Rem 545 Relay

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Customer / Project Siemens / M/s DALMIYA TN

Generator type Steam Turbine

Rated Active Output ( MW ) 27

Rated Current ( Amp ) 1771.46 it assumed as per standard

variation not provided in
Allowed voltage and frequency variation For voltage : +/- 10% and for frequency : +/- 5% Generatorsdata sheet

CT Primary Current (Amp) 2200

CT Secondary Current (Amp) 1

Rated Primary Voltage (kV) 11

Rated Secondary Voltage (V) 110

Earth Fault Current Limit 100Amp for 10Sec ( Assumed)

Max. Cont. neg. seq. current in % of FLC 15.0

Neg. seq.current in % of FLC for 30 Sec. NA

Max. value for I2t for transient operation 30

Transient reactance Xd' 0.26

Synchronous reactance Xd 1.65 To enter in Main Menu \

Configuration \ Protecte
Relay Type REM545 Scaling. Due to this scal
CT rating shall be consid
Relay Sr. No. equal to generator full lo
Scaling factor for current transformers 1.242
: CT Ratio / Generator full load current 2200/1
it assumed as per standard
variation not provided in
Generatorsdata sheet

To enter in Main Menu \

Configuration \ Protected Unit \
Scaling. Due to this scaling factor,
CT rating shall be considered
equal to generator full load
Main Menu \ Configuartion \ General Setting Range Recommended Setting
Rated frequency 10.00 - 60.00 50
Input Osc. Level 2.0-50.0 50
Input Osc. Hystr 2.0-50.0 10

Main Menu \ Configuartion \ Protected Unit Setting Range Used as Inputs Recommended Setting
Ch1 : Scaling 0.5 - 3.0 Not in use Not in use Not in use
Ch2 : Scaling 0.5 - 3.0 CT1 Il1 1.242
Ch3 : Scaling 0.5 - 3.0 CT2 Il2 1.242
Ch4 : Scaling 0.5 - 3.0 CT3 Il3 1.242
Ch5 : Scaling 0.5 - 3.0 VT1 U12 -
Ch6 : Scaling 0.5 - 3.0 VT2 U23 -
Ch7 : Scaling 0.5 - 3.0 CT4 Il1b 1.242
Ch8 : Scaling 0.5 - 3.0 CT5 Il2b 1.242
Ch9 : Scaling 0.5 - 3.0 CT6 Il3b 1.242
Ch10 : Scaling 0.5 - 3.0 VT3 U31 -

Main Menu \ Configuartion \ Current Trafo \

Sec. current Prim current Current terminal
Current Trafo 1 1 2200 1
Current Trafo 2 1 2200 1
Current Trafo 3 1 2200 1
Current Trafo 4 1 2200 1
Current Trafo 5 1 2200 1
Current Trafo 6 1 2200 1
Current Trafo 7 1 2200 1
Current Trafo 8 1 2200 1
Current Trafo 9 1 2200 1
Current Trafo 10 1 2200 1
For all CTs correction factor 1 & 2 shall be 1 and display error 1 & 2 shall be 0.
Main Menu \ Configuartion \ Voltage Trafo \ Sec. Voltage Prim Voltage Correction factor Display error
in Volt. in kVolt.
Voltage Trafo 1 110 11 1 0
Voltage Trafo 2 110 11 1 0
Voltage Trafo 3 110 11 1 0
Voltage Trafo 4 110 11 1 0
Voltage Trafo 5 110 11 1 0
Voltage Trafo 6 110 11 1 0
Voltage Trafo 7 110 11 1 0
Voltage Trafo 8 110 11 1 0
Voltage Trafo 9 110 11 1 0
Voltage Trafo 10 110 11 1 0

Main Menu \ Configuartion \ Display mode Setting Range Recommended Setting

Start LED Latch Latching Non-latching
Function block : 3I> Three phase non-directional over-current protection
FB Name : NOC3Low Th
IEEE Device No. : 51 Sh. 1 of 2 req
Setting group 1 ord

Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings

Selection of operation
Operation mode 0 ... 15 1) - mode and inverse-time Normal Inverse As
characteristic ge
Start current 0.10...5.00 x In Start current 1.25 ra
Operate time at DT
Operate time 0.05...300.00 s 1 tri
Time multiplier k in
Time multiplier 0.05...1.00 - 0.2
IDMT mode
IEEE Time dial n in
IEEE Time dial 0.05...15.00 - 0.1
IDMT mode

Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Extremely inv.; 3 = Very inv.;
4 = Normal inv.; 5 = Long time inv.; 6 = RI-type inv.; 7 = RD-type inv.
8 = IEEE Ext.; 9 = IEEE Very Inv. ; 10 = IEEE Inverse; 11 = IEEE S.T. Inv.
12 = IEEE S.T.E. Inv; 13 = IEEE L.T.E Inv; 14 = IEEE L.T.V. Inv;
15 = IEEE L.T. Inv

Setting group 2
Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings as
Selection of operation
Operation mode 0 ... 15 1)
- mode and inverse-time Normal Inverse

Start current 0.10...5.00 x In Start current 1.25

Operate time at DT
Operate time 0.05...300.00 s 1
Time multiplier k in
Time multiplier 0.05...1.00 - 0.2
IDMT mode
IEEE Time dial n in
IEEE Time dial 0.05...15.00 - 0.1
IDMT mode
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Extremely inv.; 3 = Very inv.;
4 = Normal inv.; 5 = Long time inv.; 6 = RI-type inv.; 7 = RD-type inv.
8 = IEEE Ext.; 9 = IEEE Very Inv. ; 10 = IEEE Inverse; 11 = IEEE S.T. Inv.
12 = IEEE S.T.E. Inv; 13 = IEEE L.T.E Inv; 14 = IEEE L.T.V. Inv;
15 = IEEE L.T. Inv
Function block : 3I> Three phase non-directional over-current protection
FB Name : NOC3Low
IEEE Device No. : 51 Sh. 2 of 2

Control settings

Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings

Selection of measuring
Measuring mode 0 or 1 1) - Fundam. Freq.
Resetting time of the
Drop-off time 0...1000 ms operate time counter 0
at DT mode
Selection of the active
Group selection 0 ... 2 2) - Group 1
setting group

Minimum pulse width

Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
of START signal

Selection of latching
Trip signal 0 or 1 4) - Latching
feature for TRIP output

Minimum pulse width

Trip pulse 40...1000 ms 40
of TRIP and CBFP

Minimum operate time

Minimum time 0.03...10.00 s 0.03
at IDMT mode
Operate time of the
CBFP time 100...1000 ms 100
delayed trip CBFP
Test START 0 or 1 5) - Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 5)
- Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Test CBFP 0 or 1 5) - Testing of CBFP Do not activate
Measuring mode 0 = Peak-to-peak; 1 = Fundam.freq.
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
This protection needs to be co-ordinated
with downstream o/c protection. We
request you to adopt the settings in co-
ordination with downstream relays.

As per over current capability curve no. 3,

generator can withstand 1.5 times the
rated current for 30 Sec. and 5 times the
rated current for 1.6 sec. As per selected
setting, for 1.5 times the current, relay will
trip in 1.71 sec. And for 5 times the setting
relay will trip in 0.43 sec.

Group 1 is selected in control setting

as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings
same as setting group 1.
Function block : 3I>>> Three phase non-directional over-current protection
FB Name : NOC3Inst It is rec
IEEE Device No. : 50/51 out of u
Setting group 1 instant
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of operation For 2 ti
Operation mode 0 ... 2 1) - Instantaneous
mode trip ins
Start current 0.10...40.00 x In Start current 3
Operate time 0.05...300.00 s Operate time in DT mode 0.05
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Instantaneous

Setting group 2
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of operation Grou
Operation mode 0 ... 2 1) - Instantaneous as an
Start current 0.10...40.00 x In Start current 3
Operate time 0.05...300.00 s Operate time in DT mode 0.05
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Instantaneous

Control settings
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of measuring
Measuring mode 0 or 1 1) - Fundam. Freq.
Resetting time of the
Drop-off time 0...1000 ms operate time counter at DT 0
Selection of the active
Group selection 0 ... 2 2) - Group 1
setting group
Minimum pulse width of
Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
START signal
Selection of latching
Trip signal 0 or 1 4) - Latching
feature for TRIP output
Minimum pulse width of
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms 40
Operate time of the
CBFP time 100...1000 ms 100
delayed trip CBFP
Test START 0 or 1 5) - Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 5) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Test CBFP 0 or 1 5) - Testing of CBFP Do not activate
Measuring mode 0 = Peak-to-peak; 1 = Fundam.freq.
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
It is recommended to keep this protection
out of use or to be set such that for any
downstream fault this should not operate

For 2 times the rated current this unit will

trip instantaneously.

