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Topik II Grammar

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1. Expressing Supposition in Korean

1.1 A-아/어 보이다 or A-게 보이다 grammar = look like, seem like ~guess
based on outward appearance

1.2 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는 모양이다 grammar = it seems, I guess ~refer or guess a

situation after observation

1.3 A/V-(으)ㄹ텐데 grammar= would, suppose…(so/but) ~express an

expected future situation

1.4 A/V-(으)ㄹ 테니까 grammar = suppose,will...(because) ~give reason for

suggestion or advice

1.5 A/V-(으)ㄹ걸요 grammar = probably, I think ~express assumption

based on backup knowledge

1.6 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는/ㄹ 줄 몰랐다 and -(으)ㄴ/는/ㄹ 줄 알았다 grammar = I

didn't know / I thought that

1.7 A/V-(으)ㄹ지도 모르다 grammar = might, may ~express a guess that

something might happen

2. Expressing Contrast in Korean

2.1 A/V-기는 하지만, -기는 -지만 grammar = but (I think) ~express contrast

with emphasis in different view or belief

2.2 A/V-(으)ㄴ/-는 반면에 grammar = but, while ~express opposite things

2.3 A-(으)ㄴ데도, V-는데도 grammar = although, despite that ~express a


3. Expressing Reason in Korean

3.1 A/V-거든요 grammar = because ~used to respond to a
question/statement to provide a reason/thinking

3.2 A/V-잖아(요) grammar = (1) as you know, (2) didn't I told that ~(1)
remind listener about something, (2) rebuke listener

3.3 V-느라고 grammar = because, due to ~give a reason for a negative


3.4 V-는 바람에 grammar = because, as a result ~give an unexpected

reason for a negative consequence

3.5 A/V-고 해서 grammar = so, because (among all) ~give the main reason
among reasons for doing action

3.6 A-(으)ㄴ 탓에/ V-는 탓에 grammar = due to, because ~give reason for a
negative consequence

3.7 A/V-(으)ㄹ까 봐 grammar = be worried/afraid that ~express concern

about something

4. Expressing Resolution and Intent in Korean

4.1 V-(으)ㄹ까 하다 grammar = be thinking of ~express a vague intention or

uncertain plan

4.2 V-고자 (하다) grammar = did A to do B/ plan to ~express intention to do

an action

4.3 V-(으)려던 참이다 grammar = be just about to ~the speaker is about to

do something

4.4 V-(으)ㄹ 겸 (해서)/N 겸 grammar = and also ~express an action has two

or more purposes

4.5 V-아/어야지(요) grammar = will do, must do ~express strong intention

or decision to do something
5. Expressing Recommendation and Advice in Korean

5.1 V-ㄹ/을 만하다 grammar = be worth doing, deserve ~indicate

something worth doing

5.2 V-도록 하다 grammar = please (be sure to) do ~suggest someone do


5.3 V-지 그래요? grammar = why not, why don't ~suggest someone to do


6. Expressing Recollection in Korean

6.1 V-던 grammar = be used to ~recollect a past habit or repeated behavior

6.2 A/V-더라고요 grammar = I saw/experienced that ~express speaker's

recollection about past event with witness

6.3 V-던데요 grammar = I saw/felt/surprised that ~express contradiction to

one’s speaking or surprise to something

7. Using Passive Expressions in Korean

7.1 Irregular Korean passive verbs with (-이/히/리/기) suffix = to be V-ed

7.2 V-아/어지다 grammar = to be V-ed ~a passive form that is used with

verbs without -이/히/리/기-affix

7.3 V-게 되다 grammar = get V-ed, end up V-ing ~passive form without

subject’s will

8. Using Causative Expressions in Korean

8.1 단어 사동사 (-이/히/리/기/우/추-) irregular causative verbs = subject
cause/do something for someone

8.2 A/V-게 하다 grammar = make someone do/be something ~subject

makes someone do action

9. Expressing Conditions in Korean

9.1 V-아/어야 grammar = (have to) do A, so B can ~express a condition to

realize something

9.2 A/N/V-거든 grammar = if (something is true), then ~express condition in

casual conversation

10. Expressing Additional Information in Korean

10.1 V-(으)ㄹ 뿐만 아니라 grammar = not only A, but also B ~express

additional information

10.2 V-ㄴ/는 데다가 grammar = and also, moreover ~express additional

information about the same subject

10.3 N-조차 grammar = (not) even …~ “not only the others but also the
primary one”

10.4 N-만 해도 grammar = just, even just N ~provide examples to explain a

previous statement

11. Expressing Mid-action in Korean

11.1 V-는 길에 grammar = on the way, while going ~doing something while

going somewhere
11.2 V-다가 grammar = and/but then ~express interruption of one action to
do another

12. Expressing Degree in Korean

12.1 A/V-(으)ㄹ 정도로 grammar = (to the extent) that ~express degree or

extent of an action or state

12.2 N-만 하다 grammar = as big as, about the size of ~compare the size
or degree of something to another
12.3 A(으)ㄴ 만큼, N 만큼, V 는 만큼 grammar = as much as, like ~indicate
something equivalent to another

