Mercedes Trans 7G Tronic Plus

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Daimler finalized the advanced development of the sixth generation of its seven-speed automatic transmission
for more comfort, less fuel consumption and more driving pleasure. Assembled in E-, R-, S- and CL-Class, the
7G-Tronic Plus has a new fuel efficient torque converter with centrifugal pendulum damper and regulated zero
slip at the torque converter lock-up clutch as well as a new automatic transmission lubricant (FE-ATF).


is Project Manager 7G-Tronic is Manager Testing Automatic GERD JÄGGLE is Development Torque
Plus at Daimler AG in Stuttgart Transmission at Daimler AG is Manager Transmission Fluid Converter at Daimler AG
(Germany). in Stuttgart (Germany). Pump /Electromotive Actuator at in Stuttgart (Germany).
Daimler AG in Stuttgart (Germany).

TRANSMISSION EVOLUTION reinforced:five-speed:automatic:transmis- DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES

In:the:fall:of:2010,:Mercedes-Benz:Cars: inder:gasoline:engines.:The:new,:sixth:gen- Further:improving:the:energy:efficiency:
launched:the:latest:version:of:its:seven- eration:automatic:transmission:7G-Tronic: (fuel:economy,:FE):of:the:current:trans-
speed:automatic:transmission:7G-Tronic: Plus,:which:dates:back:to:1960:and:has: mission:7G-Tronic:[1]:was:one:of:the:
[1]:called:7G-Tronic:Plus:for:passenger: been:continually:developed:and:manufac- main:development:objectives,:➊.:The:
cars:in:the:S-Class,:R-Class,:and:E-Class: tured:by:the:company:ever:since,:is:inter- transmission:design:incorporated:a:wide:
with:the:V6:diesel:engine:and:in:the:CL- nally:designated:the:W7C700:and:W7X700: variety:of:measures:designed:to:lower:fuel:
Class:with:the:new:V8:gasoline:engine.: (for:the:integrated:all-wheel-drive:version: consumption:
The:S-Class:will:also:be:offered:with:the: 4Matic:and:W7C1000:for:the:reinforced: :: an:extreme:reduction:in:torque:con-
four-cylinder:inline:diesel:engine:and:with: transmission:version:[2]).:This:automatic: verter:slip:thanks:to:a:new:converter:
the:new:V6:and:V8:gasoline:engines:from: transmission:delivers:approximately:7:%: generation
the:start:of:2011:with:this:new:trans- better:overall:fuel:economy:than:the:prede- :: new:FE:low-friction:automatic:transmis-
mission. cessor:transmissions:W7B700:and:W7X550: sion:fluid:with:accompanying:changes:
With:this:transmission:evolution,:the: (as:tested:in:the:NEDC:cycle):while:making: to:the:geometry:and:materials:selected:
five-speed:automatic:transmissions: a:significant:contribution:to:reducing:the: for:the:transmission
W5A330:and:W5A580:currently:available: CO2:emissions:of:the:Mercedes-Benz:fleet.: :: an:improved:Eco:shift:program:that:
will:likewise:be:discontinued,:albeit:succes- Using:the:six-cylinder:diesel:engine:in:the: considerably:reduces:engine:speed:in:
sively,:for:passenger:cars:and:vans:with:a: S-Class:as:an:example,:this:equates:to:17:g: conjunction:with:optimal:damping:sys-
four-cylinder:engine:but:also:from:2012:the: of:CO2:per:km:or:0.64:l:per:100:km:[3]. tems:in:the:converter

