Asphalt Stabilization

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331.01 SCOPE











331-A Commentary
331-B Acceptance Procedure for Expanded Asphalt Stabilization

331.01 SCOPE

This specification covers the requirements for in-place full-depth reclamation of the existing asphalt pavement
and underlying granular base; shaping and compacting the unstabilized material; if required, adding and
blending corrective aggregate; adding and mixing expanded asphalt; and shaping and compacting the
expanded asphalt mix.

331.01.01 Significance and Use of Appendices

Appendices are not a mandatory part of this specification unless invoked by the Owner.

Appendix 331-A is a commentary appendix to provide designers with information on the use of this
specification in a Contract.

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Appendix 331-B is an option that is invoked only when referenced in the Contract Documents by the Owner.
This appendix provides additional acceptance requirements for expanded asphalt stabilization that include
sampling, quality control, and quality assurance testing when quality assurance testing is used for acceptance


This specification refers to the following standards, specifications, and publications:

Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications, General

OPSS 102 Weighing of Materials

Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications, Construction

OPSS 301 Restoring Unpaved Roadway Surfaces

OPSS 313 Hot Mix Asphalt - End Result
OPSS 501 Compacting

Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications, Material

OPSS 1010 Aggregates - Base, Subbase, Select Subgrade, and Backfill Material
OPSS 1101 Performance Graded Asphalt Cement
OPSS 1150 Hot Mix Asphalt
OPSS 1302 Water

Ministry of Transportation Publications

MTO Laboratory Testing Manual:

LS-602 Sieve Analysis of Aggregates

LS-625 Sampling of Granular Materials
LS-701 Determination of the Moisture Content of Soils

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

R 29-02 Grading or Verifying the Performance Grade of an Asphalt Binder

M 320-02 Standard Specification for Performance Graded Asphalt Binder

ASTM International

D 4867/D 4867M-96 Standard Test Method for Effect of Moisture on Asphalt Concrete Paving Mixtures

Other Publication

Wirtgen Cold Recycling Manual Appendix-A 2.3, Laboratory Procedure for the Mix Design of Foamed
Bitumen Treated Materials


For the purpose of this specification, the following definitions apply:

CCIL means the Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories.

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Corrective Aggregate means virgin aggregate or reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) or both added to the
reclaimed existing asphalt pavement and granular base to bring the gradation into the required grading band
or meet the expanded asphalt mix requirements, or both.

Expanded Asphalt means heated asphalt cement expanded from its normal volume by the addition of water.

Expanded Asphalt Mix (EAM) means the mixture of reclaimed existing asphalt pavement; granular base; if
required, corrective aggregate; and expanded asphalt.

Performance Graded Asphalt Cement (PGAC) means an asphalt binder that is an asphalt-based cement
produced from petroleum residue, either with or without the addition of non-particulate organic modifiers
according to AASHTO M 320.

Quality Assurance (QA) means a system or series of activities carried out by the Owner to ensure that
materials received from the Contractor meet the specified requirements.

Quality Control (QC) means a system or series of activities carried out by the Contractor to ensure that
materials supplied to the Owner meet the specified requirements.

Unstabilized Material means the mixture of reclaimed existing asphalt pavement, granular base, and if
required, corrective aggregate.


For mix design purposes, prior to commencing the work, the Contractor shall obtain samples representative of
the material that will be produced during in-place full-depth reclamation. These samples shall be used to
establish the design rate of expanded asphalt as a percent by mass of the unstabilized material.

Mix design shall be carried out in accordance with the Wirtgen Cold Recycling Manual, Appendix A 2.3. The
mix design work shall be completed by a laboratory that holds a current certificate from CCIL as Type A and is
equipped to carry out expanded asphalt mix designs.

The mix design shall identify the design rate of expanded asphalt, aggregate gradation, bulk specific gravity,
target dry density, dry tensile strength, wet tensile strength, and tensile strength ratio. The mix design shall
include a copy of all calculations performed to determine the design rate of expanded asphalt.

