G105 Corosion Analysis

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Corrosion analysis of G105 coating drill-pipe washout

Article  in  Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials · October 2014

DOI: 10.1108/ACMM-04-2013-1250


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5 authors, including:

Zhouyang Lian Juncheng Jiang

Nanjing University of Technology Nanjing Tech University


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Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
Corrosion analysis of G105 coating drill-pipe washout
Zhouyang Lian Dongsheng Chen Wuji Wei Yongzhang Zhou Juncheng Jiang
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Zhouyang Lian Dongsheng Chen Wuji Wei Yongzhang Zhou Juncheng Jiang , (2014),"Corrosion analysis of G105 coating drill-
pipe washout", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 61 Iss 6 pp. 365 - 369
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Corrosion analysis of G105 coating
drill-pipe washout
Zhouyang Lian, Dongsheng Chen, Wuji Wei, Yongzhang Zhou and Juncheng Jiang
College of Urban and Safety Engineering, Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing, China

Purpose – The purpose of this study was to investigate the reason of G105 coated drill-pipes suffering from washout after drilling for 70000– 80000 m.
Design/methodology/approach – The microstructure, micromorphology and corrosion products near the washout were analyzed by metallurgical
microscopy, SEM and EDS.
Findings – Results showed the metallographic microstructure of the material was typical tempered sorbite. No fatigue crack was observed. Drill-pipe
washout was caused mainly by the inclusion of MnS in steel because of the excess S and by damaged coating, both of which induced pit nucleation
and promoted the pitting corrosion process. The corrosion hole extended from the interior to the exterior, which resulted in the fracturing of the
external drill-pipe surface under pressure.
Originality/value – This paper can give practical help to the selection of drill pipe materials in the future.
Keywords API G105 drill pipe, Washout, Coatings and linings, Pitting, Failure investigation
Paper type Case study
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Introduction the operation to stop. Accidents caused by drill-pipe rupture

have been reported, indicating serious threats to production
Drill pipes are important tools for drilling. Drill-pipe corrosion
and personal safety.
is a serious problem that has drawn significant research
In this paper, a G105-coated drill pipe washout in oilfield
attention (Rhodes, 2001; Fischer et al., 1972). Dissolved
service was studied. The microstructure, micromorphology
oxygen corrosion plays the most critical role in the service-life
and corrosion products near the washout were analyzed by
reduction of drill pipes (Zhao et al., 2011, 2010). A
metallurgical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy
high-temperature, high-pressure autoclave was used to
(SEM) and energy-dispersive spectrometry. The causes of
simulate the field environment of drill-pipe corrosion.
corrosion and washout were analyzed.
Previous studies have indicated that the main causes of
drill-pipe washout were differential oxygen concentration
corrosion, bimetallic corrosion and crevice corrosion (Liu
et al., 2011). Lu et al. (2005) and Li et al. (2011) Washout occurred randomly approximately 1-2 m from the
systematically analyzed the material quality and loading tool joint when the coated drill pipe was drilled for
condition of drill pipes. Macdonald and Bjune (2007; 70,000-80,000 m. The inner surface of the drill pipe was
Macdonald and Deans, 1995) studied various cases of protected by an organic coating composed of a
drill-pipe washout in the North Sea. Premature failures high-molecular-weight epoxy resin, modified phenolic resin
commonly were grouped into two types: at the threaded and linear epoxy resin (Huang, 1989; Li and Li, 2000). The
connections or in the body of the drill pipe at the internal organic coating on the inner surface began eventually to wear
taper. Improvements in relation to design practice, with ageing, abrading, bubbles, cracks, scratches and partial
manufacture, use and inspection also have been discussed. loss in high-temperature fresh mud and with longer-term
Moradi and Ranjbar (2009) reported that fatigue cracks erosion of the coating when having drilled for 50,000-60,000 m
produced by different types of drillstring vibration were (Figure 2).
responsible for the majority of failures. The mud was composed of 5 per cent basic mud, 0.2 per
In recent years, coated drill pipes have been widely used for cent polymer drilling fluid with composite metal ions, 0.5 per
oil drilling in China. Washout occurs suddenly when the cent ammonium salt of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile,
coated drill pipe has drilled for 70,000-80,000 m (Figure 1). 2 per cent ultrafine calcium carbonate, 1.5 per cent sulfonated
Drill-pipe pressure decreases at these depths, thereby forcing asphalt and ⬃1,000 mg/L Cl⫺.

