Traffic Management Plan

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44 Traffic management plan


Only driver with Indian Government license are allowed to drive on/off the site as they have issued
service vehicles and they are expecting to the follow the rule local traffic rules at all times. To establish
appropriate control measure for management of the main cause of vehicle site accidents (listed
below) are identified, managed and maintained.

 Pedestrians being hit by moving vehicles

 Vehicle striking other vehicles
 Speeding
 People falling from vehicles
 Vehicle turning over
 People being hit by objects falling from vehicles
 Hit against part of a vehicle while travelling in it
 Spillage of fuel/oil
 Vehicle striking/ damaging property
 Poorly maintained vehicles

Access and Egress

Vehicular access and egress to and from the site will be via the main entrance All Contractors
employed directly or indirectly by either MCL or contractors must have in place transportation
arrangements to their personal from the main site entrance to their site welfare facilities and work

Only authorized vehicles are allowed to enter on the site, visitor, suppliers and other staff shall park
their vehicles at the designated parking area. Parking should be in reverse manner. Some
considerations are given to the vehicles which carrying materials need on the but it should stay in
short duration only.

1.0 Arrangements for Alterations traffic Routes

If the existing access roads will be affected by the upcoming by the upcoming activities; site
engineer will arrange and provide alternative routes. If is not possible, the affected road shall be
blocked off and barricaded to avoid vehicle entry. Arrangement is to be done in advance by giving
advice to all concern parties for the management of necessary material and equipment.
Equipment. Safety signboards shall be posted visible on site.

2.0 Parking on site

All vehicles that are authorized to be on the development site mist park in their respective
Designated parking areas.
3.0 Pedestrian Routes

To minimize the risk of injury to pedestrians within the site and the contractor compounds, designated
pedestrian walkways and crossing with adequate lighting will be provided.

These designated pedestrian footpaths will be identified by either hard barriers or other means of
fencing and appropriate signage will be provided. Pedestrian routes are to be kept of any potential
tripping hazard.
Where designated pedestrian routes need to cross site haul roads, a designated pedestrian crossing
these routes will be subjected to change to suit the progress of work on site.

4.0 Reversing Vehicles

All drivers are encourage to minimize or to totally avoid reversing vehicles unless absolutely
necessary. The driver had to ensure no personnel are passing by or next to the vehicle when
reversing. A clear eye-path is always to be taken into account. They should not do reversing at
the crossing points or use the pedestrian crossing crossing for reversing.
Safe Systems of Work
 Convex mirrors, Fresnel lens are to be fit on the blind spots to overcome restrictions to
visibility from the driver’s seat, partially at the sides and rear of vehicles
 Ensure at all vehicle are fitted with appropriate warning devices
 Ensure everybody on site understand the site rules on vehicle safety
 Ensure reversing warning lights and alarms are in good working order and workers are
instructed to keep clear of moving vehicle

Signaler /Banks man

 Only used when no other alternative system can be utilized

 Engineering control are in place to provide protection at all times
 Should not be put at risk from vehicle movement, e.g. by standing directly behind
reversing vehicles
 Protected from extremes of weather
 Adequate lighting available
 Have a clear agreed system of signaling
 Be placed in a safe position
 Be visible to driver at all times
 Wear high- visible clothing

MCL shall be submitted all the required documents by regulation and client to the owner/EIL prior to
engaging the vehicle. MCL will also provide Internal numbering system to all vehicle engaged for the