The mix design shall include information on the grade, manufacturer, and supplier of the PGAC. The
Contractor shall supply to the Contract Administrator test results for the PGAC at least 7 Working Days prior to
commencement of the work. The submitted test results shall document conformance according to AASHTO R
29, Section 7.

The mix design shall also list the type, source, gradation, and quantity of corrective aggregate in the mix. Test
results showing conformance of the corrective aggregate with the requirements of this specification shall be
submitted with the mix design.

The mix design shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Contract Administrator at least 7 Working Days
prior to the start of the work. Where more than one mix design is required, the area for which each mix design
is to be used shall be clearly identified.

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331.05.01 Performance Graded Asphalt Cement

The Contractor shall select a PGAC with suitable expansion characteristics. PGAC shall be according to the
requirements of OPSS 1101. The process control and condition during handling, blending, and mixing
operations of PGAC shall be according to OPSS 1150.

331.05.02 Corrective Aggregates

If required by the mix design, corrective aggregates shall be incorporated into the mix. Corrective aggregates
shall meet the physical property requirements of OPSS 1010 for Granular A. Aggregate physical property
testing shall be conducted by a laboratory that holds a current certificate from CCIL as Type D for the
applicable test method.

331.05.03 Water

Water shall be according to the requirements of OPSS 1302.

331.05.04 Expanded Asphalt Mix

The percent by mass of new PGAC added to the unstabilized material shall be a minimum of 2.5%.

The EAM shall meet the gradation requirements of Table 1 and the tensile strength requirements of Table 2.


331.06.01 Full-Depth Reclamation and Stabilization Equipment

The reclaimer-stabilizer shall be capable of reclaiming the existing asphalt pavement and underlying granular
base to the depths specified in the Contract Documents, incorporating corrective aggregate into the mix
adding expanded asphalt in a controlled manner, and producing a uniform mix.

The reclaimer-stabilizer shall be fitted with an automatic sensor system to accurately maintain a preset depth
of cut within a tolerance of 10 mm and shall have a minimum 2.0 m wide cutting drum.

The reclaimer-stabilizer shall have an asphalt cement expansion system capable of producing optimum
expansion and an injection system capable of injecting and blending expanded asphalt uniformly throughout
the unstabilized material. In order to mix the unstabilized material with the expanded asphalt, the reclaimer-
stabilizer shall include the following features:

a) A system to control and regulate the application of expanded asphalt in relation to travel speed and mass
of material within a tolerance of ± 3.0% by volume of asphalt cement.

b) A system to monitor and control all aspects of the mixing process, including percent expanded asphalt,
rate of application, and percent water for optimum compaction.

c) A system of nozzles that provides uniform application of the expanded asphalt across the full width of
treatment. The application system shall be adjustable for varying widths of treatment.

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331.07.01 In-Place Full-Depth Reclamation

The existing asphalt pavement and underlying granular base shall be reclaimed to the depths and widths
specified in the Contract Documents.

The graded surface of the reclaimed material, including existing shoulders shall be according to the surface
tolerance requirements of OPSS 301. The material shall be compacted according to OPSS 501.

In-place full-depth reclamation including mixing, shaping, and compacting to final grade shall be completed
across the full pavement width prior to closing down operations each day. The existing shoulders shall also be
shaped and compacted to match the adjacent lane prior to closing down operations each day.

331.07.02 Expanded Asphalt Stabilization

The Contractor shall stabilize to the depth and limits detailed in the Contract Documents. The overlap
between successive passes of the reclaimer-stabilizer shall be a minimum of 100 mm.

If required, corrective aggregate shall be added to the roadway prior to stabilizing. The aggregate delivery
vehicle shall have a system for controlled application of the corrective aggregate.

In areas that are inaccessible to the reclaimer-stabilizer equipment, existing asphalt pavement shall be
removed and replaced with a minimum 100 mm of binder course hot mix placed flush with the adjacent EAM

331.07.03 Grading and Compacting the Expanded Asphalt Mix

The surface of the EAM shall be uniform in texture and free of surface defects. Stabilized material exceeding
50 mm in size shall be removed from the surface of the work.

