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Keywords: In this study, a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) and a Nanofiltration (NF) process were utilized as a hybrid
Textile wastewater method for decolorization and purification of textile wastewater. Highly soluble Reactive Blue 21 (RB21) and
Biological treatment Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) were used as dye and anionic surfactant in the wastewater, respectively. The
Nanofiltration behavior of SBR was investigated during different periods of anaerobic-aerobic phases and pollutant reduction
Hybrid method
performance of each treatment section was analyzed. Experimental results of biological treatment showed that
High soluble dye
Anionic surfactant
the presence of SDS in wastewater could enhance dye and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal perfor-
mance. The SBR effluents with an optimum ratio of anaerobic-aerobic phases (8 h:13 h) were used as feed for
nanofiltration membrane. Although membrane procedure could not significantly separate the SDS present in
wastewater, yet it could remove 96% of dye and 97 % of COD. Also, real textile wastewater was treated by the
earlier mentioned hybrid method. Analyzing the effluent showed that dye, COD, and SDS removal were 98%,
98.5%, and 99%, respectively. During the treatment process, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Organic
Carbon (TOC), turbidity and hardness were 20 ± 10 mg/L, 17 ± 2 mg/L, 1.31 ± 0.15 NTU and 21 ± 4 mg/L,
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: mkarimi@aut.ac.ir (M. Karimi).
Received 24 November 2019; Received in revised form 26 December 2019; Accepted 14 January 2020
Available online 16 January 2020
2213-3437/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Khosravi, et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 103701
Table 1
Composition of synthetic textile wastewater (adapted from [17]).
Chemical WW(D) WW(S) WW(DS)
A. Khosravi, et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 103701
and ratio 4 (16 h:5 h) were studied [18]. After finding the optimized separating the microorganisms from the solution. The prepared samples
ratio in SBR, the effluent of SBR was used as NF feed (Fig. 2). were analyzed with FTIR spectrometer (Thermo-Nicolet Nexus 670,
USA) at 400-4000 cm−1 by resolution of 4 cm-1.
2.3. Nanofiltration plant
2.6. Gas chromatography coupled to mass spectroscopy (GC–MS)
The Nanofiltration laboratory plant was equipped with a stirred cell
module. The membrane used was NF membrane NP010 from Microdyn Intermediate products of RB21 biodegradation were analyzed by
Nadir whose main characteristics are presented in Table 3. GC–MS, using a GC/MSD Agilent 890A gas chromatograph coupled to a
In this study, transmembrane pressure of 10 bar and temperature of mass spectrometer (5975C VL MSD, USA), equipped with a triple-axis
25 °C were set as operating conditions. detector and a capillary Agilent column (HP-5MS, USA) with 5 %
phenyl methyl siloxane.
2.4. Analytical methods
3. Results and discussions
After SBR treatment, solid and liquid phases were separated from
the supernatant by centrifugation (Hettich D-78532 Tuttlingen;
3.1. Performance of SBRs
10,000 rpm; 20 min, Germany). Then, the samples were collected for
dye, COD, and surfactant removal tests. The RB21 concentrations were
The COD and dye removal performances during the operation per-
determined by UV–vis spectrophotometry (Jenway 6105
iods of the reactor with WW(D) are presented in Fig. 3. Steady-state
Spectrophotometer, UK) at 624 nm, corresponding to the maximal ab-
condition was achieved after 10 days following initial fluctuations. As
sorbance of dye (R2 = 0.999). The SDS concentrations of samples were
shown in Fig. 3, the COD removal has slight changes between ratios 1
determined by means of photometric titration with methylene blue dye
and 2, while by decreasing the aeration time at ratios 3 and 4, the COD
(R2 = 0.998) [19]. After each cycle, pH of the reactor was controlled
removal was declined from 98% to 43% and 16%, respectively. This
and kept constant (7–8). Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS), mixed
reveals the direct effect of aeration time on the amount of COD re-
liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS), COD concentrations, 5 days
moval. The dye removal was enhanced from ratio 1–4, as the dye re-
incubation biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), Sludge Volume Index
moval was 80% at ratio 4. Furthermore, by diminishing the aeration
(SVI), total dissolved organic carbon (TOC), hardness, and total sus-
time, MLSS and MLVSS were typically reduced. At steady-state, MLSS
pended solids (TSS) were measured according to Standard Methods of
and MLVSS were respectively 3600 ± 151 mg/L and 3032 ± 140 mg/
American public health associated (APHA) [20]. According to the
L at ratio 1, 3000 ± 160 mg/L and 2442 ± 185 mg/L at ratio 2,
procedure outlined in Helke studies, soluble microbial products (SMP)
2100 ± 172 mg/L and 1810 ± 194 mg/L at ratio 3, and
was measured [21]. Turbidity of WW(S) was determined by a turbidity
1800 ± 233 mg/L and 1217 ± 205 mg/L at ratio 4. Sahinkaya et al.
meter (Hach, USA).
