4 non food products 1443
outside diameters 989 polymer material
pipes 993 packaging of drinking water 1336
pliable 993-3 plastic, manufacture of 1444
rigid, plain 993-2 round winding wires 1082-1
system for cable management 993 Containers, tins
threads 989 for paints and varnishes for packing 193
Cone penetration of lubricating grease Containment structures, design of concrete
SLS ASTM D217, SLS ASTM D1403 structures, SLS EN 1992-3, NA 1992-3
Cones for yarn winding 529 Continuous forms
Confectionery information processing sizes 1112
cocoa based 1509 sprocket feed holes 1112

Controlled gear assemblies 1223 methods of test
Conversion edgewise crush resistance 1275, 1278
factor and tables 99 flat crush resistance 479
principles 116 grammage 1279
replacing traditional yarn numbers 488 thickness 478
table for unwaxed edge method 1275
Cook stoves, two pot clay 1475 waxed edge 1278
Cookers Corrugated sheets, asbestos cement 9-2
domestic 451 Cosmetic ingredients and products SLS ISO 16128-1
kerosene 380 Cosmetics industry
liquid petroleum gas 451 alcohol denatured 1221
Cooking appliances, portable, safety 1495 herbal guidelines 1708
analytical approach SLS ISO/TR 17276
animal origin 1520
accelerated acetic acid salt spray SLS ISO 9227
classification 457-1
alloys code of designation 755
cleansing materials 1348
determination 301
colouring agents 457-1
strip test, petroleum products SLS ASTM D 130 colouring additives 457-1
terms & definitions 782 denatured alcohol 1221
Copper strip test enumeration of yeast & mould in 1445
petroleum products, GMP(good manufacturing practice)
corrosiveness SLS ASTM D130 cleansing materials 1348
Copra 612 cosmetics industry SLS ISO 22716
Cordage, glossary of terms 657 guidelines for general training 1402
Cordials, heavy metals SLS ISO 17276
flavoured /artificial 221 kaolin 264
fruit 214 labeling, marking & Packaging 1398,1587
Cords pigments 457-1
raw materials 457-1
electric flexible, PVC insulated 1143
sampling 495
file 764
Cosmetics for microbiology & test methods
aerobic mesophilic bacteria 1349
spun sewing thread 1264 candida albicans 1488
wire of coated electrodes 525 escherichia coli 1489
Cores micro-organisms 1351, 1350
automotive radiator 740 microbiology 1561
electric cables, identification 1353 pseudomonas aeruginesa 1350
Coriander raw materials, colouring agents classification 457
powder 232 risk assessment, microbiologically low risk 1403
whole & ground 1565 specified, non specified microorganisms SLS ISO 18415
Corn staphylococcus aureus 1351
flour 964 yeast & mould, enumeration 1445
maize 851 Cosmetic products,
maize oil 905 baby products
Correcting fluid 470 cologne 589
Corrosion oil 1191
shampoo , hair 1342
corrosion of iron & steel SLS ISO 14713/1
skin creams & lotions for 742
hot dip galvanizing SLS ISO 14713/2
skin powders 187
preventive properties of soap 547
lubricating grease SLS ASTM D1743 cologne 534
tests artificial atmospheres SLS ISO 9227 guidelines
sherardizing SLS ISO 14713/3 microbiologically low risk 1403
zinc coatings, resistance SLS ISO 14713/1 hair
Corrosiveness to copper from colour powder 1440
petroleum products SLS ASTM D130 cream 611
Corrugated fibre board dye powder 1123
boxes 801 gel & cream oxidative hair colours 1439
guidelines for packaging of pineapple 1124 oil 1341

shampoo 1346 terry towels 1486
shampoo for babies 1342 vests (banion) 283
liquid gel & cream oxidative hair colours 1439 yarn, grey 137
lipstick 1464 Cotton fabrics see cotton textiles
shaving creams 796 Cotton fibres
skin creams and lotions 743 breaking tenacity of flat bundles 583
skin powder (with/without herbal) 389 micronaire value 459
skin powder for babies 187 percentage of viscose 1388-5
toilet preparations 495 scoring loss in grey and finished 87
soap added matter removal 25
baby 547 bleached, mercerised 90
bathing bars 1220 bow and skewness 89
carbolic 35 breaking load 43
hand wash 1142 creasing recovery 200
liquid,toilet 1142 dimensional changes 47
method of analysis 27 dress fabrics 480
methods of test 1391 Pts.1-8 dyed 90
shaving 36 extension of strips 43
soft 37 filling and size determination 48
toilet 34, 1142 fluidity in cuprammonium 288
toothpaste 275 length 45
Cosmetics analytical methods number of threads per inch 41
Chromatographic techniques SLS ISO 12787 resistance to water penetration 287
Cosmetics microbiological limits SLS ISO 17516 scouring loss 87
microbiology antimicrobial protection thickness 696
SLS ISO 11930 warp and weft 49,1366
Cotter pins, washers & nuts, bicycle 237 water repellency 287
Cotton width 46
absorbent 285 wt. of warp and weft per unit area 51
viscose gauze, absorbent 1414 wt. per unit area 42
bed sheets wt. per unit length 42
yarn count 44
dress fabric, printed 480
drill fabrics 333 Country
embroidery threads 460 codes 1009
fluidity of 288 names 1009-3
furnishing fabric 255 Covered electrodes
handloom 685 efficiency determination 570
lint, absorbent 337 mild steel, metal arc welding of 414
mosquito netting 273 Covers, woven mattress 1485
napkins, table 196 COVID-19 safety management systems 1672
poplins (powerloom) 90 Cow pea 662
powerloom 698 Crabs, processing & handling 1213
pyjama cloth 284 Crank case lubricating oils 1373, 1374
raw, sampling 360 diesel engines 1373
rayons, fluidity of 288 gasoline engines 1374
saree materials 100 Crayons & pastels 777
sarees 100 Creams
sarongs 101 babies 742
school uniform material 1582 hair 611
shoe laces 336 shaving 796
shirting skin and lotions 743(with/without herbal extract)
handloom 766 Crepe rubber 1244
Crochet fabrics for waist bands
power loom 767
gents sportswear & underwear 272
suiting, polyester, blends 635
Crockery 219
Crop protection equipment
embroidery 460
vocabulary 1603
sewing 112
towels and towelling 136
closures 398

cork finish, glass bottle 228 Demeton-S-methyl 466-19
finishes, glass container 601 Denatured alcohol for cosmetics 1221
Crude Density of liquids,
fibre content of agricultural food 1362 test method SLS ASTM D4052
fat and total fat content 1549 Dentistry oral rinses 1652
glycerine 140 Desiccated coconut
palm kernel olein 1555 DC 98
palm kernel stearing 1556 code of hygienic practice 142
protein content 1549 paper sacks for packaging 1067
Crude petroleum, API gravity SLS ASTM D 287-92 Design and construction
SLS ASTM D1298-99 bio-gas systems 1292
Culinary herbs & spices, botanical names 133 micro hydropower systems 1311
Cumin, (whole, ground) 1633 Design and detailing rules,
Cupboards, steel, stationery 865 concrete bridges SLS EN 1992-2, NA 1992-1-2
Curd 824-1 SLS EN 1992-1-2, SLS EN 1992-3, NA 1992-3
Curing & preservation of hides & skins 1013 Design and implementation
Currency code 1010 feed and food traceability system SLS ISO 22005
Current ratings 1259 Design considerations, masonry structures
Curry powder 134 SLS EN 1996-2
Cushions Design guidelines, building construction needs
latex foam rubber 1334 for differentlyabled people SLS ISO/TR 9527
polyurethane foam 1335 Design of composite steel & concrete structures
rubberized coir 1333 (EUROCODE 4) general rules
Custard powder 958 rules for buildings SLS EN 1994-1-1
Customer satisfaction, complaints structural fire design SLS EN 1994-1-2
handling in organization SLS ISO 10002 Design of concrete structures (EUROCODE 2)
Cutlery 413 bridges-design,detailing rules SLS EN 1992-2,
Cuttlefish, frozen 790 NA 1992-1-2
Cycle see bicycle liquid retaining & containment SLS EN 1992-3,
Cylinders, transportable , NA 1992-3
refillable brazed steel for LPG 1303 rules for buildings SLS EN 1992-1-1, NA 1992-1-1
structural fire design SLS EN 1992-1-2, NA 1992-
D 1-2
Dairy Design of joints, steel structures SLS EN 1993-1-8
curd 824-1 Design of masonry structures (EUROCODE 6)
fat spreads 1428 design considerations, SLS EN 1996-2
industries hygienic practice 872 reinforced/unreinforced, general rules for
yoghurt 824-2 SLS EN 1996-1-1
Data elements & interchange simplified calculation methods SLS EN 1996-3
format representation of dates & times 1113 Design of steel structures (EUROCODE 3)
Data processing forms design of joints SLS EN 1993-1-8
sprocket feed holes 1112 fatigue SLS EN 1993-1-9, NA 1993-1-9
Data, statistical interpretation of 526 general rules,
Dates cold –formed members & sheeting
interchange formats 1116 SLS EN 1993-1-3,
writing in numeric form 104 NA 1993-1-3
rules for buildings SLS EN 1993-1-1, NA 1993-1-1
DC (desiccated coconut) 98
rules for stainless steels SLS EN 1993-1-4,
DC resistivity of insulating liquids 1216
NA 1993-1-4
Dean and stark method
plated structural elements SLS EN 1993-1-5,
determination of water 1256-7 NA 1993-1-5
Decorators’ brushes 562 steel bridges SLS EN 1993-2
Deep-well reciprocating hand pumps 922 strength & stability structures SLS EN 1993-1-6
Definitions of terms towers, masts, chimneys SLS EN 1993-3-1, 3-2
Lighting clumns EN 40-1 Design of structure for
natural textile fibres 1483 earthquake resistance (EUROCODE 8)
non-wovens 1360 buildings SLS EN 1998-3
textured filament yarns in textiles 1368 foundations, retaining structures &
tyre industries 900 geotechnical aspects SLS EN 1998-5

silos, tanks & pipelines SLS EN 1998-4 oils 1373
towers, masts and chimneys SLS EN 1998-6 method of test for fuel filters 981
Design of test rooms, general guidance Diesel fuel, automotive 1103
sensory analysis of food 1484 - 4 Differential scanning calorimetry method
Design of timber structures (EUROCODE 5) rigid PVC pipes SLS ISO 18373
bridges SLS EN 1995-2 Differentlyable people,
common rules, rules for buildings building construction needs SLS ISO/TR 9527
SLS EN 1995-1-1 Digital density meter ASTM D4052
structural fire design SLS EN 1995-1-2 Dimensional
Design guidelines, differentlyabled people change in washing & drying of fabrics 199
building construction needs SLS ISO/TR 9527 building components for 132
tolerances for untrimmed paper sizes 1436 tolerances for sacks 1422
Design of work systems wood doorsets 447
ergonomic principles 1604 Dinner wear, glass, determination of
Designation lead. cadmium releases SLS ISO 6486
netting yarns 155 Disabled people in building ISO/TR 9527
yarns 19-2 Disinfectants 688
Desktop, notebook energy consumption SLS IEC Distemper
62623 emulsion paints 564
Destructive tests on welds in dry paints 563
materials SLS ISO 17639 Distillation of emulsified asphalt SLS ASTM D6997
metallic materials SLS ISO 4136 Distilled liquor
Detection of Brandy 1687-3
escherichia coli in cosmetics 1489
Emulated foreign liquor 1687-7
candida albicans in 1488
cocoa butter equivalents 1510-2.1 Gin 1687-5
Detergent Rum 1687-1
Liquid, hand dishwashing 1617, SLS ISO 21703 Tequila 1687-6
powder for laundry 760 Vodka 1687-4
organic liquid for household use 687 Whisky/ Whiskey 1687-2
surface active agents test methods 1401, Distribution fuse boards 549
SLS ISO 21703 Diuron 466-13
Determination Documentation
bursting strength rubber or plastic coated fabrics computers 1114
761-7-1, 761-7-2 contents list of periodicals 1083
chemical characteristics vegetable & animal fats & data bases 1087
oils 313-2-1 directories of libraries & data bases 1087
cocoa butter equivalents 1510 format for bibliographic information 1111
plastics headers for microfiche 1154
flexural properties SLS ISO 178 information processing guidelines 1114
tensile properties general principles ISBN 675
SLS ISO 527-1 ISSN 817
test conditions SLS ISO 527-2 periodicals & other serials 1084
saponification value vegetable & animal fats & presentation of periodicals 1151
oils 313-2-1 scientific and technical report 1090
strength, cement SLS ISO 679 title information 1156
tensile properties title leaves of a book 1086
textile fabrics, using the strip method 43-1 Dodine 466-12
volatile matter content raw natural rubber 484-10 Dolomite 823
Determining demulsibility of Domestic
emulsified asphalt SLS ASTM D6936 biogas systems 1292-1
Diagram symbols low-pressure cookers 451
information processing systems 1118 washing & drying procedures, textile 1302
Diaphragm type valves 781 Door sets, wood, dimensions 447
Diazinon 466-14 Double
Dichloro methane-soluble matter wool products 600 capped, fluorescent lamps 1477-1
Dielecltric dissipation factor, edged carbon steel for
insulating liquids 1216 ended open jaw spanners 304
Diesel engines energy efficiency rating for 1625

untreated safety razor blades 5 blocks, compressed stabilized 1382
Drainage and sewerage leakage circuit breakers 548
UPVC pipe fittings for 1285 Earthenwear pipes, glazed 449
UPVC pipes 1286 Earthing braids, motor vehicles 412
Drawing Earthquake resistance (EUROCODE 8)
boards 157 buildings SLS EN 1998-3
books 852 foundations, retaining structures and
sheets 433 geotechnical aspects SLS EN 1998-5
Drawings silos, tanks & pipelines SLS EN 1998-4
architectural and survey 125 towers, masts and chimneys SLS EN 1998-6
building and civil engineering 364 Ebonyware handicrafts 218
glossary of terms 499 Edibal products, glass bottles, ROPP finish 628
scales for 500 EDIFACT (electronic data interchange) 1135
practice, engineering 409 Edison screw lamp holders 1571
Dress fabrics Education, QMS for SLS IWA 2
cotton 480 Organizations management systems SLS ISO 21001
school uniform materials 1060 Efficiency photovoltaic systems power 1546
Dried Effluents, industrial tolerance limits
aromatic plants & spices, hygienic practice 1327 coconut kernel industry 1195
fish 643 discharged into inland surface waters 652
salted fish 1017 discharged into marine coastal waters 721
shark fins 469 discharged on land for irrigation 776
Driers (paints, varnishes) 1649 fish culture 799
Drinkable liquids inland surface waters 722
plastic bottles 1616 palm oil industry 1194
Drinking straws (polypropylene) 11540 raw rubber industry 819
Drinking water sulfuric acid plants 854
aluminium sulphate 1535 tanning industry 820
bottled 894 textile industry 822
containers of polymer materials, packaging 1336 raw water for public water supply 722
code of hygienic practice 1211 Eggs, chicken 959
hydrated lime for purification 1577 Eight requisites (ata pirikara) 1258
mineral 1038 Elastic
potable water flat braids 272-1
pvc bottle 1336 fabrics
Drinks, methods of test 999
freeze 967 narrow 272
powder mixes, soft 668 webbing 272
ready-to-serve fruit 729 Elderly care home 1506
Drop test methods Electric and optical fibre cables,
paper sacks 1419-1 non-metalic materials test methods
thermoplastic flexilble film 1419-2 SLS IEC 60811-100; 201, 202, 203, 301,
Dropping point of lubricating grease 302, 401- 412, 501- 513, 601- 607,
SLS ASTM D 2265 Electric arc welding electrodes for hard facing 567
Drums, steel 406 Electric cables see also cables
Dry armoured 1186
cleaning, textile materials, colour fastness 416 corrosive gases 1733
distemper paints 563 flexible for industrial 1352
leather, physical & mechanical test 404 -9 identification of cores 1353
Drying procedures 1302 insulating and sheathing materials 1282
Duplicating ink cross-linked electrometric 1282-3
machine stencil correcting fluid 470 cross-linked 1282-4
paper 807 miscellaneous 1282-5
stencil, for single rotary machines 169 non-armoured cables 1638
twin cylinder rotary machines 604 thermosetting insulated 1638
Dye powder, hair 1123 PVC 1282 -2
Dyes, coal-tar for (food) 394 Photovoltaic systems 1542
spark testing 906
E sheathed cables 1733
Earth insulation & sheath of 1024

methods of test manual arc welding electrodes 567
density – water absorption test 1199-1.3 portable appliances 1495
electrometric compound 1199-2 power & lighting rubber insulated cables 1185
filling compounds 1199-5 power supplies 992, 1128
low voltage energy 1504-1 welded non-alloy & alloy steel tubes
cross linked elastomeric insulation 1504-2-21 welded steel tubes for pressure purposes 1519-2
decorative chains 1504-2-82 Electric induction motors
elastomeric arc welding 1504-2-81 applicability of requirements 1426-1
Emission, smoke 1733 three-phase 1426-2
fire performance Electrical
low emission of smoke 1504-3-11, accessories 1001
1504-3-21,1504-3-31, 1504-3-41 boxes & enclousers 1298
high flexibility raided boxes for flush mounting 1310
elastomeric insulation 1504-2-22
call bells 702
multicore silicon rubber insulation 1504-2-83
equipment classification of protection 463
thermoplastic PVC insulation 1504-2-11
stabilized power supply (d.c. or a.c.) 992
extensible leads 1504-2-12
flat divisible 1504-2-72 steel sheets for magnetic circuits 383
flat tinsel (cords) insulation 1504-2-71 systems voltages for 1259
oil resistant control 1504-2-51 test methods low voltage energy
single core non-sheathed 1504-2-31 cables SLS EN 50395
eva insulation 1504-2-42 wrought aluminium 1125, 1127
silicone rubber insulation 1504-2-41 Electrical appliances
measurement of thickness 1199-1.1 safety requirements 579, 1495
non-electrical and electrical 1199-7 appliances for heating liquids 1501
optical fibre, under fire conditions 1007 Electrical and electronic
polyethylene and polypropylene 1199-4 system protection 1472-4
pvc compounds 1199 -3 radio interference limits 684 (withdrawn)
thermal aging methods 1199-1.2 Electrical installations
thermoplastic compounds 1199-6 accessories 1001
pvc insulated 987 code of practice 703
non-armoured, with copper conductors 733 conduit systems 993
rubber insulated,electric power & lighting 1185 low voltage, verification SLS IEC 60364-6
rubber insulation and sheath 1147 outside diameters 989
Electric similar fixed, household boxes & enclosures 1298
conduits switches for household 1000
general requirements 993-1 Electrical machines,
outside diameters 989
carbon brushes 741
pliable 993-3
classification of
rigid plain 993-2
changes SLS IEC 60034-18-22
enclosures, classification 963
energy efficiency rating degrees of protection(IP code)SLS IEC 60034-5
1200,1225,1230,1525,1530, insulation systems SLS IEC 60034-18,21,31
1586, 1600 type of construction(IM code)SLS IEC 60034-7
extension codes (cable reels) 1532 wire wound windings IEC 60034-18-21
fans/regulators 814 cooling , methods of SLS IEC 60034-6
flexible cables 1352 determining,efficiency & losses SLS IEC 60034-2-1
flexible cords 1143 dimensions and output series for SLS IEC 60072
fuses, rewireable type 352 frame and flange numbers SLS IEC 60072-1,2
heating device use for mosquito RLV 1442 small built-in motors SLS IEC 60072-3
hotplates 646 electrical installation systems SLS IEC 60034-18-1
immersion water heaters 1193 evaluation of multi factor endurance
induction motors 1426 three-phase 1426-2 SLS IEC 60034-18-33
insulated conductors/cables 1007 noise limits SLS IEC 60034-9
insulating materials guide for conditioning 980 parameters for four designs SLS IEC 60034-12
irons, households /similar use 1476 rotating SLS IEC 60034-1, SLS IEC 60072
kettles 630, 1501, 1502 terminal markings SLS IEC 60034-8
kettles & jugs - measuring the performance of 1502 thermal evaluations SLS IEC 60034-18-31
lamps, tungsten filament 984 thermal protection SLS IEC 60034-11
lamp cap temperature 1108 unbalanced voltages SLS IEC 60034-18-26

Electricity, quantities and units 84-3 round copper wires 1081
Electro magnetic compatibility 1182 rectangular copper wires 1081-2
Electro technology Enclosures, electrical installations 1298
glossary of terms 982 (withdrawn) Energy
graphical symbols 690 cables, low voltage electrical test
Electrodes methods SLS EN 50395
core wire of coated 525 drink 183
covered, efficiency determination 570 efficiency labeling 1225, 1230
for arc welding 567 efficiency rating
for metal arc welding 414 non electrical test methods SLS EN 50396
Electrolytic capacitors 619 double capped tubular fluorescent lamps 1625
Electronic ballast, electric ceiling fans 1600
ac/dc tubular fluorescent lamp 1239 fluorescent lamp ballasts 1200
administration 1135-1 freezers 1230
associated data 1135-8 household refrigerator 1230
commerce & transport 1135-1 induction motors 1525
data interchange (EDI) integral type 1225
equipment, fixed capacitors used in 747 refrigerator 1230
financial transaction card 1072 self-ballasted lamps 1225
security rules 1135-5, 6, 7, 9 single speed induction motors 1525
service directories 1135-2 three - phase induction motors 1525
service report messages 1135-4 management systems SLS ISO 50001
sinhala character code 1134 performance for computer 1580
tamil character code 1326 rating photovoltaic 1545
Electronic taximeters 1700 recovery for packaging 1470
Electroplated coatings, chromium 762 Energy efficiency rating 1200,1225,1230,1525,1530,
Electroplating, code of practice 658 1586, 1600
glossary of terms 689 Energy management systems SLS ISO 50001
cleaning of metals 322 Engine oils
mechanical polishing of metal 450 automotive ,homogeneity & miscibility in
Emblem (Sri Lanka) 1646 SLS ASTM D 6922
Embroidery thread, cotton 460 determination of
Embul bananas for exports 1040-2 apparent viscosity SLS ASTM D 4684
EMC 1182 viscosity at high shear rate SLS ASTM D 4683
Emergency management, yield stress SLS ASTM D 4684
societal security SLS ISO 22320 estimation of volatility SLS ASTM D 6417
Emissions from sulfuric acid plants 854 laboratory determination of
Empty apparent viscosity SLS ASTM D 5293
paper sacks, method of measurement 1420-1 high -temperature high-shear viscosity
sacks for testing, method for sampling 1421 SLS ASTM D 5481
Emulated foreign liquor 1687-7 measurement of apparent viscosity
Emulsion paints 533, 557, 564 SLS ASTM D 5133; D 5481
Emulsified asphalts SLS ASTM D244 measuring the effect on filterability
cationic 1405 SLS ASTM D 6795
determining performance of SLS ASTM D 4485
cement mixing of SLS ASTM D6935 Engineering
demulsibility of SLS ASTM D6936 drawing practice 409
method of test for drawings, scales 125
distillation of SLS ASTM D6997 electroplated coatings of chromium for 762
oversized particles SLS ASTM D6933 Enumeration of
sieve test SLS ASTM D6933 culturable micro-organisms 1461-2
storage stability of SLS ASTM D6930 escherichia coli & coliform bacteria 1461
SLS ASTM D6933 yeast & mould in cosmetics 1445
standards test methods & practices Envelopes 29
SLS ASTM D244 Environmental labels
Enamel development, product category rules
paints for exterior use 539 SLS ISO/TS 14027
paints (water based) 1536 environmental claims SLS ISO 14021
ware, steel 353 general principles SLS ISO 14020
Enamelled labelling principles procedures SLS ISO 14024,

