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Assessment of Public Space Quality Using Good Public Space Index (Case Study
of Merjosari Sub District, Municipality of Malang, Indonesia)

Article  in  Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences · August 2014

DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.07.318


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Johannes Parlindungan Siregar

Brawijaya University


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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 135 (2014) 10 – 17

Assessment Of Public Space QualityUsing Good Public

SpaceIndex(Case study of Merjosari Sub District, Municipality of
Malang, Indonesia)
Johannes Parlindungan Siregar*
Urban and Regional Planning, University of Brawijaya; Indonesia


Kampong is a form of complex residential area which dominated in Indonesia cities. This kind of residential area usually has
mixed use arrangement of parcels that enables the more vibrant public space. Municipality of Malang is one of medieval cities in
Indonesia that has kampongs with diverse public space characteristics. Located in a block of sub district of Merjosari, this
research tried to explore characteristics of public space in the adjacent local roads and inner part of residential block. From this
exploration then could be assessed the public space quality and its relationship with physical features of observed public space.
Goals of this research were assessing quality of public space and evaluating the quality in relation to existing physical feature.
Valuation of public space quality on this research used the Good Public Space Index (GPSI) concept. Data for this analysis came
from observations on day time. Then, the measured GPSI was analyzed using multiple linear regression in relation to build
environment components and gain result that of local traffic condition as the main predictor of public space quality.

© 2014 The
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. Published
Authors. This is an by
open accessLtd.
Elsevier article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Cities International Seminar Committee.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Cities International Seminar Committee.
Keywords:Public space; Good public space index; multiple linear regression

1. Introduction

A city is usually characterized with a dense of population and it makes land use becomes more various that
triggers accumulation of transportation networks. Land use and transportation network then influence how the build
environment should be established and becomes the realm of public activities. People live in urban space as a
container of humanity needs. Mankind as social creature has the need of social interaction with a whole range from
domestic to neighborhood scale. Children need to interact with their parents and so does a wife with her husband

* Corresponding author..
E-mail address:johannes@ub.ac.id

1877-0428 © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Cities International Seminar Committee.
Johannes Parlindungan Siregar / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 135 (2014) 10 – 17 11

and their relatives as well. In broader means of interaction, a person also needs to interact with his/her friends and
makes a social group (Stangor 2004 p.3). These samples of interaction need spaces to make them occurred with the
more private one for domestic interactions and public space for community interactions.
Urban space should have sufficient public space to maintain social interaction between its inhabitants. The public
spaces itself comprise from all range of build and natural environment (Carmona et al. 2008) with ease of
accessibility as main prerequisite. As the increase of accessibility, it makes outdoor activities more feasible to take
place and thus generates social integration. Accessibility of public space could be influenced by physical design,
environmental quality, traffic condition, environmental beautification and other build environment components that
support people’s preference to do some outdoor activities like chatting with friends, walking, lingering and other
forms of interaction. The existence of outdoor activities then can be indicator of quality of urban public spaces (Gehl
1987 p.13).
Merjosari is one of Kampung in Malang City that has urban characteristic and located between several important
sub districts. Under this condition, Kampung Merjosari becomes a busy area with various land use and a dense of
local transportation networks. Land uses in Kampung Merjosari area comprised of education, local trading,
neighborhood service, small industry and residential. Local roads of Kampung Merjosari serve neighborhood and
broader urban mobility as well. These conditions make Kampung Merjosari becomes crowded in certain time with
deteriorated environmental quality. Then, can be asked some questions that how could outdoor activities be evolved
in such conditions and then how can it be related with measurement of public space quality. This research tried to
uncover how public space could serve people needs and their relation to build environment components. With
theoretical assumption as Gehl (1987) has argued, this research focused on characteristics of outdoor activities as
indicator of public space quality and social interaction.
Aims of this research were assessing quality of public space and studying it in relation to physical build
environment of study location. Good public space index method as proposed by Mehta (2007) was utilized with a
range of data from in depth observations using behavior maps. Indices produced by this method then were analyzed
using multiple linear regression to evaluate its correlation with several build environment components.

