Lessons From Leadership Theory and The Contemporary Challenges of Leaders
Lessons From Leadership Theory and The Contemporary Challenges of Leaders
Lessons From Leadership Theory and The Contemporary Challenges of Leaders
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Leadership theories and the academic literature can some- frame for what is constant in leadership and what is Montgomery Van Wart is professor at
times seem difficult for practitioners to understand because new in leadership. The second purpose of the article California State University, San Bernardino.
He is also a senior research fellow at the
of complex conceptualizations, obscure terms, and its is to present five well-recognized theories of leader- University of Leuven and visiting professor
enormousness. Yet taken as a whole, the literature makes ship, along with their bodies of related literature (Van at Rutgers University. His books include
a great deal of sense and has much to offer. Indeed, the Wart 2012; Yukl 2002). For the sake of simplicity, Leadership in Public Organizations
(2nd ed., M. E. Sharpe, 2012), Dynamics
truths are often quite simple, elegant, and straightforward. those overarching theories of leadership are labeled as of Leadership in Public Service (2nd
The purpose of this article is to review the major findings follows: ed., M. E. Sharpe, 2011), and Changing
of the organizational leadership literature and to identify Public Sector Values (Garland, 1998). He
has published numerous articles in Public
the important overarching insights, specifically those of 1. Classical management and role theory Administration Review and elsewhere
particular importance to today’s leaders in administrative 2. Transactional leadership theory on administrative leadership. He is associate
positions in the public sector, where an evolving context 3. Transformational leadership theory editor of Public Performance and
Management Review.
constantly reconfigures age-old challenges. 4. Horizontal or collaborative leadership theory E-mail: mvanwart@csusb.edu
5. Ethical and critical leadership theory
eadership theories, and the academic literature
related to those theories, can sometimes seem Each of these broad theories includes a variety of
difficult for practitioners to understand because valid theoretical domains and perspectives.1 Also,
of complex conceptualizations, obscure terms, and each of the theories of leadership has been associated
their sheer numbers. Taken as a whole, however, the with major research eras or heydays, but all of them
literature makes a great deal of sense and has much to have continued to evolve and to be used in research,
offer. Indeed, the truths are often quite simple, ele- education, and training as other theories have risen
gant, and straightforward. The purpose of this article to prominence. In this article, we will focus both on
is to review the major findings in the literature on the latest research findings and on those aspects of the
organizational leadership and to identify the overarch- literature that have best endured the test of time.
ing insights, especially those of particular importance
to contemporary leaders in administrative positions We will explain a broad lesson in each of the five
in the public sector because of their different context leadership theories, then offer two to four insights.
(Anderson 2010; Hooijberg and Choi 2001). All are widely agreed-upon insights from researchers
in the topic area. In the main, taking advantage of
In this article, we will concentrate on leaders in the the lessons of the leadership literature takes an ability
public sector with career administrative positions, to use one’s talents effectively, to learn from both
generally occupying civil service positions. That is, the good and bad experiences, to thoroughly understand
focus is organizational leadership in the public sector one’s current situation, and to establish a sense of
rather than political or policy- character and competence
making leadership. For the that others trust—no small
purpose of this article, we will The focus is organizational order (Phillips and Loy 2008).
address leadership at all levels, leadership in the public sector Understanding the lessons of
from supervisors to executives, rather than political or policy- leadership is important in order
as well as leadership as a process making leadership. that those aspiring to leadership
rather than a function solely of may identify their strengths
individuals. and weaknesses and improve
themselves, as well as leadership in their organiza- Public Administration Review,
Vol. 73, Iss. 4, pp. 553–565. © 2013 by
After a discussion of the challenge of defining leader- tions. Nonetheless, understanding alone is only the The American Society for Public Administration.
ship, the first purpose of this article is to provide a first step to effective leadership, and that first step is, DOI: 10.1111/puar.12069.
Lessons from Leadership Theory and the Contemporary Challenges of Leaders 553
generally, the easiest. Mastering the many lessons of leadership is (Rost 1991). While this type of analysis can be highly enlightening,
challenging, but those hoping to become effective leaders should it can easily overwhelm the practitioner and even other academics.
be able to meet the challenges and enjoy doing so. Much leadership research works in very specific leadership situations
that are carefully controlled so that the problem of excessive uni-
The Challenge of Defining Leadership: Where You Sit versalism is avoided and the innumerable situations studied provide
Is How You Define It a highly nuanced picture for a specific area such as administrative
Everyone feels that they know leadership “when they see it,” and leadership. However, both the narrowness of the study and the
everyone can talk about it impressionistically. Trading impressions, terminology of the academic style make it difficult for practitioners
however, ultimately is not very useful beyond superficial discus- to use, which is reason for a bridging article like this.
sions because leadership is a complex set of processes that is difficult
to perform successfully. Further, there are fundamentally different The answer for practitioners is often to decide what perspective they
types of leadership, such as social movement leadership, political want to adopt for their concrete purpose and be explicit about the
leadership, and organizational leadership. Even when examin- assumptions adopted. For example, is the purpose of study to help
ing organizational leadership, the differences between underlying individuals build better leadership skills from a relatively managerial
ideal models of private and public sector leadership are significant, perspective, mentoring aspect, or organizational change approach?
though they share much in common, too. Thus, to be able to dis- Or is the purpose of study to examine how systems function effec-
cuss leadership coherently with others and to be able to use it effec- tively or how they are integrated into the overall environment? That
tively for hiring, development, promotion, evaluation, and a host is, does one want to adopt the perspective that individuals add up
of other pragmatic functions, it is necessary to make fundamental to systems of leadership, or that leadership is a system composed of
distinctions, expose assumptions, define terms, and have some basic individuals? The difference is not trivial. This is the level of analy-
mental models of leadership that are context specific. sis issue. Another particularly important aspect of leadership is
whether one is more interested in explaining how leadership is (i.e.,
Simplistic definitions of leadership abound in “how-to” leadership descriptive) or should be (i.e., prescriptive). Still another example of
books in corporate, political, social, and administrative contexts. A definition and focus decisions is the level of activity analyzed, such
common perspective in such books is to define leadership by one as tasks, behaviors, or style patterns, which may make an enormous
important aspect, such as the ability to influence others, the ability difference depending on whether one is adopting an overarching
to change organizations, the ability to provide a vision, the ability to leadership philosophy or providing contextualized feedback to a line
create consensus to move forward, the use of emotional intelligence supervisor.
(Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee 2002), or even the use of common
sense (Cain 1999). A strength of this approach is the focus that it This article provides a relatively instrumental framework by look-
brings to a complex concept and, when done well, the valid insights ing at five levels of analysis that are roughly equivalent to the five
that the reader may be able to apply to his or theories described earlier: getting results,
her understanding and context. A weakness of This article provides a relatively leading followers, leading organizations,
this approach is that it inevitably omits many instrumental framework by leading systems, and leading with values. It
leadership roles and may even belittle other provides both descriptive analysis of leader-
perspectives (Kotter 1990; Zaleznik 1977).
looking at five levels of analy- ship practices and trends but also extends the
sis that are roughly equivalent prescriptive recommendations of best practice
A second approach is to provide a list of to the five theories described from both effectiveness and value-based per-
important factors, frequently embedded in earlier: getting results, leading spectives. There are other equally valid ways of
a philosophy that is associated with a spe- followers, leading organizations, examining the field of administrative leader-
cific individual or context. Examples of such leading systems, and leading ship (e.g., through power, gender, culture,
broad-based list approaches include leadership various postmodern and critical perspectives,
of Marines, of warriors (e.g., Logan, King,
with values. etc.) that space does not allow.
and Fischer-Wright 2008; Roberts 1985), of
the approach of individual corporate chief executive officers and The Old and the New in Leadership Theory
other executives, and so on. A strength of this approach is the more Leadership is constantly changing because of new contexts, tools,
holistic perspective and, when well done, the examination of the conceptualizations, and concerns, as illustrated by the differing
principles undergirding leadership. A weakness of the laundry-list situational demands on leadership. While abstract principles may
approach is that it is difficult to tell how much the specialized con- remain consistent, the more practical and operational aspects gener-
text is really typical or generalizable, and thus the reader must make ally vary substantially and are vitally important for leaders if they
a large leap to his or her situation. Indeed, both the focused and list are to lead effectively. Sometimes genuinely new aspects of organi-
approaches tend to be highly universalistic across sectors, industries, zational life develop; for example, communication patterns have
levels of leadership, and situations. been fundamentally different in the last quarter century because
of the Internet. Leadership and communication are inextricably
When academics need to come to terms with the complexity of intertwined, so the types of communication skills that leaders need
defining leadership, the problem is often reversed as they try to be change, as well as their concomitant responsibilities (Kouzmin and
comprehensive or situationally precise. They can easily spend an Korac-Kakabadse 2000). Sometimes the practices in organizations
entire chapter cataloging definitions (Bass 2008) or assert that the shift substantially over time. For a variety of reasons, including the
221 extant definitions that one researcher found were all deficient education of the workforce, the rise of technology, and the thinning
554 Public Administration Review • July | August 2013
of management in recent decades, organizations use more teams We now turn to the new challenges facing leaders in the context
and have tried more to devolve work as much as possible, includ- of broader, enduring patterns of best practices, especially as those
ing coproducing with clients in some cases (Denis, Langley, and practices have been developing in public sector organizations.
Sergi 2012). The fact that leaders lead “flatter” organizations is
an example of how changing organizations subtly but profoundly Management Theory: Effective Leaders Understanding
affect leadership. Sometimes there are ideological shifts in society and Accepting the Complexity and Demands
that affect notions of how systems should be organized. Since the of Their Roles
early 1980s, the emphasis on increasing types of public services to Management theory is based on the idea that organizations are
compete, compare, and outsource has been immense, and, more systems in which desired goals are achieved through the wise use of
recently, many academics and practitioners have been focusing human, financial, technological, and natural resources (Fayol 1930).
on the importance of networking and collaborating in contempo- Effective management requires planning, organizing, staffing, direct-
rary society. While “hierarchical” skills are not going to disappear ing, coordinating, reporting, and budgeting, among other things
(Gabris and Ihrke 2007), the change in emphasis caused by the new (Gulick and Urwick 1937).
paradigmatic shifts in the public service are enormous (Heifetz,
Grashow, and Linsky 2009). Sometimes what is new in situational Leaders are not the only factor influencing organizational success,
leadership influences the changes in constraints and demands on follower happiness, and constituent satisfaction; however, leaders
leaders in particular contexts; for example, leaders dealing with are generally significant factors and, sometimes, the most important
disasters face challenges very different from those trying to motivate factor (e.g., Fernandez 2005; Hennessey 1998; Kaiser, Hogan, and
others to prepare for disasters (Van Wart and Kapucu 2011). Craig 2008; Trottier, Van Wart, and Wang 2008). For example,
in a study using 30,000 respondents, Dull (2010) demonstrated
So, in our times, what primary challenges must public leaders face, the strong relationship between trusted leadership and satisfac-
and which of those challenges will shape our research agenda and tion, perceived performance, and a sense of freedom in expressing
the lessons that researchers seek to craft? There are numerous lists opinions. The literature also points out, however, that leadership
of overarching, contemporary challenges affecting public organiza- is often romanticized or exaggerated in many circumstances, even
tions and their leaders (e.g., Abramson, Breul, and Kamensky 2006; when leaders are perceived to play relatively strong roles (e.g., Kets
Cortada et al. 2008; Saner 2001), from which we can discern a de Vries 1988; Waldman et al. 2001); that administrative leaders,
number of trends affecting public sector leadership, often in ways in the public sector in particular, are severely constrained from
quite different from their private sector counterparts; for example, making dramatic differences (Kaufman 1981; Van Wart 2012); and
while the balance sheets of corporations are at all-time highs, the that change and organizational success depend on many factors
stress on public sector organizations around the world is greater beyond the leaders themselves (Fernandez, Cho, and Perry 2010).
