Republic OF THE Philippines Department OF Budget AND Management
Republic OF THE Philippines Department OF Budget AND Management
Republic OF THE Philippines Department OF Budget AND Management
No. 587
January 3, 2022
1.1 To prescribe policies, procedures, rules and regulations on the release of funds
authorized under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 11639, the FY 2022 Gene^
Appropriations Act (GAA), Continuing Appropriations under R.A. No. 11518 (FY
2.021 GAA) as extended under R.A. No. 11640, as well as programmed automatic
1.2 To synchronize fund release with the implementation of the overall physical and
financial plans, targets and schedules submitted by the departments, agencies,
and/or operating units (OUs).
1.3 To remind agencies of the budgetary and accountability reports required for
agency performance review.
Ail departments, agencies and OUs of the National Government, including
Constitutional Offices under CFAG, SUCs, as well as GOCCs and LGUs receiving
budgetary support from the national government from all sources of appropriations in
FY 2022. ,
3.2.1 The Allotment Release Program (ARP) of each National Government Agency
(NGA) shall be an amount equal to the aggregate of the following:
Hence, agencies are required to submit updated Physical Plan BED No. 2
indicating the adjustment in targets.
3.2.3 Releases pertaining to grant proceeds, which are not considered in the
revenue and obligation levels for the FY 2022 budget, shall be on top of the
agency ARP determined under item 3.2.1 hereof.
3.3 Consistent with Section 68, GPs of the FY 2022 GAA and The President's Veto
Message, all appropriations authorized under the FY 2022 GAA, shall be
available for release, obligation, and disbursement for the purpose specified, and
under the same General and Special Provisions of said GAA applicable thereto, as
3.3.2 Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) and Capital Outlays
(CO) until December 31, 2023, including construction of infrastructure
projects, delivery of goods and services, inspection and payment.
3.4 Appropriations for the statutory shares of LGUs, shall be available for release,
obligation, and disbursement until fully disbursed:
3.4.1 National Tax Allotment (NTA) based on the actual collections of national
taxes in FY 2019 pursuant to the Local Government Code of 1991 (R.A.
No. 7160) and the Supreme Court (SC) decision in the consolidated cases
of Congressman Hermilando I. Mandanas, et al. vs. Executive Secretary
Paquito N. Ochoa, Jr. et al. and Honorable Enrique T. Garcia, Jr. vs.
Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa, et al.,1; and From Tobacco Excise Tax (R.A. No. 7171 - Virginia Tobacco
Cigarettes, R.A. No. 8240 as amended by R.A. No. 10351 -
Burley and Native Tobacco Products and further amended by
R.A. No. 11346);
3.5 Pursuant to R.A. No. 11640 which extended R.A. No. 11518 (FY 2021 GAA),
appropriation items authorized under RA 11518 for MOOE and CO are valid for
release, obligation, and disbursement until December 31, 2022.
3.6 For reasons of fiscal prudence, programmed Automatic Appropriations are valid
for release, obligation and disbursement within the budget year, and any
deficiency thereof may be proposed for inclusion in the succeeding year's budget
as warranted.
Likewise, Unprogrammed Appropriations (UA) are valid for release, obligation, and
disbursement during the year. UA are considered as standby appropriations and
are funded from excess revenue or from new revenue sources vis-a-vis the original
targets for the budget year, as reflected in the BESF, or when additional foreign
loan and proceeds are realized within the budget year.
3.7 After the end of the specified applicable validity period, all unreleased
appropriations or unexpended or undisbursed funds shall revert to the
unappropriated surplus of the General Fund, in accordance with Section 28,
3.8 All funds transferred between or among government agencies and LGUs shall not
be considered disbursed until the transferred amounts have been actually utilized
to pay for goods and services rendered, inspected, and accepted. Any unexpended
or undisbursed funds at the end of the validity period shall be subject to reversion
to the National Treasury and shall not thereafter be available for expenditure,
except by subsequent legislative enactment, in accordance with Section 2 of EO
No. 91.
