CFD Modeling of Helium Pressurant Effects On Cryogenic Tank Pressure Rise Rates in Normal Gravity
CFD Modeling of Helium Pressurant Effects On Cryogenic Tank Pressure Rise Rates in Normal Gravity
CFD Modeling of Helium Pressurant Effects On Cryogenic Tank Pressure Rise Rates in Normal Gravity
Leon Hastings§
Alpha Technology, Inc., Huntsville Alabama 35812
Ali Hedayat**
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama 35812
James Brethour††
Flow Science, Inc., Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
C = mass transfer rate coefficient
Cvvap = specific heat of vapor at constant volume, lbf-ft/slug-R
Dnc = molecular diffusion coefficient, ft2/s
Mnc = molecular weight of noncondensable gas
Mvap = molecular weight of vapor
P = local pressure in gas phase, lbf/ft2
Pc = reference pressure point on saturation curve, lbf/ft2
Psat = saturation pressure, lbf/ft2
Pvap = partial pressure of vapor, lbf/ft2
q = mass transfer rate, slug/s
q’ = mass transfer rate for mixture, slug/s
R = universal gas constant, lbf-ft/slug-R
Associate Technical Fellow, Propulsion & Cryogenic Tech., 5301 Bolsa Ave/H012-2B201, Senior Member
Associate Engineer/Scientist, Propulsion & Cryogenic Technologies, 5301 Bolsa, Ave/H012-2B201
Director, Propulsion & Cryogenic Technologies, 5301 Bolsa Ave/H012-2B201, Associate Fellow
CFM Technology Consultant, Propulsion Systems Dept. ER23/ATI, Associate Member
Aerospace Engineer, Engineering Directorate, Mail Stop ER23, Senior Member
Scientist, 683 Harkle Road, Suite A
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Copyright © 2007 by The Boeing Company. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission.
R' = gas constant for mixture, lbf-ft/slug-R
t = time, s
T = local temperature of liquid-gas interface, R
Tc = reference temperature point on saturation curve, R
v = local velocity of gas mixture, ft/s
Hv = latent heat of vaporization, lbf-ft/slug
= specific heat ratio
g = density of gas mixture, slug/ft3
nc = density of noncondensable gas, slug/ft3
vap = density of vapor, slug/ft3
I. Introduction
H IGH energy cryogenic propellants are being considered for NASA’s space exploration program including the
stages for Earth departure, lunar descent, and lunar ascent. Cryogenic fluid management (CFM) technology and
advanced development are essential to making these types of vehicles a reality. NASA and its industrial partners are
committed to an advanced development and technology program that will broaden the experience base for the entire
CFM community. The high cost of, and limited opportunities for, microgravity experiments have motivated the
Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) and Boeing team to aggressively explore combinations of ground testing and
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to the greatest extent possible. Here, the overall strategy is to first anchor the
CFD models with existing data, then use the models for spacecraft mission simulations to evaluate the effects of
acceleration on pressure control thermodynamics. It is believed that the CFD modeling can be used to significantly
decrease reliance on costly and infrequent CFM orbital flight experiments.
Of particular interest is the long-term, in-space storage (>30 days) of several cryogenic liquids including liquid
hydrogen (LH2), liquid oxygen (LO2), liquid methane (LCH4), and liquid nitrogen (LN2). Tanks containing these
cryogenic liquids can have ullage gas regions consisting of each liquid’s vapor (GH2, GO2, GCH4, and GN2) or a
mixture of vapor with a second gas that is noncondensable at tank temperatures such as gaseous helium (GHe). Heat
enters each tank’s fluids through the tank walls and through attached plumbing. Advanced CFM technologies such
as a spray bar thermodynamic vent system (TVS) enable long term cryogenic storage and propulsion through
reliable control of tank pressure with minimal fluid loss. The state of the art for cryogenic upper stage tank pressure
control is to settle the propellant and vent until the pressure reaches the desired operating pressure. The auxiliary
systems required for propellant settling incur weight penalties in the form of both propellant and hardware. Newer
designs such as the spray bar TVS tank can reduce overall spacecraft mass by decreasing the amount of propellant
and hardware needed for long space flights.
The first step towards the accurate simulation of spacecraft cryogenic tanks is the development of validated
models using physical test data. Recently, a FLOW-3D* based approach for LH2 tank pressurization was
quantitatively verified with data from the Saturn SIV-B stage flown in 1966.1 In the present work a similar method
is now applied to normal-gravity ground tests of cryogenic tanks with thermodynamic vent systems. Many
cryogenic tests have been conducted at the NASA MSFC Multipurpose Hydrogen Test Bed (MHTB).2 Two specific
spray bar TVS test cases, one LH2 and one LN2, are selected for simulation with CFD. The model results are then
compared to the test data to assess the accuracy of the developed FLOW-3D software and modeling techniques.