14025 design of concrete structures SLS EN 1992-1-2
foot print information NA 1992-1-2
requirements, guidelines SLS ISO 14026 general rules for buildings SLS EN1992-1-1,
Environmental management systems (EMS) NA 1992-1-1
auditing, guidelines SLS ISO 19011 liquid retaining, containment structures
environmental communication SLS ISO 14063 SLS EN 1992-3, NA 1992-3
establishment, implementation SLS ISO 14004 structural fire design SLS EN 1992-1-2,
green house gases NA 1992-1-2
carbon footprint of products SLS ISO 14067 structural design, basis of SLS EN 1990, NA 1990
guidelines on SLS ISO 14004
implementation EMS EVA sandals 1295
Environmental evaluation SLS ISO 14005 Event sustainability management systems SLS ISO
Incorporating ECO design SLS ISO 14006 20121
life cycle assessment Exercise books 382
critical review processes, Expert sensory analysis of food 1484
reviewer competencies SLS ISO/TS 14071 Extension codes (cable reels) 1532
External exposure of roofs o fire SLS ISO 12468
life cycle assessment principles SLS ISO 14040
Extreme pressure gear oil 1396
performance evaluation SLS ISO 14031
Extruded aluminium alloy profiles architectural 1410
requirements & guidelines SLS ISO 14044
Extruded snacks, ready to eat 1162
requirements SLS ISO 14001
Environmental testing procedures 580
accelerated damp heat 580-2.4
background information- cold, dry heat 580-3.1
cotton dress, printed 480
cold 580-2.1
cotton furnishing 255
damp heat, steady state 580-2.3
defects, numerical designation 710
dry heat 580-2.2
determination of crimp of yarn 50
general and guidance 580-1
robes of Buddhist clergy 1511
soldering 580-2.20
test guidance on soldering 580-2.44
dimensional change 1250
Epsom salt 1105
washing & drying 199
Erasers, rubber 715
measurements 1250
Ergonomic principles
gelatin and oil size in 174
design of work systems 1604
propensity, surface fuzzing & pilling 1243
Ergonomics thermal environment
modified martindale method 1243-2
hot surfaces SLS ISO 13732-1
pilling box method 1243-1
Erythrosine BS, food additives 594
random tumble pilling method 1243-3
Escherichia coli in cosmetics 1489
specimens, preparation of 1250
Essential oils see also oils
method for labelling and marking containers 211
abrasion resistance of 1242
methods for packing 212
base, for upholstery 838
methods for sampling 213
bursting properties of 1234
methods of tests 572
cotton drill 333
preparation of test samples 210
creasing, recovery of 200
Estimation of engine oil volatility SLS ASTM D 6417
determination of
Ethanol content in fruit & vegetable products 358
crimp of yarn 50
Eurocode - Basis of structural design
fatty matter 48
Eurocode 1 - Actions on structures SLS EN 1991
mass of warp & weft per unit area 51
Eurocode 2 - Design of concrete structures
dimensional changes 47, 199
SLS EN 1992
Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures SLS EN 1993
narrow 272
Eurocode 6- Design of masonry structures
test methods 999
SLS EN 1996
garments ,textile washing & drying procedures 199
Eurocode 7- Geotechnical design SLS EN 1997
Eurocode 8 – Design of structures for earthquake
boiling water test 204
resistance SLS EN 1998
defects-vocabulary 1301
dimensional stability 204
action on structures SLS EN 1991-1-1 &
gents and ladies underwear 837
NA 1991-1-1
tensile properties 43
civil engineering works in concrete SLS EN 1992-1-2,
mass per unit length 42
NA 1992-1-2

mass per unit area 42 single-use medical 1683
methods of test 774, 42 Face powders 389
stretch & recovery properties 765 Facial tissues 1340
vocabulary 1300, 1301 Facility management systems SLS ISO 41001
manufacture of definitions of general terms 431 vocabulary SLS ISO 41011
pvc coated Fans and regulators, electric
footwear industry 795-4 ceiling 814-1 & 2
for upholstery 795-1,2 energy efficiency rating for 1600
for water resistant clothing 795-3 pedestal 814-1 & 2
rubber or plastic coated 1354 performance 814-1
methods of test 761 safety requirements 814-2
roll characteristics of 1354 table 814-1 & 2
tear resistance of 1355 Farina (semolina) ( ල ) 884
tensile properties 1249 Farming, prerequisite-food safety SLS ISO/TS 22002-3
using a strip method 43-1 Fat spreads,
test methods 765, 199 blended 1427
abrasion resistance (Martindale apparatus) 1242 dairy 1428
appearance change 1242-4 Fats and oils, animal and vegetable
boiling water test 204 analysis 313
bursting properties 1234 iodine value 313-2-2
bursting strength 1234 sampling 664
determination of width & length 1356 chemical characteristics 313-2
dimensional stability 204 saponification value 313-2-1
fixed load method 1490-2 acid value, acidity 313-2-6
fixed seam opening method 1490-1 composition of fatty acids 313-2-7
grab method 1249-1, 43-2 ester value 313-2-4
guidelines for 1366 hydroxyl value 313-2-3
hydraulic method 1234-1 iodine value 313-2-2
hydrostatic pressure test 287-2 polyunsaturated fatty acids 313-2-8
martindale apparatus 1242 saponification value 313-2-1
martindale method 1243 volatile acids 313-2-5
mass loss 1242-3 foreign substances and parameters 313-3
mass per unit area 42 affecting quality & stability
mass per unit length 42 anisidine value 313-3-8
needle clamps method 1490-3 ash 313- 3- 6
pilling and surface change 1243 benzo[a]pyrene 313-3-15
pneumatic method 1234-2 butylhydroxytoluene 313-3-10
slippage resistance of yarns 1490 copper, iron , lead and nickel contents
specimen breakdown 1242-2 313-3-12
spray test 287-1 determination of mineral acids 313-3-14
strip method 43-1 ditection and identification of antioxidants 313-3-9
tensile properties 43, 1251, 1249 gas liquid chromatographic method 313-3-10
tearing force 125 graphite furnace atomic
threads per centimeter 41 absorption method 313-12
water penetration test 287-1 insoluble impurities content 313-3-4
woven 42,1356, 1361, 1366, 1455 moisture, volatile matter content 313-3-5
upholstery 838 peroxide value - iodometric end point 313-3-7
Face masks peroxide value-potentiometric end point 313-3-3
cloth 1675 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 313-3-16
filtering half mask 1666 polyethylene, type polymers 313-3-11
full face 1664 soap content 313-3-13
half masks, quarter masks 1665 water content - entrainment method 313-3-1
medical 1663 water content - karl fischer method 313-3-2
biological aerosol physical characteristics 313-1
Staphylococcus aureus ASTM F2101 conventional mass per volume 313-1-3
clothing protection against SLS ISO 22609 lovibond colour 313-1-4
performance of materials 1667 melting point in open capillary tubes 313-1-7
penetration, synthetic blood SLS ASTM F1862 preparation, test sample 313-1-1
particulates latex spheres SLS ASTM F2299 relative density 313-1-2
non-medical reusable 1675 relative index 313-1-5

titre 313-1-6 ammonium chloride 621
ultraviolet absorbance 313-1-8 ammonium phosphate 1131
principle & natural constituents 313-4 ammonium sulphate 620
carotene 313-4-6 bone meal, raw 622
centrifuge method compost 1246, 1634 ,1635
sediment in crude fats, 313-4-7 dolomite 823
fatty acids gas chromatography methyl esters epsom salt 1105
313-4-2 ground rock phosphate 748
methyl esters, capillary gas chromatography liquid organic 1702
313-4-10 magnesium sulfate monohydrate 1104
preparation, methyl esters 313-4-1 methods for sampling 559
monoglycerides, free glycerol 313-4-4 methods of test 645
polar compounds 313-4-5 muriate of potash (MOP) 644
trimethylsulfonium hydroxide (TMSH) 313-4-9 potassium chloride 644
unsaponifiable matter diethyl ether extraction potassium sulfate 1107
313-4-3 rock phosphate, ground 748
hexane extraction 313-4-8 single superphosphate 1318
Fats, bakery 1102 sterilized solid organic 1704
Fatty acids, coconut 298 test methods 645
Feed and food traceability system triple super-phosphate 812
design and implementation SLS ISO 22005 urea 618
Feeding bottles zinc sulphate 665
glass 472 Fertilizers (liquid organic) 1702
polymer materials 1306 sterilized solid organic 1704
rubber teats & valves for 253 Flexible intermediate bulk containers 1434
Fence Fibre see also textiles
fabric, steel chain link 1148 Fibre
posts, reinforced concrete 217 board boxes
Fennel, (whole or ground) 1632 corrugated 801
Fenthion 466-3 guidelines for construction 1124
Fenugreek, (whole, ground) 1636 pineapples packaging of 1124
Fermented milk products styles 800
curd 824-1 board, (corrugated)
yoghurt 824-2 methods of test 478, 479, 1279, 1278
Ferritic steels cement flat sheets 1593
Arc welding EN 1011-2 coconut/coir
Ferrous bolts with whitworth threads 97 bristle fibre 115-1
Fertilizer grade pith substrate 1219
ammonium chloride 621 white fibre 115-4
ammonium phosphates 1131 extraction in the coir industry, GMP 1493
ammonium sulphate 620 ropes, 1457, 1481
dolomite 823 physical & mechanical properties 1481
epsom salt 1105 polyester 1386, 1452, 1454, 1456
ground rock - phosphate (fertilize grade) 748 polyethylene 1699
magnesium sulfate monohydrate 1104 polymide 1385, 1453
potassium chloride 644 polyolefin 1456
potassium sulfate 1107 staple,
single super phosphate 1318 determination of fibre length 205
triple super - phosphate 812 mixtures, textiles, chemical analysis
urea 618 acrylic 1388 -12
zinc sulphate 665 animal hair 1388 -2
Fertilizer mixtures binary mixtures 1388 -4
coconut 1029-3 cellulose acetate 1388-3
export agriculture crops 1029-4 cellulose triacetate 1388-8
rubber 1029-2 cement, reinforced sampling and inspection
tea 1029-1 SLS ISO 39
Fertilizers, bagged cotton fibre 1388-2
code for handling and storage 544 nylon or nylon 6.6 ,1388- 7
Fertilizers polyester fibre 1388-2
aluminium sulphate 701 polyester fibres with cotton or viscose 1388-11

protein and non-protein 1388-4 minimum labelling 1622-4
protein and polyamide 1388-2 requirements 1622-2
quantitative analysis 1388, 25 terminology 1622-1
reinforced cement SLS ISO 390 test methods 1622-3
removal of non-fibrous matter 25 categories 1, 2 & 3
silk 1388-4 categories and types 1624-2
ternary mixtures 1388-2 construction and performance 1624-5
viscose rayon and cotton 1388 -5 minimum labelling 1624-3
viscose cotton and protein fibre 1388- 2 terminology 1624-1
wool 1388-4
test methods 1624-4
Fibre cement profiled sheets SLS EN 15057
Fibres, individual, determination of
canned 591
breaking force 1233
elongation at break 1233 canning, code of practice 902
man-made generic names & definitions 1482 curry, canned 1106
syntheric/cellulose determination of fatty matter 48 culture, tolerance limits 799
Fibres, textile dried 643
vocabulary 1358 dried salted 1017
generic names & definitions 1483 fillets, hygienic practice 975
File cords 764 fillets, frozen 1141
Files, sizes and substances 225 frozen 975
Filing cabinets, steel 233 fresh, hygienic practice 974
Filler rods, mild steel for manual gas welding 415 frozen, hygienic practice 975
Filling ratios for liquefiable & permanent gases 1177 maldive 811
Filling unit for LPG automotive use 1203 meal for livestock feed 1037
Filters, air 1026 minced, quick frozen 1141
Financial services salted 1017
information interchange 1097 steaks, quick frozen 114
message authentication retain 1047 Fishing nets,
securities-format for eurobonds 1052 breaking load 271
Financial transaction cards 1048, 1059 describing and designating knotted netting 332
card life cycle 1059 determination of twist 343
identification cards 1044 glossary of terms 156
interchange message specifications 1072 knot breaking load 271
messages between circuit card & device 1048 knotted netting for 332
security architecture 1059 linear density 155
Fine aggregates for concrete & mortar 1397 mesh breaking load 270
Fire netting yarns 155
external exposure of roofs SLS ISO 12468 net twine, nylon 343
extinguishers, portable polyamide (nylon) 1274
carbon dioxide type 638 test method
foam type (mechanical and chemical) 831, 877 tex system 155
gas cartridge for 724 twine, polyamide 545
gas cartridge type 704 Fixed ball up 462
halon type 857 Fixed capacitors 747
powder type 785 Fixed installations, fire hose reels 983
rating and testing 752 Flag,
soda acid type - 599 buddhist 802
water (stored pressure) type 815 national 693, 1
water type 599, 704 Flakes, rice 1179
hose reels 983 Flasks, vacuum 397
prevention & protection 727-3 Flexible
exposure, Classification of roofs SLS ISO 12468-2 conduit systems 993-4
test method SLS ISO 12468-1 cords, electric 1143
Fires Flat
classification 550 sheets, asbestos cement 9-1
glossary of terms 642 fibre cement 1593
Fireworks, plate collectors, solar for water heating 1312
category 4 Flaying of hides and skins 1014

Flexible Green FCF 966
cables 1352, 1185 Green S 942
cellular polymeric materials 1330 Indigo carmine 941
compression set under humid conditions 1330 Ponceau 4R 439
conduit systems 993-4 Sunset Yellow FCF 593
cords , electric 1143, SLS HD 308S2 Tartrazine 649
hardness 1329 Food and animal feeding stuffs
intermediate bulk containers 1434 borne pathogens SLS ISO/TS 20836
packaging of non dangerous goods 1434 code of practice preparation of test samples 393
culture media SLS ISO 11133 SLS ISO/TS 18867,
tear strength 1331
SLS ISO 20837, SLS ISO 20838,
with thermoplastic pvc insulation 1504
SLS ISO 22174
Flexural properties, plastics-determination of
environmental samples SLS ISO/TS 17919
SLS ISO 178 polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Float operated valves 781 SLS ISO/TS 17919,
Floor SLS ISO/TS 20836,
coverings, textile 1478, 1479, 1480 methods of test for microbiology 516
determination of thickness 1479 microbiological examinations 1463, 393
machine – made, water activity SLS ISO 18787
physical test 1478 Food and beverage, vegetarian claim in 1460
test methods 1480 Food and feed products
mats, rubber 952 Nitrogen Kjeldahl method SLS ISO 1871
paint 1241 Food colouring
polish paste, wax 509 Brilliant blue FCF 940
tiles , ceramic 1181 Green FCF 966
Flour Green S (Withdrawn)
coconut 1628 Indigo carmine 941
corn (Maize starch) 964 Food colours, sampling 543
kurakkan 928 Food contact applications
rice 913 plastic materials
soya 1011 colorants 1614-7
tapioca 418 polypropylene (pp) 1614-4
ulundu flour (Black gram) 1688 polyethylene (PE) 1614-3
wheat 144 Food contact materials
Flue cured virginia tobacco 265 colorants 1614-7
Fluidity of cotton, rayons & cellulose acetate in 288 general guidelines 871-1
Fluorescent lamps PET 871-5
ballasts 1150, 1239 plastic 871-1-6
double capped 1477-1 polyethylene (PE) 1613-3
double capped tubular 1625
polystyrene (PS) 871-6
energy efficiency rating 1200, 1225, 1625
Food grade
glow starters 1260
benzoic acid 915
modular type compact 1231
self – ballasted 1231 potassium benzoate 915
single capped compact 1232 potassium metabisulfite 860
tubular 566, 1231 sodium benzoate 915
Flushing cistern sodium carbonate 866
ceramic 864 sodium bicarbonate 929
plastic 878 sodium bisulfite and sodium betabisulfite 861
Foam type extinguishers 831, 877 Food grade salt
Foils and linings, aluminium 120 granular form 79
Folders, sizes and substances 225 powdered form 80
Follow up formula 1381 Food grains
Food additives, colouring matter analysis 448
Amaranth 438 (withdrawn) black gram 794
Brilliant black PN 436, (withdrawn) cow pea 662
Brilliant blue FCF 940 green gram 663
Carmoisine 437 lentil 896, 1573
Erythrosine BS 594 nomenclature 1601
Fast Red E 565 (Withdrawn) paddy 633

sampling 528 molded solid rubber soles & heels 252
Food hygiene, general principles 143 outsoles
Food, limits for pesticide residues 910 abrasion resistance SLS ISO 20871
Food manufacturing prerequisite programmes on delamination resistance SLS ISO 20875
food safety SLS ISO/TS 22002-1, dimensional stability SLS ISO 20873
Food packaging flex resistance SLS ISO 17707
polyethylene (PE) sacks 1400 needle tear strength SLS ISO 20874
polypropylene (PP) sacks 636 split tear strength SLS ISO 20875
manufacturing prerequisite programmes on food tear strength SLS ISO 20872
safty SLS ISO/TS 22002-4 tensile strength, elongation SLS ISO 22654
Food prepackaged, labeling and date marking 467 personal safety 1364
Food processing /catering industries, ice for 971 personal protective method of test 1363
Food products agricultural 1362 PVC coated woven fabrics 795-4
Food safety management systems 1266, rubber men & woman boots 1583
SLS ISO 22000, SLS ISO 22004 samples, test pieces 1642
audit and certification, bodies providing shanks longitudinal stiffness SLS ISO 18896
SLS ISO/ TS 22003 sizes, mondopoint system 492
guidance on the application SLS ISO/ TS 22004 upper components, insocks
Food safety, prerequisite Programmes colour fastness to rubbing bleeding
catering SLS ISO/ TS 22002-2 SLS ISO 17700
farming SLS ISO/ TS 22002-3
food manufacturing SLS ISO/TS 22002-1
delamination resistance SLS ISO 17698
food packaging manufacturing
deformability SLS ISO 17695
SLS ISO/TS 22002-4
Food, sensory analysis elongation SLS ISO 17706
“A” not “A” test 934 lining -flex resistance SLS ISO 17694
design of test room 1484-4 abrasion resistance SLS ISO 17704
detection and recognition of odours 1484-2 absorption SLS ISO 17699
general guidelines & methodology 931, 1484-3 colour migration SLS ISO 17701
investigating sensitivity of taste 1484-1 insocks tear strength SLS ISO 17696
paired comparison test 932 insocks seam strength SLS ISO 17697
triangle test 933 tensile strength SLS ISO 17706
vocabulary 904 water vapour permeability SLS ISO 17699
Food supplement whole shoe heel SLS ISO 22650
cereal based for infants & children 1036 Foreign exchange deals 1094
Food stuffs, plastics materials Forest management systems 1500
Migration, constituents 1615 Forestry powered lawn, (Garden equipment)
Food wrapping sheet, polyethelene 1377 agriculture machinery, Tractors
Food wrapping sheet, compostable plastic 1718 hazard pictorials 1606
Foods safety signs 1606
aflatoxin in 962 Forged, spanners 304
low-acid/acidified , code of practice 873 Forgings, carbon steel 1514
malted 897 Forks, spoons stainless steel 413
methods for the analysis 394 Formic acid 610
prepackaged, labeling of 467 Forms
street 1451 design basic layout 1115
water soluble coal-tar dyes permitted for use 394 design sheets layout chart 1113
Footwear Formula , follow-up 1381
Bondability stiffeners toepuffs SLS ISO 20863 Foundries, silica sand for use in 908
chrome retained finished leather 615 Foundry
conditioning, & testing 1641 coke 950
insoles resistance SLS ISO 20866 sands
abrasion resistance SLS ISO 20868 physical testing 943
dimensional stability SLS ISO 22651 sampling 937
heel holding strength SLS ISO 20867 Fountain
lining and insocks SLS ISO 22652 pens 514
stitch tear SLS ISO 20876 blue - inks (washable) 59
insoles, insocks water absorption SLS ISO 22649 Four-stroke motorcycle gasoline engine
leather for 588 lubricating oils 1409

Freeze drinks 967 method of test for 1332
Freezers arsenic 1332-9
household 723 ash insoluble in HCl 349
energy efficiency rating 1230 azeotropic distillation 1332-4
Freight containers benzonic acid and sorbic acid 1332-3
external dimensions and ratings 506 cadmium (graphite furnace atomic) 1332-7.1
glossary of terms 425 cadmium (flame atomic) 1332-7.2
marking and identification 426 determination of pH 328
French polish 954 ethanol content in 358
Frequency rating, voltage current 1259 hydrochloric-acid-insoluble ash 349
Fresh lead content 1332-8
fish, code of hygienic practice 974 mineral impurities in 327
fruits and vegetables organic matter prior (analysis ashing)1332-12
apple 1572 organic matter prior (wet method) 1332-11
bananas 1227 pH determination 328
code of practice for 1412 post-harvest practices 1040
embul bananas for export 1040-2 soluble solids content pyknometric 1332-1
good agricultural practices (GAP) 1523-1 tin 1332-10
harvesting and handling 1040 titratable acidity in 347
leafy vegetable code of hygienic practices 1524 total sulphur dioxide 1332-5
pineapples 1229 total sulphur dioxide(routine method)1332-6
pineapples for export 1040-1 water content by azeotropic 1332-2
rambutan 1040-3 water insoluble solids in 357
ready to eat fresh pre-cut 1412-2 Fuel
sprout production 1412-3 diesel 1103
Frozen filters
confections 967 for diesel engines, methods of test 981
cuttlefish 790 glossary of terms 981-1
fish, code of hygienic practice 975 oil 683
lobsters 188 wood 1551
poultry meat 1161 method of test total nitrogen in SLS ASTM D3228
prawns or shrimps 10 Full
whole fish 1141 chrome shoe upper leather 624
Fruits & vegetables cream milk powder 731
cold stores physical conditions 1611 Fumigation, agricultural produce code of practice 973
Fruit and vegetable products Fund transfer messages bank telecommunication 1045
canned Furnishing fabrics, cotton 255
jackfruit (ripe) 998 Furniture
mangoes 536 chairs, stability SLS ISO 7174
pineapples 266 chairs/stools, strength & durability SLS ISO 7173
cordial joints used in 631
concentrates 730 Fuse
cordials 214 a.c. and d.c. service 1552
drinks, ready-to-serve 729 boards, distribution 549
fresh carriers and bases 352
apple 1572 domestic, similar purposes 1533
bananas 1227 links, (primarily use in plugs) 1533
code of practice for 1412 Fuse links (domestic & similar) 1533
good agriculture practices (GAP) 1523-1 Fusion welding,
mango table 1584 steels SLS ISO 9606-1
pineapple 1229 welded joints SLS ISO 5817
rambutan 1040-3 G
hygienic practice 209 Galvanized
juices articles,testing mass,thickness 121
nectars 1328 hot-dipped
passion fruit 1328 iron buckets 128
squash concentrates 730 iron and steel 482
squashes 214 mild steel barbed wire 31

steel pipes and sockets 829 viscose 1414
steel sheets, hot dipped 306 Gear
wire netting 493 lubricants (oil) 1396
uniformity of coating 121 representation 502
GAP (good agricultural practices) Gel & cream, oxidative hair colours 1439
cinnamon 1523-3 General engineering purpose
clove 1523-4 mild steel wire 139
cocoa 1523-4 parallel coarse screw threads 96
coffee 1523-3 steel 1006
fresh fruits & vegetables 1523-1 Gelatine
nutmeg 1523-4 (food grade) 845
pepper 1523-3 based sugar confectionary 585-4, 1575
rice 1523-2 type black & white film 1159
tea cultivation 1315-1 General lighting services
Garbage bags, polyethylene 835 energy performance 1530
Garden equipment, tractors, machinery LED lamp 1530
guideline, design and application self- ballasted led lamps for 1458-2
safety signs, hazard pictorials 1606 Generic names and definitions
Garden hoses 1063 man-made fibres for textiles 1482
Garlic (dried, dehydrated) 1648 natural textile fibres 1483
Garments Gent’s
dimentional change 199, 1250 knitted briefs 758
leather for 1129 underwear, knitted fabrics 837
positioing of labels 1140 Geometrical tolerancing 409
Gas Geosynthetics,
chromatography, methods of test for 1406
engine oil volatility SLS ASTM D6417 compression behaviour
petroleum fractions SLS ASTM D2887 compressive creep properties 1406-11-1
cartridge for fire extinguishers 724 short term 1406-11-2
cylinders dynamic perforation test 1406-10
caps & guards SLS ISO 11117 friction characteristics –
design construction & tests ISO 11117 direct shear test 1406-8-1
gas mantles 627 friction characteristics –inclined plane test
industrial, identification markings 875 1406-8-2
LPG self-closing cylinder valves granular material 1406-6
SLS ISO 14245 impact damage 1406-9
manual, mild steel filler rods for 415 mass per unit area 1406-3
value protection caps & guards sampling & preparation 1406-1
SLS ISO 11117 single layers of multilayer products 1406-2-2
Gas cylinders specified pressures (thickness) 1406-2-1
compatibility, cylinder, valve materials static puncture test (CBR test) 1406-7
gas contents wide-width strip method 1406
metallic materials sls iso 11114-1 wide-width tensile test 1406-4
non - metallic materials sls iso 11114-2 terms & definitions 1395
refillable seamless steel Geotechnical design (EUROCODE 7)
gas cylinders, tubes 1686-1 general rules SLS EN 1997-1
ground investigation & testing SLS EN 1997-2
valves 1685
Geotextiles and geotextile related products
terminology SLS ISO 10286 methods of test 1407
Gas LP gas see Liquified Petroleum Gas determination of
Gasoline abrasion damage simulation
engines,crank case lubricating oils diesel 1373 (sliding block test) 1407-5
engines lubricating oils motorcycle 1409 mass per unit area 1406-3
petrol 1374 opening size 1407-3
two-stroke cycle 1446 oxidation 1407-9
Gauze, structural junctions (strength)
absorbent cotton 1414 geocells 1407-6-1
cotton 395 geocomposites 1407-6-2
tensile creep & creep rupture behaviour

