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Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

Home Publications CEP September 2016

Introduction to Ammonia Production


Introduction to
Ammonia is critical in the

manufacturing of fertilizers, and is one
of the largest-volume synthetic
chemicals produced in the world. This
article explores the evolution of

ammonia production and describes the Page 1 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

current manufacturing technologies.

Most people associate the pungent smell of

ammonia (NH3) with cleaners or smelling salts.

However, the use of ammonia in these two

products represents only a small fraction of the

total global ammonia production, which was

around 176 million metric tons in 2014 (1). To

appreciate where the industry and technology

are today, let’s first take a look at how we got

Ammonia has been known for more than 200

years. Joseph Priestley, an English chemist,
first isolated gaseous ammonia in 1774. Its
composition was ascertained by French

chemist Claude Louis Berthollet in 1785. In

1898, Adolph Frank and Nikodem Caro found
that N2 could be fixed by calcium carbide to
form calcium cyanamide, which could then be

hydrolyzed with water to form ammonia (2):

CaO + 3C ↔ CaC2 + CO

CaC2 + N2 ↔ CaCN2 + C Page 2 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

CaCN2 + 3H2O ↔ CaCO3 + 2NH3

The production of significant quantities of

ammonia using the cyanamide process did not
occur until the early 20th century. Because this

process required large amounts of energy,

scientists focused their efforts on reducing
energy requirements.

German chemist Fritz Haber performed some

of the most important work in the development

of the modern ammonia industry. Working
with a student at the Univ. of Karlsruhe, he
synthesized ammonia in the laboratory from N2

and H2.

Meanwhile, Walther Nernst, a professor of

physical chemistry at the Univ. of Berlin,

developed a process to make ammonia by

passing a mixture of N2 and H2 across an iron

catalyst at 1,000°C and 75 barg pressure. He

was able to produce larger quantities of

ammonia at this pressure than earlier

experiments by Haber and others at

atmospheric pressure. However, Nernst Page 3 of 35
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concluded that the process was not feasible

because it was difficult or almost impossible (at

that time) to produce large equipment capable

of operating at that pressure.

Nonetheless, both Haber and Nernst pursued

the high-pressure route to produce ammonia

over a catalyst. Haber finally developed a

process for producing commercial quantities of

ammonia, and in 1906 he was able to achieve a

6% ammonia concentration in a reactor loaded

with an osmium catalyst. This is generally

recognized as the turning point in the

development of a practical process for the

production of ammonia in commercial


Haber realized that the amount of ammonia

formed in a single pass through a converter was

far too low to be of commercial interest. To

produce more ammonia from the makeup gas,

he proposed a recycle system, and received a

patent for the concept. Haber’s recycle idea

changed the perception of process engineering

as static in favor of a more dynamic approach. Page 4 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

In addition to the chemical reaction

equilibrium, Haber recognized that reaction

rate was a determining factor. Instead of simple

yield in a once-through process, he

concentrated on space-time yield in a system

with recycle.

BASF purchased Haber’s patents and started

development of a commercial process. After

testing more than 2,500 different catalysts,

Carl Bosch, Alvin Mittasch, and other BASF

chemists developed a promoted iron catalyst

for the production of ammonia in 1910.

Developing equipment that could withstand the

necessary high temperatures and pressure was

an even more difficult task. An early mild steel

reactor lasted only 80 hours before failure due

to decarbonization. Lining mild steel reactors

with soft iron (which was not vulnerable to

decarbonization) and adding grooves between

the two liners to release hydrogen that had

diffused through the soft iron liner solved this

problem. Other major challenges included

designing a heat exchanger to bring the inlet

gas to reaction temperatures and cool the exit Page 5 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

gas, and devising a method to bring the catalyst

to reaction temperature.

The first commercial ammonia plant based on

the Haber-Bosch process was built by BASF at

Oppau, Germany. The plant went on-stream on

Sept. 9, 1913, with a production capacity of 30


▲Figure 1. This is a simplified flowsheet of the

first commercial ammonia plant by BASF.

Figure 1 is a flowsheet of the first commercial

ammonia plant. The reactor contained an

internal heat exchanger in addition to those

shown on the schematic. Page 6 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

Global production

▲Figure 2. Worldwide ammonia production has

steadily increased from 1946 to 2014.

Ammonia production has become one of the

most important industries in the world.
Without the crop yield made possible by
ammonia-based fertilizers and chemicals, the

global population would be at least two to three

billion less than it is today (3). Ammonia
production has increased steadily since 1946

(Figure 2), and it is estimated that the annual Page 7 of 35
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production of ammonia is worth more than

$100 billion, with some plants producing more

than 3,000 m.t./day of NH3.

In 1983, on the occasion of the 75th

anniversary of AIChE’s founding, a blue ribbon
panel of distinguished chemical engineers

named what they believed to be the world’s ten

greatest chemical engineering achievements
(4). Embracing such feats as wonder drugs,
synthetic fibers, and atomic energy, the citation

also included the breakthrough that permitted

the production of large quantities of ammonia
in compact, single-unit plants.

Within the past decades, chemical engineers

have succeeded in creating processes that make

vast amounts of ammonia at relatively low

costs. As recently as 80 years ago, the total
annual production of synthesized ammonia was

just over 300,000 m.t. Thanks to chemical

engineering breakthroughs, one modern
ammonia plant can produce more than
750,000 m.t./yr. Page 8 of 35
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Approximately 88% of ammonia made

annually is consumed in the manufacturing of
fertilizer. Most of the remainder goes into the

production of formaldehyde. China produced

about 32.6% of the global production in 2014,
while Russia, India, and the U.S. produced

8.1%, 7.6%, and 6.4%, respectively (1). While

most of the global production of ammonia is
based on steam reforming of natural gas,

significant quantities are produced by coal

gasification; most of the gasification plants are
located in China.

Modern production
The tremendous increase in ammonia demand
from 1950 to 1980 necessitated larger, more-
energy-efficient plants. Those decades also saw

a change in design philosophy. Until that time,

an ammonia plant was regarded as an assembly
of unrelated units, such as gas preparation, gas

purification, gas compression, and ammonia Page 9 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

synthesis. New innovations and an integral

design tied process units together in the most

effective and efficient ways.

▲Figure 3. KBR designed one of the first single-

train, large-capacity ammonia plants.

In the mid-1960s, the American Oil Co.

installed a single-converter ammonia plant

engineered by M.W. Kellogg (MWK) at Texas

City, TX, with a capacity of 544 m.t./day. The
single-train design concept (Figure 3) was so

revolutionary that it received the Kirkpatrick

Chemical Engineering Achievement Award in
1967. Page 10 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

The plant used a four-case centrifugal

compressor to compress the syngas to a

pressure of 152 bar, and final compression to
an operating pressure of 324 bar occurred in a

reciprocating compressor. Centrifugal

compressors for the synthesis loop and
refrigeration services were also implemented,

which provided significant cost savings.

The key differences between the MWK process

and the processes used in previous ammonia

plants included:

using a centrifugal compressor as part of

the synthesis gas compression

maximizing the recovery of waste heat

from the process

generating steam from the waste heat for

use in steam turbine drivers

using the refrigeration compressor for

rundown and atmospheric refrigeration.

An integrated scheme that balanced energy Page 11 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

consumption, energy production, equipment

size, and catalyst volumes was incorporated
throughout the plant.

Most plants built between 1963 and 1993 had

large single-train designs with synthesis gas

production at 25–35 bar and ammonia

synthesis at 150–200 bar. Another variation by

Braun (now KBR) offered slight modifications

to the basic design. The Braun Purifier process

plants utilized a primary or tubular reformer

with a low outlet temperature and high

methane leakage to reduce the size and cost of

the reformer. Excess air was added to the

secondary reformer to reduce the methane

content of the primary reformer exit stream to

1–2%. Excess nitrogen and other impurities

were removed downstream of the methanator.

Because the synthesis gas was essentially free

of impurities, two axial-flow ammonia

converters were used to achieve a high

ammonia conversion.

Some recently built plants have a synthesis gas

generation system with only one reformer (no Page 12 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

secondary reformer), a pressure-swing

adsorption (PSA) system for H2 recovery, and

an air separation plant as the source of N2.

Improvements in converter design, such as

radial and horizontal catalyst beds, internal

heat exchangers, and synthesis gas treatment,

helped increase ammonia concentrations

exiting the synthesis converter from about 12%

to 19–21%. A higher conversion per pass, along

with more-efficient turbines and compressors,

further reduced energy consumption. More-

efficient CO2 removal solutions, such as

potassium carbonate and

methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), have

contributed to improved energy efficiency.

Most modern plants can produce ammonia

with an energy consumption of 28 GJ/m.t.

In addition to the design, mechanical, and

metallurgical improvements made during this

time, the operating pressure of the synthesis

loop was significantly reduced. When the first

single-train plant was built in the 1960s, it

contained a high-pressure synthesis loop. In

1962, MWK received an inquiry from Imperial Page 13 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

Chemical Industries (ICI) for a proposal to

build a 544-m.t./day plant at their Severnside

site. MWK proposed a 152-bar synthesis loop

instead of a 324-bar loop.

Because the development of kinetic data for the

ammonia reaction at 152 bar would take more

time than MWK had to respond to the ICI

inquiry, they contacted Haldor Topsøe to

support their plans. Topsøe had data covering

the entire pressure range of interest to MWK.

In addition, they had a computer program for

calculating the quantity of catalyst that was

required at the lower operating pressure. Even

though ICI chose Bechtel to design the plant,

MWK was able to develop a flowsheet for a

544-m.t./day design with centrifugal

compressors and a low-pressure synthesis loop,

which some people consider the single most

important event in the development of the

single-train ammonia plant.

Approximately twice as much catalyst was

required at 152 bar as at 324 bar, an increase

that seemed economically feasible. Although Page 14 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

the converter would need twice the volume, the

lower operating pressure would reduce the

required thickness of the pressure shell. As a

result, the weight of metal required for the

converter plus the catalyst remained about the

same. The lower-pressure synthesis loop also

allowed the use of centrifugal compressors

instead of reciprocating compressors. Another

improvement was recovering heat to generate

high-pressure steam for steam turbine drives.

Plant designs in the

21st century
During the first few years of the 21st century,

many improvements were made in ammonia

plant technology that allow existing plants to

increase production rates and new plants to be

built with larger and larger capacities.

Competition between technology suppliers is

quite fierce. Three technology licensors — KBR

(Kellogg Brown and Root), Haldor Topsøe, and

ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions (TKIS) — Page 15 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

currently dominate the market. Ammonia

MENU Communities
Casale, which offersMembership Events
an axial-radial catalyst bed Publications

design, is a market leader in revamps of

existing plants.

▲Figure 4. Modern ammonia plants designed by

KBR employ its proprietary Purifier design.

Most of the ammonia plants recently designed

by KBR utilize its Purifier process (Figure 4),

which combines low-severity reforming in the

primary reformer, a liquid N2 wash purifier

downstream of the methanator to remove

impurities and adjust the H2:N2 ratio, a

proprietary waste-heat boiler design, a unitized Page 16 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

chiller, and a horizontal ammonia synthesis


Depending on the configuration of the plant,

energy consumption can be as low as 28

GJ/m.t. Because the secondary reformer uses

excess air, the primary reformer can be smaller

than in conventional designs. The cryogenic

purifier (shown in Figure 4 in light green with a

light orange background), which consists of an

expander, condenser, feed/effluent exchanger,

and rectifier column, removes impurities such

as CO, CH4, and argon from the synthesis gas

while adjusting the H2:N2 ratio of the makeup

gas in the ammonia loop to the optimum level.

The ammonia concentration exiting the low-

pressure-drop horizontal converter is 20–21%,

which reduces energy requirements for the

recycle compressor. KBR also offers a low-

pressure ammonia loop that employs a

combination of magnetite catalyst and its

proprietary ruthenium catalyst. Page 17 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

▲Figure 5. Haldor Topsøe offers an ammonia

plant design that has a proprietary side-fired
reformer in which radiant burners supply heat for
the reforming reaction.

The syngas generation section (or front end) of

a Haldor Topsøe-designed plant (Figure 5) is

quite traditional with the exception of its

proprietary side-fired reformer, which uses

radiant burners to supply heat for the

reforming reaction. Haldor Topsøe also offers a

proprietary iron-based synthesis catalyst,

radial-flow converters consisting of one, two, or

three beds, and a proprietary bayonet-tube

waste-heat boiler. More recent developments

include the S-300 and S-350 converter designs.

The S-300 converter is a three-bed radial-flow

configuration with internal heat exchangers, Page 18 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

while the S-350 design combines an S-300

converter with an S-50 single-bed design with

waste-heat recovery between converters to

maximize ammonia conversion.

▲Figure 6. ThyssenKrupp’s dual-pressure

synthesis loop design features a once-through
reactor between syngas compressors.

ThyssenKrupp offers a conventional plant

(Figure 6) with a unique secondary reformer

design, a proprietary waste-heat boiler, radial-

flow converters, and a dual-pressure ammonia

synthesis loop. Today, a production rate of

3,300 m.t./day can be achieved using the TKIS

dual-pressure process. Page 19 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

▲Figure 7. The Linde Ammonia Concept (LAC)

features a pressure-swing adsorption unit for high-
purity hydrogen production and an air separation
unit for high-purity nitrogen production.

The Linde Ammonia Concept (LAC) is an

established technology process scheme with

over 25 years of operating experience in plants

with capacities from 200 m.t./day to over 1,750

m.t./day. The LAC process scheme (Figure 7)

replaces the costly and complex front end of a

conventional ammonia plant with two well-

proven, reliable process units:

production of ultra-high-purity hydrogen

from a steam-methane reformer with PSA


production of ultra-high-purity nitrogen by

a cryogenic nitrogen generation unit, also Page 20 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

known as an air separation unit (ASU).

▲Figure 8. Ammonia Casale’s process employs a

catalyst bed that harnesses axial-radial technology,
which has a lower pressure drop and higher
efficiency than standard catalyst beds.

Ammonia Casale’s plant design has a

production rate of 2,000 m.t./day. One of the

key features of this design is axial-radial

technology in the catalyst bed (Figure 8). In an

axial-radial catalyst bed, most of the synthesis

gas passes through the catalyst bed in a radial

direction, creating a very low pressure drop.

The rest of the gas passes down through a top Page 21 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

layer of catalyst in an axial direction,

eliminating the need for a top cover on the

catalyst bed. Casale’s axial-radial catalyst bed

technology is used in both high-temperature

and low-temperature shift converters, as well

as in the synthesis converter.

Other technologies
Some technology suppliers have offered gas-

heated reformers (GHRs) for the production of

ammonia in small-capacity plants or for

capacity increases. Unlike conventionally

designed plants that use a primary reformer

and secondary reformer operating in series,

plants with GHRs use the hot process gas from

the secondary reformer to supply heat to the

primary reformer. This reduces the size of the

primary reformer and eliminates CO2

emissions from the primary reformer stack,

making the process more environmentally


Even though some ammonia producers Page 22 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

advocate for distributed production of

ammonia in small ammonia plants, most

companies prefer to build large facilities near

cheap raw material sources and transport the

product by ship, rail, or pipeline to the


Ammonia from coal

▲Figure 9. China produces most of its ammonia

from coal.

China produces more ammonia than any other

country, and produces the majority of its Page 23 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

ammonia from coal (Figure 9).

The basic processing units in a coal-based

ammonia plant are the ASU for the separation
of O2 and N2 from air, the gasifier, the sour gas

shift (SGS) unit, the acid gas removal unit

(AGRU), and the ammonia synthesis unit.
Oxygen from the ASU is fed to the gasifier to

convert coal into synthesis gas (H2, CO, CO2)

and CH4. There are many gasifier designs, but
most modern gasifiers are based on fluidized

beds that operate above atmospheric pressure

and have the ability to utilize different coal
feeds. Depending on the design, CO levels of

30–60% by volume may be produced.

After gasification, any particulate matter in the

synthesis gas is removed and steam is added to

the SGS unit. The SGS process typically utilizes
a cobalt and molybdenum (CoMo) catalyst

specially designed for operation in a sulfur


After reducing the CO concentration in the

synthesis gas to less than 1 vol%, the syngas is Page 24 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

fed to an AGRU, where a chilled methanol

scrubbing solution (e.g., Rectisol) removes CO2

and sulfur from the synthesis gas. The CO2
overhead is either vented or fed to a urea plant.

The sulfur outlet stream is fed to a sulfur

recover unit (SRU).

Syngas that passes through the AGRU is

typically purified by one of two methods:

a nitrogen wash unit to remove residual

CO and CH4 from the syngas before it is
fed to the synthesis loop

a PSA system for CO and CH4 removal.

Closing thoughts
During the past 60 years, ammonia process

technology has improved drastically. Plant

layouts evolved from multi-train designs, often
with different numbers of trains in the front

end and synthesis loop, to single-train designs.

Synthesis gas preparation in the front end of Page 25 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

the plant increased from atmospheric pressure

to 30–50 barg pressure. Capacities increased
from 100 m.t./day to as much as 3,300

m.t./day in a single train.

Energy efficiencies have improved as well —

from consumptions well above 60 GJ/m.t. of

ammonia in coke-based plants to 40–50
GJ/m.t. in the first natural-gas-based plants to

30–40 GJ/m.t. in the first single-train plants.

Modern plants have added heat recovery by
steam production at pressures as high as 125

barg in both the syngas preparation section and

the synthesis loop.

In terms of process equipment, there has been

a shift from reciprocating compressors to
centrifugal compressors. An internal heat

exchanger has been implemented in the

synthesis converter to increase conversion of
H2 and N2 to NH3. Designers have tapped into

hydrogen recovery from purge gas (in units

such as PSA systems) to enhance production or
reduce the plant energy consumption.

Designers have also implemented hot feed gas Page 26 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

desulfurization systems. There have been

significant improvements in the catalysts used

in reforming, shift conversion, methanation,

and ammonia synthesis.

To improve process control and safety,

distributed control systems (DCSs) for
advanced process control, as well as safety-

instrumented systems (SISs), are now standard

in ammonia plants. Before any process goes
online, hazard and operability (HAZOP) studies

and layer of protection analyses (LOPAs) are

performed. Advances in training simulators
and education practices ensure that operators

and engineers can perform their duties safely

and effectively.

These are just a few of the thousands of

improvements in technology and safety that
have been implemented to make the ammonia

industry one of the most productive and safe

industries in the world.

Literature Cited Page 27 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

1. U.S. Geological Survey, “Nitrogen

(Fixed) — Ammonia Statistics,”
statistics/ds140-nitro.xlsx (Last Modified:

Jan. 28, 2016).

2. Slack, A. V., and G. R. James (eds.),

“Ammonia,” Parts I, II, and III, Marcel

Dekker, New York, NY (1974).

3. Smil, V., “Enriching the Earth – Fritz

Haber, Carl Bosch, and the

Transformation of World Food
Production,” The MIT Press, Cambridge,

MA (Dec. 2000).

4. Williams, G., and V. Pattabathula,

“One Hundred Years of Ammonia

Production — A Recap of Significant

Contributions to Feeding the World,” 58th
Annual Safety in Ammonia Plants and

Related Facilities Symposium, AIChE

(Aug. 25–29, 2013).

Acknowledgments Page 28 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

The authors acknowledge the assistance of

KBR, ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions,
Haldor Topsøe, Linde, and Casale for providing

technical literature on their respective process



Author Bios

nkat Pattabathula Jim Richardson Page 29 of 35
Introduction to Ammonia Production | AIChE 26/04/20, 1:48 PM

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Nanoparticles for drug delivery
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to Ammonia produced in the world. This
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Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and

ISSN: 1064-3389 (Print) 1547-6537 (Online) Journal homepage:

Recent Trends in Leather Making: Processes,

Problems, and Pathways

Palanisamy Thanikaivelan , Jonnalagadda Raghava Rao , Balachandran Unni

Nair & Thirumalachari Ramasami

To cite this article: Palanisamy Thanikaivelan , Jonnalagadda Raghava Rao , Balachandran Unni
Nair & Thirumalachari Ramasami (2005) Recent Trends in Leather Making: Processes, Problems,
and Pathways, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 35:1, 37-79, DOI:

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Published online: 12 Jan 2007.

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Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 35:37–79, 2005
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Inc.
ISSN: 1064-3389 print / 1547-6537 online
DOI: 10.1080/10643380590521436

Recent Trends in Leather Making: Processes,

Problems, and Pathways

Palanisamy Thanikaivelan
Centre for Leather Apparels and Accessories Development, Adyar, Chennai, India

Jonnalagadda Raghava Rao∗ and Balachandran Unni Nair

Chemical Laboratory, Adyar, Chennai, India

Thirumalachari Ramasami
Central Leather Research Institute, Adyar, Chennai, India

Leather processing has emerged as an important economic activity

in several developing countries. Awareness of environmental prob-
lems has increased considerably and during recent years protecting
environment has become a global issue. Currently the leather pro-
cessing industry is going through a phase change due to global envi-
ronmental regulations. The article summarizes the current leather
processing methods with their rationale and environmental prob-
lems. It has been revealed that pretanning and tanning processes
contribute 80–90% of the total pollution load (BOD, COD, TS, TDS,
Cr, S2− , sludge, etc.). Further, toxic gases like ammonia and hy-
drogen sulfide are also emitted. Volatile organic compounds, heavy
metals, and carcinogenic arylamines from posttanning and finish-
ing operations are also creating severe concern. Apart from this, a
great deal of solid wastes like lime sludge from tannery and chrome
sludge from effluent treatment plants are being generated. Ad-
vanced processing techniques as well as effluent treatment strategies
for combating environmental and human health risks are reviewed
in detail. The leather processing industry in various countries, how-
ever, is facing a serious challenge from the public and government.
This is in spite of the implementation of several advanced process-
ing techniques and treatment systems. Hence, there is a need to
revamp leather processing methods anew for the sustainability of
leather industry. Some of the novel concepts in leather processing
are briefly mentioned and discussed.

Corresponding author. Tel: +91 44 2441 1630; Fax: +91 44 2491 1589. E-mail: clrichem@

38 P. Thanikaivelan et al.

KEY WORDS: chemical oxygen demand, dehairing, effluent treat-

ment, enzyme, fiber opening, leather processing, pollution, sludge,
tanning, total solids

A. Leather Industry: A Global Perspective
Leather is a unique commodity that links the rural farmer to the fashion world.
Leather as a natural material offers numerous advantages over synthetics,
namely, aesthetic appeal, feel, texture, and breathability. Major product appli-
cations for leather are leather goods, garments, and footwear. More than 60%
of the leathers produced are being converted to footwear (Taeger, 1996). The
annual global trade in leather sector is estimated as US$70,000,000,000 (ITC,
1999). The United States, Germany, and other European countries remain ma-
jor importers of leather products. Countries such as China, India, Thailand,
and Indonesia dominate leather and leather products exports. The demand
for leather and leather products is on the rise and is independent of supply.
Leather processing has emerged as an important economic activity in
several developing countries that are dependent on agricultural economy. It
has been estimated that about 1.67 × 109 m2 of leather is being made annu-
ally in the world (FAO, 2001). The bulk of the leather production is carried
out in developing economies, partially because of the high labor intensity
of the processes involved in the conversion of hides and skins into leather.
India is a major player in the global leather trade. Leather has assumed im-
portance as an opportunity sector for social development, employment gen-
eration, and export realization. Leather is a thrust area in national planning
for the development of India. The Indian leather industry has evolved over
nearly two centuries. Currently, the overall share of India in the global leather
trade is around 3% (ITC, 1999). There are about 2100 tanneries located in
India, with a processing 0.9 × 106 tons of rawhides and skins (Velappan and
Muralidharan, 2001). Major tannery clusters in India are located in the states
of Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, and Punjab.

B. Leather and Environment: A Challenging Issue

The global environment is degrading due to socioeconomic activities of
mankind. Environmental protection and sustainable development are gaining
public importance. Industries that cause adverse changes to the immediate
environment are being challenged by the society. The global leather industry
is one among them.
Recent Trends in Leather Making: Processes, Problems, and Pathways 39

Leather processing is one of the earliest industrial activities taken up by

humans. The processes used in the manufacture of leather in several devel-
oping countries remain traditional and are often not optimized for chemical
and water usage. Leather making can also be called an activity that helps
in utilizing potential wastes (Germann, 1999; Sykes, 1996). The utilization of
by-products of the meat industry, namely, hides/skins, is achieved by tanning
using basic chromium sulfate (BCS) or vegetable tannins. This, however, is a
simplistic view. A more detailed analysis of environmental consequences of
the tanning industry is critical. The industry has gained a negative image in
the society with respect to pollution. Leather processing activity is therefore
facing a serious challenge and there is public outcry against the industry. This
is in spite of the leather industry having made traceable and visible impacts
in the socioeconomic area through both employment generation and export


Leather processing involves a series of operations, as shown in the flow di-

agram in Figure 1. The operations involved in leather processing may be
classified in three groups: pretanning or beamhouse operations, tanning,
and posttanning as detailed by Ramasami and Prasad (1991). Pretanning

FIGURE 1. Various unit processes and operations in leather processing (Saravanabhavan

et al., 2003).
40 P. Thanikaivelan et al.

FIGURE 2. Inflow–outflow diagram for leather processing (Rao et al., 2003).

operations aim at cleaning hides/skins, tanning stabilizes the skin/hide ma-

trix permanently, and aesthetic values are added during post tanning and
finishing operations.
The various chemical inputs into leather processing are given in Figure 2
(Rao and Ramasami, 1997). Water is the main medium of transport for the
chemicals in leather processing. The leather industry uses about 35–40 L of
water/kg of hide processed (Ramasami and Prasad, 1991). With the present
annual processing capacity of 0.9 × 109 kg of hides and skins in India, it is
estimated that nearly 30 to 40 × 109 L of liquid effluent is generated annually.
This gives rise to two major problems for the leather industry: the availability
of good quality water, and the need for treatment of such large quantities of
effluent. The extent of pollution load emanating from the leather processing
using conventional methods can be assessed from the emission factors for
various operations as indicated in Table 1 (Ramasami et al., 1998). Nearly
70% of the emission loads of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical
oxygen demand (COD), and total dissolved solids (TDS) emanates from the
pretanning operations (Ramasami et al., 1999a, 1999b). Almost the entire
Recent Trends in Leather Making: Processes, Problems, and Pathways 41

TABLE 1. Typical Range of Emission Factors for Conventional Leather Processing

Vegetable Chrome Dyeing and (includes
Parameters Soaking Liming Deliming Pickling tanning tanning fatliquoring washing)

Volume of 6–9 3–4 1–2 0.5–1.0 0.5–2 1–2 1–2 30–40

BOD 6–24 15–40 1–6 0.2–0.7 3–18 0.3–1.6 1–4 30–120
COD 18–60 30–100 2.5–14 0.5–3 7.5–40 1–5 2–14 75–320
Total solids 200–500 90–200 4–20 17–70 12–60 30–120 4–20 450–1000
Dissolved solids 190–400 70–120 2.5–10 17–70 10–50 30–100 3–15 300–800
Suspended solids 15–60 15–80 1.5–8 0.5–3 2–10 1–5 0.6–2 60–160
Chloride as Cl− 90–250 10–30 1–4 10–30 0.5–2.5 15–50 0.5–2 150–350
Total chromium — — — — — 2–10 0.04–0.2 3–10
as Cr
Note. All values expressed in kg/ton of hide or skin processed; These were obtained from the formula
(concentration × volume of effluent)/ton of leather processed (Thanikaivelan et al., 2004, unpublished).

quantity of sulfide discharge is from the dehairing operations (Steven, 1983).