II. Approach
Two physical tests are modeled with the FLOW-3D software where a customized version is used to include the
two-phase effects with an ullage gas mixture. A summary of the FLOW-3D theory is presented below followed by a
description of each simulation.
A. FLOW-3D Theory
The standard version of FLOW-3D contains a phase change model to predict the interactions of evaporation and
condensation at liquid-gas interfaces. The model assumes that the gas phase is composed entirely of the vapor of the
liquid. Conservation of both mass and momentum are maintained on both sides of the interface. The mass transfer
rate between the liquid and vapor phases is predicted to be the following:
FLOW-3D is a registered trademark of Flow Science, Inc. of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
M vap
2 RT
(P sat
P ) (1)
where q is the mass transfer rate, in units of mass per unit area per unit time, Mvap is the molecular weight of the
vapor, R is the universal gas constant, T is the local temperature of the liquid at the interface, P is the local pressure
in the vapor phase, and Psat is the saturation pressure of the liquid.3,4 Equation 1 merely states that, for a given
temperature, the mass transfer rate is linearly dependent on the difference between the equilibrium and actual vapor
pressures. Note that at higher temperatures, the rate is reduced due to the larger gas volume and thus resistance to
mass transfer. The rate coefficient C controls the rate of mass transfer at the interface; this is needed for cases when
there is not sufficient grid resolution to predict the kinetics of the phase change at the interface. Psat is defined from
the Clausius-Clapeyron equation shown in Eq. 2. 3
Hv 1 1
P sat = Pc exp (2)
( 1)cv T
(Tc ,Pc) is a point on the saturation curve, is the ratio of the heat capacity of the vapor at constant pressure to its
heat capacity at constant volume, cvvap, and Hv is its latent heat of vaporization.
FLOW-3D has been customized to include the effects of an additional component in the gas phase. This
component is assumed to be non-condensable and is thus not involved in mass transfer at the interface, but it does
affect the mass transfer rate of the vapor component.
q =
(P sat
Pvap ) (3)
2 RT .
Equation 3 differs from Eq.1 with the addition of a mean gas constant, R , and the partial pressure of the vapor in
the gas phase, Pvap. R is computed from
M vap + / M nc
R =R
vap nc
where Mnc is the molecular weight of the non-condensable gas, vap and nc are the densities of the vapor and non-
condensable gas, and g is the gas mixture density. The partial pressure of the vapor is
+ ( nc v ) = Dnc 2
, (6)
where v is the gas mixture velocity and Dnc is the molecular diffusion coefficient. Eq. 6 is solved throughout the gas
phase, in conjunction with equations of mass and momentum conservation which solve for the gas density g. The
vapor concentration vap is then solved from the difference g – nc.
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contains a GH2/GHe gas mixture initially at 24 psia; 4.3 lbm of GHe is present in the
ullage. The bulk LH2 is initially near 39.5 R and the ullage is thermally stratified. A heat
leak of 70 W is supplied to the fluids via a distributed power boundary condition where
60.4 W flows from the tank cylinder and aft dome into the liquid, 4.9 W flows into the
lower ullage region from the free surface to 3.3 ft above it, and 4.73 W flows into the
remaining upper ullage region. The spray bar, TVS inlet, and flange recess at the top of
the tank are all adiabatic in the model.
Model operation mimics a cryogenic tank pressure control cycle on a spacecraft as
does the physical test. It begins with setting up the initial condition and followed by the
pressurization phase. During pressurization heat is supplied to the tank while the TVS
spray is off. Heat flows into the fluid domains as specified by the above power
boundary conditions and thus heat transfer is independent of local fluid conditions.
After the tank pressure reaches a specified value (25 psia for the LH2 model), then the
spray bar TVS is activated where cooler liquid is injected in a spray pattern throughout
the tank. At the same time liquid is removed from the annular inlet at the bottom of the
tank at the same rate. The 30 gpm spray pattern consists of 45 individual mass sources
uniformly distributed in the fluid domain where each source injects mass at 35.7 R. This
is an approximation for the radially emitting flow of the spray bar; it allows much
coarser grid resolutions to be used in the model and in turn reasonably fast run times. Figure 1 Tank Model
Once the tank pressure decreases to a specified level (24 psia for the LH2 tank model),
the TVS spray flow is stopped and the tank begins to pressurize again from energy
Collected results include ullage pressure history, ullage temperature history, liquid temperature history,
temperature contours and velocity distribution. The pressure and temperature histories are utilized in the comparison
of predictions to test data. Here, the ullage pressure and temperature are compared at sensor 1 (radius = 2.5 ft, height
= 8.9 ft) while liquid temperature is compared at sensor 2 (radius = 2.5 ft, height = 4.4 ft).
