Direction: Choose The Letter and Encircle The Best/correct Answer
Direction: Choose The Letter and Encircle The Best/correct Answer
Direction: Choose The Letter and Encircle The Best/correct Answer
14. He had been credited with the policy of development “The Philippines
for the Filipinos”.
a. Bongbong Marcos c. Manny Pacquiao
b. William Howard Taft d. Douglas MacArthur
20. One of these philosophers is not part of the Modern Period. Who is this
man of great thinking?
a. Plato b. Copernicu c. Galileo d. Kepler
23. Which one of them owned this philosophical quotations: “Unfree man is
a disgrace to nature”?
a. Karl Jaspers c. Friedrich Nietzsche
b. Arthur Schopenhauer d. Martin Heidegger
24. The advance of science during the 15th to 18th Centuries inspired the
growth of philosophy. Which one is true statement?
a. The states are tolerable during those times
b. There was no growth of great cities
c. Rationalism was the predominant feature
d. The period didn’t need social philosophy
27. Who was this philosopher believed that all human got its own
a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Socrates d. Galileo
28. Among the fourfold of St. Thomas Aquinas, which law is the function of
a. divine law b. natural law c. eternal law d. human law
29. What is the greatest happiness according to St. Thomas Aquinas?
a. The love of God c. Love of the world
b. Love of our parents d. love of Neighbors
32. For Aristotle, a human being is a rational being. What does it mean?
a. It has only free will c. It has no intellect and free will
b. It has only intellect d. It has intellect and free will
33. Jean Jaques Rousseau believed that intellectual rights are not merely
numbers. Who was the other philosopher who believed the same?
a. Ayn Rand c. Jean Paul Sartre
b. Thomas Hobbes d. Friedrich Nietzche
34. Who said so: “Human person desires to be God”?
a. Jean Paul Sartre c. F. B. Skinner
b. Thomas Hobbes d. Jean Jacques Rousseau
38. Galileo convinced the correction of the new way of seeing the world.
a. automobile b. telescope c. microscope d. airplane
39. Gabriel Marcel believed that philosophy has the tension and what it is
the harmony?
a. dance b. music c. drama d. movie
49. Martin Buber and Karol Wojtyla believed in social dimension of notion.
a. Notion of concrete experience c. notion of rationality
b. Notion of animosity d. notion of intelligence
50. Best way to describe Ayn Rand’s view of individualism. Which one
below is this?
a. It passes the power of learning the truth
b. It should go to spirituality
c. It is aligned with economic freedom
d. It is all about academic freedom