:: friction-reducing:measures:for:bearings: FEATURE VALUE UNIT
and:disks. Maximum sustainable transfer capacity of transmission input 700 / 1000 Nm
Compared:to:other:measures:for:reducing: c oupling downstream of converter
individual:vehicle:consumption:as: Maximum permissible output torque 2700 Nm
required:by:the:markets:and:international: Diameter of converter 270 mm
legislation,:the:new:transmission:provides: Total length (depending on joint flange and converter) 619 – 640 mm
Weight (including converter and fluid; depending on the engine, 83 – 93 kg
it:comes:to:reducing:CO2:emissions:in:line: the optional shift-by-wire system, and optional start-stop system
with:target:objectives.:This:could:only:be: with auxiliary oil pump)
achieved:by:leveraging:available:technolo- ➊ Technical data of the automatic transmission 7G-Tronic Plus
also:realized,:➋: : Optimized engine launch : Opportunity of “zero slip” : Better launch and driving
behavior under cold conditions lock-up clutch and lower performance
:: improved:dynamic:response:to:move- and low barometric pressures enginespeeds (eco-shifting), : Higher efficiency, reduced fuel
ments:of:the:accelerator:pedal:as:a:result: : Improved clutch cooling reducedfuel consumption consumption, more comfort in
of:a:more:direct:connection:to:the:engine : Improvement NVH lock-up clutch control
:: better:shift:quality:thanks:to:improve- Torsional angle 42° Efficiency 90 %
Surface pressure –15 %
(currently 17°) (currently 85 %)
control ➋ Basical new design of the torque converter enables improvements in fuel consumption, NVH und cooling

12I2010 Volume 112 21

The torque converter lock-up clutch

continues to utilize the proven three-chan-
nel system, which has since been
improved in key areas. The path that the
cooling oil takes to the clutch plate set,
for example, has been redesigned to flow
directly toward the coupling package. This
provides for especially effective and effi-
cient cooling. Another change was to
increase the gap between the clutch disks
so that the clearance of the coupling pack-
age could be optimally used and drag
torque significantly reduced. The result is
much improved performance, especially
under cold-starting conditions, when
3 New speed adaptive twin-turbine torsional vibration damper with centrifugal force pendulum engaging a gear typically reduces the
rotating speed of the engine.
Damper development was mainly influ-
enced by three factors with respect to the
:: lower levels of noise, vibration, and also means that imbalances created by torque converter, all of which target a
harshness (NVH) and lower engine the combustion engine are channelled reduction in CO2 emissions. First, the trend
speeds via Eco shift programs directly into the drive line. In order to in engine design is toward increasing out-
:: start-stop capability by way of an addi- provide a high level of comfort here as put and torque with ever-smaller engines
tional electric pump well, a performance torsional damper is (less displacement). This can only be
:: extended service life of transmission required. achieved through heavy turbocharging or
fluid due to reduced friction and opti- The development goal in defining the supercharging, which further increases
mized formulation. hydraulic characteristic curves was to find rotational imbalance. This imbalance, in
the ideal balance between a suitably high turn, is channelled directly into the drive
stall torque ratio and a high level of effi- line. Second, the good power delivery of
ciency. Since the two variables cannot be the engines at low speed, in conjunction
A modular, next-generation torque con- optimized independently of the other, with today‘s typically wide gearbox ratio,
verter was designed with an improved achieving this balance was key to ensur- makes it possible to introduce an exception-
hydraulic circuit, torque converter lock-up ing good start-off performance. Realizing ally low-speed drive program, whereby the
clutch, and dampers to accommodate, in very high efficiency also facilitates a com- engine is principally driven at higher excita-
particular, the dramatic increase in torque fortable transition between the hydraulic tion levels. Last but not least, developers
generated by the new V8 gasoline engine characteristic curve and the torque con- wanted to eliminate slippage of the torque
and the torque increase of the four and verter lock-up clutch within the power converter lock-up clutch in order to pro-
six-cylinder diesel engines. This corre- split. The power curve was defined using mote efficient power delivery, which would
sponds also with increased demands on turbocharged engines, which resulted in be impossible using the damping character-
damping the imbalances and on aggra- flat to slightly upward sloping curves. istics of this setup. The answer to these
vated consumption targets with minimum
frictional loss.
The torque converter, 3, assumes
many functions in modern automatic
transmissions. When the vehicle acceler-
ates from a stop, for example, the engine
must be smoothly connected to the drive
line and output efficiently transferred to
ensure high performance. Both tasks are
carried out exceptionally well due to the
hydraulic power delivery, which also
bumps torque. An output unit, the torque
converter must likewise convert power
with as little frictional loss as possible.
This is managed by a torque converter
lock-up clutch, which splits the power as
per the hydraulic characteristic curve.
Efficient delivery via the lock-up clutch 4 Torsional de-coupling to a six-cylinder diesel engine