3.9 The obligational authority for items of appropriations in the budget shall
be released through the following:
3.9.1 GAA as the Allotment Order (GAAAO) for items classified as For
Comprehensive Release (FCR) per Schedule I, including P/A/Ps in the
President's Budget (NEP) with increased allocation in the GAA subject to
corresponding updated targets.
3.10 Release of funds in the FY 2022 GAA are made directly to the Regional Offices
(ROs) or Operating Units (OUs) of agencies. An OU refers to an organizational
entity directly receiving NCA from DBM and capable of administering its own funds.
3.11 Release of funds, i.e., Obligational Authority and Disbursement Authority, shall be
in accordance with the targets set forth under the DBM-evaluated Budget
Execution Documents (BEDs) consistent with the FY 2022 GAA, prepared
2 Executive Order No. 292 dated July 25,1987 (Instituting the "Administrative Code Of 1987")
and submitted by agencies/OU through the Unified Reporting System (URS)
pursuant to the provisions of DBM Circular Letter (CL) No. 2021-113.
3.11.1 The Financial Plan (FP) or BED No. 1 shall be the basis for determining
the obligation program of the agency, classifying the agency/OUs
budgetary items into a) "For Comprehensive Release (FCR)"; and b) "For
Later Release (FLR)".
3.11.2 The Physical Plan (PP) or BED No. 2 shall serve as the overall physical
plan of the department/agency/operating units (OUs) and shall be
updated to include increased targets for increases in the amounts of
existing PAPs from President's Budget to GAA.
3.11.3 The Monthly Disbursement Program (MDP) or BED No. 3 shall serve
as basis for the DBM's release of disbursement authorities including the
comprehensive Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA). The MDP shall likewise
be prepared for later requirements of the agency for its regular operating
requirements, in addition to those to be covered by other disbursement
authorities (tax remittance advice [TRA], non-cash availment authority
[NCAA], cash disbursement ceiling [CDC]).
3.12 Agencies are reminded that agency-specific funds for the purchase of motor
vehicles for FY 2022 as reflected in the FY 2022 GAA shall no longer require the
issuance of Authority to Purchase Motor Vehicles (APMV) by the DBM. This
policy covers motor vehicles with the same number, specifications, unit costs and
intended use/user indicated in the confirmation letters issued by the DBM to the
agencies during budget preparation.
3.13 Pursuant to Section 78, GPs of the FY 2022 GAA, the general rule is that
departments, bureaus and offices of the National Government, including
Constitutional Offices enjoying fiscal autonomy and SUCs shall spend their
respective programmed appropriations under the FY 2022 GAA.
3 DBM CL 2021-11 dated October 28, 2021 (Guidelines for the Preparation and Reiteration of the Prescribed Submission of the Annual Budget Execution
Plans Coveting the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Budget)
an allotrnent class or object of expenditure in the recipient P/A/P is not necessary
for purposes of modification.
3.13.2 Modification covering allotments for MODE and CO shall not entail any
increase in the total amount appropriated for an activity or project. In
the case of programs with several activities, modification may be done
only within each activity.
3.14 The foliowing guidelines shall be observed in the use of savings for purposes of
Augmentation of deficient items of appropriations for P/A/Ps in the FY 2022
3.15 Consistent with the policy of adopting an annual cash-based budget, the annual
financial requirements of departments/agencies to cover their implementation-
ready programs and projects have been fully provided. Hence,
departments/agencies are no longer authorized to avail of excess income.
3.16 Nevertheless, the following agencies which are included in Table B.15 of the FY
2022 BESF are authorized by specific laws to utilize income collections
accruing to their Special Accounts in the General Fund (SAGFs) to cover
their operating requirements. With this funding source, these specific agencies are
provided minimal budget support in the GAA since their requirements are charged
against their income collection, subject to the usual budgeting rules and
3.17 Agencies, pursuant to their respective mandates, are authorized to collect fees for
the conduct of the following specific activities and use said collections to defray
the cost of the future activities of a similar nature:
3.17.2 Sale of official publications, to defray the cost of preparing, printing and
disseminating such official publications (Section 13, GPs of the FY 2022
3.18 Agencies which do not have sufficient appropriations in their budget for the
purpose, i.e., conduct of seminar, conference, training and oath taking activities
and/or sale of official publications, may use such proceeds subject to budgeting,
accounting, and auditing rules and regulations.