than at any time since the end of World War II. While the phenom- Leaders have the responsibility of dividing and coordinating work
enon of organizational decline is not new in the public sector, and in complex systems in which distractions, systems deterioration, and
while many important lessons are to be learned from that decline external challenges are constant, even in stable times (Mintzberg
(Bozeman 2010), the Great Recession and the continuing restruc- 1973). Unstable times and crises increase distractions and challenges
turing of our political economy will certainly provide a unique and often require a completely different set of skills (Boin and
constellation of factors dissimilar to those that public sector leaders Otten 1996; Wheatley 2006). The variety of needs and expectations
have confronted in many decades (Pandey 2010). Other challenges of followers is enormous and almost insatiable, so ensuring that
include the marketization of public agencies, heightened employee well-trained and top-performing followers do not leave because of
cynicism, pension reform, acquisition of new virtual management poor leadership at any level is important (Buckingham and Coffman
skills, and the widespread loss of social consensus, among others. 1999). Constituent satisfaction is ever changing, so leaders need to
Table 1 provides a summary of some of the specific situational chal- ensure that those needs are constantly being monitored for quality
lenges facing public sector managers today. and adjustment (Moynihan 2004). There are some important corol-
laries to the fact that leadership is important and challenging.
Table 1 Contemporary Challenges for Administrative Leadership in the Public
Sector Leaders strongly expect results. One measure of the challenge of
Leadership Focus Some of the Contemporary Challenges
leadership is in the harsh assessments that we give our leaders. If
leadership were easy, more would be perceived as effective leaders.
Leading for • Long-term fiscal stress, need for tough choices
results • Globalization and the penetration of higher levels of com- Many are perceived as effective administrative leaders, but few as
petition and market values exceptional leaders. For example, in the data on administrative
Leading • Increased cynicism of employees leaders in the U.S. federal system, one study showed that the overall
followers • Reduced resources to compensate (e.g., reduced benefits
average for leaders was 3.42 on a five-point scale, with five being
Leading • Technological revolution and the need for virtual manage- high, and with transactional skills being higher than
organizations ment and leadership skills transformational skills, although followers wanted the reverse
• Redesigning organizations and systems to fit dramatically (Trottier, Van Wart, and Wang 2008). Direct supervisors did much
different public demands
better, at about a 64 percent average rating, but federal executives
Leading systems • Challenges of team-based organizational structures
• Unraveling social consensus hovered around 50 percent (OPM 2008, 2011).
Leading with • Lack of trust in political and administrative systems
values • Confusion about which paradigm to follow (e.g., hierarchi- Leadership is difficult because leaders play many major roles,
cal, market-based, or collaborative)
with each role entailing its own competencies, requirements, and
Lessons from Leadership Theory and the Contemporary Challenges of Leaders 555
challenges. A certain continuity of those roles has existed over time and more training in service and have a greater need for worker and
with a focus on and balance of tasks and people (e.g., Blake and leader continuity, but the new needs fly in the face of organizational
Mouton 1964; Hemphill and Coons 1957), but more recent exami- and demographic trends that discourage loyalty and long-term
nations have also revealed the increasing importance of change (Bass relationships and, understandably, contributing to complaints from
1985; Ekvall and Arvonen 1991; Fernandez 2008), diversity (Barney hiring managers that good applicants cannot be found despite large
and Wright 1998; McLeod, Lobel, and Cox 1996; Pitts 2005), and candidate pools because of the breadth of experience and the
integrity (Colquitt et al. 2001). In a study of U.S. federal manag- technical abilities now commonly required.
ers, Fernandez, Cho, and Perry (2010) explained how leaders are
expected to perform (or grapple with) five major roles more or less Transactional Leadership Theory: Leaders Need
simultaneously. Those roles closely relate to the five foci identified to Use a Variety of Styles with Followers
and explained in the literature that served as an important source of as They Pursue Multiple Goals
information for this article. First, leaders must lead in task accom- Transactional leadership theories have focused on the daily inter-
plishment by informing, communicating goals, accepting suggestions actions of leaders and their followers. The theories emphasize the
and making improvements, and, ultimately, evaluating performance. operational level, so these theories have tended to be used among
Second, leaders need excellent human relations skills so that follow- supervisors, but their use among executives is not inappropriate.
