What's More: Actvity1: Read and Analyze The Situations Carefully

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Name of Learner : Jonrheym P Remegia Grade Level and Section : 12 Hawking

Subject : Personal Development Module No. : 5

What’s More
Actvity1: Read and analyze the situations carefully.

1. Your friend asked you to try to smoke cigarette. They said that if you dont try it, you will be
out to their group.

What is the problem?

The issue is that they ask me to attempt to smoke a cigarette, and the worst part is that
they make it clear that if I do not comply, I will be kicked out of their group.

What is your responsibility?

My responsibility is to look after my health.

What would be the solution?

The appropriate approach would be to decline their offer, and if they remove me from their
group, it would be beneficial since they are a negative influence if I retain them on my side.

2. You have always enjoyed badminton until you found out that your crush liked it, too. One
time during practice, though, your crush watched your training and that made you
conscious. This eventually resulted to errors that your coach scolded you in front of the
audience. You felt embarrassed especially to your crush who happened to be there in the

What is the problem?

The issue is that my attention is diverted from the training to my crush.What is your

What is your responsibility?

It is my obligation to concentrate on my training.

What would be the solution?

The best way would be to focus my entire attention on my training and ignore everyone who
is observing mr, including my crush.

3. Your friend invited you to sleep over in their house to finish the research paper that you
need to submit the next day. However, you are anxious because your classmate’s house is
far and your parents might not allow you to go.

What is the problem?

The issue is that my parents may not allow me to sleep over at their place to do the
research report.

What is your responsibility?

My obligation as a son with parents concerned about my well-being and as a responsible

student who can adhere to the school's rules and regulations.

What would be the solution?

The ideal approach would be to finish the research paper sooner so that we don't have to
spend the night at my friend's place. If there are no other options, I should approach my
parents for permission, and if they refuse, I should just obey my parents and let the
research paper finish the following day.
1. B 15/15
2. D
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. B
12. D
13. D
14. A
15. B

Additional Activities

13-15 years old 16-17 years old

The most crucial event in my 13-15 During this time, graduating from high
years on this earth would be finishing school would be one of the most
Junior High school without failing a significant events in my life because not
single subject. This is significant to me many individuals are able to do so.
since these events will serve as my Some of my peers have already dropped
foundation as I progress through my out of school to earn money.

Preparing for my Adulthood 18-21 years old

During this time, the most important During this time, the most important
event in my life would be deciding what event in my life would be deciding what
profession I should pursue in college profession I should pursue in college
that is appropriate for me and my that is appropriate for me and my
parents' finances. parents' finances.

My actions to be a responsible Goals

adult to achieve my...
Dreams of graduating from college,
finding a career that suits me, and
Is to constantly look for the bright side earning enough money to repay my
of any problem and to be compassionate parents for providing us with a
while dealing with others. I always nurturing atmosphere where we grow
discipline myself solely for the purpose and develop.Being able to travel to
of self-improvement. beautiful places with my family and
have a stable source of income is my
goal in life.

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