Chrome tanning activity is associated with large discharge of chromium and
sulfate ions (Rao et al., 1983).

A. Pretanning
The starting material for leather processing, in most cases, is rawhide or
skin, which had been preserved temporarily by the addition of common
salt. Soaking aims at reversal of cured hides and skins to near the status of
the freshly flayed condition, in terms of dimension and composition. Large
amounts of water and small amounts of preservatives/wetting agents are
used at this stage. The common salt, when removed from the skin during
soaking, constitutes a major source of pollution from tanneries (Ludvik and
Orlita, 1986). Because the dissolved sodium chloride is not easily treated and
removed from wastewater, the discharge of tannery wastewater onto land
leads to significant addition of salinity to the soil (Daniels, 1997). The soak
liquor is characterized by high TDS and chloride content (Ramasami et al.,
1999b). Currently, the problem is tackled by the segregation of soak liquors
for salt recovery through solar evaporation pans. Soak liquor also contains
salt soluble proteins and other organic materials, which contribute marginally
to the BOD and COD load. Through judicious choice of methods, however,
it may be possible to minimize the BOD and COD loads. Obnoxious smell
and ammoniacal odor emanating from degraded protein are also associated
with spent soak liquor.

One of the most important pretanning operations is liming. The main objec-
tive of liming is removal of hair, flesh, and splitting up of fiber bundles by
42 P. Thanikaivelan et al.

chemical and physical means (Ramasami and Prasad, 1991). Hair can be ei-
ther digested (using lime and sodium sulfide) or mechanically removed after
loosening by chemical means. Flesh, being a loose, unstructured, and non-
compact material, has to be separated from leather-making material, corium
(middle layer of skin made up of a protein, collagen, in naturally woven fiber
bundles form), by the action of hydrostatic pressure and then is removed us-
ing a fleshing machine or knife. In this operation, lime and sodium sulfide are
used along with substantial quantities of water (Money, 1996). Lime increases
the pelt pH to 12–13 and also causes osmotic swelling due to ionic imbal-
ances built up in the matrix (Bienkiewicz, 1983). Swelling causes changes in
dimension and charge characteristics of the skin/hide. The skin/hide matrix
essentially becomes anionic, in other words, a cation exchanger. The hydro-
static pressure built up enhances the splitting up of fiber bundles, separation
of unwanted interfibrillary materials, and easy removal of flesh (Ramasami
et al., 1999a). Moreover, the combined action of S−2 and OH− ions helps
to degrade hair protein by nucleophilic displacement reaction at disulfide
bonds, as reported by Windus and Showell (1968).
Significant amounts of chemicals are used during pretanning. Optimum
amounts of chemicals need to be used to reduce the TDS, BOD, and COD
loads. Liming operations lead to not only wastewater containing significant
amounts of BOD, TDS and S2− but also substantial quantities of solid wastes
containing lime sludge, fleshing and hair (Ramasami and Prasad, 1991).
Sodium sulfide, a good reducing agent, interferes in the oxidation of organic
wastes and contributes significantly to the BOD and COD concentrations in
wastewater (Steven, 1983). The extensive use of sulfide yields unfavorable
consequences on environment and the efficacy of effuent treatment plants
(ETPs) (Bailey et al., 1982).


The pH of the limed pelt is highly alkaline. The reduction of pH or alkalin-

ity needs to be gradual due to several reasons as given by Ramasami et al.
(1999a), including: (a) The heat of neutralization of alkali and rate of heat
dissipation should be very low, taking into account the heat sensitivity of the
pelt; (b) the presence of sulfides in the pelt limits the pH conditions for the
safe removal of lime, if the formation of hydrogen sulfide is to be avoided;
and (c) the control of pH for optimum activity of bating enzymes used sub-
sequently. Deliming agents based on weakly acidic salts like ammonium
chloride and ammonium sulfate are used to neutralize lime after the hair and
flesh have been removed from the skin (Ramasami and Prasad, 1991). It is
now recognized that the use of nitrogen-bearing salts could affect the N:P:K
ratios of soil (Dix, 2000; Ramasami, 1993). Nitrogen-based deliming agents
are considered a long-term environmental threat (Huber and Satyendra,
Recent Trends in Leather Making: Processes, Problems, and Pathways 43

1990). The resultant salts of this operation would in turn increase the amounts
of COD and TDS (Ramasami et al., 1994).


The complete removal of unwanted interfibrillary materials and short

hairs through the use of enzymatic applications is the objective of bating
(Ramasami and Prasad, 1991). The majority of the commercial preparations
of the enzymes used in bating are generally more effective in the pH range of
8.2 to 8.8 or 3.5 to 4.5. The liquid wastes from this operation contain usually
small quantities of proteineous matter and other debris, which contribute to
BOD and COD significantly. These loads could be minimized through careful
choice of bating formulation (D’Souza and Vedarajan, 1997; Dederle et al.,


Pickling is a process in which the partially anionic matrix is temporarily con-

verted into a cationic matrix in order to prepare the stock for the subsequent
chrome tanning operation (Bienkiewicz, 1983). It uses substantial quantities
of sulfuric acid and sodium chloride. In this operation, the pH is adjusted to
2.5–2.8. In order to suppress osmotic swelling caused by acid addition, the
concentration of sodium chloride is maintained at the required ionic strength
(O’Flaherty et al., 1978). Excessive use of common salt and sulfuric acid, as
carried out commonly during pickling operation, leads to significant COD as
well as TDS loads (Ludvik, 1997; Prasad et al., 1981). In the case of vegetable
tanning, the need for extensive pickling does not arise. It has now been es-
tablished that sulfate ions in wastewater not only contribute to the TDS but
also reduce the efficacies of ETPs (Rajamani, 1997; Ramasami et al., 1999a).

B. Tanning
Tanning is a process in which the leather-making protein is permanently sta-
bilized against heat, enzymatic biodegradation, and thermomechanical stress
(Ramasami, 2001). In commercial practice, vegetable and chrome tanning
methods are widely used. The vegetable tanning method does not need the
prior preparation stage of pickling and therefore the contributions to pollu-
tion load from sulfate salts are lower. Vegetable tannins, however, are known
to be hard to biodegrade (Healy and Young, 1978), and hence wastes bearing
vegetable tannins degrade slowly.
Among the various tanning systems, chrome tanning is the most com-
monly used tanning system in commercial practice due to its ability to pro-
duce softer, weightless, bright-shade leathers with high wet heat resistance
in a shorter time frame. More than 90% of the leathers processed globally
44 P. Thanikaivelan et al.

contain chromium (Covington, 1997a; Germann, 1995, 1999). In chrome tan-

ning, the cationic matrix (pickled pelt) is treated with BCS. Diffusion of
chromium(III) salts into the skin matrix at pH < 3.0 initially leads to ionic in-
teractions (Rao et al., 1997). Over longer durations of tanning, readjustments
in pH of the medium around 3.8–4.0 lead to irreversible binding of Cr(III) salts
to the protein through coordinate covalent bonding (Shuttleworth, 1950).
The addition of an alkali, sodium bicarbonate, not only increases the pH
to the pK a value of carboxy amino acids but also increases the basicity
(Schorlemmer basicity, defined as the percentage of number of hydroxyl
groups combined with one atom of chromium [Sharphouse, 1983]) of Cr(III)
species (Venkatachalapathi et al., 1982). The interaction of chromium(III) salts
with the protein matrix involves a complex array of chemical processes. At
least two kinetic stages have been identified in the chrome tanning operation
(Rao, 1991). The binding of chromium at the molecular level provides inter-
and intrachain crosslinks along the triple helices, penta fibril, and fibrillar as-
semblies up to higher organizations of collagen (Covington, 1997a). Thus, the
molecular mass of collagen may increase from 300,000 to (300,000)n daltons
where n is the number of collagen molecules interlocked through coordinate
covalent interaction with chromium complexes. This increase in long-range
order of the matrix would essentially result in increase in thermomechanical
stress and to further desolvation due to the reduction in the interaction of
water clusters around the protein functional groups (Gayatri et al., 1999).
BCS is a mixture of many molecular species such as octaaqua-
µ-dihydroxochromium(III), octaaqua-µ-dioxochromium(III), hexaaqua-µ-
dihydroxo-µ-sulfatochromium(III), and tetraaquahydroxosulfatochromium-
(III) (Rao et al., 1997). High kinetic lability and poor thermodynamic affinity
of some of the species lead to poor uptake of chromium during chrome tan-
ning. Depending on the manufacturing conditions, the uptake of BCS may
vary (Chandrasekaran et al., 1999). When the uptake levels are low, higher
amounts of chromium along with neutral salts are discharged, which increase
the COD, TDS, and SO2− 4 content in the spent chrome liquor (Chandrasekaran
et al., 1989). Although the oxidation state of chromium in the tanning salt is
only trivalent, discharge norms do not often specify the redox states, because
of the concerns of possible conversion of the trivalent state to the more toxic
hexavalent form (Fathima et al., 2001; Bartlett and James, 1979). The spent
chrome tanning solutions are sources of both TDS and chromium pollution,
which need to be addressed.

C. Posttanning
Posttanning operations, in general, attempt the addition of aesthetic val-
ues and improvement of intrinsic properties of leather (Ramasami et al.,
1999c). Rechroming, neutralization, retanning, dyeing, and fatliquoring form
Recent Trends in Leather Making: Processes, Problems, and Pathways 45

the major steps of posttanning operations (Ramasami and Prasad, 1991). Post-
tanning operations are carried out in a narrow pH range of 4.0–6.0 using a
wide variety of proprietary formulated chemicals. It is now realized that post-
tanning processes contribute to neutral salts, COD, and heavy metal pollution
(Simoncini and Sammarco, 1995). Wastewater from posttanning processes
contains COD, TDS, and Cr in the range of 8.25, 10.7, and 0.12 kg/ton of
leather processed, respectively (Ramasami et al., 1998). Additionally, azo dyes
and biocides add to the toxic load of wastewater streams (BASF, 1998). The
contributions to BOD, COD, and TDS loads in wastewater are significantly
lower from the posttanning operations in comparison to the total discharge.
It, however, is necessary to carry out treatability studies on the proprietary
formulations so that nondegradable substances may be avoided.

D. Finishing
The pollution load and the volume of the effluent generated in finishing oper-
ations are not significant. This waste stream is characterized by the presence
of polymeric binders, heavy-metal-based pigments, solvents, nitrocellulose,
and other topcoat materials, as described by Greif (1990). The volume of
effluent from these operations including washing is about 1–2 m3 /ton of
rawhide processed (Langerwerf and Chandrababu, 1999). The air pollution
related to use of formaldehyde, unreacted acrylic monomers, toxic-metal-
based pigment formulations, and solvent-based top coats causes concern,
as the bulk of the gaseous wastes is produced in this set of unit operations
(Swarna et al., 1999; Corning et al., 1991; Deselinicu et al., 1997).

E. Solid Wastes
Apart from liquid and gaseous wastes, large quantities of solid wastes are
also generated during leather processing and subsequently during effluent
treatment (Germann, 1999). Although some of the wastes find limited applica-
tions, the safe disposal of the bulk of the solid wastes has posed serious prob-
lems. The types of solid wastes generated in a tannery processing 1 ton of raw
skins/hides have been quantified in Table 2 (Kaul and Ravindranath, 1999).



Environmental challenges from leather processing arise from both the na-
ture and the quantity of wastes discharged. In combatting the environmental
challenges in the leather processing industry in general and in developing
countries in particular, there has been an attempt to emphasize the role of
effluent treatment plants (ETPs) (Rao et al., 1999). Conventional tannery ETPs
46 P. Thanikaivelan et al.

TABLE 2. Nature and Quantity of Solid Wastes Produced from Processing

1 Ton of Raw Skins/Hides

Nature of solid waste Quantity (kg)

Salt from handshaking 80

Salt from solar pans (not realized) 220
Hair (pasting ovine) 100
Raw trimmings 40
Lime sludge (mostly bovine) 60
Fleshing 120
Wet blue trimmings (grain splits) 30
Chrome splitting (bovine) 65
Chrome shaving (mostly bovine) 95
Buffing dust (including shaving bovine after crust) 65
Dyed trimmings 35
Dry sludge from ETP 125
Note. From Rao et al. (2004).

offer physicochemical treatment followed by biological and tertiary treatment

to meet the standards (Rao et al., 1999). Significant technological advance-
ments are being made in the end-of-pipe treatment methods to achieve higher
efficiency in meeting the standards in a cost-effective manner. The anaer-
obic treatment of tanning wastewaters in different locations in India has
included the application of technologies based on lagoons, contact filter, up-
flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor, and high-rate biomethanation
(van Groenestijn et al., 1995; Rajamani et al., 1995; Ramasami and Sahasrana-
man, 2000). Technologies based on biomethanation attempt to convert the
organic wastes into methane. UASB technology for the treatment of tannery
wastewaters is indeed relevant by virtue of the advantage of lower energy
and area requirements. Although anaerobic treatment of tannery wastewa-
ter is efficient to reduce the BOD and COD loads by 50–60%, posttreatment
using aeration methodologies is essential to achieve 30 ppm and 250 ppm
BOD and COD norms (Buljan, 1996), respectively, in India and many other
countries. Such posttreatment methodologies for tannery wastewaters from
anaerobic biodigestion have included the use of aerators with and with-
out the aid of aerobic microorganisms. A new method based on wet air
oxidation at ambient pressure and temperature conditions has been devel-
oped and successfully commissioned in individual ETPs in India (Sekaran
et al., 1999). A new posttreatment technology, chemoautotrophic activated
carbon oxidation, developed and adopted for treating tannery wastewaters
after anaerobic treatment and filtration, enables reduction of COD, sulfates,
and color. Activated carbon filters, reed bed and root zone techniques, and
reverse osmosis methods are being investigated for providing tertiary treat-
ment of tannery wastewater (Rajagopalan and Thimmapuram, 1997; Daniels,
1995). The high-rate transpiration system has emerged as a possible method
for treating salt-bearing tannery wastewaters (Rao et al., 2001). Recently, an
Recent Trends in Leather Making: Processes, Problems, and Pathways 47

accelerated evaporation and crystallization of saline streams using flat-plate

collectors and sprinkler systems has been developed (Buljan et al., 2001).
Some of the technological options for the handling of solid wastes (Kaul
and Ravindranath, 1999; Scheijgrond, 1998) are as follows. Timmings of raw
hides/skins and pelts and fleshings can be utilized for glue manufacture.
Collagen recovered from raw hide/skin and leather trimmings can be advan-
tageously used in the preparation of collagen-based biomaterials for medical
and other applications (Kumar et al., 2002; Sai et al., 1995; Balasubramani
et al., 1997; Huc, 1985; Miller, 1996; Taylor et al., 1997, 1998). The salt ob-
tained from mechanical desalting and solar evaporation can be used for
curing or pickling or be disposed off in a nearby area. Biomethanation of
fleshings and solid sludge from primary and secondary treatments is an eco-
nomically viable option for secured disposal (Aloy et al., 1989). The hair re-
covered from leather processing is conventionally used for the manufacture
of low-priced rugs and carpets. Keratin, a protein of hair, has also been con-
verted into hydrolysate and used as a tanning aid (Ramamurthy et al., 1989).
Sludge from lime pits finds use in land filling as well as in construction of
low-priced houses. The barks and nuts from vegetable tanning can be used as
fuel for boilers and brick kilns and as a soil conditioner (Parks, 1916; Herlihy
and Billings, 1996). The shavings, trimmings, and buffings of vegetable- and
chrome-tanned leather find usage in the manufacture of leather boards (Gish,
2000; Sykes, 1997b; Okamura and Shirai, 1972). It has also been shown that
chrome shavings can be used as a reductant in the manufacture of BCS (Rao
et al., 2002a). A new parchment-like material from chrome shavings has been
developed and is found useful in the manufacture of home furnishing prod-
ucts (Rose et al., 2001).
The cost-effectiveness of waste treatment and management in the leather
processing sector has long remained a most important issue. There is now
an emerging recognition that the environmental issues in the leather process-
ing sector are better managed by a new approach. The approach involves
(a) pollution avoidance through waste minimization, (b) technological up-
grading of waste treatment systems, and (c) safe disposal of treated effluent
and sludge into receiving bodies with adequate precautions to avoid eco-
logical destruction. The role and importance of technological measures to
combat environmental challenges from leather processing activity are now
increasingly recognized.



The measures for waste minimization in leather processing involve a close au-
dit of the type and quantity of chemicals used, exhaustion levels of chemicals
48 P. Thanikaivelan et al.

used, amount of wastes generated, and possible technological and manage-

ment steps needed to reduce wastes and ensure that the wastes discharged
are treatable. Tannery waste management has become a matter of serious
concern in recent years, and noncompliance with environmental regulations
has resulted in closure of tanneries in some parts of India (Sykes, 1997a;
Sahasranaman and Buljan; 2000). The assessment of the extent of pollu-
tion and identification of sources through a process audit has been carried
out in different tanning centers in India to evolve effective and appropriate
strategies for mitigating the pollution-related problems faced by the leather
industry. These are essential if leather processing is to be rendered environ-
mentally sustainable.
In-plant control measures for mitigating tannery pollution generally aim
at the reduction or elimination of toxic wastes through process adjustments
(Ramasami et al., 1994). It is generally believed that lasting solutions to the
problem of tannery pollution rest in cleaner processing. The development
and implementation of cleaner technologies in general require (a) careful au-
diting of the toxicological characteristic of every chemical inputs, (b) avoid-
ing environmentally sensitive chemicals, (c) ensuring near total absorption
of chemicals used, (d) assessing the environmental impact of the resulting
process wastes, and (e) cost-benefit analysis and optimization of processes
for best economic returns. The commonly used criteria for the selection of
cleaner leather processing are (a) environmental impact of process wastes,
(b) treatability of process wastes, (c) environmental quality of treated wastes,
(d) costs of after-treatment and (e) optimization of process water.



Prevention or redution of pollution at the source through in-process con-

trol measures is assuming greater significance in the leather industry due to
the realization that end-of-pipe treatment alone is not enough to meet the
stringent specifications laid down for the discharge of treated wastewater by
pollution control authorities. The strategy for in-process control for pollution
reduction should attempt to integrate cleaner process options with efficient
water management practices, as the volume of effluent has a direct influ-
ence on the cost of treatment of effluent (Parthasarathy, 1995). The reuse
of spent liquor after the removal of the pollutants in suitable unit opera-
tions should be considered. The ideal strategy should be aimed at zero or
near-zero discharge of waste liquors (Sykes, 1997a). The cleaner processing
options recommended need to be cost-effective in order to be economically
viable. Costing should take into consideration the cost of the treatment of
effluents in the absence of such options. The success of cleaner technologies
Recent Trends in Leather Making: Processes, Problems, and Pathways 49

depends on the following factors: (a) reduction of pollution in terms of quan-

tity and quality, (b) tanners’ benefits in terms of leather quality improvement
and/or cost reduction, (c) reproducibility of the process, (d) cost effective-
ness to be economically viable, and (e) wide market opportunities.

A. Curing
One of the major sources of pollution from tannery wastewater has been
identified to be common salt or sodium chloride (Sundar and Muralidharan,
1999). This emanates largely from the curing, pickling, and chrome tan-
ning practices used in the leather processing. Saltless or less-salt curing
as an alternative to wet salting presents an interesting technological op-
tion (Ludvik and Orlita, 1986). Some of the cleaner curing methods are
(a) solar drying, (b) freeze drying (Stephens, 1987), (c) microwave/dielectric
drying (Komanowsky, 2000), (d) use of KCl in place of NaCl (Bailey, 1995a),
(e) borax–phenol (Selvarangan and Shanmugasundaram, 1984), (f) zinc chlo-
ride (Money, 1974), (g) silica gel and a low amount of salt (Kanagaraj et al.,
2000) and (g) metal oxinates (Bailey et al., 1976; Barrett, 1986). Management
options include processing green hides and skins, gamma (Bailey, 1999) and
electron beam (Bailey et al., 2001; Bailey and Haas, 1988) irradiation tech-
niques, and transportation in refrigerated trucks (Bailey, 1995b). Although
saltless curing processes do exist, wet salting is the most commonly followed
in commercial practice due to its low cost and high efficiency.

B. Desalting
Desalting of wet-salted raw stock prior to soaking forms an easy and imple-
mentable mode of reducing salt concentrations in tannery wastewater. De-
salting can be done either manually or mechanically. Manual methods impli-
cate dusting or brushing off the physically adhering crystalline salt. Through
this method, it has been observed that nearly 30–40% of the total salt con-
tained in wet salted skin or hide material can be removed (Rajamani and
Viswanathan, 1998). Mechanical desalting is carried out by the drumming of
wet-salted stock in a specially made slotted drum at 4–6 rpm. Air blowing
or the use of small amounts of rinse water can further facilitate the process.
Such desalting technologies also lead to better opening of fiber bundles and
significant reduction of the carryover of salt into the subsequent streams like
liming. Wheel-type desalting machines have been designed and used for ef-
ficient desalting of skins (Rao et al., 2001). The recovered salt can be reused
for curing fresh hides/skins as well as in pickling processes. The benefits
of desalting include (a) increase in the efficiency of soaking, (b) reducing
the amount of carryover salt, thereby reducing the pollution load, and (c)
recovery of salt.
50 P. Thanikaivelan et al.

C. Soaking
In-process control in soaking should aim at the reduction of TDS due to
dissolved chloride as well as the volume of wastewater discharged. In total,
salt alone accounts for 60–70% of the TDS in processing (Ramasami et al.,
1999b). The waste soak stream is currently being segregated and taken for
solar evaporation. Efforts should be made to eliminate salt as much as pos-
sible for a better management of the problem. Generally, the soaking pro-
cesses adopted in commercial practices involve cocurrent flow of materials,
namely, skins and hides on the one hand and soak liquor on the other (with 3
changes of water of 300% of raw weight). To reduce the discharge of waste
soak liquor, a countercurrent soaking method has been found to be very
effective. Countercurrent flow of materials could lead to a reduction in the
amount of water used by nearly 50–60% in soaking operations (Rao et al.,
2003). This offers an opportunity to reduce the hydraulic load by 20% in total
volume of wastewater.

D. Green Fleshing
Green fleshing is advocated to reduce the consumption of chemicals on the
one hand and to get more uniform results in liming on the other. In Western
countries, efforts are made to remove the flesh as much as possible in the
abattoir itself. By green fleshing, it has been possible to reduce the weight
of the stock by nearly 10% (Langerwerf and Chandrababu, 1999).

E. Liming and Reliming

The conventional process uses lime and sulfide in high proportions (Money,
1996). Lime is a poorly soluble alkali, so there are advantages from limited
availability of dissolved alkalis. There are also disadvantages in generation
of a large quantity of solid wastes. Lime-free processes for the consolidation
of leather-making substances and enabling the removal of flesh are now
available, with limited success (Cantera et al., 1996). Although sulfide is toxic,
it is the prime depilant in the unhairing process. Reduction of sulfide at
the source is now possible using enzyme-assisted processes (Taylor et al.,
1987). The cleaner options for liming include (a) the use of enzymes or
other unhairing assists to reduce sulfide offer for a hair-saving liming process
(Money and Scroggie, 1971; Heidemann and Smidek, 1987), (b) the possibility
of recycling spent relime liquors for unhairing (Komanowsky and Senske,
1982; Money and Adminis, 1974), (c) completely replacing the hair pulping
method of the unhairing process (Cantera, 1998; Feigel, 1998a), (d) effective
methods of filtration to prevent the loosened hair from going into the effluent
(Fadel and Speranza, 1995; Cranston et al., 1986a) and (e) the optimization
of quantities of water used in pit or paddle liming.
Recent Trends in Leather Making: Processes, Problems, and Pathways 51

Significant efforts have been made in the past five decades to render
the dehairing process in tanneries cleaner. Sirolime (Cranston et al., 1986a,
1986b) and Darmstadt through-feed unhairing processes (Heidemann and
Harenberg, 1972; Heidemann, 1993) are based on the conventional chemical
inputs. The sirolime process consists of an impregnation stage with hydro-
sulfide and then a brief wash followed by oxidation of hydrosulfide external
to the hide. Lime is then added and hair loosening occurs due to localized
attack on the hair root by the sulfide ions generated within the hide. Hair is
recovered by filtration and any residual hair is destroyed in a secondary lim-
ing stage by the addition of sulfide, additional lime, surfactant, and recycled
lime liquor. A Darmstadt University group has introduced a continuous-flow
unhairing technique. Fresh or well-soaked hides hung over the bars along
the backbone hair side up are sprayed with 5–10% sodium sulfide solution
in technical concentration in a cabin for 5–20 min. The hairs are transformed
into a pulp and then stripped off with a special stripping cylinder device with
plastic blades. These pelts are instantly fleshed and subsequently splitted.
Dimethylamine (Somerville et al., 1963; Hetzel et al., 1965, 1966), thio-
glycolic acid, sodium thioglycolate, and performic acid (Kamal et al., 1998;
Uehara et al., 1986; Goddard and Michaelis, 1934; Fava et al., 1957) have
been used to replace sulfide for dehairing. These, however, are not commer-
cially successful for various reasons, such as cost, efficiency, and toxicity (von
Vlimmeren, 1976). Rosenbusch (1965) reported the use of chlorine dioxide
for dehairing. Morera et al. (1997) studied the use of hydrogen peroxide in
alkaline medium for dehairing by an oxidative mechanism. However, the
reduction in pollution load, especially COD, is not significant. Sehagal et al.
(1996) developed a nonenzymatic, sulfide-free dehairing process using 1%
nickel carbonate, 1% sodium hydroxide, 5% lime, and kaolin, along with wa-
ter, through a painting technique. Disposal or recovery of nickel compounds,
however, poses serious health problems. Schlosser et al. (1986) reported the
use of Lactobacillus-based enzymes at acidic conditions for dehairing. This
method leads to the solubilization of collagen at the experimental condi-
tions. Valeika et al. (1997, 1998) found that the additons of salts such as
sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, sodium formate, or sodium hydrogen phos-
phate influences the extent of hair removal, as well as opening the dermis
Röhm (1910) developed the first successful enzymatic unhairing, the
Arazym process, as described by Green (1952). Enzymatic unhairing (using
enzymes, generally based on protease, along with small amounts of sulfide
and lime applied as paint on the flesh side) causes loosening of hair by selec-
tive breakdown of cementing substances and presents a hair-saving approach
(Green, 1952; Bose, 1955; Pilawski and Felicjaniak, 1976; Jones et al., 1968;
Dhar, 1974; Puvanakrishnan and Dhar, 1986; Brady et al., 1990). Enzyme-
assisted processes for the removal of hair are associated with both merits
and demerits (Feigel, 1998b; Taylor et al., 1987). The demerits perceived are
52 P. Thanikaivelan et al.

