Introduction To Workplace Ergonomics: Prosafety Culinary Arts Curriculum Unit 7

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Prosafety Culinary Arts Curriculum Unit 7

Introduction to
Workplace Ergonomics

Unit 7 Introduction to Workplace Ergonomics 1

Unit 7 Overview
This unit introduces your students to basic ergonomics information and
concepts that are relevant to workers of all ages and to all types of work-
places. Students are introduced to ergonomic risk factors by watching a DVD.
Students then participate in some simple hands-on activities where they
experience and try to apply some of these basic ergonomic concepts.

Activity A. Introduction: Why Is This Subject Important?

This section gives both the instructor and their students a brief overview of
what ergonomics is and why it is important for all workers, including teen

Activity B. DVD and Discussion

Students view the video Dr. Ergo, which introduces them to different ergo-
nomic risk factors found in all jobs and workplaces.

Activity C. Experiencing Injury Risk Factors

Students participate in hands-on activities that help to demonstrate some
ergonomic risk factors. The first activity compares the strength of a power
grip verses a pinch grip. It is followed by an activity where students look at
posture, force and effort while lifting and holding a box.

Activity D. Practice Safe Lifting: Lifting Loads at the Pizzeria

In this activity students practice safe lifting, while the other students evaluate
their technique. Students will also lift and hold a box in different positions,
and evaluate the physical effort required to lift and hold the box using a rat-
ing scale.

Activity E. Analyzing a Task for Ergonomic Hazards (Optional)

In this activity, teams of students evaluate the ergonomic risk factors for spe-
cific job tasks using a risk factor checklist.

Unit 7 Introduction to Workplace Ergonomics 3

Washington State Essential Academic Learning
Requirements (EALRs)
Health and Fitness
1.2. Safely participates in a variety of developmentally appropriate physical
activities. Incorporates safety procedures into activities and individual
fitness plans for leisure and employment.
2.3. Acquire skills to live safely and reduce health risks.
3.1. Understand how environmental factors affect one’s health (air, water,
noise, chemicals). Assess how the environment impacts choosing healthy
places to live, work, and recreate.
3.2. Gather and analyze health information. Solve a health and fitness prob-
lem or issue:
• List alternative courses of action.
• Choose the course that most fully addresses the needs and requirements
of the situation.
• Back up the choice with evidence.
• Evaluate the outcome.
4.1 Analyze health and safety information. Investigate the health and fitness
requirements for occupational/career areas of interest.

3.2 Work cooperatively as a member of a group
3.3 Seek agreement and solutions through discussion

3.1 Read to learn new information
3.3 Read to perform a task

4 Prosafety Culinary Arts Curriculum

Introduction to Workplace Ergonomics
Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson students will be able to:
• Define the terms ergonomics and work- Time
related musculoskeletal disorders. 65 minutes
• Explain the risk factors for musculoskeletal Materials
• DVD: Ergonomics Awareness
• Give at least three examples of work situa-
• DVD player and TV or LCD projector
tions where young workers may be at risk
(with speakers)
for injury.
• Tow to three empty boxes
• Identify two ergonomic solutions to reduce
the risk factors for musculoskeletal injuries. • Reams of office paper

• Describe and demonstrate the proper way • Unsharpened pencils

to lift a load.
Preparing to Teach This Lesson A. Four Steps to Proper Lifting
Before you present this lesson: B. Proper Lifting Evaluation
1. Locate DVD on CD. Preview the DVD prior C. Ergonomic Checklist
to showing to students.
2. Make copies of handouts A, Four Steps to Proper Lifting, and B, Proper
Lifting Evaluation.
3. Collect boxes for lifting exercises and two reams of office paper per
student group.

Detailed Instructor’s Notes

Activity A.
Introduction: Why is this subject important? (5 minutes)
1. As a warm-up discussion ask students:
What does the word “ergonomics” mean?
Ergonomics is the study of how the human body performs tasks, and
how to design equipment, or organize the task, to best fit our body’s abili-
ties and limits. In the workplace, this means fitting the job to the worker.
A good example of the early use of ergonomics was in designing the
cockpits of airplanes. When you’re flying miles above the earth at very
high speeds, you want to make sure the controls, visibility, and comfort

Unit 7 Introduction to Workplace Ergonomics 5

are as good as they can be so pilots can do their work safely and make the
right decisions.
In more typical workplaces, it means setting up the worksite to meet
the needs of the workers. In ergonomics, the worker is the central figure.
When worksites are designed to suit the needs of the worker there are
fewer cases of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs), fewer
days absent, higher productivity, and more comfortable workers.
2. Why is ergonomics important?
Injuries that result from poor ergonomics are some of the most common
and frequent kinds of injuries, and they are found in all kinds of work-
places and occupations. Many of these are musculoskeletal injuries, which
we commonly refer to as strains and sprains. These often affect the back
but other body parts are also involved such as hands and wrists, shoulder,
neck, and knee.
The rise in the use of computers has contributed to a dramatic increase
in injuries due to ergonomic factors. We don’t yet know what a lifetime of
working on a personal computer does to the body, because we only have
about 25 years of experience. Ergonomic-related injuries can be serious
and disabling.
Young people who get back injuries are more likely to have lifelong back
problems, which can limit both work and recreational activities.
Using the principles of ergonomics, it is possible to reduce the risk of