The compacted surface of the EAM shall be according to the surface tolerances specified in OPSS 301.
Regrading of the EAM to correct crossfall deficiencies shall be minimized.

At the start of production and whenever the characteristics of the EAM change significantly, the target density
shall be established by the Contractor by obtaining samples from the roadway and determining the maximum
dry density in the laboratory. Compaction of the EAM shall be carried out to 97% of the target density
according to OPSS 501. The Contractor shall inform the Contract Administrator of the target density within 24
hours of obtaining the sample from the roadway.

331.07.04 Operational Constraints

The wearing surface shall not be placed until the EAM has been allowed to cure for a minimum of 2 Days, the
Contractor has demonstrated that the EAM meets all the requirements of this specification, and all defective
areas, including ravelling and rutting, have been repaired to the satisfaction of the Contract Administrator.

Traffic, including construction traffic, shall be kept off the freshly placed EAM until such time as it is able to
carry traffic without damage. Expanded asphalt stabilization shall not proceed during periods of rain or when
the surface is in a saturated condition.

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331.07.05 Quality Control

The Contractor shall be responsible for all QC sampling and testing.

331.07.05.01 Lot Size

The lot size shall be a maximum of 40,000 m2 of expanded asphalt stabilization divided into 10 sublots of
equal size. The lot size may be adjusted at the discretion of the Contract Administrator and after discussion
with the Contractor, prior to starting the work and when changes occur in the mix design or in the sequence of
expanded asphalt stabilization. The maximum sublot size shall be 4,000 m2. The minimum number of sublots
in a lot shall be four.

331.07.05.02 Distribution of Asphalt Cement in the Expanded Asphalt Mix

The Contractor shall be responsible for calculating the distribution of asphalt cement within the EAM.
Distribution shall be determined by measuring the area stabilized and the thickness of the EAM, calculating the
mass of the EAM from field measured density, and comparing the calculated mass to the mass of expanded
asphalt used in the stabilization process. Distribution shall be calculated for each tanker of asphalt cement.
The mean asphalt cement content for a lot shall not be less than the established mix design and individual
results shall not be more than 0.6% or less than 0.4% by mass of the established mix design.

331.07.05.03 Tensile Strength Testing of the Expanded Asphalt Mix

QC samples shall be taken at a minimum frequency of one sample per mix design to ensure that the EAM
meets the tensile strength requirements of this specification. The minimum sample size shall be 15 kg.
Samples shall be obtained immediately following stabilization. The maximum sampling depth shall be 100

Samples shall be tested for dry tensile strength, wet tensile strength, and tensile strength ratio in accordance
with ASTM D 4867/D 4867M. Prior to the manufacture of the briquettes, samples of EAM shall be moisture
conditioned to the field moisture content, as determined according to LS-701. Laboratory prepared samples
shall be cured at 60°C ± 2°C after fabrication for a period of 72 hours ± 4 hours before determining the
strength properties.

Testing of the EAM shall be completed by a laboratory that holds a current certificate from CCIL as Type B.

331.07.05.04 Thickness

QC Thickness measurements shall be taken at a minimum frequency of three QC measurements per sublot to
ensure that the EAM meets the thickness requirements of this specification.

331.07.05.05 Compaction

QC compaction verification shall be carried out according to OPSS 501 for granular materials to ensure that
the EAM meets the compaction requirements of this specification. The field moisture content shall be
determined according to LS-701. Compaction measurements shall be taken at a minimum frequency of four
measurements per sublot.

331.07.05.06 Reporting

A report summarizing all the QC test results for each sublot shall be submitted to the Contract Administrator
within 5 Working Days of completion of each sublot. The report shall include test results for percent new
asphalt cement, dry tensile strength, wet tensile strength, tensile strength ratio, thickness, and compaction.
Test results shall demonstrate conformance of the expanded asphalt mix to the requirements of this

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331.08.01 General

QA testing may be carried out by the Owner.