(a) fear of possible damage of leather-making substances, (b) inadequate

fiber opening, (c) flatter grain and substance, and (d) higher chemical costs.
The recognized merits are (a) higher area recovery, (b) smoother grain, (c)
better in-plant ecology, and (d) higher efficiency of wastewater treatment
devices. There is a possibility to overcome the demerits through proper pro-
cess optimization and control by using a combination of enzyme with sul-
fide (Technology Plan, 1997). An increase in the area of the final leather
by 2–3% due to enzymatic unhairing has been demonstrated (Thanikaivelan
et al., 2001a; Shrewsbury, 2002). It is now possible to use enzyme-assisted
dehairing methods as alternatives to sulfide-based processes with benefits
of reduced BOD, COD, TDS, and sulfide levels in wastewater, as well as
improved efficiencies of wastewater treatment plants (Rao et al., 2001).
Lime-free fiber opening methodologies have scarcely been attempted.
These include the use of strong alkalis (Herfeld and Schubert, 1969),
Lactobacillus-based enzymes (Schlosser et al., 1986), lyotropic agents (salts/
acids that cause lyotropic swelling), and bating enzymes (Thanikaivelan et al.,
2001a). These methodologies, however, have limited applications due to im-
proper opening of fiber bundles.
Lime splitting for heavier hides would considerably reduce the cost of
chemicals used, apart from reducing the water consumed in processing.
There is also the possibility of a reduction in processing time. Area yield
has also been found to increase by about 5% when lime splitting is done
(Borge, 1986; Mance, 2000; Langerwerf and Chandrababu, 1999). Although
Indian cow hides are not thick enough for lime splitting, this method would
be tremendously useful for buffalo and imported hides. The washings of
limed pelts can be reused for liming. This would considerably reduce the
pollution load as well as the volume of wastewater discharged.

F. Deliming
The use of ammonium chloride and ammonium sulfate adversely affects the
characteristics of the effluent (Huber and Satyendra, 1990). They contribute
to 75–80% of the ammonia in the effluent. Although the ammonium salts
are cheap and perform efficiently, the increase in COD of the wastewater
generated in the operation, apart from the generation of dissolved ammonia–
nitrogen, gives rise to difficulty in effluent treatment. The ammonium sulfate,
which is prevalently used, also contributes to dissolved sulfate. Hence, alter-
natives are sought to reduce the pollution load. These alternatives are based
on organic and inorganic acids, esters of carboxylic acids, and nonswelling
aromatic acids (Streicher, 1987; Frendrup, 1996). The costs of these products
are prohibitively high when compared to ammonium salts and hence they
are yet to be commercially exploited. Ammonia-free deliming has gained im-
portance in many countries. Carbon dioxide deliming has been carried out
Recent Trends in Leather Making: Processes, Problems, and Pathways 53

in some cases with success (Munz and Toifl, 1992; Purushotham et al., 1993).
In these instances, environmental as well as other quality benefits have been
reported. The issues needing special process adjustments include (a) com-
plete removal of sulfide prior to deliming, (b) the need for acid rather than
conventional alkaline bate, and (c) rigorous process control systems.

G. Pickling
The pickling process contributes to TDS in the form of chlorides considerably,
and this is not amenable to treatment via currently used end-of-pipe treatment
methods. As mentioned earlier, the current management practice involves
the solar evaporation of this stream mixed with the soak liquors. The long-
range solutions should include the possibility of saltless pickling (Pojer and
Huynh, 1999) and pickleless chrome tanning options (Dasgupta, 1998). The
immediate solution would be to consider the pickle recycle options (Burrows,
2001), which would considerably reduce the load in solar evaporation, which
becomes the bottleneck in increasing the capacity of production. The concept
of using nonswelling acid in pickling is already known, but this has not been
commercially exploited due to the high cost involved (Pojer and Huynh, 1999;
Rao et al., 2002c). There are many commercial products available based
on naphthalene sulfonic acids, sulfonated aromatic dicarboxylic acid like
phthalic acids, and auxiliary agents (Palop and Marsal, 2002; Post, 1964;
Herfeld and Schubert; 1975). The latter class of compounds is quite interesting
because they also help in improving the exhaustion of chrome and hence
the increase in the cost can to some extent be justified.
The commercial practice is to retain 50% of the pickle float for tanning
(Sundar et al., 2002). The remaining 50% is currently taken for solar evapora-
tion. There exists a possibility of reusing this pickle liquor after the removal
of the fibrous materials safely through filtration, for the next batch after re-
plenishment with salt and water (Burrows, 2001). Such recycle and reuse
methods reduce TDS of the effluent discharged from the identified stream.

H. Chrome Tanning
Among the various tanning systems, mineral tanning in general, and chrome
tanning in particular, have been popularly followed in commercial practices
due to aforementioned reasons. Much of the efforts for pollution reduction
are mainly focused on chrome tanning because chromium is considered to
be toxic (Leonard and Lauwerys, 1980; Katz, 1991; Dartsch et al., 1998).
The biotoxicity of chromium has been a subject of active discussion. Al-
though the implication of chromium(III) in glucose and lipid metabolism has
been considered beneficial (Govindaraju et al., 1989; Anderson et al., 1997;
Mertz, 1998), epidemiological and animal studies have firmly established
54 P. Thanikaivelan et al.

hexavalent chromium compounds as potent carcinogens (Costa, 1991). Once

inside the cell, Cr(VI) is reduced to lower oxidation states (V, IV, and III)
(Arslan et al., 1987). Cr(III) species have been shown to be mutagenic and
genotoxic (Jennette, 1979). Although trivalent chromium compounds are ki-
netically inert to ligand substitution reactions, they do react strongly with
DNA and proteins (Balamurugan et al., 1999). Trivalent chromium leads
to the formation of different Cr–DNA adducts such as DNA–protein, inter-
strand DNA, and DNA–amino acids cross-links (Wedrychowski et al., 1985;
Zhitokovich et al., 1995, 2000). Some of the Cr(III) complexes containing
aromatic imine ligands have been found to be mutagenic in Salmonella ty-
phimurium (Beyersmann and Koster, 1987). Salen-based Cr(III) complexes
have been found to induce apoptosis in lymphocyte cell cultures (Rajaram
et al., 1995). Some of the Cr(III) complexes in specific ligand environments
have been proposed to bring about oxidative damage to plasma proteins,
glycoproteins, and DNA (Shrivastava and Nair, 2000, 2001; Tsou et al., 1997;
Voitkun et al., 1998; Vijayalakshmi et al., 2000). Effects of soil pollution by
the metal ion are observed when soil contains large amount of soluble and
biologically assimilable forms of chromium (Bartlett, 1991). A part of Cr(VI)
present in the soil may be reduced by soil reductants (Bartlett and Kimble,
1976). When soluble Cr(III) is added to soil, manganese oxides present in
the soil may cause oxidation to Cr(VI) (Bartlett and James, 1979). Cr(VI) is
shown to be 500 times more toxic than Cr(III) (Venier et al., 1982).
Conventional chrome tanning salts and methods give an uptake of only
40–70% of the material used during tanning, resulting in the wastage of
material on one hand and ecological concerns on the other (Gauglhofer,
1986; Prasad et al., 1987; Ramasami, 1996). The value of this loss is approxi-
mately US$10,000,000 per annum in India (Ramasami, 1996). The treatment
of chrome-bearing wastes through normal physicochemical methods results
in chrome-bearing sludge, whose disposal is a serious problem (Warrier et al.,
1995a, 1995b).

It is now technologically possible to increase the absorption of chromium

during chrome tanning to above 85%. There are commercial external aids
(Luck, 1980; Chandrasekaran, 1987), intrinsically modified chrome tanning
salts (Rao et al., 1998; Suresh et al., 2001; Thanikaivelan et al., 2002a)
with high exhaustion level, and chrome tanning systems with more rational
pickling and tanning (Rao et al., 1992), which ensure higher absorption of
chromium. The preparation of high-exhaust chrome tanning salt has become
technically feasible through designed alterations in the process of manufac-
ture of the chrome tanning salts, wherein the formation of low-affinity species
has been avoided to increase the absorption levels (Rao et al., 1998). Most
high-exhaustion methods discharge wastewater from sectional chrome tan-
ning streams with chromium concentrations on the order of 300–750 ppm.
Recent Trends in Leather Making: Processes, Problems, and Pathways 55

These streams are not directly amenable for discharge. While economic ad-
vantages of the high exhaustion chrome tanning are evident, further process-
ing of waste streams of the chrome tanning yard needs to be integrated.

Extensive studies have been made on the use of spent chrome liquor as a
pickling or tanning bath (Davis and Scroggie, 1973, 1980; France, 1975; Rao
et al., 2002c). Direct recycling of spent chrome tanning liquors for pickling
causes surface fixation of chromium due to high chromium concentrations.
Also, direct recycling of chrome liquors increases the concentration of neutral
salts, which reduce the chrome uptake in subsequent batches. Direct recy-
cling of spent chrome liquor after preacidification to a pH around 1.0 results
in leathers without any surface deposition of chromium (Davis and Scroggie,
1980). A system based on membrane separation for the selective removal
of chromium from neutral salts has been developed (Rao et al., 1989). This
system makes use of a chrome-rich stream for tanning and a neutral-salt-
rich stream for pickling. The economic viability of the technique is yet to be

High-exhaustion methods ensuring absorption of 85% of chromium are still

not environmentally acceptable. A typical method based on Alutan (an alu-
minum syntan)–BCS for tanning has been developed (Rao et al., 2002c;
Chandrababu et al., 1995; Ramasami et al., 1999a). The exhaustion levels
of chromium and aluminum exceed 90%. The spent solution is recycled as
pickle floats for subsequent batches instead of being discharged, thus gen-
erating a closed loop with zero discharge of chromium. The highlight of the
system is an overall saving of US$30–40 per ton of leather processed. The
system also ensures reductions in BOD, COD, and TDS loads on ETPs, as
well as saving water.

Chromium in the sectional streams of wastewater can be recovered, regener-

ated, and reused effectively through a chrome recovery/reuse methodology
(Rao, 1987; Covington et al., 1983). In this method, chromium is precipi-
tated with an alkali as chromic hydroxide, allowed to settle under gravity,
separated from the supernatant, and redissolved in sulfuric acid (Sreeram
et al., 1999). The recovered chrome is reused as a tanning salt in the admix-
ture with fresh BCS after replenishment (Prasad and Nair, 1994; Venba et al.,
1999). Chrome recovery/reuse plants have already established commercial
viability. The process is simple and easy to adopt. It is financially attrac-
tive as the payback period is 1–2 years for a plant of 5–10 m3 capacities (Rao
et al., 1995; Langerwerf, 1999). A semicontinuous chromium recovery process
for large volumes of wastewater has been developed for commercialization
56 P. Thanikaivelan et al.

(Sreeram et al., 2000a). One such plant has been installed in Tamil Nadu,
India, at a capacity of 24 m3 . Because the chrome recovery process ensures
that the sectional wastewater from the chrome tanning operation is segre-
gated and handled, sulfate-bearing streams can be diverted away from the
biomethanation reactors (Rajamani et al., 1995). This would facilitate a greater
efficiency of biomethanation. The TDS problem, however, needs to be ad-
dressed separately even when a chrome recovery/reuse process is adopted.
Attempts have been made to recover chrome as high-purity chromium
from tannery effluents (Deep et al., 2001). A three-step process involving pre-
cipitation, extraction, and electrodeposition has been developed by Gupta
et al. (2002) for the recovery of chromium(III) from tannery effluent. A sol-
vent extraction technique for recovering chromium from spent chrome liquor
has been developed using Cyanex 301–toluene (Khwaja et al., 2000a) as
well as mono(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid–n-hexane (Khwaja et al., 2000b)
systems. Recently, an attempt has been made to remove chromium from tan-
nery effluent using seaweed, Sargassum species, and to reuse the chromium-
bearing seaweed in the manufacture of BCS as a reductant (Aravindhan et al.,

A new two-stage chrome tanning system has been evolved to overcome the
environmental problems of chrome tanning (Muralidharan et al., 2001). In
this system, the pickled pelt is treated with 10% (w/w) BCS (on fleshed weight
of hides and skins) initially with a sufficient quantity of water. After ensuring
complete penetration of chromium in the skin matrix, the spent chrome
solution is drained before the basification process and reused in the place
of chrome tanning salt for subsequent batch. The chromium-treated skin
matrix is subjected to basification subsequently. The spent liquor from this
process contains a low concentration of chromium and hence is reused for
the preparation of pickle liquor for the next batch, for efficient management
of chromium.

Pickleless chrome tanning is a recently introduced concept (Venba et al.,

1995; Dasgupta, 1998) to not only do away with the use of salt (sodium
chloride) in tanning but also increase the exhaustion of chrome and consid-
erably reduce the salt generated in basification on account of the very low
pH associated with the conventional pickling prior to chrome tanning. It is
theoretically estimated that the reactivity of chrome can be enhanced by in-
creasing the starting pH from 2.8 to 5.5 (Covington, 1986). To start the chrome
tanning at such an elevated pH, one has to make sure that there is no prob-
lem with either penetration or distribution of chrome in the fibre matrix. Re-
cently, a method based on pretreatment with ethanolamine–formic acid has
been standardized, and its effect on the quality of leather has been studied
Recent Trends in Leather Making: Processes, Problems, and Pathways 57

(Prentiss and Prasad, 1981; Chandrababu et al., 1995; Covington, 1997a,

1997b; Thanikaivelan et al., 2001a). By using this method, it is possible to get
a more uniform distribution of chrome even if the pickling pH is not uniform
throughout the cross section. Earlier reports, however, suffer from the use of
some specialty chemicals such as carbon dioxide (Munz et al., 1997), chrome
syntan (Suresh et al., 2001), modified BCS (Thanikaivelan et al., 2002a), or
a small amount of sodium chloride (Munz et al., 1997). Tanners around the
world are reluctant to use this method due to fear of grain swelling and sur-
face precipitation, although no evidence of these problems has been shown
to date.

A chromium–iron tanning agent as a chrome-saver approach has been de-

veloped (Thanikaivelan et al., 2000a). In a select ligand environment, the
negative attributes of iron tanning such as deterioration and darkening of
color on aging were avoided. The leather made from this tanning agent ex-
hibits a shrinkage temperature of about 115◦ C and meets all the required
chemical and physical properties. Natural colors based on Cr–Fe tanned
leather by treating with vegetable tanning materials have also been de-
veloped (Rao et al., 2002b). Chromium–silica-, aluminum–zinc-, chromium–
zinc-, chromium–zinc–silica-, and aluminum–tannic acid–silica-based tanning
agents have been developed (Thanikaivelan et al., 2000; Madhan et al., 2001a,
2002; Fathima et al., 2003, 2004) for reducing the chromium emission and
improving the physical and bulk properties of the leathers.
The use of alternative mineral tanning salts has been proposed and
attempted with varying degrees of success (Chakravorthy and Nursten, 1958).
Aluminum has been considered as an alternative to chromium for many years
(Selvarangan and Nayudamma, 1964; Montgomery, 1987; Takenouchi et al.,
1997; Taqui-Khan, 1987). The majority of commercially adopted aluminum-
based tanning salts suffer from some limitations. Particularly, the fatliquoring
and retanning systems require substantial modification. This in part is because
of the high cationic potential of aluminum salts. It has been possible to
develop a suitable alternative approach to reduce the cationic potential and
render Al(III) with transition-metal-like behavior (Kanthimathi et al., 2002).
This has been possible because of insight into the aqueous chemistry of
Al(III) salts.
Zirconium(IV)-based tanning systems have remained an attractive possi-
bility but suffer from disadvantages associated with low pH values required to
avoid insolubility of the tanning salts (Ranganathan and Reed, 1958). Through
manipulation of acid–base behavior of the coordinated water ligands by in-
fluencing the ligand environment, it has been possible to raise the pH of
precipitation to values as high as 4.0 (Sreeram et al., 2000b). The use of zir-
conium oxychloride in a select ligand environment as a solo tanning agent
has been demonstrated (Sundararajan et al., 2003; Madhan et al., 2003). These
58 P. Thanikaivelan et al.

systems, if made costeffective, can emerge as chrome savers. Titanium-based

tanning salts and mixtures of metal oxides as combination tanning systems
have been developed (Covington et al., 1998; Covington, 1998; Tate, 1989).
Some of these salts are being commercially used to a limited extent.

Organic tanning. It has now been possible to avoid completely the use
of mineral tanning salts in the manufacture of soft types of leather includ-
ing suede garments (Covington and Shi, 1998). It is also possible to process
richly dyed garment suedes based on vegeable and some organic tanning
adjuncts (Madhan et al., 2001b). In these processes, the role and importance
of surface charges assume much significance. The underlying process chem-
istry is becoming well understood. These technological options open up new
avenues for ecofriendly tanning methodologies (Covington, 1998).

I. Posttanning and Finishing

Posttanning operations involve the use of retanning agents, fatliquors, dyes,
and finishing chemicals. Exhaustion levels of many of these materials have
not been quantitatively assessed. Treatability of posttanning chemicals and
the neutral salt content form two important criteria that need closer scrutiny.
Contributions to COD from many retanning agents and fatliquors are sig-
nificant. This can be mitigated by the use of optimized quantities of high-
performing chemicals, which would lead to less discharge of biotreatable
The various in-process control options for cleaner wet finishing are as
follows (Langerwerf and Chandrababu, 1999):

r Screening of retanning and fatliquoring agents for selection, based on their

biodegradability and uptake behavior.
r Retanning materials based on amino resins and other compounds that are
capable of contributing to BOD and COD should be avoided as far as
r Fatliquors based on chlorinated paraffins should be avoided; there is a
concern regarding absorbable organic halides in many countries (Cuq and
Delmas, 1999).
r Benzidine and other arylamine based azo dyes, which are potentially car-
cinogenic, should be totally eliminated (Turner, 1994; Püntener, 1998).
r Dyes should be screened for their exhaustion characteristics, and only
high-performing dyes should be used (Page and Fennen, 1998).
r Rationalization of the entire wet finishing operations is needed in order
to optimize the quantities of various chemicals used, thereby reducing the
discharge of chemicals in waste streams.
Recent Trends in Leather Making: Processes, Problems, and Pathways 59

Optimization of such chemical inputs as well as the choice of inputs

based on treatability data form the most practical mitigation strategy. Such
data have now been compiled for a series of chemical formulations (Technol-
ogy Plan, 1997). Aqueous finishing formulations (Wenzel, 1991; Pulles, 1990),
formaldehyde-free finishing (Gill, 1995; Wu-Sheng et al., 2000), the audit of
azo dyes for environmental acceptability (Püntener, 1998), and biodegradable
biocides (Hauber, 1998) have attracted interest.
Pollution reduction in finishing-yard effluent would involve the follow-
ing measures (Grif, 1990):

r Minimizing the wastage and emission by proper control of spraying ma-

chines (Stockman, 1988; Mannouch, 2002).
r Use of new application methodologies such as roller coaters or low-
pressure spray pistols (Will, 1985; Biles et al., 1985; Pulles and Domanjko,
1985; Löbig, 1997).
r Elimination of lead and other toxic-metal-based pigment formulations
(Hay, 1979).
r Minimizing volatile organic compounds by resorting to water-based for-
mulations, especially in finishing (Gill, 1991, 1993; Walther, 1988; Cluthe
et al., 1978; Biles 1990; Lach et al., 1988; Hanson, 1982).
r Use of newer and safer cross-links in protein finish in place of formalde-
hyde (Gill, 1995).



Leather processing activity involves the use of several chemicals, some of

which are not utilized completely (Ramasami et al., 1999b). Excessive use
and poor uptake of chemicals form inevitable sources of pollution. Some
of the chemicals used are inherently constrained with respect to their en-
vironmental consequences. To wipe out the negative image the activity has
created for itself and to move toward sustainable development, it now seems
more appropriate for the global leather sector to implement cleaner process
options to reduce the environmental risks from the sector. A closer audit of
various operations would provide not only the origin of current ecological
constraints from the leather industry but also clues to resolve them. The en-
vironmental protection authorities have specified discharge norms based on
carrying capacity and societal needs. Although end-of-pipe treatment tech-
nologies for achieving wastewater discharge norms do exist, real solution lies
in approaching zero discharge of pollutants (Pauli, 1997; McCleskey et al.,
60 P. Thanikaivelan et al.

There is a need to revisit the leather making operation anew. The wide
variations in pH of the skin matrix during the various steps in leather mak-
ing are bound to impair the bulk as well as surface properties, apart from
contributing to the generation and discharge of neutral salts. An appropriate
approach would be to render the tanning activities cleaner through near-
zero discharge of pollutants. This approach would target the development
of leather processing methods limiting the pH profile needed for various
operations to a narrow range. The net benefits from such an approach will

r Reduction in the use of chemicals.

r Reduction in cost.
r Reduction in utilities such as water and power.
r Rationalization of processes.
r Elimination of several processes, namely; liming, reliming, deliming, and
r Reduction in process time.
r Reduction in TDS in tannery wastewaters.
r Reduction in sludge volume, especially the total removal of lime sludge.
r Higher utilization of materials like chromium.

Ideally, zero discharge of wastewater is most desirable. As a practical

measure, however, reduction of the discharge of water to 5–6 L/kg leather will
be a good initial step. Approaching the zero-discharge value is an intellectual
as well as a global challenge. This would need to consider and compare
several strategies that are possible to avoid pollution. The approach demands
the use of following concepts either alone or in combination:

r Usage of chemicals having low toxicity or less environmental impact.

r Near 100% utilization of chemicals.
r Recovery of water and valuable chemical inputs from each sectional stream
of wastes and reuse in leather processing to the extent possible.
r Process innovation.
r Product innovation.
r Integration of processes.

Leather processing generally involves a combination of single- and mul-

tistep processes that use as well as expel various biological, organic, and
inorganic materials (Germann, 1999). Hence, a strategy that involves com-
bined advantages of all possible approaches would be ideal. This implies that
the study of suitable zero discharge approaches for every single unit process
is important. Studies on the soaking process are not attempted due to (a) the
diverse nature of curing techniques, (b) availability of several in-plant control
and salt recovery techniques, and (c) the real solution being in designing an
Recent Trends in Leather Making: Processes, Problems, and Pathways 61

ambient preservation technique. It is now possible to process green hides

without loss in quality (Taeger, 1996). Hence, it has been proposed to re-
design the pretanning and tanning processes excluding soaking by limiting
the working pH to the range of 4.0–8.5. To achieve this, liming and reliming
processes need to be redesigned such that the cross-section pH of the pelt
(pH within the pelt) is 8.0. This implies that the deliming operation could
be eliminated. The chrome tanning step needs to be designed without pick-
ling and basification processes. Finally, the developed processes have to be
integrated in order to achieve zero discharge of pollutants.
Proposed new research fields are as follows:

r Standardization of conventional liming and reliming chemical inputs and

unearthing the role of concentration.
r Countering the problem of sulfide and lime sludge through bioprocessing:
r Lime-free enzyme assisted dehairing.
r Enzyme-based fiber opening by targeting the proteoglycans (protein con-
jugated with carbohydrates) present in skin/hide.
r Sodium hydroxide-based fiber opening to eliminate the problem of lime
r Design and development of a pickle and basification-free chrome tanning.
r Integration of best practices from dehairing, fiber opening and pickle-
basification-free chrome tanning processes.

A. Some Early Results


An enzyme-assisted dehairing process using sodium sulfide in an amount

85% less than that used in the conventional lime sulfide dehairing process
has been developed (Thanikaivelan et al., 2000c). The process does not
require lime for dehairing, thereby ensuring not only 100% elimination of
lime sludge formation, but also complete removal of hair at an unusual pH
(8.0). The pelts, however, require a reliming process, which in turn creates
lime sludge and TDS problems.


A nonlime fiber opening method based on sodium hydroxide has been de-
veloped by Thanikaivelan et al. (2001b). An optimum concentration [1.0%
(w/w) offer with 350% (v/w) water, based on weight of the dehaired hide] of
sodium hydroxide has been established for optimal opening of fiber bundles.
This has been substantiated through scanning electron microscopy, spent al-
kali liquor and pelt analysis, softness measurements, and stratigraphic chrome
62 P. Thanikaivelan et al.

distribution analysis. The pelt analysis shows that the opening of fiber bun-
dles has attained equilibrium, and the pH of the cross section is 8.5. Per-
formance of the leathers is shown to be on par with conventionally treated
leathers through physical and hand evaluation. Softness of the leathers is nu-
merically proven to be comparable with that of control leather treated with
lime. The process also enjoys elimination of the deliming process coupled
with a 45% reduction in total solids (TS) load on the environment.


