When Was Basketball Made? C: Quiz in Pem 7 Basketball Group
When Was Basketball Made? C: Quiz in Pem 7 Basketball Group
When Was Basketball Made? C: Quiz in Pem 7 Basketball Group
9. Adrian is dribbling down the court. He stops dribbling to see if anyone is open, then begins
dribbling again. The referee blows the whistle. Which violation did Paul commit? A
a. A. Traveling
b. B. Charge
c. C. Double Dribble
d. D. Blocking
10. The team getting possession of the ball at the beginning of the game is determined by A
a. A. A jump ball
c. C. Home team
c. C. Possession
d. D. Layup attempt
b. B. 30 sec
c. C. 25 sec
d. D. 2 minutes
c. C. 3 on 3
d. D. Hoop it up tournaments