TOS IA Scheme
TOS IA Scheme
TOS IA Scheme
2.a What is Process mapping? List the advantages of it with example. 2 CO2/L1
Process mapping is a management tool that is used to visualize
(imagine/picture) the flow of work within a business process. It shows who
and what is involved in a process and can be used in any business or
organization and can reveal areas where a process should be improved.
Purpose of process mapping
1. Increase understanding of a process/ workflow in organization.
2. Show an entire process from the beginning to the end
3. Analyze how a process could be improved
4. Show others how a process is done
5. Improve communication between individuals engaged in the same
6. Provide process documentation
CO1: Acquire the knowledge about the concepts of production and operation management
CO2: Demonstrate the basic concepts of process mapping