Activity B.
DVD and Discussion (25 minutes)
1. Explain that the class will now watch a 14-minute DVD, Ergonomics
Awareness, created by the Washington State Department of Labor and
Ask students to keep in mind these questions while they watch the DVD:
a. What are the key ergonomic risk factors?
b. What kinds of jobs have you done that involve these risk factors?
c. What kinds of changes can be made to protect workers from these
2. Show the DVD.
3. After showing the DVD, discuss the following questions with the class:
What are the key ergonomic risk factors?
• Working in awkward positions

6 Prosafety Culinary Arts Curriculum

• Using high hand force
• Performing repetitive motions
• Using the hand or knee to make repeated impacts
• Heavy, frequent or awkward lifting
• Exposure to moderate to high levels of vibration
• Standing too long in one position
• Mechanical pressure (leaning against a hard edge)
What kinds of jobs have you done that involve these risk factors?
• Construction: lifting, vibrating tools, awkward positions, pinch grips
• Office work: repetitive keyboarding, lifting, sitting in one position for
a long time
• Restaurant work: lifting, standing for long periods, repetitive kitchen
• Other
4. Explain that the class will discuss these jobs and risks in more detail, along
with possible solutions, in a later activity.

Activity C.
Experiencing Injury Risk Factors (15 minutes)
Certain body positions and postures are naturally stronger than others. Two
exercises will demonstrate this for the hands/wrists and the lower back.
Strong and Weak Grips
Grip Strength Tug-o-War
Students pair off and compete in a tug-o-war competition using pencils. Two
separate comparisons will illustrate the difference between 1) a pinch grip
competing with a power grip and 2) a neutral wrist competing with a bent
wrist posture. Students compare their strength using both techniques.

Fig. A Fig. B Fig. C

Unit 7 Introduction to Workplace Ergonomics 7

1. The first student holds the pencil in a pinch grip as in figure A. The other
student tries to pull the pencil out of the grip. Then the first student holds
the pencil in a power grip, figure B. The other student again tries to pull
the pencil out of the first student’s hand.
Ask students:
Which was easier to pull out, the pinch grip or the power grip? Why?
What does that tell you about doing a task with the hand in a pinch grip rather
than a power grip?
The power grip is the stronger grip since all of the fingers and palm are
supporting the pencil.
2. Reverse roles and have the second student hold the pencil as in B (power
grip with a straight wrist). Now the first student tries to pull it out. Now
hold the pencil the same way but bend the wrist forward (down) as far as
you can. Student 2 now tries to pull it out again.
Ask students:
Which was easier to pull out this time, straight wrist or bent wrist?
For the student holding the pencil what did it feel like trying to hold it with the
wrist bent so far?
The straight wrist is stronger, which is the neutral posture for the wrist.
Holding the wrist bent and trying to grip is uncomfortable.
Posture, Force, and Effort
Students will lift and hold a box in four positions: without a box, close to their
body, midway from their body, and low/away from their body. Following
the directions on part 1 of Handout A, Four Steps to Proper Lifting, students
will assess posture, fatigue, and strength using a 1–10 scale. To set up for this
activity, you will need to place two reams of office paper in each box. One
ream of office paper weighs approximately five pounds.
Safety Note: Students with back or shoulder injuries should either not par-
ticipate actively or lift only one ream of paper.

8 Prosafety Culinary Arts Curriculum

Activity D.
Practice Safe Lifting: Lifting Loads at the Pizzeria (20 minutes)
1. Divide students into groups of 2–4. Present them with this scenario:
You have a new job working in the kitchen of a pizzeria. Every morn-
ing boxes of ingredients are delivered to the back door of the kitchen. One
of your job duties is to move these boxes into the kitchen. At the end of
your shift, you also have to empty all the trash cans and carry the garbage
to the dumpster behind the shop. After three weeks on the job, you have
noticed that your back has started to feel sore and tired by the end of your
Give students copies of Handout A, Four Steps to Proper Lifting and B,
Proper Lifting Evaluation.
2. Give each group two or three empty boxes. Tell them their task is to prac-
tice lifting and moving the boxes using the techniques from the handout.
After reading Four Steps to Proper Lifting, each person takes a turn lifting
the boxes and moving them to a location you specify. The other students
in the small group use the safe lifting checklist from part two of Handout
B, Proper Lifting Evaluation to evaluate the lift.
3. After everyone is done and you get back together as one group, discuss
how it felt to use the proper lifting techniques. The students may say that
it feels funny bending the knees and lifting with the legs. Emphasize that
many lifting tasks are not as straightforward as lifting compact boxes.
Materials are often bulky, odd-shaped, and too heavy for any one person
to lift safely. Sometimes what you’re lifting is a person, as in a hospital or
nursing home. Here lifting with your knees may be impossible. Therefore
it’s very important to look for solutions that go beyond proper body