ers more easily practice and thereby improve their own leadership
skills so that they ultimately will feel empowered. Third, leaders need Good leaders need to be sure that followers have what they need
to facilitate change by encouraging and rewarding innovation and to do the job: direction and training, encouragement and
creativity. Fourth, given the rise of minorities, ethnic groups, and the support, participation, achievement-oriented motivation, and
changing roles of women in the workplace, leaders must make leading independence after they reach high levels of competence. Based on
in diversity a top priority by making sure that the public workforce expectancy theory (Vroom 1964), leaders need to facilitate the
represents the public at large and that people of different backgrounds basics of employee motivation so that followers have the ability to
are comfortable. Finally, leaders need to lead with integrity, which do the job, the belief that they will succeed, and the feeling that
includes not only such standard virtues as honesty and selflessness their efforts will be worthwhile. A number of researchers have
but also working hard to discourage and prevent unethical conduct focused on the various needs resulting in differing styles. Hersey and
and to maintain an environment safe for the disclosure of wrongdo- Blanchard (1972) asserted that leaders need to pay close attention to
ing. Because those leadership roles involve greatly diverse functions, the developmental and related psychological states of followers as
they often involve conflicting values and goals; also, in times of social they mature and adjust their styles accordingly. They asserted that
unrest and economic stress, of diminishing trust among leaders and workers need and want training and structure when they are new
the led, of increasing penetration of markets, and of great and fre- and inexperienced, therefore making them receptive to a directing
quent changes, the roles become more difficult to fill effectively. style. As soon as the workers have gained some knowledge and
experience, supervisors will be able to engage in discussions with
Administrative leadership requires developmental education and them in order to enhance worker understanding and help them
training. The expectations and challenges are so great that most continue to improve. Such discussions lend themselves to a coaching
leaders will derail, be overwhelmed, or stagnate as their jobs evolve style. When workers become relatively competent and able to solve
(McCall, Lombardo, and Morrison 1988). Leaders must develop a problems on their own, the ideal style is supporting because it
variety of skills (discussed later) so that they can fulfill their allows substantial freedom with minimal oversight. When workers
technical functions and be able to lead in a variety styles well; are reliably competent and almost entirely self-directed, the ideal
furthermore, the more leaders advance in their positions, the more style is delegating. Hersey and Blanchard have come under a good
related experience is necessary so that they can handle their deal of criticism for their simplicity and lack of empirical support
positions (Jaques 1989). Hunt (1996) described three styles of (e.g., Yammarino et al. 2005), but their development of a logical
leadership—direct, organizational, and systems—based on the series of leader styles was important, and their model continues to
echelon or the stratum of the organization that the leader occupies. be popular in supervisory training.
Frontline supervisors are direct leaders who first need the technical
competencies and basic interpersonal skills to perform their jobs A similar but more sophisticated way of looking at followers’ needs
effectively. Mid-level managers run programs and integrate is to emphasize the leader’s role in creating clear paths for followers
operations as organizational leaders. Senior managers and executives in achieving joint goals (House 1996; House and Mitchell 1974).
operate in systems in which conceptual skills expand as an Based on contingencies, leader will choose to use the styles that will
understanding of changing markets, distant threats, innovations in help his or her followers succeed; for example, in order to avoid
other fields, and political interventions become more important; in discouraging followers, leaders may use “directive” leadership to
addition, contemporary leaders must contend compensate for or to correct one or a combi-
with leaner and flatter organizations that When jobs are difficult because nation of such administrative or operational
require employees lower in organizations to weaknesses as unclear job descriptions, a lack
have competencies formerly considered more
of complexity or change, par- of instructions, or overlapping or unclearly
managerial because they must deal with more ticipatory leadership is help- delineated job responsibilities. It is a leader’s
self-management, problem solving, and ful, as is achievement-oriented responsibility to ensure that the requirements
customer or client relations on the front line behavior when higher standards of the job are clearly presented. The research-
(Brookes 2011). Low-level employees, are required. ers have a number of other prescriptions.
therefore, need more education upon entry When jobs are difficult because of complexity
556 Public Administration Review • July | August 2013
or change, participatory leadership is helpful, as is achievement- in order to increase productivity and to neutralize negative public
oriented behavior when higher standards are required. Unpleasant perceptions.
jobs call for supportive leadership. Highly interdependent followers
call for more participatory leadership. When workers have more Leaders need to include followers as much as, but no more than,
control over their jobs, achievement-oriented leadership works bet- is necessary in making decisions. For example, Fernandez and
ter than does directive leadership. Lack of training and education Moldogaziev (2011) found that empowerment needs to be wisely
commonly calls for a more directive style, as do situations in which implemented if it is to stimulate instead of discourage innovation.
subordinates have a preference for structure and order; however, One of the primary functions of leaders, but certainly not the only
when workers prefer firm control over their work, a more participa- function, is to set the parameters for decision making in their
tory or achievement-oriented style of leadership tends to work more organizations or units. The research by Vroom and Jago (1988) is
effectively. As the need for security grows, so does the preference useful in analyzing those parameters. Four types of decision making,
for directive leadership, but when the need is low, an achievement having important ramifications, can be used in a variety of
style may work better. House’s research (House 1996; House and conditions, in order that a decision promote quality, enhance
Mitchell 1974) has not been without its critics, but the idea of acceptance, provide for timeliness, and control costs, as well as
leaders matching styles to different situational demands has nearly provide opportunities for employee development. “Autocratic” or
universal support. directive decision making tends to be practical and useful when
timeliness is critical, when dissent among others is likely to be high,
Contemporary leaders are particularly challenged, for several when input is unlikely to enhance decision quality, or when the
reasons. Fulfilling the transactional demands of leadership requires decision is routine and participation is likely to be more bothersome
much analysis and time because fulfilling those demands is custom- than enhancing. Leaders, on the other hand, should consult with
ized. Since the thinning of middle management and the flattening followers if they need or want substantial input, individually or in
of public sector organizations in the 1990s, practicing transactional groups, before making decisions. Consultation becomes more useful
leadership has become only more difficult. The Great Recession when timelines are not as critical, when decision centralization is
that began in 2007, along with the resulting fiscal pressure, has, important but hearing different viewpoints is useful, and/or when
in turn, put pressure on line workers and, implicitly, on leaders input is likely to increase decision quality. Joint decision making
to try to take up the slack; further, the increased speed of change occurs when leaders allow groups to make decisions with or without
in organizations also causes the needs of followers to change more veto power. Joint decision making generally takes longer but
quickly, too. increases decision acceptance and works well in the absence of
strong discord among employees, and decision quality is worth the
Good leaders can ill afford to have “out” groups. Stated increased group effort. Delegation occurs when a leader allows
affirmatively, good leaders create as many “high-exchange” others to make decisions and supports them consistently in those
relationships as possible (Graen and Uhl-Bien 1995). High- decisions. Transactional leadership theory generally holds that good
exchange relationships are those in which followers receive ample leaders promote higher levels of participation and delegation as
attention and good assignments in return for high levels of groups, units, and workforces are better trained, more closely
productivity. Low-exchange relationships are those in which little aligned, and strongly self-directed. Weak leaders, however, can
interaction between leaders and followers occurs because they have overuse joint decision making, waste a lot of time, delegate
fallen into patterns of distrust and followers tend to be unhappy responsibilities to employees incapable of managing, or go through
with aspects of their positions, resulting in tendencies toward participation but frequently override decisions or disregard input
significantly lower levels of productivity; on the other hand, (i.e., false empowerment).
