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British Aerospace PLC Military Aircraft Division

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Expert Aids to Finite Element System Applications

Ian C. Taig
British Aerospace plc Military Aircraft Division


Finite element analysis computer systems are available to many

users who have little knowledge of the underlying theory.
Expert systems can be developed to assist such users to model
their problems and interpret their results properly. The
FEASA project evolved a prototype system which shed light on
the potential of such systems and the methods available to
develop them. Indications are given of future developments
and their integration with conventional pre- and post-
processor systems.


Finite element analysis methods are among the most widely

available and universally used computer systems. A single
software package can solve almost any structural analysis
problem from the stress distribution in a single bolt to the
strength and stability of an aircraft wing or the survivability
of buildings and structures during an earthquake. To cope
with such a wide range of problems, the systems are necessarily
complex and possess a wide variety of options for representing
structures, modelling the loading and other external conditions
and formulating and solving the relevant equations. Pre- and
post- processor systems, often linked to graphics - based
computer - aided design, make it relatively simple to prepare
the input data and interpret the results. However, despite
the relative ease of handling the "mechanics" of the system, a
major problem exists in assuring that the analysis properly
represents the physical problem: the inexpert user can perform
analyses which, at best, are vastly expensive and, at worst,
disastrously misleading. Two kinds of expert system can help
to avoid serious misuse.

D. Sriram et al. (eds.), Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1986

Intelligent front end systems

The user of a finite element system such as MSC-NASTRAN
(MacNeal Schwendler Corporation) must be able to find the
particular program facilities, data entry procedures and solu-
tion methods which are appropriate. The documentation of the
system may run to 10 or 12 volumes and up to 10,000 pages, of
which something like one quarter may be directly relevant at
any one time. An intelligent front end system starts from a
user's broad description of a finite element analysis and
guides him/her to the appropriate facilities and data entry
methods. It may also assist in the selection of solution
methods and the preparation of formal instructions to
implement them.

The first known finite element expert system, SACON (Bennett

et al, 78) tackled solution method selection and more recent
systems such as NASCON (Corlett et al, 84) address the much
wider problem.

Specification and modelling aids

The foregoing systems help the user who already knows, in some
detail, how to represent the physical problem in appropriate
finite element terms. A second type of expert system helps
the user to identify salient features of the real-world
physical problem and guides him/her in the important modelling
decisions such as choice of suitable representation of, say,
a shell structure (membrane, facet plate or curved shell;
mathematical refinement; type of symmetry), representation of
joints and sub-scale physical features, mesh density and local
refinement or application of physical constraints.

This paper describes the development and status of the first

known expert system of this type, FEASA (Finite Element
Analysis Specification Aid). It records experiences gained
during development of the system and points to a wider range
of systems spanning both categories, which can be developed to
interface directly with (and ultimately to be subsumed into)
conventional graphics pre- and post- processors.


As the compiler of NAFEMS' Guidelines to Finite Element

Practice (Taig 84) and a member of B.Ae's management team
setting up a Knowledge-based Systems function, the writer
conceived the FEASA project as a natural candidate for
exploring some aspects of expert systems technology and
satisfying a widespread need. The project has 3 main aims:-

Develop a prototype expert system and evaluate it, both as

a user aid in its own right and as a pointer to a family of
similar systems.

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