Significant Ships 1993
Significant Ships 1993
Significant Ships 1993
Inthe tables which form part of each Ship description, all dimensions, also deadweight and displacement tonnages are metric, unless otherwise stated. Machinery
powershave been specified as 'Bhp' or 'kW' in accordance with information received from the shipbuilder. Emergency alternators are not included in the number
of alternators. Where a dash H has been included against an item, this generally denotes lack of information, but where it is known that features have not been
included,this is indicated by 'nil'. The number of sister ships completed or on order does not include the ship presented. Some ships shown as 'on order' may
havebeen delivered by the time this publication appears.
Furtherinformation on certain vessels included in Significant Ships can be found in the following editions of the RINA publication The Naval Architect:
Arosa October 1992 Ibn Battouta 2 July/August 1993 Ouro do Brasil November 1993
AlbemarleIsland Juan J Sister July/August 1993 Polar Eagle October 1993
. (sisterto BarringtonIsland) September 1993 Knock Clune October 1993 Pride of Burgundy May 1993
CosmoOelphinus October 1993 Kong Harald October 1993 Siam February 1993
EleoMaersk October 1993 Las Palmas Silja Europa May 1993
Fennica February 1993 de Gran Canaria November 1993 Spirit of British Columbia May 1993
Fides November 1993 Majestic June 1993 Statendam January 1993
Glenross September 1993 Okinoshima Maru October 1993 Tropic Sun
HokurenMaru October 1993 Norbank January 1994 (sister to Tropic Tide) March 1993
ANCHORMAN: Malaysian~builttanker for UK operator
Shipbuilder: Malaysia Shipyard & arranged for six officers and eight crew 1 x provision
Engineering SON SHO, Make .......................................................... Acta
members, all in single-berth cabins with private Capacity .. ........................... 1 x 1.5 tonne
Malaysia toilet facilities, in the deckhouse aft which also 1 x 0.9 tonne
Vessel's name: Anchorman features a large, almost full-width wheelhouse Mooring winches
Owner/operator. P&O Tankships Ltd, UK Number. .2 x mooring winch/windlass
with cockpit-type control console. 1 x mooring winch
Designer: Conan Wu & Associates, Make ... ....................................... Brattvaag
Singapore Type ............. Electro-hydraulic
Flag: Liberia PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Cargo tanks
Total number of Length. oa . .............101.60m Number 10 plus 2 slop
Length. bp . ................... 95.64m Grades Clean petroleum products
sister ships already Breadth. moulded .. ................ 17.50m Product range Diesel oil. gasoline. jet fuel. lub oil
completed: Nil Depth. moulded .. ............ 10.30m Coated tanks.. . yes
Total number of Gross .............. 4.842gt Type of coating.. .. Epoxy paint
sister ships still Displacement .. .... 8.902 tonnes Stainless steel.. .. No
Lightweight . .................... 2.505 tonnes Cargo pumps
on order 3 Deadweight Number . ....................................................... 10
design.......... ....6.200dwt Type .. ....................... Deepwell DW 200-5-C
Note: Illustration shows sister ship Chartsman scantling.. .. 6.397dwt Make. .....................Svanehe] International
Draught. design.. .. 6.85m Capacity .. : 10 x 350m'/h
Speed. service at 85% mcr.. .. 12.66 knots Pump room
ALTHOUGH designed primarily for their Cargo capacity. . 8.686m' Number. . ..1 x ballast
owner's distribution services out of UK Bunker capacity Position. . Forward of engine room
refineries, this interesting class of vessel heavy oil ... .. 364m' Complement
diesel oil. . 69m3 Officers.. .. 6
(originally ordered by Rowbotham prior to this Water ballast ... .. 3.274m' Crnw................................. . B
company's acquisition by P&O) is equally Classification .. ......Lloyd's Register of Shipping Rooms... . AII single
suitable for international trading. The hull is +100A1 Oil Tanker Special rudder.. .. Schilling
Pollution avoidance and damage Bow thruster
double-skinned with deep double bottom, and survivability features.... .. Double hull Make .. Zoller
features a cargo space divided by horizontally- Main engine Number 1
troughed transverse bulkheads, into five pairs of Design ............................. Mirrlees Blackstone Output.... .. 350kW/l.470rev/min
Model .. ............. ESLI6 Mk2 Fire detection systems
cargo tanks. In addition, slop tanks are arranged Manufacturer ............................. Mirrlees Blackstone Make.. . Wormald
aft of the cargo space, port and starboard in the Number... . 1 Type. .. ED 700
poop tween decks. Output.. ............................. 3.550bhp/l.000rev/min Fire extinguishing systems
Gearbox Cargo deck .. .. Fixed foam
Cargo handling is by means of 10 Svanehej Make.. .................................... Reintjes Make . ............................. Skum
International deep well pumps,each having a Model ... .. .. LAF 3355 Engine room .... .................................... CO,
duty of 350m3/h. The side and bottom spaces of Number .. . 1 Make .. . Heien Larsen
Propeller Radars
the double hull are combined to form three pairs Material.. .......Nickel-aluminium-bronze Number .................... 2
of water ballast tanks, divided by the centre Manufacturer.. ..Berg Propulsion AB Make .. ....Racal Decca.
girder, and with pumping effected from a pump Number.. .. 1 Models .. ..Bridge Master
Pitch .. ..Controllable Satellite navigation system
room aft of the cargo spaces. Control of cargo Diameter...... .. 3.400mm Make. .. Racal Decca
operations is maintained from a control Speed.. . ..181rev/min Model............. .. Mk 90
room/office in the poop-deck accommodation. Main engine-driven alternator Other navigation system
Number.. .. 1 Make.. .. Racal Decca
The main engine is a Mirrlees Blackstone Make/type. .. Leroy Somer/LSA 50 Model. . AP Mk 5
ESLl6 Mk2 type, developing 3,550bhp at Output.. 400kW/l.000rev/min Computers on ship
1,000rev/min and coupled to a Berg Propulsion Diesel-driven alternators Number... .. 1
Number.. . 3 Make.. .. Victor (UK)
controllable pitch propeller running at Engine make.. .. Caterpillar Model.. .. V 286C
18Irev/min, by way of a Reintjes LAF 3355 Alternator make/type Caterpillar SR4 Tasks. .. Stability calculations. cargo
gearbox. A power take-off drives a 400kW Output 3 x 400kW/l.500rev/min tank report
Boilers Waste disposal plant
Leroy Somer LSA 50 alternator, and three Number .. .......... 2 Incinerator
400kW Caterpillar diesel-driven sets are also Type .. .....1 x AB-l Make ......... Hamworthy
provided. A Zoller 350kW thruster is fitted 1 xAQ-16 Model .. .40R
Make ...... ................. Aalborg Ciserv Contract date .4 June 1992
forward, and a Schilling rudder aft, to provide Cranes Launch/float out date ..
efficient manoeuvring. Accommodation is Number .............1 x hose handling Delivery date. .. ..
• ----:;./"j ~.::..._----•
...... i "
<, ,,! .>:
AROSA: first Japanese double-hull VLCC
Shipbuilder: Hitachi Zosen Corp Imm extra for inner bottom, deck longitudinals automated monitoring allows unmanned
(Ariake Works), Japan and transverse webs, also cargo tank transverse operation.
Vessel's name: Arosa and longitudinal bulkhead upper plating,
Owner/operator: Arosa Corp, enabling the vessel to receive Lloyd's Register's PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS
Liberia/Lykiardopulo Length, oa 328.11m
& Co Ltd, UK
new ES notation. Bottom plating forward is also Length, bp 315.00m
Designer: Hitachi Zosen Corp strengthened to allow operation in all weathers, Breadth, moulded . 58.00m
Flag: Liberia without the necessity for loading gale ballast in Depth, moulded to main deck.. .. 30AOm
cargo tanks. Gross.. . 156,336gt
Totalnumber of Deadweight, design 291,381dwt
sister ships already The cargo space is divided by transverse, Draught, design 21.00m
completed: Nil and two longitudinal, bulkheads into IS wing Draught, scantling 21.60m
Totalnumber of (P&S) and centre tanks, with two slop tanks aft. Speed, service 90% mcr rating 15.00knots
Cargo capacity 332,700m'
sister ships still Cargo is handled by three steam turbine Classification Lloyd's Register of Shipping +1OOA1,
on order: 5,700m'/h pumps, together with a 300m'/h Oil Tanker (Double Hull), SPM, +LMC, UMS,
stripping pump, through a ring main system IGS, Pt Higher Tensile Steel, COW (LR),
SBT(LR),pcWBT, ES plus 1.5 (bottom & side shell) plus 1
HITACHI'S design for a double-hull VLCC which provides three segregations. Cargo and (deck).