2. Findings

As the result of measurement process, Good Public Space Indices (GPSI) were in the range of 2.52 up to 3.62.
The highest GPSI was on segment block C1 (3.62), followed by segment B1 (3.47), A2 (3.30), A3 (3.15), A1 (2.95),
C2 (2.87), B2 (2.77) and the lowest on is B3 (2.52). These values indicated that only one of the blocks had high
quality of public space by means accommodate outdoor activities with high durability, multifunctional, high
accessibility and socially utilized. We will elaborate characteristics of each block and segmentsin regard to GPSIs as

2.1. Block A

Block A comprised three segments those of lied on western street corridor (A1), northern street corridor (A2)
and located on southern corridor street (A3). Each of these segments had moderate value of GPSI whereas segment
A1 had the lowest index (2.95) and A2 has the highest one (3.30). Distribution of values of each variable are
described as follows:
Segment A1. This segment had high values in temporal diversity of use (0.65) and diversity of users (0.79);
moderate values in people’s duration of stay (0.42) and variety of use (0.58); and low values in intensity of users
(0.21) and intensity of social use (0.30). The high values imply this segment has good durability in outdoor activities
in equal distribution over observation time and can be accessed equally by users. High durability of outdoor
activities implies usefulness of outdoor public spaces in this segment as it is indicated that the spaces have physical
configurations suitable to public needs. From observation, it was found that wide diversity of users took place on
public spaces on the age groups of 0-5 years old to 56-65 years old of woman and 0-5 years old to 36-55 years old of
man. It is presumably that physical conditions have contribution in coordinating all user groups. However,
something was existed that made people do not linger in very long periods as it is showed in moderate value of
people’s duration of stay. So as it does in variety of use. Outdoor spaces have supported variety of outdoor activities
12 Johannes Parlindungan Siregar / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 135 (2014) 10 – 17

but sttill there were domination in

n walking, chattting and tradinng. It is interessting to discusss that walking and trading
can bbe conducted inn the same timee with chattingg. The low valuues can be interrpreted as undeerused and inddividually of
spacee appropriationn as it has beeen observed that dominatioon of individuually walking activity on most m of unit

Fig.1. Physical
P conditionn of segment A1

Frrom photograpphs above, it was w observed that pedestrianns were not on o intended space. There aree no proper
boundaries betweenn space for veehicles and peedestrians. How wever, it seem
ms that people have accustom med to this
condiition since theere were still some people lingering and neutral percepption on feelinng of secure from f traffic
acciddents. Some buuildings are attached directlyy to road and the others havve fenced fronnt courtyards. There T is no
intended open publlic space that makesm road as space for pubblic activities. This segment has various laand uses but
still ddominated by low
l scale publiic and commerrcial facilities. Connectivity between
b housees and those faacilities give
high average percepption value off ease on accesss environmenttal services. Thhe outdoor spaaces look well maintained
with nno scattered gaarbage outside..
Seegment A2. Thhis segment had d high values in
i temporal divversity of use (0.69), variety ofo use (0.75) annd diversity
of users (0.74); mooderate value in n intensity of social
s use (0.443); and low vaalue in people’s duration of stay (0.35);
and vvery low in intensity of userss (0.15). The high values impply that public spaces have been utilized along the day
equallly. These spacces also have good access for f users sincee they can do various outdooor activities, respectively.
Modeerate value in intensity
i of soccial use showss that almost alll people do ouutdoor activitiees in group of two
t persons
or moore. Physical settings
s have been
b arranged properly
p to suppport these com
mmunal activitties. However,, it was also
foundd that people sttill do short tim
me - outdoor acctivities and in small number than it should be.

Fig. 2. Physical
P conditionn of segment A2

As its location on
o road junctioon, it was obseerved that theree were accumuulations of activvity on this seggment. This
segmment has residenntial neighborh
hood with dom mination of housse parcels, fencced front courttyards and narrrow space at
the siide of road. Although there iss no specific coonstructed peddestrian way, thhis narrow spacce provides enoough access
for people in lingeering between homes and reaach nearby puublic or comm mercial facilities. Outdoor spaaces of this
segmment are good maintained.
m It was also obseerved that thiss segment servved the more domestic
d moveements than
segmment A1.
Seegment A3. Thhis segment had d high values in
i temporal divversity of use (0.72), variety of
o use (0.76) annd diversity
of users (0.68); mooderate value in n people’s durration of stay (0.50);
( and loww values in intensity of userss (0.21) and
intensity of social use
u (0.28). Jusst like on the segment
s A2, thhis segment alsso has been uttilized properlyy with good
accesss and equal diiversity of outtdoor activitiess. People tend to be rather plleased in publiic spaces as it showed by
modeerate value of people’s duraation of stay. However, thiss segment stilll underused. It I does not acccommodate
Johannes Parlindungan Siregar / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 135 (2014) 10 – 17 13

amounts of people than it should be. It is inferred that a small number of people has dominated this segment in
moderate time periods just for individually walking activities. It seems that spatial setting of this segment only
suitable for walking.

Fig. 3. Physical condition of segment A3

This segment has mono land use that of high education (university). As its main function, this segment has better
outdoor space with maintained shaded side walk and yard. Its road serves local transportation that makes connection
between university and some neighboring rent houses.