Group 1 is selected in control setting

as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings
same as setting group 1.
Function block : 3I>> Three phase non-directional over-current protection
FB Name : NOC3High Used for Dead Machine Protection
IEEE Device No. : 50/51
Setting group 1
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of operation
Operation mode 0 ... 2 1) - Instantaneous
Start current 0.10...40.00 x In Start current 1.5
Operate time 0.05...300.00 s Operate time in DT mode 0.05
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Instantaneous
Setting group 2
Recommended Group 1
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
settings as an ac
Selection of operation recomm
Operation mode 0 ... 2 1) - Instantaneous
mode as setti
Start current 0.10...40.00 x In Start current 1.5
Operate time 0.05...300.00 s Operate time in DT mode 0.05
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Instantaneous
Control settings
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of measuring
Measuring mode 0 or 1 1) - Fundam. Freq.
Resetting time of the
Drop-off time 0...1000 ms operate time counter at DT 0
Selection of the active
Group selection 0 ... 2 2) - Group 1
setting group
Minimum pulse width of
Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
START signal
Selection of latching
Trip signal 0 or 1 4) - Latching
feature for TRIP output
Minimum pulse width of
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms 40
Operate time of the
CBFP time 100...1000 ms 100
delayed trip CBFP
Test START 0 or 1 5) - Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 5) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Test CBFP 0 or 1 5) - Testing of CBFP Do not activate
Measuring mode 0 = Peak-to-peak; 1 = Fundam.freq.
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
Group 1 is selected in control setting
as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings same
as setting group 1.
Function block : Io> Non-directional earth fault protection
FB Name : NEF1Low
IEEE Device No.: 51N ( Sh. 1 of 2 )

Setting group 1
Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings
Selection of operation mode B
Operation mode 0 ... 15 1)
- and inverse-time Definite time r
characteristic g
Start current 1.0...100.0 % In Start current 5% 1
Operate time 0.05...300.00 s Operate time in DT mode 0.05
Time multiplier k in IDMT
Time multiplier 0.05...1.00 - 0.05
IEEE Time dial n in IDMT
IEEE Time dial 0.05...15.00 - 0.05
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Extremely inv.; 3 = Very inv.;
4 = Normal inv.; 5 = Long time inv.; 6 = RI-type inv.; 7 = RD-type inv.
8 = IEEE Ext.; 9 = IEEE Very Inv. ; 10 = IEEE Inverse; 11 = IEEE S.T. Inv.
12 = IEEE S.T.E. Inv; 13 = IEEE L.T.E Inv; 14 = IEEE L.T.V. Inv;
15 = IEEE L.T. Inv

Setting group 2

Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings

Selection of operation mode

Operation mode 0 ... 15 1)
- and inverse-time Definite time
Start current 1.0...100.0 % In Start current 5%
Operate time 0.05...300.00 s Operate time in DT mode 0.05
Time multiplier k in IDMT
Time multiplier 0.05...1.00 - 0.05
IEEE Time dial n in IDMT
IEEE Time dial 0.05...15.00 - 0.05
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Extremely inv.; 3 = Very inv.;
4 = Normal inv.; 5 = Long time inv.; 6 = RI-type inv.; 7 = RD-type inv.
8 = IEEE Ext.; 9 = IEEE Very Inv. ; 10 = IEEE Inverse; 11 = IEEE S.T. Inv.
12 = IEEE S.T.E. Inv; 13 = IEEE L.T.E Inv; 14 = IEEE L.T.V. Inv;
15 = IEEE L.T. Inv
Function block : Io> Non-directional earth fault protection
FB Name : NEF1Low
IEEE Device No.: 51N ( Sh. 2 of 2 )

Control settings
Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings

Measuring mode 0 or 1 1) - Selection of measuring mode Fundam. Freq.

Drop-off time 0...1000 ms Resetting time of the operate 0

time counter at DT mode

Group selection 0 ... 2 2) - Selection of the active setting Group 1

Start pulse 0...1000 ms Minimum pulse width of 0
START signal
Trip signal 0 or 1 4) - Selection of latching feature Latching
for TRIP output
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms Minimum pulse width of TRIP 40
and CBFP
Minimum time 0.03...10.00 s Minimum operate time at 0.03
IDMT mode
CBFP time 100...1000 ms Operate time of the delayed 100
trip CBFP
Test START 0 or 1 5) - Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 5) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Test CBFP 0 or 1 5) - Testing of CBFP Do not activate
Measuring mode 0 = Peak-to-peak; 1 = Fundam.freq.
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
Because of scaling factor CT
ratio is considered to be equal to
gen. Full load current. Setting is
08% of gen. FLC thus 08% of
1772 Amp = 89 Amp

Group 1 is selected in control setting

as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings
same as setting group 1.
Function block : Io>> Non-directional earth fault protection
FB Name : NEF1High set It is re
IEEE Device No.: 50N out of
Setting group 1 downs
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of operation
Operation mode 0 ... 2 1) - Instantaneous
mode With l
Start current 0.10...12.00 x In Start current 0.1 shall
Operate time in DT
Operate time 0.05...300.00 s 0.05
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Instantaneous
Setting group 2
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of operation Group
Operation mode 0 ... 2 1) - Instantaneous as an
Start current 0.10...12.00 x In Start current 0.1
as set
Operate time in DT
Operate time 0.05...300.00 s 0.05
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Instantaneous
Control settings
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of measuring
Measuring mode 0 or 1 1) - Fundam. Freq.
Resetting time of the
Drop-off time 0...1000 ms 0
operate time counter
Selection of the active
Group selection 0 ... 2 2) - Group 1
setting group
Minimum pulse width of
Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
START signal
Selection of latching
Trip signal 0 or 1 4) - Latching
feature for TRIP output
Minimum pulse width of
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms 40
Operate time of the
CBFP time 100...1000 ms 100
delayed trip CBFP
Test START 0 or 1 5) - Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 5) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Test CBFP 0 or 1 5) - Testing of CBFP Do not activate
Measuring mode 0 = Peak-to-peak; 1 = Fundam.freq.
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
It is recommended to keep this protection
out of use or to be set such that for any
downstream fault this should not operate

With lowest pick-up setting the pick up

shall be 177.14 Amp. The current is
restricted to 100 Amp.

Group 1 is selected in control setting

as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings same
as setting group 1.
Function block : Io>>> Non-directional earth fault protection
FB Name : NEF1Inst It is re
IEEE Device No.: 50N out of
Setting group 1 downs
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of operation
Operation mode 0 ... 2 1) - Instantaneous
mode With l
Start current 0.10...12.00 x In Start current 0.1 shall
Operate time in DT
Operate time 0.05...300.00 s 0.05
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Instantaneous
Setting group 2
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of operation Group
Operation mode 0 ... 2 1) - Instantaneous as an
Start current 0.10...12.00 x In Start current 0.1
as set
Operate time in DT
Operate time 0.05...300.00 s 0.05
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Instantaneous
Control settings
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of measuring
Measuring mode 0 or 1 1) - Fundam. Freq.
Resetting time of the
Drop-off time 0...1000 ms 0
operate time counter
Selection of the active
Group selection 0 ... 2 2) - Group 1
setting group
Minimum pulse width of
Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
START signal
Selection of latching
Trip signal 0 or 1 4) - Latching
feature for TRIP output
Minimum pulse width of
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms 40
Operate time of the
CBFP time 100...1000 ms 100
delayed trip CBFP
Test START 0 or 1 5) - Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 5) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Test CBFP 0 or 1 5) - Testing of CBFP Do not activate
Measuring mode 0 = Peak-to-peak; 1 = Fundam.freq.
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
It is recommended to keep this protection
out of use or to be set such that for any
downstream fault this should not operate

With lowest pick-up setting the pick up

shall be 177.14 Amp. The current is
restricted to 100 Amp.

Group 1 is selected in control setting

as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings same
as setting group 1.
Function block : 3U> Three phase over-voltage protection (Alarm)
FB Name : OV3Low
IEEE Device No. : 59

Setting group 1
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of operation mode
Operation mode 0 ... 3 1) - and inverse-time Definite Time
Start voltage 0.10...1.60 x Un Start voltage 1.11
Operate time 0.05...300.00 s Operate time in DT mode 5

Time multiplier 0.05...1.00 - Time multiplier in IDMT mode 0.05

Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = A curve; 3 = B curve

Setting group 2
Recommended an act
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
settings adopt
Selection of operation mode
Operation mode 0 ... 3 1) - and inverse-time Definite Time
Start voltage 0.10...1.60 x Un Start voltage 1.11
Operate time 0.05...300.00 s Operate time in DT mode 5

Time multiplier 0.05...1.00 - Time multiplier in IDMT mode 0.05

Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = A curve; 3 = B curve
Function block : 3U> Three phase over-voltage protection ( Alarm )
FB Name : OV3Low
IEEE Device No. : 59

Control settings Mode 2

Recommended frequen
Parameter Values Unit Explanation

Measuring mode 0 ... 2 1) - Selection of measuring mode Mode 2

Selection of the active setting

Group selection 0 ... 2 2) - Group 1
Minimum pulse width of
Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
START signal
Selection of latching feature
Trip signal 0 or 1 4) - Latching
for TRIP output