features a 3m double bottom clearance, with ballast piping is of mild steel, coated inside and Percentage of high-tensile steel
out with tar epoxy. Fixed inert gas piping has used in construction 75%
2.44m at the sides. The resulting space, linked Main engine
by a 'hopper sided' bilge, forms water ballast been installed, with portable blowers used for Design MAN B&W
tanks, protected against corrosion by an gas freeing. A Saab TankRadar level gauging Model 7S80MC
application of two coats of tar epoxy and an system is fitted. Manufacturer Hitachi Zosen
Number 1
eight-year sacrificial anode system. Additionally, The main engine is a Hitachi-MAN B&W Output 29,600bhp/71.5rev/min
direct access trunks, linked with walkways at de-rated 7S80MC unit with an mer output of Cargo tanks
various levels, allow these vulnerable compart- Number ................................. 15 plus 2 slop tanks
29,600bhp at 71.5rev/min, giving a service Grades. ......3
ments to be regularly inspected. Special speed of IS knots. The hull form has been Cargo pumps
attention has been given to ventilation of the designed for low resistance, and features a large Number 3 plus 1 stripping
double-hull space, and this is constantly underwater bulbous bow, and a Hitachi Super Type Steam turbine
Capacity 3 x 5,700m'/h cargo
monitored by inflammable-gas detectors, and Stream Duct fitted in front of the propeller to 1 x 300m'/h stripping
provided with an emergency inert-gas system. improve the flow of water to it. The main Complement 36
Shell and double bottom scantlings have been engine is capable of operation from the wheel- Stern appendage Hitachi Super Stream Duct
Launchlfloat out date 7 December 1992
increased 1.5mrn above Rule requirements, with house using a micro-computer system, and Delivery date 1 February 1993
l"A~IS 3~1::I38
866~.::I0 SdlHS .LN'v':::>I.::IIN9IS
866 ~ ~snonll ~~ . arep ,ueAlleo GG~O~lIloAlolI ··a~ew aUlou3 ·::>dll:JS::>
ptdai roj W::>ISAS
866~ ~e~ SG········ .. alep mo leoll/40unel 17···· JaqwnN
G66 ~ ,uenJqe~ SG····· elep lOeJluOO optjs ouuaur liUI:ljIJ\ II lfl!M 'SI.Jlll::>J!J ::>jqllllllJUI
SJOIBUJ81lB U9App·18S9iO
00 eU140e~ le!Jadwl a~e~ ulw/AaJOLG·· paads o I pun sraoq ::>n:Js::>l/::>.J!1 OMI 'sreoqojq posopua
Ja4SnJo/JappaJ4S WWOS8'G·· JalawelO AIIIl!lllld lJlll:Jl~lllA\ OMI sapnjout iuourdrnba
JeISew~ed· . e~e~ alqeIlOJIUoO·· 401ld
JOlOedwoo G······ JaqwnN liU!AllS::>Jn ·SJ::>S!I!qllls U!.J liu!pjoJ s.(::>lfIOJ8
JeqfB!Jeleleo/~alle8 palPue4 elseM ulaISln······ JaJnlOelnue~ UMOlg jo nnd II liu!SnOlf 10J pun 'S)jUlll 10JIUO:J
Iueld lesodslP elseM ezuoJq-wnlulwnle-la~oIN ·leIJale~ I::>::>lf'SpIOA pue sxuai ISllllllq l::>IIlM JOJ posn
OUIOOOIsareds :Iueweoeuew dl4S :oUlpeol s~sel SJalladoJd
PJe~oed UeIMaH···· a~e~ G JaqwnN ::>:Jllds l~UUI ::>lfl lfliM ')j:J::>P S!lfl 01 dn poidope
8··············· JeqwnN d/S-OS811009 lapo~ uaaq saq UO!pnllSUO:J nnlf-::>lqnoQ ·I~A~I
Ulalsln a~e~
dl4S uo SJelndwoo )j:J~P ~U!UllZZ::>W III S)j:J~P uuojisjd ~lqHISIOIj
...... lapo~ saxoqJea8
··········································e~e~ ulw/AaJoss/d4q006'G x G ·Indlno UO sreo Z~ 10j ooeds ql!M ')j:J~P srqi UO S::>P!Ij~A
G····· JaqwnN spoof AAll~lf OJ ~WOS 10.J ~jqlll!llAll ~Jll S::>Jl~W
wals~s uOlleolAeu eliliales
JepBJ J9A!1::lx ~ euols~oel8 saalJJI~ JeJnlOelnue~ ~Ullj OL£ .JO jlllOI 'v' ·lOS!A MOq pJllMJO.J Il pue
SLG8~S ········Iapo~
snapnN x ~ 'sroop/durer Ul~IS pua MOq ~.f!AllN-Joli~JD:JllW
1::l000GI::lHIdaouoo x ~... ··································slapo~ auols~oel8 saalJJI~ ··········································uoisao
se40nH UIAla)f·············· a~e~ aUloua ule~ Il!A )j:J~P U!IlW oqi 01 S! SS~:J:)1l ~1:JIlf~A
8····· JaqwnN aJnleal ~uel apISflln4 srqnop ~q peioeioid ~oap ·p::>!Jddns am liU!lIl~S 1l11~I::>Jll:J[m:J~ds
sJepel::l apl4aA :OUIPOOII iueunreduroo-owj:" sairuaa, ~lll'qeAIAJnS
Jal~u!Jds· .saoeds ollqnd aoewep pus eouepioxe uOllnllod pun 'SI::>[!OI WOlfM lOj 'sl~liu~SSlld pcddeorpueq
40uaJO······· .. saoeds apl4all sUII OUIPIOI liU!Al::>S OSlll lJ!1 IU~:Jllrpll ua ')j:J::>p ::>p!ljdA
'00 WOOJaUIOU3 sal' as ~II sJa410J8UMOJ8·······luawdlnba uOlleslllqels 1101::l ::>lfl uo P~p!AOJd uaaq snq WOOl ::>:Julllnqulll
oUl4slnoullxa aJI~ wals~s aOllq pallOJIUOO aIOWal::l·····luawdlnba 10JIUOO laaH
············a~e~ I!N" uouonnsuoo u! pasn ire puc S!lfl 01 pue 'pUlljUIllW ;Jlfl W01J pus 01
wals~s uonoeisp aJI~ laals al'Sual-401410aoelUaOJ8d S;JSll:J oouemqure All1l:J 01 pormbor osja SI jdSS::>A
oW· uoueredo uew auo sJaouassed 000' ~1111 sselO 100 ·0~1+ ;Jlfl ·S;JUOlfd;JPI pun SIl;Jlll s;Jwllli :J1U01P::>ld
UOOOJd . ad~l 'Ja4leaM sjqauosear UI~aAJnsJOIsuoc
ulaISln·· . a~e~ >In 01os11i'aOIAJassalsl uJalSaM 'doqs II apruoui S;JIlljI:Jll.J IS!Jll!:J;Jds rcqio pue
wals~s 10JIUOO aOPIJ8 pue PUellOOS10iseoo IsaM '~JJa~ ')j:J;Jp SIlfl uo poreooj SI uroorxnjd s.uarpjrqo V
UIW/AaJOOS' ~/d4qOS9x G······················ ·····Indlno ~1100~+ oUlddl4S 10JalSIOal::lS,P~OIl UOlleolllsselO ·pU;J ;JIO.J ;Jql III ;Jliunoj U0!lIlAl~SqO ,sl~liu~SSlld
G··· JaqwnN ,WS~~ 1'0las81P
SJa~Un8 Il 41IM '(n S! ruourajduroo JUUllOU ;Jlfl lflinoljljll)
sauloua IIIIOG ~178 JellldJaleo ~q uaA!Jp SIOU~S~ JOW%SSIe aOIAJas'paads
OSS~013n~ IIOAUnJ8 a~e~ suosrad 6Z 10J UOllllPOWWO:J:)1l M~l:J 01
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~/LG······ SWOOJ
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luapualu!Jadns + a sJaOlliO
9GwnwIXBW luawaidwoo . WOL·O ~ ~oap Jaddn 01 'Sd!qSP!Wll Hlllf ;J:JUllljU;J Ull SUJlllUO:J )j:J::>Pl~ddn
WOs·v ~oap 8Pl48A 01 ~lfl ·s)j:J;Jp u;Jdo ;Jql uo pUll 's~liuno[ .Jo Al~ll1lA
10xlw JO0 ~ SJalleJI/s~onJl
s~oep WJOjjelduo GS sJeO p8Plnow '4ldao II U! 'A[UO liU!lIl;JS s;Jspdwo:J sl~liu;JSSlld 000' [
woa·s ~ p8Plnow '41pe8J8
~oep apl4eA uo WOL8···· 410ualauel WOG·sa dq '410U81 10J UOllllPOWWO:J:Jll ;Jlfl ;J10Jdl::>lfl 'u0!lllmp
sapI4ell waG·v6 eo '410ual
euoN· .......... sUlqeO S;JlnUIW O~ .Jo AjUO S! ;JlillAOA p;JpU;JIUI J~H
000' ~ ···Ielol Sl::lltlnOlll::lltd llfdlONllld ·S;JlnOl pUll[lO:JS.JO ISllO;) IS;JA\ J;JlfIO uo dllll::>do
01 AI![!:JIlJ ;Jql slllf salS! UV!UOpalv:J 'd:JIAJdS
Jalndwoo OUIPeol411MpaoejJalul ·P::>llIlISU! u::>::>q::>AlllfW::>ISAS
laAal~uel GII3 eOluOJlnll········ e~e~ (UllJl'v' JO ;JjSI) )j:JlpOJg/UllSS01PJ'v' S,l~UMO
swals~s 10JIUOO Iselle8 lill1UO!l!sod ::>1!J]::>lllS jllqOlli XOAllUlillW II pUll 'I::>S ldlf JOJ A[IJIlWpd p;JuliIS;Jp HDOOHl1V
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sdweJ ~oepJeoelqelsl04 x 17 U!::>ISIIl Ull Aq P::>1I01IUO:J 1I11 'Ull Sl::>ppnl dllll
:dweJ MOqx ~ :s~oapJeoalqelsl04 x G I!N :J9pJO UO
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MOJ~'Illlewwe8· I!N :P919ldwoo
se40uIMx G 10d . A\)jO£Z ::>:Jnpold If:J1l::> SI::>S 1011lUl::>ljll
sse1PuIM/40uIM x G··· JaqwnN
Ape9Jle sd!4S J91SIS
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sa40uIM oU!Joo~ If:JI!d ::>jqllllolIUO:J II pUll xoqlll::>li d/S-;)SD'v'009
M~OSS······· Indlno >In :5el:!