3.19 Accountabilities/Timelines
3.19.1 November 15, 2022 - deadline for submission to the DBM of agency
request/s for any release requiring issuance of SAROs/ additional NCAs.
3.19.2 Within 30 days after the end of each quarter - submission of the
Budget and Financial Accountability Reports (BFARs) by program, activity
or project, pursuant to Section 99, GPs of the FY 2022 GAA. Release of the balance of the FLR items under the FY 2022
Programmed Appropriations;
Two (2) APRS; mid-year and end-year; shall be conducted by the DBM
using the following documents, among others:
4 DBM CL 2018-13 dated November 22, 2018 (Guidelines for the Conduct of Agency Performance Reviews (APRs) and Evaluation Thereof Effective FY
2018 and Onwards) In general, new P/A/Ps shall be considered as FLR. However,
it must be emphasized that changes between the NEP vis-a-
vis GAA does not automatically imply that the P/A/P is a new
4.1.2 The list of GAA Items fCR through GAAAO is summarized under
Schedule I. On the other hand, the list of Expenditure Items FLR
through SARO/GARO is summarized under Schedule II. Details of the
aforecited schedules are enumerated in the following annexes:
implementing agency, shall no longer require the
issuance of SARO/s for memo entries to cover the
release of said appropriations.
3 DBM CL No. 2019-3 dated January 4, 2019 (Updated Guidelines In TTie Implementation Of The Modified Direct Scheme (MDPS) Due Creditors/Payees Of
All National Government Agencies)
In cases where the use of ADA is impracticable, agencies are
reminded that the validity of MDS checks has been shortened
from six (6) months to three (3) months from date of issue,
pursuant to Treasury Circular No. 03-20176 dated October
20, 2017.
6 Treasury Orcular No. 03-2017 dated October 20, 2017 (Reduction in the Expiry Period of MDS Check from Six (6) Months to Three (3) Months from Date
of Issue)
7 DEIM CL No. 2019-3 dated January 4, 2019 (Guidelines Covering the Crediting and Validity of NCA for Reguiar MDS Sub-Accounts Effective First Quarter
of FY 2019 and Onwards)
• NCAs to be issued for crediting to MDS Sub-
Accounts opened for new FAPs pursuant to
NBC 581 and maintained by agencies specifically
for such loans and grants shall be valid from issue
date until the last working day of the year, or
December 31, 2022. Under the Common Fund System, to optimize the use of the
available NCAs under the Regular NIDS Sub-Account, NCAs
released to agencies under this account can be used to cover
payment of both current year and prior years’ A/Ps of all
creditors (external and internal). It is understood that
payment of mandatories, i.e., PS, MODE, and CO
requirements, shall take precedence over A/Ps in the
utilization of the NCAs received. Only when the mandatory
requirements are satisfied, can the payment of A/Ps be
charged against the available NCAs.
