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PHILOSOPHY individuals or group of individuals or group of

individuals, regardless of the specific nature of

these ideas, views, principles, perspectives, or

 Some Common Meanings

2. Philosophy as the activity of
 The Love of Wisdom
 Asking Framework Questions reasoning
 Philosophy as an Activity

-is the one who likes to reason out to engage in
the activity of reasoning

What pushes a person to pe a “pilosopo”?
-is the study of general and fundamental
questions about existence, knowledge, values, 1. To cover up an obvious truth
reason, mind, and language 2. To annoy or simply irritate someone
3. To engage someone in an unwelcome
-considered as the “Mother Discipline” because argumentation
most branches of science emerged from it

3. Philosophy as an academic course

Philosophy refers to:
or degree
1. Ideas, views, principles, perspectives, or
-refers to an academic subject or course that is
taught usually in colleges, universities, and
2. The activity of reasoning
3. An academic course or degree

 Philosophy does involve the activity of

reasoning, but philosophy distinguishes
-He is an ancient Ionian Greek philosopher and between correct and incorrect forms of
the eponymous founder of Pythagoreanism reasoning
 Philosophy does involve or refer to ideas,
-His political and religious teachings were well beliefs, principles, and the like but
known in Magna Graecia and influenced the philosophy deals with them on a certain
philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, and through level
them, Western philosophy.
 Philosophy as an academic course, does
study reasoning skills and the nature of
morality, knowledge, social justice and
1. Philosophy as ideas, views, others; but philosophy studies much more
perspective or beliefs

-refers to generally to ideas, views, principles,

perspectives, or beliefs held either by

-an institution for the training the candidates for -a wise man or one who knows
priesthood, ministry or rabbinate
-a group of intellectuals who taught oratory for
a fee to individuals aspiring to have a
successful career in politics

-set of ideas that served as the starting point

for making a case or conducting an ORATORY
-art of public speaking

FRAMEWORKS The Church of “Holy Wisdom”

-basic conceptual structure; or bases -Hagia Sophia

MORALITY 3R’s that describes a Sophist

-a doctrine or system of moral conduct;  Relativism
conformity to ideals of right human conduct  Rhetoric
 Recompense

PHILOSOPHY – based on its ethymology –

Love of Wisdom RELATIVISM

PHILOSOPHY – Greek word “philosophia” –
philia means love and Sophia means wisdom

-it is an objective truth when its truth conditions

KINDS OF LOVE are met without bias caused by a sentient
 AGAPE – God’s Love for Humankind
 EROS – Romantic love
 STORGE – Familial love
 PHILIA – Brotherly love
-the art of effective and persuasive speaking or
writing to get the attention of the public

-one who loves wisdom RECOMPENSE

-to give something by way of compensation

Sophists believe that: PYTHAGORAS
 All truths are relative in that all truths are -He is known far more for his theories and
determined by or based on human interests ideas in mathematics
 Human interests varies from one another or
from one group to another -He based his teaching on how to lead a
harmonious life

-“Man is the measure of all things”
-Known follower of Pythagoras
-A leading sophist of ancient Greece
-Unravelled the biggest question of all: Is it or
is it not?

 Protagoras SOCRATES
 Gorgias
-Most iconic philosopher in the history
 Prodicus
 Hippias -He would question people relentlessly on their
 Thrasymachus beliefs and try to find definitions of virtues

Philosophers believe that: PLATO

 Certain truths are universal (true for all -He combined the two major approaches of
humans) and objective (independent of pre-Socratic metaphysics and natural theology
human interests) with Socratic ethical theology
 One should pursue wisdom with great
-The foundation of Plato’s philosophy is
passion and seriousness
threefold: dialects, ethics, and physics

-He is hailed among historians as the “Father ARISTOTLE
of Ancient Greek Philosophy”
-Most influential among the disciples of Plato
-The first person to have investigated basic
principles such as the origin of matter -His interpretation of things was more based on
facts learnt from the experience people would
gain in their lives

-famous pupil of Thales SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS

-Created the 1st world image of an open -Focused much of his work on reconciling
universe Aristotelian and Christian principles
First speculative astronomer

-Believed in the value of achieving ethical harmony through skilled judgment rather that knowledge of


-Father of analytical geometry

-Emphasizing the understanding of that which can be known for sure


-Assorted that the concepts if time and space, as well as cause and effect, are essential to the human


-Coined the term tabula rasa (blank slate) to denote that the human mind is born unformed, and that
ideas and rules are only enforced through experience thereafter


-Argued that societies develop through class struggles, and that this would ultimately lead to the
dismantling of capitalism

Who is the “Real” Wise Person?

 Knows what he/she knows and he/she does not know
 Holds beliefs that are not only true but which he/she can also justify
 Knows a lot of things that are valuable in life
 Puts his/her knowledge to practical use
 Knows what should be done and acts accordingly

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