Trip pulse 40...1000 ms Minimum pulse width of TRIP 40

Oper. hysteresis 1.0…5.0 % Operation hysteresis 4

Test START 0 or 1 5) - Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 5) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Measuring mode 0 = Mode 1; 1 = Mode 2; 2 = Mode 3
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test START 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
Group 1 is selected in control setting as
an active group. It is recommended to
adopt settings same as setting group 1.
Mode 2 = Phase to phase : Fundamental
frequency measurement.
Function block : 3U>> Three phase over-voltage protection ( Trip )
FB Name : OV3High
IEEE Device No. : 59

Setting group 1
Parameter Values Unit Explanation

Operation mode 0 or 1 1) - Selection of operation mode Definite time

Start voltage 0.10...1.60 x Un Start voltage 1.15

Operate time 0.05...300.00 s Operate time in DT mode 2.5
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time

Setting group 2 Group

Recommended as an a
Parameter Values Unit Explanation recom
same a
Operation mode 0 or 1 1) - Selection of operation mode Definite time

Start voltage 0.10...1.60 x Un Start voltage 1.15

Operate time 0.05...300.00 s Operate time at DT mode 2.5
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time

Control settings
Recommended Mode
Parameter Values Unit Explanation freque

Measuring mode 0 ... 2 1) - Selection of measuring mode Mode 2

Selection of the active setting

Group selection 0 ... 2 2) - Group 1
Minimum pulse width of
Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
START signal
Selection of latching feature
Trip signal 0 or 1 4) - Latching
for TRIP output

Trip pulse 40...1000 ms Minimum pulse width of TRIP 40

Oper. hysteresis 1.0…5.0 % Operation hysteresis 4
Test START 0 or 1 5) - Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 5) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Measuring mode 0 = Mode 1; 1 = Mode 2; 2 = Mode 3
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test START 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
Group 1 is selected in control setting
as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings
same as setting group 1.

Mode 2 = Phase to phase : Fundamental

frequency measurement.
Function block : 3U< Three phase undervoltage protection (Alarm)
FB Name : UV3Low
IEEE Device No. : 27

Setting group 1
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of operation
Operation mode 0 or 1 1) - Definite time
Start voltage 0.10...1.20 x Un Start voltage 0.9

Operate time 0.1...300.0 s Operate time in DT mode 5

Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time

Setting group 2
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
settings Group 1 is s
Selection of operation setting as a
Operation mode 0 or 1 1) - Definite time recommend
same as set
Start voltage 0.10...1.20 x Un Start voltage 0.9

Operate time 0.1...300.0 s Operate time in DT mode 5

Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time
Function block : 3U<< Three phase undervoltage protection ( Trip )
FB Name : UV3High
IEEE Device No. : 27

Control settings
Recommended Mode 2 : Phas
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
settings freq. measurem
Selection of measuring
Measuring mode 0...2 1) - Mode 2
If at least one
Voltage select. 1...7 2) - Selection of voltages U12 & U23 & U31 below the set
Selection of the active function deliv
Group selection 0...2 3) - Group 1
setting group
Minimum pulse width of
Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
START signal
Selection of latching The internal b
Trip signal 0 or 1 5) - Latching activated if a
feature for TRIP output
voltage signa
Minimum pulse width of 0.2 x Un.
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms 40
Enabling of internal
Intern. blocking 0 or 1 6) - Enabled
undervoltage blocking
Oper. hysteresis 1.0…5.0 % Operation hysteresis 4
Test START 0 or 1 7)
- Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 7) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Measuring mode 0 = Mode 1; 1 = Mode 2; 2 = Mode 3
Voltage selection 1 = U12; 2 = U23; 3 = U12 & U23; 4 = U31;
5 = U12 & U31; 6 = U23 & U31; 7 = U12 & U23 & U31
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Intern. blocking 0 = Disabled; 1 = Enabled
Test START 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
Group 1 is selected in control
setting as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings
same as setting group 1.
Mode 2 : Phase to phase : Fundamental
freq. measurement

If at least one phase to phase voltage falls

below the set value then the protection
function delivers the start signal.

The internal blocking fun ction is

activated if at least one of the used
voltage signal falls below the fixed value
0.2 x Un.
Function block : 3U<< Three phase undervoltage protection ( Trip )
FB Name : UV3High
IEEE Device No. : 27

Setting group 1
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of operation
Operation mode 0 or 1 1) - Definite time
Start voltage 0.10...1.20 x Un Start voltage 0.8

Operate time 0.1...300.0 s Operate time in DT mode 2.5

Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time

Setting group 2
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
settings Group 1 is s
Selection of operation setting as a
Operation mode 0 or 1 1) - Definite time recommend
same as set
Start voltage 0.10...1.20 x Un Start voltage 0.8

Operate time 0.1...300.0 s Operate time in DT mode 2.5

Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time
Function block : 3U<< Three phase undervoltage protection ( Trip )
FB Name : UV3High
IEEE Device No. : 27

Control settings
Recommended Mode 2 : Phas
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
settings freq. measurem
Selection of measuring
Measuring mode 0...2 1) - Mode 2
If at least one
Voltage select. 1...7 2) - Selection of voltages U12 & U23 & U31 below the set
Selection of the active function deliv
Group selection 0...2 3) - Group 1
setting group
Minimum pulse width of
Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
START signal
Selection of latching The internal b
Trip signal 0 or 1 5) - Latching activated if a
feature for TRIP output
voltage signa
Minimum pulse width of 0.2 x Un.
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms 40
Enabling of internal
Intern. blocking 0 or 1 6) - Enabled
undervoltage blocking
Oper. hysteresis 1.0…5.0 % Operation hysteresis 4
Test START 0 or 1 7)
- Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 7) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Measuring mode 0 = Mode 1; 1 = Mode 2; 2 = Mode 3
Voltage selection 1 = U12; 2 = U23; 3 = U12 & U23; 4 = U31;
5 = U12 & U31; 6 = U23 & U31; 7 = U12 & U23 & U31
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Intern. blocking 0 = Disabled; 1 = Enabled
Test START 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
Group 1 is selected in control
setting as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings
same as setting group 1.
Mode 2 : Phase to phase : Fundamental
freq. measurement

If at least one phase to phase voltage falls

below the set value then the protection
function delivers the start signal.

The internal blocking fun ction is

activated if at least one of the used
voltage signal falls below the fixed value
0.2 x Un.
Function block : f1 Under / Over frequency protection
FB Name : Freq1St1_1 Desired to operate as under-frequency protection
IEEE Device No. : 81U/81O

Setting group 1
Recommended Trip 2 is use
Parameter Values Unit Explanation With this op
activated wh
Operation mode for df/dt functio
Operation mode 0...6 1) - f</f> 2 timers
frequency protection
Undervoltage limit for
Voltage limit 0.30...0.90 x Un 0.8
Start value for U/O Keep same
Start frequency 25.00...75.00 Hz 47.4
frequency protection
Operate time for U/O
Operate time 1 0.10...120.00 s 0.1
frequency protection
Start value for -5% variati
Start df/dt 0.2...10.0 Hz/s frequency rate of 1 further as
change prot.
Timer for df/dt prot. or
Operate time 2 0.12...120.00 s 2.5
U/O frequency prot. This settin
Operation mode 1 = f</f> 1 timer , 2 = f</f> 2 timers , 3 = f</f> OR df/dt>
ordinate w
4 = f</f> AND df/dt> , 5 = f</f> OR df/dt< , 6 = f</f> AND df/dt<

Setting group 2
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Operation mode for Group 1 is s
Operation mode 0...6 1) - f</f> 2 timers active grou
frequency protection
settings sam
Undervoltage limit for
Voltage limit 0.30...0.90 x Un 0.8
Start value for U/O
Start frequency 25.00...75.00 Hz 47.4
frequency protection
Operate time for U/O
Operate time 1 0.10...120.00 s 0.1
frequency protection
Start value for
Start df/dt 0.2...10.0 Hz/s frequency rate of 1
change prot.
Timer for df/dt prot. or
Operate time 2 0.12...120.00 s 2.5
U/O frequency prot.
Operation mode 1 = f</f> 1 timer , 2 = f</f> 2 timers , 3 = f</f> OR df/dt>
4 = f</f> AND df/dt> , 5 = f</f> OR df/dt< , 6 = f</f> AND df/dt<
Function block : f1 Under / Over frequency protection
FB Name : Freq1St1_1 Desired to operate as under-frequency protection
IEEE Device No. : 81U/81O

Control settings
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of the active
Group selection 0 ... 21) - Group 1
setting group

Minimum pulse width of

Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
START signals

Selection of latching
Trip signal 0 or 1 3)
- feature for TRIP Latching

Minimum pulse width of

Trip pulse 40...1000 ms 40

Test START1 0 or 1 4) - Testing of START1 Do not activate

Test TRIP1 0 or 1 4) - Testing of TRIP1 Do not activate
Test START2 0 or 1 4)
- Testing of START2 Do not activate
Test TRIP2 0 or 1 4)
- Testing of TRIP2 Do not activate
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
Trip 2 is used in configuration of Freq1St1_1.
With this operation mode, Trip 2 shall be
activated when set operate time 2 has elapsed.
df/dt function is not in use due to this selection.