Metallographic microstructure near the washout

The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at A section of the washout was intercepted from a retired drill
www.emeraldinsight.com/0003-5599.htm pipe for laboratory study. The locations of metallographic
samples on the drill pipe are shown in Figure 3.
The drill pipe was cut linearly from the longitudinal section
C-C’ and circumferential sections A-A’ and B-B’. The
Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials locations consisted of A, B and C, and each location was
61/6 (2014) 365–369
© Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 0003-5599]
observed at three points: A1, A2 and A3; B1, B2 and B3; and
[DOI 10.1108/ACMM-04-2013-1250] C1, C2 and C3, respectively. The numbers 1, 2 and 3

Corrosion analysis of G105 coating drill-pipe washout Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
Zhouyang Lian et al. Volume 61 · Number 6 · 2014 · 365–369

Figure 1 Drill pipe washout Figure 3 Locations of metallographic samples on the drill pipe

represented the points from the interior to the exterior along

the thickness direction. All nine points were polished and
Downloaded by Erciyes University At 10:37 30 December 2014 (PT)

etched in 10 per cent oxalic acid for about 20 s prior to

was very thin when the pits were very close to the external
metallographic examination. The results are shown in
surface. The internal pressure (70-250 kg/cm2) caused the
Figures 4-6.
external surface of the pipe (corrosion location) to “bubble”,
As shown in Figures 5 and 6, the metallographic
rupture and washout. Therefore, drill pipe washout was not
microstructure of the drill-pipe material was typical tempered
caused by the corrosion fatigue as reported previously (Zhao
sorbite. However, a banded structure of plastic deformation
et al., 2011; Lv, 2002; Li et al., 2010, 2009; Zhu et al., 2010).
formed during the drawing process of the drill pipe (Cui et al.,
Further studies are needed to elucidate the type and process of
2010) (Figure 6). Nevertheless, tempered sorbite has good
localized corrosion of the drill pipe.
mechanical properties, such as high strength, impact
toughness and fatigue resistance (GB/T 2005, YB/T 2000). As
shown in Figure 4, the metallographic microstructure of A1 Type and process of localized drill-pipe
and A2 also was tempered sorbite. No intrusion and extrusion corrosion
along the slip band and grains slip and no significant plastic The composition of the G105 drill pipe was determined by
deformation were observed, which illustrated that the direct-reading spectrometry according to the Standard Test
metallurgical structure of the drill pipe had no direct bearing Methods, Practices and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of
on the fatigue. The metallographic microstructure of A3 in the Steel Products (ASTM-A751, 2001) (ASTM 2001) protocol.
circumferential section A-A’ near the washout was magnified The results are listed in Table I.
(Figure 7) and traces of brittle deformation were observed at As shown in Table I, the S content was 0.1 per cent, which
the edge close to the external surface. This finding was due to was more than the standard 0.03 per cent of API Spec 5D
the fact that the pits caused by localized corrosion developed (2001) (specification for drill pipe) (API 2001) and SY/T
consistently from the interior to the exterior. The outer wall 6697 (pipe body for drill pipe) (SY/T 2007). S is a harmful

Figure 2 Locations of washouts and damaged inner coating

Corrosion analysis of G105 coating drill-pipe washout Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
Zhouyang Lian et al. Volume 61 · Number 6 · 2014 · 365–369

Figure 4 Metallographic microstructure of A1, A2 and A3 in the circumferential section A-A’ close to the washout

Figure 5 Metallographic microstructure of B1, B2 and B3 in the circumferential section B-B’ away from the washout
Downloaded by Erciyes University At 10:37 30 December 2014 (PT)

Figure 6 Metallographic microstructure of C1, C2 and C3 in the longitudinal section C-C’ away from the washout

Figure 7 Magnified part of A3 in the circumferential section A-A’

impurity element and exists in steel as MnS inclusions, which
near the washout
often become the origin of pits. Zheng et al. (2010) observed the
formation of oxide nanoparticles (MnCr2O4) with an octahedral
structure dispersed in MnS inclusions and MnCr2O4/MnS
nanometer “microbattery” compounds. The MnS phase around
the MnCr2O4 particles dissolves easily and preferentially in
corrosion media. Wranglen (1974) believed that ␣ (Fe and Mn)
S in steel initially dissociates and then oxidizes to small colloidal
␥-Mn2O3 (Mn3O4) particles in moist environments. Corrosion
begins around these tiny ␥-Mn2O3 (Mn3O4) particles and pitting
corrosion nuclei are formed.

