Unit I. Globalization and Multi-Cultural Literacy Apply Your Knowledge Activity 1. Conventional Literacy

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Unit I.

Globalization and Multi-Cultural Literacy

Apply your Knowledge

Activity 1. Conventional Literacy

1. Given the traditional / conventional concept of literacy, how literate are you?

- In a way that I tend to understand things that I heard, read and viewed which I eventually convey the meaning
of that literacies or what was being stated.

2. How deep is your level of comprehension?

- I’m on the average level. Although I tend to understand some thing easily, but when it comes to more
complicated, I was so slow.

3. As a pre-service teacher, what kind of written materials should you be able to read and understand? Are
you reading these materials? How well can you understand them?
- Books, electronic books, articles and blogs.
Yes, I am reading these materials and I understand them on how my understanding conveys it meanings if what
was written on these written materials. I’m am not a critical thinker and I understand things on its simplicity.

Activity 2. Expanded views of Literacy

1. Which of the new literacies are you knowledgeable in? Which of the new literacies do you lack
knowledge in?
- I’m knowledgeable about media literacy and I lack about financial literacy.

2. Although reading education in the Philippines aims to develop functional/Practical literacy in learners,
what level of literacy is being developed when classroom practices focus more on memorization
rather than on understanding and application?
-Basic, for the reason that it will have an effect especially on learners where they were just taught on how to
catch up things and not on teaching them on how to think.

3. Write a reaction paper about the 21st century literacies.

21st Century Literacies

In 21st century, it is the time where it not just about having an ability to write,read or understand, also,
it the time where people are able to grow in a new environment and learn to adapt the sudden changes that they
are experiencing every single day of their lives where technological world exist.
For me, living in this so-called modern world, where everything now just seems so simple and easy
where the reason is the existing of technologies that makes the peoples lives easier. I can say that when it comes
to literacies, it was a big help especially to a student like me. 21st century literacies opened opportunities to
students to have a wide range on their intellectual and communicating skills. It gave them a chance to engaged
more to social activities and will develop the way they think of a situation critically where they will now how to
solve problems or questions that were being asked. It helps to nurture their minds to the new things that was
being feed by them because they can have an easy access to any educational sites and lessen their burden to
seek for future researches compared to what we have during the traditional literacies. It is also an opportunity to
communicate to a bigger crowd and can express their opinions through some social media sites. Its seems like a
dimension to a new world which is different to how people live from the past.
Indeed at the time where we entered the era of 21st century especially on literacies, it changes not just
the way a persons move but also the way they handle things critically where they can have now a different
choices to choose. It paved way to give us an easier life and develop more on how we think, read and
understand things where technology exist.
Assess your Knowledge
Reflect and answer the following questions:
1. Compare and contrast the traditional concept of literacy to the modern view of literacy.
- Traditional literacy was more on understanding, writing and reading on textbooks, books or other written
materials. They are focused on how the learners should learn and improve their comprehension to a more
complex stage. It is where the learners tend to read in order to learn than to learn how to read. On the other
hand, although the modern literacy also focusing on the reading and writing, the presence of digital formats
takes an important part on the learners education. When technology was invented and developed, it keeps on
influencing where it is one of the most dependable format on this modern days. It somehow became a big help
when it comes to the learners growth and development where they are given much easier access to it
educational forms.

2. Describe the changes in the 21st century that have led to the rise of new literacies.
-21st century is/was known as the time of the world’s biggest change in terms of development. The invention of
new things helps to make people’s lives easier. The changes that led to the rise of new literacies was the demand
on understanding in a more complex way with the presence of using invented technologies. Digital and different
media platforms takes a huge part especially on the learners and teachers way to understand and communicate

3. What teaching strategies and forms of assessments could you use to help develop functional literacy?
- I will use where the learners can easily catch up at first just like giving them assessments, reading materials like
books, visualization and written materials.