QA samples shall be obtained by the Contractor in the presence of the Contract Administrator, labelled, and
delivered within 2 Working Days of sampling to the Owner’s designated laboratory. The Contract
Administrator may apply security seals to the QA samples. The Contractor is responsible for transporting
these samples in a manner to avoid damage to the samples.

331.08.02 Acceptance of Performance Graded Asphalt Cement

The Owner may test the PGAC to ensure conformance with the requirements of OPSS 1101. QA samples of
PGAC shall be taken in the presence of the Contract Administrator at the source prior to loading the tankers
and at a frequency of one set of samples per lot. Each set of samples shall be a minimum of two full one litre
portions and properly identified.

Sample containers supplied by the Contractor shall be triple tight steel containers or suitable containers that
can be sealed to prevent leakage or contamination.

QA samples shall be delivered within 5 Working Days of sampling to the designated QA testing laboratory.

331.08.03 Acceptance of Corrective Aggregate

QA testing may be carried out to ensure that corrective aggregate to be used in the work conforms to the
physical property requirements of Granular A according to OPSS 1010.

QA samples shall be taken prior to the addition of corrective aggregate in the work in accordance with
procedures given in LS-625 and at the time and location determined by the Contract Administrator. At least
one sample shall be randomly obtained for each source of corrective aggregate to be used in the work.

QA samples shall be delivered by the Contractor within 5 Working Days of sampling to the designated QA
laboratory. Aggregate physical property testing shall be conducted by a laboratory that holds a current
certificate from CCIL as Type D for the applicable test method.

331.08.04 Acceptance of the Expanded Asphalt Mix

Acceptance of the EAM shall be based on dry tensile strength, wet tensile strength, and tensile strength ratio.

For each sublot, the Contractor shall take one 15 kg QA sample of EAM immediately after stabilization. The
maximum sampling depth shall be 100 mm. Additional QA samples may be requested at the discretion of the
Contract Administrator.

Testing of the EAM shall be completed by a laboratory that holds a current certificate from CCIL as Type B.

QA samples of EAM shall be tested for dry tensile strength, wet tensile strength, and tensile strength ratio
according to ASTM D 4867/D 4867M. Prior to the manufacture of the briquettes, samples of EAM shall be
moisture conditioned to the field moisture content as determined by LS-701. Laboratory prepared samples
shall be cured at 60°C ± 2°C after fabrication for a period of 72 hours ± 4 hours before determining the
strength properties.

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a) Dry tensile strength requirements for the lot are met when the following are satisfied:

i. At least 90% of all dry tensile strength measurements are equal to or greater than the minimum
requirement of 300 kPa.
ii. No individual dry tensile strength measurement for the lot is less than 250 kPa.

b) Wet tensile strength requirements for the lot are met when the following are satisfied:

i. At least 90% of all wet tensile strength measurements are equal to or greater than the minimum
requirement of 150 kPa.
ii. No individual wet tensile strength measurement for the lot is less than 125 kPa.

The tensile strength ratio for the individual samples shall not be less than 50%.

331.08.05 Acceptance of Thickness

Thickness of the EAM may be measured by the Contract Administrator at a minimum frequency of one QA
thickness measurement per sublot. Measurements shall be taken by excavating along the edge of the
stabilized pass with a shovel and measuring the depth of stabilization from the bottom of the EAM to the
surface of the adjacent unstabilized material. Thickness requirements for the lot are met when the following
are satisfied:

a) At least 90% of all thickness measurements are equal to or greater than the specified thickness minus 20

b) No individual thickness measurement for the lot is less than the specified thickness minus 30 mm.

331.08.06 Acceptance of Compaction

Compaction measurements may be taken by the Contract Administrator according to OPSS 501 for granular
materials and at a minimum frequency of one QA measurement per sublot. The field moisture content shall be
determined by LS-701. Compaction requirements for the lot are met when the following are satisfied:

a) The mean compaction is greater than or equal to 97% of the target density.

b) No individual compaction measurement for the lot is less than 95% of the target density.