1407-8 quality management 1073-2
water flow capacity 1407-4 road marking materials, thermoplastic 1378
water permeability (plane without load) ropes and cordages 657
1407-2 rubber industry 968
identification on site 1407-1 sacks
laboratory samples 1407-7 paper 1418-1
Ghee 340 thermoplastic flexible film 1418-2
GI sampling of chemical products for
buckets 128 individual use 1281
pipes 829 sensory evaluation of food 904
sheets 306 standardization and quality management
Gin 1687-5 1073
Gingelly tea terms 71
oil 231 textile fibres 370
seed 386 thermoplastic flexible film 1418-2
seed oil 231 tissue paper and tissue products 1394
Ginger (dried, dehydrated) 1647 tyre industry 900
Ginger oil 215 Gloves
Girl’s & women’s wear examination rubber 951
school uniform material 1582 household 532
size designation 656 protective 1658
Glass bottles see bottles rubber (single-use) 1623
crown finish 228 rubber, plastics 1621
liquor 290 size designation of clothes 527
metal closures 1201 surgical 359
pasteurized milk 222 Glow starters, fluorescent lamp 1260
pharmaceuticals 1190 Glucose 617
ROPP finish for edible products 628, 789 Glycerine, crude 140
sterilized milk 222 Glycerol 140
Glass Good agricultural practices (GAP)
ceramic/dinner ware SLS ISO 6486 cinnamon 1523-3
container finishes 601 clove 1523-4
feeding bottles 472 cocoa 1523-4
jam jars 719 coffee 1523-3
lead/cadmium release SLS ISO 6486 fresh fruits & vegetables 1523-1
mirrors 718 nutmeg 1523-4
Glazed pepper 1523-3
earthenwear pipes 449 rice 1523-2
tiles, crazing resistance SLS ISO 10545 - 11 tea cultivation 1315-1
Glossary GMP see good manufacturing practice
architectural and building drawings 499 Good animal feed production & feeding 1505
building industry 131 Good hygienic practice for tea 1315-3
chemical products for industrial use 1281 Good manufacturing practice (GMP)
electroplating and related processes 689 cinnamon bark products 1562
fire, associated with 642 cleansing materials 1348
fishing nets 156 coir fibre pith substrate 1487
freight containers 425 cosmetics industry 1316, 1348,1379
fuel filters for diesel engines 981-1 fibre extraction in the coir industry 1493
geosynthetics 1395 food hygiene conditions 143
leather 1015 general training, guideline 1402
metrology 979 plastic industry 1392
non-destructive testing 909 rubber industry 1389
packaging 1471 tea industry 1315-2
paints 489 Good practices for
pallets for materials handlings 422 child development centres (CDC) 1491
paper sacks 1418 orphanages 1491
petroleum 653 supermarkets 1432
plastics 616 Grab method

determination of tensile properties of Grey cotton yarn 137
textile fabrics 43-2 Grey iron castings 178
Grain Grills, safety, cooking appliances 1495
analysis 448 Gripe water 667 (withdrawn)
black gram 794 Gross sample of leather 402
cow pea 662 Ground
green gram 663 chilies 1563
lentil 896, 1573 coffee 253
paddy 633 coriander 246, 1565
sampling 528 pepper, black and white 1372
Grading of Ground chilies, microscopic examination of 827
logs 985-3 Ground drainage for UPVC pipes 147
timber 985 Ground rock phosphate (fertilizer grade) 748
wet salted raw hides and skins 1019 Ground water monitoring points
Gram, black 794 design and installation 1462-7
Grammage of paper and paper board 338 Ground waters, sampling 1462-6
Graph books 382 Groundnut
Graphic technology, text books & periodicals kernel 793
sheets, trimmed pages 1093 oil 947
Graphical symbols unshelled 739
diagrams 1098 Grouts for ceramic tiles 1376, SLS ISO 13007-4
electro technology 690 Guidelines
safety colours & signs 692, SLS ISO 7010 auditing management systems SLS ISO 19011
registered safety signs SLS ISO 7010 construction of corrugated fiberboard 1124
safety way guidance systems (SWGS) fiberboard packaging pineapples 11241124
SLS ISO 16069 cosmetic industry, GMP training 1402
safety labels 692-2 cosmetics without components of animal origin
telecommunications 1098 1520
Gravimetric technique 1343 risk assessment and microbiology low risk 1403
Grease 1424 design, building construction SLS ISO/TR 9527
automotive, general 1424 design, building handicapped SLS ISO/TR 9527
lubricating differently bled people SLS ISO/TR 9527
cone penetration SLS ASTM D217 ; D1403 documentation of computer 1114
corrosion preventive properties SLS ASTM D1743 information processing 1114
dropping point SLS ASTM D566 earth blocks, design and construction of 1382-3
over wide temperature SLS ASTM D 2265 environmental Management systems
elastomer compatibility SLS ASTM D4289 auditing SLS ISO 19011
fretting wear protection SLS ASTM D4170 communication SLS ISO 14063
measurement of pressure properties life cycle assessment SLS ISO 14044
SLS ASTM D2596 performance evaluation SLS ISO 14031
oil separation, during storage SLS STM D1742 systems & support techniques SLS ISO 14004
water washout characteristic SLS ASTM D1264 food and beverage, vegetarian claims in 1460
wear preventive characteristic SLS ASTM D2266 GMP for cosmetic industry, general training 1402
Green grading of wet salted raw hides and skins 1019
black tea substances characteristics of 28-9 HACCP system, application of 1173
coffee 697 hair and beauty industry 1531
coffee, moisture content 736 hides & skins grading 1019
FCF 966 identification of wrap and weft directions in
gram 663 woven fabrics 1366
tea 1413 kala oya basins 1284
Greenhouse gases, emissions removals microbiological test methods 516
guidelines for validation SLS ISO 14064-3 quality management in projects SLS ISO 10006
organizational level SLS ISO 14064-1 quality management system
project level SLS ISO 14064-2 auditing SLS ISO 19011
Greenhouse gases, requirements complaints handling SLS ISO 10002
carbon footprint, products SLS ISO 14067 ISO 9001:2000 in education SLS IWA 2
validation & verification bodies SLS ISO 14065 quality plans SLS ISO 10005
Grey cast iron 881 financial & economic benefits SLS ISO 10014

selection of consultants SLS ISO 10019 modified/ plain hard candy 1576
statistical techniques SLS ISO 10017 lozenges 1576
sensory analysis of food 1484 Hand dishwashing 1617
design of test rooms 1484 - 4 Hand sanitizers 1657
selection/ training/ monitoring 1484 – 3 Hand wash formulations SLS ASTM E1174
methodology Hardened concrete
duo-trio test 1484-5 petrographic examination SLS ASTM C 856
guidance, establishing a sensory profile Hardness test
1484-6 metals
three-alternative forced-choice procedure brinell 146
1484-7 rockwell 145
vegetarian claims in food and beverage 1460 vickers 122
water quality, surface and ground plastic, rockwell 1149
designated uses of river basins 1284 Hasps 226
woven fabrics, wrap and weft 1366 Hazard analysis, guidelines 1173
Gumboots rubber 1583 Head forms, protective helmets 1069
Gypsum board construction sls astm C474 Headers for microfiche 1154
Health care products
H Microbilogical methods
HACCP Microorganisms SLS ISO 11737-1
code of practice 1266 Health, fitness facilities 1640
guidelines 1173 Heat, quantities and units 84-4
Hacksaw blades 577 Heaters, water 1193
Hair Helmets, protective 517
beauty industry 1531 headforms for testing 1069
colour powder 1440 Heavy metals
colours, liquid, gel & cream oxidative 1439 cosmetics SLS ISO 17276
cream 611 food
dye powder 1123 arsenic content 1570/1
gel & cream 1439 atomic absorption 1570/1
oil 1341, Baby oil 1191 cadmium content 1570/4
shampoo 1346 lead content 1570/3
shampoo for babies 1342 limits 1192 (withdrawn)
Ham 1146 mercury content 1570/2
Hammers, hand 769 methods of test 1100
Hand antiseptic formulations SLSASTM E3058 Heavy minerals
Hand pumps, deep wells 922 methods of test 676
Handicapped people, sampling 677
building design SLS ISO/TR 9527 Heels
Handicrafts moulded solid rubber soles 252
ebonyware 218 microcellular rubber sheets for 292
pigmented woodware 259 Health care personnel
woodware 243 Bacteria - eliminating effectiveness SLS ASTM
Handling of goods, E2755
pictorial marking for 505 handwash formulations SLS ASTM E1174
Handloom 137 Herbal cosmetics guidelines 1708
cotton bed sheets 685 Herbal extracts/medicated lotions, skin creams 743
cotton pyjama cloth 284 Hermetically sealed metal milk 503
cotton sarees 100 Hexagon
cotton saree materials 100
bolts 977, 481
cotton sarongs 101
screws and nuts 481
cotton shirting 766
Hexagonal steel bars, hot rolled 949-3
grey cotton yarn 137
Handmade HHDN (Aldrin products) 466-6
batiks 456 Hidden insect infestation of cereals & pulses SLS 1529
shellac 490 Hides and skins
Hard curing and preservation 1013
boiled sugar confectionery 1575, 1576 flaying 1014
grading, guidelines for 1019

raw methods of trimming 1020 boxes and enclosures for electrical 1298
trimming 1020 cooking appliances - portable 1495
High electrical kettle & jugs 1501,1502
temperature service, seamless carbon 1515 electric irons 1476
steel pipe 1515 heating liquids 1501
voltage cables 1187 immersion water heaters, electric 1193
Hinges grills & toasters – portable 1495
brass 381 methods for measuring the performance of 1502
steel 30 RCDs 1431
Honey, bee’s 464 residual current operated circuit breakers 1431
Hopper mix 1631 safety requirements 579
Horizontal Hub assemblies, bicycle 463
method colony count 516 Hume pipes 452
enumeration of microorganisms 516 Hydrated
multi-modules building industry 130 lime 682
Hose lime for purification of drinking water 1577
clamps, worm drive type 597 Hydrocarbons, liquid 1216
composite, transfer of LPG 1172-2 automatic pipe line sampling 561-2
flexible metallic, transfer of LPG 1172-3 manual sampling 561-1
hose assemblies for LPG Hydrochloric
reels (water), fire 983 acid 603
rubber/synthetic, LPG in automotives 1209 fruit & vegetable products 349
rubber, transfer of LPG 1172-1 Hydraulic
Hoses cements blended 1247
garden 1063 method, bursting strength
radiator 1066 rubber or plastics coated fabrics 761-7-2
rubber 1063, 1598 textile fabrics1234-1
Hose assemblies- rubber performance tests for, rotodynamic pumps 833
for LPG installation 1172 spray nozzles, pest control equipment 784
LPG in automotives 1209 Hydropower systems (micro) 1311
Hosiery 137 Hydrostatic pressure test, fabrics 287
Hot-dip Hygienic practices
aluminium/zinc alloy-coated SLS ISO 9364 aquaculture, products of 1005
steel sheet SLS ISO 9364 biscuit manufacturing and bakery units 965
galvanizing of iron, steel 482 catering establishments 956
galvanized articles 121 cephalopods 1018
galvanized steel sheets 306 dairy industries 872
Hot-mill desiccated coconut 142
method natural rubber 484-10 food hygiene 143
raw, methods of test 484-10 fish
Hot fresh 974
frozen 975
plates, electric 646
salted 1017
rolled steel bars 949
fruit and vegetable products, manufacture of 209
rolled steel plates 1023
lobsters and prawns, processing of 208
tolerances on dimensions and shape 1023 meat products , processed 1065, 1564
rolled structural steel sections 907 molluscan shell fish 1004
Household natural mineral water 1021
call bells 702 poultry, processing of 892
circuit breakers 1175 processed meat products 1065, 1564
energy efficiency rating 1230 products of aquaculture 1005
freezers 723 spices and other dried aromatic plants 1327
refrigerators 723 supermarkets 1432
minimum energy performance 1690 tea, storage, blending,packaging & transport 1315-3
rubber gloves 532 water
Household & similar applications, bottled (packaged) drinking 1211
battery chargers 828 natural mineral 1021
safety requirements 1495
Household and similar electrical appliances I

Ice formula
cream 223 milk based 651
food processing & catering industries 971 follow up formula 1381
lollies 967 garments - size designation 654
palam 967 Infant formula, adult nutritional SLS ISO 20647
Icing sugar 191 Infants & young children foods 1036
Identification cards processed cereal-based foods 1036
application procedures 1033 -2 Information & documentation
card originated messages 1043 title leaves of a book 1086
financial transaction cards 1044 Information interchange
numbering system 1033-1 date and time 1116
registration 1033-2 file structure and labelling 1110
terminations of conductors 553 information processing 1121,1110
Identification markings magnetic tapes documentation 1111
industrial gas cylinders 875 Sinhala character code 1134
steel products 874-2 Tamil character code 1326
Identification of cores of electric cables 1353 Information processing
Identifier codes CD-ROM, file structure 1121
bank 1056 continuous forms 1112
market 1042 forms design sheet 1113
Idly mix 1629 guidelines for documentation 1114
Illuminating paraffin wax candles 189 information interchange 1121
Illmenite 673 Information processing systems
Immersion water heaters, electric 1193 consumer software packages 1120
Impact test diagram symbols 1118
charpy 355 LAN 1138
izod 354 user documentation 1120
v-notched 391 Information security management systems
Imported construction timber 1170 bodies providing audit SLS ISO/IEC 27006
Incandescent lamp 984 information security controls SLS ISO/IEC 27002
Incense sticks 1441, 1655 information technology SLS ISO/IEC 27001
Indentation hardness, flexible cellular materials 1329 management systems, guidance SLS ISO/IEC 27003
Indicators for city services & quality of life 1508 monitoring, measurement, analysis, evaluation
Indigo carmine 941 SLS ISO/IEC 27004
Induction motors, overview and vocabulary SLS ISO/IEC 27000
energy efficiency rating 1525
risk management SLS ISO 27005
three phase 1426-2, 1525
security techniques SLS ISO/IEC 27001
Industrial security techniques requirements
chemical products
glossary 1281
Information technology
safety in sampling 1280
bodies providing audit SLS ISO/IEC 20000-6
effluents, tolerance limits
discharged into inland surface waters 652 local and metropolitan area network 1136, 1137
discharged into marine coastal waters 721 local area network standards 1136
discharged on land for irrigation 776 logical link control 1136
from coconut kernel industry 1195 program constructs 1117
from palm oil industry 1194 service management, requirements
from raw rubber industry 819 SLS ISO/IEC 20000-6,
from sulfuric acid plants 854 SLS ISO/IEC 20000-1
from tanning industry 820 software products evaluation 1119
from textile industry 822 telecommunication networks 1136, 1137
electric flexible cables 1352 Infrastructures, smart community 1507
gas cylinders, identification markings 875 performance metrics SLS ISO/TS 37151
tapioca flour 418 Inhalation toxicity testing nanotechnologies 12005
tapioca starch 417 Ink
Infant blue, for fountain pens 59
foods blue black, for fountain pens 57
canned 1039 duplicating 169, 604
cereal based 1036 letterpress, black 341
milk based, test methods 735-1-7 offset 797,1268

record 60 metric screw threads 268
stamp pad 846 resolution test chart 1153
stencil duplicating 169 system of limits and fits 569
stencil marking, liquid 350 ISBN 675
Inland surface waters, tolerance limits ISSN 817
for fish culture 799 Isolating spark gaps (ISG)
for industrial effluents 652 lightning protection systems 1496-3
for public water supply as raw water 722 Izod impact test 354
Installation at permanent dwellings of
domestic systems using LPG 1183 J
Instant coffee 1673 Jaggery 521
authenticity criteria SLS ISO 24114 Jackfruit, canned 998
Free total carbohydrate contents SLS ISO 11292 Jam
Loss in mass (reduced pressure) SLS ISO 3726 jars, glass 719
Instant noodles 420, 1534 jam, jellies & marmalades 265
Instant jars and jugs 397
tea 401, 1447, 1448 Jars, glass, for jam 719
solid form 1448 Jellies 265
Insulated Jelly
cables and cords conductors 695 based candy 1575
flasks 397 jelly crystals 885
flexible cables 1352 marshmallows/jelly cups/jujubes 1575
flexible codes 1143 Jointing threads (pipe threads) 282
mechanical/electrical properties 1352 Joints used in wooden furniture 631
wrought aluminium for 1125 Joint rings -sewerage pipeline
Insulating Josticks (හ ) 1441, 1655
sheeting materials for Juices, fruit nectars 1328
electric cables 1282, 1199 Jugs, electric 1502
liquids, measurement of 1216 Jute
material, cable trunking 1206 bags 700
Insulators, porcelain twine 356-2
overhead power lines 346
telegraph and telephone lines 361 K
Integral type fluorescent lamp 1231 Kala oya basin 1284
energy efficiency rating 1225 Kaolin
Inter- bank messages, for cosmetic industry 264
banking-telex formats for 1051 for paint industry 778
change message specifications 1072 for rubber industry 650
financial transaction systems 1059 Kernel palm stearing 1556
grated circuit cards Kerosene 595
linings for shirts 368 Kerosene cookers, non-pressure 380
Internal combustion, crank case lubricating oils Kettles 1502
diesel engines 1373 Kieserite 1104
gasoline engines 1374 Kitchen sinks, stainless steel 1459
Iodine number of activated carbon SLS ASTM D4607 Kithul (Treacle) 1701-1
IP code 963 Knapsack
Irradiance & temperature performance 1545 combustion-engine-driven 1610
Irrigation equipment Knapsack sprayers
automatic irrigation systems compression 726
hydraulic control 1662 liver-operated 830
Iron Safety, environmental 1608
buckets, galvanized 128 Test methods SLS ISO 19932-2
castings, grey 178 Knitted
electric, household 1476 briefs, gent’s 758
grey cast 881 fabric
oxide red-zinc chromate type paint 918 construction method of test 774
steel, hot-dip galvanizing of 482 ladie’s/gent’s under wear 837
preparation, marking & measuring of 1250
ISO vocabulary 1300, 1301
character & ISO test chart 1152 vests (male/female) 283

Knitting basis, vocabulary 1299 electrical test methods SLS EN 50395
Knotted netting for fishing nets 332 low emission, smoke 1504-3-31
Kraft Laying & finishing of in-situ terrazzo 408
board sacks for packaging of bulk tea 1548 Layout chart 1113
liner board sacks Lead acid
bulk packaging of tea 1474 batteries
Kurakkan flour 928 battery chargers 828
water for 671
L starter batteries 1126
Labelling motor cycles 1235
end items incorporate plastics & polymers motor vehicle 1126
SLS ASTM D6868 heavy commercial vehicles 1126
magnetic tapes 1110 passenger cars 1126
marking of containers for essential oils 211 three wheelers 1235
prepackaged food 467 Lead
Labels in garments 1140 cadmium and cobalt in paint SLS ASTM D3335
Laboratories low concentrations SLS ASTM D3335
calibration SLS ISO 17025 determination of 311
medical, requirements SLS ISO 15189 pencils
requirements, safety SLS ISO 15190 coloured 744
Laces, cotton, shoe 336 general writing 546
Ladies release from ceramic ware SLS ISO 6486
sandals 1294 Leaf springs for automobile suspensions 639
shoes 1291 leafy vegetable code of hygienic practices 1524
underwear, knitted fabrics for 837 Leather
Lamp adhesion of finish 1077
cap temperature method of measurement 1108 calf skins SLS ISO 2822-3
control gear SLS IEC 61347-1 chemical chromium SLS ISO 17075-1,
general & safety requirements SLS IEC 61347-1 SLS ISO 17075-2
Lampholder flexometer method SLS ISO 5402-1
bayonet 138 footwear 588
edison screw 1571 full-chrome shoe-upper 624
plugs 164 garments 1129
Lamps gross sample 402
ballasts 1150 glossary of terms 1015
energy efficiency rating 1200 laboratory samples, location 403
fluorescent, double capped 1477 measurement area 1078
lamp cap temperature rise 1108 methods
led self- ballasted, general lighting services 1458-2 chemical testing 537
led general lighting 1458 chemical, physical, mechanical, 403
self ballasted physical & mechanical testing 404,
CFL modular type 1231 heat resistance SLS ISO 17232
compact florescent lamps stitch tear SLS ISO 23910
CFL integral type 1225 surface coatings SLS ISO 17233
energy efficiency rating 1225 colour fastness tests 1075
tubular, fluorescent 566 dry cleaning solutions 1076
tungsten filament 984 fastness test 403
Lance, spray manually operated sprayers 770 perspiration 1080
Land rubbing 1079
irrigation purposes water 1075
tolerance limits for industrial effluents 776 military boots, military 1176
Languages, code of names 1085 raw cattle hides SLS ISO/TR 2822-3
Latex foam rubber, mattreses & cushions 1334 resistance to fungal growth 623
Latices, natural rubber, method of test 1304 sampling of number of items 402
Laundry sampling location 403
blue 602 shoe upper 588
detergent powder, synthetic 760 terminology 1015
soaps 554 LED modules
Lavender water 534 electronic control gear 1645-1 & 2
Low voltage energy cables general lighting