2.2. Block B.

This block comprised three segments, those of B1, B2 and B3. Segment B1 and B2 were located in center of this
Kampung and connected by passageways with outer local roads. All of these segments were valued in moderate of
GPSI. B1 is valued in 3.47, B2 in 2.77 and B3 in 2.52, respectively. Public spaces have been functionally served
users but not in the best way.
Segment B1. Extreme differences of value existed as the very low values and very high one occur on this
segment. The very high value was variety of use (0.87). The other variables were high values in temporal diversity
of use (0.71) and diversity of users (0.79); moderate values in intensity of social uses (0.43) and people’s duration of
stay (0.51); and very low in intensity of users (0.16). The very high and high valued variables depict how physical
setting of this segment accommodates diversity of outdoor activities. Wide ranges of process activities, physical
contacts and transitional activities occurred properly in equal distribution over observation time. High value in
diversity of users implies that public spaces of this segment have good publicity as they can be accessed by wide
range of users from the age groups of children (6-15 years old) to seniors (56-65 years old) of woman and man.
Appropriation of public spaces occurred moderately wherein users acted in several groups and in some rather short
periods. However, there was a little number of user observed that implies people prefer to make most activities

Fig. 4. Physical condition of segment B1

Segment B2. This segment had very high value in diversity of users (0.83); high values in temporal diversity of
use (0.68) and variety of use (0.63); low values in intensity of social use (0.24) and people’s duration of stay (0.35);
and very low value in intensity of users (0.05).
Predominantly, characteristics of segment B1 and B2 are alike in regard to their very high and high values in
diversity of users, temporal diversity of use and variety of use. These common features may be as the effect of
similarity of location. However, there was no moderate value at all. The rest of variables were valued in low and
very low. These very low and low values imply that this segment is not the vibrant one. Desolateness made this
14 Johannes Parlindungan Siregar / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 135 (2014) 10 – 17

segment easy to be utilized for various activities but still, public spaces do not work properly as it should assemble
people for outdoor activities.

Fig. 5. Physical condition of segment B2

Segments B1 and B2 had several common characteristics those of mono land use and exclusive outdoor spaces
i.e. gated neighborhood. They had neighborhood scale roads that also serve as outdoor public space for the
Segment B3. This segment had the lowest GPIS that of 2.52 with high values in temporal diversity of use (0.71)
and diversity of users (0.73); and the rest of variables have low value. It is certainly the most desolate segment.
From observation, it was found that outdoor spaces of this segment are only used for walking. Physical setting of
this segment makes it compatible for only certain uses.

Fig. 6. Physical condition of segment B3

2.3. Block C.

This block comprises from two segments that of C1 which was located on the southern street corridor and C2 on
the eastern street corridor. Unlikely segment C1, C2 had two street junctions on it. Segment C1 had high value of
GPSI and C2 has the moderate one.
Segment C1. This segment had high values in both temporal diversity of use (0.72) and diversity of users (0.68);
moderate values in intensity of users (0.59), intensity of social use (0.45) and variety of use (0.42); and low in
people’s duration of stay (0.38). This segment had the highest GPSI than the other ones. It can be inferred this value
of GPSI represents physical setting that urge people to utilized public space properly. Low value in people’s
duration of stay did not have any effect in this valuation because it only shows average of time consumption in
appropriating public space.

Fig. 7. Physical condition of segment C1

Johannes Parlindungan Siregar / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 135 (2014) 10 – 17 15

This segment comprised from mono land use that of residential area. This area did not have specific space for
people’s gathering like public yards but it had linear spare spaces at the side of road. Although these linear spaces
were not in the form of pedestrian way, people intensely utilize it for making social contact with neighbors and walk
to adjacently places.
Segment C2. Contradictory with previous segment, C2 had the lowest GPSI amongst others. It had three high
valued variables those of temporal diversity of use (0.63), variety of use (0.64) and diversity of users (0.79); and the
rest were valued in low and very low. Perhaps it was an effect on existence of two junctions that made this segment
becomes the busier and full of motorized vehicle activities.

Fig. 8. Physical condition of segment C2

This segment had rather similar characteristic of land use diversity but in the higher level of activities. This
segment comprised from commercial and service facilities that served domestic user and wider range of local
communities. It made traffic of this segment as the busier one with wider road. There was neither any pedestrian
way nor outdoor space designated intentionally for public activities. Most potential open spaces were observed to be
utilized as parking for motorized vehicles or intermodal spots.

