TOS IA Scheme

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2020 - 22 Batch
Course: TOS Course Code: 20MBA302 Program & Semester : MBA,III
Max. Marks: 50 Date: 10/12/2021 Time: 1 30 PM to 3 00 PM
Answer any two full Questions from Q1, Q2, and Q3 in part A, Q4 in Part B is compulsory

Q. No Questions Marks CO/BT

1.a Define Operation Management. List the importance of it. 2 CO1 /L1
Operations Management is the process in which resources/inputs are
converted into more useful products.

b Distinguish between Production and Operations Management 6 CO1/L4

 Production management is about managing activities related to
production only.
 Operation management is about the management of overall business
Operations which includes production and post-production stages.
 Production management is part of operations management.
 Operations management is wider option.

c Identify the scope of Operations Management. 8 CO1/L3

1. Product selection and design
2. Process selection and planning
3. Location facilities:
4. Layout and material handling facilities:
5. Quality control
6. Inventory management:
7. Capacity planning:

2.a What is Process mapping? List the advantages of it with example. 2 CO2/L1
Process mapping is a management tool that is used to visualize
(imagine/picture) the flow of work within a business process. It shows who
and what is involved in a process and can be used in any business or
organization and can reveal areas where a process should be improved.
Purpose of process mapping
1. Increase understanding of a process/ workflow in organization.
2. Show an entire process from the beginning to the end
3. Analyze how a process could be improved
4. Show others how a process is done
5. Improve communication between individuals engaged in the same
6. Provide process documentation

b Explain briefly the concept of industry 4.0 6 CO1/L2

Up-gradation and diversification is the new trend prevalent in the industry as
the number of competitors is growing rapidly. To counter this, a production
and operations management team should gear up by upgrading the existing
methodologies and technologies used for the production.
New technology makes the production line more efficient. It does so by
producing more products in lesser time and utilizing lesser resources with the
least waste produced. Today industries are even recycling their waste to
produce new products and hence increasing the net profit of the companies.
New technologies like the Internet of Things, Machine Learning, and artificial
intelligence are emerging. Nowadays, industries are introducing these into the
production lines and other management operations in the industry. It helps in
optimizing the whole process from head to toe. It can help monitor and
alerting processes; machine learning and artificial intelligence can automate
the industry and reduce human resources resulting in reduced expenses and
greater profits.

c Illustrate the concept of Ishikawa Diagram with suitable example 8 CO2/L3

The diagram looks just like a fish's skeleton with the problem at its head and
the causes for the problem feeding into the spine. The fishbone diagram or
Ishikawa diagram is a cause-and-effect diagram that helps managers to track
down the reasons for defects, variations or failures of product or imbalance of
business development. These causes of problems can be classified into 6
different types of major causes that affect the whole process (machines,
materials, manpower, money, measurements and methods).It helps to picture
the potential causes in order to find the root cause of a particular problem. It
helps to identify, analyze and improve quality issues. Sometimes, it can also
be helpful to analyze what can go wrong - preventing future problems. It
derives its name for its shape which resembles the side view of the skeleton of
a fish.

3.a What are the 5M & 8P in Operation management? 2 CO2/L1

Production management's responsibilities are summarized by the “five M's”:
men, machines, methods, materials, and money.
 Product
 Price
 Place
 Promotion
 People
 Processes
 Physical Evidence and
 Productivity/Performance.

b Explain briefly the concept of Theory Z Approach 6 CO2/L2

Theory Z is a management concept that looks at motivating workers.
The benefits of Theory Z, Ouchi claimed, would be reduced employee
turnover, increased commitment, improved morale and job satisfaction, and
drastic increases in productivity.
This also provides professional training to the employees and facilities like
housing, education etc. This system can repeat a sense of identification in the
employees and they become sincerely committed to the work ethos of the

c Illustrate the concept of 4S System. 8 CO2/L3


Part B Compulsory Case Study (18 Marks)

 The case „Jan Aushadhi – Taking Medicines to the Masses‟ is about an initiative started by the
Government of India (GoI) to provide affordable generic medicines to the poor and needy sections of
society. The case details the progress made by the Jan Aushadhi Scheme (JAS) from its launch in 2008,
the problems it faced, and the subsequent re-launch of the scheme in 2015 with additional features. The
various issues faced by JAS such as poor supply chain management, competition from other state
government schemes, quality issues, lack of awareness about generic medicines and JAS, among the
general public and the reluctance on the part of doctors to prescribe generic medicines are covered in the
 The GoI took several initiatives like conducting public awareness campaigns, giving additional
incentives for opening of Jan Aushadhi stores, opening more warehouses, implementing new software
for seamless distribution of medicines to the stores, and revamping the supply chain. These initiatives
led to an increase of 490% in the turnover for JAS from 2015 to 2017.
1. List the root causes for problems faced by JAS by Ishikawa diagram
The various issues faced by JAS such as poor supply chain management, competition from other
state government schemes, quality issues, lack of awareness about generic medicines
2. Draw fishbone diagram for the JAS
3. Determine the advantages of Fishbone diagram.
 The first benefit of using the diagram is the fact that is a visual tool, easy to understand and easy
to analyze the problems or issues in organization or Business.
 It influences all employees involved in the process to commit to the results to be achieved;
 It helps to find the root cause of the problem;
 Can be used as a statistical tool for total quality control;
 Help identify cause and effect relationships with underlying problems,
 Help facilitate joint brainstorming discussions,
 It prioritizes an analysis in more detail, helping to make more effective decisions

4. Analyze the various initiatives to increase the turnover for JAS

 The GoI took several initiatives like conducting public awareness campaigns, giving additional
incentives for opening of Jan Aushadhi stores, opening more warehouses, implementing new
software for seamless distribution of medicines to the stores, and revamping the supply chain.

CO1: Acquire the knowledge about the concepts of production and operation management
CO2: Demonstrate the basic concepts of process mapping

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