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Jel'°8 S::>::>Jll!W OMI ::>lll ::>l::>lfl::>l::>lfM ')j:J::>P ::>1:JIlf::>A
~/M~08Gx 17 ····Indlno >In 'pn
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866~.::I0 SdlHS IN'v'8I:::1IN8IS
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G66~ JaqwaAoN S .. aiap mo lEolJ/4~unEl ~.. . JaqwnN
~66~ 4~JEV'J17~ erep JOEJ1UOO liS sdrr ·····JaJnjOEjnuEV'J -umois lJ!,woOO'£" :l:lJlj,L 'uoPlllllllSUI jjullll:lIPUl
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ElssII" a~EV'J JalladoJd alIv ljl!M uouounfuoo U! padojaxop (S;)I)
J01EJaUI~UI ulw/AaJ 17S/d4qOOO'GS" . ····················Indno
~. . JsqwnN W:llSAS romduroo P:llllljj:llU! 1I11 JO ired sa 'poimu
lUEld IEsodslP SISEM
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JS1SEV'J-SSIix 6" ......... JaqwnN IISl9L03nS' lapoV'J 'P:lp:lloJd Allll:l!POljlll:l :l.!1l(s)(1l:ld idooxo) S)(lIlll
drus UOSJalndwoo 14slqnsllV'J'" u61sao
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AEUAEl:lOdf" a~EV'J 416ual s,dl4S jO %SS ]0 SIl:lJll l:lMOl pun roddn pun 'jjllTd!d lSll]]llq pus
walSAS UOljE61AEUO-UEJOl JaAOa6EwEp 6UI~EJuiouoq Ojjlll:l JO oprsmo pun :lpISU! :ll.(l 01 puu 'S:lOllds
l:lOOG17-l:lON" ················································lapoV'J pUEIS411M01 paua416uaJIS··················samlEaj AllllqEAllIJns
00 OIPEl:luEdEr a~EV'J a6EwEp PUEa~UEPIOAEu0!lnllod lSllllllq :ll.(1 01 p:lI(ddll ucoq :lAlllj Axod:l .nn jo
walsAs UOIIE61AEU allllalES S3 'MOO:ld-lSS sreoo OM,L ':l:lllds IInl.( ojqnop :ll.(lJOJ P:lP!AOJdS!
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M~Ov9 x 8·· ···················lndlno SJ;)A![;)P q::>lqM I!Un p;);)ds MO[S ::>WOLS~ 'PI1 Alaul4:lew !illeaH
00 6u!Jaau!6u3le0!Jpal3 !epUnAH.... a~ew JOleuJall\f MWa NVW-::>IH){ e S! ;)ulllu;) u!ew ;)qJ. '!l 6uIPllnqd!4S OOMaea
O~d JOJ Ja>lInq aZIS-ade::> :3~alt::t3
29.5 tonnes/day
Registro Italiano Navale '1 OOA1-1,
NAV Il, Ro-Ro Tcont, IAQ-1
also American Bureau of Shipping
+A1(E), +AMS, +ACCU
Other regulations complied with ....SOlAS, MARPOl, IMO
Percentage of high-tensile steel used in construction....8%
Heel control equipment fitted Intering system
Pollution avoidance and damage
survivability features Double hull below main deck
Main engine
Design Sulzer
Model. .. 8ZAl40S
Manufacturer Zgoda
Number 2
Output. 2 x 5,760kW/510rev/min
Make.. . .. Renk Tacke
Model.. ...Twin input/single output
~~M 1
Output speed.. .. 115rev/min
Material. ...... nickel-aluminium-bronze
Manufacturer.. . KaMeWa
Number 1
Pitch.. . .. Controllable
Diameter.. .. 5,700mm
Speed 115rev/min
Main engine-driven alternator
Number 1
Make .Systemtechnik Nord
Output 1 x 1,000kW
Diesel-driven alternators
~~M 2
Engine make Sulzer
Alternator make... .. A van Kaick
Output.. 3 x 780kW
Number... .. 2
Make ... .. Aalborg
Type/output 1 x oil fired auxiliary/2 tonne/h
1 x exhaust gas/2 tonne/h at 90% engine load
Task Provision cranes
passenger/container versatility Mooring winches
Number.. . 3 x mooring winches
2 x mooring winch/windlass
Type ............................................. Electric
Hatch cover
Make Kvaerner
Shipbuilder: Type watertight (deck 3)
Flender Wert! AG, loaded on to decks 5-9 when decks I and 3 are Containers
Germany utilised for containers. Ventilation on the car ~~.. ~
Vessel's name: Fides decks is provided by 41 reversible fans giving Cell guides .. No
Owner/operator: Industria Armamento 30 air changes/hour in port and 10 at sea. The TEU capacity, Decks 1 and 3 504
Meridionale SpA Reefer plugs 50
fans are also fitted with foam injectors which Doors/ramps/cargo lifts
(Grimaldi Group), Italy can flood the decks with high-expansion foam Make Kvaerner
Designer: Shipbuilder in case of fire. Number.... .. 1 x stern quarter ramp
Flag: Italy 4 x pilot doors
Total number of
The ship is propelled by two, non-reversible 2 x bunkering doors
sister ships already Sulzer 8ZA40S medium-speed main engines, 1 x shell side ramp for cargo
each having an output of 5,760kW at 510rev/ 1 x gastight gate, 1 x spraytight gate
completed: Nil 1 x gastight hinged ramp cover
Total number of min and driving a single controllable-pitch 6 x fixed ramps
sister ships still propeller via elastic couplings, hydraulically 2 x hinged ramps
on order: actuated multi-disc clutches, and Renk Tacke 3 x hoistable decks
twin input/ single output reduction gearing. Passengers
Total.. .. 12
FIDES and her sister vessel, delivered in Electrical supply is derived from one Number of cabins 6
October, display an unusual versatility, since, Systemtechnik Nord (STN) 1,000kW shaft Vehicles
alternator driven from a PTO on the gearing, lane length, trailers 1,400m
coupled with their principal occupation as a car Cars..... .. 2,589
carrier, they have facilities on decks 1 and 3 for and three Sulzer/van Kaick 780kW diesel sets, Trucks/trailers 605/102
the carriage' of 504TEU (including the provision the former satisfying the sea load, and driving a Complement
1,000kW bow thruster when manoeuvring. Officers.. . ..11
of 50 refrigerated sockets), and accommodation Crnw.. . . . ~
for 12 passengers in excellently appointed en- No engine control room has been fitted, Special rudder... .. Becker flap type
suite, twin-berth cabins. one-man operation and global monitoring being Bow thruster
There are nine continuous decks, three of carried out from the bridge, where two colour Make/number 1 x KaMeWa
monitors (independently monitoring and Output 1 x 1,000kW/1,170rev/min
which (Nos 2, 4 and 6) are hoistable platforms. Bridge control system
Main access is to No 3 deck, by means of a operating all systems), two printers for data and Make . .......Systemtechnik Nord
Kvaerner, electro-hydraulic stern-quarter ramp alarm printing, and a computer for engine and Type .. ......... GEAMAR
deck logbooks are located as part of an STN- One man operation .. .........yes
of 31.5m total length when deployed, positioned Fire detection systems
on the starboard side. This is suitable for supplied installation. A NACOS 25-2 integrated Make Systemtechnik Nord
maximum axle loads of 50 tonnes, and specially navigation system forms part of the ship Type.... . .. Smoke/fire detection in holds
operation equipment on the bridge. Fire extinguishing systems
designed to suit fully loaded container forklift Cargo holds/engine room/vehicle spaces CO,
trucks. Additionally, a small side ramp has been Make Noske-Kaeser
fitted aft on this deck, port side, for loading PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Radars
length, oa .. 178.10m Number 2
cars. From No 3 deck, fixed and hoistable Make Atlas Elektronik
length, bp 164.00m
internal ramps lead to the other seven enclosed Breadth, moulded 26.80m Models.. ...1 x ARPA 9600 S-band
decks, and the open No 9 (top) deck, closed by Depth, moulded 1 x ARPA 9600TM X-band
to deck 3, main deck 8.60m Satellite navigation system
gastight doors or watertight hatch covers, as Make... . Anschutz
to deck 9... . 26.85m
appropriate. Forward of the engine casing, the Gross.. . 33,400gt Model Nauto Pilot D
decks offer a space completely free from pillars Displacement.. 27,760 tonnes Other navigation systems
and stanchions, with clear heights (platform Deadweight Make Anschutz
design ............... 12,130dwt Model Gyro compass Standard 4/Plotting
decks stowed) of 5.575m, 6.475m and 4.025m scantling .. .. 16,800dwt table NautoPilot
on decks 1, 3 and 5 respectively. Below No 3 Waste disposal plant
Drau9:~ign .. . ....7.60m Waste handled ............................... Solid waste
deck, the hull is double skinned. Incinerator
scantling .. .. 8.75m
Various combinations of vehicle loadings Speed, service at 80% mer . ....19.00 knots Make Format Chemie