Unit 7 Introduction to Workplace Ergonomics 9

movement to protect the health of your back. There are ways to change
the workplace or the task to make lifting easier. Ask the students to think
of some of these types of changes.
Some examples:
• Store boxes off the ground so they are at a height between the knees
and the shoulders, in order to avoid high or low lifts.
• Have orders delivered in smaller (lighter) boxes.
• Use two people to lift.
• Use cranes, dollies, or other lifting devices.
Leave students with the message that good back care is important on
and off the job, but it’s always important to look at the job and equipment
as well as what you can do yourself to protect your back.
Note: If students suggest wearing back belts, tell them that NIOSH (the
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) does not recom-
mend them. Back belts do not specifically protect the back and may even
be hazardous themselves. They may give people the false impression that
they can lift more than they should. Following safe lifting techniques is
always essential.

Activity E. (Optional)
Analyzing a Task for Ergonomic Hazards (15 minutes)
1. Divide the class into groups of three or four. Assign each group one of
the jobs mentioned in the previous discussion or a job shown below. Give
students Handout C, the Ergonomics Checklist.
2. Ask each group to identify all the possible ergonomic risks involved in
that job, using the checklist. Suggest that one person in the group mime
different aspects of the job, so that the others can observe and identify
possible risks. Ask each group to report back the following information:
• All ergonomic risk factors
• At least three possible changes that could be made to address those
3. Bring the class back together. Ask each group to report back on their
4. Review key points.

10 Prosafety Culinary Arts Curriculum

Handout A Four Steps to Proper Lifting

Unit 7 Introduction to Workplace Ergonomics 11

Handout B Proper Lifting Evaluation

Posture, Force, and Effort

Each partner will take turns lifting and holding the box in different positions.
Use the Physical Effort Rating Scale to fill out the table. For each position, pro-
vide the Physical Effort Rating and write down where in your body you felt
discomfort or fatigue after holding the position for 15 seconds.

Physical Effort Observations

Position Partner 1 Partner 2
No box Rating Rating
Pretend as if you have a box to lift and follow Discomfort/fatigue: Discomfort/fatigue:
the basic procedure. Stand for 15 seconds before

Box held close Rating Rating

Lift and then hold the box close, about 1–2” in Discomfort/fatigue: Discomfort/fatigue:
front of your body at waist level. Do not allow
the box to touch or rest on your body. Hold for
15 seconds and then lower the box.
Box held at the middle distance with slight Rating Rating
bend in elbows Discomfort/fatigue: Discomfort/fatigue:
Lift and then hold the box 8–10” in front of you
with elbows bent. Hold for 15 seconds and then
lower the box.

Box held low and far away Rating Rating

Hold the box in front of you, about 10–12” off the Discomfort/fatigue: Discomfort/fatigue:
ground. Hold for 15 seconds and then lower the

Physical Effort Rating Scale

Use this scale to answer the questions above.
10. Very, very difficult 5. Moderate effort
9. Very difficult 4. Little effort
Safety Note: If lifting and holding the
8. Difficult 3. Very little effort box with two reams of paper is too
7. Somewhat difficult 2. Easy heavy for you, feel free to remove one
ream of paper from the box.
6. A little difficult 1. No effort

Unit 7 Introduction to Workplace Ergonomics 13

Handout B Proper Lifting Evaluation

Safe Lifting Checklist

Watch your fellow students lift the boxes. See if they follow the safe lifting
method. Help them if they miss a step.

Did they... Yes No

Know where the boxes will be placed?

Check for obstacles and clear a path before moving the


Check the weight of the load before lifting it?

Have two or more people lift (or use a lift device) if
Avoid twisting while carrying?

Keep the load as close as possible to the body?

Lift with the legs and not with the back?

Lift the load slowly, avoiding fast jerky movements?

Use their leg and back muscles by bending their knees when
setting the load down?


14 Prosafety Culinary Arts Curriculum

Handout C Ergonomics Checklist

Ergonomics Checklist
Does the job include any of the Not
following? Yes No sure

Repetitive bending or turning

the wrist in any direction

Frequent reaching forward,

behind, or out to the side with
one or both arms stretched out

Repeating the same motion

over and over

Frequent pinching, pulling or

using force

Lifting above shoulder height

Wearing gloves that are too big

or too small

Lifting with forceful throwing

Unit 7 Introduction to Workplace Ergonomics 15

Handout C Ergonomics Checklist

Ergonomics Checklist
Does the job include any of the Not
following? Yes No sure

Exertion of force in awkward

postures (to the side, overhead,
extended reaches)

Lifting objects off the floor

Handling or hard-to-grasp
tools or equipment (Poor
handhold? Items difficult to

Regularly pressing hands or

arms on sharp edges

Hand tool vibration

Cold temperatures

Pace of work set by machines

Adapted from Massachusetts Department of Public Health

16 Prosafety Culinary Arts Curriculum

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