Studies On Adsorption of Dyes On Beta-Cyclodextrin Polymer: GR Eegorio Crini
Studies On Adsorption of Dyes On Beta-Cyclodextrin Polymer: GR Eegorio Crini
Studies On Adsorption of Dyes On Beta-Cyclodextrin Polymer: GR Eegorio Crini
Centre de Spectrom
etrie, Universit
e de Franche-Comt
e, CR 3103 16 Route de Gray, 25000 Besancßon, France
Received 11 September 2002; received in revised form 7 February 2003; accepted 24 March 2003
Beta-cyclodextrin (b-CD) polymers are used for the removal of various dyes from aqueous solutions. Three insoluble polymers
with different degrees of b-CD were used. Results of adsorption experiments showed that these polymers exhibited high sorption
capacities toward dyes. The mechanism of adsorption was both physical adsorption and hydrogen bonding due to the polymer and
the formation of an inclusion complex due to the b-CD molecules through host–guest interactions.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0960-8524/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
194 G. Crini / Bioresource Technology 90 (2003) 193–198
N O N+ Et
O NH Et Et
C.I. Direct Red 81 (DR 81)
in triplicate. The sorbent was removed by centrifugation apart from the interactions of the dye with the polymer
or filtration before measurements. Absorbance values network (physical adsorption, hydrogen bonding), the
were recorded at kmax for each solution: at 605 nm for b-CD molecules played a major role.
AB 25, 592 nm for RB 19, 629 nm for DB 3, 654 nm for The difference in the chemical structure between these
BB 3 and 512 nm for DR 81. The adsorption capacity five dyes can also explain the obtained values. BB 3
was then calculated and expressed in percentage uptake (R ¼ 8%) did not interact with Polymer 3: the capacity
(R in %) which represents the ratio between the amount was very low due to poor physical adsorption interac-
of adsorbed dye and the starting amount of dye tion, poor hydrogen bonding and probably no inclusion
(McKay, 1982; El-Geundi, 1991). complex with b-CD. BB 3 is a basic dye containing
cationic functions that are not efficient for the dye-
polymer interaction. This result was in agreement with
literature data published by Delval et al. (2002). Using
3. Results
these results, it was assumed that the formation of an
inclusion complex due to the b-CD molecules and the
3.1. Adsorption of dyes on cyclodextrin polymer
presence of other interactions (hydrogen bonding and
physical surface adsorption), were involved in the
Fig. 2 shows the sorption capacity of five dyes on two
mechanism of sorption.
polymers, Polymer 3 and starch, respectively with and
without b-CD. Starch polymer without b-CD exhibited
lower sorption capacities. In this case, the adsorption is 3.2. Kinetics of dye adsorption on cyclodextrin polymer
based only on the presence of physical adsorption in the
polymer network and hydrogen bonding between the Fig. 3 shows the adsorption capacity of Polymer 3
hydroxyalkyl groups of the polymer and the dye. For versus the contact time (stirring time) toward four dyes.
Polymer 3, which contained b-CD molecules, an in- The kinetics of sorption were fast: the maximum ca-
crease of the sorption capacity was observed. This pacity was obtained after 1 h. The capacity increased
showed that b-CD molecules contributed to the sorption with contact time and this confirmed strong interactions
mechanism through inclusion complex formation. This between the dye, the b-CD molecules and the polymer
polymer showed adsorption of AB 25 (R ¼ 100%), RB network. Using Polymers 1 and 2, we found similar
19 (R ¼ 89%), DB 3 (R ¼ 80%) and DR 81 (R ¼ 62%). trends for the curves: 2 h was found to be sufficient for
In particular, for AB 25, we noted that Polymer 3 ex- reaching the plateau.
hibited very high sorption capacity: all the dye present in Table 2 shows the adsorption capacity of Polymer 3
the solution was adsorbed. This result confirmed that versus starting concentration of dye solution using a
the presence of b-CD molecules in the polymer strongly contact time of 2 h. The quantity of polymer was kept
increased the sorption values. constant while the molar concentration of the dye was
This conclusion was particularly demonstrated in the varied between 1 105 and 9 105 M. The order of
case of DB 3 where we found R ¼ 18% using starch and sorption for the five dyes was always the same: AB
R ¼ 83% using Polymer 3. This clearly showed that, 25 > RB 19 > DB 3 > DR 81 BB 3; the order was
AB 25
Starch RB 19
Polymer 3 DR 81
100 DB 3
90 100
80 90
Adsorption capacity
Adsorption capacity
70 80
60 70
50 60
40 50
AB 25 DR 81 RB 19 DB 3 BB 3 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Fig. 2. Comparison between adsorption capacity (R in %) of five dyes Contact time
on Polymer 3 and starch. Polymer 3 contains beta-cyclodextrin mole-
cules while starch does not (dye concentration 3 105 mol l1 ; contact Fig. 3. Kinetics of adsorption capacity (R in %) of four dyes by a beta-
time 2 h). cyclodextrin polymer (Polymer 3; concentration 3 105 mol l1 ).
196 G. Crini / Bioresource Technology 90 (2003) 193–198
Fig. 4 shows the influence of the amount of NaCl on 3.6. Influence of the b-CD content on the adsorption
the adsorption capacity of cyclodextrin polymer toward capacity
DR 81, DB 3 and RB 19 dyes. The molar concentration
of NaCl was varied between 0 and 0.1 mol l1 . Addition Tests were carried out using three polymers contain-
of sodium chloride to aqueous solutions produced an ing different amount of b-CD. Fig. 7 shows the influence
increase of the performance of the b-CD polymer. In the of the amount of b-CD on the adsorption capacity of
case of DR 81, we found R ¼ 62% for the distilled water polymers in water toward the five dyes. As expected, the
solution and R ¼ 84% for the same solution containing overall trend was an increase in the adsorption capacity
NaCl 0.1 mol l1 . The capacities depended on ionic with increasing amounts of b-CD, corresponding to
strength of the solution. Similar results have been pub- increasing interactions between b-CD and the dyes. This
lished by Shao et al. (1996). clearly showed that the inclusion phenomena played a
DR 81
DB 3
RB 19
AB 25
90 DR 81
Adsorption capacity
Adsorption capacity
50 60
40 50
0 0
0 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.1 5 6 7 8 9 distilled water
NaCl concentration pH
Fig. 4. NaCl (in mol l1 ) effect on the adsorption capacity (R in %) Fig. 5. pH effect on the adsorption capacity (R in %) (Polymer 3;
(Polymer 3; contact time 2 h; concentration 3 105 mol l1 ). contact time 2 h; concentration 1 105 mol l1 ).
G. Crini / Bioresource Technology 90 (2003) 193–198 197
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