can be carried, ranging from 2,589 cars on all Cargo capacity Model................ ....50S
decks, alternatively 605 transporters/l 02 bale ........................... 60,170m' Waste held for shore disposal. No
Bunkers Contract date December 1990
trailers, occupying a lane length of 1,400m, and heavy oil 2,185m' launch/float out date 10 October 1992
820 cars on decks 7-9. Up to 1,510 cars may be diesel oil.. .. 215m' Delivery date 27 March 1993
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~ """""""""JaqwnN U;);)q SU4 ,:>fUlll ZlUldwup, II 'P:lS![!ln l:lMOd ueder 'PIl
Jal,08 4Z1!4 :l41 01 :lnp SW;)lqOJd lIOpUJq!A :lS!WIlI!W 01 0:) 6u!Pl!nqd!4S !Jeqewl
---- ________
3r13S or
2 x 960kW/1 ,000rev/min
Number..... .................• ,",."."",2
Type/output ..........,..1 x Multipac 5,000kg/h
Shipbuilder: Naval Gijon SA, Spain 47Sm3), where temperature is maintained 1 x Commodore 2,000kg/h
Vessel's name: Kapitan Nazin between 2°C and _6°C, to the factory room, Number.. ............ 2
Owner/operator: Bergen Industries and which is equipped with machines for heading, Make .....Brattvaag
Fishing Corp, Liberia gutting, skinning and filleting the varieties of Type ,..1 x KDE-40 4 tonne/10m
Designer: Fiskerstrand & Eldoy AlS, 1 x KDE-60
fish caught. Two production lines are arranged Winches
Norway for the treatment of livers and roe, as they move Total.. .. ,24 (various uses)
Flag: Liberia
from the processing area to be prepared, Make.. ' Brattvaag
Total number of Type, .Hydraulic
sister ships already sterilised and packed in the canning factory. A Cargo tanks
Hetland fish meal plant, supplied by Kvaerner Number... , ,.. .. ,2
completed: 4 Product range.. .......... Fish oils
Total number of Eureka, handles ISO tonnes of raw material/day Stainless steel.. .....Yes
sister ships still to produce fish meal and oil. Complement
on order: 7 A Sabroe refrigeration plant utilises seven Total """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""",80
Single/double rooms """"""""""""""""""""""".4/38
compressors, and cargo is frozen by 10 Stern appendages ... ....Stainless steel propeller nozzle
THIS extensive series of stern trawler/fish horizontal plate freezers, each with a capacity of Bow thruster
IS tonnes/day. Frozen fillets, canned products Make/type , ...Brunvoll FU-45-LTC-1375
factory vessels has been designed for operation Output.. , 440kW/415rev/min
by Dalryba VBTRF (Vladivostock Base for and fish meal are stored in. the cargo hold Fire detection system
Trawling and Fishing) in the Sea of Okhotsk (4,296m3/-30°C), fish meal hold (l,286m3/ Make """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""",Autronrca
Type.. ......BV20/24
and Bering Strait, where catches will normally +14T) and canning hold (3S0m3/-yC), whilst Fire extinguishing system
consist of Alaskan pollack, cod, hake, mackerel, two stainless steel heated fish oil tanks have a ~~~i~~,ro~~ """""",",',',"" ,~~1~~,1,~01
herring and sardines. Fishing is carried out over total capacity of 200m'. Hold insulation
the stem, using two trawl winches each having comprises 3S/40kg/m' density polyurethane, Number.. , 2
a capacity of 3,800m/32mm diameter wire. applied in situ and protected on floors, ceilings Make ,..Racal Decca
Other winches fitted include four sweep line, and walls by Warkaus plywood panelling. Models ,1 x 2490 ARPA
1 x 8T502/6
two net drum, two cable, two gilson, two The main engine is an Echevarria-Wartsila Satellite navigation system
tugger, one hauling and one cod end, positioned Vasa 16V32D type developing 8,OSObhp at Make , , Shipmate
on the boat and trawl decks. The fore end of the nOrev/min. This drives a controllable pitch Model """", ..""",.,.""""""""""""."., ..,.RS-5300 GPS
Waste disposal plant
latter also includes space for net storage and propeller fitted with a stainless steel nozzle, Incinerator
mending. through a Volda ACG8S0/PF600 4.6: 1 Make .. , , , Vulcano Sadeca
Contract date.. ..,16 January 1990
Fish is vacuum-pumped from the vessel's reduction gearbox, to give a continuous service Launch/float out date 9 January 1993
refrigerated sea water(RSW) tanks (capacity speed of 14.S knots with the shaft generator Delivery date .September 1993
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Type Electric
chemical carrier from Hyundai Cargo tanks
. 10 plus 2 sloptanks
IMO II and III chemicals
Product range SG 1.54
Coated tanks yes
Type of coating Sigma Kemiguard
Stainless steel. . No
Shipbuilder: Hyundai Heavy Industries double bottom to provide water ballast tanks, Cargo pumps
Co Ltd, Korea and all bunker spaces are positioned within the Number ...10 plus 2 for slop tanks
Vessel's name: Nathalie Sit protection of the double hull. Two independent, TyaPkee Electric deepwell
Owner/operator: Knud I larsen, Denmark M, Svanehej International
cylindrical, slop tanks are fitted on the upper Capacity . 10 x 200m'/h
DeSigner: Hyundai Heavy Industries deck, port and starboard, forward of midships. 2 x 120m'/h
Co ltd The MaK 6M552C main engine has an Cargo/ballast control system
Flag: Denmark Make Skarpenord DataAS
Total number of output of 5,508bhp at 500rev/min. It drives a Type . Cargomaster ICR-2000
sister ships already controllable-pitch propeller through a Renk Pump rooms
Tacke gearbox to give a service speed of 14.1 Number 1 (for ballast and tank cleaning pumps)
completed: Position. . Forward end engineroom
Total number of knots at 90% mer, with a 25% sea margin at Complement
sister ships still design full load conditions. Electrical power at Officers .. .......................... _J
sea is taken from an A Van Kaick 1,600kW Crew ... . 6
on order: Spare. . t(Pilot)
shaft-driven alternator. A main diesel-driven Special rudder ...................... .Spade type with iceskeg
THIS 9,200dwt chemical tanker is designed for 1,600kW MaK/Van Kaick alternator and an Thrusters
auxiliary 500kW MTU/Van Kaick set are also Make .. . KaMeWa
the carriage of IMO II and ITI products in 10 Number .. . 2 (One forward/oneaft)
tanks protected by Sigma Kemiguard coatings. fitted. An important feature of the propulsion Output ... . 2 x 600bhp
A full segregation of 10 cargoes (12 if slop plant is that the main alternator can provide Bridge control systems
propulsion back-up by supplying current to the Make KaMeWa
tanks are included) can be handled by the piping Type ECR·I
system, which utilises an electrically-driven shaft alternator which then acts as a motor to One man operation yes
Svanehej International 200m'/h (120m3/h in drive the propeller through the reduction gear. Fire detection system
An integrated computer system, coupled Make Autronica
slop tanks) deepwell pump, and an independent Type BS-l00/tl0
pipe line, for each tank. The pumps are also with an advanced bridge design and wheelhouse Fire extinguishing systems
suitable for handling molasses. configuration, allows one-man navigation even Cargo deck Fixedfoam
in coastal waters, using a KaMeWa bridge Make Unitor
This arrangement has been developed to Engine room.. . Hit pressureCO,
allow maximum flexibility with parcel loading, control system which includes operation of
and to impose minimum restrictions on trim and 600bhp bow and stern thrusters. The level of ~~~~s.. =:': NO~~~~Os~~~~~~~
equipment is perhaps a reflection of Knud I Radars
stability when carrying cargo in this way. Number.. . 2
Consequently, within a double-hull structure Larsen's involvement with Denmark's Ship of Make NorcontrolfTokimec
complying with Marpol 73/78 Annex I Rule the Future programme. Models . 082000
Satellite navigation systems
13F, there is a single forward tank, followed by Make Magnavox
two short and two long, centrally divided spaces PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Model MX-2000D