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determines 0.63 psi/hr versus a measured 0.55 psi/hr (14.5% error) and for the second cycle the model yields 0.60
psi/hr versus a measured 0.53 psi/hr (13.2% error). When considering the average pressurization rate over the one
psi range from 24 to 25, the model predicts 0.66 psi/hr versus 0.89 psi/hr (25.8% error) for the first cycle. The rapid
initial pressure rise immediately following a TVS cycle is suspected to be sensitive to the actual wall temperature
during the tests which influences the heat transfer rate from the wall to fluid. In the present constant heat leak model
the heat transfer is fixed and not influenced by local wall or fluid temperature. Accordingly, the rapid initial
transient is not captured in the model. During TVS spray the model predicts a depressurization rate of 14.1 psi/hr
compared to 7.5 psi/hr (46.8% error) measured in the test. This is for a 30 gpm volumetric spray flow rate at a
uniform temperature of 35.7 R. Physically, the spray bar jet temperature can not be constant as the TVS fluid is
moving through the spray bar tubes warming up as it moves towards the top of the tank where the gas is warmest.
However, without accurate knowledge of the initial jet temperatures versus distance along the spray bar, a single
constant value slightly below the saturation temperature is selected. This temperature is more representative of a
TVS jet in the upper ullage region than in the lower ullage or liquid regions since cooling of the warmer gas is more
effective in reducing tank pressure.
Temperature history results for the hydrogen simulation are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. The calculated temperature
trends for both the liquid and gas phases generally mimic the test data. Here, the predicted liquid temperature at
sensor 2 is within 0.2 R of the test data (~0.5% error) for the complete test. The predicted and recorded gas
temperatures at sensor 1 are within about 2 R for the duration of the simulation (~4.8% error).
The temperature and velocity fields are indicated in Fig. 5 where the tank is shown during pressurization, TVS
spray, and repressurization. In Fig. 5a the LH2 tank is shown while pressurizing where the liquid is relatively colder
than the gas and the gas is thermally stratified by a few tenths of a degree Rankine. In Fig. 5b the LH2 TVS is shown
in operation. Nearest the spray bar where radial spray mass flux is greatest, cold dense gas and unvaporized liquid
flow downward and disturb the liquid. During the spray phase, ullage stratification has decreased to a few
hundredths of a degree R. Some liquid can be seen dripping down the tank walls also and elsewhere in the ullage
region. After the TVS spray phase another pressurization cycle is simulated as illustrated in Fig. 5c. Once again
pronounced thermal boundary layers can be seen at the tank walls while warm gas is being deposited at the top of
the tank. The hydrogen simulated pressurization, TVS operation, and repressurization required 91 hours to run on a
single Intel Xeon 3.0 GHz processor running Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Edition operating system.
0.63 psi/hr
(model steady)
25 0.55 psi/hr
0.53 psi/hr
(test steady)
(test steady)
0.66 psi/hr
(model avg)
0.66 psi/hr
24.2 (model avg)
-14.1 psi/hr
(test) Model
-7.5 psi/hr
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
time (s)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
temperature (R)
38.5 Test
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
time (s)
temperature (R)
38.7 Test
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
time (s)
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B. Nitrogen Tank Results
The nitrogen tank model represents the tank pressurization rate well as indicted in the model versus test
comparison in Fig. 6. Unlike the LH2 test the LN2 test does not show a pronounced linear region with a severe of a
change in pressurization rate from the beginning to the end of a cycle. Accordingly, only average pressurization
rates are compared where the model yields 0.33 psi/hr versus a measured 0.30 psi/hr (10% error) for the first
pressurization cycle simulated and 0.37 psi/hr versus a test value of 0.30 psi/hr (23.3% error). Here in the nitrogen
model also, the TVS spray model has produced reasonable estimates for the cooling and depressurization
performance of the actual TVS. For the 30-gpm, 138.7-R spray flow the model predicts a depressurization rate of
2.2 psi/hr versus 1.6 psi/hr (37.5% error) in the test.
As shown in Figs. 7 and 8 the temperature predictions also follow the test data trends although there is about a
1.5 R (~1.1% error) offset in the liquid temperature comparison as measured at sensor 2 and the ullage gas is
initially warmer as measured at sensor 1. The predicted ullage gas temperature on the first pressurization cycle is 6
R warmer than the test data (150 R vs. 144 R, ~4.2% error), however, the calculated and measured temperatures
come closer together in the second cycle where the differences are no more than 1 R (~0.7% error). It is noted that
the temperatures recorded during the MHTB testing indicate an inverted temperature profile at times where the gas
is colder than the liquid; this could be indicative of sensor variation.