three challenges came in the form of a cen- TRANSMISSION MECHANICALS TRANSMISSION MECHATRONICS
trifugal pendulum damper, ③, designed in
conjunction with the company LuK. The basic transmission 7G-Tronic [1] was Detailed improvements to the electrohy-
This damper initially comprises a con- systematically refined to further reduce draulic control unit, integrated in the
ventional twin-turbine damper. Its distinc- frictional loss. This was achieved by using transmission, and reduced friction in con-
tive characteristic, however, is the fact the world‘s lowest-viscosity automatic junction with optimized engine and trans-
that a pendulum mass is connected to an transmission fluid (ATF), which was for- mission software, likewise better shifting
intermediate damper mass and functions mulated in close collaboration with Shell, dynamics and shifting quality. The focus
as an additional damper. A standard Afton, and Fuchs. of development work was on more effec-
damper comprises a spring mass oscilla- In particular, the new ATF134FE had to tively leveraging the volumetric oil flow
tor that responds to a specific excitation provide an optimum balance between rate available by lowering engine speed at
frequency, which is determined by spring reduced dynamic viscosity, temperature, idle and using a low-viscosity transmis-
stiffness and mass. With a pendulum, friction level, and volumetric and mechani- sion fluid to minimize the hydraulic loss
however, the natural frequency depends cal efficiency, 5. Internal leakage and seals, associated with the transmission control-
on gravitational acceleration and the foaming, lubrication properties, and bearing ler. To this end, the hydraulic channels in
length of the pendulum. Since gravita- construction were therefore key design chal- the shifting plates were optimally posi-
tional acceleration in the rotating refer- lenges. These problems were solved by har- tioned and arranged to reduce such loss.
ence system of the torsional damper can monizing the base oil, viscosity and friction The new seven-speed automatic transmis-
be replaced with centrifugal force, the nat- characteristics (viscosity index), and lubri- sion is equipped with a start-stop system for
ural frequency fluctuates with the speed cation and pressure-transfer additives in the the first time. This makes possible with the
of the engine. Designed appropriately, the fluid with tribological and anti-leak adapta- addition of an electric auxiliary transmission
natural frequency is always in line with tions made to various transmission compo- oil pump, 6, that safeguards the pressure
the engine order, allowing the main exci- nents (for example planetary gear set mate- supply when the mechanical transmission oil
tation frequency to be almost fully com- rials, seals, transmission oil pan) and tem- pump is not running (engine off). When the
pensated (dampened). This damper perature-related improvements to the driver comes to a stop at a red light, for
design makes it possible to operate the control software. The new transmission oil example, the engine switches itself off. As
torque converter lock-up clutch without is not backwards compatible due to the tar- soon as the foot brake is released or the
slip – while ensuring maximum comfort get-oriented optimization measures imple- accelerator pedal pressed, the engine starts
with respect to the drive line noise caused mented for all tribological systems, which as if it were running the entire time.
by torsional excitation. encompass the oil itself and the bearings, Intelligent technology provides for com-
The only way to realize a similar out- seals, gearing, and friction plates. To visu- fortable, instantaneous engine starts. A
come using conventional technology ally reinforce this, the transmission fluid has crankshaft rotation sensor detects the rest-
would inherently require more space and been dyed blue instead of the previous red ing position of the pistons. The electric aux-
significantly increase the weight of the to prevent confusion during maintenance. iliary transmission oil pump, mounted
drive line, 4. Another advantage of the Optimized vehicle cooling, an improved externally to the converter housing for the
pendulum approach and the regulated fluid formula, and reduced friction through- transmission with start-stop system, main-
zero slip associated with it is a more out the transmission translate into extended tains the minimum level of pressure
direct connection between the engine and service intervals, whereby the fluid no required in the transmission when the
the drive line, which increases driving longer must be replaced the first 50,000 km, engine is switched off. The shift elements
pleasure while reducing CO2 emissions. but every 125,000 km only. remain filled and the transmission can be