high-exchange members tend to have better attitudes, to produce
more, and to be more flexible. They also change jobs less Providing the proper amount of decision making, with the appro-
frequently, advance more frequently, and are more willing to priate degree of centralization or decentralization, has always been
contribute to group goals. This transactional principle implicitly a challenge to modern leaders because of the number of decisions
proposes an ideal style; ideal leaders maintain numerous high- they need to make and because of the difficulty in making such
exchange relationships, while poor leaders allow or even encourage decisions that will also be widely accepted. Contemporary leaders
many low-exchange relationships. That principle is highly articulatefind that challenge particularly acute. Fiscal pressures mean that for
and well practiced in military leadership (e.g., Campbell 2009). the long term, new solutions must be found, innovation must be
encouraged, and participation must be maximized, but those same
Contemporary leaders face “leaner” organizations, making the pressures mean that in the short term, timelines are tighter, so, con-
sidelining of low-productivity workers more trarily, more efficient decision making (i.e.,
problematic, while putting more stress on Contemporary leaders face less participation) is also encouraged.
high-productivity workers to stay in hyper- “leaner” organizations, making
productive modes; additionally, the greater Transformational Leadership Theory:
diversity of the workforce challenges leaders to
the sidelining of low-productiv- Although Not Everyone Can Be a
ensure that workers and groups do not feel less ity workers more problematic, Charismatic Leader, Everyone Can Be
valued because of differing cultural and ethnic while putting more stress on a Transformational Leader
backgrounds. Finally, the external level of trust high-productivity workers to At its core, transformational leadership is
has fallen, so internal levels of goodwill and stay in hyperproductive modes. about managing organizational change.
shared missions become even more important Transformational leaders succeed in
Lessons from Leadership Theory and the Contemporary Challenges of Leaders 557
instituting changes in structure, procedure, ethos, technology, and/ rocked by scandal, definitive or bold top-down changes may be
or production. Javidian and Waldman (2003) found that, similar necessary (Tichy and Devanna 1986). More often, when the
to transformational leaders in the private sector, transformational changes are meant to be a part of the culture, to enhance efficiency
leaders in the public sector tend to have four major characteris- and effectiveness or simply to adapt to contemporary needs,
tics: energy and determination, vision, provision for challenge and acceptance from the bottom up is needed, support must be
encouragement for subordinates, and an appropriate degree of generated, and input for execution must be elicited (Kouzes and
risk taking. Just as transactional leadership suited the more static Posner 1987). Some research indicates that the acceptance of
public management from the 1950s to 1970s, the focus of trans- change is even more important in the public sector than in the
formational leadership on change especially suits a more tumultu- private, where chief executive officers have more power to drive
ous world. Neither complexity (Uhl-Bien, Marion, and McKelvey reforms through unilaterally (Nutt and Backoff 1996). Today,
2007) nor chaos (Kiel 1994) in contemporary organizations shows because of global trends, horizontal or networked change is
any sign of lessening for their leaders. Indeed, complexity and increasingly important, and if whole industries or regions are to
chaos show every sign of not only continuing but also of fomenting flourish, some vision flexibility is necessary to accommodate the
change—at times, dramatic change (Pollitt and Bouckaert 2011). A larger numbers of stakeholders (Currie, Grubnic, and Hodges
number of corollaries follow from the preceding conclusion. 2011).
