UNIT 3&4 DC - AC Switched Mode Inverters: Applications
UNIT 3&4 DC - AC Switched Mode Inverters: Applications
UNIT 3&4 DC - AC Switched Mode Inverters: Applications
Inverters are used in applications such as adjustable-speed ac motor drives,induction
heating, standby aircraft power supplies, uninterruptible power supplies
(UPS) for computers, HVDC transmission lines,electronic frequency changer
circuits and running ac appliances from an automobile battery.
1 Introduction
The VSIs can be further divided into the following two general categories:
1.Square-wave inverters.
In these inverters,the frequency of the output ac voltage is controlled by
the inverter.The inverter doesn’t have much control over the magnitude of
output voltage.An additional dc-dc converter(eg, buck,boost) has be used to
control the magnitude of input dc volatage which inturn controls the mag-
nitude of output ac voltage.The output ac voltage has a waveform similar
to a square wave, and hence these inverters are called squarewave inverters.
1. Very simple control logic
The achievable magnitude of ac voltage is limited by the magnitude of input (dc bus)
voltage. In ordinary household inverters the battery voltage may be just 12 volts and the
inverter circuit may be capable of supplying ac voltage of around 10 volts (rms) only. In
such cases the inverter output voltage is stepped up using a transformer to meet the load
requirement of, say, 230 volts.
2. The power switches need to operate at much lower frequencies com-
pared to switches in PWM inverters.Hence switching losses are re-
1. Square wave consists of harmonics which are odd multiples of funda-
mental frequency.Hence it is difficult to filter out these harmonics, as
they lie close to fundamental frequency.
2. External circuitry is required the control the magnitude of output
2. Pulse-width-modulated inverters.
In these inverters, the input dc voltage is essentially constant in magnitude,
such as in the circuit of Figure-1, where a diode rectifier is used to rectify
the line voltage. Therefore, the inverter must control the magnitude and the
frequency of the ac output voltages. PWM techniques are characterized by
constant amplitude pulses with different duty cycles for each switching period.
In other words,the width of these pulses are modulated which gives the
name Pulse width Modulation.Note that output waveform is not a perfect
sinusoidal but a series of pulses.But the harmonic content of this waveform
will be such that, it will have a fundamental sinusoidal component + higher
order harmonics, which can be easily filtered out.2
1. The output voltage control can be obtained without addition of any
external components.
2. PWM minimizes the lower order harmonics, while the higher order
harmonics can be eliminated using a filter.
1. Switching devices used in the inverter are expensive as they must pos-
sess low turn on and turn off times(higher frequency switching)
In Fourier Analysis we represent the output waveform(periodic) as a sum of sinusoidal
waveforms (or a sum of ’partials’). The frequencies of the partials are multiples of the
fundamental frequency and are called the “harmonics”. Its not true in general that fourier
expansion will consists of fundamental component and ’ALL’ the harmonics. Depending
on the output wave shape and its different levels of symmetries, some harmonics can be
absent in the Fourier sum.(For eg: square wave has only odd harmonics due to half wave
symmetry). Similarly if we analyse the PWM output waveform, we can proove that the
lower order harmonics are absent whereas higher order harmonics are present due to high
frequency switching.
2. Control circuitry can be complex.
Considering the important aspects, PWM Inverters are better than Square
wave inverters.
Based on the circuit structure(topology), Switch Mode Inverters can be
classified into
1. Full-bridge Inverter
2. Half-bridge Inverter
Figure 5: Analysis Equivalents of full bridge topologies
2. PWM Inverters
1. Unipolar Switching
2. Bipolar Switching
Topology Description
Edc is the input dc supply and a large dc link capacitor (Cdc ) is put across the
supply terminals.3 Q1, Q2, Q3 etc. are fast and controllable switches(Assume
it to be transistor for the simple case)4 . D1, D2, D3 etc. are fast diodes
connected in anti-parallel with the switches.
Switches like transistor can only carry positive current. If the load is induc-
tive, there are times when the current has to flow in the opposite direction.
The diode gives this negative current a path to flow.
’A’, ’B’ and ’C’ are output terminals of the inverter that get connected
to the ac load.
The capacitor provides a low impedance path to high frequency components in source
For medium output power applications the preferred devices are n-channel IGBTs
Operation(How to Get AC Output From DC Input Supply)
• At any time, in each leg , one switch will definitely be turned ON.5
• The upper switches,Q1 and Q3 are turned ON with 180 deg phase
difference(ie,complimentary) for single phase operation.