In an attempt to combat the pollution from beam-house processes, an

ecofriendly way of doing the conventional liming–reliming processes has
been found (Thanikaivelan et al., 2003a) by applying the beam-house chem-
icals optimally. This is based on the fact that swelling requires only 20 to
40% water (based on raw skin weight before soaking) for conventional fiber
opening. This would, in principle, make possible the use of only one-tenth of
the chemicals conventionally used in liming–reliming processes, maintaining
the same concentration gradient. The process uses 40% (v/w) water, 0.35%
(w/w) sodium sulfide, and 1% (w/w) lime for liming, and 40% (v/w) water
and 1% (w/w) lime (percentages based on wet weight of skins after soaking)
for reliming, with conventional process time of 1 day for each process, in a
drum that runs intermittently. It has been found that the dehairing is com-
plete and the extent of opening of fiber bundles is comparable to that of the
control. This has been demonstrated through scanning electron microscopy,
stratigraphic chrome distribution analysis, and softness measurements. Per-
formance of the leathers is shown to be on a par with conventionally opened
up leathers by means of physical and hand evaluation. Softness of the leathers
is proven to be numerically comparable with that of conventionally treated
leathers. The process enjoys reduction in COD and TS loads on the environ-
ment by 85% and 12%, respectively, compared to the conventional process.
The total dry sludge from the liming–reliming processes is brought down
from 152 kg to 6 kg for processing 1 ton of raw skins, which has been
demonstrated for the first time.


A leather processing technique for tanning skins/hides without delim-

ing and pickling processes, in a narrow pH range, has been established
(Thanikaivelan et al., 2001a). The process envisions the use of lyotropic
agents for fiber opening and uses a pickleless chrome tanning system in a
narrow pH range (4.0–8.0). Thereby, the process claims an environmental
benefit of reducing the COD and TS loads by 67% and 64%, respectively.
The developed process claims substantial reduction in water and time re-
quirements as well.
Recent Trends in Leather Making: Processes, Problems, and Pathways 63



In an attempt to combat the pollution from beam-house processes, an

enzyme-based fiber opening process has been established (Thanikaivelan
et al., 2002b). An approach has been made to do the beam-house processes
using bioproducts. This is based on the fact that the enzymes specifically
act on the substrate. Suitable enzymes have been designed in order to target
hair and cementing substances, separately. The approach leads to paradigm
shift from chemical processing to bioprocessing. It has been found that the
dehairing is complete and the extent of opening of fibre bundles is compara-
ble to leathers treated with lime. Scanning electron microscopy, stratigraphic
chrome distribution analysis, and softness measurements confirm these find-
ings. Quality of the leathers is shown to be on a par with conventionally
opened leathers through physical and bulk property evaluation. Quantitative
measurement of softness reveals that enzyme treatment provides softness
for the experimental leathers numerically comparable to that of conventional
lime-treated leathers. The total dry sludge from the liming–reliming processes
is brought down from 152 kg to 12 kg for processing 1 ton of raw skins, due
to the replacement of lime with enzymes. The amylase-treated hides, how-
ever, are further processed conventionally, soaking them first in a pickle
bath consisting of a huge amount of salt and sulfuric acid and then chemi-
cally preventing them from rotting by treating with chrome tanning salt. This
results in a significant increase of dissolved solids as well as chromium in
the wastewater.


The tailored pretanning process evolved in the earlier studies provides a

clean collagen matrix having neutral pH. This provdes a clue on how to tan
the skins directly without deliming and pickling (acidification), if one has
an effective tanning system without a preacidification process. Recently, a
chrome tanning system without a pickling process for conventionally limed
and delimed collagen matrix has been developed (Legesse et al., 2002;
Thanikaivelan et al., 2004a). Now it is possible to integrate the biodriven
process with a pickle-free chrome tanning process (Thanikaivelan et al.,
2004b). This results in complete revamping of the conventional leather pro-
cess sequence. Generally, conventional tanning process involves “do–undo”
processes like curing (dehydration)–soaking (rehydration), liming (swelling)–
deliming (deswelling), pickling (acidification)–depickling (basification). Fur-
ther wide variation in pH has been limited to a very short pH profile. The
net benefits of this approach are countless.
It has been now shown that this enzyme-driven three-step tanning pro-
cess is applicable not only to thin skins (Saravanabhavan et al., 2003a, 2003b;
Aravindhan et al., 2004b) but also to heavy and thick hides (Thanikaivelan
64 P. Thanikaivelan et al.

et al., 2003b, 2004c). The processed leathers show physical and tactile prop-
erties similar or comparable to those of conventionally processed leathers.
The cross-section view of tanned cowhides through a scanning electron mi-
croscopy shows that the fiber bundles are not modified due to the change in
a multistep process to an enzyme-driven three step tanning process. It has
also been demonstrated that the biodriven three-step tanning is economically
viable and attractive, if commercial enzyme products are used. Enzymatic
processing when synergized with compact chrome tanning results in reduc-
tion of COD, TS, and chromium emissions into the environment by 80%,
85%, and 80%, respectively, compared to traditional processing. It cuts the
amount of solid sludge that dehairing and fiber opening generate by 91%. It is
also interesting to note that the enzyme treatment softens the matrix, thereby
increasing the area of the final leather. This results in nearly US$100 savings
for processing 1 ton skins/hides, because leather is sold on an area basis. Re-
cently, there is also an approach to use plant-based polyphenol compounds
for tanning instead of chromium at pH 8.0 (Saravanabhavan et al., 2004a) in
the three-step tanning process (Saravanabhavan et al., 2004b).


Leather processing involves cleaning of the skins or hides to remove un-

wanted materials, followed by preparing the stock for chrome tanning and
subsequently tanning using BCS to stabilize the raw material against micro-
bial degradation. The conventional cleaning processes (liming–reliming pro-
cesses) lead to the generation of substantial amounts of sulfide, lime sludge,
and BOD. The conventional preparatory process for chrome tanning, namely,
pickling, which involves the use of sodium chloride and sulfuric acid, gen-
erates more amounts of dissolved solids. The chrome tanning process by
virtue of its poor exhaustion behavior emanates liquor containing chromium
at levels 1000-fold higher than the norm specified by pollution control
A critical review on the conventional leather processes and the princi-
ples behind each steps reveals that the bulk of the pollution rests in pretan-
ning and tanning processes. Nevertheless, posttanning and finishing steps do
pollute the environment by way of effluent as well as volatile organic com-
pounds air emissions. State-of-the art technologies comprising both in-plant
and end-of-pipe treatment solutions have been reviewed for their techni-
cal suitability and commercial feasibility. It turned out that a combination of
both technologies is essential for protecting the leather industry from envi-
ronmental consequences. The sustainability of the leather industry, however,
relies solely on revamping the leather process sequence, avoiding do–undo
methodologies based on first principles. An account of such developments
has been catalogued and their technical features and practicability have been
Recent Trends in Leather Making: Processes, Problems, and Pathways 65

reviewed. Preliminary results show that the process schemes are capable of
lowering environmental threats drastically. Further studies and commercial
follow-up, however, would validate the developments.


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Environmental Forensics

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The chlor-alkali process: A review of history and


Jedidiah Crook & Aliyar Mousavi

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2016, VOL. 17, NO. 3, 211–217


The chlor-alkali process: A review of history and pollution

Jedidiah Crooka and Aliyar Mousavib
Honors Program, Nashua Community College, Nashua, New Hampshire, USA; bScience and Engineering Technology Department, Nashua
Community College, Nashua, New Hampshire, USA

The chlor-alkali process is a widely used electrolytic process that yields chlorine and caustic soda. It Asbestos; caustic soda; chlor-
has been in use since the 19th century and is a primary industry in the United States, Western alkali; chlorine; electrolytic;
Europe, and Japan. There are three primary electrolytic processes for producing chlorine and caustic mercury
soda: the diaphragm cell process, the mercury cell process, and the membrane cell process. The first
two have been used for over 100 years; the latter was developed in the past 60. The two oldest
methods are used the most throughout the world and have been proven to be the most
Downloaded by [University of Lethbridge] at 14:52 25 June 2016

environmentally unfriendly through their use of asbestos and mercury, respectively. The membrane
cell process is a superior method in its energy efficiency and lack of harmful chemicals. This article
reviews the history of each method, addresses changes in its modern technology and use, and
discusses the emissions and outputs of the processes.

conscious method of electrolytic production of chlo-
The production and manufacturing of chlorine as a rine (European Commission, 2000). In 1989 in U.S.,
single element is an industry with a long history. This 94% of chlorine was produced by diaphragm or mer-
history reveals an ongoing evolution of technology cury cell processes (US EPA, 1995). Both of these
and efficiency. The chlor-alkali process produces chlo- processes use very toxic materials, asbestos and mer-
rine, hydrogen, and sodium hydroxide solution (U. S. cury, which cause irreversible damage to workers as
Environmental Protection Agency [US EPA], 1995). well as the environment when waste is produced,
The primary marketable products are chlorine and which is inevitable. According to a report by the
sodium hydroxide, also known as caustic soda. These European Commission Joint Research Centre (1995),
substances are used throughout a myriad of different “The chlorine production of a country is an indicator
industries including construction, textiles, paper, and of the state of development of its chemical industry.”
cleaning. Currently there are three different electro- This means that the rate at which a nation produces
lytic processes used to produce chlorine: the dia- chlorine is a sign of how much chemical work is
phragm cell, the mercury cell, and the membrane cell done in that nation. The two top producers of chlo-
(US EPA, 1995). All three produce chlorine and rine are Western Europe and the U.S., both of which
sodium hydroxide, but some are more efficient and use diaphragm and mercury cell processes; Japan is
produce less environmentally hazardous waste. The the next largest producer, and the only country to
diaphragm and mercury cell processes are the oldest produce chlorine primarily through the membrane
of the three; both were created in the late 19th cen- cell process and to be totally mercury free (O’Brien
tury, the Griesheim diaphragm cell in 1888 and the and Bommaraju, 2005). The European Union has
Castner-Kellner mercury cell in 1892 (O’Brien and recently ruled that its chlor-alkali industry will be
Bommaraju, 2005). These are also the two most mercury free by December 11, 2017 (McCoy, 2015).
widely used processes throughout the world. In June 2000, 55% of Western Europe’s chlor-alkali
The membrane cell process was developed in the plants used the mercury cell process (European Com-
1950s and is slowly becoming a competitive alterna- mission, 2000). Now, only 23% of Europe in its
tive (O’Brien and Bommaraju, 2005). It has proven to entirety uses the mercury cell process, with only a
be a more efficient, productive, and environmentally year left to make the necessary changes required by

CONTACT Aliyar Mousavi Science and Engineering Technology Department, Nashua Community College, 505 Amherst St.,
Nashua, NH 03063, USA.
© 2016 Taylor & Francis

the new legislation (Euro Chlor, 2015). This article The net ionic equation:
will address the long history of innovation and ineffi-
ciency within a chemical industry that is slowly mak- 2Cl ðaqÞ C 2H2 OðlÞ
ing efforts to transition to more environmentally
! 2OH-- ðaqÞ C Cl2 ðg Þ C H2 ðg Þ (5)
friendly and energy-efficient methods, as well as
examine the chlor-alkali process as a whole.
The “molecular” equation:

Diaphragm cell process 2NaClðaqÞ C 2H2 OðlÞ

In the latter part of the 19th century chlorine was used ! 2NaOHðaqÞ C Cl2 ðg Þ C H2 ðg Þ (6)
primarily for the textile and paper industries. Chlorine
was produced through the combination of manganese This would be applied to the creation of the dia-
dioxide with hydrochloric acid: phragm cell process, which was created in 1851, in
order to keep the products, chlorine and sodium
MnO2 C 4HCl hydroxide, from coming back together after being
separated and forming sodium hypochlorite. A British
! MnCl2 C Cl2 C 2H2 O .at 100--110 C/ (1) scientist, Charles Watt, discovered a way to separate
Downloaded by [University of Lethbridge] at 14:52 25 June 2016

the two products, and keep them separated through-

Then advances were made and chlorine was produced out the reaction, with a current permeable separator.
from direct catalytic oxidation of hydrochloric acid with This allowed the current to pass through but kept the
air: cathode and anode products separate (O’Brien and
Bommaraju, 2005). This was a groundbreaking inven-
4HCl C O2 ðairÞ tion that made the commercial production of chlorine
! 2Cl2 C 2H2 O ðin the presence of CuCl a feasible procedure. As time progressed, researchers
in nations across Europe began inventing their own
catalyst at 450 -- 460 CÞ (2) variations of the diaphragm cell process that Watt
had introduced. The first commercially used cell for
This process was used for some time before it was chlorine production was invented in 1888 in Germany
discovered that steel, an iron alloy, is resistant to by the Griesheim Company. The current permeable
attack by dry chlorine. This discovery allowed the separator was made of porous cement and brine acid-
first commercial manufacturing and distribution of ified with hydrochloric acid. Inventers in Great Brit-
dry liquid chlorine in 1888 in Germany (O’Brien and ain also created their own diaphragm cell, as well as
Bommaraju, 2005). The formulas and science used for those in France and the U.S., and each cell had a var-
obtaining dry liquid chlorine in 1888 are still used in iation from the original. Great Britain’s Hargreaves–
the diaphragm cell process today. As older methods Bird cell was notable for its integration of asbestos
of obtaining caustic soda were phased out, it also into the construction and its vertical diaphragm cell.
became necessary to find alternative ways to acquire The U.S.-developed cell, the LeSueur cell, was ground-
chlorine. The electrolysis of brine to form chlorine breaking in that it used a percolating diaphragm cell
was originally credited to Cruikshank in 1800, but in (O’Brien and Bommaraju, 2005). This is still the basis
1833 Faraday authored his laws of aqueous solutions, of chlor-alkali technology today because it allowed for
and not too long after, patents were issued to multi- a much higher efficiency than all of the previous
ple people for the electrolytic production of chlorine methods.
from brine (O’Brien and Bommaraju, 2005). During As the 1900s moved forward so did innovation and
the electrolysis process of NaCl, brine chlorine is sep- invention in the diaphragm cell method. This brought
arated at the cathode, and sodium hydroxide is pro- more control over the process. Brine could be slowly
duced at the anode (O’Brien and Bommaraju, 2005): fed into the system to prevent overflow. In the 1920s
Oxidation at the anode: asbestos became a major part of the diaphragm cell
method; it was first applied as a paper protector for
2Cl ðaqÞ ! Cl2 ðg Þ C 2e ¡ (3) the cathode and then became the covering of the
Reduction at the cathode: entire cathode by applying it as a liquid and then cre-
ating a vacuum to seal it. The vacuum deposition of
2H2 OðlÞ C 2e ¡ ! H2 ðg Þ C 2OH ¡ ðaqÞ (4) asbestos is one of the most important improvements

of the chlor-alkali process (O’Brien and Bommaraju, The net ionic equation:
2005). By 1960 almost 60% of the U.S.’s production
of chlorine was being carried out with these dia- 2NaHgðlÞ C 2H2 0ðlÞ
phragm cells, known as Hooker cells. Hooker cells
incorporated asbestos deposition, as well as vertical ! 2Na C ðaqÞ C 2OH ¡ ðaqÞ C H2 ðg Þ C HgðlÞ
cathode finger placement, both of which were main (13)
successes in increasing the efficiency of the industry.
Over time the use of asbestos as a diaphragm cell The “molecular” equation:
became more prolific, and today an asbestos polymer
mix is used (O’Brien and Bommaraju, 2005). 2Na ¡ HgðlÞ C 2H2 OðlÞ

! 2NaOHðaqÞ C H2 ðg Þ C 2HgðlÞ (14)

Mercury cell process
The mercury cell process is an alternative method to The mercury cell process involves the flow of purified,
acquire chlorine and caustic soda that was developed saturated brine through a long, partially inclined tube.
in 1892, around the same time as the diaphragm cell This tube is fit between a cocurrent stream of mercury
process. It consists of two main parts: the electrolyzer and a grouping of electrodes, all covered by a gas-tight
Downloaded by [University of Lethbridge] at 14:52 25 June 2016

and the decomposer (O’Brien and Bommaraju, 2005). cover. During the electrolysis process chlorine is liber-
The principal electrochemical reactions take place as ated at the anodes, as seen in the equations above, while
follows: the sodium ions are released at the surface of the mer-
In the electrolyzer: cury cathode to form a low concentration sodium amal-
Oxidation at the anode: gam, about 0.10–0.30% sodium by weight (O’Brien and
Bommaraju, 2005). The purpose of this is so that the
sodium is almost entirely prevented from reacting with
2Cl ¡ ðaqÞ ! Cl2 ðg Þ C 2e ¡ (7)
the aqueous electrolyte to form caustic soda or with the
dissolved chlorine to reform sodium chloride. This
Reduction at the cathode: sodium amalgam then reacts with the water in the
decomposer to form pure concentrated caustic soda
2Na C ðaqÞ C 2HgðlÞ C 2e ¡ ! 2Na ¡ HgðlÞ (8) (O’Brien and Bommaraju, 2005).
The mercury cell process was primarily developed by
Hamilton Y. Castner, an American, and Karl Kellner, an
The net ionic equation: Austrian. Castner’s first mercury cell was flawed as it did
not have a solution for the growth of caustic soda depos-
2Na C ðaqÞ C 2Cl ¡ ðaqÞ C 2HgðlÞ ! 2NaHgðlÞ C Cl2 ðg Þ its. This was easily fixed by creating a cell that rocked
(9) back and forth. The two men’s methods were applied in
plants in the U.S. and England. A mercury cell plant in
Niagara Falls, New York, was so successful because of its
The “molecular” equation: larger manufacturing capacity that its Castner cells were
in continuous production from 1897 to 1960. After 1945
2NaClðaqÞ C 2HgðlÞ ! 2Na ¡ HgðlÞ C Cl2 ðg Þ mercury cell capacities increased dramatically from 10 kA
(10) to 200–300 kA (O’Brien and Bommaraju, 2005). This
large increase was due primarily to the integration of effi-
cient silicon rectifiers, which replaced the mercury arc
In the decomposer:
rectifiers. Other technological improvements were in the
Oxidation at the anode:
manner in which mercury was fed to the electrolyzer, the
design of the decomposer, the support structure of the
2Na ¡ HgðlÞ ! 2Na C ðaqÞ C 2HgðlÞ C 2e ¡ (11) anodes and cathodes, the types of cell covers, and mer-
cury inventory requirements (O’Brien and Bommaraju,
Reduction at the cathode: 2005). Although “Europe’s chemical makers scramble to
end mercury-based chlor-alkali production” (McCoy,
2015, p. 25), it is still, currently, a large part of the
2H2 OðlÞ C 2e-- ! 2OHðaqÞ-- C H2 ðg Þ (12) industry.

Membrane cell process the mercury cell process (European Commission, 2000), in
the U.S. 75% of its production is done through the dia-
The last major method for production of chlorine is
phragm cell process (European Commission, 2000), and
membrane cell technology. This is an alternative to dia-
in Japan, more than 90% is produced by the membrane
phragm and mercury cell production; it is a reworking of
cell process. The major necessary input required for the
the diaphragm cell method so that the diaphragm is a
chlor-alkali industry is energy. Electrical energy is the inte-
permselective ion-exchange membrane. This membrane
gral part to the entire process. The main pollutant outputs
inhibits the passage of chlorine ions (negatively charged),
that are produced from all three methods are chlorine gas
but allows sodium ions (positively charged) to move
emissions, free oxidants into water, such as Cl2, Br2, and
through freely (O’Brien and Bommaraju, 2005). In this
hypochlorite, cooling agents, and general impurities that
process sodium or potassium brine is fed to the cell and
are removed during the electrolytic process (European
distributed equally throughout the anode compartments
Commission, 2000). The issue raised by chlor-alkali pro-
while water flows into the cathode compartments. The
cess is that two of these processes produce and use harmful
electrolysis reactions in this process are the same as they
chemicals, which result in dangerous work environments
are in the diaphragm cell process. As the brine is
and harmful pollution. The diaphragm cell process relies
depleted it overflows with chlorine gas into an anolyte
on the use of asbestos and the mercury cell process on mer-
header and the caustic soda that is produced overflows
cury. These two chemicals account for the highest environ-
Downloaded by [University of Lethbridge] at 14:52 25 June 2016

with hydrogen gas into a catholyte header.

mental dangers from the industry.
Research on this method began in the 1940s and
Also worth mentioning is the toxicity of sodium
headway was made in the mid-1950s and 1960s concep-
hydroxide. Sodium hydroxide, also known as caustic
tually, but practical problems with the system halted
soda, is the other product of these electrolytic processes
progress. No advancement was made for about 10 years,
(European Commission, 2000). At one side of the cell,
until in the late 1960s environmental problems associ-
the anode, the end product is chlorine (Cl2), and at the
ated with the mercury cell process revitalized interest in
other side, the cathode, it is caustic soda (NaOH). They
the membrane technology. Slowly factors that had been
are produced at the molar ratio of 1 mol Cl2 : 2 mol
major problems in the early stages of development of the
NaOH. Since Cl and NaOH have molar masses that are
method were addressed and overcome, including erosion
close, 35.45 and 40.00 g/mol respectively, for every ton
of anodes and membrane cell efficiency. The early 1970s
of Cl2 produced 1.128 tonnes of NaOH are produced
brought the first two membrane cell technology com-
(European Commission, 2000). Caustic soda is a white
mercial plants in the U.S., in Ohio and Alabama, and by
noncombustible powder that absorbs water from air and
the late 1970s membrane cell plants were producing
is extremely corrosive; this makes its production a dan-
mass amounts of chlorine (O’Brien and Bommaraju,
gerous process (Agency for Toxic Substances and Dis-
2005). During this time Japan became the main producer
ease Registry, 2014). It can cause severe burns when
of chlorine using membrane cell technology in order to
applied to the skin or eyes, or when ingested, and it is
adequately address concerns of pollution caused by the
extremely damaging to aquatic ecosystems (Axiall Cor-
mercury and diaphragm cell methods. The first mem-
poration, 2013).
branes that were manufactured worked only at low caus-
Asbestos is composed of mineral fibers found in rocks
tic concentrations, but today’s membranes are made of a
that, in the chlor-alkali industry, are used in the concrete
perfluorosulfonate polymer layer, a polytetrafluoroethy-
diaphragm cell for its strength and functionality at high
lene (PTFE) reinforcing fabric, and a perfluorocarboxy-
temperatures. Exposure to asbestos fibers, such as chryso-
late polymer, bonded together (O’Brien and Bommaraju,
lite, has resulted in a high incidence of lung cancer, and,
2005). This combination allows for low electrical resistiv-
like arsenic, asbestos can act independently or combine
ity and for low caustic back migration, which ultimately
with tobacco smoke to cause lung cancer (Hubaux et al.,
creates a more efficient and productive system (O’Brien
2012). The development of lung cancer is three times
and Bommaraju, 2005).
higher among those who have been exposed to asbestos
fibers (Hubaux et al., 2012). The diaphragm cell process,
where asbestos is used, is the primary form of chlor-alkali
Effects of the industry
process used in the U.S., one of the few countries that
These three processes are the only methods used commer- have not banned the use of asbestos in the chemical
cially for producing chlorine and caustic soda. As men- industry. In fact, the US EPA allows asbestos in the con-
tioned earlier, the top three producers in the chlor-alkali crete that is used for the diaphragm cell process (US EPA,
industry are Western Europe, the U.S., and Japan. In West- 2015). The main occasions of asbestos emissions in the
ern Europe 55% of the chlorine produced is done through diaphragm cell process are during diaphragm deposition,

treatment of operating cells with asbestos slurry, and production of chlorine across Europe (European Com-
asbestos disposal (US EPA, 1995). Since the acknowledg- mission, 2000). When the plants are eventually con-
ment of asbestos as a carcinogen and pollutant, the U.S. verted or shut down, there is no European Union policy
chemical industry has taken steps to address its extreme on how to deal with that large a scale of a dangerous
use. These steps include trying to implement non-asbestos chemical (European Commission, 2000).
diaphragm cells or to adopt the membrane cell process. Another part of the discussion is that the diaphragm
Mercury is the main pollutant that is of concern in the and mercury cell processes are both technologies that
chlor-alkali industry. Liquid mercury is used in the mer- have stayed relatively the same for the past 40 or more
cury cell process to form a mercury amalgam with years. This has allowed them to become outdated not
sodium. It is harmful to individuals who ingest or inhale only in their pollution emissions, but also in the amount
it. Vapor of elemental mercury is absorbed through the of electrical energy they use. All three methods are elec-
lungs and is then oxidized in the blood stream as Hg2C trolytic; thus, their largest input factor is energy. The dis-