Mixes that cannot be compacted to the specified density shall be removed to a minimum depth of 50 mm and
replaced by an appropriate HMA approved by the Contract Administrator. Where it is determined that the
compaction cannot be achieved due to poor subgrade conditions, the Owner will be responsible for the cost of

331.08.07 Repairing and Re-Decisioning

With the exception of repairs for surface tolerance, the minimum width of repair shall be the full width of the
reclaimer-stabilizer equipment. The minimum length shall be sufficient for the repair to be carried out. All
repairs shall be made using the same equipment as was used during initial production and placement.

To meet the specified surface tolerance, all deficient areas shall be re-profiled by grading or padding or
padded with the same hot mix type to be used in the overlying hot mix lift at no additional cost to the Owner.

Unacceptable EAM, including any area damaged or contaminated by traffic or by natural or added water shall
be reprocessed and if required, additional expanded asphalt added at no additional cost to the Owner.
Alternatively, the Contractor shall remove and replace damaged or otherwise unacceptable EAM with the
same hot mix type to be used in the overlying hot mix lift to a minimum depth of 50 mm according to OPSS
313, at no additional cost to the Owner.

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331.09.01 Actual Measurement

331.09.01.01 Performance Graded Asphalt Cement

PGAC shall be measured for payment by mass in tonnes according to OPSS 102.

331.09.01.02 Corrective Aggregate

Corrective aggregate shall be measured for payment by mass in tonnes according to OPSS 102.

331.09.01.03 Full-Depth Reclamation with Expanded Asphalt Stabilization

Full-depth reclamation with expanded asphalt stabilization shall be measured for payment by horizontal area in
square metres.

331.09.02 Plan Quantity Measurement

When measurement is by Plan Quantity, such measurement shall be based on the units shown in the clauses
under Actual Measurement.


331.10.01 Full-Depth Reclamation with Expanded Asphalt Stabilization - Item

Performance Graded Asphalt Cement - Item
Corrective Aggregate - Item

Payment at the Contract price for the above tender items shall be full compensation for all labour, Equipment,
and Material to do the work.

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Table 1
Gradation Requirements for Expanded Asphalt Mix (LS-602)

MTO Sieve Designation Percentage Passing by Mass

37.5 mm 98 - 100

26.5 mm 95 - 100

4.75 mm 35 - 65

600 µm 15 - 40

75 µm 7 - 15

Table 2
Expanded Asphalt Mix Physical Requirements

Property Minimum Requirement

Dry Tensile Strength (kPa) 300

Wet Tensile Strength (kPa) 150

Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR %) 50

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Appendix 331-A, Commentary for OPSS 331, November 2003

Note: This appendix does not form part of the standard specification. It is intended to provide information to
the designer on the use of this specification in a Contract.

Designer Action/Considerations

Expanded asphalt mix (EAM) is a reclaimed asphalt pavement and granular base stabilized in-place by the addition of
expanded asphalt and if required, corrective aggregates.

EAM is a bound material and does not exhibit the same drainage characteristics as granular base material.

Expanded or “foamed” asphalt is created by injecting a carefully metered amount of cold water into hot asphalt cement in
the mixing chamber of a pulverizer-stabilizer. The asphalt expands, reducing the viscosity of the asphalt cement and
allowing easier dispersion throughout the mix.

The expanded asphalt bonds most effectively with finer aggregate particles forming a mortar to bond the coarser
aggregate particles together. The stabilization process requires fines in order to be effective.

The selected performance graded asphalt cement (PGAC) must have suitable expansion characteristics. Polymer
modified PGAC may adversely affect the foaming process. There is no requirement for a PGAC to be selected based on
climatic zones, as the stabilized layer is expected to have good fatigue properties and should not be prone to low
temperature cracking.

Since EAM has a higher structural equivalency than granular base material, it is suitable for pavement strengthening
purposes where aggregate availability is low or where elevation restrictions exist.

Typical maximum depth of expanded asphalt stabilization is 150 mm. (331.07.02)

Where additional full-depth reclamation is required beyond the limits of the expanded asphalt stabilization, the depth and
limits of full-depth reclamation should be clearly indicated in the Contract Documents. (331.07.02)

Where compaction is to be determined according to OPSS 501 Method B, a minimum roller size should be specified.