3. Multiple linear regression (MLR) analysis

MLR was utilized to find mathematic pattern of correlation among variables. To develop the more
comprehensive understanding of this correlation, this analysis was conducted in several levels.
The first level of MLR analysis used GPSI as dependent variable (Y1.1) and build environment components those of
Simpson's diversity index of land use (LU), availability of pedestrian facility (APF), potential public outdoor spaces
(PPOS) and vehicular activity (VCR) as independent variables. Result of this analysis as follows.

Y1.1 = 3,073 – 0,356VCR

Second level used GPSI as dependent variable (Y1.2) and variables of GPSI those of intensity of user (IU),
intensity of social use (ISU), people's duration of stay (PDS), temporal diversity of use (TDU), variety of use (VU)
and Diversity of users (DU) as independent variables. Result of this analysis as follows.

Y1.2 = 1,319 + 3,574ISU + 1,440PDS

Third level comprised two MLR analyses those of ISU (Y2) and PDS (Y3) as dependent variable and build
environment component as independent variables. Result of these analysis as follow.

Y2 = 0,473 – 0,075VCR
Y3 = 0,467 – 0,027PPOS

4. Discussions

The first level of MLR analysis explains general finding about how GPSI correlates with certain kind of build
environment component. Starting point of this analysis is theoretical assumption that physical condition of build
environment plays important role in encouraging people to do some outdoor activities (Van Schaick: 2011, p.2).
From the resulted equation we find that generally GPSI (Y1.1) only had correlation with motorized vehicle activity
16 Johannes Parlindungan Siregar / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 135 (2014) 10 – 17

(VCR) in negative direction. It is really making sense that motorized vehicle activity gives negative impacts of
outdoor public spaces i.e. fear of accident and wide range pollutions those of noise, dust, CO and other hazardous
gases. This finding is also relevant with research conducted by Sauter and Huettenmoser (2008) about the effect of
traffic on social relations of a neighborhood.
The second level of MLR analysis finds that only two variables had correlation of GPSI (Y1.2) value those of
intensity of social use (ISU) and people's duration of stay (PDS). Both of these variables had positive direction with
ISU as the highest one. From this analysis we find that ISU and PDS have high role in inclination and declination of
GPSI. This second level of analysis is important to find which build environment component has correlation to GPSI
in more specific way i.e. in variable level that be analyzed in the next level analysis.
The third level of MLR analysis gives explanations that both ISU (Y2) and PDS (Y3) had exactly different
predictor. ISU (Y2) was more influenced by VCR i.e. the same finding in the first level analysis. People tend to be
gathered and interacted each other in conducive situation and through this research it is found that vehicle activity
has negative impact on outdoor social environment. PDS (Y3) was more influenced by PPOS. It was rather peculiar
that availability of outdoor public space gives paradoxically effect on duration of outdoor activities. However, it can
be explained that most of the available outdoor public spaces are not managed in proper manner. They were mostly
used as illegal parking lot and street vendor’s that in fact discourage pedestrian activities. So in other words, there
was still no enough space for pedestrian. In terminology on political economy, this kind of outdoor privatization has
critical problems and debates upon relations between people or persons with environment and how those people or
persons should manage their power upon public sphere (Brodin, 2006). Declination of accessibility for people in
appropriating public space then could make public space lost its publicity function and in turn this condition could
lead to disruption of stability of society (Ijla, 2012).
It is important to give proper attention on build environment components that effect public space quality i.e.
measured with GPSI method. Social activity and social inclusion as final result of good managed public space need
conducive environment that constituted not only by availability of outdoor space but also control of motorized
vehicle activity. As Francis Tibbalds argued in his work (2001: 33), in supporting more pedestrian activities, control
upon traffic is needed in the means of not totally excluded but more about lowering its intensity to be more calmed,
so the outdoor public spaces cannot be ruined to be daily disaster suffered by urban neighborhood.

5. Conclusions

Conclusions can be drawn from this research as follows:

x Good public space index (GPSI) can be useful in measuring quality of public space metaphorically in means
of appropriation of spaces for outdoor activities.
x Motorized vehicle activity has negatively dominant influence in maintaining conducive environment for
outdoor activity i.e. measured with GPSI.
x Availability of outdoor public space can otherwise become a negative influence on GPSI if it is not managed
properly to support pedestrian activities.
Recommendations can be stated from this research as follows:
x It needs to develop specific method to measure variable of GPSI in the more precise way i.e. elaborating
social science method and valuation of build environment quality.
x GPSI has not been elaborated with qualitative components those of aesthetic and sense of place. It can be
raised a need to develop the more comprehensive method in measuring quality of public space with intensity
of outdoor activities and qualitative components as its starting point.


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