4. Prepare a lesson (lesson plan) that incorporates some of the new literacies.
Unit II. Social Literacy

Apply your Knowledge

Questions to Ponder
Read the questions and instruction carefully. Write your answers on the space provided.
Activity 1.
What makes a person Filipino? If a person has a Filipino parents but is born in other country, is he/she still a
Filipino? What about if a person with foreign parents is born and raised in the Philippines, is he/she Filipino?
Explain your reasoning.

A filipino is a citizen of the Philippines. According to the 1987 constitution of the Republic of the Philippines,
Article IV, you can be called a citizen of a Philippines if:(1) those who are citizens of the country at the time of the
adoption of this Constitution, (2) those mother and father are citizens of the country and, (3) those born before
January 17,1973, of Filipino mothers who elect upon Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of maturity,
and those who are naturalized with accordance of the law.
A person with both parents are Filipino but born in other country can still be considered as Filipino. Its just
that, the country where they are in, adheres to the jus soli principle where they tend to have dual-citizenship.
A child born in the Philippines but both parents are foreign cannot be called a Filipino because he/she is not
a natural born citizen of the country under RA 9225. But there are options given to them if they want to stay
permanently in the country, firstly they should apply for naturalization and apply for permanent resident visa.

Activity 2.
Have you interacted with people who have a different culture from yours? How was your interaction with
them? What is clear? Was it productive? Was it respectful? What could you have done for a better

Yes, I have a muslim friend in school and I can say that having different beliefs and cultures doesn’t define
in order to have a good relationship with her. We hang out like what normal friends do and I can say that the
culture that she and I have was not a hindrance. What I always do is that, I always think and try my best to be
extra careful to not say and do some things that can violate and offensive to her culture.

Activity 3.
What is your attitude toward people who have a different culture from yours? Do you celebrate how they are
different from you? Do you look down on them?
No, rather, I tend to be curious and interested to know and learn from culture. I’m more on appreciating the
differences that we had and try to see the beauty in it.

Activity 4.
Consider regional discrimination in the Philippines: If a woman speaks Cebuano or bisaya in Manila, she
is often assumed to be a maid or yaya; if a man speaks Tagalog with a heavy, provincial accent, he is
often assumed to be a laborer, driver, or involved in some form of manual or servile labor. What are your
own discriminatory practices?

I sometimes judge someone based on how they dressed. Its just that I
saw people dress which not appropriate to the place or weather. They tend to overdressed which they were
labeled as “jejemon”.

Activity 5.
What skills and knowledge do you need to improve in to become multi-
culturally literate?

Be selfless, be sensitive to other peoples culture and beliefs, be open-minded, always see the beauty and
appreciate what they believed in, learn how to share and listen to each others culture and know the limitations.

Activity 6.
Why should you as an individual respect and value people who are different from you?

To have a peaceful and happy environment. It also helps to improve self-confidence and honed my
character to have a fair judgement to all. I always think that humanity is the most important thing in this

Activity 7.
Write a reaction paper about the Globalization and Cultural and Multicultural Literacies.

Assess your Knowledge

Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space provided.
1. Describe globalization.
Globalization is the interaction of other countries internationally in terms of economy, culture, human being,
goods and services,etc., which they tend to influence each other. It helps to the growth and development of the
countries involved.

2. Explain what multi-cultural literacy is.

Multi-cultural literacy aims to help people especially students to understand and respect the differences that
people have based on culture, race, ethnicity, ability, social class, religion, and sexuality.

3. Share answers to the following questions: How can you teach multi-cultural literacy in the classroom?

By knowing first your students if one of them have different beliefs. Educate yourself and your students that
being different is not a hindrance to unite with each other rather teach them to foster a good mindset. Have a
equal judgement and build a good relationship with them. Lastly, i should not stop to learn something from them
and always encourage them to be more vocal of their opinions.

4. Interview students in your school who are part of the cultural minority. They could be foreigners or fellow
Filipinos who belong to a different ethno-linguistic group. Ask them about their culture, their difficulties in
adjusting to the mainstream culture, and how students like you can help them.