A minimum 2 Day curing period is recommended prior to overlaying the EAM. The EAM should be surfaced as soon as
possible after curing, as the mix is susceptible to damage by traffic and rain.

A tack coat is recommended on the EAM prior to hot mix overlay.

EAM is typically overlain with hot mix asphalt. A surface treatment or slurry surfacing may be considered; however, this
specification may require modification.

Contract scheduling should allow for stabilization and overlay to be completed within the hot mix temperature operational

The designer should specify the following in the Contract Documents:

- The depths and widths for reclaiming existing asphalt pavement and underlying granular base. (331.07.01)
- The depth and limits of expanded asphalt stabilization. (331.07.02)

Related Ontario Provincial Standard Drawings


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Appendix 331-B, Additional Information for OPSS 331, November 2003

Note: This appendix is not a mandatory part of the standard specification. However, it is written in mandatory
language to permit invoking it by reference in the Contract Documents when quality assurance (QA)
testing is used for acceptance purposes and outlines the acceptance procedure for expanded asphalt

Section 331.02 is amended by the addition of the following:

Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications, General

OPSS 180 Management and Disposal of Excess Material

Ministry of Transportation Publications

MTO Laboratory Testing Manual:

LS-282 Quantitative Extraction of Asphalt Cement and Analysis of Extracted Aggregate from Bituminous Paving
LS-292 Quantitative Determination of Asphalt Cement Content by Ignition and Analysis of Remaining Aggregate
from Bituminous Paving Mixtures

Section 331.07 is amended by the addition of the following:

331.07.01.01 Expanded Asphalt Trial Section

Prior to carrying out expanded asphalt stabilization on the Contract, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the Contract
Administrator the ability to successfully carry out expanded asphalt stabilization according to this specification by placing a
trial section within the Contract limits.

The trial section shall be a minimum of 3,500 m2 or the equivalent of one tanker load of asphalt cement. The Contractor
shall propose the location of the trial section to the Contract Administrator for approval. The Contractor shall give the
Contract Administrator a minimum of 48 hours notice prior to placing the trial section.

Provided the EAM trial section meets the requirements of this specification, the trial section shall be considered
acceptable. Otherwise, the Contractor shall be required to repeat additional trial sections until the EAM meets the
requirements of this specification.

The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with the repair, removal, or replacement of an unacceptable
trial section, including material, testing and management of surplus materials in accordance with the requirements of
OPSS 180.

Clause 331.07.05.02 is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following:

331.07.05.02 Sampling and Testing

331. Performance Graded Asphalt Cement

The Contractor shall submit to the Contract Administrator one complete PGAC compliance test for each lot in accordance
with AASHTO R 29, Section 7.

331. Corrective Aggregate

Where the quantity of corrective aggregate is less than 5,000 tonnes, QC test results demonstrating conformance of
the aggregate to the requirements of this specification obtained within the past 12 months from the source to be used
in the work may be provided in lieu of test data from recent stockpiles.

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Appendix 331-B

Where the quantity of corrective aggregate is greater than 5,000 tonnes, QC test results demonstrating conformance of
the aggregate to the requirements of this specification shall be obtained for each 25,000 tonnes of material produced.

QC testing is to be repeated whenever material is produced from a new source or new bench in a quarry or whenever a
significant change in production of materials occurs.

331. Performance Graded Asphalt Cement Content

The Contractor shall be responsible for all QC sampling and testing to ensure that the EAM meets the requirements of this
specification. QC samples shall be taken at a minimum frequency of 2 sets of samples per sublot. To obtain a set of
samples, the Contractor shall take one 15 kg sample of unstabilized material immediately following in-place full-depth
reclamation, and from the same station and offset a second 15 kg sample of the EAM immediately following stabilization.
The maximum sampling depth shall be 100 mm.

Samples shall be tested for total asphalt cement content and aggregate gradation in accordance with LS-282 or LS-292.
The percent by mass of new asphalt cement added to the unstabilized material shall be determined from the two samples
at each location by subtracting the total asphalt cement content of the unstabilized material from the total asphalt cement
content of the EAM.