Except for 120 degree conduction in 3-phase inverters, where both the switches are
turned OFF together, for certain duration.Hence 120 degree conduction lacks the maxi-
mum utilization of switches and is not very popular.
For other inverters,sometimes a deadtime is introduced, where both switches will be OFF
to prevent accidental shorting.
In 180 degree operation,each switch in a leg will conduct for half of the time pe-
riod.Simple square wave operation means 180 degree conduction.
Figure 7: Single phase o/p voltage VAB , for square wave operation.(For the
half bridge,the square wave max will be 0.5Edc and for full bridge it will be
Edc )
• The voltages of point A and point B(wrt ’O’) of the single-phase full
bridge inverter have same magnitude and frequency but their phases
are 180deg apart. Thus the load connected between these two points
will have a voltage equal to twice the magnitude of the individual
• For 3 phase operation, the upper switches are turned ON with 120deg
phase difference7 , ie they are turned ON after T/3 seconds, where T
is the switching time period.8
This should not be confused with 120 degree conduction mode,which is about how
long a switch conducts
For periodic operation, time interval can be also be expressed in terms of angle.Time
period ’T’ duration corresponds to 360deg. ’X’ deg phase difference means a corresponding
time difference of (T/360)*X.
Figure 8: Three phase o/p voltage, for square wave operation.(For full bridge
ckt,Point ’O’ represents an imaginary midpoint of the DC capacitor, Refer
Figure 5)
• The voltages of the 3-phase inverter bridge, shown in Fig 8., are phase
apart by 120deg each.Here SW1 and SW4 are complementary switch
pairs in same leg, similarly SW3 and SW6
PWM Operation
There are different PWM techniques which essentially differ in the har-
monic content of their respective output voltages, thus the choice of a par-
ticular PWM technique depends on the permissible harmonic content in
the inverter output voltage. The sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) method is very
popular in industrial applications.
Figure 10: SPWM illustration (a) Sine-Triangle Comparison (b) Switching
Pulses after comparison
• Vtri is the peak value of triangular carrier wave and Vcontrol that of
the control(also called reference signal), or modulating signal. The
figure 22 shows the triangle and control signal with some arbitrary
frequency and magnitude. In the inverter of Figure 9 the switches
and are controlled based on the comparison of control signal and the
triangular wave which are mixed in a comparator.
• When sinusoidal wave has magnitude higher than the triangular wave
the comparator output is high, otherwise it is low.
Vcontrol > Vtri , S11 is ON ,Vout =
Vcontrol < Vtri , S12 is ON ,Vout =−
• The magnitude ratio of is called the modulation index (ma )
and it controls the harmonic content of the output voltage waveform.
The magnitude of fundamental component of output voltage(Va01 ) is
proportional to ma .
Va01 = ma
• The amplitude of the triangular wave Vtri is generally kept constant.Hence
the fundamental component of output voltage is controlled by control-
ling the the amplitude of the modulating sine waveVcontrol .
A detailed description of the various inverters and their operation are pre-
sented below:
4 Voltage Source Inverters(Square Wave Opera-
Figure 15:
4.1.1 Practical Realisation of Switches
The switch currents in Fig. 8-2 show that the switches in the full-bridge
circuit must be capable of carrying both positive and negative currents for
RL loads. However, real electronic devices may conduct current in one
direction only. This problem is solved by placing feedback diodes in parallel
(anitparallel) with each switch. During the time interval when the current
in the switch must be negative, the feedback diode carries the current. The
diodes are reverse-biased when current is positive in the switch.
Figure 16: Practical Realisation of switches S1, S2,S3,S4 and the conduction
4.2 Single Phase Inverter(Half bridge)
Figure 18: Three phase inverter(practical realisation)
Figure 20:
The THD of both the line-to-line and line-to-neutral voltages can be
shown to be 31 percent from Eq. (8-17). An example of the line-to-neutral
voltage and line current for an RL wye-connected load is shown in Fig.
8-28e. The output frequency can be controlled by changing the switching
frequency. The magnitude of the output voltage depends on the value of the
dc supply voltage. To control the output voltage of the six-step inverter,
the dc input voltage must be adjusted.
Figure 21: Single Phase Inverter
Figure 22: SPWM illustration (a) Sine-Triangle Comparison (b) Switching
Pulses after comparison
• Vtri is the peak value of triangular carrier wave and Vcontrol that of
the control(also called reference signal), or modulating signal. The
figure 22 shows the triangle and control signal with some arbitrary
frequency and magnitude. In the inverter of Figure 21 the switches
and are controlled based on the comparison of control signal and the
triangular wave which are mixed in a comparator.