performance requirements 1639-2 bi- fuel propulsion systems 1238
safety requirements 1639-1 classification of 1204
LED lamps vaporizer & regulator for 1208
minimum energy performance 1530 brazed steel cylinders, transportable 1303
self- ballasted, general lighting services 1458 burning installations 1183
with supply voltages >50 v 1458 container, accessories fitted to 1215
Lemon grass oil (ෙ ර) 192 containers, bi-fuel propulsion systems 1205
Lentils corrosiveness to copper 1168
red 896 design, installation, piping systems 1196-3
whole 1573 detection of hydrogen sulphide in 1169
Learning services filling units for motor vehicle 1203
outside formal education for dwellings 1183
service requirements SLS ISO 29993 fuel systems for vehicle engines 1248
gauge vapour pressure 1166
Letterpress ink, black 341 hose & hose assemblies 1172
Levelling staves 227 hydrogen sulphide detection 1169
Liquid organic fertilizers 1702 petrol bi-fuel propulsion system of
Life cycle assessment, automobiles 1238
guidelines SLS ISO 14044 piping system 1196/3
principles SLS ISO 14040 pressure regulators 1180
Lighting rubber/synthetic hoses in automotives 1209
columns safe filling of LPG cylinders 1196-4
concrete 429 safety standards for storage 1196/5
definition and terms BS EN 40-1 sampling 1167
design and verification BS EN 40-3-2; 40-3-3 self-closing cylinder valves SLS ISO 14245
protection against 1472 transport storage and handling 1196
protection system components 1496 valve fittings 1184
protection systems 1261 welded steel gas containers 1178
Lime working areas for LP gas fuel vehicles 1237
building 552 Liquor bottles, glass 290
hydrated 682 Live stock feed, fish meal 1037
purification 1577 Loan deposit contracts 1095
Limestone cement, Portland 1253 Lobsters
Limestone, total organic carbon SLS EN 13639 hygienic practice for processing 208
Limits and fits (ISO system) 569 packaging, code of practice 972
Linings and foils, aluminium 120 quick frozen 188
Lint, absorbent cotton 337 Local and metropolitan area networks 1136,1137
Lipstick 146 Local area networks 1136
Liquid Lock ring 462
chromatography tea SLS ISO 19563 Logical link control 1136
detergent 1617 Long screw threads (pipe threads) 282
detergents, household 687 Lorries, lead-acid starter batteries 1126-3
gel 1439 Lotion
hydrocarbons automatic pipe line sampling 561-2 after-shave 1031
manual sampling 561-1 babies 742
retaining, design of concrete structures skin creams and (herbal extracts/medicated) 743
SLS EN 1992-3, NA 1992-3 Low acid foods
rubber, volatile 1343 acidified 873-2
soap canned foods 873
domestic & industrial purpose 1390 canning & heat processing 873-1
toilet 1142 code of hygienic practice 873
vapourizers 1442 Low density polyethylene film for
Liquid petroleum products packaging 699
calculation of dynamic viscosity SLS ASTM D 455 packaging applications 1585
kinematic viscosity of SLS ASTM D 445 Low voltage energy cables
Liquefiable and permanent gases electrical test methods SLS EN 50395
filling ratios & developed pressures for 1177 non electrical test methods SLS EN 50396
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 712 Low voltage surge protective devices connected to
accessories fitted 1215 low voltage power distribution systems 1473-2
automatic changeover devices for 1180 low voltage power systems 1473-1
automatic use, filling unit 1203

telecommunications & signaling networks1473-3/4 gasoline engines 1374
Low-voltage switchgear, control gear additive elements in SLS ASTM D 4951
circuit breakers 1554 calculating viscosity index SLS ASTM D 2270
general rules 1554 kinematic viscosity SLS ASTM D 2270
particular requirements 1223-2 Lunch sheet 1377
switch disconnectors, fuse 1554
type tested, tested assemblies 1223-1 M
Lozenges 1576 Macaroni 420
LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) Mace 113
components, classification of 1204 Machine
conversion of automotives to bi-fuel 1204 electrical SLS IEC 60034, 60072
container, accessories fitted 1215 made shellac 490-2
cylinder valves- self closing SLS ISO 14245 made textile floor coverings 1478
corrosiveness to copper of 1168 water impermeability test SLS ISO 20251
detection of hydrogen sulphide in 1169 method of test 1480
fuel physical test 1478
containers conversion of automotives 1205 Machinery and accessories, textile 529
systems, vehicle engines 1248 Macroscopic and microscopic examination of welds
fuelled vehicles, working areas 1237 destructive tests on welds SLS ISO 17639
gas fuel systems, vehicle engines 1248 Made up textile articles 1249, 1250
gauge vapour pressure of 1166 Magnesium sulfate monohydrate
hose & hose assemblies for 1172 fertilizer grade 1104
liquefied petroleum gas 712 Magnetic circuits electrical steel sheets for 383
pressure regulators & automatic 1180 Magnetic
sampling of 1167 stripes
vapour phase & air installations 1171 bank cards 1034
rubber tubing/hose/hose assemblies for 1171 savings book 1046
Lighting protection system components (LPSC) 1496 substrates non-magnetic coatings 787
Lubricants, method of test tape 1111
acid number of SLS ASTM D664 Magnetism, quantities and units 84-5
additive elements SLS ASTM D 4951 Mail payment orders 1071
apparent viscosity SLS ASTM D 5133 Maize
cone penetration SLS ASTM D217 & D1403 corn 851
foaming characteristics of SLS ASTM D892 oil 905
gear oil 1396 starch 964
high temperature forming SLS ASTM D6082 Maize moisture content SLS ISO 6540
low temperature viscosity of SLS ASTM D2983 Maldives fish 811
sulfated ash SLS ASTM D874 Male condoms 1317
total nitrogen in SLS ASTM D3228 Malted foods 897
Lubricating fluids Mammoty blades, (rectangular & square) 305
elastomer compatibility SLS ASTM D4289 Management Systems
extreme-pressure SLS ASTM D2783 auditing SLS ISO 19011
wear preventive SLS ASTM D4172 education SLS IWA 2
Lubricating grease, energy SLS ISO 50001
cone penetration of SLS ASTM D217, D1403 food SLS ISO 22000
corrosion preventive properties SLS ASTM D1743 guidelines, application SLS ISO/TS 9002
dropping point SLS ASTM D566 learning services
elastomer compatibility SLS ASTM D4289 outside formal education
extreme pressure properties SLS ASTM D2596 service requirements SLS ISO 29993
fretting wear protection SLS ASTM D4170 occupational health SLS OHSAS 18001,
general automotive 1424 SLS ISO 45001
oil separation, during storage SLS ASTM D1742 QMS fundamentals & vocabulary SLS ISO 9000
over wide temperature SLA ASTM D2265 Quality management approach SLS ISO 9004
water washout characteristics SLS ASTM D1264 requirements SLS ISO 9001
wear preventive characteristic SLS ASTM D2266 Mancozeb 466-21
Lubricating oil, Mango
gasoline engine four-stroke motorcycle 1409 canned 536
two-stroke cycle 1446 chutney 446
gear 1396 juice 1328
crank case, combustion diesel engines 1373 nectars 1328

table 1584 nitrite content 384
Man-made fibres for textiles 1482 nitrogen content 295
Mantles, gas 627 pH-reference methods 329
Manufacture phosphorus content 780
cold drawn mild steel wire 7 starch content 840
fibres, terms & definitions 1482 Mechanical engineering, definitions 207
plastic containers 1444 Media migration of a standard test fluid 981-4
wire nails Medical devices
Margarine see fat spreads biological evaluation 1669
Marine coastal waters liable to pollution device labels, labelling 1670
tolerance limits 775 (QMS) requirements for regulatory purposes
Market identifier codes (MIC) 1042 SLS ISO 13485
Marking Medical electrical equipment 1660-1
codes for capacitors / resistors 520 alarm systems 1660-1-8
cosmetics 1398 breathing therapy equipment 1660-2-70
Marmalades, jams & jellies 265 body temperature measurement
Marshmallows 1575 clinical thermometers 1660-2-56
Martindale testing apparatus of fabrics 1242 electromagnetic disturbances 1660-1-2
Masonry emergency medical services environment 1660-1-12
cement 515 essential performance 1660-1
structures, design of general safety 1660-1
design consideration of SLS EN 1996-2 home healthcare environment 1660-1-11
general rules for SLS EN 1996-1-1 human febrile temperature screening 1660-2-59
simplified calculation methods SLS EN 1996-3 medical beds 1660-2-52
Mass, unit, of building materials 629 physiologic closed-loop controllers 1660-1-10
Matches, safety 11 pulse oximeter equipment 1660-2-61
Material Medical laboratories, requirements SLS ISO 15189
producers SLS ISO 17034 Medical laboratories
safety data sheet, nanomaterials 12008 requirements, safety SLS ISO 15190
Materials for bib taps, stop valves seat washers 705 handling samples SLS ISO/TS 20658
Materials handling risk management application SLS ISO 22367
pallets , glossary & terms 422 Medicated
Mattress covers, woven 1485 skin creams and lotions (herbal extracts) 743
Mattresses and cushions skin powders (herbal) 389
latex foam rubber 1334 skin powders babies 187
polyurethane foam 1335 Mechanical
rubberized coir 1333 polishing of metals code of practice 450
spring units 1283 refrigerating systems 1262
MCPA 466-20 Mechanics, quantities and units 84-3
Meals, coconut (animal feeds) 716 Medical laboratories, SLS ISO 15189
Measurement for men’s shirts 171 QMS requirements SLS ISO 15189
Measurement of apparent viscosity of engine oils Medicinal product packaging 1707
SLS ASTM D 5133-05 Melamine tableware 1101
Measuring viscosity Membrane filtration method, water 1461-1.1
calibration oils SLS ASTM D 4741 Men’s
multicell capillary viscometer SLS ASTM D 5481 rubber boots 1583
tapered bearing simulator SLS ASTM D 4683 sandals 1293
tapered –plug viscometer SLS ASTM D 4741 shirts, measurements for 171
Meat and meat products see also individual products shoes 1290
hygienic practice 1065, 1564 woven shirts 1674
microbiological examination 393-2 Men’s wear
processing of meat 1564 size designation 655
processed code of hygienic practice 1065, 1564 Mercury, determination of 345
test methods Mesophilic aerobic bacteria in cosmetics 1349
ash 331 Metal arc
chloride content 330 welder manual, code of practice 887
comminuted meat products 1218
welding of mild steel, covered electrodes 414
fat content 779
moisture content 294
nitrate content 396 hermetically sealed 503

milk capacities and diameters 503 heavy minerals 677
closures ROPP for glass bottles 1201 instant tea (solid form) 1448
fittings for plywood tea chests 109 leather 402
nano particles for inhalation toxicity testing milk and milk products 1404
nanotechnologies 12004 milled products 190
sheet and strip reverse bend testing 995 paints & varnishes 523
tubes, bend testing 990 paper and board 808
washers 938 pesticidal products 592
wire, reverse bend testing 991 petroleum & petroleum products 561
Metallic raw cotton 360
coatings 707, 708, 709 rubber, raw natural & synthetics 1297
coating thickness 786 sacks, empty, for testing 1421
flat products SLS EN 10049 sands, foundry 937
methods of test 706
spices and condiments 310
oxide coatings -coating thickness 788
tea in containers 77
tea, instant, solid form 1447
bend testing 994, 990
brinell hardness test 146 textile fibres 504
destructive tests on welds SLS ISO 4136 toilet preparations 495
rockwell hardness test 145 water 1462
tensile testing 978 Methods of specification
transverse tensile test SLS ISO 4136 paper sacks 1417-1
tubes, bend test 990 sacks make thermoplastic flexible film 1417-2
vickers hardness test 122 Methods of test
welding of ferritic steels SLS EN 1011-2 aflatoxin in food 962
Metals agricultural food products 1362
electroplating 450 air filters 1026
mechanical polishing of 450 animal feeds 626
Meters, watthour, alternating – current 1165 bi-fuel propulsion system of automobiles
Method of analysis LPG petrol 1238
construction of woven fabrics of textiles 1494 brake lining material 783
Method for the detection cables, insulation sheaths 1199
candida albicans in cosmetics 1488 carbon black 899-1
escherichia coli in cosmetics 1489 cement blocks 855-2
Method of measurement of cement bricks 847-2
building works 573 cement concrete tiles 863-2
empty paper sacks 1420-1 cements
lamp cap temperature rise 1108
setting time & soundness SLS ISO 9597,
round wood timber 791
analysis by wet chemistry SLS ISO 29581-1
thermoplastic flexible film empty sacks 1420-2
chemical x-ray fluorence SLS ISO 29581-2
Method of cooling (IC code) SLS IEC 60034-6
Methods for determination of cements strength SLS ISO 679
water penetration of fabrics 287-1 ceramic tile
Methods for sampling of water 1462 adhesives SLS ISO 13007-2
Methods for the analysis of water soluble-coal tar grouts SLS ISO 13007-4
dyes & permitted for use in food 394 cereals, pulses
Methods of sampling air-oven method 1549-1
black tea 77 ash yield by incineration 1549-4
cereals and pulses 190 fat 1549-3
chemical products, industrial use 1280 moisture content 1549-1
concrete 262 nitrogen content 1549-2
cosmetics 495 crude protein content Kjeldahl method 1549-2
empty sacks for testing 1421 crude fat and total fat content Randall
essential oils 213 extraction1549-3
fabric for robes of Buddhist clergy 1511 coated fabrics, rubber or plastics 761
fats and oils, animal & vegetable 664 cocoa butter equivalents 1510
fertilizers 559 colour fastness of textiles 1387
food colours 543 components used in bi-fuel propulsion system 1238
food grains 528 compressive strength SLS EN 772-1
foundry sands 937 concrete 262

corrugated fibre board 1279 bifidobacteria colony count 1558-5
boxes 478, 479 mineral
determination aggregates 728
Impurities 1527 impurities 322
Insects 1527 motorcycle tyres SLS ISO 10231
soil pH 1526 natural rubber (NR) 1288
species and variety 1527 natural rubber latices 1304
detergents, surface active agents 1401-1,2,3 non cellular plastics 1296
elastic fabrics 999 non-metallic materials,
electric cables 1007 electric & optical fire cables SLS IEC 60811
insulating and sheathing materials 1199 non woven textiles 1408
essential oils 572 optical fibre cables 1007
fabrics, stretch & recovery properties of 765 paints & varnishes 1256
fertilizers 645 paper
flash & fire points of petroleum products bursting strength 678
SLS ASTM D 92-05a tearing resistance 679
food and animal feeding stuffs 516 paper and board
food products, agricultural 1362 (Ash content) on ignition at 900 °C 1681
footwear, personal protective 1363 bursting strength 476, 680
fruit and vegetable products 1332 compressive strength 1277
fuel filters for diesel engines 981 density, specific volume 1370
galvanized, articles, hot-dipped 121 diffuse reflectance factor 1682
geo-synthetics 1406 grammage 338
geo-textiles and related products 1407 internal bond strength SLS ISO 16260
grammage of paper and paperboard 338 puncture resistance 477
grey cast iron resistance, bending 475
tensile strength 881-3 ring crush methods 1277
transverse strength 881-4 specular gloss SLS ISO 8254-2
heavy metals in foods 1100 converging beam(TAPPI Method)
heavy minerals 676 SLS ISO 8254-3
instant tea 1447 parallel beam (DIN method) SLS ISO 8254-2
leather tensile properties 474
chemical testing 537 tensile strength 1271
physical & mechanical testing 404 thickness 1370
surface fungal growth 623 water absorption 1272
knitted fabric construction 774 Cobb method 473
masonry units SLS EN 772-1 water absorbtiveness 1270
meat and meat products 294-295, 329-331, Z directional tensile strength for 1435
384,396, 779,780, 840 Paper, board and pulps
metal sheet & strip diffuse blue reflectance factor 1276
reverse bend testing 995 ISO brightness 1276
metal tubes, bend testing 990 organically bound chlorine 1679
metal wire, reverse bend testing 991 total chlorine 1679
metallic coatings 706 paper-cut-sizes office paper 1289
metallic materials paper, tissue 1371
bend testing 994 personal protective footwear 1363
brinell hardness test 146 safety 1364
rockwell hardness test 145 pH of polymer dispersions & rubber lattices 1287
tensile testing 978 plastics 732
tubes, bend test 990 hardness, Rockwell 1149
vickers hardness test 122 non cellular 1296
microbiological test methods 516 plastics coated fabrics 761, 1354
milk and milk products 735 plastics film/sheeting, thickness of sample 1305
microbiological laboratories quality control plywood 261-3
colony count SLS ISO 14461-1 quantitative chemical analysis of textiles 1388
parallel paltes SLS ISO 14461-2 raw natural rubber 484
subsequent dilution steps SLS ISO 14461-2 rubber and plastics 1287
microbiology rubber coated fabrics 761, 1354

rubber compounding ingredients 899 analysis, sampling for 1462-10
carbon black 899-1 code of practice for preparation test samples 393
sulfur 899-3 Colony counts technique 1558
zinc oxide 899-2 Enumeration f colony forming 1558
rubber, natural 1288 Enumeration method 516-15
rubber threads 976 Listeria monocytogenes & listeria spp. 516-15.1
rubber, vulcanized 297 milk and milk products 1558
safety glasses for road vehicles 843 food and animal feeding stuffs 1463
soaps 1391 water 1568
spices and condiments 186 cosmetics 1561
starch Microbiological test methods
determination of sulphated ash 1567/4 aerobic plate count 516-1
dextrose equivalent 1567/3 bacillus cereus detection 516-8
glucose syrups 1567/2 clostridium perfringens-colony-count 516-9
moisture content 1567/1 coliforms 516-3
starch hydrolysis products colony count 516-2
lane and eynon constant titre method 1567-3 commercial sterility of low acid foods 516-10
starch and derived products detection method 516-15
heavy metals content detection of Escherichia coli 516-13
arsenic 1570/1 enumeration method 516-15
cadmium 1570-4 escherichia coli 1558
lead 1570-3 lipolytic organisms 516-11
mercury 1570-2 Listeria monocytogenes & listeria spp. 516-15
steel, hardness, organisms coliforms & Escherichia coli 516-14
brinell 146 presumtive Escherichia coli 516-12
rockwell 145 salmonella detection 516-5
vickers 122 staphylococus aureus 516-6
steel, impact, streptococcus detection 516-4
charpy 355 surface active agents
izod 354 liquid hand dishwashing SLS ISO 21703
V notched beam 391 vibrio cholerae 516-7
steel products, bend testing 13 vibrio parahaemolyticus 516-7
steel sheet and strip test methods for water 1461,
bend testing 93 Microbiology
reverse bend testing 94 detection of Escherichia coli in cosmetics 1489
steel wire, torsion testing 392 food chain polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
sugar confectionery 586 SLS ISO/TS 18867, SLS ISO 20837,
surface active agents, detergents 1401 SLS ISO 20838, SLS ISO 22174
switches 1000-2 food chain detection
tea 28 histamine in fish and fishery SLS ISO 19343
instant 1447 food and animal feeding stuffs examination for
television receivers 694 organisms-coliforms516-14
textiles, chemical analysis of 1388 microorganisms, horizontal method for 516-1-1
timber 836 colony count at 30 0C 516-1-1
Microbiologically low risk (Cosmetic) 1403
tissue paper/products 1371
Microfiche of monographs a serials
tobacco and tobacco products 309
headers 1154
vulcanized rubber 297
image arrangement 1157
wheel chairs, non-folding 1255
planetary camera systems 1158
winding wires 1025 silver gelatin microforms 1155
wood poles 859-2 Micro hydropower systems
Methyl bromide 973-3 design & construction 1311
Metric system, recommended scales for Microfilming of
architectural, engineering & survey drawings 125 documents 1092
Metrolac chart, natural rubber latex 1245 graphical symbols for 1096
Metrology, glossary of terms 979 news papers 1088
MIC (market identifier codes) 1042 press cutting 1091
Micro cellular rubber sheet use footwear industry 292 Micronair values of cotton fibres 459
Microbiological analysis Micro-organisms

candida albicans in cosmetics 1488 cement concrete mixes, testing 728
cosmetic products 1350, 1351 fibres generic names & definitions 1483
Escherichia coli in cosmetics 1489 turpentine 1466
enumeration of colony count 516-1-1 water
Micrographics 1155, 1157, 1158 bottled 1038
austenitic grain size of steel 575 hygienic practice for processing 1021
gelatin microforms 1155 Minerals, heavy
graphical symbols 1096 methods of test 676
ISO character and test chart 1152 sampling 677
ISO resolution test 1153 Mirrors, glass 718
microfiche, A6 size 1157 Mistblowers
microfilming of documents 1092 knapsack combustion-engine-driven 1610
microfilming of news papers 1088 Mixing water for concrete SLS ISO 12439
operating procedures 1092 Modular co-ordination
planetary camera systems 1158 controlling dimensions 430
Mild steel see steel
building industry
cast brass hasps 226
glossary 131
covered electrodes 414
tolerances in 365
filler rods 415
general engineering purposes 139 type compact fluorescent lamp 1231
manufacture of wood screws 806 Module, basic, building industry 129
steel for wire nails 7 Molluscan shell fish
wire nails 7, 8 hygienic practice for processing 1004
Military boots, leather 1176 Mondopoint system, footwear sizes 492
Milk and milk products see also individual products Morphology of textile fibres and yarns 1358
Milk Mortar
added drinks 917 aggregate SLS ASTM C 1260
based infant formula 651 bar method alkali-silica reaction
chocolate (method of test) 1510-1 SLS ASTM C 1260
coconut 1365 sand 1397
condensed 179 Mosaic parquet panels 939
dairy industries, hygienic practice 872 Mosquito
determination of fat purity 735-1-10 coils 453
fermented 824 mats 930
fresh 181 nets 1061
follow up formula 1381 netting
infant foods, gravimetric method 735-1-7 cotton 273
infant formula 651 nylon 839
methods of sampling 1404 repellant liquid vapourizers 1442
methods of test 735 Motor
microbiology yeast or moulds, colony count 1558 cars, tyres 1212
powder (whole) 731 cycle
raw and processed 181 lead-acid starter batteries 1235
Milk & Milk products pneumatic tyres 890
Microbiology methods rims size designations 1320, 1321, 1322
escherichia cili test methods - tyre capabilities SLS ISO 10231
colony count technique membranes 1558-2-2 vehicles
most probable number technique 1558-2 cables 412
Yersinia enterocolitica & Yersinia petrol for 768
pseudotuberculosis SLS ISO/TS 18867 rubber/synthetic hoses for LPG 1209
yoghurt microorganisms three wheeled tyres 1347
identification characteristic 1558-3 Motors
Enumeration characteristic 1558-4 electric induction 1426
yests & moulds colony counts technique 1558-1 induction, energy efficiency rating 1525
Milled Moulded
cereals, pulses sampling methods 190 solid rubber soles & heels 253
rice 633 thermoplastic bins 889
Minced fish, quick frozen 1141 MSDS, Nanomaterials 12008
Mineral Multiwall paper sacks for packaging
aggregates for cement 728 desiccated coconut 1067

tea, bulk packaging 1492 Nets, fishing see fishing nets 1274
Municipal solid solid wastes, compost 1634 glossary of basic terms 156
Muriate of potash 644 Netting
Mushrooms, canned 997 fishing 270
Mustard seeds 434 galvanized wire 493
mosquito 273
N test methods, linear density 155
Nails, wire 8 yarns, fishing nets 155
mild steel, cold drawn 7 Neutral salt spray (NSS) test SLS ISO 9227
Names of languages, representation of 1085 News papers, microfilming 1088
Nanomaterials Night wear, size designation
preparation of safety data sheets 12008 men’s and boy’s 655
Nanotechnologies 12000 women’s and girl’s 656
characterization of nanoparticles 12005 Nitrocellulose resin based automotive spray paint 1538
guidance on physico-chemical 12009 Nitrogen content in cereals & pulses 1549
health & safety practices 12001 Nitrogen (kjeldahl method in food, feed)
manufactured nano-objects 12006 SLS ISO 1871
metal nanoparticles 12004 Nitrate content, meat & meat products 396
methodology for classification 12003 Nomenclature, spices & condiments 133
nanomaterial risk evaluation 12002 Non-alloy
occupational risk management 12007 pressure purpose seamless steel tubes 1518-1
physico-chemical characterization 12009 steel tubes, temperature properties 1518-1
preparation of material safety data 12008 seamless steel tubes, pressure purpose 1518-2
specifying nano-objects 12006 welded steel tubes 1519-1
terminology & definitions 12000-1 Non
vocabulary 12000-2,3,4 armoured
Naphtha 216 cables 987-2
Napkins, table, woven 1393 rubber-insulated cables 1185
Nappies, baby 1449 carbonated beverages 221
Nappy cloth towels (baby) 1450 cellular plastics test methods SLS ISO 1183
Narrow fabrics, elastic 272 density gradient column 1296-1
National flag of Sri Lanka 1, 693 gas pyknometer 1296-3
Nationally determined parameters immersion, liquid, pyknometer, titration 1296-1
NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1 dangerous goods, packaging of 1434
Natural destructive testing
made lakes, water sampling techniques 1462 -3 code for qualification & certification 996
latex rubber glossary of terms 909
male condoms 1317 welds radiographic testing SLS ISO 17636-1
mineral water, visual testing of fusion SLS ISO 17637
bottled 1038 electrical test methods
hygienic practice 1021 low voltage energy cables SLS EN 50396
rubber folding wheels chairs 1254, 1255
ammonia preserved concentrated 324 magnetic coatings 787
code of practice for packaging 323 metallic materials,
evaluation procedure 1288 electric and optical fibre cables SLS IEC 60811
low-protein 804 non- metallic materials SLS IEC 6088-100; 201,
metrolac chart 1245 202, 203, 301, 302, 401- 412, 501- 513, 601-
methods of test 1304 607,
methods of test 484 pressure
methods of testing 1288 concrete pipes 452
oven method 484-10 kerosene cookers 380
packaging 323 underground drainage & sewerage
raw 72 UPVC pipe fittings 1285
raw, methods of test hot-mill method 484-10 UPVC pipes 1286
textile fibres, generic names & definitions 1483 Non woven textiles
NDT personnel non destructive testing SLS ISO 9712 method of tests 1408
Nectars 1328 absorption 1408-6
Net contents air permeability 1408-15
packaged goods 925 bending length 1408-7
pre-packaged goods 816 coverstock wetback 1408-14