(Barregard et al., 1990). Mercury vapor can be very tinctive part of the membrane cell process is that it is the
harmful in its elemental form as it can pass the blood- most energy efficient and also uses neither asbestos nor
brain and placental barriers. The central nervous system mercury (European Commission, 2000). When com-
is at risk as well. The European Union has made drastic pared with the diaphragm cell process, the membrane
decreases in its mercury emissions in the past 20 years cell process uses about 1000 kWh/t less NaOH, and
Downloaded by [University of Lethbridge] at 14:52 25 June 2016

and also decreased the number of mercury cell plants about 600 kWh/t less NaOH than the mercury cell pro-
from 91 to 44 (Euro Chlor, 2015). The World Chlorine cess (Koter and Warszawski, 2000). The membranes
Council reported that global mercury emissions are used in this process efficiently use electrical currents and
down from 24.6 tonnes per year to about 5.6 tonnes per also yield a quality product with a typical contamination
year, approximately a 77% decrease (Euro Chlor, 2015). of NaOH with less than 50 ppm of NaCl (Koter and
However, the fact is that some level of mercury pollution Warszawski, 2000). Japan is the only country of the three
is guaranteed, but if properly regulated it can be con- major producers that has made an effort to fully integrate
trolled to the point where exposure is minimal. this method into its chemical industry. Japanese pro-
There have been multiple cases of mercury pollution ducers have eliminated their use of the mercury cell pro-
from industry. The most widely known is the case of cess and use the membrane cell process for over 90% of
Minamata, Japan, where mass poisonings and deaths their chlorine and caustic soda production (European
were caused by mercury pollution between 1950 and Commission, 2000). Since 1975, membrane technology
1975 (Mousavi et al., 2011). Monomethylmercury is a has increased dramatically and has become the most eco-
neurotoxin that causes Minamata disease (Mousavi et al., nomically advantageous option in recent years. The
2011). The poisoning resulted from the consumption of switch to that method, however, has been slow, as many
locally caught fish that had been contaminated by waste- chlorine plants were built in the 1970s and have a life of
water from factories disposing of mercury (Mousavi approximately 40–60 years, and there has been no moti-
et al., 2011). Another case of mercury pollution occurred vation through legislation to encourage any change until
in Lake Managua, Nicaragua, from a chlor-alkali plant very recently (European Commission, 2000).
owned by a foreign corporation that used the mercury It was only in 2015 that the European Union
cell process. Due to its unsafe and reckless operations the announced a ban on mercury in its chlor-alkali industry
plant knowingly disposed of 40 tons of mercury into (McCoy, 2015). The end of mercury-based production in
Lake Managua, where the plant was located (Hassan Europe is December 11, 2017 (McCoy, 2015). This has
et al., 1981). The plant was unregulated, and its workers many chemical companies rushing to build new facilities
were uneducated about how to work with dangerous to accommodate this new requirement. It is a beneficial
chemicals and the possible effects of working with mer- change, but a difficult and expensive one. Many compa-
cury (Hassan et al., 1981). It is reported that of the 152 nies are finding, during this process, that not only do
workers, 37% suffered from mercury poisoning (Hassan they have to convert to membrane or asbestos-free dia-
et al., 1981). Due to poor working conditions and lack of phragm cell processes, but that there are large amounts
maintenance, workers were exposed to mercury emis- of soil and groundwater mercury pollution around their
sions into the air. The levels of airborne mercury were plants (McCoy, 2015). Projects of expansion are turning
600 mg/m3 (Hassan et al., 1981). This is six times higher into projects of remediation and cleanup. Also, the hun-
than the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Adminis- dreds of tons of mercury in cells across Europe will have
trations airborne standard, set at 100 mg/m3 (Hassan to be addressed and disposed of responsibly. This will
et al., 1981). It is reported that 12,000 tons of mercury have effects on the chemical industry as a whole, since it
are currently contained in mercury cells used for the will be more affordable to close many plants than to

convert them to the new technology. This ruling is a Community College for supporting the Honors course with
groundbreaking change, as Western Europe is the major limited enrollment.
producer of chlorine through the mercury cell method.
Although the membrane process is a much more effi-
cient and environmentally friendly method, it has one References
characteristic that makes it of concern: its need for much
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. 2014. Medi-
higher quality brine (Basu et al., 2013). Brine for the mer- cal Management Guidelines for Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH).
cury and the diaphragm cell processes contains less than Atlanta, GA: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Reg-
4 ppm of calcium and 0.5 ppm of magnesium (Office of istry. Available at:
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy [OEERE], n.d.). asp?idD246&tidD45 (accessed January 25, 2016).
The membrane cell method requires a much purer brine Axiall Corporation. 2013. Product Stewardship Regulations.
Liquid Caustic Soda - Mercury (2015): 51–140. Life Cycle
solution, less than 20 ppb of calcium and magnesium Analysis and the Environment Product Stewardship.
combined (OEERE, n.d.). What this means is that there is Atlanta, GA: Axiall Corporation.

a higher amount of effluents and brine sludge that is Barregard, L., S€allsten, G., and J€arvholm, B. 1990. Mortality
formed. Brine sludge contains NaCl, KCl, CaSO4, BaSO4, and cancer incidence in chloralkali workers exposed to
and water (Basu et al., 2013). Brine sludge from the mer- inorganic mercury. British Journal of Industrial Medicine,
cury and diaphragm processes is hazardous, but brine
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Basu, S., Mukhopadhyay, S. K., Gangopadhyay, A., and Dasti-

sludge from the membrane cell process is not (Basu et al., dar, S. G. 2013. Characteristic change of effluent from a
2013). The concern about the membrane cell’s brine efflu- chlor-alkali industry of India due to process modification.
ents, as well as those of the other two processes, lies in International Research Journal of Environment Sciences
their ability to salinize soil and water, which can cause 2:44–47.
both to be infertile (Duffus and Worth, n.d.). Duffus, J., and Worth, H. n. d. Management of Potentially Toxic
Substances. The Science of Chemical Safety 5: Essential Toxi-
cology. Research Triangle Park, NC: IUPAC. Available at:
Conclusion ACTOX5.pdf (accessed March 10, 2016).
Euro Chlor. 2015. Maintaining Momentum in Uncertain
Since the 1940s chlorine production has skyrocketed Times: Chlorine Industry Review. 2014–2015. Brussels, Bel-
with the sharp increase in demand for plastic. With this, gium: Euro Chlor. Available at:
the need for efficiency and emission awareness is of great media/97813/annual_report_final-light.pdf
European Commission. Joint Research Centre. 2000. Integrated
concern. Electromembrane processes, like the membrane
Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC): Reference Docu-
cell process in the chlor-alkali industry, are proving ment on Best Available Techniques in the Chlor-Alkali
themselves to be efficient and environmentally friendly Manufacturing Industry. Seville, Spain: Institute for Pro-
alternatives (Koter and Warszawski, 2000). It is projected spective Technological Studies, European IPPC Bureau.
that after the European Union’s transition out of the Available at:
mercury cell process, membrane cell methods will sosa-288EB04F5F668E4F.pdf (accessed October 17, 2015).
Hassan, A., Velasquez, E., Belmar, R., Coye, M., Drucker, E.,
account for almost 80% of the world’s chlorine produc- Landrigan, P. J., Michaels, D., and Sidel, K. B. 1981. Mer-
tion (McCoy, 2015). This is up from 18% in 1990 cury poisoning in Nicaragua. International Journal of
(McCoy, 2015). The chlor-alkali industry is an extremely Health Services 11:221–226.
important part of the commercial chemical complex, Hubaux, R., Becker-Santos, D. D., Enfield, K. S., Lam, S., Lam,
and the use of asbestos and mercury within it needs to W. L., and Martinez, V. D. 2012. Arsenic, asbestos and
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mentally conscious production is available, and it is up cesses in environment protection. Polish Journal of Environ-
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phase out harmful methods and implement responsible McCoy, M. 2015, November 2. A hurried good bye to mercury.
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ronmental Forensics 12:14–18.
Acknowledgment O’Brien, T., and Bommaraju, T. V. 2005. History of the chlor-
alkali industry. In Handbook of Chlor-alkali Technology.
The motive for this review was a term paper written for the New York: Springer, 17–36.
Honors course “The Environment in Chemical Perspective” at Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (OEERE). n.
Nashua Community College, Nashua, New Hampshire. The d. The chlor alkali industry. In Advanced Manufacturing
authors would like to thank President Lucille Jordan at Nashua Office of the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy.

Washington, DC: OEERE. Available at: http://www1.eere. 5th ed. Available at: ap42/ch08/final/c08s11.pdf. (accessed November 10,
chap6.pdf (accessed March 10, 2016). 2015).
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Chlor-alkali. In Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission (ac
Factors, Volume 1: Stationary Point and Area Sources, cessed November 10, 2015).
Downloaded by [University of Lethbridge] at 14:52 25 June 2016
Copyright 9 1996 by Humana Press Inc.
All rights of any nature whatsoever reserved.

Alternative Energy Sources and Technologies

for the Pulp and Paper Industry
Strategic Energy Alternatives,
Weyerhaeuser Company, Tacoma, WA 98477
Weyerhaeuser--together with Amoco Corporation, Carolina Power and Light,
and Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation--carried out a feasibility study
sponsored by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the Electric Power
Research Institute to assess the economic merits of expanding the use of biomass
at its New Bern, North Carolina, facility to produce electric power and liquid fuels.
Biomass gasification is expected to be a means for improving utilization of wood
and process wastes while producing gas turbine fuel and reducing environmental
impact. The team also assessed the technical merits and business potential of
integrating a nominal 1000 t o n / d a y biomass processing facility to produce etha-
nol at the New Bern plant. The primary objectives were to evaluate biomass as a
source of electric power and liquid fuels within the context of a specific operating
pulp mill and to assess the relative value of biomass-derived electric power and
liquid fuel. An additional objective was to define the most cost-effective process
for commercializing advanced biomass to energy technologies. This article
describes the conditions that make these technologies potentially attractive, out-
lines the approach taken to develop comparative economics and economic sensi-
tivities, presents results of the analysis, and suggests options for proceeding to
commercialization of these advanced conversion technologies.
Index Entries: Biomass; pulp industry; paper industry.

Driven by process changes that are making pulp and paper mills ever increas-
ingly d e p e n d e n t on purchased electric power, the industry is motivated to search
for technology alternatives for the conversion of its biomass residuals to electricity
and other useful energy products. Recent emphasis by the US Department of En-
ergy in the area of renewables has provided an unusual w i n d o w of opportunity for
advancing to commercial viability this new more efficient energy-generation
technology. This w i n d o w of o p p o r t u n i t y comes at a time w h e n greater than 50%
of the industry's power generation equipment will need major alteration or replace-
m e n t in the next 15 yr, as a result of age.
Two technologies that can have a profound impact on the industry's or energy
self sufficiency--even to substantially increasing the capability for Axle exporting
electric p o w e r - - h a v e evolved to the point of commercial readiness. These techno-
logies are biomass gasification combined cycle (BGCC) and black liquor gasifica-
tion c o m b i n e d cycle (BLGCC). A third technology, ethanol p r o d u c t i o n from
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 763 Vol. 57/58, 1996
764 Raymond
biomass, although not as advanced in its commercial readiness, is also of increas-
ing interest driven by recent advances in fermentation technology and a signifi-
cantly increased market opportunity as a result of the environmental need for
gasoline additives.
Black liquor gasification is being actively pursued by Weyerhaeuser and oth-
ers and is not considered here. This paper compares, for an integrated pulp mill
situation, the operating and economic realities of BGCC and biomass-to-ethanol
technologies. As partners in the project, Amoco supplied the ethanol production
technology input and marketing analysis; Stone and Webster Engineering of Boston
provided the cost estimating and economic analysis; and Carolina Power and
Light provided the power market information pertinent to North Carolina. The
study was made possible through the NREL-EPRI sponsored "LOI" program.
Economic information presented here includes sensitivities to export power
price, feedstock price, DOE capital support and, in the case of ethanol, additional
sensitivities to ethanol price and enzyme cost are presented. The project report
presented to NREL and EPRI contains additional information. Analysis of these
sensitivities indicates that, in the case of ethanol, the market price and enzyme cost
are by far the most influential in determining the project viability. Enzyme costs less
than $4/gallon a n d / o r ethanol prices of approx $1.40/gallon appear necessary to
move the ethanol concept as presented here into an economically interesting range.
It should be noted, however, that the state of development of biomass to ethanol is
clearly precommercial at this time and that a number of design improvements
that would significantly change this picture are possible. Also, if a high value
marketable product canbe developed for the lignin stream, this would have a very
significant positive impact.
Based on the analysis of sensitivities with respect to gasification, capital cost
and, in this case, the value of export power, have by far the most, significant impact
on BGCC economics. Given a 50% shared cost for the first commercial plant, a
positive economic result is achievable at export power prices of 5 c / k W h and
above. It is Weyerhaeuser's belief that these BGCC results--coupled with the
future possibilities of integrating this technology with BLGCC, the probability of a
mature BGCC technology having 20-30% less capital cost, and anticipated trends in
electricity prices--make biomass gasification combined cycle a viable, even excit-
ing, future possibility that should receive early support for commercialization. With
shared cost through DOE's commercialization programs similar to the current
request for proposals advanced in the Biomass Power for Rural Development solici-
tation, BGCC should find an early home in the forest products industry, contribut-
ing to the country's energy self sufficiency from renewable resources and
improving the industry's global competitiveness.


This is a time of great dynamics for the Forest Products Industry. There are a
number of converging events occurring in and around this industry that will
encourage, if not mandate, changes in the way the industry designs, builds,
finances, and operates its process plants. The discussion here focuses on how these
changes will impact the way the biomass utilized by the industry is acquired and
converted to useful energy products as we enter the next century.
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology Vol. 57/58, 1996
Alternative Energy Sources 765

To set the stage, six of the converging events that are clearly impacting the
industry are:

1. Increased dependence on purchased electric power: Improved efficiency of

steam use and related reduction in byproduct power generation, increasing
needs for environmental equipment, trends toward more thermomech-
anical pulps and recycling, new bleaching technologies, and other process
changes all impact the pulp and paper mill steampower balance with a clear
trend toward more purchased power per ton of product produced even
though, in most cases, total energy use per ton has decreased.
2. Aging of kraft and hog boilers: The industry's expansion and capital
replacement cycle has produced a set of power houses, the majority of which
are 20-30 yr in age, that will need replacement or at least major alteration in
the next 5-15 yr.
3. Tightening air emission regulations: The new emission rules currently
being discussed with the EPA will greatly impact how the industry has
historically operated its facilities as well as significantly increase its capital
4. Necessity for improved capital performance: As the most capital intensive
industry in the industrial sector, future process changes and process equip-
ment needs must cost less and deliver more if the industry's attractiveness
to investors and global competitiveness is to be maintained.
5. Increased emphasis on renewable energy: In spite of great political pressure
to significantly change government, including the US DOE, the country's
again-growing dependence on imported fuels and increasing environmen-
tal pressures will, most believe, maintain the emphasis on renewable energy
at all time high levels. The forest products industry has a unique opportu-
nity to continue to lead the nation in the utilization of renewables.
6. Availability of emerging technologies: The best--and perhaps the only--
time w h e n new technologies can easily be adopted by a capitally intensive
industry is w h e n that technology is commercially available at a time when
the normal capital replacement cycle mandates major system repairs or
replacement. With respect to power and recovery systems, this situation
may very well be about to exist.

It is not at all inconceivable that the power house of the next decade will see the
conventional recovery and power boilers rapidly being replaced with BLGCC and
BGCC or IGCC technologies and, in many cases, exporting significant quantities of
electricity or liquid fuels. In making this change, the industry can nearly double the
efficiency by which it produces useful energy as shown in Fig. I and become signifi-
cantly more self sufficient on renewable sources. (A simple schematic of how this
future power house might look is shown in Fig. 2.)


One of the primary objectives of this study was to look at the gasification and
ethanol technologies in the context of a real operating pulp mill. Issues associated
with integration with existing plants have been postulated in prior studies but, to
the knowledge of this project team, an actual integrated mill study had never been
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology Vol. 57/58, 1996
766 Raymond

Fig. 1. Power generation efficiency comparison.

completed. The Weyerhaeuser bleached market pulp mill at New Bern, NC, was
selected for the feasibility study. The mill has had a continuing interest in gasifica-
tion technologies for m a n y years. The New Bern Pulp generates process steam and
electricity using a black liquor recovery boiler, a power boiler, and an extraction
backpressure steam turbine generator. The power boiler, although designed to burn
mill residuals (rejected or waste biomass), is currently able to fire only oil as a result
of emissions limitations. The mill has evaluated the possibility of life extending
(modifying) the power boiler and retrofitting emission controls, which w o u l d allow
it to once again burn biomass. This boiler modification project is used as the base
case for economic comparisons made with BGCC and ethanol technologies. A BGCC
cogeneration plant or a combined BGCC-EtOH plant could be an alternative to the
bark boiler modification project.
A General Electric Frame 6B gas turbine was selected as the basis for the
BGCC plant evaluated in this study, since a biomass gasifier firing the 6B gas
turbine with a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) is of the right size to meet
the steam requirements of the mill for the foreseeable future.
The pulp mill and associated saw mill produce approx 129,000 BDT/yr of
biomass wastes. A BGCC project would require additional biomass feed to be sup-
plied from forest m a n a g e m e n t thinnings and other sources that are discussed in
more detail below.

Feedstock or fuel cost and availability were also a major part of the feasibility
study. The feedstock assessment was undertaken with the full involvement of
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology Vol. 57/58, 1996
Alternative Energy Sources 767

Fig. 2. Power-recovery island of 2010.

Weyerhaeuser's forestry research and raw materials people and drew from TVA
and US Forest Service databases as well as company internal sources. Six possible
strategies were considered, including a range of possibilities from utilizing existing
residuals through managing plantation systems to produce significant additional
quantities of material for energy while enhancing the sites productivity for wood
and pulp products. These six strategies are shown in Fig. 3.
The first of these strategies involving company-controlled wood residuals is
the simplest and most obvious to take advantage of since the material is already
owned by Weyerhaeuser and, in the case of New Bern, is already on the mill site. The
handling costs are the only incremental costs and the existing value is what other
people are willing to pay for the fuel, less transportation costs. Approximately 110
kBDT/yr fall into this category with an additional 100 kBDT/yr within reasonable
hauling distance of New Bern.
The second strategy involves utilizing the gasification or ethanol facility as a
disposal opportunity for on-site generated sludges and other combustible material.
This is a very small amount of material on a bone dry basis, but could reduce
disposal costs for the mill. The implementation of this strategy would require a
suitable drying technology and is not of significant energy value.
The third strategy, which involves the capture of residual chips from final
harvest and plantation thinnings from current plantation operations both owned by
and available to Weyerhaeuser, represents a very significant fuel opportunity.
Though not necessarily the lowest cost, the woods residual component from natural
stand final harvest is the single largest source of biomass for fuel identified in this
study. It conservatively amounts to at least 600 k B D T / y r and, based on
Weyerhaeuser's experience, could run significantly higher within a reasonable
hauling distance of New Bern.
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology Vol. 57/58, 1996
768 Raymond
1) Company-controlled wood residuals
2) Mill produced non-woody combustibles
3) Energy fiber from present plantation operations
4) Maximize production of current plantation
5) Intermingle fast-growing species with plantation
6) Dedicated crops
Fig. 3. Six possible feedstock strategies.

Strategy 4 involves the growing of maximum pine volumes per acre while
attempting to improve plantation productivity for primary pulp and wood prod-
ucts. Based on current operating approaches and currently available technology,
the site-preparation cost for this approach is much too high (in excess of $50/BDT)
and would require changes in approach a n d / o r technology to become viable. The
conclusions of this analysis should be of particular interest to those considering the
establishment of softwood dedicated crops similar to the Southern Pine species
found in North Carolina.
Strategy 5 involves growing maximum hardwood per acre intermingled with
pine in existing plantations. Both hardwood sprouting between rows and hard-
wood inter-row plantings were considered. Again, with current technology there
would be high plantation establishment costs and high harvesting costs to generate
reasonably low volumes, such that this strategy also does not appear feasible with
current approaches.
The sixth and final strategy involves the growing of maximum biomass per
acre with a dedicated short rotation crop using mill and other locally available waste
water as nutrient. Given the present understanding of fast-growing species tailored
to eastern North Carolina, Weyerhaeuser foresters believe that even in this
approach the Loblolly Pine would be the currently preferred species. Based on
projections of growth and volume coupled with the expected planting, site prepa-
ration, and harvesting costs, this approach would become attractive at fuel values
of -$50/BDT. A number of factors--such as subsidies for waste water disposal,
development of a genetically improved, faster growing crop, improved harvesting
approaches, and so forth--all could reduce this fuel value. The development of
these possibilities is beyond the scope of this study, particularly given the fact as
discussed in the next paragraph that sufficient material is available without these
The study determined the availability of feedstock material as a function of
cost for each of these strategy. Costs for supplying fuel ranged from $20/BDT to
over $50/BDT delivered to the energy facility at New Bern. Feedstock material
availability was significantly greater than required to meet the needs of the study's
three energy design alternatives (up to 350,000 BDT/yr) and can be provided at an
average cost of less than $25/BDT. When only material sources which cost less than
$35/BDT and could be quantified and confidently identified as available or unused
were included, the amount exceeded 940,000 BDT/yr. This excess material avail-
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology Vol. 57/58, 1996
Alternative Energy Sources 769

Fig. 4. CompanyJcontrolled wood residuals. Capture existing volumes of wood residuals:

company-controlled wood residuals, 272,000 BDT; external forest residuals, 598,000 BDT;
external mill residuals, 13,000 BDT.

ability provides a significant margin of safety if byproduct residuals are reduced

through efficiency improvements in harvesting or primary product recovery.
In addition, there is a significant quantity of mill residual material (up to 160,000
BDT/yr) within 40 miles of New Bern that is currently utilized by others and could
be available because of its close proximity to New Bern. This material would cost
less than $25/BDT, but was not included because of the associated uncertainty in
cost and quantity. The primary sources proposed for use include residuals from
Weyerhaeuser mill facilities at New Bern and within 60 miles of New Bern and forest
residuals from final harvest operations.
The bottom line is that there is fuel available in the New Bern area at under
$25/BDT for the foreseeable future in the amounts needed for the size plant under
consideration. Although current approaches to plantation establishment and
harvest recovery are too expensive to provide only biomass fuel from "energy plan-
tations" or from planting additional trees for fuel, improvements in technology
could make future combination fuel and fiber plantations viable. The approach and
detailed results of this feedstock analysis are included in the final report to NREL
and are summarized in Figs. 4 through 7.

Working as part of the NREL-EPRI sponsored "LOI" program, Weyerhaeuser,
Amoco, Carolina Power and Light, and Stone and Webster Engineering have, over
the past year, completed a detailed feasibility study of the economic and operational
realities of both BGCC and biomass-to-ethanol technologies. The study was focused
on the New Bern, North Carolina, mill and associated dedicated feedstock system
(DFSS). This mill already has a history of investigating black liquor gasification
technology. The gasification technologies are discussed below.
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology Vol. 57/58, 1996
770 Raymond

Fig. 5. Energy fiber from present plantations. Energy fiber from present plantations:
58,000 BDT.

Fig. 6. Alternative fuel options. Maximize current plantation production; intermingle

fast-growing species; dedicated crops.
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology Vol. 57/58, 1996
Alternative Energy Sources 771

Fig. 7. Primary fuel sources for New Bern.

Leading suppliers offering biomass gasification systems include:

9 Ahlstrom: pressurized (-20 bar) recirculating fluid bed;
9 Tampella: pressurized (-30 bar) spouting bed;
9 TPS: atmospheric sequential two-stage fluid bed; and
9 FERCO/Zurn-Nepco/Battelle: atmospheric indirect two-stage fluid bed.
Also studied but not investigated in detail were American Carbons/Kaiser,
Lurgi, and Noell.
Each of the suppliers mentioned above has commercial or near commercial
offerings. Angstrom is operating a 15 MWth BGCC plant at V/irnamo, Sweden, and
is participating in a design competition for a project in Brazil. Tampella operates a
15 MWth gasification plant on biomass and coal at Tampere, Finland, on an intermit-
tent basis and is prepared to make commercial offerings of both biomass and coal
as well as combined systems. TPS has operated a 2 MWth facility at Studsvik, Swe-
den, for a number of years and is also a participant in the Brazilian project. The pilot
2 MWth Battelle gasifier has logged the most operating hours of any system with well
over 20,000. Currently FERCO and Z u r n / N e p c o are engineering a 40 MWth, BGCC
plant to be integrated into the biomass plant at Burlington, Vermont.
After discussing BGCC options with these seven potential suppliers, Tampella
and TPS were selected for in-depth analysis. The ability to work with these two
suppliers provided an excellent opportunity to contrast a pressurized system rep-
resented by the Tampella technology with an atmospheric system represented by
the TPS technology. Given the degree of accuracy of this analysis, the capital cost
and heat rates of the two technologies investigated were sufficiently similar that no
clear preference of one over the other could be determined based on these factors
alone. However, since the operating efficiency of the pressurized technology was
higher, the Tampella case was taken forward for detailed economic analysis. It
should be noted, however, that the pressurized system eliminates the possibility of
a staged implementation, which is the preferred approach at the New Bern facility.
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology Vol. 57/58, 1996
772 Raymond
Table 1
Capital Costs of Cases Considered
Case Cost
Base Case $21,100,000
BGCC with 33.4 MW export power $97,930,000
BGCC/ethanol with 19.5 MW export power $189,802,000
plus 70,000 GPD ethanol
Ethanol only with 79,000 GPD ethanol $117,930,000



~, o f


0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
Export Power Price (S/kWh)

Fig. 8. Sensitivity of incremental plant's NPV to power price (50%capital support). NOTE:
Assumes feedstock cost of $14/wet ton. Zero line represents NPV @12% and 20 yr compared
to base case power boiler conversion with condensing turbine.

These gasification technologies were compared with the Amoco biomass-to-ethanol

technology. Three designs were considered:
1. BGCC with 33.4 MW export power;
2. BGCC/ethanol with 19.5 MW export power and 79,000 GPD ethanol; and
3. Ethanol only with 79,000 GPD ethanol production.
In all cases, the energy needs of the New Bern mill were satisfied. The capital
cost of the base case and the three cases described here are shown in Table 1.
The attractiveness of the BGCC technology is significantly impacted by the
capital cost of the plant, the value of the power produced, and the cost of the feed
stock These impacts are shown in Figs. 8 through 10. These sensitivities are por-
trayed as incremental net present values relative to operating the New Bern mill as
it is configured today. By looking at the results in this way, the difficult and often
controversial task of assigning costs and values to all streams crossing the power-
house b o u n d a r y is avoided. The zero NPV line on these curves is calculated at 12%
return on capital invested over a period of 20 yr and is believed to be a somewhat
normal investment yardstick for evaluating investments within the industry. In
layman's terms, anything falling below the zero line would likely be considered a
bad investment, a project falling on or near the positive side of the zero line would
likely be considered a marginal investment and projects falling well above the zero
line would likely be considered an interesting investment possibility.
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology Vol. 57/58, 1996
Alternative Energy Sources 773




$8.00 $10.00 $12.00 $14.00 $16.00 $18.00 $20.00 $22.00
New Biomass Price (Initial, S/Wet Ton)

Fig. 9. S e n s i t i v i t y of i n c r e m e n t a l p l a n t ' s N P V to i n i t i a l biomass price (50% capital sup-

port). Economic sensitivity--cost of feedstock. NOTE: Assumes power sale price of $0.05/
kWh. Zero line represents NPV @ 12% and 20 yr compared to base case power boiler con-
version with condensing turbine.

0J 5O


40 60 80 100 120 140 160
%of Estimated Capital Cost

Fig. 10. Sensitivity of incremental plant's NPV to capital cost. NOTE: Assumes feed stock
cost of $14/wet ton and power sales price of $0.05/kWh. Zero line represents NPV @ 12%
and 20 yr compared to base case power boiler conversion with condensing turbine.

