Correction Dating Message
Correction Dating Message
Correction Dating Message
STEP 2......... Well its my pleasure meeting you here on this site. care to tell me
about your marital status, age, religion and occupation? its my pleasure meeting
you here on this site.
STEP 3.......... I was born in Collage Texas, i attended the San Fransisco high
school in northern California later, my studied took me to the United Kingdom
(Manchester University) where i graduated in June 1989 with a doctorate degree in
engineering UK, currently working with the Chinese Company here in Scotland North
Sea Aberdeen, China National Offshore Oil Cooperation, CNOOC, its the 3rd largest
oil company over there in China, and a subsidiary branch here in Scotland where i
base, am an expert in oil drilling, i got this 3 years contract as a result of my
hard working staff while working with the Exxon Oil Cooperation in Dallas Texas, i
have worked with the Exxon Oil Cooperation over there in Dallas Texas as the
assistant director on mining department United States, we can talk more about us as
time goes on, just need to know more about your personality Jane Jackson,
YOUR JOB IN THE RIG........ My job in the Rig is Offshore Installation Manager, The
Offshore Installation Manager OIM is responsible for managing the offshore
operations on the platform or vessel, including the health, safety and welfare of
all personnel onboard.
DO YOU KNOW MORE ABOUT THE JOBS IN THE RIG BABY.. Oil rigs are large industrial
structures with a wide variety of different jobs, ranging from those that drill for
oil and handle the equipment to those who support the operations of the oil rig and
take care of the other workers. These jobs suit a wide variety of vocational skill
sets, though they all require living on or near an oil rig for extended periods of
educate you more about some of the equipment's we use over here in the Rig. Do you
know what is called a Roughnecks, A roughnecks work on the drilling floor in teams
of three and are the main people responsible for operating the equipment, repairing
it and making sure it is working efficiently. They are directed to do different
things on the floor by the driller and are also responsible for checking the mud
levels on the drill itself by checking with the Mudman on a regular basis, i guess
i have to let you know what is Mudman baby lol, am here to educate you on my filed.
OTHER RIG WORKERS............... Dear, we have other rig worker called the
Company Man or Woman, the company man and woman is the oil company's representative
who lives and works on board the oil rig. They are not employed by the drilling
company who is operating the rig, but by the oil company funding the operation.
Their responsibility is to monitor what is occurring on board and report back to
the oil company to make sure everything is running smoothing.
ANOTHER EQUIPMENT CALLED......... CRO CRO's are control room operators who monitor
the controls, electricity and general operations are working on board. They monitor
weather in the area and make sure the rig's basic systems, like electricity and
plumbing, are operating correctly. They have a number of assistants who are all
seasoned seamen and know how to work and live on the open ocean.
STEP 4.............. I am a single dad with one son. he is 15yrs and now he study
in Texas, where am from and reside before i was posted here in the Rig, do you
really know what or how the Rig looks like friend, well i am a widower, as my wife
and ill daughter died 2015 in a fatal car crash in the united states.
KNOWING EACH OTHER PERFECTLY......... Care to know more about you friend are you
married with kids, I'm optimist, I like to have fun and I have a great sense of
honor. I like a lot of things, bright sun, good weather, sea and mountains. I like
to spend my free time with my friends. I love to have fun, to go to the cinema and
the theater, to visit museums and exhibitions. I like to travel and have rest
outdoors as well. Personally, I am romantic, cheerful, full of love, with a lot of
energy. I am an optimistic person who enjoys every day of my life. I'm driven to
achieve the things that are important to me. I adore comfort and try to create it
everywhere - in my soul and in the places I live.
THINGS ABOUT YOU I enjoy going to 3D bow-shoots, bowling, and I love to swim. I
love to talk even if it is about silly topics. I enjoy fishing for crappie and
going camping. I enjoy watching football in person and I am involved with the
activities my child are in. I have a big heart and I get my feelings hurt pretty
easy but won't say anything about it. Life and experiences have made me very
guarded and has made it very hard for me to trust people.
Pardon me for fast tracking you,i have just gone through your profile and its quite
amazing your personality,i can't help but think that you would by far be an
interesting person.I sincerely would not mind us being friends for now and hope to
move to another level if i have interest in you as well.It is known that friendship
built on a strong foundation leads to a better relationship in future.