demand absorbency 1408-12 pins and clips 510
drape coefficient 1408-9 Offset ink,
dry state (lint and other particles) 1408-10 black 797
grab tensile test 1408-18 general purpose 1268
liquid strike though time (simulated urine) Offshore station keeping polyester fibre ropes for
1408-8 1454
mass per unit area 1408-1 OHSAS SLS OHSAS 18001
repeated liquid strike – through time 1408-13 Oil
resistance to mechanical penetration cosmetic
ball burst procedure 1408-5 baby 1191
resistance to penetration by water (hydrostatic hair 1341
pressure)1408-16 edible
run-off 1408-11 butter( ghee ) 340
tear resistance 1408-4 coconut 32
tensile strength & elongation 1408-3 corn 905
thickness 1408-2 ginger 215
water penetration by spray impact 1408-17 gingelly 231
wovens, definitions 1360 groundnut 947
Noodles maize 905
instant 1534 olive 1591
pasta 420 palm 720
rice 858 palm kernel 862
Nostro account statement 1032 palm olein 961
Nozzles, impact type 784 palm superrolein 1521
Numbering of weeks 123 peanut 947
Numbers, preferred 103 rice bran 1592
Numerical sesame seed 231
designation, fabric faults 710 soya bean 293
values converting 116 sunflower 946
rules for rounding off 102 engine
Nutmeg engine ASTM D4485
good agricultural practices (GAP) 1523-4 fuel 683
mace 113 gear (lubricants) 1396
oil 388 rubber seed 648
Nuts see also bolts, screws, and studs essential
Nuts cardamom 435
bicycle 237 cinnamon bark 185
bolts and screws 97 cinnamon leaf 184
bolts, screws, studs 1236 citronella(පැ ) Ceylon 170
cashew 245 clove bud 247
Nylon clove stem 248
fibres, dimensional stability 204 labeling and marking 211
fish net twine 343 lemongrass (ෙ◌ ර) 192
fish net yarn 545 method of sampling 213
fishing nets 1274 nutmeg 388
mosquito netting 839 packing 212
sarees and saree materials 334 pepper 387
6 yarn 903 lubrication
stretch socks 400 four stroke motorcycle SLS 1409
umbrella cloth 1060 internal combustion SLS 1374
PVC insulation 1504-2.51
O resistant control cables thermoplastic 1504-2.51
Occupational health and safety SLS OHSAS 18001, grease during storage SLS ASTM D1742-06
SLS ISO 45001 two stroke cycle gasoline engine SLS 1446
Occupational health and safety management systems Oil & asphaltic compounds SLS ASTM D 6
conformity assessment audit, certification Oils and fats, analysis
management systems competence requirements acid value and acidity 313-2.6
SLS ISO/IEC TS 17021-10 analysis by gas chromatography 313-4.2
Office anisidine value 313-3.8
paper, test method 1289 ash 313-3.6

butylhydroxyanisole 313-3.10 agriculture Compost 1684
butylhydroxytoluene 313-3.10 matter destruction of 242
chemical characteristics 313 -2 refrigerants, designation 880
carotene 313-4.6 solvent type, timber preservatives 891
composition of fatty acids 313 -2 .7 Orphanages 1491
conventional mass per volume 313-1.3 Out side diameters of conduits 989
copper, iron, lead and nickel contents 313-3.12 Oven method natural rubber, methods of test 484-10
diethyl ether extraction 313-4.3 Overhead power lines, porcelain insulators for 346
ditection and identification of antioxidants 313-3.9 Oxidative hair colours, liquid, gel & cream 1439
ester value 313-2.4 Oxygen
free glycerol contents 313-4.4 technical grade 1027
foreign substances and parameters 313.3 fuel gas systems 727-1
fatty acid methyl esters preparation 313-4 .1 P
gas liquid chromatographic method 313-3.10 Packaged
graphite furnace atomic absorption method 13-3.12 code of hygienic practice 1211
hexane extraction method 313-4.8 drinking water 894
hydroxyl value 313-2.3 goods, target quality setting 925
iodine value 313-2.2 Packaging applications
insoluble impurities content 313-3 .4 agro pesticides 1314
lovibond colour 313-1.4 betel leaves, code of practice 454
melting point in open capillary tubes 313-1.7 bottled water 1211
moisture, volatile matter content 313-3.5 bulk packaging of tea 1492
oils-centrifuge method 313-4.7 corrugated fiberboard boxes for pineapples 1124
peroxide value - iodometric end point 313-3.7 drinking water, containers 1336
peroxide value-potentiometric end point 313-3.3 energy recovery 1470
physical characteristics 313-1 environment field,material recycling in 1469
polar compounds content 313-4.5 flexible intermediate bulk containers 1434
polyethylene, type polymers 313-3 .11 food, polyethylene sacks 1400
polyunsaturated fatty acids 313-2.8 glossary of terms 1471, 1569-1
preparation, test sample 313-1.1 material recycling in the field 1469
principal and natural constituents 314-4 multi wall paper sacks desiccated coconut 1067
relative density 313-1.2 methods of specification sacks
relative index 313-1.5 paper sacks 1417-1
saponification value 313-2.1 sacks make thermoplastic flexible film 1417-2
sediment in crude fats 313-4.7 non dangerous goods 1434
soap content 313-3.13 paints & allied products round tins 193
titre 313-1.6 paper sacks 1067, 1068
ultraviolet absorbance 313-1.8 paper and board (code of practice)1416
volatile acids 313-2.5 pesticides, code of practice
water content - entrainment method 313-3.1 plastic containers (code) 206
water content - karl fischer method 313-3.2 plastic films, lowdensity polyethylene 1585
1-monoglycerides 313-4.4 polyethylene films, law density 699
Oilcakes, coconut 716 polyethylene (PE) sacks, food 1400
Olein, palm kernel 1555 polypropylene woven sacks for 636
Olive oil 1591 PVC bottles for edible products 714
Onions reuse, requirements for 1468
big onions 1224 sacks, polyethylene woven 636
red onions 1226 standard Lanka rubber 385
Optical fibre cables, system, optimization of 1467
electric 1007 tea 1068
test methods for non- metallic materials tea, kraft liner board sacks 1474
SLS IEC 60811-100; 201, 203 301, 302, terms & definitions 1569/1
401, 412, 501, 513, 601, 607 winding wires 1082
Optimization of packaging system 1467 Packaging & environment
Oral care energy recovery 1470
oral rinses 1652 optimization systems 1467
Orchids, code of practice harvesting, packaging 410 organic (recycling) 1651
Organic reuse in field 1468
agriculture production and processing 1324 material recycling 1469
coatings, powder architectural purpose 1411 medicinal product packaging 1707

Processes, chemical recovery SLS ISO/TR 16218 flash point – closed cup method 1256-4
terms 1597 flow cups 1256-2
Packaging, hard drying time 1256-13
complete, filled liquids, resistance 1256-27
transport packages 1595 material, container 1256-6
environment terms 1597-2 natural weathering tests 1256-25
medicinal product 1707 non-volatile matter 1256-8
transport plastic distribution boxes paint films, specular gloss 1256-18
SLS ISO 18616-2 panels for testing 1256-40
Reusable rigid plastic boxes SLS ISO 18616-2 print free 1256-14
Packaging material recycling rapid deformation (small area indenter) 1256-35
impede recycling SLS ISO/TR 17098:2021 samples 1256-1
Paddy salt spray 1256-23
code of practice 686 scratch test 1256-20
pady 632 standard panels 1256-11
parboiling 1002 soluble lead 1256-10
storage 686 t-bend test 1256-37
Padlocks 551 toys1423
Paint viscosity, shear 1256-3
automotive spray visual comparison, colour, paints 1256-17
nitrocellulose resin 1538 water immersion 1256-24
synthetic resin 1537 priming
industry, kaolin 778 anticorrosive paint 918
low concentration of lead, iron oxide, red zinc chromate 918
cadmium, cobalt in SLS ASTM D3335-85a zinc chromate 606
Painters’ brushes 562 zinc phosphate 1145
Paints resin binder for 538
nitrocellulose resin based automotive spray 1538 road marking 895
accessories for children 1423 round tins for 193
aluminium 920 sampling 523
anticorrosive toys and accessories for children 1423
bituminous 713 zinc chromate 606
priming 918 zinc phosphate pigments 1139
cement 590 Paints and varnishes
children accessories 1423 driers 1649
dry distemper 563 evaluation degradation, coatings SLS ISO 4628-1
emulsion protective paints systems
exterior use 557 steel structures
interior use 533 classification & environments
distemper 564 SLS ISO 12944-2
enamel design considerations SLS ISO 12944-3
exterior use 539 execution, supervision SLS ISO 12944-7
water based 1536 general introduction SLS ISO 12944-1
floor paint 1241 laboratory performance SLS ISO 12944-6
glossary of terms 489 protective paint systems SLS ISO 12944-5
methods of test, paints & varnishes surface preparation SLS ISO 12944-4
acid extracts, liquid paints 1256-9 work & maintenance SLS ISO 12944-8
adhesion by pull off test 1256-39 sampling methods 523
bend test 1256-21 terms and definitions 1541
contrast ratio (opacity) 1256-19 test methods 1256
cross- cut test 1256-22 thinner for 749
dean & stark 1256-7 Pallet trucks, dimensions 424
density 1256-5 Pallets
dry, time ballotini 1256-12 for transport of goods 423
effect of heat 1256-38 material handing , glossary 422
film hardness by pencil test 1256-36 Palm
film thickness 1256-15 kernel
filtered xenon – arc radiation 1256-28 oil 862
fineness, grind 1256-16 olein 1555
fixed spreading rate 1256-19 crude, refined, bleached & deodorized 1555

stearin 1556 opacity 1344
oil 720 oven drying method SLS ISO 287
olein 961 packaging (code of practice) 1416
stearin 960 paper backing 1344
superolein 1521 resistance to bending 475
Palm oil industry tolerance limits for effluents 1194 sampling 808
Panels, mosaic parquet 939 size designation 235
Pans, & traps 792, 568 storage of, code of practice 1415
Papadam 280 tensile strength 1271, 1435
Paper thickness, density and volume 1370
abrasive 844 water absorption 1272, 473
adhesives 660 water absorptiveness (cobb method) 1270
carbon (typewriter & pencil) 82 water penetration SLS ISO 5633
cartridge, black 1164 z directional tensile strength for 1435
cut-size, office paper 1289 Paper board and pulp,
duplicating 807 atomic absorption spectrometric method 1550
multiwall cadmium content 1550
bulk packaging of tea 1492 hot extraction
desiccated coconut 1067 pH SLS ISO 6588-2
tea 1068 test methods 1437
photocopy 1163 water soluble chlorides 1437-1
printing 868 water soluble sulfate 1437-2
recycling of 1433 vocabulary
sacks alphabetical index 1596-1
dimensional tolerances 1422-1 grades,converted products 1596-4
drop test 1419-1 paper-making terminology 1596-3
glossary of terms 1418 properties 1596-5
method of measurement 1420 pulping terminology 1596-2
method of empty paper sacks 1420-1 Paper-cut-size, office paper 1289
method of specification 1417 Paper, methods of test
serviettes 1339 after immersion in water 476
sizes bursting strength 678,
trimmed (finished) 3 measurement edge quality 1289
untrimmed, designation & tolerances 1436 tearing resistance 679
stencil 587 tensile properties 474
thermoplastic flexible film, thickness 1370
define terms 1418-2 Paraffin wax candles 189
drop test 1419-2 Parameters, nationally determined
method of measurement 1420-2 NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1
method of specification 1417-2 Paraquat 466-16
tissues 1340, 1371 Parathion-methyl 466-4
towels 1338 Parboiled
typewriting 834 milled rice 633
writing 868 paddy 1002
Paper and board Parquet panels 939
(Ash content) on ignition at 900 °C 1681 Particle size analysis of soils SLS ASTM D422
Air permeance panel materials SLS ASTM D1037
Bendtsen method SLS ISO 5636-3 Passenger car tyres 1212
gurley method SLS ISO 5636-5 Passion fruit juice 1328
oken method SLS ISO 5636-6 Pasta products 420, 858
Sheffield method SLS ISO 5636-4 Pastels & crayons 777
bulking thickness 1370 Paththra (bowls) 1308
compressive strength (ring crush) 1277 Pavement construction
definition of thickness, density 1370 cationic emulsified asphalt 1405
diffuse blue reflectance factor 1276 Pavements, surface treatment of design
diffuse reflectance method 1344 testing & construction SLS ASTM D3910
grammage 338 Paving blocks, concrete 1425
ISO brightness 1276 Payment orders, mail 1071
methods of test 473-476, 1370, 1435 PE pipes, fittings for
moisture content SLS ISO 287 water supply 1497, 1498, 1499

Peanut glossary of terms 653
kernels 793 liquid products API gravity SLS ASTM D1298
oil 947 kinematic viscosity of SLS ASTM D445
unshelled 739 calculating viscosity index SLS ASTM D2270
Pectin based product 585-5 Petroleum industry – terminology
Pedestal exploration and production SLS ISO 1998-3
fans 814-1 & 2 general, index SLS ISO 1998- 99
bidets 921 measurement SLS ISO 1998-6
Pencils miscellaneous terms SLS ISO 1998-7
coloured lead 744 raw materials and products SLS ISO 1998-1
lead 546
refining SLS ISO 1998- 4
Penetration graded bitumen 1578
properties and tests SLS ISO 1998-2
ball point 491 transport, storage, distribution SLS ISO 1998- 5
refills 511 Petroleum products, method of test
fountain 514 acid number of SLS ASTM D664
Pensky-martens closed cup tester SLS ASTM D93 API gravity SLS ASTM D287
Pepper base number of SLS ASTM D 2896
black 105-1 boiling range distribution SLS ASTM D2887
good agricultural practices (GAP) 1523-3 calculating viscosity index SLS ASTM D2270
ground (powder) 1372 copper strip test SLS ASTM D130
oil 387 corrosiveness to copper SLS ASTM D130
white 105-2 density & relative density liquids
Performance of engine oils SLS ASTM D 4485 SLS ASTM D4052
Perfume industry, kaolin for 264 flash and fire points SLS ASTM D92
Perfumes, toilet waters 1619 kinematic viscosity SLS ASTM D445 ,D2270
Periodic phenomena, quantities and units 84-2 pour point SLS ASTM D97
Periodicals potentiometric perchloric SLS ASTM D2896
contents lists of 1083 acid titration SLS ASTM D2896
graphic technology 1093 rams bottom carbon residue SLS ASTM D524
presentation 1151 sulfur (high-temperature) SLS ASTM D1552
presentation of contributions 1084 methods of sampling 561
Personal protective equipment automatic sampling SLS ASTM D 4177
falls height SLS EN 365 manual sampling SLS ASTM D 4057
Personal Petroleum products (test methods)
protective footwear 1363 ash ASTM D482
protective safety footwear 1364 atmospheric pressure SLS ASTM D86
Pest control aqueous sample injection Ion Chromatography
agrochemicalspray equipment, hand-operated 805 SLS ASTM D7328
equipment hydraulic spray nozzles 784 automotive engine oils
Pesticide homogeneity and miscibility SLS ASTM D6922
application of, code of practice 1465 inhibition of deposit formation
packaging of agro, code of practice 1314 SLS ASTM D6593
products, sampling 592 rust preventive characteristics
residues in food 910 SLS ASTM D6557
Pesticides handling operators
sequence iva spark-ignition engine
protective clothing worn 1609
bottles 1336 sequence iiiG spark-ignition engine
food contact applications 871-5 SLS ASTM D7320
Petrographic examination of automotive diesel engine
aggregates for concrete SLS ASTM C 295 direct-injected turbocharged SLS ASTM D6894
hardened concrete SLS ASTM C 856 biodiesel fuel blend stock middle distillate fuels
Petrol SLS ASTM D6751
LPG propulsion system 1208 carbon residue (micro method) SLS ASTM D4530
motor vehicles 768 cetane index, four variable equation
Petroleum SLS ASTM D4737
automatic sampling SLS ASTM D 4177 color-indicator titration
manual sampling SLS ASTM D4057
acid, base number SLS ASTM D974
density of liquids SLS ASTM D4052
copper strip test corrosiveness SLS ASTM D130

crude oils, fuel oils sediment SLS ASTM D473 fluorescence spectrometry SLS ASTM D2622
crude petroleum and liquid petroleum wavelength dispersive x-ray
density, relative density, or SLS ASTM D2622
API gravity (hydrometer method) thermo-oxidation engine oil
SLS ASTM D1298 simulation test-teost mht SLS ASTM D7097
cummins ISM Test SLS ASTM D7468 titration Acidity, Ethanol, blends
diesel engine oil SLS ASTM D7795
caterpillar 1p test procedure SLS ASTM D6681 vapor pressure (MINI METHOD)
evaluation, corrosiveness SLS ASTM D6594 SLS ASTM D5191
high-speed, single-cylinder SLS ASTM D6750 vapor pressure (REID METHOD)
T-10 exhaust gas recirculation diesel engine SLS ASTM D323
SLS ASTM D6987 water, coulometric karl fischer titration
T-12 exhaust gas recirculation SLS ASTM D6304, SLS ISO 12937
SLS ASTM D7422 pH of aqueous extract textile determination of 86
evaluation, Diesel Engine Oils SLS ASTM D5967 Pharmaceutical
engine oils (diesel engine) SLS ASTM D59 glass bottles 1190
fuel preparations, camphor 366
denatured fuel ethanol, ethanol fuel blends Phosphine fumigation 973-2
SLS ASTM D6423 Photocopy paper 1163
Photographic film storage practices 1089
ethanol and methanol content SLS ASTM
black and white film 1159
D5501 storage practices 1089
jet evaporation gum content SLS ASTM D381 Photovoltaic (pv) arrays SLS IEC 62548,
sulfur species, solvents (doctor test) Photovoltaic systems
SLS ASTM D4952 characteristics, utility interface 1547
gasoline alcohols gas chromatography connectors, DC application 1637
SLS ASTM D4815 grid connected 1522
aromatics, and total aromatics module safety 1553
SLS ASTM D5580 modules 1544
Lead, manganese x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy performance testing and energy rating 1545
SLS ASTM D5059 power conditioners 1546
gasoline Oxidation stability SLS ASTM D525 power converters 1543
power systems 1522
requirements for construction 1553
atomic absorption spectroscopy systems electric cable 1542
SLS ASTM D3237 terrestrial photovoltaic (pv) modules 1544
iodine monochloride method test, inspection
SLS ASTM D3341 documentation, commission SLS IEC 62446-1
liquids Photovoltaic systems 1542
density, relative density, Physical & mechanical test, leather 404-9
API gravity digital density meter Pickles 399
SLS ASTM D4052 Pictorial marking for goods in transit 505
lubricating oils, additives Picture postcards 29
foaming characteristics SLS ASTM D892 Pigmented wood ware 259
sulfated ash SLS ASTM D874 Pigments
colouring building cement, lime SLSEN 12878
passenger cars, light-duty trucks SLS ASTM D6837
Pilot-scale aerobic composting test
spark ignition engine fuel
plastic materials 1380
benzene and toluene gas chromatography PIN protection principles 1057-1
SLS ASTM D3606 Pineapple
denatured fuel ethanol SLS ASTM D4806 canned 266
research octane number SLS ASTM D2699 corrugated boxes for packaging 1124
spark ignition engine for exports 1040 -1
automotive engine oils SLS ASTM D6709 fresh 1229
sulfur (lamp method) SLS ASTM D1266 grading & classification 1229
light hydrocarbons, engine fuel, engine oil juice 1328
SLS ASTM D5453 post-harvest practices 1040-1
energy dispersive x-ray SLS ASTM D4294 Pins and clips, office 510