Length. oa . . 116.60m Other navigation systems
arranged alternately, and a single aft tank fitted Length, bp . . 11O.OOm Make Shipmate
with a centreline washplate. The norske Veritas Breadth, moulded 19.OOm Models.. .. RS-SOOOC
classification includes Ice Class IA, equal to Depth. moulded to main deck.. . 10.1am Computers on ship
Finnish Class lA. Gross.. . 6.544gt Number 7
Deadweight Make/tasks .4 x Barco ICD4StE
The inner hull features bottom and top wing design B,603dwt Workstation for DC-200 (NCA)
tanks, with the line of the latter extended to join scantling 9,177dwt 3 x HP Vectra OS PC
the raised centre portion of the cargo tanks. The Draught PC for diagnosis, administration, loading
design 7.514m Waste disposal plant
deck strengthening members are arranged on scantling. . . 7.BI4m Incinerator
the outside of this upper deck trunk, thus, with Speed. service at 90% mer 14.1 knots Make.. . Kvaerner-GolarfTeamtec
side frames fitted in the double-hull space, a Cargo capacity. . 10,940m' Model OG 200
Bunkers Contract date .. . 27 December 1992
smooth internal tank surface is achieved. The heavy oil 524m' Launch/float out date 27 June 1993
side tanks are combined with a centrally divided diesel oil. . 71m' Delivery date - November 1993
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NEW VITALITY: single-hull VLCC
Shipbuilder: Sasebo Heavy Industries facilities include a swimming pool and lOx mooring winches
2 x capstans
Co Ltd, Japan gymnasium. Cargo tanks
Vessel's name: New Vitality Number 13 plus 2 slop tanks
Owner/operator: Honeyberry Company Inc PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Grades 3 segregations
Liberia Length, oa 330.26m Product range.. . Crudeoil
Designer: Sasebo Heavy Industries Length, bp 319.00m Coated tanks.. .....Underside upper deckand
Breadth, moulded 56.00m deck transversesonly
Co Ltd Type of coating Tar epoxy
Depth, moulded.. . 30.65m
Gross 153,808gt Stainless steel No
Flag: Liberia Deadweight Cargo pumps
Total number of design 279,865dwt Number .................................................. -~
sister ships already scantling 290,691dwt Type .....Steam driven, vertical, centrifugal
Draught Make ..........Naniwa Pump Mfg Co Ltd
completed: design.. . 20.85m Capacity .. . 3 x 5,500m'/h
Total number of scantling.. .. 21.50m Cargolballast control systems
sister ships still Speed, service at 90%mcr 15.40 knots Make Nakakita Seisakusho Co Ltd
on order: Nil Cargo capacity 332,835m' Type Central valve remote control systems
Bunker capacity Pump room
heavy oil.. .. 7,261rn" Number 1
THIS single-hull VLCC is flush decked, diesel oil 200m' Position ; Aft end of cargotanks
Water ballast . 104,523m' Complement
without forecastle, and has a cargo space Fuel consumption Officers 9
divided into seven centre and three wing tanks, main engine only.. ....86.5 tonnes/day Crew .. 19
with, in addition, two slop tanks, and two pairs Classification Nippon Kaiji Kyokai NS', Tanker Suez/repair crew... .. 6
Oils flashpoint below 60'C, MNS', Spare .. 3
of wing tanks specifically carrying water MO-A Stern appendage.. . Sasebo Stern Fin (SSF)
ballast. Cargo handling is by means of three Percentage of high-tensile steel Bridge control system
5,500m'/h steam driven centrifugal pumps, and used in construction. Make . ....Mitsui
Main engine Type.. .. BMS-1500
there is an independent stripping line. A Design... .. MAN-B&W One man operation No
Nakakita Seisakusho remote control system Model.. .. 7L90MC (Mk III) Fire detection system
operates the cargo and ballast valves, and Manufacturer Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Make Nohmi BosaiLtd
Number 1 Types Ionisation; thermal:flame
radar-type tank level gauges are fitted. A Output.. mcr: 31,160bhp/74rev/min Fire extinguishing systems
Terasaki computer is installed to carry out ncr 28,040bhp!71.4rev/min Cargo space Foam
loading and stress calculations. Propeller Make Kashiwa CoLtd
Material Aluminium-nickel-bronze Engine & pump room.. ......CO,
The hull form has been designed for Manufacturer Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd Make.. . ..Nohmi BosaiLtd
improved propulsive efficiency, and a Sasebo Number 1
Stern Fin is fitted forward of a high-perfor- Pitch Fixed
Diameter 10,300mm Number .. . 2
mance skewed propeller, which is directly Speed 74rev/min (mcr) Make .. .. Japan Radio CoLtd
coupled to a Mitsui-MAN B&W 7L90MC (Mk Turbo-alternator Models.... .. 1 x JMA-8313 S-Band
Number . .. 1 1 x JMA-8263-7CA X-Band
III) main engine, developing 28,040bhp at Satellite navigation system
Turbine make .. Mitsubishi
71.4rev/min (ncr). Electrical power is derived Alternator make/type.... .. Taiyo/FEN 41BL-4 Make...... .. Japan RadioCo Ltd
from a Mitsubishi/Taiyo turbo-alternator, and Output 724kW/l ,800rev/min Model JLR-6000GPS
Diesel-driven alternators Other navigation systems
three Yanmar/Taiyo diesel-driven sets, all of Make Japan RadioCo Ltd
Number .. 3
740kW, with the turbo-alternator satisfying the Engine make.. .. Yanmar Model JNA-761
sea load and utilising dual pressure steam Alternator make Itype Taiyo/FEK 45C-l0 Computers on ship
Output 3 x 724kW/720rev/min Number.. . 1
evaporated from the exhaust gas economiser. Make. . .......Terasaki ElectricCo Ltd
Two auxiliary boilers are also fitted. The main Number.. .. 2 Model............................................... ....FTC-10
engine can be controlled from the bridge and Type AMDII-40, vertical oil fired Tasks Hydrostatic, shearingforce,
Make Sasebo Heavy Industries Co Ltd and bending moment calculations
engine control room, where a monitoring Waste disposal plant
Output.. 2 x 42,500kg/h
system with two CRT screens is installed. Cranes Incinerator
Accommodation is arranged in a six-tier Number 2 x hose handling Make Sunflame
deckhouse for nine officers and 19 crew; spare Makeltype.. .. Nippon Pusnes hydraulic Type .. OSV-52SA
Capacity/speed 20/5 tonnes:l0/20m/min Contract date 29 June 1990
cabins and arrangements for a six-man Suez Mooring winches Launch/float out date t March 1993
crew bring the total complement to 37. Leisure Number 2 x windlass Delivery date 2 July 1993
A11'V11A M3N
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.,14 In,.., .,,, , J)Jt I Illi ,
Shipbuilder: Ishikawajima-Harima propeller only, directly connected to the main Turbo-generator
Number.................... . 1
Heavy Industries engine. Prime-mover make Shinko
Co Ltd (Kure Shipyard), The hull, which has a sharp bow to improve Alternator make/type Taiyo Electric/FEK 55DL·4
Japan propulsive efficiency, is divided by two Output.. 900kW/BOOrev/min
Vessel's name: Okinoshima Maru longitudinal bulkheads into port, starboard and Number .. .. 1
Owner/operator: Idemitsu Tanker Co Ltd centre tanks. Combined with transverse .....................................IHI-ADM907
Japan divisions, they form l3 cargo tanks, two ~fk~
Designer: Ishikawajima-Harima segregated ballast tanks (No 4 wing tanks P & Cranes
Heavy Industries Co Ltd S). and 2 slop tanks, with cargo handled by Number .. . 2 x hose handling
Flag: Japan Make/type IHI electro-hydraulic singlejib
three Shinko 4,500m'/h steam turbine pumps. Capacity.. . 20 tonnes/l Om/min
Total number of
sister ships already
Two eductors and another pump are available Mooring winches
for stripping and tank cleaning purposes. Number .. . 2 x windlass
completed: lOx mooringwinches
Total number of 2 x capstans
sister ships still PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Make .. ...........................IHI
Length, oa .. . 333.00m Type .... .........Electro-hydraulic
on order: Length, bp .. .. 319.00m Cargo tanks
Breadth, moulded ....................60.00m Number .. ..13 plus 2 sloptanks
Depth, moulded. .. 2B.65m Grades ...
