Handbook of Processing of Jaggery
Handbook of Processing of Jaggery
Handbook of Processing of Jaggery
Page No.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Status and Market size 2
1.2 Sugarcane products market 5
1.3 Nutritive value of Jaggery 7
1.4 Medicinal properties of jaggery 7
1.5 Jaggery vs Sugar 9
Chapter 2: Processing of Jaggery Powder
2.1 Processing of Jaggery 10
2.2 Traditional production process 11
2.3 Modern scientific method of Jaggery Production 17
2.4 Modified furnace by IISR, Lucknow 21
2.5 Advantages of Modern Technology 23
2.6 Organic jaggery 24
2.7 Jaggery Production: Constraints and remedies
Chapter 3: Packaging of Jaggery Powder
3.1 Packaging materials used for Jaggery 26
Chapter 4: Export markets for Jaggery and Jaggery based products
4.1 Export status of jaggery from India 27
4.2 Major constraints identified in jaggery exports suggested by 27
Chapter 5: Food Safety Regulations and Standards
5.1 Food Safety Regulations & Standards for cane jaggery 29
Machineries Manufacturers & Suppliers 31
Cultivation of sugarcane in India dates back to the Vedic period. The earliest mention of
sugarcane cultivation is found in Indian writings of the period 1400 to 1000 B.C. It is now
widely accepted that India is the original home of Saccharum species. Saccharum barberi and
Polynesian group of island especially New Guinea is the centre of origin of S. officinarum. It
belongs to family Gramineae (Poaceae), class monocotyledons and order Glumaceae sub
family Panicoidae, tribe Andripogoneae and sub tribe Saccharininea. The cultivated canes
belong to two main groups: thin, hardy north Indian types S. barberi and S. sinense and thick,
juicy canes Saccharum officinarum. Out of these, S. officinarum is highly prized.
Among the sugar yielding crops like sugarcane, sugarbeet, palms and sorghum, sugarcane is
the most important. 90% of the production comes from Bihar, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar
Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu; Uttar Pradesh being the
maximum producer .Indian sugarcane acreage during 2020-21 sugar season (SS) is estimated
at 52.25 lakh hectares, registering 8 percent growth, as compared to 48.41 lakh hectares
recorded during the 2019-20 sugar season.
Jaggery (also called as Gurin India, Desiin Pakistan, Panelain Mexico and South America,
Jaggery in Burma & African countries, Hakuruin Sri Lanka, and Naam Taan Oiin Thailand)
and khandsariare traditional Indian sweeteners, which are produced in addition to sugar from
sugarcane.. These traditional sweeteners are the natural mixture of sugar and molasses. If pure
clarified sugarcane juice is boiled, what is left (usually possessing 65-85% sucrose) as solid is
jaggery. Khandsari sugar is a finely granulated, crystallised sugar that contains 94-98 %
In the early 1930’s, nearly 2/3rdof sugarcane production was utilized for production of alternate
sweeteners, jaggery and khandsari. With the introduction of sugar mills and their multiple
growth, better standard of living and higher per capita income, the sweetener demand had
shifted to white sugar, which contains purely sucrose (99.7%). Therefore, jaggery and
khandsari production got setback to some extent.
Jaggery manufacturing is done on a small scale by groups of farmers; the process has been
creating employment opportunities to the millions of people in rural areas. From time
immemorial, sugarcane crop has been known as a cash crop by Indian cultivators and so also
the preparation of jaggery. It is estimated that two thirds of the sweetening requirement in
rural areas is met by jaggery.
Thus, there are strong indications that the jaggery and khandsari cottage industry would
continue to play an important role in processing sugarcane at rural level and in creating
employment opportunities to the millions of people in rural areas. Jaggery industry is
probably the most wide spread cottage industry in India. India produces more than 70% of the
total jaggery of the world. Being an eco friendly sweetener with additional nutritional value,
jaggery holds good export potential. To sustain the market and export potential of jaggery, it
is imperative that the jaggery quality need to be sustained.
In India, almost 80%of the sugarcane produced is processed into white sugar, around 12% into
jiggery and khandsari, and approximately 8% is used as seed cane. The per cent utilization of
sugarcane for production of jaggery and khandsari has considerably declined from 37.20 in
the year 2008-09 to about 12% in 2017-18. This implies the need of research in jaggery
sector to produce a quality jaggery and thus to change the scenario.
Source: ICAR-SBI
1.2.3. Trend in per capita consumption of white sugar, gur and khandsari in India
Jaggery is a very nutritious and healthy food and used as a main sweetener for rural and
urban people. It contains about 80-85% sucrose and 5-15% reducing sugars. Jaggery provides
necessary nutrients like-proteins, fats, vitamins (B-complex and folic acid), minerals
(calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and traces of zinc, copper etc., which are
not present in sugar).
One of the most popular advantages of jaggery is that it possesses the ability to purify
blood. If consumed regularly, jaggery goes a long way in cleansing blood and in leaving the
body healthy. It also helps in preventing different blood disorders and diseases by boosting
the count of hemoglobin. Jaggery also boosts immunity and thus helps in the prevention of
different blood related problems.
b) Iron content
Jaggery is quite rich in its content of folate and iron and therefore it helps in the prevention
of anemia. Jaggery powder also offers instant energy preventing weakness and fatigue of
the human body. When eaten in combination with foods that are rich in vitamin C, jaggery
helps in the absorption of iron within the body.
c) Mineral content
Jaggery is packed with minerals and antioxidants like selenium and zinc and these help in
preventing free-radical damage. These minerals and antioxidants also help in boosting the
body’s resistance to different infections.
d) Cosmetic benefits
Jaggery proves to be highly beneficial when used for a beauty treatment. It comes loaded
with several natural properties ensuring the health of the skin for a very long span of time.It
is rich in its content of different minerals and vitamins and thus offers proper nourishment
to the skin.
Jaggery stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes and therefore speeds up the
procedure of digestion. Proper digestion helps in regulating bowel movement and in
preventing issues like constipation, intestinal worms and flatulence. It is quite effective in
maintaining the proper functioning of the digestive system. Properly functioning digestive
system means proper prevention of digestive issues and improvement indigestion at the
same time.
The high mineral content of jaggery and high levels of potassium helps in the management
of weight. This is done by reducing the retention of extra water in the human body. The
potassium content of jaggery maintains electrolyte balance, improves metabolism and
builds muscles help in weight loss.
Minor health issues like water retention, migraine, bloating and cough and cold that are
experienced by individuals on a regular basis can easily be dealt with the help of jaggery.
The only thing that needs to be done is mixing jaggery with warm water or adding it
in tea for reaping instant benefits.
Women who experience mood swings prior to having their periods can greatly benefit from
having jaggery. Mood swings are the cause of fluctuating hormone levels in the body.
Jaggery helps in the release of happy hormones called endorphins. These relax the body
making women feel better.
Jaggery also helps in preventing major issues faced with the nervous system of the body. It
contains several natural properties which are of good help in keeping the nervous system
functioning properly. This in turn helps individuals in staying healthy and normal.
Having jaggery on a regular basis can help in prevention of different respiratory issues
like bronchitis and asthma. Experts are of the view that taking jaggery in the form of a
natural sweetener in perfect combination with sesame seeds can be highly beneficial for the
respiratory system in human beings. Jaggery contains properties that help in regulating the
temperature of the body and this is something that is highly beneficial for the patients of
asthma. It is also worth noting that jaggery contains anti-allergy properties as well
For those suffering from joint pains and aches, jaggery can offer the much required relief. If
experts are to be believed, jaggery when taken along with ginger can work wonders in
alleviating joint pain. Having a glass of milk along with jaggery on a regular basis can also
help in strengthening the bones and in preventing bone and joint problems like arthritis.
Sugarcane juice is an opaque liquid and varies in colour from gray dark green to light yellow
depending upon the colour of cane. In addition to various nutritional constituents, it also
contain mud, wax and several other soluble and in soluble impurities. To maintain proper
quality in jaggery, all these soluble and in soluble undesirable fractions should be removed.
However, the manufacturing process depends on the ultimate form to be produced. Also, the
minute detail of the process varies widely from state to state, in the state from one district to
another, and in some cases within a district.
The unit operations involved in jaggery manufacturing process from sugarcane is presented in
the flowchart. It involve juice extraction, juice clarification, juice concentration by boiling,
cooling of concentrated juice followed by drying, powdering, packaging and storage.
Clarifying agent
acid, chemiflocks and alum are also reported. Use of these chemical clarifying agents is
specific depending on the juice as they may function as bleaching agent, electrolyte or pH
adjusting agent. Vegetable clarifying agents like mucilages of bindi, chikani, ateshevari, etc.
were used in early period. Nowadays, use of natural clarifying agents is encouraged due to
the problems like exceeding the permitted level for chemical clarifying agents and their
impact on taste and storability of the product.
At this stage, to prepare 35-40 kg granules from 350-400 kg cane, 3 or 4 labourers are
required for 15-20 min to make the mass into granules. Otherwise the mass gets solidified
into different size of agglomerates or pieces.
1. The naturally occurring enzymes and other compounds in sugarcane juice react with
each other and several other components of the juice due to uncontrolled heating
forming dark colored complex compounds.
2. Secondly, due to excessive heating, sugars in the juice caramelize and form dark
colored compounds.
3. Finally, excessive use of lime and leaching of iron from pans also result in dark color.
4. To improve the color of Jaggery, Sodium Hydrosulphite, a harmful chemical, is
normally used.
5. Hydros, bleaches colored compounds and changes the color of Jaggery to golden
yellow. It ultimately releases Sulphur dioxide in Jaggery which is harmful to health.
6. The entire process of Jaggery production is conducted manually by traditionally
skilled persons without having any scientific knowledge
1. Even though Jaggery is a popular product, the traditional Jaggery making process has
remained a point of pain for producers, consumers and the community at large for
several reasons.
2. Completely manual process gives an unhygienic and inconsistent quality Jaggery.
3. The process being manual, has capacity limitations.
4. Many times skilled manual labour is not available thereby risking product quality
5. Due to the uncontrolled nature of manufacturing, Jaggery may contain harmful
chemicals such as SO2 and Polyacrylamides.
6. Inefficient and improper combustion in open pan boiling process produces high
particulate laden combustion gases which pollute the surrounding atmosphere.
7. The traditional process uses waste materials for fuel which produce harmful gases and
adversely affect the environment.
8. Jaggery with high moisture content has low shelf life of three months.
The jaggery producers should adopt the modern scientific technology for making quality
jaggery at low cost of production. In this method, jaggery is produced in very clean, tidy and
hygienic conditions. The utensils and equipments used in jaggery production keeps clean and
sterilized. The cemented floor of jaggery unit remains free from insects, ants, flies, bacteria,
fungi etc. The utilization of harmful and costly chemicals are avoided and herbal clarifying
agents are used for clarification of cane juice.
This process of jaggery production involves various steps such as: harvesting, pre-cleaning
and crushing of canes, filtration, clarification, heating, boiling and concentration of cane
juice, cooling of concentrated cane juice (i.e. slurry), powder making, packaging, storage and
marketing of jaggery.
Harvested sugarcane
Pre- cleaning
cane juice are supplemented prior to heating the cane juice for its clarification. The pH of the
juice should be maintained at 6.0-6.2.
The bagasse is combusted in an efficient steam boiler which fulfils energy requirements of
the Jaggery plant. The remaining surplus bagasse is sold as a valuable by-product.
The jaggery powder is dried from around 9-10% moisture content up to about 1-2% for good
keeping quality, by way of sun, tray or solar drying. Tray or solar drying will help to maintain
keeping quality intact.
The jaggery packets can be stored and marketed easily. Jaggery marketing can be enhanced
by highlighting health related benefits of jaggery consumption over sugar.
For heat economy, efficient modified bottom pans have been developed and 3 or 4 boiling
pans are arranged in a series (line) and flue gases pass under the entire boiling pans one after
the other and then escape through chimney. Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow
has developed thermally efficient two-pan and three-pan furnaces. The processing time in
these furnaces is comparatively less than the conventional furnaces. These furnaces have 2 or
3 pans for pre-heating of cane juice so that the processing time is reduced.
The modified pans have also been developed for two pan furnaces, which efficiently saves
bagasse used for evaporating per kilogram of water from the cane juice and producing per
kilogram of jaggery as well as reducing time in jaggery production. A Waste Heat Recovery
System (WHRS) has also been incorporated in IISR designed two pan furnace for recovery of
waste heat for bagasse/jaggery drying and/ or space heating. The material mainly used as fuel
in furnaces for heating the cane juice may be dried bagasse, dry leaves of sugarcane, straw
v. Poor Storability:
Jaggery is very critical to store. The non-sucrose constituents viz. salts, proteins,
glucose, fructose and reducing sugars present in jaggery can absorb moisture from the
atmosphere. This hygroscopic nature coupled with non-availability of proper storage
structures are major reasons of poor storing ability of jaggery. About 10-25 %, losses may
occur during storage of jaggery. To reduce economical losses of jaggery, high production
technology and quality packaging along with appropriate storage technique and storage
structures should be made available to the jaggery producers.
The major problem associated with jaggery storage is the presence of invert sugars and
mineral salts which, being hygroscopic absorb moisture particularly during monsoon season
when ambient humidity is high, and lead to spoilage.It has been estimated that more than
10% of jaggery produced in the country worth Rs. 40 crore is lost every year due to
The traditional packaging methods for storage in vogue e.g. inside a blanket of bhusa or
wheat straw, cloth lined with polyethylene sheet, aluminum foil, plastic containers, earthen
pots and jute bag , give far from satisfactory results. Further, at retail level, the jaggery is sold
in open and under unhygienic condition. Hence, there is need to evolve suitable packaging
technique to enhance shelf life and maintain quality of jaggery.
i. Glass packaging’s inert nature eliminates the risk of potentially harmful chemicals
found in some plastics that can leach into food, but this is outweighed by drawbacks
of weight, expensive nature and fragility for handling.
ii. Usage of polythene avoids film moisture absorption and liquefaction of jaggery.
Certain researchers reported that the heat sealed LDPE packets of 150 gauge was best
suitable followed by glass jar and PET jar.
iii. To control the hygroscopic nature of the powder jaggery, it can be packed in moisture
proof polyethylene-polyester laminates and PET.
iv. Three ply (PET+ Aluminium Foil +PE) packaging material helped more in checking
of inversion rate. This three ply has advantages due to its higher strength with low
water vapour transmission rate and low oxygen transmission rate.
v. Kraft Paper, PE coated / LDPE Laminates are also prevalently used nowadays
because of its salient features like visual appeal, durability, light weight and
customizable nature.
vi. Standup pouches with or without gussets and zip are the highly trending packaging
seen for jaggery powder. These are heat sealable.
vii. Depending on the packaging material and style chosen, horizontal/ vertical form, fill,
seal machine or band sealing or sachet pouch machines can be employed.
India is world’s second largest sugarcane grower with 354 million ton annual production and
contributes to 70% of the world’s total Jaggery production. About 88.5million TPA of
sugarcane is processed to make 9.8million TPA of Jaggery through 40000 small units
operating in the unorganized sector. Out of this about 40% is exported as interpreted from the
report published by APEDA. Jaggery export market is of Rs 7500 million and domestic
market of Rs 11000 million approximately. It is expected that this consumption can
drastically increase by adopting modern processing technology with improved quality.
4. Since the demand for dark yellow Jaggery is high, producers use Sodium Hydrosulphite
& other chemicals (non-food grade and harmful to the human health) to obtain the desired
yellow colour.
5. Mostly units are using iron utensils for Jaggery making which are not permitted since iron
is prone to gathering rust and making the product food unsafe.
5.1 Food Safety Regulations & Standards for cane jaggery or cane gur:
Cane Jaggery or Cane Gur means the product obtained by boiling or processing juice pressed
out of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum). It shall be free from substances unsafe to health
and shall conform to the following analytical standards on the dry weight basis.
Sodium bicarbonate, if used for clarification purpose, shall be of food grade quality
Sodium Saccharin is white crystals or white crystalline powder. It is odorless or has a faint
odor. It is intensely sweet to taste, even in dilute solution. 1 g is soluble in 1.5 ml of water
and in about 50 ml of alcohol. When tested in accordance with the method specified in Indian
Calcium Saccharin is white crystals or white crystalline powder. It shall be odorless or having
a faint odor and an intensely sweet taste even in dilute solution. One gram is soluble in 1.5 ml
of water. When tested in accordance with the method specified in Indian Standard, IS 5345, it
shall conform to the following standards:
For Cane Jaggery or Cane Gur& Sodium Saccharin (food grade) and Calcium
Saccharin (food grade), the following requirements must also be complied with.
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Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology
(Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India)
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Phone No.: +91- 4362 - 228155, Fax No.:+91 - 4362 - 227971
Email: director@iifpt.edu.in; Web: www.iifpt.edu.in