13. Expressing Choice in Korean

13.1 아무 +(이)나/ 아무 +도 grammar = anyone, anything... /nobody,


13.2 N(이)나 grammar (3) = N or something ~express an acceptable option

without specific preference

13.3 N(이)라도 grammar = even N ~choose 2nd choice if the best isn't


13.4 A/N/V-든지 든지 grammar = whether… or... ~expressing any choices

are fine

13.5 A-ㄴ/은 대신에, V-는 대신에 grammar = instead of V-ing ~action can

be replaced by another

14. Expressing Time Order/ Sequential-based Situation in Korean

14.1 N 만에 grammar = (a time period) after doing ~a duration has passed
after an event started

14.2 V-아/어 가지고 grammar = and (then) ~express time order of 2 actions

14.3 V-아/어다가 grammar = and then ~action is done based on the

previous one or activity that occurs in 2 places

14.4 V-고서 grammar = and then ~ express time order of 2 actions

15. Expressing Discovery / Cause and Effect in Korean

15.1 V-고 보니 grammar = after finishing something, I realized/ found out

15.2 V-다 보니 grammar = while/after doing sth repeatedly, I realize/come


15.3 V-다 보면 grammar = if you keep doing, then (something will likely


15.4 A/V-더니 grammar = (1) and now, (2) and then, (3) but now

15.5 V-았/었더니 grammar = (1) 'so...now', (2) 'and I found that', (3)

connecting quote with action, (4) recall a behavior

15.6 A/V-다가는 grammar = if (the action is continued, a negative outcome

will occur)

15.7 A/N/V-(으)ㄴ/는 셈이다 grammar = I could say, it's practically (more or

less similar to another)

16. Expressing State of Being in Korean

16.1 V-아/어 놓다 grammar = keep V-ing/ do sth beforehand (for future use)

16.2 V-아/어 두다 grammar = keep V-ing/ do sth in advance (for future use)

16.3 V-(으)ㄴ 채로 grammar = while ~action occurs while maintaining the

state of a situation

16.4 N-대로, V-ㄴ/는 대로 grammar = based on, just as expected, as soon


17. Expressing Characteristics in Korean

17.1 A-(으)ㄴ 편이다, V-는 편이다 grammar = rather A, tend to V...(than


17.2 N-스럽다 grammar = Adj (-ful, -ly, -some,...) ~Express a quality or

feeling like the noun

17.3 N-답다 grammar = N-like, be like a N ~Express an expected quality

associated with the noun

18. Expressing Emphasis in Korean

18.1 얼마나 A-(으)ㄴ지 모르다, 얼마나 V-는지 모르다 grammar = didn't

know that something really A/V ~emphasize the degree of action or state

18.2  A/V-(으)ㄹ 수밖에 없다 grammar = have no choice but to do V, be

expected to be A

18.3 A/N/V-(으)ㄹ 뿐이다 grammar = only, just ~indicate only one available

course of action/state

18.4 N-(이)야말로 grammar = indeed, exactly, the very ~emphasize the

preceding noun
19. Expressing Intentions in Korean

19.1 V-게 grammar = so that, in order to ~focus on the goal to do action

19.2 V-도록 grammar = in order to, so that ~focus on the action to achieve

the goal

20. Expressing Completion in Korean

20.1 V-았/었다가 grammar = but then ~after the completion of an event, the
opposite event happens

20.2 A/N/V-았/었던 grammar = (reminiscence) ~recall a past event that has

not continued to present.

20.3 V-아/어 버리다 grammar = Express speaker’s feeling to the completed


20.4 V-고 말다 grammar = end up V-ing ~showing an unplanned action

completed undesirably

21. Expressing Uselessness in Korean

21.1 V-(으)나 마나 grammar = 'be no use doing/ even without doing' ~the

result is same whether or not you do

21.2 A/V-아/어 봤자 grammar = even if doing/ being...it's no use/ won't be

that much

22. Expressing Hypothetical Situation in Korean

22.1 N(이)라면, A/V-ㄴ/는다면 grammar = If this/that happens, one will/

22.2 A/V/N-았/었더라면 grammar = If I had ~assume a past situation

opposite to what happened

22.3 V-(으)ㄹ 뻔하다 grammar = almost, nearly ~indicate something almost

happened but did not

23. Expressing Regrets in Korean

23.1 V-(으)ㄹ걸 그랬다 grammar = 'I should have' ~regret not doing
something better than what was done

23.2 A/V-았/었어야 했는데 grammar = 'I should have done' ~regret

something should have done but did not

24. Expressing Habits and Attitudes in Korean

24.1 V-곤 하다 grammar = (1) often, (2) used to ~indicate a habit of present

or past

24.2 A/V/N-기는요 grammar = 'not really', 'no need to' ~Politely disagree

with one’s statement or compliment

24.3 A-(으)ㄴ 척하다, N 인 척하다, V 는 척하다 grammar = pretend to, act


25. Citing One's Speech or Writing in Korean 

 25.1 A/V/N-다고 하던데 grammar = I heard that...~recall something you

heard from someone
25.2 A/V/N-다고요? grammar = did you say/ I said … ~reconfirm/restate
what you've just heard/said

25.3 A/V/N-다면서요? grammar = is it true that... ~confirm something

you’ve heard or learned

25.4 A/V/N-다니요? grammar = ...really? ~express surprise or disbelief

while repeating what someone said.

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