Since the current operating situation at New Bern is somewhat unique, a sec-
ond comparison was m a d e - - t h i s time utilizing a new greenfield multifuel boiler.
This boiler is visualized as a bubbling or recirculating fluidized bed, capable of
handling the same variety of feedstock that w o u l d potentially be utilized in the
BGCC technology. The same comparison approach was utilized. Figure 11 shows
the results of this comparison as a function of export power price.
A comparison with Fig. 8 shows an enormous similarity. However, in Fig. 8,
a 50% capital support for the project was assumed; in Fig. 11, no such capital s u p p o r t
is included. Therefore, an unsubsidized BGCC facility looks interesting at power
cost above 3.5r It is important that a result of this nature appears achievable.
If all future projects required a subsidy to proceed, it w o u l d be difficult to justify
development dollars to commercialize the technology. However, given this analy-
sis and the potential of the technology, BGCC appears well justified for commercial-
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology Vol. 57/58. 1996
774 Raymond



0.025 0.035 0.045 0.055 0.065 0.075


Fig. 11. BGCC c o m p a r e d to multifuel boiler base c a s e - - n o capital support. NOTE:

Assumes feedstock cost of $14/wet ton. Zero line represents NPV @ 12% and 20 yr c o m p a r e d
to a multifuel boiler base case.

ization. Figure 12 taken from the EPRI "Technical Assessment Guide" presents an
argument that capital cost reductions of 20-30% may be possible for this technology,
based on the history of other developments.
Given that these reductions in capital cost are achievable as subsequent facili-
ties are cost engineered and built--and that power values of 5c/kWh and greater
are realizable through power contracts, wheeling, or displacement of purchased
power--the results of the study demonstrate that BGCC technology has significant
potential for achieving improvement in pulp mill operation and biomass utilization
efficiency. It also has the potential for developing additional product revenue
streams, which could enhance for product industry economic productivity. These
conclusions when coupled with the possibility of future integration of BGCC with
BLGCC technology (see Fig. 2), the probability of these technologies at maturity
being less capitally intensive than present plants and anticipated trends in electric-
ity prices, make BGCC a viable and exciting future option.


In addition to the commercial and economic realities of BGCC, Weyerhaeuser
shared Amoco's interest in determining the site-specific feasibility of a bio-
mass-to-ethanol facility. This part of the study was focused on determining how an
integrated ethanol plant would compare with power generation, both as a stand-alone
facility and in combination with a gasification plant that would utilize the reject lignin
from the ethanol process. Assuming favorable economics, an additional objective was
to enhance the understanding of the market for biomass-to-ethanol conversion tech-
nologies as related to the forest products industry.
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology Vol. 57/58, 1996
Alternative Energy Sources 775

- - Available for commercial order

Preconstruction and licensing period

Finalized cost estimate
o Design~constructionperiod
First commercial service
- ~ 2rid plant in service
C) Q-

~ epDe:i~tcPe~
nt i Matureplantcost ~ plant
with incomplete data I

Fig. 12. Capital cost learning curve. Source: EPRI Technical Assessment Guide.

The basis for the ethanol plant design was being developed by Amoco, which
is based on a proprietary pretreatment step followed by simultaneous sacrification
and fermentation. The basic process utilized is discussed elsewhere in the literature.
Sensitivity analyses were carried out in the same manner as discussed with BGCC.
These studies indicated that project economics were most sensitive to enzyme cost
and ethanol price. The sensitivity of the enzyme cost could very well influence the
decision as to make or buy.
The details of this analysis are available in the report provided to NREL u n d e r
the LOI contract. The basic conclusion to be reached is that, given the maturity of the
technology and the anticipated benefits of on-site enzyme production, the econom-
ics for an integrated B G C C / e t h a n o l facility at a site similar to the New Bern mill
become comparable with a BGCC plant alone at ethanol prices somewhere in the
range of $1.25-1.40/gallon. This picture could be improved even further if a better
use than energy could be found for the lignin byproduct.

Events that will impact the forest products industry over the next decade
present a mandate for change in the way energy is provided and used in the industry's
operating facilities. This is happening at a time when more environmentally benign
and significantly more energy efficient technologies are becoming commercially avail-
able. In addition, options exist to significantly increase alternative feedstock availabil-
ity and for producing valuable chemical byproducts. The industry has a unique
opportunity to productively lead the nation in its goals for increased use of renewable
energy and continue, if not enhance, its history of global competitiveness. One result
will be that the power island of the future will utilize emerging BGCC and BLGCC
technologies, cost less, and be substantially more efficient in energy conversion. As
biomass-to-ethanol technologies are matured, there appears to be an operating range
where the economics can be quite attractive. However, this range is highly influenced
by site-specific factors such as the value of the lignin as an energy source, the capital
cost of integration with the pulp mill, and by the cost of enzyme production and sale
price of the ethanol. A final conclusion is that it appears and a combined ethanol and
power integrated facility has a high probability of being more profitable than etha-
nol production or power generation taken alone.
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology Vol. 57/58, 1996
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Alternative Raw Materials for

Pulp and Paper Production in
the Concept of a Lignocellulosic
María Eugenia Eugenio, David Ibarra,
Raquel Martín-Sampedro, Eduardo Espinosa,
Isabel Bascón and Alejandro Rodríguez


The main source of cellulosic fibre used for pulp and paper production comes
from wood, while non-wood fibres are used to a lesser extent. However, a renewed
interest exists in the use of non-woody raw materials due to their abundance as
source of low-cost fibres and because they are sometimes the only exploitable
source of fibres in certain geographical areas, mainly in developing countries.
Moreover, the great variety of characteristics, fibre dimensions and chemical com-
position of these alternative raw materials give them a great potential to produce
different types of papers. On the other hand, the pulp and paper industry is an
excellent starting point for the development of lignocellulosic biorefineries, pos-
sessing the necessary technology and infrastructure as well as extensive experience
in lignocellulosic biomass transformation. Since its beginnings, the pulp and paper
industry has been practicing certain aspects of the biorefinery concept, generating
the energy necessary for the production of cellulosic pulp from the combustion of
lignocellulosic waste and black liquors, recovering the chemical reagents used and
generating high value-added products (e.g. tall oil) together with cellulosic pulp.
However, the evolution of the pulp and paper industry to a lignocellulosic biore-
finery requires technological innovations to make bioenergy and new bioproducts
available alongside traditional products.

Keywords: alternative raw material, agricultural residues, annual plant (vegetables),

pulp, paper, biorefinery

1. Introduction

Several successful industrial factories based on alternative raw materials for

pulp and paper production already exist nowadays [1, 2]. Lignocellulose is the major
structural component of plants and is by far the most abundant type of earthly
biomass [1, 3]. It mainly consists of cellulose (40–60%), hemicellulose (10–40%)
and lignin (15–30%), with minor amounts of extractives, proteins and inorganic
compounds [1, 3]. Lignocellulose components can be found in both woody (e.g.


spruce, pine, eucalypt, poplar, etc.) and non-woody biomass, the latter including
vegetables (e.g. bamboo, tagasaste, kenaf, abaca, etc.) and agriculture residues
from harvesting and pruning operations (e.g. barley straw, wheat straw, orange
tree pruning, olive tree pruning, etc.) and from agro-food industry [e.g. bagasse,
empty fruit bunches from oil palm (EFB), etc.]. Cellulose is a linear and highly
ordered polymer of cellobiose (D-glucopyranosyl β-1,4-D-glucopyranose), whereas
hemicellulose represents a family of branched carbohydrate polymers contain-
ing both pentoses (e.g. xylose, arabinose) and hexoses (e.g. galactose, mannose,
glucose) and showing often uronic acids (e.g. glucuronic acid) and acetyl moieties
as sidechain groups [1, 3]. By contrast, lignin is a three-dimensional network
buildup of dimethoxylated (syringyl, S), monomethoxylated (guaiacyl, G) and
non-methoxylated (p-hydroxyphenyl, H) phenylpropanoid units, derived from the
corresponding p-hydroxycinnamyl alcohols, which give rise to a variety of subunits
including different ether and carbon–carbon bonds [4].
The main non-food use of lignocellulosic biomass is the production of cellulosic
pulp from which a wide range of products can be obtained, highlighting the pro-
duction of paper. At the beginning of the 1990s, there was the conviction that the
arrival of new information technologies would reduce the consumption of paper;
however the data of world consumption of paper and cardboard revoke this idea
as it went from 240 million tonnes in 1990 to 413 million tonnes in 2016, of which
77.3 million tonnes are consumed in Europe [5]. In the past, the raw materials used
in the manufacture of paper were herbaceous biomass such as flax, cotton, bamboo
and cereal straw. It was not until the middle of the nineteenth century when woody
materials began to be used, mainly due to the increased demand for paper because
of the emergence and increased use of printing. Today, most of the cellulosic
fibers used come from wood species, mainly hardwoods and softwoods [1, 2, 6].
Nevertheless, in recent years there has been an increase in consumer awareness of
the need to preserve the environment, which is why they demand a more ecologi-
cal production of paper, both in the use of raw materials and in manufacturing
processes. With the same purpose, government bodies devote economic and human
resources to research into alternative raw materials to conventional ones. For these
reasons, a large number of studies on the use of non-woody materials, including
agriculture residues and vegetables as alternative source for cellulosic pulp produc-
tion, have emerged in recent years [1, 7–14].
Some of the advantages of using non-woody raw materials can be mentioned: (i)
in developing countries with scarce forest resources, non-woody biomass provides an
effective alternative to importing wood, paper, or cellulosic pulp. In these countries,
there may be a large area devoted to food crops, which would provide considerable
amounts of agricultural residues and agro-food industries [1, 15]; (ii) non-woody bio-
mass increases the added value of agri-food crops by taking advantage of their residues
(traditionally used for burning or agricultural amendments) to obtain a product in
great demand such as paper [1, 15]; (iii) production of special papers, whose most suit-
able raw materials are certain vegetable alternatives to conventional woods [1, 16]; and
(iv) since the morphological characteristics of the fibers and the chemical composition
of the non-woody species are very varied, a wide range of papers can be obtained by
properly selecting and/or mixing these raw materials [1, 14].

2. Availability of raw materials

The availability of raw materials is very important when approaching the

industrial facility for the production of cellulosic pulp. Availability is related to

Alternative Raw Materials for Pulp and Paper Production in the Concept of a Lignocellulosic…

the production and location of the various lignocellulosic materials that can be
used for the intended purpose. In the case of agricultural residues from harvest-
ing and pruning operations, it can be said that they are very abundant in Spain.
Specifically, it is estimated that the production of the most important agricultural
residues, due to their abundance, such as cereal straw, sunflower stalks, vine
shoots, cotton stems, olive, orange and peach tree pruning and vegetable and other
similar crop wastes, represents about 50 million tonnes per year, with Andalusia
contributing with more than 20% [1, 17].
Due to its abundance, it seems that the most recommended agricultural residue
for the manufacture of paper pulp is cereal straw since it represents almost 20% of
the agricultural residues considered in 2007, and the technology used in its collec-
tion is fully developed [1, 17–19]. Regarding the waste from the agri-food industry
used for the production of cellulosic pulp, the bagasse from the extraction of sugar
cane and waste from the palm oil industry (EFB) should be highlighted [20].
With regard to alternative vegetables for cellulosic pulp production, they can
be classified in three groups: (i) plants of wild nature such as bamboo, different
types of cane, esparto grass, etc. [21]; (ii) plants from plantations with industrial
uses, such as sorghum, abaca, sisal, jute, hemp, kenaf, flax, etc. [7, 22]; and (iii)
other plants, mainly herbaceous species, grasses and legumes, which produce high
biomass yields when grown in intensive plantations (tagasaste, Leucaena spp.,
etc.) [23–25].

3. Storage of lignocellulosic materials

The prolonged storage of lignocellulosic raw materials is always necessary in

the pulp and paper industry. In the case of raw materials that are harvested only at
a specific period of the year, the storage is even more important. Therefore, these
raw materials must be collected in order to meet the annual needs of a factory, so
that it operates all year round, with the consequent better use of installed capac-
ity. On the other hand, many alternative lignocellulosic materials are more easily
deteriorated due to their non-woody special properties, such as straws, herba-
ceous vegetables, etc., mainly if they contain high percentages of humidity. In
fact, of all the factors that influence the storage of this type of sources, the most
relevant is the residual humidity. Given that these materials do not require too rig-
orous conservation, as they are not intended for food, the rule of allowing slightly
higher humidity than the “Caurie safety” humidity obtained by adjusting the
experimental data on equilibrium humidity and relative humidity of the environ-
ment of the adsorption isotherms to the Caurie equation can generally be adapted.
Applying this standard and observing the experimental adsorption isotherms,
it appears that wheat straw, vine shoots and cotton stems can be well conserved
in environments with relative humidity below 60–70%, while other agricultural
residues such as olive tree pruning or sunflower stems require lower values [26].
On the other hand, it has been verified that the recommended maximum relative
humidity values, according to the standard followed in this work, coincide with
those obtained experimentally when storing the different agricultural residues
considered in environments with different relative humidity for 10 or 12 months.
As the chemical composition of these agricultural residues is considered as well
as their fibrous structure does not differ so much from other agricultural residues
such as wastes from agro-food industries, forestry residues and vegetable mate-
rials in general, the above conclusions can be extended to all these alternative
lignocellulosic materials.


4. Characterization of lignocellulosic materials

Theoretically speaking any plant containing a reasonable amount of fibres can

be used as a raw material for pulp and paper production. In practice, this is not the
case. Besides the abundance of the plant, a steady supply and many other require-
ments are necessary. The fibre content of the plant is important. The plant contains
in addition to fibres many non-fibrous cells, e.g. parenchyma cells. Fibres them-
selves vary much in different plants regarding their length, width, fine structures or
microstructures, as well as their chemical composition. In one and the same plant,
there are different types of fibres. The same fibre type is not equal in dimension but
contains a spectrum of different dimensions. For this reason, one speaks of “aver-
age fibre length”. The length of the fibre is one of the most important parameters
affecting paper strength [1].
Chemical characterization, which gives rise to the percentages of the main
chemical constituents of lignocellulosic materials (generally cellulose, hemicel-
lulose, lignin, as well as extractives and ash), is of great interest since it can indicate
their possible applications for obtaining cellulosic pulps, in terms of the most
suitable process to follow and the type of pulp that can be obtained. In this char-
acterization, the contents of holocellulose, lignin, α-cellulose, hemicellulose, and
extractives in water, 1% soda and ethanol-benzene and ash are determined as the
most important. For this chemical characterization, TAPPI test methods, includ-
ing TAPPI T 204 om-88, TAPPI T 211 om-93, TAPPI T 222 om-88 [27], and NREL
analytical methods (National Renewable Energy Laboratory NREL/TP-510-42168)
are usually employed [28].
When comparing the results obtained by different authors, a good concordance
is generally observed for each specific material. Sometimes discrepancies appear
that can be attributed to the different procedures used as well as to the different
origins and varieties of the raw materials considered. For example, the chemical
characterization results obtained for rice straw were analysed and compared with
(i) some agriculture residues from harvesting and pruning operations and from
agro-food industry (e.g. olive tree pruning, wheat straw, sunflower stems, sorghum
stems, bagasse, vine shoots, and cotton stems); (ii) some vegetables (e.g. Leucaena
colinsi, Leucaena leucocephala, Chamaecytisus proliferus, Retama monosperma,
Phragmites spp., Arundo donax, Prosopis juliflora, and Paulownia fortunei); and (iii)
softwoods (pine) and hardwoods (eucalyptus) [23, 29]. From this comparison it
could be deduced that:

• The value of the hot water soluble content of rice straw (7.3%) is lower than
that of the rest of agricultural residues, except for bagasse and cotton stems;
it is higher than the values found for the vegetables considered, except for P.
fortunei, and higher than the values for pine and eucalyptus.

• The value of soda extractives at 1% of rice straw (57.7%) is higher than the
values corresponding to the rest of agricultural residues and vegetable consid-
ered, as well as those of pine and eucalyptus.

• The content of ethanol-benzene extractives in rice straw (0.56%) is lower than

that of the materials considered: agricultural and agro-food residues, veg-
etables, pine and eucalyptus.

• The ash content of rice straw (9.2%) is higher than the values presented by
the rest of agricultural residues and much higher than the values of pine and

Alternative Raw Materials for Pulp and Paper Production in the Concept of a Lignocellulosic…

• The holocellulose content of rice straw (60.7%) is similar to the value found
for olive tree pruning and lower than the values found for the rest of the
agricultural residues considered, as well as those of the alternative vegetables
considered and those of pine and eucalyptus.

• The content of α-cellulose of rice straw (41.2%) is lower than the values
presented by the cotton stems, L. colinsi, L. leucocephala, C. proliferus, R. mono-
sperma, pine and eucalyptus; higher than the values corresponding to olive tree
pruning, wheat straw, Phragmites, P. fortunei, Prosopis juliflora; and similar to
the values of the other species considered.

• The lignin content of rice straw (21.9%) is similar to the values corresponding
to the cotton stems, L. leucocephala and R. monosperma; lower than the values
found for Phragmites spp., A. donax, P. fortunei and pine; and higher than those
of the other species considered.

In the same way, following the same example of rice straw, the experimental
data on its physical characterization, which determines the size of its fibers, are
compared with those of other lignocellulosic materials such as wheat straw, sun-
flower stalks, vine shoots, cotton tree stalks, olive tree pruning, sorghum stalks and
pine and eucalyptus woods. After a biometric analysis with the rice straw studied, it
is concluded that the length of its fibers (1.29 mm) is similar to that corresponding
to the stems of sorghum, superior to those of the other agricultural residues consid-
ered and to that of eucalyptus but inferior to that of pine.
In summary, it can be stated that the alternative non-woody materials under
consideration have acceptable chemical and physical characteristics for the produc-
tion of pulp and paper [30].

5. Cellulosic pulp production

The manufacture of cellulosic pulp consists of the separation of cellulose

fibers, which are cemented by the middle wall, composed mainly of lignin using
physical or chemical methods [1, 2, 6]. In order to obtain cellulosic pulps from
alternative non-woody materials, different chemical classical processes have been
used (using chemical reagents such as soda, sodium sulphate and sodium sulfite)
and organosolv (using organic solvents). In general, non-woody raw materials
have a less density and more porous structure and, also in most of the cases, less
lignin content, which means less energy and chemical requirements for fibre
separation during pulp production. In addition, they have shorter growth cycles,
reaching maturity faster than wood species, and in many cases the pulp yields
obtained are higher [30].

5.1 Classical pulping processes

5.1.1 Soda pulping

Soda pulping is the oldest pulping processes known and consists of subjecting
raw materials, cut and conditioned, to a cooking process with a given concentration
of sodium hydroxide, at a specific temperature and cooking time, depending on the
quality of the pulp to be obtained (chemical or semi-chemical) and the character-
istics of the raw materials used [1, 2, 6]. A recovery of reagents and purification of
black liquors is finally carried out. Each of these sections of the process can group


together different operations. Thus, for example, in the preparation of the raw
material, a debarking is carried out in the case of woody plants or pith is removed in
the case of some vegetables (e.g. sunflower stalks), a cutting or reduction in size to
produce chips or flakes, a cleaning to remove impurities, and so on. In the pulping
section, the operations of impregnation of the raw material, cooking or delignifica-
tion to separate lignin, washing of the solid fraction resulting from cooking and
draining of the same to eliminate the fluid used in the washing can be integrated. In
the same way, the sections of reagents recovery and purification of residual black
liquors are made up of different operations.
Soda pulps have been obtained from different alternative raw materials, spe-
cially agriculture residues such as wheat straw [31], sunflower stalks [32, 33], vine
shoots [34], olive tree pruning [35], sorghum stalks [36, 37], tagasaste [24], EFB
[20, 38], H. funifera [39] and rice straw [29, 38, 40], obtaining different yields
depending on the conditions of soda concentration, temperature and cooking
time used. Soda pulping has also been carried out using additives such as anthra-
quinone and parabenzoquinone, which accelerate the delignification process and
stabilize carbohydrates, improving the yield of the process with respect to the
conventional “soda” process when operated under the same working conditions.
Assays have been carried out using wheat straw, olive tree pruning, rice straw and
EFB. For rice straw and EFB, pulps have also been obtained using KOH in aqueous
solutions [20, 40].
Miao et al. [22] also analysed the composition of the hemp root bast (HRT)
to further subject it to a process of soda pulping and bleach it with an elemental
chlorine free (ECF) bleaching sequence. These authors conclude that HRT is a
suitable raw material to make paper obtaining a pulp with high viscosity and
brightness (893 mL/g and 85.52% ISO, respectively). González et al. and Marrakchi
et al. [41, 42] also applied soda pulping to orange tree wood and Stipa tenacissima
stems, respectively. The first ones studied the influence of operational variables
in both pulping and pulp beating (temperature, 155–185°C; time, 40–90 min;
soda concentration, 10–16%; and number of PFI beating revolutions, 0 to 3000)
on the yield and on the pulp refining degree as well as the physical properties of
resulting paper sheets. These authors found an optimum compromise as regards
operating conditions (170°C, 40 min, 13% soda concentration and 2700 number
of PFI beating revolutions), obtaining a pulp with tensile index, burst index and
tear index of around 59.11 Nm/g, 4.10 kN/g and 2.79 mNm2/g, respectively; these
values deviate from their maximum values in 5.8, 2.2, and 1.4%, respectively. The
pulp yield under these operating conditions is 43.9%; the refining degree is of
39.5°SR with the advantage of an increased drainability in paper production. These
conditions involve a lower temperature, time, soda concentration and refining than
those required to maximize the studied paper properties; so it is possible to save
energy, chemicals and capital for industrial facilities. On the other hand, Marrakchi
et al. [42] analysed the composition and fibre characteristics of the S. tenacissima
steams and of its corresponding soda unbleached and bleached pulps. They con-
clude that the properties of S. tenacissima fibers are intermediate between those of
non-wood and wood plants and are most often close to those of eucalyptus fibers.
After studying a refining process and characterizing paper sheets obtained, these
authors demonstrate the high potentiality of this non-wood species for papermak-
ing applications.

5.1.2 Kraft pulping

The pulp obtained by this procedure is usually called Kraft (strong) if used for
raw papers or “sulphate” if they are going to receive a further bleaching, although

Alternative Raw Materials for Pulp and Paper Production in the Concept of a Lignocellulosic…

both denominations are used indistinctly. The name “sulphate” is due to the fact
that it is the sodium sulphate, and not the sodium sulphide, the reagent that is
replaced, although the real agent that acts during the reaction is the sulphide that is
generated in the recovery treatment of residual black liquors [1, 2, 6]. The process
can be divided into two parts: the first is the obtaining of the pulp, and the second is
the recovery of the chemical reagents used from black liquors.
According to different authors [1, 2, 6], Kraft pulping process consists of the
following stages:

i. The chips are taken to the reactor where they are cooked with white liquor
(dissolution of sodium hydroxide and sodium sulphide), controlling the
“liquid/solid” ratio.

ii. Pulping takes place during the established time, under appropriate pressure

iii. The black or residual liquor and the pulp are separated by filtration. The pulp
is washed, and the black liquor is sent to the reagent recovery phase.

iv. Once washed, the pulp goes to the bleaching stage or to the raw paper
manufacturing plant.

In the reagent recovery phase, organic compounds dissolved in black liquor are
used to produce energy, thus reducing the rate of polluting effluents. The stages of
recovery are as follows: (i) concentration of the black liquor in the evaporators; (ii)
spraying of the concentrated black liquor in the oven, where the carbon reduces
the sodium sulphate to sodium sulphide; (iii) the melted solids are discharged and
dissolved in water, resulting in the green liquors; and (iv) the green liquor is sent to
the causticizing stage, where the sodium carbonate reacts with the calcium oxide to
form sodium hydroxide [1, 2, 6].
Some studies have been carried out to obtain Kraft pulps using alternative mate-
rials to traditional wood, including olive tree wood [43], Cynara cardunculuns L.
[44], vine shoots [34], wheat straw [45] and kenaf [46]. Nevertheless, due to the
more accessible structure of these materials compared to conventional wood mate-
rials, a soda process is usually applied to them, as this process is less pollutant. Thus,
as an example, a factorial design of central composition experiments to find equa-
tions that relate the characteristics of the pulp and paper sheets with the operation
variables have been realized using olive tree pruning [47, 48]. From these studies,
it can be concluded that, in order to obtain pulp with suitable characteristics to be
bleached to obtain paper and with good mechanical properties in the paper sheets,
it is necessary to operate with an active alkali concentration of 25%, at 175°C during
90 min. The paper sheets obtained from olive tree pruning pulps were produced in
different degrees of refining and were characterized attending their stretch index,
burst index, and tear index. All paper sheets reach between 33 and 39 kN m/kg in
the stretch index, between 1.5 and 2 kN/g in the burst index and 0.7–2.5 N m2/g in
tear index and not using a high refining degree (<45°SR) [47, 48].

5.1.3 Sulfite pulping

Sulfite pulps are obtained by cooking the lignocellulosic material with a solution
of bisulfite and sulfur dioxide [1, 2, 6]. The cooking liquor is obtained by burning
sulfur to obtain sulfur dioxide which is absorbed in a base of calcium, magnesium,
sodium or ammonium. The most important variables of the “sulfite” process


includes impregnation of the chips with the cooking reagents, dimensions and qual-
ity of the chips, temperature, time, pressure, pH of the white liquor, concentrations
of sulfur dioxide combined (total and free), “liquid/solid” ratio and raw material
used. Several “sulfite” processes have been proposed, including acid sulphite,
bisulphite, alkaline sulphite, multistage sulphite, high-yield sulphite, etc., to obtain
dissolving pulp [1, 2, 6]. In addition to these variables, it has been proposed to use
molybdate or anthraquinone as catalysts, achieving a stabilization of the polysac-
charides and an acceleration in delignification.
The sulfite process has been studied for several alternative raw materials but not
as much as the soda and Kraft processes. Then, different studies of sulfite process
with olive tree [35, 49], sunflower stalk [50], bagasse [51] and wheat straw [52] have
been reported.