8 DBM-COA-DOF 3C No. 2-97 dated March 21, 1997 (Revised and Updated Budgeting and Accounting Guidelines and Procedures Applicable to FAPs
Implemented by NGAs and GOCCs)
9 DBM CL No. 2003-12 dated December 4, 2003 (Guidelines on the Availment of Foreign Loan Proceeds In-Kind Superseding Circular Letter No. 2003-91
o Details of disbursements expressed both in peso and
equivalent foreign currency as indicated in the
FSPs shall request for the issuance of CDCs for the utilization
of retained income from DBM, as support to their reported
retained income, to ensure consistency in the books of the
agency and DBM, as well as BTr's monthly Cash Operations
5.0 OTHER PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES Financial Plan (Bed No. 1) and Physical Plan (BED no. 2), as
GPs of the FY 2022 GAA) as an exemption of the
modification of allotment where the DBM is the
approving authority in case of change in allotment class. DBM:
The use of savings to augment deficient P/A/Ps shall be subject to approval by the
authorized constitutional officers cited in Section 74, GPs of the FY 2022 GAA, as
5.2.1 The President of the Philippines for the Departments/Agencies under the
Executive Branch;
5.2.2 The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, for the
Congress of the Philippines;
5.2.3 The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, for the Judiciary; and Consistent with Section 53, GPs of the FY 2022 GAA, the
appropriations for PS shall be used for the payment of
Authorized Personnel Benefits to be given to National
Government employees, to wit;
standard Allowances and Benefits, which shall be limited
to the following:
• Personnel Economic Relief Allowance;
• Uniform or Clothing Allowance; and
• Mid-year Bonus, Year-End Bonus and Cash Gift
o Award of Back Pay for cases with final and executory decision of
a competent authority such as courts, CSC, and COA;
5.3.3 The available PS allotments referred under item 5.3.2 may be realized
from unspent compensation of employees due to the following:
10 DBM NBC No. 461 dated June 1,1998 (Revising and Updating the Compensation and Position Qassification Plan for Faculty Positions Embodied In
National Compensation Circular No. 69}
53.4.2 Available released allotments for PS cannot be used to pay
CNA Incentives.
6.0 Pursuant to DBM-DICT-NEDA Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2021-01 dated
September 27, 2021, the DBM shall have the authority to evaluate/recommend/
approve ICT-related budgetary requests, subject to provisions of latest applicable
budgetary issuances and such frameworks that DICT may promulgate.
7.0 Agency-specific funds may be used for the purchase of motor vehicles for FY 2022
as reflected in the FY 2022 GAA, provided such vehicles have already been evaluated
and included in the Confirmation Letter issued by the DBM to agencies during the
preparation of the FY 2022 budget. The said confirmation letter shall serve as the
Authority to Purchase Motor Vehicle (APMV) issued by the DBM, only if the
same number of vehicles as approved in the letter, and if such vehicles conform with
the terms and conditions laid out under Administrative Order No. 1411 as
implemented by Budget Circular 2019-212.
8.0 For purposes of agencies' entering into multi-year contracts, the issuance of a Multi-
Year Contractual Authority (MYCA) or an Equivalent authority may be required or
prescribed by the DBM. A MYCA is an authority issued by the DBM to agencies,
covering the full contract cost, for the procurement of multi-year projects (MYPs).
This shall be used as the basis in the certification of availability of funds (CAF)
required prior to contract execution.
8.1 MYCAs may be required for single-year projects which do not cover a calendar
year but, by design, necessitates implementation covering two fiscal years.
8.2 In the case of recurring projects, such as, but not limited to, janitorial and
security services, supply of drinking water, telecommunications requirements,
rental of office and equipment, and lease-purchase agreements, the following
options are available for government agencies:
11 Office of the President AO No. 14 dated December 10, 2018 (Consolidating and Rationalizing die Rules on the Acquisition of Government Vehicles Adopting
a Centralized System of Procurement There for. and for Other Purposes)
12 DBM BC 2019-2 (Guidelines Implementing Certain Provisions of AO No. 14, S. 2018)
8.2.1 Secure a MYCA or an equivalent authority; or
8.2.2 Renew the ongoing contract to not more than one year, subject to a
favorable assessment or evaluation of contractor's performance, but in
no case shall the total contract renewal exceed two years
8.3 For MYPs, the Certification of Availability of Funds shall be issued annually based
on the budget for the year.
8.4 For MYPs with no funding requirement on any given year, instead of the CAF,
the Chief Accountant shall issue a certification that no fund is needed for the
year, as indicated in the approved MYCA.
8.5 For foreign-assisted projects funded by foreign loans, the issuance of a MYCA
is not necessary (Section 31, GPs of FY 2022 GAA).
All provisions of existing circulars and other issuances inconsistent with this Circular
are hereby rescinded/repealed and/or modified accordingly.
GAA Items For Comprehensive Release (FCR) through GAA as Allotment Order
1.1 Release of the full amount of the approved budget per GAA pertaining to filled
positions of NGAs. For the rest of NGAs - the deficiency to cover the full-
yeap requirement of unfunded vacant positions under the
FY 2022 GAA which were filled from June 2021 onwards.