THE design of this vessel is one of contrasts, Gross ... .. 147,665gt Product range
combining a traditional, single-hull tanker Deadweight Coated tanks .. . .slop tanksonly
configuration, with the innovatory fitting of a design .. .. 2S9,5S2dwt Type of coating .. ...................................Tar epoxy
scantling .. .. 260,400dwt Stainless steel .................................. No
contra-rotating propeller (CRP) predicted to Draught Cargo pumps
achieve power savings in the region of 14%. design (moulded)... .. 19.00m Number 3
scantling (moulded) .. .. 19.0Sm Type.. . ,..Turbine vertical centrifugal
Developed separately from, but in parallel with, M~.. . ~~
Speed, service at 90% mer, IS% sea margin ..IS.70 knots
the Mitsubishi project illustrated with Cosmo Cargo capacity. ....316,074m' Capacity.. .. 3 x 4,500m'lh
Delphinus (page 22), the concept proposes Bunkers Cargo control system
heavy oil .... ..........S,961m' Make .. .....Nakakita Seisakusho
solutions to a number of the technical Pump rooms
diesel oil. ...... .400m'
difficulties inherent with the adoption of the Water ballast. .......107,S07m' Number .. . 1
CRP concept for very large vessels. These Fuel consumption Position. . Forward of engine room
main engine only.. ...........72.00 tonnes/day Complement
include fitting a roller bearing, instead of a Officers . ....12
Classification.. ......Nippon Kaiji Kyokai NS',
conventional journal bearing, to support the Tanker-oils, flash point below 61'C, MNS', MO-B Crew . .. 15
load of the shafting, and using a star-compound Spare . ............. 9
Percentage of high-tensile steel
epicyclic gearbox manufactured at IHI's used in construction. ...................... 780/0 Bri~~k~ontr~1 syst~~~ .. ........NabcoLid
Main engine
Yokohama works, rather than spur gears, in Design .... ..Sulzer Type .. . MBOOS
One man operation ......................yes
order to save space. In addition, highly elastic Model. . 7RTAB4M
Fire detection systems
couplings and a torque supporting device with Manufacturer .. ................Diesel United Ltd Accommodation .. .. Iontype
Number ... .. .. 1
Machinery space .......... .. Thermal/iontypes
hydraulic cylinder mechanism, protect the gears Output.. .................. mcr: 27,220bhp/62.1 rev/min Fire extinguishing systems
from torsional vibration and hull deformation. csr: 24,SOObhp/60.0rev/min Tank areas.. . ........Fixed foam and seawater
Sealing problems resulting from the eccentric Gearbox (CRP system) Make ..
Make ..... ......IHI
movement between the shafts, and their Type .. .. Star-compound epicyclic ~~~~~. ro~~ .i.:":': ~~~s~~ ~~Ier
counter-rotation, have also been especially Number.. . 1 Cabins.. . ...Sea water and portable extinguishers
considered. Propellers Make..
Material..... ..Nickel-aluminium-bronze Radars'
The two Nakashima propellers are of Manufacturer.. .. Nakashima Propeller Co Ltd Number 2
standard design, the forward one having four Number 1 x contra-rotating (2 propellers) Make.. .. Japan RadioCo
blades, and the slightly smaller aft screw, five. Pitch.. .. Fixed Models. . 1 x JMA-B263-9CA
Diameter 1 x JMA-B313-CA
They are driven by a Diesel United-Sulzer aft propeller B.30m Satellite navigation systems
7RTA84M main engine developing 24,500bhp fwd propeller. .. 9.46m Type: NNSS
(csr) at 60rev/min (aft propeller), with the Speed Make ... .........Toshiba
aft propeller (mcr) .. .. 62.1rev/min Model .. .. TOSNAV709
forward blades turning 10% slower. Electrical fwd propeller (mcr).. . S6.4rev/min GPS
power is derived from a shaft-driven Taiyo Engine-driven alternator Make .. . Furuno
alternator with an output of 550kW, a Yanmar/ Number .. . 1 Model . ..... GP-500
Make/type. ......Taiyo Electric/SIG 10SA-1B Waste disposal plant
Taiyo diesel-driven 920kW alternator, and a Output .. .. 550kW Incinerator
Shinko/Taiyo steam-driven 900kW turbo Diesel-driven alternator Make. . Sunflame
Number.. ........1 Model ... ...................OSV-52SA
alternator. An emergency system has been Engine make... .. Yanrnar Contract date ...
included in the installation which will enable Alternator make/type Taiyo ElectriciFEK SOB-l0 Launch/float out date .. .. B May1993
the vessel to continue cruising using the aft Output.. .........920kW/720rev/min Delivery date .. .. 26 August1993
nt:lvw VWIHSONI>lO
OURO DO BRASIL: Norwegian-built fruit juice tanker
Shipbuilder: Kvaerner Floro as, for the Siemens shaft alternator. An Ulstein Mooring winches
Norway Make. . Ulstein
736kW bow thruster is fitted. Bridge control Number ........... .4 x mooring winches
Vessel's name: Ouro do Brasil system is by KaMeWa and facilities are 2 x mooring winch/windlass
Owner/operator: Maritime Services provided for one-man operation. A maximum Type Hydraulic
Aleuropa GmbH, complement of 21 is carried, with accommo- Containers
Germany Length .. 20ftl40ft
dation also for a four-man repair crew. Spacious Cell guides No
Designer: Trosvik Engineering A/S, cabins for two passengers and an 'owner' add TEU capacity 240
Norway another dimension to this versatile vessel. FEU capacity.. .. 86 (plus 68TEU)
Flag: Liberia Reefer plugs 25
Total number of Cargo tanks
sister ships already Product range Frozen orange juice concentrate
Length, oa 172.00m
completed: Nil Length, bp 160.60m and/or sinqte-phasejuice
Total number of Breadth, moulded 26.00m Coated tanks No
sister ships still Depth, moulded to main deck 14.50m (16.00m aft) Stainless steel.. .. Yes
Gross 15,218gt Cargo pumps
on order: Displacement ....26,906 tonnes Number .......................... 8
Lightweight .. 7,197 tonnes Make. ............ MasoSine
Deadweight..... . . 18,600dwt Capacity ................................ S x SOm'/h
THE relatively new trade centred on the bulk Draught 9.50m Cargo control system
Speed, service at 95% mcr 20.50 knots Make . . Autronica
transport of frozen fruit juice is combined with Cargo capacity Type . .. .. GLA·90
the carriage of containers in this interesting liquid volume (refrigerated) .. ...12,455m' Pump room
variation of a tanker design - or perhaps a reefer Bunker capacity Number 1
heavy oil 2, 182m' Position Midships
ship - which features a vessel with four holds, diesel oil.. .. 335m' Ballast control system
within each of which there are four cylindrical, Water ballast 7,299m' Make.. . Autronica
free-standing, stainless steel tanks, arranged Fuel consumption Type \ GT.207
main engine only.. . 46.1 tonnes/day Complement
vertically. Cargoes comprise concentrated fruit auxiliaries 11 tonnes/day Officers 8
juices and/or single phase juice, and the holds Classification . .. Germanischer Lloyd +100 A4, IW Crew.. .. 13max
are refrigerated to maintain temperatures of Fruit Juice Tanker, Equipped Repair crew .4
for Carriage of Containers, Spare.. .. 2
-12OC, by a plant which draws its at-sea power +MC, AUT, INERT, +KAZ, NAV.O Single/double rooms 25/1
from a Siemens main engine-driven alternator Percentage of high·tensile steel Bow thruster
of 1,200kW output. Additionally, three used in construction .. ...... 8% Make. . Ulstein
Main engine Number 1
Mitsubishi/Siernens 750kW diesel-alternator Design.. .. Sulzer Output.. 1 x 736kW/420rev/min
sets are provided. The refrigerating machinery Model. .. 6RTA62 Bridge control systems
is situated in a deckhouse placed amidships on Manufacturer H Cegielski Make KaMeWa
Number .....1 One man operation Yes
the upper deck, on top of which a single A/S Output 15,400bhp/l 09rev/min Fire detection system
Hydralift 6.5 tonne crane is mounted to Gearbox Make . ......Salwico
starboard, to handle cargo hoses. Eight 80m3/h Make. ........................................ Maag Fire extinguishing systems
Model .. ...Tunnel gear type PTO for Cargo holds/engine room CO,
Maso Sine cargo pumps are fitted. shaft generator Make. .. Heien Larssen
Ouro do Brasil is intended for service out of Propeller Radars
Brazil, to Europe/USA/Japan, mainly returning Material Nlckel-aluminiurn-bronze Number. . 2
Manufacturer KaMeWa AB Make.. .. Atlas Elektronik
in ballast, and for this reason a large water Number 1 Models 1 x 9600 ARPA·S
ballast capacity is provided in double bottom Pitch.. .. Controllable 1 x 9600 ARPA·X
tanks and peaks, side tanks in No 1 hold, and Diameter 6.2m Satellite navigation system
Speed.. . .. 105rev/min (service) Make... .. ShipmateGPS
wedge-shaped corner tanks between the holds. Main engine·driven alternator Model RS5300C
The main fuel bunker tanks are positioned Number... .. 1 Other navigation systems
forward, behind the fore peak. The facility for Make/type Siemens 1FC6506·YUA80·Z Make.... .Furuno LC·90Mk II LoranC
Output 1,200kW/l ,800rev/min Computers on ship
carrying up to 240TEU in two tiers on the upper Diesel·driven alternators Number. .. 9
deck is intended to allow a revenue-earning Number .. 3 Make/tasks 1 x Siemens engine room monitoring
back-haul cargo to be loaded; however, a Engine make Mitsubishi 1 x Kvaerner engine analysis
Alternator make/type 3 x Siemens 1FC6 6 x ILC data network
limited number of containers could be carried Output. .. 3 x 750kW Waste disposal plant
together with a full cargo of juice. A total of 25 Boilers Incinerator
reefer plugs are fitted. Number 2 Make Golar
Make Anders Halvorsen NS Model OG400
The main engine is a Sulzer 6RT A62 Type/output 1 x Parat auxiliary 1,500kg/h Waste compactor
design, built in Poland by H Cegielski and 1 x Parat exhaust gas 1,200kg/h Make.. . Imperial MachineCo
developing 15,400bhp at I09rev/min. There is a Cranes Model CP501SF
Make. . ........NS Hydralift Contract date 6 July 1990
direct drive to the KaMeWa controllable-pitch Number/type ...1 x MCV1610 6.5 tonne hose handling Launch/float out date .. 26 October1992
propeller, and a Maag gearbox provides a PTO 1 x MCV1085 4 tonne provision Delivery date 22 April 1993
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1lSVi::I8 00 osno
design .. .............. .42,03Idwt
scantling .... ...48,817dwt
design, moulded .. .......IO.IOm
scantling, moulded ... .. II.OOm
'Speed, service at 100% mcr..... ...18.5 knots
Cargo capacity, liquid volume ...........89,880m'
Bunker capacity
heavy oil.... .. 3,224m'
diesel oil 254m'
Classification American Bureau of Shipping +AI E,
Liquefied Gas Carrier, -163'C, +AMS,
+ACCU, +APS, Ice classC
Other regulations complied with ILLC 1966,
MARPOL 73/78, SOlAS includingIGC
Percentage of high-tensile steel used in construction..65%
Heel control equipment... Baliast water transfer
Roll stabilisation equipment.. .......Flume tanks(3)
Pollution avoidance and
damage survivability features Double hull construction
Maino"ens1~~e Mitsubishi
Model .... ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·
MS21-2 cross-compound impulse
steam turbine
Manufacturer .. .......Mitsubishi Heavy IndustriesLtd
Number.. ......I set
Output.. .. 21,000shp/80revllmin
Number 3
Make.. .. 2 x Mitsubishi (steam turbine)
I x Daihatsu (diesel)
Output .. ......3 x 2,OOOkW
Number 2
Make lshikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co Ltd
Type 2 x MDM552TG
Output.. ..2 x 51 tonnes/h
Hose-handling cranes
Number 2
Make lshikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co Ltd
Type Electro-hydraulic
CapacityIs peed.. .. 2 x IOtonne/12m/min
Other cranes
Make ..