Keep same as UV3High : Under voltage setting.

-5% variation is allowed. Request you to review

further as per system requirement.

This setting is active as Trip 2 is configured for

Freq1St1_1. Change the same if required to co-
ordinate with other system parameters.

Group 1 is selected in control setting as an

active group. It is recommended to adopt
settings same as setting group 1.
Function block : f1 Under / Over frequency protection
FB Name : Freq1St2_1 Desired to operate as over-frequency protection
IEEE Device No. : 81U/81O

Setting group 1
Trip 2 is used
Recommended With this ope
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
settings activated whe
Operation mode for df/dt function
Operation mode 0...6 1) - f</f> 2 timers
frequency protection
Undervoltage limit for
Voltage limit 0.30...0.90 x Un 0.8
Keep same as
Start value for U/O
Start frequency 25.00...75.00 Hz 52.6
frequency protection
Operate time for U/O
Operate time 1 0.10...120.00 s 0.12
frequency protection +5% variation
Start value for further as per
Start df/dt 0.2...10.0 Hz/s frequency rate of 1
change prot.
This setting is a
Timer for df/dt prot. or Freq1St1_1. Ch
Operate time 2 0.12...120.00 s 2.5
U/O frequency prot. ordinate with o
Operation mode 1 = f</f> 1 timer , 2 = f</f> 2 timers , 3 = f</f> OR df/dt>
4 = f</f> AND df/dt> , 5 = f</f> OR df/dt< , 6 = f</f> AND df/dt<

Setting group 2
Parameter Values Unit Explanation Group 1 is se
active group.
Operation mode for
Operation mode 0...6 1) - f</f> 2 timers settings sam
frequency protection
Undervoltage limit for
Voltage limit 0.30...0.90 x Un 0.8
Start value for U/O
Start frequency 25.00...75.00 Hz 52.6
frequency protection
Operate time for U/O
Operate time 1 0.10...120.00 s 0.12
frequency protection
Start value for
Start df/dt 0.2...10.0 Hz/s frequency rate of 1
change prot.
Timer for df/dt prot. or
Operate time 2 0.12...120.00 s 0.12
U/O frequency prot.
Operation mode 1 = f</f> 1 timer , 2 = f</f> 2 timers , 3 = f</f> OR df/dt>
4 = f</f> AND df/dt> , 5 = f</f> OR df/dt< , 6 = f</f> AND df/dt<
Function block : f1 Under / Over frequency protection
FB Name : Freq1St2_1 Desired to operate as over-frequency protection
IEEE Device No. : 81U/81O

Control settings
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of the active
Group selection 0 ... 21) - Group 1
setting group

Minimum pulse width of

Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
START signals

Selection of latching
Trip signal 0 or 1 3) - feature for TRIP Latching
Minimum pulse width of
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms 40
Test START1 0 or 1 4) - Testing of START1 Do not activate
Test TRIP1 0 or 1 4) - Testing of TRIP1 Do not activate
Test START2 0 or 1 4)
- Testing of START2 Do not activate
Test TRIP2 0 or 1 4)
- Testing of TRIP2 Do not activate
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
Trip 2 is used in configuration of Freq1St2_1.
With this operation mode, Trip 2 shall be
activated when set operate time 2 has elapsed.
df/dt function is not in use due to this selection.

Keep same as UV3High : Under voltage setting.

+5% variation is allowed. Request you to review

further as per system requirement.

This setting is active as Trip 2 is configured for

Freq1St1_1. Change the same if required to co-
ordinate with other system parameters.

Group 1 is selected in control setting as an

active group. It is recommended to adopt
settings same as setting group 1.
Function block : f1 Under / Over frequency protection
FB Name : Freq1St3_1 Desired to operate as df/dt stage 1 (Low)
IEEE Device No. : 81U/81O

Setting group 1 Trip 2 is us

With this o
Recommended activated b
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
settings function wh
Operation mode for
Operation mode 0...6 1) - f</f> OR df/dt<
frequency protection
Undervoltage limit for
Voltage limit 0.30...0.90 x Un 0.8
blocking Keep same
Start value for U/O
Start frequency 25.00...75.00 Hz 47
frequency protection
Operate time for U/O
Operate time 1 0.10...120.00 s 0.1
frequency protection -5% variatio
further as p
Start value for
Start df/dt 0.2...10.0 Hz/s frequency rate of 1.5
change prot.
This settin
Timer for df/dt prot. or
Operate time 2 0.12...120.00 s 2 Freq1St3_1
U/O frequency prot.
ordinate w
Operation mode 1 = f</f> 1 timer , 2 = f</f> 2 timers , 3 = f</f> OR df/dt>
4 = f</f> AND df/dt> , 5 = f</f> OR df/dt< , 6 = f</f> AND df/dt<

Setting group 2
Recommended Group 1 is
Parameter Values Unit Explanation active gro
settings s
Operation mode for
Operation mode 0...6 1) - f</f> OR df/dt<
frequency protection
Undervoltage limit for
Voltage limit 0.30...0.90 x Un 0.8
Start value for U/O
Start frequency 25.00...75.00 Hz 47
frequency protection
Operate time for U/O
Operate time 1 0.10...120.00 s 0.1
frequency protection
Start value for
Start df/dt 0.2...10.0 Hz/s frequency rate of 1.5
change prot.
Timer for df/dt prot. or
Operate time 2 0.12...120.00 s 2
U/O frequency prot.
Operation mode 1 = f</f> 1 timer , 2 = f</f> 2 timers , 3 = f</f> OR df/dt>
4 = f</f> AND df/dt> , 5 = f</f> OR df/dt< , 6 = f</f> AND df/dt<
Function block : f1 Under / Over frequency protection
FB Name : Freq1St3_1 Desired to operate as df/dt stage 1 (Low)
IEEE Device No. : 81U/81O

Control settings
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of the active
Group selection 0 ... 21) - Group 1
setting group

Minimum pulse width of

Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
START signals

Selection of latching
Trip signal 0 or 1 3) - feature for TRIP Latching
Minimum pulse width of
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms 40
Test START1 0 or 1 4) - Testing of START1 Do not activate
Test TRIP1 0 or 1 4) - Testing of TRIP1 Do not activate
Test START2 0 or 1 4)
- Testing of START2 Do not activate
Test TRIP2 0 or 1 4) - Testing of TRIP2 Do not activate
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
Trip 2 is used in configuration of Freq1St3_1.
With this operation mode, Trip 2 shall be
activated by f</f> function or the negative df/dt
function when set operate time 2 has elapsed.

Keep same as UV3High : Under voltage setting.

-5% variation is allowed. Request you to review

further as per system requirement.

This setting is active as Trip 2 is configured for

Freq1St3_1. Change the same if required to co-
ordinate with other system parameters.

Group 1 is selected in control setting as an

active group. It is recommended to adopt
settings same as setting group 1.
Function block : f1 Under / Over frequency protection
FB Name : Freq1St4_1 Desired to operate as df/dt stage 2 (High)
IEEE Device No. : 81U/81O
Trip 2 is used
Setting group 1 With this ope
activated by
Recommended function whe
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Operation mode for
Operation mode 0...6 1) - f</f> OR df/dt>
frequency protection
Undervoltage limit for Keep same a
Voltage limit 0.30...0.90 x Un 0.8
Start value for U/O
Start frequency 25.00...75.00 Hz 53
frequency protection
Operate time for U/O +5% variation
Operate time 1 0.10...120.00 s 0.1 further as pe
frequency protection
Start value for
Start df/dt 0.2...10.0 Hz/s frequency rate of 1.5
change prot. This setting
Timer for df/dt prot. or ordinate wit
Operate time 2 0.12...120.00 s 2
U/O frequency prot.
Operation mode 1 = f</f> 1 timer , 2 = f</f> 2 timers , 3 = f</f> OR df/dt>
4 = f</f> AND df/dt> , 5 = f</f> OR df/dt< , 6 = f</f> AND df/dt<

Setting group 2 Group 1 is se

active group
Recommended settings sam
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Operation mode for
Operation mode 0...6 1) - f</f> OR df/dt>
frequency protection
Undervoltage limit for
Voltage limit 0.30...0.90 x Un 0.8
Start value for U/O
Start frequency 25.00...75.00 Hz 53
frequency protection
Operate time for U/O
Operate time 1 0.10...120.00 s 0.1
frequency protection
Start value for
Start df/dt 0.2...10.0 Hz/s frequency rate of 1.5
change prot.
Timer for df/dt prot. or
Operate time 2 0.12...120.00 s 2
U/O frequency prot.
Operation mode 1 = f</f> 1 timer , 2 = f</f> 2 timers , 3 = f</f> OR df/dt>
4 = f</f> AND df/dt> , 5 = f</f> OR df/dt< , 6 = f</f> AND df/dt<
Function block : f1 Under / Over frequency protection
FB Name : Freq1St4_1 Desired to operate as df/dt stage 2 (High)
IEEE Device No. : 81U/81O

Control settings
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of the active
Group selection 0 ... 21) - Group 1
setting group
Minimum pulse width of
Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
START signals
Selection of latching
Trip signal 0 or 1 3) - feature for TRIP Latching
Minimum pulse width of
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms 40
Test START1 0 or 1 4) - Testing of START1 Do not activate
Test TRIP1 0 or 1 4) - Testing of TRIP1 Do not activate
Test START2 0 or 1 4)
- Testing of START2 Do not activate
Test TRIP2 0 or 1 4)
- Testing of TRIP2 Do not activate
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
Trip 2 is used in configuration of Freq1St4_1.
With this operation mode, Trip 2 shall be
activated by f</f> function or the positive df/dt
function when set operate time 2 has elapsed.

