The document is a 2nd summative test on the philosophy of the human person. It contains 20 multiple choice and true/false questions testing knowledge of key philosophers and concepts. The questions cover topics like the essence of human participation, disabilities, poverty definitions, anti-violence laws, views of women's roles, what defines individuality and enables recognition of others, empathy, alienation, and types of interpersonal relationships.
The document is a 2nd summative test on the philosophy of the human person. It contains 20 multiple choice and true/false questions testing knowledge of key philosophers and concepts. The questions cover topics like the essence of human participation, disabilities, poverty definitions, anti-violence laws, views of women's roles, what defines individuality and enables recognition of others, empathy, alienation, and types of interpersonal relationships.
The document is a 2nd summative test on the philosophy of the human person. It contains 20 multiple choice and true/false questions testing knowledge of key philosophers and concepts. The questions cover topics like the essence of human participation, disabilities, poverty definitions, anti-violence laws, views of women's roles, what defines individuality and enables recognition of others, empathy, alienation, and types of interpersonal relationships.
The document is a 2nd summative test on the philosophy of the human person. It contains 20 multiple choice and true/false questions testing knowledge of key philosophers and concepts. The questions cover topics like the essence of human participation, disabilities, poverty definitions, anti-violence laws, views of women's roles, what defines individuality and enables recognition of others, empathy, alienation, and types of interpersonal relationships.
Year and Section: ________________________________ Date: ______________
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Who believes that participation is the essence of a human person?
a. Martin Buber b. Mary Wollstonecarft c. Hellen Keller d. Karol Wojtyla 2. Any person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major activities. a. underprivileged b. person with disabilities c. women d. children 3. This refers to individuals or families in urban areas living under the poverty line. 4. What is RA 9262? a. Anti-violence Against Women and Children b. Anti-Harassment law c. Anti-Terrorist law 5. He believes that women should be useful to men and should take care, advise, console men and to render men’s lives easy and agreeable. a. Karol Wojtyla b. Jean-Jacques Rosseau c. Hellen Keller d. Robert Frost 6. She believes that women must be united with men in wisdom and rationality. She also maintains that women must learn to respect themselves. a. Anna Sullivan b. Hellen Keller c. Roselle Ambubuyog d. Karol Wojtyla 7. Which defines our individuality and also enables us to recognize other humans as possessing a self? a. Self b. others c. person d. spirit 8. Which enables a person to put himself/herself in another’s shoes by being aware of the emotions and thoughts of other people, which leads to a greater understanding and appreciation of others? a. Avaialability b. intersubjectivity c. alienation d. empathy 9. Which refers to a state when a person ceases to view the other as a distinct authentic person? The other become merely objects or means to satisfy personal interests or desires? a. avaialability b. intersubjectivity c. alienation d. empathy 10. What is the psychological relation between people? a. empathy b. intersubjectivity c. prudence d. communication
Write It, if the statement describes and I-It relationship and Thou, if it describes an I-Though relationship
11. One sees the other as a fellow human being.
12. This is a relationship of separateness and detachment. 13. Only some parts of the “I” is involved. 14. There is a direct interpersonal relation without a goal. 15. A relation of mutuality and reciprocity. 16. The kind of relation one has with a close friend. 17. This is when we look at judge someone based solely on what they can do. 18. The relation you have with a passing stranger. 19. This when we see a person as a means to an end. 20. Full togetherness and unity