What's More: Activity 1.1 Making Connections

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Name of Learner : Jonrheym P Remegia Grade Level and Section : 12 Hawking

Subject : Personal Development Module No. : 4

What’s More
Activity 1.1 Making Connections

Situation Thought/s Feeling/s Behavior/s Decision/s

You saw one of your I have a suspicion I would feel I'd be really anxious I'd like to check first
friends Getting he/she is about to Disappointed and about why he's if what I'm skeptical
something steal something. Confuse at the stealing. of is accurate, and
from the teacher’s same time. then I'd advise him
drawer without not to do it because
permission. What he'll get into
would your decision trouble.
You felt an urge to I'd be arguing in my I'd be confused as I'd be I'd exit the jeepney
help an old man head whether I to what I should do. compassionate and assist the old
crossing the should aid the old because, despite my man.
street, but you are man or leave him circumstances, I'm
already in the alone. willing to help
jeepney. How would others.
you decide
on it?
One of your I'd assume that the I would feel I'd be quite I'm going to leave a
neighbors is neighbor who is angry/disgusted aggressive with my comment on
insulting the criticizing religion about what the neighbors if they his/her post
religion of your lacks respect. neighbor did. keep mocking the expressing my
other neighbor by other religion. dissatisfaction with
posting him.
articles on social
media. How would
you decide on it?

Activity 1.2 The Golden Circle


The Specific behavior that I possess that I would like to improve is

me being conscientious. I always take my time to do things right.


I would continue to do things the proper way to enhance this habit.

Even if there are a lot of obstacles, I'm going to keep trying until I
figure it out.


Because I am able to learn alot by being conscientious and I like the

feeling being able to acomplish something on a proper way. Even
though there a lot of barrier like it takes to much time and being
Activity 1.3 Reconnect the Connections


We Adolescents are responsible

And empowered young dwellers
That this planet needs

We can lead
We can voice out our concerns
We cant do wrong, adolescents

We say “No no” to drugs and alcohol

For our lives to not be messed up in the future
Society’s hope, children of god
Those some phases to describe millenials better in this generation.

What I Can Do
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2
Go to school Finish the
to pass my remaining
outputs schoolworks
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Exercise, go Start doing After doing Do the Feed the Go to school Finish the
to church and the schoolworks schoolworks chickens to pass my remaining
eat dinner schoolworks I’ll do the before and outputs schoolworks
with my then clean my laundry. after doing
family room. the school
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Exercise, go Start doing After doing Do the Feed the Go to school Finish the
to church and the schoolworks schoolworks chickens to pass my remaining
eat dinner schoolworks remove some before and outputs schoolworks
with my dust on the after doing
family living room. the school
17 18 19 19 21 22 23
Exercise, go Start doing Start doing Start doing Feed the Go to school Finish the
to church and the the the chickens to pass my remaining
eat dinner schoolworks schoolworks schoolworks before and outputs schoolwork
with my Then broom Then clean Then clean after doing
family the fallen the kitchen. the bathroom the school
leaves at the works
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Exercise, go Start doing Start doing Start doing Feed the Go to school Finish the
to church and the the the chickens to pass my remaining
eat dinner schoolworks schoolworks schoolworks before and outputs schoolwork
with my after doing
family the school
Exercise, go
to church and
eat dinner
with my
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. B
9. B
10. D
11. D
12. B
13. C
14. A
15. A

Additional Activities

Person 1
Name: Gertrudes Remegia
Relationship: Mother
Situation Thought/s Feeling/s Behavior/s Decision/s
You saw one of He is stealing I would feel I would probably Stop that person
your friends something. Disappointed. surprise/ shock as from stealing, and
getting something to why he is doing report it to the
from the teacher’s that. teacher.
drawer without
permission. What
would your
decision be?
You felt an urge to I would be arguing I would feel a bit of I would be staring I’m not gonna help
help an old man inside my head to if Confusion. blankly at the the old man
crossing the I will exit the oldman not because I cant wait
street, but you are jeepney to help or knowing what to do. for the next jeepney
already in the let that old man. to arrive.
jeepney. How
would you decide
on it?
One of your I would ask if I would feelbit sad I am curious as to Read the post the
neighbors is what’s the cause of for the other person why that neighbor neighbor posted
insulting the the fight, why being insulted. insult that religion. and I wont intefere
religion of your would he post that. on thier fight.
other neighbor by
articles on social
media. How would
you decide on it?
Person 2
Name: Jonabie Caparida
Relationship: Friend
Situation Thought/s Feeling/s Behavior/s Decision/s
You saw one of I would think that Nervous and Always glancing at I would ask my
your friends he is trying to steal worried my friend’s friend about what
getting something something and that direction he’s doing and
from the teacher’s I should stop him remind him that he
drawer without so he wouldn’t be in will be in trouble if
permission. What trouble. he go through
would your someone’s property
decision be? without permission.
You felt an urge to I would be debating Troubled Deep in thought I would go help the
help an old man in my mind if I and old man cross the
crossing the should help the old glancing at the old street for the sake
street, but you are man or just let him man of my conscience
already in the be. not hunting me
jeepney. How down before I sleep.
would you decide
on it?
One of your I would think that Annoyed Constantly glancing I would comment
neighbors is he is very rude and at my neighbor’s on the article he
insulting the judgmental articled post on posted on social
religion of your social media media about how
other neighbor by one sided he is and
posting for not respecting
blasphemous other’s religion.
articles on social
media. How would
you decide on it?

Person 3
Name: Clint MJ Camangyan
Relationship: Friend

Situation Thought/s Feeling/s Behavior/s Decision/s

You saw one of He/she would Worried about my Nervous about the Try to persude
your friends probably do friend outcome of his him/her to stop
getting something something bad. action what his doing.
from the teacher’s
drawer without
permission. What
would your
decision be?
You felt an urge to I probably let this I would feel sad I would be staring I cant help the old
help an old man slide because I am about not helping blankly at the man because I am
crossing the already at the jeep. the old man oldman not already at the
street, but you are knowing what to do. jeepney.
already in the
jeepney. How
would you decide
on it?
One of your Maybe the other I am worried and I am curious to Go to my
neighbors is neighbor did uneasy about the know the full story neighbour’s house
insulting the something bad happening of the fight who is receiving the
religion of your that’s why the the insult to check on
other neighbor by other neighbors is his situation
posting in rage insulting the
blasphemous also his/her
articles on social Religion.
media. How would
you decide on it?

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