Keep same as UV3High : Under voltage setting.

+5% variation is allowed. Request you to review

further as per system requirement.

This setting is active as Trip 2 is configured for

Freq1St4_1. Change the same if required to co-
ordinate with other system parameters.

Group 1 is selected in control setting as an

active group. It is recommended to adopt
settings same as setting group 1.
Function block : I2> Negative phase sequence protection
FB Name : NPS3Low
IEEE Device No. : 46

Setting group 1
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of operation As per ge
Operation mode 0...2 1)
- mode (definite- or Definite time max. 15%
inverse-time mode) sequence

Start value of negative-

Start value 0.01...0.50 x In 0.15
sequence current I2 This prote
Operate time in definite- up by NPS
Operate time 0.1...120.0 s 10
time mode
Operating characteristic
K 5.0...100.0 - 5
Definite start time in
Start delay 0.1...60.0 s 0.1
inverse-time mode
Definite minimum operate
Minimum time 0.1...120.0 s 0.1
Maximum operate time
Maximum time 500...10000 s regardless of the inverse 500
characteristic Set at de
Time required to cool the
Cooling time 5...10000 s 50
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Inverse time

Setting group 2
Group 1
Parameter Values Unit Explanation as an ac
Selection of operation as settin
Operation mode 0...2 1) - mode (definite- or Definite time
inverse-time mode)
Start value of negative-
Start value 0.01...0.50 x In 0.15
sequence current I2
Operate time in definite-
Operate time 0.1...120.0 s 10
time mode
Operating characteristic
K 5.0...100.0 - 5
Definite start time in
Start delay 0.1...60.0 s 0.1
inverse-time mode
Definite minimum operate
Minimum time 0.1...120.0 s 0.1
Maximum operate time
Maximum time 500...10000 s regardless of the inverse 500
Time required to cool the
Cooling time 5...10000 s 50
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Inverse time

Function block : I2> Negative phase sequence protection ( Alarm )

FB Name : NPS3Low
IEEE Device No. : 46

Control settings
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Selection of two-phase or
Num. of phases 2...3 - three-phase 3
Selection of the active
Group selection 0...2 1) - Group 1
setting group
Selection of rotation
Dir. selection 0...2 3) - Forward
direction If during
is found
Rotation dir. 0 or 1 4) - Rotation direction Forward
seq. curr
Resetting time of the as revers
Drop-off time 0...1000 ms operate time counter at 0 sometim
DT mode seq. conn
Minimum pulse width of
Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
START signal
Selection of latching
Trip signal 0 or 1 5) - Latching
feature for TRIP output
Minimum pulse width of
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms 40
Operate time of the
CBFP time 100...1000 ms 100
delayed trip CBFP
Test START 0 or 1 6) - Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 6) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Test CBFP 0 or 1 6) - Testing of CBFP Do not activate
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Dir. selection 0 = Forward; 1 = Reverse; 2 = Input rot.dir.
Rotation dir. 0 = Forward; 1 = Reverse
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
As per generator data sheet ,
max. 15% continuous negative
sequence current is allowed.

This protection function is backed

up by NPS highset for triping.

Set at default as data is not available.

Group 1 is selected in control setting

as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings same
as setting group 1.
If during start up, neg. seq. current
is found equal to actual positive
seq. current then set this direction
as reverse. This may happen
sometimes due to wrong phase
seq. connections to relay.
Function block : I2>> Negative phase sequence protection ( Trip )
FB Name : NPS3High
IEEE Device No. : 46
Setting group 1

Parameter Values Unit Explanation

Selection of operation mode

Operation mode 0...2 1) -
(definite- or inverse-time mode)

Start value of negative-sequence

Start value 0.01...0.50 x In
current I2
Operate time in definite-time
Operate time 0.1...120.0 s

K 5.0...100.0 - Operating characteristic constant

Definite start time in inverse-time

Start delay 0.1...60.0 s

Minimum time 0.1...120.0 s Definite minimum operate time

Maximum operate time regardless

Maximum time 500...10000 s
of the inverse characteristic

Cooling time 5...10000 s Time required to cool the machine

Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Inverse time

Setting group 2

Parameter Values Unit Explanation

Selection of operation mode

Operation mode 0...2 1) -
(definite- or inverse-time mode)

Start value of negative-sequence

Start value 0.01...0.50 x In
current I2
Operate time in definite-time
Operate time 0.1...120.0 s

K 5.0...100.0 - Operating characteristic constant

Definite start time in inverse-time

Start delay 0.1...60.0 s

Minimum time 0.1...120.0 s Definite minimum operate time

Maximum operate time regardless

Maximum time 500...10000 s
of the inverse characteristic

Cooling time 5...10000 s Time required to cool the machine

Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Inverse time
Function block : I2>> Negative phase sequence protection
FB Name : NPS3High
IEEE Device No. : 46

Control settings

Parameter Values Unit Explanation

Selection of two-phase or three-

Num. of phases 2...3 -
phase measurement
Selection of the active setting
Group selection 0...2 1) -
Dir. selection 0...2 3) - Selection of rotation direction
Rotation dir. 0 or 1 4) - Rotation direction
Resetting time of the operate time
Drop-off time 0...1000 ms
counter at DT mode
Minimum pulse width of START
Start pulse 0...1000 ms
Selection of latching feature for
Trip signal 0 or 1 5) -
TRIP output
Minimum pulse width of TRIP and
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms
Operate time of the delayed trip
CBFP time 100...1000 ms
Test START 0 or 1 6) - Testing of START
Test TRIP 0 or 1 6) - Testing of TRIP
Test CBFP 0 or 1 6) - Testing of CBFP
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Dir. selection 0 = Forward; 1 = Reverse; 2 = Input rot.dir.
Rotation dir. 0 = Forward; 1 = Reverse
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
ction ( Trip )

Recommended settings

As per generator data sheet ,

Inverse time max. 15 % continuous negative
sequence current is allowed.
As per generator data sheet,
I2t = 30 hence set at lower side.




Cooling time constant is not
available hence set at default.

Recommended settings
Group 1 is selected in control setting
as an active group. It is
Inverse time recommended to adopt settings
same as setting group 1.








Recommended settings

Group 1 If during start up, neg. seq. current

is found equal to actual positive
Forward seq. current then set this direction
as reverse. This may happen
Forward sometimes due to wrong phase seq.
connections to relay.



Do not activate
Do not activate
Do not activate
Function block : FUSEF Fuse Failure Supervision
FB Name : FuseFail
IEEE Device No. : 60

Parameter Values Unit Explanation
settings Sensitive
Minimum ratio of
Ratio U2/U1> 10...50 % voltage to positive- 10
sequence voltage to allow Sensitive

Maximum ratio of
Ratio I2/I1< 10...50 % current to positive- 20
sequence current to allow

Control settings
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Function block in use or
FuseFail 0 or 1 1) - In use
not in use

Test BSOUT 0 or 1 2) - Testing BSOUT Do not activate

Status 0=Not in use; 1=In use
Test 0=Do not activate; 1=Activate
Sensitive setting is provided

Sensitive setting is provided

Function block : I(U>) Voltage dependent over-current protection
FB Name : VOC6Low
IEEE Device No. : 51V
Setting group 1

Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings

Selection of operation mode and

Operation mode 0 ... 7 1) - Normal Inverse
inverse-time characteristic
Start current 0.10...5.00 x In Start current 1.25
Operate time 0.05...300.00 s Operate time at DT mode 0.05
Time multiplier 0.05...1.00 - Time multiplier at IDMT mode 0.2
Selection of mode for voltage
Control mode 0...2 2) - Voltage Step
Voltage setting value for voltage
Voltage limit 0.10...1.00 x Un 0.8
step mode
Upper voltage setting value for
Voltage limit 1 0.60...1.00 x Un 0.8
voltage slope mode
Lower voltage setting value for
Voltage limit 2 0.10...0.59 x Un 0.3
voltage slope mode
Multiplier for lower start current
Curr.multiplier 0.05...1.00 - 0.2
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Extremely inv.; 3 = Very inverse;
4 = Normal inverse; 5 = Long-time inv.; 6 = RI-type inv.; 7 = RD-type inv.
Control mode 0 = Voltage step; 1 = Voltage slope; 2 = Input step
Setting group 2

Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings

Selection of operation mode and

Operation mode 0 ... 7 1) - Normal Inverse
inverse-time characteristic
Start current 0.10...5.00 x In Start current 1.25
Operate time 0.05...300.00 s Operate time at DT mode 0.05
Time multiplier 0.05...1.00 - Time multiplier at IDMT mode 0.2
Selection of mode for voltage
Control mode 0...2 2) - Voltage Step
Voltage setting value for voltage
Voltage limit 0.10...1.00 x Un 0.8
step mode
Upper voltage setting value for
Voltage limit 1 0.60...1.00 x Un 0.8
voltage slope mode
Lower voltage setting value for
Voltage limit 2 0.10...0.59 x Un 0.3
voltage slope mode
Multiplier for lower start current
Curr.multiplier 0.05...1.00 - 0.2
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = Extremely inv.; 3 = Very inverse;
4 = Normal inverse; 5 = Long-time inv.; 6 = RI-type inv.; 7 = RD-type inv.
Control mode 0 = Voltage step; 1 = Voltage slope; 2 = Input step

Function block : I(U>) Voltage dependent over-current protection

FB Name : VOC6Low
IEEE Device No. : 51V

Control settings

Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings

Measuring mode 0 or 1 1) - Selection of measuring mode Fundam. Freq.

Selection of phase-to-phase or
Voltage select. 0 or 1 2) - Phase to phase voltage
phase-to-earth voltages
Resetting time of the operate time
Drop-off time 0.00...10.00 s 0
counter at DT and IDMT modes
Selection of the active setting
Group selection 0 ... 2 3) - Group 1
Minimum pulse width of START
Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
Selection of latching feature for
Trip signal 0 or 1 5) - Latching
TRIP output
Minimum pulse width of TRIP and
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms 40
Minimum operate time at IDMT
Minimum time 0.03...10.00 s 0.03
Operate time of the delayed trip
CBFP time 100...1000 ms 100
Test START 0 or 1 6) - Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 6) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Test CBFP 0 or 1 6) - Testing of CBFP Do not activate
Measuring mode 0 = Peak-to-peak; 1 = Fundam.freq.
Voltage select. 0 = Phase-to-phase voltages; 1 = Phase-to-earth voltages
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
This protection needs to be co-ordinated
with downstream o/c protection. We
request you to adopt the settings in co-
ordination with downstream relays.

For healthy voltage condition the setting

same as NOC3Low protection is

For voltage below 88 Volts, the relay pick

up will be = 1.25 x 0.2 = 0.25

Group 1 is selected in control

setting as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings
same as setting group 1.
Function block : P> / Q> Three phase directional over-power protection
FB Name : OPOW6St1 Used as a reverse reactive power protection
IEEE Device No. : 32P/32Q
Setting group 1 Typ
Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings
Power setting 1.0...200.0 % Sn Start power 20
Angle -90...90 degree Power direction -90
Operate time 0.04...300.00 s Operate time 3
Setting group 2
Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings settin
Power setting 1.0...200.0 % Sn Start power 20 same
Angle -90...90 degree Power direction -90
Operate time 0.04...300.00 s Operate time 3

Control settings

Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings

OPOW6St_ in use or not in

OPOW6St# 1)
0 or 1 2) - In use
Resetting time of the operate
Drop-off time 0.00...60.00 s 0
time counter
Measuring mode 0...13 3) - Power measurement mode U12,U23 & I1,I2,I3 Setti
Power direction 0 or 1 4)
- Direction of power flow Forward base
Selection of the active setting pow
Group selection 0...2 5) - Group 1
group posi
Min pulse width of START CT /
Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
Selection of latching feature for
Trip signal 0 or 1 7) - Latching
TRIP output
Min pulse width of TRIP and
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms 40
CBFP time 100...1000 ms Operate time of CBFP 100
Test START 0 or 1 8) - Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 8) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Test CBFP 0 or 1 8) - Testing of CBFP Do not activate
Parameter # denotes the stage number of the function block (1, 2 or 3)
Status 0 = Not in use; 1 = In use
Measuring mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = U1,U2,U3 & I1,I2,I3; 2=U12,U23,U0 & I1,I2,I3
3 = U23,U31,U0 & I1,I2,I3; 4 = U12,U31,U0 & I1,I2,I3; 5 = U12,U23 & I1,I2,I3; ;
6 = U23,U31 & I1,I2,I3; 7 = U12,U31 & I1,I2,I3; 8 = U1 & I1; 9 = U2 & I2
10 = U3 & I3; 11 = U12 & I3; 12 = U23 & I1; 13 = U31 & I2
Power direction 0 = Forward; 1 = Reverse
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Typical settings are provided.
Request you to review the
same as per system

Group 1 is selected in control

setting as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings
same as setting group 1.

Setting group 1 & 2 settings are

based on this setting. On REM
display active power and reactive
power should be indicated as
positive. Otherwise please rectify
CT / PT connections.
Function block : P< / P> Three phase under-power or reverse power protection
FB Name : UPOW6St1 Used as a reverse active power protection
IEEE Device No. : 32P

Setting group 1 Typic

Recommended Requ
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
settings as pe
Power setting 1.0...200.0 % Sn Start power 3
Selection of underpower or
Operation mode 0 or 1 1) - Reverse power
reverse power
Operate time 0.04...300.00 s Operate time 1
Waiting time after closing a
Wait time 0.0...60.0 s 5
circuit breaker

Disable mode 0 or 1 2) - Disable input in use or not in use On

Operation mode 0 = Underpower; 1 = Reverse power
Disable mode 0 = OFF; 1 = ON

Setting group 2 Gro

Recommended set
Parameter Values Unit Explanation rec
Power setting 1.0...200.0 % Sn Start power 3
Selection of underpower or
Operation mode 0 or 1 1) - Reverse power
reverse power
Operate time 0.04...300.00 s Operate time 1
Waiting time after closing a
Wait time 0.0...60.0 s 5
circuit breaker
Disable mode 0 or 1 2) - Disable input in use or not in use On

Operation mode 0 = Underpower; 1 = Reverse power
Disable mode 0 = OFF; 1 = ON
Function block : P< / P> Three phase under-power or reverse power protection
FB Name : UPOW6St1 Used as a reverse active power protection
IEEE Device No. : 32

Control settings
Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended
UPOW6St# 1) 0 or 1 2) - UPOW6St_ in use or not in use In use

Drop-off time 0.00...60.00 s Resetting time of the operate 0

time counter
Measuring mode 0...13 3) - Power measurement mode U12,U23 & I1,I2,I3 base
Power direction 0 or 1 4) - Direction of power flow Forward displ
Group selection 0...2 5)
- Selection of the active setting Group 1 posit
group CT /
Start pulse 0...1000 ms Minimum pulse width of START 0
Trip signal 0 or 1 7) - Selection of latching feature for Latching
TRIP output
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms Minimum pulse width of TRIP 40
and CBFP
CBFP time 100...1000 ms Operate time of the delayed trip 100
Test START 0 or 1 8) - Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 8) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Test CBFP 0 or 1 8) - Testing of CBFP Do not activate
Parameter # denotes the stage number of the function block (1, 2 or 3)
Status 0 = Not in use; 1 = In use
Measuring mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = U1,U2,U3 & I1,I2,I3; 2=U12,U23,U0 & I1,I2,I3;
3 = U23,U31,U0 & I1,I2,I3; 4 = U12,U31,U0 & I1,I2,I3; 5 = U12,U23 & I1,I2,I3;
6 = U23,U31 & I1,I2,I3; 7= U12,U31 & I1,I2,I3; 8 = U1 & I1; 9 = U2 & I2;
10 = U3 & I3; 11 = U12 & I3; 12 = U23 & I1; 13 = U31 & I2
Power direction 0 = Forward; 1 = Reverse
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
Typical settings are provided.
Request you to review the same
as per system requirement.