[3] reported that increase in duration of anaerobic phase could reduce
the COD removal efficiency. Fu et al. [17] studied phthalocyanine dye
2.5. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) measurement removal by conventional activated sludge treatment in aerobic and
anaerobic conditions. In aerobic condition, dye removal of 80 % was
To prepare a proper FTIR sample, 100 ml of supernatant was ex- achieved but during anaerobic phase, dye removal was 20 % by in-
tracted from the reactor. Then centrifuging the supernatant and creasing glucose concentration. They concluded that the difference in
dye removal between aerobic and anaerobic conditions was due to
Table 3
different growth rates of activated sludge during aerobic and anaerobic
Characteristics of the NF NP010 membrane.
phases. With higher growth rates during aerobic phase, dye absorption
Manufacturer Microdyn Nadir by activated sludge would increase. Lee et al. [4] observed that
phthalocyanine dye removal during anaerobic and aerobic conditions
Type Flat sheet membrane
Material Polyethersulfone (PES) did not reach more than 49–66 % because of high solubility and strong
Thickness 210-250 μm structure of dye.
Molecular weight cut-off 1000-1200 Da The COD, dye, and surfactant removal performances of SBR treating
Na2SO4 rejection 35 – 75% WW(DS) are illustrated in Fig. 4. The average dye removal at ratios 1 and
Maximum operating pressure 40 bars (580 psi)
2 were obtained as 22% and 52%, respectively. By decreasing the
Maximum operating temperature 50 °C (122 °F)
pH range 0.0–14.0 aeration time at ratio 4, the dye removal efficiency was raised to 95%,
although in ratio 3 the dye removal did not enhance significantly
A. Khosravi, et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 103701
(67%). These removal efficiencies were more than that of the com- aeration time hydrocarbon tail of SDS did not completely degrade
parable ratios for WW(D). This is due to the effect of SDS that enhances during aeration time. In their investigations, Zhang et al. [23] observed
stability of intermediate products during anaerobic phase, causing the that the SDS concentration significantly reduced under aeration con-
intermediate products not to be converted to their previous complex dition after 24 h because the hydrocarbon tail was broken down by
form, thus, becoming stable with the beginning of aeration time. As a microorganisms. MLSS and MLVSS for WW(DS) were respectively
result, pollutants with simpler structures exist, and oxidation can occur 3159 ± 215 mg/L and 2579 ± 189 mg/L at ratio 1, 2970 ± 195 mg/
properly in aeration phase. In the study of Kireyko et al. [22], it was L and 2398 ± 120 mg/L at ratio 2, 1350 ± 206 mg/L and
observed that 0.1–100 mM of SDS could affect the dye removal by 986 ± 140 mg/L at ratio 3, and 800 ± 137 mg/L and 463 ± 142 mg/
stabilizing intermediates. Significant dye removal efficiency at ratio 4 L at ratio 4.
in the present study led to improved COD removal efficiency (38%), According to the results, the SBR could not provide a significant
higher than that obtained for treated WW(D) (16%) and WW(S) (20%) at performance to sufficiently remove COD and surfactant in the long-
the same ratio. Comparing the surfactant removal of WW(DS) with duration anaerobic phases (ratios 3 and 4). Besides, the nanofiltration
WW(S), no significant changes (< 1%) were observed, suggesting that stage could not be efficient in decreasing the amount of COD and sur-
the presence of dye had insignificant effect on SDS removal efficiency. factant remained after biological treatment. Therefore, ratio 2 (8 h
Removal of SDS at ratios 1 and 2 was 99%, but at ratios 3 and 4, SDS anaerobic-13 h aerobic) was selected as the SBR reaction time for
removal diminished to 95% and 90% respectively, because of short treating the wastewater containing RB21 and SDS. The remained dye in
A. Khosravi, et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 103701
Fig. 5. Color scan from the dye solution SBR feed, after finishing the anaerobic
phase and the aerobic phase.
Fig. 6. The FTIR spectra of Dye powder and anaerobic effluent in the range of
400−4000 cm−1.
the effluent of SBR was separated by nanofiltration stage.
fungi) could be degraded to simple intermediates such as phthalimide,
3.2. Degradation mechanism etc.
Fig. 8 presents the degradation kinetic of RB21. To achieve the
During the SBR treatment, the removal mechanisms of RB21 and degradation kinetic, the absorbance from the FTIR spectra of C]N and
SDS were investigated. Lack of azo bonds in RB21 chromophore C]O at 1600 cm−1 and 1726 cm−1, respectively, were studied through
structure increased its resistance against bio-degradation. RB21 had a the experiment. As expected, after reaching the equilibrium condition,
slight chance to be absorbed by microorganisms because of its high the absorbance rate was gradually decreased. The equilibrium condi-
solubility and molecular structure size [24]. SDS linear structure con- tion was achieved after 12 days of reaction between dye and micro-
taining 12-carbon chain caused its easy elimination in the aerobic phase organisms, that demonstrating the influence of RB21 chromophore
[25]. structure resistance.
A. Khosravi, et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 103701
Fig. 7. Intermediates produced during RB21 degradation by activated sludge as analyzed by GC/MS.
Fig. 8. The degradation kinetic of RB21. Fig. 9. Permeate flux for NF of WWs at 10 bars.
A. Khosravi, et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 103701
Fig. 11. The share of protein and carbohydrate in SMP for each SBR.
As shown in Fig. 9, fouling of NF membrane (used for filtering the effluent Fig. 13. The share of each treatment method to eliminate pollutants in-
containing SDS) was lower because proteins and carbohydrates tend to be so- dividually.
lubilized in the SDS present in aqueous media.
Table 4
Characteristics of the treated real textile WW by the hybrid method.
Parameter Value Removal Water Water quality
efficiency (%) quality for for washing
dyeing [36] [36]
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