A major role for leaders is to facilitate change—in both the While transformational leadership requires a great deal from
mission and vision as well as the values and ethos. Effective leaders in terms of passion, commitment, energy, and insight,
leaders not only ensure that things get done and that employees are there are many dangers for leaders whose belief in themselves
appropriately empowered in the present but also take the becomes egotistical. History is full of leaders whose success and
organization into the future. The environments of organizations are genius proved to be their undoing (see Xerxes, Julius Caesar,
always changing, so the roles of their leaders adjust to ensure that Robespierre, and Hitler). The expression that “power corrupts”
the organizations will institute changes as they become necessary simply points out the siren song of great influence, sometimes
(Behn 1998). A charismatic personality may help lead people to turning good things into bad perceptions, unhealthy attitudes, or
change, but it is not necessary (Bennis and Nanus 1985; Roberts disastrous results (Raskin, Novacek, and Hogan 1991). Great
and Bradley 1988); the implementation of change is more a science, insights and visions can become maniacal domination without
the basic steps of which may be easily explained (for an excellent pragmatism and input. Self-confidence can become narcissism, or
summary, see Fernandez and Rainey 2006). Various studies have worse, without humility (Conger 1989; Sandowsky 1995; Shipman
found that public managers are critical for “reinvention” at the and Mumford 2011). Heroic instincts such as sacrifice and
federal level (Hennessey 1998), as well as for innovation at the state willingness to take risks can become blind spots and recklessness,
and local levels (Borins 2000; Wright, Moynihan, and Pandey thereby leading the entire organization astray; for example, the
2012). A contemporary challenge lies not only in the quality of infamous treasurer of Orange County, California, Robert Citron,
technical design that guides the change but also in the clarity with never stole a dollar from his county, but his well-meaning but
which transformational leaders communicate goals, communicate foolhardy “transformation” of public sector cash management led to
(including listening as well as speaking) with followers, and the largest public default in U.S. history and to jail time for him
minimize political constraints (Moynihan, Wright, and Sanjay (Simonsen 1998). Contemporary leaders encounter several
2012). additional challenges about their roles in the change process. First,
because of market penetration and the pressure of structural reform,
Transformational leadership rarely interferes with transactional the guidelines for what constitutes “good” change are more open to
leadership; it supplements it and, generally, proves difficult if opinion and debate, and headstrong leaders can neglect democratic
transactional leadership does not precede it. Surveys in the public values (Denhardt and Campbell 2006), resulting in their being
sector routinely show that leaders need both, even if leaders tend to perceived as insensitive or egotistical when, in fact, other influences
demonstrate more competence in transactional skills than in are more critical. Second, contemporary leaders must deal with
transformational skills (Bass 1985; Trottier, Van Wart, and Wang heightened public consciousness of public sector problems, scandals,
2008). Research also indicates that using change management and crises and with a willingness of the media to judge harshly
techniques alone does not lead to success without effective general implementation errors or lone ethical violations (Boin et al. 2010).
management skills, strategic planning, performance metrics, and Such harsh judgments may cause leaders to be so cautious that they
skills for collaborating with external resources (Kelman 2011). fail to institute needed changes.
Indeed, studies of local government find that “red tape” in the form
of performance management metrics improves leadership Horizontal and Collaborative Leadership Theory:
performance, despite the outcry against bureaucratic rulemaking Leaders Need to Be Extremely Careful to Avoid
often expressed in the mainstream literature (Wright and Pandey Getting in the Way of Leadership Because
2010). It Is Ultimately a Process, Not a Person
Horizontal leadership, also known as distributive leadership, had its
Leaders do not have to know exactly what the change must be, research beginnings in the 1970s with the idea that effective leader-
only that change is needed and that it may be achieved in ship often reduces the need for formal leaders by facilitating the use
different ways. Depending on the circumstances and on the of “substitutes,” such as providing or increasing levels of training,
personality of the leader, change can be top down, bottom up, or unambiguous tasks, clear protocols, effective frontline problem
horizontal. When major legislative changes occur or an agency is solving, and recruitment selections based on intrinsic satisfaction
558 Public Administration Review • July | August 2013
(Kerr and Jermier 1978). Self-managed Mutual determination and execution create an
teams and self-managed networks (Wachhaus Just as the operationally appealing form of work democracy that, when
2012) are examples of the trends in current- focused, transactional leadership functioning ideally, enhances identification
day management. Just as the operationally theory was complemented later with the work and task selection based on
focused, transactional leadership theory was by the growth of transforma- flexibility, innovation, and talent and interest.
complemented later by the growth of transfor-
mational leadership, so, too, has distributed
tional leadership, so, too, has Horizontal leadership is increasingly
leadership theory been complemented by col- distributed leadership theory necessary outside the organization, too, and
laboration theory, which focuses on horizontal been complemented by col- widely called “collaborative leadership.”
relationships across agencies (when it is often laboration theory, which focuses Other names include “facilitative leadership,”
called “networking”) and sectors (when it is on horizontal relationships “adaptive leadership,” “integral leadership,”
normally called “partnering”). Several corol- across agencies (when it is often and “catalytic leadership,” among others.
laries follow from the importance of focus- Collaborative leadership focuses on power
ing on leadership as a process rather than as
called “networking”) and sec- sharing among organizations (e.g., Crosby
individuals. The meteoric rise of collaborative tors (when it is normally called and Bryson 2010; Newell, Reeher, and
leadership, as well as the newly reconceptual- “partnering”). Ronayne 2012). It deemphasizes the roles of
ized horizontal leadership (Pearce and Conger both leaders and followers in order to
2003), has resulted directly from the problems emphasize the needs of the network, system,
facing contemporary leaders who must flatten organizations, provide environment, or community, resulting in a collaborative style
more organic structures, enhance social integration, create learning (Jackson and Stainsby 2000; Kettl 2006). Collaborative theory
organizations with change at the lowest level possible, and even find emphasizes the need to support the health of communities and the
ways to include clients and the public more fluidly. environment for the good of all, and thus it is particularly well
suited to the public and nonprofit sectors. It requires a long-term
Sometimes leaders need to foster systems in which they are not perspective in achieving many of the desired results. It emphasizes a
needed or leave those systems alone when they are working well; cooperative, win–win perspective that can be gained only by
delegation can be leadership at its best. Formal leaders have working painstakingly through problems in order to frame them as
limited time; fewer managerial and operational demands allow them opportunities, if those opportunities can be looked at broadly
to focus their efforts more narrowly on strategic issues. Formal enough. It maintains that all systems, especially those charged with
leaders are expensive; reducing their number saves money. Less enhancing the common good, have limited resources that tend to be
leadership also allows higher levels of self or group monitoring and squandered when a systemic approach is not applied. Collaborative
innovation. More often than not, in high-performing systems, leadership is most likely to occur in communities and in
subordinates will set high standards of production and quality for professional environments sensitized to communal needs and
themselves and need only a minimum of oversight. Formal accountability, where individual leaders share collaborative
leadership tends to restrict and tightly control information flows. In dispositions. Leaders in collaboration tend to have a particularly
many business situations, such restrictions strong service mentality and tend to excel at
cause dysfunction because good ideas and consultation and environmental evaluation.
