G105 Corosion Analysis
G105 Corosion Analysis
G105 Corosion Analysis
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Purpose – The purpose of this study was to investigate the reason of G105 coated drill-pipes suffering from washout after drilling for 70000– 80000 m.
Design/methodology/approach – The microstructure, micromorphology and corrosion products near the washout were analyzed by metallurgical
microscopy, SEM and EDS.
Findings – Results showed the metallographic microstructure of the material was typical tempered sorbite. No fatigue crack was observed. Drill-pipe
washout was caused mainly by the inclusion of MnS in steel because of the excess S and by damaged coating, both of which induced pit nucleation
and promoted the pitting corrosion process. The corrosion hole extended from the interior to the exterior, which resulted in the fracturing of the
external drill-pipe surface under pressure.
Originality/value – This paper can give practical help to the selection of drill pipe materials in the future.
Keywords API G105 drill pipe, Washout, Coatings and linings, Pitting, Failure investigation
Paper type Case study
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Corrosion analysis of G105 coating drill-pipe washout Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
Zhouyang Lian et al. Volume 61 · Number 6 · 2014 · 365–369
Figure 1 Drill pipe washout Figure 3 Locations of metallographic samples on the drill pipe
Corrosion analysis of G105 coating drill-pipe washout Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
Zhouyang Lian et al. Volume 61 · Number 6 · 2014 · 365–369
Figure 4 Metallographic microstructure of A1, A2 and A3 in the circumferential section A-A’ close to the washout
Figure 5 Metallographic microstructure of B1, B2 and B3 in the circumferential section B-B’ away from the washout
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Figure 6 Metallographic microstructure of C1, C2 and C3 in the longitudinal section C-C’ away from the washout
Corrosion analysis of G105 coating drill-pipe washout Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
Zhouyang Lian et al. Volume 61 · Number 6 · 2014 · 365–369
Figure 8 shows the SEM images of the drill pipe material and the Figure 9 Self-catalytic and acidification process of later pitting
distribution of strip-MnS inclusions. These strip-MnS inclusions corrosion
easily form pitting nuclei and significantly promote the
propagation of pitting corrosion. The interface between the steel
matrix and the MnS inclusions is the weakest part of the G105
steel surface at which the film first ruptures. These areas become
the anodic areas at which iron dissolution mainly occurs.
As the coating is not an insulator, mud is in contact with the
metal surface through pinholes in the coating. The high
potential and large area enable the coating to become a
cathode. Bare steel after coating damage (Figure 2) becomes a
small anode and because of the active state, negative potential
and small size, the pitting corrosion process accelerates and
shortens the initiation and propagation of pitting (Figure 2).
Fe2⫹ ions that are generated at the pitting anode are
hydrolyzed and acidized when pit propagation occurs,
resulting in decreased pH. The acidity of the solution in the pit
can be quite strong.
Figure 10 Energy-dispersive spectrum of corrosion products
Furthermore, corrosion products are deposited at the
mouth of the corrosion pit. The corroding surface gradually
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