• When sinusoidal wave has magnitude higher than the triangular wave
the comparator output is high, otherwise it is low.
Vcontrol > Vtri , S11 is ON ,Vout =
Vcontrol < Vtri , S12 is ON ,Vout =−
• The magnitude ratio of is called the modulation index (ma )
and it controls the harmonic content of the output voltage waveform.
The magnitude of fundamental component of output voltage(Va01 ) is
proportional to ma .
Va01 = ma
• The amplitude of the triangular wave Vtri is generally kept constant.Hence
the fundamental component of output voltage is controlled by control-
ling the the amplitude of the modulating sine waveVcontrol .
Figure 24: Complete characterisation of single phase SPWM inverter.
monics are quite large, sometimes larger than the fundamental. However,
because these harmonics are located at high frequencies, a simple low-pass
filter can be quite effective in removing them. The frequency modulation
ratio mf is defined as the ratio of the frequencies of the carrier and reference
fcarrier ftri
mf = =
fref erence fsine
Increasing the carrier frequency (increasing mf ) increases the frequencies at
which the harmonics occur. A disadvantage of high switching frequencies is
higher losses in the switches used to implement the inverter.
2. Amplitude modulation ratio ma.
The amplitude modulation ratio ma is defined as the ratio of the amplitudes
of the reference and carrier signals:
3. Switches.
The switches in the full-bridge circuit must be capable of carrying current
in either direction for pulse-width modulation .Feedback diodes across the
switching devices are necessary. Another consequence of real switches is
that they do not turn on or off instantly. Therefore, it is necessary to allow
for switching times in the control of the switches .
4. Reference voltage.
For a sinusoidal PWM,the reference voltage should be sinusoidal .It must be
generated within the control circuit of the inverter or taken from an outside
reference. The reference signal is not restricted to a sinusoid, and other
waveshapes can function as the reference signal.
This version of PWM is bipolar because the output alternates between plus
and minus the dc supply voltage.
The switching scheme that will implement bipolar switching using the
fullbridge inverter is determined by comparing the instantaneous reference
and carrier signals:
S1 and S2 are ON when vsine > vtri (vo = +Vdc )
S3 and S4 are ON when vsine < vtri (vo = −Vdc )
5.4 Unipolar Switching
In a unipolar switching scheme for pulse-width modulation, the output is
switched either from high to zero or from low to zero, rather than between
high and low as in bipolar switching. One unipolar switching scheme has
switch controls in full bridge inverter as follows:
Note that switch pairs (S1, S4) and (S2, S3) are complementarywhen one
switch in a pair is closed, the other is open. The voltages va and vb in Fig.
alternate between +Vdc and zero. The output voltage vo =vab = va - vb is
as shown in Fig.
Figure 27: (a) Full-bridge converter for unipolar PWM; (b) Reference and
carrier signals; (c) Bridge voltages Va and Vb ; (d) Output voltage.
In applications such as uninterruptible ac power supplies and ac motor
drives, three-phase inverters are commonly used to supply three-phase loads.10
The most frequently used three-phase inverter circuit consists of three legs,
one for each phase, as shown in Fig. 28. Each inverter leg is similar to the
one used for describing the basic one-leg inverter in single-phase inverters.
Therefore, the output of each leg, for example vAn (with respect to the nega-
tive dc bus), depends only on Vdc , and the switch status; the output voltage
is independent of the output load since one of the two switches in a leg is
always on at any instant.
Figure 29: Three phase inverter(practical realisation)
Figure 30: a) Carrier and reference waves for PWM operation for the three-
phase inverter(b) Output waveformscurrent is for an RL load.
S5 is on when vc < vtri
S6 is on when vb < vtri
• It should also be noted from Figure (30 (b)) that an identical amount
of average dc component is present in the output voltages vAo and
vBo , which are measured with respect to the midpoint dc bus. These
dc components are canceled out in the line-to-line voltages. This is
similar to what happens in a single-phase full-bridge inverter utilizing
a PWM switching. In the three-phase inverters, only the harmonics
in the line-to-line voltages are of concern.
• The harmonics in the output of any one of the legs, for example vAn
in Fig. 31 (b), are identical to the harmonics for single phase, where
only the odd harmonics exist as sidebands, centered around mf and
its multiples, provided mf is odd.
Figure 31: Three phase PWM Waveforms and Spectrum.