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_____________________________________________________________SCIENCE WORLD JOURNAL VOL 2 (NO3) 2007

FULL LENGTH RESEARCH ARTICLE The progressive population growth has led to severe shortage of
portable drinking water for the area which poses as a great
challenge to both the citizens and the government. The present
A REGIONAL GEOELECTRIC INVESTIGATION FOR investigation is aimed at producing data which could serve as a
GROUNDWATER EXPLORATION IN MINNA AREA, basis for more detail groundwater exploitation activities for the area.
The result will provide a geophysical survey data containing basic
MOHAMMED, L. N.1, *ABOH, H. O.2 & EMENIKE, E. A.3 information necessary for identifying zones for siting better yield
boreholes. The result of the survey will also serve as basis for more
1NigerState College of Education, Minna. detailed geophysical and geotechnical studies in the area as well
Department of Physics provide other geophysical parameters for carrying out geotechnical
2K aduna State University, Kaduna, Nigeria
3University of Abuja, Nigeria.
activities. At present information on regional geoelectric
*(Corresponding author)
investigation for the area is scanty.
A Regional Geoelectric survey using the Vertical Electrical Resistivity (VES) The Study Area: The study area is a vast land on the Minna
was used to investigate the land mass covering Minna and it's environ in topographic map sheet SW 164, located at latitudes 9o30'N and
Nigeria aimed at assessing the lithology beneath the area, delineate the longitudes 6o25'E (Fig. 1). It covers a total landmass of
aquiferous formations and its depths and thicknesses. The area was grided approximately 1300 km2 (Adeniyi 1985).
into 13 profiles spaced at 3 km intervals with each having 13 stations for the
VES. A total of 169 VES points were occupied. The Global Positioning System The Geology/Hydrogeology of the Study Area: Minna area falls
(GPS) equipment was used for locating the stations on ground. The within the larger northwestern Nigerian basement complex, which is
interpretation of the field data was carried out using the Zhody soft-ware,
which converts the apparent resistivity as a function of electrode spacing to
made up of crystalline rocks consisting of gneisses and
the true resistivity as a function of depth in two dimensions. The rocks of the migmatatites, and meta sedimentary schists. Trustwell & Cope
area are largely of crystalline rocks, which include gneisses, migmatites and (1963) recognized three formations in the area. First is the Kusheriki
metasedimentary schists. The results show that the area is underlain by three Psamite formation at the base of successions made of rocks of
layer lithologic sections. In some sections where the basement had probably varying lithology, texture and structure and showing different degree
suffered severe weathering and or fracturing, four or five layer models were of granitization and migmatization. The metamorphic host rocks are
obtained. The weathered/fractured layers along the transitional zones form the pegmatite, feldspathic, and granitic material with relics of quartzite
aquiferous formations in the area with a maximum thickness of about 45m. and an upper more extensive unit of quartzo feldspathic rocks which
are distingushed as members of the Zungeru granulite. Embrechitic
Keywords: Vertical Electrical Sounding, Apparent resistivity, formations,
migmatites is well exposed at a cut in Kwakwa village, about 12km 2
lithology, layers, depths, fracturing, rocks, global positioning system, delineate
from Suleiman-Minna road.
The second classes of rocks are mainly the Kushaka schist
Minna, the main town in the area is the capital of Niger State Nigeria. It
formation considered to be the stratigraphic equivalence of the
is a metropolitan city that is densely populated and whose population
Kushaka Formation.
is on the rise because of its proximity to the Federal Capital Territory