5.1.4 Organosolv pulping

These processes are characterized by the fact that the separation of lignin from
lignocellulosic materials is achieved by solubilization with organic solvents, which
are subsequently recovered for a new pulping cycle, resulting in a concentrate rich
in lignin, from which different by-products can be obtained [53]. Among organic
solvents used, alcohols (ethanol, methanol, butanol, etc.) and organic acids (acetic
and formic acids) are commonly employed for non-woody materials [1, 2, 18, 24,
34, 54–66]. Nevertheless, acetone and other solvents such as phenol, formaldehyde,
ethanolamine, ethylene glycol and ethanol-water have also been used for these
alternative raw materials [1, 2, 19, 23, 34, 38, 60, 67–71], demonstrating that these
materials can be used for the manufacture of pulp and paper through different
processes with acceptable characteristics. Pulping using alcohols

These are the most widely used processes due to the selectivity that these
solvents contribute to the separation of the lignin and their easy recovery by distil-
lation. In the case of the ethanol process, the influence of the operating variables
(ethanol concentration, temperature, time and liquid/solid ratio) on the character-
istics of the pulp and paper sheets obtained from different alternative raw materials,
including olive tree [62], wheat straw [1, 2, 18], tagasaste [24, 57], sunflower stalk
and P. fortunei [54, 55] and vine shoots [34], has been studied. As an example, in the
case of wheat straw, when pulping is carried out at 200°C, with an ethanol concen-
tration of 75% for 60 min, acceptable good values are obtained for yield (37.6%),
holocellulose (88.8%), α-cellulose (46.9%) and lignin (7.2%) [1, 2, 18]. Methanol
and butanol have also been used on wheat straw [37, 61]. Pulping using organics acids

Along with the processes that use alcohols, the processes that use organic acids
are the following most used. The most common are those that use acetic acid and
formic acid, and different studies have been reported with EFB [58], rice straw [63],
jute [66], rapeseed straw [56], cardoon stalk [64], and wheat straw [65].
The pulping of wheat straw with acetic acid and formic acid has been carried
out, studying the influence of operation variables on the properties of the resulting
pulps. Comparing the results obtained when operating for times ranging between
0.5 and 2 h, at temperatures of 75–125°C and 150–200°C, and with concentrations
of 50–100% and 50–80% of the formic and acetic acids, respectively, it is concluded

Alternative Raw Materials for Pulp and Paper Production in the Concept of a Lignocellulosic…

that to obtain pulp with acceptable holocellulose (88.2%), α-cellulose (40.2%)

and lignin (6.4%) contents are more effective than formic acid, operating at 50%
concentration, 100°C and 2 h. This fact is mainly due to it requiring less acid and
lower working temperature, with the consequent savings in chemical reagents and
energy for heating [65]. Acetone process

Several studies have been studied with acetone solvent mainly on wheat straw
[1, 2, 19, 60, 67]. From these studies it is concluded that it must be operated at
200°C, for 95–100 min and with 55–60% of acetone to obtain high holocellulose
and α-cellulose values and low lignin and extractives, although the yield of the
pulp is low [60]. To obtain good values of breaking length (3456 m), elongation
(1.42%), burst index (1.36 KN/g) and tear index (3.86 mNm2/g) of the paper
sheets formed, a temperature of 200°C has to be used. On the other hand, if the
brightness has to be high, it has to be operated at 140°C for 1 h with a concentra-
tion of 60% acetone [65].

6. Refining of cellulosic pulps

The refining of pulp is an operation that modifies, through the action of

mechanical work and in the presence of an aqueous medium, the morphology of
the fibres and their physicochemical structure, decisively changing the properties
of the paper sheets obtained from the refined pulp [1, 2, 6]. Using a Sprout-Bauer
refiner, the influence of refining pulp from different agricultural residues (wheat
straw, sunflower stems, vine shoots, olive tree pruning, cotton stems and sorghum
stems) on the corresponding pulp and paper sheets was studied [1, 2, 19, 32, 69].
In view of the results, it can be concluded that olive tree pruning pulp must be
severely refined to obtain good quality paper, although the maximum values of the
ring crush test (RCT) and the tear index are reached for refining grades of 45 and
55°SR, respectively. In the case of EFB soda-anthraquinone pulp, a study has been
carried out in a PFI refiner, studying the influence of the cooking variables (soda
concentration, temperature and time) and the number of turns in the PFI on the
properties of the resulting paper sheets [20]. From this study it is deduced that
under some operation conditions, 15% of soda, 170°C, 70 min and 2,400 turns in
the PFI, the properties of paper sheets obtained deviate less than 12% from their
optimum values (59.6 Nm/g for the traction index, 4.48% for elongation, 4.17 kN/g
for the burst index and 7.20 mNm2/g for the tear index), for a degree of refining
of 47.5°SR, acceptable for the formation of paper sheets. Under these conditions,
reagents, energy and immobilized capital are saved with respect to the maximum
values of the operating variables used [20].

7. Bleaching of cellulosic pulps

The bleaching of cellulosic pulps is carried out for the elimination and/or modi-
fication of some constituents that add color to the raw pulp, generally using chemi-
cal reagents in one or more stages and trying to degrade the cellulose fibers as little
as possible [1, 2, 6]. The main light-absorbing substances in the pulps are lignin and
resins, so in order to bleach a pulp, these substances must be chemically trans-
formed into a solid state in order to reduce their light absorption characteristics or


be oxidized, reduced or hydrolysed, to make them soluble in aqueous solutions and

thus be able to be removed from the pulps.
The need to reduce pollution from bleached pulp mills has led to the study of
new bleaching sequences [1, 2, 6], with research focusing in three main directions:
(i) bleaching processes with reagents without elemental chlorine (ECF), which con-
sist of the total substitution of chlorinated stages by compounds such as chlorine
dioxide (without elemental chlorine), regardless of whether other bleaching agents
totally free of chlorine, such as oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, etc., are also used; (ii)
bleaching processes with totally chlorine free reagents (TCF), using reagents such
as oxygen, hydrogen peroxide and ozone, mainly [72]; and (iii) biological bleaching
processes involving microorganisms or enzymes produced by them.
ECF and TCF bleaching processes including enzymatic stages have been studied
for different alternative raw materials. It is worth highlighting the TCF processes
which have been studied using different chemical reagents individually (hydrogen
peroxide, oxygen, ozone, sodium perborate and peracetic acid) or with OZP bleach-
ing sequences (where Z is an ozone stage) [1, 2, 6].
Hydrogen peroxide has been used for the bleaching of Kraft olive tree pruning
pulp with a Kappa index of 21, operating at a temperature of 70°C and a consistency
of 10%, and following a factorial design of experiments in which the peroxide
concentration varies from 1 to 5% and the time from 30 to 210 min, finding that
it is recommended to use a low-medium concentration of peroxide (1–3%) and a
long time (210 min) [73]. Comparing the results with those of bleached pulps with
other reagents, it is concluded that the viscosity of the pulps is higher in the case of
peroxide bleached pulps than those bleached with oxygen, ozone or chlorine diox-
ide. To improve the Kappa index and brightness values of peroxide bleached pulp,
it is desirable to combine hydrogen peroxide with oxygen or to use the combination
oxygen and ozone [74].
For the bleaching of abaca soda pulp with peracetic acid [75], the influence
of the operating conditions on the Kappa index, viscosity and brightness of the
pulp and on the breaking length and burst index of the paper sheets was studied.
Following a factorial design of experiments, it is concluded that operating at 55°C,
with 4.5% peracetic acid for 150 min, a brightness of 79.9% is obtained (only 6.5%
lower than the maximum possible) and the maximum possible values for the break-
ing length (6547 m), burst index (5.0 kN/g) and viscosity (1519 mL/g).
Peracetic acid has also been considered in the bleaching of olive tree pruning,
finding that it has to be operated at 55°C for 90 min, a consistency of 10% and an
acid concentration of 2.5%, providing good values for brightness and Kappa index
and improving the viscosity of the bleached pulp with respect to crude pulp [76].
In the bleaching of abaca soda pulp with sodium perborate [77], the influence
of the concentration of reagent (1–5%), temperature (60–80°C) and time (1–2 h)
on the characteristics of the bleached pulp and the resulting paper sheets has been
studied. It is concluded that in order to obtain pulp with the highest possible values
of viscosity (1601 mL/g) and breaking length (5943 m), it is necessary to operate at
60°C, 1% perborate and 60 min, achieving a brightness of 62.7%, only 11.9% below
the maximum possible.
For abaca soda pulp, the bleaching processes using hydrogen peroxide, peracetic
acid, sodium perborate and the OZP sequence were compared from the point of
view of pulp yield and brightness, breaking length and burst and tear indexes of
the paper sheets. Overall, the best results are achieved for peracetic bleached pulp
(4.5%, at 55°C for 0.5 h), providing little loss of yield (<1%) and some values for
breaking length (6.555 m), burst index (4.97 kN/g) and tear index (15.77 mNm2/g),
which only decrease, with respect to those of the raw starting pulps, by 7.0, 8.8
and 20.9%, respectively, while brightness (77.4%) increases by 56.7%; with the

Alternative Raw Materials for Pulp and Paper Production in the Concept of a Lignocellulosic…

additional advantage that by operating at a lower temperature and for less time than
in the other bleaching processes considered, energy savings are produced for heat-
ing and immobilized capital for industrial installations. The pulp bleached with the
OZP sequence has more brightness but loses more yield. Moreover, the characteris-
tics of the paper sheets are worse, and the process requires higher costs of reagent,
energy and immobilization [78].
The OZP sequence has been applied to EFB soda-anthraquinone and diethanol-
amine pulps [79]. For similar Kappa index values for the two pulps (14.2 and 17.3),
the paper sheets of the raw soda-anthraquinone pulp exhibit higher values for tensile
(25.8 Nm/g), elongation (2.35%), burst index (1.69 kN/g) and tear index (0.50
mNm2/g) and brightness (60.6%) than the diethanolamine pulp, but the latter has
a higher viscosity (659 mL/g). When OZP bleaching sequence is used, the dietha-
nolamine pulp exhibits higher viscosity (783 mL/g), and the properties of the paper
sheets are similar to or better than those of the soda-anthraquinone pulp: 22.2 as
opposed to 20.4 Nm/g for the tensile index, 1.30 vs. 1.42 kN/g for the burst index, 0.71
vs. 0.70 mNm2/g for the tear index and 71.3 vs. 77.5% for brightness [79].

7.1 Biobleaching

It is worth highlighting in this section that apart from xylanases, the use of
laccases has been used for the bleaching of alternative raw materials [80–84]. As
it is known, these enzymes need a mediator to make the bleaching more effective
since thanks to them they are able to oxidize not only the phenolic part but also the
non-phenolic of the lignin.
The work of Camarero et al. [80], who apply three different fungal laccases (from
Pycnoporus cinnabarinus, Trametes versicolor and Pleurotus eryngii) and two media-
tors, 2,2′-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) and 1-hydroxy-
benzotriazole (HBT) to bleach flax pulp using a TCF sequence (enzymatic stage (L)
plus hydrogen peroxide bleaching (P)), is noteworthy. These authors obtain deligni-
fication values of up to 90% after hydrogen peroxide bleaching when initial pulp is
subjected to the enzymatic pretreatment (L). These results are improved when they
apply a P stage under pressurized oxygen, obtaining a pulp with 82% ISO of bright-
ness, and kappa index close to 1. Fillat et al. [81] also bleached flax pulp using natural
mediators: syringaldehyde (SA), acetosyringone (AS) and p-coumaric acid (PCA)
in combination with the laccase of P. cinnabarinus as a pretreatment prior to hydro-
gen peroxide bleaching stage. All mediators decrease the kappa index and increase
the brightness of the bleached pulps after peroxide bleaching especially when SA
was used. On the other hand, soda-anthraquinone pulp from orange tree pruning
is also bleached by Fillat et al. [82]. In this case three different laccase-mediator
systems (LMS) were used as pretreatment to an alkaline extraction plus a hydrogen
peroxide bleaching: laccase from Trametes villosa (Tv), either in combination with
1-hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT) or with acetosyringone (AS) as natural mediator,
and laccase from Myceliophthora thermophila (Mt) in combination with AS. The
three laccase-mediator systems improve the bleaching sequence, with L-Tv + AS
being the LMS that provides the highest delignification and improvement of optical
properties. Finally, Martín-Sampedro et al. [83] also bleached soda pulp from olive
tree pruning using not only a typical LMS but also adding xylanase jointly or prior to
LMS to study the effect of this enzyme on the characteristics of the bleached pulps.
The best results are found when both enzymes are applied in the same stage. In these
conditions the lowest hydrogen peroxide consumption (63%), kappa index of 11.6
and brightness of 46% ISO are reached. Same authors [84] also bleached pulp from
oil palm empty fruit bunches using laccase and xylanase. An enzymatic process with
xylanase (X) and/or laccase (L) was incorporated before the alkaline extraction step


(E) and the hydrogen peroxide bleaching (P). Comparing with controls, the LEP
sequence results in an improvement of optical properties (colorimetric properties
and brightness) and a reduction of the kappa index. When both enzymes (xylanase
and laccase) are used jointly, no improvement is detected; however, when the
xylanase stage is applied before the laccase stage, the beneficial effects of laccase are
boosted. Thus, the XLEP bleached pulp shows a brightness of 60.5% ISO, a kappa
index of 5.4 although the hydrogen peroxide consumption increase (77.0 vs. 64.5%
and 73.8% for EP and LEP, respectively).

8. Integration of the pulp and paper industry using alternative raw

materials into the biorefinery concept

The concept of lignocellulosic biorefinery aims at the integral use of the main
components of lignocellulosic raw materials to obtain energy, chemicals and prod-
ucts [85]. The pulp and paper industry is an excellent initial point for the establish-
ment of this concept as it has the best infrastructure for biomass fractionation and
conversion and a great deal of practical industrial experience. Then, the classical
pulp and paper industry, including Kraft, sulfite and soda technologies, has been
applying this concept for a long time as it not only produces paper as the main prod-
uct (cellulosic fraction) but also recovers the reagents and produces energy from the
residual black liquors (lignin-rich fraction) as well as the generation of bioproducts
such as tall oils, which are sold to obtain high added value products (e.g. adhesives,
detergents, etc.), and lignin for the production of chemicals or materials. In the
future, the extraction of hemicelluloses prior to pulping will be included in order to
make maximum use of lignocellulosic materials. A general scheme, which will be
developed below including also gasification of lignin, is shown in Figure 1.
Using the same scheme-work of the pulp and paper industry with classical
pulping methods, different organosolv pulping processes have been developed to
produce cellulosic pulp and other products from different alternative raw materials
such as agriculture residues [53], among them, those employing ethanol such as the
Alcell© process for the production of cellulosic pulp, giving value to other biomass
fractions, such as high-quality lignin in the residual black liquor with several
potential industrial applications, and the Lignol© process, which also extracts
lignin, as well as sugars for the production of ethanol, oligomers, furfural and acetic
acid. However, one of the disadvantages of these processes lies in the incorporation
of both extracts and a part of the hemicelluloses to the residual black liquors. For
this reason, the possibility of carrying out a hydrolysis pretreatment of the poly-
saccharides with the original raw materials prior to organosolv pulping methods,
using water at a high temperature (hydrothermal treatment), has been explored
[53]. Then, a hydrolysis of the acetyl groups to acetic acid is produced, which acts
as a catalyst solubilizing all or part of the hemicelluloses (autohydrolysis) and
then resulting in a pretreatment aqueous fraction with oligomers (mainly gluco-
oligosacharides and xylo-oligosacharides), sugars (glucose, xylose, arabinose),
acetic, furfural or 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural (HMF) and some lignin. Oligomers
are used as food additives or substrate for sugars, after hydrolysis and fermentation
(xylose and arabinose could be fermented to ethanol or xylitol); and furfural and
lignin derivatives have applications in the chemical industry [86, 87]. The disad-
vantage of this fractionation is the low selectivity towards cellulose, giving rise to
a solid fraction structurally affected, which can limit its later use; but an adequate
hydrothermal pretreatment achieves a solid fraction that can be used to obtain pulp
and paper by classical or organosolv procedures, whose resistance can be improved
using a relevant refining.

Alternative Raw Materials for Pulp and Paper Production in the Concept of a Lignocellulosic…

Figure 1.
Scheme of integration of pulp and paper industry into the biorefinery concept in the future.

In the pulping processes of the solid fraction coming from autohydrolysis or

hydrothermal pretreatment, some residual black liquors are obtained, with lignin
being the majority component. These liquors, after the separation of water and/or
organic solvents used in cooking (which are recycled in the cooking process), are
transformed into a concentrate rich in lignin. From these concentrates lignin can be
obtained for different uses, and/or it can be subjected to gasification processes with
the aim of obtaining high-quality products such as hydrogen, methanol, synthesis
gas or dimethyl ether (DME) for motor applications [86–89].

8.1 Hemicellulose isolation by hydrothermal treatments

As commented above, one of the possibilities to convert the classical chemical

pulp and paper industry into a biorefinery is to extract a portion of hemicelluloses
from lignocellulosic materials prior to pulping, obtaining a liquid fraction enriched
in hemicellulosic carbohydrates that can be converted into ethanol and/or chemical
products. One of the options for the separation of hemicellulose from lignocellulosic
materials is its depolymerization by autohydrolysis, also known as hydrothermal pro-
cess, which does not require the addition of acids as it is auto-generated in the process
[53, 85]. In addition to the process of autohydrolysis itself, the process of steam explo-
sion is very significant (once autohydrolysis has taken place, the mixture undergoes
a sudden decompression to produce the vaporization of the water contained in the
fibers and the consequent disaggregation of the lignocellulosic matrix), as well as its
variants, such as the Rash, Masonite, Iotech, Siropulper and Stake processes [53, 85].
These hydrothermal treatments can be carried out in a very wide range of
operating conditions, with the temperature, time, solid concentration and particle
size of lignocellulosic materials being the most influential variables [85]. In the case
of autohydrolysis, the range of temperatures to treat lignocellulosic materials in an
aqueous medium is in the range between 150 and 250°C. Under these conditions,
the self-ionization of water generates protons that act as a catalyst for the hydrolysis


of the hemicellulose, reacting among others the acetyl groups (present in the form
of esters in the hemicellulosic heteropolymers), which are released in the form of
acetic acid. Its contribution to the generation of protons is 1700 to 1,000,000 times
greater than that of water, so the contribution of aqueous protons to the hydro-
thermal process can be neglected once acetic acid has been generated. At the same
time, there is total or partial solubilization of hemicelluloses and their conversion
with good yields of oligosaccharides and monosaccharides, which can be used for
different purposes [53, 85].
Other minor reactions associated with this type of process are the formation of
products such as furfural from pentoses and HMF from hexoses; the generation of
carbon dioxide by decomposition of carboxyl groups present in uronic acids; the
condensation of some unstable molecules that intervene as reaction intermediates;
the decomposition under severe conditions of products such as furfural, sensitive
to acid concentration; the decomposition of HMF to formic and levulinic acids; and
condensation reactions with lignin [90].
Different studies with traditional woody materials such as eucalypt have shown a
pre-extraction of hemicellulose prior to pulping process by hydrothermal processes
[91–93]. In the same way, these hydrothermal processes have also been applied to
alternative raw materials such as paulownia [55], sunflower stems [54], rice straw
[71], tagasaste [25] and H. funifera [94].
The influence of the temperature (160–200°C) of the autohydrolysis process
applied to paulownia on the composition of the resulting solid and liquid fractions
has been studied [55]. It is found that the maximum concentrations of glucose,
xylose, arabinose, acetic acid, furfural, HMF and oligomers of the resulting liquid
fraction correspond to when operating at maximum temperature.
A similar study carried out with sunflower stems concludes that at 190°C the
highest values are obtained for the glucose, xylose and arabinose contents of the
liquid fraction of the hydrothermal treatment, with a yield of 24.5%, while the yield
of the solid fraction, which can be pulping, is 72.5% [54].
In the case of rice straw, the influence of temperature (150–190°C), time (0 to
20 min after reaching the working temperature) and liquid/solid ratio (6:10) on the
hydrothermal treatment, on the lignin content, on the yield of the resulting solid
fraction and on the composition of the corresponding liquid phase (glucose, xylose,
arabinose and acetic acid) was studied [71]. It follows that in order to obtain high values
of glucose (1.92 g/L), xylose (3.97 g/L), arabinose (0.99 g/L) and acetic acid (1.96 g/L)
concentrations, it is necessary to operate at high temperature (190°C) and low-medium
conditions for time (15 min) and hydromodule (9), which allows capital savings by not
operating with the maximum time and using the maximum hydromodule value. The
yield obtained for the solid fraction is 88.1%, and the lignin content is 24.43%.
Finally, tagasaste wood was submitted to hydrothermal treatment at 175–185°C
[25]. Then, a liquor containing a substantially increased amount of oligomers
(between 16.6 and 47.7% as percentages with respect to the content of the raw
material in each polymer fraction) is obtained. In the case of H. funifera, a sulphuric
acid-catalysed hydrothermal treatment (170°C, 0, 20 min after reaching operating
temperature, 8 liquid/solid ratio, and 0.3% sulphuric acid), gives a liquid fraction
containing 4.62% of glucose, 10.56% of xylose, 1.28% of arabinose, and a solid frac-
tion with a solid yield of 57.0%.

8.2 Pulping of the solid fraction from hydrothermal treatment

Hydrothermal treatments under relatively mild operating conditions (tempera-

ture and time) do not cause significant alterations in the cellulose. In this way, solid
fractions susceptible to delignification or pulping are obtained [53].

Alternative Raw Materials for Pulp and Paper Production in the Concept of a Lignocellulosic…

The solid fraction of the hydrothermal treatment of paulownia carried out at

190°C was subjected to pulping process with ethanol following a factorial design of
experiments [55]. The conclusion of this work is that operating at 180°C for 30 min
and an ethanol concentration of 20%, obtained pulp has acceptable values of Kappa
index and viscosity, and their corresponding paper sheets have a brightness of
27.4% ISO, a tensile index of 28.87 Nm/g, a burst index of 1.22 kPam2/g and a tear
index of 1.23 kNm2/g.
In the case of sunflower stems [54], the solid fraction of a treatment carried out
at 180°C is cooked with ethanol (70%, 170°C for 2 h and a hydromodule of 8) giving
rise to a pulp with properties (36.3% of pulp yield, 69.1% cellulose, 12.6% hemicel-
lulose, 18.2% lignin, 551 mL/g viscosity, 3.8 km breaking length, 1.23% elongation,
1.15 kN/g burst index and 2.04 mNm2/g tear index) similar to that obtained by the
soda process.
The influence of operating conditions (temperature from 160 to 180°C, time
from 30 to 90 min and concentration of diethanolamine from 60 to 80%) on the
pulping process of the solid fraction obtained from a hydrothermal treatment of
rice straw (carried out at 190°C) on the characteristics of the pulp (yield, Kappa
index, viscosity and degree of refining) and of the paper sheets obtained from
them (length of rupture, elongation, burst index, tear index and brightness) was
also studied [71]. It is deduced that it is convenient to operate at 162.5°C, 60 min
and 70% of diethanolamine, since paper sheets present characteristics that devi-
ate little from the optimal ones (less than 8% in the worst case), saving chemical
reagents, energy for heating and immobilized capital for the installation, when
operating with values of time and the concentration of diethanolamine medium
and medium-low temperature, with respect to the maximums considered; likewise
the values found for the yield and Kappa index deviate less than 14% with respect to
the optimal values.
Autohydrolysed tagasaste wood was also submitted to ethanol and soda pulp-
ing procedures [25]. The autohydrolysis prior to ethanol pulping increases yields
(53–60%); reduces Kappa index (28.8–34.6), but also viscosity (755–857 mL/g); and
decreases paper strength (2.97–5.22 kNm/kg). However, applying a refining process
to tagasaste pulp is found to improve its strength-related properties more markedly
than in soda pulp from the same material (tensile index of 44 kNm/kg). In the case
of H. funifera, the samples pretreated with sulphuric acid-catalysed autohydrolysis
was subsequently submitted to soda, soda-anthraquinone, ethanolamine, ethylene
glycol, diethanolamine and diethyleneglycol [94]. In this case, the best pulp of H.
funifera pulp is obtained by cooking with 10% NaOH and 1% anthraquinone at
155°C for 30 min, exhibiting good values of yield (48.3%), viscosity (737 mL/g),
Kappa index (15.2), tensile index (83.6 Nm/g), stretch (3.8%), burst index (7.34
kN/g) and tear index (3.20 mNm2/g). Moreover, the soda-anthraquinone pulps of
raw material have better properties than the pulps from solid fraction of hydrother-
mal treatments.

8.3 Use of residual liquors components obtained during pulping

The valorization of lignin-rich black liquors generated from pulping processes is

another transition path from the traditional pulp and paper industry to future bio-
refineries. Generally, residual lignins from black liquors are used to obtain energy
for processing plants, mainly by combustion. However, the aromatic structure of
lignin makes it a potential source for the production of new bio-based high-value
products and chemicals, increasing the sustainability and competitiveness of this
pulp and paper industry [86]. Other different fractions of lignin and compounds
such as various polysaccharides present in these black liquors, which may not have


specific applications or their transformation into high value-added products may

not be profitable, can also be valorized by gasification process [89].
Pulp and paper industry is estimated that moves around 70 million tonnes of lig-
nin annually [95], of which only just over 1 million tonnes are currently marketed,
corresponding to lignosulfonates, and which have an established market for use in
various uses such as plasticizers and dispersion agents, whereas Kraft lignins are
used in the recovery tanks of products from the paper plants themselves and only
market around 100.000 tonnes per year. Finally, only a few hundred tonnes of lig-
nins from the soda process come onto the market each year, although this quantity
is expected to rise rapidly to around 10,000 tonnes due to the fact that an increasing
number of small paper mills, which use agricultural waste and non-wood species to
produce cellulose, are introducing lignin recovery processes as the only way to meet
environmental effluent treatment specifications.