Capacity ..
Tasks ..
Mooring winches
Number ..
Make ....lshikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co Ltd
Type.. ......Electro-hydraulic
Cargo tanks
POLAR EAGLE: Number ..
Product range
Coated tanks...
........4 x SPBtype
Make.. ..EbaraCorp
Capacity.. ......8 x 950m'lh
Cargo/ballast control systems
Make Nakakita Seisakusho CoLtd
Type.. .......Hydraulic valve control
Pump rooms.. ....Nil
Officers .... ..................12
Crew .. .. 20
Repair crew .. .. 6
Shipbuilder: Ishikawajima-Harima in the event of a leakage. The tray then works as Spare .. ................. 2
Heavy Industries Co Ltd a partial secondary barrier by evaporating liquid Bow thruster
(Aichi yard), Japan collected. Easy access to the holds allows ready Make .. ...Mitsubishi Heavy IndustriesCoLtd
Number .. ................... 1
Vessel's name: Polar Eagle inspection and maintenance of the insulation. Output . .......... 1,750kW
Owner/operator: Phillips Alaska Natural Gas Cargo handl ing is carried out by eight Ebara Bridge control system
Corp/Marathon Oil submerged, electrically driven centrifugal Make.. ..........Uzushio Electric Co Ltd (MHI)
Co/Eagle Sun Co Ltd, USA Type.. .........UMS-35
pumps. One man operation. . Yes
Designer: Shipbuilder The designed boil-off rate is 0.18%/day, Fire detection systems
Flag: Liberia with boil-off gas passed to the two IHI MDM Make .. ............ Nohmi BosaiLtd
Total number of 552TG dual-fuel main boilers, which, together Type.... .........FAC511B-40L
sister ships already with the fuel supply system, are designed to Fire extinguishing systems
completed: Nil Engine room ................. co,
operate in the following modes: fuel oil only; Make .. .........Nohmi BosaiLtd
Total number of
sister ships still
fuel oil with fuel gas sent to the boilers to Radars
maintain tank pressure; minimum fuel oil with Number..... ....2
on order: Make .. .....Sperry MarineInc
fuel gas made up by the vaporiser; or fuel gas Models.. .............1 x Rascar 3400M-314-S
only. The propelling machinery comprises a I x Rascar 3400M-27·X
THE first of two new-concept LNG tankers Mitsubishi MS21-2 cross-compound impulse Satellite navigation systems
building for an American owner, Polar Eagle, Make .. ....Japan Radio CoLtd
steam turbine developing 21,000shp at Model .. ....JLE·3850
conforms to IHI's SPB, or, 'Self-supporting 80rev/min, and driving a five-bladed fixed-pitch Other navigation systems
Prismatic-shape tank IMO type B' design, which propeller to give a service speed of 18.5 knots. Make .. .. Japan Radio Co Ltd
is claimed to offer many technical benefits. The double-hull space is utilised for water Models .. ..1 x JNA-761 Loran-C
Within a double-skin hull, four centrally divided 1 x JLR-6000GPS
ballast, with the side tanks connected to a Computers on ship
cargo tanks are fitted, each further subdivided by double bottom divided by a central duct keel. Number.. . ........8
transverse wash-bulkheads. These structures Port and starboard access trunks run fore and aft Makelmodels.... . ......2 x JAE C-IA, custody transfer
largely eliminate sloshing and reduce free- at the top of the side tanks, which have a hopper- 4 x Yamataka-Honeywell HMS-3000, data logging
surface effects. Whilst the tanks are supported so 1 x AS4075, administration of maintenance
side configuration at the bilge. Accommodation I x IHI Seamat 6, loading calculation
that they cannot move with the motion of the is provided aft for a complement of 32, plus two Waste disposal plant
vessel, they are able to expand and contract with 'owners' and six repair workers, leisure Waste handled .. ....................Oil, plastics,food
internal cooling and heating, thus avoiding high Incinerator
facilities including gymnasium, games room Make.. .... Sunflame CoLtd
thermal stresses and operational restrictions such and conference room/cinema. Model ... ......OSG-50SA
as limitations on cooling-down speeds. Insula- Shredder/crusher
tion comprises polyurethane foam panels PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Make.. ............Washio Churi Kogyo CoLtd
secured to the tanks, with cushion joints fitted length, oa .... .....239.00m Model. . .. MDT·15
length, bp .. ...........226.00m Waste held for shore disposal.. .. Yes
between the panels to absorb movement between ..... AO.OOm Contract date.. ...24 July 1990
Breadth, moulded ..
the tanks and the insulation, which also serves as Depth, moulded .. ......26.80m Launch/float out date.. .. 10 August 1992
a spray shield, guiding liquid down to a drip tray Gross .. .........66,174gt Delivery date.. .. .4 June 1993
86 866~.::I0 SdlHS lNV:JI.::IIN8IS
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Slit Ja~OISUEO a~EV'J >tn :Bel:J
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SIBOHELLE: Burmeister & Wain's first BeTa5 aBO
Shipbuilder: Burmeister & Wain fixed-pitch propeller. The three diesel-alternator Capacity . ..................... 15 tonnes
Mooring winches
Skibsvaerft, Denmark sets combine MAN B&W Holeby engines with .......................................... 2 x windlass
Vessel's name: Sibohelle , HEECO alternators - two of 635kW and one of 6 x double drum winches
Owner/operator: KlS Burmeister & Wain I,200kW, and steam is generated by two 1 x single drum winch
IIPoseidon Schiffahrts Aalborg Ciserv boilers. Hatch covers
GmbHrrschudl & Eitzen, Make MacGregor-Navire
Type . . .side-rolling
Denmark/Germany/Norway PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Cargo tanks
Flag: Norway (NIS) Length, oa 246.SSm Number ....................9 plus 2 sloptanks
Total number of Length, bp .. . 242.SSm Grades ....
Breadth, moulded 32.24m Product range .
sister ships already Depth, moulded to main deck 19.00m
completed: Nil Coated tanks Down to lower hopperlevel
Gross . .45,593gt Type of coating.. ...Coal tar epoxy
Total number of Displacement.. . 99,9S0 tonnes Stainless steel. No
sister ships stili Lightweight . 16,S25 tonnes Cargo pumps
Deadweight ...................................... 9
on order: 3 design.. . 66,715dwt
Type .............Submerged SD350-T
scantling S3,155dwt Make. ........................ FrankMohn
BURMEISTER & WAIN'S BCT70 OBO Draught Capacity ..................9 x 1,700m'/h
series, as exemplified by Futura (Significant design 12.50m Cargo control system
scantling .. . 14.702m Make Norcontrol
Ships of 1992), was developed before the Speed, service at 77.5% mcr engine output 14.0 knots Type .. . Inclusive with on-line computer
United States Oil Pollution Act 1990 which Cargo capacity Make. . Nordisk
demanded a 2m wide double hull. As a grain. . S9,431m' Type Hydraulic valve control
liquid volume. Make Saab
consequence, a revision has now been made to Bunkers Type.. . . TankRadar gauge system
the basic ~sign and the BCT85 OBO heavy oil.. . 2,314m'
introduced. "l':~~
principal effect of this more
extensive double-hull construction has been an
diesel oil
Water ballast. .
