Trojan Times 1-22 (v1)
Trojan Times 1-22 (v1)
Trojan Times 1-22 (v1)
Trojan Times Ja n ua ry 1 4 , 2 0 2 2
ms massiah photo needed
Trying to adapt to a completely new work environment during
the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic is not an easy thing. Our
newest assistant principal, Ms. Massiah, has done a great job
doing so. We got the opportunity to learn a little bit more about
her and her stance on issues around the school.
Peachwave, J. Fosters and Other Businesses are Gone. Encouraging Equity with
By Ava Dunn
Where Do We Go Now? Fosters, you can take a twenty minute delicious place nearby is Rush Bowls that Students of Color Alliance
ride to their Avon location. Otherwise, took over J. Fosters’ building. A selection Simsbury Public Schools’ equity state- Alliance has grown to include 32 people, was a Spanish teacher at Fairfield High
Grade 10 - Head of Community there are plenty of grocery stores (such as of themed smoothie bowls with fruit and ment describes the district as “an equi- some of which have taken on leadership School in Iowa. Their intention to involve
As most students enrolled in Simsbury Stop & Shop, Big Y, Fitzergeralds) scat- açaí attracts residents of all ages seeking table system [that] ensures all members roles within the club. Meetings are orga- the Simsbury High School community
High School are aware, the town of Sims- tered throughout town that provide pints something filling but sweet. There are of our community can reach their full nized through presentations intended to with gaining comprehension of racial
bury has bid farewell to quite a few places and gallons of various flavors and brands even bowls specifically made with extra potential. For us, equity is the disman- educate students on various cultures and and cultural circumstances locally and
of interest, especially those that served of ice cream to fulfill your cravings. Big Y protein for athletes. Switching things up, tling of racism and all forms of mar- relevant topics related to the status quo. internationally directly correlates with Dr.
food in the town center. In the past year, is another new addition to Simsbury, as Roux Cajun Eatery, located behind Joe’s ginalization that impede growth and Guest speakers have also been invited to Batchelor’s mission. During the forums,
the ice cream hotspot J. Fosters, as well as it opened at the end of 2020. It’s modern Pizza, brings a new taste into town. The harm our community.” First and newly attend. During the month of December, Students of Color Alliance and Dr. Batch-
Peachwave, the self-serve frozen yogurt touch of including new technology allows palette from Louisiana includes authentic hired Director of Equity and Access, Dr. meeting discussions included (but were elor composed profound conversations to
shop, have closed their locations with- new ways for families to shop. But, with New Orleans beignets, sliced king cake Tayarisha Batchelor, hopes to uphold this not limited to) the effects of generational give her more information on the engage-
in a mile of each other in our town. So business departures comes opportuni- (which is traditionally consumed during statement and bring successful mindful- poverty and the racial wealth gap. Chide- ment levels in the Simsbury High School
where are we supposed to get ice cream ties for new ones to move in. The new Mardi Gras), shrimp and grits, bread ness of equity to each and every school ra and Alanys showed videos and shared community. It is proposed that they will
to cool off on a hot day? There is always town craze, Jersey Mikes, which took pudding, and many more sweet and in town. She is described as a “passionate knowledge on the complex subject. They continue their collaboration to bring an
the highly praised Grassroots in Gran- over Peachwave, has remained busy since savory items. The variety of baked goods educator devoted to educational equali- also brought attention to the murder of equitable environment to Simsbury High
by for those in northern Simsbury, for its late summer opening. It’s healthier and meals (many of which are gluten free ty and community renewal”. Her efforts Nohema Graber, a Mexican woman who School.
those willing to take a drive for a creamy variety of sandwich options has become or can be requested to be made so) Roux to abide and exceed this vignette have
treat with unique flavors. In addition to a popular lunch and dinner spot. Many serves allows options for all while visiting already proved triumphant. She offered
Grassroots, there is Tulmeadow in West classmates and students have seized the (or taking it to go!). So, the next time you four sessions of forums for high school
Simsbury and Carvel and Friendly’s in opportunity of the new business to take find yourself craving something different, and middle school students to share their
Avon. If you are a loyal customer to J. responsibility and work there, often support these new businesses in town! grievances and concerns about engage-
serving their peers. Another healthy yet ment in the school district. The forums
occurred for two high school groups
OMICRON AND WHY ITS SO CONTAGIOUS now many vaccinated people (along threatening than other variants like Delta.
