Diode / Transistor Tester Kit: Elenco Electronics, Inc
Diode / Transistor Tester Kit: Elenco Electronics, Inc
Diode / Transistor Tester Kit: Elenco Electronics, Inc
Qty. Symbol Value Color Code Part #
1 R14 100W 5% 1/4W brown-black-brown-gold 131000
2 R5, R6 220W 5% 1/4W red-red-brown-gold 132200
2 R1, R10 330W 5% 1/4W orange-orange-brown-gold 133300
1 R13 1kW 5% 1/4W brown-black-red-gold 141000
1 R7 5.6kW 5% 1/4W green-blue-red-gold 145600
1 R12 10kW 5% 1/4W brown-black-orange-gold 151000
1 R8 18kW 5% 1/4W brown-gray-orange-gold 151800
2 R2, R3 33kW 5% 1/4W orange-orange-orange-gold 153300
1 R9 47kW 5% 1/4W yellow-violet-orange-gold 154700
1 R11 100kW 5% 1/4W brown-black-yellow-gold 161000
1 R4 330kW 5% 1/4W orange-orange-yellow-gold 163300
1 R15 100kW 5% 1/4W Variable 192611
Qty. Symbol Value Description Part #
1 C6 .001pF (102) Discap 231036
3 C2, C3, C5 .01pF (103) Discap 241031
2 C1, C4 10mF Electrolytic 271045
Qty. Symbol Value Description Part #
1 D1 1N4001 Diode 314001
1 Q5 MPS A70 Transistor 320070
4 Q1-Q4 2N3904 Transistor 323904
1 IC1 555 Integrated Circuit 330555
5 L1-L5 LED (Light Emitting Diode) 350002
Qty. Description Part# Qty. Description Part #
1 PC Board 511100 1 Socket 8-Pin IC 664008
1 Switch Push Button 540001 1 Transistor Socket 664500
2 Switch DPDT 541111 1 Alligator Clip Black 680001
1 Battery Snap 590098 1 Alligator Clip Red 680002
1 Panel Front 614100 1 Alligator Clip Green 680003
1 Knob 622009 1 Alligator Clip Yellow 680004
1 Case 623240 4” Double Sided Tape 740004
5 Spacer LED 624111 1 Wire Black 15” 813110
4 Screw No. 4 643460 1 Wire Red 15” 813210
4 Screw Self-Tapping 643652 1 Wire Yellow 15” 813410
1 7mm Hex Pot Nut 644101 1 Wire Green 15” 813510
1 8mm x 14mm Washer 645101 1 Wire Blue 3” 814620
1 Lockwasher 5/16” 646101 1 Solder Tube 9ST4
Safety Procedures
• Wear eye protection when soldering.
• Locate soldering iron in an area where you do not have to go around it or reach over it.
• Do not hold solder in your mouth. Solder contains lead and is a toxic substance. Wash your hands
thoroughly after handling solder.
• Be sure that there is adequate ventilation present.
Assemble Components
In all of the following assembly steps, the components must be installed on the top side of the PC board unless
otherwise indicated. The top legend shows where each component goes. The leads pass through the
corresponding holes in the board and are soldered on the foil side.
Use only rosin core solder of 63/37 alloy.
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R4 - 330kW Resistor
R1 - 330W Resistor J1 - Jumper Wire
(org-org-brn-gold) (see Figure A)
Jumper Wire
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SW1 - Switch
S1 - Transistor Socket
(see Figure H)
Figure G Figure H
Bare Wire
Bend the mounting tab on the pot over. Place a 5/16” lockwasher onto the
shaft of the pot. Insert the shaft of the pot into the hole in the PC board from Match key on the socket to the top
the copper side. Position the pot so that the three lugs are above the three legend on the PC board. Mount
copper pads on the PC board. Secure the pot to the PC board with the 7mm with 3/16” of space between the
pot nut and 8mm flat washer. Solder a bare wire (discarded resistor lead) socket and PC board.
from the pot lug to the pad directly below on all three lugs.
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Install the push button switch to the front
panel in the hole marked “TEST”. Fasten
switch in place with the 1/4” nut. Tighten the
nut with pliers (be careful not to scratch the
panel). Blue
Strip 1/4” insulation off both ends of the red wire. Insert one end into pad “D” on the copper side of
the PC board and solder the wire into place. Tie a knot 2 1/2” from soldered end of wire. Pull the
free end through the hole of the front panel marked “DIODE”, see Figure J.
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Mount the front panel to the switches on the PC
Figure K
board, using four #4 screws or 4-40 x 1/4” screws
and four 4-40 nuts, see Figure K.
No. 4
Remove the colored boots from the four alligator
clips (to remove the boots, clip the alligator clip onto
a pencil and slide the boot off). Slide each boot onto
the four corresponding colored wires (black boot
onto black wire, etc.). PCB
Solder an alligator clip to each wire as shown in Screws
Figure L. Slide the boots back onto the clips. Panel
Turn the shaft of the base current control fully 4-40 Nut
counter-clockwise. Align the marker line on the
knob with “0” on the front panel, see Figure M. Push
the knob onto the shaft.