I interviewed my classmate in SHS, her name is Jamelah Jade L. Batunggara,19. According to her, she was
born in an Islamic religion and she was aware that they have different culture especially when she is in Mindanao.
The usual things they do that are different to a Christian beliefs is that, they need to go to church five times a
week, at the month of Ramadhan they need to do fasting, and the way they should dress is also different where
their whole body should be covered. She also stated the difficulties that she experienced where people tend to
ask questions about their religion again and again that sometimes offend her. One of it was, why she is not
wearing a Hijab( the one that they covered on their head)?, and her reason was because she is here in Iloilo City
and most of the religion in here is Christian where for her it is still unusual to see someone wearing it on public
places especially in school. And she also experienced being judged with it. After I read what she just said, I feel
bad for her because that is what she thinks up until now. From the time that we are still classmates, I literally
witnessed how some of my classmates mocked her where they tend to joke around that she is from an ISIS
group or always greeted with food that are prohibited to them. What I always do is telling her that she should not
mind the narrow-minded and judgemental people because they can’t be stopped no matter how many times we
argued with them. And also always gave her advices and cheering her up every time she felt bad. After I
remembered all of it, I think we need to be more cautious and sensitive to the people around us.
Unit III. Media Literacy

Apply your Knowledge

Questions to Ponder
Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space provided.

Activity 1. The Role of Parents and Teachers in Teaching Social Skills to Children
1. Are you more of a listener or a talker? Which social skill/s do you think you need to develop? In what
ways can you develop it/them?

I think both, it depends on the situation that I am in. And the social skill/s that I need to develop is my
confidence to share my opinions if I know that I have a point. In order for me to develop it, I need to exert extra
effort and try to overcome my fear of being judge by other people, I need to clearly set my goals and, learn how
to accept criticisms and make it my inspiration to do good.

2. If you were a parent at this time, what would you teach your children on social literacy? How would you
teach them?

Becoming a parent is a big and difficult role, they influence their child/ren that eventually being copied
depend on what they showed and in in front of them. If I will be a parent at this time, I think I will teach them
how to respect other people despite of what they have or what they look like, learn how to be responsible of their
actions, be a good role model for them, and practice them of to do good things since they were young.

3. If you were an employer, what would you look for in aspirants or applicants to your company?

I will look for the person that I think the most eager to work on my company. I don’t have a high
standards for my applicants, all I want is a person who is truthful or honest, an effective employee, flexible and
good in communication. It doesn’t matter if they didn’t reached college or they still lack of experience, as long as
they are willing to improve more of their selves and for the company.

Activity 2. Issues in Teaching Social Literacy

1. How do teachers educate children of social literacy nowadays? What specific content and learning
experiences are there in the curriculum that develops social literacy?
Role playing, written reflections,group discussions and demos are I think the specific content in the
curriculum. In this forms, teachers tend to educate their students about the importance of knowing what they
should do in order to have a healthy environment at school and students will develop a good character.

2. Write a reaction paper about Social literacy

Social Literacy

According to the notes that I have read, social literacy is the knowledge on how to behave, act and how
to treat other people in a way that it still has a morally act where it avoids discrimination, hate and unfair
judgement to someone or something. This might happen when having interaction to the family, friends,
community or even on the people that you meet randomly. In my opinion, it will benefit school institutions where
it will be a big help to the learners way of handling social interaction.

I can say that social literacy should be widely taught and spread to avoid discrimination between every
students inside the school campus. They should have knowledge on how they should act and behave towards
other people in order to build a good relationship and gain social trust. It also helps to develop self-reflection and
learn how to be humble. Social literacy is very essential in learning because it helps every learner to
communicate and voicing their own opinions also listen to others opinions as well. Even though a good
behavior is firstly develop at home, still it is honed and develop more in schools. They were taught good conduct
and the importance of having their moral intact.

Therefore I conclude that, knowing and keeping in mind the importance of social literacy will benefit not
just a persons itself also on the people around it. It will help to build a good relationship towards other people
which will also benefits itself to become a good person as well.

Assess your Knowledge

Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space provided.
1. How do computer technology and social media affect your social skills and that of your peers? Cite
positive and negative impacts of digital technology to communication.