Pins, split 598 packaging in 206
Pipe film, puncture- SLS ASTM D2582
fittings, galvanized steel 829 film/sheeting, thickness of a sample 1305
high temperature service 1515 flushing cistern 878
joints and fittings generic identification and marking 1560
pipe threads for tubes 282 glossary of terms 616
PVC-U, for drainage and sewerage 1285 industry GMP 1392
seamless carbon steel materials
threads for tubes 282
pilot scale test 1380
UPVC, for potable water 659
food contact applications 871
UPVC, for soil waste discharge 1325
Pipes piping systems for water supply
assemblies for SLS ISO 1167 polyethylene (PE) fittings 1499
concrete, non-pressure 452 polyethylene (PE) pipes 1498
earthenware 449 polyethylene (PE) pipes & fittings 1497
fittings for non-pressure underground 1285 polymers and other special characterises 1559
G I 829 recycling 1263
glazed earthenware 449 reusable plastic bottles 1616
hume pipe 452 sheeting, thin tensile properties SLS ASTM D882
non-pressure underground 1286 spectacle frames 269
PE pipes straws 1383
polyethylene (PE) fittings 1499 thin sheeting puncture SLS ASTM D2582
polyethylene (PE) pipes 1498 tensile properties SLS ISO 527
polyethylene (PE) pipes & fittings 1497 Plastics waste
plastics SLS ISO 7686 recovery, recycling SLS ISO 15270
PVC, rigid DSD method SLS ISO 18373 Plastics
PVC-U, for drainage and sewerage 1285 Bio based 1698, 1706
thermoplastics, fittings SLS ISO 2505 determining density SLS ISO 1183
thermoplastics, tensile properties SLS ISO 6259 determination of flexural properties SLS ISO 178
UPVC, for potable water supply SLS ISO 3114 determination of opacity SLS ISO 7686
UPVC, for soil waste discharge 1325 end items incorporate plastics & polymers
UPVC for water supply 147 SLS ASTM D6868
UPVC, dichloromethane resistance SLS ISO 9852 environmental aspects – state, knowledge,
vicat softening temperature SLS ISO 2507 methodologies SLS ISO/TR 21960
Piping film, sheeting determination gas transmission rate
applications, carbon steel forgings 1514 differential - pressure methods
systems, plastics SLS ISO 3126 SLS ISO 15105-1
UPVC, for soil and waste discharge 1325 EQUAL - pressure method SLS ISO 15105-2
film, sheeting tear resistance
bearings 850
elmendorf method SLS ISO 6383-2
metal washers 938
steel bars, reinforcement of concrete 26 trouser tear method SLS ISO 6383-1
steel sheets, hot-dipped galvanized 306 flexural properties SLS ISO 178
Plant generic identification and marking 1560
fibre, coconut 115-1, 115-4 methods of test for 732
growth coir fibre pith substrate 1219 density gradient column 1296-2
protection products 466 density & relative density 732-4
Plastic gas pyknometer method 1296-3
buckets 634 gas chromatographic method 732-2
plastic bottles 1616 hardness test Rockwell 1149
compostable 1539, 1557 immersion, liquid pyknometer, titration 1296-1
food wrapping sheet 1718 length, width of plastic film & sheeting 732-3
chairs 1438
migration of plasticizers SLS ISO 177
coated fabrics 761
methods of test 761, 795, 1354 non-cellular test method 1296
coated fence fabric 1148 polymer dispersions 1287
components, dimensions SLS ISO 3126 propagation test resistance SLS ASTM D2582
containers qualitative evaluation 732-1
manufacture of 1444 non-cellular plastics SLS ISO 1183
non food products 1443 pipes & fittings SLS ISO 7686

piping systems SLS ISO 3126 accelerated ageing tests SLS ISO 2440
polyethylene fatigue constant load pounding SLS ISO 3385
(PE) pipes & fittings for water supply Polyamide
1497,1498,1499 fibre ropes 1385, 1386,1453
real field conditions SLS ISO 22766 fish net twine 545
recycling, code of practice 1263 nylon fishing nets 1274
recycling, recovery Polyester
necessity, standards SLS ISO/TR 23891 Cotton
rock well hardness of 1149 blended sarongs 867
soil and waste discharge (u-pvc) 1325 core spun sewing thread 1264
tensile properties SLS ISO 527 rayon fabrics 635
thickness by mechanical scanning 1305 school uniforms 1060
Plastics piping systems shirting 369
hot & cold water installations yarn 711
chlorinated poly vinyl chloride (PVC - C) fibre ropes 1386, 1452, 1454, 1456
fittings 1676-3 rayon shirting materials 369
purpose piping system 1676-5 viscose yarn 1240
general 1676-1 yarn, spun
pipes 1676-2 knitting 803-2
Plastics Symbols & abbreviated terms weaving 803-1
basic polymers 1559-1 Polyethylene
flame retardants 1559-4 films, low-density packaging 699, 1585
fillers & reinforcing materials 1559-2 food contact 871-5
plasticizers 1559-3 garbage bags 835
Pliable conduit systems 993-3 high density 607
Plug & socket travel adaptors 1588 (PE) material for food contact 1614-3
Plugs (PE) pipes & fittings water supply 1497,1498,
13 amp 734
(PE) sacks for food packaging 1400
fuse links 1533
phthalate (PET) 871
lamp holder 164
shopping bags 607, 1399
spark, for road vehicles 576
water storage tank 1174
three-pin 948 wrapping sheet 1377
tow pin reversible 1589 Polymer materials
Plywood drinking water containers 1336
general purpose 261 feeding bottles 1306
tea chests 378 Polymeric materials, flexible
metal fittings 109 hardness 1329
panels 751 humid conditions 1330
timber battens 763 tear strength 1331
Pneumatic pressure method bursting strength, Polyolefin fibre ropes 1456
textile fabrics 1234-2 Polypropylene material (PP)
Pneumatic tyres food contact 1614-4
motorcycles 890 woven sacks for packaging 636
scooters SLS 890 Polystyrene material (PS)
three wheeled motor vehicles 1347 food contact 871-6
Poles, reinforced concrete, telecommunication lines Polyurethane foam mattresses & cushions 1335
363 Polyvinyl
Polish acetate based adhesives 869
floor, paste 509 chloride (PVC) bottles for edible products 714
french 954 chloride material (PVC) for food contact 871-2
shoe 126 Ponceau 4R 439
Polymer Poonac ( න ) 716
materials for packaging of drinking water 1336 Poplins, cotton 90
special characteristics 1559 Popsicles 967
Polymeric materials, flexible cellular tear strength Porcelain
1331 Insulators

overhead power lines 346 frozen 10
telegraph & telephone lines 361 hygienic practice for processing 208
tableware 1222 packaging 972
Portland composite cement 1697 Preferred numbers 103
Potable Prepackaged
cold water supplies UPVC pipe joints foods, labelling 467
and fittings 659 goods net content 816
cooking appliance, safety requirements 1495 target quantity setting 925
fire extinguishers Preparation
food and animal feeding stuffs 393
carbon dioxide type 638
Sri Lanka Standards SLS 0
foam type 831, 877
test samples 1406
gas cartridge for 724
Prerequisite programmes on food safety
gas cartridge type 704 catering SLS ISO/TS 22002-2
halon type 857 farming SLS ISO/TS 22002-3,
powder type 785 feed animal food production SLS ISO/TS 22002-6
rating and fire testing 752 food manufacturing SLS ISO/TS 22002-1,
water (soda-acid) type 599 Food packaging manufacturing SLS ISO/TS 22002-4
water (stored pressure) type 815 Presentation of
water 614 contributions to periodicals & serials 1084
water supplies, upvc pipes for SLS ISO 3114 dates & times 1116
Portland periodicals 1151
cement 107 scientific/technical reports 1090
limestone cement 1253 title information 1156
Post cards 29 Preservation of water samples 1462-2
benzoate (food grade) 915
copper/chromium arsenic based 1012
chlorate 911 organic solvent type 891
chloride (fertilizer grade) 644 Preserves – james, jellies, marmalades 265
metabisulfite, food grade 860 Press cuttings, microfilming of 1091
sulfate 1107 Pressed cement roofing tiles 1267
Potatoes, table 1217 Pressure
Potential alkali reactivity of aggregates regulators for LPG 1180
SLS ASTM C 1260 vessel plates
Poultry access and entry openings 1197
feeds 244 intermediate & higher 1516
hygienic practice for processing 892 moderate & lower 1517
Primer, aluminium, wood 1030
meat, frozen 1161
Primary cells and batteries 1198
Pour plate technique microorganisms SLS 516
Printed cotton dress fabric 480
Printing paper 868
cocoa 148
coriander 232
cereal-based foods for infants and young children
hair colours 1440 1036
infants 187 meat products, code of hygienic practice 1564
organic coatings for architectural purposes 1411 Product certification testing & calibration
skin 389 SLS ISO 17025
Power loom Programming, interpretation, C language 1122
cotton poplin 90 Projects, QM, guidelines SLS ISO 10006
cotton bed sheets 698 Propanil 466-15
cotton drills 333 Propoxur 466-9
grey cotton yarn 137 Protection against lightning 1472
sarees 100 electrical & electronic systems 1472-4
sarongs 101 general principles 1472-1
Power physical damage 1472-3
supplies, stabilized d.c output 992 risk management 1472-2
supplies, stabilized a.c output 1128 measures against electromagnetic interference
transmission, aluminium conductors 750 1472-4
Prawns structures against lightning 1472-1

against physical damage 1472-3 financial & economic benefits SLS ISO 10014
Protective food & drink industry SLS ISO 15161
anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium fundamentals SLS ISO 9000
SLS ISO 7599 glossary of terms 1073-2
clothing 1659 guidance to organizations SLS ISO 9004
penetration by liquids SLS ISO 6530 medical laboratories SLS ISO 15189
terminology 1668 quality management in projects SLS ISO 10006
devices, surge, low voltage 1473 quality plans, guidelines SLS ISO 10005
footwear 1363 requirements SLS ISO 9001
protective gloves 1658 selection of consultants, guidelines SLS ISO 10019
dangerous chemicals, micro-organisms statistical techniques, guidance SLS ISO 10017
SLS ISO 374-1, SLS ISO 374-2, SLS ISO 374-5 sustained success SLS ISO 9004
vocabulary SLS ISO 9000
operators SLS ISO 18889
Quality of life,
re-entry workers SLS ISO 18889
sustainable development of communities 1508
helmets 517 Quantification of cocoa butter equivalents 1510-2.2
helmets head forms for testing 1069 Quantities and units 84
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cosmetics 1350 Quantitative chemical analysis of textiles 1388
Public water supply, inland surface waters 722 Querry dust for concrete, mortar 1397
Pulses Quick frozen whole fish fillets, steaks & mineral fish
cereals 1549 1141
cereals and milled products sampling 190
impurities, inset, species, variety 1527 R
Pumps Radiator
hand, deep-well 922 cores, automotives 740
hydraulic performance tests 833 hoses 1066
centrifugal, mixed flow & axial 833 Radio
Purification of drinking water supply 1577 frequency coaxial cables 1513
PVC receivers, domestics 236
bottles for edible products 714 television receptions & similar 1513
coated fabrics for upholstery 795 Radiographic testing, X and gamma-ray techniques
insulated non-destructive testing of welds SLS ISO 17636-1
cables overhead telecommunication lines 986, Rum 1687-1
987 Rambutan, post-harvest practices 1040-3
non-armoured cables 1638 Rams bottom carbon residue SLS ASTM D524
pipes and fittings, Random
pipes, rigid DSD method SLS ISO 18373 sampling methods 428
solvent cement for 935 tumble pilling method, fabric propensity 1243-3
copper conductors 733 Raw
PVC-U piping systems 1325 cotton for testing 360
Pyjama cloth, woven handloom cotton 284 hides, trimming 1020
natural rubber 72
Q evaluation procedure SLS ISO 16095
Qualification natural/synthetic rubber, sampling methods 1297
testing of welding operators SLS ISO 4732 processed milk 181
welders – fusion welding steels SLS ISO 9606-1 rubber industry tolerance limits for effluents 819
welding procedures- metallic materials test methods 484
SLS ISO 15614-1 Rayon yarn
Quality, competence acetate yarn & commercial mass 257
point- of- care testing (POCT) SLS ISO 22870 gelatine and oil size & viscose rayon 174
Quality control, fluidity in cuprammonium 288
blue wool reference material 1387-13 Razor blades, safety double-edged
Quality management systems (QMS) carbon steel (untreated) 5
application of ISO 9001 in education SLS IWA 2 stainless steel 308
auditing guidelines for SLS ISO 19011 RCBO’s -circuit barkers household 1022
complaints handling SLS ISO 10002 RCCB’s - circuit barkers household 1099
customer satisfaction SLS ISO 10002 Ready-mixed concrete 1144
guidelines, codes, organizations SLS ISO 10001 Ready to eat
dispute resolution external SLS ISO 10003 extruded snacks 1162
monitoring measuring SLS ISO 10004 fresh pre-cut fruits & vegetables code of practice

1412-2 Reusable plastic bottles 1616
Ready to serve fruit drinks 729 Review of existing activities 1507
Receivers, radio 236 smart community infrastructures 1507
Recommended performance metrics SLS ISO/TS 37151
scales architectural, engineering & survey drawings Rewireable type fuse 352
125 Ribbons, typewriter 149
shipping marks for goods 809 Ribbed steel bars, reinforcement of concrete 375
Record ink 849 Ribs, umbrella 321
Rectified spirit 351 Rice see also paddy
Recreational driving services 1709, 1713 bran, for animal feeds 670
Gas blender training 1709 rice bran oil 1592
Recycling, flakes 1179
field of packaging & environment 1469 flour 913
paper, code of practice 1433 GAP 1523-2
plastics 1263 hulling machines, rubber rollers for 494
Red milled 633
lentil 896 noodles 858
lentil whole 1573 parboiled 633
onions 1226 polishing 717
phosphorus 912 storage of 686
Refillable steel cylinders, for LPG 1303 Rigid conduit systems 993-2
Refrigerants, organic 880 Rigid
Refrigerating mechanical system requirements 1262 PVC pipes – DSC method SLS ISO 18373
Refrigeration, code of practice 1337 rectangular transport packages 507
Refrigerators Rims
energy efficiency rating 1230 bicycle 444, 1064
household 723 Ring spanners 344
minimum energy performance 1690 Ripe, canned jackfruit 998
conversion of automotive bi-fuel (petrol) system Risk assessment for a structure SLS 1472-2
1208 Risk management guidelines SLS ISO 31000
Regulators, electric 814 assessment techniques SLS ISO/IEC 31010
Reinforced River basins 1284
un reinforced masonry structures SLS EN 1996-1-1 Rivers & streams, methods for sampling of water 1462
general rules SLS EN 1996-1-1 Rivets for engineering purposes 372
concrete, bond testing (pull-out-test) 371 Road
Reinforcement bitumen for construction & maintenance 1578
symbols for use on drawings 364 marking materials & thermoplastic 955,1378,1384
fence posts 217 paints 895
concrete vehicles
plain steel bars 26 applications single core cables 412-1
ribbed steel bars 375 ignition cable & earthling braids 412
Reinforcing bars, bond resistance 371 safety glasses 843
Removable bedding, woven mattress covers 1485 spark plugs 576
Repellant liquid vapourizers , mosquito 1442 vocabulary 842
Representation of dates & times Road traffic safety management systems (RTS)
data elements & interchange format 1116 requirements, guidance SLS ISO 39001
Residual current operated circuit breakers (RCCB’s) Robes ( )
household and similar uses 1022,1099, 1431 (Buddhist clergy) 1257
Residue limits for pesticides in food 910 fabric, methods of sampling & test 1511
Resin binders, synthetic emulsion for paint 538 Rockwell hardness
Resistors metallic materials 145
colours for marking 518 plastics 1149
marking codes 520 Rock phosphate, ground 748
wire termination diameters 519 Roofing
Respiratory protective devices sheets
Full face masks 1664 asbestos cement 9
graphical symbols 1671 concrete (semi-sheets) 1189
Vocabulary 1671 tiles
Retreaded pneumatic tyres 254 clay 2
Reuse field packaging & environment 1468 concrete 1189

pressed cement 1267 GMP 1389
Roofing and cladding kaolin 650
fibre cement corrugated sheets, fittings1594 insulated cables 1185
Roofs, fire exposure insulation & sheath for electric cables 1147
Classification of roofs SLS ISO 12468-2 Lanka crepe 1244
test method SLS ISO 12468-1 Latex
Room airconditioners 524 concentrated and ammonia preserved 324
Energy Efficiency rating (Single split type) 1586 natural 1304
Ropes,fibre natural, Metrolac Chart for 1245
1385,1386,1452,1453,1454,1456,1457,1481 packaging in drums 323
Ropes, glossary of terms 657 latices-determination of pH 1287
Rotary machines, duplicating ink for 604 liquids of rubber 1343
Rotating LPG/air installation 1171
electrical machines SLS IEC 60034-1 method of test 1304, 1287
dimensions and output series for SLS IEC 60072 alkalinity 1304-4
mechanical vibration SLS IEC 60034-14 boric acid content 1304-13
methods of determining losses SLS IEC 60034-2A coagulum content 1304-6
Rotodynamic pumps, hydraulic performance tests 833 copper content 1304-7
Round density 1304-14
steel bars, structural purpose 949-1 dry films 1304-17
tins for varnishes and paints 193 dry rubber content 1304-3
wood timber, method of determination 791 iron content 1304-9
Rounding off, numerical values 10 KOH number 1304-12
Rubber manganese content 1304-8
abbreviations 1367 mechanical stability 1304-5
adhesives 936 physical test methods 1323
bands 637 sampling 1304-1
boots (gumboots) 1583 sludge content 1304-10
coated fabrics solid content 1304-2
gravimetric technique 1343 surface tension 1304-15
methods of test 761, 1354 temperatures, humidities, 1323-1
natural rubber evaluation procedure threads, test methods 976
SLS ISO 16095 times for the conditioning of rubber 1323-1
transmission rate of volatile liquids 1343 tubing /hose assemblies LPG/air installations
compounding ingredients 1171
automobile industry 924 viscosity 1304-16
abbreviations 1367 volatile
boots (gumboots) 1583-1 fatty acid number 1304-11
carbon black 899-1, 916-1 liquids, transmission rate 1343
sulphur 899-3, 916-3 male condoms 1317
zinc oxide 899-2, 916-2 metrolac chart 1245
crepe (Sri Lanka) 1244 mattress & cushions, latex foam 1334, 1333
dynamic properties 1345 natural, low protein 804
erasers 715 natural, methods of testing 1288
floor mats 952 packaging of SLR 385
flooring, solid 969 physical test methods 1323
gloves 951 plastics coated fabrics 761, 1354
heels 252 polymer dispersions 1287
hose preparative procedures 1297
hoses 1063, 1598 raw natural & synthetic 1297
assemblies 1172 raw natural 72
gloves roll characteristics 1354
examination 951 rollers for rice hulling machines 494
single-use 1623 sampling 1297
household 532 seals – joint rings sewerage pipelines 1627
single-use sterile 1626 seed oil 648
surgical 359 sheets and coated fabrics 1343
gravimetric technique 1343 sheets for soles and heels 292
industry soled canvas shoes 465
glossary of terms 968 solid, automobile industry 924

soles and heels (moulded solid) 252 occupational health OHSAS 18001
synthetic hoses for bi-fuel systems 1208 potassium chlorate 911
synthetic hoses assemblies LPG in automotives power converters 1543
1209 razor blades
teats and valves 253 carbon steel 5
threads, test methods 976 stainless steel 308
transmission rate of volatile liquids 1343 red phosphoress 912
valves 253 toys 1620
vulcanized vocabulary 842
method of testing 297-6 Salt
rubber boots 1583 food grade
thermoplastic 1345 granular form 79
thermoplastic rubber sheet 1343 powdered form 80
weather strips for automobiles 826 spray tests SLS ISO 9227
Rubber materials chemical resistance SLS ISO/TR Salted fish 1017
7620 Sampling see also methods of sampling
Rubber, plastics gloves 1621 Sampling
Rubberized coir mattresses & cushions 1333 bituminous materials,
Rulers 194 fibre reinforced cement SLS ISO 390
Rules for buildings standard practice SLS ASTM D140
design of steel structures SLS EN 1993-1-1, methods, random 428, SLS ISO 2859-1
NA 1993-1-1 water, rivers & streams 1462-4
Rutile 672 procedure by attributes 427
Sampling procedure
S Acceptance Quality limit (AQL)
Sacks double sampling SLS ISO 3951-3
bulk packaging of tea 1474 , 1548 lot by lot inspection SLS ISO 2859-1
composite kraft board (bulk tea) 1548 single sampling SLS ISO 3951-
dimensional tolerances 1422 characteristic and single SLS ISO 3951-1
drop test (paper) 1419 declared quality levels SLS ISO 3951-4
methods of measurement inspection variables SLS ISO 3951-5
empty paper 1420-1 Sand
thermoplastic flexible film 1420-2 concrete mortar 1397
empty, method for sampling 1421 silica 908
general purpose tolerances 1422 Sandals
glossary of terms 1418 EVA 1295
kraft liner board for ladies 1294
method of measurement 1420 men’s 1293
multiwall paper Sands, foundry
packaging of desiccated coconut 1067 physical testing 943
packaging of food grade 636 sampling 937
packaging of tea 1068 Sanitary
paper 1417-1 appliances 229
polyethylene (PE),packaging of food 1400 towels 111
polypropylene (pp) Sanitizers (hand) 1657
sampling of empty 1421 Saponification value
thermoplastic flexible film 1417-2, 1419-2 animal & vegetable oils & & fats 313-2-1
thermoplastic flexible film, empty 1420 Sarees
tolerances 1422 cotton 100
Safety nylon 334
colours and signs 692 Sarongs
electrical & mechanical cotton 101
household & electrical appliances 5791,501 polyester blended 867
refrigerating systems 1252 Sausages 1218
food 1266, SLS ISO 22000 Sauce
footwear 1363, 1364 chillie 581
glasses, road vehicles soya 1035
matches 11 tomato 260
mechanical signs 692 Savings books, magnetic stripes 1046
methods of test 843 Scaffolds (temporary work equipment)

SLS EN 12811-1, led lamps 1458
SLS EN 12811-2 minimum energy performance 1530
Scales for voltages>50v 1458
architectural, engineering & survey drawings 125 Semolina ( ලං) 884
presentation of architectural & building Sensory analysis of food
drawings 500 “A” not “A” test 934
School cooking quality SLS ISO 7304-1, 2
bags 1430 durum wheat semolina SLS ISO 7304-1, 2
chalk 114 general guidance 931
drawing books 852 evaluation laboratory 1484-1-1, 1484-2
slates 240
quality control 1484-8
uniform materials 1060, 1582
guidance for design of test rooms 1484- 4
uniforms, ‘boys’& girls’ size measurements 256
Science & technology, various fields
colour of products 1484-12
quantities & units in 84-2 to 4
selection 1484-3
Scooters, pneumatic tyres 890
initiation & training of assessors 1484-2
method of test 934
loss, in grey, textile material 87
powder 461 methodology
Screw threads quantitative sensory panel 1484-13
ISO metric 268 texture profile 1484-11
paired comparison test 932
whit worth form 96
sensitivity of taste 1484-1
lamp holders 1571
triangular test 933
Screwed studs 818
vocabulary 1484-9
Screws and nuts see also bolts
duo-trio test 1484-5
commercial grade 481
guidance, establishing a sensory profile 1484-6
nuts, hexagon 97
three-alternative forced-choice procedure 1484-7
requirements and supply conditions 379
studs, nuts and bolts 1236
odours initiation& training 1484-2
wood 6
taste investigating sensitivity 1484-1
Septic tanks, design and construction 745
cucumber 1574
Serviettes, paper 1339
water, colour fastness of textiles 1387-48
Sealed anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium
seed oil 231
SLS ISO 3210
seeds 386
Seam, textile properties 1249
Sewerage under pressure, UPVC pipes 147
Seams, classification & terminology 1132
Sewerage pipeline seals – joint rings 1627
Sealing wax 182
Sewing thread
Seals rubber – joint rings 1627
core spun 1264
cotton 112
carbon steel pipe 1515
spun polyester 757
high temperature service 1515
steel tubes for pressure purposes 1518
baby 1342
non-alloy & alloy steel tubes 1518-1
hair 1346
non-alloy steel tubes 1518-2
Shark fins 469
Seasoning of timber, code of practice 159
Security management systems - IT
cream 796
code of practice, IT SLS ISO IEC 27002
soap 36
requirements SLS ISO/IEC 27001
risk management SLS ISO 27005 sheet materials
rules, electronic data interchange 1135 water vapour (gravimetric method) SLS ISO 2528
security techniques SLS ISO/IEC 27002 Sheets
Seeds, asbestos cement
mustard 434 corrugated 9-2
sesame 386 flat 9-1
Self-ballasted coated fabrics 1343
general lighting services 1530 diameters of wires, thickness 110
lamps 1231, 1458 drawing 433

fibre cement SLS ISO 8559-2
corrugated sheets and fittings 1594 gloves 527
Sheeting , woven 1062 infant’s garments 654
Steel sheets 1703 men’s and boy’s
Shell charcoal , coconut 571 night wear 655
Shellfish, molluscan, code of hygienic practice 1004 outerwear garments 487
Shellac shirts 655
hand-made 490-1 underwear 655
machine-made 490-2 women’s and girl’s
Shrimp production 1689 foundation garments 656
aquaculture practices (BAP) 1689 nightwear 656
Shipping marks for goods 809 outerwear garments 485
Shirting, shirts & underwear 656
cotton, handloom, plain woven 766 Sizes and substances,folders and files 225
polyester cotton/rayon 369 Skimmed milk powder 731
poplin 90 Skim coat powder 1579
powerloom, plain woven 767 Skin creams & lotion
school uniform material woven 1582 babies 742
Shirts, men’s adult 743
interlinings for 368 powder
measurements 171 body & face 389
size designation 655 infants, medicated 187
woven 1674 Slates,(ග ලෑ ) school 240
Shoe Slippage resistance of yarns at seam in
chrome retanned finish 615 woven fabrics
full-chrome 624 fixed load method 1490-2
laces, cotton 336 fixed seam opening method 1490-1
polish 126 needle clamp method 1490-3
sizes 492 Slotted sections 307
upper leather 588 SLTR SLS 0
Shoes Slurry seal design,
ladies 1291 testing and construction SLS ASTM D3910
men’s 1290 Small colour differences,
rubber soled canvas 465 ceramic tiles SLS ISO 10545
Shopping bags, polyethylene 1399 Smart community infrastructures, review of existing
Shovels 746 activities relevant to metrics 1507
Shrimps, frozen 10 performance metrics SLS ISO/TS 37151
S.I. units, Snacks, extruded, ready to eat 1162
Snow loads, for the structural design SLS EN 1991-1-3
quantities 84
units, rules for the use 83,84
baby 547
Sieves, test 124,
bathing bars 1220
cereals 1599 carbolic 35
Silica sand for foundries 908 flakes and chips 38
Silos and tanks, actions on structures SLS EN 1991-4, laundry 554
NA 1991-4 laundry powder 38
Silos, tanks & pipelines, earthquake resistance, liquid
design of structures for SLS EN 1998-4 domestic & industrial 1390
Single core non-sheathed cables toilet 1142
thermoplastic PVC insulation 1504-2.51 methods of analysis 27
Sinhala character code 1134 methods of test 1391
Single shaving 36
energy efficiency rating 1525 soft 37
super phosphate, fertilizer grade 1318 toilet 34, 1142
Sinks, Social
ceramic 832 accountability SLS SA 8000
stainless steel (kitchen)1459 responsibility, guidance on SLS ISO 26000
Size designation, clothes Societal security, business continuity management
body measurement 486, SLS ISO 8559-1 emergency management SLS ISO 22320
primary, secondary dimension indicators systems SLS ISO 22301