Table I Composition of G105 drill pipe

C (%) Mn (%) Si (%) Mo (%) P (%) Cr (%) S (%) Fe (%)
0.37 1.58 0.27 0.13 0.02 0.08 0.10 Remainder

Corrosion analysis of G105 coating drill-pipe washout Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
Zhouyang Lian et al. Volume 61 · Number 6 · 2014 · 365–369

Figure 8 shows the SEM images of the drill pipe material and the Figure 9 Self-catalytic and acidification process of later pitting
distribution of strip-MnS inclusions. These strip-MnS inclusions corrosion
easily form pitting nuclei and significantly promote the
propagation of pitting corrosion. The interface between the steel
matrix and the MnS inclusions is the weakest part of the G105
steel surface at which the film first ruptures. These areas become
the anodic areas at which iron dissolution mainly occurs.
As the coating is not an insulator, mud is in contact with the
metal surface through pinholes in the coating. The high
potential and large area enable the coating to become a
cathode. Bare steel after coating damage (Figure 2) becomes a
small anode and because of the active state, negative potential
and small size, the pitting corrosion process accelerates and
shortens the initiation and propagation of pitting (Figure 2).
Fe2⫹ ions that are generated at the pitting anode are
hydrolyzed and acidized when pit propagation occurs,
resulting in decreased pH. The acidity of the solution in the pit
can be quite strong.
Figure 10 Energy-dispersive spectrum of corrosion products
Furthermore, corrosion products are deposited at the
mouth of the corrosion pit. The corroding surface gradually
Downloaded by Erciyes University At 10:37 30 December 2014 (PT)

was covered with deposits, which hamper the mass transfer

between the internal and external regions, resulting in the
formation of an occluded corrosion cell (OCC). Cl⫺ ions
enter the pits through the corrosion products to maintain
electrical neutrality because of the small size and high activity,
which markedly increases the concentration of metal
chlorides. The chemical and electrochemical states of the
internal solution differ from those of the external solution.
The decreased pH and increased active anion concentration
accelerates the corrosion rate and generates more metal ions,
which then hydrolyze, become more acidic and further
accelerate the corrosion process. This phenomenon is
from the interior to the exterior, and internal pressure results
self-catalytic acidification process of subsequent pitting attack
in perforation of the external surface of the drill pipe.
(Parkins, 1982) (Figure 9). The energy-dispersive spectrum of
the corrosion products (Figure 10) show that the corrosion
products were mainly iron oxides and hydroxides, but local
corrosion elements such as S and Cl also exist. The metallographic microstructure of drill-pipe material was
The results show that drill-pipe washout was caused mainly typical tempered sorbite, which had good fatigue resistance.
by inclusions of MnS in steel, and the excess S and damaged Neither fatigue cracking nor gross plastic deformation was
coating both induce pit nucleation and promote pit observed around the washout. Washouts were caused not by
propagation. An OCC formed and the corrosion site extends fatigue failures but by inclusions of MnS in steel because of the
excess S content. Corrosion cells with a large cathode and a
small anode were formed by a combination of the coating, the
Figure 8 SEM image of drill pipe material
drilling mud and bare steel after the coating was damaged.
The MnS inclusions and corrosion cells associated with it
induce pit nucleation and promoted pit propagation. An OCC
is formed and the corrosion site extends from the bore of the
drill pipe to external surface, and internal pressure in the pipe
results in the fracturing of the external surface of the drill pipe
with consequent leakage of the drilling fluid.

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Corresponding author
No. 1, pp. 1-30. Zhouyang Lian can be contacted at: lianzy1985@163.com

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