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Smart Bag Abstract

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Abstract - Smart Bag is a Internet of Things GPS tracking and Weight Measurement . With the
(IOT) based technological advancement in the help of GPS tracking, baggage losses or thefts
baggage and will be user friendly and useful in the from public areas or other places can be prevented
world of travelling. Smart means intelligent, the . To follow the weight limits for the bags of
bag will be intelligent enough to carry out various students or travelling , this project will be helpful
features useful for everyday use including for people by automatically displaying the weight
as the things are kept in it.

Introduction – Theft or loss of baggage or checking counters and also it is cumbersome for
luggage at various public places including railway travellers at various stations to remove their
stations, airports or other areas is a unexpected belongings there so s to abide with the weight
circumstances which may happen with anyone at limit which they were initially unaware of the
anytime. When lost , locating it is a very weight of their bag so that they can prevent such
difficult , nearly impossible task . Therefore , situation.
involving the feature of GPS tracking with the
In this todays world of Intelligence , smart
help of an android app will be a revolution in this
technologies are at a hype . IOT is the hot topic at
aspect. Also according to the directives issued by
present in terms of smart technology including
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Smart City , Smart Homes , Smart Vehicles etc .
(MHRD) the weight limit for the school bags of
IOT , Internet of Things is a network of
students should not exceed to 2 kg to 3 kg. Also ,
interconnected things , people and various other
in the metro stations (for example in Delhi Metro
electronic components with the sensors which
stations) or at airports the weight limit of baggage
senses the environmental conditions send to the
should not exceed to 15 kg of weight. Therefore ,
remote controller at remote locations which
a feature to calculate the weight measurement of
accordingly make the other components operate
the bag automatically with the in front display of
with or without human interaction. Thus , IOT
the measured bag will help the people to not
plays a key role in the technological advancement
exceed the limit and abide by the rules . Also it
in the world
will prevent the time that is elapsed at the weight

Proposed System – The proposed system for

the Smart Bag project includes the IOT
technology in order to track the bag and measure
the weight. The hardware components includes a
Load Cell and a HX711 module to measure the
weight with a microcontroller i.e., Arduino Uno
and a 16x2 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) so as to
display the weight measured.
For tracking the location , GPS module is used
with a microcontroller i.e., Node MCU -1.0 . The
location information is transferred to the server
and to the android application which will get the
position information from GPS module and
further will display its position on a google map
Component and Circuit Layout
which will be navigable i.e., can be tracked.

Block Diagram
it , the resistance acting in it changes
which further leads to a change in output
voltage when input voltage is applied.
 HX711 module – A 24-bit high precision
Analog to Digital converter. It is used to
convert the voltage outputs (i.e., in
millivolts) measured by load cell into
digital outputs and send it to
microcontroller. It uses clock and data pins
for communication with the
microcontroller. It is connected with load
cell with fours wheatstone bridge.
 LCD Display – To display the weight
measured values using load cell and
HX711 module connected to the arduino
uno. It is connected to 10kohm
potentiometer ( a rheostat ) used to provide
variable resistance so as to adjust the
contrast of lcd.
 Node MCU – A NodeMCU v1.0
(Version2), is a wi-fi enabled development
board with analog and digital pins and uses
serial communication . It is also interfaced
with Arduino IDE for development.
 GPS receiver module - GPS stands for
Global Positioning System . A GPS
module is the integrated circuit acting as a
receiver receiving the signals from
satellites (uses 4 satellite to locate the
exact position). , It calculates the distance
between the receiver and the satellite to
generate location data.  In this project U-
 Arduino Uno – A 8-bit ATmega328P
blox Neo 6M GPS module is used which
microcontroller . It consists of 14 digital
is cost effective , and a high performance
input/output pins from which 6 pins can be
module including a ceramic patch antenna
used as PWM outputs , 6 analog pins , a
with an on board memory chip and a
USB connection , A Power barrel jack, an
backup battery and can be interfaced with
ICSP header and a reset button.
number of microcontrollers. The chip
 Load cell – A load cell is a transducer
consists of 4 pins TX , RX connected to
which measures load or force acting on it
RX and TX of microcontroller with GND
and converts it into electrical output. Load
and VCC pins connected to GND and 5V
cell is based on the piezo-resistivity
of microcontroller respectively.
principle. Whenever a load is applied on
Working received from the GPS is stored and transferred to
the android. The android application is connected
In this project, the lcd is fitted in the front part of to firebase using a firebase API key, thus
the bag, which will be be displaying the weight displaying the position measured by the GPS on it.
measured of the bag equipped with the items using The GPS data is sent to server using the inbuilt
load cell, whenever the power is supplied to the wifi in the Node MCU module.
bag. All the circuitry including the microcontroller
and load cell with HX711 module is attached Conclusion
inside the bag. The GPS module with Node MCU
The proposed research work focuses on the
microcontroller is fitted inside the bag which will
designing and implementation of Smart Bag based
be connected to the local server and the android
on the IOT technology. This bag consists of 2
application using google firebase where data
features weight measuring module with GPS
tracking system. These features are useful for the prove to be helpful in aviation industry travelling
baggage handling and tracking with presentable being user friendly for passengers.
outer physical appearance. This project will be


 Luggage tracking system using iot,

VIT, Vellore – 632 014. Tamil Nadu,

 Smart Bag Using Solar and RFID

BE (Information Technology),
MHSSCOE, Mumbai-8.

 Design and Implementation of 4-In-1

Luggage Bag,
Department of Electronics and
Communications Technology, University
of Science and Technology of Southern

 Baggage Tracing and Handling System

using RFID and IoT for Airports, IEEE,
Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of
Maharashtra, India.

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