on December 13th and December 16th,
while the middle school groups met on
December 15th and December 17th. In
addition, Dr. Batchelor also shared her
By Kate McNair with unvaccinated) are being targeted by Experts have learned that this variant is plan in cooperation with the Board of
Grade 10 - Writer COVID-19, and picking up the infection. not striking at the lung tissue as combat- Education. It discusses the standards
In our two years of the pandemic, mil- Whereas, before unvaccinated individuals ively, suggesting that the infection is less of reducing the achievement gap, guar-
lions of individuals have tested positive were more prone to getting the disease, life-threatening and serious. Nevertheless, anteeing that students’ needs are being
for COVID-19. But just recently, the and fewer vaccinated people would experts need to keep researching, and met, adopting applications of ensuring
United States has broken their record catch the virus. Again, Leifers speaks monitoring this information since this is an inclusive school culture, and more.
with having over 1 million COVID-19 on this topic, and says that this variant all fairly new. The co-presidents of Students of Color
cases per day. This positivity rate is higher has transmuted in a way that allows the Alliance, Chidera Aligwara and Alanys
than anything we’ve seen before in the disease to be better at “locking into” our Rivera, brought the club to participate in
pandemic, and has left us astounded. So, cells. Therefore, it can affect people who the equity forums. Last June, The Trojan
why is this happening? Well, there is a have taken the vaccine with less difficulty. Times published an exploratory article of
new variant of the coronavirus known Along with that, symptoms and positive the newly formulated club. Since then, the
as Omicron, which is proven to be the test results are proven to show up sooner members have made remarkable progress
most contagious form of COVID-19. with Omicron, which is a good thing. in devising ambitious goals and work-
Cynthia Leifer, a professor of immunol- Leifer remarks that the variant allows you ing to complete them. Students of Color
ogy at Cornell University, claims that to have less time “...walking around like
the Omicron variant is the most easily nothing is wrong, shedding and infecting To contact Dr. Batchelor: Email
transmissible variant of COVID-19. others”. Patterns noticed with Omicron You can access a link to her equity plan here.
Leifer states that with each new variant are not as many vaccinated people are
that has emerged, the transmissibility has getting symptomatic, less people are To join Students of Color Alliance: Email Chidera at
increased. For example, with the Alpha, getting critically ill, and there are less or Alanys Rivera at
the original strand, the transmissibility people in the hospital. Although Omi- You can also contact advisor Mrs. Hogan -
was low. While, Delta, a newer strand, the cron has been the most contagious form
transmissibility increased. Unlike before, of the coronavirus we’ve faced, it’s less Google Classroom Code: 6vtaikm
January 1, 2021
The Trojan Times Editor Copy 6 January 1, 2021
The Trojan Times Editor Copy 7
Thank you!
Thank you for reading the Trojan Times! If you are interested in joining our Google Classroom, please use the
code: swpewda. We look forward to putting out more editions in the future!
I could blame society for the way it is Test(s) day aches
My parents for sending me into it
The school for being built on it
Scantron numbness
Editors in chief
I could blame the teachers for assigning the work
The work for being assigned
My leg shakes
My brain is fried
Paris Albrecht
I could blame anything, everything else We don’t have a choice do we? Jack Grossman
I could, but would be a lie Do we?
1 AM and I am awake
Grade update, silence ensues Momin Ali Lola Larsen
Studying, reading, calculating The pain, the aches, the vibration Ela Bansal Kate McNair
A symphony of scribbles and clacks All gone
The overture of my sleepless years to come All gone Jameson Bodenburg Aarushi Mohanty
All gone Clara Casabal Jolie Monier-Williams
Its pain and it hurts
Another hour passes The pain was worth it Audrey Chung Grace Myers
My permanent headache: a shredder in my skull The itch satiated Ava Curtis Molly Pane
Achievement soothes the shake in my leg
Its pain and it hurts The ever present headache quells to a hum Rebecca Diaz-Matos* Emma Pastor
But I let another pass Every moment of pain, forgotten in a single moment of Ava Dunn* Marina Perevozchikova
Think about the future, you’ll thank me later contentedness
Elijah Edwards* Miriam Post
Its pain and it hurts Temporarily Hannah Granger Rohan Rajappan
Just one page more
What am I chasing after? For here it repeats Alexa Green Jordan Sher
Its masochistic, I know Dylan Grossman Elle Sparacio
After 3 am, my eyelids begin to bob
“Very” is spelled with two ‘r’s Now the next chapter, next unit, next book Nate Grossman* Maggie Sullivan
The To-Do list doubles Colin Hamilton Christina Zhang
It’s gonna be a late night tonight.
College looms Yilian Jiang Rachel Zhang*
Amanda Kelly Raymond Zhang
*leadership role