terminology SLS ISO 22300 bean, whole 669
Socket flour 1011
fittings, UPVC 659 protein, textured (defatted) 898
outlets adaptors 948 sauce 1035
13 amp 734, 948 Space and time, quantities and units 84-1
three pin plugs 948 Spaghetti 420
two pin reversible plugs socket outlets 1589 Spanners
Socks double-ended open jaw 304
knitted, rib, fancy 1581 ring 344
nylon, stretch 400 Spark
Soda plugs, for road vehicles 576
acid type fire extinguisher 599 testing, electric cables 906
ash 866 Species of timer 985-1
caustic 300 Spectacle frames, plastic 269
Sodium Spices and condiments
benzoate (food grade) 915 cardamoms 166
bicarbonate (food grade) 929 chillie whole & ground 1563
bi-sulfite (food grade) 861 chillies, ground, microscopic examination 827
carbonate (technical grade) 866 cinnamon 81
metabisulfite (food grade) 861 cloves 241
Soft code of hygienic practice 1327
candy 1575 coriander
drink powder mixes 668 powder 232
soaps 37 whole 246
solders 165 culinary herbs, botanical names 133
Soft wear Cumin, (whole, ground) 1633
packages, cover information 1120 curry powder 134
product evaluation 1119 dried aromatic plants, hygienic practice 1327
Soil fennel, (whole, ground) 1632
density SLS ASTM D2937 fenugreek, (whole, ground) 1636
particle-size analysis SLS ASTM D422 methods of test 186
pH (determination) 1526 mustard seeds 434
waste discharge plastics piping systems for 1325 nomenclature 133
Soil quality nutmeg and mace 113
determination, electrical conductivity pepper, black 105-1
SLS ISO 11265 pepper, white 105-2
Solar pepper, ground 1372
flat plate collectors for water heating 1312 sampling 310
grid connected photovoltaic 1522 turmeric powder 613
power 1522 Spirit
Solar PV system rectified 351
safety, hybrid inverter 1680 white 1466
Solders , soft 165 Spirit drinks
Soles, Brandy 1687-3
microcellular rubber sheet for 292 Emulated foreign liquor 1687-7
rubber for footwear 252 Gin 1687-5
Solid Rum 1687-1
conductors for insulated cables 1125 Tequila 1687-6
rubber flooring 969 Vodka 1687-4
rubbers, automobile industry 924 Whisky/ Whiskey 1687-2
wastes, municipal, compost 1246, 1634 Split pins 598
Soluble solids content pyknometric method Spoons and forks, stainless steel 413
fruit and vegetable 1332 Sports wear, gents, webbings 272-1
Solvent Spray
cement for PVC pipes and fittings 935 automotive spray paint 1537, 1538
chemical naptha 216 equipment, cut-off device agrochemical 805
Soothers, rubber teats & valves for 253 lance for sprayers 770
Sorbic acid for fruits & vegetables 1332-3 nozzles, hydrauliccone fan and deflector
Soya type 784
bean oil 293 Sprayer nozzles test method SLS ISO 5682-1

Sprayer particle size distribution SLS ASTM D2862
filters colour coding 1607 total ash content SLS ASTM D2866
nozzles colour coding 1605 cone penetration of lubricating grease
Sprayers SLS ASTM D217
agricultural corrosiveness to copper from petroleum products
diameter SLS ISO 9357 SLS ASTM D 130
irrigation 1656 determination of apparent viscosity of engine oils
tank nominal volume SLS ISO 9357 SLS ASTM D 4684
general requirements 756 emulsified asphalts SLS ASTM D244
knapsack flash & fire points by cleveland open cup tester
compression 726 SLS ASTM D217
lever-operated 830 lubricating grease SLS ASTM D217
motorized air assisted SLS ISO 10988 cone penetration SLS ASTM D217
safety, environmental 1608-1 dropping point SLS ASTM D566
Spring over wide temperature SLS ASTM D2265
representation of 501 elastomer compatibility SLS ASTM D4289
units for mattresses 1283 fretting wear protection SLS ASTM D4170
washers, steel 239 measurement of pressure properties
Sprout production, code of practice 1412-3 SLS ASTM D2596
Spun oil separation, during storage SLS ASTM D1742
polyester sewing threads 757 water washout characteristics SLS ASTM D1264
polyester yarns 803 wear preventive characteristic
sewing thread 1264 SLS ASTM D2266
Square steel bars for structural purpose 949-2 paint, low concentration of
Squashes, fruit 214 antimony SLS ASTM D3624
Squatting pans and traps, ceramic 568 chromium SLS ASTM D3718
Squid, frozen 790 lead, cadmium and cobalt SLS ASTM D3335
Sri Lanka crepe rubber 1244 mercury SLS ASTM D3624
Sri Lanka decisions for pour point of petroleum products
nationally determined parameters SLS ASTM D97
NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1 puncture-propagation tear resistance
Sri Lanka Standard voltages, electrical systems 1259 plastic film SLS ASTM D2582
Sri Lanka Technical Specification, Report SLS 0 thin sheeting SLS ASTM D2582
Stabilized power supplies 992, 1128 sampling bituminous materials
Stabilizers, automatic line voltage 609 SLS ASTM D140
Stainless steel EN 10088 tensile properties
kitchen sinks 1459 thin plastic sheeting SLS ASTM D882
list of stainless steel EN 10088 yield stress of engine oils SLS ASTM D 4684
razor blades 308 Standard practice
Stamp pad ink 846 utilization of test data SLS ASTM D3244
Standard Standardization
atmospheres (footwear) 1641 activities SLS 0
atmospheric conditions glossary of terms 1073
conditioning and testing 374 Staphylococcus aureus in cosmetics 1351
textiles 16 Staple
colours cables & wires for low frequency 849 fibre, length & length distribution of 205
electrical insulating materials 980 spun sewing threads, polyester 757
Lanka Rubber (SLR), Staples 226, 578
crepe 1244 Starch
packaging 385 derived products 1570
method for determination of mercury 345 heavy metals content 1570
practices for design testing SLS ASTM D3910 maize 964
construction of slurry seal SLS ASTM D3910 tapioca 417
standards SLS 0 test methods
test method for activated carbon dextrose equivalent 1567/3
analysis of sulfuric acid SL ASTM E223 determination of sulphated ash 1567/4
apparent density SLS ASTM D2854 glucose syrups 1567/2
apparent viscosity SLS ASTM D 4684 moisture content , oven drying method 1567/1
engine oils SLS ASTM D 4684 spectrometry with electrothermal atomization
moisture SLS ASTM D2867 1570

Starters for fluorescent lamps 1260 pipes & fittings, galvanized 829
Stationary pipe, seamless carbon high temperature service1515
cupboards, steel 865 plates 1023
Statistical products
interpretation of data 526 classification & definitions 874-1
techniques, guidance SLS ISO 10017 Identification markings 874-2
terms/vocabulary & symbols 421 rubber or plastics coated fabrics 761-7-1
Staves, graduation of leveling 227 qualification testing of welders SLS ISO 9606-1
Steaks, quick frozen1141 sectional properties of hot rolled structure
Stearin palm kernel 1556 L-section 907/4
Steel T-section 907-5
angles 907- 4 U- sections 907-3
austenitic grain size of 575 sheets
bars, hot rolled 949 corrugated & plain 306
bars, for concrete reinforcement hot-dip aluminium alloy-coated SLS ISO 9364
plain 26 hot dipped galvanized 306
ribbed 375 non oriented,for magnetic circuits 383
bolts 1236-1 spring washers 239
bridges,design of steel structures SLS EN 1993-2 stationery cupboards 865
coatings strip
aluminium SLS ISO 17925 bend testing 93
zin SLS ISO 17925 reverse bend testing 94
design tees 907-5
structures, design of (EUROCODE 3) U-Notch 355
design of joints SLS EN 1993-1-8,NA1993-1-8 structural & general engineering 1006
channels, dimensions and properties for 907 temperature properties 1518-1
chain link fence fabric, zinc/plastic coated 1148 tubes, seamless, for pressure purposes 1518-1
channels 907 tubes, electric welded non-alloy and alloy1519-2
charpy impact test for 355 test methods
cupboards, stationery 865 ball method, bursting strength 761-7-1
cylinders for LPG 1303 bend testing 13
drums 406 brinell hardness test 146
enamelware 353 charpy impact test 355
fabric for concrete reinforcement 95 izod impact test 354
filing cabinets 233 products, method of bend testing 13
forgings, carbon, for piping applications 1514 rockwell hardness test 145
flats, dimensions 949-5 torsion testing 392
fusion welding SLS ISO 9606-1 v-notched beam impact test 391
general engineering 1006-2 wire
general rules, cold drawn mild 7
cold-formed members, sheeting concrete reinforcement 95
SLS EN 1993-1-3 fabric,welded hard drawn 95
rules for buildings SLS EN 1993-1-1, nails 7, 8
NA 1993-1-1 mechanical properties 139
stability of shell structures SLS EN 1993-1-6 mild general engineering purpose 139, 806
stainless steel SLS EN 1993-1-4 torsion testing of 392
towers, masts, chimneys SLS EN 1993-3-1, Steel structures
SLS EN 1993-3-2 Cold-formed members, sheeting EN 1993-1-3
GI pipes 829 Execution EN 1090-1,EN 1090-2
sheets 306 Material toughness,
hinges 30 through thickness properties EN 1993-1-10
hot-dip galvanizing of 482 plane loading EN 1993-1-7
Izod impact test for 354 structural fire design EN 1993-1-2
Low alloyed spectrometry (routine method) Stencil
SLS ISO 19272 duplicating ink 169
micrographic determination 575 marking, liquid ink 350
non-alloy & alloy steel tubes 1518-1 paper 587
non-alloy steel tubes 1518-2 Sticks, incense (හ ) 1441
non oriented electrical magnetic circuits 383 Stitches, classification & terminology 1133
nuts 1236-1 Stools & chairs, determination of strength

SLS ISO 7173 cold-formed members and sheeting SLS EN 1993-1-3
Stop valves, stainless steel SLS EN 1993-1-4
water services 596 strength & stability of shell structures SLS EN 1993-1-6
materials for 705 Structures, deign of timber (EUROCODE 5)
Storage bridges SLS EN 1995 -2
cereal and pulses 1528 general rules for buildings SLS EN 1995-1-1
paper & board code of practice 1415 general structural fire design SLS EN 1995-1-2
Stout 234 Studs 1236- 1
Stoves, cook, two pot clay 1475 Studs, screwed 818
straws drinking (polypropylene) 1540 Sugar
Street columns, concrete 429 brown 883
Street foods, hygienic practice 1451 icing 191
Strength & stability of shell structures white 191
SLS EN 1993-1-6 Sugar confectionery
Strengthening standardization activities SLS 0 hard candy 1576
Strip method, tensile properties of fabrics 43-1 jelly based candy ) 1575
Structural and general engineering purpose marshmallows/jelly cups/jujubes) 1575
hot rolled steel bars 949 soft candy 1575
Structural bearings SLS EN 1337-1 toffees(milk/modified/plain/center filled) 1575
Inspection, maintenance SLS EN 1337-10 Suiting fabrics polyester cotton/rayon 635
protection SLS EN 1337-9 Sulfate
transport, storage, installation EN 1337-11 aluminium 701
Structural design, building and civil engineering works water soluble paper board & pulp 1437
action densities SLS EN 1991-1-1, NA 1991-1-1 Sulfur
basis of (EUROCODES) SLS EN 1990, 1991,1992 petroleum products SLS ASTM D 1552
NA 1990, rubber compounding ingredient 916-3
general principles & actions for SLS EN 1991-4, Sulfuric
NA 1991-4 acid 647
lattice towers SLS EN 1993-3-1 plants tolerance limits for emissions 854
snow loads SLS EN 1991-1-3 standard method for analysis SLS ASTM E223
thermal actions SLS EN 1991-1-5 Sulphur, plant protection product 466-5
wind actions SLS EN 1991-1-4, NA 1991-1-4 Sunflower seed oil 946
Structural fire design, general rules EN 1993-1-2 Sun-hemp twine 356
concrete & steel structures SLS EN 1994-1-2 Super absorbent polymer
concrete structures SLS EN 1992-1-2, NA 1992-1-2 sodium polyacrylate resin 1650-1& 2
timber structures SLS EN 1995-1-2 Super markets, good practices for 1432
Structural steel sections Superphosphate (fertilizer grade) 1318
L sections (equal & unequal angles) 907-4 Surface
T sections (tees) 907-5 active agents-detergents
U sections (channels) 907-3 anionic active matter 1401-1
Structures high molecular mass cationic active matter 1401
accidental actions SLS EN 1991-1-7, NA1991-1-7 low molecular mass (between 200 & 500) 1401-3
actions on NA to SLS EN 1991,SLS EN 1991 mechanical direct two-phase titration 1401-1
exposed to fire SLS EN 1991-1-2 ground water quality 1284
induced by cranes & machinery SLS EN 1991-3 waters 1462-9
silos and tanks SLS EN 1991-4 Surge protective devices,
traffic loads on bridges SLS EN 1991-2 low-voltage power systems 1473-1
design of concrete SLS EN 1992 selection & application principles 1473-2
execution of buildings SLS EN 1991-1-6, photovoltaic installations 1473-5
NA 1991-1-6 d.c. side 1473-6
snow loads SLS EN 1991-1-3 telecommunications & signaling networks
thermal actions SLS EN 1991-1-5 performance requirements testing 1473-3
traffic loads on bridges SLS EN 1991-2 selection & application principles 1473-4
wind actions SLS EN 1991-1-4, NA 1991-1-4 Surgical
Structures, design of composite steel & concrete(EUROCODE dressings 172
general rules single-use sterile rubber gloves 1626
buildings SLS EN 1994-1-1 rubber gloves 359
structural fire design SLS EM 1994-1-2 Survey drawings, scales for 125
Structures, design of steel (EUROCODE 3) Sustainable
general rules development of communities city services 1508

forest management system 1500 SLS ASTM D4683
produced fuel wood 1551 Tapered- plug viscometer
Sweetened soft drink powder mixes 668 measuring viscosity at high temperature
Swimming pool water SLS ASTM D4741
colour fastness to chlorinated water 1387-17 Tapioca
Switch disconnectors and fuse 1554 flour 418
Switched socket-outlets 948-3 starch 417
Switches, electric, domestic 1000 Taps, water, bib-taps and stop valves 596
Switchgear and control gear, low voltage Tartrazine (food grade) 649
circuit breakers 1554 Taximeters (electronic) 1700
disconnectors & fuse 1554 Tea
general rules 1554 black 135
particular requirements 1223-3 green 1413
partially type , tested assemblies 1223-1 bulk packaging
Sylindrical glass bottles used for packing kraft board sacks 1548
pasteurized/sterilized milk 222 kraft liner board sacks 1474
multi-wall paper sacks 1492
building engineering drawings 364
civil engineering drawings 364 packaging, paper sacks 1068
graphical diagrams, telecommunications 1098-9, 10 code of practice 1315
electro technology 690 extracts 401
safety colours & signs 692 performance liquid chromatography SLS ISO 19563
Syntax rules, GAP for cultivation 1315-1
electronic data interchange 1135 GHP(warehouse to point of shipment)1315-3
Synthetic GMP for processing of 1315-2
active agents, bathing bars 1220 glossary of terms 71
fabrics dimensional stability 204 green & black, substances characteristics 28-9
shrinkage on washing 199 hygienic practice 1315-3
emulsion resin binders for paints 539 instant
organic liquid detergents 687 method of sampling 1448
hoses/hose assembliesLPG gas in automobiles 1209 method of test 1447
plastic spectacle frames 269 free-flow compacted bulk densities 1447-1
polymeric materials fungi SLS ASTM G21 moisture content 1447-2
resin base automotive spray paints 1537 total ash 1447-3
resin based varnish 558 methods for the analysis 28
Syrups, fruit 214 theanine SLS ISO 19563
Syrups, synthetic 221 liquid chromatography SLS ISO 19563
packaging, paper sacks 1068
T preparation of liquor for use in sensory tests 78
Table sampling 77
apple 1572 theanine solid form using high performance
fans 814 SLS ISO 19563
mango 1584 Tea-chest
napkins, woven 1393 metal fittings 109
potatoes 1217 plywood 378
salt 80 panels 751
water 894 timber battens 763
Tableware Tear
melamine 1101 resistance of rubber or plastics 1355
porcelain 1222-1 strength flexible cellular polymeric materials 1331
test methods 1222-2 Tearing force, textile fabrics 1251
Tagged boot laces (cotton) 336 Teats for feeding bottles 253
Talc powder 389 Technical drawings
Tamil character code 1326 representation of gears 502
Tanks, for water storage 1174 representation of springs 501
Tanning industry, tolerance limits for effluents 820 Tee bars,
Taper barreled delivery spools 1082-3 dimensions and properties for 907
test methods 1082-4.2 squares 158
Tapered - bearing simulator Telecommunication
measuring viscosity at high temperature cables 821

lines concrete poles, reinforced 363 Tex system
PVC insulated cables for 986 conversion table for traditional yarn numbers 488
wood poles 848, 859, 923 linear density of textiles 18
Telegraph and telephone lines, Text books & periodicals
porcelain insulators for 361 sizes of untrimmed sheets & trimmed pages 1092
Television broadcasting, reception Textile
code of practice 771 articles, made up 1249, 1250
receivers, methods of test 694 care labeling, code 335
receiving antennae for domestic use 1070 cleaning procedures 17-4
receptions & similar application 1513 code for care labeling 335
radio frequency coaxial cables 1513 commercial mass 17
Temperature properties conditioning and testing 16
seamless steel tubes, for pressure purposes cotton poplins 90
non-alloy & alloy steel tubes 1518-1 creasing recovery 200
non-alloy steel tubes1518-2 colour fastness tests
Temperature service, high artificial light 1387-50
seamless carbon steel pipe 1515 atmosphere SLS ISO 105-G04
pressure vessel plates, carbon steel 1516 , 1517 bleaching with hypochlorite 88-1
Temporary work equipment colour fastness 1357, 1387
information on materials SLS EN 12811-2 daylight , artificial light 62
load testing SLS EN 12811-3 dry cleaning 416
protection fans, scaffolds SLS EN 12811-4
nitrogen oxides SLS ISO 105-G04
scaffolds SLS EN 12811-1,
fading lamp test 1387-50
Tensile properties,
hot pressing 198
fabrics 43, 1249
determination of plastics SLS ISO 527 organic solvents 203
thin plastic sheeting SLS ASTM D882 perspiration 1387-48
thermoplastics pipes SLS ISO 6259 rubbing 63
Tensile sea water 1387-49
properties of fabrics, textiles soda boiling 65
washing with soap/soda 1357
strip method 43-1
water 1387-45
grab method 43-2 strands determination of unevenness of 1359
strength, grey cast iron 881-3 determining scoring loss of gray 87
stress strain properties determination of pH of aqueous extract 86
testing, metallic materials 978 dimensional change in washing and drying 199
thermoplastic rubber 297-2 dichloromethane soluble matter in combed
vulcanized rubber 297-2 wool sliver 600
Tequila 1687-6 domestic washing & drying procedures 1302
Terminal marking, electrical units 553 fabrics
Terminology- societal security SLS ISO 22300 ballistic pendulum method 1251-1
Terms & definitions determination of width & length 1356
copper & copper alloys 782 dimensional changes 47, 1250
geosynthetics 1395 fabric propensity 1243
nanotechnologies 12000-1 fabric specimens 1250
paints and varnishes 1541 martindale method 1243
packaging 1569/1 preparation, marking & measuring of 1250
Ternary mixtures of fibres propensity to surface fuzing 1243
quantitative chemical analysis 1386-2 random tumble pilling tester 1243
Terrazzo single tear method 1231-2
finish, laying in-situ 408 spray test 287-1
tiles 419 tearing force, determination of 1251
Terry towels, woven cotton 1486 tensile properties of, grab method 43, 1249
Test threads per centimeter 41
fingers and test probes 841 fibres,
sieves 124 glossary of terms 370
Testing vocabulary 1358
atmospheric conditions for 374 natural generic names & definitions 1483
welders, qualification SLS ISO 9606-1 sampling 504

finish cotton textile material 87 breaking load 43
floor breaking tenacity 583
coverings,1478, 1479, 1480 tearing force 1251
determination of thickness of pile 1479 tensile properties of fabrics 43
machine-made, physical test 1478 grab method 43 - 2
flat bundles of cotton fibre 583 strip method 43 -1
geotextiles methods of test for 1407 tensile properties, seam 1249
invoice wt. determination 17 grab method 1249-1
linear density 18 tex system 18
man-made fibres for 1482 textured of filament yarns,
mass determination 17-2 definitions 1368
method of test 1480 vocabulary 1369
linear density 18 thickness, sheets and diameters of wire 110
machinery and accessories 529 thickness, textiles & textile products 696
material warp and weft directions 1366
non-woven washing dimensional changes 199
definitions for 1360 washing and drying procedures, domestic 1302
methods of test1408 washing with soap or soda 1357
number of threads per centimeter 41 water repellency and resistance 287
obtaining laboratory samples 17-3 width and length 1356
percentage of warp and weft per unit area 51
acetate 1388-3,8,9,14 wt. per unit area 42
cellulose fibres 1388-19 wt. per unit length 42
chlorofibre 1388-13 wovan fabrics 41, 42, 1582
chlorofibres 1388-17 textile machinery, accessories
cotton 1388-6 web roller cards
polyamide fibre 1388-7 terms, definitions SLS ISO 18600
polypropylene 1388-16 Textiles
protein fibre 1388-4 Dynamic hygroscopic heat SLS ISO 18782
silk 1388-18 dyestuffs SLS ISO 16373-1, SLS ISO 16373-2
viscose (using sodium zincate) 1388-5 identification of some animal fibres
pH value of aqueous extracts 86 DNA analysis SLS ISO 18074
polyester cotton / rayon Cashmere, wool, yak and
shirting materials 369, 1582 their blend SLS ISO 18074
suiting fabrics 635 knitted fabrics 1705
poplin, cotton (powerloom) phthalate, tetrahydrofuran method SLS ISO 14389
shirtings 90 certain azo colorants
pyjama cloth, plain wovan (handloom) 284 aminoazobenzene SLS ISO 14362-3
products, thickness 696 extracting fibres SLS ISO 14362-1
quantitative analysis of fibre mixtures water vapour permeability SLS ISO 15496
quantitative chemical analysis 1388 quality control SLS ISO 15496
removal of non-fibrous matter 25 Textured filament yarns in textiles
scouring loss, in grey 87 definitions for 1368
shrinkage of 47 vocabulary for 1369
standard atmospherics 16 Textured
testing 287-1 soya protein 898
washing & drying procedures 1302 plant protein 1566
tolerance limits for effluents 822 Thermoplastic
vocabulary for morphology 1358 assemblies for SLS ISO 1167
woven bins 889
method of analysis for construction 1494 flexible film, sacks 1417,1418, 1419, 1420, 1422
tensile properties,
tensile properties SLS ISO 6259
strip method 43-1, 1249-1 fittings SLS ISO 2505
grab method 43-2, 1249-2 pvc insulated cables 1504-2.12
yarns flexible 1504-2.11
count 488 oil resistant control 1504-2.51
determination of breaking force 1429 single core non-sheathed 1504-2.31
elongation at break 1429 road marking materials1378, 1384,955
bow and skewness 89 rubber