8.3.1 Lignin applications

Depending on the biomass feedstock, pulping technology and conditions and

isolation procedures, lignin has distinct features that may render them useful for
different applications. Purity, molar mass and chemical functionalities are some
of the characteristics to take into account [96]. So, a detailed knowledge of lignin
structure, composition and purity is required in order to determine its behaviour
in different potential applications. In this sense, characterization of residual lignins
from Kraft and soda-anthraquinone pulping of agriculture residues such as olive
tree pruning [97] and wheat or barley straw [98], as well as vegetables like L.
leucocephala, C. proliferus, and H. funifera [99, 100], has been carried out.
Among the different characteristics of lignin, its high heterogeneity is one of the
most important, which not only affects its structure but also its high distribution
of molecular weights (range from 1.000 to 300.000 Da for the same sample) [101].
Therefore, fractionation is one of the ways of obtaining reactive lignins. The prepa-
ration of lignin with a defined molecular weight distribution can be carried out by
means of different processes: ultrafiltration, selective extraction with solvents and
differential precipitation.
The technique of ultrafiltration and nanofiltration is one of the methods being
investigated today, with the dual intention of on the one hand reducing the organic
load contained in the digestion solution, for its subsequent reincorporation into the
pulping process without the loss of inorganic reagents, and on the other obtaining
valuable organic resources for use in the development of high-value-added materi-
als. By means of ceramic membranes capable of filtering the residual liquor until
the separation of substances smaller than 1 kDa, low molar lignin fractions (1000 g/
mol maximum) are obtained. After suitable purification processes, these lignins
have a high phenolic hydroxyl content (and/or acid groups), high reactivity and low
processing and handling temperatures. In this way, Toledano et al. [102] propose
ultrafiltration as a fractionation process to separate different molecular weight
lignin fractions from olive tree pruning organosolv black liquor.
Solvent extraction of lignin can be carried out primarily in two ways. In one
case, lignin is extracted by a single solvent or a sequential use of multiple solvents.
In the other case, a solvent is used to dissolve lignin and then precipitated using
chemical (mainly with acids) treatments. Then, Domínguez-Robles et al. [103] used
different proportions of acetone (40 and 60%) in water for lignin fractionation
of two different sources (organosolv and soda wheat straw lignins), obtaining
different fractions with different molar masses and functional groups. Finally,
fractionation of the lignins by differential precipitation consists of extracting

Alternative Raw Materials for Pulp and Paper Production in the Concept of a Lignocellulosic…

different lignin samples as the pH of the solution is gradually lowered. It is the most
commonly used method because the simple addition of a strong acid is sufficient,
compared to the high costs of the other two methods. However, it has a disadvan-
tage derived from the formation of colloids during precipitation, which can greatly
complicate the filtration process. In this sense, Domínguez-Robles et al. [104] have
proposed an acid precipitation of wheat straw lignin from soda black liquor using
three different inorganic acids (phosphoric, sulphuric and chloride acids) at three
different concentration levels, achieving pH values from 11 to 2.
Different lignin applications have been suggested depending on its properties.
Then, poorly degraded lignin is employed as dispersants, surfactants and thermo-
plastic blends or copolymers [105–107] or as an aromatic compound platform to
obtain fine chemicals such as polyols, benzene, xylene, toluene, vanillin, ferulic
acid, etc. [87]. In contrast, extensively depolymerized lignin, therefore, with a high
phenolic content, is suitable for coating, adhesives and composites [108–111]. In
this sense, some examples of lignin valorization from alternative raw materials have
been reported. Then, Borrero-López et al. [112] showed the possibility to produce
olegels from soda lignin obtained from solid state fermented wheat straw; Tejado
et al. [113] assayed soda-anthraquinone flax lignin and ethanol-water wild tama-
rind lignin to phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resin production; Domínguez-Robles et al.
[103] investigated the use of soda wheat straw lignin as natural adhesive for the
production of high-density fibre board; and Domínguez-Robles et al. [98] analysed
Kraft, soda and organosolv wheat straw lignins as a binder material for electrodes in
rechargeable lithium batteries.

8.3.2 Gasification of residual liquors components

Any proportion of the agricultural raw material non-suitable for pulp and paper
production, in addition to lignin and other compounds such as various polysac-
charides obtained in lignin separation processes, may be converted—via pyrolysis—
into several types of fuels and petrochemical substitutes [1, 88].
As commented above, different fractions of lignin and other compounds such
as various polysaccharides can be obtained in lignin separation processes. Some
of these fractions may not have specific applications, or their transformation into
high-value-added products may not be profitable, so they may be suitable for a
gasification process [89]. This consists of the partial oxidation of the lignocel-
lulosic residues to obtain carbon monoxide, hydrogen, methane, nitrogen and
carbonic anhydride mainly, in proportions that depend on the raw material
considered and the conditions of the process. Three types of processes can be
distinguished: (i) exothermic, using oxygen or air to obtain carbon monoxide or
a mixture of carbon monoxide and nitrogen (lean gas); (ii) endothermic, which
use water vapor to obtain carbon monoxide and hydrogen (synthesis gas); and
(iii) balanced or mixed, using oxygen and water vapor or air and water vapor to
obtain carbon monoxide and hydrogen or a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydro-
gen and nitrogen.
Gasification gases can be used as fuels or to obtain chemicals. Among the
latter, those obtained from carbon monoxide (methyl formate, formamide, formic
acid, carbonyls, acrylic acid, etc.) and those obtained from carbon monoxide and
hydrogen (ammonia, nitric acid, hydrazine, urea, hydrocyanic acid, aldehydes,
explosives, etc.) can be distinguished. For example, pyrolysis of soda H. funifera lig-
nin gives a gas mixture containing 1.13% H2, 31.79% CO and 1.86% CH4 by weight,
whereas gasification of the same sample provides a mixture containing 0.18% H2,
24.50% CO and 17.75% CH4, also by weight [39].


9. Conclusions

The availability and concentration of wood in areas of easy access, the elevated
fibre content, the cost of transport, the ease of storage as well as the stability of
the raw material and its performance during the pulping process have supported
the use of the wood in the pulp and paper industry. However, due to the numerous
advantages of certain alternative raw materials (low-cost fibers, fast growth, low
lignin content and fiber morphology, among others), they have proved to be a viable
option as a starting raw material for the production of a wide range of different
papers. On the other hand, taking into account the concept of lignocellulosic biore-
finery, the pulp and paper industry is a good starting point since from its beginnings
it not only produced pulp for paper but also energy. However, this industry needs
different innovations to adapt even more to this concept. These innovations include
the valorization of the extractives and hemicellulosic fractions through extraction
prior to the pulping process, the valorization of black liquors through gasification or
purification, the valorization of lignocellulosic waste through gasification or other
processes such as saccharification and fermentation and also the introduction of new
alternative raw materials to wood, as summarized in this work.


The authors are grateful to Spain’s DGICyT, MICINN, for funding this research
by Projects CTQ2016-78729-R and RTI2018-096080-B-C22 and the National
Program FPU (Grant Number 454 FPU14/02278). The authors would also like to
thank the Community of Madrid (Spain) for funding research through the project
P2018/EMT-4348 (SUSTEC-CM).

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Author details

María Eugenia Eugenio1*, David Ibarra1, Raquel Martín-Sampedro1,

Eduardo Espinosa2, Isabel Bascón2 and Alejandro Rodríguez2

1 Forestry Products Department, INIA-CIFOR, Madrid, Spain

2 Chemical Engineering Department, University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain

*Address all correspondence to:

© 2019 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

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Journal Pre-proof

A Brief Overview of Renewable Plastics

Xi Chen, Ning Yan

PII: S2589-2347(19)30059-4
Reference: MTSUST 100031

To appear in: Materials Today Sustainability

Received Date: 19 October 2019

Revised Date: 7 December 2019
Accepted Date: 8 December 2019

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A Brief Overview of Renewable Plastics

Xi Chen*a, Ning Yanb

China-UK Low Carbon College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 3 Yinlian Road,

201306, Shanghai, China.

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of

Singapore, 117585, Singapore.


Keywords: bio-based plastics, biodegradable plastics, chitin, chitosan, polymers

Abstract: Plastic waste has widely spread to almost every corner of the blue planet,

imposing serious problems to the live organisms and the environment. Traditional

plastics are derived from fossil feedstock and difficult to be degraded nature. To

mitigate the carbon footprint and the impact on environment, renewable plastics that

are both biobased and biodegradable are the future directions for the sustainable

development of the plastic industries. In this mini-review, the current status, including

the major commercial renewable plastics and the new generation of renewable

plastics from ocean waste, will be briefly narrated.

1. Introduction

Plastics represent a group of organic polymers including synthetic, semi-synthetic or

natural materials that are malleable and can be molded into solid objects. The first

synthetic polymer Bakelite was formulated by a Belgian chemist Leo Baekeland in

the 1900s [1], which symbolized the birth of the modern plastic industry. With the

salient virtues of low-cost, lightweight, durable, odorless, versatile, etc., there was a

large and rapid expansion of plastic manufacturing started in the 1950th. In 2015, the

annual global production of plastics exceeded 300 million metric tons and is predicted

to surpass 500 million metric tons by 2050. The plastic polymers are broadly applied

in food packages, textiles, automobiles, electronics, etc., penetrating almost every

aspect of daily life.

Companying the massive production, there is a lack of effective implements or

strategies to deal with the disposal nor the recycling of the plastic waste. Plastic

commodities often have relatively short use life (e.g. plastic bags of ~one year) but

may preserve in the environment for centuries. The decomposition periods of general

commodities are exemplified in Figure 1, and plastics are among the toughest ones to

be decayed. Geyer et al. reported that the accumulative production of plastics reached

8.3 billion metric tons from the year 1950 to 2015, and 7.2% of them was recycled for

secondary uses, 9.6% was incinerated which generated harmful gases into the

atmosphere, while the majority was dumped into lands, rivers and seas (see Figure 2)

[2]. The tremendous plastic debris, known as “white pollution” that are hard to be

digested in nature, has become a critical environment threat to the ecological systems.
Especially, the plastics in ocean pose serious impacts on the marine lives and systems.

Figure 3 shows the global distribution of plastics in oceans. The plastic waste has

spread to a broad area, with apparent accumulations in the Pacific Ocean (as the

so-called Great Pacific Garbage Patch”) [3]. Studies show that the plastic waste has

exposed risks on more than 700 species of ocean animals as well as the coral reefs [4].

For example, emerging cases were reported that plastics were found in the stomachs

of seabirds, the death of turtles entangled with plastics, etc. Besides, the detection of

microplastics in food and in air samples have induced increasing concerns on their

potential influences on human health [5-7].

Figure 1 The average decomposition periods for various common commodities. “d”

refers to day while “y” refers to year. The commodities marked in bold are the

representative plastic waste.

Figure 2 The fate of globally produced plastics (use, recycle and disposal) from 1950

to 2015. The unit of numbers is billion metric tons. Data from Ref 2 and the

Economist magazine.

Figure 3 The particle count of plastic samples (collected) indicating the worldwide

distribution of plastic waste. The data were standardized using a generalized additive

model to represent no-wind conditions in the year 2014. Reprinted with permission

from Ref 3 under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license


2. Classification of plastics
There are different ways to categorize plastics, based on the chemical structures,

the resources and the properties. The two terms, biodegradable and biobased are

associated with the sustainability of the plastic materials. The confusion of the two

concepts often happens despite they have fundamentally distinct meanings. The

so-called bioplastics in market refer to plastics that are either biobased or

biodegradable, or both. Biodegradable describes the feasibility of a plastic to be

decomposed by the biological microorganisms in natural environments (such as in

soil, ocean, etc.), which is defined by the standard ISO/TC61/SC5/WG22 [8]. For

ideal renewable plastics, the materials should be fully biodegraded into carbon

dioxide (CO2) and water with negligible residues. The degradation period of

biodegradable plastics is normally much shorter than the traditional plastics, ranging

from days to months. The environmental conditions affect the decomposition more

significantly, instead of the species. For example, about 84% of polylactic acid (PLA)

can be degraded in compost within two months while the biodegradability of PLA

may be < 10% in soil after more than three months (data from IBioIC). The situations

are similar for starch-based plastics.

In contrast, biobased plastics refers to the origin that the materials are derived

from renewable resources such as biomass rather than fossil feedstock (fossil-based).

The conversion of renewable biomass into useful chemical and materials are a broadly

investigated field [9-15]. Since the resources are sustainable, the decompositions of

biobased plastics in principle induce zero net carbon emission. Of note, biobased

polymers are not necessarily biodegradable, and vice versa (see Figure 4a). For
instance, the conventional plastic polyethylene (PE) can be synthesized from

renewable resources via new technologies, which becomes biobased PE (or bio-PE)

but is still non-biodegradable, whereas polycaprolactone (PCL) is a fossil-based,

biodegradable plastic. As another example, corn lignin has been recently converted

into terephthalic acid [16]. Should corn-derived terephthalic acid is further processed

into polyethylene terephthalate (PET), the PET is only bio-based. To this end, plastics

that are both biobased and biodegradable would have minimal environmental impacts

[17] and are defined as the renewable plastics in this mini-review. A summative

overview of the major commercial renewable plastics and emerging renewable

plastics (from non-edible biomass and CO2) was provided as Figure 5.

Figure 4 a) the classifications of plastics by the sustainability; b) The global

production of bioplastics by material types. Data from European Bioplastics.

3. Commercial renewable plastics

The plastic industry at present still has a long distance from sustainable

development. Most of the widely used plastic materials, e. g. PE, polypropylene (PP),

polystyrene (PS), are fossil-based and non-degradable. According to the data provided

by the European Bioplastics, the production of bioplastics was 2.1 million metric tons
in 2018, which takes up < 1% of the total plastic market. Encouragingly, the demands

for renewable plastics keeps growing these years despite of the low market share

[18-20]. As shown in Figure 4b, the left parts (protruded) represent biodegradable

plastics, most of which are derived from renewable resources except for polybutyrate

adipate terephthalate (PBAT). The right-hand side displays biobased,

non-biodegradable materials including PE, PET, polyamides (PA) and

polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT). Overall, for the renewable plastic (both

biobased and biodegradable) market, polybutylene succinate (PBS) and

polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) take up a small portion, while starch blends and PLA

are the dominant types in the current market.

3.1 Starch blends

Starch blends have the largest production in the bioplastics market. Starch is an

abundant, readily-available carbohydrate in plants comprised of the linear amylose

polymer chains and the branched amylopectin chains. Thermoplastic starch can be

generated by a process named gelatinization which happens upon heating in the

presence of a plasticizer such as water, glycerol, etc. The properties of resultant

thermoplastic starch rely on the operation parameters (e.g. time, temperature,

composition, etc.). The producing cost for thermoplastic starch is almost the cheapest

among renewable plastics, whereas pure starch has been rarely employed in real

applications because of the low tolerance to moistures. Blending the starch with other

polymers such as PLA, PBS, etc. offers a solution to the durability issue and
constructs usable plastic composites with relatively lower prices.

3.2 PLA plastics

PLA is probably the most known renewable plastic with good biodegradability

and biocompatibility. It is an aliphatic polyester constituted by the building block

lactic acid, which can be produced by biological or chemical methods from cellulosic

biomass such as starch, corn stalks, sugar canes, etc. [21]. Biological fermentation of

glucose from corns is a relatively mature technology, and thus the production of PLA

becomes easily available and relatively competitive in costs to the conventional

polymers. The degradation rate of PLA depends on the properties of the final products

and the disposal environment, but normally it takes half to two years for the PLA

plastics to be degraded which is much shorter than the traditional fossil-based plastics


The synthesis of PLA plastics are achieved by two methods: the condensation

polymerization of lactic acid and the ring opening polymerization (ROP) of lactide.

Direct polymerization of lactic acid usually leads to low molecular-weight (MW)

PLAs due to the water residues generated during the reaction. A further step of chain

coupling or the process azeotropically dehydrative polymerization are required to

form high MW PLAs which are more suitable for practical applications. On the other

hand, the lactide is a lactone cyclic dimer of lactic acid, and thus the ROP of lactide

obviates the “water” issue leading to high MW PLA materials. Moreover, the building

blocks (lactic acid or lactide) are chiral with D- and L-isomers, and the
physicochemical and mechanical properties of PLA products can be regulated by the

stereochemistry [23]. For example, when the proposition of D-lactic acid is beyond 20%

in the starting monomers, amorphous PLA is more likely to form. Besides, the

poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) constituted by pure L-lactic acid or the poly(D-lactic acid)

(PDLA) by pure D-lactic acid are semi-crystalline with a melting temperature of

170~180 ° C, but the equivalent mixtures of PLLA and PDLA will form a

stereocomplex (racemic crystallite) leading to elevated melting temperature and

enhanced mechanical strength. With various merits, PLA has been exploited in

textiles, food packaging, and biomedical areas, and holds potentials to substitute

conventional plastics such as PP, etc.

3.3 PBS plastics

PBS is an aliphatic polyester constituted by the succinic acid and 1,4-butanediol

monomers. Traditionally, the monomers are synthesized from fossil feedstock,

whereas new advancements have enabled the production of them from renewable

biomass resources (sugars, etc.) mainly by biological method in industry scales. PBS

possesses similar properties as PP, and has a better mechanical property and a wider

processing window than PLA, with potential applications in textiles, automotive,

sports devices, etc. Besides, adding fillers and/or fabricating PBS composites offer a

way to further improve the properties to meet with the requirements of specific

applications. However, the production costs for PBS are still relatively high and future

developments are required to make it more economically viable.

3.4 PHA plastics

PHAs designate a sum of polyesters (approximately > 100 species) [24] that are

industrially synthesized by biological fermentation of sugars such as glucose, which

was first discovered by the French scientist Maurice Lemoigne in 1925. The

commercialization of PHAs as a renewable plastic has been realized recently due to

the progress in the production and purification technologies to reduce the prices. The

polymer structures (the monomer, MW, etc.) of PHAs are adjustable by the bacteria

strains, growth conditions, etc., and thus different PHAs boast various

physicochemical properties. The poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (P3HB) is the most

prevalent type of PHAs in industry followed by

poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate), which can be applied in packaging,

fibers, etc. Pure PHAs are susceptible to temperature and shear during processing, and

therefore the blends of PHAs with other materials such as PLA, woody fibers, etc. as

plastic composites are often employed.

Figure 5 An overview of current commercial renewable plastics from edible biomass

and emerging renewable plastics from non-edible biomass and CO2.

4. Emerging renewable plastics

4.1 Renewable plastics from woody waste

Cellulose is the world’s most abundant biomass with wide availability in

agricultural and forest waste including wheat straws, corncobs, etc. 5-HMF has been
ranked as one of the top value chemicals by the US Department of Energy, which is a

versatile platform compound that can be derived from cellulose. The upgrading of

5-HMF can lead to the formation of 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA), which is a

building block to synthesize polyethylene furandicarboxylate (PEF). The biobased

PEF plastic is a promising substitute to the fossil-based PET plastic which possesses a

global market of about 15 million metric tons. Eerhart et al. have estimated that if all

the PET products can be replaced by PEF plastics, around 440-520 PJ of

non-renewable energy consumption could be saved with about 20-35 million tons of

less carbon emission [25]. The catalytic oxidation of 5-HMF is a broadly studied

strategy to obtain FDCA, and the relevant works were summarized by several

excellent reviews [26-28]. The main bottleneck of the commercialization of

FDCA-based plastic materials is still the high capital costs which should be reduced

by future research endeavors such as process engineering, efficient catalyst

development, etc.

4.2 Renewable plastics from ocean waste

So far most of the renewable plastics in the market are derived from edible

biomass resources. New generations of renewable plastics from non-edible waste

resources are highly desirable. Chitin and chitosan-based polymers receive increasing

attention and emerges as one of the new renewable plastic materials. As the second

most abundant biomass on earth, chitin is industrially extracted from waste crustacean

shells (shrimp, crab, lobster shells, etc.), which is a linear polysaccharide consisting of
N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and D-glucosamine monomers linked by β-glycosidic bonds

(see Figure 5). Although chitin boasts excellent biocompatibility and biodegradability,

it has high crystallinity and insoluble in most of the common solvents, obstructing its

widespread applications. Nonetheless, chitin nanowhiskers/nanofibers are synthesized

as a natural, nontoxic filler to improve the mechanical property of renewable plastics

such as starch [29].

Chitosan shares identical chemical backbone as chitin, and the only difference is

the degree of deacetylation (DD%). After deacetylation treatment, chitin can be

transformed into chitosan (DD% > 50%) which becomes soluble in acidic aqueous

solutions. Due to the outstanding properties of easy-to-process, nontoxicity,

antibacterial activity, biodegradability, biocompatibility, etc., chitosan has been

utilized in a variety of fields such as food, biomedicine, agriculture, etc. [30-33].

Chitosan-based films are attractive in food packaging [34]. Not only eco-friendly, the

antibacterial activity of chitosan benefits the food storage and prolongs the shelf life.

The fabrication of chitosan-based films is relatively facile by direct casting, dipping,

extrusion or layer-by-layer assembly, etc. In chitosan films, the liquid crystal domains

(mm-scale) and the chain rearrangement when stretching were observed by analytical

techniques such as birefringence microscopy [35]. In addition, three-dimensional (3D)

plastic objects could be made by casting and injection molding (see Figure 6) [36],

and various additives could be exploited to modify the properties of the chitosan

plastics. By adding nanocellulose or other woody waste materials as the fillers, the

chitosan/cellulose composites exhibited increased mechanical strength. By

incorporating another type of ocean-based waste biomass, the alginate which can

easily form composites with chitosan by electrostatic deposition due to the opposite

charges, the thermal stability and the microstructures of the chitosan-based plastics

can be adjusted. Besides, chitosan is inherently hydrophilic, by coating chitosan with

a layer of hydrophobic materials such as Parylene, the chitosan-based plastic objects

become water-resistant and thus can be used as cups and containers.

Figure 6 The scheme of fabricating chitin/chitosan-based 3D plastic objects.

Reprinted with permission from Ref 36. Copyright 2015 American Chemical Society.

Albeit the prominent advantages, the viability of chitin/chitosan-based plastic

materials are impeded by the problematic extraction protocol. Conventionally, the

waste shells are first treated by concentrated, corrosive acids to remove the minerals

and then strong bases to detach proteins, in which expensive equipment, careful

handling and wastewater post-treatment are required. As a result, developing an

economically and ecologically feasible approach for waste shell fractionation is a

prerequisite to facilitate the practical uses of chitin/chitosan. Persistent efforts have

been paid to explore new methods such as biological fermentation, solvent extraction,

etc. [37-40], which boasts relative advantages but also obvious drawbacks such as the
long process time, toughness for solvent recycling and low product purity. In 2019, a

simple, economic, green and efficient protocol for waste shell fractionation was

demonstrated, employing merely water and CO2 as the chemical agents, which is

patented as the HOW-CA process [41]. Furthermore, the protocol was proved scalable

in the lab with detailed procedures displayed in Figure 7. Quantitative removal of

proteins was realized at ~200 °C in water via partial hydrolysis and solubilization,

since the subcritical water can generate protons and hydroxides that are able to

promote acid- and base-catalyzed reactions. Afterwards, demineralization of calcium

carbonate (CaCO3) was conducted by the CO2 pressure build-up and release cycle.

The nature-mimicking process utilizes the weak acidity of CO2 at high pressure to

transform CaCO3 into water soluble Ca(HCO3)2 which reprecipitates and separates

from the chitin component upon pressure release. The overall purity of chitin product

after HOW-CA process is beyond 90%. Besides, process modeling and life cycle

assessment were exploited to show the economic and environmental superiority of the

process to the traditional one. The progress in shell fractionation will expand the

chitin/chitosan markets and foster their new applications such as the recent advent of

“Shell Biorefinery” [42-49], which is to use chitin to produce a series of valuable

nitrogen-containing chemicals.
Figure 7 Images of processes involved in the HOW-CA process starting with 25 g of

raw shrimp shells. Reprinted with permission from Ref 41. Copyright 2019 American

Chemical Society.

4.3 Renewable plastics from CO2

Utilizing CO2 as a cheap, abundant and sustainable resource to produce valuable

materials is distinctively propitious from both environmental and economic aspects

[50]. CO2 has been already used as a feedstock in chemical industries such as for the

synthesis of urea. The conventional polycarbonates were generated by the

condensation of bisphenol A and phosgene which is non-renewable and toxic.

However, polycarbonate materials can be obtained by the copolymerization of

epoxides and CO2 which is partially sustainable and more environmentally friendly

[51-53]. Future studies to produce the epoxides from biomass resources would make

the process fully sustainable. Starting from epoxides and CO2, the formation of cyclic
carbonates is a competing reaction to the polycondensations. Homogeneous metal

complexes were widely investigated as the efficient catalysts to facilitate the

copolymerization especially Zn-based complexes. Ethylene oxide and propylene

oxide are usually used as the monomer to co-polymerize with CO2 to form aliphatic

poly(ethylene carbonate) and poly(propylene carbonate). Nevertheless, the materials

generally lack sufficient mechanical strength and low glass transition temperature

which may obstacle the wide applications. Replacing the short epoxides with

cyclohexene oxide will not only improve the polymer yield but also enhance the

mechanical property and melting temperature. The poly(cyclohexene carbonate) has

been regarded as a promising alternative to the traditional PS plastics.

Apart from utilizing it as a monomer constitute, CO2 is also used as an indirect

feedstock for renewable plastic production [54]. Methods such as electrosynthesis

(ES), microbial electrosynthesis (MES), etc. is able to reduce CO2 into various

short-chain fatty acids including butyric acid, etc. Very recently, Sciarria et al.

demonstrated the CO2 reduction of the mixtures of acetate and butyrate in a

bioelectrochemical reactor by the MES method [55], and utilize the formed

short-chain fatty acid as the carbon sources to generate PHA plastics by biological

fermentation. In the first step, 73% of the carbon was fixed into the organic acids by

MES, and then purified as the feeding source for the biological fermentation. In the

two-step scheme. The overall efficiency of carbon that transformed into PHA plastic

was about 40%.

5. Challenges and outlook

There are still major hurdles to overcome in the future development of renewable

plastics. The fossil-based plastic materials are advantageous over renewable plastics

in terms of price. Advances in process design and engineering are anticipated to

diminish the production costs, and as aforementioned next generation plastics should

be formed from non-edible biomass waste. Besides, compared to the traditional

plastics, the renewable plastic materials are less robust and less durable that cannot

last for long-period use. They have restricted applications in sceneries where

thermally stable, mechanically strong plastic materials are required. In addition, since

renewable plastics exhibit different degrees of biodegradability, some of them are

decomposed into organic compounds (instead of CO2 and water) that enters the

ecosystems which may cause unpredictable consequences.

To address these issues, scientists have innovated recyclable thermoset plastics

with high mechanical strength and stability, and the polymer chains degrade and

reconstruct in responses to environment variances (e.g. temperature, pH, etc.) [56-58].

In this way, the monomers are reusable for numerous cycles with minimal disposal,

and thus the process becomes more sustainable despite the starting monomers are not

derived from renewable resources. We also believe lignin as the world third most

abundant biopolymer has potential to be a feedstock for renewable plastics [59-65].

The collaborative endeavors from academic researchers, chemical engineers, material

scientists and relevant companies with their distinct expertise will advance the

discoveries and establishments of excellent renewable plastics to shape a more green

and sustainable society.

Conflict of interest
There are no conflicts to declare.


This work was supported by the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural

Science Foundation of China (No. 21908145) and the Shanghai Sailing Program


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