Pump room
Number .. . One for ballast, slop tanks,tank
Fuel consumption Position . ................. Aft of tanks
increase in length of 18m; the other dimensions main engine ...32 tonnes/day
Ballast control system
of the BCT70 series have been retained. auxiliaries 1.S tonnes/day
Classification Det norske Veritas +1A1 Bulk Carrier Make . . Nordisk
Overall, there is some 6,000m' additional or tanker for oil, HC/EA, EO,W1-0C, Type ...Hydraulic valve control
bale capacity available, with deadweight on a ib(+), inert, COW, pst Complement
Percentage of high-tensile steel Officers 15
scantling draught (increased slightly to Crew 10
used in construction 95% (32kg/m' steel)
14.702m) improving by approximately Pollution avoidance and damage Bridge control system
8,000dwt. The hull arrangement features nine survivability features .. .Double hull according to Make.. . Norcontrol
OPA 1990 One man operation yes
cargo holds/oil tanks with small top and bottom Fire detection system
wing tanks. The slope of the former is carried Main engine
Design . MAN B&W Make . Servoteknikk
through to form a continuous raised trunk on Model 5S60MC Type . MBSA-809
deck, on to which the MacGregor-Navire side- Manufacturer.. . Mitsui Fire extinguishing systems
Number.. . 1 Make.... . . ..Ginge-Kerr
rolling hatch covers are directly mounted. The Output, mcr 12,700bhp/102rev/min Radars
main structural members are fitted outside of Propeller Number.. . 2
the cargo spaces which present a smooth Material Nickel-aluminium-bronze Make Sperry
Manufacturer KaMeWa Models 1 x 3400M-304 TM ARPA S-Band
internal surface, coated to lower hopper level Number.. . 1 1 x 3400-27 RM ARPA X-Band
with coal tar epoxy. Pitch ...Fixed Satellite navigation system
Oil cargoes are handled by nine Frank Diameter 6,SOOmm Make ................ Koden
Speed ...102rev/min Model .. ..........................KGP-930
Mohn 1,700m'/h hydraulic submerged pumps, Diesel-driven alternators Other navigation systems
fitted in. the double skin of the transverse Number 3 Make ......Koden
bulkheads, with suction provided through grilles Engine make MAN B&W Holeby Model .. .............. Decca Navigator DR702
Alternator make/type ..2 x HEECO HFC6 564-14K Loran C LRm
in the tank top adjacent to the bulkhead. All 1 x HEECO HHC5 636-14E Computers on ship
cargo piping is arranged on deck and Nordisk Output.. 2 x 635kW Number . . ..... 1
hydraulically operated cargo and ballast valves 1 x 1,200kW Make. ..........................IBM PS2
are fitted, with tank levels read by Saab Boilers Software: Norcontrol DataLoad
Number . 2 Waste disposal plant
TankRadar gauges. Make. . Aalborg Ciserv Incinerator
The BCT85 OBO class is fitted with the Type 1 x A016 composite Make.. . vesta
same Mitsui-MAN B&W 5S60MC main engine 1 x A09 oil fired Model Maxi50
Crane Contract date
as the earlier series, and this develops Number ... ......... 1 x hose handling Launch/float out date.. . .
12,700bhp at 102rev/min to drive a KaMeWa Make.... Delivery date .
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Stainless steel
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TROPIC TIDE: ro-Io container ship from Singapore
Singapore Shipbuilding & All spaces below the main deck are utilised Number/type ..2 x Type 350B TA/SR4 main alternators
Shipbuilder: 1 x Type 340B T NSR4 harbour alternator
Engineering Ltd, for fuel or ballast tanks, voids, underdeck 1 x Type 3304 TNSR4 emergency alternator
Singapore passageway (starboard), or for the main Output.. ..... 2 x 560kW
Vessel's name: Tropic Tide machinery, which is positioned aft and 1 x 350kW
Owner/operator: Tropical Shipping & comprises two MaK 9M453C medium-speed 1 x 99kW
Construction Co Ltd, Boilers
engines each developing 3,300kW at 600rev/ Number.. . t
USA min. These drive two controllable-pitch Make. . Aalborg
Designer: Shipbuilder propellers through Lohmann & Stolterfoht Type.. . AQt 6 vertical exhausVwatertube
Flag: Panama
Navilus GCS630P vertically offset gearboxes, Output ...0.75tonnes/h (oil)/l.5 tonnes/h (exhaustgas)
Total number of Cargo cranes
sister ships already each fitted with a take-off shaft for an A van Number .....2
completed: Kaick 700kW alternator. Four Caterpillar diesel Make/type .... ......................... Orenstein & Koppel
sets are also provided: two of 560kW plus a 1 x Type KL40-30Maft
Total number of 1 x Type KL40-2B.5Mforward
sister ships stili 350kW harbour set and a 99kW emergency Capacity .. . .. . .40 tonnes
on order: Nil unit. The twin rudders are operated by Marin Mooring winches
Produkter MPS3040 steering gears and the Lips Number . ..2 x mooring winch/windlass
bow thruster produces a 7 tonne thrust, utilising 2 x mooring winches
AN owner's requirement for vessels with Make ...Hydraulik Brattvaag
particular priorities regarding cargo loading, power from the shaft alternators. Type.... ..............Electro-hydraulic
manoeuvrability, speed and shallow draught, Containers
suitable for operation on an 18-port regular PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Lengths.. .....................20ft, 40ft, 45ft
Length, oa .. . . . 121.20m Cell guides .. .....................No
service in the Caribbean and Central America Length, bp.. . 11O.OOm TEU capacity .. . .400
region, and, in addition complying with IMO Breadth, moulded.. . . . 22.00m Reefer plugs ..100
1992 damage stability rules for ro-ro ships, Depth, moulded to main deck... . 9.60m Heights.. ....Bft 6in, 9ft 6in
largely dictated the design adopted for Tropic Gross.. . 6,536gt Tiers/across ... . .4/11
Displacement.. 11,744 tonnes Ramps
Tide and her earlier sister. The main features are Lightweight .. . 3,441 tonnes Number/type .. . 1 x stern ramp
an open flush cargo deck, wheelhouse and Deadweight, design .. . B,304dwt Designer . . MacGregor-Navir.
accommodation right forward, and a stem ramp Draught, design . 6.20m Vehicles
Speed, service at B5% mcr.. . 15.7 knots Lane length.... . 200m
which offers an alternative method of loading to Bunker capacity Trucks/trailers ......35 x trailers with 40ft containers
the two 40-tonne deck cranes, offset to the port heavy tuel., . 1,000m' 70 x trailers with 20ft containers
dieseloil .. . 250m'
side. Water ballast ... ....4,OOOm' Complement
The hull form displays a well-flared stem Officers .. . 6
Fuel consumption . 11
Crew ....
with bulbous bow, and a long parallel mid-body main engine only.. . 23.4 tonnes/day
Spare .. . 2
ending in a flat bottomed aft end, under which Classification. . Bureau Veritas +1 3/3(E),
Porte-Conteneurs, Haute Mer Bow thruster
twin propellers and rudders are hung. Struc- Heel control equipment .. ....Heeling tanks with Make ." LipsBV
turally the vessels are transversely framed at the remote pump controls Number.. . 1
Main engines Output.. . .464kW
sides, with longitudinal framing in the double Design.. . MaK Fire extinguishing systems
bottom and under the main deck, which is Model. . 9M453C Engine room CO,
suitable for loading 20ft/40ft/45ft containers, Manufacturer Krupp MaK Maschinenbau Radars .
with heights of 8ft 6in/9ft 6in. Container Number . 2 Number . ................... ....2
Output.... ....2 x 3,300kW/600rev/min Make . ...................... ......Raytheon
capacity is 392TEU or 147TEU and 12IFEU, Gearboxes Models .......... 1 x TM 252517XU
with sockets provided for 100 reefer units. Make.. . Lohmann & Stolterfoht 1 x TM 2510/125-U
The stern ramp has been designed by Model ..................................... GCS630P Satellite navigation system
Number .. . 2 Make ............ Magnavox
MacGregor-Navire, and is operated from a Output speed .... .........lB7.01 rev/min Model.. . . . MX100
stand on the main deck by a hydraulic winch Propellers Computers on ship
and wires. It is 13m long with a 2m flap, 7.62m Material.. ...Nickel-aluminium-bronze Number.. . 1
Manufacturer . ..Lips BV ......ConsultasNS
wide, and can accept MAFI trailers (bogie load ............2 x Type 4L9/vL BO Make
Number .. Model. . . CLC-45C
2 x 20 tonnes) or forklift container-handling Pitch ... .Controllable
Task . . Loading
trucks (40 tonnes axle load on pneumatic tyres). Diameter.. . 3,500mm
Speed ... . 1B7rev/min Waste disposal plant
The cranes are Orenstein & Koppel 40 tonne Main engine-driven alternators Waste compactor
electro-hydraulic units with outreaches of Number ................ 2 Make.. ............Aluminox
Make/type.. ...A van KaicklDKBN 100m/BOO-k Model.. . Compactor 8251
28.5m (forward) and 30m (aft). Heeling tanks Output. .. ...... 2 x 700kW/l,BOOrev/min Contract date ... . 20 June 1991
with remote-controlled pumps are y'tted to Diesel-driven alternators Launch/float out date .... . 11 December 1992
compensate for list during loading. Make .. ..................Caterpillar Delivery date .................15 April 1993
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