Group 1 is selected in control

setting as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings
same as setting group 1.
Setting group 1 & 2 settings are
based on this setting. On REM
display active power and reactive
power should be indicated as
positive. Otherwise please rectify
CT / PT connections.
Function block : P< / P> Three phase under-power or reverse power protection
FB Name : UPOW6St2 Used as a low forward power protection
IEEE Device No. : 37

Setting group 1 Typ

Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings
as p
Power setting 1.0...200.0 % Sn Start power 3
Selection of underpower or
Operation mode 0 or 1 1) - Under power
reverse power
Operate time 0.04...300.00 s Operate time 3
Waiting time after closing a
Wait time 0.0...60.0 s 5
circuit breaker

Disable mode 0 or 1 2) - Disable input in use or not in use On

Operation mode 0 = Underpower; 1 = Reverse power
Disable mode 0 = OFF; 1 = ON

Setting group 2 G
Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings
Power setting 1.0...200.0 % Sn Start power 3 sa

Selection of underpower or
Operation mode 0 or 1 1) - Under power
reverse power
Operate time 0.04...300.00 s Operate time 3
Waiting time after closing a
Wait time 0.0...60.0 s 5
circuit breaker
Disable mode 0 or 1 2) - Disable input in use or not in use On

Operation mode 0 = Underpower; 1 = Reverse power
Disable mode 0 = OFF; 1 = ON
Function block : P< / P> Three phase under-power or reverse power protection
FB Name : UPOW6St2 Used as a low forward power protection
IEEE Device No. : 37

Control settings

Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings

UPOW6St# 1) 0 or 1 2) - UPOW6St_ in use or not in use In use

Resetting time of the operate
Drop-off time 0.00...60.00 s 0
time counter
Measuring mode 0...13 3) - Power measurement mode U12,U23 & I1,I2,I3 Se
Power direction 0 or 1 4) - Direction of power flow Forward dis
Selection of the active setting po
Group selection 0...2 5) - Group 1 po
Minimum pulse width of START
Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
Selection of latching feature for
Trip signal 0 or 1 7) - Latching
TRIP output
Minimum pulse width of TRIP
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms 40
and CBFP
Operate time of the delayed trip
CBFP time 100...1000 ms 100
Test START 0 or 1 8) - Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 8) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Test CBFP 0 or 1 8) - Testing of CBFP Do not activate
Parameter # denotes the stage number of the function block (1, 2 or 3)
Status 0 = Not in use; 1 = In use
Measuring mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = U1,U2,U3 & I1,I2,I3; 2=U12,U23,U0 & I1,I2,I3;
3 = U23,U31,U0 & I1,I2,I3; 4 = U12,U31,U0 & I1,I2,I3; 5 = U12,U23 & I1,I2,I3;
6 = U23,U31 & I1,I2,I3; 7= U12,U31 & I1,I2,I3; 8 = U1 & I1; 9 = U2 & I2;
10 = U3 & I3; 11 = U12 & I3; 12 = U23 & I1; 13 = U31 & I2
Power direction 0 = Forward; 1 = Reverse
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
Typical settings are provided.
Request you to review the same
as per system requirement.

Group 1 is selected in control

setting as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings
same as setting group 1.
Setting group 1 & 2 settings are
based on this setting. On REM
display active power and reactive
power should be indicated as
positive. Otherwise please rectify
CT / PT connections.
Function block : 3DI> Stabilized three phase differential protection
FB Name : Diff6G
IEEE Device No. : 87G

Setting group 1

Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings

The lowest ratio of differential and

Basic setting 5...50 % 5
nominal current to cause a trip

Slope of the second line of the

Starting ratio 10...50 % 10
operating characteristics
Turn-point between the first and the
Turn-point 1 0.0...1.0 x In second line of the operating 1
Turn-point between the second and
Turn-point 2 1.0...3.0 x In the third line of the operating 3
Tripping value of the instantaneous
Inst. setting 5...30 x In 5

Setting group 2 Gro

Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings reco
The lowest ratio of differential and
Basic setting 5...50 % 5
nominal current to cause a trip

Slope of the second line of the

Starting ratio 10...50 % 10
operating characteristics
Turn-point between the first and the
Turn-point 1 0.0...1.0 x In second line of the operating 1
Turn-point between the second and
Turn-point 2 1.0...3.0 x In the third line of the operating 3
Tripping value of the instantaneous
Inst. setting 5...30 x In 5
Function block : 3DI> Stabilized three phase differential protection
FB Name : Diff6G
IEEE Device No. : 87G

Control settings

Parameter Values Unit Explanation Recommended settings

Diff6G 0 or 11) - Protection block in use or not in use In use

Group selection 0...2 2) - Selection of the active setting group Group 1

Selection of latching feature for

Trip signal 0 or 14) - Latching
TRIP output Recom
Minimum pulse width of TRIP and drawin
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms 40 check
at site
Operate time of the delayed trip type ac
CBFP time 100...1000 ms 100

Determined by the directions of the

CT connection 0 or 1 5) - Type II
connected currents transformers

Test TRIP 0 or 16) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate

Test CBFP 0 or 16) Testing of CBFP Do not activate
Status 0 = Not in use; 1 = In use
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
CT connection 0 = Type I; 1 = Type II
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
Group 1 is selected in control
setting as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings
same as setting group 1.
Recommended as per
drawing.Request you to
check CT connections
at site and select the
type accordingly.
Function block : X< Three phase under-excitation protection ( Derived to use as Pole sleep)
FB Name : UE6Low
IEEE Device No. : 40

Setting group 1

Parameter Values Unit Explanation

Distance of the top of the

Circle offset -10.00...10.00 p.u.
impedance circle from the R-axis

Circle diameter 0.01...60.00 p.u. Diameter of the impedance circle

Displacement of the center of the

Cir.displacem. -10.00...10.00 p.u.
impedance circle from the X-axis

Operate time s Tripping time

Setting group 2
Parameter Values Unit Explanation

Distance of the top of the

Circle offset -10.00...10.00 p.u.
impedance circle from the R-axis

Circle diameter 0.01...60.00 p.u. Diameter of the impedance circle

Displacement of the center of the

Cir.displacem. -10.00...10.00 p.u.
impedance circle from the X-axis

Operate time s Tripping time
Function block : X< Three phase under-excitation protection
FB Name : UE6High
IEEE Device No. : 40

Control settings
Parameter Values Unit Explanation

Measuring mode 0...6 1) - Selection of the measuring mode

Selection of the excitation current

Excit.curr.trip 0 or 1 2) -
Drop-off time 0.00...10.00 s Drop-off time
Selection of the active setting
Group selection 0...2 3) -
Minimum pulse width of START
Start pulse 0...1000 ms
Selection of latching feature for
Trip signal 0 or 1 5) -
TRIP output
Minimum pulse width of TRIP and
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms
Operate time of the delayed trip
CBFP time 100...1000 ms
Oper. direction 0 or 1 6) - Operation direction
Test START 0 or 1 7) - Testing of START
Test TRIP 0 or 1 7) - Testing of TRIP
Test CBFP 0 or 1 7) - Testing of CBFP

Measuring mode 0 = Not in use, 1 = One phase, phase-earth voltage, fund.freq.,
2 = One phase, phase-phase voltage, fund. freq.,
3= Three phase, phase-earth voltages, fund. freq.,
4 = Three phase, phase-phase voltages, fund. freq.,
5 = Three phase, phase-earth voltages, pos.seq.,
6 = Three phase, phase-phase voltages, pos. seq.
Excit.curr.trip 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Oper. direction 0 = Forward; 1 = Reverse; When the reverse direction has been selected,
the angle of the impedance is rotated +180°. This can be used e.g.
if the polarity of voltages is opposite to the normal polarity in relay terminals.
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
tion ( Derived to use as Pole sleep)

Set equal to Xd' / 2 where

Recommended settings Xd' = transient reactance of the
Set equal to Xd where
Xd = synchronous reactance
1.65 of the machine

Allows temporary under-
excitation conditions and
- gives time for corrective

Group 1 is selected in control

Recommended settings setting as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings
-0.13 same as setting group 1.



Recommended settings

Three phase, phase-phase voltages,

fund. freq.,


Group 1



Do not activate
Do not activate
Do not activate


has been selected,

be used e.g.
arity in relay terminals.
Function block : X< Three phase under-excitation protection
FB Name : UE6High
IEEE Device No. : 40

Setting group 1
Recommended Set
Parameter Values Unit Explanation Xd
Distance of the top of the
Circle offset -10.00...10.00 p.u. -0.13
impedance circle from the R-axis
Circle diameter 0.01...60.00 p.u. Diameter of the impedance circle 1.65 of t

Displacement of the center of the

Cir.displacem. -10.00...10.00 p.u. 0
impedance circle from the X-axis
UE6Low: exc
Operate time s Tripping time - giv

Setting group 2
Recommended set
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
settings rec
Distance of the top of the
Circle offset -10.00...10.00 p.u. -0.13
impedance circle from the R-axis

Circle diameter 0.01...60.00 p.u. Diameter of the impedance circle 1.65

Displacement of the center of the

Cir.displacem. -10.00...10.00 p.u. 0
impedance circle from the X-axis

Operate time s Tripping time -
Function block : X< Three phase under-excitation protection
FB Name : UE6High
IEEE Device No. : 40

Control settings
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Three phase, phase-
Measuring mode 0...6 1) - Selection of the measuring mode phase voltages, fund.
Selection of the excitation current
Excit.curr.trip 0 or 1 2) - Disabled
Drop-off time 0.00...10.00 s Drop-off time 0
Selection of the active setting
Group selection 0...2 3) - Group 1
Minimum pulse width of START
Start pulse 0...1000 ms 0
Selection of latching feature for
Trip signal 0 or 1 5) - Latching
TRIP output
Minimum pulse width of TRIP and
Trip pulse 40...1000 ms 40
Operate time of the delayed trip
CBFP time 100...1000 ms 100
Oper. direction 0 or 1 6) - Operation direction Forward
Test START 0 or 1 7) - Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 7) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Test CBFP 0 or 1 7) - Testing of CBFP Do not activate