Computer technology and social media affects my social skills and my peers in some positive and negative
impact. For me, the positive impact was, it became my freedom wall to express my self where I will not be afraid
to be judged. We also learned a lot of things and gained friends even though they are so far from us. It
somewhat became a source of communication even though they are more far from you especially to the OFW’s
or someone they know that they can’t be with personally. This time, I will talk about the negative impact of it. Its
negative impact is that, it affects our social interaction personally as we tend to focus more on our gadgets
especially on social media. We forgot the importance of communicating personally where it makes it harder to
recognize the feeling being expressed. It decreases our chances to hang out and talk about the things that were
happening in our life.

2. Make a list of Dos and Don’t in the school and the workplace in relation to social literacy. Present it
creatively through an infographic.
Unit IV. Financial Literacy
Questions to Ponder
Read the questions and instructions carefully. Follow what is asked and write your answers in the space
2 1.)How well do you understand personal finance concepts? Rate your knowledge below.
4: Above Average Knowledge
3: Average Knowledge
2: Limited Knowledge
1: No Knowledge
3 2.)Financial literacy requires skills to aid you in making responsible and ethical financial decisions. These skills
include being able to set goals, create and keep current a budget, formulate a spending plan, and keep
organized records. Think about your overall skills in those mentioned and mark where you feel your overall skills
level is.
4: Above Average Skill
3: Average Skill
2: Limited Skill
1: No Skill
3 3.)Behaviour is applying what you learn to bring positive impact. Positive financial behaviour brings
numerous benefits. Paying bills and debts on time and making regular deposits in savings account are positive
financial behaviors. Rate your ability to practice positive financial behaviour.
4: Above Average Ability
3: Average Ability
2: Limited Ability
1: No Ability
4.) How does your current budget pie chart look like? Using the following categories, map your ideal budget
plan using a pie chart. You may use more categories as needed.
a. Housing
b. Electric bills
c. Internet
d. Food
e. Debt
f. Education
g. Transportation
Ideal Budget

Current Budget

How does your current budget pie chart compare with your ideal budget pie chart?

My current budget pie is much more practical compare to I have on my ideal budget pie chart
because I put it according to the money that is being deposit in the family from my father’s
income. Even though I have the same place for education and food but they also much more
different on the other plan that I have.
Read the following questions and instructions carefully. Write your answer on the space and table provided.
1. Differentiate among the following financial goals: short-term, medium-term, and long-term financial
goals. Give examples for each.
Goals Definition Examples
Short-term can be Groceries,payments towards
measured in weeks and can
rent or insurance
provide instant gratification
and feedback. loan,emergency fund

Medium-term should be accomplished within Buy a house, finding a

one to
permanent job,
six months. These goals
provide opportunity for
reflection and feedback and
require discipline and

Long-term goals can take years to Starting a business, retirement

savings, paying of mortage

2. Interview atleast 10 friends, classmates, and relatives. Explore their financial behaviour or spending and
saving behaviour and present data using any of the following forms:

3. How would the different characteristic types react toward this SALE advertisement? Write below what
each type of person would likely say about the advertisement.
It is better to save my money than to buy that items as I know that it will have a better version in soon.

He/she would gladly be curious of that item and will definitely cure its curiosity by buying it to
fulfill what he/she wanted.

They will settle to branded and expensive things as they think that it is cheap to buy from a sale
He/she will not have any interest just ignore it.

They will use their money to hoard the items just for their selves.

He/she will consider buying it as he/she thinks that it will have a good purpose to use.
Habitual vs. Variable Expenses

Monthly total Fixed Variable

Food 8,680 
Clothing 1,500 
Gas 0 
Medicine 3,000 
Internet 700 

Needs vs. Wants

Needs Wants
 Foods  Gadgets
 House  Appliances
 Water  Travel
 Clothes  Branded clothes or things
 Electricity  Business
 Education  Make-up
 Medicine  A fancy house
 Security  Life-sized teddy bear

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