Figure N
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The following is a simple procedure for testing your DT-100. If the tests fail, refer to the trouble
shooting guide for help.
Diode Operation: 1.) Place the switch in the diode position. Short the black and red leads together
and push in the test button. The diode test LEDs should alternately go on at
about a 1Hz rate.
2.) Connect the red and black leads to any good diode. Only one LED should
flash identifying the red lead connection (anode or cathode). Reversing the
leads should cause the other LED to flash.
Transistor Operation:
(using leads) 1.) Place the switch in transistor position. Short the yellow (B) and black (E) leads
together. Press the test button. Vary the base current control. The NP lamp
should light with the switch in NPN and the PN when in PNP position.
(using socket) 2.) Place a known good transistor in the test socket with the Emitter in E, Base in
B and Collector in C pins. Be sure none of the leads are shorting. Vary the
base current control. The OK LED should light. Note that on NPN transistor,
the NP lamp also will glow very slightly. This indicates the base current. The
higher the beta of the transistor, the lower the base current, and thus, lower
intensity. The base current control should be adjusted for the lowest setting with
the OK lamp glowing.
The DT-100 is a dynamic transistor and diode tester. It features an in-circuit testing and polarity
indicators for both transistors and diodes.
Diode Testing
1. Place switch in diode position.
2. Connect diode to red and black leads.
3. Push in test switch. One diode LED should blink and identify whether the cathode or anode is
connected to the diode (red) lead.
4. If both LED lamps blink, then the diode is shorted.
5. If neither lights, then the diode is open.
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Transistor Testing
The DT-100 can measure transistors in or out of circuit. It will identify NPN or PNP by a simple adjustment.
The DT-100 will test transistors in circuit provided the base biasing resistance is greater than 100 ohms. Simply
follow the previous procedure for testing out of circuit transistors. Do not apply power to circuit of transistor or
diode under test. The DT-100 will supply the necessary power.
Note the circuit diagram on page 10. The test transistor in this circuit is a NPN. Adjusting the variable resistor
will cause the NPN LED to light, indicating that base current is flowing. The output of the test transistor is fed
to amplifier Q2 and Q3. The output of Q2 is fed back in phase to the base of the test transistor causing the
circuit to oscillate. Part of the oscillations are fed to a power rectifier Q5 which switches on the OK LED
The design configuration is such that in-circuit transistors can be measured provided that the base and collector
resistors are greater than 100 ohms.
When measuring PNP transistors, the power supplied to the test transistor is reversed via the NPN/PNP switch,
therefore the PN LED will light.
Varying the base current control will reduce the base current. The lower the base current, the higher the gain
of the transistor under test. Comparative tests of two transistors gain (beta) can be made by observing the dial
setting or the intensity of the base LED diode. The lower the setting with the PN LED lit, the higher the beta of
that transistor.
On diode operation, power is applied to IC1. This causes the circuit to oscillate at about a 1Hz rate. Placing a
diode in series with the LED indicators will cause a current to flow depending on the direction of the diode. Thus,
the red test lead will identify the cathode or anode of the diode via the LED readout. Transistor Q4 reverses the
current flow in this circuit.
All types of diodes may be tested: Silicon, germanium, LEDs or zeners over 6 volts. Zener diodes under 6V
causes the second LED to glow at lower intensity, indicating that zener breakdown has occurred.
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If any problems occur, first check your wiring and soldering. Keep in mind that most problems are due
to poor soldering or wiring errors. Be sure that there are no solder shorts, poor connections or wiring
errors. Check that the battery is connected. Be sure that the transistors are in correctly. Check the
LEDs. The LED leads are hard to identify and can easily be wired backwards. The following is a guide
to help solve most problems.
Diode Position: Red and black leads shorted together. LEDs should alternately blink at 1Hz rate.
A. LEDs do not blink. Check that IC1 is in correctly. Check wiring around IC1.
B. Only one LED blinks. Check for open LED. Check transistor Q4.
C. Both LEDs blink together. One LED is in backwards.
Transistor Position Using Leads: B&E test leads shorted together. Rotate base current from
minimum to maximum. NP LED should light up when switched to NPN and PN LED should light when
in PNP position. OK LED should not light.
A. No LEDs light. Check that the battery is connected properly. Check for open circuit at R15, B or
E leads.
B. Only one LED lights. Check wiring and soldering. Check for open LED.
C. Both LEDs light at the same time. LED is in backwards.
Transistor Position Using Socket: Put the good NPN transistor into the test socket. Switch SW1 to
NPN position. Rotate base current control. The OK lamp should light. If not, check the following:
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Elenco Electronics, Inc.
150 W. Carpenter Avenue
Wheeling, IL 60090
(847) 541-3800
e-mail: elenco@elenco.com