Measuring mode 0 = Not in use, 1 = One phase, phase-earth voltage, fund.freq.,
2 = One phase, phase-phase voltage, fund. freq.,
3= Three phase, phase-earth voltages, fund. freq.,
4 = Three phase, phase-phase voltages, fund. freq.,
5 = Three phase, phase-earth voltages, pos.seq.,
6 = Three phase, phase-phase voltages, pos. seq.
Excit.curr.trip 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Oper. direction 0 = Forward; 1 = Reverse; When the reverse direction has been selected,
the angle of the impedance is rotated +180°. This can be used e.g.
if the polarity of voltages is opposite to the normal polarity in relay terminals.
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
Set equal to Xd' / 2 where
Xd' = transient reactance of the

Set equal to Xd where

Xd = synchronous reactance
of the machine

Allows temporary under-

excitation conditions and
gives time for corrective

Group 1 is selected in control

setting as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings
same as setting group 1.
Function block : U/f> Over-excitation Protection
FB Name :OE1Low
IEEE Device No. : 24

Setting group 1
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
1.00...2.0 Proportional overexcitation that has to be
U/f start DT x U/f 1.15
0 reached before definite-time operation
1.00...2.0 Proportional overexcitation that has to be
U/f start IDMT x U/f 1.15
0 reached before inverse-time operation
0.80...1.6 Maximum continuous operating value without
U max cont. x Un 1.1
0 damage
0.10...60 Required duration of overexcitation condition
Operate time s 0.5
0.00 before TRIP in definite-time operation
k - Operation curve in IDMT operation, multiplier 0.1
500...100 Maximum operate time in IDMT mode regardless
Maximum time s 500
00 of inverse characteristic
Constant delay s Operation curve in IDMT operation, constant 1
Cooling time 5...10000 s Cooling time of the generator/transformer 50

Setting group 2
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
1.00...2.0 Proportional overexcitation that has to be
U/f start DT x U/f 1.15
0 reached before definite-time operation
1.00...2.0 Proportional overexcitation that has to be
U/f start IDMT x U/f 1.15
0 reached before inverse-time operation

0.80...1.6 Maximum continuous operating value without

U max cont. x Un 1.1
0 damage

0.10...60 Required duration of overexcitation condition

Operate time s 0.5
0.00 before TRIP in definite-time operation

k - Operation curve in IDMT operation, multiplier 0.1
500...100 Maximum operate time in IDMT mode regardless
Maximum time s 500
00 of inverse characteristic
Constant delay s Operation curve in IDMT operation, constant 1

Cooling time 5...10000 s Cooling time of the generator/transformer 50

Function block : U/f> Over-excitation Protection
FB Name :OE1Low
IEEE Device No. : 24

Control settings
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Operation mode 0...3 1) - Selection of operation mode Definite time
0.05...10. Resetting time of the operate time counter at DT
Drop-off time s 0.05
00 mode
Group selection 0...2 2) - Selection of the active setting group Group 1

Start pulse 0...1000 ms Minimum pulse width of START signal 0

Trip signal 0 or 1 4) - Selection of latching for TRIP output Latching

Trip pulse 40...1000 ms Minimum pulse width of TRIP and CBFP 40

CBFP time ms Operate time of the delayed trip CBFP 100
Test START 0 or 1 5) - Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 5) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Test CBFP 0 or 1 5)
- Testing of CBFP Do not activate

Operation mode 0=Not in use; 1=Definite-time; 2=Inv.curve #1; 3=Inv.curve #2

Group selection 0=Group 1; 1= Group 2; 2=GROUP input

Active group 0=Group 1; 1=Group 2
Trip signal 0=Non-latching; 1=Latching
Test 0=Do not activate; 1=Activate
Group 1 is selected in control setting
as an active group. It is
recommended to adopt settings same
as setting group 1.
Function block : Z<< Three phase under impedance protection
FB Name : UI6High This
IEEE Device No. : 21G cas
Setting group 1 con
Recommended pro
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Z-setting 0.01…60.00 p.u. Start impedance 0.50

Operate time 0.04…300.00 s Operate time 1 30%

as p

Setting group 2
Recommended All
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Z-setting 0.01…60.00 p.u. Start impedance 0.50
Operate time 0.04…300.00 s Operate time 1 act
Function block : Z<< Three phase under impedance protection
FB Name : UI6High
IEEE Device No. : 21G

Control settings
Parameter Values Unit Explanation
Function block in use or not in
UI6Low 0 or 1 1) - Not in use
Function block in use or not in
UI6High 0 or 1 1) - In use
Selection of the measuring signal
Meas. signals 0…11 2) - 3-ph, U12&U23

Selection of the measuring mode

Measuring mode 0 or 1 3) - Fundam. Freq.
(peak-to-peak or fund. freq.)

Drop-off time 0.00…10.00 s Drop-off time 0

Selection of the active setting
Group selection 0…2 4) - Group 1
Minimum pulse width of START
Start pulse 0…1000 ms 0
Selection of latching feature for
Trip signal 0 or 1 6) - Latching
the TRIP output
Minimum pulse width of TRIP and
Trip pulse 40…1000 ms 40
Operate time of the delayed trip
CBFP time 100…1000 ms 100
Test START 0 or 1 7) - Testing of START Do not activate
Test TRIP 0 or 1 7) - Testing of TRIP Do not activate
Test CBFP 0 or 1 7) - Testing of CBFP Do not activate

UI6_ 0 = Not in use; 1 = In use
Meas. signals 0 = Not selected; 1 = 2-ph, ph-e 1&2; 2 = 2-ph, ph-e 2&3; 3 = 2-ph, ph-e 3&1;
4 = 3-ph, ph-e; 5 = 2-ph, ph-ph 1&2; 6 = 2-ph, ph-ph 2&3; 7 = 2-ph, ph-ph 3&1;
8 = 3-ph, U12&U23; 9 = 3-ph, U23&U31; 10 = 3-ph, U31&U12;
11 = 3-ph, ph-ph
Measuring mode 0 = Peak-to-peak; 1 = Fundam. freq.
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
The default value of the “Meas signals” parameter depends on the signals connected.
(checking order: 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0).
The function block chooses the most covering Meas.signals option
This protection is recommended to be used in
case of generator connected to bus through
transformer. In this case as gen. Is directly
connected to bus, VOC6Low function is a
better protection. As the generator is directly
connected to bus, chances of operation of this
protection for external faults are more.

30% of Xd is considered. To be reviewed further

as per system requirement.

Allow primary protections to operate first.

Group 1 is selected in control setting as an

active group. It is recommended to adopt
settings same as setting group 1.
ABB REM 543 - Generator Protection Relay Event List DATE : 13.03.2010
Location: GRP#1 & GRP#2 at CPP Control Room - M/S. Dalmia Cement Bharat Limited
Sr. No. Function Description Event Code
E0 = Trip Reset
E1 = Trip
E2 = Trip Reset
1 Diff 6G Differential Protection E3 = Trip
E4 = CBFP Trip
E5 = CBFP Trip

NOC3 Low Non-Directional Over Current - Low E0 = Start Reset

NOC3 High Non-Directional Over Current - High E1 = Start Active
NOC3 Inst Non-Directional Over Current - Instantaneous E2 = Trip Reset
E3 = Trip Acted
E4 = CBFP Trip
OV3 High Over Voltage (Stage-2) - Gen CB Trip
OV3 Low Over Voltage (Stage-1) - Alarm (Tie Trip Removed) E5 = CBFP Trip

UV3 High Under Voltage (Stage-2) - Gen CB Trip

UV3 Low Under Voltage (Stage-1) - Alarm (Tie Trip Removed)
UE6 High Loss of Excitation
UE6 Low Loss of Excitation
NPS3 HIGH Negative Phase Sequence
NPS3 Low Negative Phase Sequence
VOC 6 Low Voltage Restrained Over Current

OPOW6 ST1 Reverse Reactive Power

UPOW6 ST1 Reverse Power
UPOW6 ST3 Low Forward Power

FREQ1 ST1 Under Frequency (Stage-1) - Alarm (Tie Trip) E4 = Start Reset
FREQ1 ST2 Over Frequency (Stage-1) - Alarm (Tie Trip) E5 = Start Active
3 FREQ1 ST3 Under Frequency (Stage-2) - Gen CB Trip E6 = Trip Reset
FREQ1 ST4 Over Frequency (Stage-2) - Gen CB Trip E7 = Trip Acted
E0 = Breaker Open
4 COIND1 Generator Circuit Breaker Status
E1 = Breaker Close
5 1 100 Events will get registered in Event List Page
2 Each protection is having last three recorded data

MMIALR External Trip Inputs

MMIALR1 Turbine Trip
MMIALR3 51N Trip
6 MMIALR4 Generator Bearing Temparature High Trip E1 = Trip Acted
MMIALR5 Generator Winding Temparature High Trip
MMIALR6 Emergency Push Button Operated

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