Drivers Safety Rules


1) All vehicle operator must be competent and fully understand the operating
procedures and operating limitations of
2) No defective vehicles are allowed on this site. Vehicles must be properly maintained
and fit for purposes. All driver/passengers must wear seat belts.
3) Do not exceed the site speed limit 20 kph and 20 kph at lay- down area.
4) Obey all road traffic signage and follow established site traffic routes
5) Dipped headlights are used on this site at all times.
6) All covers for vehicles are not to be activated until at tipping/unloading point and/ or
prior to leaving work area.
7) No reversing 0n site without reversing SIGNALER/BANLS MEN.
8) Only park where instructed. Do not stop on site roads.
9) No authorized passengers, children or animals to be brought on to site.
10) Security passes must be visible/in your possession at all times
11) All vehicle must be thoroughly cleared before leaving site and will be adjusted to
random searches.
12) Never drive with your tipper body elevated.
13) Maximum PPE when out site of your vehicle – safety Helmet, safety footwear, hi-vis
vest/jacket eye protection. No foot on the ground policy must be observed.
14) No smoking, eating or drinking in vehicle cabs.
15) Keys and/or engines must not be left in unattended vehicles.
16) Turn off vehicle when not in use
17) When fitted flashing beacons must be used on site.
18) Do not use mobile phone when driving.
19) Do not remain on vehicles during loading operation, unless the drivers position is
adequately protected
20) Stop if you lose sight of the signaler /banks-man
21) Ensure loads are safe to transport
22) Do not smoke during re-fuelling operations
23) Take care of yourself and other around you and set a personal Example.
24) Report all accident/incident/ near misses.


It is the responsibility of the employing company to ensure that all drivers (including visitors)
working directly or indirectly for MCL, are briefed with regard the Rules for drivers. All vehicle
entering and leaving the project will be controlled by the security personal who will ensure that
all drivers must keep a copy of the safety rules in their vehicle at all times.

Site Speed Limit

The site speed limit is 20kpl inside the construction site and 20kpl when driving in the lay down
area. These speed limits must be complied with at all times.

Fuel/Oil Spill Control

If spillage occurs, spill kits will be available at various location around the site. Steps will taken
immediately to clean- up the spill to prevent pollution and/or accident arising from the accident.
All spills must be reported to safety manager and safety officers on the site for further
investigation to find out root cause and formulate long lasting correction action.


The signage used at site foe vehicles and pedestrian will be in English, hindi and any other dialers
which are being understand by the majority of the workforce and also pictorial. These will be
situated around the site where deemed necessary.

Material handling Equipment

If fork lift, trucks and any other ride on equipment are used to handle loads, a competent person
in possession of a valid certificate of training on the equipment to be operated will only operate
them. Person guiding cranes and slinging loads are to be in possession of a valid certificate of
training . Reversing alarms, amber flashing beacons and mirrors will be fitted to all loads handling
equipment. No employee /worker will be allowed to ride as transportation from point A to point
B along with the operation equipment.

Means of controlling vehicle Movements

All drivers must comply at all time with any measure that might be in place tp control vehicle
movements. Flagman is to be provided when it is absolutely necessary and be should had
undergone for safety training.

Compliance Monitoring

The construction manager in collaboration to safety person will undertake regular surveillance
any offenders and president offender belongs to the company shall be punished according to the
company policy and to be charge of any damage her may done. Any offender will be stopped and
their employee notified. President offenders will be removed from site.

Any offender’s employee by the other working parties working on the development site, will be
stopped and their employer notified. President offenders will be removed from site.

Protection of Assets

Exiting utilities like fire hydrant, electrical lighting poles that place near the access roads must be
protected by the physical barriers identifying the utilities existed. Emergency Contact Details Any
vehicular incident on site during working hours you are advice to contact the following numbers
stated below listed to further instruction and necessary arrangements.

46 Reward and reprimand procedure

Meontecalro limited is committed to exhibit the highest level of standard in corporate
behavior of its employees, contractors and visitors in all span of its construction projects
which includes manufacturing Units. We fully understand that safe operations depend not
only on technically sound projected/units facilities and equipment but also on competent
people and a widely prevalent HSE culture in the organization. To foster this culture, this
Reward & Reprimand procedure is to be uniformly adopted by all direct and indirect
employees of manufacturing and construction business.

To implement a policy, system to motivate and promote positive safely related behavior and
to reprimand in case of deviations in case of deviations from the laid down systems and
procedures to safety.
All employees working in the premises of MCL has to follow the HSE policy, safety principles,
general safety rules, cardinal rules, SOPs, permit Systems, OSHAS requirement etc…


All manufacture Unit and Construction sites including Operating, Services departments, Sub
Station, Rooms, Offices etc.


All direct indirect employees working in manufacturing and constructing business


 At work (our employees, contractors and visitors)
 Travel between home and work of our employees
 Business related travels including stay at our headquarter
 All Company organized business events i.e. training programmers, conferences,
business related get- together, quality of life initiates, any celebrate etc..

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