much enthusiasm come through informal Leaders in collaboration tend to They have a strong sense of community,
networking, lateral communication, and have a particularly strong service whether a local or regional community, an
nonhierarchical forms of innovation diffusion. mentality and tend to excel at environmental community, or a community
Finally, formal leadership tends to concentrate consultation and environmental of practice or need (e.g., a charity).
power high up in the chain of command; evaluation. Collaborative leaders are judged by their
empowerment requires a more devolved and contribution to building communities, to
decentralized model of leadership. When mutual learning and sharing, to cooperative
successfully implemented, empowerment, whether through problem solving, and to working on “wicked” problems
participation or delegation, enhances internal accountability, sense (Heifetz 1994). Despite their growing popularity and increasing use,
of ownership, professional affiliation, and buy-in with group goals networks do not replace internal organizational hierarchies, are not
(Kim 2002; Locke and Latham 2002). ideal organizational forms in all cases in pragmatic terms, and, like
most types of leadership, can lead to lower productivity and
Horizontal leadership is increasingly valued in a well-educated effectiveness if not managed effectively (Goodsell 2011; McGuire
world of fast change. A prime example is team leadership (Denis, 2006). Even while they emphasize the critical importance of
Langley, and Sergi 2012; Katzenbach and Smith 1993). The theory collaborative leadership, advocates often point out the tremendous
of the self-managed team entails a contingency approach that thrives difficulty in implementing it because of the variety of competing
only under special conditions, but conditions to which most competencies and because of the frameworks that need to be in
well-managed organizations aspire. The single combined style of place (Crosby and Bryson 2010).
team leadership distributes the standard functions of leadership
among the members of the group or allows the group to assign While the literature on horizontal and collaborative leadership is
leadership functions based on member talents and availability; thus, currently the most dynamic, the research in this area also identi-
direction, support, participation, achievement, inspiration, and fies the types of problems that must be confronted. The research
external connectedness are mutually determined and executed. in collaborative leadership has been strongest when showing how
Lessons from Leadership Theory and the Contemporary Challenges of Leaders 559
collaborative leadership has helped revitalize attention on neglected (Avolio and Gardner 2005; Gardner et al. 2005), and leaders who
policies (Redekop 2010) and overlooked communities (Morse 2010; are positive emphasize openness, transparency, and optimism
Ospina and Foldy 2010), as well as when looking at the specific (Luthans and Youssef 2007; Norman, Avolio, and Luthans 2010).
tools and behaviors of collaboration (Crosby and Bryson 2010; Page Authentic leaders are self-aware in terms of their values, cognitions,
2010; Silvia and McGuire 2010). Collaboration becomes more dif- and emotions. The core values of authentic leaders include the basic
ficult and the literature less helpful in dealing with challenges when integrity discussed earlier. They are adept at self-regulation in terms
decentralization, devolution, and dispersing power must be accom- of their emotional intelligence, self-improvement goals, and
plished in areas requiring high levels of accountability (McGuire congruence between their actual and ideal selves. Authentic leaders
2006). Collaboration may raise contradictions among organiza- control their ego drives and defensiveness, thereby encouraging
tional, economic, and democratic goals; further, the literature shows openness, feedback, and effective communication. Their self-
that public sector leaders who enter into partnerships without the awareness increases the transparency in their communication and is
ability to bargain effectively and without the staff to monitor imple- more likely to be infused with prudence or wisdom. Finally,
mentation often serve the common good poorly (Jamali 2004). authentic leaders develop positive psychological capital with
followers, whose self-awareness is also enhanced and whose
Ethical Leadership Theory: Good Administrative Leaders authentic interaction becomes more likely.
Instill and Build Trust, Understand Duty, and Keep
the Common Good in Mind at All Times Good leaders know how to lead through service, spirit, sacrifice,
Ethics-based approaches to leadership tend to include three major and sustainability. First, the proponents advocate altruism and
concerns or pillars (Ciulla 2004). The first concern is the intent of “calling” as values in some explicit form, from the servant to the
individuals, whether they are leaders or members of the organiza- steward metaphor (Greenleaf 1977; Terry 1995). In the public sector
tion. A second concern is selecting the proper means for doing good. literature, recognition of the importance of identifying, eliciting, and
A third concern is selecting the proper ends. Most would agree that encouraging public service motivation is growing (Alonso and Lewis
all three concerns (good intent, proper means, and appropriate 2001; Moynihan and Pandey 2007; Perry 1997). Second, responsible
ends or, stated differently, character, duty, and the greatest good) leadership always puts the needs of subordinates and external
must be functioning in order for effective leadership (as a process) constituents first (Cooper 1990; Cooper and Wright 1992;
to be robust (Ciulla 1995). In a topsy-turvy world, robust, effec- Giacalone and Jurkiewicz 2003) and ensures that the developmental
tive leadership is more easily discussed than instituted, and, for and mentoring role of the leader is primary (Manz and Sims 1989).