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This forms the narrow belts in the western half of Nigeria and has been The partially weathered/fractured basement formation is the secondary
variously described as "newer metasediments' by Oyawole (1972) or aquifer and the more reliable aquifer in this area. An average yield of 5
as younger meta-sediments by McCurry (1972). Lastly are the older liters per second of borehole can be gotten when carefully sited in the
granites which was first introduced by Falconer (1911) to distinguish fractured zone. The groundwater in the area is primarily service by the
the Pan-African granites in Nigeria from the Mesozoic tin-bearing surface precipitation and by the lateral groundwater movement. The
volcanic granitic ring complexes of the Jos plateau which were depth to the water tables lies on the average between 3 - 15m below
emplaced into the migmatite-gneiss complex and the schist belts (Fig the surface in the crystalline basement (Adeniyi 1985).
Locating the stations: The Terrameter model SAS 300c was used to
The area is situated within the crystalline hydro geological province. acquire one hundred and sixty-nine (169) YES stations using the
The hydro geological province is made up of two interconnected Global Positioning System (GPS) to locate the stations. The
aquifers, namely: - the soft overburden aquifer and the partial Schlumberger configuration method was used in taking the data. The
weathered/fractured basement aquifer. The average thickness of the Schlumberger array involves the use of the two potential electrodes
soft overburden in Minna and its environs is about 30m and the P1& P2 fixed about a center '0' as the point of inscription, while the
average yield of borehole in the aquifer is about 0.5 liters per second current electrodes C1& C2 are moved in steps collinearly with P1&P2.
(Adeniyi 1985).


The principle is that current is introduced into the ground by means of From equation (1), the resistivity ρ can be expressed as:
two current electrodes and the potential drop between a second pair of
electrodes (potential electrodes) placed in line in between the pair is 1
measured. Fig. 3 shows the current and the potential distribution within 2V 1 1 1 1 
      … (2)
a homogeneous isotropic ground in a vertical plane through the I  r1 r 2 r 3 r 4 
current electrodes. Pattern would be the same in any plane through
these electrodes. = KR
A proportion of the current penetrates deeply into the ground and the Where R corresponds to the resistivity of the volume of the ground
depth of penetration increases with increasing electrode spacing. between the potential surfaces passing through the potential
electrodes and K is called the geometric factor which depends on the
In a heterogeneous ground in which there exists a vertical variation in electrode configuration.
resistivity with depth, the apparent resistivity rather than the true
resistivity is measured. The flow of the current in such a ground is The Schlumberger configurations are giving by r = r3 - rl = r2 - r4 and L
influenced by the density, porosity and salinity of the fluid contained in = r1 + r2 = r3 + r4 where V and I are in millivolts and milliameter
the ground. respectively.

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   L 
K=     …(3)
  2r  r 
The field data which is the resistivity of the subsurface is converted to the apparent resistivity in ohm-meters. These computed values of
apparent resistivity are a function of electrode spacing. The apparent resistivity values are plotted against the spacing by means of a
computer program developed by Zodhy (1989). The interpreted curves obtained provide means for comparing the resistivity variation with
depth. The comparison is done by contouring points of equal resistivity at a given depth as iso resistivity of cross-sections or points of equal
resistivity with depth as iso-resistivity of vertical section. In an attempt to achieve a comprehensive interpretation, along the aim of this work,
the following steps were adopted:

(i) Twelve profiles of interest were chosen through the latitudes, longitudes and the diagonals of the survey area. These are:
latitudes 9o30'N, 9° 40'N, 9o45'N, longitudes 6o30'E, 6o35'E, 6o40'E, CG', EA', GC', AE', and CG"

(ii) Regional contour map of the aquifer thickness for the entire area was produced. The approximate average resistivity values
associated with rocks and water types in the basement complex is given in Table 1.

C1 P1 P2 C2

r1 r2

FIG. 3r3

THE BASEMENT COMPLEX AREA (After Telford et al. 1976 )


Clay and Marl 1-67
Topsoil 67 - 100
Clayey soil 100 - 133
Sandy soil 670 - 1330
Limestone 67 - 1000
Sandstone 33 - 6700
Sand and gravels 100 - 180
Schist 10 - 1000
Granite 25 - 1500
Surface water (in igneous rock) 30 - 500
Groundwater (in igneous rock) 30-150
Weathered laterite 200 - 500
Fresh laterite 500 - 600
Weathered/Fractured basement 100-500
Fresh basement >1000

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RESULTS The fresh parent rock underlying this layer forms the bedrock and has
The results of the interpretation of the sounding on the profiles relatively high resistivity value ranging between 1000 - 20000 Q-m.
sampled are summarized in the aquifer thickness map shown in Fig. 4. The bedrock has infinite thickness in all sections of the area. It is found
Typically, the surfacial layer, which is the first layer is made up of low to outcrop in some areas. The fresh basement rocks forms the third
resistivity and consists of clayey soil in some sections and high layer in most sections of the study area.
resistive fresh laterites mixed with loose sands and gravels in others.
The average resistivity value of this layer varies between 10 - 900 Q- The aquifer map Fig. 4 was produced by considering the thicknesses
m. The average resistivity value of the second layer underlying the of both the weathered layers and the transitional zones from each VES26
area is in the range of about 28 - 400 Q-m. This layer is the aquiferous stations. The average value of the aquifer's thickness is about 24m
formation in the study area, and has an average thickness that varied although a maximum thickness of 45 m is found around Shadna, west
between 5-20m. Its maximum thickness of about 45 m is found where of Minna and east of Gotube. Areas with aquifer thickness less than
it is deeply seated. In some sections where the basement fractures are the average include Minna municipality, Bosso, GRA, Dutse Kura,
pronounced, delineation of adjourning layers becomes less apparent. Tudun Fulani, Maikunkele, Petta Sheta Shakwatu, Chanchaga, and
This layer together with the overlaying layer forms the basic aquifer Tutungo. It is suggested that the zones with the thickest aquifer and
formation of this study area. deep basement will have the most productive boreholes while the


zones having shallower aquifer and basement will serve as For acquisition of other useful aquifer parameters, surveys such as
groundwater recharge areas, especially when located near a river or seismic refraction investigations, and radial type of sounding are
stream. recommended. Also, to assess the quality of the underground water,
geochemical study of the area is recommended.
In this work, 169 VES stations were established on defined profiles
covering a landmass of about 1300 km2. The results of the VES REFERENCES
interpretation show a maximum of five layer configuration for the area. Adeniyi, D. R. 1985. Geophysical Investigation of the Central Part of
The weathered/fractured basement terrain, of varying depth and Niger State, Nigeria. Ph.D Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
thickness, forms the main aquifer with an average thickness of 24m. USA.

The result from this study has provided a useful guide towards locating Falconer, J. D. 1911. The Geology and Geography of Northern
sites of productive boreholes. In addition, strong and weak zones, Nigeria. Macmillan Publication, London.
typified by their characteristics high and low resistivity values
respectively, have been delineated. These are useful parameters McCurry, P. 1975. The Geology of the Pre-Cambrian to Lower
considered while considering possibilities of construction of high rise Paleozoic Rocks of Northern Nigeria. Geology of Nigeria, (ed. C. A
structures, location of roads as well as situation of industries. Minna Kogbe
municipality and its suburbs are characterized by shallow basement of
high resistivity values. This implies that the area is favorable for the Oyawoye, M. O. 1964. The Geology of Nigerian Basement Complex.
construction high-rise structures. A geotechnical investigation is Journal of Mining and Geology (1):16.
however, necessary to evaluate other useful geotechnical parameters.

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Telford, N. W. Geldart, L. P., Sheriff, R. S. & Keys, D. A. 1976. Applied Zhody, A. R. R. 1989. A New Method for the Automatic Interpretation
Geophysics. Cambridge University Press. of Schlumberger and Wenner Sounding Curves. Geophysics, (2):245-
Trustwell, F. J. & Cope, R. N. 1963. The Geology of Parts of Zaria and
Niger Provinces of Northern Nigeria. GSN Bulletin 29.

Mohammed et al. (2007) SWJ:15-19 A Regional Geoelectric Investigation for Groundwater 19

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