In the temperature contour and velocity vector plots illustrated in Fig. 9 the pressurization, TVS spray, and
repressurization effects can be observed. In Fig. 9a the tank of LN2 is highly stratified in the top part of the tank.
Thin thermal boundary layers can be noticed in the ullage region (just below the yellow contour) that continuously
supply warm gas to the upper tank. During this pressurization phase the ullage is stratified by about 10 R. In Fig. 9b
the TVS spray is shown cooling and depressurizing the tank. A disturbed interface occurs near the spray bar as it did
in the hydrogen case where cold gas and unvaporized liquid fall downward. At the time shown in Fig. 9b the TVS
spray has decreased the ullage gas thermal stratification to less than 0.5 R. The initial transient repressurization
phase is illustrated in Fig. 9c where the mass momentum boundary layers due to natural convection reform and the
tank begins to pressurize and thermally stratify. The nitrogen model simulated pressurization, TVS operation, and
repressurization required 240 hours to run on a single Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz processor running Microsoft Windows XP
Professional operating system.
0.37 psi/hr
(model avg)
24 0.33 psi/hr
(model avg)
0.30 psi/hr
(test avg)
pressure (psi)
10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000
time (s)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
temperature (R)
10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000
time (s)
temperature (R)
10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000
time (s)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
IV. Conclusion
Two FLOW-3D based models of the MHTB tests have been quantitatively validated. Overall the accuracy of the
average pressurization rate prediction is within 26% for all cases. However, when the steady state portion of the LH2
tests is considered without the initial transient the predicted pressurization rates within 15% of the test data can be
achieved. The TVS spray model yields depressurization rate predictions that are within about 50% of the measured
rates. The liquid and gas temperature data generally follow the trends of the test data, although some offsets exist
and the predicted gas temperatures for the LN2 cases are warmer than the test data indicates. Although the local
predicted temperatures may not precisely match the test data, the approximations are close enough to yield good
estimates of the pressurization rate that aid tank pressure control design. This work further expands the quantitative
validation database for the FLOW-3D based cryogenic simulation tools that can be used for aerospace design and
During the Apollo and Space Shuttle programs, the design activity was performed based on solid engineering
principles and techniques but generally with hand analysis, slide rules, automatic calculators and simple
computational codes assisted by batch computer processing. Now engineering tools for analysis and design are
available for use on desktops and workstations with relatively quick answers to complex design problems. This
rapidity in the development of key design information has accelerated the design activity to the point where
preliminary designs can be accomplished in a very short period of time compared to the Apollo and Space Shuttle
era. The increased fidelity of the design information has lowered the cost and schedule risks associated with
extremely complex and one of a kind engineering feats. However the process of proving that the design is adequate
for all environments has still relied heavily on the performance of ground testing supplemented where possible with
orbital testing. With the advent of modern computational design tools applying CFD to internal flow dynamic
systems, the requirement to test every aspect of the applicable environment is no longer required. As with the CFD
tools used to assess the aerodynamics of supersonic to hypersonic flight with anchor runs using the wind tunnel, so it
can now be with the new CFD tools for analysis of complex spacecraft propellant systems with appropriate
anchoring using ground testing.
This work was supported by the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center under the Pressure Control Data
Correlation contract NNM05AB18C.
Grayson, G.D. and Lopez, A., “Cryogenic Tank Modeling for the Saturn AS-203 Experiment,” AIAA Paper
2006-5258, 09 March 2006.
Hastings, L.J., Flachbart, R.H., Martin, J.J., Hedayat, A., Fazah, M., Lak, T., Nguyen, H., and Bailey, J.W.,
“Spray Bar Zero-Gravity Vent System for On-Orbit Liquid Hydrogen Storage,” NASA TM-2003-212926, October
Hirt, C. W., “Modeling Phase Change and Homogenous Bubbles,” Flow Science Technical Note FSI-01-
TN57, 2001.
Smith, J. M., and Van Ness, H. C., Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 4th ed., McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1987, pp. 181-182.
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40.01 39.39 39.70
a) t = 8140 s, Vmax = 0.526 ft/s b) t = 11600 s, Vmax = 12.2 ft/s c) t = 12620 s, Vmax = 0.494 ft/s
Figure 5 Hydrogen Tank Temperature and Velocity Field Results
a) t = 25230 s, Vmax = 0.915 ft/s b) t = 25620 s, Vmax = 12.0 ft/s c) t = 34260 s, Vmax = 0.508 ft/s
Figure 9 Nitrogen Tank Temperature and Velocity Field Results
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