Clause 331.07.05.03 is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following:

331.07.05.03 Tensile Strength Determination

Samples shall also be tested for dry tensile strength, wet tensile strength, and tensile strength ratio in accordance with
ASTM D 4867/D 4867M. Prior to the manufacture of the briquettes, samples of EAM shall be moisture conditioned to the
field moisture content as determined by LS-701. Laboratory prepared samples shall be cured at 60°C ± 2°C after
fabrication for a period of 72 hours ± 4 hours before determining the strength properties.

Testing of the EAM shall be completed by a laboratory that holds a current certificate from CCIL as Type B.

Clause 331.07.05.06 is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following:

331.07.05.06 Reporting

A report summarizing all the QC test results for each sublot shall be submitted to the Contract Administrator within 5
Working Days of completion of each sublot. The report shall include test results for gradation, percent new asphalt
cement, dry tensile strength, wet tensile strength, tensile strength ratio, thickness, and compaction. Test results shall
demonstrate conformance of the expanded asphalt mix to the requirements of this specification. When PGAC test results
and test results for corrective aggregate become available, these too shall be included in the report.

Sub-section 331.08.04 is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following:

331.08.04 Acceptance of the Expanded Asphalt Mix

Acceptance of the EAM shall be based on dry tensile strength, wet tensile strength, and tensile strength ratio.

For each sublot, the Contractor shall take one 15 kg QA sample of unstabilized material immediately following in-place full-
depth reclamation and a second 15 kg QA sample of the EAM immediately after stabilization from the same station and
offset. The maximum sampling depth shall be 100 mm. Additional QA samples may be requested at the discretion of the
Contract Administrator.

Testing of the EAM shall be completed by a laboratory that holds a current certificate from CCIL as Type B.

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Appendix 331-B

QA samples shall be tested for total asphalt cement content and aggregate gradation in accordance with LS-282 or LS-
292. The total asphalt cement content of the EAM includes existing aged binder and new asphalt cement. The percent by
mass of new asphalt cement added to the unstabilized material shall be determined from the two samples at each location
by subtracting the total asphalt cement content of the unstabilized material from the total asphalt cement content of the
EAM. The average total asphalt cement content of all tests completed shall not be less than the established mix design
and individual tests shall not be more than 0.6% or less than 0.4% by mass of the established mix design.

QA samples of EAM shall also be tested for dry tensile strength, wet tensile strength, and tensile strength ratio in
accordance with ASTM D 4867/D 4867M. Prior to the manufacture of the briquettes, samples of EAM shall be moisture
conditioned to the field moisture content as determined by LS-701. Laboratory prepared samples shall be cured at 60°C ±
2°C after fabrication for a period of 72 hours ± 4 hours before determining the strength properties.

a) Dry tensile strength requirements for the lot are met when the following are satisfied:

i. At least 90% of all dry tensile strength measurements are equal to or greater than the minimum requirement of
300 kPa.
ii. No individual dry tensile strength measurement for the lot is less than 250 kPa.

b) Wet tensile strength requirements for the lot are met when the following are satisfied:

i. At least 90% of all wet tensile strength measurements are equal to or greater than the minimum requirement of
150 kPa.
ii. No individual wet tensile strength measurement for the lot is less than 125 kPa.

The tensile strength ratio for the individual samples shall not be less than 50%.

Section 331.09 shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following:


331.09.01 Actual Measurement

331.09.01.01 Full-Depth Reclamation with Expanded Asphalt Stabilization

Full-depth reclamation with expanded asphalt stabilization shall be measured for payment by horizontal area in square

331.09.02 Plan Quantity Measurement

When measurement is by Plan Quantity, such measurement shall be based on the units shown in the clause under Actual

Section 331.10 shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following:


331.10.01 Full-Depth Reclamation with Expanded Asphalt Stabilization - Item

Payment at the Contract price for the above tender item shall be full compensation for all labour, Equipment, and Material
to do the work.

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