contemporary leaders, instituting it has never been more challeng- It also implies a strong empowerment thrust. Third, at certain times
ing or divisive because of the competing values that those leaders and in certain situations, ethical leaders may subtly emphasize the
face along with standards and demands that have never been higher spiritual and servant roles as they engage in work that requires
(Geuras and Garofalo 2011; OECD 2000; Van Wart and Berman “emotional labor” and emotional healing when clients have been
1999; Walzer 2002). distressed. Emotional labor is the act of showing sensitivity, empathy,
and compassion for others. It is most extensive when negative events
Leaders demonstrate integrity. Integrity has a number of such as disasters, death, or great suffering occur (Newman, Guy, and
dimensions; all of them relate to the wholeness of oneself in society. Mastracci 2009). Finally, ethical leadership strongly emphasizes the
The first dimension that people normally think about is honesty or long-term needs of the community and environment (Kohlberg
truth telling. The second dimension of integrity relates to 1981; Bennis, Parikh, and Lessem 1994).
trustworthiness (Carnevale 1995). Trustworthy people know their
principles, are able to explain them clearly, and consistently conform Despite the logical and emotional appeal of such ethical proposi-
to them (Manz et al. 2008; Palanski and Yammarino 2009). In the tions, researchers point out that applying them is often more
public sector, principles include such civic virtues as dedication to difficult and subtle than might be immediately apparent. The clash
public service, commitment to the common good, and dedication of value systems for contemporary leaders can be fierce, meaning
to the law of the land. A third dimension of integrity is fairness. that integrity alone may not provide the answers (Lewis and Gilman
Those with management and executive responsibilities have much 2005). Simultaneous demands for transparency and privacy, due
discretion, so fairness is important in both the equality of treatment process and efficiency, are examples of the everyday ethical conflicts
and making rational and appropriate exceptions. The final that leaders must manage. Authentic leaders, such as transforma-
dimension of integrity is conscientiousness, or concern for doing an tional leaders, can fall sway to their own agenda (Ford and Harding
effective job (Van Der Wal et al. 2011). At a basic level, 2011), and positive leaders can become organizational cheerleaders
conscientiousness means forming good habits and working (Fineman 2006; Hackman 2009; Shipman and Mumford 2011).
earnestly; at a higher level, conscientiousness includes striving for Excessive attention to laws and rules leads to rigidity (O’Leary
excellence, which, in turn, enhances leader credibility (Dull 2009). 2006; Warner and Appenzeller 2011), but excessive focus on profes-
Leaders understand that duty is important and that it comes with sionalism can lead to elitism (Katzenbach and Smith 1993) or worse
especially high standards in the public sector: duty includes respect (Adams and Balfour 1998). Sometimes leaders think that they are
for the law, rules, and professional norms (Menzel 2007; servant or transforming leaders, when in fact they are functioning
Sergiovanni 2007; Terry 1998). as charismatic narcissists (Kets de Vries 1985; Cooper and Wright
Good leaders know themselves and emphasize the positive, which
is often called “authentic” or “positive” leadership. Leaders who The lessons of administrative leadership discussed are summarized in
are authentic emphasize self-awareness and self-improvement table 2.
560 Public Administration Review • July | August 2013
Table 2 The Purposes of Leadership
Leadership Overarching School Famous Examples of Theorists and Their Models Some Lessons from the School of Thought
Focus Focusing on This
Level of Leadership
Leading for Management • Fayol (1930), Gulick and Urwick (1937), • There are high expectations of leaders to get results.
results theory organization theory • Leadership requires developmental education and training.
• Hunt (1996), stratified systems theory
• Vroom (1964), theory of motivation
Leading Transactional lead- • Hersey and Blanchard (1972), situational • Good leaders need to be sure that followers have what they need to do
followers ership theory leadership the job: direction and training, encouragement and support, participa-
• House (1996; House and Mitchell 1974), tion, achievement-oriented motivation, and independence when high
contingency theory levels of competence are achieved.
• Graen and Uhl-Bien (1995), leader member • Good leaders can ill afford to have “out” groups.
exchange theory • Leaders need to include followers as much as necessary in decision mak-
• Vroom and Jago (1988), decision-making ing and no more.
Leading Transformational • Bass (1985), full-range leadership • A major and important role of leaders is to facilitate change—both the
organizations leadership • Tichy and Devanna (1986), change master mission and vision, as well as the values and culture.
theory theory • Transformational leadership is rarely at the expense of transactional
• Kouzes and Posner (1987), leadership prac- leadership; it is in addition to it, and generally, it is hard to achieve
tices transformation if transactional leadership does not precede it.
• Conger (1989), charismatic leadership • Leaders do not have to know exactly what the change must be—only
that it is needed and that there are different ways of achieving it.
• While transformational leadership requires a great deal of leaders in terms
of passion, commitment, energy, and insight, there are many dangers
for leaders whose belief in themselves becomes egotistical.
Leading systems Horizontal and col- • Kerr and Jermier (1978), leadership substitutes • Sometimes leaders need to foster systems in which they are not needed
laborative lead- theory or leave them alone when they are working well; delegation can be
ership theory • Katzenbach and Smith (1993), high leadership at its best.
performing team theory • Horizontal leadership is increasingly valued in a well-educated world of
• Crosby and Bryson (2010), social change fast change.
theory • Horizontal leadership is increasingly necessary outside the organization,
• Heifetz (1994), adaptive leadership theory too; this is widely called “collaborative leadership.”
Leading with Ethical leadership • Ciulla (1995, 2004), ethical leadership • Leaders demonstrate integrity.
values theory • Avolio and Gardner (2005), authentic • Good leaders know themselves and emphasize the positive, which is
leadership often called “authentic” or “positive” leadership.
• Terry (1995), conservatorship • Good leaders know how to lead through service, spirit, sacrifice, and
• Kettl (2006), collaboration theory sustainability.
• Cooper (1990), responsibility theory
• Greenleaf (1977), servant leadership
Lessons from Leadership Theory and the Contemporary Challenges of Leaders 563
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