FEW DAYS MEETING THE LADY ONLINE.......... I need a woman who is interesting to be
with, who is firm of purpose, optimistic, generous, considerate, loyal and
affectionate. It is very important to be mutually complementary, have mutual
understanding, respect and love each other, be a support for each other, achieve
our common goals and enjoy life.
8. How tall are you? 9. What type of music do u listen to? 10. Are u right handed
or left handed? 11. Do u take showers or bath?z 12. If you were giving three
chances to make a choice in life what would you choose? 13. Are u an affectionate
person?YES Do u like to kiss? 14. Do you have any tattoos or body piercing? 15. Are
you a handy woman?, for example if I bought a ceiling fan can u put it in? 16. Do
you like to cook? YES Can u cook? 17. What would your ideal mate be like in terms
of education 18:would you ever apologize to your husband when ever you at fault or
your prefer him apologize? 19. Have you been ever hurt by a man?
FURTHER QUESTION Have you been in contact with any RIG or oil plat form personnel
in any part of the World?, i just need to know more about your past so we could
amend our presence baby.
Now I'll tell you more about the type of person I am. I am honest, direct, caring,
intelligent (most of the time) giving, loving, adventurous, and considerate. I
enjoy Life, sharing affection and I'm very passionate
ABOUT HER JOB.......... Tell me more about your job, do you enjoy your job baby.
Tell me what and what you really do in office?
TRYING TO TELL HER ABOUT LOVE.......... I don't like telling you this...I have
great feelings for you but i want to know how you feel about it. Do you LIKE me, Do
you really love my personality? If you don't we can still be great friends till
when love take over us,..OKAY I want you to know that i am a friend you will never
regret meeting. I can assure you that i am really pleased by your great sense of
ABOUT HER JOB...... Do you earn a lot from your job? Because i can boost of good
pay in my line of job.
NEXT QUESTION....... I see But i know your husband will be earning more because he
is working over-sea, i guess you know its me am talking about lol,
NEXT STEP............... You know here in the rig we are not allow to use web-cam
or voice calls of which i have told you before because All the system's here are
connected to the Pentagon Base Data Network System(P.B.D.N.S) We are not even allow
to make any money transfer, We can't send or receive money here in the Rig and i
Hope you are clear with that baby. I feel so passionate for you baby, but any way,
Let's see what will happen. Maybe destiny has brought us together. Here in the RIG,
as you all know we are provided by the China National Offshore Oil Cooperation,
CNOOC, health care feeding and all this are the reason why we can't send
out money to friends, Family and the needy,as i can't go into any transaction due
to my position in this company.
TYPE OF AMERICA FOOD.......... Sourdough bread Cobb salad Twinkies Fajitas Chicken
fried steak Meatloaf Macaroni and cheese Potato chips Peanut butter sandwich
Barbecue ribs Chocolate-chip cookies Delmonico�s steak Hot dogs Cheeseburger
( Lunch) pizza lasagna manicotti meatballs veal parmigiana ice-cream sundaes
GOOD THINGS ABOUT YOUR PERSONALITY..... In-case you want to know something about my
life, just to let you know that am here to say; there is a smile of love, and
there is a smile of Deceit, and there is a smile of smiles, in which these two
smile meet, a smile is ever the most bright and beautiful with a tear upon it. What
is the dawn without the dew? the tear is rendered by the smile precious above the
smile itself, i think God have a good plan for us baby.
FOR YOUR VACATION OR LEAVE RETURN................ Honey do you know this nation
is under pressure, currently facing Radicalized violence, displacement and poverty
affect Scottish of all creeds in what has always been a complex society, with many
layers of social, religious and economic diversity, perpetrators of violence have
been able to manipulate this heterogeneity to sow divisions among the population.
Large sections of the population are in need of emergency assistance. Acute
shortages of basic commodities, high and increasing unemployment, rampant
inflation and the collapse of essential services cause everyone to suffer. In this
environment of increasing violence, both Muslims and Christians of all sects fall
victim to targeted persecution in one form or another, so working here is not as
safe as we thought at the starting point or level. i just hope am safe over here
TELLING HER ABOUT THE ATTACK OF PIPE LINES........... Hello honey i dont think am
safe over here, ever since the attack of sea workers by the militant trying to get
whole of the oil pipe line, we now work with fear of the unknown, No one knows what
will happen next but though out security patrol are in progress trying to put
things in a good shape, i just noting bad happen to us baby, wish am home with you