sheets, transmission rate 1343 common rules for buildings (SLS EN 1995-1-1
tensile stress strain properties 297-2 structural fire design SLS EN 1995-1-2
vicat softening temperature SLS ISO 2507 Time
Thin plastic sheeting quantities and units 84-1
tensile properties of SLS ASTM D882 interchange format 1116
Thinner, for paints and lacquers 749 writing , code of practice 289
Threaded finishes, glass container 601 Tin, determination of 315
Threads Tins see also containers
core spun, sewing 1264 Tins for packaging of
cotton sewing 112
paints and varnishes 193
embroidery, cotton 460
spun polyester, sewing 757
facial 1340
outside diameters conduits 989 glossary of terms 1394
pipes 282 paper and products 1371
screw, ISO metric 268 Titratable acidity in fruit & vegetable products 347
Three-phase induction motors 1426 Title leaves of a book 1086
energy efficiency rating 1525 Toasters, safety 1495
Three-pin plugs, socket outlet 948 Tobacco
Three wheeled beedi 542
motor vehicles pneumatic tyres for 1347 cigarettes 605
lead acid starter batteries 1235 methods of test 309
tyres, pneumatic 1347 virginia 267
Thosai mix 1629 Toddy, coconut, vinegar 168
Tile Toffees 1576
cement Toilet
concrete 863 paper 798
roofing, pressed 1267 soap 34
clay roofing 2 liquid soap 1142
discontinuous laying EN 1024 Toilet waters 1619
flexural strength test SLS EN 538 Token passing bus access method 1138
impermeability test EN 539-1 Token ring access method 1136
test, frost resistance EN 539-2 Tolerance limits
terrazzo, floor and wall 419
effluents from
fittings, concrete roofing 1189
coconut kernel based industry 1195
ceramic 1181, SLS ISO 10545
palm oil industry 1194
adhesives 1375
grouts 1376 raw rubber industry 819
test methods SLS ISO 13007-4 training industry 820
test methods SLS ISO 13007-2 textile industry 822
Timber emissions from sulfuric acid plants 854
batterns 763 inland surface waters as raw water 722
construction, imported 1170 inland surface waters for fish culture 799
for building 263 industrial & domestic effluents 721
grading 985 industrial effluents
imported construction 1170 discharged into inland surface water 652
logs 985-3 irrigation purpose 776
species 985-1 marine coastal waters liable to pollution 775
terminology 985-2 public water supply, inland surface wters722
method of measurement round wood 791 Tolerance on the dimensions and shape
method of test 836 hot rolled steel plates 1023
preservatives Tomato
copper/chromium/arsenic based 1109 concentrates 945
copper/chromium/arsenic based 1012 fresh grading 1228
coal tar creosote 1016 juice canned 390
organic solvent type 891 sauce 260
seasoning 159 Tooth
Timber structures, design of (EUROCODE 5) brushes 276
bridges SLS EN 1995-2 cleaning devices 276
paste (with/without herbal extracts) 275

powder 281 a.c./d.c supplied electronic ballasts 1239
Torsion testing of steel wire 392 ballasts 1150
Tourism and related services double capped, energy efficiency rating 1625
bareboat charter 1710 energy efficiency rating 1625
beach operation requirements, recommendations glow starters 1260
SLS ISO 13009 Tungsten filament
hotels service requirements SLS ISO 22483 lamps 984
industrial tourism 1716 lamp cap temperature 1108
medical spas service requirements SLS ISO 21426 Turmeric powder 613
medical tourism service requirements Turpentine
SLS ISO 22525 method of sampling 953
Service provision 1716 mineral, white spirit 1466
wellness spa service 1717 TV antennae for domestic use 1070
yacht harbours 1715 TVP (textured soya protein) 898
TPP (textured plant protein)1566
Twin cylinder rotary machines,duplicating ink 604
baby nappy cloth 1450
paper 1338
jute 356-1
sanitary 111
sunn hemp 356-2
towelling, woven cotton 1486
terry towels 1486-1 Twist, determination of fish net 343
Towers Two pot clay cook stoves SLS 1475
masts and chimneys chimneys Typewriter ribbons 149 (withdrawn)
design of steel structures SLS EN 1993-3-2 Typewriting paper 834
design of steel structures SLS EN 1993-3-1 Tyre
Toys industry, definition of terms 900
accessories, paints for 1423
definition of terms 900-1
finger paints 1620
designation & dimensions 1064
safety requirements 608
retreading, code of practice 254
safety three wheeled motor vehicles 1347
migration, certain elements SLS ISO 8124-3 retreaded 254
phthalate esters SLS ISO 8124-6 wheels & rims, nomenclature 900-2
total concentration SLS ISO 8124-5 Tyres
Traceability in the feed and food chain bicycle 224, 1064
system design & implementation SLS ISO 22005 motor cycle 890
Tractors, agricultural size designation 1320, 1321, 1322
power take offs and drawbars 508 test methods SLS ISO 10231
Traffic loads on bridges, passenger car 1212
actions on structures SLS EN 1991-2 scooter 890
Training of assessors, size designation 1320,1321,1322
sensory analysis of food 1484-1 pneumatic 254, 890, 900-1,1347
guidelines for selection 1484 -3
Transaction cards, financial 1048 U
Transmission rate of volatile liquids of rubber1343 Ulundu flour (Black gram) 1688
Transport packages, rigid rectangular 507 Umbrella
Transportable gas cylinders 1303 cloth, woven 1307
Transportable welded steel gas containers fittings 445
liquefied petroleum gas 1178 folding 1207-2
Travel adaptors (plug & socket system) 1588 non-folding 1207-1
Treacle 772, 1701-1 ribs 321
Treacle (kithul) 1701-1 Underwear
Trichlorfon 466-2 knitted fabrics 837
Trimming of raw hides 1020 size designation
Triple super - phosphate (fertilizer grade) 812 men’s and boy’s 655
Tubes women’s and girl’s 656
bicycle 127 webbings 272-2
metallic, bend test 990 Unevennes of textile strands 1359
fluorescent lamps 566

boy’s and girl’s size measurements 256 Vegetable
polyester cotton material 1060 animal fats and oils 313
material school code of hygienic practice 209, 1524
boys’ suiting (woven) 1582-2 fats & oils, sampling 664
boys’ shirting, girls’ dress fabrics fibres, generic names & definitions 1483
(woven)1582-1 iodine value 313-2-2
Unit mass of building materials 629 leafy vegetable code of hygienic practices 1524
Units methods for analysis, mineral acids 313-3-14
acoustics 84-7 products, test methods 1332
electricity and magnetism 84-5 products, processed (manufacture) 209
heat 84-4 saponification value 313-2-1
mechanics 84-3 Vegetarian claims in food and beverage 1460
periodic and related phenomena 84-2 Vehicle engines, LP gas fuel system 1248
space and time 84-1
Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) pipes 147
Emergency, transport 1661-3
Unreinforced masonry structures lung ventilators 1661-3
simplified calculation methods SLS EN 1996-3
powered resuscitators 1661-4
Unshelled groundnut 739
Verifying tyre capabilities,
Untreated safety razor blades
motorcycle tyres SLS ISO 10231
double-edged carbon steel for 5
Untrimmed paper sizes
designation and tolerances for 1436 (noodles, macaroni) 420
Unwaxed edge method rice 858
corrugated fiber board 1275 Vests, cotton plain-knitted 283
UPVC Vickers hardness test, metallic materials 122
fittings for water supply 659 Vinegar
pipe fittings drainage & sewerage 1285 artificial 625
pipes 147 coconut toddy 168
pipes, dichloromethane resistance coconut water 168
SLS ISO 9852 Virginia tobacco, flue cured 267
pipes, non pressure underground Viscometer, multicell, capillary ASTM D5481
drainage & sewerage 1286 Viscose
pipes for potable water supply SLS ISO 3114 cotton gauze, absorbent 1414
plastic piping system rayon and cotton
for soil & waste discharge 1325 quantitative , analysis of mixtures 1388-5
sewerage under pressure water supply 147 rayon, gelatin & oil size 174
Urea (fertilizer grade) 618 Viscose yarn 1214
Utensils, aluminium 69 polyester 1240
Utensils, wrought aluminium for 68 Viscosity of engine oils SLS ASTM D 4683
Visual testing of fusion - welded joints
V non-destructive testing of welds SLS ISO 17637
Vaccum ware, insulated flasks, jars, jugs 397 Vitreous china 229
Vacuum capillary viscometer SLS ASTM D2171 V-notched beam impact test for steel 391
Valtages for electrical systems 1259 Vocabulary
bank telecommunication fund transfer messages
fittings for use with LPG cylinders 1184
cereals 1602
float operated 781
coffee and coffee SLS ISO 3509, SLS ISO 18794
for feeding bottles 253 colour measurement colour fastness of textiles 1387-
Vaporizer & regulator for 7
automotive bi-fuel propulsion system (LPG) 1208 conformity assessment SLS ISO/IEC 17000
Vapourizers, mosquito repellant liquid 1442 crop protection equipment 1603
Varnish facility management SLS ISO 41011
for exterior use 556 knitted fabrics 1300, 1301
for interior use 555 knitting-basic concepts 1299
synthetic resin based 558 morphology of textile fibres & yarns 1358
Varnishes and paints, test method nanotechnologies 12000-2 to 5 and 7
bend test 1256-29 lung ventilators SLS ISO 19223
determination of surface drying time 1256-30 packaging 1569/18
V-belts, automotive 1028 paper board and pulp

alphabetical index 1596-1 table 894
grades, converted products 1596-4 Water borne timber preservatives 1012
paper-making terminology 1596-3 Water closet, pans and traps 792
properties 1596-5 Water colours 455
pulping terminology 1596-2 Water heaters, electric immersion 1193
QMS SLS ISO 9000 Water heating
respiratory protective devices 1671 solar flat plate collectors 1312
safety glasses for road vehicles 842 Water insoluble solids in fruit
sensory analysis 904, 1484-9 and vegetable products 357
statistical vocabulary and symbols 421 Water, membrane filtration method 1461
textile fibres and yarns morphology of 1358 Water, methods for sampling 1462
textiles, commercial of consignments 17-1 ground waters 1462-6
textured filament yarns in textiles 1369 design & installation monitoring points 1462-7
woven fabrics, description of defects 1361 lakes natural and man-made 1462-3
Vodka 1687-4 manufacture of food and beverages1462-8
Volatile liquids of rubber, piped distribution systems 1462-5
transmission rate 1343 rivers and streams 1462- 4
Voltage stabilizers, automatic lines step type 609 surface waters 1462-9
Voltages (electrical system) 1259 tankers or means distribution pipes 1462-8
Vulcanized rubber treatment works 1462-5
method of testing tensile stress strain properties Water
297-2 microbiological test methods 1461, 1568
testing 297, 1343 culture 1568-3
coated fabrics transmission rate of volatile liquids detection & enumeration of
1343 Escherichia coli & coliform bacteria
thermoplastic rubber dynamic properties 1345 membrane filtration method 1461-1-1
most probable number method 1461-1-2
W reference method 1461-3
Wafers 1313 culture medium 1461-2-1
Wall tiles, ceramic 1181 evaluation of membrane filters 1568-1
Warp and weft woven fabrics 1366 microorganisms
Warp-knitted & woven fabrics boiling water test 204 two quantitative methods 1568-2
Wash basins 377 culture 1568-3
Washable blue-ink for fountain pens 59 Methods for sampling
Washers & nuts, bicycle 237 design sampling programmes & sampling
Washers see also bolts and screws techniques 1462-1
plain metal 938 preservation & handling water samples 1462-2
steel spring 239 lakes natural & man made 1462-3
Washing and drying (textile) microbiological analysis 1462-10
dimensional change 199 rivers and streams 1462-4
Washing soda 866 treatment works & piped distribution systems
Waste discharge, piping systems 1325 1462-5
Wastes, municipal solid compost 1246, 1634 Water penetration of fabrics SLS 287-1
Water Water, potable 614
base enamel paints 1536 Water quality,
bottled natural mineral 1038 river basins Sri Lanka (Kala Oya) 1284
bottled (packaged) drinking 894 Water services, bi-taps & stop valves 596
code hygienic practice for 1211 Water soluble coal-tar dyes use in foods 394
concrete SLS ISO 12439 Water storage tanks, polyethylene 1174
polymer materials - packaging of water 1336 Water supply
lead acid batteries 671 aluminium sulphate (drinking water) 1535
making concrete 522 UPVC fittings for 659
methods for sampling 1462 UPVC pipes for 147
microbiological test methods for 1461 Water supply, plastic piping systems
natural mineral water code of hygienic practice polyethylene (PE) fittings 1499
1021 polyethylene (PE) pipes 1498
potable 614 polyethylene (PE) pipes & fittings 1497
quality, Kala Oya Basin 1284 Watthour meters, alternating-current 1165
sampling of rivers & streams 1462-4 Wax candles 189
storage tanks, polyethylene 1174 Wax floor polish, paste 509

Wax, sealing 182 chilies 1563
Waxed edge method 1278 coriander 246, 1565
Weaning foods canned 1039 Wind actions on structures SLS EN 1991-1-4,
Weather-strips, rubber for automobiles 826 NA 1991-1-4
Webbings for waist bands Window stays, cast brass 376
gents underwear & sports wear 272-2 Winding wires 1081
Weeks, numbering of 123 method of test 1025
Weld setters, qualification testing of SLS ISO 14732 packaging of 1082
Welded hard drawn steel wire fabric requirements 1081
concrete reinforcement 95 Wire fabrics, welded 407
Welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium SLS ISO 5817 Wire nails 8
Welded steel, gas containers 1178 mild steel for 7
Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes Wire netting, galvanized 493
electric welded non-alloy & alloy steel tubes Wire, barbed 31
1519-2 Wire, electrical purposes 1127
non-alloy steel tubes 1519-1 Wire, metallic bend testing 991
Welded wire fabric 407 Wires, and cables, low-frequency
Welder, metal arc, manual standard colours 849
code for training and testing 887 Wires, diameters of 110
Welding and cutting, code of safety 727 Wires, winding, test methods 1025, 1081
Welding - fusion - welded joints SLS ISO 5817 Women’s
Welding of mild steel rubber boots 1583
arc welding of ferritic steels SLS EN 1011-2 wear, size designation 656
core wire of coated electrodes 525 wood-base fiber SLS ASTM D1037
covered electrodes for 414 Wood charcoal
metallic materials SLS EN 1011-2 chemical analysis SLS ASTM D1762
mild steel filler rods for 415 Wood, doorsets, dimensions 447
Welding personnel- qualification testing of Wood fuel 1551
welding operators SLS ISO 14732 Wood poles
Welding positions, definition 888 for telecommunication lines 848
Welding procedures for metallic materials preservative treatment 859, 923
qualification of SLS ISO 15614-1 Wood preservatives 891
Welding procedure test Wood primer, aluminium 1030
arc and gas welding steels SLS ISO 15614-1 Wood screws 6
arc welding of nickel alloys SLS ISO 15614-1 mild steel wire for 806
Welds in materials, destructive tests SLS ISO 17639 Wooden furniture, joints used in 631
Welds in metallic materials, Woodware, handicrafts 243
destructive tests SLS ISO 4136 pigmented 259
Wear preventive characteristics of Wool fabrics, recovery of 202
lubricating grease SLS ASTM D2266 Wool fibre, diameter SLS ISO 137
Weaves, terms and descriptions 431 Wool sliver, combed
Wheat gluten content SLS ISO 21415-1 & 2 dichloromethane soluble matter 600
Dry gluten SLS ISO 21415-3 & 4 Working areas for
Wheat flour 144 LP gas fuelled vehicles 1237
gluthen content SLS ISO 21415-1 & 2 Worm drive type hose clamps 597
Wheel chairs (non- folding) 1254 Woven
method of test 1255 handloom cotton pyjama cloth 284
coefficient, friction test surfaces 1255-13 mattress covers 1485
effectiveness brakes 1255-3 sacks, polypropylene 636
measurement, seating wheel,dimensions 1255-7 sheeting materials 1062
overall dimensions, mass, turning space 1255-5 table napkins 1393
set up procedures 1255-22 umbrella cloth 1307
static impact, fatigue strengths 1255-8 Woven and knitted fabrics
static stability 1255-1 mass per unit length & unit area 42
test mummies 1255-11 random tumble pilling method 1243-3
Whisky/Whiskey 1687-2 Woven cotton shirting 766, 767
White bread 141 Woven cotton towels and towelling
White pepper, ground 1372 terry towels 1486
White spirit (turpantine ) 1466 Woven fabrics
Whole construction 1494-1

descriptions for 1455 twist 23
determination of viscose 1214
dimensional stability 204 Yarns
mass per unit length & unit area 42 alkali soluble additives 48
no of threads per centimeter 41 designation of 19-2
determining bow and skewness 89 definition for 1368
guidelines for identification 1366 direct counting method
identification of wrap and weft directions 1366 direction of twist in yarns 23
PVC coated fixed load method 1490-2
upholstery 795-1 fixed seam opening method 1490-1
footwear industry 795-4 needle clamp method 1490-3
slippage resistance of yarns at seam1490-1-3
netting 155
tearing force 1251
slippage resistance 1490
vocabulary for description of defects 1361
spun polyester 803
woven textiles, non 1360
Woven fabrics of textiles 1494 strength parameters of 560
method of analysis of construction 1494-1 textured filament
Woven fabrics slippage resistance of vocabulary for 1369
yarns at seam 1490-1-3 Yeast
Woven mattress covers 1485 mould in cosmetics 1445
Woven table napkins 1393 bakers 1188
Wrapping sheet, Yield stress & apparent viscosity of engine oils
polyethylene for food 1377 SLS ASTM D 4684
Writing of calendar dates 104 Yoghurt 824-2
Writing the time, code of practice 289
Writing paper 868 Z
Wrought aluminium 1125, 1127 Z directional tensile strength for
Wrought aluminium sheet/strip 68 paper and board 1435
Wrought aluminium utensils 69 Zinc
coated steel chain link fence fabric 1148
X protection against corrosion of iron & steel
X and gamma-ray techniques with film SLS ISO 14713
non-destructive testing of welds chromate priming paint 606
SLS ISO 17636-1 determination of 302
Xenon arc fading lamp test, hot dip galvanizing SLS ISO 14713/2
textiles 1387-50 oxide, rubber compound ingredients 916-2
Y phosphate pigments for paints 1139
phosphate priming paint 1145
acetate, rayon commercial mass 257
added matter removal 25 sherardizing SLS ISO 14713/3
breaking load from packages 1429 sulphate (fertilizer grade) 665
coir yarn 513 Eurocodes
crimp of 50 Eurocode - Basis of structural design
designation and structure of 19 Eurocode 1 - Actions on structures SLS EN 1991
direct country method 23 Eurocode 2 - Design of concrete structures SLS EN
direction of twist 19-1 1992
elongation, break from packages 1429 Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures SLS EN 1993
gelatine and oil size, determination 174 Eurocode 4 – Design structures, composite steel & concrete
grey cotton 137 Eurocode 6- Design of masonry structures SLS EN
linear density 20, 44 1996
polyester cotton 711 Eurocode 7- Geotechnical design SLS EN 1997
polyester viscose 1240 Eurocode 8 – Design of structures for earthquake
rayon 257 resistance SLS EN 1998
removed from fabric 44 Action
single-end breaking force 1429 accidental actions SLS EN 1991-1-7,
skein method 560, 20 NA1991-1-7
strength parameters 560 action densities SLS EN 1991-1-1, NA 1991-1-1
textured filament action on structures SLS EN 1991-1-1,
definition 1368 NA 1991-1-1
vocabulary 1369 cranes & machinery SLS EN 1991-3
general principles & actions for SLS EN 1991-4,

NA 1991-4 bridges SLS EN 1995-2
execution SLS EN 1991-1-6, NA 1991-1-6 civil engineering works SLS EN 1995
exposed to fire, general action SLS EN 1991-1-2 common rules, rules for buildings SLS EN 1995-1-1
silos and tanks SLS EN 1991-4, NA 1991-4 structural fire design SLS EN 1995-1-2
snow loads SLS EN 1991-1-3 Design of masonry structures
structures SLS EN 1991;NAtoSLS EN 1991 (EUROCODE 6)
structural design, basis of SLS EN 1990, NA 1990 considerations,masonry structures SLS EN 1996-2
thermal actions SLS EN 1991-1-5 design considerations, SLS EN 1996-2
traffic loads on bridges SLS EN 1991-2 general rules for SLS EN 1996-1-1
wind actions SLS EN 1991-1-4, NA 1991-1-4 execution, masonry EN 1996-2
Design of concrete structures reinforced/unreinforced,general rules
(EUROCODE 2) SLS EN 1996-1-1
bridges-design,detailing rules SLS EN 1992-2, simplified calculation methods SLS EN 1996-3
NA 1992-2 structural fire design EN 1996-1-2
civil engineering works in concrete SLS EN 1992-1-2, unreinforced masonry structures EN 1996-3
NA 1992-1-2 Geotechnical design
concrete bridges SLS EN 1992-2, NA 1992-1-2 (EUROCODE 7)
concrete bridges SLS EN 1992-1-2, geotechnical design
SLS EN 1992-3, general rules SLS EN 1997-1,
NA 1992-3 Ground investigation, testing EN 1997-2
liquid retaining & containment SLS EN 1992-3 Design of structure for earthquake resistance
rules for buildings SLS EN 1992-1-1, NA 1992-1-1 (EUROCODE 8)
structural fire design SLS EN 1992-1-2 Buildings (assessment, retrofitting) SLS EN 1998-3
civil engineering works in concrete SLS EN 1992-1-2 foundations, retaining structures and
liquid retaining SLS EN 1992-3, NA 1992-3 geotechnical aspects SLS EN 1998-5
structural fire design SLS EN 1992-1-2, silos, tanks & pipelines SLS EN 1998-4
NA 1992-1-2 towers, masts and chimneys SLS EN 1998-6
Design of steel structures Design of aluminium structures
bridges SLS EN 1993-2 fatigue 1999-1-3
crane supporting structures 1993-6, NA 1993-6 general structural rules EN 1999-1-1
cold –formed members & sheeting SLS EN 1993-1-3 cold formed structural sheeting EN 1999-1-4
design of joints steel structures SLS EN 1993-1-8 shell structures EN 1999-1-5
design of steel structures SLS EN 1993-1-1, Structural fire design EN 1999-1-2
NA 1993-1-1
chimneys EN 1993-3-2
piling EN 1993-5
pipelines EN 1993-4-3
silos EN 1993-4-1
tanks EN 1993-4-2
towers, masts EN 1993-3-1
fatigue SLS EN 1993-1-9, NA 1993-1-9
lattice towers SLS EN 1993-3-1
material toughness 1993-1-10, NA 1993-1-10
piling 1993-5, NA 1993-5
rules for buildings SLS EN 1993-1-1, NA 1993-1-1
rules for stainless steels SLS EN 1993-1-4
steel bridges SLS EN 1993-2
steel grades1993-1-12, NA 1993-1-12
strength & stability structures SLS EN 1993-1-6
tension components 1993-1-11, NA 1993-1-11
towers, masts, chimneys SLS EN 1993-3-1, 3-2
Design Structures, design of composite steel & concrete
(EUROCODE 4) EN 1994
general rules
concrete & steel structures, design of SLS EN 1994
rules for buildings SLS EN 1994-1-1, EN 1994-2
structural fire design SLS EN 1994-1-2
Design of timber structures



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