5 Comparison of viscosity
of the old transmission fluid
ATF134 versus the new one

12I2010 Volume 112 23


smoothly engaged immediately after the

combustion engine has started. This proc-
ess can be repeated in shortest time. It is
realized by a G-rotor pump (crescentless
internal gear pump) powered by a direct
current motor with integrated electronics,
which are controlled by the transmission
controller via CAN.
The starter then simply has to provide
the initial impulse to automatically start
the engine. The engine control unit only
switches the engine off if critical prede-
fined criteria have been met. These
encompass the starter battery, which
must have a sufficient charge, and the
engine, which must be warm enough for
the exhaust gases to be optimally treated
: Shifting elements of the transmission remain oil-filled with stopped transmission constant pump
upon start-up. The same applies to the
because of engine-off during start-stop mode
: Opportunity of a quick relaunch of the vehicle after engine start interior temperature set by the driver. If
: Electric pressure supply, comfort-oriented and reproducible this temperature has not yet been
reached, the engine will not be switched
HYDRAULIC PRESSURE Max. 2.5 bar at 6 l/min off at a standstill. The on-board manage-
ATF TEMPERATURE (WORKING) 10 – 125 °C ment system ensures that any active
BATTERY VOLTAGE 9 – 16 V audio, telephone, or video signals are not
POWER ELECTRONICS Integrated interrupted by the Eco start-stop function.
CONTROLLED BY CAN Motor current controlled A yellow ”Eco“ icon indicates to the
CURRENT CONSUMPTION Max. 8.5 A driver that the Eco start-stop function is
enabled but has been temporarily overrid-
den because of a conflict with one of the
6 Auxiliary electro-hydraulic pump for start-stop operation mentioned criteria. When all criteria for
switching the engine off have been met,
the ”Eco“ icon turns to green.
The average percentage fuel economy
improvement by the improved transmis-
sion is shown in 7 with 7 % in total.
Using start-stop further 4 % are possible
due to shut-down of the combustion
engine in idle of the consumption cycle.


7 Average percentage fuel economy improvement Finally, the new seven-speed automatic
of 7G-Tronic Plus (NEDC) transmission from Daimler is equipped
with a start-stop system for the first time,
made possible with the addition of an
electric auxiliary transmission oil pump
that safeguards the pressure supply when
the constant-flow pump is not running
(engine off). The vehicle can start off
again without delay following a brief stop.
A next-generation torque converter
optimizes NVH levels thanks to more
advanced dampers, which also noticeably
reduce fuel consumption. This is achieved
by greatly reducing the slip of the lock-up
clutch (actively regulated zero slip) in
8 Comparison of shifting programs for an eight-cylinder gasoline engine conjunction with better mechanical
(blue: improvements by W7C700 transmission) damper insulation from very low engine

speeds and during gear shifts, despite the
fact that the nominal and reaction torque
of the engines has increased. The gear
shift program has also been modified to
reduce engine speed in Eco mode, 8. In
addition, the new FE converter provides
for optimal acceleration from a stop,
smoother operation of the torque con-
verter lock-up clutch, and better response
to movements of the accelerator pedal.
Consumption-reducing measures were
implemented for the transmission as well
and include new automatic transmission
fluid (ATF134FE) with reduced viscosity
in conjunction with an optimized addi-
tives package, redesigned internal com-
ponentry for the transmission, with new
materials, bearings, disk linings, and
geometric enhancements, and adapted
software, lower service pressure at many
operating points, and better internal
seals. The reworked electronic control
unit for the transmission, together with
improved software, make shifting

[1] Greiner, J.; Indlekofer, G.; Nauerz, H.;
Dorfschmid, J.; Gödeke, T.; Dörr, C.: Siebengang-
Automatikgetriebe von Mercedes-Benz. In: ATZ
105 (2003), Nr. 10, S. 920-930
[2] Wieland, D.; Schröder, R.; Tennert, P.;
Gansloser, P.; Nied, H.: Der Antriebsstrang für die
S-Klasse 4Matic – Effizient und leistungsstark. In:
Die neue 4Matic in der S-Klasse von Mercedes-
Benz. Sonderausgabe von ATZ/MTZ, September
[3] Henning, G.; Dorfschmid, J.; Gödecke, T.:
Das Getriebe als Schlüsselelement im modernen
Antriebsstrang. Vortrag, AVL Konferenz Motor &
Umwelt, Graz, Österreich, September 2010

Today, the development of the components of
an automobile is teamwork everywhere. The
authors like to thank Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Henrik
Kalczynski, Team Leader Hydraulic Control
Units Automatic Transmissions, at Daimler AG
in Stuttgart (Germany), for his contribution to
this article.

12I2010 Volume 112 25

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