1.2.3 The following lump-sum funds under the budget of DepEd shall also
be comprehensively released, the obligation of which shall be subject
- to compliance with certain documentary requirements:
2.0 For Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) (including
Financial Expenses [FinEx]) and Capital Outlays (CO)
2.1 Release of the full amount categorized under FCR consistent with the agency-
formulated Financial Plan (FP). This includes provisions for the following,
among others:
2.1.1 Lumpsum for Chalk Allowance and Repair and Maintenance of School
Buildings under MOOE of the budget of the DepEd;
2.1.4 Quick Response Fund (QRF) under the budgets of (i) DA - OSEC; (ii)
DepEd - OSEC; (iii) DOH - OSEC; (iv) DILG - BFP; (v) DILG - PNP;
(Vi) DND - OCD; (vii) DPWH - OSEC and (viii) DSWD - OSEC;
13 DBM CL No. 2013-14 dated November 29, 2013 (Reiterating the Submission of Annual Procurement Plan for Common use Supplies and Equipment
22 Grants, subsidies and contributions - subject to submission
of details indicating the purpose, amount for each
beneficiary, and the complete list of recipients, among
24 Southern Philippines Development Authority (SPDA);
1.1.2 Initial release of one-fourth of the full year program for pension for
the following, chargeable against the PGF; DENR-NAMRIA;
1.2.2 Through SARO for:
2.0 Issuance of SARO for the following appropriation items Requiring Submission of
SBR supported with separate/detailed FP, MDP, physical plan and other
documentary requirements to DBM.
2.1.3 Free Higher Education for State Universities and Colleges, subject to
the sue submission of the program of receipts and expenditures
based on the actual number of enrollees and fees authorized under
RA No. 10931 and duly approved by the board of regents/trustees of
2.1.4 Budgetary items in the Special Provisions of National Government
Agencies, i.e.. Land Owners Compensation under DAR to be released
to the Land Bank of the Philippines thru the BTr.
SUCs which shall be subject to the approval by the Office of
the President.
2.1.6 Considered as new P/A/Ps which are not part of the P/A/Ps or existing
structure, although not part of the NEP, has been provided funding
under the GAA for its continuation and/or expansion, subject to the
agency submission of duly signed certification that the
P/A/P being requested for release is ongoing or expansion
of a previous P/A/P.
agency's available allotment In addition, the MPBF includes
the Legal Defense Fund which shall cover the actual expenses
for the defense of government employees in administrative,
civil or criminal cases filed against them in courts in connection
with their performance of official functions.
Condition for the release from LGSF shall be in accordance with the
Special Provisions under the FY 2022 GAA and other DBM issuances
as may be issued for the purpose.
2.2.1 Full year requirements for RLIP of filled/created positions during the
year and deficiencies in RLIP contributions, as the case may be.
2.2.2 Operating requirements, inclusive of RLIP of the following agencies
reflected in Table B. 15 of the FY 2022 BESF which are fully dependent
on income collections accruing to its SAGFs or with very minimal
budget provision in the GAA, subject to the submission of Certification
of Collections from BTr:
2.2.3 The rest of the SAGFs (excluding those cited under item 2.2.2
hereof), listed in Table B.15 of the BESF, to be released supported
with BTr certification on the latest available balance of the SAGF.
2.2.4 Any adjustment to effect the authorized deductions from the NTA,
i.e., LGU contributions to MMDA and loan amortization to the
Municipal Development Fund Office.
o Net Lending.
—nothing follows—
Deoartment of
Aqency/OperatinQ Unit
Funding Source :
Legal Basis
Total : -
Total : _
Approved by:
Department/ Agency
Funding Source____
This is to certify that the amount of PhP is available and not yet obligated as of
^ considering that the original purposes (as enumerated below) have already been
undertaken in the early part of FY 2022.
FROM - (Allotment Class, e.a., MOPE)
This is to certify further that the said available allotments shall be used to cover the following purposes of
Department of________
Agency/Operating Unit.
Funding Source
Legal Basis:
Approved by: