700 Series SMAW MG Msds 8-06

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SUPPLIERS NAME: N94 W14355 Garwin Mace Drive (262) 255-5520
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 USA

PRODUCT NAME: MG 700, MG 710, MG 720, MG 721, MG 730, MG 740, MG 745, MG 746, MG 750, MG 755,
MG 760, MG 765, MG 769, MG 770, MG 790

PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION: Covered Electrode for Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)


IMPORTANT: This section covers the materials from which these products are manufactured. The fumes and gases produced during normal use of these
products are covered in Section V. The term "Hazardous" in "Hazardous Ingredients" should not only be interpreted as a term required and defined in OSHA
Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR Part 1910.1200), but also as defined by other regulatory agencies. The chemicals or compounds subject to
reporting under Title III, in Section 313, of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) are marked by the symbol #.

WARNING: This product contains or produces a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects (or other reproductive harm) and cancer.
(California Health & Safety Code 25249.5 et seq.)

CAS Exposure Limit (mg/m3) Percent Ingredients (by Weight)

INGREDIENTS NUMBER OSHA PEL ACGIH-TLV 700 710 720/721 730 740 745 746 750 755 760 765 769 770 790
Nickel # 7440-02-0 1 0.2 C K C C D A A
Iron 7439-89-6 10 (as Fe) 5 (as Fe) K K A C L K K K L K K K J J
Calcium Carbonate 1317-65-3 5 10 F F F C F C D C C C C F C C
Titanium Dioxide 13463-67-7 15 (dust) 10 C C E C E C E C D E C E
Sodium Silicate 1344-09-8 Not listed Not listed C C C C C C C C C C
Potassium Silicate 1312-76-1 Not listed Not listed C C C C C C C C C C C C
Calcium Fluoride 7789-75-5 2.5 (as F) 2.5 (as F) E F F C F C C F C
Chromium # 7440-47-3 1 0.5 D F G G B G C G D F J F J J
Manganese # 7439-96-5 5 (ceiling) 0.2 A A A C D G G F C B A A A C
Molybdenum 7439-98-7 5 0.5 D A G F
Lithium Aluminum
Silicate (# aluminum) 12068-40-5 Not listed 5 (as Al fume) F C D
Feldspar 68476-25-5 10 2 C
Potassium Oxalate 6487-48-5 Not listed 5 B C B C C
Graphite 7782-42-5 15 mppcf* 2 B C
Tungsten 7440-33-7 Not listed 5 C C C C
Vanadium # 7440-62-2 0.1 (as oxide) 0.05 (as oxide) C C
Carbon 7440-44-0 2.5 2 B B B C B A C D C D E
Silicon 7440-21-3 5 10 C C C A C C
Barium Carbonate # 513-77-9 0.5 (as Ba) 0.5 (as Ba) C B C
Cobalt # 7440-48-4 0.1 0.02 K
Silicon Dioxide 14808-60-7 ** 0.05 A C C A A
Iron Oxide 1309-37-1 10 (as Fe) 5 (as Fe) C
Tungsten Carbide 12070-12-1 Not listed Not listed C
Columbium (Niobium) 7440-03-1 5 5 C

*mppcf = millions of particles per cubic foot of air

** 10 mg/m3 / (% SiO2 + 2)


A = 0.1 - 1% C=1-5% E = 5 - 10% G = 10 - 30% J = 30 - 60% L = 60 - 100
B = 0.5 - 1.5% D = 3 - 7% F = 7 - 13% H = 15 - 40% K = 40 - 70%
MSDS: MG 700, MG 710, MG 720, MG 721, MG 730, MG 740, MG 745, MG 746, MG 750, MG 755, MG 760, MG 765, MG 769, MG 770, MG 790
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SECTION III (PHYSICAL DATA) - Wire with a flux coating.


Non-Flammable: Welding arc and sparks can ignite combustibles. Refer to American National Standard Z49.1 for fire prevention during welding. These
products as shipped are non-hazardous, nonflammable, non-explosive, and non-reactive.
Rating under National Fire Protection 704: Health, 2: Flammability, 0: Reactivity, 0.


Welding fumes cannot be classified simply. The composition and quantity of both are dependent upon the metal being welded, the process, procedure, and
the electrodes used. Other conditions which also influence the composition and quantity of the fumes and gases to which workers may be exposed include:
coatings on the metal being welded (such as paint, plating, or galvanizing), the number of welders and the volume of the work area, the quality and the
amount of ventilation, position of the welder's head with respect to the fume plume, as well as the presence of contaminants in the atmosphere (such as
chlorinated hydrocarbon vapors from cleaning and degreasing activities).

When the electrode is consumed, fume and gas decomposition products generated are different in percent and form from the ingredients listed in Section II.
Fume and decomposition products, not the ingredients in the electrode, are important. Decomposition products include those originating from the
volatilization, reaction, or oxidation of materials in Section II, plus those from the base metal and coating, etc., as noted above. These components are
virtually always present as complex oxides and not as metals (Characterization of Arc Welding Fume: American Welding Society). Reasonably expected
fume constituents of the fume could include: complex oxides of iron, manganese, and potassium. Chromium and nickel oxides may also be present. The table
below lists reasonably expected fumes that may be generated:
CAS Exposure Limit (mg/m3)
Iron Oxide 1309-37-1 5 (as Fe) 10 (as Fe)
Nitric Oxide 10102-43-9 30 31
Chromium (VI) not listed 0.005 0.05 (as Cr VI)
Nickel Oxide # 1313-99-1 1 (as Ni) 0.2 (as Ni)
Manganese fume # 7439-96-5 0.2 (NIC 0.03) 5
NIC = notice of intended change

Gaseous reaction products may include carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Ozone and nitrogen oxides may also be formed by radiation from the arc. The
fume limit for Cr VI (5 micrograms/m³) may be reached before the ACGIH recommended general welding fume limit of 5 mg/m³ is reached. Monitor fume
levels and Cr VI level. Train workers about the hazards of Cr (VI). Read and comply with the new OSHA permissible exposure limits for hexavalent
chromium (CrVI), Fed. Reg. 71 – 10099 (specifically 29 CFR 1910.1026, 29 CFR 1915.1026, and 29 CFR 1926.1126). For CrVI, OSHA requires: “The
employer shall perform initial monitoring to determine the 8-hour TWA exposure for each employee on the basis of a sufficient number of personal breathing
zone air samples to accurately characterize full shift exposure on each shift, for each job classification, in each work area”. Specialized equipment is required
for monitoring Cr (VI) concentration in the workplace. OSHA Analytical Method Number ID-215 for area and breathing zone sampling and OSHA
Analytical Method Number W4001 for wipe samples are listed on the OSHA website - www.osha.gov -as methods for measuring Cr(VI). This standard is
complex and the employer should contact an occupational health professional for doing the Cr(VI) monitoring and all other fume monitoring.


Threshold Limit Value: The ACGIH recommended general limit for welding fume NOS (not otherwise specified) is 5 mg/m³. The ACGIH 1999 preface
states: "The TLV-TWA should be used as guides in the control of health hazards and should not be used as firm lines between safe and dangerous
concentrations." See Section V for specific fume constituents that may modify the TLV.

EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE - Electric arc welding may create one or more of the following health hazards:

FUMES AND GASES can be dangerous to your health.

PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY are the respiratory system. Other possible routes are eyes, ingestion, and/or skin contact.
PREEXISTING respiratory or allergic conditions may be aggravated in some individuals (i.e. asthma, emphysema).

SHORT TERM (ACUTE) OVEREXPOSURE to welding fumes may result in discomfort such as metal fume fever, dizziness, nausea, or dryness or
irritation of nose, throat, or eyes. PRIMARY ROUTE OF ENTRY is the respiratory system. IRON, IRON OXIDE, MANGANESE - Remove from
overexposure and apply artificial respiration if needed. CHROMIUM- Inhalation of chromium can cause irritation of nasal membranes and skin.
FLUORIDES - Fluoride compounds produced may cause eye and skin burns, and pulmonary edema bronchitis. Exposure to extremely high levels of
fluorides can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, muscular weakness, and convulsions. In extreme cases it can cause loss of consciousness and death. NICKEL,
NICKEL OXIDE - May cause metallic taste, nausea, tightness in chest, fever, and allergic reactions.

LONG TERM (CHRONIC) OVEREXPOSURE may lead to siderosis (iron deposits in lungs) and is believed by some investigators to affect pulmonary
functions. PRIMARY ROUTE OF ENTRY is the respiratory system. IRON, IRON OXIDE - Long term overexposure to iron fumes can cause deposits
of iron in the lungs (siderosis). Lungs will clear in time when exposure to iron and its compounds cease. MANGANESE - Long term exposure may lead to
"Manganism.” Central nervous system is affected and symptoms include muscular weakness, impaired speech, impaired movement, and tremors. Exposed
workers should get quarterly medical examinations for manganism. Bronchitis and some lung fibrosis have been reported. FLUORIDES - Overexposure to
fluorides can cause serious bone erosion, excessive calcification of the bone and calcification of the ribs, pelvis and spinal column. May cause skin rash.
NICKEL, NICKEL OXIDE - Long term overexposure to nickel products may cause lung fibrosis or pneumoconiosis. Long term overexposure to
HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM (CrVI) is reported to cause lung cancer in humans.
MSDS: MG 700, MG 710, MG 720, MG 721, MG 730, MG 740, MG 745, MG 746, MG 750, MG 755, MG 760, MG 765, MG 769, MG 770, MG 790
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ARC RAYS can injure eyes and burn skin. SKIN CANCER HAS BEEN REPORTED.
ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill! IN CASE OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK: turn off power and follow recommended treatment. Call a physician.
See Section VII for precautions.

EMERGENCY & FIRST AID PROCEDURES: Call for medical aid. Employ first aid techniques recommended by The American Red Cross.
INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. If not breathing, begin artificial respiration.
If no detectable pulse, begin Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. (CPR). Call for medical aid.
SKIN: Wash affected area with soap and water. If rash develops, see a physician.
EYES: Flush with a large amount of fresh water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention.
INGESTION: Seek medical attention.

CHROMIUM - Chromium VI is listed as being carcinogenic to humans on IARC and NTP lists, and is listed by NIOSH as being a potential occupational
carcinogen (with no further categorization).
NICKEL - is listed as being carcinogenic to humans on IARC and NTP lists, and is listed by NIOSH as being a potential occupational carcinogen (with no
further categorization).
COBALT - is listed as being possibly carcinogenic to humans by IARC.
SILICON DIOXIDE - is listed as being carcinogenic to humans on IARC and NTP lists, and is listed by NIOSH as being a potential occupational
carcinogen (with no further categorization).
TITANIUM DIOXIDE is listed as being unclassifiable as to Carcinogenicity in humans by IARC and is listed by NIOSH as being a potential occupational
carcinogen (with no further categorization).
WELDING FUMES (not otherwise specified) are considered to be carcinogenic defined with no further categorization by NIOSH and IARC.


Read and understand the manufacturer's instructions and precautionary label on this product.
See American National Standard Z49.1, Safety in Welding and Cutting, published by the "American Welding Society," 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL
33126 and OSHA Publication 2206 (29CFR 1910), U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA
15250-7954 for more detail on the following:

Ventilation: Use enough ventilation, local exhaust at the arc, or both, to keep the fumes and gases below the TLV's in the workers breathing
zone and the general area. Train the welder to keep his head out of the fumes. Monitor fume levels and do not exceed permissible exposure limits or values.
Keep exposure as low as possible.
Respiratory Protection: Use respirable fume respirator or air supplied respirator when welding in a confined space or where local exhaust or ventilation
does not keep exposure below the TLV's.
Eye Protection: Wear a helmet or face shield with a filter lens of shade 12 or darker. Provide screens and flash goggles to shield others.
Protective Clothing: Wear head, hand, and body protection which help to prevent injury from radiation, sparks, and electrical shock. See ANSI Z49.1. At a
minimum, this includes welders’ gloves and a protective face shield and may include arm protectors, aprons, hats, shoulder protection, as well as dark
substantial clothing. Train the welder not to touch live electrical parts and to insulate himself (or herself) from work and ground, especially if clothing and
gloves are wet.
Waste: Dispose of any grinding dust and waste residues in accordance with EPA or local regulations. Plastic containers and cardboard packaging can be
Storage: Keep material sealed and dry before use. Keep remaining product sealed and dry.

IARC: International Agency for the Research on Cancer
ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
NIOSH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NTP: National Toxicology Program
PEL: Permissible Exposure Limit
OSHA: U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSHA TLV: Threshold Limit Value
CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number

Exposure limits are subject to change. Contact ACGIH, OSHA, NIOSH, and IARC for current values.

The information in this MSDS was obtained from sources we believe are reliable. However, this information is provided without any representation or
warranty, expressed or implied, regarding accuracy or correctness. The conditions or methods of handling, storage, use, and disposal of the product are
beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. For this and other reasons we do not assume responsibility and expressly disclaim liability of loss,
damage, or expense arising from it or any way connected with the handling, storage, use, or disposal of the product.

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